#adhd y/n
lxvebelle · 1 month
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: aaron warner x ADHD fem!reader
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: in where aaron warner helps his girlfriend with her ADHD.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: slight burnout, pet names, stress, slight eating disorder, mental illnesses, anxiety(?), comfort, fluff, use of Y/N, fem reader, modern AU (this is totally a self insert but idc because I NEED TJIS RN OKAY DONT BLAME EM GUYS BLAME GOD)
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐒: 1343
𝐀/𝐍: i like totally needed this because i just got overwhelmed and had a breakdown yesterday and i dont feel motivated to do shit todsu (its glimg to go away tomorrow but let me be dramatic smh) ANYWAS THIS IS FOR ALL MY ADHD GIRLIES WHO ARE LIKE ME AND SUFFER WITH THIS <333 (also idk if this is realistic or just normal for yall, i just put the things that happen to me everyday that classifies as adhd😾)
𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀 𝐀/𝐍: ykw idk if tjis ks good or not i made this at like 1 am so im tirdx bfo but whayever ima post it and see what happens lol
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: @reminiscentreader @never-enough-novels @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys @evaswarner @sc11vb @sophiesonlinediary @starrynightsxo @f4iry-bell @his-littlefox @viivdle @aaron-warner @reyreadersblog @urbanflorals @heqrtlcss (ask if you want to be added or removed from taglist! <3)
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1. executive dysfunction.
(ONE example: focusing too much on one thing, OR, hyperfixation.)
now, you know that you were supposed to be doing something else. it’s about 11:20, and that’s when you and aaron eat lunch together. but, you had to finish this.
plus, it’ll only take a little while, right? it isn’t like you’ll spend thirty more minutes writing a synopsis for a book you read for a friend who asked about it.
ten minutes later, your shoulder gets gently pushed. your eyes immediately trail to the owner of the hands and find aaron.
“i know, i know, i’m almost finished,” you say, going back to quickly typing on the keyboard of your laptop. you could feel aaron frown, his eyes still on your head.
“love, it’s time for lunch. you know you have to eat, right?” he asks, putting his hands on the armrest of your chair. though, you barely pay attention to it. “i know. i’m almost finished, though.”
aaron sighs before you find yourself getting turned around in your chair, making your arms fling to the armrest. the blond leans down so he can meet your eyes, his face stern.
“y/n. you know i love you—so much—but it’s time to stop and eat lunch. you know that,” he says, sternly, his eyes focused on you.
you frown and glance back to your laptop before sighing and agreeing with him. “okay, okay,” you grumble, getting up from your chair.
aaron smiles as he follows behind you as you walk into the living room to eat lunch with him.
2. uncontrollable fidgeting.
(a physical reaction to stress or concentration.)
you couldn’t help it. you practically needed something to fidget with. this day was already stressful with you forgetting to set your alarm clock, causing both you and aaron to wake up late; not to mention work being stressful and hard for you.
it was an instinct to fidget whenever you were stressed.
you quickly put your keys down once you made it into your house and immediately looked around for aaron. sadly, you didn’t see him in the living room, or kitchen, so you went to your shared bedroom.
luckily, you find aaron on the bed, who, surprisingly, is wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants. you don’t have time to gawk before you walk up to your boyfriend and practically lounge on top of his chest, making him grunt in shock.
“angel?” he asks, turning off the tv with the remote before his hands wrap around your hips.
you start to fidget with the strings of his hoodie, tugging on them and folding them up. normally you’d have one of those pop-its or a different kind of fidget toy, but this time, you don't.
aaron thankfully figures out what’s happening when you don’t respond and quickly leans over to his bedside counter, careful not to move you, and gets one of the fidget toys he got for you.
huh, you didn’t even realize that was there.
“here, angel,” he says softly, smiling whenever you look up at him take the toy from his hands and start to fidget with it on his chest.
you see him grab the remote and turn on the movie that he was watching before moving one of his hands behind his head, his other hand still resting on your hip.
3. choice paralysis.
(inability to choose choices or decisions.)
you bite your lip in stress, your fingers tapping against your thigh. you and your friends decided to hang out, and they wanted to meet up somewhere again.
it was going fine until one of your friends decided to let you choose since you’d never chosen before.
“so, where are we going, y/n?” your friend beside you asks, lifting an eyebrow at you. it isn't their fault that they don't know about your adhd. only your close friends do, but they’re not here right now. and that makes this 10x worse.
“uhm… i don’t know,” you say with a shrug. saying i don’t know to things was always easier than making decisions. choosing made you panic, stressed, even though you didn’t know why.
“come on, y/n. you can’t just say i don’t know about this,” your other friend sighs, looking up at you from the floor. you nervously bite your lip, moving your feet around.
“well—i don’t really know places y’know? why don’t one of you guys choose?” you asked hopefully, hoping that they would spare you.
they didn’t.
“nope. it’s your turn to choose. we all chose,” the friend beside you says, shrugging nonchalantly. you begin to wish that aaron was there right now.
good thing that apparently, he’s a genie.
“you could just go to that cafe that just opened.” your friends turn to the voice who butted in, revealing aaron, leaning against the kitchen counter with his phone in hand.
“oh, yeah! i heard that it’s really good!” another friend butts in, smiling. the friend beside you frowns, looking at you. “are you sure you don’t want to choose this time? i mean we could let you choose—“
“no, no! it’s fine!”
4. trouble recalling commonly used words.
(you don’t remember the word you need to use, even though you’ve used it a hundred times before.)
you were pacing around your room with aaron sitting on your bed, watching you with a smile as you use your hands to exclaim your excitement about a new book you’ve read.
he always knew that books were one of your hyperfixations, and he never said no to you asking to buy piles of books.
“and then—oh my god—he literally smiled. like, he knew! he literally knew that he was going to win the case even though she worked so hard to collect—“ you cut off, trying to remember the word that you were going to use.
“uhm.. wait, what was the word—“
“yes! proof that he was a bastard and deserved to go to jail, but no! they just had to believe him over poor becca and nat who literally are in the fucking right! like, can you believe that?!” you rant, hitting your hand with your other hand in a chopping motion.
aaron lifts an eyebrow. “that sounds like the trial was flawed,” he says. words like that always came easy for him, which you never understood. you always had to think about easy words for some reason.
“it is! like, he’s literally so stupid and annoying—and—wait—and—irritating!” you groan, running a hand down your face.
aaron can’t help but chuckle at your aggression, hiding his smile with his hand. “shut up, aaron,” you deadpan.
5. poor sense of time.
(forgetting what time or day it is.)
oh shit, oh shit. you forgot all about this project. you quickly rush on the paper, your handwriting messy but you’re too stressed to care about that now.
you thought that it was wednesday. not thursday. how could it be thursday? you literally checked the time before and it was thursday. or was it?—you don’t remember anymore.
“angel?” aaron asks curiously, looking at your rushed state. “wait.” you continue to write down on the paper quickly, knowing that the deadline is in five minutes.
“shit, i thought it was wednesday,” you rant to aaron, continuing to scribble down words. “did you forget again?” aaron asks, though it isn’t judgmental.
“yes,” you groan, sticking your hand in your hair so you can lay the side of your face on your palm. “literally, how is it thursday?”
aaron just signs before walking closer to you, putting a hand on your back, and beginning to rub it gently in a form of comfort.
“well, now you know it’s thursday. and, you’re almost finished. even if it’s past the deadline, you’ll be finished with it quickly. don’t worry, love,” he says softly.
you glance up at him before swallowing, nodding your head softly. “yeah, yeah. thank you, darling,” you mumble, calming down. though, you still slightly rush to get through the paper so it doesn’t get late.
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ghostlyfleur · 2 months
𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞’𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
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eddie munson x shy!oc
contents: anxiety, curse words, friends to lovers. lovesick!eddie, inexperienced!reader, self-consciousness, first kiss, sharing clothes. eddie’s jacket is oversized on reader. can be read as x reader, but a bit oc too? carnival date.
word count: ~1.5k
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eddie munson is in love.
she is entirely inexperienced in anything romantic or sexual; no first kiss, never even got close to it. extremely shy and anxious, has a seemingly innocent aura, is a bit out of sorts, ditzy, with a sort of luna lovegood vibe. doesn’t argue with people, always tears up if confronted about anything, doesn’t have beef with anyone and is a lot more rational than emotional even though she tears up so easily. also doesn’t hold grudges or care what people think of her…
the thing is, she has been introverted her whole life, a very anxious person, and so doesn’t understand that eddie munson likes her because she needs to be told how people feel about her very explicitly otherwise her mind will convince her they hate her. anxiety is like that. and she’s the kind of person that has a hard time realizing that people can perceive their existence and have feelings for them, no matter what type of feelings, so even though eddie is not at all shy about flirting with her and giving her all of the attention in the world in his over-the-top, overdramatic way, he also knows that if anything other than the friendship he’s thankfully managed to build with her is going to happen, romantic-wise, that she has to be the one to initiate it— but she’s oblivious!
on the other hand though, she doesn’t even bother hiding her infatuation with eddie — it’s a lot more than infatuation by now. she’s always looking at him with stars in her eyes and laughs at his jokes and smiles that big, square, goofy smile whenever they lock eyes and constantly praises him because he deserves to feel as special as he is, right? and she goes into detailed talks about lord of the rings with him, likes many of the same bands he does or simply lets him play his favorites for her, and she truly loves to watch hellfire play dungeons & dragons.
her eds even made her a special edition pink hellfire shirt. ‘cause he’s a simp.
one day, as she’s out with chrissy and heather outside a diner, talking and laughing and catching up, eddie is close by somewhere with friends. his van is parked nearby.
it starts getting chilly, and eddie’s girl starts shivering, so she quickly excused herself away from the girls, “gimme a second!” and reaches through the open window of eddie’s van, making a mental note to grill him about it later — “‘cause it isn’t safe, eds!” — to grab his leather jacket thinking of how he has told her over and over that she can borrow it, that “what’s mine is yours, sweets. i don’t mind sharing if it’s with you”, so she figures it’s okay, right? and goes back to the girls who are fucking smirking like they see something she doesn’t.
it’s about fifteen minutes later, and eddie is walking towards the trio, simply because he misses his girl and wants a hug, when he sees it.
she’s wearing his jacket. his jacket.
in typical eddie fashion, he makes a scene— gasping dramatically, he clutches his chest over his heart and falls to his knees, because fuck what anyone around thinks. his precious girl is wearing his fucking jacket! and she looks like a fucking angel.
“eds, what are you doin’?”
“do you know how heavenly you look in my jacket? i just had to get on my knees to worship you.”
the boy shuffles closer to his sweet girl on his knees still while he talks and she’s flustered, okay? she’s shy and her face is on fire and she’s covering her cheeks and giggling. and because it’s eddie, her eddie, she’s not running away to have a panic attack. ‘cause it’s eddie and he’s being sweet, so she can’t focus on anyone else long enough to feel crippling anxiety or embarrassment. doesn’t even care that chrissy is cooing and heather is smirking.
