artemis-potnia-theron · 9 months
I love u tumblr pagans I love u polytheists I love u deity devotees I love u all and this niche little community we've created for ourselves
I love that the same love people have been experiencing for their deities for hundreds and hundreds of years moves through us
I love that we are all part of the gods and they are part of us and we are all part of each other
I love all of you and how we love
Love love love u ❤️
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kahuna-64 · 10 months
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kaylaanneart · 1 year
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Amethyst Geode 🔮
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madladmorty · 7 months
You don't need a million fancy tools to do witchcraft
In fact, if you don't want any, you don't have to.
I get little scented candles for my deities rather than fancy pillars. Offerings tend to be stuff I enjoy too. I don't have massive chunks of crystal, I have little biddy wee ones. spell and ritual ingredients consist of stuff I either already have or can get cheap at a local shop. all of these things have spiritual value.
My deities tell me what scents they like in the candles, letting me get to know another little detain about them.
Indulging in accepted offerings, whether it's eating the cookies from Loki's altar or wearing the necklace on Pluto's, is a kind of bonding ritual with the deity.
Small crystals can be taken anywhere with you so their healing properties follow you wherever you happen to be.
Resourcefulness is highly valuable skill in witchcraft. finding the value in everything around you is a truly beautiful thing.
Don't let anyone tell you that you 'aren't doing it right' or 'don't have the right tools', because it's not true. No matter what your practice consists of, if it's right for you then that is what matters the most.
Blessed be.
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thegoetia · 8 months
Ars Goetia List
this list and ranking is taken from the Ars Goetia. Different than the rankings of previous grimoires.
This page is focused on providing information of each spirit listed in the Ars Goetia not limited to information from other grimoires. Provided there are some basic general information about what they are about, help with, and what can be used in offering and or rituals for them. You must know basic protection and working with energy and grounding before attempting to contact any spirit( I will soon provide information about that and link it here). You should also do your research about these spirits before contacting them.
1.King Bael 37.Marquis Phenex
2.Duke Agares 38.Earl Halphas
3.Prince Vassago 39.President Malphas
4.Marquis Gamigin 40.Earl Raum
5.President Marbas 41.Duke Focalor
6.Duke Valefor 42.Duchess Vepar
7.Marquis Amon 43.Marquis Sabnock
8.Duke Barbatos 44.Marquis Shax
9.King Paimon 45.King Vine
10.President Buer 46.Earl Bifrons
11.Duke Guison 47.Duke Uvall
12.Prince Sitri 48.President Haagenti
13.King Beleth 49.Duke Crocell
14.Marquis Leraje 50.Knight Furcas
15.Duke Eligos 51.King Balam
16.Duke Zepar 52.Duke Alloces
17.President Botis 53.President Camio
18.Duke Bathin 54.Duke Murmur
19.Duke Sallos 55.Prince Orobas
20.King Purson 56.Duchess Gremory
21.Prince/Earl Marax 57.President Ose
22.Prince Ipos 58.President Anvas
23.Duke Aim 59.President Orias
24.Marquis Naberius 60.Duchess Vapula
25.Glasya-Labolas 61.King Zagan
26.Duke Bune 62.President Volac
27.Marquis Ranove 63.Marquis Andras
28.Duke Berith 64.Duke Haures
29.Duke Astaroth 65.Marquis Andrealphus
30.Marquis Forneus 66.Marquis Cimejes
31.President Foras 67.Duke Amducious
32.King Asmoday 68.King Belial
33.Prince Gaap 69.Marquis Decarabia
34.Earl Fufur 70.Prince Seere
35.Marquis Marchosias 71.Duke Dantalion
36.Prince Stolas 72.Earl Andromalus
If you want more content related to other than Ars Goetia follow my Main Blog
If you have any other questions or wish to join a community feel free to join my 18+ occult server.
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devotionsposts · 6 months
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E- Offering for Lady Circe 🤍🤍
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i-died-three-days-ago · 9 months
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Crystal #1
Art I made when I was obsessed with painting crystals. they be pretty tho
art by me
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ocean-not-found · 7 months
My Lady of the Holy Death... She comes in when i need Her most!
I asked Santa Muerte for some money. Nothing big. Just enough for food today.
I was wearing Her rosary, listening to Santa Muerte by Inkubus Sukkubus. And then i saw a fiver on the floor... i knew it was Her.
