#oh joy
rainystressed247 · 3 months
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Migration of old art: Somnitrio!
An old time favourite of mine where the rivals duo has to parent in the worst parent way 🤣
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bubblybloob · 3 months
So… is it like this-
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Or like this?
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Someone get BlackTabbyGames, we need a confirmation.
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bethanydelleman · 7 months
There’s a new book out called The Darcy Myth that says in the summary that P&P is actually a “horror novel” about how scary love is for women… I know the Bennet sisters’ situation is precarious but to call it a “horror novel” ? :P
Okay... so... ug.... did this woman even read Pride & Prejudice? Because from the news coverage I would say no. Let me highlight some passages from the article:
Darcy should be considered the main antagonist of the famous love story
Not Wickham? Not the man who runs off with literal teenage girls?
Darcy pays Wickham to marry Lydia, saving her reputation, and later tells Elizabeth, “I thought only of you” when acting. For Feder, this phrase is proof of the hero’s self-interest. Darcy condemns Lydia to a life with an amoral man, all so the Bennets don’t become so disreputable that he won’t be able to marry the woman he loves.
Um, sorry, but no. Darcy tried to get Lydia away FIRST, she refused, he respected Lydia's autonomy as a human being. Becoming brother-in-law to Wickham was probably worse for Darcy personally than Lydia being "ruined"
I found Feder’s exploration of “Pride and Prejudice”as a Gothic novel — rather than a comedy of manners — far more compelling than her critique of Darcy.
Wut? No. Not even a little bit, what? That is a different genre.
“Darcy helped codify the dominant expectation that potential romantic partners — especially heterosexual men — are not only still eligible but in fact more appealing when they play a little hard to get, even if playing hard to get involves cruelty, insults, expressions of disinterest, ruining your beloved sister’s chances of happiness, and other red flags,” she writes. Women spend their time, energy and emotions on men who, quite simply, are not worth their effort.
Okay, except ELIZABETH NEVER TRIES ANYTHING WITH DARCY. She just sits there and he falls in love with her. If she did put effort into any relationship it was with Wickham, who again, is presented as a massive red flag in the end. This line of argument is wild.
Yet, seeing the sheer number of times women pursue cruel men in pop culture laid out one after another — in Disney movies, Taylor Swift songs and much more — is affecting. Feder concludes convincingly that this cultural conviction harms women in the same way the patriarchal boundaries of the regency did. She writes: “If we zoom out, we see that the Darcy myth also helps to prop up and fortify a very Gothic, patriarchal universe that is, and always has been, scary for anyone who is not a very particular type of man. After all, if we are trained from childhood to invest ourselves in men who treat us poorly, aren’t we more likely to end up in abusive situations and under threat of assault?”
Okay, so this is a valid point, but it also is based on a misreading of Pride & Prejudice or is heavily influenced by adaptations. Darcy isn't cruel, he's snobby and somewhat rude but definitely NOT cruel. Wickham is exactly the type of man you want to avoid: charming until he isn't.
ALSO WHAT DISNEY PRINCE IS AN ASSHOLE??? @princesssarisa? Can you be offended at that one in my stead?
So... this book sounds like rage-bait insanity and I won't be reading it until proved otherwise. Putting it on the avoid shelf along with Secret Radical.
Last note: There is a valid point to be made that jerks or dark broody men have been romanticized, but Austen DOES NOT DO THAT. That is not an Austen thing. Use an actual problematic Gothic or Byronic hero.
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maegalkarven · 8 months
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AU where Dark Urge didn't loose memories and the events in Moonrise Towers in act 2 went a tag differently. Or very differently.
Fucking everything up in a new, interesting way.
Characters: m!Dark Urge, Enver Gortash, Orin the Red, Ketheric Thorm, Isobel Thorm, Dame Aylin, Wyll Ravengard, Ulder Ravengard (mentioned), Karlach.
m!Dark Urge x Enver Gortash.
It was a stupid fucking plan from the very beginning of it.
To go to the Moonrise Towers to – what, confront Ketheric? Confront the Chosen of the God of the Dead?
Nemo knew better than the others what an idiotic idea it was.
But Nightsong already took a flight, and harpers moved to attack – and what was Nemo supposed to do?
He was a wreck, a shadow of his former self, weak as a kitten, clumsy as a newborn owlcub. He was the failed Chosen of Bhaal going to a place what was his demise.
Swooped by the currents of events unfolding, he had no plan.
