#okay now suffer yall <333
taegularities · 1 year
i read the jk pov in one sitting and omg... my poor heart 😳
it was so incredibly moving! you write pure art and im always in awe with each new piece you drop ❤️ i felt like seeing his perspective definitely eased some of the anger i had towards him (i always knew he was just misunderstood yall ‼️) i am 100% upset at oc for MISSING HIS BDAY AND ART SHOW! I ACTUALLY AUDIBLY GASPED AFTER READING THAT PART 🫡
im rlly glad you showed his and taes interactions, having a support system (even when you dont want it) is so important and im glad he put his ego aside and vented (if only he could do that to oc smh) im still upset at his whole savior complex tho, like bitch i promise ur only HURTING MORE PPL BY DOING THIS ‼️🤨
im super curious as to how this is going to play out in the next chapter honestly. is oc going to completely avoid jk at all costs? will he keep trying to talk to her?? i hope he's a fighter, but at the same time i want him to SUFFER 🤭 i rlly just want him to get so tired of chasing that he snaps and spills his guts to her (do i hear an "i lo*e you" being said 🤭) but maybe im just missing the enemies to lovers trope too much 💀
either way, I CANT WAIT FOR THE UPCOMING CHAPTERS! but please take your time! i know uni can be stressful (and your job is starting soon as well) so don't forget to relax! ❤️ we want you HEALTHY!
- wife from war anon 💂‍♀️
OKAY HELLO, I'M HERE NOW !!! reading it in one sitting is quite something babe, considering the wc and the heaviness of its content.. means so much to me 😭
yes. YES. it was supposed to ease the anger !! i was so sad when everyone was mad at him, like ugh, we just need to understand him a little, you know :((( man is just trying to navigate through his feelings, but doesn't know how. upset at oc? let's see if it changes after cmi8 🤣
mmmh, the saviour complex is fucking me up, too, but... it really helped to put down those conversations he had with tae, eun and his mom. idk, i love those little moments with their friends, and i truly hope everyone else adores them just as much as i do <3
very good questions you ask, wifey, very good indeed. there's so much planned for cmi8 that i might have to split it, but god i can't wait for the emotions. AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN AN "I L*VE YOU" 💀 outrageous !!!! but we shall see eeheheh
i'll definitely take care of myself as much as i can, and i really hope you do as well, babe. so good to hear from you again <333
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novannna · 2 years
Okay so like def 🖊 hmmm and also 💖, 🧠 and 💋 (which is freeform so I am gonna ask: fave couple to write (fic or ocs))
(Also you know how when you go to like a pastry place and you point out pastries for the person to put into a box for you? Thats what this ask feels like) (completely unrelated to how I bought pastries today btw) (AFTER I dropped off Alex so again. Not date bc I didn't like. go home and twirl in a circle and stare out a window or some shit)
Sometimes I forget that other ppl can read the asks I send yall
hi michstie afsfsgkf i want pastries now also ha imagine having a crush on someone and going on a date with them thats so fucking lame omg go bring me some pastires plss <33 im tired can u tell
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
hm okay i have not written in a little while but my current personal wip <33 also its kinda long but whatever <3
“What did you do, Merle?”  
Merle let out a long suffering sigh.  “You really want to know?”  
“Really, really.”  Strangely, Lapis didn’t sound as angry.  She just sounded tired.  
Merle laughed.   “My screw up that got me sent all the way out here…”  Lapis leaned forward, eyes gleaming.  Merle hummed thoughtfully.  “I existed.”  Lapis jerked backwards as Merle cackled.  “Horrible, isn’t it?”
“What are you?”  Lapis’s voice softened, and there wasn’t a shred of anger left.  
Merle tilted her head.  “A bird, a bone, a wish, a curse.”  
“Stop speaking in riddles, and answer the question.”
“I did.  Take your pick, or choose your own answer, it’s all close enough to the truth.”
