#old ghostbusters song
lov3rsr0ckk · 4 months
guys erm. i got capcut and
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shinyspooks · 1 year
DP x DC crossover where the Justice League finds out about Danny because of a flashmob video going viral.
And by that I mean that Danny, in Phantom form after just finishing a ghost fight, happened to stumble upon a flash mob to a mashup of old movie songs happening in the mall. Kinda just floated there invisibly watching for a bit and then. Ghostbusters song. And Danny just CANNOT resist, turning visible and doing his own lil retro dances above the flash mob, eventually landing and joining in when the choreography matches something he knows.
Multiple people falter a little at his appearance but overall it makes the flashmob like 100 times better.
Anyways someone recorded the flash mob and uploads it with a title like “Retro Flashmob in old mall!!!! Ghostly Small Town Hero joins in?!?!” and the video just ROCKETS into popularity.
One of the batkids happens to find it, and when looking at the comments, finds a pinned comment linked to a petition to get rid of the anti-ecto acts, which of course leads to them finding out what the anti-ecto acts are, and well.
The idea of the kid in the video, who very obviously looked like he was having the time of his life (or after life) having to suffer that from the government is just.... unacceptable. So of course the Justice League gets involved.
Upon confronting Phantom he’s like “????? how’d you find out about me??? as far as I know stuff that happens in Amity Park Stays In Amity Park??”
to which someone bring up his dance moves and Danny just stands there for a second, blank faced, and they only see his face and ears light up green for a second before they blink and he’s GONE
Danny then proceeds to do all that he can to avoid the Justice League because. Earth’s Heroes??? Found out about him through his dancing???? so not cool (in Danny’s opinion)
This becomes all the harder as he keeps getting dragged into having to fight alongside them for multiple disasters.
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sardonic-the-writer · 6 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐛𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ warnings: none
↳ notes: forgot how good this movie series was. going to be thinking about it quite a bit these few coming days. especially egon! favorite character by far, with winston in next place
↳ song: main title theme (ghostbusters)—elmer bernstein
masterlist | commisions | carrd
• When a flyer for a job downtown mysteriously appeared in your mailbox slot, your first thought was to throw it away
• It looked scrappy. Par on course with the rest of the junk mail companies normally delt out to catch your eye
• Still. Three days later you were standing outside a mildly reevaluated looking firehouse with the paper clutched loosely in your hand, and your best clothes on
• As you’d walked towards the doors, a man came up from behind you, uttering an apology as he nearly bumped into you
• “Hey,” He had paused, allowing you to catch a glance of his tan suit and kinky black hair. “You here for an interview, too?” He asked, walking through the large off-green door as you held it open for him
• “Sure am.”
• “Well, may the best one win. Or get the job, I suppose.” He chuckled with a lopsided grin
• "I dont think they’ll mind hiring the both of us." You eventually responded, looking up at the way the ceiling sagged with old age
• Following your line of sight, the man beside you nodded deeply, and the both of you made your way up to a reception desk with a very annoyed looking lady behind it
• That was the day both you, and who you later learned to be Winston, got the job as the newest pair of Ghostbusters
• “Meet back here tomorrow at noon.” The snappy lady with glasses had said monotonly as she thrust a set of papers at you. You were still looking in the direction that two yelping men in jumpsuits had just gone holding a machine, that it took you a second to notice
• “With the way this job is looking? No way I’m missing tomorrow.”
• Meeting your employers slash coworkers for the first time— technically second if you counted the way two of them crashed your interview mid hiring —was certainly an experience
• Only one had been prepared for both you and Winston’s first days with a handshake and slightly unbuttoned lab coat
• He had introduced himself as doctor Egon Spengler, and shook your hand with a certain rigidness to it. Still, you caught him looking at the both of you with curiosity, so you tossed him an easy upward twitch of you lips. He seemed to relax a little after that
• The other two, however, had proved to be more difficult upon meeting
• Ray Stanz and Peter Venkman were certainly a pair, with the latter sure to be the cause of later headaches, but seemed friendly anyways—if the way they slapped you on the back said anything
• “Welcome to the nerd squad.” Peter has smiled teasingly at you, immediately wrapping an arm around your shoulders and bringing you close as if he was about to tell you a secret. “Stick with me, and you’ll be kicking it with the cool kids!”
• “Is he always like this?” You asked while pushing him away
• “Regrettably.” Egon responded in a flat tone as he moved back to statistics on a chart. “Try being roommates with him in college for six years.”
• “No thanks. I think I’d rather get possessed by one of those ghosts you guys hunt.”
• “Hey, still here!”
• You fell right into place with them pretty quickly after that. Something about getting slimed by a poltergeist in Central Park really brings a group of people together. Especially if they happen to get a really good meal of Thai right after
• In the days weeks and months following your hiring, you get to learn a lot about the little team you’d been squished into
• Winston was probably the first one you befriended. Maybe because the both of you had showed up around the same time, but you found him one of the easiest to just sit down and talk to after a mission without being interrupted every two sentences. The other guys were great, but he seemed to appreciate a little peace and quiet more than what you got in the headquarters
• “Seriously— do we have to call it the headquarters?” You interrupted Peter in the middle of his rant. Sipping on a cup of coffee, you took a moment before speaking more. It really was too early for this. “I mean, come on. It makes us sound like bizzaro superhero’s. More than we already do, anyway.”
• “Personally I wouldn’t mind playing a little Bruce Wayne every now and then.” Peter grinned back suggestively. From beside you, Ego let out his equivalent of an annoyed sigh as he tinkered with stray machinery. Apparently someone else felt it was too early for Peters antics, too
• “Gag me with a spoon.” You deadpanned while swirling your mug around moodily
• “Fine fine. We can call it home base. Happy, sunshine?”
• You grumbled at his sickeningly sweet tone before delving back into your coffee, missing the way Ray and Winston shared slight smiles at the exchange
• “Now that you four are done, mind helping me with our actual jobs?”
• “Oops. Yeah. Sorry Egon.”
• “Sigh.”
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
Platonic Ghostbusters x social media manager! Reader?
oooo hell yeah!! ; thanks for requesting and I hope u enjoy :)
GHOSTBUSTERS ; social media manager
summary ; you run the official ghostbusters social media platforms
warnings ; language
word count ; 746
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Podcast wanted to run the official Ghostbuster social media's but was quickly turned down at that. They needed someone who could actually be on top of that kind of stuff and whatnot. So, Stanz made a deal with Podcast that they'd get a social media manager, and he could act as their teammate with that, basically. Giving them ideas, giving them video clips and extra details, etcetera.
Most of the others didn't see a real reason for a social media manager, but as long as it wasn't their money.
Trevor offered to just do everything himself, but that was obviously turned down as well. The teens all agreed not to let the adults run the account either. They didn't need millennial - Gen X / Boomer humor flooding the whole account and making them look bad.
And that's where you came in.
surprisingly, Pheobe was the one to find you. she's seriously the most chronically offline person ever so the fact she ever opened Instagram was a miracle in itself
lots of talking back and forth and meeting the original four three ghostbusters to get input, then meeting callie & garry and the teenagers
you actually figured out that you used to be friends with Lucky as well, damn
you had managed social media accounts before, but you'd recently quit a few of those because of labor laws being broken so, yknow
you quickly formed a bond with Lucky, Trevor, and Podcast. you were kind of close in age to all three of them and they were all invested in the public image for the brand
setting the Instagram up was genuinely the funnest thing ever
the four of you were chilling in the living room in the firehouse (since sleepover stuff, pheobe was in her room reading) and you had your laptop in your lap and the three of them over your shoulders
the amount of laughing and cackling got some scolding from callie upstairs
it took everything out of you to not make the first post a video of trevor being soaked in Slimer's slime (which had been recorded by Lucky just by coincidence as they were investigating the attic again)
the first three posts, which were pinned, all lined up to be like a banner kind of logo with the theme song in the back, and they all played the same video, clips of the og ghostbusters and how they grew and then the new ghostbusters
the tiktok is its own thing, you allowed trev, lucky, podcast (and pheobe) to run it, but everything had to be ran by you first because pr shit
but thankfully no boomer humor or slang is ever being put on those accounts
most of those people don't even know wtf the internet is anyways lol
stanz has a personal vendetta against you /hj after you posted a .5 of him for relatable promo. he had no idea what you were doing but it was criminal that you made his forehead look so much more bigger than it already was
Winston gives you a bunch of old pics to post to trending angst sounds as well LOL
let's not talk about that tiktok where you, lucky, and trevor dance to/remake submissive and breedable by smosh ft bbno$, okay?
^podcast and pheobe were behind the camera cackling the whole time
lots of random pic posts on the insta as well because why not (most of them are the teens looking awkward, callie, gary & lars trying to look like cool scientists, or venkman, stanz, zeddemore & melnitz being classic, sassy old people)
the socials are never professional whatsoever, it's fun but it's not heavily controversial or obvious that you're there as a pr manager basically or just to manage the socials
like man they don't have the time to look at all the comments, take all the advice, reply to fans, etc
I mean that wage ain't that bad either LMAO
trevor is always bitching about how you make more money than he does /lh
you're not just a representative to them, you're actually family. you're just cool like that
"bro y/n is such a mc I hate them" and you'll reply on your personal w a "says you, reality shifter" or smthn LMAO idfk
always reposting ghostbuster edits / fanart etc because fandom culture 🙏
also I can't get over the fact the ghostbuster theme song is canon now either. yk damn well that shit is plastered everywhere thanks to you 💀
"do the ghostbusters respond??" "stanz said he loves your dog" "HELP HSEIJDLAKE"
10/10 experience
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stuckasmain · 2 months
Frozen empire was really good, love it being a bit more character centric. Love that again, like afterlife it keeps essential elements like the music, the logo font etc
⚠️ spoilers
Some particulars -
Ghostbusters extended lore. This franchise is for the lore and legend fans fr. Everyone’s a magic nerd and I love that but particularly the ghost research facility.
GHOSTBUSTERS LORE- specifically how they implemented old merch of the franchise and toys as stuff IN UNIVERSE. (Is the cartoon a canon cartoon just like how the movie is a movie in the cartoon?)
Opening with the Robert frost poem. Iconic.