But again, Nemo was never the plan guy; it was Gortash’s forte, it was his work. He was the brain of their plan, the brain of all of their operations. He thought things through as Nemo sliced around, creating chaos, bringing havoc, painting world in blood.
But it was before. Before Orin took her swing, before Nemo’s once great abilities were reduced to dust, before he became weak. So weak he had to depend on others, so weak he required, no, needed allies.
The voice of Father dull in his head; illithid parasite had to do something with it, had to change the rules the same way it changed them for Astarion.
Funny, before that whole mess Nemo would never put himself and a vampire spawn on the same page. But now? Oh, how alike they were, the spawns of unrelenting cruel force commanding their will, puppets of someone else’s play.
Waking up on nautiloid was akin to waking up from a fewer dream. The Urge...subsided. It was pushed back, held at bay. He was almost alone in his own head, more alone when he ever was with Father’s constant will moving his hands.
But what good did this free will do if he was about to die anyway, probably in the same damn place he died the first time? Would Orin be the one to slice through him one final time?
Nemo was never the one for plans, as clever as he was. Gortash always claimed it drove him mad, for Nemo had all the intellect, but rarely put it to good use.
“You have to exercise your mind the same way you train your body,” his unexpected ally would say. “Otherwise what use is it to you? You, my dear murderer, is capable of much greater things than your father foresees for you.”
These thoughts were atrocious, they were heretical, they were...compelling. Flattering, warming some deep corners of the soul Nemo didn’t know he had.
No wonder lordling ended up luring Nemo into his bed.
No wonder Orin saw her brother’s newfound weakness and used it against him.
Clever little thing, his slaughter-kin, to shift into Gortash to approach him. He was a fool to lower his defenses, of course he was.
He paid for it greatly.
“We’re moving down,” Isobel acknowledged. She, a daughter of a man who turned his back to two gods for her sake. She, the priestess of a goddess Ketheric Thorm forsaken. She, a child brave enough to confront her father.
Nemo hated her before he knew her.
He hated her for the way Ketheric turned the world upside down for her to live; he hated her for how ridiculously loved she was.
She hated her because even after being corrupted by Myrkul’s unholy powers, she still dared to stay unstained. Holy. Good.
He hated her so much his whole body hurt.
She who denied her father’s love, she who had love so selfless, so unconditional-
Father’s love was always conditional. Father’s love was always a leash and never a caress.
Father’s love hurt no matter how much Nemo craved it.
Oh, how he wished he could stifle the light of her life; oh how he wanted to see Ketheric’s face as he would tell him, in every gruesome detail, how his precious daughter died the second time.
How everything Ketheric did, everything he betrayed was for naught.
But Nemo was not what he used to be: he was weak, and Isobel was his advantage in a fight against her father. Her and Nightsong, but Nemo wasn’t even sure if aasimar was alive; the last he saw of her was when Elder Brain dragged the woman down.
Down, down, down-
Down they went.
Nemo didn’t want to go down there. He didn’t want to confront anyone, he wasn’t ready, he wasn’t strong, he-
He wanted to go home.
Home, such a strange concept it is.
Bhaal’s temple was never his home, even if it was the only shelter he has ever known.
No, home was...
Home was a mechanical clicking of devices operating in Gortash’s workshop. Home was the dim light and the huge table covered in papers; the smell of hot iron and smoke, and the man with fingers stained in ink.
The bitter bile rose up his throat at the thought of it.
The Chosen of Bane was never supposed to be his home.
The Chosen of Bane was his enemy.
Nemo has failed his life’s purpose in more ways than he could count.
And yet he wanted to go back; to the security of that place, to the delighted glint in the other man’s eyes, the mad plans, the notes on the table, the open books, the diagrams, the warmth of his skin as Nemo dragged Enver away from his work:
"Rest, you need to rest. It’s unbecoming of you to run yourself ragged like that. Sleep, your machines will not disappear overnight."
The way he struggled, tried to argue as exhaustion overtook his body. The way Lord Enver Gortash, the tyrant in the making, looked vulnerable in front of him in a way, Nemo suspected, he never looked in front of anyone else.
The way Nemo went to bed with him and expected to wake up in a pool of blood, but never did.
Because some part of him resisted Father even then. Some part of him claimed Enver Gortash for himself.
And it cost him greatly.
Nemo wondered if returning to Moonrise Towers could be classified as ‘coming home’.
He wondered if his home would meet him with windows shut and new lock on the door. He wondered how quickly he would be discarded by a man having no use for him anymore.
