#one of my many fictional brothers who needs picking up by the scruff of his neck every now and then (I do not mean that meanly)
void-kissed · 1 year
11 and 18 for the "end of the year selfship ask game", please? :)
Certainly, friend!! Thank you very much for sending in these questions!!~
(question source: "✨ end of the year selfship ask game ✨" by interstellarboyfriend)
11. has an F/O inspired you to pick up a new hobby/interest/habit this year? - Umm.. Admittedly, trying to remember if there's an answer to this is probably not going to go very well at the moment, considering that it's currently gone midnight and I went to bed at three o'clock in the morning last night (and the night before) so I am A Bit Tired. However, as it stands, nothing in particular is coming to mind that I've picked up over the past year, so I suppose the answer is no! The only thing I can think of is wanting to know how to use Synth V more, so I can make SOLARIA sing and say things (since I have her lite voicebank!). However, I haven't made any actual progress with that thus far, because it seems very tricky.
18. do you have any new year’s resolutions that are related to your F/O(s)/selfshipping at all, or have any of your F/Os inspired you to pick up a specific resolution? - Well, as a general rule of thumb, I'm not really someone who tends to make resolutions when the new year arrives. It's just never been something I've enjoyed doing. However, this year, I did state some things I'd like to do more, which were as follows:
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I can incorporate selfshipping into the first two resolutions, by a) making renders/writing/etc. of characters who are my F/Os without making the creative content explicitly selfship-related (for example, the Vanitas render I did a few days ago!), and then b) making more content of my friends' selfships!! So, even though the intentions I wrote out are not explicitly connected to selfshipping, I can still relate them to it in some way ^-^
I hope that these answers were alright!! Thank you very kindly again for sending in the questions, Cookies~
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Say You'll Be Mine (1/?)
Read on ao3
Read on fanfiction.net
Summary: They were not meant to be together. Still, the heart is a pesky and stubborn thing. No curse AU with Lieutenant Duckling.
Rating: T
Characters: Emma Swan, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Liam Jones, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Red Riding Hood | Ruby Lucas
Relationships: Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan
A/N: This is the first fic I’ve posted in a long time for this fandom, so please be gentle as I get back into the groove.
When she’d first received the news that a ship named the Jewel of the Realm had just arrived in port, Emma was stunned. 
Throughout her studies as the crown princess, she had always loved the history books, those belonging to her own kingdom and others’. Well, to be more precise, she loved the books that told of historical legends. Stories from the past where no one knows how much is based on fact or on fiction. One of her all-time favorites, one that intrigued her more than any other, was the Legend of the Lost Crew. 
She first discovered the tale from her mother. Emma loved bed time stories when she was a little girl. Every night, she refused to sleep unless her mother told her a story. One night, when Emma was seven years of age, Snow White told her daughter about one of her favorite stories as a girl, one her father Leopold told her.
About three centuries ago, while the kingdom of Misthaven was at war with another kingdom, a corrupt king had supposedly sent his flagship, the Jewel of the Realm, to an unknown land to gather a magical and medicinal plant, one said to cure any disease. The last recorded sighting of the Jewel came from the logs of enemy ships, a frigate and two corvettes, claiming they were in pursuit of the Jewel, when it deployed a sail seemingly made from feathers and flew. The ship and her crew disappeared into the clouds and were never seen or heard from again.
Many speculated what could have happened to the lost crew, even years after the king was overthrown and Emma’s family claimed the throne. Emma herself didn’t particularly believe a ship could fly, but she lived in a realm with magic, so she supposed anything was possible. 
She became fascinated by the missing ship and spent much of her free time among the books trying to find any trace of the Jewel or her crew. She scanned record books, captain’s logs, history books, and books of local legends from any kingdom that she could get her hands on (and being the crown princess, it wasn’t difficult), but no one knew anything about the ship or the men on board after they vanished. 
