ericshoney · 2 days
Interrupt ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You agreed to film a car video with the guys but you couldn't help keep interrupting Nick due to your random thoughts, resulting in a fight.
Warnings: Shouting, swearing, ADHD!Reader, argument, angst with a happy ending.
Today you had gone to hang out with your best friends, agreeing to film a car video with them. The guys knew about your ADHD and being an influencer yourself, you were open about it on the internet.
All four of you were sat in the car, eating McDonald’s happily as Nick began to intro the video.
“Hey look at this funny TikTok I found of a dog!” You shouted, cutting Nick off.
You showed the video to the boys, Nick sighing as you did. All of them loved you and helped where they could with your ADHD, but they weren’t professionals.
Nick continued to talk about the video topic, however you kept interrupting him. It was like Chris but worse and Nick started to get angry.
“Shh! Your on time out for a minute!” He shouted, setting a timer on his phone, as Chris and Matt both laughed.
You pouted as he kept taking, Matt and Chris taking as well and as soon as the time stopped, you talked again.
“I think that food looks disgusting! I mean dog food looks better!” You shouted, looking at the gross food.
"Okay, what about thi-" Nick began saying, but you interrupted him.
"Oh remember that TikTok of that guy who tried dog food!" You shouted.
"Shh!" Nick exclaimed.
"Go Nick." Matt said.
"I'm trying!" He responded loudly.
"Dude calm down." Chris said.
"No! I'm actually getting pissed off now. She's constantly interrupting me every second! Like at least you keep your mouth shut for a bit, Chris." Nick responded.
You frowned a bit, Matt already turning the camera off, knowing none of them wanted this footage to be recorded.
"I'm sorry, I don't mean too." You apologised.
"You always say that, but you keep doing it. Like shut the fuck up and let someone else speak! You can't blame your ADHD all the time!" He shouted.
You fell quiet and looked out the window, feeling your heart sink. You had forgotten to take your meds this morning, resulting in you being extra loud and bubbly. They guys didn't know this though.
"Let's carry on, shall we." You said quietly.
"I promise I won't interrupt you Nick, or Matt or Chris. I promise to keep my mouth shut." You added.
"No, kid. We're not filming right now. I'm driving home and we can continue filming another time." Matt said, starting the engine.
Chris had agreed while Nick remained quiet. He instantly regretted shouting at you, especially hearing your apology for no reason.
When you all returned home, you rushed to Matt's room, taking shelter in there, as Matt slapped Nick around the head.
"Hey woah!" He shouted.
"Dude you fucked up." Chris said.
"I just got angry alright, I shout at both of you sometimes." Nick responded.
"Yeah and we take it differently to her. Plus you know she can't help it with her ADHD, why use that against her." Matt said, disappointingly.
"I know and as soon as I said it, I felt bad." Nick admitted.
"Go tell her then, bro!" Chris called.
Nick came to Matt's room and as soon as he heard you crying, he felt his heart break instantly. He walked in coming over and hugging you tightly.
"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean anything I said. I was just a bit angry and I know you can't help it I really do, I'm sorry and know it's a fucked up thing. I get if your angry at me." He apologised.
"Didn't have my meds. I forgot." You admitted.
"Kid, why didn't you tell us?" Nick asked softly.
"Scared you'd tell me off or something....but that already happened." You answered.
"I'm so sorry again. I really am." He apologised again.
"If your willing, how about Chris, Matt and I help you try and remember your meds? Come up with some sort of plan that we'll stick by too, then we help you out and something like this won't happy again." He suggested.
"You....You want to help me?" You asked in shock.
"Of course sweetheart. I'm so sorry again for shouting at you, I should have checked if you had your meds or needed time to regulate before jumping to being a asshole." He replied.
"Thank you." You said, giving him a small smile.
"Your welcome and I'm so sorry again." He said.
You smiled and hugged him, happy he apologised and knew he was going to do better to help you and make up for his mistake.
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moonlightspencie · 9 hours
Hey you! I hope you're doing okay! I saw that your requests were opened and so I was wondering if you could write anything with Aaron Hotchner helping reader focus because she has ADHD. I'm desperately trying to get some writing done on my novel but I keep getting distracted and I'm slowly going insane (you could take inspiration from this situation or write about something else). Thank you so much and no worries if you don't feel comfortable writing about that! 🥰
i am also an adhd girlie so this hits (especially as i am writing drabbles bc full fics have been horrifically overwhelming me bahahah)
aaron hotchner x adhd!reader
You sighed, frustrated with yourself for not being able to get a single thing done since you'd sat down to work. You dropped your head in your hands, trying to breathe deep. You didn't even notice when Aaron walked into the room until his hand was on your back.
"Everything okay, or am I in trouble?" he joked softly.
You lifted your head, giving him a small smile. "Not in trouble at all. I am."
"How so?" he quirked a brow, a smirk on his face.
"I can't do anything. It's like I'm broken and I'm just so..."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, sweetheart," he interjected, squatting next to your chair. "You're not broken."
"My brain is. I can't even write a single sentence."
"Honey..." he sighed softly, taking your hand, "Can I do anything to help?"
"Find me a new brain."
"I happen to love your brain," he chuckled softly. "Can I get you a snack? Work alongside you?"
You pouted a little. "I don't want to bug you. You just got home."
"You're not bugging me. I need to do some paperwork, and I know you work better when you have someone working with you," he stood, kissing the top of your head. "I'll go get some snacks. We can take a break every ten minutes or so and have a little treat. It'll help."
"You're sure?"
"I'm sure. And we can figure out a way to break things up. You always feel better when you can get bits and pieces done, so that's what we'll do. You don't have to do everything at once," he stroked your hair softly.
"You're too good to me," you sigh, pulling him down to kiss his lips quickly. "I think this counts as a treat, by the way."
He smiled into the kiss. "Certainly counts as a treat for me."
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gemini-sensei · 2 months
ADHD Girlfriend | Robby Keene Headcanons
Req: Lately I've been struggling a lot with my ADHD and I was wondering if you could write some fluff headcanons on how Robby would deal with his overachiever perfectionist gf having bad ADHD episodes.
A/N: guys, the more I look into ADHD, the more I'm confused about myself. Do I have ADHD or is it a result of my hearing loss? Anyway, I hope these headcanons are okay.
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Robby tries his best to be there for his girlfriend but in the beginning he didn't know what to do or how to help. There was a learning period for him on how to respond but he never reacted badly to anything his girlfriend did or said, or didn't do or say. If his girlfriend zones out while he's talking, he's not upset. He doesn't mind repeating himself.
When she is going through a rough patch, he tries everything he can to help her through it. Whatever she needs from him, he'll do it. If he has to stop what he's doing to help her, he will. He will always be there for her when she needs him. Especially when she might not realize she needs a break from whatever she's working on (schoolwork, other projects, etc.). He'll pull her away even though he knows it's hard for her.
He reminds her that it doesn't have to be perfect right now. He can't expect her to take "It's fine as it is" as an answer. They're working on perfectionism so everything she works on is a work in progress. He knows she'll want to make it better if he says it's great; great isn't good enough. So a "it doesn't have to be perfect right now" helps pull her away from whatever she's working on for a break.
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He gives her his rings to wear and fidget with. He likes seeing her fidget with them and it makes him happy.
He will give her his headphones to wear to help her keep calm down when she needs them; he makes a playlist for her, too, so that she can listen to songs that remind him of her while she's working.
Brings her favorite snacks to her while she's working. He also brings water and napkins (if the snack is a little messy). He'll sit and enjoy it with her, too, and ask her questions about what she's working on. He'll ask if he can help her out with it too, he wants to do so much for her.
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ebullientheart · 10 months
chatterbox. aaron hotchner x reader
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content — fluff. humour. implied adhd!reader but not necessarily. fem!reader. bau!reader. blurb.
inspired by this poll and this person’s tags
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it was always hard for you to focus on the same thing for long periods of time, growing up, and over the years it has caused you some problems. it’s also made you incredibly effective in the field, able to keep in pace, think on your feet, and not fixate on a detail, losing the bigger picture. it has made you incredibly ineffective at staying quiet during films.
from ‘wait, what did he say?’, to ‘i know her from somewhere, let me google it’, and even, ‘that was the worst plot twist i’ve ever witnessed’. unfortunately, there is nothing that irks aaron more. he has endless patience for you, usually, but talking during a movie is a crime to him. at one point, you really think he’s about to flash his badge at you.
at another comment from you, he groans loudly.
you bite your lip, “you hate me so much right now, don’t you?”
aaron huffs, “no, honey, i don’t hate you. i love you. please stop talking though.”
you really try. but when you don’t talk, you squirm. movie night may not have been the smartest date idea with an attention span like yours. on your third time shifting and clicking your tongue, he sighs, but is unable to completely contain his amusement, “do you ever stay still?”
“i mean… when i sleep, yeah.”
he lets his head fall back against the sofa back and gives a breathy chuckle, “alright. let’s do something else.”
even though he doesn’t seem mad, you aren’t fond of giving up on his first choice for your evening. it isn’t often he makes a request for something, and you didn’t want to ruin it. you shake your head and stop him from getting up, “no, no, i’ll be quiet. i’m sorry.”
you stress that last sentence and he squeezes your shoulder reassuringly.
aaron gives you a playful glare, “i do not think you’re capable, sweetheart.”
you mime zipping your lip and curl back into his side as he resettles in his seat and presses play. true to your promise, you don’t say another word for the duration of the film. he does miss your voice slightly, but if he knows if he opens that floodgate, he’ll never watch a film in peace again. so he finally can pay attention to the plot, thoroughly enjoying it, and occasionally rubbing up and down your arm.
as the credits roll, he stretches his legs, and the arm you aren’t clinging to, asking, “can i get you anything?”
no answer. he frowns, “hey, movie’s over sweetheart.”
then he looks down to see you sound asleep against him, a state you’ve probably been in for over an hour. aaron sighs, wondering how engrossed in the film he could’ve been to not notice that. more accurately, to not realise there is no way you’d keep still and silent for that long.
not remembering when he became so soft, he kisses your forehead and mutters, “sleep well.”
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Top 10 Tolkien Characters to be with Neurodivergent Partners.
1. Boromir
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2. Glorfindel
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3. Elrond
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4. Aragorn
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5. Arwen
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6. Bilbo
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7. Faramir
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8. Eowyn
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9. Kili
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10. Thranduil
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Might do headcanons for these one day x
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dominos-palast · 1 year
Not as useless as I seem
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Fandom: Alice in Borderland
Pairing: (platonic) Chishiya x adhd!reader, (platonic) Kuina x adhd!reader
Characters: Shuntaro Chishiya, Hikari Kuina
Used Pronouns: They/Them
Warnings: gn!reader, fluff, platonic
A/N: No spoilers of the series, also it’s my first time writing something like this. The reader has or had a grandmother with a weird nose. Don’t ask me why.
P.S.: If you have advice on how to represent ADHD better, feel free to tell me!
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Summary: It’s said you are a straight-up good-for-nothing and useless during games. But after observing you for a while, Chishiya finds some interesting things about you. You are finally paired together for a game along with Kuina and some others and Chishiya is ready to prove the rumors wrong.
