#oisy fanfic
sophiie2000 · 9 months
Never Again
Oof, I finally found time to finish this fic I started while still writing the longer fic I posted!
It feels like ages since I found the time to write, and I've missed it, so it was nice to be able to finish this one!
Kuranosuke x Reader
Words ~ 1957
⛔️ T/W - insinuated/references to SA. 🔞
I felt nothing as I hurried from the office block of my latest client.
Uncertainty consumed my only thoughts. In fact, even if it did not, I fear it would be impossible for me to generate any other thoughts right now.
Except thoughts of what had just occurred inside the office I wished never to return to.
How long had it been since I had escaped the suffocating air of that room? How long had I been running for? Wait… when did I start running?
As one new thought followed the next, another realisation dawned on me.
I was soaked.
A mirthless laugh escaped my tightly drawn lips. The downpour matches my chaotic mind. Ironically, while I seemed unable to produce any new thoughts, my mind had no problem replaying the scene from that office over and over again. On repeat. As though a broken record was tirelessly looping.
Looking down at my slightly dishevelled clothing, a sigh escaped me. Bottom lip trembling, my eyes began to sting from the unshed tears forming at their edges.
I, so desperately, did not want to cry. Especially not here.
That man did not deserve my tears.
My hand still stung and burned red from the impact of the palm meeting cheek. Yet that hurt far less than what had occurred in the moments before.
The feel of his firm grip still imprinted itself on my hips. The smell of his cologne lingered, proving just how closely he had pressed himself against my back. I dreaded the thought that any lingering marks would still be present on my skin come the morning.
I felt sick.
But what I feared more… was the repercussions my actions would have on the company. My manager… my husband.
What would his reaction be to hearing I had raised my hand at a client?
There was no way the client would have informed my company of what had truly transpired inside that room. There were no other individual’s present. No witnesses to his unacceptable actions. So, there was no way my bosses would be aware of why I had acted how I had. Not that I would expect them to condone my actions. Understand, maybe.
I opted not to return to the office today. They could scold me tomorrow. I didn’t have the sanity to endure a lecture now.
Right now, I needed a shower. I wanted to scrub this dirty stench off of me. I hated the sensation of his hands on me. Why could I still feel his hands on me? The chill from the rain had successfully numbed my body… but it hadn’t, couldn’t, numb the feel of his grip.
Entering the home I shared with my husband, I cautiously placed my shoes out of the way. It's funny how, even in times of emotional turmoil, routine still managed to guide me through my actions. I headed straight towards the bedroom.
I discarded my phone haphazardly onto the bed, ignoring the abundance of messages and missed calls littering its screen. They didn’t matter. I’d deal with them later.
Finally, I headed into the bathroom. Stripping myself bare, I could not have escaped the soiled clothing any quicker.
But that was neither quick enough nor remotely enough to ease the sickening feeling in my stomach.
Initially, I blasted my body with icy cold water, praying the shock would drag me out of the spiral I found myself in.
But it didn’t.
So, turning the dial to the shower, I made it as hot as I could bare. Truthfully, it was hot enough to lightly scold my skin. Anything to feel something other than filthy. Anything other than his touch.
Still, that wasn’t enough.
Soon, I was scrubbing roughly at my skin. Scrubbing until I was red, raw, as though I could delete any sign of him. Grazes left in the aftermath.
Still… it wasn’t enough.
Suddenly, a wave of vertigo took over. My legs crumbled beneath me.
As the water from the shower continued to fall upon me, I pulled my knees into my chest. I wasn’t sure what I was focusing on, but that small speck on the edge of the bath, just below the tiles, soon captured my full attention.
I became oblivious to my surroundings. But the pounding of my heart became deafeningly loud as relived that moment. Over, and over.
Somewhere in my dazed state, I could hear the sound of my name. The tone that called out to me sounded panicked. Out of breath.
Was that the sound of someone banging? Never mind. I wanted to be alone. The banging would go away soon enough.
And it did.
Except the next moment, I found myself pulled from my daze.
When I flinched. The sensation of firm hands gripping my bare shoulders caused me to recoil from their owner.
But when I looked up, I was met with the fearful, concerned eyes of my husband. My tyrant manager, but loving husband. My Kuranosuke.
And it was the sight of him that caused the tears I had held back for so long to finally cascade down my cheeks. The floodgates opened, and suddenly, I couldn’t hold back any longer.
Kuranosuke, obviously surprised by my fragile state, joined me. Sitting beneath the hot flowing shower, pulling me into a reassuring embrace, despite still being fully clothed. His shirt clung deliciously to his toned chest, a sight I would normally ogle more but right now I didn’t have the ability to focus on anything beyond the tears cascading down my cheeks and the feeling of filth coating my skin.
His fingers ran soothingly through my wet locks. His other hand held me tightly to his chest. I felt as he gasped when he noticed the redness of my skin. The bruises, obviously the shape of hands, on my hips and neck. The indentation of teeth in my shoulder, now purpling as the trauma my body had endured, surfaced.
I’m sure if he looked hard enough, he would find more.
But I didn’t want him to look. I didn’t want anyone to see the marks. As his gaze roamed over my body, the anger steaming from him, I felt shame crawl up my body.
I felt weak. I felt embarrassed. And I wanted to hide from the world.
I had been doing my job. A job I was good at. But being a female in an industry dominated by males, saw a male client believe I needed to use my body to be capable of doing my job. That I should service his needs with my body rather than my working ability.
Shame mixed with anger, and my tears continued to fall.
I wasn’t sure when he had moved us, but I found myself pulled from my thoughts, and wrapped in a fluffy cotton towel, and Kuranosuke’s gentle hands, carefully, drying my body.
I didn’t mean to flinch when his hand ghosted my hip, but the hurt that briefly passed his eyes before a mask of indifference slid into place told me he had noticed my movement.
“Y/n… When you are ready, will you please tell me what happened?” Kuranosuke’s whisper breezed by my cheek. “I knew something was wrong when you didn’t answer your phone, when you didn’t come back to the office after your meeting… and when the client phoned claiming you had had an outburst… I knew something didn’t add up”
I shuddered. He wasn’t angry at me for not answering my phone. He hadn’t questioned my actions before finding me. He knew me. He knew how I worked. And he knew that if I had acted out, that I had done so with reason.
“H-h-h-he t-t-t-touched m-m-me” I hated how my voice trembled, and I stumbled over the words. But in this moment, I felt weak, I felt scared, but I was in the arms of someone whom I could be vulnerable with. Who I trusted to see me when I felt my weakest.
