#oh lort so many to tag
reegis · 10 months
Ahhhhh I just found your account and I just have to say I adore your designs for all the mechs! All the details you’re able to put even into the sketches just scratches the mechs itch in my brain in the best way possible!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! have some more of my sillygoofy jon(ny) swap au thing
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meanwhile Jonny has finally managed to ditch those magnus nerds & made some new pals to do some really good violence with
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
6, 7 ,8, 14
6. whats the hardest part of the writing process for you?
coming up with fucking titles!! jeeze. they're the damn worst. I'm usually pretty okay with series, or at least, i find them easier than one shots but lort those one shot titles...take me AGES, or they just end up really shitty lol.
7. how does recieving not not recieving feedback/support impact you?
it definitely does lololol. as much as I do write for myself, I still want engagement with my works. it's also annoying as ALL FUCK that people will sign up to be on a taglist, like, go out of their way to click through the links, go to the google form fill it out, and then NOT like or reblog the things they're tagged in. like, bruh, i pay attention to my notifs and i will delete people on taglists who aren't interacting.
getting feedback is wonderful, whether it's a keyboard smash, a gif, some screaming in the tags or a text/ask from someone yelling about it or discussing theories on longer fics. it helps me get motivated and inspried to do more writing or to write more for said character/fandom.
like, i finished Under Over suuuper quick because of the amount of support i got on it. Velasco only had like 6 people on his taglist but each chapter, every single person tagged commented, liked and reblogged, and were all discussing the story as I was writing it and that really helped me feel better about the story as a whole and i enjoyed writing it more because of that.
when i don't get interaction on a fic it's usually like, disapointment right away after posting, it makes me feel like it wasn't as good as I thought it was? but i do know that people are busy, people flit in and out of fandom all the time so i don't really let it get to me long term, fi that makes sense?
8. does anyone in your personal life know you write fic? if not would you tell anyone?
oh fuck yes they do. like, basically all of my friends. I've sent links to many of them, i have no shame lol, and I'm also proud of what I've been writing. Like, one of the girls i work with is very innocent and mormon and i've been sending her links to specific stories and just warned her to skip the smut parts 🤣 it's a good thing my stuff is all colour coded. a lot of my work friends have links to my tumblr and have all enjoyed what they've read. one of my ba's last week gave me a super big compliment saying something along the lines of "some people can come up with really good ideas but they're shit writers, and some people can write whatever they want and it's fantastic. they don't need a good idea to create a good story, and that's what kind of writer you are."
14.do you compare yourselves to other writers? in a positive or negative way?
oh absolutely, sometimes it's completely subconcious, and sometimes it's very apparent that i'm doing it. mostly it's positive. i don't pit myself against anyone, we're all a community on here, we all have incredible stories and i'm sure we all have one or two rotten eggs in there too lol
thanks for asking!!😊❤️
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loudsilence99 · 3 years
20 Questions Writers' Style
Thanks for the tag @bastetsbard !!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Three, plus about a billion on ff.net
What’s your total AO3 word count?
84,355. One of mine is looooooong
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
On AO3? Only one: Grishaverse. Ever? Oh lort. In order from oldest to most recent: Lord of the Rings, the X-Files, Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter (so. much. potter), Twilight, Law and Order: SVU. I do not have PUBLISHED works in all of these, though.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I only have three... #1 is "Stags and Sacrifice" with 468
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to, but I don't always.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I'm strictly a happily-ever-after girl.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I did when I was younger.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
When I was 12. I published the world's worst LOTR self-insert and one reviewer was just MEAN.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. In middle/high school I wrote with a friend.
What’s your all time favourite ship?
At the moment? Gotta go with Darkalina. I'm generally a rarepair girl. SSHG anyone? No?
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
"Requiem for the Living" on ff.net. It's a post-DH SSHG romance.
What are your writing strengths?
Giving characters a voice. I am very good at first-person narration. Also, writing dialogue has become a strength through a lot of practice.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually finishing things. I HAVE to have a plan going forward or it will not work.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Only if a translation or explanation is provided, though using individual words and phrases is cool.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Lord of the Rings. I had SUCH a crush on Orlando Bloom BACK IN THE DAY.
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Stags and Sacrifice. It is the only long-form piece I've ever finished that I can reread and think "wow! This is actually pretty good." I worked SO hard on it and while it's not perfect, I felt like I finally became a real writer when I finished it.
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londonfog-chan · 4 years
Passione x Reader: Sudoh Buck AU
This was too fucking good to let it rot in AO3 so now you all have to be subjected to my JoJo thirst. All characters aged up (otherwise how the fuck would they have this job??)
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“So you’re not working my shift???”
“No... you’re actually my relief.”
Your best friend is clocking out just as you’re going to clock in. She looks dolefully up at you, nearly in tears from how the day has treated her. It’s her last shift for the week at the Passione Street location for Sudoh Buck, but you’re not sure why it was she had such a horrible time.
“He’s so mean!” She whispers as you lean down next to her.
“The one on drive thru. He kept kicking me off bar because I made too many mistakes. I don’t know what I’m going to do for a whole three weeks with these people. I miss our store.”
