#omg this also goes with my wip but more on that later
ambeauty · 3 months
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Finna write a one shot about this look. Mmhmm yep yep yep! Thank you Vogue 🤭
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juyeonszn · 4 months
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PAIRING kevin moon x f!reader
GENRES angst ﹒little bit of fluff ﹒little bit of smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, reader is better than me cause i would not let kevin do all the shit he’s done 😭, ANYWAY i digress, this part is very reader-centric — whereas part one is very kevin-centric, inner turmoil goes absolutely crazy, most of this fic is reader putting kevin in his place and him realizing how big of an asshole he truly is, mentions of injury (past tense), mentions of insecurity, lots of arguing, reader cries at one point or another, the smut places a very minimal role in this, but unprotected sex, public sex (the auditorium dressing room), no foreplay but wtv we fall like soldiers in battle, pussy job lowkey (high key…), creampie, lmk if i missed anything!
SUMMARY it wasn’t like you and kevin hated each other. in fact, you quite admired him despite his somewhat indifferent attitude toward you. well, now that you’re paired up for the last dance of the year, you guess it’s the perfect time to find out why.
MORE oh my god. it’s finally fucking here. A MONTH, 2 SICKNESSES AND MANY MANY STRESSFUL NIGHTS LATER— part two of princess and the pauper is here!!! i’m so sorry to those of u who have been itching and waiting on me to get ‘er done,,, it’s been an ordeal to say the least, and while it’s nearing the two month mark since the black out or back out collab was announced, SHE FINALLY FINISHED!!! for once i saw something through omg i can sleep peacefully and work on my other wips without guilt now… 😭 ALSO THANK U SO MUCH MAYA @/kimsohn FOR PUSHING ME THROUGH THIS and for making me thug it out bc without u it definitely would’ve taken much longer to finish 💔 please dont forget to read part one and the other fics in the series if u haven’t!! both are linked below! and as always, pls reblog if u enjoyed <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel @ericlvr @sunwooverse @kimsohn
TAGLIST @millksea @deobibbang @deobi0412
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Never in your life have you felt so… Confused.
It wasn’t just confusion that settled deep in the pit of your stomach. There was a sharp pain there too, like someone stabbed you and twisted the knife. That was probably the best way to describe what you were feeling. You were bleeding out, and no one was coming to save you.
Kevin wasn’t answering your calls. He wasn’t answering your texts. He ran out of the lecture hall as soon as class was over, never giving you a moment to speak to him. It was making you nervous.
You still had half of a dance to choreograph and a fuck ton of pressure riding on your back. After the last performance you and him did together, you’d have a lot of eyes on you. It most definitely wasn’t your fault that he dropped you. How many people willingly want to acquire a broken ankle? The crutches were a bitch to maneuver around with. But like every single thing that’s happened in the three years you’ve known Kevin Moon, he’s managed to place the blame on you like it was.
It was crucial that you make amends with him even if it was momentarily. Your final grades were dependent on your performance. If he couldn’t get his shit together for at least that, he was a lost cause in your mind. Not even your professor would be able to refute that fact. Actually, nobody would be able to refute that fact.
Your lips form an O as you blow the steam away from your coffee, pulling out your phone to try Kevin’s phone once again. The line rings a few times before going straight to voicemail like it has the past couple weeks. You kiss your teeth, tying your sweater around your waist as you slump in your chair. The baristas at the campus cafe were probably sick of seeing you sitting in the same high-top counter spot since the incident with Kevin in the studio.
Ji Changmin appears beside you and you click your phone off, so he wouldn’t see his friend’s contact on the screen. You give the Early Childhood Dev major a weak smile.
“Changmin! What’s up? How are you and your girlfriend?” You hope he can’t recognize the distress written all over your features. You highly doubt it, though. You can feel the wrinkles pulling at your skin.
“We’re good! How’s the showcase performance going with Kev?” He asks like he knows something you don’t. When your lips fall to a thin line, an all too familiar grimace, he sighs a knowing sigh. “Do I have to smack some sense into him?”
“Not gonna lie, yeah, you do. He’s being really fucking difficult and like half of our dance is unfinished. I can’t even get a hold of him, so I’m starting to lose my patience.” You express your annoyance. The border between complacency and free-will was a lot slimmer than one might think. For example; your feelings when it comes to Kevin Moon.
You don’t expect to get a returning call later that night when you’re washing dishes after dinner.
In fact, you don’t even hear it at first, too absorbed in scrubbing the staining out of your bowl. It’s when your roommate yells out to you, that you snap out of your reverie, albeit dazedly. You dry your hands on a nearby tea towel, hitting the green answer button without a second glance at the caller ID.
“Are you free tomorrow?”
Your heart catches in your throat. You recognize the owner of the voice practically by the first breath into the receiver alone. It’s actually kind of unhealthy how quickly it took to realize who was on the other end. You swallow heavily, praying he doesn’t hear the gulp.
“In the latter part of the afternoon, I believe. Why?” You try not to sound hopeful. That’s one thing you’ve learned being in the same vicinity as Kevin Moon. You could never be too expecting, because it would only lead to disappointment. And you’d dealt with enough of that the past few years.
“We need to finish this fuck ass choreography,” he grunts, and it takes everything in you to bite your tongue. “I’ll meet you in the same studio at 4.”
He doesn’t let you get anything else in, hanging up swiftly. You deflate as you set your phone back on the counter. All you had to do was push through these next couple weeks, like you always have when it came to him.
That should be a piece of cake, right?
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“No, that looks stupid.”
You grit your teeth, swiping the back of your hand on your forehead. You’d been inside of this studio maybe 30 minutes tops, and you were on the verge of strangling Kevin. With as long as you’d been putting up with his shit, you thought getting through this wouldn’t be as rough as it’s been. But if there was one thing Kevin Moon had, it was pride.
“We don’t have time for you to nitpick right now. Let’s just finish the choreography and clean it after.” Your hands rest on your hips, nostrils flaring.
“If we clean as we go, we’ll have more time to drill it into our systems and get down muscle memory. It’ll be a stronger performance.” He argues. You roll your eyes as you turn away from him, taking a water break to calm yourself. “Why do you have so much fucking attitude today? You were the one preaching to the choir about me making things difficult. It seems the tables have turned.”
Usually, you were pretty good at keeping your frustration at bay when it came to Kevin’s remarks. You liked to think it was because you were down bad for the guy, despite him always wanting nothing to do with you. But as of late, (Read: Since your performance of Princess and the Pauper) every little comment he’s made has managed to crawl under your skin like a damn parasite. You were beginning to get real sick of it.
“God, you’re so—“ You interrupt yourself to groan, fingers curling into fists. “You’re fucking insufferable. Do you know that? I’ve been bending over backwards to ensure we aren’t kicked out of the goddamn program and you don’t even fucking care. Over what? A kiss that you initiated?”
Kevin is stunned into silence, not at all prepared for you to blow up on him like that. After all, that razor thin line between complacency and free-will had yet to be crossed. And well, it appears that you just crossed it. You whip around toward him, pulling down the collar of your t-shirt to reveal the faintest of bruises that still remains from your impromptu act of intimacy.
“I’ve had to look at this every day for a week and all it’s done is make me feel shitty, ashamed of something I didn’t even start. Now I need you to stop acting like an ass and get it together so we can finish this and perform the best dance this university has ever seen.” Your chest is heaving up and down, similarly to when you made out against the mirrors last week. Except this time isn’t out of breathlessness, but rather anger and exhaustion.
Kevin’s eyes don’t leave the hickey on the base of your throat, something undetectable swimming in them as he stares. You can’t read the emotions swirling rampantly in his irises, a mixture of too many blurring into one another. Honestly, it’s funny. It’s funny that it’s taken you this long to get him to shut his mouth for once.
So you laugh.
It’s a snort at first, an off handed projection of how comical the situation has become to you. But then it metamorphoses into a small giggle, which leads to full scale laughter that has you hunching over your knees and wiping away tears. This whole thing is stupid. Absolutely fucking stupid.
“What are you laughing at?” His eyebrow raises in question, broken from his weird trance.
“I just can’t believe it took three years for me to shut you up,” you shake your head slowly, rubbing your eye with the heel of your palm. “You’re always the one who can’t stop talking.”
Kevin deadpans, mouth pulled pin-straight as his expression drops. “You’re so unserious.”
As the height of your laughter reaches a valley, you collapse onto the ground, resting your back against the mirror. You take another long sip of water before sighing. “Look, I know this isn’t ideal. Trust me, I know. But, we’ve gotta set aside our differences just this once. Please, for the sake of the department.”
“Fine,” he murmurs, plopping down beside you to stretch his back. “Let’s finish choreographing so we can start cleaning it up.”
It’s a victory in your book, and probably the most obedient the Pisces has ever been. Maybe this wouldn’t end in complete disaster like you assumed it would. It turns out Kevin Moon wasn’t entirely brainless and knew when he was wrong. Sometimes. Maybe. We’ll see.
You shut your eyes and visualize what you’ve choreographed so far, going over the moves in your head to see if the rest will come to you like a prophecy. It’s wishful thinking, but with how much you’ve accomplished since setting foot in the studio, you’re willing to try anything. The track would be nice for elements of hip hop style choreography, but you knew the audience wouldn’t eat it up as much as they would the route you’re currently taking.
Driver roll up the partition, please…
The song plays through the speakers and you watch as Kevin stands to run through everything you have. You’re entranced by his movements, the flow of his body on certain points. It’ll look ten times better once you’re doing it with him, costumed and performing it perfectly in front of a crowd. You can picture it now, the gentle but controlled glide of his hands along your arms when Beyoncé sings “We ain’t even gonna make it to this club”. He was right. You very well might be seduced by your enemy.
