#or executive function or however they describe other faculties of existence these days
bandofchimeras · 3 months
another diarypost
ngl i feel stupid as hell almost all day. i got told i was smart a lot growing up but it was kind of relative to my environment. once that environment got drastically shook up.......every year i know less & feel less capable, just absorbing the enormity, strangeness and cruelty and beauty of the world all the time its like a guy on psychedelics 24./7 would be at the same time profoundly wise and dumb as a rock. just clueless baby mode. psychosis + anti-psychotics have given me the experience of feeling profound emotions of understanding, without knowing or being able to recall any actual facts, skills, etc. i'm trying to think about it all less bc especially post-COVID infection thinking the way i used to just creates a stress pool of soup where intelligent perception & articulation should be. its not simply the disease's effect on my brain as an organ but the amount the world has changes. can feel the little grippy chameleon tongues of perception licking outward feeling the world but never able to grasp anything concrete. like what is there to say? or do? its all possible, and so nothing is tangibly real. astrologically, very much makes sense as a Saturn in Pisces in the 3rd house thing.
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wisdomrays · 5 years
Internalizing Islam
QUESTION: What are the key points for making Islam become an essential part of someone’s character?
ANSWER: Feeling the theoretical teachings of Islam in one’s conscience as they truly are and making them an essential part of our character depends, first of all, on knowing that putting theoretical knowledge into practice is an absolute requisite. With “practical reason” and similar notions, some philosophers actually drew attention to this fact, and Sufis tried to realize this issue with ways and systems of spiritual journeying.
From philosophers, for example, Bergson states that the truth can only be found with feeling and sensing of the conscience, and Kant notes that God can only be known through practical reason. It is always debatable how familiar these philosophers who were raised within Western culture are with the truth or how much can they help us become familiar with it. This is another issue. But it is a reality that most of the time if the evidences you present with respect to knowing God merely remain as theoretical knowledge, this may not suffice for preserving faith and the essentials of Islam. Every kind of knowledge that remains at the level of theory could be taken away by a dissident wind. Thus, theoretical knowledge must be placed on the basis of deeds.
The way to deliverance: Faith and good deeds
In fact, the Qur’an relates deliverance from ultimate loss and falling to the lowest of the low to belief and good deeds:
“Surely We have created human of the best stature, as the perfect pattern of creation; Then We have reduced him to the lowest of the low. Except those who believe and do good, righteous deeds, so there is for them a reward constant and beyond measure...” (at-Tin 95:4–6).
The fact that a verb form is used both while referring to belief and deeds denote the significance of “continuity” in faith and deeds in terms of deliverance. In this respect, a person should never see the belief he or she had yesterday as sufficient but should say like the Companions said, “Come on, let us have faith in God anew” and thus be in a constant endeavor to renew one’s faith. You may have settled all problems about having no faith before and condemned them to execution. However, in order not to lose the gains you have obtained in terms of faith, you should never see the point you have reached as sufficient, always seeking ways to renew your faith every day.
After faith, constantly-practiced good deeds, free from defects and showing-off, are given importance. The scope of “good deeds” is very extensive: from faith in God to devotions; from there to observance of parents’ rights; and from there to protection of believers’ rights… Good deeds being referred to with a verb form denotes that a person should not suffice with doing a good deed once, but allow oneself to be a waterfall of good deeds and living continuously within this stream.
You can see the same theme in the chapter Asr. Right after stating that humans are in loss, deliverance is related to belief and doing good deeds. In human nature there are certain powers and feelings such as the faculty of desire, faculty of anger, and faculty of reasoning, which are also open to abuse. These can drift a person to loss and fall. So in these two Qur’anic chapters we have mentioned, God Almighty showed us the prescription that can be an antidote against these dangers. As an expression of this truth, Imam Shafi said, “If people pondered deeply over the chapter Asr together with its beginning and end, this would suffice them.
Impotence, poverty, enthusiasm, and thankfulness
In order to internalize the truths of Islam and thus attain a higher character, Sufis advise spiritual journeying, which has different ways and methods of its own. Great personages took into consideration the factors that pressurized Muslims in their time and established systems suitable to struggle against them. Some of them related their system to the seven levels of the soul, while some established their system upon the ten human faculties.
The system he established taught the four essentials: impotence, poverty, enthusiasm, and thankfulness in the absolute sense. He also talked about two complementary essentials, affection and reflection. This system is a way that should be followed so that those potentially human can become truly human and attain perfection. However, a person’s embracing these essentials and acquiring them as an ingrained character trait require a serious endeavor.
The first of these essentials, absolute impotence refers to a person’s awareness of being unable to do anything he or she wishes. Happenings unfold according to a plan and program determined by God Almighty, and most of the time we cannot interfere with them. Even though we do not deny the function of willpower with respect to this issue, it is a well-known truth that God Almighty creates the results. So a person must see himself like a drop in the ocean before the Infinite Divine power and will, and admit his place and position before God.
As for absolute poverty, it refers to a person’s recognition of the fact that God is the true owner of every object and being. Everything we own is from Him. It is He who brought us into existence, granted us certain means, made us Muslims, let us know the Sultan of the Prophets, blessings and peace be upon him, guided us to the highest horizons, made us attached to lofty ideals, and guided us to realize these in spite of our not being eligible at all. If we put aside our Divine blessings and stood on our own, nothing would remain in our hands. Given that our body, reason, feelings, thoughts, and everything else we possess are from Him, what are we then?
Reflection and compassion
These essentials we have mentioned are very important, but they cannot be internalized just by reading them a few times and thinking them over. Making them part of one’s character depends on serious pondering, deliberation, and reflection. A person must deeply ponder over the Qur’an and the universe, and bring the topic of every talk to the explication of these considerations. One must constantly reflect upon what he actually owns, how much capital he possesses, and how much power he has. A person’s truly reaching considerations of enthusiasm and thankfulness depend on such an active system of contemplation.
As for compassion, one of the other essentials of our path, it refers to being compassionate toward humanity and exerting oneself for the sake of saving others. Not even limiting the feeling of compassion we have to humanity, one should outspread it to the entire existence and deeply reveal this feeling at every opportunity, to such an extent that one must have an immense feeling of compassion to the degree of crying in the sight of a bee floundering on the ground. Undoubtedly, gaining such a feeling depends on having a strong belief in the Hereafter, along with reflection and contemplation.
I think that the origin of the extraordinary excitement and disquiet of the Prophets, peace be upon them, was their anxiety of perdition and desire for salvation. They knew that people left on their own would tumble down to Hell, and they had firm belief in the existence of a Paradise in the next world with all of its splendor and magnificence. It is for this reason that they fully exerted themselves for the sake of guiding people to this Paradise. With a little difference in wording, the Qur’an describes in two different verses the concerned state of the Pride of Humanity, blessings and peace be upon him:
“It may be that you (O Muhammad) will torment yourself to death with grief, following after them, if they do not believe in this Message…” (al-Kahf 18:6; as-Shuara 26:3). This state stemmed from his immense consideration of others.
A person must try to make spiritual progress as if ascending on a stairway spiraling upwards. While giving his present station (maqam) its due on the one hand, one should constantly turn his gaze to higher stations and always ask, “Isn’t there more?” as an unquenchable journeyer for knowledge of God. If he can make good use of the inspirational blessings and Divine favors bestowed in his present spiritual station, this will evoke eagerness toward new things in him, and such a journeyer will keep continuously knocking on different doors.
A resolute path and ceaseless endeavor
Such a journeyer for truth who acts in line with the enthusiasms evoked in him will constantly desire to raise the standard higher, and as he raises it higher, there will be an opportunity to act accordingly. He will step in a virtuous cycle, where righteous enthusiasms will continuously emerge in him, and he will ask for new levels with these enthusiasms. That is, when the person fulfills what falls on his part by striving in compliance with the apparent causes, then the Divine power—the true Necessity—will come to act and make him reach the levels that he wished for.
Naturally, it will not be possible to internalize and make these a part of one’s character all of a sudden. This calls for a serious endeavor. In some exceptional cases, though, people have rocketed to the peak of human perfection in a wondrous fashion. For example, people who remained for a short time in the presence of the noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, reached the horizons of being a Companion because his presence is an atmosphere which deeply imbued the attendees with its hue. His state, attitude, acts, manners, silence, speaking, and the lines of his face, which conveyed awe or joy from time to time, reminded of God in their entirety. Every state of his made those near feel their being in the presence of God.
In the same way, some saintly figures who lived after the Prince of the Prophets may also make those who enter their atmosphere reach the horizons of human perfection, sometimes in a very short time. However, these are rare happenings and such cases are not recursive, since they are special Divine bestowals. While these bestowals happen with the Prophets in the form of miracles, they happen with saints as wonders (karama). As for the objective form of this issue, that is, the form that can apply to everyone and all the time, it depends on giving one’s willpower its due in this respect.
If we wish to make our values an essential part of our character, then we need to engage our own sources of spiritual nourishment ceaselessly, always bringing any issue to the talk of the Beloved and orienting all of our conversations toward this.
In addition, it should not be forgotten that if one makes a serious effort to become a true servant of God, He will help that person.
If you turn to God, He will treat you accordingly. If you turn your gaze toward him, He will look at you as well. If you open your heart to Him, then He will not leave that heart empty.
Let me point out one final thing: if a person can make practicing Islam a part of his character, he will not have much difficulty at carrying out certain devotions. For example, dividing sleep to offer the Tahajjud Prayer in the night is a burdensome task for the carnal soul. But if a person makes a habit of this like a natural behavior and virtually makes a secret contract with God, then he will not have much burden at rising from the bed. One may waver with the drowsiness at the first moment, perhaps. But after one prays and crowns it with a supplication to God and begins to open up to Him, he or she will not help but say, “It’s been so good that I woke up and made good use of these private hours of the night in terms of my relations of God!”
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blockgeni · 4 years
The Real Importance of Data Preparation
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In a world focused on buzzword-driven models and algorithms, you’d be forgiven for forgetting about the unreasonable importance of data preparation and quality: your models are only as good as the data you feed them. This is the garbage in, garbage out principle: flawed data going in leads to flawed results, algorithms, and business decisions. If a self-driving car’s decision-making algorithm is trained on data of traffic collected during the day, you wouldn’t put it on the roads at night. To take it a step further, if such an algorithm is trained in an environment with cars driven by humans, how can you expect it to perform well on roads with other self-driving cars? Beyond the autonomous driving example described, the “garbage in” side of the equation can take many forms—for example, incorrectly entered data, poorly packaged data, and data collected incorrectly, more of which we’ll address below. When executives ask me how to approach an AI transformation, I show them Monica Rogati’s AI Hierarchy of Needs, which has AI at the top, and everything is built upon the foundation of data (Rogati is a data science and AI advisor, former VP of data at Jawbone, and former LinkedIn data scientist): Why is high-quality and accessible data foundational? If you’re basing business decisions on dashboards or the results of online experiments, you need to have the right data. On the machine learning side, we are entering what Andrei Karpathy, director of AI at Tesla, dubs the Software 2.0 era, a new paradigm for software where machine learning and AI require less focus on writing code and more on configuring, selecting inputs, and iterating through data to create higher level models that learn from the data we give them. In this new world, data has become a first-class citizen, where computation becomes increasingly probabilistic and programs no longer do the same thing each time they run. The model and the data specification become more important than the code. Collecting the right data requires a principled approach that is a function of your business question. Data collected for one purpose can have limited use for other questions. The assumed value of data is a myth leading to inflated valuations of start-ups capturing said data. John Myles White, data scientist and engineering manager at Facebook, wrote: “The biggest risk I see with data science projects is that analyzing data per se is generally a bad thing. Generating data with a pre-specified analysis plan and running that analysis is good. Re-analyzing existing data is often very bad.” John is drawing attention to thinking carefully about what you hope to get out of the data, what question you hope to answer, what biases may exist, and what you need to correct before jumping in with an analysis. With the right mindset, you can get a lot out of analyzing existing data—for example, descriptive data is often quite useful for early-stage companies. Not too long ago, “save everything” was a common maxim in tech; you never knew if you might need the data. However, attempting to repurpose pre-existing data can muddy the water by shifting the semantics from why the data was collected to the question you hope to answer. In particular, determining causation from correlation can be difficult. For example, a pre-existing correlation pulled from an organization’s database should be tested in a new experiment and not assumed to imply causation, instead of this commonly encountered pattern in tech: A large fraction of users that do X do Z Z is good Let’s get everybody to do X Correlation in existing data is evidence for causation that then needs to be verified by collecting more data. The same challenge plagues scientific research. Take the case of Brian Wansink, former head of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, who stepped down after a Cornell faculty review reported he “committed academic misconduct in his research and scholarship, including misreporting of research data, problematic statistical techniques [and] failure to properly document and preserve research results.” One of his more egregious errors was to continually test already collected data for new hypotheses until one stuck, after his initial hypothesis failed. NPR put it well: “the gold standard of scientific studies is to make a single hypothesis, gather data to test it, and analyze the results to see if it holds up. By Wansink’s own admission in the blog post, that’s not what happened in his lab.” He continually tried to fit new hypotheses unrelated to why he collected the data until he got a null hypothesis with an acceptable p-value—a perversion of the scientific method.