“that jacket is yours now, you own it. you pretty much own me by now.” eddie says, on his knees, in front of her
“it’s okay that i took it right?” she makes sure even after his display of joy, ‘cause anxiety isn’t rational “you said i—”
her eddie knows her, though. he stands up, gets real fucking close to her, so close they’re almost touching, with this look of absolute adoration and “i’d give ya everything i have if i could, pretty.”
fast forward a few days later. chrissy kept yapping on and on to the oblivious girl about how “in love” eddie is, but it’s as though her brain won’t let her even entertain the idea.
that’s until she’s having a semi-regular quote unquote friend-date with eddie, something they’ve done quite a few times before, and this time they go to the fair. they’re doing everything couples might do, eddie is very aware of this, and he’s over the moon to just be enjoying quality time with his pretty girl until she spots a photobooth, “oh, eds! we have to!” and eddie’s desperately counting coins to pay. the pictures go a little something like this:
after coming up blank with pose ideas, they just look at each other and laugh, but at the sound of his free and bright laugh, she just stares at her boy like he’s a dream come true— first pic is taken, looking at eddie like he hung the moon while he’s mid-laugh.
eddie notices her staring and goes from loud laughs to breathless ones, a smile on his lips, and whispers a soft “what?”— second picture is taken as the girl quickly presses her lips to his, her very first kiss, and it’s caught on camera.
the third picture depicts eddie’s sweet girl nervously rambling “i was going to ask for permission first, i promise!” while eddie has a glassy, dreamy look on his face, slack jawed, looking at her lips.
and at the fourth snap? eddie presses forward to shut her up with another impossibly soft and tender kiss, both of their eyes are closed and his hand is holding her jaw, thumb brushing her cheek.
after they part from the second kiss, eddie acknowledges that it was her first kiss, a shy “was that okay?” to which his sweetheart just smiles really big and nods excitedly over and over with a breathless giggle. that was the perfect first and second kiss and she couldn’t ask for more.
they hold hands the rest of the night.
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satorusluver · 9 months
Minors DNI
Can't stop won't stop I'm hyperfixating.
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Boyfriend Gojo Satoru who sees cumming in you as giving you his love. Letting him cum in you is such an act of trust and he sees it as the ultimate form of intimacy.
Even though he knows you're on birth control and have virtually no chance of having his baby, he can't help but love the idea of your womb being full of his cum, full of his seed. In his mind it marks you as his.
One time when he found out a coworker had been flirting with you, he fucked you right before you left for work. Didn't matter that you were fully dressed already, he just hiked your skirt up, pulled your panties aside and fucked you right up against the kitchen counter, his fat cock stuffing you full until you came all over it and he came in you, shooting thick ropes of cum as deeply as he could. Then he pulled out and readjusted your underwear, knowing damn well you'd be leaking his fluid onto them throughout the work day.
Sometimes he'll even choose to stay perfectly still when he cums in you because "want you to feel it, baby." He'll grip your waist tight and push all the way in until the tip of his dick kisses your cervix and then he'll cum hard, not moving a muscle so you can feel how his dick twitches with every spurt of thick, hot seed that floods your womb.
"You feel how much I love you, baby?"
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sturniluvr · 15 days
Matt dating ADHD!reader
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❗️SFW only❗️
Disclaimer: these are based off my experience with ADHD and some things that I have to do for my ADHD <3
A/N: I actually forgot to take my medication while writing this, need me a Matt fr😭(taken them now👍🏻)
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> First and foremost, He’ll remind you to take your medication if you take it. He’ll have reminders set on his phone for you to take them at the times you need them.
> He’s always making sure you’ve eaten and drank something at least once a day, especially if he knows you’ve had a busy day and more than likely have forgotten to eat and hydrate yourself, and if you haven’t eaten or drank anything that day or haven’t had much drink or food, he’ll make you both something and encourage you to eat and take a break from whatever you’re doing.
> He’ll silently ask before hugging you or touching you in anyway knowing how you can be with physical touch, somedays you love it but days where you’re felling overwhelmed you don’t want anyone touching you.
> He also asks before initiating physical touch because of you getting too hot easily and he doesn’t want to trigger you if your too hot and make you ever hotter by adding his body heat.
> He also keeps the bedroom window open for you at night so you won’t get too hot and if you’re too cold he’ll close it and put his fan on low.
> If there’s something near you that’s making you overstimulated, for example if you’re filming a car video with him Nick and Chris and one or both of them are being too loud and he notices you holding your ears, he’ll tell them to be quiet immediately and make sure you’re okay.
> He’ll always let you wear his clothes if you need to as he knows they’re nice and loose on you and not too tight which you hate.
> It’s very rare that he’ll yell at you over little things like forgetting to take the trash out etc, knowing you genuinely cannot help forgetting sometimes and if he ever hears someone yelling at you for whatever reason, he’ll immediately shut them up and comfort you.
> he loves your stims, especially when it’s happy stims and your excited/passionate about whatever your talking about or doing and start stimming with that big beautiful smile that he loves so much on your face. But if they’re sad stims or you’re overwhelmed, he’ll do anything to comfort you.
> If you ever get overstimulated and need some alone time, he’ll let you stay in his room alone to do your own thing and he’ll turn the lights off (if you want them off) and he’ll periodically checks on you and if music helps you calm down.
> (based on previous one) He’ll keep a set of your headphones in his room, he’ll always make sure they’re charged for you whenever you may need them.
> If you’re in a group of people and people are talking over you and he notices you give up trying to talk, he’ll squeeze your hand and assure you he was listening to to continue talking.
> When you overthink, you tend to become closed off from the world, Matt always notices when you do this and he’ll take you somewhere quiet and private and encourage you to talk to him and comfort you about whatever you’re overthinking about.
> He has lots of silly photos and videos that you’ve either taken on his phone or sent him on Snapchat. He loves seeing your childish and silly side come out, showing him that you trust not only him but his brothers enough to be yourself around them.
> you also bring out his childish side and you can both go from having a serious conversation laying on his bed to having a dance party in his room at 3am (love the 3am dance parties🤪)
> He’s also loves hearing you and Chris bounce the most random thoughts off eachother. You and Chris NEVER shut up when you’re together if you’re having a good day, talking about anything and everything. (yappers unite 🫶🏻)
> He keeps a mental note of where you place things around the house and your bedroom because he knows you’ll forget at some point if it’s not directly next to you.
> If you’re having a bad day and have no motivation to do anything, he’ll more than happily just lay on the couch or in his bed with you and watch a film or just get your own things done while being in each others presence.
> If you have a date night planned and you’re having a bad day, Matt is more than happy to have a little impromptu home date nights with you, painting each others nails and eating snacks with a film playing on his TV.
> He has a box in his closet full of little things you’ve given him over the years, shells from the beach, little letters you’ve written him, bracelets you’ve made for him, no matter how small the gift is, it’ll go in his memory box for him to treasure for the rest of his life. (Matt and ADHD!reader have matching bracelets and that’s the only bracelet he wears everyday)
> If you have chores or errands you need to get done throughout the day, Matt will help you get them done to make your day a little less stressful.
> Overall, he’s a very loving and attentive boyfriend and will do anything in his power to make his girls day a little bit easier for you <3
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chifuyudck · 22 days
the brothers with a mc who suffers from ADHD.
obey me brothers x gn!mc
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summary: how the seven demon lords handle a mc with adhd; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
a/n: i really wanted to write this since i actually suffer from adhd myself. (i procrastinated writing this for over a month….) i’ll probably use this for comfort whenever i’m upset with myself, since i forget most of my writings a few days after i have posted them lololol. don’t self diagnose from my post please! if this rings any bells for you, tell a doctor or do plenty of more research on your own. anyway, sorry for bad grammar, english is not my first language, enjoy!!!
adhd related subjects that are mentioned in this story: poor awareness of voice tone (loud), short-term memory, struggle focussing, overbearing feeling of guilt, not understanding unclear orders, overthinking, overstimulated by sounds, hyperactivity, little patience, masking, hyperfocussing, forgetful of basic needs.
lucifer frowns as he hears your loud laughter coming from somewhere around the house. usually it wouldn’t bother him that much, but he had asked you three times now to start studying for your upcoming tests since your grades were getting lower and lower as time passed. he abruptly stands up from his chair and makes his way out of his office, searching for the place you’re located in this time.
he easily finds you by the sounds of your laughter and stops in his tracks in front of asmodeus’ room. without knocking he swings the door open widely, which earns a scream from both you and asmo. “luciferrr, you scared us!” asmo says with a high-pitched voice, his arms lingering around you. “mc, mind explaining why you’re here, and not in your room, studying as you should be?” lucifer asks with a stern voice, completely ignoring asmo’s whining.
you quickly stand up, with rosy cheeks as you got ‘busted’. “i forgot..” you mumble avoiding any eye contact. “what do you mean, you forgot?” lucifer asks beyond belief. “well i came here to get.. uh.. something, and i guess i got carried away a little bit.” you say, not even able to remember why you were here in the first place. “this is not the first time something important has slipped from your mind, mc.” lucifer exclaims, which makes you roll your eyes internally. “okay i get it, i’m sorry.” you say, obviously a bit pissed off. it’s not like you can really help it that you’re like this.
“you don’t have to apologise.” lucifer says, softening a bit, “you’re right they shouldn’t!” asmo mentions. you look at lucifer very confused, is he angry at you or not? and as if he can read you mind he says, “i’m not angry, just worried about your school prestations.” this makes you feel a bit lightened up. he leaves the room and makes his way towards your room, assuming you’ll follow him, which you do.
as you both arrive in your room he pulls another chair next to yours, having the both of you sit at your desk. “i’ll help you stay focused on your studies.” lucifer says as he grabs your textbook to quiz you. he was aware of your adhd but it never really came to his mind that it affected you this bad. “aren’t you too busy?” you ask him, worried for his sake. “i’m never too busy to help you.” he says with a soft smile.
you let out a silent sigh as mammon continues talking about gamble related stuff. you really, really do love mammon, but you’re just getting bored of the endless stories about how he defeated his ‘worst’ enemies in a poker game. hearing his story has you remembering a memory with an old friend, and this story is way more interesting than mammon’s in your opinion.
not waiting another second to interrupt him, you start speaking, “this one time me and an old friend—“ you cut yourself off when you see mammon’s annoyed face. he didn’t really appreciate you interrupting his story. nonetheless you were in search of dopamine, and a good argument really gives you that, which is way better than hearing a boring story.