“Should we use props?” You suddenly voice, eyes narrowed in thought. He hums.
“That’s… not a half-bad idea, actually,” his tongue darts out to wet his lips. “What did you have in mind?”
“A chair, maybe,” you look away from him, placing your focus on the way your toes alternate between a tendu and relaxed position. “That could take up a good chunk of the choreo.”
Kevin stalks over to the supply closet in the corner of the studio, pulling out a folding chair. He puts it in the center of the room gently, careful to not scratch up the wooden, lacquered flooring. You spend the next couple of hours brainstorming through numerous versions of the dance. While it was a lot easier than your past practices, there were still the occasional argument over which movements looked good and whatnot.
At a certain point, everything becomes cohesive and the end is near. You gulp down some water as Kevin does some random choreography. It’s then that it comes to you, like a vision from That’s So Raven. You practically drop your water bottle, scrambling to your feet and stopping him. Your breath is heavy from fatigue and you’re slightly afraid of even suggesting this, but it’s exactly what this dance needs. It’s exactly what everyone wants to see from the two of you.
He pauses the music and gestures for you to get on with it. You push down the lump in your throat, scared of rejection. But maybe he was smart and he would agree that this is what you have to do. “What if we did a lift?”
You see the hesitation swirling in his eyes and you raise a finger before he can shut you down entirely. “Nothing crazy like… um— you know— Princess and the Pauper, but something smaller. Something… sexy? Like, Dancing with the Stars type beat.”
When he shrugs instead of outright dismissing your idea, you know you’ve won. He nods slowly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. “Okay, sure. But we better clean up everything else fast so we can perfect the lift.”
The two of you take another three hours running the entirety of the choreography, ingraining the moves into your brains and muscles. You still had a bit until the actual showcase, but your priority now lies with the lift. If you nailed it, the entire department would very well grovel after you in reparation for all of the slack you got after Kevin dropped you. Hell, the entire university would kiss your feet. This was your redemption. In more ways than one.
You both decide to call it a day at around 9:30 PM. Your hands reach for your belongings and then you halt yourself, a thought coming to mind. While you had him in this weird state of obedience, you figured it was as good a time as any to ask the question that’s been weighing on you for the past few years. Your fingers swipe away the sweat beading around your hairline.
”Kevin,” you start, voice a lot softer than before. “Why do you— what did I do to make you dislike me so much?”
He’s caught completely off guard, eyes widening in surprise. If he was anticipating you to say anything else prior to parting ways tonight, he didn’t think this would be it. He’s actually a little off put that you hadn’t asked him this already in the span of your definitely-one-sided rivalry. He takes a large gulp of water.
”I’d call it indifference, not dislike,” he corrects after a pregnant silence. “It’s really fucking stupid thinking about it in hindsight. I don’t know if you remember this time, way back in our first year, we ran into each other at the campus cafe— literally, might I add— and you spilled your coffee all over this white shirt of mine that Changmin had gotten for me as a birthday gift. I only recently found out that it wasn’t as expensive as he made it out to be.”
You blink at his admission, processing his words as thoroughly as possible. You don’t know what you wanted him to say. You weren’t even sure if there was a concrete reason for him to be so fucking mean to you all this time. And now that you know, you come to the conclusion that Kevin Moon isn’t as smart as you’ve painted him out to be in your head. He’s actually a gigantic idiot. Because who in their right mind goes through these lengths to form a distance between the only other person on par with their talent?
Before you can stop yourself, you’re bursting into another fit of laughter. Kevin falters at your reaction. He was waiting for you to blow up on him, to scream in his face for causing you so much pain and unnecessary drama over something so silly. So when you do none of that, when you start fucking laughing like a damn hyena, he feels dumb. Like his entire college career has been built off of nothing.
”This is so—“ you pause to gather your bearings, wiping away the tears that managed to escape. “We’ve spent so much time going back and forth over some spilled coffee? Surely you’ve realized how insane that is at some point.”
”It took a lengthy argument with Changmin, but yeah, I did,” he nods, adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”
You worry your lower lip between your teeth, finally getting your things together. The two of you bid each other an awkward goodbye. Neither of you knew what to make of your relationship now that things had been partially sorted through. There was a fuck ton of baggage that still had to be sifted, but at least you had an answer.
That was enough to push through this showcase performance. You think.
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You’re nervous.
Never in your entire life have you ever been this nervous for a performance.
You grew up doing musical theatre and dancing, it’s always been the one constant presence you could rely on. But standing here, backstage at the showcase, you think you’re going to throw up. Your palms are clamming up uncontrollably and your chest feels unbearably heavy as you watch the quartet doing a contemporary piece to some ballad you couldn’t be bothered to remember the name of. There were still a couple groups before you.
Not even when you had to perform fuckass Princess and the Pauper were you this anxious. You wince, trying to stop the incessant bouncing of your leg. Your weight keeps shifting from one hip to the other. As a seasoned veteran, you don’t know why you feel this way. Maybe it had to do with all the pressure riding on this very dance. Every single eye in that crowd was going to scrutinize your every move on that stage.
“Calm down,” a voice whispers harshly from beside you. “You’re making me nervous.”
Kevin wraps his fingers around your wrist, stopping the annoying tap-tap-tap your own were doing against your thigh. He gives you a look, and you sigh. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
That’s a lie. Not only was the high expectations from the entire school getting to you, but so was the fear of history repeating itself. He knows this, it was inevitable. After what happened the last time he was tasked with lifting you, it was only natural.
”We’ve drilled this dance hundreds, if not thousands, of times, Y/N. We’ll do just fine.” Kevin assures you.
His hand feels foreign holding yours, like it was illegal for his skin to be touching your own. You feel your lower lip quiver, a sense of trepidation that you’ve never once felt creeping down your spine. Your mind was spiraling, and quite honestly, Kevin being so close was making it worse. All you could think about was him dropping you again, leaving you in the middle of the stage with a broken leg and a broken heart. You release a shaky breath and he turns to face you.
Your eyes widen and he searches your face for any disingenuity. When he finds his answer, he brings the hand that was holding yours up to cup your cheek. He’s cautious, afraid he might break you like he always does. He waits for you to shove him away and to yell at him for being a fucking coward.
You don’t. You stay still, hoping he follows through with what you think he’s about to do. And then he does.
It’s such a featherlight peck of his lips on your own, you almost don’t even register. But sparks shoot from the source all the way to the tips of your fingers. You feel as if you were dealt a static shock of electricity, your whole body buzzing from the small kiss alone.
He pulls away just in time for the stage manager to inform you that you’re next. Kevin rolls his neck jogging over to the wings to patiently await your performance like he hadn’t just kissed you a moment ago. You blink dumbly, two fingers coming up to touch where his lips had been. Sure the nerves were gone now, but the sensation of butterflies swarming about in your stomach easily replaced that. What the fuck was his problem?
“Our last performance is one I’m sure all of you have been waiting for. Kevin Moon and Y/N L/N with Partition!”
Before you know it, you and Kevin are in position, your body squared upstage and his to the crowd. Your eyes are closed, but you can feel his arm wrapped around your waist and his steady breathing on your nose. The spotlight switches on, the heat of the lighting warm against the side of your face. It’s silent in the auditorium, but it rings in your ears. You could do this.
Let me hear you say ‘Hey Miss Carter’…
You move on reflex, muscle memory kicking in instantaneously. Each circle of your hips, every turn you make— a fouetté here, a pirouette there, a couple coupes, each roll of your body. But what really gets you is the long brushes of Kevin’s skin on your own. You’d practiced with distance between the two of you. There was a tension that had been there for years. Now it’s all coming to a rolling boil, a new uncharted tension that every single member in that audience could see.
And then comes the lift.
You, along with everybody in the auditorium, practically hold your breath when Kevin’s hands grip your hips. He raises you above him with all of his strength, completely focused on you and only you. You shut your eyes and feel the moment, like, really feel it. Your body is relaxed, the Dirty Dancing-esque lift bringing the whole performance together just like you knew it would. The only difference from the movie and real life is the fact that you’re flipped, your backside to Kevin and your chest to the ceiling.
Your eyes flutter open, the spotlight all but blinding you, and you finally feel content. Like everything has fallen into the right place for once in your life. Especially so when Kevin sets you down gently and you finish your dance with the utmost confidence.
The crowd erupts into a roaring chorus of applause, going as far as giving you a standing ovation. Holy shit. You pulled it off. You actually managed to pull it off.
Your face feels like it might split from how big your smile is. You and Kevin bow, walking off stage. You’re entirely too happy right now, a newfound energy overtaking you as you trail behind him.
“We did it!” You cheer as you follow him towards the dressing room where your things are. You’re the only ones left backstage, everyone else filtering out between performances. Kevin doesn’t give you much of a response, just a small nod of acknowledgment. Your smile falters. “What the hell is your problem?”
”Nothing, Y/N, fuck. Can you just mind your own fucking business?” He snaps, turning around to glare at you just as the door slams behind you. You instinctively flinch at both loud noises. His features soften but you take a step back from him.
You aren’t sure why you’re surprised. This isn’t anything new. Kevin has always made it crystal clear that he wasn’t your number one fan. Being neutral for your performance wasn’t enough to repair all the holes in whatever your relationship was, and you should’ve known better. You shouldn’t have let your guard down so easily. You should’ve expected this. Old dogs can never learn new tricks.