Kuranosuke’s eyes turned murderous. They trailed the marks, which poked out from the his t-shirt he had given me to wear.
Taking a deep breath, I continued, “He insinuated, as a woman, the only thing I was good for was being in his bed. Being his play thing. He wasn’t interested in my concepts. He didn’t want to talk business with me. And when I stood up to leave, he cornered me. A-a-and… well y-you can s-see the r-rest…”.
I pressed my tear streaked face into Kuranosuke’s warm, welcoming chest. His arms tightened around me. Protecting me. Offering me a place to hide from the world.
“Kunihiro asked me to call him once I found you. He was worried, too. He knows you’re a good worker. He was worried about what could have caused you to rush out of a meeting and not answer your phone to anyone…”My husband brushed a gentle kiss to my temple, inhaling the scent of my shampoo as his nuzzled into the top of my head. “I’m going to call him –”
“NO!” I interrupted him slightly too loudly. Wincing I continued, “Sorry… but no, don’t. I’ll call him. I owe him an apology for disappearing like I did, and for striking a client”
“Don’t even think about apologising for that! Y/n, what that man did was disgusting. He never should have laid a hand on you, insinuated you were less capable of doing your job than a man, and he will not be a client of ours. I assure you of that”.
I offered my husband a small smile, grateful for his anger on my behalf, before pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“I have a call to make.” As I picked up my phone, Kuranosuke slipped his fingers through mine, offering my hand a tight, supportive squeeze.
“I’ll be right here, with you”.
Nodding once, I returned one of the many missed calls littering my phone.
15 minutes later, I shut my phone off. Releasing a sigh, I didn’t realise I had been holding.
As I stepped out of the bedroom and into our living room, Kuranosuke stood from the sofa, offering me a steaming cup of chamomile tea.
“I thought it might help you relax slightly, I know you’ll be feeling tense, but I wasn’t sure what to do…” He mumbled uncertainly.
“Thank you… just being here for me is enough”
I offered what I hoped was a tentative smile.
“Kunihiro has given me some time off. Once I told him my side, he asked me to go into the office tomorrow to make a formal complaint. He’d like me to take some photographs of my injuries for HR. He said I won’t be reprimanded for striking the client. And that he will be informing them that we won’t be working with them unless they remove him from the company”.
Kuranosuke hesitated for a moment before finally reaching his hand out to place it on my thigh. He watched carefully, and when I didn’t shudder under his touch, he brushed it soothingly over my thigh. I snuggled in closer to his side. We fit together perfectly, like we were made for each other.
I felt safe.
And for the first time since I escaped that office building, I the feeling of disgust that had wrapped around my neck, strangling me, finally dissipated.
As I began to relax into his side, I felt my husband too relax into me. As he pressed a soft, loving his to my temple, I felt the brush of his whispered words…
“Never again will I let you walk into danger. Never again…”
And never before had I felt so comforted by such a promise.
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kurooblossom · 9 months
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➤ Word Count: 644 ➤ Inspiration: Prompt
➤ Series: Oops, I Said Yes?! (Love 365: Find Your Story)
➤ Pairing: Kiba Kuranosuke x Reader  
➤ Tags: co-workers, f!reader, pre-canon, pre-relationship, references to Kuranosuke’s route, superior/underlying power dynamic
➤ A/N: My writer’s block is back. 💀💀💀
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Despite working for years with one another long before the two were ever married, Y/N never truly picked up on how deeply Kuranosuke’s desire for cleanliness went. Sure, he had gotten onto her about the ‘mess’ that was her desk. An empty bottle here, a forgotten scrap piece of paper there, trash only pilling up on her desk during periods when she was busier than usual. The blizzard of the production department ran a tight ship, so she didn’t think too much of his scolding about her tidiness from time to time. However, what should’ve tipped her off about his true nature was their day business trip shortly before that fateful night.
While it was rare for both herself and Kuranosuke, her superior, to work together so closely on a project, they did so for a project for one of their newer clients. The opening to the client’s new exhibit was earlier that evening, and it was a little outside of Tokyo, so Kuranosuke offered to drive the two of them to the location as it was the easiest option and didn’t risk the two getting stuck if they missed the final train.
Kuranosuke was never the easiest to talk to. Whether it was because of his position as her superior or his icy wall when it came to anything outside of work, the two mostly kept to themselves. Aside from the occasional comment, or the male’s wearily warnings about something, the car ride was mostly quiet. Which only made what would happen so much worse.
“Do you want some?” Y/N asked, holding out the bag of candy to him.
Briefly looking over to her outstretched hand, Kuranosuke’s brows furrowed at the bag of candy. The bag was familiar. After the project the two had just wrapped up was for a sweet shop, the workers there were kind enough to gift them some sweets for all the hard work they did. The bag in her hand was the exact same one they had gifted both of them.
“No.” He replied shortly, his eyes returning to the road.
Mouthing a silent ‘oh’, Y/N lowered the bag of candy back into her lap, dejectedly picking out a piece for herself.
“Don’t make a mess.” Kuranosuke continued.
“Yes, sir.” 
With no more reason to talk, the car fell silent. It remained that way for a while, with only the sound of the candy bag rustling and the car being heard.
The silence was broken, however, some time later. The road they were driving on was being worked on, areas of the pavement uneven, and parts of the other lane was blocked off. The tire of the rental car hit a bump in the road, jostling the car slightly. She snapped her eyes shut at the sounds of little bits of candy bouncing into the crevices of her superior’s rental car. 
A heavy silence lingered in the air momentarily before the silence was broken by the sound of a growled out, “what did I tell you?”
“...To not make a mess.”
His fingers tightened around the wheel as he inhaled a sharp breath. His lips opened and then closed, Y/N interrupting Kuranosuke before he could speak another word.
“I’ll m-make sure it’s all cleaned up before we return the car!” She quickly managed out.
Leaning forward, her hands swiftly got to work picking up each of the small pieces of colorful dots scattered across the car’s center console and floor. One hand filled up with the colors of the rainbow as her other hand grabbed them. 
“At least put them into a napkin or something.” Kuranosuke sighed, eyeing the candy that dared to overflow from her tiny palm while he drove.
Even after that night, somehow, she found herself not prepared for the demon Kuranosuke is within the walls of his own home...
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kamyru · 5 months
Do you know how Kuranosuke forgives Shiori for what she has done? I love this about his personality and character in general. He is the toughest and roughest out of all OISY guys, hardest to interact with and so on. Yet, the fact that he forgives his former wife for cheating on him gives him a little bit of contradiction in his personality, adds him depth, shows that he is not the bad person he wants other to think about him.