“is there something wrong?” you ask him, in a tone that makes mammon even more upset. “no, go ahead with your story.” mammon says quieter than usual, which makes your heart sink. he wasn’t going to argue back… why were you even thinking of arguing with mammon to begin with. now you felt as if guilt is eating you alive. “i’m so sorry mammon, please forgive me..” you say, now he thinks you’re overreacting, maybe you are or maybe it’s because you feel overly concerned with the feelings of others.
it’s as if you’re about to burst out into tears, which really scares mammon. “i don’t mind! stop worryin’ mc!” he says, grabbing you firmly by your shoulders to really get it into your head. “i’m sorry.” you apologise again, feeling less guilt than before. he shakes his head and says, “tell me what you and your friend did that one time.”
you were in levi’s room, watching him play one of his favourite games on a console from the couch. you really enjoy watching, the way his character moves so swiftly itches you brains just right. suddenly leviathan speaks, “mc, would you like to try?” he asks and you smile, “yeah, sure that would be fun.”
he hands you the controller, which you let adjust into your hands. you get the hang of the controls quickly and now you need to face the end-boss. “okay, just use the controls you’ve been using the whole time, you’ll be fine.” he instructs, but it’s not so clear for you. what exact controls? you’ve been using multiple ones. and do you need to crouch or sprint? or would that lower your performance? suddenly all sorts of questions pop up in your mind, but it’s too late to ask them as the end-boss already parades into the screen.
you start stressing and just after three hits you’re k.o. which surprises leviathan. “how did that go so wrong? you knew the controls just now.” he wonders, which makes you feel a little less confident. “can you show me the exact controls i need to use to beat the boss?” you ask him, which makes him nod immediately. he’s happy to teach you these things since he’s so interested in them.
after teaching you again, and explaining clearly what to do you’re ready to try once more. and this time after three hits the end-boss is k.o. you’ve won! levi excitedly cheers you on, “i’m so proud of you, mc!” he exclaims, he even seems happier than you. “it’s all because of your help.” you say cheekily.
located in the library, you and satan were reading, both different books. usually you love reading, but right now you can’t focus. maybe satan just happens to have a small cough, that catches your attention every time you hear it. and what is that buzzing sound you keep hearing? is it the radiator, or maybe a mosquito? having the fireplace on would be so nice right now, you really love those crunchy sounds it makes. and hot chocolate together with that would be so cozy!
“what are you thinking about, mc?” satan’s voice suddenly interrupts the ‘silence’. “can we put the fireplace on?” you ask him awfully excited. “sure.” he chuckles from the sudden excitement and makes his way to the fireplace, starting a fire, just for you. “we should have hot chocolate with this, i’ll go get some!” you erupt and almost sprint off to the kitchen.
returning with two mugs of hot chocolate you notice satan silently reading his book again, which makes you smile. you quietly put the mugs onto the table, which earns a soft look from him. you sit back down, grabbing your book and continue reading.
now it’s the third time you’re re-reading this page, you really are reading, but it just doesn’t get into your head. you let out a sigh, and you start fidgeting with the corners of the pages, which doesn’t go unnoticed by satan. “don’t fold the pages, mc.” he says with a stern, but soft voice. you immediately pull your hand back. “oh, i didn’t notice.” you mention, then you both continue reading in silence again.
finally you groan, and close your book. “i can’t read another word, satan.” you whine as you put the book down, his eyes shoot up to you. “i figured you couldn’t focus.” he says, that makes you smile unconsciously, he knew you so well. “we can go outside for a walk?” he asks you, which has you nodding excitedly, “that’d be nice!”
the two of you are seated in asmo’s room, him polishing your nails. you love spending time with asmodeus, since you can talk about anything to him, and you kind of do talk a lot. speaking for itself you aren’t allowed to move around, which is do-able because he’s still in the process of actually painting your nails, it’s always the drying part, also known as the waiting part that’s a hard thing to do for you.
“okay the nail polish needs to dry, don’t move hon.” asmo announces, earning a nod from you. but quickly his order is forgotten as you get too carried away with gossiping about what you had heard from solomon the other day.
you swipe your hand through your hair and freeze your arm mid-air when you realise what happened. “oh my god.” you and asmo say in unison. quickly you put your hands down and the two of you examine the nails. it’s everywhere but on your nails.
you quickly look at asmodeus’ face, ready to copy the emotions that will form onto his features. as he starts laughing you let out a relieved sigh and join his laughter. “blue isn’t really your color anyway.” he says with a smile, while removing the remaining nail polish with a cotton pad.
you had been in your room the entire day, finally having motivation to clean up the mess you made in your room, after three weeks. lucifer had said it wasn’t his task to keep you on track with tidying, and that you should learn how to do it yourself. thinking about a proud lucifer made you really motivated, though beelzebub might not be as proud.
you hear a knock on the door and it bursts open, “mc, i haven’t seen you eat today.” he straight-forwardly mentions. now that you think about it, he’s right, you haven’t eaten anything today. the hyperfocus on tidying was bigger than the lingering feeling of hunger. “i will eat when i finish cleaning my room.” you say.
beel comes closer to you, and you look confused at him. suddenly he swipes you off the floor and carries you over his shoulder, “beel!” you whine as he takes you away from your room, towards the kitchen. as he sets you down on a chair, he immediately starts prepping a meal for you.
“you really shouldn’t starve yourself mc, not even for the sake of cleaning your room.” beel says with a frown, it’s obvious he’s very worried about you. “i know i shouldn’t, i just forgot to eat..” you say with a sigh. luckily beel never forgets one of his meals and neither forgets one of your meals. he will always make sure his loved ones are fed.
the sounds of your phone echo through your room as you’re mindlessly scrolling through videos. you should be tutoring belphie now, because you’re somehow better at school than him. you turn to the other side, while still being engrossed by your phone. though guilt is pitting in your stomach, and all you can hear in your head is, “get up, and go to belphie.” but you can’t. it’s too much of a hassle and somehow a bit anxious for you, but you do want to go, it’s like you’re paralysed because you can’t decide on what to do. so your decision is to continue scrolling.
the end of your doom-scrolling arrives as your door slams open, and an half awake belphie is standing inside your room. “why are you still in bed— *yawn* even i am on my feet.” he mumbles. you sit up, at loss of words, what can you genuinely say at this moment? “you can’t tell me you’re turning, lazy.” he says in a teasing tone.but you actually felt bad about it, were you actually lazy? belphie sees your expression change and feels a twinge of panic. “just kidding, you’re never lazy compared to me.” he jokes, but it doesn’t really help. you feel unsure about yourself.
he comes closer and cups your cheek, “hey. i was joking around, you’re not lazy.” he firmly says. you look up at him, and crack a smile at him. though you didn’t feel so happy inside. he sits down next to you, but quickly shifts into a lying position. “i am lazy though.” he snickers and pulls you down next to him. trapping you against his chest with one hand, while pulling the comforters over you two, with the other hand. “…and you’re going to experience it with me.” he says, which makes you chuckle while unconsciously shifting closer.
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rustboxstarr · 1 year
🥀First times for everything🥀
Summary: Just some good ole' fashioned grinding my guys
Pairings: Virgin!Eddie x Plussize!Reader
CW: kissing, groping, smut, grinding, cumming in boxers 😈, slight miscommunication, new relationship, reader referred to as fat by herself because what is so wrong with that? it's an adjective!
Word count: 3.9k
A/N:This was supposed to be a blurb, I very obviously failed..
Check out my other works!
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You strolled down the hall adjoining the cafeteria with an arm laced with Robins as you laughed about a previous endeavor in class, Jason had been told to shut it after talking all class and almost peed himself when he wasn't excused to the bathroom with a pass. The early June weather didn't feel as if you had just left spring, it felt like you were in the pique of august in some exotic country judging by the sun blazing down on you, allowing your body to break out in a light sweat whenever you were outside too long. The temperature was up in the three digits category every single day, so automatically baggy jeans and t-shirts turned into shorts and the occasional crop top. Today was that day, you had gotten a few stares, but that was inevitable being a fat girl wearing shorts that barely covered your ass and naturally weighty breasts on display under the white halter top, you would like to think it was a modest amount of cleavage, unfortunately that was only the case for you, for others you looked like you might have been trying too hard, there was no way you were going to care however, it was too damn hot outside to dress any lighter than this. You were pleasantly surprised that the shorts hadn't been bothering you but you dismissed the fact of no chafing due to the short walks between classes and cool air blasting through the school leaving your thighs dry and smooth as they rubbed together when you walked. 
“Oooh, loverboy is here” Robin grabbed your attention and drew it down to the end of the hall to see your boyfriend leant up against the lockers, black t-shirt with some band on it you couldn't read from so far away and a simple pair of green cargo shorts. “oh and he’s waiting by your locker, how cute” Robin grinned sarcastically. You rolled your eyes at her antics, “Oh I just realized you never told me if you.. you know” she widened her eyes excitedly, “Jesus Robin, you are too invested in other people's lives” that was not the answer she was looking for and that was made clear when she shook her head expectantly. “If you must know” you rolled your eyes again “No Eddie and I have not had sex”. You stopped in the middle of the hall, pulling her to the side so you wouldn't arrive where Eddie was, mid conversation. 
“Why not dude? What on earth are you waiting for?” she was undoubtedly exasperated with the situation, you were together, you had talked about sex with Eddie and she had heard from Steve that he had briefly ventured into the subject so what was the big deal?!
“Everyones not sexcrazed teenagers like you and Steve, humping like bunnies” you sneered “Ew when you say that it sounds like you mean were fucking each other” she pulled a face. “Obviously not, I just mean, Steve dates anyone in sight” you gestured to yourself, as if saying he even dates fat girls  “-and you and Vickie seem to be how do I say this?” you pondered “Horny as fuck” you grinned. “So are you and Eddie” she drew her eyebrows up dramatically as if she knew something you didn't. “We don’t know that, for all I know Eddie isn't even ready to do that stuff” you explained. “Welllll” Robin bounced on the balls of her feet “I mean, he’s a 19 year old guy, they're all horny fucks. He might just be waiting for you to tell him you're ready” that was in fact the case, but you didn't know that. 
“I feel like if he was he would say something” you raised your eyebrows as you began treading slowly down the hall again, “You realize you haven't told him you're ready” she rolled her eyes out of your view “I think he would know I’m ready” you countered.
“Sure, because boys are so well known for their knowledge of the female species, Eddie!” she held her hands out as a greeting. Eddie frowned slightly at her dramatic hello “Hey.. Robin” he answered her cautiously. “Alrighty well I’m gonna head to History, I’ll leave you too lovebirds be” she smirked earning a sneer from you as she began walking. She turned around behind Eddie's back to face you and made a lude scene in the hall, pretending to thrust into someone from behind while making awfully exaggerated faces of pleasure. Your stare at her drew Eddie's attention making him look behind him, Robin stopped abruptly and spun around to speed walk to class. 
“Hey” you smiled, stretching up to place a peck to his lips which he happily returned. “Only have a few minutes, I have history too” he explained as you opened your locker to switch out your books “But I wanted to ask, um Wayne, is uh out tonight, if you want to you know come over, we don't have to do anything!” he was quick to stress that fact “but I just thought it might be nice, watch Tv without a 60 year old man hovering around us” he grinned “and uh we got the AC going so it'll be cool” he brought his hand to the back of his neck to scratch and it with the pads of his fingers. 
