#one big gay unovan family
pigdemonart · 2 years
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I did say i would draw Grimsley falling down the steps of the PokeGala.
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caramel-caracal · 1 year
Pokémon Animatic: Who Broke It?
Finally finished up this little project!
Have this video I drew of my some of my favorite gen 5 characters bickering and pointing fingers at one another. Big Gay Unovan Family Drama-
I'm pretty happy with how this turned out! I had fun with the little animated sections-
Also this frame:
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peccaberry · 10 months
tell me at length about your fave character(s) and why they're so blorbo to you
Rei is legally my emotional support Blorbo at this point so I'm gonna use this to talk about him for a sec ❤️
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The version of Rei I vibe with most is the one that's more or less an OC I made for my fanfiction stuff! I consiter everything that happens in Legends of Arceus to be canon to him and I kind of just made up everything else other than that.
God idk where to start so I'll just list a bunch of Rei facts and shit in a sort of list order
-Rei's full name is Rei Akabane and was born in Johto to a Johtoan father and a Unovan mother. The last name Akabane loosely translates to "red feather" and is also the name of a train station in Japan!
-Rei looks a lot like his dad while his little sister looks a lot like his mom. Rei's hair has never lain flat in his entire life and it's definitely his dad's fault.
-Rei's mom is a Pokemon Trainer with a dream of eventually becoming a fire type gym leader. She is incredibly skilled and spent her younger years training by batting on the Battle Subway in Unova.
-Rei's Dad is a mild mannered engineer with a good sense of humor and a kind disposition. He met Rei's mom when he was on a work trip to Unova to help do work on the Battle Subway. He saw a crazy fire lady absolutely tearing through her battles while laughing manically and fell in love immediately. They got married a few years later and moved to Johto where Rei was born.
-Rei had a very good childhood with parents and a sister who loved him very much. When Rei was younger he didn't understand that he wasn't also the dad of his new baby sister and insisted that he was because he loved her just as much as dad. They grew up to squabble like any siblings would but were also pretty close with each other.
-Rei grew up around fire type Pokemon because of his mom and has a soft spot for them because of it. He chose Cyndaquil as his starter Pokemon because of this and still likes to wear the associated fancy kimono as his non-work clothes.
-Rei knew he was gay before he was taken by Arceus but was only out to his online friends. He really enjoyed being a part of the online LGBT community and it helped him gain a lot of confidence in himself. He was considering coming out to his parents but was taken before he could make that decision. He feels sad that he never got the chance to know how they would have responded but thinks it would have been positive.
-Rei and his family moved to Jubilife Town ~ a year before he was sent to Hisui for his Dad's job. He hadn't really made any particularly close friends there but was hopeful about the way his life was going.
-Rei's favorite hobbies are soccer and music. He took piano lessons from a young age and learned Ukulele as a fun thing to do with his dad when he was a bit older. He's pretty talented and has a good singing voice. He plays soccer for his school's team and that's where most of his friends were met.
-Rei's dream job is being a pokemon ranger and he's still big mad that it's no longer possible. He had applied to get in to the school but was taken before he found out if he had been accepted into the next semester. Justice for my boy, he could have done it.
-Rei was put in anger management therapy when he was younger because he kept getting into fights. He had a really good therapist and usually manages to keep things under control. He has an incredibly kind heart and it helps him to think about the consequences of his actions on other people and situations around him.
-Rei is really sarcastic and goofy and likes to have fun. He tries not to take things too seriously and likes to act like a moron but it is just an act. He's very much not stupid and has pretty high emotional intelligence.
-Rei struggles to sit down and read because he has both ADHD and Dyslexia. He gets around this with audiobooks but hasn't been able to listen to any since being sent to Hisui and it bums him out.
-Rei did passably in school but was nowhere near a star pupil. He did the best he could but school is not set up for people like him unfortunately. He's clever, but not in the way a school curriculum is set up to measure.