Word Count: 1.7k
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you arrived at the beach shortly after Chishiya and Kuina did
you were known for not doing anything but wandering around during games, not paying attention when someone’s talking and basically just leeching off others to win the game
you hadn’t had a game with either Chishiya or Kuina up until now, but they noticed you a long time ago
every time your team arrived at the beach after a game, the most charismatic ones in the group were the centre of attention, claiming they were the reason you all were save and sound now
Chishiya was observing the group
his eyes fell to you and he caught you rolling your eyes with a scoff while you sipped off your glass
it was nothing new for some people to exaggerate things a bit, he thought.
but after that he found himself observing you more often and in doing so he found some interesting things about you
for example, you seemed to get distracted easily when engaging with other people, diverting from the topic and coming up with a completely different topic
“I still can’t believe they are all dead now when hours ago we were drinking and laughing together”, one of the girls said, the mood of the group dropping once again. “It’s so sad we can’t even mourn them properly“ “The only thing we can do now is to remember their sacrifice for us”, and the group went quiet. “I once had a butterfly friend named Victoria.”, you were sitting there, enjoying your fruity drink.The group looked at you dumb-founded until a middle-aged man spoke up, “does their death mean nothing to you?”, to what a girl chimed in, “how heartless can you be?”. You just shrugged, taking their comments light-heartedly, “Well you were talking about remembering people, which reminded me of red poppies. You know, the flowers that symbolise remembrance and all that. And then I thought of the garden at my grandmother’s house which was full of red poppies because her father had died during a war. And once, when I was visiting my grandma, I saw a beautiful monarch butterfly flying above the poppies and I named her Victoria.” The group stared at you silently. You sipped on your drink happily. Somewhere further away sat Chishiya with a grin on his face.
you had the tendency to wander off when you got uninterested in the conversation or something else had caught your attention
you seemed to pay attention to details no one else had noticed or cared about before, like the fact that one of the hanging lights in the room had some screws loose, which you noticed while looking at the lights and ignoring Aguni’s threat speech directed to the newcomers
some time after you pointed this out to the group (who mostly wasn’t paying attention or just ignored the warning) the light fell to the ground
Chishiya also noticed how you seemed to talk faster when something excited you, and how you swallowed words or even whole sentences by doing so:
Chishiya and Kuina were enjoying their drinks at the bar when suddenly Kuina diverted Chishiyas attention to you. You stood far away with your arms folded, surrounded by some people, them chattering and laughing out loud. The unusual thing was how your gaze seemed to be fixed on the duo now staring back at you. Before Kuina could question your behaviour out loud, your head turned violently back to the group, engaging with the conversation with pure excitement, words running off your mouth like a waterfall. Kuina couldn’t help but chuckle, amused but also confused by your sudden change of mood. Chishiya figured out you had heard something you were interested in in the conversation.
it’s also worth mentioning, that you always seemed to be in a good mood, chattering with people, dancing around on your own, vibing at some tunes in your head and so on
your energy seemed to have no end but at random times where all that energy disappeared out of nowhere and you were sitting in the corner looking like a wet puppy
sometimes he even found you sleeping in weird places like under Ann’s working table
Finally, the day came when you, Kuina and Chishiya were partnered up along with some others for a game
you were the first one to take a place in the car, Kuina sitting in between you and Chishiya
Kuina and you soon started to chatter during the drive, Kuina laughing her butt off at your jokes and weird thoughts
Chishiya only listened to them in silence, hiding the grin on his face behind the hood of his jacket
after arriving at the spot, you enter the designated room and a female voice explains the mission, this being to open the exit door of the escape room before the time runs out
You were all standing around, looking around the furnished room. “How are we supposed to exit a room without a door?”, someone had asked. The only way in or out of the room disappeared as soon as everyone stepped out of it. Chishiya quickly took over the leadership role. About what he was talking about? You have no clue, your eyes were fixed on the colourful fish swimming happily in the aquarium, forgetting the people around you. It was only when Kuina snapped with her fingers in front of your face that you came back to reality, a big question mark drawn on your face. “We need a key that fits in the box. There’s also some sort of puzzle on the wall there and we need a code. We have one hour to do this”, she explained to you. You were impressed she took her time to explain whatever they discussed to you. Someone else would have shouted at you to do something. “Yes, ma’am!”, you turned on your heels and started sniffing around the room. The attention was directed to one of the guys who had found a trap door underneath the carpet which needed a bigger key to be unlocked. In the meantime, you approached Chishiya, who was just about to finish a puzzle inside the drawer of a table. He felt your presence rest beside him, so he took the chance to test you. “What do you think?”, he said, putting the last piece in its place. “Fish” He raised an eyebrow and looked at you, then at the fish in the aquarium behind you two. He soon noticed the connection, but you were faster, “4351. That’s the code. The colours on the solved puzzle show the order in which we have to put the numbers-” “-and the amount of fish of the same colour mark the numbers we are searching for, so the code must be” “4351.” A grin spread across both of your faces after finishing the thought process together. You’re eyes met. Whatever had happened between you two was worth repeating. Chishiya broke eye contact first by turning around and sharing their discovery with the team. The lock opened and a minor key was retrieved from the previously locked compartment. Kuina took the key and attempted to open the box. But the lock wouldn't open. Kuina looked up with a frown on her face, “It doesn’t work.” “But there is no other lock that could fit such a small key”, a girl commented. Fifteen minutes were left on the clock and the group was getting desperate. There was nowhere to put the smaller key and they had already inspected every single furniture piece in the room. That’s when Chishiya heard a chuckle. He noticed the grin on your face. “The statue there looks so weird. Like, you see the nose? Reminds me of my grandma.” Chishiya looked in that direction. He was about to disregard the observation when he noticed how the statue’s finger pointed at another statue on the other side of the room, which pointed at another one. The last statue held a shield high above his head and held a knife in its right hand and a cloak fell over his shoulder, falling on the pedestal holding the statue. You seemed to have noticed as well, “There might be something on the heel. You know, Achilles Heel.”, you shrugged. Kuina appeared beside you, “How do you know it’s an Achilles statue?”. “I had this mild obsession with greek mythology when I was younger” Kuina nodded slowly and worded a soundless ‘oh’. Chishiya approached said statue, obeying your directions without a second thought. There it was. A keyhole, this one meant for a smaller key. Just then the female voice announced the last ten minutes left. Chishiya calmly asked Kuina to use the key on the hole. As soon as she did, a small panel on the wall opened and in it lay a wooden, minor key. Kuina took it and tried turning it to one side, having no effect on the trapdoor. She turned it on the other, but the same result. Eight Minutes were left. “This key doesn’t work, search for another” “But we have no other clues!” “Find another puzzle or something” The group grew more anxious and the clock was ticking. You crouched beside the trapdoor and took the key in your hands. “It’s broken,” you mumbled. Chishiya stood behind you, observing your actions in silence. You noticed him and held the key above your head to show him what you meant. The key seemed to be missing something, “What do you think?” Two minutes left. Chishiya grabbed the key, took the two you had used before and laid one on the other, trying to fit them in each other. And there it was. A satisfying click. You went out of the way to let Chishiya open the trapdoor, now finally letting itself be lifted. “Chishiya opened the trapdoor!”, the girl shouted, “Quick, get out!”, one after the other jumped out of the room and before the last minute could end, everyone had escaped the room.
During the trip back your group started praising Chishiya’s intelligence, all cheering happily and looking forward to the celebration that awaited on the beach
Kuina was MAD and was about to complain when you stopped her
“Let them be. At the end what matters is that we made it out, right?”
She could have strangled the life out of you right there and then, but she just accepted it and laid back
Since then you three stuck to each other like glue, them enjoying the lively conversations with you and your bad jokes and you feeling safe and understood with them
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
hi can you do a wanda! x reader who has adhd and constantly forgets to take their meds and to eat so wanda reminds them all the time i love ur fics by the way!
Real life reminder
Summary: Get yourself someone who works better than an alarm clock.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x female!reader
Warnings: my knowledge of adhd is limited, cursing
Word count: 535
a/n: people with bad memory rise up
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13 @wandsmxmff @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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Running down the stairs of their house, Y/N picks up her work bag from the ground near the door and puts on her shoes quickly. She turns to the door, ready to leave, as she’s about to be late, but she stops in her tracks when she notices a paper taped to the door, right on her eye level.
Remember meds and breakfast!!
Love you, Wanda
“Shit.” She jogs to the kitchen, quickly downs one of the pills she has to take and grabs a sandwich that’s already packed from the fridge before going out the door.
This isn’t an unusual occurrence in the Maximoff-Y/L/N household. Most of the morning Wanda is still home in the mornings, so she makes Y/N breakfast and waits for her in the kitchen with it and her medication ready to go. But, the few times Wanda is going to work earlier than Y/N, she makes her something to eat the evening before. She knows if she doesn’t do this, Y/N wouldn’t most likely eat any breakfast, besides, she likes taking care of her girlfriend.
However, this isn’t only a morning problem.
The door opens, shifting Y/N’s focus to the hallway rather than the television in front of her. There’s already a smile on her face.
“Hi!” Wanda walks into the living room, sitting right next to Y/N to give her a kiss.
“Hey, you.” Y/N giggles, pulling her into another kiss. “How were the others?”
“Fine,” Wanda glances at the table, there’s a book and some papers on it, “have you eaten dinner yet? Or taken your meds?” She knows the answer the second she turns to look at Y/N. Her face is scrunched up. “Go take your meds.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Standing up and going to the kitchen, Y/N grabs a pill and swallows it with water.
Wanda follows her there, taking two plates from the cabinet. She takes a pot from the kitchen. “You know I made this food so you’d eat it after work. I get off so many hours after you.” She starts putting food to the plates. “And I know you aren’t remembering to eat at work.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Pouting, Y/N tilts her head while she looks at Wanda, who shakes her head with a laugh. “I forgot.”
“I texted you.”
“My phone is in my bag.”
Rolling her eyes, Wanda sets the now empty pot in the sink, leaving it there for washing. “I meed to sew reminders into your clothes.” She mumbles.
“I know,” Y/N leans against the kitchen counter, “thank you for putting up with me.”
“I take care of you, because I love you. Just like you take care of me, because you love me. I’m not just putting up with you.” Wanda’s hands go up to Y/N’s cheeks, caressing them softly with her thumbs. “You just forget things sometimes.”
“I just forget things sometimes.” She whispers back.
Smiling, Wanda takes her plate and gives Y/N her own. “Let’s eat and watch a movie now. I’ll put up some alarms on your phone later.”
Y/N hums, her attention already on the movie options.
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rachaelswrites · 2 years
Blooper Reel
Avengers Cast x ADHD!teen!reader
Word Count: 459
Requested By: Anonymous
hello, i have a request here! avengers cast x adhd!reader.  where there’s bloopers compilations of them and some scenes of y/n softly punching them to pass time and to stim while the avengers are literally just talking to one another 😭😭 just the avengers being really sweet and caring :) 
A/N: I’m glad to be back to writing! Hope you enjoy
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Tonight was the screening of the most recent Marvel film. You and the whole cast got together to watch it at the theater with an audience of about 100 people. You were excited that this many people were finally able to see all the hard work you and the cast did in the last 9 months. The audience didn’t know yet but not only were they getting to watch the movie before anyone else, they were also getting to see an exclusive blooper reel. Even the cast didn’t know what made it in but you had some ideas. You just hoped it wasn’t too embarrassing. You had a habit of doing some goofy things when you didn’t know a camera was on you.
The movie was over so as the credits rolled on the screen, the announcer grabbed the mic and spoke, “We will be having a small reception in the lobby following this but before that, we would like for you all to stay and join us in watching an exclusive blooper reel.”
