#oitnb season 3
angstylesbianlove · 1 year
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aflawedfashion · 2 years
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Piper & Alex | Orange is the New Black 3x02
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crownspeaksblog · 6 months
I don't know how other people feel about it, but I'm completely on pipers side for getting alex looked up again in the season 2 finale. Piper deserves to have revenge for the two times alex fucked her over and she deserves to have her hot girlfriend keep her company in prison! She's so hot and real for that!!
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murcielagatito · 4 months
maria is so fucking cute in season 2 shes so sweetie pie baby angel <3
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note to self: don’t drink mountain dew after 7pm
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maipareshaan · 10 months
I hate when you have mostly watched a show but its been ages so you can't complete it bcz you lit don't remember shit
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bluepubesandpronouns · 10 months
she is always up to some bullshit i just know i will be giggling when she got a side plot.
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milkteahoe · 3 months
'Purely for shock value' is some of the worst attempts at media criticism stg if les mis came out today people would say javert jumped off the bridge purely for shock value just because you haven't thought about it doesn't mean it has no significance to the story, separating the thing you don't like about it renders its theme incoherent/contrary to the message a character is defined as much by their breaking/turning point as their upward tragectory
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simpingforthemm · 5 months
christmas with oitnb women
(outside of prison)
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includes: ouija, zirconia and taystee
word count: 1k
a/n: consider this a late christmas present ;) enjoy and happy new years guys ❤️, reader is fem / gender neutral
she's actually somewhat of a Grinch
around Christmas time, she's just in a bad mood, not feeling very festive
but if you really like this holiday, she'll try her best to get in the Christmas mood
I can imagine her wanting to decorate the Christmas tree in darker colors or not wanting a Christmas tree at all
tries to convince you not to put up too much decorations bc if she sees another santa figure or tacky baby jesus crib, she swears she will lose her shit
will probably be really into mistletoes bc that just gives her an excuse to make out with you
she will do her impressions for you on Christmas Day, since you love them so much
one of those people who goes shopping for Christmas presents last minute
doesn't want to admit it but gets Christmas stressed pretty easily but not bc she wants christmas to be like perfect but bc everyone is making such a big fuss out of it and constantly asks her whether she's in the ✨mood✨ yet and if she still needs to buy a Christmas tree and whether she's bought presents yet...
don't go ice skating with her bc this girl has no balance at all and will basically cling to you the whole time you're on the ice
also, spending time with her son miguel!!
I can imagine it being hard for her to get custody of him back after being in prison and committing WIC fraud
But if you do succeed you'll probably both make this the best Christmas you can for him and spoiling him with presents <3
also the Christmas season would probably be a lot about her winning her son's trust back (since he saw that video of her being aggressive to the guards taken hostage during the riot and the poor boy is probably traumatized)
probably isn't the most emotional around Christmas time and doesn't really care about the reflective / contemplative aspect of Christmas
just wants you and her son to have a fun time
will threaten any christmas carolers that knock on your door and if they dare sing their bullshit jingle bells, best believe hands will be thrown
she thinks the grinch is the most hilarious movie
also, will get aggressive whenever she sees a fake Santa trying to lure her son into sitting on his lap
probably thinks dude is a pedophile targeting him
so she isn't the best at giving gifts so her Christmas present to you will probably be something like a coupon
also REFUSES to go to church on Christmas bc she just isn't religious and also doesn't want her son to be
one of those ppl who would and will eat fast food on Christmas and do something like going to a trampoline park or theme park
this girl is HYPED for Christmas!
and when I say HYPED I mean she's already going Christmas shopping on the first of december, decorating your living space all christmas-y, baking cookies (which she burns, oopsies) and forcing you to wear Christmas sweaters
If you live in a village and have a house, she will probably get in a petty competition with the neighbors over who decorates their house the best
she will go all out and buy inflatable santas, colorful and flashy fairy lights, garlands
bc ain’t no way is she going to let this asshole of a neighbor win this competition
will probably make it into a newspaper bc of her over-the-top, completely exaggerated decorations on your house
you will probably wake up in the middle of the night bc the lights that she brought were too bright or bc you found out that one of the inflatable reindeers she bought can actually sing Christmas songs
like ouija, she will love mistletoes
and probably also the fake santas at the Christmas market
will also probably believe that dude is real
best believe she will watch all of those cheesy christmas Hallmark movies with you and still be surprised when Janet and Hunter get together at the end
also complaining about the lack of wlw representation in those movies!!