And I really wanted to use this weapon of his in my fanfics. However, I didn't know how. But these days, I finally got an idea about how to add Shiori to my multi-chapter enemies to lovers OISY AU. And not just as a mention, but as one of the main casts, giving her the lovable personality that Kuranosuke had mentioned in his first season, with all her softness and inability to say no and state her wishes.
I am against cheating. I think it's everyone's choice to forgive someone who cheats on them, and personally, I know I can't. I won't be able to act as Kuranosuke did and fight for the cheater's happiness. But the story is not about me. And trying to write someone who is so far from me is very interesting.
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sophiie2000 · 1 year
The Only Woman He Could Ever Marry
Shu Hasunuma x MC
Shu realises something has happened to his wife at work, before she can even confide in him, how does he come to her rescue?
~ 2364 words
Disclaimer - Characters belong to Voltage Inc
Hurried steps bashed along the pavement. The sound of shoes meeting the hard floor sounded almost jolly in tune. You could hear the skip in the owner’s step. 
Shu could not hide the smile forming on his face. The thought of returning home to his IRL wifey had him behaving like an excitable pup. 
Before he was married, going home meant he could finally shed the princely façade, hop into his oversized green tracksuit and play video games for hours upon hours. 
Yet now he got to enjoy the thrill of doing all that, with the woman he loved. With the woman who loved him. The real him. 
When he entered his front door, his jovial mood came to an abrupt holt. He knew immediately that something was wrong. 
Call it a husband’s intuition, or the fact he could analyse the information he had managed to accumulate over the course of their co-habitation, the logistics did not matter. Shu knew something was wrong. All based on a few little differences. 
First, upon opening the door, he could not smell the delish aroma of whatever meal his wife was making for their dinner tonight. Nor could he hear her pottering about in the kitchen. 
Secondly, there was no music playing. No humming along from the woman he loved. Which meant he would not be graced with the view of his wife dancing around the kitchen, singing whatever song was next in her playlist. 
And finally, she was not there to greet him. 
These three facts told Shu that something wasn’t right. Forgoing his usual ritual of putting his bag by his desk and heading to the bedroom to change into his oversized tracksuit, he dropped his belongings and started going in and out of the rooms of their apartment. 
It was a small apartment, cosy and plenty for the two of them, so it did not take him long to search each room. Finally, Shu came to the final room of the apartment to check. MC’s old room. They had all but forgone staying in separate rooms once their relationship had become a true one. 
Upon approach, he found the door slightly ajar. The sound of his wife talking quietly on the phone while crying came through the open crack. He could hear every devastating word his wife spoke. Her words crushing him.
“I don’t know what to do Yuiko… I’m not sure how much more I can take. I always thought I was strong… stronger than this. But their words hurt. Hearing they don’t think I am good enough for him, that he deserves someone skinnier, prettier and smarter… I ignored them to begin with but now it’s too much. When they just spoke about my looks I ignored them. It didn’t matter what they saw in my looks, that’s all superficial anyway. But now they’re trying to sabotage my work. You should have seen Mr Kasai’s and Kuranosuke’s faces when I had to inform them that I didn’t have the materials they wanted. Who would have thought they would go as far as to destroy my back up copies too?”
Shu went to move away from the door before he heard his wife’s next words, stopping him in his tracks.
���No of course I haven’t told Shu about this… no I’m not going to, he doesn’t need to be worrying about this. I just came home to grabs some bits to go back to the office. I need to finish those files again before 9 am tomorrow so I’ll be staying over at the office all night. God, I hope Shu doesn’t ask too many questions, he’ll probably be disappointed in me too…”
Shu could listen no more. His wife was breaking, and that hurt him too. But what hurt more was she still felt unable to talk to him. After everything they went through before, she was going to keep something like this from him.
Shu knew his wife wouldn’t confide in him, not yet. But now he knew, he couldn’t pretend he was none the wiser. Especially not when she was getting reprimanded and having to work late to try fix a problem that was not her fault. 
Pulling his phone from his pocket, he dialled a number he hardly ever used anymore. After a few rings, a gruff voice answered on the other end. 
“Kuranosuke, it’s Shu. Yes… I need to talk to you about the situation with MC earlier today. You are still at the office? Splendid, myself and MC will actually be on our way back shortly, if you could wait for me there, I would appreciate it. Mr Kasai too if he is still there.” 
Hanging up the phone, Shu announced himself loudly. Making it appear as though he had only just returned home. He was ready to be her support. Even if she would be none the wiser to it right now. 
Shu had informed his wife that he needed to go back to the office. When she had told him she too needed to return, he took her hand and insisted they journey together. Her eyes showed the tell-tale signs that she had been crying, but Shu politely ignored them. He knew his wife wouldn’t appreciate him pointing out her red eyes, and puffy nose. A sight he, however, found endearing. 
When they arrived that the office, Shu noticed how MC cowered from the harsh glare she received from Kuranosuke as she hurried to her desk, immediately beginning to work on her files. Shu felt the room go cold, understanding fully why they called Kuranosuke the blizzard. 
“Shu.” Kuranosuke spoke, directing a glance towards the conference room. “Kunihiro is already waiting for us inside.” 
Nodding once, Shu followed the other man towards the conference room. When he entered he Kunihiro offered him a polite smile, although Shu could sense the tension rolling off him. Evidently the files were a lot more important than Shu was aware of.
“Shu, what can we do for you? I hear you phone Kuranosuke and asked for us both directly” Kunihiro got straight to the point. His face was now in business mode. 
“Mr Kasai… Kuranosuke. Before I begin, I must stress the fact my wife is unaware I am having this conversation with you… in truth she is unaware that I overheard her conversation regarding the matter…” Shu began glancing out the conference room towards MC’s desk.
“So this is regarding MC.” Kuranosuke grumbled. Despite his tone, there was a hint of concern in the glance he directed towards the woman sitting at her desk.
“She was set up. And it is my fault” Shu blurted out. This earned him shocked looks from his superiors. Thinking it best he explains, he continued. “MC hasn’t confided in me, but I overheard a phone call she was having this evening with her friend. Truthfully it is also the reason I am aware that some files she was supposed to hand you did not find their way into your hands.” 