The system is unavailable for you to punch in on the computer, so you’ll have to hunt down the punch communication log and you’re not exactly enthralled to be asking the dudes at the front. One of the guys, silver haired giant with neon lipstick, fucking glared you down when you went to the back. Had it not been for your coworker from the old store (Kimmy) walking out to say goodbye you’re sure he would have pummeled you.
“Yeah?” You ask, slightly bristling as your friend continues to look sad. “Well fuck me I guess. I’ll have to find out where that damn book is and go talk to one of them, and then you’ll be out and I’ll have to deal with this shit all by myself. At least you had the luxury of working with our crew...”
You can’t help the bitterness in your voice even though you know your friend is hurt. It’s been one fucking thing after another. You kept asking everyone where to go, and after being ignored and given a gang face, you’re not altogether sure you like Passione location after all... it’s in a location where you used to live as a child, not too far a commute from your current house where you live with your mother, and it’s the newest location established. But the newness is a fucking facade. You already have a bad impression by how they treated your friend, you can’t imagine they’re taking too kindly to being invaded by a new store. A friend working the S. Platinum location told you the other day he heard some blonde bastard of a shift complaining that the Ogre Street crew was stealing all the tips from the regular crew.
From a customer’s perspective, this is a coffee drinker’s paradise. Everything looks bright and new, when you walk into the cafe area, the front where they have the registers and the pastry case is on one big countertop that’s shared with the espresso bar and cold bar. In back of the bar is the drive thru window, and at the end of the espresso bar there’s some seating arrangements where customers can watch their drinks being made. It’s a typical Sudoh Buck color scheme. Lots of greys and white, the customers flock to it looking to get their fix, but under the facade there’s apparently a bastard crew working it. On top of that, the remodel for your location is going to take longer than anticipated. What else can you do but just rough it out with strangers you don’t even know?
“Well... I guess I’ll go home now.” Your friend murmurs sadly.
“Yeah. Bye.”
Your friend gets up and gathers her things, looking at you wistfully before mouthing “good luck”. In a few seconds she’s gone, and you’re standing there in an unfamiliar back office, apron in hand, wondering how on earth you’re going to survive the first day without anyone from your old store to help you.
“Oh hi there!”
An unusually cheerful voice jolts you out of your stupor as you come face to face with an unfamiliar associate. He looks fairly young, black messy hair held back with a bandana, and he looks you up and down with a sly look in his violet eyes.
“You’re one of the baristas from Ogre Street Mall yeah? Are you looking for the book?” He asks, cocking his head to the side as he ties up the strings of his apron. His black metal name tag has green chalk marker on it too small to make out, so you can’t tell his name right away.
“Yeah, I started a few months ago at that location. And yes, that would be helpful.” You tell him your name, and you can’t help the jump in your pulse when you hear him roll it off his tongue.
“That’s a pretty cute name.” He flirts, coming up on you with his fist up. “Nice to meet ya, I’m Narancia.”
You have to smile as you fist bump him (hey, it’s impolite to leave a homeboy hanging). Immediately you feel the strongest connection to him; Narancia is the first helpful and friendly face you’ve met so far in this location. And if he’s this cute and working a shift with you, you fully intend to stick by him wherever he goes.
“That’s not a bad name either my guy.” You smile. “Now about that book...”
“Come with me to front, we keep the book by the register in case anyone can’t get into the system.” He casually drapes an arm around your shoulder and you instinctually lean into him.
Hey, no one’s ever flirted with you before at work, and there’s no harm in it if you’re single. You know he’s probably smiling wider than fuck, but you could really care less at this point. Embarrassment ended when work jaded you. When you’re working 36 hours a week for minimum wage you tend to lose things like dignity.
“Here, make sure you check off this part with ‘New Store Labor’. Want me to get the ASM so he can tell you where to go?”
“That’d be great.” You insist. “I really appreciate you.”
“Stay right there!”
He runs off to the same isolated corner where you can hear the guys running drive thru taking orders. Before you write your name in the book, you notice that Narancia doesn’t clock in on the computer. The entire week is him filling out his punches in the book, one of many indicators that he was a barista who hated the new update for the punch log on the iPads. This indicates he’s the best kind of barista: the lazy fuck who can shortcut anything and come out on top. A few others prefer the book too, and you can’t help but admire the immaculate handwriting of this “Leone Abbacchio”, and you wonder if they’re as nice as their handwriting.
While you write in your punch, some dude with a funny looking orange beanie looks at you from his spot by the convection ovens, and you notice he’s muttering to himself on what looks like a gaming headset. When you make eye contact with him, he looks away as though he’s been caught committing a crime, saved by the loud beeping of the oven. He takes the tongs he’s holding and takes out some croissants, bagging them and putting stickers on the front before running them past you.