The audience started cheering and clapping as the credits finished and the bloopers started showing up.
There were quite a few of Chris Evans making faces at the camera, Scarlet messing up her lines and more. The ones that really caught your attention were the ones of you (of course). Most of the ones you were in you either forgot your lines or, you were just standing there, lightly punching someone in the arm. You knew you occasionally would do that but watching the reel made you realize how much you actually did it. 
While watching, you realized that it never phased anyone, not even Robert, who you didn’t know super well. You were confused so you leaned in your chair over to Evans and asked him.
“Did you guys just ignore me when I did that?” you whispered.
Chris shrugged, “Well, we figured you were just stimming so we didn’t do much about it. It wasn’t hurting anyone so it was fine,” he explained. He could tell you were feeling embarrassed about it, “Don’t worry about it kid. It’s not a big deal.”
You put your face in your hands, not believing that it wasn’t a big deal, “Oh gosh it’s embarrassing.”
Robert was a few people from Chris but he was still eavesdropping on your conversation so he butt in and gave his opinion, “I actually found it quite entertaining Y/n. Don’t worry too much about it.”
You looked up at both men, “Really? You didn’t mind?”
Both of them nodded their heads.
“I’m sure if you ask anyone, they’ll agree with us,” Chris said, “We could ask them?”
You shook your head, “No I believe you. Thank you for reassuring me.”
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Unconventional Ice Breakers and Equally Unconventional Comfort Methods
Eddie Munson x Introvert!ND!Reader
SFW; angsty to fluffy, lots of comfort, new friends to lovers energy, reader has ADHD + Autism
Words: 7883 (oops- jesusfuck- 💀)
Summary: After moving back to your hometown of Hawkins, Indiana, you find yourself connecting with a former classmate of yours that you didn't get to talk to during your time at Hawkins High. As you two come to realize how much you have in common, you open up to him about being a college dropout. In classic Eddie Munson fashion, he seeks to cheer you up and encourages you not to be ashamed.
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Warnings: Non-graphic description of past depression + su*c*dal feelings (Though there's nothing explicitly detailed, please do not read if it might trigger you. Your wellbeing comes before a story on tumblr), mild diss*ciation, w33d usage is mentioned by both reader and Eddie (please skip if that makes you uncomfortable. There will be plenty of Eddie content that doesn't mention w33d), fear of failure, self doubt and shame, lots of cussing (as per usual), Eddie being his obnoxious dramatic self <3, fluffy tickles (this is a tickle fic after all which is really no surprise on this blog AHHSHDHF /lh) and lots of comfort, not canon-compliant
DISCLAIMER: The reader in this story is the same age as Eddie and has a mullet hairstyle, but it is neverspecified that their hair is a specific texture or type (being inclusive of fellow Black fic readers is my top priority) It's whatever style of mullet you want it to be. Hell, it could even be a wig! However you want it to look, is how it looks. All of the reader's experiences are inspired by my own experiences as an ND person (and my personal experience being a college dropout, though I am NOT explicitly telling my personal story here). Not everyone who's ND acts how the reader in this story acts. This story is not meant to romanticize mental health struggles, nor make light of how people find ways to stay afloat in the midst of them. (As someone who's been through my own mental health battles, my only hope is that people can find comfort in this story and be reminded that there's a calm after the storm). Also, I'm still not as familiarized with D&D as I want to be (my introvert self needs to find a group to play with), so in this fic, just envision Eddie is acting like he's straight out of a cheesy 80s fantasy movie when his theatrics jump out later in the fic, because he would absolutely watch those films.
*Spoilers for Stranger Things 4 (both volumes) under the cut*
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You'd been standing frozen as you stared at the pathway that led to the front door of your childhood home, holding the last box of your valuables, yet to be carried inside. The house had received a fresh coat of paint, soft yellow in color, and in the window, you could catch a glimpse of the banner your loved ones had hung up in the living room.
the banner read, but you didn't feel welcome... The idea of that final trek up to the steps, felt akin to preparing to take the walk of shame. It was a shame you couldn't shake from your head. Despite your family being more than understanding, despite them, in a time where being misunderstood was running rampant like a plague, the shame you felt, the shame your mind haunted you with, would not shake.
The ringing in your ears, brought about by the complete silence that surrounded you, seemed so loud. It was so loud... so loud that you didn't even hear the rumbling engine of the van that had stopped on the street right behind you. As your eyes continued to stare forward, defocusing in the midst of your overthinking, you hadn't heard him calling out to you with concern lacing his voice.
The voice, now louder and closer, snapped you from your thoughts. "Hellooooo? Earth to strangerrrr!" You let out a shriek, body jumping violently before you whipped around and jumped a second time from how close he was, the box nearly slipping from your grip.
Before it could fall, another pair of hands were quick to steady it. You gazed at them, his fingertips nearly touching yours, and concluded that the silver rings that adorned them, along with the chain bracelet on one wrist and a watch on the other, seemed oddly familiar.
"I got you- it! I- got it- the box. Uh... Sorry about the scare. You were standing still an awwwfully long time. Are you good?"
"Y-Yeah... I-I'm... I'm okay..." The KISS shirt he was wearing caught your eye, though it was the black leather jacket and denim battle vest you knew you'd seen before. When you looked up at him to say thank you, the realization finally dawned on you. After the words left your lips, you were silent for a few seconds, gathering the courage to look into his eyes before you spoke again.  "Eddie...? Eddie Munson, r-right...?"
Eddie's brows furrowed curiously, initially wondering how you knew his name. The gears stopped turning in his head and he let out a gasp that startled you briefly. He raised his hand with his finger already pointed. "Wait a minute... Do my eyes deceive me, or am I currently face-to-face with Y/N 'The Wallflower' L/N, the most brilliant mind, in the Hawkins class of '84, who's sporting a mullet~?"
"W-Wallflower!? I... Is that what people called me...?"
Eddie chuckled and shook his head. "Noho! Nooooo~ I never heard anyone call you that, don't worry. I-I didn't mean that as a bad thing, promise. You were just... as quiet as a church mouse in school, and I- maybe heard you talk loudly like- once, so..." he shrugged, making sure you had a steady hold on the box before he crossed his arms and let his hands rest beneath his shoulders.
"...the mullet does look nice. Suits you. A lot, actually."
"Thank you." You hummed in acknowledgement, setting the box down beside you, rocking back and forth on your heels as you tried to think of what to say. The silence was painfully awkward, and your often very quiet neighborhood did little to ease the tension. 
Eddie opted to make another attempt at breaking the ice. "Have we- ever actually spoken to each other? Like, before now?"
"I..." you knit your brows as you pondered. You couldn't think back to a single time you two had spoken, and Eddie, who already knew the answer, was chuckling. "N-No... We dihidn't! Wait! Hohow?"
"Sahahame age, same grade, eheven had quite a few classes together, buhut we never had a conversation. Funny, isn't it?" He smiled impishly and leaned a little closer, his expression growing serious and his voice lowering in volume. "Were you afraid of me~?"
Were you? Had you been? Was he mad? Annoyed? The question gave you butterflies, and you quickly shook your head in a slight panic, worried he was truly upset with you as you struggled to read his tone. "What? No! I... I wasn't afraid, I just..." Your words trailed off upon seeing that he was laughing again.
"IhIhI'm just teasing you~" 
You could feel your face growing a little warm from embarrassment, eyes darting down to the pavement as you tugged on your sleeves. "Right... right... Sorry..."
Eddie tilted his head sideways as he waited for you to look up again, offering you a warm and reassuring smile, his hair beginning to fall in front of his face. You couldn't help but return it, before looking down at the box on the ground. "You back in town to stay? Or are you just visiting?"
The shame that had been churning in your stomach several minutes before, that for a short amount of time, lay dormant, bubbled up to the front of your mind again. "I... Um... I'm back in town to stay..." You were hoping he didn't ask you to elaborate further. Much to your relief, he didn't.
"Wellll, would you maybe... wanna catch up, or something? At some point? Y'know? IhI say catch up, when really we'd finally be getting acquainted. Maybe we can actually get to know each other?"
Eddie's question caught you off guard, and in the process, briefly interrupted your shame, and as your body responded to the sudden joy, you began to bounce on your heels. "Yeah! I-I'd uh... I'd like that, actually."
Your eyes seemed as though they'd lit up when Eddie caught a glimpse of them. He'd seen you happy stim before when you were in school together, but he'd never seen the endearing sight so vividly. His smile morphed into a grin and he nodded.
"Cool! Alright!" He clapped before pointing at you as he began to move backward toward his van, cussing when he nearly lost his balance upon stepping off the curb. "What do you say- SHIT! What do you say, we go grab some food tomorrow or something? I could pick you up. Maybe around four?"
"F-Four... yeah... Sounds like a plan!" You gave a rather awkward thumbs up, and Eddie laughed as he returned the gesture from his spot in the front seat, before giving a quick wave as he began to drive off. As your brain started to catch up with everything that had just happened, you blinked a few times, and took a breath before picking up the box.
You can do this... Last box... Your family's excited to see you... They're still proud of you... You're hanging out with someone tomorrow... You can do this... No shame... no shame...
Those words echoed in your head repeatedly. With one final inhale and exhale, you walked up the concrete pathway, and up your front steps.
Your eyes felt heavy as you attempted to talk yourself out of bed the following morning. You'd been surprised with your favorite dinner and dessert combo the previous night, which you accepted with hesitance. Not even your comfort foods could take your mind off of the impact of what you saw as your biggest failure. The sudden ringing of your morning alarm, made you violently flinch and scramble to hit the snooze. You'd woken up a mere three minutes before it had been set to go off.
Throughout the day, you felt as though you were losing yourself. It was as if your mind lagged behind your body. All you could think about, as you looked in the mirror and didn't quite see yourself looking back at you, was one word... failure... As time continued to tick by, you silently got ready, since somehow, you'd done nothing but blink and suddenly four in the afternoon was fast approaching. A soft, collared sweater was your top of choice, with comfy shorts of a soothing fabric.
"So, I ran into Wayne Munson at the market the other day." A family member said from the kitchen as you slowly put your shoes on. "Y/N, didn't you go to school with his nephew, honey?" 
At first, the question went through one ringing ear and out the other, but after a few seconds, you registered the statement.
"Y-Yeah... yeah... Um... I'm hanging out with Eddie today."
"Oh? Old school friends catchin' up? IhI'm not teasing, I'm genuinely curious."
You finished tying your shoes and stood up to grab your bag, settling your building anxiety by pinching the fabric of your sweater sleeve between two fingers. "We never actually spoke in high school... S-So, I guess you'd call it new friends getting to know each other... right?"
"I'd say so," your relative said with a smile on her face. "You put that rock I gave you back in your bag, right? The... what was it called...? Sensory rock?
"I got it before I came back downstairs. Thank you for the reminder." Your body jolted with a burst of adrenaline upon hearing the knock at the door. It hadn't been loud, or obnoxious, but your hypersensitivity was in full swing and it left you jumpy.
Eddie was all smiles when you opened the door, and gave a little wave with his hand as he greeted you. "Hihi. Ready to go?" The quiet thumping of your younger cousin running to the door had given you time to brace for them bumping into your leg.
"Mama! Are you and the rest of the grownups aware that a cute guy with funny hair is taking Y/N out?"
Eddie's brows knit together, but he began to chuckle. "Fuhunny hair?"