Data professionals spend an inordinate amount on time cleaning, repairing, and preparing data
Before you even think about sophisticated modeling, state-of-the-art machine learning, and AI, you need to make sure your data is ready for analysis—this is the realm of data preparation. You may picture data scientists building machine learning models all day, but the common trope that they spend 80% of their time on data preparation is closer to the truth. This is old news in many ways, but it’s old news that still plagues us: a recent O’Reilly survey found that lack of data or data quality issues was one of the main bottlenecks for further AI adoption for companies at the AI evaluation stage and was the main bottleneck for companies with mature AI practices. Good quality datasets are all alike, but every low-quality dataset is low-quality in its own way. Data can be low-quality if: It doesn’t fit your question or its collection wasn’t carefully considered; It’s erroneous (it may say “cicago” for a location), inconsistent (it may say “cicago” in one place and “Chicago” in another), or missing; It’s good data but packaged in an atrocious way—e.g., it’s stored across a range of siloed databases in an organization; It requires human labeling to be useful (such as manually labeling emails as “spam” or “not” for a spam detection algorithm). This definition of low-quality data defines quality as a function of how much work is required to get the data into an analysis-ready form. Look at the responses to my tweet for data quality nightmares that modern data professionals grapple with.
The importance of automating data preparation
Most of the conversation around AI automation involves automating machine learning models, a field known as AutoML. This is important: consider how many modern models need to operate at scale and in real time (such as Google’s search engine and the relevant tweets that Twitter surfaces in your feed). We also need to be talking about automation of all steps in the data science workflow/pipeline, including those at the start. Why is it important to automate data preparation? It occupies an inordinate amount of time for data professionals. Data drudgery automation in the era of data smog will free data scientists up for doing more interesting, creative work (such as modeling or interfacing with business questions and insights). “76% of data scientists view data preparation as the least enjoyable part of their work,” according to a CrowdFlower survey. A series of subjective data preparation micro-decisions can bias your analysis. For example, one analyst may throw out data with missing values, another may infer the missing values. For more on how micro-decisions in analysis can impact results, I recommend Many Analysts, One Data Set: Making Transparent How Variations in Analytic Choices Affect Results(note that the analytical micro-decisions in this study are not only data preparation decisions). Automating data preparation won’t necessarily remove such bias, but it will make it systematic, discoverable, auditable, unit-testable, and correctable. Model results will then be less reliant on individuals making hundreds of micro-decisions. An added benefit is that the work will be reproducible and robust, in the sense that somebody else (say, in another department) can reproduce the analysis and get the same results; For the increasing number of real-time algorithms in production, humans need to be taken out of the loop at runtime as much as possible (and perhaps be kept in the loop more as algorithmic managers): when you use Siri to make a reservation on OpenTable by asking for a table for four at a nearby Italian restaurant tonight, there’s a speech-to-text model, a geographic search model, and a restaurant-matching model, all working together in real time. No data analysts/scientists work on this data pipeline as everything must happen in real time, requiring an automated data preparation and data quality workflow (e.g., to resolve if I say “eye-talian” instead of “it-atian”). The third point above speaks more generally to the need for automation around all parts of the data science workflow. This need will grow as smart devices, IoT, voice assistants, drones, and augmented and virtual reality become more prevalent. Automation represents a specific case of democratization, making data skills easily accessible for the broader population. Democratization involves both education (which I focus on in my work at DataCamp) and developing tools that many people can use. Understanding the importance of general automation and democratization of all parts of the DS/ML/AI workflow, it’s important to recognize that we’ve done pretty well at democratizing data collection and gathering, modeling, and data reporting, but what remains stubbornly difficult is the whole process of preparing the data.
Modern tools for automating data cleaning and data preparation
We’re seeing the emergence of modern tools for automated data cleaning and preparation, such as HoloClean and Snorkel coming from Christopher Ré’s group at Stanford. HoloClean decouples the task of data cleaning into error detection (such as recognizing that the location “cicago” is erroneous) and repairing erroneous data (such as changing “cicago” to “Chicago”), and formalizes the fact that “data cleaning is a statistical learning and inference problem.” All data analysis and data science work is a combination of data, assumptions, and prior knowledge. So when you’re missing data or have “low-quality data,” you use assumptions, statistics, and inference to repair your data. HoloClean performs this automatically in a principled, statistical manner. All the user needs to do is “to specify high-level assertions that capture their domain expertise with respect to invariants that the input data needs to satisfy. No other supervision is required!” The HoloClean team also has a system for automating the “building and managing [of] training datasets without manual labeling” called Snorkel. Having correctly labeled data is a key part of preparing data to build machine learning models. As more and more data is generated, manually labeling it is unfeasible. Snorkel provides a way to automate labeling, using a modern paradigm called data programming, in which users are able to “inject domain information [or heuristics] into machine learning models in higher level, higher bandwidth ways than manually labeling thousands or millions of individual data points.” Researchers at Google AI have adapted Snorkel to label data at industrial/web scale and demonstrated its utility in three scenarios: topic classification, product classification, and real-time event classification. Snorkel doesn’t stop at data labeling. It also allows you to automate two other key aspects of data preparation: Data augmentation—that is, creating more labeled data. Consider an image recognition problem in which you are trying to detect cars in photos for your self-driving car algorithm. Classically, you’ll need at least several thousand labeled photos for your training dataset. If you don’t have enough training data and it’s too expensive to manually collect and label more data, you can create more by rotating and reflecting your images. Discovery of critical data subsets—for example, figuring out which subsets of your data really help to distinguish spam from non-spam. These are two of many current examples of the augmented data preparation revolution, which includes products from IBM and DataRobot.
The future of data tooling and data preparation as a cultural challenge
So what does the future hold? In a world with an increasing number of models and algorithms in production, learning from large amounts of real-time streaming data, we need both education and tooling/products for domain experts to build, interact with, and audit the relevant data pipelines. We’ve seen a lot of headway made in democratizing and automating data collection and building models. Just look at the emergence of drag-and-drop tools for machine learning workflows coming out of Google and Microsoft. As we saw from the recent O’Reilly survey, data preparation and cleaning still take up a lot of time that data professionals don’t enjoy. For this reason, it’s exciting that we’re now starting to see headway in automated tooling for data cleaning and preparation. It will be interesting to see how this space grows and how the tools are adopted. A bright future would see data preparation and data quality as first-class citizens in the data workflow, alongside machine learning, deep learning, and AI. Dealing with incorrect or missing data is unglamorous but necessary work. It’s easy to justify working with data that’s obviously wrong; the only real surprise is the amount of time it takes. Understanding how to manage more subtle problems with data, such as data that reflects and perpetuates historical biases (for example, real estate redlining) is a more difficult organizational challenge. This will require honest, open conversations in any organization around what data workflows actually look like. The fact that business leaders are focused on predictive models and deep learning while data workers spend most of their time on data preparation is a cultural challenge, not a technical one. If this part of the data flow pipeline is going to be solved in the future, everybody needs to acknowledge and understand the challenge. #datapreparation#AIHierarchy#datascience#Software2.0#Dataprofessionals#AutoML#AIautomation#datasmog#algorithmicmanagers#Moderntools#dataprogramming#GoogleAI#DataRobot#Google#Microsof#news#blockgeni This article has been pubished from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline hs been changed. Source link Read the full article
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copyseat0 · 5 years
S. Dakota-Minnesota veterinary school plan advances
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A proposal for a veterinary school program that starts at South Dakota State University and ends at the University of Minnesota is moving ahead now that it has secured a general endorsement from the South Dakota Veterinary Medical Association.
Dennis Hedge, provost and vice president of academic affairs at SDSU, said he expects veterinary medical education to be on the agenda at one or both of the next two meetings of the Board of Regents, scheduled for early October and early December.
Hedge said SDSU will give regents an in-depth plan — currently a draft under internal review — that details curriculum, faculty expertise, student affairs, budgeting, recruitment, research capabilities, facilities, academic degrees and industry relations, among other areas.
Until the report is forwarded in its final form to the Board of Regents, Hedge said, he is unable to discuss particulars with the public.
An earlier report prepared by a task force in 2016 and updated in 2017 described a prospective program providing 20 slots per year, with South Dakota residents filling at least half. The remainder would go to applicants from other states in the region.
Ten to 12 South Dakota residents a year on average historically have entered a U.S. veterinary school, according to the task force report.
The task force estimated that a program at SDSU would cost $6 million to set up and $1.41 million a year to operate.
The proposal originated with Dr. Trevor Ames, dean of the UMN College of Veterinary Medicine, as a way to attract more students interested in rural practice. Thirty to 40 percent of UMN veterinary students focus on mixed animal and food animal medicine, according to Ames. UMN enrolls slightly more than 100 new veterinary students each year.
Program advocates for the past year were awaiting feedback from veterinarians and ranchers on the idea. A 15-member committee representing stakeholders in South Dakota — including nine veterinarians and producers of cattle, hogs, poultry and sheep — formed last fall intending to develop a consensus position on the joint schools idea by Jan. 1. However, ultimately they did not do so, according to Dr. Travis White, immediate past president of the SDVMA, who chaired the committee.
Jennifer Stalley, executive director of the SDVMA and a member of the committee, explained that scheduling conflicts made it difficult for the group to meet more than once, and the amount of information that participants needed to absorb about the plan made it unrealistic for them to reach a consensus in a single day.
"Honestly, there were legitimate lingering questions," she said. "People weren’t able to say, 'We 100 percent support it' " at that time.
Some worried about unnecessarily adding to the "stream of veterinarians" in the workforce, Stalley said. Some wondered how the school would function as a recruitment tool for only rural practitioners.
"We as a stakeholder group asked more questions than provided any specific opinion. We decided to leave it to each group to determine where they'd be for any specific proposal," she said.
For its part, the SDVMA tackled the question during its annual meeting in mid-August. Ames from UMN and SDSU President Barry Dunn gave a presentation to and answered questions from an audience of about 140 members, Stalley said.
"It’s fair to say that Dunn and Ames presented a very solid case for why and how this would work," she reported.
To the concern about unnecessarily adding more veterinarians to the workforce, Stalley said Ames indicated that Minnesota could keep its program size constant by reducing the number of students it accepts from Caribbean veterinary schools. Those schools send fourth-year students to programs in the United States and Canada for clinical training. Ames told the VIN News Service last fall that Minnesota historically averages 20 to 25 Caribbean students a year, with the majority interested in pursuing companion animal practice.
On the rural practice question, Stalley said Ames and Dunn explained that by exposing students to large animal and mixed animal practice, through using adjunct professors and in clinical rotations, students in the program naturally would gravitate to the field. The reasoning is along the lines of "If you're exposing students to rural practice, it's not as formidable to commit to that type of practice," Stalley said. By comparison, "If all you've ever done is small animal practice and now you're expected to live in rural South Dakota, that's probably not going to be a good fit for you."
After the presentation by Ames and Dunn, at a separate session attended by about 60 members, Stalley reported, the SDVMA by a voice vote approved a resolution supporting "the establishment of a regional veterinary medical education program for educating veterinary medical students dedicated to serving agricultural communities and fostering excellence in diagnostics, research and clinical practice."
Stalley noted that the group opted to approve the concept broadly in order to signal its welcome to more such regional collaborations.
"If tomorrow, Idaho were to approach South Dakota, there would be the same level of enthusiasm to support that opportunity," she said. "We believe the concept of combining resources and expertise should be supported."
A SDSU-UMN joint veterinary program would be the fifth such collaboration in the country. Currently, partnerships exist at the University of Nebraska with Iowa State University; Utah State University with Washington State University; Montana State University also with Washington State University; and the University of Alaska with Colorado State University.
VIN News Service commentaries are opinion pieces presenting insights, personal experiences and/or perspectives on topical issues by members of the veterinary community. To submit a commentary for consideration, email [email protected].