Narancia seems to be taking his sweet ass time with the assistant store manager. There’s another young looking guy, a blonde, at the point of sales system, the cafe is dead but bar is bumping, you can see other baristas pumping out drinks like their lives depend on it. Occasionally one will hand a drink off to a counter out of sight (probably to neon lipstick asshole who gang faced you earlier). The blonde leans against the counter, looking at you up and down the same way Narancia did. Vaguely you wonder: why did your friend say these guys were assholes? The blond and Narancia, along with the warming guy, seem perfectly content to check you out, and frankly you’re enjoying the attention. Fuck a duck, the guys here are hot!
“You’re the barista from Ogre Street?”
The question comes from the blonde at the POS system. You nod.
“Yessir. Just coming on board until the remodel happens.” You reply. “What’s your name?”
“Call me Fugo. You?”
He smiles when you tell him your name, but evidently you’re going to have to wait your turn to talk to him. That’s the beauty of working a coffee shop, customers just crawl out of the woodwork and line up at the POS system, and you smile when you hear Fugo’s very lovely “Welcome to Sudoh Buck, what may I get started for you today?”. It’s pretty awkward just chilling out by the pastry case. Typically you just jump into the first unmanned task when you walk into your store, but this is entirely new territory. Even the espresso machines are different here, you heard talk that soon all the new Sudoh Buck locations are getting what’s called Mastrena 4’s, whatever the shit that means. All you know is it’s supposed to make things a hell of a lot easier, and that you have to have it mastered before the remodel is completed.
“Sorry we kept you waiting for so long, you must be so confused.”
You’re pulled out of your stupor and suddenly face to face with the most gorgeous assistant store manager you’ve ever seen in your life. He’s got what your coworkers would call a “Karen” haircut, but he wears it well, and apparently he doesn’t mind it all too much that you’re staring at him like he’s a piece of meat in a butcher shop. He’s tall, all legs and arms with broad shoulders in a black turtleneck sweater. Narancia is almost overshadowed by the ASM’s beauty (he returns wearing the same headset as the guy on oven duty), but you sneak a glance at him too just for a minute.
“Y-yea... I mean, no it’s cool. I just, it’s like was anyone going to tell me what to do? Or was I supposed to have a sense of purpose myself?”
... Jesus Christ on a crutch... you note that the ASM must really appreciate your blunt humor, because his blue eyes are even smiling as he laughs. Narancia can’t help but laugh too, and with both men looking like snacks whenever they smile you’re about to drop from being so weak in the knees.
“I think you’ll be a great fit here.” The ASM smiles, “My name is Bruno Buccellati. You are...”
Your name rolling off his tongue makes you weak again. Oh lort... how does any barista get work done around here with all this man candy???
“Before we start, what position are you most comfortable with?” Bruno asks.
You’re about ten seconds from blurting out something nasty: spit roast sounds nice, Narancia and oven guy can watch.
“Ok...” you steel yourself, fully prepared with a speech you’d rehearsed in the car only an hour before. “I’m gonna keep it real with you chief, I don’t know how to do anything in a drive thru, and I don’t know how to run the new Mastrenas. If someone can show me I can do bar, otherwise I’m down to help on cold.”
Bruno seems to take this into consideration, looking over at the line that’s forming on front. Narancia looks too, immediately hopping onto bar where he starts steaming milk and pulling espresso shots from the machine without anyone having to ask him. His quick response triggers that look in Bruno’s eyes, and he nods you over towards the bar.
“I think I’ll have you with Narancia on cold bar for now. He’s going to be cafe and drive thru bar, so whatever he needs help with, just pull the stickers and he can show you where everything is. We’ll kill this line, and then I can give you a more permanent assignment. How’s that sound?”
You instantly spring into action, much more confident now that you have direction. Narancia is pulling stickers out of a square machine and pasting them to cups, handing the plastic ones to you where you spring into action. Getting into a sequence, you start a drink, begin another one, work on the first, then start a third, going on like this until you’ve got a rhythm. Pumping out teas, fraps, refreshers, anything iced at all. Your hands fly over your work, and you almost don’t hear the praises that are being showered on you.
“Damn look at her go!” Whistles Narancia, “Hey Mista! Check out bar star over here!”
The guy from warming is over your shoulder as you hand out a drink, calling out Tom’s 20 ounce passion hibiscus tea. He smiles at you for a split second, too dazzling for words, then runs back to the oven when his headset lights up.
Vaguely you wonder how the hell your friend had such a rough time here at this location when there’s so much nice man candy to look at.