Turned out, Nemo was a fucking idiot.
It happens faster than it has any right to be; Ketheric spots Isobel, Wyll sees his father, Karlach lurches at Gortash, and Orin...
Orin steps away from the Elder Brain and smiles.
“My poor slaughter-kin,” she coos. “Came back so I could finish what I’ve started, did you not?”
And then the moves.
And fuck, Nemo forgot how fast she is, and he is so out of it, he is but a shell of his former self; his body is weak, feeble, damaged-
Orin knows it. Orin was the one who damaged it in the first place.
Nemo is vaguely aware of Isobel reaching out to Nightsong and freeing her from the bonds, he thinks he hears Gortash trying to reel Orin and Ketheric back in:
“Orin, we haven’t finished, the Brain didn’t receive command yet, come back here- Ketheric, two stones can’t hold it down, we need the third, Ketheric, forget about your daughter, come right here and make yourself useful for a change-“
But Ketheric doesn’t listen. Orin doesn’t listen. Everyone is too wrapped up in their own issues, their own grudges, their own fights. Karlach slices through the undead servant and knocks Gortash into the ground, only to be pushed back by a force of small explosive detonating right into her face. It doesn’t damage her much, but pushes back a significant amount.
“My poor brother,” Orin taints as Nemo tries to dodge one of her slices and comes out short. Blood oozes from the new cut and his murder-kin giggles. “So out of it, so pathetically weak. I did a good job on you, brother dear. But,” another smile, another attack. Nemo barely parries it in time. “I can do better. Father knows I can do better, Father knows you have failed him. He loves you no more, my failure of a brother. He has left you.”
Nemo would love to argue what Father went nowhere, what he still haunts Nemo’s every waking and dreaming moment, what the only thing stopping the God of Murder from consuming his wayward son is the illithid parasite in the bhaalspawn’s brain. But he doesn’t have the time, he doesn’t have the strength, he is failing, and-
The next strike to come is fatal.
Or it would be, if not for a huge tentacle of the brain to come flying out of nowhere.
Sending Orin flying right into the Morphic pool.
To the Brain.
With her stone.
Nemo turns around and meets a bewildered stare of Enver fucking Gortash, the man who just successfully compromised his own plan - their plan - beyond any recovery.
A fool.
Nemo’s blood is so loud in his ears he can barely hear; his heart is throwing itself against the cage of his ribs with a force unbeknown to him before.
He feels elevated, he feels scared, but most of all he feels-
“What the fuck did you do?” he snarls and everything, miraculously, stills. Everyone freezes, staring between them in a mix of surprise and dread.
Everyone feels what something just went very wrong.
“I-“ Enver starts, but Nemo gives him no chance to continue.
“You just threw the Netherstone to the Brain! The Netherstone we use to control the Brain! And you just threw it right at it,” there’s indignation burning in him but also...confusion?
Why? Why would Enver do something like that? Why would he compromise everything? Why would he-
“She was about to kill you,” Gortash seethes. “I saved your life.”
“By dooming everyone and everything in the process,” Nemo shouts back. “By dooming yourself. By the gods, Ketheric, did you see that? How he just- Ruined everything?”
“I did in fact see that,” Ketheric, who is pretty much being held down at the fire point, states. The only thing stopping Nightsong from murdering him here and now is Isobel’s hand on her shoulder. “It was a very stupid thing to do.”
Gortash looks appalled at that.
“I just saved his life!” he repeats like this fixes everything. Like it explains anything. There’s a mad look in his eyes, of a man who just realized what he has done. Then he turns to Nemo. “I saved your life, you ungrateful little-“
“Why?” comes out so quietly it’s barely a whisper.
At first Nemo thinks he asked that, the question was definitely on the tip of his tongue. But no, the voice belongs to Karlach. She rises from the ground, shaken but unhurt.
“I know you; you’re an awful fucking person who only cares for his own well-being. Why would you do something like that,” she gestures at Nemo and Nemo makes a face at her. He knows how he looks, thank you very much. “For him?”
Gortash opens his mouth, hesitates. His eyes dart to Nemo and Nemo meets his gaze with just as inquisitive expression as the one on Karlach’s face.
“Yes, Enver,” he agrees. “Why?”
But Enver never gets to answer, for in that precise moment the waters of the Morphic pool part and a figure crawls out.
A figure of a pale woman with even paler eyes, dressed in red.
She takes a step, then another.
And something is wrong.