The possessor in his little cell is so cute actually. Little guys got enrichment in his enclosure!
Lucky is iconic actually. Her comments about the grandma’s apartment absolutely kill me
Callie and Gary too. Their dynamic
Gary’s semi poetry reading of the ghostbusters theme song lyrics (sobbed. Similar to the reading of purple people eater in NOPE)
Phoebe basically (briefly) ending herself to try and kiss a ghost girl
Firebender vape
Peck- but specifically at the end where someone in the crowd shouts “HEY DICKLESS” or something along the lines of
Their implementation of new charecters. They did not feel forced in and didn’t overstay their welcome but also all got a little of their own development. (Would’ve liked more of Lars though)
Same with the use of legacy characters. (Winston and Janine my beloveds)
Extended time in Ray’s shop. Please let me loose in there I’ll be so normal.
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fordtato · 1 year
The Gravity Falls Timeline
All of this is based on my video, but I assume not many people will want to sit through 2.5 hours of me working this out, so here's a condensed written version.
Some rules I set for myself: If the actual name of an IP, a person or an event is referenced in J3/the Show, I included it into my math for my timeline (ex: references to Ronald Reagan or The Eurythmics, or other REAL WORLD figures). If a REFERENCE is made without the actual name being referenced (ex: in the Journal, Ford mentions Phantom Bustifiers, a reference to Ghostbusters, a movie that didn’t come out in our world until 1984), I did not put that into this timeline (I know what year Ghostbusters came out, but not which year Phantom Bustifiers came out).
With that in mind, let’s begin:
The Stans are born June 15 1951.
Their Bar Mitzvah happened when they were 12 (not 13, as is typical) and their birthday is on June 15th. Because a Bar Mitzvah is dependent on one’s birthday on the Hebrew calendar and not the Gregorian calendar, this means that their 13th Hebrew birthday must land on a date that is BEFORE their 13th Gregorian birthday, something that is typically more rare (the Hebrew birthday is usually AFTER one’s typically celebrated birthday).
The only viable year where this applies is 1951, when their birthday lands on Sivan 11, resulting in a 13th Hebrew birthday in May of 1964, BEFORE their 13th birthday on June 15th
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The Stans find the Stan O War in spring of 1964 at age 12 (or 1961, if you think they were 10)
There are two viable dates for when they find the Stan o War, depending on if they’re 10 (the same age Stan was when he started writing Lil Stanley in the Lost Legends comics) or 12 (the same age as Dipper and Mabel). I think that the way the artist drew the young Stan twins in the Lil Stanley comic looks (age 10) looks slightly younger than how they look in the series (and they are designed a little differently than they look in the Jersey Devil comic, when we KNOW they have the Stan O War already), but there is evidence for both sides.
I lean toward them being 12 because they pull out a sharpie, which wasn’t invented until 64, but there is a reference to a Bruce Springsteen song in a magazine in Lost Legends, quoted by someone named “Brucey S, age 11” and Bruce Springsteen would have been 11 in 1961, so this might be 1961 (or the magazine Ford is reading from might be an old magazine.) I went with 1964, because I think 12 parallelled the ages of Dipper and Mabel better. 
Stan gets kicked out in spring of 1969 right before they turned 18. Ford starts at Backupsmore in the fall semester.
Stan makes a reference to Jackie O, which means Jackie Kennedy already remarried to be Jackie Onnassis, and is also still in the public eye, something that would be progressively less common after 1969 (she also happened to visit New Jersey in spring of 1969 and that would have made state headlines, something which is probably a coincidence, but nonetheless very interesting).
Furthermore, there is a portrait of Nixon in the principal’s office, and he would have been sworn in in early 1969. 
I think 1969 is more likely than 1970 because ‘69 gives more wiggle room for Shermie to be the baby (more on that later) and for Ford to get at least one PhD.
-Stan dates Carla “Hotpants” McCorkle,(reconnecting for another date after the one at the theater in their teenage years), probably in 1971 (if this “hallucinatey” date even happened at all; if you dont think it happened at all, disregard). 
We know this is a later date, when stan is an adult, because his design matches the designs on one of his fake IDs from his years on the run. It was likely 1971 because that is when the term “hotpants” was used to describe those short shorts.
The hippie aesthetic also started dying down after 1972 after the Manson attacks, so I picked 71 for the Juke Joint date.
Ford graduated from Backupsmore at the very earliest 1974, MAYBE early 1975.
In the journal it says he went to Gravity Falls in 1975, but we know he couldn’t have graduated earlier than 74, because we know that he played DDnMoreD in college, and he says in the journal that it was copyrighted in 1974. He also says Stanley always mocked him for playing it, which literally isn’t possible, so he’s either misremembering Stanley mocking him for an EARLIER TTRPG, or this copyright is for a later edition (though I think it must be the former, since DDnMD is a clear reference to DnD which WAS copyrighted in 1974. Still. Up to you.)
This means he completed his PhD in 6 years (or, three years ahead of schedule as described in the series). I believe many of his other PhDs were honorary degrees, and didn't bother working them into this timeline. He got them later.
Stan joins Rico’s gang in the late 70s
Sometime in the late 70s, Stan gets tangled up in what is implied to be the Colombian cartel, which would have been most active in the late 70s, between 75 and 79. Following his trajectory on the map in ATOTS showing his path across the country, he headed below the border toward the end of that trackline, so it was probably later on.
Ford started Journal 3 in 1981, shortly after meeting Bill in 1981. 
He says he discovered his muse in 1981 in J3. He also says he is starting J3 six years after he started investigating Gravity Falls (which he did in 75). He also says early on in J3 that he is in his 30s, and he would have turned 30 in June of 1981, three days before he started J3.
There is some fuckery here on how he’s known his muse for “two years” midway J3, and the way I explain that in the video is that the first part of J3 spans nearly 2 years, and there is ample evidence that he wrote many pages out of order. This might be a page from later on in 1982, early 83, instead of mid-81. 
We know that Reagan was already in office at this point.
 Fiddleford shows up in July of 1982. Fiddleford begins making the memory gun after the Gremloblin incident later that year. 
We know at least a year has passed because if you track the months, they go from June, to August, and then later on down to July again when Fiddleford is called. As for the Gremloblin incident, it happened relatively close to the bunker incident (which would have been closer to summer, since it was still hot outside) but it was followed closely by the carnival, where they had squash for sale, and squash are in season after September, typically. 
First Portal Test is on January 18, 1983
Fiddleford falls through the portal, his head poking through, on January 18 1983, the day after the confrontation he had with Ford in the diner. 
Late February, 1983 - The Portal Incident
There are three many reasons I chose this date. Firstly, we know it is 1983 not just because it follows the trajectory of earlier dates, but because we know that Ford has heard The Eurythmics’ chart topper “Sweet Dreams Are Made of This” because when he returns he says he is looking forward to their next one, and that came out in January of 83’, before he would have been sucked through.
Secondly, five weeks after January 18th, it would still be snowy in up-mountain Oregon where Ford is, but not that snowy in New Mexico where Stan is when he gets the post card.
Thirdly, we know at least 5-6 weeks have passed because Ford describes about this many weeks during his “paranoid era” in the journal (more than one instance of “a couple weeks, several weeks, a few weeks”, etc.). 
In the year 2000, Dipper and Mabel are born. 
I know most people think it’s 1999. And that is fine, but I have ample evidence that the show takes place in 2013, not 2012 (see below), so 2000 would have to work for their birthday.
But 2000 also gives a little bit of wiggle room to Shermie being the baby. (If you don’t think Shermie is the baby, disregard this section). If Shermie IS the baby, then if he was born in spring of 1969 (late 68 at the earliest), then you can barely fit two generations of Pines in the space between 1969 and 2000. It would mean that both Shermie and his kid would need to be 15 when they had a kid, which is … not great, but not impossible? I dunno man, take it up with Hirsch. (Or just assume the baby is Shermie’s kid. Follow your dreams).
In 2013, Dipper and Mabel visit their Grunkle Stan in Gravity Falls. 
The Northwest ghost died in what is described in the journal as “The Great Flood of 1863”. The Northwests are trying to keep this flood under wraps in J3, because they don’t want people finding out about the lumberjacks killed in the flood. The Northwest Ghost swore with his dying breath to come back 150 yrs after his death. 150 years later from 1863, is 2013.
The 1040 form that Stan is filling out his Tax Fraud note on in the truth-telling ep is a 2012 form. To file tax returns, you use w2s 1040s labeled under the PREVIOUS year
Sevral Timez shouts "2013"
1983 is 30 years before 2013. 
Note: This would mean that the Stans are 62 at the end of the summer, which might mean that they are "pushing 70" as Stan describes himself.
Anyways, here's the full video if you have 2.5 hours. Otherwise, enjoy this resource!
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tyrantisterror · 4 months
My Personal History with My Good Friend, Satan
My first encounter with The Devil - that I can remember, at least - came when I was about three or so. My mom liked to borrow VHS tapes from libraries to show me and my siblings a lot, and one of the libraries she used was the one at our church. It was a small and obviously very religion-centric collection, but it left a notable mark on me - like, that's where I saw this weird, kinda shitty cartoon version of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe which might be responsible for irreconcilably fucking up my taste in women? I just have this distinct memory of watching the scene where Edmund is tempted by the White Witch and thinking, "Yeah, he's making the right call." If anything I was frustrated that he hesitated - three year old me was already simping for this woman. Just imagine a child channeling Ernie Hudson in Ghostbusters and growling, "When a terrifying and beautiful woman offers you candy and a private sleigh ride, you say YES!" and that's basically me as a kid.
Where was I? Right, Satan. So, the other video from that library I remember was this cartoon retelling of Bible stories, and really I just remember the Adam and Eve part. The temptation scene had this huge, super gnarly-looking demonic red snake in it, and he was so cool and badass and I was already predisposed to like snakes anyway, so of course he was my instant favorite. But, like almost all media featuring reptiles that captured my little child heart, he turned out to be the bad guy - literally The Devil, in this case - and was punished at the end of the story. And that pissed me off.
Sometime shortly thereafter - or at least that's how I remember it, this was over thirty years ago so things might be smushed closer together than they really were by the fog of ages - some of the kids in my preschool chastised me for liking snakes. "Don't you know the devil is a snake? Snakes are evil!" I remembered the movie, and it made me angry.