"They know! And I am a grownup!" You exclaimed quickly, shaking your cousin off of your leg and tugging at your sleeve as you moved to step outside with your former classmate.
An elderly family member guffawed from the living room, which travelled down the tall ceilings of the hallway. "Have fun, baby! Make sure Eddie says hello to his Uncle Wayne for me!"
"He knows my uncle?"
The answer to Eddie's question came seconds after he'd asked it far too quietly for anyone except you to have possibly heard him. "From work!"
"IhI will, love you all, bye!"
"You're gonna dip without introducing him?" Oh boy. You gave Eddie an apologetic look, but he only grinned as your little cousin led him to say hello to the rest of the house. You knew your family wasn't uptight or judgmental, nor did they buy into Satanic Panic, but still, your worries weren't eased right away. When Eddie ended up with an invitation to Friday's dinner and family game night, you knew right then and there that you'd had nothing to worry about after all.
Thirty minutes passed by, and when you'd actually stepped out the door to walk to Eddie's van, you took a deep breath. "I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be! Dohon't be. Your family's really kind." Eddie was smiling bright as could be, taking energetic and funky little strides toward the passenger side of the van, which he held open for you, offering his hand for support as you stepped inside.
"Thank you."
"My pleasure." Eddie hopped into the driver's side, resting his hand on the wheel. "So... This hangout is completely zero pressure and whatever you want to do, so... if you wanted to eat in somewhere, we could do that. If you want to get food to-go and just eat it wherever, I'm down."
The van was quiet as you pondered. "Um... C-Could we... Take our food to go...? And just be somewhere with less people...?"
"Absolutely, we can. You don't mind listening to Black Sabbath on the way, do you?"
Eddie's question had you smiling involuntarily, wrists shaking with suppressed joy. "Orchid is my fahavorite song."
His eyes widened, before his brow furrowed, head tilting in your direction, starting the car and pulling out a Black Sabbath cassette tape which he briefly fiddled with. "Are you telling me that not only is the Hawkins Wallflower sporting a mullet, but they're also a metalhead!?"
"Y-Yes...? Is that... a bad thing...?"
"No! No. IhIt's... it's wihihicked, actually! What uh, what other bands do you listen to?"
The entire time you were driving to get food, Eddie listened eagerly as you info-dumped about all the metal bands you listened to, and at one point, the two of you were head banging to Detroit Rock City, the music far too loud in your ears to be bothered by an elderly couple gaping in horror in the car next to yours.
Another half hour passed by after that, and as you held your food in your hands, the two of you trekked through the woods, venturing to your hangout spot of choice, Skull Rock. It was quiet enough, and oddly peaceful despite its eeriness. Despite the many moments of joy in the evening thus far had helped to distract you from your woes, they were still sitting at the back of your head. The ringing in your ears was still there. The pressures you felt were subconsciously building.
Eddie had been telling you about one of his concert experiences when the ringing became worse. He saw the way your stimming had changed, and recognized it as a sign of stress, one he'd noticed when your class was taking tests or if the room became too noisy.
"Hey. Y/N... are you alright?" It felt as though you were hearing Eddie from several feet away, instead of right next to him. You fiddled with your sensory rock, which sat in your open bag, and took a few seconds to ground yourself.
"Um... Y-Yeah... just... I know we're far from them now but... I was just, overwhelmed by big groups of people today... I-Including my family... I know that's mean to say..."
"Wehell, they love you, and you've definitely made them proud. They'll survive if you need a breather from thehem. I promise."
Made them proud... You didn't feel that way... not one bit... and it was eating away at you now...
"IhI... I don't know about that..."
"Are you kidding me? I can see in their eyes how proud they are!"
"They shouldn't be, Eddie... They really shouldn't." You could feel the pressure in your chest growing heavier the longer the conversation carried on. It became too much. You couldn't skirt around your guilt and shame any longer.
"What could you have possibly done that would make you think your family shouldn't be proud of you-"
"I didn't graduate!" Your outburst was just as surprising to you as it was to Eddie. He'd almost never heard you raise your voice above an indoor speaking level in school. "I-I'm so sorry... I... I didn't graduate college, Eddie."
Eddie smiled in disbelief at the sorrow in your eyes. "Thahat's okay-"
"No... No it isn't. Th-That's... This isn't okay..." You saw Eddie tilt his head in your peripheral vision.
"Do you... wanna talk about it...? Y/N...?"
"It's... so much, Eddie. I don't want to burden you with this. I-I... I really don't..."
You wanted to keep the shame to yourself. You wanted to. But you couldn't...
"Y/N. If you need someone to ramble to, about anything that's on your mind, I'm here. I'm sittin' right here, and I'm not going anywhere." The air was near silent, save for the distant sounds of birds calling to each other in trees, and the crunching of the grass beneath your shoes when you rocked your heels.
"I don't know what happened, Eddie... I... I fell behind in everything... The more time passed, the more I... the more I just..." The tears you had been fighting to hold back, the tears you had been trying to will away, to dry up and disappear, finally fell, and poured out in long streams down your cheeks. "The more I... thought th-that... things would be better... if... if I was gone..."
You hugged your own arms tightly and closed your eyes, too ashamed to look up at your former classmate while your body rocked back and forth.
"I spent everyday, of college... more high than sober... Every... hour... that I was awake, I was smoking weed," You rambled, leg bouncing rapidly and body moving in distress automatically. "I'm not ashamed of it, please don't think that I am... I'm not against marijuana usage or anything... I just... I wish it hadn't taken being high all the time, just to keep me here. It was... it... it was the only thing that kept me floating, when all I wanted to do, was s-sink."
Eddie was silent as he looked at you. Never in a million years would he have guessed you went through something like that. You'd always been hyper-vigilant about doing well in school, at one point a teacher even suggested asking you to tutor him. He'd had no clue how to approach you. Neither of you had even spoken to each other at that time.
He'd seen the brightness in your eyes the day you graduated. A student with highest distinction, accepted into your dream college and hopeful about the future, now broken and in tears with your future feeling like a lost cause. You realized he'd been looking at you, and you hastily wiped your eyes with a hollow laugh. "S-Some star student I turned out to be, right...? I... I only made it halfway..."
"I-I've embarrassed myself enough, Eddie... I don't... I don't know why you wanted to get to know me... This... This is me... I'm a college dropout... All my potential... it... it was wasted... It is wasted..."
Eddie couldn't let you continue on. "Can I tell you what I've been doing since you graduated, Y/N?" He waited until you looked up at him before he spoke again, and even then, he was silent for a few moments, wondering if what he said would provide you any comfort at all.
"I've still been trying to pass senior year..."
Eddie leaned closer to elaborate. "Yeah... I was held back again. I'm the last person, who'd ever judge you for being a college dropout. You have nothing to prove, Y/N. You're... you're brilliant, alright?"
"You're wrong, Eddie. That's wrong. I-I... I'm not."
"Yes, you are-"
Your words came out louder than you'd meant them to through your pained sobbing. "No, I'M NOT! I-I'm not... I'm just living proof that church mice and wallflowers don't make it anywhere..."
Eddie's heart sank even more upon hearing those words leave your mouth. He began to wonder if that nickname had only hurt you more. In your peripheral vision, despite your tears blurring your sight, you saw Eddie offering a hand. With a deep breath, you took hold of it and squeezed it.
"I'm sorry, Y/N."
"For what, Eddie...? You didn't do anything wrong... I'm the failure here..."
"No, no... You're the farthest from a failure someone can be. I never meant to discourage or hurt you with those nicknames. If I'm responsible for shaking your confidence at all today, I'm sorry. You've been through enough and... I made that worse-"
"No, you didn't, Eddie. I swear, you didn't. I've... just spent a long time trying to keep myself hidden. I didn't want to be seen. I didn't want to be judged." You sniffled and wiped your eyes. "I'm just really surprised... I didn't expect to be seen by anybody... I-I really didn't expect it when you asked me to hang out, because it meant that you saw me... A-And maybe that scared me a little bit... But, I really don't mind the nicknames."
"Are you sure, Y/N?"
You nodded firmly, before lowering your head. "I guess... if anything... I-I'm... I'm embarrassed that you ever had to see me like this, Eddie..."
"Are you fuckin' kidding me?" Eddie saw your eyes water and quickly assured you he wasn't mad at you. "Wh-What I'm trying to say is... damn it... Have you seen me, Y/N? I can't tell you how many times I've felt the way you feel... You're looking at the guy who's barely about to, maybe, finally pass senior year and graduate. The obnoxious nerdy 'freak' who carries the weed he deals in his fucking lunch box. You will never, ever, hear any kind of shame, from me, toward you... 'Kay...?"
"Eddie... don't... you don't have to..."
"I'm not gonna give you the chance to feel embarrassed about crying in front of me!" Eddie argued. "So, come on! What's it gonna take to get you smiling again? To get that little fucker known as 'shame,' to leave you alone for a while?"
"I-I don't kn-know..." you sniffled, staring down at the ground beneath you, tugging on your sweater sleeves. A fresh wave of tears fell from your eyes and you sobbed into your fabric-covered hands. "God! I-I'm *hic* such a crybaby!"
"Nononono, no, Y/N! You're not a crybaby. Y-You're... you're processing something heavy and... dammit. Please, don't be so hard on yourself."
Eddie was growing more distressed by the second over seeing you so unhappy. It wasn't usually so hard for him to help someone feel better. He'd become a natural at it; an expert, even. But, your mind was struggling to believe any of his words, and that worried him. He sat in front of you, mindful not to touch you in case it would make you uncomfortable, as he did his best to figure out how to support you. 
"A hug? A stupid story? Give me something, please." Eddie moved closer, the panic in his voice evident as he tried to figure out how to make you feel better. Your sobs turned to quiet hiccups, but you struggled to think of something that could make you feel alright, and you silently shrugged, wiping your eyes. "Jokes? Funny voices? Stupid faces? Christ! I-I... I don't know what would help you, and I reallywant to help you... I don't want you to feel sad, Y/N. Shit... Tickling?"
He immediately noticed your breath hitch in your throat upon hearing his final idea, and he saw the faint hints of happy stimming in the way your body moved. Your eyes briefly shifted to meet his gaze, but as quickly as you'd looked at him, you looked away. "Hold on... what was that?"
"What? What w-was what...?"
"You know exactly fucking what~" Eddie pointed at you with a tiny smirk forming on his lips. "Are you ticklish, church mouse?"
"I... I-I don't kn-know!?" you stammered out, sniffling and wiping your eyes. "What d-does this have to do with- why did you-  I... I'm not-"
His sudden utterance of the word caused a squeak to leave your mouth. "Stop saying it!"
"Why? Is it giving you butterflies or something?" Eddie's tone was growing increasingly playful in nature, and he stood up, holding his hands up cautiously and pointing at you, eyes widening. "Carefullll~ They say there's a terrifying presence out in these woods. An all powerful being... A magic user... who replenishes his power, with the sweet... sounds... of... laughter~!"
You jumped when he leaned forward, inhaling with a loud gasp and tucking your arms close to your chest, a giggle slipping out. "Eheddie!"
"Shh! He can hear you~" Eddie whispered, looking around as though he were expecting something to jump out. "Some folks even claim, that he can possess whatever living human being he desires, to carry out his bidding~"
"Something tells me he's been keeping a verrrry watchful eye... on a certain tearful hero, sitting juuuust beneath... Skulllll Rock~" When he suddenly turned to look at you, you couldn't help the stim that took over your hands, and you attempted to stay composed by once again tucking your arms close to you. He leaned closer again, crouching down so he was at eye level with you, and his voice became hushed and genuine in tone. "I'm not actually gonna do anything unless I have the alright from you. Okay?"