Her movements are unsteady; her head dangles as if she’s held up the strings and her eyes-
They’re vacant, her eyes, almost empty. They’re...peaceful, and Orin has never been peaceful in her entire damn life.
Nemo makes the involuntary step forward and is immediately held back by Wyll, who, gods only know how, managed to not only teleport his father right next to Karlach, but also come back to Nemo, and is now holding him firmly by the forearm.
“Don’t,” he whispers into Nemo’s ear. “This is not your sister.”
“Orin?” Nemo calls out regardless, because this is his sister. It has to be.
Orin raises her head and looks straight at him. Then she opens her mouth and speaks:
“Praise the Absolute.”
“By the Nine Hells,” Karlach curses. “She got tadpolled.”
“And she has the stone,” Ketheric is the first one to move, ripping himself out of Nightsong’s grip and stepping forward.
“Well, shit.”
An overwhelming, overbearing horror embraces Nemo.
Orin, his little sister. Orin, his murderer, his torturer.
Orin, the perfect slayer. The puppet of the Absolute.
“Maybe I can use the prism,” he starts. “I can bring her back to her senses.”
“And then what?” Wyll argues and it takes Nemo an embarrassingly long time to realize his friend has already started to pull him away. “She’ll try to kill us on her own volition and not the Brain’s? No.”
“We need to go,” Gortash speaks up. “Quickly, now.”
“There’s no ‘we,’”, Karlach argues. “And ‘we’ are not going anywhere with you.”
“Karlach, now is not the time to argue-“
“You sold me to Zariel-“
“Father?” Isobel calls out. “Father, what are you doing?”
Ketheric unsheathes his sword.
“Atoning,” he speaks. The moves to rip the Netherstone from his armor and throw it at Nemo. Nemo, surprisingly, manages to catch it. “Keep it safe,” the man orders and oh, is this his general voice now? “Keep her safe.”
Nemo doesn’t need to ask who he means by that. Instead he argues.
“I am a murderer, you know that, right?” as if any sane argument would work right now. “A murder incarnate. I do not keep people safe.”
“This time you will,” and this is why Ketheric was so feared and respected; a single hard stare pins Nemo to the ground. “Or I will come back and hunt you down to the end of Toriel. To the end of every known realm, if I have to.”
“Not to interrupt this fine and lovely conversation, but general,” Gortash looks just as puzzled as Nemo feels. “What are you doing again?”
The man has some strength enough to smirk.
“What I should have done long time ago,” he sends Isobel a long, sickeningly loving gaze. “The right thing. Isobel.”
“Father,” the girl’s chin trembles. “Father, I don’t-“
“I love you more than any god could understand,” the old general speaks. “And I will never regret bringing you back, never. But now,” he turns his gaze back and manages to parry the quick, efficient and entirely deadly strike of Bhaal’s unloved daughter. “You have to live. And I...I have to take a stand. Go,” he says. “Go,” he commands. “I will hold her back for as long as I can.”
“The undying against the slayer,” Gortash murmurs as he already sprints towards the elevated platform.
The ground shakes as the Brain breaks out of its bonds, bit by bit, slowly but surely. The wave of psionic energy what comes their way almost knocks them all down.
“Go,” Nemo shouts as he and Wyll teleport closer to the exit. Thank fuck for the teleportation spells. Thank fuck for Wyll.
Karlach all but carries dazed Ravengard away as Dame Aylin takes Isobel in her arms and takes flight.
“Go, go, go!” he repeats as a familiar hand grabs him by the shoulder. Nemo doesn’t have time to think, doesn’t have time to act as he is dragged the remaining way to the platform by no-one but the tyrant himself.
The moment Karlach reaches the platform Wyll hits the control panel and they start to rise. Nemo is afraid it is not fast enough.
From the height of their ascend he sees the undying general fight off the slayer. Two Chosen of Gods against each other.
Even from that far away it is clear Ketheric will fall.
He sacrificed himself. He brought them time.
Down below the illithid colony, amidst the Hell of his own creation, general Ketheric Thorm receives one last, final blow.
Blood oozes out of his wounds, painting the floor red. Above him a woman dressed in red stands; eyes vacant, empty, soulless.
But it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters anymore.
Isobel is safe. And Ketheric...
“Melodia,” he whispers as the last breath leaves his body. “I am coming.”
Somehow he knows she is waiting for him; what she has always waited for him, no matter how far he strayed.
Ketheric Thorm dies peacefully. It feels like falling asleep.
