#our hallway is really long so there’s more than enough room
feralwifey · 1 month
Within two days we replaced the silicone in the bathroom, got rid of mold, changed shower and window curtain, placed new rugs, emptied out a closet and reorganized it, replaced parts of the kitchen floor, entirely changed the hallway and kitchen set up, got rid of a big shelf from the kitchen, partially reorganized the kitchen
I just have to reorganize the entire kitchen to make more room and to make things more accessible with the placing of the furniture and then it’s done
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gojonanami · 12 days
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pairing: satoru gojo x reader
summary: you come home after a long day of work unable to find the person you call home anywhere — until you reach the bedroom.
warnings: 18+ suggestive, fluff, comfort, some angst, implications of the shinjuku showdown arc, implied gojo is no longer a sorcerer, gojo is your househusband, taking a bath together, taking care of him, copium really, satoru being a silly man
w/c: 1,184
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“I’m home!”
You call into your home, the clatter of your keys and shoes as you shedded the things that chained you to the outside to submerge yourself in your oasis and into his arms. But as you got no reply, you stepped into your living room, scanning over the kitchen, to find no one.
Now where was your home?
“Satoru?” you called, heart skipping a slight beat, he was always waiting for you when you got home, usually on the couch or maybe in the kitchen the clank of the knife as he chopped away. Or even the many times that he was waiting by the door to only ambush you with kisses. But this time, nothing.
You rounded the corner to the hallway and peeked into your bedroom to find him asleep. You crept closer, careful not to wake him, and yup, he was fast asleep. His pretty snow white lashes resting against his cheeks, his chest slowly rising and falling as the soft sounds of his breaths parted his lovely lips.
You could watch him sleep for hours. You knew he never did enough of it before, and you’d argue he still didn’t do enough of it now. He always said he was fine sleeping 6 hours since it was twice as much as he usually got — and now he was working at home, so he could be ease.
But even so, you know he needed more.
As if he senses your thought, he stirs, starry blue eyes finding yours as he flutters sleep from his gaze, “sweetheart?” He’s murmuring, voice still beautifully raspy from sleep, “when did you get home?” He’s shifting to get up, but you use gentle hands to ease him back, “I haven’t started on dinner yet, sweets—“
“I got it, Toru,” you’re running your fingers through his hair, “just rest, baby,” and a protest is already on his lips, “let me guess what you did today — cleaned the house from roof to floor, stocked us on groceries, cooked lunch for me for the week, and probably a million other things,” you lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, “I think I can handle dinner for one night at least,”
He’s pouting now, “but you just got home from work, Princess, what kind of househusband would I be—“ and you can’t help but laugh, he loved his self appointed title of househusband, especially since it was one he had chosen for himself, and he took any opportunity — even now to call himself that.
“I think even the absolute best househusbands need a break, and should listen to their wives, since I’m the one you want to pamper so much,” and his lips party in protest, but you’re leaning down to kiss them and his pout away, “let me take care of you, Toru,”
He’s sighing, as he leans up to press his forehead to yours, “and does your offer include a bath, sweetheart?”
“Y’know sometimes I feel guilty,” and you pause in your massage of his head, fingers tangled in his hair, suds from the bath you’d drawn for him covering both of your bodies as he leans against you in your tub, back pressed flush to yours.
“Guilty about what?” you ask, holding your tongue on the million reasons why he shouldn’t.
“For so long, I was the strongest,” he gives a small chuckle, “and it was fun, sometimes. But it was mostly lonely,” he leans back to look up at you, a small grin on his lips, “except when I was with you,” your lips curl, “and now I get to be with you, and I get to stay home — and the worst thing I have to do are the dishes,” and you snort.
“I told you I’d do them if you hate them so much,”
But he’s shaking his head, “Sometimes I think trying to deal with our cast iron is worse than fighting Sukuna—“ and you roll your eyes, “but there’s always this urgency that I have to be doing more. Telling me to keep going, moving, fighting—“
“You’ve done enough, Toru, more than enough,” your fingers cup his cheek, “too much, honestly. It’s okay to rest now. You’ve done your part—“
“Didn’t you or someone say jujutsu is like a marathon, a baton pass?” Your fingers run through his white locks, before you shift yourself to sit in his lap instead, “the marathon is over, racers have packed up and gone home, and the finish line has been crossed,” your fingers rest on the back of his neck, tracing his undercut, “and that’s because of you and all you did to fight and raise up the next generation,” you say softly, and he’s pressing his head to your forehead.
“Is it okay for me to rest now?” and you’re pulling him into your arms, hoping your touch conveys what your words can’t.
“Yes, it is, Satoru,” you’re pressing soft kisses to his neck, “you don’t need to be the strongest. You’re Satoru Gojo, and that’s all I want,” and he leans back, “you’re all I want,”
“Is that a proposal?” And you snort.
“We’re already married, weirdo—“ and his lips find yours, as they always did, his arms around your bare waist, as the water shifted and splashed, but you could barely feel anything except his lips against yours and the circle of his thumb against the small of your back.
He finally pulls away, a genuine smile on his lips, “And you married this weirdo,” and you chuckle, tracing his jaw with your finger, “you’re stuck with me for life,”
“Promise?” And he’s kissing you again in an instant, stealing your breath like he did the first time you met him all those years ago at jujutsu tech. And you knew you’d never love anyone else — not like him.
Satoru’s arms wrap around you from behind as the two of you towel off after your bath, “what are we having for dinner?”
“Well someone insisted on me being in here with him, so I had to order out,” and he’s grinning, as he nuzzles your neck.
“Whoopsie, hehe,” and he’s humming, as he tugs your hips against his, the friction drawing a gasp from your lips, “can we have dessert first?”
“It is dessert. We’re having ice cream for dinner—“ and he’s kissing you again, but this time it’s languid and messy — all tongue and teeth, until he’s pulling away with a smirk at your breathless face.
“I want something sweeter, wife,” and you smile.
“Think you can finish before the delivery gets here?” And he’s already picking you up with ease in his arms, pinned under him in a moment, as his ocean blues flash with mischief from between your thighs.
“I can, but I don’t know if you’ll be done by then.” He says cheekily, as you only sigh.
If there was one thing that would always be true is that you would always be weak to Satoru Gojo — but not his abilities, but who he is.
Your husband.
“Let’s see, hm?”
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a/n: I’m real upset about the leaks and this is my coping. I needed this.
taglist: @staryukis, @cloverlilies, @asgoodasdead666, @strawmariee, @chuuyasboots, @forest-fruits-jam, @catsgomurp, @rat-loves, @hanlay, @risuola, @spider-fan72, @sunamatic, @difficultdomains
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fangirl-dot-com · 11 days
☀️Sons, Sons, and More Sons
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader Genre: Fluff/SMAU Summary: Ollie, Leo, Liam, who's next Oscar? Oh.
inspired by @pucksandpower 😊
The said Monegasque, who had been “innocently” snuggling his four-legged son, winced at the force and volume of your voice. 
He was currently going through everything that might have upset you in the past 20 minutes from when he got home to you just now getting out of the shower. Did he leave the toilet seat up again? Or did he forget to sort the laundry? Or maybe he didn’t clean up Leo’s toys from the bedroom? 
“Why is my Twitter blowing up?” 
Oh. That’s why. 
He whispered to Leo, “I’m in for it now.” 
And then in a louder voice he yelled, “Yes mon amour?” 
You rounded the corner of the hallway and stopped in the opening to the living room, crossing your arms. “Care to tell me why I’m getting tagged in almost every Twitter post about you adopting Oscar?” 
You wanted to break at the puppy eyes that your boyfriend was currently giving you, but you needed to stay strong. You needed to show that a man could not sway your feelings. Too bad that man was Charles Leclerc, the one that men and women alike fell to worship the ground beneath his feet. 
You couldn’t break. 
Charles brought his hand up to ruffle his hair, something he did to express some nervousness. 
“Cheri, it was just a joke. Oscar somehow finds heritage in a lot of countries. He just wanted to keep the joke going.” 
“So you decided to ‘adopt’ him so he can have another home race?” 
“Don’t you already have enough sons anyway? I think four is too many or our house is going to overflow on family night.” 
Charles’s eyebrows pinched in confusion. “Four?” 
Now it was your turn to smirk. “Yes, four. Or are you too busy having fun with Leo to be a present father to your other two?” 
Charles tried to wrack his brain about who could be the other two. 
He leaned back into the couch, hands still gently petting Leo who had decided to fall asleep in the middle of his parent’s squabbles. The golden puppy was content on his dad’s warm chest, the rise and fall rocking him to sleep. 
The Ferrari driver sighed. “I don’t even know.” 
You waved your phone at him. “Twitter might be able to help you. I need to get dressed since I was rudely interrupted. I hope you find out before they get here for dinner.” 
Charles shot up making Leo yelp away from his nap. Now that he was really looking at you, he realized that you were just in a towel. A blush formed on his face, still having those boyish thoughts that he believed he was better than that. 
You walked over and bent down, face getting closer to his. 
Ah. You were going to forgive him and all would be right in the world once your lips met his. You wanted to laugh as you saw his eyes flutter shut, lips slightly puckering. 
Charles was wondering what was taking you so long when your finger touched his lips. His eyes shot open and he definitely did not whimper. You looked down at your fur-baby and gently picked him up, bringing Leo to your chest. 
“Twitter. Figure it out Leclerc.” 
Now a bit sullen, he watched you walk away. 
“Je t’aime!” 
He was responded to with a middle finger and the bedroom door slamming. A chuckle made its way from his chest as he brought his phone out. If there was one thing that you two did well, it was dramatics. 
Twitter was immediately opened once he got his phone out. He scrolled through all the tags before giving up and opening your profile. He winced at the sight of the white background, cursing his phone for updating and not keeping the dark profile. 
However, he couldn’t contain his laugh as he saw your new updated tweet. He leaned his head back, still giggling to himself. 
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Charles knew that you two wanted kids at some point. But between his Formula 1 career and your business on the uprise, children really wouldn’t work well now. But deep down, he liked the idea of having a few grid kids. 
He took a minute to stop giggling before he continued his search. His eyes widened as he stopped on one of the family trees that some fan made. 
There was Leo, adopted by you and him. 
Then Ollie, who fans say that Charles conceived himself somehow. 
Oscar was newer, but still had the adopted dotted line. 
And then . . . 
Ooohhhhhhh, so that’s who he was missing. 
You took that moment to come out of the bedroom, hair now dry and fluffy from your Dyson. Leo was still in your arms, looking more awake than he had when he was with Charles. You sat down next to him, Charles taking the opportunity to put an arm around you, bringing you in closer. 
“You smell good amour.” 
You turned and smiled, leaning in to finally give him a kiss after a long day. 
“Thank you. It’s the lotion that you bought me.” 
He let out a low hum and just kept you in his arms. Leo was squirming a bit before he finally flopped over and settled in between your two bodies. 
“I figured out who our other son is.” 
Your head now rested in the crook of his neck. “Did you now.” 
“Yes. I am a stepfather to Liam?” 
Your shoulders shook with giggles. “Not the stepfather, but the father who stepped up.” 
“You spend way too much on Twitter.” 
You looked up at him, and Charles turned to look down at you. You leaned in closer to rub your noses together, giving him eskimo kisses. The Ferrari driver just closed his eyes and basked in the moment between you. 
There weren’t many times that he got something like this. So quiet and peaceful. His world was filled with so much noise. But here, he could melt into the quiet. 
“We should have dinner here with the boys after the Grand Prix on Sunday.” 
“That sounds nice. I can make the food.” 
You sat up slightly, elbow bent on the back of the couch and head resting on your hand. 
“You want to show off your cooking skills to your sons to prove that you can cook.”
Charles huffed. “I am the provider chéri.” 
You cocked your head at the Monegasque. “Whose name is on the lease mon bebe?” 
A huff was the answer, which made you cuddle Charles closer still being aware of the little baby between you. A small nip to your fingertip made you pick Leo up, now holding him close to your face. 
“Were you getting a bit jealous of papa ma petit amour?” you asked the blonde dachshund in a baby voice. If Charles wasn’t already fully in love with you, his love would have been solidified in this moment. 
While watching, he suddenly remembered something. “Oscar wanted to meet Leo in McLaren hospitality this weekend.” 
You turned with a raised eyebrow. “Why not Ferrari?” 
It was as if you had a lightbulb moment. “Ohhhhhhh, right. That makes sense. I can stop by and let you know when I get there.” 
What you hadn’t expected was to pick up Liam and Ollie on your way to the now green outside of the McLaren hospitality. Leo was still curled up in your arms, eyes blinking every so often. You knew that if it wasn’t so busy, the little puppy would be sound asleep. 
“He’s so cute,” Oscar said, walking forward and hands outstretched. You gently gave him over to the “older brother” of the three. 
Ollie laughed. “I know right. He’s so cuddly.” 
Liam joined in, “I don’t think I put him down the entire time I got to meet him.” 
Oscar stared at you three for a moment. “Yeah, you aren’t getting him back.” 
You shook your head. “Speak to your father first, Oscar.” 
Chuckles erupted from all around, making you laugh as well. You took your phone out and took a quick picture of Oscar holding Leo to post later. 
“Is dad on his way?” Ollie asked after sipping on his water bottle. 
You rolled your eyes. “Should be. Ah, there he is.” 
Charles stepped foot into the room and immediately found you surrounded by his “kids.” His heart may have melted seeing Leo flopped in Oscar’s arms. He gave you a kiss on your cheeks before he greeted the three. 
“This is hilarious,” he said, making everyone laugh yet again. 
You rested a hand on your forehead. “We’re just missing Liam’s dad, and then we’ll be one big happy family.” 
The Kiwi crossed his arms, but a giant smile was on his face. “So much for having a present father in my life. I’m jealous.” 
Charles gripped your waist and puffed his chest. “I’m not the stepfather, but the father that stepped up.” 
“Charles, no you aren’t. Can’t even handle three kids.” 
You and Charles turned around to see Max now stepping through the door. The Monegasque raised his eyebrow. 
“And you can?” 
You raised a hand. “That’s my que to leave. I will not be in the middle of a Lestappen-father showdown. Boys, you can follow me.” 
“Yes mum.”
“Lead the way.” 
“Can I still keep Leo?” 
Charles and Max gawked as the three older boys followed you like ducks in a row. After he got over the shock, the Ferrari driver was left with a love-sick smile on his face. 
“Yeah. I’m marrying her.” 
“Max. Shut up.” 
y/n_l/n has posted
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liked by y/nismother, charles_leclerc, liamlawson, and 1,304,295 others y/n_l/n look at my sons . . . pride is not the word I'm looking for
see all comments
y/nismother the mother is mothering
charliexy/n honestly, they all take after him so much. I need to go to twitter
olliebearman then what is the word you're looking for mom 🤨
liamlawson30 I knew she wasn't proud of us
oscarpiastri this is why dad is better
y/n_l/n I'm taking away all of your sims and ps5's
olliebearman I take it back, mom is the best
oscarpiastri81 this is the best thing to happen this weekend
charles_leclerc my family 🫶
maxverstappen1 you stole my son from me.
liamlawson30 they had free ice cream 🤷
y/n_l/n 😊
maxverstappen1 I'm taking pole then
charles_leclerc ☹️
lestappenlove I love the entire family your honor
leclerc16charles does Leo need another sibling? cause I can bark
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TAG LIST: @fionaschicken @myxticmoon @cherry-piee @blueberry64857959 @glitterquadricorn @lizzypiastri @sam-is-lost @spilled-coffee-cup @ilove-tswizzle @the-untamed-soul @allenajade-ite @starssfall @torchbearerkyle @judespoision @halfdeadsage @juniper-july19 @severewobblerlightdragon @thatgirlmj @gods-menace @ineedafictionalman @namgification @dark-night-sky-99 @samantha-chicago @2pagenumb @treehouse-mouse @fangirl125reader @megatrilss1885 @kagatinkita @itsjustkhaos @nikfigueiredo @awekbachira @vellicora @skepvids @sunrizef1 @stan-josie @fanficweasley @hiireadstuff @barcelonaloverf1life @c-losur3 @graciewrote @bruhhhhhhhhehhhhhhh @tallrock35 @ashy-kit @kat-s2 @minkyungseokie @lozzamez3 @leslieis-crying @adventuresofrose @lighttsoutlewis
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nothomegal · 7 months
"Nothing, just (Y/N)"
(Pyramid Head(s) x GN! Reader NSFW)
Minors do NOT interact!
Summary: wondering through abandoned semi-ruined places is great to hide and get lost, and in your case the latest happened. But don't worry! Because you were lucky enough to bump into your lover... Or not. Whoever, or whatever this is, it really looks like your monster, yet it's different at the same time... Huh, I wonder what will happen when these two do meet face to face... Huh, I wonder what verdict awaits you.
Warnings: non-con touches at first, brief mentions of nipple play, oral (Pyra receiving), references to double penetrations (but you can interpretate it differently since the reader is gender neutral).
Word Count: 3.9k
This idea popped up after I remembered that Pyramid Head has two different designs (one that appears in DBD and Silent Hill 2, and the other one from the movie and Silent Hill Homecoming, y'know where he has a more pointy helmet and exposed torso)
I usually describe the DBD/original version (though my dummy self been using gifs with the other design hashsha). But still, why don't we present our lil' (Y/N) the other one? 🤭
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They’re lost. (Y/N) let out a long tired sigh as they keep walking through the long dark hallway of what appears to be a school.
They begin to regret their decision of going deeper, it probably would’ve been smarter to just chill in one of the classes until the ‘newcomers’ leave the area, buut… Uh, last time they hid in a room they ended up kidnapped by the group they tried to avoid so yeah… Not really a fan to repeat that experience.
The school was dead silent most of the time, apart from the sound of their footsteps or the occasional shuffle or hiss from a Creeper. For anyone new, this would be an unnerving place, but for (Y/N)? Oh they’re chilling with the peace n’ quiet around them. Sure, silence is not always associated with safety and there is always the possibility of something lurking in the dark and waiting for the perfect moment to attack. But in (Y/N)’s case it’s not possible, no creature is dumb enough to even get close to them, not to mention hurting. They can’t help but to chuckle to themselves, they’ve been in this place for quite a while, probably months, maybe even a year! Or two? And no matter how much time passed or will pass, they still can’t believe the fact that one of the most fearsome creatures of Silent Hill took them under his wing, keeping them safe and making them feel something more than just a piece of flesh to use or kill.
Sigh, they probably have the dumbest lovesick face they’ve ever made, like some teenager thinking about his crush, but can you really blame them? Who the hell wouldn’t get all giddy with a creature like Pyra? And speaking of him, they probably should find an exit faster before he gets tired of looking for them and just tanks his way through the building-.
Or maybe not, because the sound of metal scraping the old tiled floor of the school and the erratic heavy footsteps resonated from one of the hallways. Huh, each day they start to believe that they somehow summon Pyra just by thinking about him for long enough.
With a little smile (Y/N) makes their way towards the sounds, happy to have their lover back with them after him completing his hunt and punishment.
–”Hey big guy! Sorry for the trouble of having to look for me in here. Just wanted to avoid the incident from the last ti- ”–
(Y/N)’s voice died and they froze in place when they met the source of the sound. Yes, it was the known pyramid headed beast, but… It wasn’t their pyramid headed beast, it wasn’t Pyra.
The monster in front of them was different; his vest, which appeared to be stitched,  was only covering everything below the waist, leaving the torso completely exposed. The helmet was different too, it was more… Pointy? The edges were sharper and the shape was more triangular and detailed with additional metallic pieces.
This other beast and (Y/N) remain completely still, staring at each other in heavy silence, the monster’s metallic breathing being the only audible thing. (Y/N) gulps nervously, both confused and afraid. What the… Who is this creature?! Why does it look almost like Pyra?! Is this another executioner? Wasn’t Pyra the only one? Are there more monsters like him? Then why did they never see it before?!
Their internal freak out paused then the other beast let out the familiar low metallic rumbling, which wasn’t as low and deep as the one Pyra emitted, but that fact didn’t make the sound any less intimidating, especially when the monster seemed to grip the handle of his large knife tighter.
–”W-Wrong executioner, m-my bad!”– you peep out before taking off running.
They sprint down the hallway, their adrenaline skyrocketing when they hear the known bulky footsteps and scraping noises behind them. They haven’t felt this much terror since being chased by Pyra himself. Sure the group of shady men was scary too but their demise was inevitable. In the case with Pyra… Well, if the executioner chooses you as his target, there is no chance to escape your fate, only delay it.
But- But this time it will be different, right? Their Pyra is still somewhere around, right? It’s unclear what they're hoping for, or what they want to happen when both beasts face each other. All (Y/N) knows is that the true safety has always been in Pyra’s arms, and they have no other option but to go there if they want to have the slimmest chance to survive this chase.
Despite trying to find the exit, it feel like they only get themselves deeper into the building, all hallways and rooms appear to get darker and more rotten, it's like they're decending deeper into hell, closer to their demise, further from their salvation...
But the light of hope was recandled when while turning a corner (Y/N) bumped face first into a firm and broad torso, which didn't even budge at the impact while they already had landed on the floor right on their butt. They rub their nose after the impact and shoot their gaze up, their heart almost jumping through their rib cage after recognizing the known pyramidal shape of the creature’s head, thinking that the beast chasing after them somehow outsmarted their panicked brain. But when the creature kneeled down they instantly relaxed as relief flushed through them, despite the monster’s large form menacingly towering over them and engulfing their smaller frame with its shadow.
–”Pyra!”– you exclaim both happy and relieved as you scramble right into his arms.
The monster instantly wrapped his large arms around (Y/N), his own body tensing up, as if feeling the distress of his human and knowing they’ve been chased by something, fact that clearly angered him. When the sounds of metal scraping the floor and slow heavy footsteps began to resonate from afar, (Y/N) tensed up even more.
–”Th-There it comes… It- That thing, it looks like you!”– you warn him as you grip his vest tighter.
Pyra remains still for a moment as the noises get closer. After a while, he slowly stands up to his full height, lifting (Y/N) with him and putting them back to their feet to then gently push them behind him. The mentioned person carefully peeks from behind his large form, both afraid but also curious to see if it’s really another creature like Pyra and it actually exists or they just officially went coconuts and somehow imagined it all. Their doubts were dissolved once the other creature appeared from around the corner, his pace slow and unhurried. The monster froze in place as he stared at them, Pyra froze too and stared back. The atmosphere suddenly turned… Weird, not tense and heavy as one would expect, just odd and bizarre.
Still, (Y/N) didn’t feel at ease at all. There is a reason humans fear the unknown, and that’s the main factor that keeps the mentioned person on high alert. They have absolutely no idea of what to expect to happen next, are these two about to fight? Will the other creature turn around and leave? Will it somehow change Pyra’s mind and he will kill them? Are they in danger? Should they run? Wait? Pray?
A breathless gasp escaped their lips when the other creature began to move, slowly making his way towards them two. What freaked and confused (Y/N) even more is the fact that Pyra doesn’t seem bothered by it at all, he remains still in his place with absolutely no intent to stop the other monster.
When the second beast got way too close for their liking, and Pyra was still doing nothing about it, (Y/N) let out a shaky breath out and stepped away from their lover to then begin to back away on their own.