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Source: http://news.vin.com/vinnews.aspx?articleId=50131
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jessicachortkoff · 7 years
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1984 in 2017: In the spring of 2014, when Los Angeles City College performed a play of George Orwell’s “1984,“ I captured the following stills and wrote the two articles below. LACC also had several notable people come to our school to discuss drone surveillance, and the book club had special events too. I am publishing this now because it seems to apply even more today than it did a few short years ago. -Jessica Chortkoff : Heeding Orwell’s Warning Before it is Too Late Technology, privacy, torture, war, psychological manipulation, and control of history and information, were talking points at the Book Program’s series of discussions on George Orwell’s 1984, on April 22, 23, and 24. The discussions explored 1984’s protagonist, Winston Smith; his experiences, his family, and his motivations. Ignorance is Strength “You become so detached you don’t know the history anymore,” said Student Service Assistant Bessie Love, who led the Wednesday discussion with Evaluator Glenda Foster. Love read aloud Orwell’s 1944 letter to his contemporary, Noel Willmett. The letter predates the novel by several years. “Already history has in a sense ceased to exist, ie. there is no such thing as a history of our own times which could be universally accepted, and the exact sciences are endangered as soon as military necessity ceases to keep people up to mark,” Orwell wrote in the letter. In Orwell’s novel the protagonist, Winston Smith, works at the Ministry of Truth, falsifying documents and rewriting history on a continuous basis. As the book says, “whoever controls the past controls the future.” “History is very important because it is a tool to teach us what happened in the past so it’s not repeated in the future,” said Eric Sherman, a student and theater major, who has spent three years portraying Martin Luther King Jr. in a one man show designed to bring the teachings of important historic figures to elementary school students. Sherman was surprised at how little the children knew about King’s life, and even how much he learned himself just preparing for the role. “When you revamp or you destroy that which has already been formally done, what happens is it brings people into a state of mind of ignorance, and once ignorance sets in you are 90% if not 100% of the time going to repeat something devastating, or a catastrophe from the past,” Sherman said. Freedom is Slavery The recent weakening of the Voting Rights Act reminded some of the participants of the novel as well, since this served to weaken the rights that the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution promises. Foster remembers accompanying her mother to the poles as a child and the problems she faced before the laws were put in place. “When voting rights started she got stopped at the poles, ‘oh, your grandfather didn’t vote’,” Foster said of those times. Foster went on to explain that in many small towns some people may have never possessed a voter ID. In the past their voice would have been heard, but now that has been complicated for them. “It just amazed me that this is an Amendment in the Bill of Rights and they are trying to take that away, just like in the novel,” said Sherman. Sherman feels this kind of tampering with rights puts the 13th Amendment in jeopardy as well. “Just like in the novel when they were slowly but surely taking things away, to put people in bondage, and into slavery, so they cannot think anymore, to not have a mind anymore, to [not] be able to function,” Sherman said. “If you don’t know your rights, if you don’t know what belongs to you, it’s easy for someone to come along and tell you oh, well this is not the way it’s supposed to be, it’s supposed to be like this…” Sherman said. Sherman is also very concerned about the breakdown of intimacy perpetuated by the use of devices such as cell phones and computers. “Big Brother was working to destroy intimacy in relationships, he didn’t want people to love anyone else but Big Brother, or to really have any sort of emotional connection to them,” Sherman said. “Really our society is being formulated that way because of technology, and we don’t really have that intimacy with each other anymore. Just by having normal conversation, or going to each other’s house and sit down and talk to each other. We don’t have conversations anymore.” He believes it takes communication to think outside the box, and to collaborate with fellow artists. Other topics included the news, which has seen an influx of celebrity gossip and a frightening lack of real reporting about issues of great importance around the world in recent years. Tuesday, May 6, and Wednesday, May 7, the Book Program ended its tribute to 1984 with “The Drone Age.” Pepperdine Law Professor Gregory McNeal spoke May 6 at 12:30 p.m. Guest Speaker Heidi Boghosian, Executive Director of the National Lawyers Guild, spoke on Wednesday, May 7, at 12:30 p.m., about drones and the importance of privacy. Drones Big Brother may not be watching you, but Uncle Sam is. The Los Angeles City College Book Program, as part of its ongoing series of events dedicated to George Orwell’s classic novel, 1984, presented two guest speakers to discuss the political, legal and ethical implications of government surveillance in “The Drone Age.” Gregory S. McNeal, Pepperdine University Law professor, counter-intelligence writer, commentator, and consultant, spoke to an audience of mostly students at the Faculty/Staff Center Tuesday May 6, and Heidi Boghosian, Executive Director of the National Lawyers Guild, First Amendment writer, and radio host, spoke Wednesday May 7, at the 3rd floor multipurpose room of the Student Union Building. There was an excellent turnout for both, as both rooms were filled to capacity. The speakers were chosen to express opposing viewpoints. McNeal believes “Federal Legislation of privacy is a horrible idea.” Boghosian says that “On a typical day your image is caught on surveillance cameras at least 200 times.” McNeal spent the majority of his speech expounding on the logistics of the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution. According to McNeal, America’s political climate is a far cry from Orwell’s imagined future. “To put a telescreen in your home would be illegal,” McNeal said. “It would not happen.” But according to McNeal, even if such a thing were to occur, the evidence it recorded would never stand up in court. “Even if you killed people, your children, that evidence would not be able to be used,” McNeal said. However, he also pointed out that there is not reasonable expectation of privacy behind a fence of any height, in one’s own back yard. If it can be viewed from the air over head, it is subject to surveillance. And although it is illegal for the police to use technology to see through walls, if the blinds are open that is a different story. McNeal’s point in the many instances he discussed it that what the average person think’s is a reasonable expectation of privacy does not always match up to what the court thinks is a reasonable expectation of privacy. For instance, there is no legitimate expectation of privacy for records turned over to the police by a third party, rather it be your cellphone provider, internet provider, a gas station camera, ect. Anyone can take this information, and it is not possible to use the internet or a cell phone without involving such a party. “It’s like being in your home and opening up your blinds,” McNeal said. What McNeal is more concerned with is the banning of cameras and drones in public parks. He told the story of a young boy using a drone to create an aerial map of a park, who according to McNeal, was threatened by the park with six months in prison. “To me that is actually the Big Brother I’m scared of,” said McNeal, “one that prevents drones.” Boghosian has what she calls a “very special job.” Part of her job involved going to protests and monitoring police treatment of activists. She brought up the events of the 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. A spokesperson for the American Civil Liberties Union, had described the event as “nothing less than an orchestrated police riot.” That riot included the firing of rubber bullets into the crowd and beating people with batons. The National Lawyers Guild was able to file law suits and effectively change police policy. Boghosian’s book “Spying on Democracy: Government Surveillance, Corporate Power, and Public Resistance” was written with the treatment of protestors in mind. Boghosian sees a distinct relationship between the First Amendment and the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution, since she has seen many cases where FBI agents infiltrated certain groups, especially animal rights and environmental groups. “I have seen first-hand, a lot of stories of infiltration agents provocateur, going into grassroots organizations and really trying to disrupt the work of activists, especially those involved in animal rights and environmental causes,” Boghosian said. “Those two activists have been labeled the top terrorist threat in this country by the FBI, they are specially prone to infiltration.” She then told a story about how her organization, The National Lawyers Guild, was infiltrated. Agents went through their garbage, an agent posed as a staff member in their Washington DC office, their phones were tapped, their mail read, and an attempt was made to label them a subversive organization. The FBI did not succeed, however, because the NLG, after being monitored for 30 years, sued them and won. She feared for journalists in particular, though. “That has a chilling effect on free speech. When you know that you being watched closely, it necessarily impacts how you act with others.” Boghosian said. She made it clear that she was afraid of a country where a reporter could be arrested and trialed for espionage. This brought to mind Edward Snowdon. I think he’s a hero,” said Boghosian, “he should be allowed back. I think he’s a hero.” Boghosian explained to the audience that many laws are hundreds of years old, and that “if you become unpopular, probably everyone in this room could be brought up on a charge.”
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caplofan · 4 years
The Unreasonable Importance of Data Preparation in 2020
The Unreasonable Importance of Data Preparation in 2020
In a world focused on buzzword-driven models and algorithms, you’d be forgiven for forgetting about the unreasonable importance of data preparation and quality: your models are only as good as the data you feed them.
This is the garbage in, garbage out principle: flawed data going in leads to flawed results, algorithms, and business decisions. If a self-driving car’s decision-making algorithm is trained on data of traffic collected during the day, you wouldn’t put it on the roads at night.
To take it a step further, if such an algorithm is trained in an environment with cars driven by humans, how can you expect it to perform well on roads with other self-driving cars?
Beyond the autonomous driving example described, the “garbage in” side of the equation can take many forms—for example, incorrectly entered data, poorly packaged data, and data collected incorrectly, more of which we’ll address below.
When executives ask me how to approach an AI transformation, I show them Monica Rogati’s AI Hierarchy of Needs, which has AI at the top, and everything is built upon the foundation of data (Rogati is a data science and AI advisor, former VP of data at Jawbone, and former LinkedIn data scientist):
AI Hierarchy of Needs 2020
Image courtesy of Monica Rogati, used with permission.
Why is high-quality and accessible data foundational?
If you’re basing business decisions on dashboards or the results of online experiments, you need to have the right data.
On the machine learning side, we are entering what Andrei Karpathy, director of AI at Tesla, dubs the Software 2.0 era, a new paradigm for software where machine learning and AI require less focus on writing code and more on configuring, selecting inputs, and iterating through data to create higher level models that learn from the data we give them.
In this new world, data has become a first-class citizen, where computation becomes increasingly probabilistic and programs no longer do the same thing each time they run.
The model and the data specification become more important than the code.
Collecting the right data requires a principled approach that is a function of your business question.
Data collected for one purpose can have limited use for other questions.
The assumed value of data is a myth leading to inflated valuations of start-ups capturing said data. John Myles White, data scientist and engineering manager at Facebook, wrote:
The biggest risk I see with data science projects is that analyzing data per se is generally a bad thing.
Generating data with a pre-specified analysis plan and running that analysis is good. Re-analyzing existing data is often very bad.”
John is drawing attention to thinking carefully about what you hope to get out of the data, what question you hope to answer, what biases may exist, and what you need to correct before jumping in with an analysis[1].
With the right mindset, you can get a lot out of analyzing existing data—for example, descriptive data is often quite useful for early-stage companies[2].
Not too long ago, “save everything” was a common maxim in tech; you never knew if you might need the data. However, attempting to repurpose pre-existing data can muddy the water by shifting the semantics from why the data was collected to the question you hope to answer. In particular, determining causation from correlation can be difficult.
For example, a pre-existing correlation pulled from an organization’s database should be tested in a new experiment and not assumed to imply causation[3], instead of this commonly encountered pattern in tech:
A large fraction of users that do X do Z Z is good Let’s get everybody to do X
Correlation in existing data is evidence for causation that then needs to be verified by collecting more data.
The same challenge plagues scientific research. Take the case of Brian Wansink, former head of the Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University, who stepped down after a Cornell faculty review reported he “committed academic misconduct in his research and scholarship, including misreporting of research data, problematic statistical techniques [and] failure to properly document and preserve research results.” One of his more egregious errors was to continually test already collected data for new hypotheses until one stuck, after his initial hypothesis failed[4]. NPR put it well: “the gold standard of scientific studies is to make a single hypothesis, gather data to test it, and analyze the results to see if it holds up. By Wansink’s own admission in the blog post, that’s not what happened in his lab.” He continually tried to fit new hypotheses unrelated to why he collected the data until he got a null hypothesis with an acceptable p-value—a perversion of the scientific method.
Data professionals spend an inordinate amount on time cleaning, repairing, and preparing data
Before you even think about sophisticated modeling, state-of-the-art machine learning, and AI, you need to make sure your data is ready for analysis—this is the realm of data preparation. You may picture data scientists building machine learning models all day, but the common trope that they spend 80% of their time on data preparation is closer to the truth.
common trope that data scientists spend 80% of their time on data preparation 2020
This is old news in many ways, but it’s old news that still plagues us: a recent O’Reilly survey found that lack of data or data quality issues was one of the main bottlenecks for further AI adoption for companies at the AI evaluation stage and was the main bottleneck for companies with mature AI practices.
Good quality datasets are all alike, but every low-quality dataset is low-quality in its own way[5]. Data can be low-quality if:
It doesn’t fit your question or its collection wasn’t carefully considered; It’s erroneous (it may say “cicago” for a location), inconsistent (it may say “cicago” in one place and “Chicago” in another), or missing; It’s good data but packaged in an atrocious way—e.g., it’s stored across a range of siloed databases in an organization; It requires human labeling to be useful (such as manually labeling emails as “spam” or “not” for a spam detection algorithm).
This definition of low-quality data defines quality as a function of how much work is required to get the data into an analysis-ready form. Look at the responses to my tweet for data quality nightmares that modern data professionals grapple with.
The importance of automating data preparation
Most of the conversation around AI automation involves automating machine learning models, a field known as AutoML.
This is important: consider how many modern models need to operate at scale and in real time (such as Google’s search engine and the relevant tweets that Twitter surfaces in your feed). We also need to be talking about automation of all steps in the data science workflow/pipeline, including those at the start. Why is it important to automate data preparation?
It occupies an inordinate amount of time for data professionals. Data drudgery automation in the era of data smog will free data scientists up for doing more interesting, creative work (such as modeling or interfacing with business questions and insights). “76% of data scientists view data preparation as the least enjoyable part of their work,” according to a CrowdFlower survey.
A series of subjective data preparation micro-decisions can bias your analysis. For example, one analyst may throw out data with missing values, another may infer the missing values. For more on how micro-decisions in analysis can impact results, I recommend Many Analysts, One Data Set: Making Transparent How Variations in Analytic Choices Affect Results[6] (note that the analytical micro-decisions in this study are not only data preparation decisions).
Automating data preparation won’t necessarily remove such bias, but it will make it systematic, discoverable, auditable, unit-testable, and correctable. Model results will then be less reliant on individuals making hundreds of micro-decisions.
An added benefit is that the work will be reproducible and robust, in the sense that somebody else (say, in another department) can reproduce the analysis and get the same results[7];
For the increasing number of real-time algorithms in production, humans need to be taken out of the loop at runtime as much as possible (and perhaps be kept in the loop more as algorithmic managers): when you use Siri to make a reservation on OpenTable by asking for a table for four at a nearby Italian restaurant tonight, there’s a speech-to-text model, a geographic search model, and a restaurant-matching model, all working together in real time.
No data analysts/scientists work on this data pipeline as everything must happen in real time, requiring an automated data preparation and data quality workflow (e.g., to resolve if I say “eye-talian” instead of “it-atian”).
The third point above speaks more generally to the need for automation around all parts of the data science workflow. This need will grow as smart devices, IoT, voice assistants, drones, and augmented and virtual reality become more prevalent.
Automation represents a specific case of democratization, making data skills easily accessible for the broader population. Democratization involves both education (which I focus on in my work at DataCamp) and developing tools that many people can use.
Understanding the importance of general automation and democratization of all parts of the DS/ML/AI workflow, it’s important to recognize that we’ve done pretty well at democratizing data collection and gathering, modeling[8], and data reporting[9], but what remains stubbornly difficult is the whole process of preparing the data.
Modern tools for automating data cleaning and data preparation
We’re seeing the emergence of modern tools for automated data cleaning and preparation, such as HoloClean and Snorkel coming from Christopher Ré’s group at Stanford.
HoloClean decouples the task of data cleaning into error detection (such as recognizing that the location “cicago” is erroneous) and repairing erroneous data (such as changing “cicago” to “Chicago”), and formalizes the fact that “data cleaning is a statistical learning and inference problem.”
All data analysis and data science work is a combination of data, assumptions, and prior knowledge. So when you’re missing data or have “low-quality data,” you use assumptions, statistics, and inference to repair your data.
HoloClean performs this automatically in a principled, statistical manner. All the user needs to do is “to specify high-level assertions that capture their domain expertise with respect to invariants that the input data needs to satisfy. No other supervision is required!”
The HoloClean team also has a system for automating the “building and managing [of] training datasets without manual labeling” called Snorkel. Having correctly labeled data is a key part of preparing data to build machine learning models[10].