Some speculated they got lost at sea. Others thought the ship may have been destroyed in a particularly terrible storm. Others speculated the crew rebelled against the king and became pirates, changing the name of the ship to cover their tracks. Still, others thought perhaps the lieutenant, in want of the glory the discovery would bring, killed his older brother the captain and was then faced with a mutiny, eventually leading to the entire crew killing each other.
Emma wasn’t certain which theory was more likely, only a gut feeling the last one was the least plausible. Even though she had no siblings herself, she doubted anyone selfless enough to serve their country during a time of war would kill their own brother for glory. 
Then again, the people at the time doubted their king could ever be corrupt, a belief shattered when he attempted genocide on innocent civilians of the enemy kingdom, leading to the uprising that brought Emma’s family to power, so she guessed the theory had some merit. As much as any of them, that is.
Still, the unsolved mystery of history was one Emma always enjoyed trying to solve on her own, even if her efforts were fruitless. It did happen three hundred hears ago, after all. 
So, when she heard the reports of the ship bearing the same name as the one from the legend coming into port, she could hardly contain her excitement once she overcame her shock. When her father sent messengers to invite the acting officers on board to the castle to meet with him, she eagerly asked if she could be present for the meeting. 
David simply smiled, knowing of his daughter’s fascination with the legend, and agreed. 
The captain was wary, but accepted the invitation.
Emma was practically buzzing with excitement. She smoothed her hands over her skirt and fidgeted with her sleeves until her mother placed a gentle hand on her arm to still her.
When the doors to the throne room opened, Emma's heart started racing. Two officers entered in uniforms of white, blue, and gold.
The two men bowed politely. The taller one stepped forward and introduced himself as Captain Liam Jones and the man with him as his lieutenant and brother, Killian Jones.
Emma appraised both men. The captain was good looking, she supposed, with blue eyes, brown, curly hair, and a short beard, but nothing special. He certainly didn’t look like the stuff of legends (Emma refused to acknowledge the part of her that was disappointed at that). So, she turned to his brother —
— and felt her heart stop.
His. Eyes. They were so blue. And yeah, so were his brother's, but the lieutenant's eyes drew her in, made her hold her breath, made her heart flutter. They held a promise when they met hers. A promise of what, she didn’t know, but her hands started to nervously twist the fabric of her skirt again when he shyly glanced back down to his feet, allowing Emma to appreciate his long lashes and his cute bangs.
Gods, help me. He’s adorable.
She knew she was staring, but she didn’t care. She vaguely heard her father and Captain Jones discussing something or other, but her gaze was solely focused on the lieutenant that captivated her.
He lifted his gaze back to hers and gave a small smile, the right side of his mouth quirking ever so slightly before his tongue darted out to wet his lips. Which, of course, drew Emma’s attention to said lips. She couldn’t help the fantasies that immediately bombarded her. She imagined that his lips would be soft, a delightful contrast to his scruff. She wondered what they would look like when they were kiss-swollen and bruised.
I wonder if he’s a good kisser.
She gave herself a mental shake. She was a princess! She couldn’t be fantasizing about kissing a lieutenant, especially not when her parents were still in the room!
She felt her cheeks flush, heat crawling up the back of her neck as she finally (reluctantly) tore her gaze away from Lieutenant Jones. She tried to refocus on the conversation between her father and the captain, but failed miserably when she saw her mother watching her out of the corner of her eye. The heat in her face and neck grew worse, as she knew she’d been caught staring. She clasped her hands in her lap and focused her gaze on them until she heard her mother speak up for the first time.
"Captain, it would be our great honor to host a ball celebrating your return," she said with a smile.
Captain Jones bowed his head slightly. "Thank you, Your Highness, but a ball is, though generous, not necessary. My crew and I have been away for a long time and would like a chance to rest and adjust to being back in our own realm. Especially after we’ve been away for so long."
Snow's smile remained. "Well, if not a ball, then you must at least join us for dinner. We would not be very good hosts if we did nothing to honor your return to Misthaven."