–”No. N-No stop, that’s-...”– you swallow nervously as you shoot a pleading glance to your beast. –”Pyra…”–
But he doesn’t react to their pleas, he doesn’t even look at them… And when the other beast was right next to him is when he finally does move, slowly turning around, and just like the other executioner, he begins to slowly walk towards (Y/N) in the same menacing manner, not like they’re his lover, but another victim to punish…
This scene broke (Y/N)’s heart into numerous tiny pieces, is… Is that it? Is Pyra really going to just… Kill them here and now? After all this time they’ve been together he… He’s just going to throw all that away like it’s nothing? Like they are nothing?... Silly them, of course he will, he’s Pyramid Head, the executioner, an immortal and eternal being created to punish and kill. Who are they to him?... They are nothing, just a little meaningless human… Just (Y/N).
The moment their back collides with a wall, their survival instincts kick in. Even though deep down they knew that their fate is practically written on their forehead, their mind was focused on the most primal desire that a human can have in case of facing danger; run away.
And so they do, they obey their instincts. When they notice an opening between the other monster’s large body and a wall to squeeze through, they bold forward with no care in the world and miraculously dodging his arm that attempted to grab and stop them from escaping. They let out a breathless chuckle out of shock that they actually managed to dodge that by ducking, such a silly maneuver actually wor-.
Suddenly something gets a hold of the back of their shirt and yoinks them back, right against Pyra himself. He holds them tightly against his chest, one arm being more than enough to keep the panicked human in place despite all the desperate struggles to break free. (Y/N) is beyond terrified now, they feel Pyra’s arm tighten around them while the other one gets so close that he ends up pressing his body against their front. Now being basically sandwiched and completely immobile, (Y/N) is feeling like passing out at any second. In any other occasion they’d be so flustered and aroused by this, but now? Oh their poor mind is being flooded with terrible images of how the two executioners will end them, the newer thought worse than the previous one. They’re shivering like crazy, eyes shut tightly, waiting for the wave of pain to come as the monsters will begin to skin them alive…
But after nothing happening for a solid minute, (Y/N) gathers enough courage to finally open their eyes and see what’s going on and why these two beasts are not doing anything. The instant they peek up, the two monsters let out that famous amused rumble, which due to the closeness, made (Y/N)’s whole body vibrate, super weird (and kinda pleasant) feeling.
(Y/N) was about to yell in anger, thinking that these two are seeing their fear and pain of the betrayal as something funny, but such chance was lost the moment they began to feel big hands roam around their body, caressing and feeling every curve through their clothes. The gesture wasn’t aggressive or mocking, but affectionate and loving, just like Pyra’s actions towards them on a daily basis.
Now (Y/N) is confused and quite dumbfounded. Didn’t these two have the intention to murder them? Why is this other monster suddenly so docile? Are they truly safe? Wha-
A shiver ran through their body when the executioner in front of them managed to slip his hand under their shirt, tracing the rough yet warm skin of his bare palm through the softer skin of their abdomen and chest. They let out a surprised squeak when the hand reached higher and brushed against their nipple, the contact causing (Y/N)'s body to shiver, and it only got worse when the beast began to rub it as it let out an amused purr. Another whimper escaped their mouth when Pyra’s hand made its way through their inner thigh, squeezing and rubbing their flesh gently until it stopped right between their legs, his movements getting progressively bolder and suggestive with each little sound that left that pretty mouth of theirs. (Y/N)’s eyes widened as they realized what the two monsters are trying to initiate.
–”Wa-Wait no-! I- I’m- I’m n-not ready for th-this!”– you stammer nervously as you try to clumsily wiggle out their grasp, face already red and flustered. –”You- You two s-sto-!”–
They have no chance to even finish the sentence as something warm and wet suddenly entered their mouth, making contact with their own tongue, which suddenly turned the action into some very sloppy kiss. Their struggles also lead to nothing, both monsters only squeezed them tighter against each other, reducing (Y/N)’s mobility even more. This continues for a couple of seconds, until the "kiss" finally stops and (Y/N) is finally allowed to breathe again, their mouth completely wetted with their and Pyra’s saliva. As they pant like a dog, trying to recatch their breath, they feel Pyra’s hand travel up to their face and wrap his hand around their face, rubbing their cheek lovingly as his tongue playfully wiggles in front of them.
(Y/N) suddenly gasps shakily as they feel something hard being pressed against their front and back, and by the way both monsters growled, they knew exactly what it was and what’s about to happen.
They shouldn't want this, they should try to get away and put a stop to this, they really should… But it’s hard, it’s hard to think straight when their mind has been poisoned with their own arousal and lust. Their logic side is saying no, but their whole body and most of their mind is screaming yes.
As if reading their mind, both monsters made a pleased sound and the next thing they know is that their body was swung over Pyra’s shoulder and taken somewhere... But it didn’t mean they wouldn’t get completely blown up in a moment, and Pyra’s big hand squeezing their ass and thighs is a reminder of that. They’re then brought into one of the classrooms of the school and their body is placed on one of the tables, just like the little delicious treat they were.
From their spot, (Y/N) stares at the two beasts with half lidded eyes and lovesick gaze. It’s like being under some sort of spell whenever things get heated between them and Pyra, and now that there are two of them? Oh, it’s like being hypnotized to act like a slave of their own lustful desires.
The two monsters were kind enough to actually undress (Y/N) (instead of destroying their clothes). And now, fully exposed and being in all fours, they silently observes as both executioners position themselves. The other beast is right behind them, one hand placed on their hips and the other one pulling down his vest, revealing an already fully erect and hard cock, tip brushing along their skin, making them shiver in anticipation. Pyra was right in front of them, vest fully opened and pants pulled down too, his cock just as erect and needy for his sweet lover, one gloved hand placed under their chin as his thumb rubs their cheek and lips lovingly, as if saying “you’ll do such a good job drear”.
The calm lasts for a couple more seconds… And then the whole world goes down without a warning. The beast from behind slams his whole length almost and ones, barely giving (Y/N) time to adjust to his size. Pyra also nearly choked them when he pushed the tip and part of his cock into (Y/N)’s mouth, but he was kind enough to wipe their tears of pain and pleasure.
This was both a torture and a treasure, the roughness and feral neediness of these monsters made (Y/N) feel a certain type of way. The knowledge that two powerful beings craved for them, THEM, so so badly made them feel both very special and flustered, just what did the executioner see in them to make him want their body and soul so much? Crave for them both sexually and emotionally, want nothing but to be close to them and keep them to himself, not just like a trophy or a pet, but as something worth to worship.
And they did, they really felt oddly worshiped despite being absolutelly destroyed by them. Feeling the one from behind dig his fingers into their flesh as he pushes into them, trying to bring them closer to his own body with each thrust and the distorted rumbles and groans he makes when the contact between their skins is missing, even for a brief second, only proves how much he wants them close. Pyra was too showing the effect they had on him, saliva actively dripping from that little hole in his helmet where the tongue would come out, hand placed in the back of (Y/N)’s head as he fucks their mouth and throat, and the fact that he’s not thrusting with more force also proves the care he has for them. They both could be rougher, they both could be more selfish, they know they totally could destroy them if they really wanted to… But they actively chose not to, because even in this feral and lustful state they’re in, they care for them, they care for their little sweet (Y/N).
The action doesn’t last too long, as (Y/N) is barely holding themselves back from coming ,and eventually it got too much. The second the monster from behind felt their release, he let out a growl and quickened his pace. (Y/N)’s body began to shiver, wobbly limbs barely supporting their own weight due to the overwhelming feeling of fullness and the lack of oxygen, air they can hardly get since Pyra’s pace got faster as well. When they eventually collapsed, their body miraculously remained in place and it all thanks to the beast behind them, who caught them and held them up with a single large hand placed on their chest.
It was hard to keep up, hard to keep themselves from coming again, but they must refuse, must holdup, must wait for the two monsters fucking their brains out to come before allowing their own sweet release again. And just as they reached their absolute limit, so did the two beasts. The taste and the sensation of their release drunken (Y/N) completely, eyes rolling as they let out a weak muffled moan as they're sent both to heaven and hell at the same time, their inside burning and their skin shivering under the cold sweat.
Once done, Pyra takes his still hard cock out of (Y/N)’s mouth, allowing them to take all these needed gulps of air as the white liquid drips from their mouth and down their chin, even after trying to swallow it they still got messy, a picture that their lover absolutely adored.
Though (Y/N) was quite tired, they know this is not the end, this is just the beginning˜.
They let out a yelp when their body is suddenly lifted and their back is pressed against the solid and warm exposed torso of the beast behind them. The table they were previously on had been flung across the whole classroom with great force and the next thing they know is that they’re completely immobilized again by Pyra’s body pressing their form against the monster behind. And soon enough, (Y/N)’s mind is being turned into mush again when the beasts begin to move again, their thrusts strong and hitting all the sweet and most sensitive spots of theirs.
Their movements were unnaturally coordinated, knowing exactly when to thrust and how to move so their helmets won’t collide. It was both freaky and fascinating to see, which left (Y/N) thinking if Pyra is really as simple as they initially thought, or is he the embodiment of something way more sinister-.
Their thoughts melted into a mass of letters and blurry shapes at the sensation of the rough fingers of the beast from behind rub their sensible nipples again, sending violent jolts and shivers with the mildest movements. Now (Y/N) was a complete panting and moaning mess, though their sounds were slightly muffled by Pyra’s broad chest, even slightly suffocating them at times with how close he got (not like they mind it). They always cringed at how vocal they can get during sex but they also knew better than to try to quiet the noises after learning the hard way how much their monstruous lover adores to hear them.
This fucking continued for a good ammount of time, (Y/N) already lost count of how many times they came, they have absolutely no clue! All they know is that they’re like in heaven, seeing stars and impossible colors of light flash before their eyes with each release just to then fall back into their mortal body and suffer the consequences of all the overstimulation and the generally overwhelming sensations. How are they still awake and breathing? They have no idea, but it did kinda boost their ego to know they’re tougher than they thought.
Eventually, the thrusts come to an end after the two monsters came one last time, causing (Y/N) to hide their face deeper into Pyra’s chest as they sink their fingers into his flesh and scratch his scarred skin with their nails. Even after coming and filling them up real' good yet again, the executioners remained in place, not pulling away from (Y/N) and still holding them against each other.
After regaining part of their breath, (Y/N) pulls back and their eyes wide at the sight of all the marks they left along Pyra’s broad chest and abdomen, both scratch and bite marks. The executioner from behind also received some lovely scratches on his body as well, when did they even manage to make these? None of the monsters seemed bothered by the marks though, and their hands roaming over (Y/N)’s body is a clear confirmation of that, showing just how pleased they are with their performance, even if they didn’t really do anything.
Now that the heat is slowly dying (Y/N) should feel cold, yet the warm skin of the beasts keep them perfectly warm and comfortable, their big hands traveling around their body, soothing the growing soreness in their muscles and worshiping every inch of their soft and tender skin, despite it being covered in sweat and drops of their load.
(Y/N) wanted to cry, but not out of pain, but of how loved they felt in that moment. The surprisingly gentle and affectionate caressing, the soft purrs and rumbles that at times resembled praises, and the overall atmosphere among them three felt so overwhelmingly comforting and loving, nothing like the heated lustful air from moments before.
Tiredness and exhaustion made itself known and they began to slowly doze off. Luckily, they didn’t have to worry about having a pillow, the chest of the two monsters were a perfect replacement, so warm and kinda soft now that their bodies and muscles relaxed a bit.
Unknowingly to (Y/N), a little smile formed on their lips. Yes, they're still pretty much nothing compared to a creature like Pyramid Head, but the fact that this same creature, or in this case, creatures, are all over them, a simple little human, makes (Y/N) feel this alien thrill and warmth.
They're still just (Y/N) though.
Their (Y/N).
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jockbroski34 · 3 months
The Jockrooms
I hated gym class.  I wasn't athletic and I didn’t like playing sports.  Worst of all, I was stuck with the dumb jocks in my class.  Today, one of them, Kyle, threw a dodgeball right at my face.  The force was immense.  As the ball collided with me with the speed of a bullet train, I felt myself lose my balance and I tumbled onto the ground.  I sat on the ground in a daze, my head spinning from the raw power exerted from the ball.  If he threw it any harder, I’d be sent to the nurse.
Kyle was one of the tallest guys in the school, towering at an impressive 6’4, and he was just as strong as he was tall.  He was huge and he made sure that everyone knew it.  He was proof that God picked favorites in terms of genetics.  The guy had pretty much everything, except for a working brain.  He had little problem asserting dominance on those he viewed as weaker than him.  To him, I was yet another easy target with my wimpy constitution.
His jock friends cheered and high-fived him for how savagely he destroyed me.  Our gym teacher did nothing to discourage his aggressive behavior, but I wouldn’t expect any less from the football coach.  Those were his boys after all.  They could probably get away with murder and he’d still cover for them.  I sat down on the sidelines, covering my swollen cheek, as I was forced to watch Kyle and his goons dominate the rest of my team.
After what felt like an eternity, the teacher dismissed us to go change and I was relieved.  I was still covering my cheek, bruised from the dodgeball that was lobbed at me.  I sat down on the bench and opened my locker to change my clothes.  I felt a hand bump me as Kyle and his entourage walked past me.
“Sorry about that, bro,” he said, in a condescending manner.  “You’re supposed to dodge the ball, not get hit by it.  That’s why they call it dodgeball.”  I had to admit, that’s the smartest he’s ever sounded.  
“Whatever, you dumb jock,” I scoffed, ignoring his “advice” as he and his jock friends walked by.  I wasn’t sure if they were snickering at his lame attempt for a joke or at me, but I didn’t really care.  I doubt that they had much for brains either, with only sports and sex being the only thing keeping their testosterone-ridden minds running.
I glared over at Kyle while he was changing.  I had to give him credit.  He was very handsome, and he knew it, but that just made me hate him even more.  He was a guy who people either loved or hated, but his arrogant fuckboy attitude would be a turn-off for anyone who wasn’t as shallow as him.  I began to wonder why he had to be the one gifted with such a nice body.  If I was as strong as him, what would I do?
I finished changing into my regular school attire, but I felt the urge to go to the bathroom.  By the time I finished emptying my bladder, the locker room was completely empty.  Amidst the ghost town, something caught my eye.
I noticed a door that wasn’t there earlier at the end of the hallway opposite of me.  It looked out of place compared to anything I’ve seen in the school.  It was crimson with a silver knob.  I could hear something coming from the other side of the door, but I couldn’t make out anything.  It didn’t sound like construction.
For some reason, I almost felt like it was calling out to me.  Even though I needed to get to my next class, I needed to know what was behind the door.  My curiosity got the best of me as I put my hand on the handle.  It was warm, but not enough to burn my hand.  I hesitated for a moment before opening the door and I took my first steps in.
I tried to gather my bearings in this foreign room.  The room was very warm, steamy almost, with the smell of sweat lingering in the air.  It smelled like our locker room and the heat was far too much, almost like a sauna.  I knew I wouldn’t last long in this heat, so I figured it was best to head back to class.  I turned around, but instead of reaching for the door, I walked face first into a wall.  …This was where I came from, right?
“Hello?  Helloooo!”  I shouted, hoping someone would come to my rescue.  The only voice that responded was my own as my words echoed throughout the room.  I sighed.  Looks like I’ll have to find my own way out.
I realized that this would not be easy as I looked ahead.  I saw rows of lockers all around me and to my horror, the maze stretched out further than I could possibly imagine.  This room alone looked larger than the school itself!  Why did the school need this many lockers?  I decided to follow the line of lockers to find out if there was an exit at the end.  I started to hear a buzzing sound, not from the sounds of the lights, but from a different source, along with a voice so quiet that I couldn’t understand what it was saying.  I honestly felt like I was hallucinating.  Perhaps the ball Kyle threw at me actually put me in a coma.
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I followed the row of lockers, the numbers increasing with every step.  The bold red lockers complemented the dark walls and white ceiling.  As I walked forward, I was tempted by turns and corners, filled with even more lockers.  I did not want to risk getting even more lost so I simply walked as close to a straight line as possible.  I found myself sweating profusely, drenching my T-shirt and jeans.  As I was getting more and more sweaty, I was also getting dehydrated, and there seemed to be no sign of any water fountains.  I was surprised that they had not installed any, but that wasn’t even the weirdest thing because nothing made sense here.
My heart sunk as I entered an empty room, a dead end.  If whoever built this place had any sense of interior design, there would be a door here.  I observed my surroundings, but there seemed to be no sign of any way out.  This was going to be longer than I thought.  I realized I would have to give an explanation to my teacher about why I was so late, but she would never believe an excuse like this.  That is, if I can even find a way out of here.  I looked down, surprised to find a bottle of some sort.  It looked to be some sort of beverage.  It looked to be a sandy brown.  I would’ve preferred…no…I desperately needed water, but I would be a fool to ignore any amount of hydration.
I untwisted the cap, and was surprised by the strange smell of the liquid.  It didn’t smell foul, but it didn’t smell sweet either.  I closed my eyes and took a sip, but I grimaced at the mixture of bitterness and saltiness.  The chalky taste lingered in my mouth, but at least it made me feel more alert.  Despite the unpleasant taste, I knew it was better than nothing, so I chugged the bottle before dropping it on the ground, making sure not to miss any drop.  To my surprise, I felt more full of energy than I ever had before.  But for some reason, as my body was starting to digest the drink, I felt as though the room was shrinking before my eyes.  Wait, was I getting taller?  Maybe this place is messing with my head.  To be honest, I wouldn’t mind being a couple inches taller.  Maybe Kyle would stop picking on me if I was on his level.
The downside, however, was that I was starting to feel even more sweaty to the point that my clothes were now flooded to the point of no return.  I knew they would smell of sweat forever no matter how many times I washed them, so I figured that stripping would be the better option.  I can always change back into my gym clothes when I get back.  I desperately hoped that I was all alone here so no one would see me in this embarrassing state.  I looked at the locker at the end of the room.  1000.  The numbers went up to at least 1000?  This had to be some kind of sick joke.  I was frustrated, but I knew I had to retrace my steps in order to find a way out of here.
A strange idea entered my head after walking into several more dead ends, seemingly out of nowhere.  If I went to my own locker, would I find something there?  It sounded like a stupid idea since I would miss out on other potential paths, but it just felt right.  Besides, I had no other leads.  My locker number was 0136.  I continued walking back trying to test if my hypothesis was correct.  My body was trying to fight back against my exhaustion and my mind was trying to stop itself from being drowned out by the subliminal noise.  It felt like this place was messing with me in some way.  I had to find a way out of here.
Eventually, my eyes lit up as I turned a corner to find lockers numbered in the 0100s.  I felt my body guiding me until I found a locker that appeared to be left open.  All of the others were closed, so maybe it had some significance?  0133…0134…0135…0136!  I chuckled at the coincidence that my locker would be the one that was different like I knew it would be.  Inside, I found yet another one of those same drinks from before, a piece of paper, and a…red jockstrap?  I chugged the drink desperate to feel hydrated.  For some reason, it tasted better than I remembered.  The paper appeared to be some kind of riddle.
“Only this way is right.”
“The combination will show you the light.”
Turns out I was right to come this way.  For some reason, it seems like this room was made specifically for me.  I was more curious about the second line.  “The combination will show you the light.”  If my locker number was what led me here, then surely my locker combination would be the next hint.  05-13-34.  51334?  I shuddered, knowing that my journey would be a lot longer than I had anticipated.  Hopefully this helps me escape from this hell.
I started to wonder who wrote this, but I didn’t even know who built this room in the first place.  None of this makes any sense.  I might not even be in school anymore.  This could be some sort of pocket dimension.  I could be dreaming, or I could be in a coma.  I looked back in the locker, my eyes fixated on the red jockstrap.  It looked like it had already been worn and was a size too big for my skinny frame, but for some reason, I felt an urge to put it on.  I stripped out of my dripping boxers and put on the jockstrap.
To my surprise, it actually fit perfectly around my crotch area.  I expected to feel uncomfortable, but instead I felt liberated.  If only there was a mirror in here.  My cock bulged as it stretched out the red fabric.  I could’ve sworn it looked bigger, but I knew I was just imagining things.  Regardless, I felt faster and full of stamina and virility.
I was not an athlete though.  Only the jocks wore jockstraps, and I hated them, but I couldn’t even remember why.  Why was I so mad at Kyle earlier?  My memories of today started to blur.  I couldn’t think straight.  I couldn’t remember anything.  I had no comprehension of time anymore.  Who knows how long I have been in here.  I sprinted ahead down the hallway, with a newfound sense of energy that I had never felt before, as I needed to find locker 51334.  The heavy sound of my big feet created a steady rhythm, almost like a drum.  My body seemed to move on its own like it was on autopilot.
As I ran forward, the audio grew louder, yet the words remained just as shrouded as they were before.  Despite that, I felt like I started to understand the words deep down.  A weird contradiction, I know.  Wherever the source of the noise was, it had to be coming from that direction.  I knew in my heart that this was the right way.
I kept on going for what could’ve been hours.  Who even knows at this point.  The concept of time was foreign to this place.  If you told me I was gone for a week, I’d believe you.  I kept on finding the same drinks from earlier on benches scattered around.  They were the only thing keeping my head in the game.  They gave me strength, but eventually I stopped seeing them as I became reminded by the intense heat of the room and of all the dead ends I had run into.  I had to be in the 40000s as I began to feel fatigue again and it felt like my body was finally about to give in.  My body felt sore and swollen as if I was still recovering from a workout.  Workout?  Since when did I care about the gym?  Maybe this jockstrap was rubbing off on me more than I thought.  But I’ll never be like Kyle or the other jocks, I assured myself.
I kept going.  My body was pushing itself to the limit, while my mind started to wander.  I became worried that I was gonna miss the game that was on tonight.  Me and the bros were going to watch it together and I didn’t want to miss it.  I couldn’t even comprehend how unnatural these thoughts felt.  I should be thinking about playing the new update for my favorite MMO, not watching sports.  But bros always come first…
I felt like I was going crazy, like this giant locker room maze was having an effect on me.  I was awakened from my trance by a sudden realization.  I needed to get to practice.  It was like an alarm clock went off in my head.  The last thing I wanted was to get dropped from the team due to poor attendance.  This renewed sense of urgency was what kept me going instead of passing out from the heat and exhaustion.
At long last, I was greeted by a room that was surprisingly familiar to me.  It felt like a second home to me.  It was like the actual locker room in my school, but on a larger scale.  I looked at the number next to me.  50000.  This had to be the right way.  I was almost there.  The background noise was at its loudest here, but I still could not find any source, but at this point I didn’t mind it.  It honestly helped me calm down a little.  I checked every locker in this large room, until I saw it.  51334.  It was half open, so I pried it open, with a sense of strength that I had never felt before.  Inside the locker, I found another note and a larger bottle of the same drink.  I gulped every drop down like I had just found an oasis.  This one tasted better even compared to the rest.  I read the note, hoping to be free from my prison.
“Inside the locker you will hide”
“The way back is on the flipped side”
I had to get in the locker?  It was a weird instruction, but I followed the orders.  I was surprised I was able to fit into it with my bulky build.  I turned to the other side to read what it said.  My eyes widened as I felt a sense of dread run down my spine.