“Yeah, I’d love to, I’ll just tell Steve I don't need a ride and I’ll go home with you yeah?” you closed your locker, limply holding your math textbook between both hands resting on your stomach. “Yeah sounds good” he smiled down at you, as you met his eyes you saw his attention was brought further down, to your boobs which were now firmly pressed together from the way you were holding your textbooks. You felt slightly awkward under his gaze but the moment only lasted a second or so before he cleared his throat and looked back at you “I’ll uh, be in the parking lot when you end” “Can’t wait” you grinned as you pecked him on the lips again. Before you could draw back Eddie's hand was quick to grab at your neck to hold you to him for just a few seconds longer. You swallowed as you drew apart, “Ok, bye” you forced a smile and quickly walked away. God could you be more awkward??
“You ok?” Robin asked as Eddie folded himself into the wooden chair next to her. “What? Oh, yeah all good” he smiled but Robin only squinted at him, a slight smirk played on her lips as she leant back, waiting for the class to start. As casual as she could be she commented “Cute top Y/N wore today right?” she was trying very hard to fight the smirk, it was proven even more difficult as she turned her head to the side to see Eddie with raised eyebrows, he coughed “Uh, yeah, didn't- didn't really notice it” he tried explaining away. Robin only nodded, silently laughing maniacally in her head. 
“Welcome to my humble abode” Eddie grinned as he swung through the door gesturing you to enter first, you chuckled “I’m familiar with it”, both of you slipped off your shoes and dropped your school bags to the floor. “So uh” Eddie clapped his hands together before holding them firmly behind his back, trying not to rock back and forth with nerves “What do you want to do, we can watch a movie, listen to music in my room and uh…” he wasn't sure how exactly he had planned on finishing that sentence. “Make out?” you grinned “I-I mean, only- only if you want to” what was his issue with just saying one word once when he was talking, shut the fuck up Eddie, why are you so nervous, shes your girlfriend you idiot. 
You looked up at him through squinted eyelids, tilting your head to the side “Do you want to?” you had kissed before, sure, indulged in a little tongue, sat next to each other on a bench and awkwardly facing each other but never close to each other, not in someone's bed. “Only if you want to” he deadpanned now, head tilting down to look you straight in the eye, wishing he could understand what was going through your head. You were about to repeat his words back to him, or even say you wouldn't mind it, but maybe if you were clear with Eddie he would be clear with you so you opted for saying it right out “I want to” Eddie's eyes widened. “Do you?” you asked slowly, voice slightly firm “Y-yes, yes” he was nodding vigorously “I want to” you giggled at him “Well come on then” you slipped your palm into his, letting him stumble with you to his bedroom. Before you had a chance to sit down Eddie asked “Music?” trying to avoid your gaze. “Yes” you stated looking him dead in the eyes before grinning “But I’m picking”. 
Eddie clambered onto his bed as you went through music collection. How was he supposed to sit, in the middle against the headboard? To the side so you could sit next to him? Should he lie down? Would you be comfortable with lying down or would he seem like a creep? Was he supposed to be on top? Fuck he was getting in his head, fucking relax. He chose to sit in the middle of the bed, resting against the headboard, this way if you wanted to you could.. sit in his lap.. or next to him, he made sure there was still room for you. 
Just as he was trying to relax and calm his nerves he looked over at you bent at the waist to read the backs of each cassette. His heartbeat rose and an audible gulp was heard through the room as he noticed you. With your particular position your shorts had risen up your hips, wedging between your thighs, seam pressing at your puffy cunt and giving him a clear view of half your ass. He tried to look away, find just one other thing in the room that could catch his interest but it was impossible, his eyes snapped back to you, he rolled his eyes back as if just the sight of you alone was giving him pleasure, which, it was. He took the opportunity to sneakily and quietly adjust himself, forcing his now hard cock to sit straight and under the hem of his boxers, that would definitely make his little issue less noticeable. 
You stood up only a moment later, popping in the A side of the cassette Whodini, Escape. It was a surprise to see Eddie actually had Hip-pop in his house but judging by the size of his collection it seemed reasonable. You rocked your head from side to side with the beat of the music as you turned to Eddie, who sat fiddling with his rings in his lap. Now it was your turn to freak out about the sitting position, you pushed it down and took a breath. You weren't necessarily that excited about sitting on top of Eddie, you were heavy, what if you were too heavy? What if he didnt like you sitting in his lap? But you chose to power through, climbing onto the bed and swinging a leg over his and settling on his mid thighs. Eddie's wide eyes stared up at you, it was unbearable, you didn't want to think you did something wrong so you just quickly attached your lips to his. 
Eddie closed his eyes with a sigh, releasing the tension in his shoulders. As your hands grazed his arms and settled on each side of his neck Eddie drew his hands up to hold lightly at your waist. The kiss lasted a few seconds before you drew back to look at him, you didn't really get a chance though because soon enough Eddie leaned forward searching your lips again, with gentle movements you got him to settle back against the headboard and pecked against his lips. As you kissed him again you felt Eddie's tongue poking slightly at your flesh, nonverbal asking you to part your lips, you did, and you almost swooned when you felt his tongue graze yours, cinnamon gum tasting at the tip of your tongue. A low groan spilled from Eddie's lips as he grew more brave and licked more of your tongue. It was as if both of your bodies just knew and molded together, tongues swiping at each other with growing confidence and force. Eddie's hands began to grip harder at your hips making you notice it more, you chanced it and grabbed his right hand. 
His grip immediately loosened, thinking he might have held you too hard but gasped when he felt you guide his hands to your boob. He muttered a “fuck” against your lips as his fingers pushed into the soft skin. His grip on your hip went back to its former strength as he palmed at you desperately. You hummed against him at the feeling and continued kissing him. Relishing in the feeling of Eddie's greedy hand altering between squeezing harshly and simply holding you. 
He couldn't hold it in anymore though, he was straining desperately against his boxers and he needed some sort of release. You made a shocked whine when his hand left your boob to find its place on your hip again. Eddie forcefully pulled you flush against his chest, moving you from his thighs to sit right down on his clothed cock. You let out a loud gasp as you felt his hard length pressing right against your covered cunt, you parted your thighs to open your lips up to sit firmly on him, allowing his previous adjustment to sit deliciously pressed to your clit. Eddie's hands instinctively pushed over your shorts as he moved his hands from your hips to grab a hefty handful of your ass, causing you to push down on him. You let out a low moan at the feeling, desperately kissing his lips again to taste him. 
When Eddie pulled you towards him with his grip still firm on you over the denim, you pulled away from him. Wide eyes staring down at him in surprise. Eddie's lips curled into a slight smirk and adjusted his footing on the bed, to push you up against him with his knee as his hands encouraged you to grind against him, his hands pushing you back and forth until you got the memo and began grinding against him. One hand left his shoulder to grip at the headboard behind him, supporting you in grinding against him in a particularly hard stroke as you watched Eddie's mouth fall open and his eyes flutter closed at the sensation. You forced your hips forward again, a long stroke where you could feel your clit hit slightly past the ridge of his head earned a loud groan from Eddie as his head fell back, hair brushing lightly against your hand. 
With each movement of your hips, slowly but each stroke daring longer and longer Eddie groaned beneath you, suddenly you missed the touch of his lips against yours so you bent down slightly to capture his plump flesh in a light bite which turned into a kiss. Eddie grasped desperately at the fat of your ass as he timidly licked into your mouth. The long strokes ran faster as you found your position above him and confidence overthrew your nervousness, you hungrily grinded against his cock, the seam of your shorts perfectly placed against your clit as the first thrust of his hips forced it harder into the delicate nub. 
With that first thrust you couldn't help the loud slightly pornographic moan that fell from your lips, it had Eddie slowing his tackle on your mouth to watch in awe as he thrusted again, swallowing hard at the sound of a second moan. With the release of his lips you closed your eyes, your head rolling over on your shoulders to face the ceiling. Eddie stared at you, his mouth falling open as he watched your face intently. He thrust his hips again, harder this time to hear a now proper loud sultry moan echo in the room. Had you opened your eyes you would have seen the surprise and excitement on is face at your reactions, but you were too focused on revelling at the fact that your clit was being treated with perfect friction with each passing second. 
His hands went back to forcing you back and forth over him, the efforts of his knee, his hands, your hips and his hands moving you back and forth made you move faster and faster against him. Unabashedly your moans picked up to short and high pitched with each force of your hips. Eddie groaned as you purposely pushed your weight down on him and it distracted him from watching you. He went back to falling against the headboard with his eyelids shut but eyes rolling to the back of his skull beneath them. 
His groans of delight turned into deep moans when the pace picked up to impatiently fast, rubbing over his dick as quickly as you could. Not only was he getting some much needed relief but soon he felt the relief turn into active pleasure, his eyes flew open in an instant, fuck if you continued like this he was going to cum in his jeans. Jesus christ he would look so pathetic if he couldn't even hold it when you were simply making out. Was this making out? You weren't even kissing him?-
On the other side of the interaction was you, eyes squeezed tightly shut as your mouth dropped open to an exaggerated ‘o’ simply in the moment and not caring one bit that you might complete, it wasn't even the possibility, you knew that with only another minute you would come. And you chased that while picking the pace up once again averaging four strokes with each second, tits bouncing as you pushed yourself down on him.
-Would you be grossed out if he came? Would it be weird? Fuuuuck he was clenching his stomach now, willing his body to slow down, but he couldn't when you felt so damn good. “Shit” it was the first word you had said since walking into his room, and it snapped him right out of his overthinking “- Eddie, I’m gonna cum” you whined. “Wait really?” hang on, if you were cumming, he could too right? “Yeah” it was an answer to his question but it came out as a long moan as you rocked against him. Well that was all the answer Eddie needed and he relaxed, he was shocked that it was even possible but he forced you to rock faster and faster, now fully accepting the pleasure it was causing him. You moans came out louder and louder, almost like high pitched squeaks with each thrust. 
They grew shorter and louder, building up to the inevitable orgasm you were experiencing, you repeated a string of “fuck, fuck, fuck” until finally Eddie heard one loud scream of a moan as your head became even heavier on your shoulders forcing you to almost fall onto your back before Eddie reached up quickly to hold at your back, one hand tightly wrapped around your waist while one splayed between your shoulderblades. Your hand moved from the headboard to grip at his shoulders as you rocked through your orgasm. Eddie had been so fixed on watching you that he hadn't even realized he too was at the brink of the edge “Mother fu- SHIIIIIT” he groaned as he curled in on himself, his forehead finding support against your cleavage as his body portrayed the action of a dry heave. He felt the thick ropes of cum shoot out of his slit to paint the inside of his boxers and create a sticky mess. 
You were now panting heavily as a hand found its way to slither through his curls and hold you softly against your boobs while Eddie shook beneath you. When you finally came down from your high, only 15 seconds after the fact, you became aware that Eddie was still seemingly cumming. You watched in shock as he groaned beneath you and shook uncontrollably until finally what must have been a whole half minute he stilled and heaved heavily. His heavy breathing forces your hand on his shoulder to follow up and down. 
