#online tarot reader
theabsintheraven · 10 months
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I’m super excited to share that I will have my own site this September! I’ve been working on it for 5 months and I’m super proud of it.
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moonlightwhiskers · 2 years
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good morning, pick a number for your daily tarot reading ✨
You're in a time of change and uncertainty. Take a risk, have faith, and trust that you will be cradled. Every fall, every failure moves you closer towards your eventual goal. Remember that you are surrounded by love in this moment.
Remember to concentrate on the present. When walking this path in front of you, place one foot in front of the other and you will eventually reach the mountaintop. You are in the first mode of empowerment. Undertake your current journey because you must, but detach yourself from the outcome. The process and the journey are what is important for you at this time; don't concern yourself with the end product.
Everything is suddenly becoming clear to you. You have a keen ability to analyze, and you are cultivating the right perspective. Enjoy this time and the beautiful sense of reverence that you're feeling, but be careful not to get caught up in fanatically embracing the new truth that you're stepping into. Doing so would lead you down a road of trouble.
The truth comes from within yourself; it is your own deep, inner light which, in good conscience, you ought to follow in order to discover happiness. This truth is starting to uncoil from inside of you like a great serpent; acknowledge its movements and don't try to repress them.
Be strong and courageous in the face of this new discovery, and you will find that truth is bliss. Seek your truth to find bliss. Even if you can't see the future, if you obey your heart of hearts, you will come to happiness.
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maid4luv · 5 months
Navigating the Heart: Love Tarot Reading Dos and Don’ts
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By defining goals, selecting a cozy environment, and having faith in your instincts, you may approach love tarot readings mindfully. Make a mental connection, remain receptive, and employ reversals carefully. Ask empowering questions and keep a journal of your experiences. Refrain from using tarot for decision-making, seek readings when extremely upset, or consult it too frequently. Accept the advice of the bad cards rather than being afraid of them. To have a more insightful and encouraging love tarot reading, pay attention to your intuition and consider the spread’s context.
Source Url : https://medium.com/@maid4luv.com/navigating-the-heart-love-tarot-reading-dos-and-donts-b2fcd1387a6b
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spookyshadowvt · 11 months
posting this here too! my tarot reading comms are OPEN~! i’m currently trying to save up extra cash for riot fest in september, so i’m gonna be pushing my readings a bit more! i’m a reader with over 5+ years of experience! i read using the micah ulrich flux arcana deck you can find my pricing options here, and if you don’t see a spread that suits you, dm me! i can create one specifically for you, though additional fees may apply
if you have any questions, shoot me a message! thanks for looking~
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leovenuslatina · 14 days
──★ ˙ ̟🍷 !!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
what you do that turns your FS on?
₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊this is just a reminder that tarot isn’t permanent or set in stone YOU decide how your life goes no one or nothing else now take a deep breath and choose the pile that calls to you ₊˚⊹ ᰔ౨ৎ₊˚⊹
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pile one - six of wands , queen of cups
you’re like really popular and that turns your FS on that you don’t mind being the center of attention and how many people love you make them love you that much more. you’re everyone’s favorite person including your FS. your FS loves how much you are true to yourself and how authentically you. what turns them on is how everyone wants you but he’s the only one that can have you 😏. you radiate high self esteem and how good you feel about yourself makes them feel that much better about themselves. what turns them on is how caring you are and how when i’m bed together you are very skillful in attuning life to his needs. you’re someone who is nurturing and healing to be around and a master with your hands for some reason your touch is like hypnotic to him you can literally make him do anything you want just by one look or touch. what turns him on is how well you take care of yourself yes you nurture and care for those around you but you but even more or just as much care into yourself and that’s really sexy to your FS because you give like a blueprint for how he can come in and take care of you.
pile two - the world , page of wands
what you do that turns your FS on is how adventurous you are like you’ll literally try anything with them 😜 if you know you know ;)you’re seriously down for whatever when it comes to freak town w your FS lol he loves how you’ll throw out kinky ideas for the two of you to try and do in the bedroom. he’ll be really turned on when you buy books or send him articles about different sexual positions or just things to try to spice up y’all’s sex life. the two of you might also send freaky vids back and forth to each other like what you want to do to each other because you guys are just kinky freaks(in a good way ofc). one or both of you might be extremely hyper sexual and like will literally try to hump each other anywhere the two of you are i’m talking parties, events , bars , clubs you literally don’t care. but it turns your FS on how much you’re all over him and how much you not only tell him but SHOW him how attracted to him you are. your FS loves what a bubbly person you are and how you’re always moving and going and how impulsive you are being with you is literally a huge thrill for your FS.