“Close the door but don’t be shocked”
“When you wake up, you’ll be a jock!”
Shit, I didn’t want to become one of the jocks!  I valued my intelligence too much to stoop down to their level.  But it was already too late as the door shut itself on its own and I felt the ground below me vibrate.  Was this truly the only way out or was I doomed to join them from the start?  I tried to break my way free, but my strength dwindled as my eyes dulled and I passed out from exhaustion.
I woke up on one of the benches to the sound of metal and heavy chatter.  To my relief, I was finally back in the real world.  The football team was getting ready for practice.  Damn, I really did miss the whole day.  To make things worse, Kyle was standing right over me.  Great.  Despite everything though, I actually kinda missed him.  That was probably the first sign that something was very wrong with me.
“Bro, wake up!” he said as he shook me.  I looked down.  I was dripping in sweat and I was wearing only my jockstrap.  The fact that I was wearing the same red jockstrap was proof that it wasn’t a dream.  “You alright dude?  Coach says you were passed out here for hours!”
I regained my consciousness, surprised to see him concerned for me.  “Bro, you’ll never guess what happened.  I was in this, like, weird maze, dude.  Lockers everywhere.”  I was genuinely shocked by the words that came out of my mouth.  I sounded like a total dudebro.
“Bro, are you high?  What are you talking about?”  Kyle chuckled at how absurd I sounded.  I felt embarrassed because I honestly sounded as stupid as him.
“I’m not lying, bro!  There was a door right there!”  I got up and pointed towards where the door should be.  It wasn’t there.  I looked like I was insane.
“You sure you’re okay after gym, bro?  I figured you’d catch that dodgeball since you’re such a good wide receiver.  Must’ve gone too hard.  Practice should help clear your head.”
“Practice?  Wide receiver?  What the fuck are you talking about?”  I didn’t play any sports.  Before today, I didn’t even know any teams outside of famous ones and the ones local to us.  I didn’t know any positions, any rules, or any players.  If that was the case, then why did it all feel so familiar to me?
“Did you lose your memory or some shit?  Let me refresh you, bro.  You play football and you’re our wide receiver.  You hang out with me and the boys every day.  You’re a total jock, bro.  You’re hardly a genius, but surely that rings a bell, right dude?”  My eyes became fixated on his charming blue eyes, and I felt myself sink into them as if they were the ocean, as he reminded me about my place in the world.  Finally, things started to make sense…but…
What the fuck?  You hated Kyle.  You didn’t play football.  You weren’t friends!  But for some reason, that didn’t seem right.
You loved Kyle.  He was one of your best friends.  You guys played football together.  You guys basically ruled the school.  You didn’t need to think much because you compensated with raw strength and power.  Brawn over brains, bro.  You were a jock and you always will be one.
“Huhu…Now you’re making sense bro,”  I chuckled.  I only now realized how much I changed, with how deep my voice was.  How much of a cocky douchebag I looked with that smirk plastered on my face.  How much bigger and stronger and taller I was.  How toned and perfect every muscle in my jock body was.  I should hate this, but why does it feel so good?  “I had a dream that I was someone else.  A total nerd, bro.  It was awful.”
“That person never existed.  This is who you were and always will be.  Just think back to when we met, bro.”  He said it with his usual cocky grin, but I felt no malice from it.  I assumed he was gaslighting me into believing that I lived a different life, but he seemed genuine.  I remembered him cracking up at one of my dumb jokes at practice and we started hanging out both in and out of school.  Memories of the practices and football games and parties we shared filled my mind and I smiled as I looked fondly back on those days.  No…I shouldn’t remember this.  But for some reason, it all felt real to me, like I accidentally stumbled into some parallel universe where I was one of Kyle’s jock bros.
I felt any semblance of my former self lose control as my jock self remembered that he was the only me.  I was an intruder in my jock body, someone that was never there and shouldn’t be there.  I felt my thoughts slow down as my new self started overwriting any old memories with his own, and I started to remember who I really was, a jock.  I wanted to die inside, watching me become another asshole jock just like Kyle, but as I was fading away, I started to remember why I liked being a jock so much in the first place.  I got to be big, strong, and popular.  I could fuck anyone I wanted with my massive cock.  Who cared if I was a little dense?  Definitely outweighed being a fucking nerd.  I knew it was the jock in me talking, but it didn’t matter anymore because that’s all I was now.  My cock bulged further in my jockstrap as my conscious mind was engulfed by my real self.
“Sorry bro, it’s just been a crazy day.  Let's get ready for practice.”
“You’re going to practice in just that?  Haven’t gotten off yet today, bro?”  Kyle chuckled, pointing at my red jockstrap, which was already leaking with precum.  I became embarrassed as I noticed the damp stain on my favorite jockstrap.  And that Kyle was staring right at my 9 inch bulge.
“Nah, bro.  I gotta get changed.  Why are you looking at my dick, bro?”  I became defensive, not comfortable with one of my bros staring at my erect cock.  Kyle was hot and all, but this just felt wrong to me.
Kyle stammered, looking for an excuse.  I could’ve sworn that his bulge grew as well in his tight football pants.  “I just never realized how big it is, bro.  No homo though.”  He snickered, trying to ease the sexual tension.  “Come on, Coach will be pissed if we take too long.  Probably will make us run extra laps.”  Before we left, I took one look in the mirror to admire my awesome body before joining Kyle and the others.
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I had been playing football ever since I was in middle school so it’s no surprise that I was a natural.  I worked up a serious sweat, but it was nothing I wasn’t used to with Coach’s exercises.  He worked us to the bone every day.  When I came home, my mom was cooking dinner and she asked me how practice was, and I told her good as usual with a smile on my face.  For a second, I was surprised my mom knew I played football, but then I remembered that my parents were always supportive of my athletic career.  They always dropped their plans to cheer me on at my games.
Later, Kyle invited me and the bros over to watch the game.  I went over there as I had done many times before and I was greeted by my bros, people who I’ve known for just as long as Kyle.  After all, If they were his bros, they were my bros.  We laughed and joked around as we always did until the game started.
We gathered into Kyle’s room, big enough for seven guys, but man did I forget how much we reeked after practice.  We always shouted a ton during the game and I’m honestly surprised we never got any noise complaints from the neighbors.  It was like our own little frat party hosted in Kyle’s room.  We got really into it, but we were devastated when the opposing team scored in the last minute to gain the lead and win the game.  A wave of sadness and anger filled the air as everyone started to leave.  Everyone but me.  Kyle told me to stay for a little bit longer.
“Are you gonna make me feel better or what?”  he ordered.  He was really upset about the loss.
“How, bro?”  I responded.  Did he want me to crack a joke for him?  Give him a bro hug?
“I figured you remembered.  I need someone to relieve my stress.”  He grabbed his massive cock in his shorts and wiggled it around, helping me put two and two together.  “We found out one drunk night how good of a cocksucker you are, so you agreed to ‘lend me a hand’ if I ever need it.  Don’t worry, this is our little secret.”
“Oh, sorry bro.  I completely forgot.”  God, that was a wild night.  It was an embarrassing request, but I knew I was just helping a brother out.  I got on my knees and serviced Kyle as he made himself comfortable.  He grabbed the back of my head with his firm palms, covered with callouses from years of pumping iron, and pushed his girthy shaft deeper into the depths of my mouth.  I was surprised at my lack of a gag reflex as this mass of meat clogged my throat.  I swallowed load after load of his hot, sticky semen until we had enough.
“Gotta say, bro, you suck dick better than like 90 percent of chicks I’ve been with.  You sure you’re not a little faggy?”  he teased.  I laughed and rebuked his claims.  I’m sure even some straight guys would be tempted by him and his impressive rod, and I’m no different.  We quickly changed the subject and we pretended like that never happened.  Neither of us wanted the other to know how much we enjoyed it.
To this day, I don’t know what the purpose of the jockrooms was.  Doesn’t really matter though.  As far as I’ve known, I’ve always been a jock and that’s all anyone has ever seen me as.  It is real though.  It was after gym class a few weeks later.  When we were changing, I saw a nerd, Kevin, walk down the same hallway I did at one point.  I felt like I knew him at one point, but that obviously wasn’t true.  Why would I hang out with someone like him?  I hid around the corner and watched as he approached the red door.  I smirked as he put his hand on the door and opened it, taking his first steps into his new life.  If you can’t beat us, you might as well join us.
I was eager to see Kevin at practice later.  He woke up on the same bench I did, wearing a jockstrap like me, almost completely unrecognizable from the person he was hours ago.  He took a moment to adjust, but we helped him remember how much of a jock he was.  Once a jock, always a jock.  I will never understand why the two of us thought we were nerds before.  After all, I’ve known Kev most of my life and I was the one who introduced him to Kyle and the others.  He’s been my best friend since 3rd grade and we were inseparable.  We were practically in sync on the field.  It felt awesome knowing that we were the kings of the school, and whoever hated us was just jealous that they’re not us.
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dammn-dean · 5 months
Hii could you do a ghost x reader who is just gave birth having their day old child and soap John gaz came over to ghost house to see the baby once the reader left the room to go breastfeed their baby in their room price telling ghost how far he had come in life
Here you go! Thank you for the request, and I hope it’s okay. I made it a bit more (just a week) rather than a day old before they came over. That’s just because if someone came to my house the day I got home after giving birth, I would kill them 😅
Too Good
Pairing: Simon Riley x Female Reader
Words: 2400+
Warnings: Nothing really!
Also, this is the same universe as Unexpected! You don't have to read them first, but if you want to here is Part 1 and Part 2.
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Beautiful art/rendering from @ave661
"Love, they are here!” Simon’s voice bellowed through the flat to reach your ears.
You let out a small, “Okay,” just loud enough for him to hear it. Your eyes staring back at you in the mirror, checking your appearance. 
Today was the day you were finally going to meet Simon’s team. You had overheard a conversation he had on the phone a week back, when you finally were home from the hospital. Simon was good at being sneaky (it was in the job description) but you still overheard him. 
“Aye, I need a bit more time,” he murmured into the phone. 
After a brief pause, “What do you mean ‘Just because’ isn’t an excuse?” He huffed. 
You were paused in the hallway, sleeping baby in your arms just praying she would stay asleep so you could listen in to the conversation a moment longer. 
“Gaz saw me take off from base? Bloody hell.” You could almost hear him gripping between his eyes in irritation. 
“Yes, I promise everything is alright yeah? Just had a bit of something to do.” He explained vaguely as ever. 
There was a long pause on his end, like the person on the other side of the phone was lecturing him. He will give an occasional small ‘Yes’, ‘I know’ or ‘Yes sir’,  which had you wondering who he was talking to. 
“Fuck me, Cap. You make it impossible to not tell you everything. Listen, I’ll call you later today and tell you everything okay?” Simon barely paused long enough for a response before he hung up. 
With a long sigh, he stood from his spot on the couch. He had noticed you were gone an awfully long time and began down the hallway to check on you. 
Too focused on slowly rocking your sleeping daughter in your arms and trying to be quiet to listen to his call you hadn’t even realized Simon was heading your way until it was too late. 
You almost jumped out of our skin when he appeared like an apparition into your vision. 
“Jesus Si!” You quietly yelled, more of a whisper to make sure you didn’t wake the baby. 
You watched as his lips curled into a smirk. “And just what are you doing sweetheart?” He leaned his shoulder into the wall as casual as ever. 
“Oh uh- well I was you know, well I was-“ your brain couldn’t come up with an excuse fast enough.
“Didn’t take you for an eavesdropper sweet girl,” he said with a grin. 
“I wasn’t eavesdropping,” you replied defensively. 
“Right,” he laughed. “Hear anything good?”
“Not… really,” you murmured, clearly caught. 
“That was my Captain,” he explained. “Checking in on things after the way I left base.” 
You simply nodded, not quite sure what to say. 
“I thought I had left unseen, but apparently Gaz saw me leave ‘in a panic’ as he put it,” he rolled his eyes. “So he wanted to make sure everything was okay.”
“Makes sense.” You bit the inside of your lip to stop from adding on to the sentence. 
But Simon always reads you like a book. He squinted at you before questioning “What is it?” 
Your eyebrows almost shot to your hairline at that. You cleared your throat and slowly walked around him to head towards the living room. The baby’s bassinet was in there and it would make it easier to have this conversation if she wasn’t in your arms. You gently placed her down with a kiss on her head, Simon followed right behind you and mirrored you with a tender kiss in the exact spot you had kissed her precious little head. 
You sighed softly before sitting on the couch. Simon sat beside you, shifting himself to face you a little more before you started talking. 
“I suppose I wondered… why didn’t you just tell him the truth?” You questioned softly. 
“Just what do you mean sweetheart?” 
“Well I mean… why didn’t you just tell him you left because I called you and that we have a baby.” You asked with a small tilt of your head. 
“Oh.” Simon responded with a hand on the back of his neck. He took a moment or two before his eyes met you again. “Love, I don’t want you to take this the wrong way and I hope you will let me explain.” He pleaded.
Even though that made you terrified, you just focused on your breathing and nodded. 
“Well I haven’t told the team about you yet,” he explained softly. 
Your face betrayed you and it fell immediately, eyes unable to meet him. Not even a second passed before his hands were on your tugging your chin back up to look at him. 
“It isn’t like that my love,” Simon went on. “You are just… everything to me. I come here to you and I don’t think about work. You deserve the world and somehow I thought keeping you and them separated would be best.” 
Hazel eyes held yours for a long time, nothing but true and raw emotion in them to convey he was telling the truth. 
“I understand,” you replied quietly. 
“Also, we haven’t really talked about if you wanted me to tell the team so I didn’t want to overstep…” Simon professed. 
As silly as it sounds out loud, he never wanted to force you to be a part of that part of his life, a part of the Ghost’s life. He has endured things you never deserved to even hear of, his sweet girl didn’t need to be exposed to it all if he had any say in the matter.
“I don’t mind if you tell people about me,” you said, almost embarrassed. You could feel the tips of your ears warming at the confession. 
“Yeah pretty?” He smiled as he gently touched your cheek with his fingers? “You want me to tell my team about you?” 
“Well I don’t-you don’t have to.” You mumbled out quickly. 
“You think I wouldn’t want to tell them about you?” Simon asked honestly. His fingers gently pushed your hair behind your ear. 
“I- I don’t know. Does everyone else talk about their partners?” You questioned honestly. 
“Price is the only one with a partner, Gaz and Johnny brag about their flings occasionally.” Simon broke into a big grin. “They won’t know what to do when I tell them about you.” 
“Oh,” you bit the inside of your lip again. “So you want to tell them about me?” 
“Of course love… I’ve almost let it slip out a few times as is,” Simon leaned in to brush a kiss along your cheek. “And I can’t wait to tell them about Emma too. If you are okay with that?” He pulled back to read your face. 
“I’m okay with it if you are, Si,” you reassured him. 
“I’m okay with it… but I will warn you once I tell them they won’t want to wait long before seeing you and the little miss,” he smiled as he leaned his head to meet yours. 
You paused for a moment, taking him in. Feeling safe and happier than you can remember feeling in a long time. “I’m okay with that.” 
So there you stood, in your mirror. Checking your appearance for the 5th or 6th time for the night. Even though you were a new mom, dealing with a changed body you wanted to make a good impression. 
Emma had been in her bassinet sleeping, awaiting the arrival of Simon’s friends (or work mates as he put it). Your body was still healing, so you had thrown on a soft but matching lounge set and felt nice to not be wearing a spit-up stained shirt and sweats for once. 
Simon opened the front door to see Price, Gaz and Johnny. All looking varied shades of giddy. Johnny was all but bouncing on his toes. Gaz held a kind smile that was a little bit too big to be classified as a ‘normal’ grin. Price stood behind the other two, stoic and holding a pretty bouquet of flowers. 
“Flowers are for the Missus,” Price began with a smile. 
“And this is for the little miss,” Gaz exclaimed. Pulling a gift bag that was hidden behind his back. 
Simon couldn’t help the small chuckle that fell from him. 
“Well come in then, yeah?” He asked with an arm out inviting his team into your flat. 
One by one the men made their way inside, all smacking Simon’s shoulder with pride before coming face to face with you in the living room. Simon took a few steps in your direction, before placing a gentle hand on your lower back to guide you deeper into the room.
“Price, Johnny, Gaz,” Simon began pointing as he said their name. “This is Y/N, sweetheart… this is my team.” Simon wouldn’t admit that he was nervous, but you could hear the waver in his voice that wasn’t usually there. 
“Heya there Mrs Ghost,” Johnny spoke up first, hand out shaking yours gently. “You dinnae tell us she was such a bonnie lass aye, LT.” His Scottish accent was thick, but the compliment followed by the wink he gave you had your ears burning. 
“Don’t you start with her MacTavish,” Simon warned jokingly, but pulled you into him a little more.
“I’m Gaz,” Gaz spoke up with a charming smile and a small handshake. “Pleasure to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you,” you replied as your eyes fell to the small gift bag in his hand. He held the gift out, and Simon grabbed it. “We got the little Miss a gift, hope that’s alright.” Gaz gave you a huge grin showing almost all of his teeth. Even if you weren’t okay with the gift, how could anyone say no to him? 
The last man, with the mutton chops was the only one left and you knew who he was because Simon spoke about him the most to you, Captain Price.  
The Captain held out a beautiful bouquet of flowers to you, which you took immediately and smelled. “Nice to meet you,” he began. “Hard to believe someone has held Ghost’s heart and he is just now telling us about you.” He held a polite smile, but his voice had an edge to it.
Simon’s hand that was free raised to the back of his neck nervously. You let your eyes drift to his for a moment, silently checking in. Simon gave your waist a small and reassuring squeeze, signally that he’s good.
“Thank you all for the gifts… and it’s so nice to meet all of you. It’s great to be able to put faces to the names from Si’s stories.” 
“Si, eh?” Johnny’s lips turn up in a grin at the nickname.
“Johnny,” Price spoke up at that, warning him to behave. 
“Well who wants to meet Emma?” You spoke up, ready to move past the formalities. 
Simon nodded, and led you over to where she was still sleeping soundly in the bassinet. Once your eyes fall on her sleeping form you can’t help but smile. As gently as Simon could he picked her up with a kiss on her head, and laid her in your arms so that everyone could see her. The men gently circle in around you, none of them wanting to be the last to lay their eyes on her. 
“Wow,” Gaz whispered out. 
“Beautiful bairn LT,” Johnny complimented. His hand reaching out for Simon’s shoulder again to congratulate.
“This is Emma,” you introduce her to the team. 
She was tiny, sleeping while swaddled in her blanket. Price felt pride swell up in his chest, same as he would as if this was his biological grandchild. Simon stood at your side, watching you show off your daughter. Hand never leaving your lower back, as his other gently brushes her little cheek with the back of two fingers. 
Simon looked to Price and their eyes met, “Congratulations you two, what a wonderful baby girl.”
Emma decided now was the time to start whimpering, in warning before she started to cry out. You immediately started shushing her gently and bouncing her softly, to soothe her. 
“I think it’s time for someone to eat,” you explain to the group. “We will be back.”
Simon whispers into your ear, just a small word of encouragement before you head to the nursery to feed your daughter. 
They all watch you leave, no one speaking up until the door closes behind you. 
“Well if I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.” Gaz gushed immediately. 
“Aye, LT you are pulling way outcha league,” Johnny bellows out a laugh at that. 
“Shut it, Johnny.” Simon rolls his eyes before heading to the kitchen. “Want a drink?” They all give different versions of a yes, then Price speaks up that he will join Simon in the kitchen. Gaz and Johnny then take a seat on the couch, starting up conversation immediately.
Simon heads straight to the cabinet snagging 4 tumblers out, before reaching to the bourbon on the counter. 
“Thanks for inviting us Simon,” Price started. “Your girls are lovely.” 
Simon couldn’t help the small smile that pulled at his lips. Despite how uncomfortable he was with all of this, from inviting his team into your flat, being a new father, hell he hasn’t even asked you if he can move in with you full time yet, he felt more at peace than he had in a long time. 
“Thanks Price.” He slid his glass across the island to Price, and he accepted the glass with a tilt of his head.
“You have come a long way, Simon.” Price expressed honestly. “In more ways than I can ever express.” He leaned his elbows on the island, looking into the glass of amber liquid. “Seeing you happy like this isn’t something I ever expected.” Price pulled his eyes from the glass to meet Simon’s. 
“Hell, I for sure never expected it,” Simon joked. 
“I mean it,” Price held a serious tone. “You deserve this.”
Simon nodded, not sure he did deserve this, but no sense in saying it outloud. 
“Aye, LT you mind if we put the match on?” Gaz asked from the entry of the kitchen, hand gesturing back to the TV in the living room.
“Sure,” he answered with a shake of his head. 
Without another word, Simon grabbed a second tumbler for one of the guys as Price grabbed the remaining one. 
“Who would believe we are going to watch the football match in Ghost’s flat?” Johnny jokes from the couch, grabbing the glass Simon handed him.
With a roll of his eyes, “Don’t get used to it.” Although, a smile was on his lips and his tone wasn’t as serious as usual. Maybe having them over isn’t the worst thing in the world.
Since this could be read as part 3 of Unexpected I went ahead and tagged you all again! Hope that is okay 😊
Tags: @daemondoll @mileyraes @axoleos @arminarlertssword @wawuwe @cxltblood @mrflyingbanana03 @itsmytimetoodream @arminarlertssword @mrssabinecallas @babygirl-riley @gplol @yuly
Thank you for reading! If you have an idea or request for a fic, feel free to send 🖤
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melzula · 3 months
Smoke and Shadow
part two
pairing: Zuko x Princess!reader
notes: final part is here! hope you guys enjoy and thank you for being patient as always
summary: the group is one step closer to finding the missing children and Azula, but that doesn’t mean all of their problems will be solved
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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“We decided to do some investigating after Zuko kicked Aang out of the throne room,” Suki explains to you as your trio runs after the Avatar and Fire Lord. “We wanted to see if there were any clues left behind from Kiyi’s kidnapping or Azula’s Kemurikage attack on the palace last night.”
“And even though we couldn’t find anything, I realized there was something fishy about the way she was able to escape so quickly!” Ty Lee adds with a keen smile. “When we used to play hide-and-seek as kids, she’d always manage to win by hiding in this secret passage way tucked into the palace walls. It must be how the Kemurikage were able to escape so quickly.”
“Good thinking, Ty Lee. Although, I still can’t believe she kidnapped her own sister,” you note with a disgruntled shake of your head. “That’s low even for her.”
“This is Azula we’re talking about,” Suki reminds you, and that in itself is enough of an explanation for her behavior.
You finally skid to a stop after reaching the palace rooftops where Aang and Zuko land. The Avatar carelessly drops your boyfriend on the tile, and you wince on his behalf before offering Zuko your hand to help him back up onto his feet.
“Did you have fun?” You ask with a teasing smile only for the Fire Lord to scowl.
“Don’t ever do that again!” He scolds Aang whilst dusting off his robes.
“Okay, okay, but look!” the boy insists before pressing down on a loose brick that opens up a hidden doorway.