“That is correct. MC was supposed to have the finished files complete and on my desk at 3 pm this afternoon. However, not only did she come empty handed saying she had misplaced them, she then informed me that she had not saved any back up files, so there was nothing. The client is expecting a meeting regarding these files at lunchtime tomorrow. I need those files at 9 am latest tomorrow to salvage some sort of meeting.” Kunihiro was evidently furious. But Shu could tell from his tone, he didn’t believe MC had told him everything.
“You say she was set up… how?” Kuranosuke asks.
“Since we announced our marriage, she has been being harassed. From what I heard her telling her friend, it started out as comments about her appearance. Her looks, her weight… those sorts of things.” Shu was evidently uncomfortable that his wife had endured something similar to what he had at school. The difference being, to him she was perfect. Shaking his head, he continued. “But now, they are beginning to try ruin her work. Taking files was the beginning. Making it look like she had misplaced them. Now they are taking the files, and destroying the back up ones. Putting her in situations like the one she finds herself in now.”
“Why wouldn’t she tell us this earlier?” Kunihiro asked, looking at the other two men.
“MC isn’t that sort of person. She doesn’t like getting others into trouble. She hates confrontations. She is kind. She would take all the blame, if it would prevent someone else getting any grief.” Kuranosuke spoke. 
Shu nodded. Kuranosuke had described his wife in a nutshell perfectly. 
“Very well. I best go help MC with these files. It was not her fault that I had employees who think it is ok to knock others down. Kuranosuke, keep an eye on the floor over the next week. I want to be the first to know of any employee sabotaging others. Shu, thank you for informing us of this. I didn’t think MC was incompetent at her job and I was struggling to find an explanation for such an out of character lapse in judgement, so I am glad you informed us. I will personally be speaking with MC about the matter and how we hope to resolve it going forward. Gentlemen, if you would excuse me, I have an employee to help” Kunihiro declared. 
As he set off to walk, both Kuranosuke and Shu followed behind. They too would help. The more hands, the quicker the work would finish. 
MC evidently had heard their approaching footsteps. She looked up and cowered slightly at the intimidating sight of the three of them together. 
“Mr Kasai, Sir, I am so sorry about the mess I have made. I promise you, these files will be done and on your desk by 9 am.” MC stumbled over her words, her voice trembling still from the tears she had cried earlier this evening. 
“MC. No apologies. It was brought to my attention that this was not your fault, and frankly I did not believe you would have had such a lapse in judgement. We are here to help you, let’s get those files completed before the night is out so you can get home” He offered her a kind smile. One MC returned gratefully. 
Her eyes drifted to meet her adoring husband. He offered her a slight smile, one that told her he had been the one to inform the others of something being wrong. She didn’t know how he knew, but she mouthed him a grateful thank you before directing her gaze back to her computer screen. 
Five hours later, and the clock was dangerously close to signalling a new day. The printer fell silent. A chorus of soft sighs waved across the room. The group had successfully compiled the files that were needed for the meeting. 
Kuranosuke and Shu had worked on half, while Kunihiro and MC had worked on the other. During that time, Kunihiro had questioned MC about what had really happened. When she had divulged the details of what she had been experiencing, Kunihiro was both angry at his subordinate, but also grateful MC had felt she could talk with him truthfully now. 
Instructing Shu and MC to return home, Kuranosuke stated he and Kunihiro could manage the rest. Maybe it was his way of being polite, knowing the couple needed to talk, nonetheless Shu was grateful. Grasping his wives had tightly in his own, he headed towards the elevator. 
 The journey home had been peaceful. Shu had kept a firm hold on MC’s delicate hand, rubbing his thumb over her hand, caressing her fingers. As soon as they returned home, MC headed straight into the bathroom, showering before heading into their bedroom. 
Shu was already waiting for her in their bed. He listed the edge of the duvet, beckoning MC into his warm embrace. Once she snuggled into his chest, he finally felt himself relax, releasing a sigh he hadn’t realised he had been holding. 
“How did you know something like that had happened Shu?” MC asked the question she had silently been stewing over since the three men had agreed to help her. 
“I heard you on the phone earlier. I couldn’t pretend I didn’t know anything, but I knew you would never ask me for my help. I’m sorry for going behind your back, but I wish you would have felt like you could confide in me. Or been honest with Kunihiro and Kuranosuke!”
“I know, I’m sorry Shu. I thought I could handle them without giving them any attention. But I guess I couldn’t… I just wanted to show you, you married the right person. When they suggested you should have married someone better, I was upset. I wanted to prove them wrong.” MC murmured her confession into his chest. Shu felt his chest warm and a blush tinge his cheeks. 
“MC… You are the only woman I could ever marry. You will always be the best decision I made. I love you” His confession fell from his lips easily, despite the furious blush tinging his cheeks. 
He tightened his embrace on his wife. No way in hell was he going to let her look at his face right now. If he could feel the blush, he knew she would be able to see it. 
However, she seemed to revel in his embrace, and she nuzzled in closer, inhaling his scent.
“I love you, too, Shu. And thank you for coming and helping me” Her words vibrated through him. Warming him right to his core.
The usual happy feeling he felt when he held his wife close filling him to the brim. 
He may not have been able to enjoy their usual evening of watching his wife sing and dance in their kitchen, welcome him home, cook him food, or play video games together. 
But so long as he could hold her in his arms come nightfall, well, that would be a blissful end to another day married. 
Married to the only woman he could ever marry.
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kurooblossom · 10 months
「OH GOD」 大門十護
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➤ Word Count: 316 ➤ Fandom: Oops, I Said Yes?!
➤ Pairing: Daimon Togo x reader
➤ Tags: accidental kiss, embarrassment, f!reader, first kiss, fluff, probably ooc since I wrote this mostly half asleep
➤ A/N: This is super rushed, but I just wanted to get something out in celebration of Togo’s route being released tomorrow. 🤧 I honestly forgot what date it was and uh... yeah.
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"THAT’S IT!” Y/N exclaimed, interrupting the brunette who stood across from her in the now mostly deserted office.
"Did you- mmph!"
Without much time to react, her smaller and much softer hands cupped each of his cheeks and pulled his face downward. His light brown eyes widened as her lips connected with his. The kiss last no longer than a few seconds, but those few seconds felt like minutes or even hours. Not that he would complain about it.
Within that short period of time, he couldn’t help but taken in every little new piece of information about her. Like the warmth and softness of her lips, how much more beautiful she was this close, how her touch felt natural despite this being the first time she has done such a thing.
Much sooner than he’d cared to admit, their lips eventually parted, along with her hands. The places where she had come onto contact with felt cold and barren, much like something was missing. 