loves all the Christmas treats and definitely has a sweet tooth
Anyway she's so excited for Christmas and just wants to have loads of fun with you! ❤️
kind of like Zirconia, Christmas would be fun with her but also very emotional
it would remind her of all the christmases she had spent with Vee, in a foster family or the christmases in Litchfield
she would be in a very melancholic mood and reminisce about her childhood
I can imagine she would love jazzy Christmas music
just something that she could dance to
would love to invite some of your friends for Christmas (maybe some prison friends like Janae, Alison..)
she’d love to rekindle with them and would probably be very emotional when seeing them again
mourning the loss of poussey would also be a thing she’d want to do at Christmas, maybe lighting a candle for her or putting up a picture of her in your home
she's super open about trying your Christmas traditions since she's not really keen on implementing the traditions that Vee did with them when she was young
so she'd definitely be super happy to try some traditional food from your country for Christmas or anything like that
she's the best at gift giving and is super thoughtful
like Zirconia, she will also watch cheesy Christmas movies with you (remember she used to like watching this little girl beauty pageant series when she was younger which is also not that high quality tv but don't tell her that)
will just want a normal & relaxed christmas where she can feel safe and loved
will absolutely go to church with you if that's what you want but if you're not religious she will also not mind staying home & just chilling
she would love to go on a drive with you and look at all the pretty Christmas lights while drinking hot chocolate
if you have an old lady living next to you who is spending Christmas alone she would definitely be the type to invite her over so she wouldn’t have to be by herself
definitely the person who gets the meaning of Christmas (giving back and such)
around Christmas time she’d also want to help the less fortunate (assuming you two are more fortunate rn) like donating clothes you don't need anymore, helping out at the homeless shelter
and she's just the kindest to everyone around, even your grumpy ass neighbor who hates Christmas bc that's just who she is
merry christmas everybody and a happy new year!
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angstylesbianlove · 11 months
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Unpopular OITNB opinions because I’m bored and procrastinating
I had little to no interest in Taystee and found her outright annoying at times. She was okay in the earlier seasons and my idea of her was that she was good character that I didn’t like due to personal preference. However, in the later season, I felt that she could be irritating, irrational and depressing in an unenjoyable way and that she got far too much screen time for what I considered to be a rather dull plot.
I find it hilarious when people try to complain about people on the show being mean or bad people. Like yes, that’s why 99% of them have landed themselves in prison. The funniest examples of this complaint are when people say that Lorna, someone who grew up Italian-American in New York, could sometimes say racist things or when Flaritza, two girls who probably couldn’t even legally drink before they went to prison and, in Maritza’s case at least, didn’t seem to have parents who cared for them, could sometimes be bitchy and immature. These comments are even funnier when whoever says this then goes on to say that they love Frieda, Carol and Barb.
In my personal opinion, Season 2 was the best season quality-wise but Season 4 was better when it came down to drama and entertainment. Season 3 was actually one of my favourites aside from Alex’s whole paranoid arc and I didn’t really mind the panty storyline. Season 1 was obviously good, if a little slow and boring at first. Season 5 shouldn’t have dragged on for so long, if they were only going to cover three days, although I probably would have enjoyed it if it hadn’t felt so absurd and weird compared to previous seasons. Season 7 was depressing trauma porn from start to finish and Season 6 was dreadful n every single way and a terrible conclusion for the riot.
I felt like the family dynamics became way less cohesive it’s the show progressed and people that had once gotten on perfectly well were suddenly at each other’s throats and vice versa. A good example of this was Spanish Harlem which went from a clearly outlined family where Aleida and Gloria acted as parents, Blanca was not a part of the group and the other four ( Maria, Daya, Maritza and Flaca ) pretty much did whatever Aleida said. Contrast this to Season 4/5 where Aleida leaves but Flaritza and Maria don’t seem to even notice, Gloria just let’s Maria have control over Harlem with no complaints whatsoever, Maria and Maritza seem to be at each other’s throats one second and back to there seemingly rather good Season 2/3 friendship the next, Blanca is suddenly an active member of the group and Gloria only cares about Daya. This faulty dynamic is true for all of the other groups as well, and never gets the chance to recover after they are sent to Max.
I didn’t like how some of the seriously traumatic stuff that happened to some of these characters, especially in Season 4, was never addressed by the show again and seemed to forgotten after the episode ended by both the writers and the character themself. You’re telling me that Maritza was creeped on, forced to eat a live animal, held at gunpoint and repeatedly harassed but she bounced back after throwing up like twice and hugging Flaca. In reality, she would probably take a long while to recover or feel truly comfortable in her own skin again, maybe even experiencing some PTSD, which could have been an interesting storyline to take her character down through Season 5, instead of relegating her back to comedy bits and pop culture references.