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
hm i like how I can be really overdramatic and use metaphors that make absolutely zero sense to anyone other than me bc i can! Also i really like my character designs i come up w i think theyre v funky
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
kinda a wip but not really, a sasha character study where i overuse the number 3, sasha is even more manipulative than in canon, and shes way more traumatized than amphibia showed
💋 fave couple to write (fic or ocs)
HHHHH FUCK YOU i dont knowww
hm okay i feel like for fic, i dont really have any that i really love writing more than others. for oc's,,, probably slordan theyre just so <333 i love writing assholes who hate eachother and would also die for each other, also Lapis and Merle, they arent a couple, just very close friends but they deserve an honorary mention, theyre just very !!!! i really like their characters, and how they interact w eachother, and help eachother grow, and how they will always inevitably make each other worse idk currently brainrotting yeah
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lxvebelle · 24 days
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: aaron warner x ADHD fem!reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: in where aaron warner helps his girlfriend with her ADHD.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: slight burnout, pet names, stress, slight eating disorder, mental illnesses, anxiety(?), comfort, fluff, use of Y/N, fem reader, modern AU (this is totally a self insert but idc because I NEED TJIS RN OKAY DONT BLAME EM GUYS BLAME GOD)
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒: 1343
𝐀/𝐍: i like totally needed this because i just got overwhelmed and had a breakdown yesterday and i dont feel motivated to do shit todsu (its glimg to go away tomorrow but let me be dramatic smh) ANYWAS THIS IS FOR ALL MY ADHD GIRLIES WHO ARE LIKE ME AND SUFFER WITH THIS <333 (also idk if this is realistic or just normal for yall, i just put the things that happen to me everyday that classifies as adhd😾)
𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀 𝐀/𝐍: ykw idk if tjis ks good or not i made this at like 1 am so im tirdx bfo but whayever ima post it and see what happens lol
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: @reminiscentreader @never-enough-novels @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys @evaswarner @sc11vb @sophiesonlinediary @starrynightsxo @f4iry-bell @his-littlefox @viivdle @aaron-warner @reyreadersblog @urbanflorals @heqrtlcss (ask if you want to be added or removed from taglist! <3)
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1. executive dysfunction.
(ONE example: focusing too much on one thing, OR, hyperfixation.)
now, you know that you were supposed to be doing something else. it’s about 11:20, and that’s when you and aaron eat lunch together. but, you had to finish this.
plus, it’ll only take a little while, right? it isn’t like you’ll spend thirty more minutes writing a synopsis for a book you read for a friend who asked about it.
ten minutes later, your shoulder gets gently pushed. your eyes immediately trail to the owner of the hands and find aaron.
“i know, i know, i’m almost finished,” you say, going back to quickly typing on the keyboard of your laptop. you could feel aaron frown, his eyes still on your head.
“love, it’s time for lunch. you know you have to eat, right?” he asks, putting his hands on the armrest of your chair. though, you barely pay attention to it. “i know. i’m almost finished, though.”
aaron sighs before you find yourself getting turned around in your chair, making your arms fling to the armrest. the blond leans down so he can meet your eyes, his face stern.
“y/n. you know i love you—so much—but it’s time to stop and eat lunch. you know that,” he says, sternly, his eyes focused on you.
you frown and glance back to your laptop before sighing and agreeing with him. “okay, okay,” you grumble, getting up from your chair.
aaron smiles as he follows behind you as you walk into the living room to eat lunch with him.
2. uncontrollable fidgeting.
(a physical reaction to stress or concentration.)
you couldn’t help it. you practically needed something to fidget with. this day was already stressful with you forgetting to set your alarm clock, causing both you and aaron to wake up late; not to mention work being stressful and hard for you.
it was an instinct to fidget whenever you were stressed.
you quickly put your keys down once you made it into your house and immediately looked around for aaron. sadly, you didn’t see him in the living room, or kitchen, so you went to your shared bedroom.
luckily, you find aaron on the bed, who, surprisingly, is wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants. you don’t have time to gawk before you walk up to your boyfriend and practically lounge on top of his chest, making him grunt in shock.
“angel?” he asks, turning off the tv with the remote before his hands wrap around your hips.
you start to fidget with the strings of his hoodie, tugging on them and folding them up. normally you’d have one of those pop-its or a different kind of fidget toy, but this time, you don't.
aaron thankfully figures out what’s happening when you don’t respond and quickly leans over to his bedside counter, careful not to move you, and gets one of the fidget toys he got for you.
huh, you didn’t even realize that was there.