As more and more data is generated, manually labeling it is unfeasible.
Snorkel provides a way to automate labeling, using a modern paradigm called data programming, in which users are able to “inject domain information [or heuristics] into machine learning models in higher level, higher bandwidth ways than manually labeling thousands or millions of individual data points.”
Researchers at Google AI have adapted Snorkel to label data at industrial/web scale and demonstrated its utility in three scenarios: topic classification, product classification, and real-time event classification.
Snorkel doesn’t stop at data labeling. It also allows you to automate two other key aspects of data preparation:
Data augmentation—that is, creating more labeled data. Consider an image recognition problem in which you are trying to detect cars in photos for your self-driving car algorithm.
Classically, you’ll need at least several thousand labeled photos for your training dataset. If you don’t have enough training data and it’s too expensive to manually collect and label more data, you can create more by rotating and reflecting your images.
Discovery of critical data subsets—for example, figuring out which subsets of your data really help to distinguish spam from non-spam.
These are two of many current examples of the augmented data preparation revolution, which includes products from IBM and DataRobot.
The future of data tooling and data preparation as a cultural challenge
So what does the future hold? In a world with an increasing number of models and algorithms in production, learning from large amounts of real-time streaming data, we need both education and tooling/products for domain experts to build, interact with, and audit the relevant data pipelines.
We’ve seen a lot of headway made in democratizing and automating data collection and building models. Just look at the emergence of drag-and-drop tools for machine learning workflows coming out of Google and Microsoft.
As we saw from the recent O’Reilly survey, data preparation and cleaning still take up a lot of time that data professionals don’t enjoy. For this reason, it’s exciting that we’re now starting to see headway in automated tooling for data cleaning and preparation. It will be interesting to see how this space grows and how the tools are adopted.
A bright future would see data preparation and data quality as first-class citizens in the data workflow, alongside machine learning, deep learning, and AI. Dealing with incorrect or missing data is unglamorous but necessary work.
It’s easy to justify working with data that’s obviously wrong; the only real surprise is the amount of time it takes. Understanding how to manage more subtle problems with data, such as data that reflects and perpetuates historical biases (for example, real estate redlining) is a more difficult organizational challenge.
This will require honest, open conversations in any organization around what data workflows actually look like.
The fact that business leaders are focused on predictive models and deep learning while data workers spend most of their time on data preparation is a cultural challenge, not a technical one. If this part of the data flow pipeline is going to be solved in the future, everybody needs to acknowledge and understand the challenge.
Original Source: The unreasonable importance of data preparation
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whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
How Trump and Xi Will Shape US-China Relations
When the early 21st century has witnessed important change in global relations, possibly the most fascinating relationship to observe in coming many years will be that among the United States and China. It depends upon the distinctive personal character of each individual nation’s president – a single who has properly altered his country’s constitution to make certain his rule outside of two consecutive terms, the other who has confidently mentioned that when it arrives to his country’s international relations, “I’m the only one particular that matters.”
Any calculation of the class of U.S.-China relations over the upcoming number of a long time ought to factor in the character of Xi Jinping and Donald Trump, both as men and women and as prospective allies or rivals. Each individual leader considers himself a maverick inside of his have system, guiding their respective nations by a time of historical significance. A person is new to politics and diplomacy however oversees the globe’s established electricity nation. The other is a savvy political operator (both equally nationally and internationally) however oversees a rising ability nation. How these men interact is important, specifically thinking about the shared individual traits that will shape their nation’s objectives and resolve.
Initial, the two have a potent need to distinguish them selves from their predecessors and decide on their personal route. Even though former President Barack Obama continued George W. Bush’s regional technique and ongoing consultative strategy with the Condition Division, Trump prefers to go his own way and seek out his own counsel. In fact, he normally takes apparent pride in doing things as otherwise as achievable to preceding presidents. Meanwhile, in sharp distinction to two many years of reputable Communist Occasion management – specifically Hu Jintao’s understated, outdated-faculty solution – Xi’s leadership has been marked by a feeling of self-assurance and simplicity, which has authorized him to glide very smoothly into the position of intercontinental statesman.
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This shared part is likely to provoke regard in both equally leaders, as each individual unique acknowledges this motivational drive in by themselves and the effects it can have on establishing a new chapter of ability politics in Asia. These types of sentiment harks back again to Trump’s reviews at a 2018 Pennsylvania political rally, on China’s sanctions in opposition to North Korea: “China has done much more for us than they have ever finished for any other [U.S.] president and I respect that.” Last 7 days, inspite of the present-day tensions developed by bilateral trade negotiations, Trump discovered the time to publicly accept “a beautiful letter” he gained from Xi.
Second, Trump and Xi share a perseverance for making their own mark by modifying the character of the institutions they guide. In only 6 years, Xi Jinping’s management has been punctuated by anti-corruption strategies, which have successfully taken out his rivals, and (most not too long ago) a legal update that could see him top the region and its military services for the indeterminate long run. Trump’s mere 27 months in the White Dwelling have revealed his penchant for staying unpredictable, unplanned, and (some would say) uninformed. He speedily voiced his absence of interest in current international plan protocols, this kind of as everyday intelligence updates and the use of briefing textbooks. He’s also designed it crystal clear that in phrases of political session, he enjoys conflict and discussion rather than consensus.
This shared appreciation for disruption has the prospective to become demanding, specially Trump’s “America First” technique to trade and tariffs, but ought to continue being a workable factor of the romantic relationship. The most modern proof came through Chinese Vice Leading (and main trade negotiator) Liu He’s visit to Washington and Trump’s opinions at a White Household press function reinforcing his partnership with Xi and their intention to speak immediately about trade negotiations.
Probably the biggest challenge emanating from Trump’s very own way of executing issues, from a overseas relations point of view, is his incapacity to use the specialist counsel of the State Division. Extensive delays in appointing ambassadors throughout the Asia Pacific (these kinds of as South Korea and Australia) have placed needless tension on mid-degree team and conveyed a deficiency of interest in the area. Trump’s incapacity to appoint excellent advisers that enjoy the context of regional politics, heritage, and society (particularly among nations around the world these as South Korea and Japan) will not be lost on Xi, who is savvy ample to exploit this weakness for all it is truly worth.
Third, each leaders truly feel the weight of historical national legacy and a nostalgia for a China or America of an additional time. For Xi, it is an period in which China’s final two imperial dynasties shaped the region’s trade and diplomacy through a effective tributary program and far-flung imperial navy. Trump is haunted by more the latest memories of the United States’ rosy past. When asked by the New York Times’ David Sanger when America’s protection footprint and trade were final “great,” his reply was “the late ‘40s and ‘50s [when] we were being revered by every person, we had just won a war.”
This attribute will existing the finest challenge for the two leaders, as they chase the spectres of the glory days in an period of globalized trade, inter-regional trade networks, and intricate multipolar strategies to overseas policy. In a entire world where multilateral buying and selling blocs these types of as NAFTA, the European Union, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership dominate world trade, the time has passed for behemoth nations that can manipulate international trade at no expense to on their own.
These 3 shared qualities will determine not only how the United States and China interact in coming several years but also how electricity politics will be done in a area that is now property to 60 percent of the world’s population and by 2050 is predicted to present 50 % the globe’s GDP.
Will their interactions throughout Asia be symmetrical or asymmetrical? Where by will they meet up with and in which will they diverge? The solutions lie in 3 vital regions of regional stress.
North Korea
Even though developments on the Korean Peninsula have supplied an possibility for the two leaders to collaborate, this difficulty raises numerous troubles for an inexperienced Trump administration. The U.S. president believes his unpredictability (some would get in touch with it a lack of policy) presents him an higher hand in negotiations as there is no playbook for his opponents to refer to.
On the other hand, in excess of time this design – alongside with his disinterest in analytically observing his opponents – will be anticipated. Some analysts, this sort of as Lisa Collins of the Middle for Strategic and Intercontinental Studies, say adversaries such as North Korea may perhaps presently be undertaking this by preparing to negotiate instantly with the world’s most influential country. Has Trump unwittingly granted North Korea’s extended-held would like to hold immediate talks with the United States and performed his most valuable bargaining chip much too early? Thinking of the fallout of the March stick to up meeting in Hanoi and North Korea’s the latest start of two brief-selection ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan, some would say certainly.
Regional Collaboration 
Yet another symmetrical problem for the United States will be participating with the new economies of the location. Trump prefers bilateral negotiations wherever tariffs can be negotiated nation by state however, Asia is ever more becoming a location described by community alliances and networks. Even though equally the United States and China engage with ASEAN, it is China that has properly founded the region’s Asian Infrastructure Expense Lender.
In point, this is a curious facet of the relationship where by Trump and Xi’s shared resolve to make their possess mark, furthermore reinstate their nation’s legacy, may consequence in an massive transform in the standing quo. Xi’s vision of China entails regional leadership whilst Trump’s eyesight of America is to pull again from worldwide commitments. A number of the latest developments have roundly excluded the United States – most notably China’s cooperative regional safety architecture identified as the “Asian Safety Concept,” the TPP-11 trade pact (solid immediately after Trump withdrew from the authentic offer) and Beijing’s Belt and Highway Initiative (BRI) advancement technique.
Japan’s Position
A routinely missed part of regional rigidity is the transforming part of Japan in ability politics, notably as it struggles with the national and regional shifts relevant to its romantic relationship with the United States. Trump’s national vision of an The united states invested in the security of domestic manufacturing, as well as his regional vision of withdrawing from trade alliances these kinds of as the TPP, current massive difficulties.
The conundrum of Japan’s nationwide id and defense preparing proceeds to increase alarms equally within just and with out the region. In November 2017, extra than 40,000 persons attended national rallies to protest Primary Minister Shinzo Abe’s designs to revise Write-up 9 of the structure, regarded as the “pacifist article” for its renunciation of war. In May possibly, national and international media noted on the significantly vocal opposition of some Japanese citizens to the imperial loved ones, especially pursuing the modern succession ceremony in Tokyo.
Though America’s recent connection (and military existence) with Japan is positioned in international relations as a vital component of regional security, it began as an occupying drive. That truth is certainly not shed on Japan’s neighbors, 31 of which had been both bombed or occupied by the Japanese during Planet War II. It can be complicated for nations obsessed with Eurocentric historical past (commemorated annually with Oscar movie nominations) to respect Asia’s experience of WWII below the Japanese. The overall civilian reduction of lifetime, in China by yourself, is at the very least that professional by the previous Soviet Union. Some historians estimate it at double this figure.
These legacies of modern record, together with Trump’s incapacity to take pleasure in their effects on existing regional geopolitics and China’s response to changes in regional stability, present a person of the biggest spots of divergence. They may perhaps also be the crucial to Xi’s biggest opportunity for genuine regional collaboration and present the most intriguing conversation concerning two adult men whose particular qualities will outline bilateral relations for a long time to appear.
Katie Howe is a strategic expert primarily based in Canberra, Australia. Her 20-yr know-how features community affairs, governing administration relations, crisis communications, company communications and possibility administration help.
The post How Trump and Xi Will Shape US-China Relations appeared first on Defence Online.
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squashgame-blog · 6 years
Modern Trends in Sports Administration and Management
Among the more important elements militating against the creation of sports in Nigeria now is lack of successful management. A good deal of options have been proffered by patriotic and concerned Nigerians every day to bail us from the quagmire. Among these solutions is that this text entitled"Modern Trends in Sports Administration and Management". It's composed by Dr. Joseph Awoyinfa, a lecturer at the Department of Human Kinetics and Health Education, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, Nigeria; a researcher and instructional adviser. I had been the man invited by the writer and the college to assess the book as it had been introduced to the general public on December 4, 2008 at Nigeria.
In accordance with Awoyinfa, it's a truism all around the world that game is currently a reference issue that can no more be discounted in various sectors of their market and spheres of existence. The writer adds this text consequently requires a vital look at topical issues in athletics management and administration, dwelling on concepts and fundamentals of contemporary tendencies in sports management and management like direction, organisation, preparation, motivation, etc..
The text includes 16 chapters. Chapter 1 is christened"the concept of sports management". Here, Awoyinfa claims management is a theory that suggests different things to different individuals at different times, thereby resulting in the multiplicity of definitions. He explains that direction has been described as an art, a science, a individual or individuals, a subject and a procedure.
This writer expatiates as an artwork, sports management is about executing sports organisational purposes and activities via individuals; while as a science, sports management is all about establishing sports doctrine, laws, concepts, principles, procedures and practices. As a business, based on him, sports direction is understood to be a method of producing formal structures and a institution according to a mission, goals, objectives, purposes and activities.
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Awoyinfa states as a individual or group of individuals, sports direction can refer to the mind or to each of the senior staff, committee, etc., while as a subject, direction is a subject of research with several topics and subjects. The author specifies that sports management for a procedure is all about a systematic method of doing things. Awoyinfa highlights direction functions in sports management as planning, construction, staffing, directing/leading, controlling, coordination, budgeting and analysis. About whom a sports director is, this writer educates a sports director is anybody at any level of game organisation who directs The attempts of different individuals towards the achievement of organisational aims sport-wise.
Chapter two is based on the topic matter of development and tendencies of sport management thought. Here, Awoyinfa admits the maturation of ideas on sports management dates back to the times when individuals first tried to achieve goals by working together within a bunch. In his words, "There was serious thinking and theorising about managing many years before the dawn of the twentieth (20th) century, which marked the beginning of modern sports management thought. Major efforts to develop theories and principles of sports management began from the early twentieth (20th) century with the work of Frederick Taylor and Henri Fayol. The industrial revolution of the nineteenth (19th) century probably provided the climate for this very serious theorising."