You giggled at him as Eddie moved from your tits to fall back against his pillows, a light sheen of sweat holding his bangs to his forehead as he panted. “Jesus, is this how you normally are?” you joked “Gonna get me pregnant if you cum that hard, probably break the condom” Eddie's eyes opened to look at you through a frown of confusion “I don't know” you answered sheepishly at your weird joke, but Eddie only burst out into a loud laugh, it was intoxicating and led you to join in as well.
The laughter finally died down “I have actually never cum that hard in my life, so no need to worry” he joked. “I’ve uh never actually uh done this before” he gestured between your bodies “Or anything really” you couldn't help the snort that left your throat, Eddie went back to frowning at you “I’m, I’m sorry” now you couldn't help that the loud obnoxious giggle “no no really I’m sorry” you breathed, why was this even funny you had no idea “I, uh, I kinda figured, you didn't really make a move” you explained. 
Eddie pulled a face “Hey, I didn't make a move because I wanted to be respectful of you” he argued “I didn't know if you were like, ready for stuff like this yet” he explained. “Oh that's so sweet” a squeak bubbled up behind your lips as you fought hard not to laugh again “What is so funny?!” Eddie asked exasperatedly, you instinctively went to cover your mouth as you scrunched your face up “It's not funny I swear” you told him after taking a deep breath. “Well it seems to be for you”, you looked at him with a much needed serious expression “It's not funny, it is really sweet, it’s just that, I dated Steve” Eddie shook his head desperately, while blinking profusely with his eyes closed “Sorry, dated? I thought you said you went out like one time” Eddie stressed the one by holding his finger out. You grabbed it and laced your fingers with his. “I didn’t want to tell you because I knew I’d scare you off, and I really wanted you to ask me out” you gave him an apologetic look “Robin, kinda told me to wait with that whole thing, she said you'd be insecure” 
“Fucking Robin” Eddie scoffed, with a roll of his eyes before he they suddenly zoned in on you again “Wait, so how experienced are you?” he asked. “Well I’m not a virgin” Eddie's face fell at that “But!” you interjected before he could say something “If it helps, I’ve never cum that quickly or hard with Steve, or ever really” at that fact Eddie's face broke into a grin “That does help actually” you smiled at him.
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007reid · 8 months
yay! (honestly don’t stress about the adhd characterisation being perfect)
r cannot stay still during one of the cases and the other officers at the *insert state* station get really frustrated with r's hyperactive tendencies (pacing, humming, fidgeting etc) (possibly a small bit of angst)
and of course because of that we get an overprotective dr reid because he can see that r is trying to mask to appease the officers (he most likely knows the facts and all that jazz about how harmful masking can be)
masking is where we basically try and suppress our actions - ignoring what our brain is telling us to do and trying to act ‘normal’ (it is very exhausting and honestly just sucks - can also lead to mental health issues)
also tysm if you consider this <3
- 🦕 xx
HI DINO ANON!! i imagined glasses reid for this cus he’s the sassiest and spencer is def sassy here. i hope i did it okay, kinda nervous about this one. enjoy!
spencer reid x adhd fem!reader
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cases involving children always stresses you out more than usual, and this one is no exception.
hotch is cruel in the way that he requested for you not to join the team. 'request' is actually him being nice. you stood your ground until he demanded you to, and you know he's right, knows why you can't be with the team this time. "you're too shaken up, y/n," hotch had said, firmly, eyes as soft as steel. "you won't benefit the team. just hang tight and keep an eye out, alright?”
penelope had gone back to the hotel but it's hard for you to muster up the will to. you need to hear the news right when the team comes back, need to know what happens to the two siblings held hostage, and the only way to get immediate information once the information comes is to lurk in the louisiana's sheriff department and wait for the inevitable phone call.
one of the assistants were nice enough to hand you a donut with a pink napkin for it to sit on and a coffee, but god forbid you have any caffeine or sugar so you set it deliberately to the side for spencer, who, predictably, comes by a second later and it grabs his attention immediately, pointing to it as if to ask "you want this?" silently. you shake your head. he stuffs the donut into his mouth and takes the coffee with him as he makes to go somewhere else.
you're grateful for spencer, and you wish that you can say something about it but your mouth's clamp shut and you don't remember the last time you've been so nervous on a case. you're no newbie to the bau, you know the procedure and you know the horrific scenes that goes on but it's been a while since there is children involved and it took you for a toll and you don't know how to deal with it.
spencer had insisted staying at the station with you and you know the officers aren’t too pleased about it, having two fbi officers strolling around in their post just because. they can't send you back, but they’re dying too; you can tell it on their disdained faces that they're practically looking for a reason to kick the two of you out.
feeling constrained by standing in the hard, wooden stool, you decide to get up and take a walk around the pace, and a walk turns into just pacing back and forth between these two desks and then humming a little song that’s been stuck in your head, trying to keep your mind distracted and off the possibilities of what could be happening to those innocent kids right now if the team hasn't taken care of everything yet. your eyes stay on the dark green telephone that sits menacingly and quietly in the sheriff's office desk. you don’t pick up the glances directed at you.
“hey, ma’am?” someone speaks up. you pause and whip your head around. you could read the man’s face as legibly as a news magazine. he’s annoyed and fed up, his lips turned at an ugly angle. you feel embarrassment bubble up inside of you. “can you sit down? we have work to take care of.”
first thing that comes to your mind is to talk back. the fuck you know about workload? you want to spit into the man’s face. i’m with the fucking fbi, jackass. you just sit at a fucking computer.
the fierce words don’t come out of you, however. instead, you just feel silly and childish, walking back to the stiff chair you had abandoned earlier and try to make yourself comfortable, mumbling a half-assed “sorry” under your breath.
“no worries, ma’am,” the man says, and it sounds saturated and sarcastic, and you can feel yourself burn a brighter red, ridiculed.
you hide the tremble in your hands by tucking it in the pockets of your fbi issued hoodie and resists your foot from tapping on the floor, looking around anxiously for something to watch.
“does her pacing ‘round a little bit distract you that much?”
spencer suddenly appears right next to you, enough bitterness on his face to give the man a run for his money. he looks strange like this, the innocent, permanently confused frown on his face replaced with a glare, harsh and intense under the gleaming of his glasses.
“yeah, it does, you android,” the man sneers, stopping his typing on the computer. he leans back on his chair. you feel the defensiveness in you rising up at the man’s words. “this place’s for business, not you kids’ playground, kay?”
“kids?” spencer says incredulously, laughing. “kids and we have a say above you as federal workers and you as state. you work under your boss who work under another boss who work under my boss. that’s three tiers, if you got lost along the way. we’re kids and we got more going for us than you ever do,” and spencer says all this so casually, as if he’s informing the man of the littleness of his worth as a fact instead of an insult. it stabs twice as deep and it shows on the man’s face.
“whatever, fucking android,” the man grumbles, continuing to type.
spencer, bless him, can’t seem to keep his mouth shut for to long and spinning around to face you, water in his hand. “here,” he press the bottle to your trembling hand, making you accept it. “don’t do that again, okay?” he says, sternly.
“do what?”
“suppressing it.” he doesn’t need to define what ‘it’ is. you get the memo immediately and look down in shame, biting at your lip. “it makes things worse, okay? you know it does.” he frowns, except his lips jut out in a pout. it’s cute. you guess spencer reid’s a little bit cute. spencer is oblivious to your little revelation as he continues his tangent, without a thought in the world. “masking can lead to anxiety or depression if you feel like you're constantly under too much stress. this isn’t a stress free job, y/n. you can’t keep piling more on top of what you already got,” he says, softly.
“i know,”
“i know you do,”
right then, the phone rings and you nearly trip over spencer’s beat up converses trying to get to the sheriff’s office fast enough. spencer catches you by the hand as you come sending towards the floor and the both of you rush, your hand in his as sheriff brody picks up the phone and press it to his ear.
a beat.
“they’re safe.”
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slxtmeri · 11 months
Quackity x reader with ADHD (etc they dissociate a lot, forget stuff easily and will get distracted alot)
as a person with adhd i appreciate this (my drafts box is proof of this /j)
quackity with reader who has ADHD
♡ buys reader fidget toys, or gives them little rubber bands or bracelets to give them something to fiddle with
♡ if he's talking to you and you zone out or get distracted, he doesn't get mad, he'll maybe crack a joke about it, but he then calmy repeats what he said, and reaches over to caress your hand to keep your focus on him.
♡ if you take medication, he definitely makes sure you never run out, he always goes to pick up your prescription for you.
♡ same thing with forgetting about stuff, he just reminds you. he also has both of your calendar apps connected, so he'll add the more important stuff to there so it doesnt get forgotten about
♡ if you're trying to focus on something but can't, (i.e. work, schoolwork, editing) he always knows when to force you to take a break. (idk for me ill constantly get distracted but keep going back to one thing for HOURS)
love u anon mwah
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kingofthe-egirls · 9 months
yuuji itadori calling me princess would solve all my problems i think
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floppydiskettess · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could do headcanons for the valorant agents: Gekko, Neon, Yoru, Phoenix with sova and chamber or whoever you feel with an s/o that when they’re in danger is able to kill whatever or whoever’s endangering them wether it’s like 15+ people or so (like Millie with moxie from helluva boss)
hi anon! tysm for the request!!!! this was a blast to write ahhh!!! :D (also i love helluva boss omg)
but i hope i wrote this right!!!
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the two of you were on a mission at bind, it was simple. you go difuse the spike while he was assigned to watch your back.
he had to walk a few feet away to pick up wingman for five minutes, you would be fine right?
once he picked up wingman, he heard a loud bang behind him and a loud celebratory woop
"oh fuck."
he turned around and saw the familar wild colours from raze's showstopper.
"no no no! shit you good?" he called through the smoke
he hated the silence he recieved back. as the smoke cleared he saw your paint covered and burnt body.
"...cariño?...shit, wingman, go get the others. i got these guys."
he pulled out his customized spectre as he prepared to fight. he detained as many as he could before swiftly wiping them out one by one.
when the team arrived with wingman, sage quickly rushed to your side to aid you.
once he finished taking care of the enemies, he ran to your side
"i am so sorry...i thought i could go grab wingman but you got hurt...i am really sorry.."
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a/n: this is small bc i wrote a whole ass essay for neon and it deleted....im so mad...im just trying to summarize it
that was the last thing before you felt a sharp pain in your stomach as your vision went black.
you don't know what happened, but somehow yoru had gotten behind you. it was supposed to be a quick and simple mission. neon took A-site and you took B-site. unfortunately, right when neon approached B-site to check on you. she saw it.
red. the snow was covered in a beautiful shade of red. and it wasn't from your attacked. neon could feel electricity enter her fingertips as she lost control of her abilities.
you felt neon carrying you before falling uncomcious.
neon carried you to the jet and brought you to sage.
"im sorry...when i saw them like that i just...lost control of my abilities.."