“here, angel,” he says softly, smiling whenever you look up at him take the toy from his hands and start to fidget with it on his chest.
you see him grab the remote and turn on the movie that he was watching before moving one of his hands behind his head, his other hand still resting on your hip.
3. choice paralysis.
(inability to choose choices or decisions.)
you bite your lip in stress, your fingers tapping against your thigh. you and your friends decided to hang out, and they wanted to meet up somewhere again.
it was going fine until one of your friends decided to let you choose since you’d never chosen before.
“so, where are we going, y/n?” your friend beside you asks, lifting an eyebrow at you. it isn't their fault that they don't know about your adhd. only your close friends do, but they’re not here right now. and that makes this 10x worse.
“uhm… i don’t know,” you say with a shrug. saying i don’t know to things was always easier than making decisions. choosing made you panic, stressed, even though you didn’t know why.
“come on, y/n. you can’t just say i don’t know about this,” your other friend sighs, looking up at you from the floor. you nervously bite your lip, moving your feet around.
“well—i don’t really know places y’know? why don’t one of you guys choose?” you asked hopefully, hoping that they would spare you.
they didn’t.
“nope. it’s your turn to choose. we all chose,” the friend beside you says, shrugging nonchalantly. you begin to wish that aaron was there right now.
good thing that apparently, he’s a genie.
“you could just go to that cafe that just opened.” your friends turn to the voice who butted in, revealing aaron, leaning against the kitchen counter with his phone in hand.
“oh, yeah! i heard that it’s really good!” another friend butts in, smiling. the friend beside you frowns, looking at you. “are you sure you don’t want to choose this time? i mean we could let you choose—“
“no, no! it’s fine!”
4. trouble recalling commonly used words.
(you don’t remember the word you need to use, even though you’ve used it a hundred times before.)
you were pacing around your room with aaron sitting on your bed, watching you with a smile as you use your hands to exclaim your excitement about a new book you’ve read.
he always knew that books were one of your hyperfixations, and he never said no to you asking to buy piles of books.
“and then—oh my god—he literally smiled. like, he knew! he literally knew that he was going to win the case even though she worked so hard to collect—“ you cut off, trying to remember the word that you were going to use.
“uhm.. wait, what was the word—“
“yes! proof that he was a bastard and deserved to go to jail, but no! they just had to believe him over poor becca and nat who literally are in the fucking right! like, can you believe that?!” you rant, hitting your hand with your other hand in a chopping motion.
aaron lifts an eyebrow. “that sounds like the trial was flawed,” he says. words like that always came easy for him, which you never understood. you always had to think about easy words for some reason.
“it is! like, he’s literally so stupid and annoying—and—wait—and—irritating!” you groan, running a hand down your face.
aaron can’t help but chuckle at your aggression, hiding his smile with his hand. “shut up, aaron,” you deadpan.
5. poor sense of time.
(forgetting what time or day it is.)
oh shit, oh shit. you forgot all about this project. you quickly rush on the paper, your handwriting messy but you’re too stressed to care about that now.
you thought that it was wednesday. not thursday. how could it be thursday? you literally checked the time before and it was thursday. or was it?—you don’t remember anymore.
“angel?” aaron asks curiously, looking at your rushed state. “wait.” you continue to write down on the paper quickly, knowing that the deadline is in five minutes.
“shit, i thought it was wednesday,” you rant to aaron, continuing to scribble down words. “did you forget again?” aaron asks, though it isn’t judgmental.
“yes,” you groan, sticking your hand in your hair so you can lay the side of your face on your palm. “literally, how is it thursday?”
aaron just signs before walking closer to you, putting a hand on your back, and beginning to rub it gently in a form of comfort.
“well, now you know it’s thursday. and, you’re almost finished. even if it’s past the deadline, you’ll be finished with it quickly. don’t worry, love,” he says softly.
you glance up at him before swallowing, nodding your head softly. “yeah, yeah. thank you, darling,” you mumble, calming down. though, you still slightly rush to get through the paper so it doesn’t get late.
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adorasgayass · 3 years
No Strangers To Love: Never Gonna Give You Up
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
After an unbearable time apart, bitter exes, Lilith and Hooty, are forced to spend time together as they plan their rebellion against Emperor Belos. Will they get back together? Or will they be strangers to love once more? Will they run around and desert each other? Or will they never give each other up?