pile three - knight of swords, page of pentacles
to turn on your FS you are very very bold ! when you want him you go for him whenever kissing him all over even peeling off clothes like you deadass don’t care even if you’re in front of people you don’t care ! you’re the type of pda couple that makes everyone else uncomfortable 🤭 (in a good way tho) he loves what a go getter you are . you may even be a little spicy and feisty and your FS finds that very hot you don’t put up with any bullshit and when you have an attitude he’s very turned on lmao. you’ll never do what you don’t want to and you know exactly what you want and that’s exactly what you get no matter what. your FS truly admires that you’re kinda stubborn and headstrong you are. you’re very quick moving and you go for things that most people might find impossible but you dgaf. i’m seeing this relationship between the two of you might also have gone fast because of you not being afraid to take things to the next level with your FS and they really appreciate you taking the lead on that. another thing that turns them on is your luxurious aesthetic and being with you feels like being on a vacation. you always look so pretty and taken care of and relaxed and he loves that about you.
💘 for paid private readings dm me 💘
1 question - $15
2 questions - $20
3 questions - $30
long channeled message - $90
plzzz no questions about health or death ☠️
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Your soul is a student 🌟 … what is it learning? 🔍
Hello lovelies 😝 ! Today we’re going to divine why your soul ⚛️ incarnated on earth . So take a few deep breaths then use your intuition to pick an image. Let’s get started💜!
✨ Pick - A - Picture ✨
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Look at how gorgeous these images are 😍!
Picture 1 💜
#51 Sound of the Universe, 5 of Swords Reverse, The Moon, Queen of Coins, Knight of Swords, 9 of Coins,
Group 1 your soul is here to explore the music of life! 🥹🎶 This pile reminds me of the saying “March to the beat of your own drum “. Channeled song:
I’m hearing right now you’re creating your own soundtrack for your life’s journey. Music is going to be a type of portal for your soul. My guides said that you should use music to heal your chakras if you haven’t already. It can help you find your authentic self. You have the ability to use music to shift and create your reality. You also have great potential to be a pioneer in the music industry. I’m hearing you could create/discover an entirely new genre of music 🎼 .Your soul is attracted to music because it soothes and brings peace to it☮️. You could also enjoy listening to music while working on another creative/artistic passion 🎨 . Music could enhance your creativity thus enhancing your projects. I’m also seeing you might find new ways to use music to heal others 🫂 🥹! Your spread is advising you to keep experiencing/experimenting with your connections to music 🖋️. Explore what music means to you. 💃
Confirmations: Yellow butterflies/birds 🐦🦋 , 111, 333, garden pinwheels, ballet 🩰, tuning forks, dowsing rods, watermelon 🍉, ladybugs 🐞 , bells 🔔, water 💧 sounds
Picture 2 💜
#20 Sound the Mind, 4 of Cups, The Magician, Knight of Coins, 8 of Swords, 4 of Coins, King of Cups
Group 2 , you all are my alien superstars👽🌟. Channeled song:
Your energy is otherworldly 🛸 🌌! I feel like you are a starseed. Your soul is very empathetic. I’m envisioning your soul as a child of the stars ⭐️ . You may feel lonely and misunderstood. Or possibly as though you don’t belong here. You’re not wrong about being different. You’re 🎶UNIQUE🎶 ! I’m seeing that your soul desires to share it’s divine wisdom. Specifically about the potential of the mind 🧠 . 👁️ In your own way, you will teach others how to free themselves. But first you have to break through your own self limiting beliefs, fears and negative patterns 🌀. Your mind is very flexible and quick with thoughts 💭 . On the other hand, you’re someone with a lot of mental chatter! You might be so overwhelmed with your thoughts that they eventually hinder your decisions🌪️. For example, you could feel pressured to make a lot of decisions in the heat of the moment. Which you then find out were the wrong choice. I’m hearing that you will find all the answers you need once you learn to quiet your mind. You can start connecting with your inner wisdom by taking as long as you can before making decisions. Mastering your mental/emotional selves and spreading that wisdom is very important to your soul. Your knowledge will aid in elevating the collective consciousness!