But Kevin’s scared. He’s afraid of letting you in after all the mess he’s put you through. The only thing he’s good at doing is hurting you, over and over like there was a prize that came out of it.
”No, you listen to me,” you swallow heavily, tears already tight lining your eyes. “Kevin, I have taken so much shit from you. Over these past few years I have just sat there and let you unload all your fucked up insecurities onto me. Have you ever wondered why? Have you ever thought to stop and think about why I let you be so mean to me without even questioning it?”
He says nothing, just stares with his lips parted. They open and close like a fish out of water, words there at the tip of his tongue but refusing to make their escape. And then one of your tears rolls down your cheeks and he’s directly in front you, his heart on his sleeve for the first time since you’ve met him.
”Why?” The simple question is so quiet, you almost don’t hear him. But his eyes hold so much hurt, so much anguish that you’ve never seen in a person before.
“I’ve had feelings for you for so long, it’s actually starting to ache. You’ve only ever seen me as this thing, this obstacle. And I’m afraid that that’s all I’ll ever be to you, because you won’t let me be anything else. You won’t—“
”That’s not true, Y/N,” Kevin sighs, looking off to the side, away from you. “I just— it’s complicated. It’s more than just being rivals.”
”So help me understand,” you frown. “Let me in, please.”
”My entire life I’ve had to work to get to where I am. I’ve fought tooth and nail to be as good of a performer as I am today. There were so many hoops I had to go through to even get into this program and— and I thought I’d finally become the best I could be. I thought that there was no way anyone could ever be better than me. And then you showed up. You and your pretty smile and your natural ability to be the best at everything you do. It was like you were the real life manifestation of all of my critics, of every challenge I faced to get here. Where I had to practice day and night to perfect something, it just came to you like second nature. During Princess and the Pauper, when I dropped you, it truly was an accident. But we’d spent so much time nailing it, that it— I just made myself feel better by saying it was your fault. ‘How could it have been my fault if I perfected it?’ I was jealous and petty and it was just easier to blame hating— to blame my indifference on you spilling coffee on my stupid shirt. For that, I’m sorry.”
You don’t know what you were waiting to hear, but it wasn’t that. Your tears turn into full on blubbering, because what the fuck? That’s so much burden for someone to carry on their shoulders for three years.
“Why are you— why are you crying?” He flounders, reaching up to swipe away your tears.
“I wish I knew… I wish I could’ve helped you somehow,” you sniffle. “Kev, I’ve always admired you and your work ethic. I hoped one day I’d be half as disciplined as you, half as determined.”
He blinks. You’re both dumb, aren’t you? Too focused on the wrong things. You both could’ve been a lot less hateful, a lot less miserable, had you just spoken your differences out. This entire rivalry has been completely one sided, but also built off of plain stupidity and ignorance. He supposes it’s not too late to make amends if you aren’t running in the opposite direction despite everything he’s put you through.
Kevin leans forward, hand still pressed to your cheek, and connects your lips softly. He’s testing the waters, making sure you’re comfortable before he continues anything. When you don’t back away just yet, he adds more force, deepening the kiss like a man starved. You whine against his lips.
This is what you’ve been wanting from him. More than what he gave you before your performance, but not what happened in the studio a few weeks ago. This desperation isn’t abashed lust, it’s unbridled affection— it’s everything he’s holed inside of himself for years, unwilling to let it see the light of day until now. If you were to label anything as perfection, it wouldn’t be a dance or a moment on stage, it would be this. Just you and Kevin finally bringing yourselves together in the most intimately emotional union.
He pulls you closer to him, hands sliding down to grasp at your waist, bunching up the thin fabric of your leotard. You can’t help but bury your fingers in his hair, tugging when he nips at your lower lip. A gasp permeates the air when his mouth travels south, along your jaw and down the side of your neck. He bites and sucks the tender skin at the base of your throat, ensuring he leaves his mark on you. This time isn’t careless, this time he has purpose. He wants everybody to know that you’re his, that you’re the only person insane enough to put up with him.
Your breathing is shaky when you reach behind you to lock the dressing room, dragging him over to the long vanity adjacent to you. He slots between your legs when you hoist yourself onto the surface. He pecks your lips and pauses his movements, rubbing up and down your thighs. In the dim, yellow lighting of the room, you look so gorgeous. He’s always thought you were beautiful, the most stunning thing he’s ever laid his eyes on, but he’s repressed it for so long. He wants to take his time staring at what he’s avoided.
”You’re so pretty,” he says quietly, kissing you again and again and again. “I don’t think I can last long with you.”
“Can we skip the foreplay?” You ask, bottom lip jutted into a pout. “Need you to just fuck me like you mean it.”
Kevin’s forehead falls to your shoulder with a groan. “I don’t deserve you,” God, he’s such an idiot for holding out from this. You should’ve been given the world and so much more. He has a lot of lost time to make up for. He kisses your shoulder with a sigh. “Yeah, baby, I can do that.”
You don’t waste another second, slipping your arms through the sleeves of your leotard. He has to bite down on his tongue when he sees that you’re braless, fingers going slack as they unbutton the rest of his silk shirt. You shimmy out of the one piece, left in nothing but the fishnet stockings you wore underneath and your lacy panties. Kevin thinks he must’ve done at least something right in a past life to experience this.
Your eyes sparkle as you look up at him, undoing his slacks and kicking them down his legs with your feet. Something takes over him when he rips a bigger hole in your stockings, pushing your underwear to the side. His thumb glides through your folds with ease, your slick providing enough lubricant. He pushes your lower lips apart while you busy yourself shoving his underwear to his ankles.
His cock slips inside of you with less friction than he would’ve thought, but he doesn’t complain, screwing his eyes shut as he acclimates to the feeling of your walls surrounding him. You moan, such a soft sound that he nearly loses his balance.
“You feel so good, baby,” he coos, digging his fingers into your hips as he rocks his own. “You’re so so perfect.”
The praise is too much for you, given the circumstances. Your brain is already cloudy, stuffed with what could only be described as cotton. You watch with half lidded eyes as he begins to piston into you at a faster speed. This all feels like a fever dream, something that was only possible in your craziest fantasies. Even then, it seemed unlikely.
“‘M close, Kev,” you whine, unable to stay still and attempting to match his thrusts.
“Already? We’ve only just started, gorgeous.” He laughs, but it’s breathy, strained from the exertion of his body. You hardly have the strength in you to be embarrassed about it, especially since he’s seen you in much worse situations.
You nod frantically, snaking a hand between you to circle your clit with nimble fingers. Kevin halts you and pulls out momentarily, sliding his cock between your folds like it was your hand. The tip catches your sensitive bundle of nerves repeatedly, making you dizzier than you already were.
He presses back into you with ease, resuming his sloppy but animalistic pace. He uses his thumb to continue your handywork, your cunt fluttering around him needily. You’re both losing your sanity quickly, both going batshit insane over the bare minimum. You’ve just needed this for so long, yearned for this moment for a humiliating amount of time.
Your moans start to rise in pitch and he groans. “Fuck, baby, you can cum for me.”
He could cry, he thinks, when your back arches and your legs shake with your orgasm. It hits you like a freight train, triggering his own release just as fast.
You stay like that for a bit, regaining yourselves and comprehending everything that’s just happened. So much for the whole hating each other narrative.
“What does this mean for us?” You suddenly ask, arms hooked around Kevin’s neck. You’re still connected by your lower halves, but he makes no effort to pull away. Part of you likes it that way, it gives you hope that this isn’t a one time affair.
“It’ll be hard for things to change overnight,” he says, massaging your sides. “We have a lot of unresolved issues and insecurities that we still have to push past. But I’m willing to do that with you. I want to take a chance on us.”
Your lips pull into a smile, an expression you don’t think you’ve worn around him genuinely in the years you’ve known him. “I do, too.”
“It’s kind of ironic that it was a performance that tore us apart and brought us back together, don’t you think?” He laughs.
“And we fucked in the dressing room…” You add, glancing to the top corner where a security camera is stationed.
“Maybe we should get out of here before someone checks the footage,” he suggests. “Tau Beta Zeta is conveniently hosting our end of semester party tonight, do you wanna be my plus one?”
“I would be honored.” You grin, pecking his lips tenderly.
Perhaps happy endings existed after all.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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levmada · 3 months
Hi, hope ur having a good day! I really enjoy your fanfics and you are extremely prolific on top of that, I was wondering what your writing process is like (outlining or vibes), what sparks your ideas/motivates you?
wow thank you :D i’m so flattered that you would ask omg😭❤️❤️
for what motivates me… i guess this is a little exposing😭but it explains why i write a lot. out of an abundance of issues past and present, and not much support irl, i fixate on media and fictional universes heavily, and aot is my biggest fixation. i’m kind of constantly treading a riptide of emotional shit, and fiction has always helped me to cope. so when i feel any sort of way… bc im not good at working through or expressing myself… it’s easy to create scenarios out of that.
i have really strong emotions too, so feeling a certain way helps me think of plot ideas that relate. creating is my coping mechanism definitely, but it’s also vital to me being able to express myself.
with the state of fandom, i try not to look forward to interactions that will make me excited to have shared something, but it’s super rewarding when that does happen, so that’s a motivator too.
i get ideas the same way i think most creators do. based off experiences, like a single moment that kind of stains my memory that sticks with me.