Because snakes aren't evil, and as a kid I knew that because my parents taught me it. Snakes were just animals, they don't know right from wrong, and to call them evil it to judge them for what they are, not what they do. That experience taught me a very important lesson: The Devil is a tool to make people hate the innocent. And as I'd later learn, snakes were far from the only innocents people would vilify because of a demonic association.
The second time I met the devil came a few years later, when I was six or seven or so. My Grampa and Grams liked to take us up North to Mackinac City and the Upper Peninsula each summer, and I have a lot of fond memories of those trips, but there was one in particular that's relevant to this discussion. We saw a sign for a "laser light show" in the shopping district, and I got to stay up late to see it with my family. The show in question was basically a cartoon projected into the night sky adapting the song The Devil Went Down to Georgia. It was super primitive and hokey and cornball and terrible and I loved every second of it. I was enchanted, absolutely delighted with the spectacle and the silly song where the devil was less a force of evil and more a comically bumbling inept supervillain - one of my favorite archetypes, even back then. So that's the second lesson about the devil I learned: The Devil can be fun sometimes.
Now, Godzilla, one of the few reptile characters I encountered as a kid who didn't end up a villain (at least not in the first movie of his I saw, Godzilla vs. Megalon), had already set me on the path to loving monsters of all stripes and, by extension, horror fiction in general, so as I grew up I had many more encounters with the devil. But while I warmed up quickly to most monster archetypes, like vampires, zombies, werewolves, etc., I always felt dismissive of demons. It kind of coincided with me becoming disillusioned with Christianity as a whole, in fact. A story about fighting evil, Christian-style demons is ultimately an allegory for fighting evil as defined by Christianity, and Christianity's definition of what evil is, well, sucks. It's bad! They got some things right, but some things horribly wrong. The devil is the tool Christianity uses to make you hate the innocent, and I struggled to enjoy a lot of demon stories because of that. Still do with some, in fact.
There were exceptions, of course - I loved The Evil Dead series as soon as I saw it at too-early-of-an-age, but then, the demons in it aren't super Christian. They aren't repelled by holy water or crucifixes or prayer, and in fact God and Jesus barely get mentioned in the series and never come up as a potential solution. They're kind of secular as demons go, and maybe that made them easier to stomach. But overall, demons ranked pretty low in the hierarchy of monsters to me - they were too tainted by the religion that spawned them for me to enjoy.
Until college, anyway. I quietly renounced my faith during my Freshmen year, and then, as if seeking one last chance at redemption in my eyes, the devil came to me again the following year. That's when I had a class on Medieval literature, and was exposed to far older devil stories than I had ever seen before. And Medieval devils kick ass. They have so much more personality and variety than I had come to expect, and some are downright affable, even sympathetic to a degree. It was one of many moments in college when I realized there was much more to a topic I'd previously written off as boring and trite.
This is when I read Dante's The Divine Comedy and Milton's Paradise Lost and Marlowe's Faust and Ben Johnson's The Devil Is An Ass. It's when I read early Gothic Horror novels like Matthew Gregory Lewis's The Monk, and dived into The Twilight Zone, which has more than a few episodes that are updates of medieval-style devil folktales in a more modern (i.e. 1960's) setting. And so many of these works presented the Devil not as a stand-in for everything Christianity hates, but as a person - a deeply flawed person, yes, but a person with actual wants and feelings and thoughts of his own, a person who was interesting and compelling - and sometimes funny, and sometimes charming, and sometimes really sad. There was, dare I say... sympathy for the devil growing in my heart.
In the last year of my undergraduate studies, I attended my college's yearly Medieval Studies Congress, where people from all over the world came to Kalamazoo just to share their research papers on medieval history and literature. One girl's thesis paper was on the subject of "rueful devils," i.e. depictions of demons in literature where they wanted to repent their sins and redeem themselves, which uniformly ended with the devils' hopes being dashed as they could not fully repent. This idea... possessed me. The idea that the devil could repent, or at least try to - that there could be hope even in the most debauched sinner. It was such a good narrative trope in my eyes - why did it die out centuries ago?
Well, because the church didn't like it, you see. If the devil can repent - if the Absolute King of Evil can choose to become a good person - then he's not very useful as a tool to make people hate the innocent anymore. The devil MUST be "pure evil" to work as intended. A rueful devil, a repentant devil, a devil that can be redeemed, forces us to be more forgiving and kind. It forces us to be better. It prevents us from hating people because an old book says so. And some people just couldn't have that, and so the trope died.
After I got my bachelor's degree, I entered the job market and, after applying to fifty different places or so, was finally hired as a high school english teacher about two weeks before the school year started. Said school year was the worst year of my life. Like, I've had extreme self loathing issues and suicidal ideation since, like, sixth grade, but holy shit it was NEVER as bad as it was in that nine month stretch between 2012 and 2013. There was this bridge I had to cross on the way to work each morning, and about two months in the job was so stressful that part of my morning routine was thinking, "You know, if I just swerve to the right, this can all be over and I'll never have to worry again." About halfway in I began drastically losing weight despite not changing my diet or getting more exercise and it was so traumatic that to this day whenever my weight starts to drop my initial reaction is dread rather than excitement. I impulse bought the first two Kung-Fu Panda movies and, after watching each for the first time and crying hideously, proceeded to watch them on repeat for an entire weekend while sobbing myself hoarse for reasons I couldn't comprehend at the time.
I was in Hell. And the devil met me there.
I started writing a story during that year. I didn't get very far, just a couple chapters, but it was one of the few things that gave me a sense of accomplishment. Despite all the stress and sadness and misery, I made something. It was a story about demons, and Hell, and trying to make your life better even when the world around you seems deadset on making you suffer as much as possible.
When my bosses called me into their office at the end of that year and told me that I had to quit my job so the assistant principal could take my teaching position and survive the downsizing they'd get next year, and that if I didn't quit they'd give me the lowest teacher evaluation they could and make it supremely difficult for me to get hired elsewhere... I was relieved. I'd been let out of Hell. After a handful of months left to finish out the year, I was free.
And then I went home, with nothing. No job, no desire to pursue the career for which I'd spent five years and an ungodly amount of money getting a degree to pursue, no nest egg, nothing. Nothing except a few chapters of a book.
The years that followed were hard. I did a lot of temp work, it took me a very long time to find something that worked for me. I may have left the worst year of my life, but there was still a lot of misery waiting for me. And through it all, I felt the need to accomplish... something, ANYTHING. I had to make something to prove I had a reason to exist, even if it was something that only had value to me.
With three years of work, those chapters became my first novel, No Sympathies: A Tale of Those Who Trespass Against Us. It was about the devil, and Hell, and finding salvation even when things seem inescapably bleak. It was my first novel, and now, eight years later, it's the first of five.
The devil saved my life. He saw me at my lowest, lifted me up, whispered, "It'll be ok. You have to keep going. I'll be with you, but you have to keep going," and goddammit, he kept me from swerving right.
That's when I learned the greatest truth about the devil, at least to me. The devil is a tool to make people hate the innocent, yes, this is true, but because of that, the devil can be a savior for the broken, the beaten, and the damned. You can feel like you're worthless, wretched, and doomed. But if the devil can rise from Hell, if the devil can choose to change, if people are willing to pray for the one sinner who needs it most - then there's hope for you too, isn't there?
Demons are creatures of rebellion - against God, against nature, against the powers that be, against doom and damnation itself. They were made to be a tool to hurt the innocent, but that's not what they have to be. Devils can lift us up, because no matter how far you fall, no one can say whether it's the end for you except you.
...I would like to point out that I am being figurative here. The devil does not literally exist, at least not in my view of things. He's a fictional character, nothing more. But he's a prolific fictional character, and how we portray him can say so much about us. And, to me, he is a dear friend, despite being imaginary, because the devil was there for me when I was low, and it was on his wings that I rose from doom.
...again, figuratively, not literally.
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sxs-kav · 2 months
I saw Frozen Empire, so obviously I have to talk about it. Spoilers ahead.
Also disclaimer that these are my personal feelings, so if we disagree that's okay too!
So, overall I would rate the movie as good. Not my all time favorite in the franchise, I think that will always go to the original, but I enjoyed it. The story could have used a little work in some parts, but hey, nothing is perfect.
Favorite part of this whole movie: one Dr. Raymond Stantz, hands down. He is so cute as an old man-child whose enthusiasm hasn't waned the least bit over the years. Honestly, in Afterlife he seemed like he'd become cynical, but here his true nature really rang through. And I adore him being a mentor for Phoebe and the other younger characters, while also getting into mischief with them. That little sparkle in his eye when Phoebe asks "Aren't you retired?" No, Ray is never retired, he will always be ready to suit up.
I also loved in the police station when Phoebe was standing up to Dickless Peck, Ray had this face like he was so proud, like he could see Egon in her, memories of him saying "YOUR MOTHER!" 😆
The other thing I liked about the movie was the expansion of the Ghostbusters as a business, with the research lab. First off, I love that Winston, the one who didn't even believe in ghosts when he was hired, is now almost like the CEO of the company. But also, it opens up more possibilities for this new era and allows for more playing with the world building. Though I feel like it was a wasted opportunity to put in some easter eggs for TRGB. Unless the ghosts featured were in the (*shudder*) Q5 episodes, I didn't recognize any of them from the show. Then again, I guess they're newer ghosts so that wouldn't make sense, but maybe they could have been similar kinds of ghosts. Just as a small reference.
Other favorite parts include:
-The near-lesbian romance between Phoebe and Melody
-Ray smuggling the Mini Pufts from Oklahoma (because of course he would)
-Also just the Mini Pufts in general (why are they so violent?)
-The way Ray's face lit up when Peter came to the firehouse
-Peter being proud that Ray quit smoking
-Peter's unwavering faith that Ray's idea is good and will work, and saying they all trust him
-The library ghost (did they never go back to get her???)
-Gary saying the words to the theme song
-Janine in uniform!