Confirmations: meditation, yoga 🧘‍♀️, self-care 🧖🏽‍♀️, vacations, pearls, crystals , animal-lover, empath, old soul, constellations, astrology, astronomy 🔭, astral projection, the color indigo, feeling like you’re running out of time ⌛️ , headaches/migraines, multiple past-lives
Picture 3 💜
#48 Surrender, Temperance, 5 of Swords, 3 Swords, The Wheel of Fortune, The Tower, 10 of Cups, 9 of Coins
Immediately, I’m feeling that your soul is here for a simple reason. Channeled song:
The human experience! Your soul craves to understand the lows and highs of the human experience. From humanity and death to relationships and society. Your soul is here to experience it ALL and then TRANSCEND. For some of you, I feel that you have a phoenix as a spirit animal. I’m imagining you rising from your ashes. You may notice that common themes throughout your life include renewal and rebirth. I definitely feel Scorpio ♏️ /Libra ♎️ placements could be significant. Your soul will come to understand the importance of both endings and beginnings. You will have alot of tower moments through life. No matter what you will always emerge stronger than ever. I was struggling to remember who your energy reminded me of and it’s Wanda!⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
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Wanda’s story is very similar especially with her experiences involving grief, loss, vulnerability, finding her way through life, etc. We’re told that the scarlet witch is forged and not born. I feel that your soul is creating and shaping this particular human experience. Be cautious though. Don’t let your human experiences break your soul.
Confirmations: ants 🐜 , roses 🌹, vultures, roadkill, daffodils, recent breakup❤️‍🩹, 🕷️ , something burning 🔥 , mermaids, peacocks 🦚, lotus 🪷 flower, bow and arrow 🏹, rapunzel 👑, anklets, tattoos/piercings, death of a loved one, dejá vu, north node
Thanks so much 😽!!
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Pick a pile 1 - 2 - 3
The Death card indicates the end of something that no longer serves you and the beginning of a new path. It may be an opportunity for fruitful personal growth and transformation. You may undergo significant inner changes, leading to a new understanding of yourself and your life path. Don't be afraid of rebirth, as it will lead to a more authentic and fulfilling existence. You may need to let go of certain aspects of your life that have become stagnant. It's your chance to shed a job, a relationship, a belief system, old habits or personal attitudes. Letting go can be challenging, but it is necessary for new opportunities. Learn how to accept a change as a natural part of life. Try to flow with the changes and see them as necessary steps. Philosophy of Stoicism may help you. As you release the old, new opportunities and beginnings will arise. Be open to new experiences and possibilities that come your way.
You can book a personal reading with me 🦋
6 of Swords shows that you will be moving from a challenging situation to a more peaceful one. It may be an actual physical move (relocating to a new place, travel) or a mental transition, leaving behind stress for a more balanced state of mind. June may be a month when you start a healing journey or get amazing results from a current healing. The journey towards recovery may not be instant, but you are on the right path. You may receive support from friends, family, mentor etc. Accepting help can lead to more positive outcomes. You may be actively trying to resolve issues and making decisions. Logical thinking and planning will be key. As you move away from the difficulties of the past, you may gain new perspectives and insights. A mental shift towards more positive thinking and clearer understanding will be available for you.
You can book a personal reading with me 🦋
5 of Cups indicates an emotional setback. You may feel a sense of sadness or disappointment over what has been lost or what didn't go as planned. You may reflect on what went wrong and learn a lesson or a few that can be learned from the experience. This lessons will prevent similar disappointments in the future. By releasing the past, you make room for new opportunities and experiences that can bring happiness and fulfillment. You may have a tendency to dwell on the negative aspects of a situation ignoring the positive elements that still exist. It's important to recognize that not all is lost. There are still positive aspects in your life that you can build upon. There is a potential for recovery and new chapter. Allow yourself to grieve and feel your emotions, but also look for ways to start moving forward. Reaching out for support can be beneficial.
You can book a personal reading with me 🦋
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tarotwithdanise · 1 year
20 things that May will brings to you.
This can be realizations you will feel, new hobbies, your career and finances, love and relationships, blessings or negative outcomes that you might be experiencing.
༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ how to choose a pile? ✧ . ˚
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2
3 - 4
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Pile one
If this pile may have many negative messages outcome for you, don't claim them focus on the positive sides and avoid dealing with them. Perhaps we can't probably do that all the time, in the first week of this month wear something dark such as black especially in days like 2nd and 11th or in every Tuesday and Friday to block any evil eye. Additional advice here, put salt in your doorway and do smoke ritual.
Going back to places that reminding you your childhood ; a heal for your inner child.
There are some outcomes that will make you so happy.
If you are someone who is in the field of social media like influencer or well known in a specific community- you probably gonna gain a lot of followers that will respect and honor you the most.
A shocking news ; can be bad or good well it's depends on you on how you perceive this situation.
Someone in your back doesn't agree with you at all and just playing nice towards you because they can benefit something from you, for simple description; you are a tool for them.
If you are experiencing unstable health currently, this pile is a confirmation that you are in good health yet slow and steady.
You might loss some of your property.
An enemy ; an averting evil for you will watched your moves this month. And possibly waiting for you around the corner.
If you are planning to learn some new language, new diet plan or new instrument, this tells you this is the right time for you start.
A sincere new friendship may build and come for this month.