You bit your lip and pondered briefly. The shame was so trapped in your head, so heavy on your person, that you knew a major distraction was needed. Your brain needed to focus on something else. It needed to. With a deep breath, your leg bouncing rapidly, you looked up at him.
"I... I really need the distraction... You can... You can... you know... You have the alright from me..."
Eddie's eyes remained gazing at you, his expression seemingly stuck. You furrowed your brows curiously, tilting your head as you looked at your friend frozen in place. "Eddie...?"
All of a sudden, his eyes rolled back, he clutched his head with both hands, and keeled over with a roar, making you jump and shriek. "It's- GAHHH! He's... he's got me, Y/N! FUCKIN- CHRIST! Hurry! Run! Before he-" He let out a low and gravelly scream through grit teeth as he exaggeratedly writhed and kicked in the leaves on the ground. After a moment, his body was still, and his head whipped in your direction to look into your eyes with a blank stare, his lips having curled into a smirk. The expression on his face was nearing feral.
You felt your heart flutter and skip, still frozen where you sat. "Eddie...?" The moment he spoke, a wave of chills washed over your body. 
"I'm afraid you're mistaken, Y/N~ Eddie Munson is now merely a vessel, for the being only ever before described, as nothing. but. a. myth. You, my adventurous wallflower, are now face-to-face... with the Evilllllll... Overlorrrrrd..." he slowly lifted his hands before teasingly wiggling his fingers in the air, "...of tickling!"
The loud squeak you let out had been completely involuntary. Your eyes widened when he took a couple steps toward you, feeling the nervous laughter bubbling in your throat and up to the roof of your mouth. He suddenly lurched forward, with his hands resting on his knees, making you shriek and stim with your legs, your hands covering your mouth to muffle the giggling that he'd startled out of you.
"I have one question for you to answer~ Since it is evident that you are doomed to laughter, I'll let you make this decision for me." Eddie stood back up, and slowly paced in front of you, hands clasped behind his back. "You can attempt the hero's journey; run, hide, or fight... It doesn't matter in the end, but you can try it~ Or, you can continue sitting still, like you are right now, and accept your fate, instead of prolonging the inevitable. Which do you choose?"
"Try and run, timid adventurer, or surrender to your destiny. Which. Do. You. Choose~?"
It took a few seconds for you to decide, and even then, you weren't quite sure what you were doing, but you slowly stood up, and began to back away, the sound of the leaves and dirt only amplifying in your ears due to yours and Eddie's silence. "Well then~ A chase it shall be~"
An evil cackle tore its way from Eddie's chest and echoed in the trees, which sent you squealing and running to the other side of the rock. You noticed a lack of running noises in the dirt behind you, and turned back. Eddie wasn't anywhere to be seen.
You let out a loud and shrill scream when Eddie jumped in front of you with a startling cackle, wrapping his arms around your waist and wrestling you to the ground.
"EDDIE! You don't play fair!"
"Oh on the contrary~ I did chase you. I just never told you how long or short the chase would be~" He gently took hold of your wrists, and slowly moved them to hover above the ground by the sides of your head. "Now then- play along- I shall cast a spell, and pin these hands, right by your head."
As he emphasized the word, he set your hands down, and, to play along, you kept them there. He was taking his act so seriously that you almost wanted to laugh then and there.
"As evil a being as I am, it's still vital that you're feeling comfortable. If you do not feel alright with me using my hands directly on your skin, I'll respect your wishes." Despite still acting in character, you knew he was reassuring you that he would not cross any of your boundaries.
With a bite of your lip, and a timid huff, you averted your eyes at first, but, to make sure Eddie knew that you weren't feeling pressured, that you were okay with the slightly more intimate affection, you met his eyes once more and answered, awkwardly attempting to tell a joke in your response. "I don't m-mind... It's okay. I-I'm... kihinda... kinda fahahated to l-laughter either wahAHAYYY!"
You couldn't help the nervous squeak when Eddie carefully moved his hands under your sweater, feeling his hands just centimeters away from your torso. "I hope you're prepared to laugh hysterically, you endearing little church mouse."
His pointer fingers began to trace slow, light patterns up and down the skin on your sides, making your nerves jolt, the giggly whimper that left your lips causing you to swear under your breath with mild embarrassment. The smile on his lips was growing wider, dimples and all.
"Mmph- hmhm... ohoho nohohoho! Pffft! Shihihit! ShihIHIHIT!"
"Something tells me that you've just realized you're far more ticklish than you thought you were, my helpless mortal~" His tone was low, the vocal fry in his voice only making him sound more menacing. "I wonder if I... Ah? Ahhhhhh? Uh huhhh~"
He'd begun to brush more of his fingers over the ticklish spots, a grin creeping onto his face as he kept them wiggling agonizingly slowly. A small yelp leapt from your throat in response to the ice cold sensation of the rings making your nerves jump and causing goosebumps to form.
Eddie chuckled mischievously, the sound of which had your ears tingling and growing hot. "Dohohon't laugh! Thehe r-rihings a-are f-fREHEEZING! Mhmph!"
"You can't hold in all of your giggles forever, you darling mortal. Oh~? Another squeak? You do realize, I've only just begun, yes? This overlord has a loooooot of mana to recharge~"
Just as you opened your mouth to retort Eddie's cheesy theatrics, the ticklish sensation grew fivefold. 
"EheheheHEHEHEDDIEEHEEE!" A snort soon followed your loud cackle of laughter in response to Eddie spidering all of his fingers on the bare skin of your sides. Your shoulders pressed into the ground as your back arched, and you twisted your torso. "OHOHOH MYHYHY GAHAHAAWWWWD! *snort* SHIHIHIHIIIT! IHIHIHIT'S *hic* SOHO MUHUCH WOHOHORRRRRRRSE!"
"I'm afraid Eddie can't hear you, you giggly little mortal. Must I remind you, that he's been possessed by me~ And, the more you wiggle like a rabid earthworm, the worse it's gonna tickle~ Which is no issue for me, considering my magic replenishes eiiiiither wayyy~" How Eddie was taking his character so seriously, you had no clue. What you did know, is that your cheeks and ears were hotter than a flame, and your stomach had become a butterfly garden.
He snickered, watching fondly at how rapid your happy stimming had become. It was evident that you were trying your hardest not to clamp your arms down to your sides, as your arms twitched when Eddie moved to a particularly bad spot. "It seems that the ticklish mortal cannot withstand even a fraction of my attacks~ However, my spell doesn't appear to be strong enough to keep your hands piHIHINNED- HOHOLY SHIHIT! I was soho right~"
You'd let out a loud squeal and kicked your legs, unable to stop your hands from shooting down to instinctively hold onto Eddie's wrists as his thumbs dug into your hips. He watched you carefully, noting that you weren't actually trying to push his hands away, but you had tightened your grasp to bear with the sensation.
Eddie stopped instantly, though he grew briefly confused by the near sad expression that graced your face. Christ, you were adorable, and he couldn't stop thinking about that fact. "You okay...?"
"I-I... I d-didn't actually mean..." You were growing embarrassed by your own words, and you partially covered your face with your hand. "I-It... U-Um... Reflex... F-Force of habit... I... S-Sorry..."
Much to your surprise, Eddie gently moved your hand away, and back down, holding onto it a little longer before he let go just so he could see you stim by running your thumb over his rings again. "Y-You... uh... want me to keep going?" When you nodded, he began to smile.
"I-I'll... f-figure out h-how to... tell you when I-I really c-can't laugh anymore..." Your avoidance of simply saying 'When it tickles too much' did not go unnoticed by your now-smiling new friend, whom you gazed at nervously as you waited for him to say something.
A screech left your mouth when Eddie's thumbs suddenly began digging into your hips again, cackling obnoxiously and making you scream a second time, giggles spiking in pitch and intensity. "PFFFHEEEEEEEEEEE! SHIHIHIT SHIHIHIT SHIHIIIIIIIIT!"
"As per your request, my darling giggly hero, though I may be an evil overlord, in the interest of ensuring you don't laugh yourself to death, I'll give you a lifeline~" Eddie paused his hands, but kept them on your hips, and though unmoving, you still felt the sensations and couldn't keep from squirming. "If you want to save your friend, Eddie, from my possession spell, and free yourself from my clutches, all you have to do, is say 'tickler, be gone!'"
Eddie hummed before his fingers moved to hover above your belly, where your shirt had ridden up from all the moving. "Three little words~ I know you can do it~ It doesn't have to be now by any means, however." He lifted his pinkie finger, before setting it down and lifting the next, smirking at the way your torso twitched each time he drummed his fingers over your skin.
Once you had looked up at him again, he winked at you, before rapidly clawing at your belly and grinning over how much you were suddenly happy stimming with your body.
"NOHOHOHOT *snort* FAHAHAHAHAIR! NONONONOHOOOO!" You began taking sharp gasps of air between your laughter, hiccuping and squeaking with utter mirth. It took nearly a minute to calm down when Eddie eased up to let you breathe.
The stray hiccupy giggles that came out with after each inhale were an utterly darling sound to Eddie's ears. "I think it's time I give your poor sides and tummy a bit of a break~ I've still got quite a lot of mana to recover. Though, lucky for you, that stray symphony of mirth that continues on even when I'm not actively tickling you, can still be fed on~"
Eddie's eyes softened at the giggly whimper that his statement drew from you. Your hands were hyper with giddiness, a stark contrast to your body, which had become relatively still (save for the rising and falling of your belly) in the leaves and grass as you awaited Eddie's playful attack again. You twitched and squeaked every few seconds when the grass brushed your sides.
"Perhaps I should tell you a little bit about myself, you giggly mortal~ Would you care to hear a little tale about the Evil Overlord of Tickling?" He teasingly wiggled his fingers in the air to add dramatic flair to his words. Despite your initial squeak, you shyly inquired.
"Whahahat ahabout hihim?"
"For many millennia, long before you and my current vessel even existed, the Overlord has been a very misunderstood creature. He's watched, as the fables, the bedtime stories, twist and morph to make him sound meaner, and scarier." You saw the corners of Eddie's mouth falling downward despite his attempts to fight it. He stared at the ground, clasping his hands as he rested his elbows atop his knees. "He began to internalize it... he stopped disputing the rumors and judgement that came hand in hand with it. He saw himself, as an outcast... a freak... a monster..."
Your brows were knit as your mind began to read between the lines. "W-Wait..."
"...but what they didn't see, was the broken soul... not understanding why he was shunned by everyone else... They didn't see him fighting hard to make sure he didn't end up like his father... Didn't see him trying to prove himself, to everyone... by not giving up, when he didn't graduate the first time..."
"They also never saw, that his desire to bring mirth and merriment to those around him, came from a place of not knowing how he could have either of those things, for many years of his early life..." Eddie cleared his throat and wiped his eyes, taking a breath as he willed himself to say what he wished to. "And the one thing, he wouldn't let them, nor anyone else see, was that the moment his eyes landed upon the ethereal... mysterious, wallflower... sitting at his table in his freshman year English class, the Overlord felt his heart fluttering. And that flutter, lasted for days... weeks even... months..."