He smiled respectfully. "Well then, Your Highness, we accept your invitation."
David nodded. "Very well, then. Tonight, we shall feast."
Emma huffed as Red tied up the laces of her dress. Even if she was excited about the leading officers of the Lost Crew staying for dinner, she didn’t understand why she needed to dress up. The dress she was wearing earlier was fine.
But, her mother had insisted. And the gods help anyone who tried to change Snow's mind on anything. Just ask her dad.
She was grateful that Red at least tied it loose enough so she could breathe.
"All done, Emma." Red stood back and allowed her to look at herself in the mirror.
Emma took one look and smiled when she realized the dark green of the dress brought out her eyes. I wonder if Lieutenant Jones likes the color green. No, stop it, Emma. You haven’t even really met the guy. Still, the small smile remained, now accompanied by a barely noticeable blush dusting her cheeks.
"You seem happy for someone who was just huffing about being forced to dress up a few moments ago. What’s on your mind?" Red asked as she reached for the hairbrush.
"Nothing," she answered war too quickly to be convincing. Way to be subtle, Emma. When Red raised an eyebrow at her reflection, Emma felt her cheeks burn and watched in embarrassment as the slight blush darkened in color.
"Nothing, huh? Then why are you blushing?" Red paused in the brushing of Emma's hair. "It wouldn’t have anything to do with our guests tonight would it?"
She shook her head, ignoring the heat crawling up the back of her neck at the lie. "Of course not. I haven’t even really met him. I mean, I was in the room when he were introduced, but I didn’t really talk to him. Well, and neither did he. His brother and Dad did most of the talking and—" She cut herself of when she realized she was rambling. And that she had specified which one of the Jones brothers she was supposedly not thinking about.
She stared down at her hands clasped in her lap as Red gave a low hum. The two were silent as she continued to brush Emma's hair until it flowed down her back in gentle, golden waves.
"The lieutenant, right?" Red broke the silence as she placed the brush down on the vanity.
Emma sighed. "Yeah."
"Snow told me you couldn’t stop looking at him." Red picked up a necklace with a silver swan charm with an emerald set as the eye.
Emma was silent as she held her hair. The brunette clasped the chain behind her neck, and she let her hair down.
"You know you can’t get too attached, Emma." She paused for a moment, resting her hand on the blonde's shoulder. "He’s a navy man, and you're a princess."
She gave a barely perceptible nod. "I know." She sighed again. "It’s dumb anyway. Like I said, I don’t even know him."
Red gave her a sympathetic smile. "Well, it’s time for dinner." With that, she left Emma to her own thoughts.
She stood staring at her reflection for a moment. "He’s just a lieutenant. You can’t get attached."
And even though no words had been exchanged between them, Emma felt her chest tighten just the slightest bit at the thought of blue eyes and dark hair.
Tags: @superchocovian
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mephonic · 7 years
Oh brother mine...
(This is the first time I did a fan fiction on here...I am a little scared! But I hope you like it! This is rated M for mature! There will be acts of violence, gore, and child abuse! The shipping is GaryxTimmy and a scary Tommy! Please give some love to https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5640492/ and there will be sex in this so.....Make sure no ones around!~
Timmy sat in the police office as people walked in and out, asking him if he wanted anything, and if he had anyone to call. Timmy didn't know what happened. He went over to his friend's Chester's house for less than an hour, and then it happened. His family was in a fire. No one knows, or how it happened. There were no matches or candles in the house, and the neighbors saw no one near the home. The police looked high and low but found no sign of foul play.
Timmy looked at Wanda through a small pink mirror. Cosmos was in Fairy World, trying to fix the problem, but like the police no luck.
"Timmy...Is there any way I could help?" She asked.
Timmy wiped his tears and looked at Wanda with big sad eyes. "...Can you bring them back?" He asked in a small voice. Wanda looked away, quiet and sad. " You two have done it before!"