Some of your efforts will be crowned with success.
You will be a bridge to a new develop couple so they can linked and get together.
Good fortune is coming and so you need to trust your family more.
Satisfaction in your home may likely to happen.
You will pay attention and focus to your physical and mental health.
Someone who is strong authority and influence to the public will be significant for you.
A healing for you with a married woman ; this can be your mother. Healing about your mother wound issues.
If you planning to get married with this month. You and your partner may have a happy and comfortable life.
Be careful when investing money or buying something from someone, you might get scammed.
You will find yourself truly blessed with the Universe with this time. And so you feels like to inspire others as well be inspired from them.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile two
Planning to meet someone who is popular and famous?Like attending to your favorite idol concert? This will bring a lot of happiness for you. You will enjoy this situation. If not, you are likely planning and savings money for you to actually meet them.
Someone who will get married or if not, you likely to attend and be invited with this wedding.
A partnership. Agreement or soul connection may happen this month with someone.
You will develope a new exercise plan or if not, you maybe interested to join in a exercise program.
Your spiritual growth and intuition will be on point.
You will forgive someone.
Your like or crushing to someone may develop into the next level of like, especially love.
Step out of your comfort zone. (In case, you were looking for a sign this maybe a sign for you to start doing it.)
You bring love and peace into a situation.
Shock from a bad news.
A end of someone or something, can be an actual 💀.
You will be surrounded by true friends.
Fulfilment of your high hopes.
For some, new love may develop.
Swimming??Not sure if it's pool or beach though.
You will discover a secret of someone.
Family quarrels may come.
You will receive a good fortune and neutralize the evil near to you.
Strong unexpected fortune.
You will receive a message from someone that will touch your heart.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile three
You may somehow feel deeply hurt.
Manifesting exactly what you want, just keep a positive mindset.
Moving on from a heart break and arriving of someone.
An awaited message may finally arrives ; text, call, email.
You will be talked online? You will be relevant somehow for others.
You will stop a toxic pattern.
A short embarrassment may happen to you that will follow a happiness moment.
Someone might stole something from you so better watched out your things ; a theft.
You maybe get a rival for a competition into someone or something.
A confession from someone you know.
If you have business, it will like get recognition and success.
A enemy will decided to go and turn their back away from you.
Motivation for others and for yourself.
A change of mind.
New pet or working on a new jobs.
A personal issues will finally found it's solution.
You will decide to work with your fears because you think your bigger than them.
You will start dancing and connecting more with Nature.
Starting a new hobbies especially baking sweet treats and writing a journal.
A planned vacation may happen or you will move into a new house, room or dorm.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
Pile four
A get together with your friends.
New hair color and hair style.
After a long months of not watching a movie, you will decided to watch again.
A study to stars or if not, a study to astrology.
You will go to see a doctor for check up.
You will buy a new sets of book for yourself.
Deep breathing can calm down your anxiety, you will nourish your temple.
You will let yourself to be playful and enjoy for this month.
A new phase of your life will be happening and preparing yourself for an union with the next coming months.
A freedom from toxic relationship or addiction habits.
Contented of being alone, you will start your own self-care.
A pain???
Your fierce enemies are near to you with this month.
A popularity of someone or yourself will bring so much joy to you.
Your feelings for someone will grow be intense.
Important advice from someone who is female.
You will have a lot fun coming here for you pile four.
Someone you like will like you equally can be friends like platonic.
Someone will try to gaslighting you so be aware.
You will find out something from someone that will shock you and everyone.
Thank you so much for reading my work, let me know your thoughts, feedbacks as well tipping and reblogs is well appreciated. Tipping jar is already mentioned above of this post !! ♡
࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚ 𝓞 ops you already reached the end. ࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚࿙‌֒࿚
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pickacardreading · 2 years
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Choose the pile that sparks a memory for you. It has your answers
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The way for you to get your dream job is you have to rely on your intuition. Sometimes people apply for jobs out of desperation. They apply everywhere without considering if they want to work there or not. They just want to get the job. Other people apply for job with high income but don't even think if they will survive in there because of the amount of workloads. For you, you need to ask yourself do you want to work in a certain job or not. This depends on your desire entirely
At the same time, you also have to consider if the job paying good or not. There are type of jobs that do have good work environment in terms of coworkers and boss but the job doesn't pay enough. You are advised to consider the benefits you will get from the job and make sure that job is enough to make you feel secure. Job with good pay will also make your family feel safe because you have good income to sustain yourself and the family. You are advised to love the job that you end up choosing and never let any not fun things you experience in the past in terms of job hold you back from performing the best in your dream job. Good luck!