Awoyinfa adds that because the turn of the 20th century, both authors online sports management and business concept have been propounding distinct notions about the way to control work and staff more efficiently and effectively. This writer teaches the 3 major schools of management thought would be: the classical; the human-behavioural; along with the integrative. Awoyinfa also highlights ancient sports management theorists; fundamentals and features of scientific direction; evaluation of their scientific management concept, etc., within this particular chapter.
Chapter three is labelled"principles of sports management". Within this chapter, the instructional adviser explains that sports basics are the fundamental laws where the custom of sports management is constructed. He adds that direction principles should hence be based on overall terms to allow them to be important within game organisations of varying dimensions and personality. "Modern sports managers and administrators are expected to be able to identify and use appropriate principles that are relevant to particular situations. This is because no single principle can suit all administrative situations," submits Awoyinfa.
He states the basic principles of sport would be those applicable to sports businesses and as a consequence of the overall acceptability, they are occasionally known as"universal principles of sports management". This writer expatiates that a few of the fundamentals are: obligation; delegation of authority and communication. As regards humanitarian fundamentals of sport management, Awoyinfa defines these as citizenship, religion, human relationships, compassion, compassion, consideration and humility.
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In chapter based on the notion of behavioural and behavioural theories in athletics business, the writer says human beings are unique animals since they behave differently under different states and therefore are largely hard to predict. Awoyinfa stresses that because human beings constitute the most crucial part in sports business, sports supervisors need some understanding of why folks behave in 1 way or another, so they (sports supervisors ) can affect individuals to execute precisely the way sports businesses locate desired.
1 potent tool this writer suggests which may be utilized to evoke performance in athletes is motivation. In his words, "Motivation is something needed in sports organisations to make employees perform. However, it has been an important and a puzzling subject for sports managers." Awoyinfa further discusses evolution of inspirational concepts in sports business; program of motivational theories to athletics direction; methods of behavior modification, etc., within this particular chapter.
In chapters five to eight, the writer beams his analytic searchlight on subject topics like management methods in sports business; the notion of sports business; placing design in athletics business; the notion of planning in athletics management; creating sports businesses more successful in Nigeria and staffing in athletics businesses.
Chapter 11 relies on communication approaches in sport business. In accordance with Awoyinfa here, communicating is a critical element in any organisational efficacy because businesses can't function effectively when communicating skills are lacking one of associates. "Since communication is the moving spirit in an organisation, its absence may make organisations standstill," claims this writer. In chapters 12 to 16, Awoyinfa X-rays theories like organisational changes and advancement in athletics management; leadership in athletics management and administration; management and administration of football as a mentor; instructing human kinetics and health education in universities and colleges; and business and management of schools in different levels of schooling.
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As regards manner of demonstration, this text scores that a pass mark. As an example, the language is comprehensible as well as the notions are brightly colored. The ease of this language is anticipated, given the writer's double professional history as a lecturer and pastor. To guarantee easy study of this text on viewers' part, Awoyinfa highlights the objectives of each chapter at the beginning and ends with review/revision questions.
What's more, he creatively embroiders the text with graphics to enhance readers' comprehension through visual communication. Awoyinfa includes references in the end of every chapter to match academic responsibility of origin disclosure and extend readers chances to see more. Inclusion of several references additionally confirms the depth of their study. His usage of visual differentiation for the term"Modern Trends" from the name is creative.
Whether there are chapters that actually make this text characterized as a compendium of contemporary solutions to the management and administrative issues plaguing our sport development in Nigeria, they're chapters , eight, 11 and 13. This is since they talk about motivation, preparation, communication and direction respectively.
Meanwhile, the greatest chapter of is chapter . The simple fact it is consciously or unconsciously regarded as the best chapter finds practical expression in the deeper communication and cohesion involving its topic matter on the 1 hand and the outside front cover's allegorical visuals or metaphorical images like target post, riders racing, a lawn tennis player longing for activity together with her murderous, sprinters competing along with footballers fighting for ball possession, on the other hand. All these are pictures used for example in motivational discourse.
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Your health hero: The surgeon who fought for women
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Your health hero: The surgeon who fought for women
As Sohier Elneil begun her healthcare training, her father had a person distinct piece of advice for his daughter: ‘Do a little something to help women’, he urged.
Were he even now alive these days he would definitely be bursting with pride, for she has not only lived up to his expectations, she ought to absolutely have significantly exceeded them.
And it’s in recognition of just how significantly she’s done for women of all ages that last night she was awarded the Day by day Mail’s Wellbeing Hero award, at a gala evening attended by the Key Minister Theresa May possibly, Matt Hancock, the Secretary of Condition for Overall health, Professor Jane Cummings, Main Nursing Officer for England, and other primary figures from throughout the NHS.
NHS Health and fitness Heroes finalists: Winner Sohier Elniel (seated) with runners-up Dr Susan Walker-Day, Mr Yakub Vali, Mr John Gaunt and Miss Amy Semper 
As the Mail reports nowadays, British ladies currently rank 18th out of 28 European countries for daily life expectancy since of the wellness struggles they experience.
But Skip Elneil has used her career executing all she can to challenge the painful realities guiding figures like individuals — for she is the surgeon who was well prepared to listen when women of all ages began to complain that the pressure-totally free vaginal tape that experienced been surgically inserted to assist with incontinence or prolapse had still left them in crippling pain.
Even though quite a few others inside the professional medical profession turned a blind eye, telling females the dilemma was ‘all in their mind’, ‘Suzy’, as she is acknowledged to her clients, listened — and decided to look into.
She was just one of the initial to great a way to remove the mesh — a complicated and tough operation that consists of painstakingly eradicating little shards of the tape which, in some situations, will have disintegrated into numerous pieces, just about every embedding deeply into the patient’s interior tissue.
This perform has been on top rated of her position as a entire-time expert urogynaecological surgeon at University Faculty London Medical center, specialising in dealing with women’s challenges such as prolapse and incontinence.
Pass up Elneil usually operates late at night time and is effective most weekends — she also hasn’t experienced a holiday in four several years — just to make herself obtainable for the numerous women who look for her support.
One particular affected person explained desperately getting in contact with her for assist and Skip Elneil responding by email the future working day — on Boxing Working day.
Dr Elneil is a complete-time expert urogynaecol-ogical surgeon at University Higher education London Clinic, specialising in dealing with women’s difficulties these as prolapse and incontinence
She feels that she must, as she describes: ‘The numbers of gals seeking to see me are overpowering. I’m making an attempt my most effective to completely transform lives, but sometimes when I work I experience bereft mainly because when I see what has happened to a female I know just how a lot she have to have been suffering. I have observed females who are in so substantially pain as a consequence of their tape they really feel suicidal.’
This kind of is the influence this impressive surgeon has experienced on her patients’ life that when the Every day Mail released their hunt for the 2018 Health Hero of the yr, it was not just her sufferers from throughout the British isles who inundated us with letters and e-mails in praise of her perform, it was also their husbands.
‘Miss Elneil is the initial specialist to really assist my wife,’ wrote one particular. ‘She is the most skilled, compassionate, superb, caring consultant I have ever achieved. She operates tirelessly to assistance so lots of women who have been mutilated by mesh and they really feel like their lifestyle has arrive to an conclusion. She’s an angel.’
In a phrase that was recurring time and all over again, one client said: ‘She was the only surgeon who listened to me right after many years of striving to get assist for mesh pain.’
Retired accountant Lynne Sharman was particularly fulsome in her praise. ‘I simply cannot thank her adequate for what she has performed for me’ suggests Lynne, 62, who life in Reading.
‘She has this air of serene and tranquility. I never consider she at any time sleeps as she has so a great deal to do but if she is drained she does not enable it present.’
Behind every wonderful lady! Her partner, a attorney and childhood buddy, is a tower of guidance
Miss Elneil is obviously touched by the reaction from her individuals. ‘I get some charming cards. Remarkable letters from women thanking me,’ she says.
Nonetheless she’s has also captivated a very diverse response from in her very own occupation, sometimes dealing with outright hostility from those who thought she was incorrect to increase the issue of the tape in the initial place.
Carl Hengan, a professor of evidence-based medication at Oxford College, suggests: ‘It’s incredibly tricky to stand firm when you’re likely in opposition to a swathe of colleagues, who’ve applied several ruses to undermine her — I’m absolutely sure it hurts. But it does not cease her.’
Miss out on Elneil herself says there was by no means any issue of offering up. ‘There was resistance, and some persons imagined “if we overlook her she could go away” but I wasn’t ready to do that,’ she says with a glint in her eye.
 The figures of females wanting to see me are too much to handle. I have witnessed women of all ages who are in so significantly ache as a consequence of their tape they really feel suicidal
Inevitably, her motivation and complicated do the job load have come at some value to her property everyday living. But her husband, a lawyer and a childhood good friend, has been a tower of help.
‘We are fortunate in that we have a large amount of input from family and pals, and a lot of aid,’ she suggests. She has attempted to consider a single working day off at weekends — but with a entire general checklist as effectively as further conditions of tape removal — and her motivation to making certain she trains other surgeons, to make sure she palms in excess of her competencies — there is barely time to breathe.
And then, of training course, there is the research — final year, for illustration, she co-authored a report for the 1st time identifying the amount of difficulties amid women of all ages presented the mesh.
As vindication of her individuals and her function — and the Mail’s very long-managing campaign on this problem — the NHS not long ago introduced it would halt the use of the mesh for incontinence.
But everyone who thinks Skip Elneil has attained all she wants to achieve would be mistaken — there are however numerous girls who require their tape removed, and which is not all.
‘I would like us to stay in a globe where by gals experience risk-free, wherever they sense they can speak to anybody about their wellbeing fears and not be dismissed,’ she states.
‘I’d like to improve that — I have passed the age barrier of 50 and I have so much extra to do, and now so minimal time to do it.’
GP WHO Offers Spherical-THE-CLOCK Care
For 23 years, Bournemouth GP Dr Susan Walker-Day has provided the clients at her practice enviable continuity of treatment.
She’s always prided herself on becoming an outdated-fashioned relatives medical professional, one particular who is aware her clients well.
But the mother of five genuinely goes previously mentioned and beyond — performing dwelling visits on her times off and all through lunch breaks, collecting patients’ prescriptions for them if they’re unwell and by itself, and from time to time providing the medicines late at night time.
The runners-up: Dr Susan Walker-Day, Mr Yakub Vali, Mr John Gaunt and Skip Amy Semper
Even although she’s on holiday getaway she’ll ring with exam benefits so, she says, sufferers aren’t still left waiting and ‘worrying’. Her colleagues say she’s normally at function prior to they arrive, and leaves soon after them.
When Lezzette Hession’s mom Kim was identified with terminal most cancers in 2015, Dr Walker-Day ‘never designed her appear into the medical procedures, she generally frequented her at residence — even if it was immediately after her other rounds had finished’.
‘I’ll never forget about that on one situation as Mum grew weaker, the health care provider completed perform late at 9pm and then drove to our dwelling. She was such a ease and comfort to my mom in her previous weeks, browsing any time we rang. I’ve by no means regarded any individual so caring,’ suggests Lezzette.
All this additional operate even though also looking following her personal household, including her disabled 20-calendar year-old daughter, who has Rett syndrome, a scarce neurological situation which affects mind advancement.
For lots of several years Dr Walker-Day, 54, chaired the Rett Uk Charity, campaigning for expert clinics, running household weekends for those influenced, fundraising and supporting publish the Rett care rules.
A report for the Care High-quality Fee explained her perform on Rett as ‘outstanding’.
Susan determined to develop into a health practitioner aged eight right after breaking her leg and looking at clinic personnel at operate — successful a position at grammar school, she became the initially in her relatives to go to college.
To her people, such as Ian Jones, who nominated her, she is a real-existence Superwoman.
‘After 25 heart assaults and three strokes, I’m certain Dr Walker-Day is the rationale I’m nonetheless below,’ claims Ian, a retired educational facilities examinations officer. ‘I don’t know wherever she receives the amazing power from. She’s a GP in a million.’
At AN age when some others could possibly be easing again a bit, John Gaunt, 89, spends two days a 7 days as a volunteer on a dementia ward at the Royal Cost-free London NHS Foundation Believe in.
It’s demanding perform, requiring ability and kindness which John dispenses by the bucketload, blended with a devotion and electricity that make him distinctive, say his colleagues — and it is why they nominated him for the Overall health Hero awards.
They described how John goes to wonderful lengths to address each individual affected person as an unique, thoroughly studying their qualifications to pull out information and facts that could assistance him provide back again reminiscences and connect with that person.
Then, with a characteristic wave of his palms, he will get to operate, listening and conversing, singing, even dancing — whatever it can take to place sufferers at simplicity.
‘His charisma and appeal certainly brighten up the ward,’ says Danielle Wilde, who potential customers dementia care on the ward.
‘John is just one of the most attention-grabbing and energetic colleagues I have ever labored with and the team look forward to his visits as considerably as the patients do.’
‘He’s simply just the greatest,’ provides Richard Scarth, who oversees the Royal Cost-free Charity’s 900 volunteers. ‘I get much more favourable responses about John than any individual.’
John comes promptly for his shift at 9am and though he must clock off at 1pm is, inspite of his age, often continue to functioning late into the afternoon.
‘I’m not heading to sprint off property just since my change is more than,’ he states. ‘I go when I experience I have done what I can with my patients.’ Officially he operates two times a week — but at times ends up working extra.
John, who misplaced his spouse Betty to Parkinson’s and most cancers in 2000, was encouraged to grow to be a volunteer just after visiting the healthcare facility for radiotherapy for his prostate cancer four decades ago. ‘I still left it as well long, so they just cannot get rid of it,’ he suggests, matter-of-factly.
‘When I went in for my procedure I observed a signal asking for volunteers and assumed, “I could do that”.’
The retired illustrator applied to operate his own stationery business, and provides: ‘When I was in company I would go home asking myself “why do I do this?” — but now I leave figuring out I’ve aided make a true distinction. It’s the most effective factor I have ever done.’