DEFINITELY from other media i consume (especially fiction(??) podcasts but im getting back into reading real books). sometimes songs.
i’m really introspective in general which makes me good at various aspects of writing imo. whenever im doing anything (like going out for a walk or something) it’s really easy for me to imagine additional context / characters in a fictional scenario for some reason, so that helps.
if im doing something boring or tedious like sit in traffic i can daydream about a wip and the continuation of the last thing i’ve written for it. it’s like throwing events at the figurative wall and seeing what strikes me as fitting, engaging, or w/e.
for planning, i think im in-between vibes and proper planning lol. i would be noooowhere without outlining at least a little. stick little ideas or things i want to have happen in the order it fits, and sometimes separate them into sections so that writing it seems less intimidating and the process more rewarding. sometimes i write stuff out of order and go with the part i most want to write (which side note i believe is important, if not necessary to helping cure writer’s block).
i almost always have one chapter planned ahead of the current wip, but i play really loose with whatever ending im seeking in exact detail. because in general, it almost never goes the exact direction you planned lol.
so loose outlining! i always have a folder for a fic to throw in ideas or stuff to remember for the future. editing takes far longer than writing for me, just because i fully believe in the fact that being a perfectionist while writing is enormously unhelpful and rly creates stagnation. when i want to use a word i can’t think of, i just put in a placeholder to fix later. having the writing WRITTEN makes striving for perfection much less taxing.
when there’s several characters to keep track of, or important aspects to remember (ie, a character has a drink in their hand), i make a note so i don’t get confused or create inconsistencies.
i write on my phone and computer equally🤷🏻a lot of times with headphones in. it doesn’t matter so long as i have a set time from start to stop that im only writing and nothing else.
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forpiratereasons · 2 years
Omg I know you get asked this all the time but... do you have any more fic recs? I've gone through all the ones you've mentioned before & now am hungry for more!
i do have some more recs!!
Red Sky, by Bazzle: When Stede finally returns to the Revenge, Ed won’t hear his apologies. It takes a deadly storm to bring down his walls and bring them back together. The language in this fic had me holding my breath.
Trade Descriptions Act, by ElapsedSpiral: Ed finds Stede Bonnet's Filofax and tries being Stede Bonnet on for size. It's going okay until he meets the real Stede Bonnet. SO funny. It's so funny.
Baddy Zaddy, also by ElapsedSpiral (wip): Ed is a retired porn star with a Soho sex shop, Stede is an "ally" of the LGBT community, they meet on a sex call gone to the wrong number. Just read everything by this author.
Clarity, by katonline: After an accident upends Stede and Ed's fragile new relationship, Ed fights to bring Stede back. I'm a slut for a temporary amnesia trope, what can I say.
No Fixed Ropes, by lyricl: Stede Bonnet drove his raggedy band of muppets around Yosemite in a fully customized Chevy van with a goddamn record player in it. Izzy couldn’t fucking stand it.1970s Yosemite climbing AU. Lyricl has my heart for this premise alone but it's also dead well-written.
Buttercup, by mia_ugly: The thing is, when you’re Blackbeard you’ve got kind of a reputation to uphold. When you captain a ship, when you lead a crew, when people look up to you, tell stories, build a legend – parts of that legend are always more accurate than others. I might've recced this before but it rewired my brain so have it again.
Under the Weather, by silverwhisk: Illness sweeps through the crew of the Revenge. Stede introduces Ed to his favorite self-care home remedies for dealing with the all of the coughing, sneezing, fevers, and body aches that comes along with a cold. I love a good sickfic, I love a good sickfic, I love a good sickfic!!
Maketh the Man, by Fyre: “He doesn’t know you,” Izzy said. “Doesn’t know how you operate. Doesn’t know what makes you tick.” Mostly because the man was a fucking lunatic. “He wouldn’t see you coming.” He grimaced as he said it. “And you’re the only one who might be mad enough to pull it off.” A dramatic rescue attempt and a dramatic dress. Chef's kiss.
Clean Slated State, by justkeeptrekkin: Stede is ready to 'get back out there' after his divorce, but he's more than a little bit intimidated by the concept of online dating. After a series of truly terrible first dates, he's close to giving up on love altogether. I think I also recced this one before but I've reread it since then so on the list it goes.
Bones Adrift, by Skrifores (wip): The Revenge spots a drifting, seemingly abandoned ship. Is it haunted, overrun by demons, or full of vampire-mermaids? Listen, this fic had me at horror and sold me at ghost story. I'm all in.
i'm always taking recs myself also!! i have a marked for later list a mile long but send me your recs and i will add them in!!
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swaps55 · 4 months
I had a dream a few nights ago after reading ch 6 of mezzo where you were like actually here's a bonus ch 6.5 where Kaidan/Pendergrass/Aslany got launched into some sort of wormhole/relay transfer (??) from the Blue Suns base (that probably looked more like the Reaper IFF mission if described in text?) STRAIGHT to Horizon and then the chapter ended 😭
All of which is to say I love your work on Opus, I hope life (esp IRL life events) are going ok and I'm so thankful you've chosen to spend any time at all on writing stories that completely change my view and enjoyment of "canon" media and I hope you don't feel pressured to get it out (other than just to get out the Sam feelings!!!).
I also didn't realize it was a dream until later when I woke up and thought "huh...that didn't make sense did it". I think my subconscious is just "HORIZON *inception train noises*" and I think it's wonderful you've done this to me.
OMG that's INCREDIBLE! Thank you SO much for sharing that. This put me on cloud nine after a long week.
Real life is fine - it's just....draining. Some house projects are taking up spare time that usually goes to writing, and I love my job but it's sucking up all of my spoons, so that when I'm done for the day I just have nothing left for my creative work.
I do feel some pressure to get this story out there, in some part because I hate not being consistent once I start a project. I don't have multiple WIPs, I just have this! And it eats up my brain 24/7. So some of the pressure is because I want to read it, too!
The good news: it's written up through and just past Horizon, so (parts of) your dream are gonna come true. :D
Thank you for this, seriously. Mezzo invaded your DREAMS. That is SO COOL and AMAZING. <3
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justaboot · 7 months
Ahh, tagged by @hueberryshortcake (thanks! also this was the thing someone tagged me in and lost weeks ago so bless <3)
how many fics do you have on ao3?
omg 8, what even are they.
what's your total ao3 word count?
174,260 oh my GOd
what fandoms do you write for?
- I've only posted for DT but I've got a 10th Doctor/River fic in my drafts
what are your top five fics by kudos?
And a Sixpence in Your Shoe
In Situ
I've Got Time
Everyone Loves a Reunion (A come from behind win?)
Gentle as it Goes
do you respond to comments? why or why not?
- I try so hard to reply to everybody, but I've got weapons grade anxiety so sometimes I'm worried people will think I'm self-important. I've actually found I'm less likely to respond to tumblr mutuals? More anxiety? Unclear but I'm smashing my face into my hands at every comment.
what's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I can't handle ending on angst. Gentle as it Goes, definitely, but I hate it, I cannot handle splitting the party.
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sixpence definitely has the most Disney Fairytale Everything Works Out ending, but writing I've Got Time's button fixed something in me I think.
do you get hate on your fics?
The first comment I ever got ever was DellaHate gbless, thanks AO3 User DellaDuckShouldDie for your insightful comment of "Della Duck should be destroyed."
do you write smut?
I've written it for other things, I'm not shook by it and its a great storytelling tool just like everything else, but not cartoon characters. I...I have one explicitly human DT fic that. I. Well. We'll see. Its a genre test run for something original and they're pointedly human, but I guess I'll cop to that one?
do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've ever written?
I hate crossovers stay away from me I cant wrap my head around it
have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nah. Where would you go with it, we're all in the same room.
have you ever had a fic translated?
No but that'd be so cool!
have you ever cowritten a fic before?
girlfriend and I made an absolute banger of a spn fic together on a 12 hour roadtrip. Its not written down but we've got it beat for beat.
what's your all time favorite ship?
The Doctor and River will never fail to make me lay down they're them I dont even know what to say
what's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
-I've got 1/3rd of an OG3 prequel episode fic written, but it has to be part of a series and that's just...not gonna happen.
what are your writing strengths?
oh god i dont know don't look at me dialogue? I get a lot of comments about in-character dialogue/behavior lets go with that.
what are your writing weaknesses?
I have "I'll finish it later, let me start this new one real quick" disease.
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't done so, I'm fine with French but I'm terrified across the board of The Comment From A Native Speaker.
first fandom you wrote for?
Let me tell you about Tid, my halfling OC based on my Lord of the Rings Online character who played very little of the actual game and just ran laps around the shire. Elementary school core.
favorite fic you've ever written?
I am putting Sixpence on the award shelf for having finished something so big and I've Got Time was me getting a good grade in therapy. Right now I'm actually really proud of Dear Fellow Traveller? They're just lil kids and omg they're swimming in the Little Lake watering hole in the sierras I did that how did the author know
Tagging.... @writebackatya and @shychick-52
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dykeserket · 1 year
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OMG hiiiiiiii @candyvoncaramell
i wrote more than expected so um under the cut ^_^ pls enjoy my 1.4k words of jane rambling LMAOOOO
i have soooo many thoughts on her. im also still on my reread so nothing is like. super solid and everything is more just like little things im picking up that when i reread again ill be able to have more coherent thoughts lol but ill list out some ideas + a little explanations that ill expand on later cause there is a Lot.
