#or cause chaos and then leave
bberry005 · 1 month
once the bad batch ends i need everyone who works over at lucasfilm to realize the potential of adult omega just appearing in everything. she knows literally everyone. hera syndulla? oh she helped free hera's parents from imperial prison back when she was 12. captain rex? the guy might as well be another one of her overbearing older brothers. asajj ventress? yeah she almost trained omega in the force. fennec strand? tried to kidnap her once but she'll hang out with a few bounty hunters. why not, espeically once omega learns about boba fett. omega can be connected to almost anyone in star wars in 5 degrees of seperation or less and i need this to be shown almost excessively in the future.
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obsessedwithstarwars · 9 months
A series of murders have been taking place in Blüdhaven. (Is that how you spell it?)
BPD are at their limits. They call in a specialist. An unregistered meta??? woman who has very specific demands that the police department must follow to the letter.
She is somewhat a ghost story (haha) throughout the states. When a department needs help, her services are found in a letter on the chief’s desk, along with specific criteria for her offer of help. If they don’t meet her demands, she vanishes, leaving chaos and destruction in her wake. She has been considered dead many times due to the damages. But she’s always appeared a few weeks later, helping another department in a different state and leaving the solved case of the one she abruptly left.
Her demands are this: All windows closed and blindfolds down.
No electronics. If they can’t be moved, then they must be disabled. If that can’t happen, then the police department must leave a green flag on their station.
She will only visit under cover of night.
They will know her by the DP insignia on the black armor she wears. Her red and blue hair (that almost looks like it’s floating?!) will be the only defining feature aside from glowing green eyes. The rest of her face will be covered. If anyone asks, they did not see anything discernable about her.
There is only one police officer she will share information to. He or she will be standing outside.
This officer will wear a belt she brings and it will remain as part of his or her uniform.
No questions.
They will take all of the credit and never mention her or her description to anyone in white.
Her help will not be put in the case files. There must be no evidence that she was there.
After she leaves, they will discover a letter for an Agent O. He comes within two days. He’s always furious after reading it and practically interrogates the officer who stood outside the door. She recommends that this officer immediately go on vacation for a week.
The police departments she has worked with (that have cooperated with her demands) all claim she was a godsend. Her methods were unconventional but effective. Ignore the one sided conversations she has at the crime scene and she’s the perfect specialist. Their only issue is that she will not work with the same department twice so they’ve had to get creative and send the officer she worked with to another department (small rural town) to solve another cold case for them.
She can somehow figure out exactly what happened to each victim without seeing the body or the case file and tell the police departments the exact description of the suspect just by having a one sided conversation at the scene of the crime. It’s almost like someone is answering her, but no one ever does. If no body was discovered, she can tell you exactly where it is.
AKA Jazz figured out she can communicate with weak ghosts. As a liminal, she has been able to solve many cold cases just by speaking to the victims.
Dick Grayson is assigned as her designated officer. Chaos ensues because of course it does.
Extra thought: What if the GIW use a liminal serial killer (could be in Blüdhaven or Gotham) to draw Jazz out? Are they paying the killer? Forcing someone to kill? SO MANY HORRIBLE POSSIBILITIES!
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sumiink · 2 years
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Okay, so I'm always seeing Ghost Twins Danny and Elli or Danny and Dan. Which is nice. Classic even. But I propose..... Ghost Triplets *jazz hands*. Like, imagine the absolute chaos of the three of them being triplets.
Now put them in a crossover and chaos ensues. Any crossover would be fine but I'm more so thinking about DP x DC.
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mirrren · 4 months
He’s so Christian rock
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shays-shack · 6 months
Chapter 325 ruined my life dawg I can't stop drawing them
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spiderin-space · 24 days
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Lil doodles and things from the past few weeks or so
Also maybe sliiiiiiightly suggestive beneath the cut? Jic-
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shima-draws · 8 months
Rewatching a playthrough of Danganronpa and it actually shocks me how chill Monokuma is. Even when Kyoko goes around stealing his shit and he finds Makoto with it later he's like. Yeah okay. I don't hold it against you or anything it's cool. LMAO
He has every available opportunity to just kill everyone whenever, especially when they break the rules, but he never does. I really love villains who stick to their own rules so it's fair for everyone else :")
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zeb-z · 9 months
Foolish and Cellbit lore makes me crazy because their characters are very much influenced by the entities they each have chosen, and it comes in to play in key moments. It influences their desires and their actions significantly.