There is evidently some thing exclusive about Amy Semper, the nurse who walked for 3 hours in the snow to get to do the job, did a double shift — 24 hours in all throughout that unexpected emergency — then walked home again.
Her colleagues and individuals don’t need to be informed how devoted Amy is to her work.
As effectively as individuals snowbound times very last wintertime, they know about the double shifts she does when the unit is shorter-staffed (she would fairly perform a double than allow people to be place at hazard, say her colleagues), and the more several hours soon after function she devotes to conversing with clients or catching up on admin she’s delayed executing to spend time with them.
In some cases she has to be informed she must go dwelling.
And then there are the basic but type gestures: no birthday is forgotten, with Amy generally arranging a cake for clients or employees, frequently baking it herself.
And her job is not an easy just one, for Amy is a ward manager on a safe psychological overall health device, a ‘difficult environment’, as Jocelyn White, a senior supervisor at the Lincolnshire psychological wellness device in which Amy functions, describes it.
But 12 months following calendar year, Amy, who is 27, has forsaken Christmas with her very own shut-knit household to devote the working day at the unit, arriving early to get ready festive treats.
She also usually takes people for property visits to see their loved ones (for some this can be for the 1st time in years). ‘She served make me aspect of my household once again,’ states one particular grateful affected person. Another said simply: ‘Amy has modified my lifestyle.’
When requested about her willingness to go the extra mile Amy claims: ‘People want to truly feel supported, and which is what I want to do — I want to be their rock although they are likely by means of this poor time, and I will do whatever I have to do to assist them through.’
‘And it definitely pays dividends — just one of my ex-patients is training to be a vet,’ she states with satisfaction.
how a lot Yakub Vali, 53, usually means to sufferers and staff members can be observed from the scores of thank you playing cards the father of a few has at the residence he shares with wife Maimuna, 53.
Some of the writing may well be shaky, but the gratitude and enjoy is clear.
As Yvonne Jeanes, the direct physiotherapist at the specialist stroke unit at Royal Preston Clinic in
Lancashire in which he operates, clarifies: ‘Yakub is these kinds of a stunning individual — the overall ward, individuals and staff, just like him. I can not explain to you the distinction that he helps make.’
This substantially-loved determine isn’t a medic, a nurse or a physio, but a cleaner.
That he’s very good at the do the job he’s employed to do is immediately obvious when you arrive on the ward.
‘Families normally comment on how clear it is,’ states Yvonne — without a doubt he’s credited with participating in a critical job in assisting lower an infection premiums on the ward.
‘When Yakub’s on holiday break it requires three people today to do his job, and the ward even now doesn’t search as superior,’ adds Yvonne, ‘Yakub just never ever stops.’
But he’s even extra distinguished by the way he performs his unofficial obligations. Yakub, who moved to the Uk aged 16 from a smaller village in India and has hardly ever had a working day off sick in 13 years, starts his 7am change by checking on just about every individual to see if they require everything.
He’s frequently on the glimpse-out for patients, fetching unlimited cups of tea, or contacting for a nurse if a person just cannot access their buzzer.
‘Recently, a woman who was recovering from hip surgical treatment fell in the middle of the ward — Yakub was cleansing a table and in some way attained her and caught her with lightning reflexes,’ states Yvonne.
‘He saved her from an additional critical hip fracture and in doing so, potentially saved her lifetime.’
When people are discharged, he tends to make it his responsibility to wave them off — and his daughter says that when he comes house at night time, Yakub talks non-cease about the sufferers and how they progressed, who still left the ward, who is performing nicely or everyone he is fearful about.
To the employees, he is another pair of arms who is a critical aspect of the group, and frequently functions as physio assistant, getting clients by their arm to help them wander, and encouraging them all the way.
At Xmas, Yakub comes at the ward with chocolates and sweets for patients and employees alike.
‘He is the most conscientious, courteous, humble and helpful member of employees on the ward,’ says Yvonne. ‘He is definitely our hero!’
Additional reporting: AMANDA CABLE
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At Gathering on Academic Innovation, Leaders Wonder How Fast Colleges Should Change
Last week leaders from about two dozen colleges and universities met at Stanford University with the goal of helping each other reinvent the way their institutions teach and operate. Among the many unresolved questions: How fast should academic innovation happen?
At one point organizers asked the participants—most of them leaders of academic-innovation efforts on their campuses—to stand in a line, arranging themselves along a spectrum of whether they favored “radical change” or “incremental change.” (The meeting was held under Chatham House Rules, meaning that participants agreed that statements made at the event could be quoted but not attributed to them, though some participants agreed to be named for this article.)
Sean Hobson, chief design officer for Arizona State University’s EdPlus effort, which is charged with “reimagining the higher education landscape” and lead projects to reinvent ASU, says he stood toward the radical end. “Advancements in technology are driving market forces at a pace that is unparalleled in the history of education,” he said in an interview after the meeting. “If we want to keep pace with the teaching and learning mission, we will have to explore and invent the new models for delivery in a way that more-traditional models have proven insufficient.”
Nearer to the other side of the room was Matthew Rascoff, associate vice provost for digital education and innovation at Duke University. He explained his leaning toward “incremental” change by reading aloud a quote from Clark Kerr, a former president of the University of California, that noted the staying power of universities:
“About eighty-five institutions in the Western world established by 1520 still exist in recognizable forms, with similar functions and unbroken histories, including the Catholic church, the Parliaments of the Isle of Man, of Iceland, and of Great Britain, several Swiss cantons, and seventy universities. Kings that rule, feudal lords with vassals, and guilds with monopolies are all gone. These seventy universities, however, are still in the same locations, with some of the same buildings, with professors and students doing much the same things, and with governance carried on in much the same ways.”
In an interview after the meeting, Rascoff said Kerr's point emphasizes the historic importance of higher education as an institution. “Scholars and leaders in higher education have sacred duties to our students, to our institutions, to our communities, and to the pursuit of knowledge," he added. "So while in our missions we must be wildly ambitious, in our means we must be humble, collegial, and patient."
Where officials stood during this exercise seemed to depend largely on what type of institution they were from. One leader standing at the “radical” innovation end had noted earlier in the day that her institution is in “survival mode” because of changing demographics and is under pressure to try new approaches to improve completion rates and maintain funding.
Another official on the radical innovation end, Terik Tidwell, director of STEM innovation at Johnson C. Smith University, stressed in an e-mail interview after the event that colleges need to change to serve what he described as “a growing population of first-generation, low-income, adult completers, and/or racial/ethnic students.” He pointed out that it isn’t just teaching that he thinks should change, but that the business model of higher education needs an upgrade as well. “Regardless of size,” he said, “higher-education institutions need to be able to generate non-tuition revenue that can support core-operations, strategic/growth initiatives, and student aid.”
Mitchell Stevens, associate professor of education at Stanford who gave a talk at the meeting, said in an interview that the major force driving all these innovation efforts at colleges is what he calls a “recapitalization” of the higher-education sector. Public support for higher education is declining—in both dollars and respect—while Silicon Valley companies and other for-profits have moved in. Put simply, colleges are following the money.
“The patrons of higher ed are continuing to shift,” he said. Yet the colleges are still set up around the idea that higher education is a public good. “We haven’t reorganized our conception of how universities are supposed to be governed to accommodate that change,” he added.
“This change brings a profound sense of loss for a lot of academics—especially for those my age and older,” he said. “We all came of age when the public had a lot of trust in higher education, and our government and philanthropic patrons allowed us to run our universities pretty much as we chose. We chose to prioritize research, and they allowed us to pay much less attention to the quality of teaching and the quality of the undergraduate experience.”
These days, though, only the most well-resourced colleges and universities have the luxury of operating that way, he argues, yet professors across the academy still see themselves as having “jurisdiction over teaching and learning.” It’s a shift that’s causing tension—and presents a major challenge for officials running academic-innovation efforts.
Several participants also noted that higher education doesn’t operate in a vacuum, and that colleges need to adapt to the changing world that students will enter after graduation (and rapidly-changing expectations of how institutions should operate).
Brian Fleming, executive director of the Sandbox ColLABorative at Southern New Hampshire University, which fosters academic innovations there, says that part of his mandate is to keep tabs on how other industries are changing. This year, for instance, he’s considering attending a conference for supply chain professionals and another on talent development and human capital management. Other participants said they are looking to how the healthcare sector is adopting new technologies. “Other industries are much further along in some of these issues,” said Fleming.
But Stevens, of Stanford, argues that colleges are already changing faster than many people realize. “This idea that we’re not innovative is frankly very wrong. It’s just wrong,” he said. “There are some parts of the machine that are very sticky, and a lot of that boils down to faculty sovereignty and faculty governance.”
Organizers of the event, known as Harvesting Academic Innovation for Learners, or HAIL, say they plan to hold similar gatherings twice a year to continue sharing their experiences (an earlier meeting took place in January).
At Gathering on Academic Innovation, Leaders Wonder How Fast Colleges Should Change published first on http://ift.tt/2x05DG9
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nemoofoz-blog · 7 years
Regarding Values
I have always found great meaning in the quote from Oscar Wilde, "To define is to limit." However, given the overwhelming, voluminous combinations of both friendly debates and contentious quip-offs in which I've found myself since reintegrating into the online community, I feel that the following clarification of my values should be given:
I am a Christian. I thought I was a Christian growing up, and then I decided that I was not a Christian and rebelled wholeheartedly against it. And after several years of miserable success I found myself Damascus-backhanded off my horse with the inability to do anything other than bend my knees and cry on my face at the feet of the One who made me. From the highest pride to the lowest rung of social reputation and lifestyle, I found this sole redeeming drive, and in it, suffering became my joy. My primary ethos is the teachings of Jesus Christ and my faith that He is, in literal fact, the living Son of God.
Albert Camus in his first paragraph of the essay THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS wrote:
"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy. All the rest-- whether or not the world has three dimensions, whether the mind has nine or twelve categories-- comes afterwards. These are games; one first must answer. And if it is true, as Nietzsche claims, that a philosopher, to deserve our respect, must preach by example, you can appreciate the importance of that reply, for it will precede the definitive act. These are facts the heart can feel; yet they call for careful study before they become clear to the intellect."
I often look to my second legitimate suicide attempt on my birthday in 2014 as my most significant lifespan tic mark. All that I have encountered in my learning and (as is the popular parlance) "journey" has been relative to that moment at the heavier end of my leather belt. Even after Brittany physically cut me down and saved my life that day, the self-murderous mindset continued for over a year afterward. In those times preceding-- earning my combat experience in the second Vietnam, living days on end drunk on absinthe, sleeping in the arms of dozens of gorgeous women, debauched at parties with smiles so broad they hurt my face and waking up naked in strange living rooms with nothing but a banjo and a cat in my lap, having been married previously to the most beautiful woman I had ever then known and by her fathering a child more precious to me than all worldly riches and pleasures, going to school for what I wanted to learn and living in a three-story rowhome in a charming neighborhood of my own-- I would sooner leave for simple ignorant relief than live another moment in that very-real futility of intellect, pride, and the inescapable agony alone inside my mind which even the comfort of persons could not sate. How strange it is that, even abandoned by all comforts and persons in the damp coldness of the Baltimore MRDCC, I cannot recall of memory of more joy in my life. Why did Paul and Silas sing as they awaited their potential execution in the stocks? For a moment in my life, I understood it.
So in the hotbed state of our present affairs, when any reasonable person finds themselves necessarily confronted by the "fear and loathing" of contemporary policies and practices, I am attemptedly cornered by liberal minds and conservative minds alike. Happily, I am non-partisan. In fact, as many of you may have noticed, my personal political philosophy falls more on the side of the libertarian socialist spectrum or communalism. I believe that a nation should be judged based on how it treats its citizens most in need.
But my political frustration does not contradict my primary ethos. In fact, it is supported by the teachings of Christ, Who described Himself not as a physician which has come for those who are already well, but for the sick, and Who spent His time on Earth serving the lowliest. Therefore, my political arguments are only a distinguishing continuation of my character. Ergo, this argument is irrelevant.
I have great interest in the arts, and I paint, enjoy literature, perform music, and write poetry to satisfy my interest. I believe that true art is an honest expression of a soul's reaction to God's creation. Because I believe that human souls are made in the image of God, I believe that true art is also the appreciation of itself and soul's reflection on another. This nature of art renders it therefore sacred. Sometimes, my appreciation of art causes uneasiness. I will expound further upon my beliefs regarding that uneasiness.
Art is provocative when it needs to be-- in fact, provocation MUST exist within it, and it must be balanced. When art is deprived of its necessary provocation, it ceases to be art and becomes simply "design." Design is useless except as a component of practical engineering. Inversely, when provocation is added to art in excess, it ceases to become art and becomes rather "pornography." Pornography is as useless as design. Pornography and true art can both incite a temptation to lust. However, I believe the difference is here: The purpose of pornography is to incite lust alone, affecting then primarily the body. The body, a mortal entity, therefore neglects the soul, an immortal entity. This is a perversion, as it is contrary to the nature of eternity. I can not pretend to know the mind of God, and because I am writing this for all of my friends, it would be foolish to assume that you, reader, share the faith which is my foundation in saying, "Lust is contrary to the nature of God, and therefore cannot be accommodated by Him." So my intention is that you will find my attempted apologetic sidestep adequate.
Because of this distinction, I enjoy art and share it. And again, this passion does not contradict my primary ethos. In fact, when it is attributed to the One who created all that can be expressed and admired, it becomes my worship of Him. And again, therefore, it is a distinguishing continuation of my character. Ergo, it is irrelevant.