“... Oh, god.” She murmured under her breath as she pulled away, visibly realizing what she had done and where she has done it. Her eyes widen comically as her gaze met his, and all the color in her cheeks drained instantly. “I- I’m so s-sorry!”
“It’s alright.” Togo managed out, his voice slightly more gruff than usual.
Feeling heat creep up to his cheeks and ear tips, the brunette turned away from the girl. Silently, he thanked his lucky stars that no one else was around. In all honesty, he doesn’t know what he would do if they were. Even now, he didn’t know.
"... Just remember where you are next time.” He lightly scolded, with no anger or coldness in his voice. “Find me if you need any more help.”
Not allowing for another word to be spoken, Togo hurriedly escaped to his desk, where he cursed his racing heartbeat.
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sophiie2000 · 1 year
Our Own New Year Celebration
Eek, first fic I'm posting for 2023!!🎇
If you've read any of the other posts on my blog, you may have noticed I got very excited about the Oops I Said Yes stories.♡♡
As such, it only seemed fitting, that the first fic I posted involved one of Voltage's, in my opinion, best LI's!♥︎♥︎
Kuranosuke Kiba x MC
Away on a business trip, MC misses out on sharing her first New Year with Kuranosuke. Yet would the blizzard let the New Year pass without some sort of celebration with his wife?
A whole lot of Fluff, and a little bit of Smut later on!
Disclaimer - Characters belong to Voltage Inc
~ 2615 words
01 January 00:01 am… they had missed seeing the New Year in together. This was the thought that intruded on MC as she gazed out of her hotel room window, watching the display of brightly coloured fireworks explode in the night sky. 
She couldn’t help but feel defeated. Downhearted to have been away from her husband for the New Year. She wasn’t a teenager anymore. It wasn’t the upset of missing out on that midnight kiss. It wasn’t even the missing out on drinking the night away. 
She simply missed him. 
This would have been their first New Year together as a couple. A funny thought, considering this time last year he was no more than her strict supervisor.
The blizzard. Someone she admired, but truthfully had never thought she would converse with outside of work.
Now, they were married. They could have started their own silly New Year tradition together. Like they did for Christmas. The special breakfast before opening their stockings. 
Would they have played a few board games? Shared some drinks? Danced in the comfort of their own home? Or would they have made plans with their friends or families?
These were the thoughts that niggled in the back of MC’s mind. Instead of being home, with her husband, celebrating the New Year… she was staying in a hotel 6 hours away from away. 
What was her husband doing? Had he made plans? Unlikely… he was probably preoccupied with a little someone. MC giggled as she imagined her strict husband turning to mush as he doted on their little kitten.
Expressions as sweet as the desserts he secretly relished so much. Nothing could melt her husband’s strict façade quite like Haru, their beloved kitten. 
There was 2 more days of her business trip. She had a meeting with a client. One, so important, it couldn’t wait until after the holidays nor be conducted over the phone.
MC didn’t mind, of course. She loved her job. But she couldn’t help but wish the meeting had fallen on a different day, been finished sooner, or her husband could have been present too. 
Should she send him a message wishing him a Happy New Year? She had typed various forms of the message out five or six times, only to erase it seconds later. Thinking her blizzard of a husband would be more exasperated in her spending her time daydreaming of him, rather than focusing on the companies very important client. 
This is an important meeting, focus birdbrain! She chuckled, she could easily hear his exasperation as she imagined his reaction.
Sighing, MC chucked her phone down onto the plush sofa, before throwing her weary body down into the thick, velvety soft sheets of the king-sized bed. A bed so big felt cold, and lonely without her husband’s warm body snoozing dreamily beside her. 
So, she built a Kuranosuke size pillow fort to fill the void. Silly, she knew, but it filled the large space beside her. Although nothing could ever compare to the real thing. 
Sighing softly, and nuzzling into the soft pillows, MC tugged the thick duvet over her head and closed her eyes. Welcoming the dreamland that was beckoning her closer so sweetly. Dreaming dreams of the side to her husband only she knew.
2 days later, MC’s important meeting had just come to a successful conclusion. 
“Thank you, Ms ___ for taking the time to meet us, especially during the holidays. Your designs envisioned our plans perfectly… in fact they went above what we had expected of someone, well so young! We very much look forward to working with Miyoshi Concepts on this project.” 
The lead client was excitedly shaking MC’s hand as they said their goodbyes. A sense of accomplishment filled her as she smiled brightly. 
“Sir your praise means a great deal. I just hope we can live up to your expectations. And it is no problem, we at Miyoshi Concepts remained open for the holiday period and so I was more than happy to come meet with you. Please, if you have any other questions for us, do not hesitate to contact me and I will endeavour to answer them all.” 
Bowing slightly, MC smiled to the client before heading back to the hotel to collect her belongings. A successful meeting with the client meant she would finally be heading home. A thought that hastened her steps.
It did not take her long to arrive back at the hotel. Having been excited at the prospect of returning home today, MC had packed her bags readily earlier that morning.
She felt like a lovesick teenager, excited to be reunited with her boyfriend. Jeez, it has only been a week… she thought, smiling ruefully to herself. 
Still, no amount of self-exasperation made her delay hurrying to the airport ready to catch her flight. On route to the airport, MC fired off a quick email to the team, which consisted of Kunihiro, Kuranosuke, Ukyo, Shu and Eiji to let them know the meeting had been successful and the client had given her designs the green light. 
And a couple of hours later, MC had settled into her seat, and was finally on a flight home. 
It was almost 7pm by the time MC had finally gotten home. She had tried to contact Kuranosuke to let him know she had landed and was on her way home but he hadn’t responded.
MC assumed he must have been busy working overtime. A thought that only intensified upon approach to their home, shrouded in darkness. 
Upon walking through the door to their home, MC was greeted by an excitable kitten. Giggling softly, and placing her bags down on the floor, MC gently petted Haru. 
“Shh, make sure you don’t tell Kuranosuke I left my bags in the entryway for a few minutes just to pet you, otherwise he’ll fine me for breaking the rules!” MC chuckled whispering to the cat conspiratorially. 
“Idiot. If you don’t want a fine, you shouldn’t leave your things around the house” A grumble came from the direction of the bedroom. The grumble of a man who MC had thought not to be here. 
“Kuranosuke!” MC startled. Jumping up from the ground. 
Her shock didn’t matter for too long, however. It was soon forgotten about when she made eye contact with her husband for the first time in a week. A smile immediately finding its way onto her face, before she lunged herself at him. 