"its ok, you did it to protect them. you saved them."
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he was just returning from his "run it back" when he opened his eyes to see the enemy phoenix staring back at him, aiming his ghost at his own forehead.
he went to grab for his ghost but he found an empty holster.
"ah shit."
"you really thought i wouldn't just take your weapon? i'm not as foolish as you are."
phoenix braced for impact as he heard the gun fire, but the shot never came. he nervously opened his eyes to see you standing infront of him, a gunshot hole through your shoulder as you pushed the enemy phoenix away.
"dear?! what the-"
he watched as your limp body falls to the ground, feeling worry and rage overtake him.
"oh fam...your gonna regret that." he says to the opposite phoenix as the rest of his team approaches for backup.
when skye arrived at the site to treat you, she did not expect to see 5 charred bodies sprawled across the ground.
"mate...what happened?!"
"they ambushed us. (name) saved me cause i made a dumb mistake. go heal them, i am fine." he said with a dark tone to his voice
when skye healed you and you awoke, you were immediately greeted to the smell of burning. you turned your head towards phoenix as you saw him crouch beside you.
"thank god...why would you do that?! i'm sorry if i had checked my surroundings better you would have-" he rambles
you cut him off with a kiss as you feel his tired body begin to relax.
"no. i should have thought of a better plan. i am sorry i worried you."
for the next few days of your recovery, he will be by your side assisting you with anything you need. both of you content to try and ignore what happened that day.
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prior to meeting you, he was an extremely anger filled person. he still gets angry easy, but not as badly as before. you taught him how to control his emotions
but if he were to see you ganged up on in a mission, he would just lose control.
he was over at A-site at haven preparing to extract the radianite, before hearing your frantic voice shout through the comms for backup.
his heart dropped, he realized why his site was so empty along with the others. they had five-stacked onto one site. you had gone to C-site all alone. shit.
he immediately threw the spike towards Astra who had accompanied him to the A.
"stay here. i will go provide backup."
"alone? alright...stay safe."
he quickly teleported to your C-site to be met with a shocking sight. your battered and blood covered body lying down on the rough ground. burns and scratches littered your arms and legs. phoenix..
he looked up from your body to see the enemy phoenix, jett, chamber, astra, and skye staring at him with bloodthirsty gazes. they had teamed up on you because you were alone... how fucking sick could they be to attack a helpless sentienel.
he felt himself snap as he caught the enemy phoenix's cocky smirk. the cunt was proud of what he did.
when you regain conciousness, you are lying on the ground surrounded by the shredded corpses of the omega agents, a stained red yoru standing above them with his famous butterfly comb stained.
he turns around and immediately runs to your side.
"shit...thank god you are awake. don't move. help is coming ok?" he softly whispers while carressing your blood matted hair.
"are they...?"
"don't worry about them, you are safe now darling..."
when you make it back to base, you find out he took them all down on his own. when astra arrived at the site she had to practically tear yoru off of where he was mauling the corpses of the omega agents bodies.
he was ordered to talk to sage about his anger, but he never regretted what he did. he did it to save you and all that mattered was he had you back with him.
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he is used to killing to protect those he loves, this is nothing new to him.
he might be a cold killer, but you always knew he would never hurt you.
if someone was threatening you, he would keep them away using blackmail, but if it was more serious, he was prepared.
he sat waiting at the doors for the agents who had gone on your mission to come back. he was ready to greet you but he never thought he would have seen KA/YO holding you slung over his shoulder covered in blood.
he immediately freezes as he watches KA/YO rush to Sage's office. but he quickly recovers and follows quickly behind silently.
when sage caught sight of your body, she grimaced knowing it was bad. she ordered everyone out and allowed her space to work.
cypher was left with no answers as to what happened, as he sat anxiously outside Sage's office he hears KA/YO's robotic voice informing Viper of what happened.
"they went to go flank A alone, but their cypher must have seen her coming. when we arrived at A-site they were gone with the spike, they must have ambushed y/n and left her there for us to find...it was..bad. skye was able to help a little bit but...when we got there, they were missing their hand. im pretty sure they were awake when they did it."
cypher could feel his blood BOILING. it was one thing to knock someone out, it was another to mutilate someone while they were awake. that wasn't fighting, that was mere torture.
he knew in this job people would get hurt. but he never thought they would ever go this far.
he was greatful you had lived, but he felt a burning feeling in his body.
as viper walked by, she stoped and turned to simply say.
"i know she was special to you Cypher, but don't do anything stupid. we don't need two people to revive."
he stood in place before walking to his room, he would make sure they couldn't hurt you. EVER again.
at the peak of night, he slipped out of his room and headed towards the armoury. he grabbed a ghost and a phantom before quietly walking towards the loading dock. he would make them regret ever hurting you.
in the morning, you were awoken to a tired looking sage.
"welcome back my child. you sure gave us a scare there. how do you feel?" she smiled wistfully
as she filled you in, you couldn't help but wonder where your partner was. typically he was by your bedside until you woke up.
"Ling...where is Cy?" you softly asked
she grinned at the nickname "don't worry, he is in brimstones office. your little boyfriend pulled a stunt to avenge you."
"oh god, is he ok? what did he do?" you sigh
"oh don't worry, he is fine! the agents who ambushed you on the other hand.."
you and sage converse for a while, before you see cypher nervously walk into the room
"my darling! how are you feeling? do you need anything?" he asks worriedly
"i feel good amir. don't worry. sage is taking good care of me!" you chuckle
he sighs in relief, he may have gotten a lecture (and maybe some cleaning duty...) but it was all worth it to see your face again.
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☤ Sage ☤
full battle sage mode
she would grab an odin off her copies body and just start spraying.
"you will not kill my allies!"
the second the enemies were down, she rushes to your side to heal you.
she will work all night if she has to, as long as it brings you back to her
"please wake up dearest...i can't live without you."
sorry idk what to write for sage HELP
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a/n: aaa tysm for the support on my last posts!! im so glad that people are enjoying these! :) im currently working on some other requests so stay tuned ^^!!
also i apologize for the delay!! i have kinda had a lack of motivation lately so i struggled to finish it...
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starrylevi · 1 year
Levi x SO with ADHD
- Levi will remind you of random appointments or obligations. “Set your alarm. You have that doctor’s appointment tomorrow…”
- He’ll remind you to take breaks when he notices you’ve been focused on something for a while. “You’ve been staring at that for too long, go get some water.”
- He has a lost and found box that’s meant just for you. Whenever he sees stuff of yours lying around in different areas of the house he’ll drop it in the box so you won’t go crazy looking for it.
- When you’re feeling restless and thoughts are racing, Levi will ask if you need a walk or if you need to be in his arms. Sometimes you need to get up and do something. And sometimes you’ll just need to be in his arms, synchronizing your shallow breathing with his deep breathing so your body will slow down before your mind follows.
- If Levi sees you fidgeting with your fingers, he’ll absentmindedly put his hand in your lap so you can mess with it, knowing you like the texture of his rough callouses.
- Levi always reminds you of what you were talking about when you lose your train of thought.
- When Levi notices you keep putting off tasks, he’ll ask you if you want him to take some things off your plate or if you want him to help you start a task.
- That one song you keep replaying on your phone? Levi will play it to make you feel better but he’ll do it in a way that’s discreet. “I didn’t know you liked this song.” You’ll say. “I don’t…” He‘ll respond simply.
- Whenever you get the random urge to do something spontaneous, especially on a weekend, he’ll oblige as long as it isn’t something silly.
- He’ll never make you feel like you’re too much for him, or that you’re a burden even though you might feel that way sometimes. He’s the only one who can make your brain slow down.
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ghostlyfleur · 20 days
eddie munson x new girl!oc
summary: the new girl compliments eddie’s music taste and he’s gone.
contents: warnings: friends to lovers, nervous!eddie, self-doubt, talks of self-deprecation, crush at first sight, loner!reader, hellfire club, teasing, embarrassment.
word count: ~0,7k
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eddie munson is hopeless, alright? hopeless.
he starts noticing a new girl around hawkins. the first time he sees her, it’s when he goes to the public library to find dustin who’s buried under books at the corner between shelves so he can drive the little shit home.
after noticing the pretty girl that first time, he started seeing her everywhere.
walking her dog and talking to it as if its her best friend, talking to max at the trailer park, sees her again with her dog walking through the woods after he met up with a customer, then sitting at a coffee shop by herself and reading a book with headphones on, and he’s smitten.
this girl wears band shirts sometimes, other times she’s in a sundress with flowers on it, then a sweater and long skirt, but what he always notices is that no matter what outfit she’s got on or what style she chooses that day… she always looks ethereal and soft and like light follows her, as if she has glitter surrounding her, and eddie thinks she’s an angel; or at the very least a fucking fairy ‘cause no one is that mesmerizing, right? but she is.
one day, the munson boy is parked on his van and playing one of his favorite tapes, and it’s just a little bit too loud when he notices her.
she’s sitting on a bench nearby and she starts singing along, and does so to every song he plays afterwards, to the point where she looks around to see who’s choosing such good music before she recognizes the guy sitting on the front seat of his beat up van.
the nerdy guy max lovingly complains about that lives at the trailer park a well, who is coincidentally also the guy dustin sings praises about at the library. she waves at him before she can overthink and smiles, shouting a “you have fucking great taste!”.
eddie’s wide eyed and blushing, he thinks he stops breathing and that he’s probably lost his mind ‘cause next thing he knows he’s waking towards her. he somehow makes her laugh, and she’s so nice, and they start talking about their favorite bands and the rest is history.
the thing is, now eddie “the freak” munson finds himself in love with his new friend, and surely she couldn’t feel the same, right? he’s still hopeless when she’s around and follows her like a puppy, treats her like a princess, and one day she joins hellfire. everyone loves her but everyone also knows their dungeon master is in love with her, and they start teasing them both.
one day the kids tell them to “just get on with it!” as they’re exiting the room once that day’s campaign is over, leaving and eddie is embarrassed. mortified, really. heart thumping so loud in his head he barely notices that she stays behind to help him clean up. he’s startled when she apologizes to him, as though she is the one clearly in love and she is the one embarrassed and she thinks eddie is too good for her, but that can’t be right ‘cause eddie wants her so much he can’t stop himself from speaking.
“i’d be yours if you asked.”
and she asks.
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sillywabbits · 4 months
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~Mushy love! 💕
Finally posting this just in time for my favorite holiday! 💘 Happy Valentine's! 💗💕💕
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psychoforanime · 8 months
Y/n *exciting* : Yo, Sukuna, how scary you were back in your prime ? Tell me in detail.
Sukuna: *Bragging*
Y/n: *leaving after 5 seconds of hearing him*
Sukuna: the F is wrong with them?!
Yuji: ADHD.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
hi can you do a wanda! x reader who has adhd and constantly forgets to take their meds and to eat so wanda reminds them all the time i love ur fics by the way!