-Slimer eating the pizza with the posesser ghost in it
Now, onto the areas that I felt were not as strong. First of all, I found it wild that Phoebe was being ousted by everyone without any kind of fight. She's the one that started the whole thing up again, she's got the passion, she's got the brains, she's got the glasses and the curls! Her mom says a grand total of NOTHING to defend her in Peck's office, and they all just accept that she can't be a Ghostbuster anymore. Yeah, they don't want to get sued, but it's just weird to me that they don't even seem like they feel that terrible that she got benched. Callie and Trevor are very callous about the whole thing. Only Gary seems like he gives a shit, and he's not even her dad. The way Phoebe's benching ended wasn't all that satisfying either. It would have been nice for the other three to maybe struggle a little without her, realize they need her to balance the team, and try to find a way to get her back. Winston was really the one that got Peck off their backs in the end, no thanks to anyone else (also, I'm pretty sure in that scene, someone in the crowd yells 'dickless' 😆).
Side note, I really don't like Callie's character that much. I think she's self-centered and doesn't seem to care about the kids' feelings unless the situation becomes dire. Maybe she does deep down, but mostly her attitude about everything stinks. Idk, I wouldn't care if she wasn't in the movie at all.
Anyway, back to the plot. I liked the idea of Phoebe's plotline. I wish they'd gone all the way and had her and Melody kiss, I really thought that was coming when she separated from her body. But I have an issue about that particular moment. The decision to suddenly put herself in the chamber like that seemed to come out of nowhere, at least I thought so. They made it like Melody was supposed to be the one tricking her into doing it, but she really never said anything to convince her. Phoebe just decided on her own to try it. I know she mentioned a couple of times wondering what it would feel like to be a ghost, but it wasn't a strong enough buildup to such a risky move. Honestly, when she asked Ray about him wanting to be a ghost, coupled with Winston saying Ray was going to get himself killed, I thought they were foreshadowing killing Ray (and thank God they didn't!).
They also hint at Phoebe specifically being the one that needs to be used but why? Anyone could have been tricked into the chamber and been controlled by Garaka for the chanting.
But moving on from that, the other issue I have is with the firemaster. He was a little too good at controling the fire after what, a couple of hours of practice? I think the character could still work, he could still be a quirky weird guy, but I think I would have made him more of a reluctant inheritor of his grandma's powers. Maybe he struggles with it at first and he figures he can sell the artifacts to Ray to get rid of the responsibility. Then later he can finally accept his fate to help beat Garaka when he starts believing in himself.
Those are the only major parts that I felt could have been tweaked. Besides that, I would have loved to see Slimer and Ray get a moment, just as a nod to their friendship in the show, but I guess they want to stick to one continuity. Of all the things they could have referenced from the show, though, it had to be the Junior GB 😆 It was just a throwaway line, but still, I don't want to remember they were a thing.
Tl;dr, the movie was good and there were a lot of parts I really enjoyed. For the parts that were weak, I'm confident there will be another in the future, so hopefully they'll keep improving.
Also, who the hell voted for Peck to be mayor? I bet he rigged the election.
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hauntedwitch04 · 9 months
Hi and welcome for the second edition of my halloween party. The first one was very liked, so I thought of making a new one this year. Hope you enjoy it.
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DAY 1: “Take my sweater, I love you and i don’t want you to transform into a popsicle” with Remus Lupin 
DAY 2: “You really did this for me?” "I made one for every single person I love, but your is the one I did first because you were the first I thought about." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 3: “Please kill that fucking spider” “Love, you know it’s fake right?” with Cassian 
DAY 4: “Eat some more soup, it will make you feel better. This is my James mother’s recipe.” “Fuck, love this is delicious.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 5: “I don’t need paradise, mine is right here with you, cooking a pie while you dance and sing an old rock song, dreaming about our future” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 6: “I got some leaves on my way here for you, they are really pretty” with Andrew Garfield 
DAY 7: “Love I swear if you light another candle our house may go on fire.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 8: “I have a skeleton in my closet.” “Everyone have them, love.” “No I mean literally” with James Potter 
DAY 9: “Did you really gift me an owl?” “You love the little one from Harry Potter, so i thought it would be a good gift.” with modern!Rhys 
DAY 10:  “Sweety, we are too old to play trick-or-treating.” “That’s a lie, you are never too old for it.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 11: “Look what I got from the shop down the street” “Another coat, seriously?” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 12:  “Your pumpkin is making heart eyes to mine.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 13:  “Oh my God, please save me from this ghost” “Love your Ghostbuster is coming” with Ben Barnes 
DAY 14: “Some friendships are like candles: they burn bright for a while and then they die because of a little wind.” with Azriel 
DAY 15: “There is someone there, you think we have to help him” “It’s a scarecrow” “I think I just had a heartache.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 16: “I love this oil lamp. How did you know it?” “I love you, and I know you, so I know you are into witchy things.” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 17: “Look mommy, a fox. Why are you crying mommy?” “Because it reminds me of your daddy.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 18: “You know we are not in a crime book right.” “Don’t ruin my moment. My time to be Sherlock Holmes has arrived.” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 19: “I’m not gonna watch another fucking horror movie with you” “Don’t worry darling, you have your hero by your side.” “Love, I don’t have to remind you that you are the one screaming the most right?” with Remus Lupin
DAY 20: “We are not gonna bring that black cat home.And don’t even try to make me the puppy eyes, this time won’t work. I’m over your spell witch.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 21: “What are these rocks?” “They are runes stones.” “Babe, since when you are a witch.” with Timothee Chamalet 
DAY 22: “We are not gonna watch Bride Corpse another time.” “You love that movie too, dont’ lie to me moose.” “Love, we already watched it like five times in two days!” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 23: “I never saw someone loving the moon like you do.” “You know what I love most about the moon? It reminds me of you, of your eyes.” with Rhys 
DAY 24: “Why are there three pumpkins? We always make pumpkin, one for you and one for me.” “Well I want to practice since, from next year we are gonna be three.” with Steve Harrington 
DAY 25: “Wow, what is that on your neck? Oh my god, it’s a bite! Did a vampire bite you? Are you going to be like Dracula? Oh my god, oh my God! That’s so cool!” “No man, another animal bit me: my girlfriend.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 26: “You are never gonna touch another drop of alcohol in front of me, you look possessed.” with James Potter
DAY 27: “Tell me a spooky story” “Love, if you don’t sleep another night because I scared you, your mum is gonna kill me.” with Cassian 
DAY 28: “Oh my god, you are bleeding!” “Love calms down, it's fake.” “You are a horrible person.” with Azriel 
DAY 29: “Boo!” “Fuck you” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 30: "Love, why are you crying?” “Neil didn’t deserve it.” “We already talked about this: you can’t watch that movie alone.” “But it’s one of my favorites.” with Remus Lupin
DAY 31: Halloween Party with College AU!Every fandom
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thenightling · 3 months
Winston = The Unsung hero of The Ghostbusters franchise
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Winston was the most down-to-earth ordinary guy of the original Ghostbusters team, having joined about half-way through the original movie. He worked well as a viewer-insert character for the audience to relate to and se themselves in, and to ask the questions that we want to ask. Someone recently referred to Winston as an opportunist. They didn't mean it negatively. Winston (in the more recent films of Ghostbusters: Afterlife and Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire) became a successful businessman. Now I know that today we have a habit of associating corporations and especially wealthy CEOs as evil but Winston is the true hero of the Ghostbusters franchise. Hear me out. After Winston became a successful businessman he did not forget his roots as a Ghostbuster. In fact he went back to aid and protect his friends. He bought the Firehouse to prevent the entities from getting loose that were in the Containment unit and to give a home to Egon's daughter and grandchildren. Not only that but Winston financially supported Ray's Occult Book shop and kept it in business for him. And Winston apparently spent most of his fortune investing in turning Ghostbusters into the paranormal version of SHIELD with advanced tech. He protected New York from supernatural threats. He gave a home to Egon's daughter and grandchildren. He kept Ray's business alive. He made Ghostbusters into something much bigger than it was. It's like the paranormal equivalent of SHIELD or Men in Black. Now if we take The Real Ghostbusters animated series as canon Winston has helped and rescued his friends many times, including even taking part in a baseball game between the forces of Heaven and Hell to save Peter's soul. So he gave Egon's family a home, saved Ray's business, and saved Peter's soul. Winston has saved everyone in some way. Even in their Halloween special (The Real Ghostbusters: The Halloween Door) he had more lines in the Touching Old Magic song number than the others.
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satans-helper · 8 months
Make It Better
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x Josh Kiszka
Word Count: ~2900
Warnings: slash & smut, people!! Blowjobs! Also some blood (non-sexual). 18+ only~
Inspired by Danny kissing Josh's hand during the Cleveland show (and what a show that was!) and, of course, Halloween. Hope you enjoy ;)
“You sure you wanna start carving them now?” Danny asked Josh, who was gleefully cradling two pumpkins in his arms from the porch. Danny was holding the front door open for him, letting the crisp, cold breeze momentarily waft into the house. 
“Jake and Sam can do theirs whenever,” Josh answered. He heard–and felt–Danny following his steps as he went through the hall and into the dining room. With a little huff, he set the pumpkins down on the ratty old tablecloth they’d both laid out for the event. “It’s not our fault they’re stuck on interview duty today.”
“I don’t know,” Danny remarked, leaning against a chair. “Carving pumpkins seems like just as much work. Maybe more.”
Josh looked up with a little smile. “This is supposed to be fun, Daniel. Come on, where’s your Halloween spirit?”
Danny sat down, spinning one of the pumpkins around in front of himself. “Play ‘Monster Mash’ and I’ll get into it.” 
Josh laughed. “Sure, fine by me.” He started to sing the words, mimicking the silly voice of the original song, as he meandered into the kitchen, phone in hand. Soon enough the real thing was playing from a speaker, hopefully truly getting Danny to perk up–whenever Sam was out of the picture even for a little while, it was like a little of Danny’s energy was gone with him. Josh could relate though. Whenever his twin was absent, he felt a little emptiness in the pit of his stomach. But he was happy to have some one-on-one time with Danny. That didn’t happen very often. Not to mention none of them had actually carved pumpkins since they were literal children–this was going to be fun.
“What’s yours going to be?” he asked as Danny sliced the top off his pumpkin, Josh following suit with an enthusiastic sawing motion. Using knives was always a good time as far as he was concerned. 