Read on AO3 | Co-written with @lumiity​
Notes: Exclusive art on AO3
Hooty watches the beautiful witch holding him in her arms as she begins to cry. Hooty itches to do something as she turns away from him, covering her eyes with her arm as her sobs begin to shake her whole body.
“Hoot hoot,” Hooty moves closer to her, “Why are you crying? Is something wrong, beautiful emo witch?”
“You really-” her voice hitches as she wipes away her tears, “You really don’t remember me, Hootcifer?”
“I-” Hooty scans her face, something tugging at his memories at the back of his head. But before he can think about it too long, a sharp knock comes at the door.
The rest of the people in the room scatter in all different directions, save for the beautiful woman, a human child, a small dog-like thing, and a grey-haired witch in a bright red dress. The grey-haired witch opens the door and Hooty can just barely see two people in guard uniforms.
“Are you,” one of them looks at a paper, then backs up, “Eda the owl lady? We were told that you were behind the attack on Emperor Belos’ castle.”
“I’m not Eda,” the witch says, crossing her arms. “Now if you’ll excuse me-”
“Hey, wait,” the other guard squints at Hooty, then at the beautiful witch holding him. “I know you two. You guys are the happy couple who got engaged today! What a coincidence!”
“What?” Hooty struggles to remember. “I don’t hoot-”
The beautiful witch covers his beak with her hand and says, “We sure are! This is our engagement party.”
Hooty moves his face from her hand then licks his beak, “Yum, yum, yum.”
The grey-haired witch glares at him, “What the actual fuck, Hooty?”
“You taste,” Hooty moves his tongue around his mouth, “familiar somehow.”
“For Titan’s sake!” the grey-haired witch yells. “There are children here!”
Hooty glances at the human and dog thing, who both look moderately horrified. But the beautiful witch touches a hand to Hooty’s face and all thoughts of emotionally scarring children leaves Hooty’s mind. He turns to face her and is captivated by her wide teal and grey eyes.
“Please try, Hootcifer,” her voice is soft and pleading, “Try to remember me. I love you, Hootficer. You are the Romeo to my Juliet.”
“I know that story, hoot,” Hooty perks up, “I even remember a quote! ‘See how she eats that rat. Oh, that I were a rat that I might be in her mouth, hoot hoot.’”
"That's not the line," the grey-haired witch grumbles.
"Do you know what's happening, Michelle?" He hears one of the guards whisper from behind him.
"I think it's foreplay?" The other answers. "Maybe we shouldn't be here, El."
But Hooty is not paying attention to any of them as the beautiful witch leans closer, "You are the hottest owl tube that was spawned in hell by a long furby and a tapeworm that I have ever met."
The words are familiar and suddenly, everything clicks into place. Hooty's eyes begin to tear up as he looks at Lilith, "Lulu?"
"Do you remember me?" Lilith flings her arms around his tube body, "Oh, Hootcifer!"
"Oh, come on," Eda groans as Lilith brings her mouth to Hooty's beak, "No one wants to see that."
"I swear if that horse says another word, I will cut his tongue out of his fucking mouth and shove it down his throat."
But Hooty is too busy paying attention to a different tongue being shoved down his throat to pay anyone else any mind.
When they finally pull apart, Lilith places a cool hand on Hooty’s cheek, which he leans into.
“I really thought I lost you, Hootcifer,” tears are streaming down Lilith’s pale face, “I do not know what I would do without you. I do not know if I would be able to live.”
“Oh, my dearest Lulu,” Hooty licks away a tear from her face, savouring the saltiness. “You are my everything, hoot hoot. I am so sorry that we argued. It’s just-”
Hooty lets himself trail off, too embarrassed to continue.
“Just what, sweetheart?” she asks him, “Please, tell me, honey bear.”
“I just-” Hooty takes a breath, “Hoot, I just never felt good enough for you. Especially compared to your exes.”
“My exes?” Lilith’s delicate blue eyebrows scrunch together, “How come?”
“You’ve dated such intimidating people, hoot hoot,” he turns away from her, “Emperor Belos, Count Olaf, Madame Carp, Mother Gothel, Levana Blackburn, Evander Wade. They are all so fucking hot and I’m just another owl tube that was made by a tapeworm and a long furby procreating in the deep, fiery pits of hell.”
