#online tarot reading
lazysusan28 · 1 month
If you weren't meant to see this, you wouldn't have!
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marshwitchtarot · 2 years
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FREE ORACLE READING RULES (please and thank you)
Must be following me, like this post and reblog, then DM me and let me know which deck you choose (#1, #2, or #3). I look forward to working with you.
Other readings start at just $1! Please message me if you have any questions about the services I provide. ✌️🖤🔮
*I accept payment and tips via PayPal, Cash App, and Venmo.*
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digitald3monz · 1 year
Daily Reading - 3/22/23
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today’s reading had two cards! the ace of pentacles and the moon, both reversed.
lack of planning may cause some issues today. make sure you’re thinking carefully before making decisions, as hasty choices could lead to confusion and anxiety. talk about these new opportunities with someone you trust and weigh the pros and cons before diving in! so long as you’re cautious, you’ll be okay
interested in a personalized reading? go here!
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themajorbarkana · 2 years
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Weekly tarot reading: 6 of Wands (reversed) and The Star–a message about hope after a battle. 
The Star is a card that signifies great hope and goodness coming, especially after the chaos of the Tower. The Six of Wands reversed is also a conflict card (like the Tower) and, in this reading, stands in for that. You’ve been living with a huge disadvantage for a long time–likely due to toxic social relationships or personal health. This has led to what seems like failure after failure, let down after let down. 
The Star swoops in to say this is coming to an end. Your fate is shifting and you’re starting to move into an era of great freedom, self-empowerment, and spiritual alignment. Let go of the battles you know you can’t win, and find your strength within the losses and limitations life has handed you. Strength comes from accepting these realities, not trying to ignore and go beyond them. 
Keep this message in mind this week and beyond, as you move into a new year. 
P.S. There are only 26 days before our shop is closed forever. If you want a deck, print, or other dog goodie–now’s the time before they’re unavailable!
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costellobezrobbins · 2 years
How to Phrase Effective Questions inside a Tarot Card Reading
Are you receiving a tarot reading for the first time? Well, to obtain a productive and insightful tarot card reading, you should know the best way to phrase your queries. Asking the right form of questions after a tarot reading will ensure that you receive illuminating techniques to assist you to achieve your dreams and goals. However, once you ask a poorly phrased question, there exists a good possibility how the answers you get will likely be confusing, vague, and even discouraging. If you are searching to secure a tarot card reading, you can consult a tarot card reader online through a tarot app to guide you through the difficulties of life. All you should do is download Astroyogi's tarot reading app. To use a fruitful card reading session that will ensure that you end the tarot reading session with additional knowledge than you began with, below are great tips that you'll be able to remember while communicating with them. So, let's get started. Major arcana Course for Phrasing Effective Questions in a very Tarot Reading Ask Open-Ended Questions Tarot reading provides the the best results whenever you are wanting to get advice or better insight. The tarot cards reading want to offer and reflect on possibilities. This is why it is advisable to ask open-ended questions. Even though it is possible must straightforward good or bad questions, tarot cards often give complicated answers jointly must delve into the cards' symbolism to grasp the reasoning behind the good or bad. A card reader interprets what are the card reveals, so answering exactly a pros and cons isn't feasible for your tarot card reader. For example- Don't- "Will I get the work promotion?" Do- "How can I grow in my career?" Ask Questions That are Focused on Yourself You may be tempted to inquire about questions on other people throughout a tarot reading. But asking them questions about another person will turn into unproductive. Tarot card reading is ideal whenever you are focused on yourself looking for solutions by yourself. For instance, if you inquire relating to your romantic endeavors, tarot cards cannot respond to your questions like whether your companion loves you or if they'll marry you. Instead, it is possible to seek advice like how you are able to make a stronger experience of them. For example- Don't- "Does my crush love another individual?" Do- "How can I make a better and stronger bond between me and my crush?" Avoid Extremely Detailed Questions Tarot card readings offer guidance to ensure that you can work from the obstacles in your lifetime. They are not meant to give you detailed answers or exact predictions about any specific situation. So, you ought to steer clear from asking specific dates, names, or results. Take Complete Ownership with the Situation When it comes to communicating with them, it's a good idea in the event you inquire which will enable you to take ownership in the situation to get the right insight. For instance, if you want to ask questions in connection with health of the cherished one, rather than asking when they will regain health or even the outcome from the health problem, it's better in case you ask what it is possible to do to improve the chances of them convalescing and regaining their health or how you can support them. When you go for a card reading, be operational towards the advice that the tarot cards offer you. You might find information that you don't like, yet it's important to listen for the message, regardless of whether it is what you are trying to hear or otherwise. A tarot reading session might be of enormous help in the event you do it with purpose. This can only happen if you put conscious efforts to phrase your question correctly.