“I was thinking of trying to make it look like Sam’s drunk face,” Danny told him with a laugh. “But I don’t know if I have the skills. We’ll see.”
Josh laughed too. “That’s a good idea. Maybe I should make my pumpkin look like Jake’s guitar face.” 
“Put these two pumpkins together and it’s basically Jake’s ass,” Danny said, smirking to himself; Josh cackled in return. He wasn’t exactly wrong. Then Danny stood up and leaned over the table, hand disappearing into the pumpkin. “Ugh, this feels disgusting. Why the fuck are we doing this again?”
Josh did the same and, yeah, it was pretty gross. So cold and slimy, the seeds slippery between his fingers. “We’re bonding,” he reminded Danny, who was still so immersed in the pumpkin guts that Josh wasn’t even sure what he’d said had been registered. He and Danny slopped handfuls of pumpkin guts onto a platter together, as in sync as they all were on stage.
“Sam will probably want the seeds,” Danny said, reaching back in as the Ghostbusters theme started playing. 
“Good. Nothing left to waste,” Josh replied, beginning to feel very focused on the task at hand himself. He really was going to try to carve Jake’s guitar face into the pumpkin. “We can compost the rest.”
Danny was even more quiet than usual, he quickly noticed, and Josh didn’t think it was just because they were immersed in jack-o-lantern carving. He wanted to ask about it–was there something bothering him? Was he just really not into this? Josh’s sudden onslaught of anxious thoughts broke his concentration and as he was bringing the knife down in a steep curve, it slipped and, in the blink of an eye, bright red blood was shining on the blade, down his hand and across the orange pumpkin. 
“Oh shit!” Danny jumped to action, wiping his hands on a towel as he rushed over to Josh, who was so stunned by his mishap that he was just staring at the shockingly grisly wound. “Wait a minute,” Danny instructed, disappearing into the kitchen for a moment. When he returned, he was standing over Josh and wrapping his hand in a clean towel. 
“Oops,” Josh said, then hissed, suddenly conscious of the deep sting from the cut. “Ouch!” What a stupid thing to do, he thought, because not only did he ruin his hand, he ruined the pumpkin.
“Jeez, Josh, this looks bad,” Danny said, holding the dish towel around Josh’s bleeding hand snugly. “Do you think you need stitches?”
Josh waved that idea away with his uninjured hand. “No, no, I’m sure it’s fine. Let me see.”
Danny sighed. “Let’s go to the bathroom. We need to clean this.” 
So Josh let his friend take the lead. He sat down on the edge of the tub while Danny grabbed yet another towel, one of the black ones with little ghosts threaded in white that he and Jake had picked out just for this season, and wet it in the sink. Danny dropped to his knees in front of him and carefully unraveled the bloody towel from his hand, winching even more than Josh did as it happened. 
“See,” Josh began when his wound was revealed–a deep, long slash down the side of his hand, extending from the bottom of his thumb to just above his wrist. “I don’t need stitches.” 
“Okay, maybe not, but this looks bad,” Danny said softly. Josh was enamored with how tender he was. Maybe in another life, Danny would have been a doctor. Josh could see that. He sighed again, dabbing with the warm, wet towel. “Do you have any hydrogen peroxide here?” 
Josh tensed. “That’ll make it hurt more.”
“Just for a second. It’ll disinfect it,” Danny assured him, then took Josh’s other hand and pressed it over the towel. “Hold that.” He swiveled on his knees to open the cabinet beneath the sink–if nothing else, this allowed Josh a nice view of Danny bent over on his knees, ass in the air while he did his best to rescue Josh from a nasty infection. “Got it,” Danny proclaimed, shuffling back with a brown bottle in one hand and a bag of cotton balls in the other. He sat there frowning for a moment before saying, “We need bandages, too. Not the small ones. I gotta wrap it in something.”
“Maybe in the drawer?” Josh suggested, realizing he knew very little about the contents of his own bathroom. 
“Aha,” Danny said victoriously, tossing the roll of gauze at Josh’s feet. He sat right in front of him, opening the hydrogen peroxide and wetting a cotton ball with it. When he looked up, Josh’s heart fluttered at how genuinely apologetic and hurt Danny looked on his behalf. “Alright, yeah, it’s gonna sting. But it’s gonna help.” He took the wet towel away from Josh’s hand and held that bloody hand in his own. “Okay?”
Josh nodded. Danny doing this made it seem less daunting–he didn’t consider himself very afraid of anything, but physical pain was something he, like most people, always wanted to avoid. Causing himself further pain wasn’t something he was ever inclined to do. But Danny was gentle and reassuring, rubbing Josh’s wrist with his thumb as he dabbed the cut with the hydrogen peroxide, and just that small, simple, sweet action diminished some of the angry stinging that came with it. Then, with a dry part of the ghost towel, Danny dabbed some more until Josh’s hand felt dry again. Next came the gauze, which he wrapped carefully and skillfully around the wound, leaving Josh patched up as best either of them could do. Well, Josh thought, he actually didn’t do anything but sit there. 
“Better?” Danny asked, sitting back, resting his hands on Josh’s knees.
Josh thought about that question for a moment. Then he lifted his bandaged hand up to Danny’s face: “A kiss would make it better.” He was confident Danny would do it, and he did, but the way it happened made Josh’s breath catch in his lungs. Danny gingerly held his wrist, held it so delicately like he was made of glass, and the press of his lips was just as gentle and soft but so full of intent. It wasn’t a quick, silly gag to appease Josh. It was an earnest, lingering, passionate little kiss, and Josh felt faint for a moment.
“Now are you better?” Danny asked, still holding Josh’s hand.
“Yes, thank you, Danny,” Josh said, cheeks burning. He was also sure he now looked very flustered and he felt even more out of sorts when Danny straightened up, moving in close, and gave him a kiss on his forehead. 
“You scared me. Maybe you shouldn’t be around knives,” Danny told him, who was still too flabbergasted to laugh at the absurdity of that. Instead, Josh tried something he’d never done before, something that did actually scare him–he brought his good hand to the side of Danny’s face and leaned forward to kiss him right on the lips. Thankfully, Danny reciprocated, humming softly into the kiss and moving in even closer, their chests touching. 
Josh was the one to pull away, giggling with nervous energy. Maybe an excuse wasn’t necessary–in fact, he was still positive it wasn’t–but he said, “I don’t think my insurance covers this, so will that help?”
Danny smiled, his own face a little flushed. “I always wanna kiss you regardless of personal injuries.”
“Really?” Josh squeaked. Was that why he’d been so quiet earlier? Did Danny think about him like that when they were alone?
“Sure do.” In a feat of strength that baffled Josh, Danny began to get up, scooping him into his arms and carrying him out of the bathroom. Josh hooked one arm around Danny’s shoulders on the journey, heart pounding at this revelation. What exactly was happening here? Then Danny set him down on the couch and placed a bag of the candy they’d been sharing earlier in his lap. He sat down next to him, staying close and, with a gesture at the bag, said, “Doctor’s orders.” 
“Whatever you say, Dr. Danny,” Josh replied, popping a Dum Dum in his mouth, though he really wanted to do something else with his mouth. He paused when Danny cuddled up against him, pulling Josh’s legs over his own and looping his arm around his waist. 
“Wanna watch a scary movie?” Danny proposed, but the look in his eyes was saying something else. Josh was sure of it. 
“No, what the fuck!” Josh exclaimed, riled up and excited now that he knew Danny was so agreeable to him. He grabbed Danny’s shirt, drawing him further in, as he tossed the bag of candy to the floor with his other hand. “For fuck’s sake–I wanna make out with you.”
Another smile, but then Danny grabbed Josh’s wrist and slowly brought his bandaged hand down. “Just be careful of that,” he said, and Josh was about to protest, but then Danny was taking the sucker from Josh’s mouth and replacing it with his lips, then a little tongue, then a little teeth. 
Josh had thought about what it would be like to kiss Danny before. He was convinced there weren’t many people who encountered his beloved drummer that hadn’t. But actually doing it exceeded all of those brief fantasies–Danny was simply a good kisser. A great kisser, with a perfect mixture of tenderness and lust, matching Josh’s pace when it was easy and slowing him down when Josh got too hard and fast with it. Josh followed the doctor’s orders and was mindful of his hand, keeping it at his side and using the other to touch all over Danny’s upper body, feeling the heat and muscle beneath the pesky t-shirt while Danny’s own explored Josh’s body in tandem.
When Danny’s hand found his bulge, his cock growing harder with each kiss, a quiet moan slipped from Josh’s lips and over Danny’s. Danny moved back just enough to look down at his own hand cupping Josh’s dick through his pants, fingers gripping his length despite the barrier. Josh looked down too, already breathing hard, and wiggled his hips in encouragement. 
Meeting his gaze, Danny asked, “Can I go down on you?”
“What?” Josh asked, flabbergasted once more. They’d gone from carving pumpkins to sucking dick, apparently. What a world. 
Danny kissed him again before he asked, using the same explicit words Josh had been thinking, “Can I suck your dick?”
After he gave the green light, Josh learned that Danny was not only a good kisser but really good at giving head–a delightful, surreal surprise. Bare from the waist down, he squirmed and whimpered while Danny’s lips wrapped around his cock and his hands squeezed his thighs, spreading his legs wide enough to sink between. He made sure to keep his injured hand resting over his head, but his other was going wild in Danny’s hair, fingers tangling in the curls, brushing over his scalp, urging him to keep doing his magic. 
“Oh wow,” Josh said, eyes widening at the sight of Danny fumbling with his own fly to get his dick out. Josh almost asked to touch it himself, but Danny swallowed hard around him and he forgot that words existed at all. Danny was rocking his hips back and forth while he licked and sucked and jerked him off; Josh lifted his leg up higher to press it between Danny’s own, and then Danny dropped his hand to quite literally begin humping Josh’s leg. 
Wet sounds emanated from Danny’s hand while he stroked him, popping off to breathe. “Shit,” he muttered, resting his cheek on Josh’s stomach. “I thought about this, too.”
Josh gasped, astounded by these dreamy confessions. His hips bucked; he pushed his leg up harder against Danny’s cock. “More, Danny, please,” he pleaded, fitfully fussing with Danny’s hair again. “Suck me off. Let me come in your mouth.”