“Woah… hey… MC!” Kuranosuke exclaimed in surprise, flustered as he just managed to catch his wife. Yet the surprise look was soon replaced by a gentler expression. A smile full of love. As he tightened his arms around his beloved wife, he nuzzled his face into her neck, inhaling her perfume. “Welcome home”, his whisper ghosted passed MC’s neck, sending a wave of goose bumps over her skin. 
“Heh, it’s good to be home!” MC smiled, slowly releasing Kuranosuke from her embrace. 
She was just about to venture into the bedroom with her bags when a panicked Kuranosuke blocked her path. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow in his direction, even attempting sidestep around him. Yet he only forced his body between her and the bedroom door. 
“Kuranosuke? I need to go into the bedroom now… you know, so I can put my stuff away?” MC chided, still eyeing him suspiciously. 
“No. You… uh… you can’t go in there right now…” 
Interesting… her husband was never this flustered or stumbled over his words.
“And why not?” MC asked, a teasing tone to her voice. She watched a Kuranosuke visibly swallowed. He was nervous… but why?
“You… you just had a long flight, you should go take a bath! Yes, a bath! That’s a good idea. I will put your bags away for you while you relax in the bath!” Kuranosuke exclaimed, gently guiding MC into the bathroom.
When she turned to face him, Kuranosuke placed a quick peck on her lips and closed the bathroom door. MC was utterly bewildered. What had gotten into her husband? Her typically stoic, blizzard of a husband was acting out of character. And MC wanted to know why.
Ok, Kuranosuke… She thought… I’ll play your game.
A short while later, MC emerged from the bathroom with a short towel barely covering her assets. 
“Put some clothes on!” Her husband scoffed, a delightful blush teasing his cheeks.
“I would… if you had allowed me to enter the bedroom to fetch them before telling me to go bathe” MC teased. 
She enjoyed how her husband had been left flustered of her in such a state of undress. Still slightly damp from the bath. She watched as Kuranosuke eyed her up and down, deliberately. The tell-tale signs of desire evident in his eyes.
He slowly approached her. His fingertips ghosting her skin. Stroking patterns up and down her arms. It wasn’t just him who was emitting their desire. MC could feel the heat congregating in her cheeks. She could feel how her body responded to his featherlight touch. A week. It had been a week since they could touch each other, and it wasn’t taking much for her fire to begin to burn. 
“I missed you” She blurted the words out in her relaxed state. She wasn’t left with enough time to panic, thinking herself foolish for the vulnerability she had just shown. Kuranosuke tightened his hold on her.
“I missed you, too.” MC’s eyes widened in surprise. Annoyance flittered across her husband’s expression. “What? Why are you so surprised?!” Embarrassment clear in his tone.
“I thought… I thought you would ridicule me… say it was only 7 days…”
“Idiot. It was 7 days, yes. 7 days without the woman I love.” 
His eyes were filled with a fire. Neither had taken their eyes from one another since MC entered the room. The sparks between them were flying. The air was heavily charged with the sexual tension between them. 
As their lips crashed together, there was no denying the want or need in them. Tongues entwined together, hands dancing over each other’s bodies. It was obvious to MC where this was leading.
At least… it should have been.
Suddenly, Kuranosuke pulled away. They were both breathing heavily. Lust evident in their eyes. MC could see how it almost pained Kuranosuke to stop. Which was why there was a ball of concern beginning to coil inside of her. 
“Kuranosuke?” Her whisper etched with concern was barely audible. 
“Do you trust me?” Kuranosuke asked.
MC froze. What a heart rendering question to ask at such a time. Of course she trusted her husband. But his weird behaviour ever since she got home, in addition to his sudden question gave her pause. Nonetheless, she nodded decisively. 
“Good…” Her husband smiled, before slowly turning her around and covering her eyes. “You do not need to worry, I will guide you slowly.” His words breezed by her ear. The sudden loss of sight, heightened her sensitivity to touch. The affect his whisper had on her was evident in the way the hairs on the back of her neck stood up.
True to his words, he slowly guided MC. Even though she was blindfolded, she could tell the direction they headed in was the bedroom.
He had been adamant earlier this evening she could not enter the bedroom. Knowing she would finally be witnessing whatever he had been hiding, caused her heart rate to skyrocket.
The sound of the door handle turning sounded louder to MC’s ears. As they entered the room, MC was engulfed by a nostalgic aroma. Floral in smell. 
“Ok… are you ready?” Her husband’s honeyed whisper coaxed MC’s attention back to him. She nodded, suddenly both excited and nervous. 
Kuranosuke’s warm hands pulled away from her eyes, and for a moment it took her a second to readjust to the change in lighting. 
But when she did… her eyes went wide. Scanning the room in complete, and utter, awe. 
Candles were lit up along the windowsill. Hundreds of orchid petals scattered around the room, and across the bed. And finally, on the table in the corner of the bedroom, a plate of various dessert pastries just calling out to be eaten. 
“It… it’s amazing! But why?” MC turned to face her husband, who smiled sheepishly while scratching his neck.
“We couldn’t be together for the New Year… so I thought we could have our own New Year celebration tonight…” Kuranosuke murmured, suddenly seeming unsure of himself.
“I love it, Kuranosuke. Thank you! What made you scatter all those petals though? You hate mess!” MC asked, curious.
“They’re the petals of the Phalaenopsis to be exact… it symbolises happiness, vitality and longevity…” Kuranosuke explained, desperately avoiding looking into MC’s eyes. The pink blush on his cheeks matched the shade of the petals perfectly.
MC, having become slightly teary eyed at the thoughtfulness of her husband, approached him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her lips to his. Lingering slightly before, pulling back. A slight pout formed on her husband’s lips, as she failed to continue or deepen her kiss. She chuckled at the view. A view only she, his wife, was privy to. 
“I love you, Kuranosuke.” She finally spoke the words, her lips still close to his, sending a shiver coursing through him.
“And, I love you” He replied, before colliding his lips with hers, picking up where they had left off earlier. 
This time, there was no stopping them.
When Kuranosuke ran his tongue along MC’s lips teasingly, she happily opened her lips and welcomed him inside. Their tongues twirling around each other. Enticing. Soft gasps of pleasure escaping.  
MC felt her body begin to float in the air, as Kuranosuke carried her bridle style across to their bed. The way he chucked her onto the bed, was much less elegant, but MC didn’t care. Both of their excitement was increasing, and MC could feel her husband’s desire as he pressed himself to her.
The feel of him inspired MC to roll her hips against him, luring him to her. The act receiving a grunt of gratification from her beloved, delighting her. She was suddenly in the mood to tease him.