That’s all my opinions for now, although I will probably make a Part 2 for this post. Hope you agreed with at least one of my takes and that you don’t want to kill me for some of the things I said.
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aflawedfashion · 2 years
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Piper & Alex | Orange is the New Black 3x03
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commanderbuffy · 1 year
Sometimes I look at the amount of queer programming that gets cancelled or written out in a matter of one or two seasons, and then I look at Orange Is The New Black. For all its faults, and being on a growing entity like netflix in 2013, it miraculously got 7 seasons. If nothing changed except it didn't get made until 2020, I would put money on netflix cancelling it after 3 max. It's just so strange how the landscape has changed so much in such a short space of time.
So true! I think OITNB came at a really lucky time because it was, IIRC, Netflix's SECOND show? So, when it started to get critical acclaim, they really dug in on it. The streaming landscape was SUCH a different place a decade ago. So, while I think there's something to be said about the world nowadays affecting queer programming, it's also a nuanced conversation about streaming in general and how it's just so different. And why you should support the WGA strike!
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murcielagatito · 4 months
might have to finish oitnb because of you.... watched until season 3 last year and then suddenly forgot it existed, you're getting to me tho
OH PLEAASEEEE PLEASE DOOOO. i also stopped watching after season three!! but then i was like damn i really miss these characters i wanna see how their stories end and it was a lot of crying i will not lie to you but also a lot of good shit too
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warningsine · 5 months
Unfortunately, season 5 is not living up to the hype of the strong season 4 finale.
They are struggling to balance the slapstick comedy with the serious subject matter and no wonder. They really wrote themselves into a corner when they decided to incorporate the BLM movement, because the expectations are naturally high. Dealing with the riots and finding a resolution for them must have been no easy feat.
So far they've been more preoccupied with the spectacle of the ladies taking control of the prison rather than with the bigger implications and questions that short-lived power raises for these characters.
As I'm not binge-watching the season, its slow pacing is not bothering me, but I hope they didn't do that thing where all arcs and subplots are unneccessarily dragged for several episodes and then everything happens all at once in the last one, because that is tricky and can backfire.
"Yellowjackets"--to mention another series with an ensemble cast--executed this perfectly in the first season, but the same cannot be said for its second one.
Back to OITNB.
The charm of most characters remains intact.
The focus on Danielle Brook's Tasha and Selenis Leyva's Gloria was an excellent choice, because both actresses' performances are outstanding. That being said, I wish they had given Laverne Cox something more to do as she is also great. Sophia's dynamic with Gloria has had me on a chokehold for two seasons now.
Another welcome surprise: Janae was finally given a more unique voice. Now had they done the same with Alison, I would have been ecstatic. Although well-intentioned, their depiction of Muslim women is not very nuanced.
Additionally, Uzo Aduba is killing it, but what else is new there? Truly loving what they are doing with Suzanne.
Last but not least, is the evil corporate lady going to briefly date Carrie? Hell yes, I've been waiting 5 seasons to see what a smitten Boo looks like. Of course I'm into them since they are not going to last. (Hi, Soso/Poussey and Lorna/Nicky.)
As for the weaker points that hopefully will have been addressed and/or resolved by the end of the season:
Whatever happened to that recurring theme of imprisoned mothers craving to talk to their families? Why are the ones that own phones now not calling their children?
Why are the white pride skinheads hanging out with the women they hate?
The recycling of Piper/Alex's will-they-won't-they relationship--as if there had ever been a chance they would not end up together, please!--is getting exhausting. As a viewer that actually likes them individually and as a group now, I keep wondering: did they not know what to do with them? At all?
As for Nicky and Lorna, I'm trying to leave my monkey brain and biases aside in order to ask: will they ever give them new arcs? Because season 5 is not saying anything new about them. Nicky is still pining over Lorna, who lives in her own imaginary world and refuses to see what is right in front of her. This has been going on-and-off for four--five actually, but alright--seasons now except Nicky is sober yet again. (Good for her.) Lyonne and Stone are amazing, why waste their talent like this?
When OITNB fucks up, it fucks up badly. Pray tell, why is Tiffany still having a relationship with the CO that raped her? They had already made a point about her response to her trauma in seasons 3 & 4. Either there is a deeper message about abusive relationships that is flying over my head or I'm just impatient and this subplot will be completed soon.
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punkbxt · 11 months
dime the takes. por favor.