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andprejudice · 6 years
TAGGED BY : @andalasiian and @bravegroupie TAGGING : @worldsaver  @denoumenc  @stolelife  @snobrogues @etonelite  and  YOU name : skye nickname / s : literally don’t have one -- just skye lol.  height : 5′7 nationality : american favorite fruit : strawberries, raspberries, apple, pineapple favorite season : I would have said summer until I moved to DC and experienced humidity straight from satan’s butthole so -- now it’s got to be fall favorite scents : coffee, lilacs, baking smells favorite color / s : I don’t know that I have a favorite, but maybe green and purple? favorite animals : dogs?? I don’t have a favorite animal either. am I a monster?? tea , coffee , hot cocoa : coffeeeeeee. I am not a functional human being until I’ve had it. that said, I love tea and cocoa on special occaisions. like when the whether is super cold and I wanna feel cozy.  average hours of sleep : honestly? like 4. I’m a nightowl.  when my blog was created : this blog’s a newbie! just made it in august.  # of followers : under 200 right now random fact : I reread jane austen’s novels every year and honestly the fact that it took me this long to settle into rping a character from one of them is just.... bonkers. favorite food : there is a mediterranean place by my office that is an actual gift from heaven. but honestly what my favorite is probably varies on mood favorite t.v. show : I legitimately can’t pick a single show, so here’s a list! it’s mostly sci fi because that’s my brand(tm): farscape, stargate sg-1, battlestar galactica, star trek the next generation, saving hope, rookie blue, the west wing, firefly, the office, babylon 5.... I think the only current show I obsessively follow is the crown.  favorite movie : same problem!!! so again, have a list: stargate, the og star wars trilogy, the (first and only two) mummy films, edward scissorhands, sense & sensibility, moulin rouge, indiana jones trilogy (miss me with those crystal skulls), bridget jones’ diary, the shop around the corner, the haunting (the original one).... ummmm I’m literally blanking on every movie I’ve ever seen rn. favorite vine : STOP I COULD’VE DROPPED MY CROISSANT sexuality : hetero pronouns : she / her  favorite book series : harry potter? outlander? the scarlet pimpernel and its sequels? I don’t read that many series now that I think of it... favorite video game / s : I’m a basic bitch where gaming is concerned so: skyrim, assassin’s creed origins, bioshock infinite. but mostly I love puzzle solving games like the syberia series and the nancy drew games (don’t @ me). I also just played the monument games on mobile and kind of loved them.  favorite subject : english and history guys or girls : for what? men are cancelled right now tho so.  last time i cried : literally this morning watching the news and then thinking about it again in the elevator at work hair color : strawberry blonde-ish what i should be doing : answering emails, finding something to fill the slow period at work favorite fandoms : OH LORT. I guess I’m answering this in terms of fandom rpcs because that’s really where I spend my internet time... stargate and farscape for sure. firefly’s mostly good. I haven’t dipped my toe into the trek fandom too deeply, but I like them. love me some star wars... not so hot on the fandom. so far the classic lit fandom is chill. ummmm generally I like fandoms that are small enough that they manage to avoid toxicity. 
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bugaboozma · 6 years
Oh LORT. Haha I read a post about how fandom has leaned into Character/Reader fics and I can’t help but have thoughts.
I think I’m maybe a little older than a lot of you, being in my late 20’s, and even when I was younger I didn’t get involved in a lot of fandom stuff.
I think part of that was because fandom used to be a lot harsher in a way? Like... I only remember posting two things when I was about 15 on good ol’ FanFictionDotNet and I remember feeling that I got as many negative comments as I did good ones.
And I do not remember seeing reader insert stuff ever, and it always felt like OCs were looked down on.
And I think that mentality is why I still feel a certain degree of shame over my stuff? Like, I think I’ve mentioned this before, but if I think too hard about what I’m doing, I literally have to put the laptop down for a while because I can’t continue in that moment. I feel embarrassed.
Truthfully though, I didn’t even know character/Reader was a thing until the day I was like “lmao I wonder if there’s any Guzma fan fiction” and LO AND BEHOLD.
And if I’m being honest? Doing reader insert stuff proooobably wouldn’t have been my first choice - I’d never written anything like that, so it was awkward and took some getting used to - but there’s reasons why I rolled with it.
Another thing I’ve mentioned before to some of you who talked to me through messages was that starting my first fic was, uhhhhh actually a tiny bit of a bitter act.
A lot of what I was reading as I scoured the Guzma tag (which, as you know, is overflowing with reader insert) inspired me, and made me want to try writing again.
There were also a couple that made me quite angry, if I’m gonna be completely upfront with you, and eventually I reached a point of “okay, my turn.”
And SO MUCH of what was available for Guzma was written in second person, and there’s not really anyone he’s officially with in the games, so I just fell into that too.
Though, I admit, what happens when I’m writing is that each “reader” in every fic is a new character for me. I don’t know how other people imagine things when they write these kind of narratives, but “you” isn’t me or anyone and sorta develops into a character on their own. And if someone projects themselves onto that character, hey, that’s awesome! If you read it as I do, that’s cool too!
And if your visualization for writing these is different from mine, that’s totally fine too. More power to ya! My way is just how it’s best for me when writing. Maybe that’s just how I’m used to it? Maybe that’s leftover from what I remember of fandom’s previous mentality? I dunno.
... this feels like a lot of rambling that’s not even reaching a real point.
I think maybe what I was trying to get at, is that if fandom has leaned into this, then good! It’s all about having fun anyway, right?
Because I think some of the attitudes of the past still kind of affect the way I view my own work. So, if people can now write what they want without that, then that can only be a good thing.
Reader insert stuff is not something I would have predicted I’d be writing thousands and thousands of words of, but I’m glad I’m here doing it and I’m glad you’re here reading it!