Lastly, I have great interest in two particular sciences: herbalism and astrophysics. I am unclear as to why there appears to be so much hostility between the Christian and scientific community lately, but I have been led to believe that neither party represents the truth of the positions of real Christians or real scientists very well. Rather, both serve as junk food for the intellectually lazy and the spiritually insecure. Albert Einstein, perhaps a source that both sides of this bullshit "spectrum" can admire, poetically said, "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." The poet and second king of Israel, David, wrote the psalm:
"The heavens declare the glory of God;/ And the firmament shows His handiwork./ Day unto day utters speech,/ And night unto night reveals knowledge./ There is no speech nor language/ Where their voice is not heard./ Their line has gone out through all the earth,/ And their words to the end of the world."
The issue here that must be addressed is the fear of both parties that to concede to the other would be to abandon their own. This is not so. In fact, it is a violation of both parties' fundamental first steps: For scientists, that the first step in the method, after asking the question and identifying the problem, is to formulate a hypothesis. If, through the application of experiment, the hypothesis remains unanswered, no conclusion can be made. A lack of evidence does not equate to evidence that there is a lacking. For Christians (and Jews), the very first words of our scripture are, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." As the apostle John wrote, "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made." So why a Christian should feel in any way averted to exploring and understanding better the details of all that exists is beyond me.
So when you have pop culture icons like Bill Nye and Richard Dawkins breathing down your neck, Christians, relax. And science enthusiasts, when you're ready to pull out your hair if you see one more post about dinosaurs not having existed, relax. Truth doesn't make a noise.
I believe a good course of logic is as follows; that conviction is a necessary component of faith, and faith a necessary component of function. Without it, it would be impossible to escape Descartes' epiphane, that the only thing which can be truly observed is that I think, and therefore I must exist. Yes, that's an "I," not "we." Because for all I know, I could be in a catatonic state staring at a wall, drooling into my beard (or breasts), and sitting in my own excrement on a floor in the dungeons of Bedlam. You are my perception. I have accepted you.
My enjoyment of science and philosophy does not contradict my primary ethos. In fact, it reinforces my faith and comforts me. I am in constant awe of what He has created, available to me at this time with the faculties I've been given-- and I've been furthermore blessed with a love of learning and anxious curiosity. So because I am not conflicted by my enjoyment of my hobbies, astrophysics and herbalism, I find them therefore to be a distinguishing continuation of my character. Ergo, this issue is irrelevant.
To conclude, I return to my original problem. If you, my friend, find me too liberal or worldly, I hope you will take comfort. If you, my friend, find me too conservative or pious, I hope you will take comfort. Because I'd like to think that all persons are beyond such simple definition, beyond such simple limitation. For every mistake I have made and will continue to make, my primary value is here stated as my standard in measuring them, and this serves as my only definition: I am a Christian.
For whomever may find disparity in these values,
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/students-teachers-craft-software/
Students, teachers craft software
Today’s astronomers don’t really observe stars or galaxies a lot as photographs comprised of records generated with the aid of mild. If those identical records were used to provide three-D printouts, tactile presentations or sound, would it open the take a look at and pursuit of astronomy to the blind and visually impaired?
That’s the kind of query the University of Chicago’s Yerkes Observatory and its companions will try and answer with the assist of a $2.five million Countrywide Technological know-how Basis provide. Over the subsequent three years, they will expand Afterglow Access—new software as a way to make astronomy greater handy to the blind and visually impaired.
“Brilliant pics of stars begin as numbers on a spreadsheet
And those numbers may be manipulated and provided in myriad approaches,” said Kate Meredith, director of schooling outreach at the Yerkes Observatory and the training lead of Innovators Developing on hand Gear for Astronomy, a new research initiative from the observatory. “We won’t remember ourselves successful except inside 3 years we have advanced new PC Tools with and for the blind and visually impaired that can be used in real programs, mastering situations and scholarly research.”
The Countrywide Federation of the Blind estimates that more than seven million People are visually disabled. Unequal Get admission to quantitative facts and the shortage of vision-impartial Tools presents them with obstacles to having a look at and master astronomy and other STEM topics, Meredith said.
Dangers of Mobile Phone to Students of Secondary School
The secondary faculty is a term used to explain an educational organization wherein the very last level of training, called secondary education and usually obligatory as much as a distinct age, takes vicinity. It follows basic or number one education, and may be observed by means of university (tertiary) schooling.
There are many exceptional kinds of secondary faculty, and the terminology used varies around the arena. Kids normally transfer to secondary college between the ages of 10 and 16 years, and finish between the long time of 15 and 19 years, though there is massive variation from u. S . A . to a country.
Depending on the system, faculties for this period or a part of it can be known as secondary schools, high colleges, gymnasia, lyceums, center faculties, faculties, vocational schools and preparatory colleges, and the precise which means of any of these varies among the structures.
The secondary college students are those students of put up number one studies or as described above.
It’s miles at this degree of lecturers that students lay the inspiration in their destiny. Regardless of what the pupil wants to be in existence, the way is paved at this level this is why maximum mistakes which are not corrected in secondary college lives with maximum college students until the relaxation in their lives. Constructing humans with worldwide ardor are deeply rooted in this stage of schooling.
A mobile smartphone (additionally called cell, cellular smartphone, or mobile cell phone) is an electronic device used for two-way radio telecommunication over a cellular network of base stations called cellular websites. cellular telephones fluctuate from cordless phones, which simplest offer smartphone provider inside limited range thru a single base station attached to a hard and fast land line, for example within a home or a workplace.
A cell phone lets in its user to make and receive phone calls to and from the general public smartphone community which incorporates other mobiles and stuck-line phones the world over. It does this by means of connecting to a cellular community owned through a mobile community operator. A key characteristic of the mobile network is that it enables seamless smartphone calls even when the consumer is moving around extensive areas through a method known as handoff or handover.
Teachers Have a Great Role in the Upbringing of Children
College is an area in which infant learns and gets most know-how and boom throughout the gaining knowledge of the method. It’s also a place wherein his hidden potentials are tapped. This learning process for a kid starts of evolved whilst the mother and father ship the kid to playschool and continues till university where he receives his graduation or publishes commencement.
As we see it truly that a toddler spends nearly 6 to 7 hours an afternoon for the duration of the year (except during vacations) in School, it’s miles apparent that teachers have a terrific role to play in the upbringing of children.
As an infant may be without difficulty molded in a proper way like clay in a potter’s hand, it’s miles important to remember the fact that teachers can correct the kid’s behavior and character, every time and anyplace vital. He can also shape up the kid’s personality with the aid of being a role version in upbringing the kids in College.
As kids are very affectionate, innocent, adaptable and docile
It turns into mandatory for the lecturers to have each expert competency and a very robust ethical heritage as she will gradually impact and form up each infant’s personality with mild persuasion.
As most children have a wonderful admire for their instructors, this gain should be nicely utilized in correcting, advising and upbringing the children by way of leading children during specific hard situations and situations encountered in school rooms.
Besides, a teacher is a second parent to everyone in all her college students. Whether or not the kid is too younger or in his teens, a teacher should be effective in her technique with the aid of being impartial, loving and simultaneously leading through examples in all her endeavors.
As trainer has a crucial function to play in a pupil’s life
It’s miles accurate to mention they’re the people who should create generations altogether. In brief, they’re in some way the builder of our state as they may be uncovered to a mass of students who’re the future citizens of u. S . A .. So, it’s miles very important and essential for the teachers to steer and have an effect on the students apply in every stroll of lifestyles no matter Whether it’s far in a lecture room or maybe out of doors the magnificence.
Instructors ought to additionally inspire their college students to construct them into remarkable persona Whether they emerge as an architect, engineer, docs, instructors, businessmen or any professions of their interest. They ought to additionally shape them to make contributions to the society by way of being upstanding residents of our nation.
The main function a teacher may want to do is to make her class very thrilling by getting almost all the college students worried by way of asking questions or while discussing a topic. The extra involvement, the extra the child learns. This way the studying receives less complicated and thrilling.
Except, even outside the elegance room, she needs to continue to steer and accurate the children by constructing their person in all factors of lifestyles.
Although, it’s far really worth stating that the scholars can be successful in his lifestyles if equal help is backed up with the aid of the figure at domestic as well.
5 Things You Can Do With Real Estate Software
  Real property management isn’t always that smooth, particularly if you have so many things to reflect consideration on. With the proper Actual estate software program, however, you will be capable of making the management process clean and clean so you can run your businesses without installing an excessive amount of effort. The best element of the solutions is that you could customize them to fit your actual property desires. software program applications designed for estate industry are scalable so that you are capable of grow with them as your business keeps to grow. There may be so much you could do with Real estate software program and they consist of the subsequent.
1. Manipulate contacts
Using the exceptional software program software, you can Manage details of contacts in defined groups making it less complicated so that you can get right of entry to them any given day. A great software may also make it feasible so as to hold distinctive statistics of clients and customers or even automate proper wishes on their anniversaries, birthdays and other celebrations.
2. Manipulate personnel
if you have software for Real estate, you may easily have a number of customers running within one account. This you can do through developing a couple of worker logins and hierarchies in line with your employer structure. It makes allocation and execution of labor less complicated by means of anyone from admin to managers. Using the machine you may additionally Manage daily reporting of your personnel and on the identical time reveal their overall performance. They then again will be able to agenda belongings inspection, conferences and venture reminders making mission execution greater efficient.
3. Combine Actual property portals and web sites
Out of your CRM account, you may manage your internet site so you have an clean time maintaining it up to date. The estate management answer makes it viable so that it will create and Combine internet portals where you list your homes at once. you can post tasks from property software program to website and build a good brand The usage of professionally designed Real estate web sites. This form of coordination promotes consistency on your Actual property commercial enterprise and this can prefer your management strategies and enhance your emblem photograph.
4. keep reviews and analytics
As a extreme estate commercial enterprise, you should preserve up with what matters maximum to the business. Using the exceptional software program for the Actual property industry, you can without problems fetch every year, month-to-month and each day reviews of enquiries and properties. Using the program you can pair matching reports for residences and open enquires and even categorize the enquiries by means of source. you could also maintain abreast of all pending activities so that you do not depart something of significance out.
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weblistposting-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Weblistposting
New Post has been published on https://weblistposting.com/white-easter-for-some-taste-of-early-summer-season-for-others/
White Easter for some, taste of early summer season for others
Many will see bouts of rain, and a few may even see snow. But a wave of heat air will make its way across the country as properly, bringing a duration of early summer-like temperatures to 3 spots before the intrusion of more chronic and big cold air later in the weekend.
Read on for an outline of the Easter weekend forecast from coast to coast, and a observe how the climate may have an effect on your plans.
True Friday
Right, Friday will see active climate pushing throughout the West, as a developing storm system brings sizable precipitation from British Columbia to the Prairies.
At better elevations and across the northern tier, this could take the form of heavy snow fall, however, the southern Prairies need to be slight enough to look the best rain, thanks to a surge of hotter air from the south.
inside the Fantastic Lakes, a warming fashion begins so that it will bring through the weekend, even though beneath seasonal temperatures will linger throughout Atlantic Canada inside the wake of a departing hurricane system.
Saturday will see snow persisting throughout the northern Prairies, as a shot of chillier air starts of evolved to dig into the west, sending temperatures below seasonal. Cool and unsettled situations linger over B.C., even though rain and snow showers should begin to clear later inside the day.
The surge of warmer air shifts east into critical Canada, including the go back of 20ºC+ temperatures to southern Ontario. This warm temperature could be followed by using a period of showers and thunderstorms from the First rate Lakes into southern Quebec.
Easter Sunday will feature clean conditions across the west, and the go back of milder temperatures for B.C. However colder air will retain to settle across much of significant Canada, bringing under seasonal temperatures stretching from western Alberta to northwestern Ontario.
A vulnerable disturbance tracking into the Exceptional Lakes along the U.S. Border might also deliver the threat for a few Easter blizzard for places such as Thunder Bay. We’re going to be looking this potential closely, and keep to refine the forecast because of the weekend processes.
For southern Ontario and Quebec, Easter Sunday will see the continuation of slight and now and again unsettled situations. A few periods of rain are probably, However for maximum regions the day will not be a total washout.
Precipitation will push throughout Atlantic Canada on Easter Sunday as nicely, with rain probable for the Maritimes, and snow growing for Labrador and parts of Newfoundland.
Monday will see chilly air in vicinity across a whole lot of the united states of America, excluding southern B.C. And southwestern Alberta, and possibly elements of Atlantic Canada.
The departing Atlantic device will maintain parts of Japanese Canada unsettled thru the day, But an awful lot of the relaxation of the country will see quieter weather conditions for the begin of subsequent week.
summer For The Gods by way of Edward Larson – Ebook Overview
summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and we’s Persevering with Debate Over Technology and Religion via Edward Larson
Ebook Evaluate
The beginnings of Dayton, Tennessee’s famed “Monkey Trial” may be traced again to Page five of the Chattanooga Times. It turned into there where, on might also four, 1925, the ACLU issued a press launch titled, Plan Assault on State Law on Evolution. “We are seeking out a Tennessee instructor,” the item stated, “who is willing to accept our services in testing this Law within the courts.” The Regulation it mentioned changed into the 1925 Butler Act, which prohibited Tennessee public school teachers from teaching the theory of Darwinian evolution. A 31-yr-antique, secular-minded chemical engineer named George Rappleyea Examine the piece and, because the tale is going, contacted the chair of the nearby faculty board, Fred Robinson, who. Allured through the prospect of putting Dayton in the countrywide headlines, Robinson sought out the top of the nearby excessive faculty’s Science branch, 24-yr-vintage John T. Scopes. Scopes standard the ACLU’s task immediately. Just as planned, Scopes changed into indicted through a grand jury for violating Tennessee’s anti-evolution Regulation 3 weeks later, and the media fiasco had all started. The court docket conflict that ensued was later referred to as “The Trial of the Century.”