*gets real close to the vending machine* quiero pepsi
okay all seriousness tho imma try to do this in a way thats like idk semi respectful towards janeway but i also need yall to know i do NOT reallyf fuck with her. idk if ive explained why before but i guess here we go
unlike most people that enjoy star trek i didnt really get into it till 2018 and then the demmy hit n i had nothing but time to consume every star trek imaginable and thats how i found voyager. yeah sure make fun of me for not knowing what star trek is but i need YALL to know that it is white and usamerican culture to be raised on trek and I DONT CARE. the only reason i got into star trek is bc a white friend introduced me. all this to say i was introduced to janeways actress through oitnb red ilu so much red best evil white lady <3
anyways i know janeway gets hate for having been the only lady captain and i always preface anything i say about her with this so yall understand that this is not the reason i dislike her but in reality it doesnt help either
also its tiring as fuck to include my opposing argument but it has to be done bc ppl are like “what about- pkay but you didnt consider how- yeah but- actually youre wrong bc-“ like fuck man im doing my damndest i literally hate voicing my opinions bc yall INSIST people of color dont actually get it n its tiring
if youve followed me since i started voyagerposting you may have noticed ive only actually drawn janeway twice and its cuz as a person she rubs me the wrong way for so many reasons
janeway gets put in this impossible position of being the top of the hierarchy pyramid to a crew that doesnt think theyll ever make it home again. shes deemed a mother figure by a LOT of characters but im gonna talk abt her dynamics with b’elanna, and seven because if i were to talk about the dynamics between janeway and harry thatd have to be its own post
when i get into a show, i loooveeee knowing what was happening behind the scenes because i love it!! i love set design i love character design i love costume design i love seeing what the actors are like outside of the show and how they feel about these characters bc these things ARE important. (writers too pero i have beef) behind the scenes is the biggest influence to the final product bc its the reason the final product exists in the first place and behind the scenes so many things went wrong. and when actors are mistreated or dont get along with eachother it becomes pretty apparent. well at least if you analyze things the way i do
so heres my issue with janeway seven and b’elanna. b’elanna is typecast to be the ugly character. klingons gave always gotten the short end of the stick and the case with her isnt as harsh bc her actress is a mixed puerto rican (information that has actually only recently been revealed bc when i tried to find out what roxan’s ethnicity was in 2019 i literally could not find anything definitive except for shes latina) but she STILL gets a lot of shit
one of my favorite things about voyager before the introduction of seven was how b’elanna and janeway actually got to bond a lot over science and when seven took on the roll of pretty girl on the ship, b’elanna and janeway suffered a LOT for it. we have an interesting dynamic between a maquis engineer and a federation captain genuinely not getting along bc b’elanna doesnt see janeways as an authority figure. not until chakotay has something to say about it and also until b’elanna and janeway actually talk about shit n get over their differences. the issue is when ppl purposely skip the earlier seasons to get to seven and then a lot of important interpersonal character building is missed I SAY THIS BC PEOPLE OFTEN FORGET THAT VOYAGER HAS BEEN ASSIMILATED BY THE BORG BEFORE AND EVEN THE WRITERS LET IT SLIP THEUR MIND N ITS LIKE BRO U HAVE GOLD TO WRITE WITH N U JUST LET IT COLLECT IN THE CORNER
seven is a unique and interesting character when she is first introduced. seven looks like any other borg and is so COOL. and then immediately all the cool interesting things about the way seven looks is basically negated to a few shiny parts. and yes janeway is partly to blame
BUT! what is the easiest way to gain the trust of people who already have bad history with who you once were? assimilation of course! seven goes from being one of many to the outcasts outcast
but punkbxt! what does any of this have to do with why you dislike janeway as a character? if anything it sounds more like you dislike seven. as long as the character is white ill always hold a lil disdain for them in my heart <3
janeway symbolizes the best of starfleet. she is an accredited officer and an extremely capable scientist. she is a beautiful white woman in THE position of power something that was revolutionary for her time. the issues with white women being put in positions of power is they they have NEVER had the interests of black and brown people to heart. “yes they-“ SHUT UP and let me speak before you decide to comment on this goddamn post
feminism throughout the centuries has focused on white women and while a show is merely a fraction of the lived reality of its time the effects are still extremely clear. white feminism JUMPED at the character of janeway and celebrated her and rightfully so! the issues came about when women like b’elanna got attacked and pushed to the side. this directly affected janeway within fandom and she got and still is recognized for accomplishments SHE DID NOT DO. she got put on a pedestal and once that happens to a character they suddenly can do no wrong. except she does because shes a human and shes white and shes a character with writers behind her