“But you dated Evander Wade too,” Lilith points out.
“Yeah, hoot hoot,” Hooty shrugs, even though he does not have shoulders, “but I know that Evandy always liked you better.”
“Oh, Hootcifer,” Lilith gives a small smile, “It doesn’t matter who he liked more. Don’t you get it? I love you . I always have. So please, just this once, stay.”
“Why does that sound so familiar,” Hooty hears Swift Wind say from a few feet away but he is not listening.
“Oh, Lulu,” Hooty breathes, “Of course I will stay, hoot hoot. I will never leave you again, my beautiful emo witch.”
Lilith wipes a tear from the corner of her eye between leaning closer to Hooty, “I’m never gonna give you up, my dearest Hootcifer.”
“And I’m never gonna let you down, my sexy Lulu, hoot hoot.”
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hongism · 3 years
hi caly im back after reading moc41 and just... mind: blown. tears: none left. throat: sore after screaming into my pillow so much. emotional stability: basically gone from the amount of damage made in this chapter. but all that aside I STILL LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
if theres one thing that saved me i’d say its probably all the san x y/n moments in 41 (tho ironically that joy is kinda short-lived aha :’) and also nightingale and soojin and LUCA now in the picture! i’m just manifesting more of their interactions once y/n comes back pls bring her back quick dear miss calyyy ㅠㅠㅠ
and also everyone probably already went batshit crazy at hongjoong while simultaneously sympathizing with the logic of his choices can’t hide that i’m one of them askwkzjs. again, i’m broken at how he went with the decision without the reluctance we all thought he would have, and it even seems like he’s eager to let her go if not for his guilt towards san. i guess hardly anybody would feel good when they’re being abandoned and deemed as less worthy, even if its by someone seemingly unimportant to them. i just wanna know if there’s any hope for y/n and hongjoong mending their relationship in the next act, or just any none-hateful moments? please i need them to be (somewhat) okay if yall wont choke each other sexually FINE just dont choke each other all together please askjwuwhshs 😭
and i cant even talk too much about wooyoung and yeosang it pains me and it even GETS WORSE OH MY GOD?!! but apart from that, i’m also super curious about the thing yeosang said to y/n too. i have a tiny theory basically about that part, but when i first read it i thought it sounds like y/n was part of the slave group wooyoung was in when yeosang was still prince??? like yeosang was somehow gonna choose y/n in that group, but ended up choosing wooyoung instead. or even if she wasn’t actually in the slave group it’s something about wooyoung beind chosen in y/n’s place, and yeosang already met her before she joined the crew. and y/n seemed so confused because she got brainwashed so she’s couldn’t remember all that (?)
overall ur a legend and this is a masterpiece as always caly, and it’s absolutely worth the wait. as angsty as this is gonna get i’m still really looking forward to the next chapters!! take your time and stay healthy bestie <3 — 🌊
hello hi bestie!!! IM SORRY!!!! i did a lot of damage huh 😫🤪 im so glad to hear you loved tho!!! that makes me soso happy hehe <3
anywho! im glad the y/n and san moments made it bearable and survivable! they had some good moments in the first half of the chapter :3 but don't worry we won't have to suffer for long pink promise!!!
you bring up a good point of hongjoong's choices and how it seems like his guilt towards san is the only reason he feels bad about his decision. i can't say that his decisions are gonna be made better or worse in the future, but there is a rather big reveal in the next chapter that will make the knife go a little deeper unfortunately :') is there any hope for y/n and hongjoong? it's too early to say really, we have such a long ways to go that i don't want to say anything without spoiling! we gotta go through some rough things to get to the better and happier things tho!!!
then... wooyoung and yeosang 😭 the most painful part for me as well tbh ahh yeah god damn !!! there's a lot to it and a lot in it and a lot of pain and layers of course! i can't say much but you are on the right track indeed with your theory and that's all i can say 🤐 but we have to remember that y/n lost her memories not once but twice! before joining the military and when jisung went in too! so there's definitely a lot of possibilities in there!!
thank u as always MUAH ur too kind <3 this one was VERY angsty, but i can say that it's as bad as it's gonna get for a while!! stay healthy too bestie i luv u <333
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