“A secret passageway! So you think this is how Azula and the other Kemurikage escape? How did you figure this out?”
“They searched for clues after you kicked them out of the throne room,” you tell him with a pointed look that has him shrinking guiltily under your gaze. “I think you owe Aang an apology.”
“You’re right,” he murmurs sheepishly. “I’m sorry, I should have been more open to your ideas.”
“Apology accepted!” Aang chirps happily. “Now what’s our next move?”
“Well… Kiyi could be on the other side.”
“Tom-Tom, too. I’m coming along,” Mai interjects firmly, seemingly forgetting Kei Lo’s presence until he corrects her statement with a “We’re coming along.”
Zuko instructs Suki and Ty Lee to stay back and guard the palace, so you bid your friends goodbye before beginning your descent into the narrow passageway. The hallway is cold and claustrophobic, but Aang and Zuko lead the way with their fire bending, cautioning you to watch your step behind them.
You’re quiet for the most part, mulling over your thoughts and insecurities now that you’re given a moment’s silence to think. You’re still feeling a bit insecure about walking in on him with Mai and about his animosity towards Kei Lo, but you haven’t had the chance to talk to him yet. The long distance has been hard on your relationship, and sometimes it’s hard to keep consistent communication when both of you have duties to tend to and entire nations to run, but you never thought it would be a problem. Now, you’re not so sure.
You recall what Azula had told you during your time in the Forgetful Valley, how you and Zuko were an “unnatural” pair that would never work. You hate to admit it or even think it, but what if she’s right? What if you’re just kidding yourself? Maybe Mai really has been the right girl for him all along. After all, she is Fire Nation, and she certainly is more qualified to be dating the Fire Lord than you are. You wish Suki were here to talk to, surely she’d know just what to say and could stop you from spiraling like you are now, but without her it seems it’s just you and your thoughts for now.
“Hey, I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier,” a voice says, pulling you out of your thoughts. “I’m Kei Lo, Mai’s boyfriend.”
“Yes, I’m sorry, everything’s just been so chaotic. I’m y/n, Zuko’s girlfriend.”
“That’s right, Mai told me. Say, aren’t you a Chief? Should I be calling you Chief y/n instead?”
“Just y/n is perfectly fine,” you correct him with an awkward laugh. Unbeknownst to you, Zuko is listening in on every word. He doesn’t trust Kei Lo, not one bit, and he doesn’t want him roping you into any trouble. He doesn’t care if he really isn’t in cahoots with the Safe Nation Society, if Kei Lo so much as looks at you in a way Zuko doesn’t like he’ll be tossed into a cell immediately.
“So how’s a Chief of a water tribe end up dating the Fire Lord?” He asks with a laugh.
“It’s a very long story.”
“Please spare me the details,” Mai says with a roll of her eyes.
“Yeah, it may not be the best time for that story,” you note with an apprehensive smile.
“You’re probably right. Still, it’s a pretty awkward situation we’ve all found ourselves in.”
“You can say that again.”
After some time group is finally able to reach the end of the passageway, and the only thing standing in your way from the other side is a solid wooden door.
“This must be it,” Zuko announces hopefully. “Behind this door could be Kiyi and Tom-Tom.”
“And Azula,” Aang adds apprehensively before helping the Fire Lord push the heavy wood open. The creak of the old hinges is deafening, echoing in the silent hallway, and you watch with bated breath as the light from the other side slowly begins to seep in. Carefully, you follow the two out the door only to be met with a disappointing site.
There are no missing children and there is no Azula. Instead, you’re faced with a gloomy and desolate graveyard.
“What is this place?” You murmur in awe, your eyes scanning across the expanse of withered headstones. You’ve never seen anything like it.
“I’ve been here before,” Zuko notes thoughtfully, “this is the royal family graveyard.”
“I thought that’s what the Dragonstone catacombs were for,” Aang questions with furrowed brows.
“No, the catacombs are only for Fire Lords. This place is for everyone else. It’s called the Garden of Tranquil Souls.”
“Really? Well, I hate to break it to you, Zuko, but…” the Avatar begins uneasily, and you follow his shifting gaze towards the clouds of smoke that begin to surround the graveyard. Taking a step back, you reach to unclip your water pouch as the dark figures begin to close in on your group. “The souls here don’t seem all that tranquil!”
The group of Kemurikage don’t hesitate to attack, and immediately your group is split apart as you all begin to defend yourselves against their assault. Blasts of fire are shot your way left and right, but you’re able to deflect it every time with your water bending. You manage to take down two of the spirits by encasing them up to their necks in ice, but your progress only seems to make a dent in their ambush. Zuko and Aang are still corned back to back, and Azula has managed to single out Mai and Kei Lo. She holds the boy by the collar of his shirt, eyes full of malice and hand ready to strike him with her blue flames despite Mai’s pleas for her to leave her boyfriend alone.
Before she can harm him, you send a blast of water towards her with an effortful grunt that shoots her across the graveyard and into one of the pillars. The impact is forceful enough to put a crack in the tombstone and disorient Azula momentarily to allow Kei Lo and Mai the chance to escape.
“Are you alright?” You ask him after rushing towards the couple. Mai helps him to his feet before looking to you, her eyes full of gratitude and sincerity.
“Thank you,” she says earnestly, and you give her an appreciative nod in return.
Rising from the ground with a grunt of pain, Azula is filled with rage at your assault on her. How dare you think you can beat her at her own game?
“Helping out your competition? That’s pathetic even for you, dearest,” she insults, irises aflame with fury. “Perhaps you and Zuko are more compatible than I thought.”
“What’s pathetic is the fact that you’re still obsessed with becoming Fire Lord,” you spit back, water cloaking your arms to form tentacle-like limbs for attack.
“Oh, I’m much past that now. I have a new mission,” she notes airily with a passive wave of her hand. Her eyes harden suddenly then and electricity begins to spread across her fingertips. “One that simply won’t work with you in the picture.”
Before she can raise her hands to strike you with her lightening blast, Zuko is quick to send a hail of flames her way to distract her. “Leave her out of this! It’s me you want!”
“Oh, Zuzu, always so dramatic,” she mocks before creating a cloud of smoke to cover her as she runs away.
“You have to go after her!” You exclaim urgently. “I’ll stay back and help Aang handle the rest of the Kemurikage.”
After ensuring you’ll be fine without him, Zuko gives you one final nod before chasing after his sister. You, on the other hand, rush back towards Aang to see if he needs any help. However, it seems he’s been able to manage the assailants just fine on his own.
“Princess! Where’d everybody go?” He asks, perplexed at the sudden disappearance of your group.
“Zuko went after Azula. I’m not sure where Mai and Kei Lo are,” you note as you scan the garden for any sign of them. “What do we do now? We still haven’t found the missing children.”
As if on cue, a shrill voice coming from the passageway calls out for help. You exchange an alarmed glance with Aang before immediately sprinting back into the doorway. A breath of relief leaves you at the sight of Mai’s father with the children in tow, but your ease is short lived at the sight of the two Kemurikage that hold them captive.
“Look!” One of the kids exclaims. “It’s the Avatar and Chief y/n!”
“Hi kids, we’ve been looking all over for you!” Aang says with an overjoyed wave.
“Are you guys alright?!” You call out protectively. “Is anyone hurt?”
“We’re great!” Kiyi calls back prompting you to let out a relieved laugh. You’re so happy to see her and see that she’s okay, but your joyous reunion is quickly cut short by the two spirits who begin to approach the two of you with whips of fire.
“Hang on, kids!” You tell them before beginning to take on the Kemurikage. There’s two of them, so you and Aang each take on one. They’re powerful fighters, but the safety of the children is on the line, so you use all of your might to fight them off as best as you can.
You counter their whip with one of your own, slicing through their weapon each time before it can strike you. While one of your hands controls the water whip, the other sends constant shards of ice hurtling toward the cloaked woman. You can tell she’s beginning to tire, your attacks too much for her to keep up with, but you’re too focused to notice the second figure approaching closely behind you. The Kemurikage’s whip is raised to strike you in the back, but their attack is halted by the blade that slices through the air and pins their hand against the wall.
“What-!” You exhale in surprise, turning just in time to see Mai swoop in and finish the job. The last two spirits have been apprehended, and you’ve been spared a wound that surely could have been fatal.
“Someone had to watch your back,” Mai explains with a faint smile. “You had ours.”
“Thank you,” you utter with a breathless grin. It feels nice to not hate each other for once, and you actually seem to work quite well together.
“Y/n! Y/n!” A voice calls, stealing your attention away from the girl and back to the children. Kiyi sprints towards you with a gleeful smile, and you’re quick to scoop her up into your arms and give her the tightest hug. “You came back!”
“I promised, didn’t I?” You say with a playful smile, carefully pushing back the hair from her face. “I’m so relieved to see you’re okay, and I know Zuko will be too.”
“Guess what? I’m a fire bender now!” She boasts proudly. “I burned a hole through the door so we could escape!”
“That’s incredible!” You praise with a laugh. “Wait until your brother hears this.”
Across the way, Mai cradles her little brother in her arms and watches you speak animatedly with Zuko’s sister. Your interest in Kiyi’s story is completely genuine, and she can see just how much the girl values your opinion. It’s so different from the way Azula used to talk about you, speaking poorly of your character and diminishing you to nothing but a weak Princess. Maybe Mai had judged you too harshly. After all, she might not have been able to get her brother back without your help.
“Thank you again for your help,” she tells you after setting Tom-Tom down to allow him to bid his goodbyes to his new friends. “I was wrong about you, and I shouldn’t have let my resentment cloud my judgement the way I did. I guess I really don’t hate you as much as I thought I did.”
“I appreciate you saying that,” you express with a careful smile. Perhaps things will always be awkward between the two of you, but this is at least a good start.
After making sure all of the children are accounted for, your group exits the passageway just as Zuko emerges from one of the mausoleums. Kiyi is quick to sprint towards her brother, and you watch on with a smile at the way his eyes seem to light up while hugging her close.
“Kiyi! I can’t tell you how worried I was about you.”
“I wasn’t worried at all!” She notes with a grateful smile. “You should’ve seen it, Zuzu! Y/n helped the Avatar take those nasty ladies down!”
“She did, did she?” He asks playfully, glancing over to you with a grateful smile. You simply give him a sheepish shrug in return. “I’ll have to be sure to give her my thanks.”
“And Azula?” You ask him, but his solemn gaze is enough of an answer. “She said she had a new mission, did she tell you what it was?”
“She wasn’t interested in becoming Fire Lord, she was interested in turning me into the type of Fire Lord she would be. The type that rules with fear, ruthlessness. Just like my father. Azula says I can’t escape who I am, and it will only be a matter of time before I’m just like her.”
“You don’t believe that, do you? You’re nothing like Azula,” you say earnestly. “You never will be.”
“I know,” Zuko murmurs softly, but you can see the slightest bit of doubt in his eyes and it saddens to you to know he doesn’t fully believe it to be true. “But either way she escaped. I don’t know where she is or when she’ll return.”
“We’ll be there to help you if she does come back, buddy,” Aang consoles with a comforting hand on the Fire Lord’s shoulder. “For now, let’s just focus on returning these kids back to their families.”
“Good point, Aang. Now,” you say, looking to the children who stare up at you with tired eyes that immediately brighten when you ask, “who’s ready to go home?”
Peace has been restored in the Fire Nation; the children have been returned safely to their parents, and Zuko has earned the forgiveness of his people for his mishandling of the situation. Everything is almost perfect.
You lean against the balcony of your room for the night and stare up contemplatively at the moon. Yue shines beautifully as always, and you find comfort in her light as you battle against the darkness clouding your thoughts. Your doubts about your relationship still rage on, and you haven’t been able to fight them off no matter how hard you try. You haven’t mentioned anything to Zuko, not wanting to distract him from his duty to his people, but the suffering in silence act you’ve been pulling all day hasn’t been helping your state of mind. Suki had urged you to talk to him, stating you had nothing to worry about because she’s seen firsthand how much he misses you when you’re away, but you were too anxious to follow through. What if you won’t like what you hear when you finally speak to Zuko?
You’re too engrossed in your thoughts to hear your door open or the quiet footsteps that head towards you, and it isn’t until he’s right beside you that you finally feel the familiar warmth that constantly emanates from his body. You don’t have to look to know that it’s Zuko.
“Suki said I should come to talk to you,” he says softly, golden eyes looking to you inquisitively. “Is everything alright?”
“I… I’m not sure,” you admit quietly, nervously fidgeting with your fingers and refusing to meet his gaze.
“What is it?”
His hand sneaks its way in between your own to halt your fidgeting and reassure that he’s right there with you and ready to listen to whatever it is you have to say. Sighing, you finally look to him with uncertainty swimming in your eyes.
“Do you have feelings for Mai?”
He’s stunned to stay the least, eyes widening slightly in surprise at your question. It’s certainly the last thing he expected you to ask him.
“Is this what you were trying to talk to me about earlier?” He presses gently, frowning at the way you slowly nod your head. “I see…”
“Just be honest with me, Zuko,” you plead desperately. “We promised we’d never keep secret from each other anymore, so if there’s something to tell then tell me. I can handle it.”
“I can’t stand here and tell you that it didn’t look bad when you walked in on Mai and I,” Zuko admits with a sigh. “But I can tell you that nothing was going on.”
“I heard you say you care about her.”
“It was out of context. I was trying to make things right for the sake of finding the children- she was obviously still upset over what went down between us, and I was trying to keep the peace so that we could work together to find our siblings. I’ve known her since we were kids, and if it weren’t for her I never would have been able to escape Boiling Rock and come back to you. So in a way I guess I do care for her, but it’s nothing compared to how much I care for you.”
“What about your animosity towards Kei Lo? You seemed… jealous of him.”
“I wasn’t jealous, I just didn’t trust him. I still don’t,” Zuko says adamantly. “I wasn’t exactly thrilled about having to release him because I didn’t want him to try and pull anything. I didn’t want Mai getting hurt, and I especially didn’t want him putting you in any danger.”
“So… so you don’t have feelings for her?” You ask meekly, the slightest bit of doubt still present in your voice.
“I’ve never had feelings for her,” Zuko says earnestly before gently taking your hands in his own. “You’re the only girl for me, y/n. I was stupid enough to let you go once, but I’m never making that mistake again.”
You can’t help but smile at his admission, tears beginning to well in your eyes as you throw your arms around him in a tight embrace that he immediately returns. It feels like a weight has finally been lifted off your shoulders, and all the worry and self doubt you had is finally beginning to melt away.
“I never want you to feel doubtful or insecure about our relationship ever again. I’m going to do everything in my power to do better,” he professes earnestly. “I love you more than you know, and you don’t ever have to worry about someone coming between us again.”
“I love you, Zuko.”
He pulls you in for a kiss, and with the moonlight shining down upon you both, everything is almost perfect.
For neither of you notice the pair of golden eyes that stare down at you from the rooftops with disdain and disgust before disappearing into the shadows.
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @niktwazny303
| zuko tags: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin
| fire lilies tags: @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch
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dmgloom · 1 year
@yamujiburo this is very much your fault that I had to make this at 4am, but here we are.
The hoot-hoot clock on the wall ticked away the early morning hours as Jessie sat up reading on the couch. It was one of those restless nights where her brain kept reminding her of her various screw-ups. Once, she would have channeled that energy into devising some new caper with James and Meowth, but now they were upstanding citizens- the boys assisting Sam with his research, and Jessie…
Well, here she was, reclined on a couch she helped pick out, living in the house she shared with her wife and her stepson. How much of a screw-up could she really be? Take that, brain.
She only caught herself smiling when it was startled from her face by an unexpected voice.
"Da- Jessie," Ash started from the hallway. "...do you have a minute?"
He called her Dad most of the time because she pretended to be annoyed by it and it was hilarious. To hear him use her name… maybe she had screwed up and the kiddo was about rain down thunderous judgement. Between Delia's cooking and her relative lack of activity- criminal or otherwise- she wasn't sure she was spry enough to go blasting off again.
…But looking at Ash framed in the doorway, she could tell that wasn't the case. He looked small - he was small- only a few years out from the grandest of his adventures when he was ten years old. But he always seemed larger than life, so full of spark and spunk and an eagerness… stuff she'd thought she'd lost long ago. In hindsight, she'd been jealous. But now he looked uncertain. Maybe even afraid.
"What's up, twerp?" She said it warmly- it'd became a term of endearment between them now, though she'd never say it in front of Delia. She folded her book closed and sat up, patting the seat on the couch beside her in invitation. Ash hesitated, looking for a moment like he wanted to flee, but then crossed the room and sat down next to her. "Ash… what's wrong?"
He was quiet for a long moment. Fidgeting with something in his fingers. One of his older badges, worn but well-maintained. A small, bright, multicolored flower turned over between his digits again and again as he gathered his words.
"Do you remember… Celadon City Gym?" He asked finally.
She thought for a moment. Gyms weren't usually her scene, though she'd definitely been to a few, and with Ash… ah. The fire. "Gosh we really bunged that one up. I'm glad no one got hurt." She leaned forward and grasp his arm in sudden realization, "Ash you could've been killed, I'm… I'm sorry."
He smiled and shook his head. "No, not that part. Though I'm glad you aren't blowing stuff up any more." His brief sunny smile slipped back into melancholy. "No I mean, before that. When you helped me get in. With the disguise."
"Oh! That!" Jessie said, relieved, "definitely rushed but some of our better work, if I do say so myself. What about it?"
"I just… nevermind, it's stupid." He moved to stand, but Jessie held him back by his arm.
"Whatever it is, it's not stupid," she said firmly. "Tell me." She relaxed her grip and smiled up at him what she hoped was reassuringly "Please? It'll be okay."
He hesitated again, searching her face for… something, before sitting back down. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed.
"Being Ashley… was fun," he said. "I thought it was just the excitement of sneaking in, and it was that, too but… I don't know, it was… easy?" He shook his head. "I think… I wanted to talk to you… and maybe James? I know he… uh… dresses up a lot. Or did." Ash flushed red as Jessie let him talk. She could tell he'd been thinking pretty hard about this- she was touched that he felt he could come to her, with this or indeed at all. She wasn't really sure where she stood with him most of the time, but now… she couldn't help but smile.
"James and I would be happy to talk about anything you wanted, Ash," she said. "I know it probably hasn't been easy- Pallet is kind of a backwater- and you're kind of a high-profile kid… Anyway, we're both here for you, I can wrangle the boys tomorrow and we can send Meowth off to run some errands, if that's what you want."
"Okay," he said. He seemed relieved already, if a bit still uncertain. "Do you think… do you think you could keep this a secret from Mom for now? I don't want to disappoint her."
Jessie gave him a sharp look. "Kiddo, your mother could never be disappointed in you. She almost broke up with me when I said that Riley kid had maybe filled out a bit better than you at the last Indigo awards ceremony." Ash chuckled and she smiled again. "But. I won't tell her if that's what you want. We can talk to her together, when you're ready, if that's what you want."
He nodded and she ruffled his hair. "Alright, get your butt in bed. It's… ouch, almost 4am."
He stood and walked toward the hall, toward his room. He paused in the doorway, filling it more than he had before, somehow.
"Thanks, Dad," he said, and smiled.
"Goodnight… Ashley." She winked. A bit of a nudge, perhaps, but his smile widened as he disappeared down the hall.
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thefallennightmare · 8 months
One Night-one
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Pairings: Noah Sebastian x Reader
Warnings: lots of smut, swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: One night. That's what Noah and Reader agreed to. No questions, no second thoughts, and no regrets. But will one night be enough to fill the hunger they both craved?
Authors Note: so, this was originally going to be a one-shot, but it got to be really long. I decided to make it into a two, maybe three-parter. If anyone wants to be tagged in part two, let me know!
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The loud bass echoed off the black peeling walls as Britt dragged me along through the dark hallways of the club, the heels of my shoes not wanting to move. This was a bad idea, right? There was no way we were allowed to come back here let alone walk the back hallways. We were going to get caught and thrown out and I yet again let that be known to my best friend.
“Britt, are you sure we’re allowed to be back here? The security guard barley let us through,” I sighed.
The blonde in front of me let out her own sigh before turning to face me, her grip on my hand faltering.
“I already told you, Y/N. They invited us tonight.”
Immediately I shook my head. “No, they invited you not me.”
My best friend rolled her eyes. “They won’t care that you tagged along. Maybe I can convince Nick to tattoo you as well.”
I snorted. “I doubt your friend would be willing to tattoo someone who tagged along.”
“Oh, for fuck's sake, Y/N,” Britt pinched her eyes. “For once in your life, stop worrying about the rules and let go. Have some fun.”
The mischievous light behind her eyes called to the dark side of me, one that I rarely let out afraid of the consequences but when her bottom lip pouted in a frown, I let out a deep breath and nodded.
With a squeal, Britt grasped my hand and began dragging me down the hallway once again.
“Where are we going, anyway?” I asked.
“Nick told me to meet him in the green room.”
I raised a brow. “And why can't he tattoo you in his shop?”
Earlier today, Britt had called me asking if I would tag along with her to get a tattoo and I agreed. But that was only because I thought we were going to a shop, not a rundown building.
We turned a corner and came to a halt in front of a door, muffled voices sounded on the other end of it. There were atleast three different voices, but I wasn’t able to hear what they were saying.
“Nick has been tattooing me for years but he doesn’t have his own shop because he’s on the road a lot,” Britt informed me.
“Doing?” I pressed.
“Geez, what’s with the twenty questions?” Britt chuckled.
I shrugged. “If I’m going to get murdered, I’d like to know who is murdering me.”
“Look,” she grabbed both of my hands and gave them a light squeeze. “I know the last few months haven’t been exactly easy for you.”
My feet shifted uncomfortably with her words and my heart rate quicken as I felt the all too familiar rush of anger course through me.
Britt continued. “What kind of friend would I be if I let you sit home in your apartment and rot away all because Jacob broke your heart?”
“He didn’t break my heart,” I stated through gritted teeth.
The voices behind the door had quieted, almost to silence as Britt spoke again.
“Jacob was an asshole who cheated on you, multiple times. I said it from the start I never trusted him.”
“I know,” I nodded. “I should have listened to you. If I had, I wouldn’t have wasted two years on that prick.”
With a final squeeze of our hands, Britt dropped them before motioning to the door behind her. “You need this night out more than I do. For me, it’s just another tattoo but for you? It’s a way to spread your wings and fly into someone else’s embrace.”
A loud, thunderous, laugh erupted from my chest and I hand to clutch my stomach as the muscles constricted from how hard I was laughing. Britt simply looked at me amused.
“Yeah, I know. It wasn’t my best advice, but it’s what I could come up with on the fly,” she waved me off.
Suddenly the door behind Britt opened and both of us locked us with a pair of dark, almost hazel eyes. The intense gaze stared at us underneath the brim of his hat and I wondered if he could hear how loud my heart was pounding against my chest as fear filled me. Had they had caught us? Were we about to be thrown out?
“I thought I heard you,” the man broke out into a smile before wrapping his arms around Britt.
He had long hair that was pulled back into a low bun underneath the hat and the tattoo’s that peaked from underneath the material of his shirt gave me a slight idea who this was.