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moonlightwhiskers · 2 years
Hello, first of all, thanks for reading and for the energy, secondly, sorry for asking this question, I know that some questions seem silly to you. This is my question. Will I be able to have a relationship again this year with E.V (Scorpio)? we are trying to be friends but I don't know what can happen between us my initials MRA (pisces)
hey MRA, your question isn't silly, I promise! I am going to tweak it just a tad, if that's cool. different readers will approach the cards differently, and I want to make sure that folks get the best readings they can from me (and how I read tarot).
I don't read for yes/no answerable questions, so I've asked the cards about how things look going forwards between you and E.V.
Nine of Pentacles
A card for retirement, for putting past battles behind you, and enjoying the here and now. You've written the story of you and E.V. and now it's time to close the book, and walk away without a sense of guilt. While it hurts in the moment, know that it's the best thing for both of you.
There's also a sense of introspection with this card. Focus on finding happiness in all that you've accumulated. Sometimes it takes focus to realize just what it is you've accomplished and where to head from there.
Four of Pentacles
Now is the time for selflessness and generosity, and to value the community around you. Draw your attention away from the cyclical thoughts and rehashing of has-been and could-have-been. Put your mind to being of service to the people in your life and your community. Helping them will be what helps you move through this.
Queen of Pentacles
Seek out the people in your life that offer you a sense of safety and warmth. There is pure joy and healing to be found with them around and also in the seemingly mundane but cherished parts of your life. Bring in your friends and loved ones and bask in their presence and feel their support. Be reminded that there is beauty in simplicity, even in the small things that happen day to day.
hope that this was helpful!
free tarot readings are currently open
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anytimeastro · 17 days
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precisiontarot · 5 months
Does He Love Me? Unlock the Truth with a Free Tarot Reading
Discovering Love's Mysteries: Your Free Tarot Reading Guide
Are you pondering the age-old question, "Does he love me?" It's a query that touches many hearts, and tarot can be a profound tool in seeking answers. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how a Free Tarot Reading can help unveil the sentiments of your special someone.
Tarot's Power in Revealing Love
Tarot is not just a tool for divination; it's a journey into the depths of the heart. Each card in the deck holds symbolic meanings that, when interpreted, can provide clarity about your romantic situation.
The Tarot's Insight into Romantic Feelings
Key Tarot Cards and Their Meanings in Love
The Lovers Card: This card is a direct symbol of romantic union, choice, and deep affection.
The Two of Cups: Reflecting mutual attraction, this card signifies a balanced and reciprocated love.
The Emperor and Empress: These cards represent masculine and feminine energies, suggesting a strong and balanced relationship.
·       Access a Free "Does He Love Me" Tarot Reading
Steps to Your Personalized Tarot Experience
Curious to know if he loves you? Accessing a free Tarot Reading is simple and can provide you with the insights you seek. Here’s how you can get started with a personalized reading.
Making the Most of Your Free Tarot Reading
To enhance your experience:
Approach the reading with an open heart and mind.
Reflect on the specific nuances of your relationship.
Consider how the insights relate to your situation.
·       Navigating Love's Complexities with Tarot
What Your Tarot Reading Might Reveal
A Online Tarot Reading can offer various insights into your love life, from understanding another's feelings to guiding your next steps in the relationship. Learn what different card combinations might indicate about his feelings.
·       Integrating Tarot Insights into Your Love Life
Applying Tarot Wisdom in Your Relationship
After receiving your tarot reading, integrating the insights into your love life is crucial. We’ll explore how you can use this newfound knowledge to navigate your relationship.
Conclusion: Finding Clarity in Love with Tarot
The journey of love can be filled with questions and uncertainties. A free tarot reading can offer a window into the emotions and potential future of your relationship.
Experience the Power of Tarot
Are you ready to discover the answer to "Does he love me?" with a Free Tarot Card Reading ? Dive into the world of Precision Tarot and find the clarity you seek today.
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Astrological Sign Mugs
Indulge in celestial mornings with my Astrological Sign Mugs ! Sip your favorite brew in personalized style with my exclusive collection, each mug adorned with captivating designs representing your zodiac sign. Embrace cosmic energy with every sip as your unique astrological alignment infuses each moment. Elevate your coffee ritual and start your day connected to the stars. Explore my range of mugs tailored to your celestial identity, adding a touch of astrological charm to your mornings. Choose your sign, embrace cosmic artistry, and make every cup an expression of your celestial connection!
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teresatarot · 6 months
Harmonizing Your Space: Effective Home Energy Cleansing Techniques
In our fast-paced lives, we often overlook the importance of creating a serene and energetically balanced environment in our homes. Our living spaces tend to accumulate various energies, both positive and negative, affecting our well-being. At Teresa's Tarot, we believe in the power of home energy cleansing techniques to create a sacred and harmonious space. Here, we explore effective methods to cleanse and elevate the energy in your home using the finest tools, like medium services, protection stones, and various crystals specifically geared toward protecting and healing.