“Wait!” She quickly placed her hands on his shoulders. Kuranosuke’s signature frown was on his face, clearly displeased at being stopped at this moment. 
“What is it?” He asked, concern knitting its way into his brows.
“What about those tasty looking desserts you got us? Don’t you think we should eat those?” She smiled at him.
She enjoyed teasing him. She believed she had the upper hand once again. Until she spotted the mischievously, naughty glint in his eyes. 
“Ah yes, those. While they do look absolutely delightful… I think I would much rather devour you first!” 
Kuranosuke began peppering her neck with biting kisses. Soothing each nip with his tongue afterwards. MC began to wonder whether he truly would devour her.
Yet that was all he needed to say for MC to know the games were over. Her husband was in beast mode, and she wasn’t going to deny their desires any longer. Neither did she want to. The truth was, she wanted him just as much as she did. A fact, both of them knew very, very well. 
The rest of the night was spent eliciting sultry moans, while tangled up in one another’s sweat glistened bodies, sharing words of love.
Their first New Year together was celebrated late. But both of them hoped, every New Year would be celebrated in much the same way. Sharing words of love, while wrapped up inside one another’s warm embrace. 
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sophiie2000 · 8 months
Last Minute Jitters
Oops I Said Yes MMC x Reader
Words ~ 930
Disclaimer ~ Characters belong to Voltage Inc
The crisp, morning breeze drifted through the open window. The cool air signalling the change from Summer to Autumn. The leaves on the trees had transformed, the vibrant greens long gone, replaced by reds, oranges and yellows. Some trees already shedding their coats.
The days becoming shorter, the nights longer. The chill to the air inviting cosy sweaters, warm socks and hot chocolates to accompany the mellow evenings. While the autumnal sun offers a welcome warmth melting the cold away.
Autumn brought about its own festivities. Pumpkin patches, apple picking, long scenic walks through the everchanging shrubs. Drinking pumpkin spiced lattes, and tasting new desserts, all seasoned with various amounts of cinnamon.
Autumn was a time which brought about so many wonders, and celebrations. And this autumn was no different. Except, for me, it brought about one celebration which would be remembered and celebrated for years to come.
Our Wedding.
When I had found myself legally married to my husband all those months ago, I could never have pictured we would end up here. Holding an actual wedding. Our friends and families attending, watching as we exchanged our vows, cementing our love and commitment to each other for evermore.
Yet as I stand in front of the tall mirror in front of me, eyes scanning over the lace and tuffs of my white wedding dress, it couldn’t be more real.
Or more daunting.
Terrifying, really.
My hands carved waves through the soft fabric which hugged my waist. The dress offered an elegance. The lacey sleeves sit tight to my shoulders, as the neckline dipped down. A spiral lace pattern covered the top half of the pure white dress, before it flowed subtly beyond my waist.
I hardly recognised myself as the person looking back at me from the mirror. My hair styled in loose curls, pinned up. A veil flowing down my back. A simple chic make-up look finishing the style. I almost couldn’t believe it was me.
The bouquet grasped in my white-knuckle grip shook as my nerves settled in. They planted like seeds, taking root and sprouting throughout my body.
I had never wanted to get married. It wasn’t that I had been opposed to such commitment, it just never appealed to live my life for a man, like my parents had so desperately wanted for me. I loved my job. I wanted a career. Relationships had always come second, or third, fourth, fifth or so on.
But then I found myself in the most ridiculous of circumstances. Legally married, to suit our own benefits.
And then everything changed.
I fell in love. In love with a man who didn’t want me to give up on my career, rather he actively supported and encouraged me. I fell in love with a man who I didn’t mind giving up some of my freedoms and space for, rather I wanted to spend those times with him.
How could I have dreamed up a more perfect man for me? Well, I couldn’t.
My husband was a wonderful man. Truly. Years of working for the same company, watching him work and learning from him had shown me how wonderful a man he was.
Yet despite how wonderful he is… my body still shook. Crying out for me to run. Sneak towards the back exit, before any of our friends or family could spot me.
I never would, of course. I could never hurt the man I adored so reverently due to a fear.
A fear I knew was irrational. Why? Because we were already married, and I adored the relationship we shared. Today was simply a celebration of our love with those we cared for.
A reminder that did nothing to diminish my nerves.
Thinking I could use some fresh air to help calm myself, I opened the door to the dressing room. However, I soon stopped in my tracks.
There on the floor sat a crisp white envelope, with my name scrawled across in my husbands notable handwriting. A bouquet of roses perched beside it.
I couldn’t stop the tug of my lip as a smile bloomed across my face. Even looking up and down the corridor in an attempt to catch a glimpse of my husband, only to come up short didn’t diminish the grin.
Returning to the dressing room, I tore the envelope open, and was greeted with a simple note;
I’m so glad you are my wife, and I cannot wait to show everyone else just how much I adore you
Tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes. How could he have known that this note would give me a little more courage to step through those doors? He couldn’t have known how nervous I was?
And yet, that one sentence, showed just how well he truly knows me.
Minutes later, I found myself standing outside the heavy wooden doors. Beyond those doors, our guests and my husband await my appearance. My nerves, once again reappearing.
The sound of the instrumental began, floating through the closed doors, before they slowly pulled open.
And as I raised my head, my eyes drifting to meet his, the smile he gave me in that moment, and the tears glistening in his eyes as I stepped forward, seemed to make all the nerves disappear.
He was it for me.
He was my yesterday. My today. And my tomorrow.
The man who had stolen my heart when I didn’t even realise it was available to be taken.
And he was the man who could make all my last minute jitters, go away.
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sophiie2000 · 1 year
It's Just A Few Scratches
Kunihiro Kasai x MC/Reader
When Kunihiro hears his wife has been injured while visiting a site, can he keep his cool until he sees her?
Disclaimer - Characters belong to Voltage Inc
~ 1482 Words
The vivid pink cherry blossoms swayed in the gentle breeze, dancing beautifully in time with the soft melody of the wind. The greeting of Spring offered a pleasant rise in temperature. They often say the Spring is the time of awakening, of renewal, a metaphor which could be seen all around. Lately, the crisp grass had become a much more vibrant green, offering a fragrant dew. Flowers painted in shades of blues, yellows, pinks and oranges contrasted the greenery with their recent blooming. Trees welcomed the return of their leaves, dressing them in a new, different kind of splendour.
The Spring was famous for its glory. Its spectacular scenery, firework of colours. Its magnificence was something that attracted visitors from all over, while still mesmerising the locals. 