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The advices for you to get to your dream job are very straightforward. First is that you need to stop acting childish. See, work environment and school environment may differ so much. We are going to meet a lot of people who are much older than us and they are not meant to cater for us. They are our coworkers or boss. So we have to act mature in terms of our job by being responsible and control our emotions. Second is that you need to release your mental burden. Try to think positively that job is not as hard as you think about as long as you choose the job right. The third is that you need to be ready to be away from your loved ones when it comes to your dream job. For ex, your job is far away so you need to rent a room or you will go to another city or country a lot for your job trip. It's hard to be away from family since it can make you feel like you lose your support system but sometimes, there are things that are necessary to do for our own good. You will also learn a lot from your job. Good luck!
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You will get your dream job but you can't just rely heavily on your intuition or your logic alone. You have to combine both of them. You have to observe what actually is presented there and measure the pros and cons. For this, you have to rely on your experiences. If based on your experiences, a job choice may not be good because you have seen that the employees there are known to have bad histories with employers, then don't choose that. Research, research, and research. You also don't need to be afraid of choosing the wrong job when you do enough research. If you do your research and choose the job right, you will get a good paying job and things will be good for you. Good luck!
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deerbornintuitive · 1 year
Pick a Pile: Love Letter from your Higher Self
Each pile contains 4-7 cards pulled, depending on the energies present around you. Center yourself and clear your mind, then look at the three images below. Which are you intuitively drawn to? Trust what you feel. When you’re ready, scroll down to find your love letter. I hope you enjoy!
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Pile reveals below….
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Pile A
Your cards: Strength, 6 of Wands, 2 of Cups, 2 of Swords rx, 4 of Cups, the Lovers
Dearest One,
I am so proud of you. Though things have been difficult, you still remain compassionate, and make efforts to be your best self. You are kind. You’re able to contain your emotions, and do not take out your difficult past on others. Your resiliency and courage is admirable. Yet, you don’t always think highly enough of yourself. You may not realize this, but there are people that look up to you for the person you are. Your wisdom is received, and you have fans! You are impactful with your messages. Even your voice only reaches a few people, you’re making a difference in their day and in the collective itself. Keep it up!
You know yourself well. You already know what you want and need, you’re aware of what will make you feel healthy and content. But at times, something holds you back from following through. Maybe its indecision of what to pursuit next, or worries and fears, imposter syndrome; or perhaps even a relationship with a loved one is holding you back in some way. (Make sure that you are considering your happiness above your partner’s if this is the case.)
When you’re held back from doing what will make you feel good or fulfilled, you’re not only missing out on chances for happiness, but you’re likely trapping yourself in stagnation and boredom (which can turn into even more negative emotions, like apathy or depression). You can improve the way you love yourself by following through on whatever its is that you need to do for yourself to feel good. Maybe this means something like going out for walks, drinking more water, or having an important conversation. Or, it could be something more drastic, like moving out of town, cutting someone out of your life, quitting a vice, or getting a new pet. 
At this time, I’m helping you heal and open your heart chakra by sending you a massive wave of unconditional love. I'm promoting energies of trust and harmony in your life. This might not always be a positive experiences-- some things may need to change first, in order to improve, but it will ultimately be very good for you. I’m going to be facing you with opportunities to create true fulfillment. I will be sending you signs and messages to help you balance your emotions. You'll notice them through coincidences, and will also see/hear these signs when you're in nature. Please know that I'm always with you, sending you the support you need. Put your hands over your heart, and feel the love I have for you coming in.
Love always,
Your Higher Self
I hope you enjoyed your reading! If you'd like to book a more personal reading with me, you can browse my options here. If you'd like to support my work, you can do so here. Sending you light and love!
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Pile B
Your cards: 3 of Cups, Ace of Wands, the Emperor, Page of Swords
Dearest One,
It's admirable the way you bring people together. You feel your best when you can share your energy with others. I love how you bring your unique and upbeat vibe to a group or gathering. You like to celebrate and have a good time, so you do your best to create a positive environment for those around you. You really do make the people in your life feel so special. If you're feeling lonely, please reach out to someone. Your traits of kindness and empathy will make it easy for you to make a new friend. 
I see the way you struggle at times with your confidence. I'm so sorry that people and situations have caused you to lose sight of your personal power. Please know these no longer have power over you, though it may not yet feel this way. You are truly a force! Speak up, even if your voice shakes. Try to be direct about what it is you want or need, otherwise nobody knows what it is. People cannot read your mind, so do not assume that they're going to be as perceptive as you to your needs. I would love to see you give more of your energy to what makes you feel fulfilled, because this is your life to live. Care less about what others may think; they're not the ones in your shoes!