-so the first most obvious thing is the character parallels. jade and jane are Very heavy parallels personality-wise. like positive people with anger issues [dealing with repressed frustration for a variety of reasons] who are so deeply lonely because of - while they are close to their friends theres still Limits. [ie jane being left in the dark and jade knowing Too much. its a big weight on her. there is a very visible change in her personality when she Stops fufilling that role]
-and of course with the grimbark / crockertier control - little red riding hood and the big bad wolf yknow
-but Character-wise as in the role she fufils in the Game is parallel to john - which sets her up to Main Character Status <- i will get into this later. but she is john in the way that dirk is her rose - leading her to play the game, quite literally telling her hes pulling the strings while setting her up as the Leader and quoting things rose said. and the first one entered and the one you control as a Player Character.
-i will also! mention aspects at this point. i will get to classes later. but essentially - life is heavily connected with space. because of the creation and growth side of both of them and imo are key aspects as a Universal Whole. because while Time and Space are the cardinals and the most important in Homestuck Narrative. thats just because of the cherubs ie everything revolves around caliborn - homestuck is a time-centered event where every little action and detail bleeds into eachother to create the events. its very very fascinating and in the first couple acts absolutely brilliantly done. but it also brings up the fact that Homestuck Narrative and Sburb Mechanisms should be considered seperate - people put too much weight on a biased session but im getting off track.
-anyway!!!! as i was saying life is very very important [feferi and her role as a witch of life and the creation of the dreambubbles - and meenah who is also Designated Main Character is a life player <- smth smth dancestor session]
-so life is a very important aspect and its very telling that jane Never gets to fufil that role as Maid of Life because. it never comes to be. her session is dead and void. shes restricted in every aspect of her being. her most known identity is being mindcontrolled to serve plot purpose - aradia parallel - so she very much set up to Fail. just like her session
-i really got sidetracked there but i also quickly want to mention - my own personal theory of aspects - the Equality theory [name wip] - which basically states every aspect has its opposite and parallel. Life is parallel to Breath. so another john parallel And goes into how her restricted freedom affects her life being restricted and so on and so forth.
-ANYWAY! the next parallel and arguably the most important relationship to understanding Jane is her relationship with jake. there is a lot going on there and i am still working it out. but i Will say. feferi and eridan parallel. ok moving on.
-another really interesting part of her that no one ever talks about - like ever. i mean come on i dont even see theorists mention her - is Nannaquin. the sprite version of Beta Jane. and i have to say i have so so many thoughts about sprites and their roles and how they are quite literally just Ghosts. but im just gonna get into it and say.
-what we see of nanna is not her. we are Not seeing Nanna Egbert. we are seeing the Nannasprite. she looks a mimics her actions - even has memories and recounts on her past. but she is dead and we cant take any of her words or actions at face value. she is a Ghost. [ironic since shes also the Maid of Life] but she is a ghost who is being controlled by the whims of the Game - with her sprite knowledge, the only one who ever Really explains things, the most Sprite of all sprites, who we only ever Really see in glimpses. i have to wonder, she cant talk about much because shes limited by her game construction - just like jade. did that kill her inside? when all was said and done did she have that visible shift in personality? does she Ever come into her own or is she just left as it is? we never get to know because we never really see her once the betas have left the session.
-what we do know about her is that, she was left alone for most of her life under the condesces Direct parentage. the one time she actually recounts her life its about her missing jake and imagining a life with them together - specifically the idea that he never left and they would get married like they were Supposed to. an idea thats obviously been groomed into her and its just so tragic.
-do you think this idea haunted jane.
-because none of the beta kids get along with their Others. they react in different ways for different reasons - but. we never really see jane...React. yknow. to see herself from such a different and similar position. not even beginning to mention the whole thing with Dad - which as a sidenote. i dont think Nanna had a horrible life to the end. i mean she changed her name, either through marriage or legally [probably legally because we never see hints otherwise, and grandma english did the same] and she had her son. which when she fufilled her duty as a sprite she told john she was going to go look for him and well. yknow. anyway
-the very last and final thing i want to mention. jane's alice in wonderland vs jade's wizard of oz.
-jade's wizard of oz for the most part. is a one man show. she plays a lot of the parts herself - she starts as dorothy and becomes the wizard before dying as the witch. its a theme of loneliness and all the parts she plays to keep it all moving.
-jane's alice in wonderland is more about Isolation in the way of...things sort of happen. shes thrust in this new magically world where nothings as it seems and everyones acting, in her opinion, crazy! she has no idea whats going on but she just has to accept it and move on. [dirk is the queen of hearts, roxy is the cheshire cat, jake is the mad hatter, seb is the white rabbit] its a loss of control when being thrust in unfamiliar situations.
and with that im coming to a close of my Jane Thought Dumping. there is still more - some stuff i didnt mention and some other stuff i probably forgot about but basically this is a major gist of ideas. i think you can take janes story in one of two ways.
it was Bad Writing in the way that she never got closure, by the end hussie just abandoned her in favor for the others that arrived, and a variety of other things.
there was Some Purpose. in the way that she never got to fufill anything because its an inherent part of her world. there was Never going to be a satisfying conclusion - not there.
i think it was a mix of the two, near the end of the comic it was a lot more rushed as hussie attempted to tie up one too many loose ends and people got set aside but i can see glimmers of purpose. [i have purposefully Not mentioned the retcon arc for a variety of reasons. i have Also many thoughts on that specifically as a very big john liker. i think it was a good idea and not a suprising act to pull but at points just executed extremely poorly] however none of that really matter considering how badly homestuck2 fucked it all up. if you think hs2 jane was in character you are wrong and a loser!!!!! BOOO!!! BOO!!!!! anyway yea thats about it hope it makes sense LMAO
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booksandpaperss · 2 years
Welcome to booksandpaperss (aka chaos lol)
Hello hello fellow gay people! Apparently people actually follow me?? And since I usually end up spamming my page with reblogs this is me making an effort be somewhat organized on here so ppl can actually navigate this blog and find my posts (to a decent degree anyway 💀)
update as of 4/4/23: my apologies to feminism bc as you will see 90% of this blog is Mike Wheeler. there’s rlly nothing I can do abt it, hope you understand 🙏
Other sites where you can find me:
ao3 - booksandpaperss
instagram (art acc) - @/fizzy.noodle.doodles
Blog Index:
Writing (WIP excerpts, ficlets, snippets, etc) -
My mandatory Be Nice to Me (by TBF) byler fic- byler fic WIP sneak peak, aka my painting fight fic that completely spiraled out of control and is now also Mike hostage theory, petergate, and lettergate all wrapped into one
And I’ll look directly at the Sun (but only in the dark) - byler fic WIP sneak peak, title loosely based off of anti hero, it’s a pre s3 byler relationship study
right by your side- byler WIP sneak peak, Will-centric and Will has powers fic, among other things ;)
A Look inside Max Mayfield’s “last word” letters to the party- an index of ficlets for my version of Max’s letters to each party member, very angsty, will be updated as I post each letter <3
Info dump post of my season 1 rewrite - byler fic WIP (multichapter), it’s just a general overview of my season 1 AU where Mike goes with Will into the UD ;)
Clinging to Before - a bite sized byler rain fight study/ficlet/poem of sorts
To Swing in our Rusty Memory (like the age old pact) - a Mike gets vecna’d poem from Will’s POV, heavily inspired and influenced by Achilles Come Down and I Know the End
Will comes out to Mike- some quick dialogue only writing practice with the blorbos
Angsty Will animation
Stranger Things posts Masterlist-
List of current in progress analysis posts
major clue in s4 that Mike is vecna’s next target
Let’s talk a lil abt Mike Wheeler, his depression, and what it means for s5
My iconic Stranger Things HotTakesTM
The REAL fruity four
why canon byler is gonna be a huge win for the queer community (breaking down dumb comments on why byler shippers are “overdramatic” 🙄)
we’re really overlooking how much the painting lie was a huge break in Mike and Will’s understanding of their friendship (aka how it’s definitely gonna blow up in Will’s face later)
Mike’s Basement Beats: When love breaks down- analysis (a look at Mike’s s4 arc)
Mike’s train wreck of a “love confession” actually just confirmed byler is mutual
Mike’s expression right before he starts his monologue is confusion + heartbreak
My perspective on Mike’s monologue when I was watching it as a casual viewer
Mike is sooo getting targeted by vecna in season 5: an essay in screenshots
Still having doubts abt byler bc of the monologue? Don’t worry I gotchu
Using my perspective as a lesbian to prove that Mike Wheeler is gay asf (we been knew but still)
Finn Wolfhard’s acting choices in the first flirty byler scene (you know the one)
More on Finn’s acting choices and style
Another look at Will Byers in the Van Scene (will, Mike, and feeling like a mistake, ft the amazing @heheidks)
Shaggy bowl cut Byers agenda
Some Unhinged van scene byler proof
Byler’s love languages <;3
Byler vol 1 in a nutshell
Byler endgame proof: screenshot compilation
Will’s feelings for Mike have been made a crucial part of the plot and will be addressed properly in s5
a brief look at s4 El and overcoming abuse (I’m soso proud of her omg)
Mike’s gay realization arc is already almost complete and can be broken down into 3 parts (mid s2-s4)
Mike and El already broke up in s4 onscreen (Will just didn’t realize and since we got the breakup primarily through his POV we didn’t notice at first either 👀)
Mike gets a sword in s5 agenda has evidence behind it 👀
Episode 9 lighting parallels/analysis (byler and lumax ft some of my moots)
Mike, Will, and queer realization
Mike and El both associate their romantic relationship with losing their best friend
A quick look at how the show shows Will and Mike’s crushes on each other, and what that means for s5
Dustin and his well meaning but horrible no good very bad gaydar (ft byler being dumb and Lucas being tired)
100% accurate and byler tumblr approved analysis of Mike fans vs Will fans
My delusional and self indulgent but also kinda realistic byler scenario for a season 5 trailer
PSA for byler shippers/stranger things shippers in general (and even just fandom with teenage characters in general) to stop shaming teenagers for having sexual thoughts and acting like it’s abnormal
Mike’s alleged romantic love for El was never actually believable to her
Camera angles, volume 2, and Mike Wheeler (aka an analysis of the subtle transition into Mike POV for season 5)
Stranger Things 4 through the lense of a Shakespeare tragedy
the Wheeler parents: a quick debunking of fanon assumptions and misconceptions
Unhinged bowlcut metaphor (you’ll see lmao)
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theharrowing · 4 months
MOTHER I AM TORN! For the WIP game I definitely want Collateral 22, but I am also so curious about the POV chapters! My gut says Jungkook, but I don't know if I want to settle on that, so just Collateral 22 (unless you are feeling generous...) -🗡️
sorry for the delayed response, i scheduled the wip game for this morning and then woke up hours later 😅😅😅 but i am here now, let's get it!!!