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lisle-joyeuse · 6 years
studyblr tag
Studyblr Tag!
rules; name the person you were tagged by and tag 10 of your favourite studyblrs :)
i was tagged by: @cafedetude sorry for the late response i have been dying!
1) what is your degree/favourite subject? I’m double majoring in psychology and music performance.
2) where are you from? Pennsylvania
3) what motivates you to study? the eventual goal of law school and also I have expensive tastes lmao
4) what do you love about yourself? my hands because I use them for piano
5) what time do you do your best studying? if I wake up at 5 a.m., it’s during those hours before my 9 a.m. class or between classes. Depends on the subject and my energy level that day, though.
6) what is your favourite tv show? Chopped lmao I love food shows
7) best self care tip for exam season? prepare a while in advance so you can sleep properly during the process!!!
8) do you listen to music when you study? (if so, what type of music?) sometimes, usually classical or non-English (kpop or cpop) if I have a lot of reading
9) what is your favourite book? Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, many Neil Gaiman books
10) where do you do your best studying? in my dorm or at my job (which is conveniently in a library)
11) what do you get complimented on often? my hair
12) where would you like to live in the future? NYC
13) how long have you been active on your studyblr? oh lort almost three years? I started this senior year in high school I think.
14) favourite way to spend your study breaks? tumblr, fanfiction, or napping
15) what is your favourite study snack? I can’t really eat while studying because I get too distracted lmao
tags!!!: @growingorbits @dolcetudes @findx @paper-chase @stethoscopesandkaleidoscopes @shineestudy @feistudy @studyspiration-coffee @memoirs-of-a-future-lawyer @estudiear
I don’t interact with most of the people I tagged whoops sorry
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acceldance · 6 years
Hey you, @your top 10 blogs and say why :D
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I wonder if anyone is catching onto the fact that I am making icons for this as I go--BUT, WITH THAT BEING SAID! I had to think long and hard about this because well, I couldn't think of 10 blogs off the top of my head due to the fact that well, I don't talk to a lot of people ooc so this might be a mixture of mun/muse picking! I guess this is going to be a bit of a follow forever since I hit my milestone too.
@gctgud / @p-rimeape: LOOK AT THE GROWTH ON YOU! I remember when we used to talk about tumblr and you refused to come here. You were dedicated to the other platform until you saw the light and I couldn't be happier. You've learned a lot and it shows through your writing. You've adapted, acknowledged and exceeded expectations that you've laid out for yourself. You're a really great writer, I mean that. Its a marvel to see you write out any scenario and give it a flare that ought to be canon. You're doing so well and I know you'll keep on doing well. Don't stop. Can't stop--won't stop. You wanna be number one? Then go for it. I truly believe you have the ability to do so because when you have an idea, you not only hit the ground running, but you keep on running even if you don't have any backers or supporters. You use the drive to prove people wrong to further your cause and win them over with it later. Its great to see, its great to experience and its great to be on the other end cheering. NOW GET ON HERE AND RP WITH ME!
@challengingods: You are quite the character.  You not only care for your muse, the people that you rp with, and the people outside of your inner circle but you have the ability and the drive to want to better with what you have. Some people would just stay stagnant and just keep what they have going right now. You on the other hand, like the feeling doing better by your character; you want to be able to expand on Goku and take him to heights others haven't. That is something that a lot of people don't do nowadays and that is something that a lot of people, I feel, lack. So, I feel that this is why a lot of people tend to leave their muses after a while because they don't feel that same connection with their character anymore. Your relationship with our muse is like a relationship with a person: In order to have that connection, you have to work with your character.
@hybrid-warrior: Well, well, fucking--well. What do we have here? Another pig for the slaughter? Ok, I might be musing the wrong character but, let's try this again. You're a great person both IC and OOC, even with your moments. Its interesting to see your interactions with other people on both your blogs; you don't make it seem as though you're rping with someone from other walks of life or even other fandoms. You make them feel at home with your characters and you make the reading experience for me and others (I'd assume) more enjoyable. I'm sure they're a lot of people who would like to see how different characters would act with others and I believe we have the ability to do so whether we notice it or not. Let your imagination run wild--its doing great for you.
@viticsus : VEGETA!!! I've never seen someone put forth so much love and dedication into their character like you have. Ten years as Vegeta? Holy shit! I think the longest I've ever rped a character solidly was Legolas for almost two years. You represent the prince of all Saiyan(s) in a way I'm sure he'd enjoy. You stick to him; you don't waiver on his emotions nor his mannerisms. You have so many people out here that are more than willing to bend their character some in order to fit narratives BUT NOT YOU! Oh lort not you and that is a breath of fresh air. I don't know how I'd feel if I saw Vegeta acting like, say, Goku or Gohan. I'd leave my dashboard. Your Vegeta is a gem and a forced to be reckoned with and its my honor and pleasure to have the ability to rp with them.