With brightly flushed cheeks, Danny took another breath and carried on, the hand on Josh’s belly pressing down hard as he sank down. Josh groaned loudly, eyes closed while his head tilted back against the arm of the couch, so close. When his hips bucked again, Danny gagged, Josh yelped and his fingers tightened in those curls as he shot right into the back of Danny’s throat. It left him exhausted but still determined, and Danny hadn’t come yet–before he lost any more energy, he pulled Danny, who was wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, up by his shirt. 
“Whoa there!” Danny wiggled as Josh yanked him to his knees beside his own face. It was a bit of a tough angle, Josh had to admit, but he just grabbed Danny’s ass to pull him forward while he wrapped his lips around him. Eyes closed while he centered his focus, Josh then felt Danny’s gentle touch on his wounded hand, bringing it down. “Careful,” his drummer warned, the word soft but the voice delivering it rough. 
Josh nodded, which made the head of Danny’s cock jump to the back of his throat. Stifling his own gag by squeezing Danny’s ass harder, Josh made good use of his mouth, trying to get Danny down as much as he could while those lovely, strong, kind hands messed around with his now equally disheveled curls. 
“Fuck yeah, that feels good,” Danny said breathlessly, ending the sentence with a surprising whine, which made Josh look up. Danny looked down at him and his lips parted like he was surprised, eyes growing bigger and brighter while he stared into Josh’s. “Oh my god, yeah, keep looking at me. So pretty, Josh, holy fuck–” If Danny was going to say anything else, it was lost in a strangled moan as he threw his head back, and Josh grunted with useless surprise as slick warmth coated his tongue.
After a few seconds, Josh freed him, flopping back onto the couch. “Woof.”
Danny did the same, lying halfway on top of the back of the couch, his lower body pressed against Josh’s. “Hell yeah, woof. Wow.” He closed his eyes and sank down further, resting his head on Josh’s stomach with apparently no intention of moving despite Josh’s dick still being out. Oh well, Josh decided, and started to idly play with Danny’s hair. 
He was snapped out of his beautiful daze when he looked over at the clock on the wall. “What time are Jake and Sam supposed to be back?”
“I don’t remember,” Danny said, sounding like he was on his way to unconsciousness. 
“We should finish the pumpkins,” Josh said, very glad they decided to do this. If he hadn’t cut his hand trying to carve his own twin into one, would Danny have ever made a move?
“You can’t, Josh. Your hand,” Danny reminded him.
Josh huffed. “I can do it. I’ll be careful.” He tapped Danny’s temple and added, “Maybe you could help me?”
“Alright, I’ll help,” Danny said, lifting himself up. Before Josh had the chance to outwardly question where all of this was going in a larger sense, Danny captured him in another hot, heartwarming kiss. 
Josh giggled when Danny broke away and just looked at him. “So–should we keep this to ourselves? It might be too scary to share with Jake and Sam.”
Danny stood and extended a hand to help Josh up before he got his jeans back up. “Nah,” he said, smirking, which made Josh smile even wider. “Let’s tell ‘em. I think they can handle it.” 
Tagging: @sparrowofrhiannon @clairesjointshurt @starbuggie @bizzielisteningtogreta
If you want to be tagged in any of my fics, you can go here or DM me <3
You can also find my fics on AO3 (theLazarus) or wattpad (BananaJubilee)
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lovelywetdreamer · 2 months
🤍~Danny Phantom Fluff~🤍
Danny is 24 years old in this one. I also have a crush on Danny Phantom as a child. Time to make my childhood dream come true.
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Danny Phantom will turn into a ghost to leave an English muffin for you to wake up to in the morning.
Danny Phantom will listen to horror podcasts with you. He holds your hand when you get scared.
Danny Phantom can't help but pull a prank on you when he turns into a ghost. He enjoys seeing you punch at his chest after he turns back normal.
Danny Phantom will come to you after he gets done ghost-busting. He can never go to sleep without you being in his arms. He wang to tire, but he needs to make the world safe for you.
Danny Phantom and you will dance to trashy pop music till the sun come out.
Danny Phantom will ask Turker to hack into Amazon Prime so you watch your favorite shows without ads. Your baby knows you can't stand ads.
Danny Phantom will talk to you on the phone while beating a ghost out of town. "No, you hang up first."
Danny Phantom will threaten any ghosts and Ghostbusters to stay in their house because he is going to take you on a date.
Danny Phantom's favorite movie is ironically Ghostbusters. He will annoy you with the Ghostbusters' theme song.
I finally completed my childhood dream.
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mylittlevsoldier · 2 months
hello dreamers!
Hello, I'm sage and welcome to my blog!
My blog is home to all things witchy, 80s related, music related, all my hyper fixations, pretty much anything!
Like I said, I'm Sage! I'm a minor, infj-t and a Pisces <3
please do not spam like, you will be blocked!
my likes!
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musical theatre
funky rings
funky makeup
finn wolfhard
the tortured poets dept.
anything from the 70's or 80's
trixie mattel
the song florida!!!
stand up comedy
koi fish
making moodborads
mean people
homophobes, racstis, sexits, etc
Billy Hargrove stans/defenders
taylor swift haters (you don't have to like her, thats fine! but please do not make the fact that you dont like her my problem <3)
on that note, people who make their feeling my problem
people who don't like mike wheeler, robin buckley, max mayflied or lucas sinclair
Footloose (1984)
It (2017)
Ghostbuster Frozen Empire (2024)
When you finish saving the world (2023)
The breakfast club (1985)
call my by you name (2019)
TV shows!
dance moms (2011-2017)
rupaul's drag race
stranger things (2016-)
taylor swift (betty, cowboy like me, mad woman, flordia!!!)
kate bush (#1 ARMY DREAMERS STAN, hounds of love, running up that hill)
Fleetwood mac (landslide, dreams, the chain)
Hozier (Work song, From eden, angel of small death and the codeine scene)
Frank ocean (pyramids, pink + white, chanel, )
Sabrina Carpenter (espresso, nonsense, feather)
chappell roan (after midnight, red wine supernova, hot to go, casual)
tv girl (blue hair, lovers rock, the blonde, not allowed, taking whats not yours)
oasis (champagne supernova)
the backseat lovers (olivia, snowbank blues, watch your mouth, intuition)
queen (killer queen, somebody to love)
cyndi lauper (time after time)
the smiths (there is a light that never goes out, panic, this charming man, back to old house)
sza (broken clocks, the weekend, prom)
harry styles (cherry, fine line, little freak)
favorite people ever !
@hearteyes-wheeler @mqstermindswift @her-midas-touch @byerswheeler @daydream-of-a-wallflower @dowhatgivesupeace @t0tiredforthis @byler2025 @bylertruth3r @starsarefire824 @byler-alarmist @clingybyler @willbyersoffical @crzytoogetherr @bylersbear01
follow these people!
if you liked what you seen so far, maybe kinda sorta consider giving me a follow ill be forever grateful! love you! mean it! bye for now <3
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tokuvivor · 11 days
Hello, my duck-loving friends. In lieu of @violetganache42 providing highlights from last night’s Movie Night (Duckburg Adventures edition), I’ll actually be taking a crack at it.
Chef Donald
Ass shot opening
@shewhowantsmouseears: “This is one of those ‘Donald is trying to live his life and god said fuck you’ shorts, I can tell already”
Trans Donald talk (egg laying)
Waffle misadventures ensue when Donald pours rubber cement into the batter
He’s gonna get his waffles or die trying
Donald’s angry squawk
Taking his anger out on Old Mother Mallard
Seriously, what did she do?
Send in the Clones
@writebackatya comparing the ‘87 theme to Hall and Oates
Breaking the rules of strictly Duckburgian adventures
Beagle Boys sounding like Meowth
Magica’s voice sounding more Slavic than Italian
Mel and I making references to Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle
Dewey’s voice changing?
The Beagle Boys (as the triplets) not wanting to wear their suit jackets
OG Webby!
Webra Walters with the Baba Wawa voice (shoutout early SNL)
Everyone is confused by the clones
“I haven’t eaten in minutes.”
Theme song moment!
Scrooge racism moment
Huey as Chicken Little
Splatter Phoenix is art lesbian Jesus
Another theme song moment!
“Banned!” “That’s my joke!”
Daytrip of Doom!
Missy wanting to smash Scrooge
Webby is scary (and adorable)
Beakley being mad about Scrooge reconnecting with his family
“Ow, my tailbone!”
“Uh…ocupado.” “House meeting. NOW.”
@alex31624 singing the Spanish DuckTales theme
Louie sitting away from the other kids
Dana Terrace!
Beakley’s rules
“Wait, are they gonna kiss?”
Funso’s Fun Zone (“Where fun is in the zone!”)
Dewey definitely taught his brothers to harmonize
Webby autism moments (there are many in this episode, believe me)
Will talking about the parallels between Daytrip of Doom! and Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!
“Unrealistic for children to act like that.” Bitch what
Webby’s first time on a bus
Beagle Boys!
Fuckin’ Timmy Jenkins
Louie showing Webby the ropes
Jane! (Will, you’ve convinced me on just how great she is)
Not water
Jane tries to help Webby
Fruity water
Jane and Gandra are definitely friends
Uke or Puke!
Beakley basically watching a Donald Duck cartoon
HDLW siblings real
Ma Beagle in the house!
Margo Martindale is a legend
Comparison to Mama Fratelli from The Goonies
Episode with ‘87 vibes (this and The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!)
Webby wants to be normal
“Normal’s overrated.” “We need you to be Webby normal.”
Discussing autistic episodes
Webby getting the best of Ma
Donald hug
“I’m on Webby’s team!” -HDL
How did Donald not know Beakley was a spy?
Dough Ray Me
White Fenton jumpscare
@godfrey-the-chaos-duck and Will: “You know what else has an arcade?” “My mom!” “…the server.”
Fenton taller than Scrooge
Ghostbusters reference!
Fenton being voiced by a guy named Hamilton and Hamilton himself
OG Gyro
Lin-Manuel Miranda being a legend for saying this
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Godfrey putting the do-re-mi pun together
Gyro being an ass to Fenton in ‘17 is karma for ‘87
Fenton’s vampire look
Minor Fenro discourse
Economics lesson!