i am actually going to be posting the JK POV today (within the hour if all goes well) so how about i give you a snip from 22, and if you want another member pov, just lmk!!! you're the only one who has played so far, so you're welcome to do whatever you want honestly! 💜💜💜 thanks for playinggg!!!
cw: mention of a gun. this is a bit of a climactic scene for this entire fic, so i am going to put it under a read more!!! just in case people don't want spoilers. a certain someone's name has been redacted.
send me an ask about one of my WIPs! 💌
Yoongi sighs, then scoots forward, pushing the plates of food that rest just in front of him off to the side. He sits up even higher and plants his elbows on the table. "You can see that we are busy, so please just tell me what you want." [Redacted]'s eyes drop to the table as he turns to one of the men behind him and grabs onto a black briefcase. Fear spikes as you imagine a number of terrible things happening as he sets it on the edge of the table and opens it. You even notice from the corner of your eye as Namjoon's hand begins to reach behind his back, making you wonder whether he is carrying a gun.  But when [Redacted] spins the case, it contains stacks of notes, neatly organized in rows and columns with colorful rubber bands. His eyes lift to you and he smiles for a split moment.  Then he says, "I've come to pay off my debt," and his face turns stone cold serious.  At this, you scoff. To your right, Yoongi begins to laugh, and to your left, Namjoon scoots forward, sitting up straight. [Redacted] hardly blinks.  "It's all there," [Redacted] drawls slowly, staring daggers into Yoongi. "I even added some interest." You turn to Yoongi in time to see him roll his eyes. His hair is tucked behind his ears, and his glare is just as piercing as that of his adversary.  "You didn't really think she would just go back to you, did you?" he asks. 
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driaswrld · 7 months
dria🥺 hope you're feeling at least a bit better today :(( again take care !!! ♡
i have a question??? did any of them ever get insecure about the fact that they are three in a relationship? either before or after things got official. in any way, too. of their feelings, if they all felt the same (like, are they okay with this kind of relationship? kind of manner), of what other people would say, or idk??
i'm v curious. i've seen many fics with different views when it comes to how they take the relationship and i'd like to know the tsr dynamic !!
p.s: i'm so excited for unhinged mc. yes, let mc protect the boys please
p.s 2: i'm gonna start reading the wip today during my in between study breaks!! i'll take notes first and add the comments when my thoughts are in place
bubble anon my bby !!
IM SO GLAD U ASKED IM SCREAMING RNNN the wip is gonna go reallyyy in depth about that because as someone who has read alot of multifandom poly fics and took the time out to like research poly dynamics and the reality of just how it feels to be in one, IM SO EXCITED to touch on it!! rant below cut lololol
the answer to your question is yes! moreso before they got together than after but lingering insecurities and jealousies were still present up to the time megumi and tsumiki came around. however, in later more domestic tsr, they've become way more comfortable because each of them know the part they play and their own individual importance (naturally these problems still pop up from time to time though)
(also there is lotslotslotss of scrutiny from the jujutsu world ab their relationship which i will ALSO talk about dw ur in my brain😭)
each of them have had their own personal experience with this and i can talk abt it a lil bit without spoiling much but :
suguru dealt with major imposter syndrome after coming back and he felt as if he was playing catch up to satoru n reader alot ! honestly for a while he did not interpret it as a relationship, but rather an attachment (he felt like a glorified parasite) his pov in the wip really goes in depth with these feelings !
satoru on the other hand deals with alot of the jealousy part because he used to feel constantly excluded. reader is always protecting suguru, and by default shielding him as well?? so satoru felt extremely neglected at some points (the part i said abt suguru feeling the most in terms of the binding vow? well, the binding vow plays a huge part in toru's supposed feelings of exclusion) I WONT SPOIL IT THO 😭😭
reader however suffers heavily from insecurities in terms of what they could do but aren't doing (manifests as heavy survivors guilt) in apocalypse it's mentioned that reader was absent when the star plasma incident took place and after that everything went downhill in terms of how they view themselves in terms of strength and reliability bcus they always feel inadequate (pls i would say more but it'd spoil ittt)
(im making those scenes as raw as possible bcus there's a specific way i want u guys to see mc through the boys' pov im so exciteddd!)
and omg have fun with the wipp! im actually writing for it rn too <33
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megatraven · 11 months
Meg!!! when you said Victor in your tags about the baby girl post, please tell me you did not mean Victor from HIFL😭😭. Because no omg that just. It reminds me of your post about your WIP of MC calling Hades baby girl!!! And the idea of Zeus calling MC that in the middle of a meeting😂.
But honestly??? When I think of babygirl, I think of Diego (HIFL), Lucien (SE), and honestly??? Hydra, just a little bit. His snake that is ‘yes man’ would nod and wrap around MC😭.
Anyways!! How are you Meg👀? I hope you’re doing good💙🥺. I think you said recently you were on a flight? I hope you’re doing well wherever you are, and is it al right if I ask why’d you fly? Just curious but it’s alright if you don’t want to say. I’m doing kinda alright. I have a cough and it’s been tough to get it to go away but I’ll be fine sooner or later lol.
ALSO!! My other ask about Eros (well the second one other than the headcannon one), I mentioned how would he feel if Ares ended up killing MC when he tried to awaken Hera, and I thought of something more sad. A few of your AU fics always include Alex or another LI in AFK holding MC in the throne room when she’s dying and I just imagine Eros being in such despair that he literally shouts at all the gods and goddesses and loses his temper on all of them, especially his father! His attitude comes back full force and I could just imagine them standing there like “O.O”. Some with sympathy and maybe guilt, but others with shock at how Aphrodites child is literally berating them lol.
Anyways, I hope you’re alright and have a good day💙💙💙!!!
HII SARAH!! Sorry it took a bit responding, my wifi signal has been so bad :( and YES I DID MEAN HAVENFALL VICTOR!!!! he's my babygirl and he's terrible and i love him 😂
but i do agree on the other three, especially hydra. he's true babygirl material for me
i'm doing okay! yes, i flew down to new jersey to visit my parents :) we're camping so i can't be online too much unfortunately. i'll be flying back home on august 1st i believe. i'm sorry to hear about your cough!!! i hope it goes away and that you feel better! i know how hard it can be with a cough that won't go away :(
AUGHHHH sarah i can picture that in my head so perfectly....
ahem excuse me i'm just going to post a fic real fast :]
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iloveyou-writers · 1 year
Oh gosh, this is cool haha <333 Again, congrats on the 1k, y'all deserve it :D
Sorry if this gets ranty, you guys can take whatever you'd like from it haha <33
My wip, (placeholder name is The Engineer) is about Hugo, a 15yo aspiring engineer/inventor. He's a bit chaotic, really enthusiastic, creative, and hopeful to the point of being naive, misjudging situations and landing himself (and his friends) in even more trouble. He loves inventing because it brings him closer to his mother (who also loved it), and it's a way to express his creativity.
His uncle, Sebastian, is his...bodyguard slash confidante. They've always been close, since Hugo and his father never really got along super well. Sebastian listens to Hugo ramble, he's full of mischief and loves pranks/jokes, and he's ridiculously protective. If you hurt Hugo, he'll snap your bone in half :)
Hugo's father, Tyrus, lost his wife (Corabellia) years ago due to an engineering-related incident. She went missing, and no one could find her. Tyrus has been holding onto that, quiet, stubborn, and patient to the last. His grief consumes him, and when he sees his son is passionate over the same interest as Cora, he's terrified and easily loses patience with Hugo.
Ergo, iffy relationship between father and son. It's a cliche that I will around in till I die :)
16yo Wilbur's always been on his own, and he makes a profit and a life for himself through thievery and the selling of said goods :) When he gets caught up with Sebastian and Hugo, he joins them bc they...offer to pay him, only for him to slowly be absorbed into the family and find joy for himself. Wilbur is chill and laid-back, and loves to annoy people in little ways, but he can switch on the charm when he wants to.
Basically, it's a quest. Tyrus devoted his life to protecting his family and a magical artifact that their kingdom has been designated to keep safe. When one of Hugo's inventions, designed to protect said artifact, goes haywire, it allows a thief to escape with the artifact. Sebastian and Hugo venture out to restore it to its rightful place, meeting Wilbur along the way and discovering that Hugo's mother has a lot more to do with current events than they thought.
Sorry this got really ranty hehe. Just take whatever you guys can from it, and thanks so much!
Congrats again <33333
Thank you so much for your undying patience. You probably thought this day would never come, but like a year later, here's your playlist.