You began to sit up, palms planted firmly in the grass, eyes wide, as you'd fully realized what Eddie was truly trying to tell you. "Eddie...?" He glanced at you, and you jumped, but you outstretched your arm, and timorously offered him your hand.
Eddie took a deep breath and chuckled when you began stimming with his rings once more, even using his silver chain bracelet every so often. "When the Overlord reunited with that wallflower, a few years later, and finally got to talk to them, well... he realized, that the fluttering had never stopped."
You were too nervous to speak, so you gave his hand a quick squeeze with the most mild strength.
"The Overlord just wants his new friend to know, that their value, and their worth, should not ever be determined by their shortcomings. No matter how many times people may have told them, or how many times they may have told themself..." 
"What if... what if it takes forever for the wallflower to believe that...?"
Eddie gave a soft smile and raised his brows before smirking at you cheekily. "I suppose that in the meantime, the Overlord will just have to make you giggle your troubles away~"
Your eyelids quickly lifted at those words, and you let out a loud squeal when he suddenly growled and wrapped his arms around your shins. "EHEHEDDIE! EDDIHIHIE! DOHOHON'T YOU DAHAHAHARE! EEEEE!" With a low stubborn grunt, you tried tugging one of your legs free and succeeded, but, it had been at the cost of one of your shoes, which Eddie tossed out of reach, leaving you with only a shin-high sock to protect from the playful attack.
"How many times must I tell you, mortal? 'Eddie' is currently occupied by an ancient tickling creature- GOTCHA!" He exclaimed, catching your ankle and locking it in his elbow with a triumphant guffaw. "WOAH! You kick me and that second shoe is coming off. IhI'm warning you~"
"Whyhyhyhyhyyy!" You half-heartedly tugged at your trapped ankle, one hand already happy stimming from the anticipation.
"Well, I was gonna go for your knees, but, uh... well, I'm not the one who yanked my own shoe off. Is it that bad a spot~?"
"IhI dohohon't kn-knohow!?" How convenient it was that seconds later, you did find out just how bad a spot it was. Eddie trailed one finger up your sock, eyes going wide when you let out a scream and snorted, slowly sinking back into the grass while your abdomen shook with hysterical giggles.
"So it appears the answer to that question was yes~ If one little trace along your foot through fabric is this bad? Well. That's just more laughter for me~"
"NononononoNONONOHOHO! OHOHOH MYHY GAHAHAWWWWDAHAHAHAAA!" It took mere seconds for you to be reduced to silent laughter when Eddie spidered all of his fingers along the bottom of your foot. You stomped your free foot on the ground, happy stimming in overdrive and hiccuping from your mirth. "EHEHEDDIE! *hic* IHIHI *hic* CAHAHAHAHAN'T!"
"Remember the spell if you need it, adventurer~" Eddie's sweet reminder had your face growing hot. "I must say though, I'd be quite content with tickling you to bits for the remainder of the day~"
"IhIhIt's sohohoho bahaHAHAaAaAD! IHIHIT'S SO BAHAHAHAD! IhIhIt TIHIHIHICKLES! AHAAAAAAA!" You let out a scream when he traced his fingers over the top of your foot. 
"HOLY- Wohohoah~ Really~? It tickles~? I'm baaaarely spidering my fingers~ Are you sure it tickles, you adorable mortal~?"
You had been far too giggly to notice that Eddie'd released your ankle, only to turn himself toward you and lock your legs with his in record time. "H-Hehey- Wahahait- wahaHAHAaAaAIT! Nohohot thehehere- EHEDDIE!"
"Evil. Overlord. Of Tickling." Eddie made sure you could see he wasn't truly mad despite his grit teeth. "You're in trouble, my adventurous wallflower~"
He spider-crawled his fingers up your legs at an agonizingly slow pace, making your hands flap rapidly as you giggled nervously. Your legs were covered in goosebumps and they twitched from the ticklish trailing. The moment his nails brushed against the skin on your thighs, right above the inner sides of your knees, your stomach turned with butterflies and your squeak echoed.
"Oh? Hmmm? UH HUHHHHH~!" Eddie chuckled darkly before grinning impishly over your reaction to the tickling. Your laughter was the most intense he'd ever heard, and for a split second, he was worried you might run out of air.
"OKAHAHAHAY!" You cried after a few seconds. "SHIHIHIHIT! *hic* OKAYOKAY! *snort* TIHIHICKLER BE GOHOHONNNNE!"
In an instant, like he promised he would, Eddie ceased the playful torment, withdrawing his hands and freeing your legs from his. He clutched his chest dramatically, rolling back his eyes before falling to the grass beside you, making a silly croaking noise that caused you to giggle all over again. Upon "waking up," Eddie grinned.
"Phew!" He wiped the nonexistent sweat from his forehead. "You banished him... But, considering you're giggling like mad and missing a shoe, it appears the Overlord replenished all of his mana by tickling you to tears before you could recite the spell, right~?"
You hadn't even noticed your tears of mirth, but hastily wiped them with your sleeve. When your eyes met Eddie's, you couldn't stop yourself from giggling even harder. He laughed softly, before offering his hand to help you sit up.
"I-IhI got it... Th-Thank you though, Eddie..." Eddie didn't take any offense, as you'd made him aware that you could get touch averse sometimes, and he was more than understanding that all the tickling must have been a lot to deal with.
"How are you feeling...? Honestly?"
"Gihiggly... but... behehetter than I've felt in years..." Your admission was genuine, and out of the corner of your eye, you saw Eddie beaming at you. "Thank you... IhI mean that... Thank you, Eddie..."
"Of course, Y/N. I gotta say, it's awful cute that you like tickles too."
"T-Too? Wait- You..."
"Yes. I'm well versed in the art~" Eddie said with a dramatic voice that emphasized how much of a nerd he was. "Got this whole 'Munson Doctrine of Tickling.' Kihidding. I dohon't have it. Not on paper at least~"
You hid your face in your hands momentarily and playfully swatted Eddie's leg. After a few minutes, as the two of you settled down, you found yourselves leaning on each other, the sky orange as the sunset was fast approaching, air feeling a little colder than it did half an hour earlier.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't say this before, but..." you took a breath, and bounced your leg to recollect your thoughts, "...thank you, for opening up about yourself... You didn't have to... I'm- I'm glad you did, don't get me wrong, it's just that- well... I appreciate your vulnerability. And, I want you to know, that you've brought me a lot of joy in the one day I've spent with you so far... so, I know that the joy you bring everyday to people who know you the best, is too great a number to count. I-I want to help in some way, with anything, because I'm really thankful for you, so... if you did still need a tutor, I could... I mean... What I'm trying to say is... you're wonderful, and you deserve wonderful things... You're not a freak, Eddie, and I wish more people truly knew you..."
Your heart was racing, as you were fearful your words didn't come out right, but when you found the courage to look up at him, his large, brown eyes were softer than you'd ever seen them before. "I will absolutely take you up on that tutoring offer."
"Can we count it as a study date~?"
Your brows furrowed momentarily, and Eddie had to resist the urge to poke your nose. "Study- Wait... Do you like me...? I-I... I think I understood when you were telling the story, but... I don't want to have misread your tone..."
"Yeah... I... I do like you. I could see you, Y/N. I did, see you. I just, didn't want you to be frightened, by me-seeing-you. You, uh... looked a bit like a deer in the headlights whenever our eyes mehet in school." Eddie chuckled quietly, before leaning close to you. "You sure you weren't afraid of me~?"
"I wasn't afraid! I- Hey! Y-You're teasing..."
"IhI am. But not about liking you. So..." He bit his lip, and looked toward the setting sun. "Is there any specific time your family's expecting you back home by?"
"I-IhI, uh, never told them a time..."
"Do you... uh... wanna make the rest of this day a first date... maybe?" You could hear nervousness in his voice, and it left you momentarily flabbergasted. If the orange glow of the sunset had not been so strong, you would have seen the red adorning his cheeks.
Your heart was racing, body overtaken by the urge to happy stim, and you welcomed it with a nod of your head and a simper on your lips. Though you had a long way to go before the burden of failure would be lifted from your shoulders, for the rest of that day, your shame was nowhere to be found.
EEEEEEEEEE 😖💕 FIRST FULL LENGTH EDDIE FIC ON THE BLOG 🥳 I hope this was worth the wait. I'm back in business and the Eddie Munson content train is a rollin' 🥰 (This fic- was so FLUSTERING TO WRITE AGSHHDJFJFJF)
I sincerely hope that this made y'all feel some joy today. You deserve joy, and you deserve to feel proud of yourself. I'm proud of you /gen /p
Love you all!
~ Ushu 🤍
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ericshoney · 3 days
Distracted ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Warnings: mentions of medication, adhd!reader and platonic pet names
Today you had planned to hang out with Nick, Matt and Chris. You set an alarm to get up, but slept through it. You only slept over by twenty minutes, but that was enough to send you in a frenzy, knowing the guys were coming to pick you up soon.
You quickly jumped in the shower and got dressed in a record fifteen minutes, grabbed your phone, purse and keys before running outside to see the familiar car pull down the street.
"Hey kid!" Chris exclaimed, rolling down the window to greet you.
"Hi!" You replied, hoping in the back alongside Nick.
"Why are your shoes untied?" Nick questioned. You looked down and realised he was right.
"Oh, I woke up late so I was rushing." You admitted.
"I'll tie them up once we get to the mall, okay?" Matt said, making you nod.
Matt then began driving, you happily sang along to the music that was playing, whilst looking at your phone. Nick noticed you had looked at ten different things within the span of a minute.
When you arrived at the mall, you all got out and you went to dash off, seeing a sale in a store, but nearly fell due to your untied shoes. Luckily, Chris caught you.
"Hey, kid, slow down." He said with a giggle.
"Forgot they were untied." You said.
Matt came and tied your shoes for you as Chris held you in place. Nick silently observed you, noticing how you bounced on the spot slightly.
"Let's go!" You cheered, dashing across the car park and inside.
"She's bubbly today." Nick mentioned as the three of them followed behind you.
"You think she took her meds?" Matt suggested.
"Probably not, you heard her, she was in a rush." Chris replied.
"Just keep an eye on her, I'm not losing her in the mall." Nick instructed.
Matt and Chris nodded as the three caught up to you, seeing you looking in a window at some shoes. You all browsed for a bit, buying some stuff that caught your attention.
"I'm hungry." Chris mumbled as you walked around.
"Food court is that way." Matt said, pointing to the left.
"Foodddddd." You cheered.
You four then headed to get some food, all deciding what you wanted. It took a few minutes but you finally decided and went to sit down with Matt as Nick and Chris ordered.
"Petal, did you take your meds today?" He asked.
"Umm....no." You answered.
"I forgot." You added.
"It's okay bub, was it cause you were rushing?" He responded, making you nod.
"I'll try to remember to take them later, I swear." You replied.
"Hey, we're not mad sweetheart. Nick just noticed you were a bit distracted and bubbly today." He mentioned.
You nodded and played with the rings on his fingers as you waited for Nick and Chris to return. Matt wanted to ask you another question, but thought to wait for his brothers.
When Nick and Chris returned with food and your favourite drink, you thanked them before you all began eating. You listened to them talk, but kept getting distracted by everything around you.
"Hey, kid. We wanna ask you something." Chris said, tapping your shoulder.
"Oh what is it?" You responded.
"Well, we've been talking and know you sometimes struggle living alone, which we know can be hard, so how about, you move in with us?" Nick asked.