@z-amasu: WHERE TF U AT TO GET THIS LOVE? WHERE IS MY WONDERFUL SADIST? Well, you might be reading this, you might not--not sure, but your Zamasu/Goku Black is, to me, one of a kind. He's unyielding. He's relentless. He's a spectacle. Did you know you were my first rp fight in a long time? YEA--MY FIRST TIME GETTING BACK INTO FIGHTING IS AGAINST GOKU BLACK (GG). But your patience with me and the way you wrote your responses sang to me--like, it literally did. You can put music to your responses and they'll fucking sing. You have an elegance about you and it really reflects in Goku Black and your writing since, although he is what he is, it his complex that exerts his elegance, which comes out in your writing. COME HOME SOLIDER! WE MUST YOU!!!
@icefier: *SPRAWLS OUT ON YOUR DASH* MY BAE No, but seriously, I see you on the dash as Frieza and I instantly stop what I'm doing to see what you have to say because, I always need a dose of frieza and yours always gives me what I'm looking for. When you dig yourself out the snow, come back to the dash--k?
@doctormyuu / @scperxvii: I never thougth I'd rp with a super seventeen to be honest. I never thought I'd see the day. But, you made the day and our rp apparently already has my muse breaking her usual antics. THEN AGAIN--I CAN'T BLAME HER FOR THIS! Its a joy to write, to see you perform and you see you on the dash. How many people you know would take up a character like Dr. Myuu? That shows dedication and love for a character.
@undinaes: What can I say about my child---I can say a lot and it'd probably be roast city and the last thing we all need to smell is the stench of salt water fish being cooked over an open fire. But, what I love most about Kas is Kas. Kas the sass--she gets it from mama
@ryuuseiken: WHOEVER HAS A PROBLEM WITH LILLI NEEDS TO COME SEE ME SO I CAN KNOCK Y'ALL DOWN A PEG. HOW CAN YOU HAVE SUCH A PROBLEM WITH SUCH A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING? SUCH A SWEETHEART? WHO THE HELL DIDN'T HUG Y'ALL???? My lilli is my world. She is one of my best friends and I'll put on my armor and go to war for Lilli. Y'all don't need to test me, gt it?
@ALL OF U CAUSE WITHOUT ANY OF YOU, THIS BLOG WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT, I WOULD'VE PROBABLY DELETED BY NOW. Seriously, I bounced around the idea of deleting 18 so many times now because I felt that not a lot of people wanted to rp with me or even be around me. I wasn't sure if it was because of the lack of ooc, my shipping choice or just the fact that they probably don't feel 18 the way I do, but its nice to be proven wrong. I get tagged in so much positive stuff that I'm in amazement. I honestly, never expect people to say anything nice about me; I don't expect them to talk about me in a positive light or anything of the sort. It really is nice to see that they're people out there that actually are human beings still and don't allow their idealism and whatnot to get in the way of them being a human being to others.
Thank you, everyone.
-D.B. Cooper.
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moonjeweled · 7 years
Dragon: Tag someone who you see as really dedicated to their muse.
 ˜”*°•. &. POSITIVITY 2K17 || Accepting
Oh my lort, there are SO MANY people that are incredibly dedicated this might take awhile: @youmaythinkyouknowme / @urulxce / @serotiinal / @outlawiism / @silverskins / @monstrauma / @slaindivinity / @hhhotch / @circumspects / @mammaterasu / @fatherofmachine / @svvampthing  to name a few. Their posts always inspire me and amp me up tbh. I admire them so so much!
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storiesofsvu · 11 months
1, 17, and 18 for the asks please :)
1- if you're an author, how many WIPs do you currently have?
oh lort... uh... 14 ongoing plus another like, 8 "outlines" for series that are written on word and like another 27 series ideas...
then another THIRTY req's in the inbox
and another 19 that were in the inbox that have been transferred to the notebook.
So yeah... if anyone's requested anything and wondering why i haven't posted yet? this is why... there are nearly 100 things that i'm working on/on my brain. and that doesn't even include the random late night "this could be a fic" notes or texts on my phone...guys it's bad LOL.
17. describe a fic still in the "ideas" stage
hmmm... okay. I'll go SVU for ya instead of CM.
I've got a fic idea that's a slight AU for yn & joe velasco meeting in a bar one night, they click, they're flirtatious, they start dating. He treats her like a queen, there's lots of mystery, a hint of danger, she knows he's a typical bad boy, but that doesn't matter. The AU part of it is that in this universe, joe had never gotten out of the gangs and is now pretty high up in the chain of command.
18. do you have a fic reading/writing routine?
writing? i generally put on a playlist, either specific to the fic, or the genre (or a tswift album that has the right vibes) and then just give 'er. there is lots of staring at the wall or daydreaming things out, or breaks to have to research things, do some porn research or pull up real estate or restaurants in said city because im like that lol.
reading? roughly the same, background music, likely instrumental though cause i can't focus as much otherwise lol. I also tend to use my "likes" on tumblr to bookmark stuff for later. and to not be constantly checking my tumblr notes after i post something, i usually will post a chapter/fic, and then either jump on tik tok, or go through my likes and do a bunch of reading. It's pretty rare that i read something directly when it's posted, even if i'm tagged, i usually wait until i can sit down and burn through as much as i can in one go!
thanks for asking!!
fanfic asks!