Most of these might surround the father's grief because I know a lot of songs about that, not so many about like the uncle/nephew relationship (unfortunately):
Untitled by Simple Plan
Who You'd Be Today by Kenny Chesney (used Google for this one xD)
What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts
Gone Too Soon by Simple Plan
Adventure by Matthew Parker (omg used youtube search to discover this one and so glad I did!)
Orchestral adventure music (warning: it's 2 hours long xD)
Orchestral adventure fantasy music (warning: it's an hour long)
Bonus addition:
The Voyager by Gargantuan Music (a song I could see playing in the movie if your WIP was turned into a movie)
I had this in a draft where I'd started writing a playlist for you but just never got enough songs (ahem more than one) to post a playlist for you :)
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angelfishofthelord · 2 years
omg I kinda want to ask about all three WIPs (think I've seen you mention the Bible one but that's it) can I ask about all three WIPs. but especially the claire one 👀
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ok omg im so sorry this took me so long to answer @castiel-kline and @laufire but i've moved into my new apartment now so here i go:
i wrote around 2k of this wip last year and haven't had a chance to go back to it since. its set in s9 and claire is around, presumably since like the first episode. anyways malachi kidnaps her and cas: her, because they want her to be a vessel for multiple angels (true vessel bloodline and all that) and cas, just as leverage aka torture to convince claire to say yes.
and imma put the rest of this under the cut cuz it gets graphic:
so the whole fic is from claire's pov, and she's drifting in and out of consciousness from being drugged with angel grace but she does see that cas is there. like this is the opening of the fic:
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later she'll realize that the angels have been hanging cas and then resurrecting him, over and over. yes i've written about repeated death as torture before leave me alone its one of my favorite whump tropes
and then she's finally alert enough to actually watch cas get hung and choke to death and she goes absolutely ballistic. this coincides with bartholomew raiding malachi's barracks and he helpfully kills all the angels and then looks at claire and goes "you're worthless bye"
so claire is left alone with cas' body hanging from the ceiling
eventually sam and dean show up, with hannah in tow, who kindly resurrects cas but cas refuses to let her heal the rope burns on his neck. later in the fic i was gonna refer to that as a scar cas insists on keeping because it reminds him that he hasn't been killed and resurrected by malachi again.
and then i didnt write this far, but basically claire would start remembering different times when cas was hung to death. and she'd think it was nightmares of the one time he died, but then she'd figure out that it was memories and she'd be like oh fuck cas was dying again and again in front of me for days
cue lots of trauma and recovery and angst and feels
i was also gonna make it longer by having sam and dean not know about cas' repeated hangings cuz he asks claire not to tell them. but then during a case with some djinn or something cas gets knocked out and they have to go into his mind and he's just reliving all of those hangings again and again. and the only way sam and dean and claire can break the nightmare is to be with him each time he dies so he knows he's not alone this time
cue more trauma and recovery and angst and feels
also hannah was gonna be there just cuz i love her.
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❌and 🎶 !
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
hm there used to be a lot of things i wasn't really interested in that i later wrote a little about so i can't tell for sure, but so far i have no interest in writing pregnancy stuff for example, or like becoming a parent i suppose (although i would be less opposed to a fic where the kid is already there, cuz to me that is a bit of a different vibe). i'm also not big on time travelling or fake dating tbh. oh and also miscommunication but i feel like that kinda goes without saying aksjdjks
also i remember i always used to be like wow i love pure fluff no angst for me and then like half of my fine line and walls fic had some angst or hurt/comfort (my beloved) in them so what do i know i guess sdjfhdj
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
sometimes i do! but i don't think to me the music is like. seen as part of the writing process necessarily because i generally listen to music quite a lot so it's more like. sometimes i both write and listen to music and sometimes i don't. i don't really have like a specific writing playlist or anything (which may or may not be because of my frustrating lack of playlist making skills i keep complaining about
anyway these past few weeks i've been listening to a lot of dodie (and the new song omg) and also touch tank by quinnie that inspired the wip i am working on right nowwwww ^.^
send me an ask!
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woohoo, thank you! I would take this as 4 snippets from 4 WIPs but I don't actually have that many at the moment, I don't think...but let's see...
“You grow no less insolent with age, pen-neth,” said Thranduil, but he was smiling, and Tilda grinned cheekily up at him. “It’s one of the many and varied reasons why you love me, Ada,” she said, and Thranduil could not disagree with that at all. (from Break You But You'll Mend chapter 32)
It wasn’t more than half an hour before Stella answered him, “omg mate I’m biting your hands off right now, you know Greenwood Hall is the only place in the county that hasn’t deposited its stuff in the county archives?! The national register of archives tried to go and list the stuff in the 50s, like they did with everywhere else, and they were VERY firmly rebuffed, so…it’s kind of like the great white whale, you know? Are you really sure the owner’s OK with me coming to have a look? And wait, what, your other half? TELL ME EVERYTHING.” (from All I Want Is You chapter 46)
We are in Edoras for the funeral of Théoden King, and in a quiet moment on the day before the ceremony I take Éomer aside, for there has been something preying on my mind for months, since the long ride to Helm’s Deep, and I cannot leave it unsaid, undone, for a moment longer. (from an as-yet-unposted one-shot in which Legolas goes back to bury the dead from the warg ambush)
Some days later I am finishing up the repair of the stable roof, which was damaged a few days ago by high winds, when I realise that Haldir is leaning against a nearby tree, watching me, and I hail him with a smile and leap to the ground, stuffing deep down inside me the odd feeling that I get when I see him, the sudden thundering of my heart and the fizzing in my blood. (from an as-yet-unfinished Legolas/Haldir one-shot in which Haldir and his brothers go to Ithilien after Galadriel leaves the Golden Wood, which I intended to do for My Slashy Valentine's 2023 collection for Keiliss, and still haven't finished goddammit >.< )
Well, would you look at that, I have four WIPs. :D There's also another instalment of Stars and Arrows which I'm percolating, and the forever-unfinished original novel (not to mention part whatever the hell it is of It's Always Been You, which has been sitting about for three and a half YEARS >.< ), but what I actually ought to be doing is my Barduil Month fics, which I haven't even started yet. Seriously contemplating ambling up to the pub tomorrow afternoon and sitting there with the laptop and a pint and making them cooperate...
wheeee, thank you for asking! <333333 anyone else want to send me champagne in return for some random sentences? :D :D :D
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reflections n stuff
Post about me trying to explain some of the projects I got going on. Hopefully, it makes sense lol.
I guess to start, most of my writing and projects are…comedic? I just want to embody tomfoolery. Some of the projects I was creating with my coauthor, I've mentioned them before. (LOL if you saw my rant that one time), (and it wasn't just once my ass can not stop mentioning it) (yes I'm mad). They basically stopped contributing so ALL the projects were put on hiatus. Yeah :/ but I refuse to let all those years of hard work sit inside a Google doc never to see the light of day again. So here we go. 
TSO22 (Completed)
Hiii its me and my story. Titled semi-censored bcuz i uploaded it to YouTube and you can literally search it up and I'm not ready for that yet.
Anyways My second short film!!!! With real actors and a production team so exciting!! It's about a witch who seeks revenge on some children who wronged her! She casts a spell on a toy plushie and makes it come to life. She sends the toy to kill Fuzzy Lilypill, Large Plumjum, and Final Baddie (judging by their names you can tell this is extra goofy). Honestly one of the best things I've ever done, it was so much fun. Even though the film is hella cringe (kind of the point) it makes me laugh…like a lot and that's all that matters.
I need to tell everyone about the top-tier advertising like the way everyone pitched in to help was wild. We had lil signs and business cards and everything! The advertising was how I was able to book the actor who played Final Baddie!!
And ugh the bloopers in this film are so silly they were a lot of them bcuz nobody here has ever starred in a film before and it was a little awkward at first. But once everyone understood that this was just for fun and not really that serious we got some good content.
(Now I also need to do some complaining like I literally had to get down on my hands and knees and beg people to join. It was not fun. Why doesn't anyone want to create things anymore so sad) 
The Internship (Partial)
Yes yes yes all me. This was a script that I had written for another short film! It's self-explanatory.
The Killer finds out that the internship they applied for was given to one of their classmates! This can not be! Filled with rage the killer kills that bitch and the victim's friend group because of jealousy and whatnot. Since the first pick is…well dead, the killer gets a callback and now the internship is theirs! Wow what a happy ending. I’m actually living for this script :)
I did multiple rewrites and created some google form sign-up sheets for people to join the project.
created a storyboard of the film (will search for it later).
And I started creating a custom score for it as well.
Unfortunately, no one wanted to join :( so it never came to life. That being said, once I find an animation app and learn how to animate, it's over for you hoes. And I guess this goes for all my future films lmao. (unless I actually find people to star in them praying I do tbh). 
Beastly Bordello (wip)
This was a project we (me and my coauthor) started in middle school. It went through lots of rewrites like Jesus Christ. The first pass was garbage. I was crying when I reread it omg.
Anyways. How do I say this with the least amount of spoilers? There are 3 “books”, The first book draft is “complete”, we have the whole thing outlined, the first 2 chapters ready, and just need to fill out the meat of the texts a bit more.
This part of the story follows the human characters. We have the main character Debbie Smith, she is basically a bum loser 😷 and everyone hates her (it’s giving depressed!abused!timid! reader). We have Meredith Castaño who is like her cool best friend 😎 (I've drawn her with Dina. A side character who may or may not be her boo). And then we have Becky Maurice, Hanna Peters, and Lisa Blake (We call them BHL) . They are like the mean girl trio 🤬. Book 1 is meant to be a typical 2000s high school movie. Dare I say a “coming of age story” smh.