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jakemyboy · 1 month
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Ran Blu through the car wash. Too bad he still needs a bath! 🤣🤣🤣
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makethemhoesmad · 2 months
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piratekane · 1 year
twenty-eight: how long has it been since you've slept?
trigger warning: character death
Beatrice is tired.
She carries a weariness that settles in her body, a bone-deep ache that wakes her most mornings. There are days where it hurts to open her eyes, stings when she breaths. Her hands, once her greatest weapon, seem to be her greatest weakness now. She drops things, can’t quite grasp them between her fingers. Her body tightens as she bends to pick them up, just to lose them again.
She is getting old. And she is tired.
She spends her days in the east wing and her nights in the west. She likes to track the path of the sun, seeing each day pass in a slow progression as it climbs higher and higher in the sky until finally, like her, it sinks back down into the horizon to fight for another day. She hurts more on the sun-less days when the clouds push at the windows, threatening to break them. But then the sun comes up again, she walks from the east to the west, and she says a prayer for another day.
At night, she dreams. Always the same one, always the same place. She’s back in that small apartment, stretched out on a lumpy mattress with her toes nearly hanging off the end. A blanket is pulled over her head and the air is hot and there’s hair sticking to her cheeks, but she is smiling and Ava-
Ava is always there. Ava is always smiling back at her.
Beatrice is old. And she is yearning.
“Bea,” a voice whispers.
Ava is here. Ava is smiling at her.
A hand curls around hers, strong fingers dancing over the peaks and valleys. Beatrice follows it for a moment, lost in the feeling, before she remembers Ava is the one the fingers lead to. She inhales, lungs aching at the pressure.
Ava’s smile widens. “I always liked the way you said my name. Have I ever told you that?”
No, but she knew.
Ava walks her fingers over the thin skin of Beatrice’s wrist. “You grew up,” she says casually. “But I always thought older women were hot, you know?” She grins, all teeth. “Not that you were ever not hot. With and without the whole nun get-up. You were a… wait, I remember hearing this once…” Her forehead wrinkles as she thinks. “A smoke show?”
Beatrice laughs. “I don’t know.”
Ava shrugs, uncaring, but her voice quiets. “It’s been a while.”
“I grew up.”
Then Ava’s smile is just as quiet. “I tried, you know. I- I fought, every day. To come back to you. You know that, right?”
Beatrice drops her weathered hand over Ava’s. “I know you did.” She shifts in her seat, the soft back of the armchair she’s picked today easing the ache. “I know you would have if you could have.”
“I guess it’s the next for us, yeah?” Ava let’s go of her hand, settles for leaving her fingers curled in the soft sweater Beatrice chose today. “I just kind of hoped it was this one.”
There’s a million things she wants to say. It was this one for her. And it’ll be the next for both of them. But her thoughts get tangled, the words knot in her mouth, and a yawn escapes, unbidden.
Beatrice is old. And she is tired.
Ava’s eyes watch her curiously. “How long has it been since you’ve slept?” She strokes a hand down over the curve of Beatrice’s cheek. “You’re never good at taking care of yourself.”
Beatrice tries to remember, but she can’t. Maybe the last time she rested was years ago, tucked into the Swiss Alps and Ava’s side. Maybe it’s been that long, the peace in those moments never following her through the days and months and years since Ava. But Ava looks at her as if she knows.
“Come on.” Ava’s eyes, honeyed in sunlight, sparkle. “For old times sake?”
Ava doesn’t have to ask; Beatrice will say yes to anything, if it means Ava will stay close. It takes effort, bones creaking, but she manages to shuffle to the side, create a bit of space for Ava to slide in next to her, fitting their bodies together as if they were never apart.
She sighs, the tiredness ebbing away as a contentedness takes its place.
“Sleep, Bea.” A hand strokes into her hair, scratches lightly at her scalp. “And in the morning, we’ll be in the next.”
Beatrice, alone in her chair, closes her eyes for the last time.
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
So @kuramirocket got me thinking of a Vampire AU for the Mario Bros (while discussing in this post) so I figured I would share some thoughts of how I personally would want it to go:
please note that I am not really a big vampire enthusiast, nor do I know that much about vampire lore. I never got into Twilight, nor have I read Dracula (yet). So I'll only be referring to the basic stuff I know about vampires. For those interested: do with this au as you please :)
- Luigi gets turned into a vampire (whether by dark magic, an item, or another vampire). And it's not long after that effects start to take place (his skin burning in the sun, a taste for blood, the urgent need to wander about in the night). His skin also gets a more pale tinge and his eye colour turns purple.