"Wait really!" You screamed.
"Yeah. But don't think negative, we know your able to live alone, but we know you've said it's lonely and we can support you with your medication." Matt said.
"That would be cool!" You said happily.
The three smiled, happy you accepted, knowing they were doing it out of support and love.
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mixedstyles · 2 years
Headcanon: Harry’s partner having ADHD
Masterlist | feel free to send asks!
Author’s Note: This is HEAVILY influenced by my day-to-day life and might be very niche, so I apologize if this isn’t relatable. I’m just posting what I would like to see if I’m scrolling through tags. ALSO I feel like this is less of a headcanon and more of me just writing out conversations I’ve had 🫡 Pronouns Used: they/them, use of y/n Warnings: swearing, mention of prescription meds Additional Information: Harry is in italics. Reader is in bold.
divider is made by @firefly-graphics
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“I want to finish this drink before…” *couple seconds pass* “Why are you staring at me?” “You want to finish that drink before…?” “Oh! I thought I said it out loud. Before we go shopping.”
*Harry and his partner are in bed trying to sleep* “Will you quit moving?” “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It’s just that the fabric of this shirt is really bothering me and I can’t find a comfortable position.”
I feel like he’d recognize that his s/o gravitates towards a very specific brand because the fabric doesn’t give them sensory overload. He’ll probably buy a couple shirts to keep at his place for them if they need a change of clothes while over.
“Hey! Ready to go?” “Uhhh what?” “We’re getting lunch with Mitch and Sarah, remember?” “Oh fuck.” “You forgot didn’t you?” “Give me like 10 minutes. Love youuuu” “Yeah, yeah. Just hurry up.”
His s/o and him are in the living room, and he’s telling a story but realizes they’ve stopped paying attention. “Hey, babe, beb, bb, y/n… I drank the rest of the apple juice.” “You what?” “Wow, did you not hear anything I said?” “Yeah, you said you drank the rest of the apple juice. I said I wanted it.” “I was telling you a story but you only paid attention once I said the juice is all gone.” “Oh, sorry. Start again, I’ll make sure I listen this time… is the juice really all gone though?”
“Can you grab my fidget toy?” “Yeah, where is it?” “It’s in our room under my your blue sweatshirt that’s on the chair in the back left corner.” “… you amaze me sometimes.”
“Mmm I don’t feel too good.” “Why? What’s wrong? What happened?” “My head hurts and I feel a little dizzy. Kinda nauseous too.” “Did you take your meds?” “Yeah, why?” “How much water have you had since then?” “...” “Thought so, let’s go get you hydrated.”
“Okay, so I’ll be gone from the 15th to the 27th of this month. I know it’s not ideal but I’ll be back before we know it and then we can—” “Did you know that sharks have electroreceptor organs? It allows them to sense electromagnetic fields and temperature shifts in the water. Isn’t that cool?” “Love, it’s awesome that you know cool facts, but this is actually important. I need you to work with me here, okay?”
Harry only knowing viral video sounds because his s/o can’t stop saying them at random times. “Wow, crazy, you crazy girl.” “She’s a runner, she's a track star.” “Is it me? Am I the drama?” “Let me see what you have. A KNIFE! No!”
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Come Take A Break With Me
My Masterlist
Pairing(s): Pietro Maximoff x Fem!ADHD!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of sex, medication, and unhealthy eating and drinking habits. Maybe a bit of swearing, but I’m not sure. 
Word Count: 752
Summary: When Pietro realizes that you’ve been so busy writing you haven’t taken care of yourself, he convinces you to take a break with him.
“Where’s Y/N?” Pietro asked Peter at the dinner table. “I haven’t seen her all day.”
Peter stabbed his fork into his bowl of pasta. “I think she’s in the library, said something about working on a deadline.”
Pietro rolled his eyes. “A self-imposed one, I bet. Oh my darling princessa never knows when to stop. Her adoring fans will be there no matter how long it takes her to get another fic out. They know she has a life.”
“Are you gonna go get her?” Peter asked.
“I’ll wait until after dinner, she won’t want to eat with everyone if she’s in the middle of her hyperfixation.” Pietro said, twirling his fork around. “When was the last time you saw her?”
Peter finished chewing before answering. “Two days ago?”
“She hasn’t taken her pills!” Pietro exclaimed, rushing to your room to grab your pills before heading to the library in the compound. “Princessa? Are you in here?” 
You looked up, hearing Pietro call for you. “Piet? What are you doing here?”
“Checking on you. How long have you been down here?”
“A couple of hours, I think.” You said, shrugging before turning back to your laptop.
FRIDAY picked that moment to chime in, “Miss L/N has been down here for 2 days without eating, drinking, sleeping, or taking her meds, Mr. Maximoff.”
“Princessa? I leave for a one day mission and you don’t take care of yourself for two? What in the everloving hell is this? Why another self-imposed deadline when you know that your followers will just be happy to see that you’re active? You’ve made it clear to them that you have a real and very pressing lifestyle outside of the computer, and you aren’t writing any series’ so there’s not a rush to get out the next chapter either.”
You looked down, embarrassed to have forgotten the most basic human needs while Pietro was away. “‘M sorry.” You said quietly, subtly wiping at your eyes.
Pietro rushed to your side, holding your hands in his. “Hey, princessa, I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you, I just worry because I know you can forget sometimes. Why don’t you finish your idea and then we can go upstairs and get some food, drink, and sleep? I brought you your meds. Come take a break with me.” He told you, kissing the back of both your hands.
“I love you, Piet.” You said, nodding gently. “Yeah, um, this fic really just needs me to step away, I’ve been killing myself trying to write it for weeks when all I really want to write is the next thing on my list. But I really want this done first, so I think it’s done, but I should come back to the fic later, in a different mindset.”
“More fed and rested.” Pietro said, pulling you in for a hug and resting his chin on top of your head.
“Exactly. I’ll bring my laptop upstairs with me and edit the fic in the morning before I post it.” 
He kissed your forehead gently before asking you a serious question. “Did you not notice that you were hungry?”
“You know how I get.” You replied.
“Oh, I do. But you didn’t notice you were hungry for two days?”
You kissed each of his cheeks softly. “Well, now that you mention it, I’m starving. What did Wanda make for dinner?”
“Some pasta dish, I don’t know, I probably let mine get cold rushing down here.” He replied, handing you your meds.
“A quick dinner and then we can cuddle, okay? I know you don’t sleep as well without me and you must’ve noticed I never came to bed last night.”
Pietro laughed, kissing all over your face. “You know me too well, princessa.” He zoomed the two of you upstairs. “Eat and then bed, okay?”
“Make sure you soundproof the room this time.” Tony remarked dryly, glancing back and forth between the two of you.
“She hasn’t slept in two days, we won’t need soundproofing to sleep, Stark.” Pietro said, taking up a bowl of dinner for you.
You rested your head on your hands, with your elbows on the table innocently looking at Tony, “Well, maybe we’ll just have to show you how loud Piet can be another time then, Tone.”
“Oh, princessa, I think you’re getting the two of us mixed up.” Pietro said, placing your bowl in front of you and sitting next to you.
“We’ll have to test and see, baby.”
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter, @buckybarnesandmarvel, @sarahrogersevans, @nana1000night
Let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Headphones 🎧 (Leo/adhd!overstimulated!gn!reader)
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A little thing I wrote because I have adhd and wanted to have pretend comfort lol. Hope you like it no matter how shitty it is!
You and Leo were walking through the hidden city. You agreed to come with him so he can go buy some things for his brothers. The streets were super crowded however, so you had to make sure to keep your hand held to Leo’s, as to not get separated from him. You were human after all, and definitely had never been there before.
You could hear the loud noises of millions of chattering Yokai flood your brain. There were many other loud sound effects too, such as clanging of metal pots from a near by outdoor food stand. You could hear water running from a waterfall decoration near another shop. There were so many other sounds. So much going on. It was too much. Because of your adhd your brain was having a hard time processing it all at once.
You felt yourself letting go of Leos hand subconsciously so you could put your own hands to your ears as you knelt to the foor. You felt tears well up in your eyes. You were so confused with so much going on. You were stuck in place, shivering on the spot. You felt severe anxiety from all the things bombarding your mind.
You suddenly felt a hand lightly touch your shoulder, you could tell it was Leo and allowed him to pill you up. He dragged you off until the two of you made it to a near by store. It was quiet.
“Y/n are you ok?” Leo asked with concern.
You nod slightly. “Y-yeah I’m ok… sorry..”
“Y/n, no! Don’t you dare apologize. That wasn’t your fault. If anything it was mine, I should’ve remembered your sensory issues. That was stupid of me seeing as I have a brother with the same problem.”
You laugh a bit and try wiping away your tears. “Thank you Leo. If you want you can go ahead and get the things you need. You don’t have to stay here with me.”
Leo shook his head. “No! Out of the question. Im staying here for as long as you need to feel comfortable again to go back out.”
Suddenly you realized something. “Oh wait!” You take out a pair of noise canceling headphones from your bag. How could you forget those?
“I can use these when we go out in the streets. You’ll have to touch me to get my attention though because I won’t be able to hear you.”
Leo grinned “Whatever makes you comfortable Y/n!”
You put on the headphones and he led you out of the building cautiously. Now that they were on, you were much better now. Everything was nice and quiet. Just out you liked it. And Leonardo was there the whole time, always making sure that you were alright.
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yellowroseswrites · 1 year
i almost cried from happiness when I found you
Jonathan Byers with a reader with ADHD and anxiety
But not the crying kind
Nerves are always fried, just stressed
knee bounces
Hands are always doing something, tracing patterns, playing with rings,
Doesn't mind crowds but some people give her random anxiety
Isn't to worried about school, but is worried about Jonathan, anxiety for loved ones
I need him not trying to fix her. Trying to appreciate her for who she is
Here you go :)
"Your string of lights is still bright to me"
Jonathan Byers x Adhd!Anxious!Fem Reader [she/her pronouns used]
{TW/CW}- Talks of adhd, fidgeting, food is mentioned, reader doesn’t eat breakfast bc of executive dysfunction, but jon does have her eat, but the actual action of eating isnt discussed, sweet jonathan byers, I love him your honor, mentions him trying to ‘help’ her but it's not fixing her, reader has issues with body temperature, like she gets hot flashes bc of overthinking and stuff, jon calls reader honey once
{Authors note}- Tbh, i kinda hate this fic, but I love jon and this reader. so please, if you have any specific scenarios or prompts you want to see with them, send me an ask with it. i want to write for them more! GIF creds to the owner, title creds to taylor swift
{Word count}- 1,101. It's a short one today babes
There was no one in this world that you loved more than Jonathan Byers. He meant everything to you. He accepted you for who you were, and that mattered more to you than anything else.
You can remember clearly how it felt when he realized there was something off about you. You can remember how you were certain he would leave you. You remember telling him about your ADHD and being scared that he would think differently of you. You remember describing what it was like to live the way you live, with feeling nervous and fidgety for no apparent reason. You thought you were too much for him, you had too many things wrong with you.
And you can remember the indescribable peace you felt when he held your hands and told you he loved you. Even with your faults, though he would never see them as such. It was all you. He promised himself that he would never let you think less of yourself for things you couldn’t control. 
That’s not to say it was easy, because it wasn’t. It still isn’t. But Jonathan’s effort to help will always have you falling for him all over again. He spends his time watching and noticing, picking up on ways he can help you.