0 notes
fuck-customers · 7 years
I work in a store where lots of people mainly buy a lot of different kinds of produce. Almost all of the produce has to be rung up using codes, which we cashiers memorize. Even so, it's actually fairly easy to mess up a code or enter the wrong number. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally rung people up for 12 or more of an item when they only bought 2 because my finger slipped.
Usually it's a quick fix and something that's noticed right away, but not always. Another thing is organic versus conventional (non organic) produce. Typically, organic produce is packaged AND marked differently, or at the least just marked differently.
So for example, organic broccoli typically has longer stems and are tied together with a rubber band that has a flag on it that says "organic". Heads of lettuce and cabbage have a YELLOW twist tie that says organic wrapped around them. Things like squash and tomatoes and whatever will usually have a green or YELLOW tag saying organic on it. YELLOW stickers are so important.
So one day a lady came through my line and we were chatting, her and her husband were talking about one of our produce associates and commenting on what a prick he is. We all know it, whatever, but I was you know, consoling them or whatever. Now, the difference between the code for bunched beets and (organic) hot house cucumbers is 94539 and 94593. It's the last two digits that get me mixed up ALL THE TIME.
Anyways, I had been chatting with this lady and I accidentally rung her beets through as the hot house cukes. Well, I didn't notice and they went on their way and all was fine, or so it seemed.
Well, a few minutes later, she walks back up and informs me of the mistake. It's a decently hefty difference, as well, considering that the cukes were on sale for 2 for 5 and the beets were like a dollar each. She had bought four. So it was like a $6 difference.
Anyways, I go and ring her return through no problem, I hand her back a 10 and she tells me I didn't charge her for the beets, then. I said I knew, and that it was our secret. She said thanks and walked off. I did it because the produce guy had been a jerk, it was my mistake, and they were nice. So, whatever. It's just a few bucks, not like the 10 she had already been charged. (And before you ask, the dynamics and policies in our store completely permit this, for me to give away $4 worth of beets.)
So, that's that and all is good.
Flash forward like a week. I was at work a couple days ago, and this old lady comes up to me from the bagging end with a reciept in hand. This literally always means something was rung wrong and they want it fixed. But this lady. Oh lort.
I ask her what she needs, and she's holding a bag of like 4 avocados. She fumbles for a second with her words like she's trying to find a way to phrase it how she wants and then asks me in like this super bitched up way if I can tell if her avocados are organic.
Now, remember the yellow stickers? Here's where they come in to play. Us cashiers that have been around for a bit know that yellow=organic so often we don't check anything beyond that.
I have no fucking clue why, but some dumbfuck out there in the world thought it would be a really cool idea to tag the conventional avocados with their code... on a giant yellow sticker. It's literally just a sticker that has the 4046 on it. And it's YELLOW. That's all. No fucking idea why or who thought it would be a good idea, but that's that.
I admit, me myself, I rung up a few customers as having organic when they actually had conventional thanks to whatever dumbfuck did this, until one customer brought it to my attention and told me his avocados weren't organic and I looked closer at the sticker.
However, back to the lady, I knew she hadn't been my customer because after I glanced at her avocados and informed her that they weren't conventional, she started going on about how the "guy" charged her for organics.
She was being kinda bitchy and rude, but on top of that she came up the wrong way and cut in front of a lot of people. I came extremely close to telling her that next time she needed to queue, but I could tell that if I were to do anything other than issue a refund she'd lose her shit, so I didn't.
But what I did do, is charge her for the right kind of avocados and then refunded the organics. Enjoy the $1.04 difference there, lady.
And I get that when you're struggling, every dollar counts - but that's my point. If you're nice and polite, you might get your error fixed and your produce for free. If you come up like an entitled bitchy asshole, you'll get a refund, but you'll also get charged for the right stuff ;)
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acheandhunger · 7 years
I was tagged by the lovely @bela-talbot, thank you!
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: Neither tbh
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Both
3. Coffee or Tea: Coffee (but I like tea too)
4. Books or Movies: Both (but as of late I like movies)
5. Windows or Mac: Idk the difference soooo
6. DC or Marvel: Um...
7. Xbox or Playstation: Either
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: Never heard of them
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: night owl
10. Cards or Chess: Cards
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
12. Vans or Converse: Vans 
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: I have no idea what this means
14. Fluff or Angst: Flangst (fluffy angst)
15. Beach or Forest: Both
16. Dogs or Cats: Don’t make me choose!
17. Clear Skies or Rain: Rain 
18. Cooking or Eating Out: Neither lmao
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: Mild
20. Halloween/Samhain or Solstice/Yule/Christmas: Halloween
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: Cold, I hate being too hot
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifter
23. Animation or Live Action: Both!
24. Paragon or Renegade: I don’t understand that reference. (I googled it and I think its another video game thing)
25. Baths or Showers: Showers
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Batman
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: A mixture of both
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they:
1. “A wise man once told me, family don’t end in blood. But it doesn’t start there either. Family cares about you, not what you can do for them. Family’s there through the good, bad, all of it. They got your back even when it hurts. That’s family” -Dean Winchester
2. “Don’t tell me truth hurts, little girl. Cause it hurts like hell.” -Jareth (Goblin king, Labyrinth) 
3.  “Give me back my oxygen mask. Cause I don't want to feel the walls of my heart collapse.” - The art of anesthesia // Say We Can Fly
4. “‘I'd live for you,’ and that's hard to do. Even harder to say when you know it's not true.” -Ride // Twenty one pilots
29. YouTube or Netflix: Both
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: I’ve never read these books...