b’elanna has never actually been a super popular character and the wave of love for her is actually pretty fucking recent and not to toot my own horn but i definitely was a big part of the b’elanna love resurgence. when i got into voyager and these dates ARE important, i used to scroll through her entire tag easily a couple times through a DAY. fans occasionally created art for her and yeah! she got fics but nowhere in comparison to her other peers. surrounding yourself with people who also love her and want to create for her does help with recognition of b’elanna but its super recent stuff. and to add onto that any white fan that has an opinion about her will always be biased because they just do not understand what it is like to exist as a latina woman of color
this is where me myself and i come into the story because wowowowowow star trek is so cool! star trek preaches on and on and on about diversity love acceptance hate oppression and all that good stuff so who wouldnt love it??? and then??? OMG THERES A LATINA CHARACTER IN ONE SERIES OMG OMG OMG. imagine my disappointment when i found out that she a main character barely was getting any love. it hurt. because even within a narrative of inclusion somehow characters of color just seem to always be pushed to the side. especially when a fandom has such a majority percentage of white people
watching her story was SO personal to me. i could see myself in her struggling with living in america. i lived my childhoods in puerto rico and in many different parts of usamerica, surrounded by family and people like me until that wasnt the case anymore. i spent my life living as a nomad with no place to call home for on average no less than a year and no more than three. i could understand b’elanna with her struggles of living in a klingon monastery and then being thrust into an unforgiving and unaccepting world where humans/white people are the most important. the internalized racism that i grew up with was horrendous and to this DAY i am still trying to learn and better myself and connect with my culture in any way i can. because in a black ans white world, where is the space for those of us that dont fall under either? we are ignored and erased and with b’elanna is has been the same
the rejection b’elanna had to her klingon side was something i could relate to incredibly. but it still isnt enough. because even though i could connect with her through her klingon-ness, her latinidad is simply a label. throughout the show you see her change and grow and assimilate to the federation standard and it HURT. the narrative that i was directly picking up from her story was yeah you can be a part of the club but only if you do it how we want you to do it. and dont you EVER even talk about being latino unless its to shit on your deadbeat of a father. and i did. i learned how to adapt at an extremely young age. ive been told its one of the things i do best (sad isnt it?)
and okay how do seven and janeway have anything to do with this? well they are the white women who we literally have to conform to and for. thats it period
seven as a character had an amazing opportunity to challenge gender and sexuality because of her story (one that would have been better suited had she been an indigenous woman which ive spoken on before but thats for another post too) and then the people in charge decided that she just HAD to be the sexywoman instead of leaning into just how much she was no longer human and how humanity itself doesnt actually have one right way to be
this narrative is given to us by janeway time and time and time again correcting seven and telling her that seven simply is not himan enough and still has to learn. (things autistic ppl can suuuuuper relate to which is a reason i could connect with seven at all). no matter how you want to look at it (whatever canon you want to decide isnt canon anymore for the sake of a fucking ship) janeway was directly written to be a mentor and mother figure to seven. janeway is there to help her learn when in reality she can never understand what its like to be an outcast within the federation and to take it a step further be part of a eace which is treated with hostility by humans. something b’elanna CAN understand and relate to because at the time of voyager shits still om the rocks between klingons and humans. janeway pushes seven to accept and embrace humanity as if thats the only option seven has to become a better character but its just not true. the story woven between janeway and seven is one of white women and femininity and how to be the perfect white woman and how to be a good lover. by actively ignoring the help and influence b’elanna could have provided for seven to learn and adapt to a majority human world they put all that weight on janeway. something that affects ALL three of them negatively and results in a narrative of “well b’elanna could never understand and relate to seven in a way that matters” which is beyond true because they are so interwoven even unintentionally so. it simply just wasnt taken further and its a true shame
and this isnt even touching on how badly seven’s actress was treated by janeways actress for being the pretty new doll at the time of filming and how that affected how i felt about janeway/seven as a ship (similarly how castle and beckett did not get along behind scenes i could no longer enjoy that show anymore)
i simplified this IMMENSELY and this shit is already long enough as it is so im sorry about that but yeah thats it. also sorry if things got repetitive ive been told i tend to do that when i write. these are my feelings and i am a real human behind this account so keep in mind how you react to this post. i have recieved countless hate anons most of which ive deleted throughout my short lived time as a fan of this franchise. i used to be MUCH more vocal about representation within star trek and people got mad so i left. but im back because the people that love b’elanna and that love that i have things to say about her matter so much fucking more than any angry person ever will
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