For the reason that then, public consensus on the Scopes trial has by and large been formed through a 1960 movie called Inherit the Wind, that’s loosely based totally at the event. But, author Edward Larson has On account that tried to fill within the gaps within the film, in addition, to correct a number of its inaccuracies. His E-book summer time for the Gods is likely the maximum certain account of the trial, consisting of the occasions that caused it in addition to its aftermath. As a consequence, it is broken down into three major sections: “earlier than,” “During,” “And After.” Whilst writing the Ebook, Larson had at his disposal a sizeable quantity of archival cloth that no researcher had the privilege of analyzing before. This gain is made clean all through the textual content-practically on every Web page-that is packed with information you’ll by no means locate with an easy Google seek. Larson additionally takes the dual-position of the historian as well as a storyteller. In addition to imparting copious element on every issue of the trial (everything from facial expressions to random observers’ commentary), Larson tries to the story of the Scopes trial in narrative form. Whilst retelling the story of John Scopes being requested to visit trial, Larson adds in: “A series smoker, Scopes in all likelihood lit a cigarette at this point if he had no longer already executed so” (p. 89). Additions like those, despite the fact that minor, make the entire text sound like a story as opposed to a history textbook, therefore making the E-book greater readable to a much wider audience.
As noted earlier, Larson attempts to debunk not unusual thoughts that have made their way into public consensus because of the play and movie, Inherit the Wind. For example, despite the fact that the film portrays Clarence Darrow as a cosmopolitan, loose wondering advocate of secularism and champion of Technological know-how and the human mind, he is greater appropriately described as simply anti-Christian and anti-Religion. Larson claimed that he did no longer even completely apprehend the basics of evolutionary theory: “Darrow frequently invoked the concept of natural evolution to guide his arguments, But it becomes by no means imperative to his questioning. He claimed to recognize present-day biology However combined up Darwinian, Lamarckian, and mutation-theory concepts in his arguments, making use of whichever best served his immediately rhetorical functions.” (p. Seventy-two) In short, Larson explains, Darrow was an attorney first, no longer a scientist.
through the identical token, William Jennings Bryan is these days visible as an uncompromising, blind follower of Biblical literalism. In assessment to rational-minded Clarence Darrow, Bryan represented a nearly absurd Christian fundamentalism that refused to back off in the face of incontrovertible proof. Consistent with Larson, Inherit the Wind “converted Bryan right into a senseless, reactionary creature of the mob.” Indeed, Bryan’s man or woman in the film goes thus far as to say that the Earth was created in six 24-hour days, or even gives the time of day on the point of Advent (nine A.M., incidentally). The truth is, although, that Bryan’s personality is a lot deeper and his intellect is lots extra than Inherit the Wind portrays him as. It’s possible, Larson suggests, that Bryan understood evolution Simply as well or maybe higher than Darrow did, and that his refutation of the teaching of evolution become based totally greater on democratic grounds than biological lack of knowledge. “The disgrace isn’t always the Tennessee Regulation,” Bryan explained, “the disgrace is that teachers…have to betray the agree with imposed on them by way of the taxpayers.” (p. 104) via meticulous research, Larson is in a position to show that Bryan isn’t as simple-minded and one-dimensional as the famous consensus may also assume from Inherit the Wind.
The person from whom the Scopes trial receives its name-John T. Scopes-became additionally misrepresented inside the movie. Scopes is visible nowadays as one of the heroes of the trial-the imperative instructional, standing through his biological convictions even when confronted with the possibility of imprisonment. The truth of the problem, as Larson points out, is that Scopes ended up being the sacrificial victim now not due to any ethical or scientific convictions on his part, However more because of a remember of the condition. Scopes became young, easy-going, wore thick-rimmed glasses and had a boyish look, making him look professorial But smooth-going on the equal time. He failed to plan on staying in Dayton for too lengthy, so any sick-recognition or punishment he’d acquire wouldn’t do tons harm to his private existence, besides. even though Scopes claimed to stick to the theory of Darwinian evolution, It is probable that he did not absolutely grasp all the info of the idea, both. In the end, he became a replacement-now, not the primary biology instructor-and taught physics, math, and soccer, now not biology.
Although it is honestly the most influential, Inherit the Wind isn’t always the most effective source of the general public’s expertise of the Scopes trial. Frederick Lewis Allen’s first-rate-promoting history of the 20th century, only The previous day, retells the story of the trial in “active, journalistic fashion,” as Larson writes (p. 225). Regrettably, this re-telling become done with “cartoonlike simplicity.” not best did Allen body the case as “Technology vs. Fundamentalism,” (a gross simplification), But he misconstrued concrete activities of the trial. even though in fact William Jennings Bryan conceded that the “days” referred to in the Introduction account in Genesis represented long stretches of time, Allen states in his E-book, “Bryan affirmed his notion that the sector changed into created in 4004 B.C.,” a total fabrication of the records that makes Bryan seem like a simple-minded fundamentalist. Due to the fact simplest, The previous day becomes the first principal retelling of the Scopes story, plus the reality that it became the high-quality-selling nonfiction Ebook of the Nineteen Thirties made it a major have an impact on public interpretation of the trial. Unluckily, as Larson suggests, Allen may have left out and oversimplified many stages of the trial.
One most important misconception that Larson tries to deal with is the notion that the Scopes trial becomes the first-rate blow for American religiosity. This changed into in large part executed with the aid of famous debts of the trial (consisting of each Inherit the Wind and simplest The day before today) which tended to equate William Jennings Bryan with fundamentalism as a whole. Considering the fact that Bryan has been humiliated at the witness stand, the tale is going, fundamentalism turned into severely damaged as a result. but the records show that churchgoing best elevated after the trial and antievolution activism become at the upward push as properly. Fundamentalist political interest only commenced waning a decade after the trial. nowadays, though, the general public sees the Scopes trial as a form of “starting of the end” for fundamentalist Christianity. at some point of summer time for the Gods, Larson attempts to debunk this fantasy. “In sharp evaluation with later legends approximately the Scopes trial,” Larson concludes, “no person noticed the episode as a decisive triumph for the defense [immediately after the trial].”
An frequently disregarded birthday party in the Scopes trial fiasco became the ACLU. Because most of the people generally tend to peer the trial as “Faith vs. Technological know-how,” one would possibly expect that the cause for the case changed into to place down Faith and to champion Technology and loose-thinkers. It was the ACLU, no longer any anti-religious institution, that had the idea to go to court. The ACLU obviously had no anti-non-secular timetable, nor did it have any seasoned-evolution timetable. It simply desired to maintain public colleges free from religious coaching, as dictated by way of the primary Change. In fact, as Larson mentions, the ACLU was annoyed at famous misconceptions that arose after the trial Due to the fact they made it appear as though religious fundamentalism changed into a defeated enemy, wherein in fact it nonetheless posed a risk to American secularism.
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lawrence9gold · 7 years
"Fight" vs. "Work toward"
No, this isn't about union activity or the alternatives, warfare vs. peacetime employment -- although, wow, is there a connection!
It's about the peculiar quandary common among human beings: It's easier to destroy than to create. For the same reason, it's easier to criticize than to actualize and easier to resist than to take initiative. In this time period so ripe with reasons to condemn, the line of less resistance is resistance, not taking creative initiative, breaking down without also building anew. It is a self-destructive and incompetent mood. The problem is, for many it's easier to destroy what's remembered than to imagine something better, to break down, to destroy than to bring into existence and develop. That's why there's a special term, "entrepreneur". Remembering is generally more or less under our control; imagining requires an unpredictable emergence of insight in the one doing the imagining. Otherwise, it tends just to be a reworking of something remembered -- like remakes of classic movies. We can't force imagining, or at least, it isn't commonly as easy to imagine as to remember. Rare, more functionally-awake and balanced individuals (sometimes known as "visionaries") have good imagination and good memory, good attention span, and coherent intention. We can cultivate those faculties. It just takes the well-focused means, the interest, our remembering to practice, and application of deliberate intention when doing it. It's called, "education" -- but a more basic and fundamental education than is publicly practiced, these days. It's the education that prepares one for education. More, below. Because it is easier to break things down than to improve things (which takes imagination and diligence), breaking things down is the course often taken. This is what happened in the last Presidential election. The political system wasn't working well for a large enough number of people, so they chose someone who would create change -- some kind of change, any kind of change -- to the political system of The United States of America. However, they chose badly.  The political parties chose badly. They chose someone who defines "great" as, "someone who can boss others around" (rather than someone who brings the greatest good to the greatest number). They chose someone who thinks like a cutthroat business man -- anything, as long as it's legally defensible, and he can get the law changed, if need be. Anything for which he has executive authority -- without accountability to the people of the nation. They chose someone for whom "ethics" is an irrelevancy, "truth" an embarrassment, and the Constitution and intentions of the structure of the Federal Government, an inconvenience to be gotten around or done away with. They chose badly. The man makes money in real estate and golf courses. Did his electors think that because of his election, they would end up owning real estate and play golf at country clubs? Is that what they envisioned? I doubt it. I don't think they considered it that far. They didn't choose someone who is likely to give them what they feel they need. The logic rather witlessly followed was, "First we break the political system down, and then somehow it will turn out better." Really haphazard. The rebuild stage wasn't carefully considered. if at all -- hence, the behavior demonstrated an unconscious and not particularly intelligent logic. Thus, lazy-minded, simplistic, gullible individuals elected a would-be Big Shot who may never feel big enough and who has an awful lot of power in his hands. "Gullible" means, "those to whom it never occurs to exercise their intelligence for themselves, but just to accept what they're told." Otherwise, they would have seen the abundant signs he displayed before the election. When such people want change, they can easily be, and were, convinced to tear down without equal care for building up. This, of course, demonstrates a tempermentally childish stage of development; it breaks its toys when it wants new ones -- and it's not responsible for getting, or creating, the new ones. This is not an adolescent or adult stage of development; adolescents are all about creating themselves, anew (although in conformity to their group), and adults are about creating, maintaining and enhancing; adults are both conservative and progressive. That's adult. "Tear down" mediocrity is spoiled-childish, undeveloped, self-indulgent, irresponsible, and undisciplined. Take that kind of behavior far enough, we call it ..... criminal. This kind of description is not destroying or fighting; it's just naming and explaining with a high degree of precision and accuracy. If these seem like fighting words, it because they hit home with precision and accuracy (and without collateral damage). FIGHT vs. WORK FOR So often, in the public vernacular -- the way things are commonly said -- we are told to "fight" this and "fight" that. It's considered a compliment to call someone, "a fighter". "Fighter" is a term with a sense of ongoing embattlement. They don't say, "a visionary" or "a hero", or even, "a great leader"; they say, "a fighter." It's a lower form of compliment. In the public vernacular, people who participated in bringing about change used to be called, "liberals" and "progressives". The terms have been made derogatory by the sneer which which "Regressives/Conservatives" have used the term. Progressives seldom use the words, "liberal" or "progressive", to describe themselves in public rhetoric (except sometimes during election season); only "Regressives", so-called Conservatives, use the words, "Progressive" and "Liberal" -- and that, in a pejorative (put-down) sense to excuse their reactionary behavior. Progressives/Liberals need to take back the terms and make them have the honorable meaning they warrant. They should also stop referring to the Republican Party as the "GOP" (Grand Old Party); it ain't grand anymore and it's been taken over by clever individuals who are there for the wrong reasons -- the right reason being public service. The foxes are in the henhouse, folks. Old Lady O'Leary's cow has kicked over the lantern. A way of saying something reflects upon the one saying it; what someone says is an extension of them. To make the terms, "Progressive" and "Liberal", into smears reflects upon the one saying them: They would never be caught dead creating something better for the greatest number of people or being protective of those who need protection, or looking out for the population they serve, other than in terms of money, i.e., "jobs". Nooooo. They need to look out for themselves and for their position in the power heirarchy that sustains their in-office gravy train. It's for such people that the saying, "Kick the bums out!" was coined. Unfortunately, the electorate put the bums in. Gullible. Making, "Progressive", a smear-term shows, about the speaker, a certain backwardness and unwillingness to take responsibility for bringing forth the greatest good for the greatest number. They are rebellious against the adult demand to take care of and share with others, to keep their word, to honor the oaths they, themselves, took. They have another agenda. They don't "play nicely". This, of course, is the behavior of spoiled children: "Conservatives". . . . . anti-progressive anti-evolutionaries. Regressives. Arrested development. Immature. Regressives use the word, fight; Progressives also use the word, "fight". It shows how the so-called, "Pro-gressives", are not that much different from the Re-gressives. A greater difference would exist if Progressives used the phrases, "working for" or "working on" something ..... working on something instead of fighting for, or fighting, something. The same goes for the word, "resist'. Instead, persist, or even advance, as in, "We're advancing a new public education funding program." Of course, Regressives would resist such a program. Education of the public works against their interests. They don't want a population for whom attention, memory, imagination and intention are on-line at a high level; they don't want to be found out by people who are competent. They want a controllable population. To show, by contrast, how far they have strayed from the original vision of this nation, the following declaration by Thomas Jefferson can be read on a plaque above one of the entrances to the House of Representatives:
"The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate."
"Work for" is the best welfare system. Awakening your imagination and linking it with what you know and what things there are to work with goes beyond protest and resistance. It goes beyond Regressiveness and beyond the resistance of Regressiveness. It is the ultimate non-violent act: creative transgression of the preferences those who would create a meaner nation. And that means defeating those who, like the Koch Brothers, who defeated wind-power in Massachusetts, defeat publicly beneficial projects in order to preserve or enhance their own standing in the wealth/power structure. We defeat them through persistent support of those who make such advances until those who resist are defeated, and we defeat them by educating ourselves so that we become the creators and holders of value. Take notice of the speech patterns, "Fight" or "Work toward", and be informed.   There. Now I've said it.
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