“Hey Nick, sorry I’m late. Someone was dragging their feet,” Britt said after pulling away from the hug and motioned towards me. “This is Y/N.”
The man, Nick, gave me a warm smile in greeting. “Nice to meet you.”
I returned the smile. “You too.”
“Alright, I’m almost set up. Come on in,” Nick motioned for us to follow.
While Britt followed eagerly, I hung back aways, nerves still wrecking throughout my body.
“How much time do we have until you guys go on?” Britt asked.
When she noticed I was still hanging out in the hallway, she yanked me inside before shutting the door behind us.
“Stop being weird,” she mouthed to me.
The only response I gave her was my middle finger.
“We just finished soundcheck so we’ve got a few hours,” Nick said.
He sat on a long leather couch fidgeting with his tattoo gun and finished filling up little cups of bright colored ink. Britt was already covered in tattoos so I couldn’t help but wonder where and what she was getting. I, on the other hand, had a few tattoos scattered over my body.
“Soundcheck?” I questioned, still confused on who this guy was and where we were exactly.
Nick nodded with a small smile. “We’re playing here tonight.”
It was then that I noticed two other men standing in the far corner of the room, chatting amongst themselves but when their eyes landed on us, their conversations stopped.
“Hey, Britt. Nick said you were stopping by tonight.”
A man with a slight accent and long hair stepped forward and gave Britt a quick hug.
“Yea. He had some free time tonight to squeeze me in so I had to take it. You guys are always so busy with either touring or recording, I barely get time to see my cousin anymore.”
Touring? Recording? Cousin?
Three years of friendship and I realized maybe I hadn’t known my best friend as well as I thought I did.
“Nick’s your cousin?” I asked.
Britt nodded. “Yeah but since he lives in Virginia, I don’t get to see him as much.”
Another guy approached Britt and gave her a hug, one she accepted with a slight blush to her cheeks. I didn’t miss the way her breath hitched as the two of them pulled away and their eyes locked. I couldn’t stop the smug smile that pulled at the corner of my lips.
“Uh, Y/N, this is Jolly.”
Britt pointed to the man that had the accent, and I gave a small wave.
“And this is Nick,” Britt pointed to the other man, the blush now a deep crimson.
I quirked a brow. “Two Nicks?”
The latter Nick chuckled. “You can call me Folio.”
“And Mr. antisocial over there is Noah,” Britt rolled her eyes and pointed to the couch behind me.
For the first time since walking in the room, I noticed the man sitting deep into the cushions behind me and my breath caught in my throat. My heart was beating rapidly, and I felt sweat gather in my palms.
This man was gorgeous, the skin underneath his blank tank top drowning in a sea of colorful tattoos and his dark hair falling into his eyes as he leaned forward on the couch. His hands were clasped together as his eyes were trained hard on the floor beneath his feet. With every deep breath he took, the silver chain around his neck dangled and I was hit with the thought of how it would look dangling over me while this man loomed above me, dark eyes staring deep into mine.
I squeezed my thighs together, hoping that thought wouldn’t return tonight.
Realizing someone was talking to him, the man finally tore his gaze away from the floor and it fell onto Britt for a moment before shifting to me, drinking me in. I suddenly felt hot underneath it and shifted on my feet when I noticed a small fire behind them as his brown eyes locked with mine.
“Noah, this is Y/N.” Britt introduced us.
God, even his name was breathtaking.
Noah’s eyes grazed over every inch of my body from my feet to my eyes where he held my gaze for a few beats. He gave us a tight smile before focusing his gaze back on the floor.
“You’ll have to ignore him,” Jolly said coming up alongside me. “He found out yesterday that an ex of his cheated on him when they were together so he’s a bit upset.”
Trust me, I understand how he’s feeling.
Jolly began leading me to the couch across from Noah but before I could sit, I motioned to the door. Britt, however, was two steps ahead of me and gave me a light push down onto the couch then sat next to me.
“And you’ll have to excuse Y/N. She doesn’t get out of the house much since her break up so she seems to forget how to socialize.”
I glared at Britt. “Fuck you.”
The guys gave a slight chuckle and Nick turned motioned for Britt to roll up the bottom of her pants, exposing the only patch of space on her inner left leg.
As much as I loved Britt, sometimes she could be a bit much in letting people know too much about my social life. She claimed it was all from the heart but sometimes, like right now, I didn’t need four strangers to know about my personal life especially since I had no plans on seeing any of them after tonight.
“So, what time do you guys play tonight?” Britt asked over the sound of the tattoo gun.
I watched as Nick concentrated on the small design he had placed on Britt’s leg.
“We go on around nine. You two planning on staying?”
“Hell yeah,” Britt exclaimed.
My eyes snapped up to hers. “We are?”
“I haven't seen a Bad Omens show since before these guys blew up,” Britt explained.
Suddenly it all clicked into place. The building we were in, the line of people that were standing in front of said building as we drove past, and four tattooed guys hanging out in the green room. These guys were in a band, one I’ve never heard of before, but clearly they were popular. Hence the large group of people waiting outside.
“Come on, Y/N. It’s not like you have anything else planned tonight,” Britt continued with a slight wince on her face as Nick passed over a sensitive part of skin.
My lips parted to protest but when I realized she was right, I leaned back into the couch with a sigh. “Just because you’re almost always right doesn’t mean you have to throw it in my face.”
“So,” she began. “I think you need something to help you get over Jacob.”
Thankfully, Britt’s voice was hushed but even with the loud noise from the tattoo gun, I worried if the guys could hear.
“What are you thinking?” I raised a brow.
She had many ideas all the time, majority never worked out how she said. But that never stopped her from trying.
“Well they always say, in order to get over someone it’s best to get under someone new.”
I scoffed a chuckle. “Who the fuck says that?”
Britt shrugged. “Everyone.”
When both Nick’s agreed with nods, I groaned. “That is not happening.”
“Just think about it.”
Britt patted my thigh before she started up a conversation with Folio, who was sitting on the couch next to her, on her other side. I kept my attention on my phone, scrolling aimlessly through my social media, to pass the time. But every so often I would feel this intense burning on my face, almost as if someone was watching me. At first, I did my best to ignore it until I finally glanced up from my phone to the man across from me. A quiet breath fell from my lips when I realized Noah was the cause for the burning stare on my face.
He held my gaze for a long beat before it fell to my parted lips then back to my eyes. That silent action said so much and it made my body shiver with desire.
Jesus, get a hold of yourself. You’re doing that thing where you overthink everything and it’s only going to end up bad. Like it always does.
“What the hell Y/N?”
Reluctantly, I broke eye contact with Noah and noticed Britt was glaring down at my phone. With a quick glance, I noticed that my text conversation with Jacob was up with a new text from him on full display.
I miss you so much, baby. Why don’t you come over tonight and we can talk about things?
I pulled my phone to my chest hoping that Britt wasn’t able to read any other messages from Jacob.
“Please tell me you’re not texting that asshole?!” Britt seethed while trying to sit up straight until Nick grasped tightly on her ankle, her forgetting for a second that she was getting tattooed.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I shrugged.
She gasped. “You are! What the fuck. Did you not learn anything from this breakup?”
With a quick glance around the room, I noticed that all the guys were watching the two of us with curious eyes. Even Nick glanced up from the almost finished tattoo on Britt’s leg.
“Can we maybe not talk about this in front of?” I motioned to the guys.
Britt shook her head. “No, you’re not blowing this off.”
I grit my teeth together. “I’m not. I don’t want to talk about Jacob right now.”
“But you have no problem texting him?”
“I wasn’t texting him. He’s been nonstop texting me,” I informed.
The look of anger that crossed Britt’s features was enough to make me sink further into the couch. She motioned for Nick to stop for a moment; he did and turned off the gun before setting it onto the table that he had been sitting on.
“Did you forget what he did?” Britt asked.
“He cheated on you, Y/N. Multiple times,” she deadpanned, interrupting me.
My cheeks flushed at being scolded by Britt in front of the guys, especially Noah. I barley knew him but knowing that he was listening and watching intently only made me now sink completely into the couch. I pinched my eyes shut while letting out a shaky breath. As if realizing that I was on the verge of breaking down once again because of Jacob, Britt placed a gentle hand on my knee.
“I’m not trying to be a bitch but I refuse to sit by and let him hurt you all over again. You don’t deserve that.”
“I know,” I muttered. “It’s a never-ending cycle with him.”
“Give me your phone,” Britt extended her hand towards me.
I looked at her warily.
“I’m not going to look at your nudes, Y/N. Give me your phone,” she repeated with a bit more force in her voice.
While my face heated with embarrassment, I noticed out of the corner of my eye Noah shift in his spot on the couch across from us.
“I don’t have any nudes on there,” I stated with a slight waver to my voice.
I did, loads of them. I never sent them to anyone though, I simply liked the way I looked.
With the way Britt gave me a sideway smirk, I knew she didn’t believe a word I said.
When Britt had my phone, I watched as she scowled at Jacob’s contact before blocking him then deleting his number for an extra precaution. She handed my phone back with a proud smile.
“All done.”
The sound of the tattoo machine whirred up again, Nick continuing on with his piece.
“You blocked him?” I asked.
Britt nodded. “As you said, it’s always the same game between the two of you. Jacob cheats on you, you two break up. He comes crawling back saying it was a mistake so you take him back.”
“I don’t need the reminder,” I grumbled while crossing my arms over my chest.
With a quick flick of my gaze, my eyes locked with Noah’s briefly before he averted his down to his phone.
“That doesn’t seem healthy,” Jolly said.
Britt shook her head. “Because it’s not. Y/N wasted two years of her life with this douchebag. His dick is the only one she’s ever had.”
“Oh, for fuck's sake,” I groaned burying my face in my hands.
Not before I noticed the way Noah’s shoulders tensed at Britt’s words.
“Do you have to lay out all of my dirty laundry?” I seethed towards her.
Britt always said what was on her mind, no matter who was around or if the situation was appropriate for it. Often, I praised her for it. Just not when I was on the receiving end of it. But before Britt could respond, Nick spoke up saying that her tattoo was finished.
Silence fell in the room for a long moment and not wanting to look at anyone, I kept my gaze fixed on my hands in my lap. Embarrassment filled me and in this moment, I wanted nothing more than to go home and crawl in bed. I barley knew these guys and even if Britt had, she had no right saying all those things about my personal life in front of them.
Folio must have been able to feel the sudden tension between Britt and I because he motioned towards her.
“Want to grab something to eat?”
Britt went to nod but gave me a sideways glance. Even if I was angry at her, I could tell that she wanted to spend some alone time with him so I waved her off, muttering I would be fine until she got back. Before I could even tell her to bring me back something to drink, her and Folio were already out the door.
“Leave it to Britt to say what’s on her mind,” Nick said once he finished packing up his tattoo machine.
I couldn’t stop the light chuckle that fell from my lips. “I guess you understand her just as much as I do.”
Jolly sat up from the couch with a long sigh and patted Nick on the shoulder. “Bryan wants to get some pictures of us for Instagram.”
Nick nodded before looking at Noah. “Want to tag along?”
I had been sitting in this room for over an hour and not once did Noah mutter a single word or even sound.
“No, I’m good. Tell Bryan he can get some before we go on.”
His voice. Fuck even his voice sounded like heaven.
Jolly looked from Noah to me then back to him. “Is it alright if Y/N hangs out here?”
“If not, I’m sure I can find Britt and crash her date,” I said, not wanting to impose on Noah.
Jolly and Nick snickered at the mention of Britt and Folio’s date.
Noah shook his head. “You can stay.”
The way he said it was as if he had some underlining meaning behind it but I didn’t dare think too much of it. My skin was tingling with an unknown sensation and I ran my hands over my thighs to stop the sweat from gathering there.
With the door to the room shut, the two of us were alone and for the first time in a long time, I felt nervous in front of a man. I barley knew Noah, only the fact that he was in a band, and I should fear him. Scared that I was alone in a room with him. But no, all I felt was nerves because the tension between us was slowly building and attaching itself inside my veins.
“Your boyfriend sounds like a real ass.”
My eyes darted over to Noah, his soft voice breaking the long few moments of silence.
“Ex.” I corrected.
The corner of his lip curled up. “Is what Britt said true?”
I shook my head not sure what he was curious about.
My voice came out a bit wavered but Noah made no sign he heard.
“Your ex was the only one?” He asked.
Heat spread over the skin of my face, and I bit on the inside of my cheek. With my silence, Noah gave a curt nod almost displeased with my answer.
“Maybe Britt was right. I need someone to help get over him,” I muttered to myself when I thought about it.
Jacob was the only man I had ever been with, kissed and had sex with. He was all I’d known and who knows, I could miss out on someone great; relationship wise or even a one-night stand because I was too hung up on Jacob. It would be stupid of me not to spread my wings and explore my other options, right?
Maybe even the one sitting in front of me?
I quickly shook that thought from my mind. There was no way Noah would be interested in that or me.
He hummed in response to my words.
“What? You think it’s stupid.”
“I never said that,” Noah said.
My eyes almost buldged out of my head but I held back, not wanting to get my hopes up with whatever he meant to say.
“So you agree with me,” I said after a moment.
He shrugged. “Britt has said some weird shit the last few years since I’ve been around her but that doesn’t mean she’s not wrong about her advice.”
“You know from experience?” I asked, a pang of jealousy stabbing my heart.
I had no reason to be jealous if Noah and Britt hooked up but it still bothered me.
Noah let out a soft laugh, and my stomach fluttered with butterflies at the sound.
“No. Folio’s liked her for a while now, I wouldn’t do that to him. Plus, she’s not my type,” he finished with a shrug.
I licked my lips. “What is your type?”
His eyes flicked up from the floor to my face where he kept it there, silence falling between us. I shifted in my seat with the intensity of Noah’s stare and ran my hands over my thighs.
“Do I make you nervous?” He asked.
When my brows furrowed with confusion, Noah motioned to my hands that kept rubbing against my thighs so I abruptly stopped.
“No,” I lied.
His response was another hum before he leaned back against the couch, arms sprawled along the top of it. My mouth salivated at the sight of the muscles in his arms tensing with each of his movements. I drank in from afar all of his tattoos that covered almost every inch of skin.
“I’ll do it.”
I snapped away from internally drooling over Noah and shook my head with confusion. “Do what?”
Noah’s lips parted but before he could speak my phone buzzed and when I saw the unknown name appear on the screen, I answered the call with raised brows. The only problem was that the speaker on my phone was broken which made it difficult to hear conversations so I had to answer each call on speaker.
“Y/N, what the fuck! Why can’t I call you?”
I froze for a moment. “Jacob?”
“What’s going on with your phone?”
Jacob’s voice was loud with anger that I nearly dropped it in slight feer. While he never raised a hand to me our entire relationship, he was still mentally and emotionally abusive. I looked over at Noah from under my lashes and noticed he was watching me intently.
I snapped my attention back to my phone. “What do you want? Why are you calling me?”
“I’ve been trying to call you for the last hour and when my call didn’t go through, I got worried so I borrowed my roommates phone.”
“I’m fine, Jacob. You didn’t need to call,” I said with an exhausted tone.
“Let me come over. We can watch a movie or fuck.”
I blinked at his outright boldness and watched as Noah’s shoulders stiffened.
“I, uh,” I licked my dry lips as I stuttered. “I’m not home.”
“Where the fuck are you?”
Noah must not have like the tone in Jacob’s voice because he raised a finger towards me and hooked it towards him, beckoning me over to him. I cocked my head to the side before shaking my head.
“Y/N, come here.” Noah said, not exactly in a hushed tone.
“Who are you with? Are you cheating on me?”
Anger filled me at his accusation. Unlike him, I was faithful when we were together. But it didn’t matter because we weren’t together anymore. Something I reminded him of yet again.
“You were the one that cheated. Many times. And every single time, I took you back like a fucking idiot,” I snapped.
“I don’t like this attitude, Y/N. You were never this mouthy. Although, I remember how great you were with that mouth in other ways.”
Internally, I cringed at his words. Now that I wasn’t dating him and the blinders were off, I noticed how vulgar and disgusting he was. Noah must have agreed with me because the scowl on his lips made me shift in my seat.
“You’re disgusting,” I said.
“There was a point that you didn’t think that. If I recall, you loved how disgusting I was.”
The word disgusting sounded just like that as if fell from his lips. But now, the anger I felt for him suddenly made me feel bold and the words lashed out before I even could stop them.
“Oh please. If I loved it so much, wouldn’t you think I would have orgasmed even once?”
While Jacob was stunned, silence coming from his end of the phone, Noah, on the other hand, watched me with an amused expression. His brown eyes were bright until something dark filled them. Before I could comprehend what was going on, Noah was on his feet with a swift movement and I squealed as he lifted me from the couch onto his lap.
“What are you doing?” I asked as I stared down at him.
He was looking up at me though his long lashes while his hands gripped my hips. His warm breath fanned over the crook of my neck and my eyes fluttered shut, a quiet breath leaving my lips.
“You faked it?”
Jacob’s voice brought be back to our phone conversation, and I was ready to end it, not wanting anything to impede whatever Noah was doing.
“Keep talking to him,” Noah muttered into my neck.
I gave him a wild look. “What?”
“I believe he asked you a question,” he responded motioning to my phone.
“Uh,” I blinked while tearing my gaze away from Noah’s dark eyes. “Yeah, I did.”
“Even the weekend we stayed at that hotel?”
I sucked in a breath when I felt Noah’s finger trace over the front of my jeans.
“What are you doing?” I managed through shaky breaths.
“If it’s alright with you, I want to make you cum while you’re on the phone with him.”
Noah’s voice was husky, laced with lust, and whatever reservations I had about if he actually offered himself up earlier vanished when he made quick work of the button on my jeans. The thought of coming undone from another man while on the phone with Jacob made a fire burn low in my belly.
“Do you want that?” Noah asked as he lifted my chin.
“Did you fake it every time?”
Both of them asked their questions at the same time but my answer was towards Noah’s question.
“Yes,” I breathed as my eyes locked with Noah’s.
The sound of a zipper echoed in the room and when finger glided over the sheer fabric of my panties, I nearly dropped my head to his shoulder. He motioned to my phone urging me to continue talking to Jacob.
“Jacob, why are you calling me?” I asked.
“I miss you, baby.”
I wanted to groan in disgust but what came out instead was a groan of ecstasy. Noah moved my panties to the side while slipping a finger through my folds. He teased the slick length for a few strokes before settling on my clit, rubbing in slow circles.
“Don’t call me that,” I said.
Jacob sighed into the phone. “You used to love when I called you that.”
“I also loved it when you didn’t cheat on me,” I shot back.
Noah hummed into the skin of my throat. “Who would ever cheat on you?”
“Who was that? Are you with someone else?”
I felt Noah’s body shake with laughter underneath me at the jealous tone coming from Jacob.
“Why does it matter? We’re not together anymore.”
I bit my lip when a finger slid into me with ease from how wet I was and when Noah began pumping a finger in and out in fast strokes, my eyes fluttered close.
“Oh fuck,” I moaned.
“Did he ever make you this wet? I can feel you clenching on my finger, angel.” Noah’s teeth grazed over the skin over my exposed collarbone.
I nearly came on his pet name for me alone. Hearing fall from his lips was heaven enough for me. Forget an orgasm, I would have been fine with that.
“Answer me,” he demanded.
I ground my hips hard into his hand from his authoritative tone and quickly shook my head.
“Never this wet,” I moaned.
“Y/N, who are you with? I’ll fucking kill him.”
The phone dropped from my hand onto the couch next to us when Noah’s thumb pressed hard onto the swollen nub of my clit while his finger continued to pump in and out of my core. The base of my spine tingled as my orgasm built. It was getting heavy with each stroke and I let my head fall back, lips parting.
“Are you going to cum?” Noah asked in a low voice.
I nodded, unable to talk, and when I felt his hard cock press into me, I almost whined.
“You want this cock, huh?”
I nodded without thinking.
Noah left a few bites along my neck and the edge of my orgasm had crested, ready to push me over the edge.
“If you’re a good girl and cum for me, maybe I’ll give you my cock.”
“Oh fuck,” my body shuddered as the start of my orgasm rocked through me.
“Y/N, where the fuck are-.”
Noah quickly ended the call before tossing my phone over to the other couch.
“He doesn’t get to hear you fall apart. It’s only for me,” Noah said.
“‘m so close, Noah.”
His name falling from my lips was exactly what I needed to finally let go, my orgasm making me yell out in pleasure riding it out against his hand.
As I came down and vision cleared, I saw Noah pull his fingers from me; the emptiness making me frown. However, when he brought his finger to his lips, tongue licking my arousal from it, I thought I would cum again just at the sight.
“Fuck, angel, you taste so good. I can’t wait to taste you for the rest of the night while I’m on stage.”
I sighed in content. “Thank you.”
“Y/N,” he tipped my chin up. “You don’t have to thank me. I just wanted to help you forget that asshole for a moment.”
“Hmm, can I keep you around for the rest of the night?” I asked, joking slightly.
Noah’s face turned serious but before I could worry if I crossed the line, he shrugged. “I’ll do it if only you agree.”
Still on his lap and jeans undone, I shifted on his hard cock.
“What, spend one night with me?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he looked at the clock on the wall behind me. “It’s just after eight. Our set starts at nine and will end at 10:30. After that, we can continue where we left this. Then by 7 in the morning, we can part ways. Just one night to forget our problems.”
I chewed on the inside of my cheek, mewling over his words, while his hands slid underneath my shirt and grazed over the skin of my back.
“Why would you do that for me?” I wondered.
Noah spoke just above a whisper. “You’re not the only one that needs to forget someone.”
I then remembered that Jolly had mentioned earlier that Noah had found out today that he was cheated on in a previous relationship.
“So,” I spoke slowly. “One night of sex then by the morning we say goodbye?”
Something flashed over Noah’s brown eyes but it was gone before I could decipher what it was.
“No questions, no regrets, and no second thoughts. What do you say?”
Before I could give him my answer, the door to the room opened, and I quickly scrambled off of his lap to fix myself.
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help-itrappedmyself · 2 months
Danny Punches a Clown part 9
Danny is led up an unnecessarily long flight of stairs into a fancy house. The floors are all hardwood with rugs interspersed throughout the rooms.
     Hood starts leading him down the hallway and he can see paintings and antiquities, so many rooms. He is reminded vaguely of Vlad's mansion back in Wisconsin, but this seems larger, and better decorated. They end up in a living room of sorts, lots of different chairs and couches wand a huge TV lining a whole wall.
     Danny sits in one of the armchairs. Agent A soon comes in, with another tray of food. This tray seems to be for more than just him though. Hopefully. He could never hope to finish that many snacks by himself. 
     A isn't wearing a mask this time. “No masks upstairs, Master Jason. I'll keep the boy company until the rest of you get here.”
     Hood (Jason?) leaves and A introduces himself as Alfred. Apparently, he is the butler of the people that live here. Makes sense that people rich enough to live in this house would have a butler.
     Alfred lets him sit and eat for a few minutes in silence. The room gradually becomes more full as people come in and take their seats. They all introduce themselves as they come in and sit down. Damian and Dick sit together on a couch, with a girl he knows he’s never met before, Cassandra on Dick’s other side. Jason comes in and takes another armchair. Tim sits on a couch, a blond girl, Stephanie, and another boy, Duke, sit next to him. They all start working. Seems like Stephanie and Duke are in college, and Tim works at a big company. 