Wanda frowned. "I'm sorry Timmy...It's different when it's an adult...When a child loses his parents it's not in our hands..." She couldn't look at him, her head was bowed, and all Timmy could see was her little crown, and the top of her pink head. He shook his head.
"..So their's no way?...Even if I wish it?!" His eyes spilled over with tears.
"Timmy...We are here for you...We can't bring them back because they're your parents. Wishes for the dead only work in extreme circumstances. And this is not extreme enough...I'm so sorry sport." Timmy looked down and sobbed. His family and home, gone forever.
Timmy stopped when he heard a knock. Wanda turned into toy bear and hopped into Timmy's arms. "Come in..." He said, between sniffles.
The door opened and a tall, strong man came in. He was handsome with black hair and brown eyes. Timmy knew he was smart by his clothes and hair, which was pushed back and styled. He was wearing a dark blue suit with black shoes. He smiled at Timmy as he walked over next to him. "Hello, my name is Sam...You can call me Sammy if you wish!"
"No thanks." Timmy said it so bluntly and coldly that the man's smiled faded.
"Right...I'm sorry for your lost...And don't worry we will find the person who did this!"
"The cop who's named Jae said they can't find them..." Timmy said quietly. Had had never actually told him this. He picked it up eavesdropping with Wanda.
The man rubbed the back of his neck. "Yes...But we called your grandparents!" He said, his smile returning somewhat.
"And?..." Timmy looked at Sam, with very cold eyes.
"We can't let you stay with them..." He said, losing the smile once more.
"WHAT?!" Timmy rose up and was face to face with the man. Wanda fell on the floor, face first. "But why!? My grandparents on my mom's side are RICH?!" He exclaimed.
"Yes..." He pulled out a small piece of paper out of his pocket. " But they are in a home...So they can't take care of you...But they did send money to you!"
"And my grandpa?!" Timmy grabbed the man's tie and tugged. Sam pretended as if Timmy weren't choking him then.
The man looked at the paper and handed it to Timmy. "...He is unable to take care of you...And by the papers, I read... You have no other family member alive, or able to take care of you...You may have to go into f-"
"DON'T SAY IT!" Timmy covered his ears and dropped to the ground. He heard about foster care from Chester's dad. He was in it for most of his life and he was beaten black and blue by some of his so called 'parents'. It was so bad that he had brain problems later in life. Which was the reason he couldn't play ball anymore. To Timmy, there was no wonder fate. He would rather die than go there.
The man slowly released Timmy's grip, getting a comfortable distance away from the boy. He held far away and rubbed his back. "It's okay...I'll make sure you are in a nice home with loving parents...Just think it over?" Sam looked at Timmy with a hopeful smile.
Timmy didn't look at the man. The man grabbed the toy bear and put it on the chair. He took one last look at Timmy and left, leaving Timmy alone. Timmy looked at the paper that the man left for him, and then he ripped it, piece by piece. Wanda didn't say anything to him. Even after Sam had left.
Back at the house, Poof was going through some of Timmy's stuff. Cosmo was looking around the now burned room. Timmy's room was less burned than the rest, thanks to magic. But the room was still pretty bad. The door was gone, the paint was black and all of Timmy's toys were melted.
Cosmo turned to his son. "I am going to get our stuff...Please stay here okay?" He said.
"Okay, daddy!" Poof answered with a tiny salute. Cosmo smiled. He hated taking action and being an adult for once, but since Wanda was with Timmy, he had no choice. He turned into a fish and went inside the bowl.
Poof looked around the bed and found a book. The book was new and had little marks on it. The fire burned some metal that looked like a lock around the side. He ran his hand on the brown cover and began opening the pages. The book had all of Timmy's wishes. To his first wish to now. Each page had pictures taken by either Cosmo or Wanda, with a fun little caption like "Eleventh birthday party! It was the Bees Knees!" That picture showed a pinata being broken, only to have Bees fly out. Poof giggled, he remembered that flipped through the pages, looking at all of the wishes he had granted Timmy through the years, but stopped on one. The cover was called, 'Oh Brother'.