Foolish, who makes sacrifices to the Chaos entity constantly. Who is his usual silly, impulsive self, and then takes it a step further, thinking ‘what would Chaos enjoy?’ Not looking twice before jumping, living and thriving in chaos and unpredictability, even if it is at the cost of his health and well-being. Especially if it’s at the cost of others. He tries to play each side of the conflict, sometimes for whatever will benefit him directly, the rest of the time just by seemingly flipping a coin and going one way or the other for shits and giggles. He starts conflicts and he fans the flames because he wants to see the fallout. He leans into the chaos without a second thought.
Cellbit, who’s a little more subtle, but the effects are still there. He cannot find a single thread on the island without having to find the other end. He takes on the problems and mysteries of everyone else on top of his own. He keeps back to eavesdrop at any opportunity when he says he’s leaving a conversation. He digs his grave as a double agent in the federation, not only to sabotage, but because he cannot stand the idea of a mystery being out there that he can’t figure out. It costs his sanity, it costs his time, it gives him gray hair and puts him in constant danger, it piles on so much work and responsibility on him, it’s a large part of why he feels so alone on the island - and yet he wouldn’t have it any other way. Because who else would know what to do in the face of such puzzles?
The knowledge entity pushes Cellbit to seek that knowledge, damn the cost. His biggest weakness is that he cannot let anything lie - he has to solve whatever is put in front of him, because he has to know, it doesn’t matter what or why in some cases. Just as Foolish is always pushed to leave things to chance, because the unpredictability is exciting, enticing - even when the answer to a problem is obvious and he could easily take action to get the best known outcome.
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ferniliciousness · 3 months
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Citadel lights always look so pretty.
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randaccidents · 3 months
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I'd do anything for 20 bucks, I'd sell my sour soul 'Cause lemonade is bitter, 'til you sweeten up the bowl ... I'd do anything for 20 bucks to feel more in control 'Cause lemon hearts are bitter, 'til you sweeten up the soul ~ Unsweetened Lemonade - Amélie Farren
The only thing I have to say is GO LISTEN TO AMELIE FARREN
(oh yeah and a better peek at my Soul design and hcs. even if he is drowned in lemonade)
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Swap Springtrap just won’t ever leave my mind, and I keep thinking of how a bunch of stuff would go. The certain swapped stuff just usually depends on the version.
I’ve already probably mentioned a few bits before, but like, among the other stuff going on throughout it, but I keep thinking about how Pizza Sim would go in a swap deal.
One way, Swap Springtrap would take Henry’s role from the original game—such as causing the fire to free the others, including his daughter. Which... either she’s still Scrap Baby, or she’s swapped with Charlie for who they possess.
But... xlskajwhq... I always love when he cares, and this is also a swap—so, under the scenario of him taking Henry’s role, I’d just love for there to be some sort of reunion—he hasn’t seen his kid in a long time.
Elizabeth and the others arrive, he manages to have a talk with her or something—and Elizabeth is so happy to see her father—and then, later, the fire occurs.
But I’ve also always loved the idea of Swap Henry still having his role—with causing the fire and everything, but for completely different reasons, rather than trying to stop Scraptrap and free the others.
Whether or not Swap Springtrap knows he’s there or not, I can at least imagine him arriving at the pizzeria and managing to get inside, and then having a much needed reunion with Elizabeth.
But then the fire happens—unfortunate. And he’s just trying to find a way to help his daughter get out—which may or may not happen.
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
Theres a lot of really cool people here that make even cooler designs so i just drew a bunch of them :}
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I dont wanna tag all of them since theres like, 15 designs here. But i list them here just in case my hand writing sucks
nitroish, starclawz, BreadHalfBurnt, Calypsosystem, mansion-of-haunts, disruptivevoid, scooperz, eclipsedcrystalstar, theramblingprince, transparentrocks, ashhmillr, and avicryptidbard
(Also apologies if any designs are outta date, i started this a week or 2 ago so its been some time)
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laylajeffany · 8 months
Were we missing the 50k+ chapters that real life had stolen from me with a fresh hatch of humans at the start of the school year? Because oh boy - this chapter has everything. It's -
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Then, it's -
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And, because Wednesday isn't in enough pain, there's also -
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And how do you think Dr. Z is going to feel after the end of last chapter's revelation when it all comes crashing down? GOOD NIGHT.
Best of absolute luck to you who have stuck with this story after all this time. Only six more chapters to go! The ending of this fic is a monster and the hurt/comfort/plot/humor/slice of life/hurt/plot/comfort will continue at this exact pace right up until the last word.
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planet4546b · 15 days
shift so bad it’s got you on indeed dot com on your 15
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savagebisand · 8 months
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