HSM reference (status quo)
Nice jail cell
German inflation after WWI
Club Penguin reference (there were a few mentions of Club Penguin last night)
Gosalyn would take advantage of fraudulent allowance
Scrooge is pissed
To the moon (like Della)
Going full Peter Griffin
Beakley needs booze (also, Lady Olivia reference)
Reference to a fic about Scrooge having a mental breakdown regarding his riches (Cape Town, 1913)
Swimmin’ Hole
Pete Hate Club is back
He took the swimming hole!
Electric fence
“We killed Holey!”
@violetganache42 and I referencing the Suite Life PRNDL scene
Bambi reference
Mickey is too nice
Who is Gizmoduck?!
Spam’s love for Mark Beaks
Huey helping Donald at the bank
Everyone is threatening Huey tonight
Huey’s big eyes when Roxanne Featherly interviews him
Goldie O’Gilt as a Christ figure
Incompetently dangerous or dangerously incompetent?
Mark and his ship names
The Gearloose Hay Wire
Huey climbing up Gizmoduck
Mark is Jasmine from Aladdin
Fenton’s destiny
“You will be mine.”
Gyro firing Fenton
Huey being extra
“In the recycling, you monster!”
Mark being racist
That’s not Gizmoduck!
“I am not your amigo.”
More Huey climbing
Fenton sacrifices himself…but he’s alive!
He still can’t get his damn respect from Gyro, though
Waddleduck song in the ending credits!
The Good Muddahs
Webby episode!
No one wants to play with her
Someone please give this child a hug
Beagle Babes!
Why do they have globes on their chests?
Pink gun
They got Webby!
Beakley said “hussies” holy shit
Thugs and kisses…
The cops in this episode are immensely fucking stupid and useless
Beagle Babes with Webby
They’re trying, and so far, they’re failing
That’s not Cinderella
Okay they’re bonding with her good
Shoplifting list!
Pulling a gun on your sister
@hueberryshortcake: “She has two ladylike charms. Sorry.”
Beakley is pissed
Bubba nose
They found Webby! She doesn’t want to leave, though. But what if…
Webby with a gun help
Bagel Beebs
The boys driving the car
Beagle Babes reformed…wait, they want to go back to jail
Happy Birthday, Doofus Drake!
Team Magic!
Tempest in a teapot
Missy’s love for Della
Legends of Legendquest!
“Scariest bunny in the pet shop”
Scheme Team ready to go
Huey farming
Della’s snatched waist
Beagle Boys sweep!
“Hellowyn, Llewellyn.”
Honey Bin
Percival P. Peppington (knockoff Willy Wonka)
The child! (Boyd)
Glomgold and Sharkbomb!
“Grandma…OW!…super young aunt”
“Hi, I’m BOYD!”
Lester’s Possum Park
The Duke
A wild Launchpad appears!
Goldie’s legs
Glomgold-Sharkbomb fight!
“Don’t tell me what to DOOOOO!”
Boyd and Gumball sharing a VA
Not the farm!
Goku Huey!
Beaks Optimistic Youth Droid
Boyd goes berserk!
“I swore after last year no one’s eyes would melt out of their heads!”
Goldie betraying Louie
Fucked-up Boyd moment, continued
“It’s over 9,000!”
“This is worse.”
Boyd is Doofus’ new brother
Mr. and Mrs. Drake growing spines and punishing Doofus
Accidental Timephoon! reference?
Huey’s in too deep
Louie’s picture in Goldie’s wallet!
And there you go! Better late than never, I guess. I tried to get in as much as I could. If I missed anything, feel free to add.
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spenglerssweetheart · 3 months
My Kind of Girl.
Winston Zeddemore x Musician!reader
In a case where Winston has to reject another for a chance with his kind of girl.
use of Y/n, rejection, secondhand embarrassment, slightly (barely) mean reader.
Takes place 1990, a couple of weeks after the events of vigo
Small note, I initially wanted this to be based off of New Editions ‘You’re not my kind of girl’ But as I wrote this, I’m listening to Cleo Sol and this woman is just wonderful so. Here’s what I’ve been listening to as I write, and I hope you enjoy it as you read!!
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Being someone who sang, while being the partner of a ghostbuster, wasn’t as easy. But it wasn’t exactly hard. Tonight was hopefully one of her biggest gigs in a small jazz club, and Winston was hopefully going to be there to see her perform.
As the evening rolled around, Y/n could simply walk around the dress and rehearsal rooms, mostly singing to herself, nervous as she hadn’t met Winston’s friends and coworkers. She tried her best to calm herself down, sitting in front of her mirror, one of her bandmates coming up as she took in a few deep breaths.
“We’re on in 5” They said and she nodded, standing up and going over to grab her bass guitar and microphone. She and her bandmates alternated songs every other show, and she’d be opening this time. Y/n could hear the sound of ‘New edition’ playing in the meantime before they went up.
“Alright, so we’re starting off with Y/n’s two songs, and then Eliza’s and then Me and Willow’s songs” Vena’s Bandmate, Sage said as they gathered around her. Vena nodded twirling her mic in hand as she looked at everyone around her. “We’re gonna be here a while, but I believe in all of you, you’re all amazing and I love you all” Y/n grinned, giving them all high-fives and side hugs before they began going up on the small stage.
Gladly enough, Winston was right where Y/n could spot him. She gave him a small wink, before she placing her mic into its stand, making sure it was on before she started off. “First of all, I want to thank all of you, for coming out tonight, for coming to listen to all of the small bands and artists that have come to play for you. We all really appreciate it, We are love. We are Illusion” she said with a small smile before looking back at Willow who was on drums before giving her a nod.
Y/n could hear willow start off with a soft snare before she began with her bass, a simple melody, very calming. Eliza and Sage were handling some of the softer instruments before Y/n’s voice started out into the mic.
“Old wounds, old fights. Another day, goes by” she sang out “I’m not playing by the rules, they can’t take me for no fool” She continued, her eyes glancing over to Winston and his table, a small smile gracing her face. She had told him that she’d been writing a song meant for him, but she never showed him.
Winston on the other hand, couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. His head was silently nodding along to the music, the look of pure love in his eyes as he watched his girl sing. He couldn’t focus on anything else, only wanting to pay attention to her, and by the look in her eyes, he knew that, this was his song.
As he continued to listen, a girl went to sit at their table, noticeably next to Winston. When he took notice of this, he noticed the song was almost over, but the way Y/n’s vocals changed captured him once more, focusing his attention to his girl once again. Up on the stage, Y/n could see everything, keeping a straight face as they began to finish up her first song, and transition into the next.
As the next song began, Y/n focused her attention elsewhere, specifically spotting a different girl, much younger than she was and focused on her. As she sang, she put much more emotion into the way she did so. The feeling of jealousy was creeping up a little bit, but she knew she’d be alright.
“Young love, I want you to value your light. I see that you’re searching for peace of mind” She sang out, nodding out softly before the others continued with her. Winston could see her demeanor change and glanced over to the girl besides him. “I’m sorry, Do I know you?” He asked the girl as she looked up at him, shaking her head. “No but you could” She replied sweetly batting her eyes at him. “How about you get to know me sweetheart, I’m Peter-“ “Sorry, I was talking to him” The girl said sarcastically, giving him the eyes once again. Y/n watched, just as she had started to move, making way for Eliza, using quick and easy transitions between songs.
After all the songs were over, there was much applause for all of them, and each of them stood up and gave beaming smiles and took a bow, before stepping off. They were the last ones to play, and they were honestly kind of glad. Once they had finished putting their things away backstage, Y/n was quick to slightly push past everyone, desperately wanting to see Winston. As she walked up, she could see that the girl was definitely the one chatting her head off to him.
Winston was definitely keeping the conversation short, wanting to see Y/n with an urgency. He hadn’t realized that his girl was standing not too far from them, listening to every word the girl who was so desperately trying to hook arms with Winston. “So what’s your type? Y’know- your kind of girl?” The girl had asked, and Winston was quick to respond. “Not you. Sorry but you’re not my kind of girl” He said, scooting away slightly. “She is though” Winston said, a small grin painting his face as he spotted Y/n. She walked over, her face neutral as she did so.
Y/n acted as if she didn’t see the girl and walked over to Winston, smiling softly as he stood up and handed her flowers, anything but roses as she was allergic. Winston was quick to place a chaste kiss to her lips before his hand slipped around her waist, pulling her close. He gave her one last look over before Y/n began to introduce herself. “Hello, I’m Y/n, and I’m assuming that you guys are Winston’s co-workers?” She asked softly, unsure if she was doing alright. She held her hand out for them to shake, shaking Peter’s who gave the back of her hand a gentle kiss as if he had a chance, and Ray who gave her a firm shake. Egon was gentle, giving her a gentle nod as well, before she began to pull her hand back.
“I’m Peter, this is Ray, and that’s Egon with the glasses” Peter began, not noticing how Y/n began to wipe the back of her hand on her skirt. “It’s nice to meet you all. And who’s this?” She asked, acting clueless. She had put the girl on the spot, and she could tell at how she immediately turned red. The guys, including Winston all looked away, acting as if they didn’t know who she was. “Right. Exactly what I thought. Get up” Y/n said softly, but her voice stern. The girl had began to stand, giving Y/n a once over before Y/n began to lean in to whisper to her.
Once Y/n pulled away, she gave the now pale girl a fake smile and watched as she quickly walked away, glancing back at her before making her way completely out of the club. Y/n sat, content with herself and looked down at the flowers. “What did you tell her?” Peter asked, a chuckle leaving his lips as he sat back to sip from his beer. Y/n gave him a slight look. “Nothing but that I may or may not do something that would’ve gotten me in trouble back when the witch trials were a thing” she said, sort of tilting her head. “You’re a witch?” Ray asked, sort of in disbelief. His small quirk made Y/n smile softly, setting her drink down.
“I mean, yeah, mostly. Though it’s not what everyone makes it out to be y’know?” She said softly. “And no that doesn’t mean I can do spells right here” she said softly, giving him a small smile. It was clear that she had been joking, but was quick to throw in a small ' I'm joking' In case that anyone misunderstood. The girl was quick to look around, allowing the others to begin to talk amongst themselves. Winston Knew that Y/n wasn't a very social person so he allowed her to quickly introduce herself before mostly doing whatever it is she could do.