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I may have gotten excited and drew little love hearts but.. Santa Muerte thank you SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
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Enn:Lirach alora vefa Sitri
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The Twelfth Spirit is Prince Sitri. He appeares at first with a leopard’s head and the wings of a gryphon, but he can put on human shape. He enflames men with women’s love, and women with men’s love; and causes them also to show themselves naked if it be desired. Call Sitri for seduction rituals (become incubi or succubi). Invoke Sitri during sex magick to boost the energy raised. Sitri can also be called up if you seek to infuse any creative project with passion. Sitri is very useful in love and lust spells. He can help land relationships. He governs 60 Legions of Spirits.
Call upon Prince Sitri for
⬩Passion for creative projects
⬩Seduction rituals
⬩Sex magic
⬩Ask what else he will work with you on⬩
⊱•━━━━━━⊰In Ritual⊱━━━━━•⊰
You can use
Sigil:Posted above
⬩Blue candles or objects
⬩Do ask what he prefers⬩
⬩It is important to learn protections before trying to work with any spirits. You can get tricksters and parasites if you don't.
Cleansings- cleaning your space of negative energies. You can burn herbs or incense for this.
Banishings- forcing negative energies out of your space. The lesser banishing ritual is one of the most commonly used.
Warding- wards keep negative energy out of your space. Amulets, sigils and talismans do this.
Set up a your space and do a cleanse and banishing. Have wards up in your home. Meditation is to calm yourself and get your mind ready. The sigil (symbol) is what you draw on paper. The enn is what you chant or say to call forth the spirit.⬩
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witchesbe-like · 2 years
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We all know I’m a lazy witch. Of course in a perfect world I would spend every moment planting lavender around my garden, perfecting my tea blends, and staying warm in my cozy cabin by the fire. But in reality I have barely enough time to get in the shower before I start my day. And I don't own a cabin so…. So in reality is that really lazy? Or has capitalism made us all squish out every second out of our day getting stuff done just so we can do in all over tomorrow? Yes. Yes it has. So when I say I’m a lazy witch, maybe I’m just an exhausted witch. Either way, here are my favorite lazy witch hacks for when you are out of time, or just don’t have the energy to put in a full two hour ritual every full moon. 
Visualize your circles around you and forgo placing crystals or items in an actual circle. Magic is metaphorically speaking so just imagining yourself in a big bubble will do just fine. 
Keep your crystals on your windowsill so you don’t have to remember to charge them with the moonlight. 
Every candle is a magic candle. 
A shower anytime makes a great cleansing ritual. 
5 minute meditations for releasing stress works wonders when you’re feeling over it. 
Pull a single tarot card when you have a question that needs guidance. 
Step outside barefoot to ground yourself and just stand in th dirt for a few minutes. 
Leve a portion of your dinner uneaten for ancestors. 
Keep witchy spell notes on your phone. 
Use moon tracking apps so you don’t have to keep checking the moon phase. 
Use white tea light candles for everything because sometimes it really just doesn’t matter. 
Stir things clockwise (coffee, tea, cake mixes) to bring towards you and counterclockwise to let go or release. 
Line your front door with salt for protection. 
Place rose quartz in your room to remind yourself to self-love
Make meals with intention, think about health or happiness next time your microwave your mac and cheese. 
Light a match and blow it out to suck up any bad vibes in a room. 
Wear blue to manifest passing a test or getting a new job. 
Walk outside during a full moon and spend a few minutes recharging under the moon light. 
Spend a few minutes every morning writing down your intentions for manifesting your life and visualizing what you want daily.
Remember that you are a badass witch and don’t forget it. 
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meltinha · 9 months
Limpeza Energética
A limpeza energética é uma forma de manutenção energética, seja a da sua própria energia, seja da energia de um determinado local. Ela serve para que mantenhamos um espaço ou pessoa em equilíbrio e evitar acúmulo de energias indesejadas. Para limparmos energeticamente um lugar ou pessoa, primeiro precisamos limpá-lo fisicamente, seja dando uma faxina ou tomando um banho. Então podemos, enfim, limpar as energias acumuladas no ambiente ou indivíduo. Mas como posso fazer isso, Meltem? É bem simples, na verdade. Você só irá precisar preparar uma poção, defumação, banho mágico ou qualquer magia tipo, também recomendo fazer um encantamento durante a limpeza, mas, no geral, é bem simples.
É uma frase, geralmente rítmica, ou não, que usamos para potencializar nossa magia com o poder da voz.
Exemplo: Eu limpo e selo este espelho. Energia alguma pode atravessá-lo sem a minha permissão. Proclamo minhas palavras com anseio. E deixo x erva exercer sua função.
Exemplo 1: Spray energético
– 500ml de água
– Um punhado de sal grosso
– Se tiver, alguma erva ou planta de afastamento de energias pesadas também (espada de são jorge, espada de iansã, comigo ninguém pode, etc.)