-Rei's "type" is honestly just exactly the kind of person Volo is. He fell in love so hard and fast he might as well have been competing in the homosexuality Olympics. The fact Volo never noticed is honestly really impressive on his part, the Arceus blinders were real. Rei managed to put his life back together after Volo betrayed him but never felt like he got any real closure for his feelings.
-Rei knows how to skateboard and used it pretty regularly just to get around. He can do a few simpler tricks but nothing too fancy.
-Rei's favorite kind of music is 2000s pop but he's the kind of guy who will go for any genre as long as he vibes with the song being played. He doesn't care if people think the songs are cringe, they're *his* cringe and he lives for it.
-Rei has high platonic attraction to woman and they tend to adopt him pretty quick because he's kind and never hits on them. He comes across as a guy who just genuinely wants to be their friend and hang out and it's part of why Akari got so attached to him.
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pigdemonart · 2 years
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My two lovely uncles… 🥺
i like the little ship of drayden and clay a lot because it’s pure harmless fun. A business tycoon and a town mayor with such serious personalities its hard to imagine them canoodling, but every person that’s aware chooses to tease them about it. Cant have peace and quiet in this goddamn region.
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pigdemonart · 2 years
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Um..-jazz hands- Ma and pa submas ..?
These are not my final designs, but more like concepts for funs. A sort of “what if?” scenario going off the uncle Drayden headcanon. I already have ideas for other versions though… so lets call these SubParents V 1.0 lmfao
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pigdemonart · 2 years
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thinkin about them. ✨
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pigdemonart · 2 years
Out of curiosity, in regards to your 1920’s Burgh doodles, does he have a thing for the train men specifically or was he just pining for dudes in general? :o
It was meant to be taken lightheartedly and not too seriously, so really its both? Idk.
Though I wrote it as if Burgh is enthralled by Ingo and Emmet in a similar way submas fans are. So yes, he’s interested in the 🏳️‍🌈💕❤️❤️💕❤️💕🏳️‍🌈 way, but also in the “i have an odd desire to draw them and put them in merry little outfits” way.
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pigdemonart · 2 years
Burgh drawing a naked man and Grimsley holding an ace card. I see u 👀💞
Hahaah The ace card was accidental ..
but I’ll pretend it was intentional and say GOOD CATCH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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pigdemonart · 2 years
Answering your questions and comments! Pt2
This is for most of the anon questions I got! 
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I actually haven’t considered that! Part of me wanted to say accents aren’t a thing in Unova, but then I remembered the infamous nugget bros...and their catchphrase “nuggetabout it!” It just makes me wish every single character in Unova was heavily accented in all variations. But to answer the question, I haven’t given it any thought at all so I can’t say! 
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I’ve answered this before I think? But my point remains the same. My art of them features them exclusively in a platonic way!  However, I don’t mind the ships, and I don’t mind people seeing it in such a way. I get comments all the time where people joke about “Elesa and her two malethings + her gf Skyla” Hell even I joke about it sometimes. But it’s all in good fun. 
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I love all this Ramses love. He IS the best and you’re both 100% correct!! 
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wags finger. this is inappropriate behavior. 
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I don’t have a discord server (don’t plan to make one) but I share a space with my partner in their vtuber server! It’s a place where we share our work, promote ourselves and others, and chat a lot about fandom stuff. If you’re interested in joining, send me a DM!
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OUghguUGHhh thank youuu.
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OKAY. I’ll be cynical for a second: From what I’ve noticed (this is a small observation, not a factoid) I think a lot of submas fans are new to Pokemon…so are maybe not used to gamefreak being huge disappointments yet. 😩 in my experience, they tend to drop lore or plot points and then ignore them for years.
I have no expectations for the sake of not getting my hopes up for nothing. ;-; though, it would be wonderful considering the themes. Even a subtle nod would make the submas tag trend on twitter without a doubt LOL
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Wuahh…thank youuu…i love drawing… LOVE !!