Egon could see that she was a somewhat reserved person like he was, not always taking the opportunity to talk about their interests or anything personal. Y/n could feel his gaze on her, and she glanced up at him, seeing the way that he was watching her every move like a hawk. She was quick to give him a small nod before getting up to grab another drink, whispering that into Winstons ear.
Sooner or later, everyone decided to depart from each other, small good nights shared amongst bodies. Y/n And Winston were the last ones to leave the bar, hand in hand as they walked through the streets. "So, who was that girl?" Y/n asked softly, looking up at her boyfriend, a teasing smile playing on her lips. "Not my kind of girl that's for sure" He chuckled before gently pulling her in for a deep kiss, thankful that the sidewalk was empty.
So my loves. I said I'd be gone, I was and Now I'm partly back. There's still a lot going on, I just completed a couple of things for school, but I'm not finished completely. You guys will be getting surprise fics like this one, because I find that if I tell you guys, I dont get it complete. (October for example) So moving in silence is my best option. I love you guy's so very much, I hope you enjoyed, and have a great time where ever you are. Love you bunches, xox
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shy-urban-hobbit · 8 months
Halloween Lamden!!
CW for harassment.
"I still can't believe that's your idea of a costume." Jaskier said with a shake of his head as he downed yet another shot the bartender handed over to him, courtesy of some fan. It had been a really good set. He'd performed here a few times before and between the Halloween staples of songs such as 'Thriller' and 'Ghostbusters', the owner had been more than happy to let Jaskier perform some seasonal originals he'd been working on and they'd gone down a treat with the revellers.
"I'm wearing shades indoors. It counts." Lambert said, tapping the black frames and grabbing the next shot and downing it before Jaskier could even think to protest, trying not to wince at the overly sweet, fruity concoction. Apparently it was now more likely you were going to wake up after a night out with a cavity rather than a raging hangover.
"Just barely. Everyone else in here made an effort!"
"Too much of an effort in some cases." Lambert smirked moving his head to exaggeratedly look Jaskier up and down as the musician sat fanning himself with one hand, pausing briefly to flash the raven haired man the middle finger.
He'd gone for what he claimed was "Glam rock Dracula" and Lambert was loath to admit he'd made a pretty decent job of pulling it off. A black sequined peasant shirt which made Lambert feel itchy just looking at it, tight leather trousers with black rhinestones down the outside seams, paired with a black faux fur jacket that looked more like feathers from a distance and black platform heels. The look completed by dramatic black and red makeup and foundation pale enough to make his already fair skin look damn near ethereal underneath the club lights, his plastic fangs sitting on the bar next to him (turns out it was a total bitch trying to drink while wearing them).
Geralt and Yennefer had gone the classic Dracula and Bride of Dracula couples costume, with Yennefer meeting Jaskier's joke about people thinking he was their third with a "More like our Igor."
Which caused Jaskier to sulk and pout that "That isn't even the right fucking story, Yen." Lambert was pretty sure she'd gotten it wrong just to annoy the other man.
Eskel had put in an appearance as the wolf man. Complete with torn shirt, monster contacts and fake fur spirit gummed onto the back of his hands. He'd made his exit not long after Jaskier had finished his set, wanting to support his friend but not wanting to stick around. Halloween had never really been his favourite holiday but even less so since his accident. He found masks claustrophobic, prosthetics irritated the scar tissue and people constantly asking him about his "realistic make-up" got old fast. He was content to celebrate by binging on fun sized candy and watching B rated horror movies.
And Lambert? Lambert had thrown on a black muscle shirt along with his black jeans and boots and a pair of shades and just told anybody who asked that he was "His security." Whilst pointing at Jaskier (and ignoring Jaskier's grumblings about how saying he was his Familiar would be more in character whenever he was in earshot). Lambert had nothing against Halloween itself, it just pissed him off whenever he got dragged to anything where fancy dress was mandatory. It just seemed wasteful spending money on clothes and props that'd just get thrown into the back of the closet never to be seen again (at least, that's the excuse his mum had given - among others - whenever he'd asked why they never went to costume parties, or went trick or treating).
Jaskier had become enamoured with a sexy bumblebee who had sidled up to him during the lull in conversation and Geralt and Yennefer had disappeared about ten minutes ago to try and find some dark corner to do whatever the hell people tried to do when both parties were wearing fake fangs, leaving Lambert free to people watch. The DJ who had taken over was seemingly just replaying the classics Jaskier had already sung but at this point in the night people were either too drunk or too hyped to care. He hooked his shades into the neck of his shirt as his eyes wandered over various interpretations of cartoon characters and superheroes - some he recognised, most he didn't - and a handful of what he guessed to be meme references, interspersed with the traditional monster costumes.
He straightened up on his barstool when his eyes fell on one zombie costume in particular, or rather, the man wearing it. He looked pissed as hell and from the looks of it with good reason as he held another guy dressed as a poor man's Phantom of the Opera at arms length with a hand to his skinny chest, scowling as he yelled something while Phantom was looking at him with the kind of sleazy smile that made Lambert's skin crawl and he wasn't even the one it was aimed at. Zombie made to turn and walk away before Phantom grabbed at his hand and reeled him back. Lambert caught a brief flash of fear on Zombie's face before the anger returned as he turned to give a more forceful push this time, Phantom laughing like it was all a big game.
Fuck this.
Lambert's feet had carried him across the dancefloor before his brain had even fully registered what he was doing. He clapped a hand down heavily on Phantom's shoulder, causing both men to pause in their altercation and stare at him, "Let him go and piss off." Lambert growled into the man's ear.
He flashed Lambert what he obviously thought was a charming smile (and what Lambert thought made him look slightly constipated), "What? It's just a misunderstanding, it's all good."
"Not from where I'm standing. He doesn't want you touching him."
Zombie proved his point by using the lapse in concentration to yank his arm free, "That's exactly what I told him right after he groped my ass for the second time." He yelled in an accent Lambert couldn't quite place, sharp white teeth flashing from under black painted lips.
"C'mon man, you know how the game goes." He petitioned Lambert like they were old college buddies or something, "He's just playing hard to get."
Zombie looked about two seconds away from clawing this guys eyes out and Lambert was tempted to let him. Instead he threw him a warning look which, to his surprise, the other heeded. Didn't stop him from trying to kill the douche with the power of his stare though.
"Look pal, either you leave here on your own two feet, or I drag you by that three dollar cape and throw your ass out onto the kurb myself. Your choice."
"What the fuck? Who the fuck even are you man?"
Lambert smirked dangerously at him, "Security."
Phantom floundered for a few seconds before looking angrily back at Zombie, as if this were somehow his fault, "Whatever. Frigid bitch." And then to Lambert, "This place sucks anyway."
"Oh my god, thank you." He sighed, taking the empty stool next to the one Lambert reoccupied. Now that he wasn't distracted, Lambert saw that he was fairly dark skinned under the ashy makeup. His tight fitting jeans and shirt were artfully ripped and torn in a way that might be called stylish if they weren't covered in fake gore and mud, someone had covered his tightly curled hair in what looked like talc and something else to give the illusion of grave dirt, one of his eyes was clouded but Lambert was unsure whether that was part of the costume or genuine and he wasn't about to ask, "My knight in....black cotton, apparently."
"No problem. Would've happily punched him in the face if I knew it wouldn't escalate shit. You ok?"
Zombie laughed, "I was about three seconds away from doing that myself before you stepped in. You saved me from having to grovel to my brother after getting blacklisted by another club."
Lambert raised an eyebrow, there was a story there.
"Hey, what time does your shift end? I'd like to buy you a drink. Nothing weird." They quickly added, holding both hands up, "Just as a thanks."
"Oh, I don't work here." Lambert said, leaning on the bartop.
Zombie's brow scrunched in confusion, "But, you told that guy you're security. And the outfit-"
"Is the worst costume ever!" Jaskier exclaimed, leaning forwards on his own stool to peer around at whoever Lambert was talking to, "My Security is not a valid costume option."
Zombie tilted his head as he appraised Jaskier's outfit, "If you're supposed to be a vampire, wouldn't Familiar be more accurate anyway?"
Jaskier grinned so widely and smugly his fangs almost fell back onto the bar top, "Hah! Vindication! I like you..."
"Aiden. I'm Jaskier and Mr. No - Imagination here is Lambert if he's not told you already. Now, what's this I heard about punching somebody?"
Jaskier's face grew darker as the other two filled him in and he had to be talked out of marching into the back to the main office to chew out the acting manager about their "fucking non existent security." before getting helpfully distracted by another sexy insect (a butterfly this time).
Lambert felt oddly touched at Aiden's concern over him getting into trouble for impersonating club staff - a worry that was put to bed by Lambert pointing out with a shrug and a bucketful of mock innocence that even if anybody found out; he'd just told the creep that he was security, he never said who's exactly. Not Lambert's fault if the guy just assumed he worked here. Aiden had laughed at that and bought Lambert another drink.
"I should get going." Aiden said, finishing the last of his drink (the third they'd shared), "I need to make sure I'm up early enough to get revenge on the siblings who abandoned me here. Although." He flashed Lambert a shy smile. Totally different from the wide, dimpled things he'd been sporting for the last couple of hours and one that for some reason made Lambert's stomach flip, "Perhaps I should be thanking them instead."
Lambert poured all of his concentration into not blushing while he downed his own drink to prevent his mouth from coming out with something stupid.
Aiden pulled something out of his wallet, scrawling on it with what Lambert thought might be the stub of an eyeliner pencil fished from his pocket, "Here." He held out a small rectangle Lambert recognised as a business card, "I'd really like to talk to you again when I'm not covered in three layers of face paint and fake blood. Call me?"
Lambert nodded, their fingers brushing as he took the card, "I'll text you my number. You ok getting home?"
Aiden's smile widened adorably as he nodded, "Different sibling lives two streets away and I have a key. I'll see you around." Aiden held a hand up in a final farewell before making his way to the exit and disappearing in the crowd of departing party goers.
Lambert gave a private smile as he absently flipped the card over and saw Aiden's little hand written "Happy Halloween, Knight." complete with a little doodle of a smiley ghost. He dug his phone out to text the number on the other side. Happy Halloween indeed.
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