You’re creative, and your ideas are worth exploring and sharing. You may not see the value in them because you’re too close to them, so they too often get tossed aside or not take seriously. You’ve recently had a very good idea come to you, which is worth another look. Follow what excites and motivates you, don’t be so quick to toss it! I would love to see you collaborate more with people that inspire you. There will be a great opportunity coming for you to share your energy with a creative community. Go for it! You will be surrounded by people that make you happy. 
At this time, I'm sending energy to your crown chakra and solar plexus chakra to spark your curiosity. What are you noticing that you’re interested in learning more about? Let go of any self imposed restrictions or limiting beliefs-- you're more than capable of doing whatever it is you want. This year is going to be a wonderful time for you to expand both your knowledge and perspective. I'm so excited to watch you continue to grow and bloom. Your light and beauty is magnificent, and you will become even more so with time!
Love always,
Your Higher Self 
I hope you enjoyed your reading! If you'd like to book a more personal reading with me, you can browse my options here. If you'd like to support my work, you can do so here. Sending you light and love!
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Pile C
Your cards: 7 of Pentacles, the World, 10 of Cups, 8 of Wands, King of Pentacles
Dearest One,
Look how far you've come! You’re better able to see the bigger picture these days. You’ve come to the end of another season of your life, and things may be feeling slower. Take time to celebrate the time gone by and lessons learned before starting anything new. Give yourself credit for all of your hard work up to now-- I'm so proud of you. You’re doing great! Savor this moment and feel complete as you are. Share your joy with someone you love.
When you have an interest or goal, you go all in. You have an admirable work ethic and are driven by your own interests to advance in your work & passions. You’ve found what you're good at, and will continue to improve. Even when there are obstacles or setbacks, you persevere. You’re aware of how any mistakes and challenges that arise have served to teach a lesson and help you grow. You should be proud of this quality of yours!
Sometimes self care and self love feels like a lot of effort-- it doesn’t have to. You work so hard, that you may not have much energy left for you at the end of the day. I know it's difficult for you to slow down. Find short little moments for quick self care during your busy day, instead of trying to fit it in at the end when you're tired. Pause to pay yourself a compliment, stop what you’re doing to focus on your breathing, stretch, repeat affirmations, or even look at a piece of art or a crystal that brings you peace and ground you. Don’t be afraid to go out of your ordinary and surprise yourself. There are times that you get in your own way, and you know just what I’m talking about. Take a chance at telling the voice of doubt or insecurity off. Cast it aside and give it less of your attention— this will make it lose any power it has. Feed it less of your energy, and feed that energy instead into those moments I've mentioned prior. Finally, please know that there are people in your life that want to lighten your burden for you, and it's okay to accept their help. 
At this time, I’m helping you by sending energy to your root chakra, to stabilize you into the present and heal your physical body. Now would be a good time to a take a little break, whether you take a half day or a full day off to chill and reflect. You’re doing wonderful building upon a strong foundation with your eye for detail. Please know that there’s no rush, you’re going to get to where you want to go. I’m sending you signs of encouragement and guidance through dreams, moments of insight, symbols, animals, and numbers. I love you for who you are, and want to see you flourish!
Love always,
Your Higher Self
I hope you enjoyed your reading! If you'd like to book a more personal reading with me, you can browse my options here. If you'd like to support my work, you can do so here. Sending you light and love!
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theabsintheraven · 7 months
Ancestors in Autumn: Honoring the Past
The leaves begin to change colors and the air turns crisp, autumn arrives with its magical blend of beauty and melancholy. Autumn often encourages us to reevaluate and let go of things, but it's also a perfect time to try and connect with your ancestors.
Today, we'll explore the significance of connecting with them and the various ways you can pay tribute to your forebears during this season of transformation…
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moonlightwhiskers · 2 years
Oh sorry I just read your rules, if you don't have a pendulum thats ok, could I ask you a similar question? I was wondering what kind of advice my Guides have for me currently? Thank you.
hey there, sure thing!
The Hierophant (reversed) - deck jumper
You're now questioning traditional beliefs and the status quo. You feel the pressure to conform, but you don't agree with the belief system upheld by the group around you. You need to shake things up for yourself in order to enjoy more spontaneity and freedom in your life.
The King of Swords
In order to break from your old belief system, embody the King of Swords. They are an intelligent and decisive leader who acts with justice, self-assurance, and unwavering reason. They are often looked up to as an authority figure and a mediator because they excel in cutting through confusion to reach the core of truth in any matter. They perform well under pressure and don't balk at the prospect of responsibility.
hope this was helpful!
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maid4luv · 5 months
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thevviitchinghour · 2 years
PAC - msgs from Hurricane Nicole
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I'm in florida before anyone gets mad at me, I'm also shocked at how striking these messages are.