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EEEEE! I haven’t had the chance to draw up more big gay unovan family stuff yet, but Im glad its enjoyable to other gen 5 lovers. I do love imagining all region characters knowing each other in some way. 🥰 everyone has differing opinions on ingo and emmet but they can agree unanimously they are little weirdos.
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;-;)9 its what im here for,,,
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I have a whole comic script written for it…very emotional…verrrrryyyyy…gestures familyyyyy themed. But ah, we’ll see if I ever get to it!!! Sitting atop my pile of unfinished projects.
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AAAAAAaah I super appreciate this!!! You’re so sweet!! Thank you!!
I hope I can keep making you smile.. its a very big motivator… ;w;
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YEAAAA GOOD GOOD GOOD. THAT WAS THE INTENTION. THATS CRAZY THAT YOU CAN HEAR IT TOO LOL like obviously its near impossible to make sounds with comics, but I’m glad THAT part got to your brain HAHA!!
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Fellow burgh lover i see you, I understand you, and i respect you.
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Hahah, I haven’t really given it much thought, but I genuinely believe that three of them are some of the toughest trainers in Unova. I would say they got far enough to reach victory road. The twins’ talent speaks for themselves being battle facility bosses, but Elesa is nothing to sneeze at either. Since i like to HC them as childhood friends, it only feels fitting that Elesa was not only able to keep up with the twins, but probably bested them several times.
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Maybe some daaaayyy….i love Adaman’s design (even if wayyy to many of the charcters are wayyy to pale eeergh)
Im always thinkin to myself i need to have comic ideas in order to draw certain characters. But I forget I can just … draw them……without giving them a reason to be. SO maybe someday haha! Im glad you like the way I drew him though lol!
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It’s not so much that its canon (don’t believe much has been confirmed about them except they are clown inspired and have receding hairlines) but it’s apparent and obvious. I would dare say it’s not even debatable, but with these sort of headcanons, you have to consider that the people that feel strongly about it are more likely autistic themselves and therefore know more about the subject.
I recommend reading posts by @/1863-project! They go into detail about every detail and honestly it’s allowed me to learn a lot about how to write the characters!
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He’d eat his hat, I think.
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Any kinda ugly, kinda clashing patterns... Turtle necks, or long coats. Outfits that are different, but still kinda match.
OH eelektross jacket…..
Anything that says transman swag…lmaooo
Im not very fashion forward myself, but I try to have fun with it. And when I draw them, i have unspoken hc for when they dressed themselves or when Elesa had an opinion.
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I did draw them doin the based ball once…
But honestly, I don’t particularly think any of them is huge on sports apart from maybe getting excited by extension.
Unless of courss battling considered a sport?
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Personally. I don’t think either of them gets mad often. Frustrated, annoyed, and cranky maybe…but all the way angry?
Kind of interesting to think about. I’m unsure if I’d describe it as scary. More so intimidating because it’s so rare to witness!
I’m reminded of how passively Ingo handled Melli’s fuckery…his customer service voice fell back in time with him. It can be attributed to his politeness, but it certainly takes a great level of patience. So yeah, honestly, I think Ingo would never allow anyone to see him completely angry. Similarly for Emmet, even though he does tend to be more expressive.
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As of today, my commissions are currently closed!! But i welcome all inquiries!
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It feels nice and warm… ;-;
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Ah…………that description is so sweet…….thank you!!
Sadly i did picture that twilight scene with edward and bella JNFNDN BUT THE SENTIMENT STILL STANDS.
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Tis a very very cute thought!! She’ll adopt some of their train themed phrases..since some of them are technically puns. Heehee..
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Indeed. 🐷
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THANK YOUUU!!!! AAAAAAA!! Thank you so so much!! Sometimes i worry more about the writing than the art itself, so it means a lot!!
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pigdemonart · 2 years
You don't understand how happy it makes me to see your doodles with family dynamics, I'm vibrating I adore them thank you for drawing them, I got the biggest smile on my face 😭✨✨💕💕
im so happy its enjoyable to others!! thank you for the kind message!!
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