Becky is out for revenge and will stop at nothing to make Debbie's life a living hell (we are just bullying Debbie for 200+ pages).
On top of that, we discover that Debbie's homelife is not so good 😞 with her abusive parents 😭 and terminally sick sister, how will Debbie move on to the next phase of her life as she approaches high school graduation and adulthood 😱?
Omg the girls are camping! How fun! (totally not a slasher movie waiting to happen and 100% does not have a musical mid-way through).
People are dying 🪦!! Kids are going missing!?!?! Does this have anything to do with Debbie’s mysterious nightmares 🧠!? She's always had them, as she’s gotten older they’ve become more frequent, almost every day, and she even starts seeing 👀and hearing 👂 things while she's awake?
That's so scary. Oh nooooo she knows doom approaches and she is powerless to stop it :( silly silly complicit Debbie.
Like damn her life couldn't get any worse…and then BAM bitch it does!!! OMG supernatural 👹tingz and bloods🩸and crips 🔵 murder 🔪and oh shoot people are being kidnapped. Yikes.
This is book 1, Book 2 and 3 are not written yet (and honestly might not be written as I do not have my coauthor helping and it is a very ambitious project). As I said, we do have supernatural characters. The creatures. I'm pretty sure you've seen Octavia at least once? Maybe. We have our big baddies like The Lord, The Madam, The Master, The Empress, The Doctor, The Scientist, etc. Then we have our “good” creatures? They are just mf who were also kidnapped, like Alexa, Alexis, Mackenzie, Amelia etc. damn that's a lot of names that start with A.
This is reaching the spoiler zone so not sure if I should go farther. Anyway they work together to try and escape and find out where they are, why they were kidnapped and try to get home etc etc. More death and murder, staples in my work :P
This project has the most progress on it, if you go into the Beastly Bordello tag you can find some of the character designs. Not all tho because a lot of them…were meant to be drawn by the coauthor and I never got themmmmmmmm 🙄🙄.
I like really REALLY wanna continue this but gotdamn it's a lot of work and I get so discouraged easily <- lying my ass was carrying this book by myself for like 3 years.
If anything I'll design the rest of the creatures by myself. That's all I see myself doing, for now, oof. 
Beastly Bordello: The Musical (Completed)
I had to make a jukebox musical thing and I chose the wonderful Emilie Autumn. The script is short, just around 36 pages and it’s like a transition between book 2 and book 3.
It follows The Madam and she is processing the new shipment of humans she just got in.
Which would be our lovely main characters (Debbie, Meredith, BHL, etc) and we are given a little tour of the brothel (is not actually a brothel we just call it that, think of it more as a farm, a meat farm).
We meet the other characters like The Master and those lil goat mfs (main characters in the original original beastly bordello). We also get a brief introduction to our main creatures (monsters) like Mackenzie, Jia, Isla, Amelia etc (you’ve seen them before).
They then get tagged by The Doctor and The Scientist (I love those gay niggas)
And then everyone gets split up and Debbie finally meets Octavia.
What do people say? OOC? I think that means out of character? Because we have to make everything fit the song, so they just be saying stuff at one point. But shhhhhhhhhhh it's okay.
Anyway, It's just more foolishness and camp and because it's a musical it gets stupid. But I love it either way. That's what I aim for yessir, like wow something beastly bordello related that I actually completed. Wild. 
Adventure to Find Jelly (wip)
 Hiii another middle school project, I was working on this with my coauthor. Okok let's see how do i explain this with no spoilers. This is apart of our “sentient object” universe.
It takes place in an apartment and the family has gone away to visit relatives so now every object can come to life and do what they want.
The story follows Peanut Butter (PB) 🥜, a quiet and kind jar of peanut butter who is tired 🥱 of living the simple life. And decides to sneak out of the cabinet to go to the club (inside a closet) and that day he meets Jelly🪼(she a jar of jelly but they ain’t have the right emojis)
She is the new girl in town (the family got her from the grocery store before they left). They instantly fall in love😍 and Omg this would be like his first girlfriend, PB finally got bitches 😤.
They spend a lot of time doing couple stuff 😘 bcuz PB never got to do any of that before. Jelly is very sweet and loving 🧐 but…something is off about her…just a little 😨.
PB doesn't seem to notice nor care. But his cooler 🍆 asshole brother (who is super overprotective) tells him not to trust Jelly and leave her🙅🏿.
PB’s parents are angry 😡 and disgusted 🤮 that PB would disobey them and go to the club🕺🏿. And spend a lot of his time outside the cabinet instead of staying at home and being a good son 🤓.
PB is tired of people thinking he aint that guy 🥲 and he decided to run away 🏃🏿 to live a life with jelly.
But in a twist of events 👃, when PB arrives at Jelly’s cabinet he discovers it trashed 🗑️💢!!! And jelly is missing 😱😱😱😱😱!!
He tries to tell the police 🚔but they don't believe him, they’ve never heard of anyone called jelly 🪼 before.
PB is confused but figures out he has to do this on his own 🦸🏿‼️, he has to go on an adventure to find jelly.
It's very cheesy but like my other stories it involved murder and drama. So it's not uneventful . Hmmm we outlined 10 chapters. And started outlining the sequel book. But we never actually started writing any of it.
I’m pretty sure some of you have seen jelly before. And possibly PB because I was just given his design a couple days ago. I'm definitely going to continue making art of them, and hopefully, we’ll get Sunbutter soon. But I'm not sure about writing out the rest of the story. It's a lil problematic.
Being A Fruit (wip)
Middle school project strikes again and yes you guessed it my coauthor was involved as well. Another story taking place in our “Sentient Object” universe.
From the title you can tell this series was going to involve all the fruit characters. Bananas, strawberries, apples, etc and I think I designed a good portion of the characters too. But y'all when I say drama. I mean DRAMA. Like “how to get away with murder” type drama. This story is batshit. And it's 10x more stupid because it involves lil fruits.
I'm going to quote this for you: our strawberry character Rosette is traumatized because she “watched entire family get chopped into a fruit salad”. And then we have our villain who “loves to abduct baby fruits”.
Besides character bg we don't have any chapters drafted. But to be fair we were going to make this into a mock podcast. Like the character fruits were going to call in and tell their stories, and the radio host would have to piece together what happened. And if someone stopped calling in then they got killed oop.
Because this is like a one-off, if anything has a chance to make a comeback it's this one. Idk if anyone would want this tho besides me. Because I will go crazy in the google doc and write this myself. This story is wild. 
When Two Erasers Touch
Damn did I peak at middle school? Another coauthor and me classic. This was I think the first book in our “Sentient Object” universe.
It is about lesbian erasers. Our first love story! They find each other bcuz their humans bring them to school and they chill inside a desk or something. I think we only wrote 2 chapters for this. We love a trendsetter though.
I don't think our two erasers Jika and Marei will make a comeback. But omg I am just rereading the chapters and is soo melodramatic!!! These lil erasers are going through it. Ok, I won't make any promises but…maybe we might do like a throwback chapter. Just once. Maybe. I'm not really a fan of Romance but It's so dramatic I can't even describe it. 
The Hecatomb Trilogy (wip)
Finally! Something recent and does not involve my coauthor. This is one of the stories that came to me in a dream. It's hard to recall because my dumb ass didn't type or write down all the information.
I drafted the introduction and the dialogue 10/10. It's a horror movie (I say movie but it's a book bcuz everything is a movie to me). Slasher movie, of course, just a lot of carnage and ridiculous stuff. I don't have much but I have a note on the side of the google doc, that says “3 survivors bond throughout the story, connecting over their trauma and become a polycule.”
So… I have priorities lol. The first movie takes place in the neighborhood and just follows everyday people, dying you know. The second movie is meant to take place in a hospital following the survivors. And the third and final film is meant to reveal who the killer is and their backstory.
From what I have written it just says the killer is dressed in all-black leather and is super strong ;P Damn now I kinda wanna pick this back up again and put some thought into it. I see the potential ngl. We'll see. Who knows. 
Adherence (wip)
All me this time. Another story that came to me in a dream. And I think everyone needs to write a gay vampire story once in their life. This one is mine. I guess it classifies as a slice of life? It's just a cute lil story about the “last” vampire adjusting to the modern world and falling in love with his would-be victim.
They do things like go to the corner store <3 and get robbed afterwards LMAOOO. The MC has to chase a naked vampire around the apartment bcuz that nigga is scared of the shower at his big age... The Vamp fucking loves modern tech and is thoroughly entertained by it. His favourite is those little toy bears that you find at like CVS and u press a button and they start dancing. The vamp meets his neighbor and she does his nails.
Just a lot of shenanigans and also of course killing. I know I keep talking about the dialogue but my god it's working my pussy out.
Damn…is this my humor? Idk why I'm surprised. Hmmmm I would want to complete some of my other projects before I start working on this. But who knows. 
(SU pearl and pink diamond fanfic) wip
I don't wanna claim this. I wrote a pearl and pink diamond fanfic on wattpad back in the day. And I actually got one of my SU friends to read it. It was great. I don't remember the name tho but I wrote like 8 chapters of it and I'm proud I made it that far. Scared to actually read my old writing so I will not be searching for it. Just know it is out there. 
And so soooo much more that I don't feel like listing atm. anyways sorry for typos i am not editing this i'm tired.
Ask questions if you want to, uhhhhh you wanna make something? I'll be happy to help, yeye byee
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