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Keep pushing and manifesting because you guys are on the verge of bringing peace into your lives. For those of you trying to manifest justice it is beginning to ground itself into the physical realm. Be aware that the situation may erupt in a way you did not expect. This is nothing to feel bad about though, you simply pushed for the scales to be balanced. So expect just that. Stop dumping out your cup the moment it refills, like take a moment and chill out. A lot of you need to relax more and allow others to nurture YOU. Okay you need a fucking breakfast in bed or some shit. The way you are always there for others. You are more than a shoulder to cry on and a soothing voice. Remember to be grateful, because when you forget to be grateful and be active in your life & pay attention to the good you are fumbling your own manifestations. Like dumping paint on your canvas and just smearing it all over these intricate creations and desires and self expressions. Journal more often, be on top of self care, you might get to have a mani pedi soon!
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PILE TWO You guys are really masterful artists and creators, perhaps you've putting an abundance of energy into creating something. Or cultivating some type of success, I feel like something is being hidden from this pile, it's going to soon be revealed to you. You might be frustrated about the delays but the point of these delays is for you to be present in the moment and just fucking enjoy yourself. Listen to throwbacks, look at old pictures and laugh, you might have an old friend or acquaintance reach out soon. It's always good to reconnect, but remember that just because you knew them doesn't mean they need full access back into your life. Slater was my shit in highschool, and I just feel like you guys need to draw more inspiration from your inner teen. You had tons of ideas and concepts that you threw away because you thought it wasn't good enough or you just forgot about them as a whole. Get to know your teen self again, have fun, go play in the woods, skate, go do something you haven't done in years and cherish the entirety of it. Your inspiration comes from your experiences, you rely too much on your intuition. While your intuition is an extension of you and you are an extension of spirit you are literally an amazing force of creative energy and hope for others. Get to know yourself again. I heard " Feels amazing"
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PILE THREE This is a warning for you my Pile Three's. You are fucking up your own blessings with your messy nonsense. The manipulation, the lies, the confusion you orchestrate. End it now, "break that curse for sweet relief". Before you do something you can't take back. Communicate with people, you don't always have to treat people like this to get what you desire. Keep fighting for your desires, but stop harming people in the process. Those of you manifesting love or a long term relationship may be shooting yourself in the foot with ur flightiness. Ur so picky but you don't even fit your own standards. Like you would flip the fuck out if someone was on the shit you're on towards you. I don't care if it pisses you off, you know it's true. If you desire freedom then carve a path full of freedom for yourself. Quit playing these weird games where you are skirting between lines and stay in your own fucking line. A new beginning is coming your way, don't be the fool that falls off of the cliff and lands on his ass.
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leovenuslatina · 6 months
˚₊‧꒰ა 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒐 𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒆 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
why/how you became famous?
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
this is the first in my fame series! this series is all about what your life of fame will be like !! enjoy !!
‧꒰˚ʚ🎀ɞ˚꒱ ‧ this is just a reminder that tarot isn’t permanent or set in stone YOU decide how your life goes no one or nothing else now take a deep breath and choose the pile that calls to you ‧꒰˚ʚ🎀ɞ˚꒱ ‧
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⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧⛧°。
🎀 pile one 🎀
four of cups, page of cups, eight of wands
pile one i see you being famous like an over night thing. maybe you post a silly video or something while you’re bored at home and out of nowhere you blow up!When it comes to massing a following, being genuine with a big personality can be an irresistible combination for you. People are drawn to your authenticity, and you are someone that exudes genuine qualities coupled with a larger-than-life personality you’re magnetic. you are refreshing and invigorating to encounter. you are true to yourself and unapologetically embrace your unique qualities. This authenticity shines through in your posts, words, and interactions, creating a sense of trustworthiness that undoubtedly attracts others. A big personality adds another layer of charm as it infuses excitement and enthusiasm into every moment. People are naturally captivated by you who radiates positive energy and have the ability to bring joy into everyone’s life. Ultimately, it is this winning combination of genuineness and a big personality that draws people in and makes them love you so much. Suddenly, your follower count skyrockets, and notifications flood in from people all over the world. It's surreal, to say the least. Comments pour in praising your humor or admiring your beauty. Your inbox is flooded with messages from brands wanting to collaborate. From being an ordinary user scrolling through memes and cat videos, now everyone wants a piece of you - interviews, guest appearances, sponsorships - it seems endless.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ extra ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
good news
hasty action
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。
🎀 pile two 🎀