Understanding the Essence of Home Energy Cleansing
A home isn't just a physical structure; it's a sanctuary for the mind, body, and spirit. Negative energies often find their way into our homes, causing disruptions and affecting our overall aura. This is where home energy cleansing techniques play a pivotal role. Utilizing psychic services and protection stones, one can  effectively purify and rejuvenate the ambiance.
Identifying Negative Energy in your Home
Before initiating the cleansing process, it's crucial to recognize the signs of negative energy in your house. Do you frequently experience a sense of heaviness, discomfort, or restlessness? Are there areas in your home that always feel cold or unwelcoming? These could be indicators of negative energy accumulation. Real psychic readings can offer insights into these energies, helping you understand and address them effectively.
Selecting the Rights Crystals for Protection and Healing
Protection stones and crystals are essential allies in energy cleansing. Crystals such as black stones for protection, clear quartz, and other stones for protection and strength serve as guardians, shielding your home from negativity. Gems for protection like black crystals and clear quartz are known for their exceptional protective qualities. When strategically placed in your home, they absorb and transmute negative energies, promoting a harmonious atmosphere.
Home Cleansing Rituals with Sage and Gemstones
Sage house cleansing is a revered technique that has been used for centuries to purify spaces. Combining sage with gemstones for protection amplifies its efficacy. Begin the ritual by opening windows to allow any stagnant energy to leave. Light the sage and move through each room, allowing the smoke to permeate the space. Visualize the smoke absorbing and dispelling any negative energy.
The Power of Clear Quartz for Protection
Clear quartz is a versatile crystal renowned for its protective and cleansing attributes. It acts as an energy amplifier, intensifying the effects of other crystals. Strategically placing clear quartz in your home acts as a shield , keeping the ambiance clear and positive.
Regular Maintenance for a Harmonious Home
Regularly cleanse and charge your protection stones and crystals to ensure their effectiveness. Engage in spiritual h
ouse cleansing rituals periodically to maintain the sanctity of your home.
At Teresa's Tarot, we believe in the significance of a balanced and harmonious living space. By utilizing these home energy cleansing techniques with the aid of medium services, protection stones, and the best crystals for protection, you can transform your home into a sanctuary of positivity and serenity. Discover the difference it makes to live in a space brimming with positive energy and protection.
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superglitterstranger · 8 months
🔮✨ Discover the Magic Within ✨🔮
🌟 Are you seeking guidance and insights? Unlock the mysteries of your path with our professional tarot readings! 🌟
🌌 Dive deep into the metaphysical with Kyle Meek, a published occult author, and tap into the wisdom of the cards. 🌌
💫 What's in the cards for you? Find out now! Book your reading here: click or tap here
But that's not all! ✨ Explore our online metaphysical t-shirt shop, where spirituality meets style! ✨
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Embrace the mystic journey and spread the cosmic vibes. 💫🌟
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"Embrace the mysterious nature of existence, allowing it to inspire and fill you with wonder and hope. Approach it with a combination of reverence and curiosity, as it forms the very foundation of our being."
Kyle Meek
Check Out My Metaphysical Tshirts 👇
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rahulastro · 10 months
Unlocking Relationship Insights: Explore Love Tarot Readings
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Experience the magic of Tarot Reading in USA, where ancient wisdom meets modern guidance. Our skilled Tarot readers provide personalized readings that delve into love, career, and personal growth. Navigate life's uncertainties with clarity and confidence through the profound insights offered by Tarot readings across the nation.
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marshwitchtarot · 2 years
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Come sit for a spell, and let’s see what the cards have to say. Online Tarot Readings starting at $5. I accept payment and tips through Cashapp and Venmo.
FREE one card reading for anyone who reblogs this post.
Please, message me for your reading, or with any questions you have about the services I provide. I look forward to working with you!
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dailyhoroscopenew · 1 year
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Free tarot reading is a service where individuals receive insights and guidance from a tarot reader without any cost, helping them gain clarity and perspective.
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astromiraclesworld · 1 year
Free Tarot Card Reading | Online Tarot Reading
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Free tarot reading is a service where individuals receive insights and guidance from a tarot reader without any cost, helping them gain clarity and perspective.
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digitald3monz · 1 year
Daily Reading - 3/24/23
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sorry for missing a day! my husband was really sick yesterday
today’s card is judgement! the time to face hard truths you’ve been avoiding is now. it’s been easy to put off, as this isn’t the most ideal of situations, but it is necessary for you to deal with. you can’t move on from this chapter in your life until you’ve dealt with the matter at hand. you’re also stronger than you think, so you’ll be more than able to get through this, just as you’ve done many times before. want a personalized reading? check out my pricing here!
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