     Once the oldest person yet comes in, Bruce, and sits on an armchair, they all stop whatever else they were doing and turn to face him. He’s pretty sure he’s met most of them before while they were in masks, but other than Jason he doesn’t really know who is who. 
     “Can you tell us more about where you’re from now?” Bruce asked.
     Danny looks around the face in the room. They’ve all been helpful and kind. And he’s so tired of lying all the time. They’re most likely going to kick him out once they get their answers anyway.
     “I’m from a different dimension. I fled here after a fight.” Danny admitted.
They already seem less shocked than Danny would have imagined, and they aren’t calling him crazy yet, so this is going great!
     “There is a… war, almost? Starting in that world.” Danny gets fully into storytelling mode, as none of the others seem like they’re going to interrupt his thought process. “It all started with my parents actually. They started building a portal to the ghost zone, and that’s when it all went downhill really. Especially for me. I had my best friends over, they wanted to see the portal, so I took them down to the basement.”
     Danny took a deep breath. “My parents had put the on button inside of the portal, and when I went in… I hit it on accident. The portal turned on with me inside.”
     Everyone in the room remained quiet, and Danny couldn’t bear looking at their faces right now. He did his best to move on. “The portal was open, and ectoplasm started seeping into our town, we didn’t realize at the time, but that becomes a bigger problem later. At the time, we -or I- was busy becoming a one-man army against an invasion of ghosts. My parents started developing weapons. The government declared any being whose body could process or contained ectoplasm was non-sentient and could be kidnapped, experimented on, and/or killed at will. The Anti-Ecto Acts. The government branch dedicated to ghosts, the G.I.W, invaded Amity. Me and my friends had been capturing the ghosts causing problems and sending them back into the ghost zone. Now, we had to do that while trying to play keep-away with my parents and the government, while trying not to get captured myself. The government decided they wanted to send a nuke into the portal, trying to kill all ghosts at once."
     “I had to stop it. I was gathering all ghosts left in Amity to bring them with me to the Zone. My friends were going to close the portal behind us, destroy it. My parents had just finished their new gun.” Danny’s hand went to his side. “They chased us. I made it through the portal, with as many ghosts as I could find. Theoretically, the portal was closed once I left.”
     Danny was quiet long enough that the others realized he was done. 
     “I’m sorry that happened.” Danny heard, he looked up, but didn’t know who had said it. They all seemed sad.
     “And you’re… A ghost then?” Jason asked.
     “Only half.” They all looked bewildered at that. “It’s complicated."
     “So, you can’t go home?” Bruce asked.
     Danny shook his head. “If all went well then the portal doesn’t exist anymore, not that I could leave this dimension without a portal. I’m stuck here.” 
     “You’ll be staying with us then.” Bruce nodded firmly. “Metas are protected in this world, Danny. I’ve worked on a team with a ghost before. You’re safe here, Danny.”
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mydearlybeloathed · 2 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: the grace of the sword and the stage come together as the strawhats' swordsman and dancer fall in love.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: roronoa zoro x fem!dancer!reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3k
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, reader is a ballerina, mention of alcohol, abusive employer near the beginning, not beta read
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: la seine
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the first time he saw you, he was in denial of the fact that he was, once again, lost.
it wasn't his fault! nami ditched him in favor of viewing the rows and rows of stalls featuring all sorts of glittering jewels, and before he knew it, zoro was at a loss on where he was.
choosing to wander till he found something familiar to guide him back to the ship, he was drawn to the sweet sound of laughter, clinking glass, and soft music.
without looking up to read the sign hanging over the boisterously decorated building taking up most of the left side of the street. it was probably just a bar anyway.
so he slipped inside, meaning to find a place at a counter to order a drink, when he found himself running into a podium and faced with a woman in a suit, her expression sultry as she said, "here for the last show?"
Zoro blinked down at her, lips parting. He wasn't about to let her make him look stupid, so he settled her with a stern glower and nodded.
"You're just in luck," she purred. "We've got one last seat, and you're just in time to see our principal lady."
"Right," he nodded once more and, after casting a look at the enticing exit, turned back to the hostess. "You've got booze?"
Her smile glimmered. "Just ask and ye shall receive. We have an assortment of liquors here at Le Palais de Cerise!"
Zoro followed her down a dim hallway into an even dimmer grand room. It looked something like an opera hall, with tiered rows of half-moon booths each facing a large stage.
Blue lighting shined from lanterns hung on the ceiling, casting the place in an eerie yet mystifying glow. All around the booths and tables were occupied by guests dressed much finer than Zoro, sipping on glasses of fine wine and nibbling on hors d'oeuvres.
The hostess brandished an arm as she showed him to a smaller booth at the very edge of the third tier away from the stage, closer to the center aisle running between two halves of the room. It was a pretty good view, nearly right in the middle of the stage.
"Thanks," he muttered distractedly, slipping into the booth and slouching instantly. "Get me a bottle of sake, yeah?"
The woman grinned widely before turning her back, her smile falling into a sneer. Now alone, Zoro got comfortable on the cushion of the seat, deciding this place wasn't too bad of a napping spot, when the lights brightening the stage faded to black.
Violins and flutes started to sing from a pit around the edge of the stage, coming alive as all conversation died out. Zoro stiffened, shifting to sit up right as his hands fell to his swords at his side.
"I hear it's her last show," sighed a young man to his friend at the neighboring booth. "We're insanely lucky."
Zoro's eyes adjusted to the dark just as a spotlight shone down on the parting ruby curtain, and out came a dozen girls dressed as the petals of a flower, twirling on the very tips of their toes. Instantly, Zoro was fascinated.
How they hopped around and danced like that without breaking something, he hadn't a clue. Zoro was on the edge of his seat before he really realized it, and barely made a sound of acknowledgement when a bottle of sake was placed beside him.
He came back to reality long enough to take a long drink, yet when his gaze returned to the stage, the music tingled to a suspenseful, drawn out theme. The flower petals stood in two diagonals forming a V and arced their arms around to present whatever was approaching.
From the left of the stage rushed a woman donned in a dress of dark red, the skirt branching out at her waist and barely dipping with each of her movements. Her bodice was lined with black and gold lace leading up to a sweetheart neckline. Not a hair on her head was out of place. Her every movement had a purpose.
The ballerina was perfection on earth. Zoro nearly wanted to remove his gaze from her, lest he taint this apparent angel.
She nearly floated with how she glided her feet, coming to a graceful halt at center stage, at the peak of the petals' V, and presented her arms as if to say here I am!
All around the audience applauded her for her presence alone, and Zoro found himself lazily meeting his palms together as well.
The music swelled as she extended her arms to cross and pointed out a toe, hopping forward as her arms gradually lifted over her head, before she leapt into an arabesque and pattered across the stage.
Behind her, the V of petals crossed the stage to the opposite side they were on, halting in unison on a tall and extended pique.
The main ballerina continued to glide this way and that, commanding the entire room, no fault in her every twirl, leap, and scurry.
Throughout the entire performance, Zoro watched dutifully, his attention never once departing from you.
And upon the stage, with the blinding lights casting the audience in a gray shadow, you swore you felt something tangibly heavy in the way they looked at you now, though you couldn't place a finger on why.
You only knew that when the music climaxed and faltered, and the curtain lowered on you and your friends, that as the lights grew dim, you caught sight of someone leaving the theater, a set of swords glinting at their side.
It was no surprise when flowers upon flowers arrived at your little room near the back of the theater.
You were known across the city and ones around it for your grace. People came from every which way to watch you dance the same dances, on the same stage, with the same people night after night after night.
You were bored, to say the least.
For ages, you ached for the thrill dance had once brought you. To not know every move by heart, to have something to learn rather than perform out of mere memory.
You missed what it was like to make mistakes, because they made success all the more sweet.
It was why that night was your last performance at Le Palais de Cerise. The next day, you would set sail with a family of merchants you'd met the week prior, and visit lands you'd only ever dreamed of.
Hopefully, some day, you'd find the thrill once again.
But there was Madame Cerise to think of, the owner of the theater hall, and she was not so ready to let her prized ballerina slip away.
"It would be a shame," she said to her brutish son, "if our dear angel was robbed of all her money. How would she pay for escape then?"
Zoro wasn't nearly as drunk as he'd like to be, but he didn't really need the alcohol anymore. Not when all he could think of was how the hell those dancers didn't break their toes.
Looking left and right, ensuring no one was out on the streets with him, he attempted to balance himself on the very tip of his boots, immediately teetering forward and nearly twisting his ankle.
He spit out a curse, pushing back his shoulders only to slump forward again and trudge down the street. The streetlamps flickered here and there, the night breeze chilling his bare arms.
"Stop! Stop, please!"
Zoro whipped around, eyes peeled, and zeroed in on the alleyway ahead to his right. The pleading voice echoed as three burly shadows tripped and stumbled out onto the street, sprinting away.
He was halfway into a pursuit when he caught the tell-tale sound of crying. Faltering to a stop just outside the mouth of the alley, he made out the silhouette of someone in a crumbled heap on the ground.
You glanced up from cradling your skinned and burning palms to your chest, hiccuping. Finding yet another shadow lurking there, you bit back, "I've got nothing left! Run back to Cerise, you--you mutt!"
Well, that didn't exactly make him want to help you, but then, in the dim lamplight, he saw through your tear stained face and found the ballerina who'd enchanted him an hour before.
He didn't know what to do, feeling odd with an unsheathed sword in hand as you glared at him, awaiting his next move. Zoro cleared his throat. "You... danced nice."
You eyes flickered all over him before you broke into yet another round of sobs, somehow managing through it, "Yeah, and I'll be dancing nicely till I'm old and wrinkly and dead. Ugh!"
Clawing at your arms, mumbling more to yourself, "I'm such a fool... Why did I think she'd let me go..."
You were too caught up in picturing the rest of your mundane life to realize Zoro was approaching you, only jerking away from him when he knelt in front of you.
His sword was back in its scabbard, and despite the scar over his eye, the other one was nearly soft. But there was nothing soft in the way he asked you, "Who won't let you go?"
A long story short, le palais de cerise went up in flames a few days after, and you found yourself sailing away not only with the promise of adventure, but with the promise of friendship.
and the hint of something more, judging from how zoro acted around you.
It was comical, really. Once, the swordsman had been a wall of stoicism, never to be toppled. And now this woman with all the grace and poise of a swan comes in, and he’s toppled like a feather in the wind.
Not that the others would complain; he wasn’t so grouchy when you were near, the tautness in his brows softening at the very sound of your voice.
Nami and Robin often teased you about Zoro's little crush, and you never paid them any mind—you’d think twice before admitting to having a soft spot for your crewmate.
Still, it was obvious something was there.
He always tended to be near you whenever he wasn’t training or asleep. Whether you were sitting around reading, or listening to music on a gramophone Nami may or may not have stolen for you, Zoro was likely to be there, laying at your side, content with the company.
You never failed to save him a seat at breakfast, waiting even when the others got up to start working, knowing Zoro would walk in later than the rest all grumpy and tired.
Zoro stood at your side like some kind of guard dog, especially when outside the safety of the ship.
It wasn’t that he thought you couldn’t look after yourself! It’s just, well, you can’t exactly fight.
“So teach me,” you snapped back, not appreciating being treated like glass.
Zoro sputtered, unsure if you’re serious, and promptly sets down his fork in favor of matching your stare from across the table.
Before he could say anything, Robin stood to put up her plate and said, “That’s a good idea. Everyone should be able to defend themself.”
You could have kissed her, grinning as she winked and wandered off. 
“You don’t need to,” Zoro blurted. 
Nami smirked as she took a sip of her water. “Why’s that?”
His reply was instant. “I’ll protect you.”
Your cheeks warmed. “That’s sweet, but you won’t always be there.”
He glared at the prospect, as if to say watch me. 
“If Marimo refuses, I would love to teach you, darling—”
“Shut up!” Zoro faced you, narrowing his eyes at the little smile you gave him. “We start tomorrow.”
Snickering, you lurched forth and pressed a swift kiss to his cheek, jumping to your feet before he could even register what had happened. “Thanks, Zo!”
Whilst you made a hasty exit and Sanji started to yell at Zoro, Nami couldn’t help her excited gape as she locked eyes with Robin. The dark haired woman grinned cheekily, watching Zoro stare blankly into space. 
“She’s got him wrapped around her finger.”
Zoro did not go easy on you, and you didn’t exactly mind too much. 
You wanted to get better. That was the only reason you were out here, in the blazing sun, watching Zoro’s chest as it heaved underneath his thin shirt.
Okay, maybe not the only reason. But the main one was definitely learning to protect yourself! 
You learned quickly, sometimes even beating Zoro out on the deck in the morning, purely excited at the chance to train with him.
He had wandered into the girls room to get you, only to be confused when all he found was Nami yelling at him to get out. 
And when he saw you practicing your form with the sword he’d bought with you on that last island. 
Zoro knew you were graceful. He’d seen it the first time he ever saw you. Grace was a word so wrapped up in his view of you. 
But fuck—you were anyting but graceful with a sword. 
Each of your movements were stiff and rigid and sharp. How hadn’t he noticed it before?
So he came up and, without really thinking, reached around to grab your wrist, taking your elbow in his other hand, caging you between his arms. 
You’re not quite sure how you didn’t go into cardiac arrest.
Only after your eyes met did Zoro realize the predicament he’d gotten himself into—and promptly sprang away from you, complimenting how fast you caught on and beelining back into the ship.
You weren’t sure you could take much more of that. Not before you acted on one of your many urges to kiss him senseless.
Luckily, you didn’t have to wait much longer.
So long of the crew’s teasing, slight grazes of the hand, and longing stares all led up to one night aboard the ship, lost in the music and sea breeze.
Zoro had been trying to take another sip of his drink for a while now, but each time he brought his glass to his lips, his eyes were dragged back to you, and Zoro’s breath hitched as he lowered his hand once more.
You were effervescent, your smile never wavering as you twirled and stomped around to the beat of the melody strumming from Brook’s guitar. You had caught Usopp in a waltz now, dragging him with you as he stumbled to keep up. A laugh bubbled up and out of you, and Zoro’s chest seized. 
Nami rolled her eyes, growing tired of watching Zoro be so hopelessly infatuated. “Would you give it up? Do us all a favor and just tell her already.”
The swordsman barely cast her a glance, finally managing to get some sake down his throat to sooth the anxiety welling in his chest. “No clue what you’re on about.”
“You’re impossible,” she scoffed, standing while setting a hand on his shoulder. “And just plain sad.” Nami had skipped off to take your hand before Zoro could snap back at her, and he watched from his seat as Nami spun you around, dragging another chuckle out of you.
Sighing, Zoro lowered his gaze and settled on remaining seated the whole night, allowing you to have your fun without dampening it with his useless conversations. 
A figure plopped into Nami’s abandoned seat, and he was prepared for another tease, when your voice loftily inquired, “Zoro, you’ve been sad all night.”
Instantly, his head lifted to look at you and your slight smile. Your chest heaved up and down, still exhausted from dancing circles around the deck. He set his glass down, shifting his knees to face yours. “I’m fine. You tired?”
Your huffed sigh was answer enough, pulling a scant grin out of him. Your face lit up at the sight, and your eyes took a slightly warmer tone. “I know your answer already, but do you wanna dance?”
He nearly said what you expected—no—before it sank in that you had expected it. For him to deny you of something you wanted. Zoro’s eyes flickered all over your pretty face, his heart beating fast, and he nodded, much to your surprise.
“Really?” You tried to hold back your smile. “I mean, you don’t have to—”
“I do.”
You nearly squealed right then and there, settling for beaming at him whilst you scooped up his hand and pulled him to his feet. Your smile was coy and his was stifled, but everyone could see it. You took both his hands in yours and leaned back, spinning the both of you around.
From somewhere nearby, Sanji was scoffing and Usopp was whistling, but Zoro hardly even heard the music anymore. All he was conscious of was you and your snickers, of how your touch ignited his skin, of his stumbling feet, of how you drew him closer with a slight tug on his hand and wrung your arms around his neck.
Brook, as if on cue, began to strum a softer song, something akin to a slow dance. It drew a grin on your face, your eyes fluttering closed. Zoro’s heart jumped and his right foot crushed yours. He apologized swiftly as you winced, somehow still giggling at him. Angel, he thought.
Zoro couldn’t breathe. Not when you looked at him like that. His hands froze at his sides before they inched closer to you, hovering over your sides. Your eyes were shut, and he admired you unabashedly, leaning forward till his nose brushed your own, jerking you from your reverie to find him a breath away. 
His eyes widened after locking with yours, sputtering another apology as he attempted to remove himself from your vicinity, cursing himself. Your hands intertwined around his neck, holding him in place as all sense of caution fled your body. One last look into your eyes had Zoro lurching forward, catching your lips and relishing in the feeling of your thumb grazing his cheek. 
How an angel like you could hold a demon like him so lovingly, he wasn't sure. Zoro vowed to spend his life trying to find out, remaining at your side dutifully till the end of his days. You certainly had no objections, doing your best every day to convince him he indeed deserved your love.
The others never let you hear the end of it. Every “about time” made you that much closer to smacking someone upside the head. 
After your feelings were revealed, not much changed. The dynamic was still there, with the added physical intimacy when far from the prying eyes of the others, of course.
Zoro liked to lay his head on your legs while you read, and he’d never say it out loud, but he loved it when you carded your hands lazily through his hair. He didn't exactly need to tell you though; his contented sighs and following snores were enough.
He’s still not much of a dancer, and you respect when he’s just too tired to entertain your twirling and whirling. But sometimes, on days where he’s been up so long he starts to feel energized, he’ll take your hand and drag you onto the floor of whatever bar he’d brought you to. 
He's terrible, finding no rhythm no matter how hard he tries, and he settles for simply swaying along with you.
(You're in no place to tease him for it; you're just as out of place with a sword in hand).
Funny how you both held such grace in your separate fields of passion, yet lost it all the moment you try the other's craft.
Zoro still short-circuited every time your lips brushed his cheek, even if it became a habit of yours whenever leaving his side. 
Princess. Treatment (Or as much as he can give).
He’ll bully you if you start complaining that your feet hurt, but he’ll let you cling to his back like a koala all the way back to ship while doing it. 
Whilst walking around whatever city the crew was stopped at, he’ll have one arm around you at all times, really only letting you go when you weasel out of his arms to go listen to the little band playing music on the street corner. 
(He stands guard at the front of the crowd, eyes peeled whilst you distract the watchers long enough for Nami to pickpocket each and every one of them. And when he’s inevitably so caught up in watching you, someone notices Nami slinking off with their wallet. The three of you race through the street and around a corner, laughing till your sides ache).
Zoro will help you destroy all your dead pointe shoes from your days on Cerise’s stage, having no need for them on the sea, slamming the shoes by the ribbons against the deck of the ship till Usopp yells at you for leaving scratches on the deck. 
He has a little too much fun with it, and you’re no different, feeling free of all bitterness and anger with each shoe that you snap in two. The others are only slightly concerned about the violence of it all, leaving the pair of you alone when you and Zoro melt into laughter like children.
You try to teach him to waltz one day, because he was hopeless on the dance floor with two left feet. When he tried to escape it, you simply replied, “I want to dance with you… and keep my toes too.” “Hey!”
An hour must have passed, and Zoro still couldn’t process exactly what he was supposed to do, when he was supposed to. He narrowly missed your toe again by stepping forward when he was meant to step back. 
Zoro grunted, dropping his arms from your waist and putting a wide berth between you. “Forget it.”
Grinning softly, you took his chin between your thumb and finger, catching his frustrated gaze that melted once it met with yours. “It’s fine. You’ll get it eventually.”
He scoffed as if to say yeah right, and you took that personally. Raising a brow, you lowered your gaze to your feet, then to Zoro’s, before a grin tugged at your lips. “I know! Here.”
You hooked your arms around his neck, getting up close and personal as you gently stepped onto his shoes. Zoro tried to remain stoic, but it all fell through when you brushed your nose against his and dragged a little chuckle out of him. 
“What’re you doing?” he asked fondly.
“Dancing,” you laughed. “This way, you can’t step on my feet.”
“But now you’re stepping on mine.”
“Hush. Just—spin around. I dunno.”
His hands settled on your hips, his eyes rolling to the side despite the light blush on his cheeks giving him away. Zoro grinned slyly and wrapped his arms around you, tottering from one foot to the next in a swift whirl. You squealed his name into his neck as he lifted you up, spinning the both of you around and around till you could barely breathe, you were laughing so hard.
Your feet touched the floor as Zoro’s sight got too dizzy, his deep laughter rumbling in his chest as he leaned into you for balance. You gripped his shoulders so he wouldn’t take you down with him, running your hand up the back of his neck to card through his hair. 
He pulled back, smiling dazedly, and you shook your head at him. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“Eh,” he said, ducking to hover his lips over yours. “I think I’m getting good at this dancin’ thing.”
Your scoff was muffled against his kiss, deep and slow. He grinned against your mouth, taking the first step forward to lead you back to his bed. The door to the boy‘s cabin swung open, instantly followed by a sharp scoff.
You broke away from Zoro to find Sanji standing in the doorway, his eyes narrowed at Zoro’s back. “Whore,” he spat, his eyes softening on you. “Not you, my dear.”
“Thanks for the clarification,” you said with a roll of your eyes, watching as Zoro’s good mood flew out the window as he glared daggers into the cook. “Welp, dance class is over.” 
They were arguing before you ever left the room, their tones escalating surprisingly fast. “Bye, boys!”
There was a lull in the shouting before the sound of Zoro lumbering down the hall (did he just run into the doorframe?) echoed after you. “Hey, angel, wait!”
You turned, giggling as your graceless boyfriend stumbled to a stop before you, one arm resting on the wall beside you to steady himself. He too started to smile after catching the soft one on your lips, his other arms reaching to pull you close by your hip.
"I'll practice," he promised softly, his nose gently brushing your own.
"Mhmm. I'll sweep you off your feet once and for all then."
He kissed you then, softly and full of intention, so you didn't bother to say Oh, but you already have.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @100520s
297 notes · View notes
astrxq · 8 months
a new morning routine
ethan landry x fem!reader
words: 4.6k
notes: this took me sooo long to write and i don't even know if i like it, but finally an ethan fic!! who cheered? :)
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Ethan knew that Chad jogged every morning when the sun was barely out. Chad was a very loud roommate, and Ethan had become all too familiar with his daily routine. It began with the blaring of Chad's alarm at the crack of dawn, a noise that could wake the dead.
Ethan would groan and bury his head under the pillow, futilely attempting to block out the sound. But it didn't stop there. As if the alarm wasn’t enough, Chad would often sing softly to himself as he tied his running shoes and stretched on the porch, a tune that Ethan couldn't help but find annoying at such an ungodly hour. The creaking of the front door followed as Chad made his way out, trying not to wake Ethan and failing miserably.
Ethan grew curious to know who Chad ran with. He knew he didn't go by himself; he'd heard Chad talk to someone before closing the door and going on with his routine many times.