- Luig tries to keep this hidden as long as possible, but Mario finds out and is devasted. He blames himself for not being able to protect his brother from this. He promises to fix this and help Luigi find a cure.
- After many months of travelling (and trying to keep Luigi's new vampire instincts in check in the meantime), they soon come to learn the truth that there is no cure. Luigi is stuck like this forever.
- Mario, without a shred of doubt, asks Luigi to bite him, so he can become a vampire and live with him in immortality.
- Luigi is of course furiously against this. Why should Mario suffer because of him? His brother deserves much better than this, and he should just forget him.
- Mario gets upset at this and firmly tells him that he wants this. Luigi has done nothing wrong, and if fate is deciding that there is no way out of this, Mario would rather shoulder that with him. They're a team, always together, and he can't bare the idea of one having to watch the other age...
- Luigi finally agrees. They hold each other tight, and Luigi (after some hesitation) bites down on Mario's neck.
- It's so painful. And Mario can feel the venom swarming around inside his body. But he knows it's not Luigi's fault. He holds him closer, trying to communicate via his touch that this is fine, everything is ok, this is what he wants.
- After some time Luigi stops and Mario steps back. He's lightheaded, his skin already turning pale, and his eyes becoming a shade of purple. He also has two bite marks on his neck (which he forever carries around as scars). But he's ok. Mario smiles at Luigi reassuringly, knowing it worked.
- They move far away and live in immortality together, deciding to become dark shadow hunters (to protect innocents) and only live on a diet of animal blood and plant sap.
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callsign-bunnie · 8 days
Hello!! Same person who did the last ask you responded to where you gave a few more details on the privating thing. You mentioned that you might offer private copies in exchange for feedback, (if I interpreted that correctly, I’m sorry if I misinterpreted it and if so you can just ignore this whole ask) what kind of feedback would you be looking for? Im not as experienced with writing or fic-publishing as you but I’d love a chance to reread those fics and offer feedback
Haha, I appreciate the offer! So, when I offer private copies with the expectation of feedback, it's more in the sense of a beta reader, kind of? I'm to the point with my fan writing where most of it is practice for book writing, so I need a bit deeper of insight into it.
I'm not really looking for grammar or general sentence structure changes because A) I have an editor, B) I'm not interested in that.
So in the example of feedback I've asked for The Horror Of Silence And Sound, my prologue is very heavy metaphor based, it has a lot of prose (I've noticed my writing tends to get a bit wordy, I'm working on cutting it down where necessary.) and a lot of foreshadowing, so I asked people to count off what they picked up, just to sort of generally point out the pieces of the scene.
Essentially, consider it like... annotation, but a conversation! It's why I don't just... throw the idea out there, because I know it's a hard task, lol.
Basically, I'm just looking for feedback that helps me in writing. For another example, my friend pointed out that I use 1 line paragraphs as a way to bring a scene back to action or conclude a long string of thought. This has helped me a lot, because it helps me find a way to end longer scenes and I think (I hope) it gives my reader a bit more of a structured read.
I'm not really interested in professional feedback because A) it's fanfiction, I seriously don't think it's that deep. It's why I never bothered with a beta reader or anything like that, because it's free content. B) Again, I have an editor. If I need anything like that, I can just go to her.
For the record, today is a low vision day so I have like no idea if any of this makes sense.
Honestly, if you're ever curious and want a better explanation, DMing me is best. I don't think I'm that scary, lol, but I promise I don't bite.
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19silvermirrors · 4 months
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The new ATLA live series has featured St Jun the Patron Saint of Zutara in all her bounty-hunting glory🤩🔥 Oh wow. I feel blessed with this wholesome sight🙏
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johntayjinf · 9 months
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terribly impractical but really fucking awesome
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grouper · 2 months
you bet your ass my new ink dip pen came in. and oh we are back in business baybee
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inuyashamybeloved · 3 months
Grammarly and its personal dictionary keep trolling me. Their names were added… and yet… “Shippo and Rin” got corrected to “Hippo and Run”
(sounds like a zoo accident pun 🥁🥁)
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border-collie · 3 months
New enrichment for my enclosure: Moxie seems to have lost her GPS tracker last night in tall grass. I know the approximate area but I have to comb through it to find a piece of black plastic about an inch and a half long.
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szkin-art · 11 months
can't believe they're making MS Igloo 2: Electric Igloo
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