Poof stared at the picture. It was a picture of Timmy standing next to an older boy. They looked shockingly similar, except one had a little chin scruff, and had terrible acne. His hair was a messy, ratty brown color, and it was all over the place. The older boy smirked at the camera, his hand on Timmy's shoulder. Poof felt as if he knew this person, but he wasn't sure from where. He examined more pictures on the page and stopped when he saw himself in one of them. A Christmas photo of him and Timmy opening presents, with the other boy standing on the side, holding a camera of his own. Poof was confused at what he was seeing.
"What does this mean? Timmy had a brother?" He thought to himself. He didn't remember a brother of Timmy's. How come his parents never brought the brother up in conversation? Who was this person in the photos? Poof popped inside the castle, swimming through the halls. He stopped at his parent's old bedroom and slowly cracked it open. He saw his father on the Wand, talking to his mother.
"What do you mean send him away?!" Cosmo said, grabbing at his green hair. "Wanda you know how that is! Fairy's who have kids in Foster Care always get caught!"
"I know!..." Poof heard sobbing. It was his mother. He had never heard her cry that hard before.
Cosmo began to panic. "I-I'm sorry I yelled Wanda...Please don't cry." He said.
"Cosmo..." Cosmo sat on the bed and listened. "I don't know what to do! I feel sad and trapped!...We may have to do that thing..."
"SEND POOF AWAY!?" Cosmo shot up, so fast he sprouted his wings again.
Poof gasped. He leaned close to the door and watched his father yell. "But we can't! We won't see him till his 100 years old! He just learned to talk, Wanda!" Cosmo said. He was so high up in the air, his hair brushed the ceiling.
"I know!" She sighed through the wand." But if this happens we have no other choice! Timmy has no other family and he needs us more than ever! I don't want to give him up either, but..." her voice shook. She clearly didn't like this plan.
"But...My son...My baby..." Cosmos whimpered. He slowly floated to the ground. Wanda started to cry louder.
"Please, Cosmo! I know you hate to take control but please! I can't do this alone!" Wanda pleaded through the phone.
Cosmos eyes widened, they landed on a picture by his nightstand. It was a picture of Timmy hugging his parents, so small, yet so big thanks to what happened today. He put the picture face down and sighed." Okay...We'll send him to my mothers when Timmy is sent..." Cosmos felt defeated.
"Thank you, Cosmo...I love you..." Wanda said.
Cosmo gave a small, sad smile. "I love you too muffin cakes...Bye..." He placed the wand down and began to cry. Poof saw his father cry many times, but not like this. Not hunched over, with his hands in his hair, and his tears streaming down freely. He had gotten so upset by the phone call, he turned back into his Fairy form, in mid conversation.
Poof popped out of the castle and went to the Hotel room that Timmy was staying at. He took the photo album with him. The room was dirty, and small and filled with bugs. He placed the book on the dirty brown bed and poofed into a toy car.
"Have a good night Timmy..." It was Sam from earlier. He leads Timmy inside and closes the door. Timmy slid down against the wall and began to cry.
"Timmy!" Shouted Poof.
"Hm?" He looked at the bed and saw Poof driving at the end of the bed and turning back to his normal self. He smiled as he got up.
"Hey man!..." He wiped the tears from his eyes and got closer. He greeted Poof by scooping him into a hug and holding him. He looked over and saw a book on the bed. "What's that you got there?" He asked.
"A Wish book!" Poof said. He flew over to the bed. He opened the pages and showed him the pictures. Timmy looked inside and smiled, as he remembered each. Poof brought him to another page, one called "Oh Brother." Timmy's eyes widened. He remembered this wish! He wished he had a brother on that day! Because everyone else had one.
"Why did you bring me this?...And where did you get it?" Timmy asked, picking the book up. He flipped through and saw the other pictures with him and his "brother".