two of swords, ace of pentacles, ten of wands
you’re famous pile two because of what you say and what you talk about what you say and the things you talk about really resonates with others! you may be a motivational speaker or writer someone who really gets to people deeply with just your words. i see you a lot in the spot light and on like red carpets in fancy dress and dripping in diamonds. you have a beautiful smile so you might be funny or a comiden actor/actress. pile 2 people are so obsessed with your mind i don’t know what it is about but the way you think is remarkable to others. you’re constantly pulling people in with your opinions on whatever topic . you could be a talk show host ! giving wendy but better. you’re so welcoming and sun shining all over everyone who is a fan of yours. pile 2 if or when you become famous your recognition and success will be extremely abundant ! you’ll be so well loved and very well known.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ extra ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
balance, bambi, deer 🦌, red, red carpets, peace of mind, cameras, emotional stability , finical, gain , luck , talk shows , recognition, success
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。
🎀 pile three 🎀
seven of cups, temperance, the tower
pile 3 you’re famous for something you’ve always wanted to do something you’ve dreamt of doing for your whole life. this career is something you definitely manifested. this maybe something you wanted to do ever since you little. i’m seeing your inner child guiding you to this career. you’re famous because your life is inspiring! people see how hard you work and have been and all you’ve been through. people from all over are drawn to you because of you being so true to yourself and not ashamed to be who you really are. you may become a actress i see you might have a flare for the dramatics and or performing on a sort of broadway stage. you become famous pile 3 because you’re a very ambitious person who goes after any and everything you want.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ extra ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
dreams and ambitions , stars ⭐️ , inner self, capable, control, dramatic change, new start, blue,
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。
🎀 pile four 🎀
the well, three of pentacles, eight of pentacles
you’re definitely an artist !! you’re extremely comfortable with your medium whatever it is painting or music or whatever you make your art with your extremely skilled ! whatever it is that you create resonates will millions. and you’re praised heavily for your incredible art work. everyone is so impressed how you can be so skilled you are at such a young age. people are truly amazed by your talent. if you’re an artist can see your artwork being displayed in huge museums in from of crowds of people. i see opportunities falling right into your lap so if you do desire fame and fortune simply remain indulgent in you passions that will lead you to true happiness
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ extra ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
new skills
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡ ୧⋆ ˚。
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June messages for you
Hello darlings 😌! This reading will give you some general messages about your upcoming June 🌞! Take a few breaths 😮‍💨 and use your intuition. 👁️
✨ Pick ~ A ~ Picture ✨
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Pile 1
Your wishes are coming true ⭐️! June is telling you that no dream is too big to dream 💭 . The beginning of the month is a great time for you to starting “sowing the seeds” of your manifestations 🧑‍🌾 . The LOA and scripting methods will be useful to you. Have discernment in the middle of June. This is a very powerful time for you. I’m hearing “be careful what you wish for ” 🤫. You have the power to create your reality. Choose wisely what you want to bring into your life. Whatever you’ve been manifesting throughout the month, you will receive at the end of June 😱!
Confirmations: angel numbers 123, water signs ♋️ ♏️ ♓️ , copper, batteries 🔋, berries🍓, fashion 👗 , prayer, detachment, The matrix, black birds, money on the ground 🪙
Pile 2
Group 2 this summer your going to be shining 🌟! The beginning of June is very auspicious 🍀 for putting yourself out there and being noticed. Your meant to express your authentic self this June 🌞 . By the middle of June, you might start questioning if you want to keep being in the spotlight 🪩 . Don’t worry! This is actually healing and bringing wholeness to your inner child 🧚 . I’m seeing that at the end of the month you’re going to be recognized for a hidden/latent ability you have! I sense this is going to be a big surprise 🎁 for you as well. Because somehow this is something you never thought you had/could do 👀.
Confirmations: angel numbers 1111/11:11, Aladdin, genies 🧞‍♀️, peacocks 🦚, Aries, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, projector type in human design, cameras 📸 , explosion 💥 , parade
Pile 3
You’re breaking free in June group 3 🙌! This June is all about you finding a way out of an undesirable situation. You might be hesitating to make decisions concerning your circumstances 😬. Don’t feel overwhelmed, keep your mind open 💆 👁️ ! This Jupiter North Node conjunction in beginning of June is going to bring some profound revelations to you 🗝️. These discoveries will give you strategies to help free you. Around the middle of June is when you’ll really notice and experience divine messages and downloads 💌. I’m hearing you could also receive a lot of messages from your dreams 💭! The end of June is when you can expect to see the ending of your current cycle and the beginning of a new and liberating one 💪🥳!
Confirmations: foot pain 👣, Harry Potter, Taurus placements, Sagittarius placements, Robinhood, fishing, swimming 🏊‍♀️ , essays, loans, 💵 funding, something being approved ✔️ , goosebumps , deja vu
Thank you so much 😽!!
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