Junte tudo em uma panela ou leiteira e leve ao fogo. Recite um encantamento enquanto mexe em sentido anti-horário para afastar as energias negativas. Quando ferver, desligue o fogo e tampe. Espere até esfriar e coe para dentro de um frasco spray e espirre pelo ambiente.
Observação: Esse feitiço pode ser adaptado para jogar no balde com água de passar pano de chão na casa, pode ser colocado em um pote e passar em objetos e móveis com um pano, etc. Mas tenha atenção ao usá-lo como banho, pois alguma erva pode ser venenosa e/ou te dar alergia.
Exemplo 2: Varrer
Utilize sua vassoura comum e sua visualização a seu favor. Depois de ter sua casa limpa fisicamente, passe a vassoura por ela, sem que esta toque o chão, e visualize toda energia negativa sendo varrida com a vassoura e jogada para fora de casa. Faça do fundo da casa até a porta de frente.
Exemplo 3: Banho mágico
– 500ml de água
– Um punhado de sal grosso
– Alguma erva de proteção (orégano, alecrim, sálvia, casca de alho e de cebola, etc.)
Coloque no fogo, mexa em sentido horário e recite um encantamento para atrair a proteção e limpar o que for negativo. Tampe e deixe esfriar assim que levantar fervura. Jogue sobre si do pescoço para baixo, depois de coado, após seu banho físico.
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femcelgirlie · 8 months
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summer was ok im ready for autumn
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kahuna-64 · 9 months
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traegorn · 10 months
Hey Trae! I have a question for you!
Background: A couple of days ago I met a ✨️spiritual✨️ dude, who was interested I witchcraft/ wicca, and we had an interesting convo, that led me down a rebbit hole. I am not wiccan, but a pagan folkwitch. When I explained this he went "I didn't know there was a difference" - so I was tasked to explain this to him. And it was... surprisingly hard. It became a "wiccans usually follow a god and goddess - but not everyone, they usually follow the wiccan rede - but not everyone," yadayadayada.
This got me thinking - how would someone like yourself - being a wiccan that is - delineate between wicca and other forms of pagan witchcraft?
/ Jo
(So I'm swiping this question for my Q&A episode for sure -- because I definitely want to give this answer to my bigger audience)
So defining "what makes something Wiccan" comes down to arguments of orthodoxy vs. orthopraxy that have existed for quite some time in the community.
On the belief side, Wicca really just comes down to the god and goddess, at least some acknowledgment of the Rede (whether they follow it or not), and a reverence for the cycles of nature.
On the other hand, there are some specific practices that have to be done. At the very least, every Wiccan has to have performed an initiation or a self dedication ritual - usually after a year of study. Like either another Wiccan initiates them or they performed a self led version of that ritual.
All of that is the minimum pretty much most Wiccans seem to agree with. Now there are arguments about whether further observations of the wheel of the year or proper rituals are required to make someone a "true" Wiccan or not, but those are debates we're definitely not resolving here.
Now, I tend to come from a stronger "orthodoxy" angle, so for me what makes another pagan not a Wiccan, is the lack of belief in the Wiccan God and Goddess, right? But I know there are Wiccans who take the God and Goddess as less literal things, and are far more Orthopraxic in how they consider things.
But no matter where we draw those lines -- the initiation/dedication involved in becoming a Wiccan draws a pretty firm line between "Wiccan" and "Non-Wiccan" I think most of us agree on.
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schrodingersdragon · 1 year
For all closeted witches: I feel your pain, here’s my attempt to help you guys out
Whenever I first started practicing, I was kinda all over the place, just looking for anything I could do that would get the job done but be discrete enough. There are tons of good videos on ways to make secret altars and little ways here and there to do hidden spells, and those are good sources and good things to do, but here are some specific types of witchcraft you can do that don’t look like magic at all:
1.Art magic
Not only is it really easy to get away with as it is literally just making art with magic/ magical intent fused into it, but there are so many things that this covers. Any form of art is acceptable, so not just drawing, but sculpting as well, and things that fit under this umbrella are even music magic and knot magic. Knot magic is infusing your intent or spell into every knot or stitch and can include crochet, embroidery, macrame, hand sewing, knitting, and rope bracelets. Music magic is using music that you either play on your phone or on an instrument to cast your spell or cleanse your space. If you do use an instrument or even sing, write your spells in song form and say the words in your head. It doesn’t even have to be original- just take the melody of an existing song that you either really like or has something to do with your spell and rewrite the words to suit your needs.