31. When You Feel Accomplished: Ummm...
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Wars I guess
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: Books are books
34. Handwriting or Typing: I like both
35. Velvet or Satin: I hate velvet.. so Satin
36. Video Games or Movies: Movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? Owning a dragon seems like way to much responsibility so I’d rather be one.
38. Sunrise or sunset: Sunset
39. What’s your favourite song? At the moment its, All I want by Kodaline
40. Horror Movies yes or no: YEs
41. Long hair or short hair: I like both, but my hair is short
42. Opera or Theatre: Theater (but neither as well)
43: Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? That’s a very hard question because do you realize how many different “universes” there’d be? But probably Supernatural cause I’d like to meet angels and demons and witches and such. But also maybe Criminal Minds to maybe help Reid out of the situation he’s in right now..
44: Are you scared of thunderstorms? Why? Not really, but I hate loud noises and so do my animals.
45: If you were going to move in the next two months, where would it be and why? Oh dear lort, I don’t wanna think about that
46: What is one superpower you should never be allowed to possess? Why? Invisibility cause then literally no one would ever see me again, I would be long gone. Hitched a ride on airplane to somewhere and live off of stolen things. Where no one would have a clue where there stuff went. (And by stuff I mean money mostly lmao). Would that make me a bad person? HA.
47. If you could be a mythical creature, what would you want to be? I would like to be either a Valkyrie or a Wisp (like from Brave).
48. Favorite time of day?  <New question (Mine is 10:30pm when I go to bed)
I don’t have this many people to tag, but I’ll tag:  @royalrowena​ @lovelybenny​  @amaranthinecastiel​  @jimminovak​  @rowenaskitten @lullabyjensen (as always you don’t have to do this if you’ve been tagged already or if you just don’t want to :)
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sapphirewolf100 · 6 years
I Have Been Tagged Ohoho
Tagged by @leiderschneider​ OH MY LORT I AM B LE SS ED Can you answer all of these without lying? (I wouldn’t doubt it my dood)
1. Last thing you put in your mouth? - I believe it was a hostess cake thing
2. Where was your blog picture taken? - if we talkin bout my icon y’all Rammstein fans know this was from the “Sonne” music video eDe if we talking bout my blog header then I drew that myself >:3c
3. Worst pain i ever experienced? - Damn idk what immediately pops into my head is when I got my frenulum removed (that lil muscle/tissue you have that’s right above your front teeth and connects to your lip)
4. How many times have you been married? - Nadda bc I am a single pringle
5. How late did you stay up last night? - I think past midnight even tho I should’ve slept earlier bc I was hella t i r e d 
 6. If you could move somewhere else right now,where would it be? - Where I should be moving in like a few weeks (which is me Mom’s) bc I’ll have to start over again and get outta this miserable hell hole that currently houses S t e v e the dickhead who stole all my shit (funny I was gonna make a post about me moving out of state but I guess this will do for rn asdfghj)
7. Do any of your tumblr friends live close to you? - Not that I know of no ;0;
8. Last time you cried? - Oh heck that might’ve been like 3 weeks ago bc I had a big ass mental meltdown w h o o ps 
9. Who took your profile picture? - depends on what y’all talkin bout eDe
10. How many marriage proposals have you had? - Nadda bc here again, I am a single pringle
11. If you could have any career,what would it be? - Oh heck idk maybe an author or smthn (maybe I’d actually get around to writing/drawing out my comics I wanna make ASDFGHJ) 
12. Last book you read? - I honestly can’t remember..
13. If you could talk to anyone right now who would it be? - Maybe my grandfather...I feel like he’d know what to do rn
14. Are you a good influence? - I guess I am??? Idk but I’ve been told a lotta people look up to me & I’m an inspiration (My cousin’s kid is starting to say she wants to be an artist now bc of me)
15. Does pineapple belong on a pizza? - On y’alls pizza if ya want but not mine bc imma be topping it with MEAT and olives
16. You have the remote,what channel would you watch? - maybe the weather channel bc I’m such an old lady with my habits
17. Whom do you think would play along? - ... -squints- what the hell y’all talkin bout (Spiel mit Mir is playing in my head now LMAO)
18. Have you graduated from a university? - Nope but I graduated from High School YEET (I’m a dumbass why would I be in college/a uni)
19. Favourite football team? - I’m not really into sports my dude tbh (as y’all have noticed from all these questions I am boring as HELL) y’all beautiful people out here whoever wants to do this be my guest ohohoo (I’m honestly hardcore multitasking so I can’t tag ppl rn asdfghj)
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