Real life reminder
Summary: Get yourself someone who works better than an alarm clock.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: my knowledge of adhd is limited, cursing
Word count: 535
a/n: people with bad memory rise up
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Running down the stairs of their house, Y/N picks up her work bag from the ground near the door and puts on her shoes quickly. She turns to the door, ready to leave, as she’s about to be late, but she stops in her tracks when she notices a paper taped to the door, right on her eye level.
Remember meds and breakfast!!
Love you, Wanda
“Shit.” She jogs to the kitchen, quickly downs one of the pills she has to take and grabs a sandwich that’s already packed from the fridge before going out the door.
This isn’t an unusual occurrence in the Maximoff-Y/L/N household. Most of the morning Wanda is still home in the mornings, so she makes Y/N breakfast and waits for her in the kitchen with it and her medication ready to go. But, the few times Wanda is going to work earlier than Y/N, she makes her something to eat the evening before. She knows if she doesn’t do this, Y/N wouldn’t most likely eat any breakfast, besides, she likes taking care of her girlfriend.
However, this isn’t only a morning problem.
The door opens, shifting Y/N’s focus to the hallway rather than the television in front of her. There’s already a smile on her face.
“Hi!” Wanda walks into the living room, sitting right next to Y/N to give her a kiss.
“Hey, you.” Y/N giggles, pulling her into another kiss. “How were the others?”
“Fine,” Wanda glances at the table, there’s a book and some papers on it, “have you eaten dinner yet? Or taken your meds?” She knows the answer the second she turns to look at Y/N. Her face is scrunched up. “Go take your meds.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Standing up and going to the kitchen, Y/N grabs a pill and swallows it with water.
Wanda follows her there, taking two plates from the cabinet. She takes a pot from the kitchen. “You know I made this food so you’d eat it after work. I get off so many hours after you.” She starts putting food to the plates. “And I know you aren’t remembering to eat at work.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Pouting, Y/N tilts her head while she looks at Wanda, who shakes her head with a laugh. “I forgot.”
“I texted you.”
“My phone is in my bag.”
Rolling her eyes, Wanda sets the now empty pot in the sink, leaving it there for washing. “I meed to sew reminders into your clothes.” She mumbles.
“I know,” Y/N leans against the kitchen counter, “thank you for putting up with me.”
“I take care of you, because I love you. Just like you take care of me, because you love me. I’m not just putting up with you.” Wanda’s hands go up to Y/N’s cheeks, caressing them softly with her thumbs. “You just forget things sometimes.”
“I just forget things sometimes.” She whispers back.
Smiling, Wanda takes her plate and gives Y/N her own. “Let’s eat and watch a movie now. I’ll put up some alarms on your phone later.”
Y/N hums, her attention already on the movie options.
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Second time in one week I try to write porn without plot and somehow 1-2k words of soft fluffy hurt-comfort bullshit show up at the front door and just make themselves at home. I'm not even kidding, the last 1500 words are just more sex, but softer. There's not even any elements of the prompts in that part. Someone take away my fucking Tumblr and Ao3.
Anyways. With that out of the way, may I present to the esteemed ladies, gentlemen, and otherwise categorized inhabitants of Tumblr: Kinktober in December
Kinktober day 23/24: Shibari + pet play - Gaz x reader
Warnings/Tags: Bondage/shibari, Pet play (kitten, specifically), gags, blindfolds, overstimulation, fem!reader, unprotected piv sex, sex as aftercare, then more aftercare. The pet play is pretty light in this, and Gaz is a soft dom but gets a bit meaner than usual here. The gets super soft.
Gaz was an asshole. That's it, you’ve decided. Let it be known across the lands that you, girlfriend supreme, officially, deem your sweet, caring boyfriend of nearly 10 months a complete asshole on the rare occasion he decides to be mean in the bedroom.
Or… maybe the term “pill” would be more suitable. Because calling him an “asshole” implies a certain level of jerkiness, and Gaz was anything but a jerk- and it also implies that he’s doing something you don’t like… and it would be a lie to say you didn’t like this.
This being how you’re spread out on the bed- lying on your stomach and held in place by an array of intricate knots. Your right leg was stretched out behind you and towards the bottom of the bed. A rope looped around your ankle is secured to the foot of the bed- keeping you from pulling it up. Another loop is done around the thigh of the same leg, although the loop around your thigh goes to secure to the side of the bed frame instead of the foot, and the loop itself was done a bit tight- not enough to hurt- just enough for the muscle and fat of the area to bubble out a bit. Your left leg was bound completely differently. Gaz had had you bend your knee all the way, until your heel was nearly touching your butt- then had tied it that way. The bindings on that leg also had a rope connecting down to the bed frame- although done to the side and towards the headboard. Together with the positioning of your other leg, the ropes kept your legs spread and your body on display for anyone in the room.
Your arms were tied too, of course. Gaz had pulled them both behind you and had you bend your elbows so he could bond your forearms together horizontally. And in addition to the ropes keeping you in place, there was, of course, a cute little pair of cat ears perched atop your head.
The position wasn’t uncomfortable, and it was far easier for Gaz to get you into than plenty of the others the two of you had done. Gaz had even given the ropes keeping your legs in place a bit of slack out of consideration for your hip flexors.
That really should have been your first warning.
Gaz was usually meticulous with his rope work. If he didn’t want you to be able to move, you would not be able to move. So the fact that you were left with enough room to wiggle, squirm, and even slightly reposition yourself was an intentional one.
But you didn’t quite catch on to what he was planning until later.
You let him tug a blindfold over your eyes- blissfully unaware of whatever he was doing behind you- aside from teasing him whenever you heard the sound of him dropping or struggling to find something in his own closet. 
You laughed when he responded to your teases with a quip of his own- warning you to mind the rather vulnerable position you’ve let him put you in. a warning which you, of course, paid no heed to. Gaz wasn’t much of a stickler for behavior- you could get away with whatever the bratting equivalent of murder was with him, and you knew it. With Gaz, it was all soft and sweet- although certainly not vanilla. 
You didn’t think much of it when, once he finally found what he was looking for, he positioned himself behind you and, instead of going for your cunt, poured a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and started opening up your ass.
You whined softly and arched your back for him, grinding your clit down against the mattress beneath you and greedily pushing back on the one, then two fingers that stretched you open. Your needy display was met only with amusement- no praises of “good girl” and no hand reaching down to toy with your clit.
You couldn’t help but pout, still rocking back on the fingers that fucked you open. You could play this man like a damn fiddle, and you knew it- why weren't your usual tricks working?
You didn't even think much of it when he finally removed his fingers- only to replace them with a toy instead of his cock. You did, however, whine a bit about it. Why did he have to spend all that time stretching your ass if he was just going to fuck your pussy anyways?
You weren't given an answer beyond an amused chuckle and a reminder to “be patient”.
The toy in your ass is one you recognize immediately. The fur tickling at your skin was a dead giveaway- along with the fact that wherever the cat ears go, Gaz makes sure the matching tail will follow.
You only start to realize it’s not going to be one of you two’s usual nights when you feel the head of a wand vibrator nestled against your clit and turned on.
You immediately jerk in your bindings, yelping at the sudden stimulation and immediately trying to lift your hips up and away from it- only for the vibrator to move with you. You whine pitifully as you realize Gaz is tying it to your thigh, arching your back harder and practically wiggling your ass for him as you try to squirm away from the toy.
“Settle down, kitty.” Gaz says calmly- though you’re certain that if you could see his face, you’d find him grinning ear-to-ear. He places a large hand on each side of your hips and gives them a warning squeeze before gently pushing you back down flat against the mattress- the tail bouncing slightly and brushing against the back of your thigh when he does.
You let out a muffled plea as he holds your hips down, sandwiching the vibrator between you and the mattress and effectively forcing you to let the vibrator nestle directly against your clit. The vibrations against your clit were already bordering on too much at first- but like this, the stimulation was downright painful. 
You begged incoherently and bucked your hips, squirming desperately as tears started to gather at the corners of your eyes. When Gaz finally released his hold on your hips- even going so far as to lift them up for you to relive the worst of the stimulation- you sobbed, breathing heavily as your legs twitched in the ropes binding them.
“Aw, does kitty not like that?” Gaz asks- and you can hear the teasing tone and amusement in his voice as he does.
The blindfold has been thoroughly displaced by this point. Because of being on your stomach and the relative mobility you had with your upper body, all of your squirming had been enough for it to get slightly pulled down, just enough for you to turn your head back to look at Gaz and give him a desperate look.
“Kyle!! P-Please! I-I can’t- I can’t! It hurts!” You plead, in what you’re sure is an absolutely debauched state. Your hair is probably a mess, your face is wet from tears, and you’re practically trembling as you beg him.
Gaz smiles softly, and you watch him grab what you recognize as the wand’s remote and click the “down” button a couple of times. He then leans forward, still supporting your hips with one arm as he presses a kiss to your wet cheek.
“Sorry, love. That was mean, I know.” He says, still smiling and gently tugging the blindfold back over your eyes as he speaks.
You whine pitifully- both at the loss of your vision and his words- and go limp against the bed, letting your head fall against the mattress and your hips rely fully on Gaz’s hold. Once you go limp, you get a pat on the bottom and a pillow placed under you. 
“I’ll be right back.” Gaz says softly to you, and as his hands leave your hips, the pillow supports you enough to keep the vibrator just barely touching your clit- as opposed to being pressed fully against it like earlier.
When Gaz returns, you feel the vibrations switched off and his hand takes one of yours and unclenches it from the tight fist you’ve made it. Before you can ask him what he’s doing or even make a noise of confusion, you feel the shape of a familiar object pressed into your palm.
The clicker. You know this system, it’s one of the two you use- and it also means that you’re likely about to be gagged, because the clicker’s meant for whenever you couldn’t speak or reach a part of Gaz’s body to tap on. Three fast clicks to safeword, one finger stuck out to respond “yes” to a question, and two fingers to respond “no”.
Gaz wraps your fingers around the clicker, situating your thumb beside the button so you can feel where it is. He then leans down, smoothing your hair down a bit and adjusting the cat ears before kissing the nape of your neck and asking you a question.
“Can you show me a “stop”?”
You nod softly and move your thumb onto the button, quickly pressing down three times and filling the room with three loud clicks.
“Good girl,” Gaz says, placing a hand at the base of your spine and rubbing it soothingly. “Am I good to continue?”
You nod, sticking out the index finger of the hand not holding the clicker at the same time to reaffirm your response.
When you feel a hand under your chin, you flinch in surprise. Only for Gaz to laugh and place a hand atop your head, petting at your hair softly before guiding your head back towards him.
“It’s okay kitty, I’m just going to gag you.” Gaz says, pushing the rubbery ball lightly against your lips. Not trying to put it in, but just showing you what he’s about to put in your mouth. 
“It’s just the ball gag, okay? You’ve had it before.”
You nod slightly, sticking your tongue out to tentatively lick at the ball in a way that you know will make Gaz smile.