"Under you bed!" Poof squeaked. Poof smiled, proud that he was the one to cheer Timmy up this evening.
"My bed...?" Timmy never saw this book. He didn't even know it was under his bed! "Who made this?" He looked at Poof, but he just shook his head.
"I don't know! But think about it!" Poof said excitedly. Timmy flipped through some more. He started to remember his brother, Tommy. He was eighteen when he wished for him back then.
"I can wish he was here and he can take care of me!" Timmy said, getting a wild idea.
"YEAH!" Poof agreed.
"Let's get Cosmo and Wanda!" Timmy got up from the bed, but Poof blocked him.
"NO!" Timmy looked at Poof in wonder. Poof huffed. "I can do it! I can make the wish!" He said. He looked determined.
"But...You've just started to understand your power...Besides, it seems...Odd to ask you for one." Timmy said, smiling teasingly. Poof huffed again and crossed his arms.
"Please Timmy...Do not tell my parents!" Poof pleased. "Just this one wish! I can do it, I swear!" He didn't really know how to use magic to bring things to life without his parents, but if they saw him helping Timmy then they would have to let him stay. Timmy looked skeptical but gave in. He sighed.
"Okay...I wish for a big brother to help me, protect me and never leave me!" He said.
Poof waved his little purple wand and "POOF!"
Standing next to Timmy was a tall, brown haired man. With perfect teeth, smile, hair and...Well, everything! He was wearing a light pink football jacket with white shirt and dark blue jeans. His blue eyes stared at Timmy and smiled. "Hey, sport!" He said. Memories flooded back to Timmy.
"TOMMY!" He hugged his brother tight. "I missed you...!"
"I missed you too...Where are we? I thought I was in Tibecuador!...Why am I here? I was cleaning an E-"
Timmy cried into his chest. "Mom and Dad died...I have no one to help me or take care of me!...Please don't leave!" Tommy and patted his head.
Poof hid behind the bed and watched as Timmy sobbed. Tommy looked down at Timmy and smiled. "I'll never leave you, Timmy, be~" he said.
Timmy sniffed through his shirt. "Really?" Timmy asked
"Never ever~" His eyes started to glow dark blue. Poof started to feel uneasy. Something about Tommy was off to Poof. Something he couldn't explain just be looking at him. Poof dismissed these thoughts. He made Timmy happy! He made it so that they could all stay together now! If that meant getting in trouble for casting a wish at an early age, then that was fine by him. Maybe he just saw a light shining in his eyes. It was just a trick of the light, and maybe even some magic.
That day Tommy told the people that he was taking care of Timmy. At first, Sammy was not sure about it, but once he saw how lovely the two were, he allowed it. First, it was fine, the two got a home outside of town. Well, more like outside of nowhere. They lived in the woods outside of town. Which was an hour away and when Timmy asked why Tommy replied with a wide smile, "So no more fires can happen!" This seemed strange to Timmy.
That was the answer for everything. When Timmy asked why he couldn't ride his bike, see scary movies, or read comics book, that would be his answer. And it was enough to make Timmy stop asking.
But that was years ago. Now Timmy was older and more mature. He was now a full grown teenager. He was smart and creative. He even wanted to go to Hollywood School of Arts but Tommy said it was too long to drive and when Timmy said he could get a dorm there Tommy would say the same thing.
Now, he wasn't allowed to see his friends after school, go to the park or stay late till six. He was just to come home, clean the house and get ready to eat and sleep and then start again. The people thought Tommy was a good brother, but they were wrong. And the only people who really knew were his fairies. And it was in those years of Tommy looking after Timmy, that Poof finally knew what was wrong with Tommy. And he knew that getting rid of him would be harder to do than just Poofing him away.
Just a little thought I had in my head. Me and Ms. Macintosh are now working on this! She is now my co-writer and editor for the story. We will most like post this some other day! I hope you enjoy this and I hope you have a wishful day!~
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