Yet today, one man failed to stop and admire this scenery. 
His hurried feet evidence of the importance of the journey he was taking. The tight crease in his brow, the clenching of his jaw, and the dampness gathering in his eyes, were all proof of his worry. 
Pushing through bystanders, offering quick, polite apologies as he unrelentingly barged through, the man stopped for no one. His feet not slowing. In fact, they had not slowed once since that dreaded phone call he had received moments earlier in his office. 
“Your wife was injured while visiting the site, she has been taken to the hospital to treat her injuries. It is also to ensure her injuries were not worse than they appeared”.
The sentence still rang in his ears. Echoing over and over. Taunting him, as though they had been shouted inside a vast cave. One which has lost its light, like he was losing his. 
He had only one destination in mind. Only one place he needed to be. Right by his wife’s side. 
After what had felt like an eternity to him, but was truthfully no more than ten minutes, he arrived at the hospital his wife had been taken to. Charging straight towards the reception desk, the words tumbling from his mouth before he even had a second to catch his breath. 
“I’m here to see my wife. ____ Kasai!? She was injured when visiting a site!”
The panic cracked his already hoarse voice. His hands shook, as they tightly gripped the rail. His fingers turning white as they maintained their hold. His breathing was erratic. In his haste to arrive at the hospital, he had not taken a moment to calm his thoughts. 
The receptionist, seemingly understanding his panic, checked for any information regarding Mrs Kasai as quickly as she could. 
Yet for Kunihiro, every second he waited was too long. 
His wife was hurt. How badly? He didn’t know. All he knew was, every second he was not with her was an injustice. 
He should have been there with her. He was supposed to have been the one visiting that site. The guilt was eating him up. Had a higher up not wanted to schedule a meeting for that morning, and had his lovely wife not have been so understanding and accommodating, he would have been there with her. But she had encouraged him to attend the meeting. She volunteered to go alone. She would be ok. She would update him as the inspection concluded. 
And he hadn’t batted an eyelid. 
He had agreed.
He never should have agreed. 
He was spiralling. Every worst-case scenario was passing though his mind’s eye. He felt dizzy, as though a wave of vertigo had engulfed him. He fell backwards into the chair in the waiting room. Accepting what little support it offered him lest he fall and add to the list of casualties in the Kasai household. 
He had only closed his eyes for a moment. Desperately warding off the dizziness and darkness trying to consume him. He needed to be strong before facing his wife. He wasn’t sure what would greet him, but he was determined he needed to be her pillar of support. 
He was in such turmoil he failed to register the sound of his own name, tumbling from the sonorous voice behind him. 
This time, a hand gripped his shoulder, pulling Kunihiro back and tethering him in the now. That angelic voice, it was one which had soothed him so often. That soft, delicate, dainty hand which now firmly grasped his should was so familiar to him. 
One second, he had been sitting, the next he was up and grasping at the warmth he had feared was being snatched away from him. 
His eyes roamed his wife’s body. Cuts had marred her, while angry bruises discoloured her beautiful skin. His heart was cracking at the sight which told him he had not been able to protect the woman he had promised to look after. 
“What… what happened?” A shuddering breath escaped his lips. The dampness in his eyes threatened to become too much.
“It wasn’t anything major. They had been setting up the booths, but one of the fixtures hadn’t been tightened enough. I had been stood with my back to this particular fixture and so had failed to see it falling in time. It landed on me, knocking me over. Luckily one of the workers on the site noticed it falling and managed to stop it being worse.”
Kunihiro felt his chest tighten. It could have been worse. Not only could it have been worse, but he had not been there to stop it. To protect her. 
Mrs Kasi noticed her husband spiralling once more. The man, who when they first accidently married, was a bachelor who seemed incapable of loving one person so thoroughly… loved deeper than any other. 
And because he loved so deeply, so thoroughly, he hurt a great deal more too. From small mistakes to bigger ones, each time the man’s heart would be in tatters. He would blame himself. Punish himself greatly, even when things were not his fault. He shouldered these burdens, and he tried to do it alone.
“It’s just a couple of scratches, Hiro” she whispered, pressing soft kisses to his cheek.
“But it isn’t just scratches” His voice was hoarse, heavy with unshed tears.
“I don’t understand…” And she was confused. For even she could see, that it was just scratches and bruises marring her skin. She was here, nothing broken, with him.
“It isn’t just scratches… anyone could have been there. Anyone could have been hurt, and received a few scratches and bruises. Anyone… but it wasn’t just anyone.” 
His voice trembled. Tears finally began to fall. 
“It was you. It was you who was hurt. And so, yes, you are correct that you came away with scratches and bruises. But, my love, you were still injured. And I, your husband who promised to protect you, was not there to stop it”. 
And in that moment, Mrs Kasai realised just how deeply this had hurt her husband. Just how much he hated that he had not been with her. She knew, even if he was there, it would be likely the same thing would have happened. But he hadn’t been there. So, the counterfactual thought, that ‘what if I had been there’ that swam in his head now, was destroying him. 
Kunihiro felt as his wife grasped his hand. Slowly, she tugged his hand towards her injured body. Gently running his fingertips along the lines of her cuts. 
Uncertainty trembled in his gaze. His eyes, still swimming with tears meeting his wife’s.
“They’re just scratches Hiro…” she placed a gentle kiss to his palm, then each fingertip. “They will heal. It was just an accident. I’m ok, and I am here. With you… you mustn’t blame yourself”.
A shuddering breath escaped his tightly close lips. Just a few scratches… She was right. Seemingly, having pulled some sensibility back into himself, Kunihiro entwinned his fingers with Mrs Kasai’s.
“You’re on bed rest for the rest of day” He instructed, as he guided her out of the hospital and in the direction of their home. 
“Hmm, that’s unusual.” His wife commented, a questioning look in her gaze. 
“What is?” Kunihiro asked, wondering what could possibly be unusual in this moment,
“You don’t normally instruct me to get into bed without stripping me of my clothing first!” His wife joked, a sweet giggle escaping from her. 
“Well, I didn’t want to risk over exerting you while you were injured, but…” A dangerous glint flickered in Kunihiro’s eyes, “If you insist”. Nipping at his wife’s ear, Kunihiro released a low growl only she could hear. A pleasant blush painting her cheeks.
His inner tiger being released was proof he was beginning to feel like his usual self. 
Walking home chuckling with his wife beside him, Kunihiro made a new promise. He would protect her, but when he couldn’t… he would make sure he was there to nurse her back to health. 
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