One morning, Ethan was awoken by Chad's coughing fit rather than his annoyingly loud alarm. Chad's raspy coughs echoed through the apartment, and Ethan sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and listening intently as he tiredly made his way to the small living room, where he saw Chad sitting on the couch, clutching a tissue in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.
"Are you okay?"
Chad looked up, his face pale and sweaty. "Yeah, just a little under the weather," he replied, his voice hoarse. "I think I caught a cold.” Ethan fetched a blanket from the closet and draped it over Chad's shoulders as he plopped down on the couch. "You really shouldn't be going for a run like this,"
Ethan would be lying if he said he wasn't jealous of Chad, the boy who had been near death twice and survived. Chad refused to move from his bed weeks after being healed from the stab wounds, thinking he would not be able to return to his older, much less butchered, body. He’d watched Chad get carried away by an ambulance, breaths away from death, just a few months before.
During one of their many one-nighters together, Chad confessed that he envied Ethan’s body, with no scars and a much more healthy disposition. And Ethan secretly shared the thought, Chad's resilience and determination to continue jogging even after everything he'd been through.
And still, looking at Chad's frail and sickly state now, Ethan couldn't help but feel sympathy for him. Chad had faced death head-on, and now, he was battling a simple cold, but it was clear that he was still pushing himself too hard. 
“Want some soup?” he asked, and Chad gave him a small smile and a soft nod, eyes grateful. 
Ethan wasn’t a very good cook, so when he saw that they’d run out of canned soup, he saw no other option than going to buy some more, hoping that some store was open so early. He checked on his friend again, seeing that he was fast asleep on the couch, cuddled up to the blanket. The sound of the blaring alarm hit Ethan's ears and he rushed into Chad's room to turn it off before it woke him up. Ethan quickly silenced it before changing into one of his hoodies and moving to head out.
When he opened the door, though, he locked eyes with you. Ethan froze in the doorway, surprised to find you standing there, he knew you were a neighbor, one that he’d been crushing on for a while.  In the dim light of the hallway, you looked equally startled.
Your presence was unexpected, but it also presented a chance for Ethan to make a good impression. He cleared his throat and managed a friendly smile. 
"Hey," you said, breaking the silence. "I'm sorry if I startled you. I usually come over to meet Chad for our morning run." Ethan nodded, still a bit taken aback. 
"I'm Ethan, Chad's roommate." he admitted, his voice tinged with curiosity. 
You extended a hand, and he shook it awkwardly, not really knowing how to speak to you yet. "Nice to finally meet you, Ethan. I'm Y/N."
Ethan noticed that you were dressed in running gear and holding a water bottle. It was clear you had come prepared for your morning jog with Chad. “Uh… Chad’s sick.”
Your concern was evident as you furrowed your brow. "Sick? That's not like him. Is it serious?" Ethan shrugged, still not entirely sure of the extent of Chad's illness. "I'm not sure, but he's got a pretty bad cough. I convinced him to stay in today."
You nodded understandingly. "Well, I hope he gets better soon. Tell him I stopped by and that I hope to see him back on his feet soon." 
"I will," You gave him a warm smile, making Ethan's heart skip a beat. "No problem, Ethan. If you ever want to join us for a run, feel free to tag along. We usually meet here in the mornings." Ethan felt a surge of excitement at the invitation, but he tried to play it cool. 
"I might take you up on that sometime." 
You gave him a nod, and he mirrored your silence as both of you thought of how to continue the conversation. Ethan couldn't help but feel a rush of nervousness wash through him. Here was the neighbor he had been secretly admiring for a while, standing right in front of him, offering an invitation to join her and Chad for a morning run. He had seen you from a distance many times but never had a chance to strike up a conversation.
As you both stood there, trying to find something to say, Ethan's mind raced with questions and topics to discuss. He finally broke the silence, realizing that this was his opportunity to get to know you better. "I was gonna… go get some soup for him, so…" he pulled at his ear lobe.
“Right, I won’t hold you up then.” you grinned, giving him a small wave before beginning to walk away, hands undoing your tangled earbuds. He watched you walk away, and waited a few seconds to put himself together. Quickly, he locked the door behind him and rushed to the nearest store to buy some soup for Chad.
When he returned to the apartment, Chad was still asleep on the couch, the blanket had moved off of him. Ethan quietly set the bag of soup on the kitchen counter and tiptoed over to Chad. He gently covered him with the blanket. Chad stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up. 
The next day, Ethan was woken up by that horrifying alarm once again, and he heard Chad’s singing again. He quickly stumbled off of his bed, walking through the dark, and when he reached Chad, he said “Hey man, can I join you today?”
His request caught Chad by surprise as he laced up his running shoes. He knew Ethan wasn’t a runner. He turned to face Ethan with a grin, his earlier sickness seemingly forgotten. "Sure, but are you sure you can keep up with me?"
Ethan chuckled nervously, “I’ll try.”
He followed Chad to the door, and there you were. You were leaning against the wall, water bottle in hand once again. “Oh, Ethan!” you exclaimed when you saw his distinct curls. "Joining us?"
Ethan felt a mix of excitement and nerves as he stood there, realizing he was about to go on a morning jog with both you and Chad. "Yeah, I thought I'd give it a shot," he replied, trying to sound way more confident than he felt.
You smiled warmly at him, and Chad chimed in with a smirk, "Great! The more, the merrier, right?"
Ethan was a few steps behind you and Chad, trying so hard to focus on keeping up with you two. He could feel his ears get cold because of the breeze, and he could hear you and Chad talking. You glanced back a few times, checking on Ethan, and he kept grinning and giving you a thumbs up, pretending not to be running out of breath. 
He felt his heart drop to the pit of his stomach when he heard you laugh, you threw your head back in a giggle and Chad joined you. Ethan had to slow down his pace, and he wondered if it was possible for you to like Chad.
Ethan couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy as he listened to your laughter. He came to a full stop, needing to catch his breath before trying to keep up with you and Chad. Just a few feet ahead, you turned to check on the curly haired boy once again, seeing that he had stopped, you did too. 
“You okay, Ethan?”
“Huh?” he looked up, hands on his knees as he panted, “Yeah, yeah. Just out of practice.” he chuckled.
Ethan's chest heaved as he regained his breath, feeling slightly embarrassed about his sudden stop. You moved a couple steps towards him, handing him your water bottle with a smile “Do you wanna stop for a bit?”
He nodded and as he took a sip, he couldn't help but feel grateful for your consideration. Chad, standing nearby, gave Ethan an encouraging pat on the back.
"You're doing great, man," Chad said as he shot him a supportive smile. Ethan forced himself to regain his composure, determined not to let his jealousy get the best of him. He took a deep breath and handed the water bottle back to you with a grateful nod.
"Thanks, Y/N. I just needed a moment," he replied, wiping sweat from his forehead. The few curls that stuck on his forehead now slightly pushed back. “Let’s just keep going.” he insisted.
You hesitated, seeing that Ethan’s face was flushed red, and that his chest was still heaving from breathing so hard. Chad got ahead, and once you caught up to him, he slowed to meet Ethan’s pace, “You’re so red, dude.”
“Your face, are you sure you wanna keep going?”
Ethan reached to touch his cheek, feeling it cold under his touch, “Oh, I’m fine.” Chad smirked and looked at you as you changed the song playing in your ears, “You sure it’s not because of her?”
His cheeks turned an even deeper shade of red, this time because of embarrassement, and he stammered, "N-no, it's not because of her. I just need to catch my breath, that's all." Chad chuckled knowingly, and patted his friend’s back.
You glanced back at Ethan with concern in your eyes but decided not to press the issue either. Instead, you offered a smile. He was grateful he had Chad next to him to follow his pace, because if he had been on his own, he was sure he’d fainted because of you.
Once back at the apartment, you bid your goodbyes from the boys, and the second the door was closed, Chad jumped to make fun of Ethan. “You looked like you were going to explode! Don’t even try to convince me it was because of the running.”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Ethan plopped down on the couch, face covered by his hands as Chad laughed. “Come on! I’m not stupid, you were practically blushing the entire time." he teased, nudging him playfully. 
Ethan peeked through his fingers, his cheeks still rosy. "Okay, maybe," he admitted with a sheepish grin. "But can you blame me?"
Chad's laughter subsided, and he nodded in agreement and leaned back on the couch, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know," he began, "I've been friends with Y/N for a while now. We've been jogging together for months, and we've become pretty close. I think you two would get along really well."
Ethan's curiosity piqued. "Really? You think so?"
Chad grinned, his eyes glinting mischievously. "Oh, absolutely.”
The teasing didn't stop, of course. Whenever you would come over for a morning run or to check on Chad, he would nudge Ethan and raise an eyebrow, prompting a fresh wave of embarrassment for his friend.
He would sometimes pretend to be tying his shoes, or needing a water break, and urged the two of you to keep going without him. Ethan made sure to always shoot him a glare while you weren’t looking, getting a toothy grin in response.
You noticed that Ethan didn’t really talk. He would glance at you, trying to think of what to say, and then crumbled back into his little shy boy bubble. He silently cursed at himself every time he saw you look up at him, almost as if you were waiting for him to talk. It took Chad three times leaving you two alone before you broke the silence, 
“Chad talks a lot about you,” 
“He does?” Ethan seemed surprised, keeping in mind to thank his roommate once they were alone for kind of pushing his ‘matchmaking’ agenda. “Oh, yeah. All the time.”
“Good things, I hope?” he pulled at his ear lobe like he did when he was nervous, you chuckled, finding Ethan's nervousness endearing. 
"Oh, absolutely. He thinks the world of you." You slowed your pace a bit so you could walk alongside him, and Ethan's heart did a little somersault in his chest.
"That's nice to hear," he replied, a small smile playing on his lips. You hummed, looking back to see Chad smirking at you, winking before fixing the headphones that covered his ears. 
“Uhm,” you started, “To be honest, I thought you’d be more like Chad?” 
Ethan raised his brows in confusion. How on earth could he be intimidating? You stopped running, moving to sit on a nearby bench to fix your shoelaces, and he joined you. “What do you mean?”
Chad caught up to you guys before you could answer, his panting joining yours. You exchanged a quick glance with Chad, and he grinned knowingly, clearly enjoying leaving you two on your own.
You and Ethan exchanged a slightly awkward yet amused look, and then you turned back to Chad, smirking. "Well, Chad, you didn't mention how different you two are. I was expecting another chatty, outgoing roommate." you joked.
Chad laughed heartily. "Yeah, Ethan's the quiet one, but he's got his own charm. Trust me."
Ethan blushed at the compliment and tried to hide his smile behind his hand. You chuckled, a soft and melodic sound that made Ethan's heart flutter in his chest. 
Eventually, it became a routine for Ethan to join you and Chad in the mornings. Ethan found himself growing more comfortable with each passing day, thanks in part to Chad's relentless teasing and encouragement. As the days turned into weeks, he found himself looking forward to those early morning jogs, not just for the exercise but for the chance to spend time with you.
One day, as you all returned to the apartment after a particularly invigorating run, Ethan couldn't help but muster the courage to ask you a question that had been on his mind for a while. 
"I've been meaning to ask you something." he began, trying to keep his voice steady. You slowed your pace and looked at him with a friendly smile as Chad walked ahead, getting his keys out. 
"Well," he started, feeling a bit nervous, "I was wondering if you'd like to grab coffee or breakfast with me."
You cracked a smile, and Ethan felt a surge of hope. The fact that you were sweaty and panting suddenly dawned on you, and you felt a wave of embarrassement go through you as Ethan stared at you, waiting for a response.
You chuckled softly at the unexpected request, brushing a strand of hair from your face as you considered his proposition. "I'd love to," you replied with a warm smile. "But maybe we should both clean up first before we grab breakfast. Running gear and coffee shops don't really mix."
Ethan felt a mix of relief and excitement wash over him. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea," he agreed, feeling a bit self-conscious about his own disheveled appearance. "How about I come by later, and we can figure out a time?"
"Sounds perfect," you said as you reached the front door. Chad had already disappeared into their apartment, leaving the two of you alone to give you some privacy. As he watched you head into your own apartment, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. 
He had finally mustered the courage to ask you out, and you had said yes.
The second he stepped into his own apartment, he was met with a smirky Chad. He was leaning against the kitchen counter, a knowing grin on his face as he watched Ethan’s cheeks grow a pink-ish tint.
"Well, well, well, look who's finally making a move," he teased.
Ethan couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he replied, his embarrassment turning into a playful smile. "You can say you played matchmaker successfully." Chad chuckled, walking over to give Ethan a friendly pat on the back.
"I knew you had it in you, buddy," Chad said with a wink, “But you took so long, this month has been so painful to me as your official wing-man.” 
Ethan couldn't help but laugh at Chad's dramatics. “Whatever.” He rushed back to his room, getting freshly showered and dressed.
He kept touching up his curls, ignoring the fact that Chad was staring at him from the couch, trying to hold in his laugh. 
"What's so funny?" Ethan groaned.
Chad finally burst into laughter. "You, man. You're acting like it's your first date ever. Relax, it's just breakfast." 
"Easy for you to say, Mr. Charismatic. Some of us need a bit more prep."
Before Chad could tease him some more, a quiet knock on the door made both of their heads turn. “She’s picking you up?”
Ethan rolled his eyes and hurriedly checked himself in the mirror one last time, making sure his hair was in place before heading to the door. Chad simply grinned and gave him a thumbs-up as he answered the door.
There you stood, looking refreshed and ready, no trace of the earlier sweat and fatigue. Your hair was down, and Ethan couldn't help but stare. 
He greeted you with a warm smile, feeling a surge of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness.
"Hey," you said, "Ready for breakfast?"
You returned his smile with one of your own, and Ethan felt a sense of ease wash over him. "Absolutely," he replied. "Lead the way."
Reaching for his wrist, you gently pulled him closer to you, and Ethan could feel his breath get caught up in this throat. You gave Chad a smile and pulled at Ethan again, making him stumble a little as you lead the way. 
The two of you entered a cozy little cafe, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeting you as you stepped inside. You chose a corner table by the window, and as you settled into your seats, Ethan couldn’t help but smile. 
“This place is nice," Ethan commented, taking in the warm ambiance of the café. He couldn't help but feel grateful for Chad's persistence in pushing him to ask you out.
You nodded, looking around the café. "It's one of my favorites," you replied. "Their pastries are amazing."
As you began to recommend some of your favorite items on the menu, Ethan found himself hanging on to your every word, captivated not just by the food suggestions, but by you. A hair strand fell onto your face as you spoke excitedly, and Ethan stared at it as he thought of what you would do if he tucked it behind your ear, held your face and kissed you like he’s been wishing to do for the past month.
“I think I’ll get the apple turnover…” you said, eyeing the small menu paper in your hands. Ethan hummed, still staring at you. “What about you?”
He cleared his throat, “Uhm… me too, yeah. That sounds nice.” 
The second the pastries got to your table, Ethan couldn't help but notice the twinkle in your eyes as you took that first bite of your apple turnover. "You have to try it." you held the pastry towards him. He stared at your hand for a second and reached to gently grab your wrist to hold it still while he bit down on the treat. The taste was even better than he had expected, and he couldn't help but let out a satisfied "Mmm"
You giggled at his reaction, and it was like music to Ethan's ears. "I told you," you said with a playful grin. "Their pastries are amazing."
He nodded and he looked down at his plate, feeling giddy by the small interaction you’d just had. You smiled at him, “So, what took you so long to ask me out?" you asked, resting your head on your hand and looking at him with a closed-mouth smile.
Ethan felt his cheeks flush slightly at the question, "Well," he began, “Uhm…”
“Hmm?” “I just wasn’t sure if you’d want to come.”
You chuckled softly, your eyes locking onto his as you leaned in a bit closer. "Ethan," you said in a gentle tone, "I've been hoping you'd ask me out for a while now."
"Really?" Ethan replied, a hint of disbelief in his voice.
Your smile widened. "Yes, really." 
Reaching across the table you placed your hand on top of his, sending a warm and reassuring squeeze. He leaned in a little closer to you, his voice filled with a newfound confidence.
"I've been wanting to get to know you better for a long time." he admitted, his eyes locked onto yours.
Your cheeks took on a faint rosy hue, and you didn't break eye contact. "Well, I'm here now, aren't I?" you replied softly. "And I'm looking forward to getting to know you too, Ethan."
Ethan gulped, fixing his hair with his free hand as he tried not to focus on the fact that you hadn’t moved your hand yet. “Chad’s always talking non-stop about you,” you said.
Ethan couldn't help but chuckle. "He’s been trying to get me to ask you out for so long."
"He kept telling me how great you are, and I can definitely see why."
Ethan's heart swelled with happiness, making a mental note to thank Chad the second he got home. "I'm glad he didn't scare you away with the constant praise," he said, his thumb gently caressing the back of your hand.
"Not at all. In fact, he made me even more curious to meet you," Ethan’s lips ticked up slightly, trying to hide the fact that he was close to grinning like a middle-schooler. “He insisted that you weren’t a runner, I was surprised when you agreed to join us.”
He cleared his throat and let out a short laugh, “I’m not. I hate it.”
You gave him a look, furrowing your brows in confusion. “I… I kinda joined because you asked.”
Ethan's confession made your heart skip a beat. "You joined just for me?" you asked, a warm smile spreading across your face. The fact that he had pushed himself out of his comfort zone for you was both surprising and endearing to you.
Ethan nodded, his cheeks slightly pink. "I wanted to spend more time with you." he let go of your hand to brush it over his cheeks, trying to calm himself down by his sudden forwardness.
Your smile grew even brighter, and he reached across the table to hold your hand again shyly. "I'm really glad you did," you said sincerely. You moved your hand to the tips of his fingers and Ethan made a move to hold it again, but you ran your nails over his skin slightly. 
Ethan shivered at the sensation, a pleasant tingling running down his spine. "I am too," he admitted softly, "And I hope we can spend more time together."
You leaned in a little closer, eyes never leaving his. "I'd like that," you replied, your voice low and filled with warmth. "A lot."
Ethan couldn't help but feel a shiver of excitement at your touch. Your fingers entwined with his, and he realized just how much he had been craving this connection with you. 
Time seemed to fly by, and before he knew it, the two of you had spent hours together, lost in conversation and laughter. It felt like no time had passed at all when you finally glanced at your watch and realized how late it had gotten.
"Oh wow, I didn't realize it was so late," you said with a hint of regret in your voice.
Ethan nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of disappointment that your time together was coming to an end. "Yeah, time really flew by."
You reached for your wallet, ready to pay the bill, but Ethan gently stopped you. "Let me take care of it," he insisted.
He gave you a smile as he grabbed his wallet, a small Grogu sticker on its corner. You bit down on your bottom lip, holding back a smile as Ethan paid for both of you. He blushed when you called him adorable.
You and Ethan strolled down the sidewalk, hands linked together and a comfortable silence between the two of you. Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. He had finally taken the leap and asked you out, and it had turned into a wonderful morning. 
Reluctantly, you walked Ethan back to his apartment building. You stood at the entrance, facing each other. Ethan finally broke the silence, his voice soft but sincere. "I'm so glad I finally asked you out."
“Yeah, me too.” you grinned, “I never thought you’d get past staring at me when I was getting my mail.” you teased him. Ethan choked up, "I, uh, guess I was pretty obvious, huh?"
You chuckled, reaching out to gently brush a strand of hair away from his forehead. "It's cute, Ethan." You leaned in, your lips brushing against his cheek in a soft, sweet kiss. Not knowing where to put his hands, he moved them to your waist, pulling at the hem of your shirt to get you closer to him. You pulled away, and you gave him a smile that made his heart race.  
Your fingers rested against his cheek. "I had a really great time today, Ethan," you said softly, your eyes locked onto his. He nodded, feeling a sense of warmth wash over him. 
"Me too," he replied, his voice filled with genuine affection. "I can't wait to do it again."
"I'll hold you to that."
Ethan squeezed your waist before letting go, giving you a smile. He reached for your hand, and mimicked the gesture you had done to him hours before, playing with the tips of your fingers before bringing them up to his lips and kissing them gently. “I’ll see you tomorrow? We could do this again after the run?”
You nodded, your eyes sparkling with happiness. "Definitely."Ethan leaned down, pressing his lips against your forehead once, before pulling back with a grin. You let go of his hands, shying away as he reached for his keys, mentally preparing himself for a whole bunch of ‘matchmaker Chad’ jokes.
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
The Indignity that is Hiccups
I leaned against the broom and yawned, tired in more ways than one. The mess in the storage hold was going to take a while to clean. And just because the universe has ironic timing, I hiccupped while my mouth was wide open. It echoed off the metal walls. Luckily for me, none of my alien crewmates were there to hear it. 
Or so I thought. A bundle of tentacles and a curious squid face peered around the doorway. 
I sighed, hiccuping again. “Yes it’s me; no I’m not doing it on purpose.”
Mur eased into the room, stepping carefully around the snowdrifts of flour from where a storage crate had broken. “Why are you making that kind of noise on accident?” He was carrying a bundle of something wrapped up in one tentacle, but seemed more interested in conversation than in whatever that was.
“It’s called hiccups,” I said. “I suppose it’s too much to hope that other species have to deal with this to-o?” As much as I tried to get the sentence out smoothly, I was betrayed at the end.
“None that I know of. So what is it? Some kind of compulsion?”
“No, nothing like that.” I went back to sweeping with irritated strokes of the broom. “It’s a muscle spasm that’s never been fully explained. It usually goes away pretty quickly for me, but it’s annoying. Much like this flour.”
“I bet,” Mur said, looking around the room. He uncurled his tentacle. “I brought batteries for the big gravity wand.”
“Oh, Paint just went to get some! Thank you. She’ll be back soon.”
“Good,” Mur said, wiping at the flour dust that was already settling on him. “Ugh, this is unpleasant.”
“Sure i-is,” I hiccuped, followed by an exasperated noise. “At least I don’t get acid reflux with the hiccups. Small mercies.”
Mur asked, “Get what?” as Paint arrived, wielding the big gravity wand like a broadsword.
“Stand back! Oh, hi Mur. These batteries are only half charged, so I’m going to clean as fast as I can!” As short as she was, she looked like a scaly child waving a grownup weapon that she had no business using. Which wasn’t entirely wrong.
“I am standing ba-ack,” I announced, taking my broom to the doorway where the air was clearer.
Paint gave me a sideways look, finger hesitating over the power button.
I sighed and brushed flour dust off my sleeve. “It’s a stupid human thing.”
“Muscle spasms,” Mur put in helpfully. “Apparently sometimes they come with acid?”
“With what?” Paint demanded.
“Not like that,” I hurried to clarify. “Some people get stomach acid splashing up their throat, just enough to hurt.”
“That’s terrible,” Paint said, concern all over her scaly orange face. “What causes it?”
“No one’s really sure. My favorite theory is that it’s evolutionary history, our brains trying to breathe with gills, but—” I paused for another hiccup. “—Pretty sure that’s not actually it.”
“Wild,” Mur said. “Here, Paint; I brought fresh batteries.”
“Oh, thank you! No wonder I couldn’t find them.”
That would have been a great time for the hiccups to stop, while the conversation had moved on, but no such luck. I leaned against the door frame and tried to breathe evenly.