Sometimes it’s small things, one’s that you don’t even pick up on. He’ll buy you new rings and bracelets, ones with beads and charms that you can fidget with. He’ll place rubber pieces to the ends of your pencils for you to chew on to keep your pretty little nails intact. He rubs his hand along your back when bouncing your knee, keeping you calm but never making you stay still. He lets you run your fingers through his hair when you need to do something with your hands. He keeps the temperature cooler when he knows you’re coming over, afraid you’ll overthink and overheat. 
Sometimes it’s bigger things, things that make you feel like a burden. He’ll stay over at your place when you can’t fall asleep, or drive you around until your eyes flutter closed. He’ll leave with you if you get overwhelmed, anytime and anywhere. He always asks you before inviting someone else to hang out with yall, you’re always his first priority. He would shut someone up immediately if they said anything bad about you or the way you were acting.
You had only told a few of your friends. You tended to avoid the subject, you didn’t like the way people would view you differently or the way they would treat you. You didn’t want to hear about how you should ‘take a deep breath’ or ‘just sit still’. Many people just didn’t understand, but Jonathan did.
Today was a particularly bad day. You woke up and the temperature was too hot in your room. When you wake up warm, your day is wrong, that’s how it works. You don’t know why and you always try to get past it, but your bad day usually continues to persist.
You didn’t want to brush your teeth. You weren’t too tired, or too lazy, you just felt like you couldn’t. You saw the toothbrush, and you saw the toothpaste, and you couldn’t. So, you went to your kitchen to grab something for breakfast, maybe something to kickstart your day, but nothing seemed appealing.
Finally, you simply settled in your bed. You laid down and stared at your ceiling while you let your thoughts run freely. You heard the phone ring but you couldn’t get up to get it. You couldn’t do anything but stare and think and run your hands along your blankets. You weren’t aware of how much time had passed before you heard a small knock at your door.
“Come in”
The door creaked slightly and you heard a familiar set of footsteps approach you.
“Bad day sweetheart?” Jonathan asked as he sat down on your bed, weighing down the left side and causing you to roll a little bit.
You laughed as you sat up and motioned for Jonathan to lie down. He laid back against your lap, your hands soon finding their way to his hair. 
“I’m fine.”
Even with his face being upside down for you, you could tell he didn’t believe you. He hummed before he responded,
“You sure? You didn’t answer my call and you didn’t eat breakfast.”
“How do you even know that?”
“When you eat breakfast, you have a snack right after, or chew gum. You have to keep chewing.” He replied casually, as though he didn’t just call out a specific detail a normal person would never take notice of.
It scared you a bit, and yet it didn’t surprise you at all. He always noticed things that you thought people would try to ignore. He never once judged you or tried to ‘save’ you, he only asked how he could help, and sometimes he knew you better than you knew yourself.
You were quiet while you thought, though your hands were still brushing through the boy's hair. You sighed before you spoke, “Don’t you ever get tired of me?”
Jonathan sat up at that and turned to face you, “Why would you think that?” His hands found yours before you could bring your nails to your mouth.
“I just, I don’t know, I’m a very tiring person I guess. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if you ever thought I was too much.” It most certainly would hurt your feelings, but you wouldn’t say that.
He took in a breath, you could see in his eyes he was a little hurt.
Of course, you thought, he is tired of me. I gave him an out and he’s going to take it.
“Oh honey,” here it is, “I could never get tired of you.”
“Nothing you do is ‘too much’. You mean everything to me, I could never think of you like that.”
It’s moments like this that make you wonder how you were so lucky as to have Jonathan in your life. You don’t say anything back, you just allow his words to fill your mind. You take a moment to believe them. Even if you don’t feel that way about yourself, you know he wouldn’t lie to you. 
Jonathan seems to know that that’s all you needed to hear. He also knows he’ll have to tell you again, and again, and again, but he doesn’t mind. He’ll tell you forever if you needed him to.
He stands up and holds out his hand, “Come on, let’s go get something to eat mkay?”
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
Hi, I love your blog 🥰 could you possibly write something with caregiver JJ and little reader that also has ADHD where reader is having a hard time after a rough few cases and JJ is there to make them feel better 🥰 I’ve recently been diagnosed with ADHD and the stress of uni is making things a bit more difficult 🥴😅
Struggles | Jennifer Jareau x Reader
a/n: totally felt that last bit, schooling can be so stressful at time, wishing you the best of luck <3 (also this got super rambly of me so i apologize in advance)
warnings: reader having adhd, mentions of not being able to focus, mentions of rude patrol cops, mentions of reader working at the bau, pet names
───°˖✧✿✧˖° ───
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“Sweetheart it’s okay.” Jj’s brow furrows as she looks worriedly over to where you’re pacing around the hotel room, it’s the last night you’ll be here, thank god, you get to go home and spend a few days resting before the next case.
“I- I just couldn’t focus and- and I was trying so hard!” The rude words from the patrol cops earlier in the day still ring through your head, it’s making your little space become desperate to come out, you need that small moments to not worry about the days struggles.
“I know baby, you did such a good job out there today, I know everything was stressful.” Jj steps away from the foot of the bed where she sat to walk up to your side, placing her hand comfortingly on your back to lead you over to the squeaky hotel bed.
“I wish it was easier.” Jj huffs at you, cupping her free hand to your cheek, giving you that look you’ve come to associate with some type of caregiver advice she gives.
“Hey, don’t do that, I know you struggle sometimes but you always do your best and that’s what matters. You are amazing at everything you do, even if it’s hard while you’re doing it, you push through. My strong baby.” Her thumb traces circles against your skin, a soft smile crossing Jj’s face when you blush under the praise and lean towards her.
“And if things were easier that doesn’t guarantee that they’ll be better, you work through the hard stuff to get to a goal and that goal helps save people.” Jj’s hand pets at your hair while you slump toward into her chest, wrapping your arms around her waist and listening to her gentle words.
“You’re the best.” You murmur up towards the blonde, pushing yourself back into her when she grins down at you.
“I think you’re the best, so strong and smart and-.” You groan slightly when Jj keeps going with compliments, you both laughing lightly when they become more animated.
“You’re always so sappy.” Jj just hmphs at you, pulling you down til you both lay flat against the bed and you’re able to throw an arm around her middle with your head tucked onto her chest.
“You deserve it baby, really.” You nod at the sincerity in her voice, that case was hard but you know they won’t all be like that, and if they are, you have Jj at your side to help.
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imaginesga1ore · 2 years
Too Much
Summary: Some people have the misconception that ADHD means someone just has a “quirky” personality, except it is anything but. And sometimes, it gets messy. 
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x ADHD!Reader
Warnings: sensory overload, swearing, panic attack 
Do not copy, translate, or post any of my stories anywhere you write stories, whether that’s here, Wattpad, or Ao3.
Most days, you’ve got it under control. You take your meds the way the doctor prescribed them and you carry on with your day. Other days, it’s a bit more challenging. Time feels like it’s moving too slow but too fast all at once. Getting out of bed feels like wrestling with an alligator, the sun is just a bit too bright, the sound of the wind hitting the building is too loud and everything feels like it’s notched up to eleven. Life is more of a struggle to get through on these days and it’s the most dreadful experience that you can dwell on. But, you have to try to push through because after all, bad guys aren’t going to stop trying to take over the planet because you’re not having a good day. 
You woke up with a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong today but you couldn’t really place your finger on what it was. Shaking off the nagging feeling, you got out of bed, a bit sluggish, but nothing a cup of coffee couldn’t fix (hopefully). After getting dressed, you went downstairs to be met by a less-than enthusiastic team quietly munching on breakfast. You made yourself a cup of coffee before grabbing your meds and downing them both like your life depended on it. 
As the day progressed, you noticed how everything was becoming a bit overwhelming. For instance, you were training with Sam and every time your skin connected with his, you swear you could feel every fiber on him. When you were sitting in the common area working on a debriefing for Fury, Yelena walked in and sat just far enough away from you to not be a bother. But her presence alone ignited something in you. Getting up from the couch and grabbing the case, you left without even saying a word, heading towards the kitchen, where nobody was thankfully. 
That was until Bucky had walked into the kitchen. Big mistake, although it wasn’t really his fault. “Hey doll. How’re you doing?” An innocent question, just wondering how your day’s going. Unfortunately, your brain didn’t like the fact that he had talked and disturbed your peace and quiet, even though you had it when Yelena sat by you. 
An irritated sigh left your mouth. “I’m fine.” Short, sweet and simple. Hopefully he’ll leave you alone now. 
But today just wasn’t your day. “That’s good. Wanna do something later? We could go out to eat or we can just order in and put something on Netflix if you want.” The more he talked, the more you just wanted to disappear and never come back out. Your brain felt like it was on the verge of exploding as Bucky kept talking, suggesting ideas for a date night. 
“Sorry to interrupt, and not to be rude, but if you keep talking, I think I’m going to fling myself in front of a bus.” With your sudden remark, Bucky immediately halted his words, looking at you as if you had three heads. 
“Are you ok, doll?” Bucky asked, moving a bit closer to rest his hand on yours. The suddenness of his hand touching yours immediately made you recoil your hand away from his. That was your breaking point. 
Tears filled your eyes as you grabbed your files off the table and rushed out of the kitchen, making your way towards the staircase, deciding that the elevator would take too long to get you where you wanted to go. As fast as you managed to go, it didn’t feel fast enough. You just wanted to be in the safety and quiet of your own room, where nobody could bother you. 
Finally arriving at your room, you locked yourself inside, allowing yourself a moment of peace and quiet before the sobs took over. It felt like everything was collapsing in on you, a heavy weight settling on your chest that made it hard to breathe. There was a buzzing noise in your ears and you couldn’t figure out where it was coming from, your clothes were too tight, the fan pushing air around was too loud, and you just wanted everything to stop.
It felt like hours before you finally moved from in front of the door to your bed, letting the marshmallow-like square swallow you and your troubles. After a while, you felt like everything was slowly coming to a stop; the buzzing in the back of your head, the constant humming from the ceiling fan, and you felt like your clothes were breathable again. Everything was going back to normal. 
You didn’t know how much time passed, but you were pulled from your nap by a three-sequenced tapping at your door. “Baby, can I come in?” You sighed, knowing sooner or later you’d have to face Bucky. 
Getting up, you made your way to the door, unlocking and opening it for the supersoldier. A look of great concern crossed his features as Bucky took a good look at you after not seeing you for a few hours. Your hair was all tousled, the bags under your eyes even darker than before. Bucky could see the tear tracks that ran down your cheeks. “Are you OK?”
You nodded, trying to gather your thoughts in order to example why the fuck you were acting like an asshole earlier. Gently grabbing his hand, you led Bucky into your room, closing the door behind you with a click. “You know I have ADHD, right?” 
“That’s what your medicine is for,” he said in understanding. 
I nodded. “So, sometimes, the medicine doesn’t work as well as it normally does and it makes everything much more…amplified. Like, the dial’s been turned up to the max and then some.” It’s like something clicked in Bucky’s brain as he was piecing together all the things that happened.
“Wow. Your brain really doesn’t like you, does it?” You chuckled as you shook your head no, both of you making your way over to sit on the end of your bed. “Sometimes I get like that, you know? Cause of the serum and all, so I kinda know what it’s like. But, next time this happens, come right to me, ok doll? You don’t have to suffer alone because of it.”
“Thanks, Buck.” 
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