2. Kitchen witchery and/or herbalism (/plant magic)
Literally just get into gardening and grow plants and flowers that you pick and use in spells. Or work with the spirits of what you plant. Or both. And if you wanna go further, get into cooking so you can plant herbs in your garden, and use them in kitchen witchery. And you don’t really even need an herb garden if you wanna just do kitchen magic, just use what you have and buy the dried versions of the herbs you need as you go on.
3. Energy witchcraft
You’ll also hear this called energy work, but it’s a form of witchcraft that’s entirely invisible. It is completely built upon the manipulation and usage of your own energy and the energies around you. I’m not the best at explaining things but look up “Ivy the Occultist” on YouTube and watch everything she has about energy manipulation and her video on how to cast a spell and you’re good to go so long as you regularly practice. If you can hide books and your purchases from your parents, I recommend a book called “Psychic Witch” by Mat Auryn. I haven’t been able to read it myself but I’ve heard good things from the witchy YouTubers I trust and it has a lot to do with mental magic
4. Tech magic
This ones kinda difficult to work with, as a lot of it feels more like things we can use as an add on or guide to our practice rather than actual means to cast spells or whatnot, but there are a few things I’ve been trying out or a little while. First, if you can’t have an obvious tarot app, find this app called #SelfCare. It brands itself as a mental mindfulness app, and a lot of it is, but theres also a tarot feature that allows you one card pull a day along with its reversal and tells you what it means. There’s also this flower that you spend like twenty seconds growing and then this other thing where you take clouds away from the moon, and both these features could work as an oracle of sorts. There’s even a candle where you can set intentions with a bay leaf. Charge the app the way you would a real life tool or charge each feature individually, and you’re good to go. I also use another candle app with different colors, and a wedding bouquet maker if I want to use just flowers in a spell. Got Minecraft or some similar alternative? Make your altar in there. Cast your spells in there. There’s a ton of plants and crystals to work with, and even bones. Hell, give the spiders eye a correspondent. Go feral. An alternative to that is setting up your spell in a collage in whatever way best suits you, and whenever you do the thing where you double click your phone button and swipe up to completely close the tab, make that symbolize you sending that spell to the universe or a god or goddess. Use the shit outta emoji spells and send them off the same way. You can even make a summoning circle your notes app, they just won’t be as powerful as irl ones (but only by a little).
5. Glamour magic
Last one I swear. Glamour magic is most commonly used to alter the way one is perceived by others. It’s used a lot by people who need to come off really well to others in their day to day lives, but some parts can be used as cleansing. I’m starting to lose stamina but just look up “The Witch of Wonderlust” and “Chaotic Witch Aunt”’s videos on it and you’ll be good to go.
Misc tips
I lied there’s a little bit more:
Cleanse and charge all your jewelry with whatever intent you desire. If you find you’re very sensitive to other peoples energies, consider making your favorite piece a protection charm.
Get really into crystals. Just say they look really pretty and want them as room decor or even get a bunch of jewelry with them. Even ones that are actually just plastic or glass will work so long as you’re sure to cleanse and charge it with intent
Light candles. There are tons of uses for candles, and I once again recommend researching this on your own
Make sigils and hide them in places you know no one will look or in pen barrels if you write to manifest
BATH/SHOWER MAGIC. I love it so much. And if you live in Louisiana near Lafayette, go to the farmers market by that strip mall that has Twins (the burger place) and the old bowling alley and a few other places and pick up some epsom salt it is homemade and DIVINE. You don’t even need that tho- just imagine all the spiritual gunk from the day washing off you or chant a cleansing mantra
If you can, make moon water or sun water but make sun water SAFELY
If your home is hella catholic, use that. Use the rosaries and those little things you pin on the sun blockers in your car and any religious things you may own to your own magical advantage. Use prayers as spells. Find “Chaotic Witch Aunt”s video on Christianity and witchcraft and it will all make sense but in short: you don’t have to reach out to any of the Christian entities, you can simply use the power those things have to your advantage.
That’s all I’ve got for now, but know that it won’t always be like this. Know that one day you won’t have to hide what you love anymore. You’re not alone, and you will get free one day
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blessyourdamnpears · 10 months
hello! my name is Carly, I’m twenty-two years old, and a disabled, queer practitioner. I’ve been “practicing” since late 2020-early 2021; by that I mean mostly researching, I’m pretty nervous to take the plunge into practicing. my goal with this account will be to organize and link to my favorite resources, track my progress, and hopefully be able to talk to other practitioners!
I don’t have a super defined category of witchcraft I follow, but I’m particularly drawn to plant magick, protection and cleansing methods, kitchen witchcraft, and astrology, as well as accessible means to practice by
feel free to message me! I’d love to meet you all. my main account is @eatyourdamnpears, so if you see someone responding to a comment with that username, it’s me
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