Paint juggled batteries, finally setting the gravity wand on the floor to swap them out properly. After another loud hiccup, she asked, “What makes the muscle spasms go away?”
“They usually do on their own,” I said. “Some people get them for a long time, but I’ve been pretty lu-ucky.”
“Sure,” Mur said, picking up the old batteries. “Lucky.”
Paint stood back up. “Nothing makes them calm down faster?”
“There are a few things,” I admitted. “Mostly stuff to distract the person from paying attention to them, really. Drink water from the far side of a cup, get startled by something, hold your breath a long time. I usually just take a lot of deep breaths, and they go aw-ay.” I grimaced. “Not today, apparently.”
Something hard closed around both shoulders and yanked me backward into the hallway, to where open mandibles hissed in my face, surrounded by shiny black exoskeleton and terrifying faceted eyes.
“Ahhh! Good gods, Trrili!” I stumbled upright, gasping for breath as she released me with far too much smugness.
“You arrrre welcome,” Trrili purred. “Wasss that enough of a ssstarrrtle, orrr ssshould I find a nice hiding placcce to jump out frrrom?”
“I’m good; thanks!” I said. My heart was beating dangerously fast, but the hiccups were long gone.
“Hm. Disappointing,” Trrili said, dropping the hiss. “Let me know if you require further medicinal terror.” Then she glided off down the hallway on many quiet bug legs.
I shuddered a little. “Yeah. Sure. I’ll do that.”
Paint was wide-eyed, crouched to pick up the gravity wand where she’d dropped it. I’d dropped the broom too, and I hadn’t heard either of them fall. The batteries had fallen out again.
Paint asked, “Are you going to tell her next time you have those spasms?”
“Ha! No, I don’t think I will.”
“I might,” Mur said with a grin.
“Hey now,” I said sternly, bending to pick up the broom. “Don’t make me sweep flour on you.”
He laughed and danced out of range, and the three of us got back to work cleaning up with nary a hiccup.
I did sneeze at the dust, which started a whole other conversation, but at least they knew what those were.
The ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book. More to come! And I am currently drafting a sequel!
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ponderingmoonlight · 3 months
Satoru Gojo trying to make a bun with his daughter's kinky hair
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Pairing: husband!Gojo x black!reader
Word Count: 1,1k
Synopsis: It always looked so easy to him, the way you put your thick hair into the most breathtaking hairstyles. But when his daughter asked him to do a sleek bun on her, he was confronted with the stinging fact how difficult styling kinky hair can be. But that doesn't stop the dad of the year from learning...
Warnings: This is the first time ever I'm writing a black reader and I'm beyond excited 😭 I'm hoping with all my heart that you guys like what I came up with! I'm not a poc myself so if this offends you, don't read this work. Also, I'm writing from the point of view of my own research and the tellings of my beloved moot @almostshinymiracle. As usual, there's many ways to do your hair and this specific one might not be yours 🤍
Comments, likes and reblogs are so appreciated, I'd be more than thankful for you guys telling me what you think - THANK YOU 🤍
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Your eyes widen when the loud shriek of your daughter echoes through your house. What’s wrong? Did she hurt herself while playing? As fast as your feet carry you, you run down the hallway and open the door to her room.
But no, your daughter didn’t fall, she didn’t hurt herself. She sits in front of her dad who holds a brush in his hand.
“Hey honey, is everything alright over here?”, you question softly while kneeling down next to both of them.
“I’m so sorry. She said she wants a bun like the one you wear so often and I thought it can’t be that hard. But the brush doesn’t even get through her hair…”, your husband explains, bright blue eyes fixated on his daughter’s hair.
“It’s not that simple with kinky hair, babe. Look, the bristles of your brush are way too tight to get through her hair. That’s why I’m having a special one.”
Oh, how absolutely adorable he looks with his face visibly in guilt, still holding onto the brush that seems to be his while visibly pondering about your soft explanation. Making your daughter’s hair as a dad without experience has to be difficult already, but a girl with black roots and a hair structure completely unknown to him? You chuckle to yourself, remember the countless times he observed you doing your hair already.
“This seems so damn exhausting, babe. Can’t you just…brush it?”
“If I just brush it, I’ll look like a mop. That’s the price I have to pay for having kinky hair I guess.”
“But you look like a princess. My princess”, he purred into your ear while his long fingers tried to brush through your thick hair.
“She just asked me and as her dad…I just wanted to help, y’know”, he mumbles with a pout.
“And I’m so proud of you for trying, Satoru. It’s just an art itself and if you didn’t grow up with it, it’s quite difficult. Sometimes not even hairstylists are able to tame my and her hair from time to time. No worries, I’ll do her hair and I’ll show you how it’s done when there’s enough time, okay?”
You can’t help but give him a kiss on his cheek, letting yourself fall into his arms.
“Mommy, can you do my hair?”, your daughter interrupts your way too short cuddle session.
“Of course, angel. We’ll be ready in 10 minutes, Satoru. Don’t worry about it-“
“My name is baby”, he corrects you before leaving the room, his shoulders almost hanging to the floor.
This doesn’t sit right with you. It shouldn’t hurt him like this that he wasn’t able to do his daughter’s hair when it’s absolute not comparable to his very own. Mindlessly, you run your fingers through her thick mane that is so similar to yours, so familiar that you’d be able to make a sleek bun with eyes closed. You’ll definitely show him how to take care of his daughter’s hair when there’s more time than today.
“Is daddy sad?”, your daughter asks innocently while you apply gel.
“He was so excited to do your hair, honey. But with kinky hair like ours, this can be really difficult, you know?”
“It hurt…”, she admits shyly.
“Did it hurt as much as doing braids?”
Your little daughter chuckles while you tickle her playfully on her neck.
-the next day-
The heartfelt laughter of your daughter makes your eyes flutter open. What time is it? Given the fact that the sun already rose, it has to be late in the morning. Your naked feet meet the cold wooden floor, carry you to her room on their own. Satoru’s side of the bed was already cold when you woke up. Did he have to leave for a mission? Or is he the reason why his precious little daughter laughs?
“Okay, let me remove the scarf from your cute little head. Is this how mommy does your hair?”
You stop in your tracks, already grinning from ear to ear like an idiot. A scarf wrapped around her daughter’s head? You know exactly what that means.
“That tickles!”, your daughter shrieks.
“Shhh, don’t you wake up Mommy before I’m done here, okay? I want this to be a surprise.”, Satoru whispers exaggeratedly mute.
It takes all your strength to not break out in laughter, to stay hidden behind the slightly open door.  
“Okay, now let me wrap this around it…and…Fast, I need a bobby pin, honey!”
Your heart almost overflows with warmth. When did he learn how to do his daughter’s hair, what steps it takes to create a sleek bun with kinky hair? It’s hard to keep you from entering the room, to keep your composure. The urge to see what he’s doing becomes almost unbearable-
“Did you hear that daddy?”
“Yeah, that sounded almost as if someone behind that door stalks us!”
With a swift motion, your husband exposes you to his bright blue orbs. Your heart skips a beat. Is he mad, disappointed? The look on his face is rather amused, calms down your tingling nerves.
Until you look at your daughter.
Your precious little daughter with a perfect sleek bun.
“Oh my”, you breathe out.
Instantly, you kneel down in front of her, eyeing her from every angle. He really managed to put all her unruly hair in one of your afro puff hair ties, the whole package covering the floor along with multiple tubes of different gels and countless diverse brushes. It looks like an absolute mess around her room, different brands and tools clustered around. But you only have eyes for your daughter and beloved husband.
“This looks absolutely stunning!”
“Do you…really think so?”, Satoru mutters while scratching the back of his head.
Is the strongest jujutsu sorcerers of your time really…blushing? Immediately you grab his hand covered in dried gel and press a passionate kiss against his cheek.
“She looks like a model, I couldn’t have done it better! How did you do this? Only yesterday, you didn’t know what to do!”
“I did some research…”
“The whole night?”
“The whole night.”
“This looks fantastic!”, your daughter cries out when seeing herself in the mirror, twisting and turning herself in order to soak in her gorgeous bun.
“You always make it look so easy. Sometimes I forget how much skill this requires”, he mumbles against your ear, dragging your body onto his lap.
“I hope you’ll remind this when you ruin my hair next time”, you playfully reply.
“Want me to ruin your hair right now?”
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tsunami-of-tears · 14 days
Someplace better
Azriel x Reader
A/N: This is dark. There are no happy endings. Please read the warnings.
Wordcount: <1K
Warnings: angst doesn’t even cut it; emotionally abusive family dynamic; suicide; it does not end well, you’ve been warned.
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My mother is a horrible wench. 
We just had yet another fight that ended in screaming and tears and slammed doors. 
I thought our relationship was getting better. I was trying to open up about the struggles I’ve been having, only to have them all thrown back in my face. 
“Before you point the finger at everyone else, maybe you need to consider that you’re the problem,” she sneers. 
I’d been trying to tell her how overwhelmed I felt, that I felt stuck and couldn’t see a way out. I can feel myself starting to crack under the pressure, pieces of me splintering as I try to be everything for everyone. 
No matter how hard I try, it’s not enough. There’s always something I’m not doing, something not done right. 
‘You’re a failure and a burden,’ that little voice says, harmonising with my mother’s insults.
“I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself,” she says dismissively. 
So much for motherly love… 
Later that evening, I’m heading to the River House for a family dinner. These events have become less frequent with everyone’s busy schedules, and I’m looking forward to seeing my friends. 
Rhysand greets me at the door, pulling me into a hug. “Y/N, it’s been too long,” he smiles down at me warmly. “Everyone else is here already, come in.” 
“It’s good to see you, I’ve missed everyone,” I give Rhys a tight smile in return. 
Time appears to stop as we walk down the hallway. The awkwardness drags on for what feels like forever. My thoughts race with things I could say, but my tongue cannot form the words. Rhys notices my silence, furrowing his brows at me. I plaster a huge smile on my face, attempting to conceal my inner turmoil. I can’t tell if Rhys picks up on my forgery. 
We enter the living room which is alive with chatter between my friends. 
Mor, Feyre and Cassian are laughing together, likely about something Cassian said. 
Amren and Nesta are engaged in a heated discussion.
And then Azriel… He’s with Elain, talking softly together about gods knows what. My heart starts to crack at the sight. 
I really don’t want to get between Nesta and Amren, and I can’t face Azriel and Elain together, so I sit next to Cassian as Rhys perches on the arm of the chair beside Feyre. He leans down to kiss her softly on the top of her head and I look away quickly, the crack growing until I feel like my heart is split in two.
Cassian gives me a quick peck on the cheek as I sit before returning to his conversation with Feyre and Mor. 
I struggle to engage with anyone, feeling more alone than ever while surrounded by my chosen family. 
The rest of the night is much of the same. 
Every single word is a monumental effort. 
I’m hyper-aware of every single person around the table. Every single smile and hidden touch. I feel as if I’m watching from behind a window. I’m on the outside. Alone.
‘They’ll be fine without you,’ that little voice whispers in my ear. ‘Look how happy they are. They don’t need you. All your efforts are wasted. You are a waste.’
After dinner I bid everyone goodnight, heading up to my room. 
I miss the concerned glances between my friends, who noticed I’ve been extra quiet tonight.
I miss the shadows that follow behind me. 
I miss the way Azriel zones out from what Elain is saying as he watches me leave. 
I can’t remember the last time I stayed in this room but all my things remain untouched. Clothing, journals, even some beauty products - all where I left them. 
I pick up one of my old journals and flip through the pages. I mostly write down the bad stuff. It usually helps get the feelings out, but right now, it’s only adding to the storm that’s brewing inside me. 
I carefully set down the books in a stack on my nightstand, picking up a scrap of parchment. As I always do, I write. 
I’m sorry to do this here, tonight, but I cannot go on any longer.  I truly believe this is for the best. The world was not made for people like me. I’m far too soft.  I love you all. Y/N
I set the note down on the bed and rummage through my various medicines. I’ve always struggled to sleep, so I should have some extra tonics in here somewhere… 
I find four bottles of sleeping tonic in one of my drawers, plus the one in my pocket. 
I arrange them on the nightstand in a straight line. 
I pick up the first bottle, uncorking it and raising it in the air. 
A toast, to finding someplace better.
I bring the glass rim to my lips, chugging the clear liquid. 
One down. Just a few more. 
I make short work of the remaining bottles, though I feel a bit queasy from the sheer volume. 
As I set down the last bottle, a wisp of darkness curls around my wrist and snakes between the empty bottles. 
“You’re too late,” I tell it. 
The shadow vanishes and my eyes start to droop. 
I lay down on the bed, my entire body feeling heavy. 
As I feel myself losing the battle for consciousness, a mass of dark shadows appears next to the bed. 
He is frantic as he reaches towards me. 
So close. He was so close. 
I never get to feel those hands again as the world fades to black and I give myself over to the endless sleep. 
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A/N: I’m not gonna lie and say I’m okay when clearly I’m not, but I’m not unsafe tonight. 
Mental Health Resources*:  If you’re in immediate danger please call your country’s emergency number. Australia: Beyond Blue: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/ Mental Health Hotline: 1800 011 511 Lifeline: 13 11 14 USA:  Crisis Line (call or text): 988 UK:  Lifeline: 0808 808 8000 *If I have gotten anything wrong or if you have other resources to add, please let me know
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httpswritings · 5 months
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Can't Remember To Forget You — Alexia Putellas x Jenni Hermoso
Warnings: a small mention of irritated skin, i guess some people may find skin harm triggering.
Word count: 2076
Summary: Alexia and Jenni have to share a room for the World Cup.
A/N: I love reading Alexia x Jenni's fics and I got inspired to write this. I don't know if there'll be a second part as I'm currently working on other fics' second parts and writing new stories.
When Jenni got told that both Alexia and her were going to share a room, she knew she had to mentally prepare herself for having Alexia so near. It had been a while since they both broke up, but the older woman knew that «it was always going to be Alexia.» On the other hand, Alexia was aware of the situation being a bit uncomfortable, but it didn't seem to bother her more than expected.
Jenni was one of the first crushes Alexia had ever had. Everyone was always laughing when they got near her. She was caring, tender, and had great humor. Plus, there was a four-year age difference between them, making Alexia feel intrigued by the older woman. It took Jenni a couple of years since meeting Alexia for the first time to be interested in her.
The Spanish National Team entered the hotel; players were divided into pairs, except Irene and Ivana, who were going to stay in a room with their wives and children. Alexia was waiting for Jenni until the older woman suggested Alexia to head to their room without her without any worries. Jenni stayed chatting with Misa and Laia, who were partnered up. “I don't know how things are between you and her, but if you feel like it's too uncomfortable, you can call us.” The Real Madrid's goalkeeper felt a little lost in the ex-couple's situation but still offered some support along with Laia. “It's weird, but it'll pass with the passing of days.” Jenni waved goodbye at the pair and headed to the room, where she found Alexia placing her hygiene products in the bathroom.
“It's nice. The room, I mean...” Alexia nodded, looking up to face Jenni. “I've chosen the bed nearest to the window. Let me know if you want to switch them. I have no problem.” Jenni shook her head and proceeded to unpack her things. Neither of them said a word until Alexia asked Jenni if she wanted her to wait for her to go down to the lobby to reunite with the team. Jenni shook her head again, and Alexia couldn't help but roll her eyes. «This is going to be really hard», she thought.
After having dinner, Alexia went earlier to the room. She tucked herself into the bed. The room was dark and silent, but her mind was loud enough to create the illusion of the room being filled with a crowd. She kept hearing people going in and out of the rooms. A particular laugh caught her attention. She heard Jenni and Misa, accompanied by Laia, who was rushing to sush them. “She's probably sleeping, Misa. Leave her alone.” But Misa insisted on visiting Alexia. “C'mon! It's the first day, and tomorrow we only have a stretching session at midday. It's barely half past nine!” Alexia closed her eyes as she felt some light intruding the room when the three girls entered the room. “See! She's already asleep! Let's go to our room.” Laia dragged Misa out of the room, gaining some whines from the goalkeeper. Jenni couldn't stop the soft giggles from listening to Misa and Laia argue in the hallway as if they were children, their voices only silencing when they closed their room. 
“I was not asleep. I'm curious about what you three had in mind.” Jenni jumped, as she didn't expect Alexia to talk. “Jesus, Alexia. I thought you were already asleep.” Alexia got on her elbows, looking at her ex-girlfriend. "Misa wanted to hang out in our room, and Laia, well, she was trying to make sure you didn't wake up.”
Jenni changed into her pyjamas in the bathroom, and when she got out of the bathroom, Alexia couldn't help but appreciate her body. The way Jenni's long legs adjusted to her pink pyjama shorts, and her breasts were perfectly defined by the t-shirt she was wearing. She blushed when she noticed that Jenni had caught her staring, so she rolled over and wished Jenni goodnight.
 “Goodnight, Alexia.”
Alexia woke up before Jenni. It was still dark, but she could see Jenni's figure going up and down as she breathed. She remembered the mornings when she would wake up with Jenni sleeping next to her. She loved waking up to a naked Jenni sleeping next to her. Sometimes she would wake her up in between kisses to end up making love to her, «waking you up as you deserve», that was what she always told her. Most of the time, she would admire Jenni's beauty. Alexia was a woman of few words, but Jenni's figure made her feel inspired enough to get into detail, describing every mole, every scar, and every redness. It was more than pure sexual desire. It was love. Pure love.
As the minutes passed by, the room started to lighten up, making the vision of Jenni's figure more clear. She was facing Alexia. Her black hair over her face. Alexia laughed thinking about the days where she would wake up with a tingling sensation on her face, being Jenni's hair interrupting her sleep. Alexia's eyes moved to Jenni's slightly parted lips.
Jenni knew how to kiss, depending on the moment. She could give her the most delicate kiss ever, as a sign of «I'm here with you», «I love you», «You are safe». But she could also give Alexia the roughest and filthiest kiss as a way of saying «I need you», «let's go to the bedroom» or «let's make love». For the very first time in a long time, Alexia felt the need to feel Jenni's lips against hers.
She became aware of that feeling. «Alexia, you're ovulating. Quit this nonsense thinking.» The voice in her mind was trying to convince her of the opposite of what she was thinking. She felt a tingling sensation below her core. The need to wake Jenni up and beg her to touch her, to kiss her, to let her make love to her. She looked at the time on her phone. There were still twenty minutes until the alarm would go off. She closed her eyes. All types of memories of her past relationship with Jenni came back to her, hitting her like a truck.
Jenni helped Alexia experiment back in the day. With her, she explored different areas of her sexuality. When they got together, Jenni was more sexually experienced than Alexia, but that was never a problem. They decided to wait some months until they made love for the first time. Alexia smiled as she remembered how well it went. Jenni couldn't stop holding her. She had never felt that loved, even if she had had good experiences before Jenni. But with her... It was different. «Ale, if you feel the need to stop, tell me. No matter how far we've gone. Tell me whatever you need to make you feel as good as possible.»  
Alexia felt overwhelmed the first time Jenni gave her an orgasm, finishing with some giggles. They shared a precious moment of intimacy. The Catalan woman couldn't forget the first time she gave Jenni an orgasm. Seeing her blissful face as she called Alexia's name out was something Alexia couldn't even describe to this day. Every time she made Jenni orgasm, she felt more addicted to her and the sounds she made. «Ale! Right there, mi vida. Right there...»
Alexia was so induced by her memories that she didn't realize Jenni was waking up. “Good morning.” 
The Catalan looked over Jenni's bed, seeing her with a timid smile, so sweet if it wasn't because of the way Alexia was feeling right now, which had nothing to do with sweetness but pure lust.
“Good morning, Jenni.”
«This can't be happening to me!» Alexia couldn't think properly. She didn't know how to act. All that was on her mind was the image of Jenni's butt perfectly shaped by her underwear. She pressed her legs against each other, gaining a pleasant sensation below her core. «Is she playing games with me?», Maybe that's not a big deal for her. It's not the first time someone from the team is in her underwear in front of me. This happens in the locker room many times. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal.»
Actually, Jenni didn't do it on purpose. She realized what she had done when she entered the bathroom. Her body stayed completely frozen in front of the mirror. She didn't know how to get out of that situation. Thankfully, Misa and Laila knocked on the door. “Good morning, girls!”
«I don't know why I was grateful for them coming over, because this is even weirder. How am I supposed to get out of the bathroom like this?»
Misa called Jenni from the bedroom. The older woman decided to give some naturalness to the situation. «If it gets weird, just joke about it.»
She got out of the bedroom, and silence filled the room. “What? Does my morning face scare you or what?” She pretended to be as unbothered as possible. “Were you hot last night?”, Misa asked, gaining a hit on the shoulder from Laia. “Yes, very hot. I couldn't sleep.” The goalkeeper felt a little lost. «Yesterday she was uncomfortable with sharing a room with Alexia, and now she gets out of the bathroom almost bottomless.» Misa knew Jenni never felt weirder out by showing skin around people she trusted. It was normal to be topless on Spain's beaches, and no one really cared apart from tourists. Plus, they all got changed in the locker room. It was the fact that Alexia had stayed immobile on her bed, playing with her hands and gluing her hands to them, unable to look up since Jenni had left the bathroom.
Laia and Misa eventually left, leaving Jenni and Alexia alone. “Sorry, I didn't remember I had taken my pants off. Maybe it was because of the jet lag, but I couldn't sleep, and the sheets started to be itchy without any reason because they are clean, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I understand that—”
“No. It's fine.” Alexia finally looked at Jenni, gaining a smile from the older woman. “Why didn't you tell that to Misa instead of agreeing on you being warm?”
“Because I actually was. As I scratched my skin to stop the stitching, or at least to try to, it left me with a warm sensation on my skin, especially on my stomach. I'd have to put some lotion on, I guess, because I'm still getting some reaction from it.”
Alexia frowned. “Still from last night? May I see? If it's not too much for you.” Jenni pulled her shirt off over her stomach, only leaving that area visible, and Alexia jumped off the bed to get near her. “Jenni! It's red. You need to put some lotion on. Did you do this just by scratching? Are you sure it's not an allergic reaction?” Jenni melted at Alexia's preoccupation. It reminded her of how Alexia behaved when she was her girlfriend. Caring, clingy and funny.
“Can I touch it?” Jenni nodded, tensing to the contact of Alexia's hand on the irritated area of her stomach, trying to be as delicate as she could. “Jennifer, I'm serious. If you don't go to get that checked, I'm dragging you towards the medical team by myself.“
Yeah, that was also Alexia. She could be the most easy-going person in the field, but as soon as something happened, she would remain stoic about her position and do whatever she thought was right. Jenni loved that side of her, too. She would usually tease her, «Okay, Captain!» and Alexia would not give any answer back, still focused on whatever happened.
But now it was different. They had that tension around them. Still sexually attracted, they were cautious around each other, not wanting to make the other one uncomfortable.
“Don't worry, Ale—Alexia. I'll get it checked, but probably after having breakfast. I'm starving.” Alexia still had her hand on Jenni's stomach when she noticed her hand tremble, accompanied by a sound from Jenni's body, indicating how hungry she was, making the two of them laugh as they forgot for a few seconds all the tension they had been holding.
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