Since he turned off the vibrator, you’ve been steadily calming down from your slightly panicked and very wiggly attempts to escape. With the mean, overstimulating, and relentless assault on your clitoris finished- or at least paused- you’re much more content to sit pretty and sweet for Gaz- so you accept the gag easily. 
“Good girl,” Gaz says as you part your lips and let him push the ball securely into your mouth, even tilting your head forward to give him better access to the back of your head to secure the gag. When he’s finished, you’re rewarded with a gentle pat to your cheek and kiss to the top of your head. 
“We wouldn’t want you making too much noise and bothering the neighbors, now would we kitty?” He says, giving a final scritch to the area right behind your ear before standing up. You feel the bed shift beneath you as he moves, and you turn your head to the other side to follow the sound of his footsteps as he walks around the bed. When he gets to the other side he sits back down onto the bed between your spread legs- and you practically keen around the gag, arching your back and trying to wiggle your butt back towards him in a silent plea to please fill you up.
Your cunt feels achingly empty, and you find yourself wishing for nothing more than for Gaz to fuck you and make you feel nice and full. Your ass is already filled so nicely with the plug- all you need is Gaz’s cock inside of you and you’ll melt.
Because doesn't it just sound perfect? Gaz got to have his fun with the wand earlier- and now your clit’s oversensitive and you can’t stop clenching around nothing.
You're caught off guard when, instead of Gaz’s cock pushing into you, you feel the wand vibrator tied to your thigh start back up. You scrunch your nose as a wave of confusion hits you- only to be quickly forgotten as you feel the mattress shift beneath you once again as Gaz stands up.
The pillow Gaz had placed under you earlier is taken away, and you’re once again left trying to squirm away from the wand vibrator and keep pressure off of it. You let out a pitiful, betrayed whine behind the gag. Tears once again start to wet the blindfold over your eyes as you desperately try to squirm- looking over at where you think and hope Gaz is and giving him the most betrayed and pleading look you can despite the gag and blindfold. But you don’t get the mercy you were hoping for. Instead, you get a hand on your lower back- not quite pushing you down like before, but almost warning you- and a rare stern tone from Gaz.
“You know what to do if you need it to stop.”
You nod and choke on a sob, continuing to squirm and let desperate, pitiful noises leak through the gag as the toy’s vibrations wrack through your body. A particularly loud yelp spills out of you as Gaz pushes two fingers into your drenched pussy and presses down, right where he knows you’re the most sensitive. The pressure from his fingers forces you to choose between keeping your hips up and pushing against his fingers, or lowering them and letting the vibrator be pressed against your clit again. You're caught between two different sources of “too much”, and left with stuttering hips, jerky movements, and shaky breaths as you try to find a relief that doesn't exist.
“I’ll be back in a little bit.” Gaz says, pulling his fingers out and wiping them on the back of your thigh. 
The heat of embarrassment at your cheeks is quickly overpowered by panic as his words register to you. You nearly bawl as you hear his footsteps start to recede and the bedroom door open, and you know that if not for the gag, you’d be screaming and begging for him to come back. 
You know you can stop it, you know he’s not going to go far away enough to not hear the clicker. He probably hasn’t even left the room- probably standing in the doorway and keeping a close eye on you- but nothing about knowing that makes you feel any better.
You feel a surge of bratty anger bubble up inside you. How dare he just leave you here!? You were being good and everything! You’ve done nothing to warrant this new… mean version of Gaz!
You try to shake the cat ears off your head- hoping that if Gaz comes back to find you’ve dislodged them and maybe your blindfold too, you’ll get a reaction from him- only to nearly scream in frustration when you fail to make them move an inch. At this point, the brush of the tail’s fur against your thighs has simply become an annoyance too, but you can’t move away from it with the ropes keeping you in place.
Your anger doesn't last long. In fact, most of your thinking is out the window after a couple of minutes, because keeping your hips raised starts to hurt- bad. Before long, your thighs and core are shaking from holding yourself up and your back aches from being arched for so long without support. You hold out for as long as you can, but eventually, you have to give in.
When you finally collapse flat onto the mattress, you break. Your clit is back to being pushed into the head of the wand vibrator by your weight against the mattress, and soon after, you reach a painful orgasm that leaves you sobbing and shaking.
That’s how you know Gaz never actually left the room, because the second you cum, a strong arm lifts your hips and the vibrator is moved away. Instead, Gaz’s fingers take its place- making gentle circles around your clit and letting you grind down onto his hand, whispering sweet praises to you as you ride out your orgasm on his fingers at your own pace.
The gentleness of Gaz’s touch was enough to have you melting. Supported and safe in his arms- whimpering softly behind your gag as the pain gave way to pleasure.
After your orgasm, your head was left hazy and muddled. Enough so that when Gaz undid the gag and pulled the blindfold up and off of your eyes, you didn’t do much more than whine and try to hide from the too-bright lights of the room.
“Good girl” Gaz muttered somewhere behind you- his fingers working quickly at the knots keeping your arms together as he spoke soft praises to you.
His words sent you somehow higher than you already were, and you were right up on cloud nine from the comforting sound of his voice alone. Even the pain of easing your joints out of the position they had been bound in so long didn’t bother you too much.
Once your arms were free, you reached a hand down in between your legs, riding out the aftershocks of your orgasm- although it eventually just became you lazily playing with your oversensitive clit.
Once Gaz finished untying your legs, you found yourself laid on your back and looking up at him, head still hazy, legs still feeling like jelly, and still shamelessly toying with your clit. Gaz himself was still fully clothed- wearing a pair of jeans and a short-sleeved button-up. While usually, being the only one naked might make you squirm in shyness and embarrassment, right now, it only served to comfort you. Being completely bare, laid out, and wrecked for Gaz made you feel… happy. Fuzzy and warm, all that good stuff. Plus, how could you be embarrassed when he was looking down at you with such a loving smile on his face… even if it quickly turned bemused as his eyes followed your arm to the space between your legs.
“You're still going, love? I figured you’d be too sensitive to be up for anything after this.” Gaz said, reaching his hand down to spread your lips to see your swollen clit.
You nod, wincing at a particularly harsh circle of the bud by your hand. You were too sensitive to get off like this- but you also weren't going to stop. You wanted nothing more than to curl up in his arms and let him take care of you, but you were pulled away from that warm, fuzzy feeling you usually got at the end of a scene by the lingering aching of your cunt. Sure, you came- but the fact that you never had anything besides a few fingers inside of you (which didn’t even count, they were only there for a few seconds) meant that, even though your clit was over-abused, the rest of you was still up and ready for round two.
“You shouldn’t touch yourself if it’s hurting like that.” Gaz says, frowning at your pained expression and gently starting to pull your hand away from yourself.
You whine, throwing your head back and furiously shaking it no- nearly dislodging the cat ears that were still on your head. Gaz sighs and smiles at your display, leaning down to kiss you before trying to sit back up, only for you to wrap your arms tightly around his neck and trap him in a hug. He only laughs in response, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you up with him and into his lap.
“Tell me what you need, Love. A bath? Food? Sleep?”
You shake your head no to all of his questions. At the moment, all you really want is for him to make the ache in your pussy go for you in a way that doesn't involve your oversensitive clit. Perched on Gaz’s lap, your arms are too busy holding onto him to continue to jerk yourself off, so instead you settle for grinding down on the straining bulge of his cock to try to get your point across. 
Gaz groans when you grind against him through his jeans, his arm tightening around you as he hisses a curse under his breath. “Fuck- okay, I get it.” He says, reaching a hand down to your clit.
You immediately jerk away, shaking your head no hurriedly. Gaz freezes, looking at you with confusion until realization hits him.
“Oh, is it too sensitive there?” He asks, smiling when you nod and give him a squeeze. “Guess that would be my fault, Love. It’s only right that I help you with that, hm?” He adds, a self-satisfied tone creeping into his voice.
You resist the urge to slap at his back or call him cheeky. It’s quickly forgotten anyways, because when Gaz reaches down to undo his pants and push his boxers down, you’re treatedto the lovely sight of his straining cock against your stomach- a bead of precome smearing over your skin as he moves his hand to your slick folds and presses two fingers into you.
“Bloody hell, you’re soaked.” Gaz grits through clenched teeth, his cock twitching against your stomach as you clench down on his fingers and grind down on them. All the joking and teasing of just a few seconds ago is long forgotten, and Gaz is all seriousness and barely kept in check need.
It doesn't take much more than a few needy whines to convince Gaz to replace his fingers with his cock, and before you know it, you’re being lifted by the hips and lowered onto his length. He slips into you with barely a stretch, and it’s absolute bliss. The second he’s fully inside of you, you wrap your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck, letting your eyes fall closed and your head sink back into that floaty headspace. Now that you’ve gotten this far, you know Gaz will take care of you. It was just a matter of communicating what you needed at a time when words- let alone sentences weren’t coming easy.
He starts by taking you by the waist, holding you steady as he rolls his hips beneath you. His cock rubs against your inner walls perfectly, and the slow and gentle start has you moaning happily at the warm, steady pleasure, and it’s not long before you’re (trying, it’s a bit difficult in your position) to move your hips in sync.
“F-Fuck.” Gaz groans into your ear. “You’re so wet- you’re drenching me, love."
You moan, clinging to him tighter as he lays you down on your back and tries to slide his hands out from under you and sit up.
“Love, you’ve got to let go of me if you want me to fuck you properly, okay?” He says, breathing heavy beside you as he runs his hand lovingly through your hair.
You nod shakily, letting your hands fall to your sides and your legs loosen around his hips. As soon as you do, Gaz sits up and loops his arms under your knees, bending you nearly in half and lifting your hips just enough for him to get a good angle as he starts fucking into you.
You let out a small squeak and grab onto Gaz’s arms to steady yourself at the first thrust, startled by the sheer strength behind the movement. But your tense caution quickly falls away as his cock starts bullying into your sensitive spots repeatedly.
You reach down with your hand, very lightly touching your still sensitive clit just enough to help get you along to an eventual orgasm. Just as you feel it on the crest of beginning to build, Gaz hikes your legs up higher, leaning forward and nearly getting your knees to touch your ears.
“Fuck, Love. You know I wasn’t even planning on fucking you tonight, hm? I figured you’d be too sensitive for that after what I put you through- and I was more than happy with the fuckin’ years of material to jerk off to after watching you tonight.” He growled, hunched over you and keeping you pinned in your folded position with his weight as he fucks into you.
Your orgasm crests like that, as Gaz’s hips smack against your ass and his cock pounds into you. Each drag of his length in and out feels better than the last, and you’re sure you’re letting out lewd noises you should be embarrassed about, but you don’t care, because all you can do is ride out your orgasm and trust Gaz to take care of you afterwards.
This time, Gaz’s attempts at giving you aftercare are greeted warmly. Because once Gaz’s thrusts stutter and his cum spurts into you, you’re left happy and sated. Sore and exhausted, yes, but successfully tired out enough that you’re content to curl up in Gaz’s arms and float in your headspace until the pull of sleep becomes too much.
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
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