#pac man championship edition demake
smbhax · 3 months
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The 11 NES/Famicom games in Namco Museum Archives Volume 1:
Dig Dug (Famicom) (never came to NES) Dragon Buster (Famicom) (never came to NES) Dragon Spirit (NES) Druaga to Nou (Famicom) (aka Tower of Druaga; never came to NES) Galaxian (Famicom) (never came to NES) Mappy (Famicom) (never came to NES) Pac-Man (Famicom) (unlicensed on NES by Tengen (Atari); late NES Namco release) Pac-Man Championship Edition (modern ROM) Sky Kid (Famicom) Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti (Famicom) (never came to NES) Xevious (Famicom)
Session: https://youtu.be/nMUQsbdp2HQ
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a-girl-called-bob · 5 months
I've spent time over the last two years (starting jan 2022) trying to beat Extra Mode in NES Pac-Man Championship Edition without dying (not using weenie strategies). On my first attempt today, New Years Day 2024, I finally did it.
I don't know what this says about the year ahead, but I like the energy.
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
I honestly am expecting Klonoa Phantsy Reverie to overshadow pretty much every Pac-Man release from the 2010’s (save for stuff that were F2P or mobile) A question I’ve always feared though is if Pac-Man would become Namco’s equivalent of Alex Kidd, the mascot they killed off once Sonic proved more successful. Because while Klonoa didn’t do well in his hayday, Pac-Man’s been struggling ever since GA. It genuinely feels like the tables have turned and I am kind of concerned as the PMW fan I am…
Namco has done a lot more with Pac-man than they ever have Klonoa. I mean, jeeze, in between the last Klonoa game (on the Wii) and now, we got:
Pac-man Remix (2009) (Mobile)
Pac-man: Championship Edition DX (2010)
Pac-man Party (2010)
Pac-man Arcade Party (2010)
Pac-Match Party (2010) (Mobile)
Pac-man Reborn (2010) (Mobile)
Pac-Chain (2010) (Mobile)
Pac-Attack (2010) (Mobile)
Pac'n-Jump (2011) (Mobile)
Pac-Chomp! (2011) (Mobile)
Pac-man Battle Royale (2011)
Pac-man Kart Rally (2012) (Mobile)
Pac-man: Chomp Mania (2013) (Mobile)
Pac-man and the Ghostly Adventures (2013)
Pac-man Dash! (2013) (Mobile)
Pac-man and the Ghostly Adventures 2 (2014)
Pac-man Museum (2014)
Pac-man Monsters (2014) (Mobile)
Pac-man Friends (2014) (Mobile)
World's Largest Pac-man (2015)
Pac-man Bounce (2014) (Mobile)
Pac-man 256 (2016)
Pac-man Puzzle Tour (2016) (Mobile)
Pac-man Pop! (2016) (Mobile)
Pac-man Hats (2016) (Mobile)
Pac-man: Championship Edition 2 (2016)
Pac-man Hats 2 (2017) (Mobile)
Pac-man Maker (2017) (Mobile)
Pac-man's Pixel Bash (2018)
Pac-man Geo (2020) (Mobile)
Pac-man 99 (2021)
Don't beat yourself up so much. Namco still cares deeply about Pac-man. I mean, in the latest Namco collection they actually released their own homebrew demake of Pac-man Championship Edition that runs on real NES hardware. That wasn't easy and took a lot of genuine dedication.
I don't know if Namco will ever do another Pac-man World game ever again, but I'm sure they'll do something close to it one day, eventually.
On the other hand, I've always got the vibe that Klonoa was never as successful as they wanted, so I don't expect this new collection to take over the world or anything. It's just nice they're finally throwing Klonoa fans a bone.
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game-levels · 3 years
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So, About That Pac-Man Championship Edition Demake...
My current fave game is a Famicom/NES iteration of one of an all-time fave titles for the Xbox 360: Pac-Man Championship Edition. Which was recently released as a bonus title of sorts, for the recently released Namcot Collection.
But the video above is not said game. Or is it?
Said video was published in 2017. Three years ago? Alas its uploader provides zero precious info; when someone in the comments asked where the rom came from, the answer was just...
And when asked if said uploader still has it, the response was simply...
"not anymore"
It's worth noting that I saw the video above courtesy of @gosokkyu, who states...
"...that "8-bit demake" of Pac-Man Championship Edition may very well be based on an old Japanese homebrew, similar to Sega's acquisition of the fan-made Darius port for the Mega Drive Mini"
A few days later, Siliconera (side note: who out there remembers my days as their East Coast Editor?) published an interview with Naoki Horii, from M2, which (not surprisingly) is responsible for Namcot Collection. Though the focus was, of course, "Pac-Man Championship Edition (FC Arrange Version)" and the following is perhaps the most interesting part...
"... we originally negotiated to port the game to Nintendo 3DS, and afterwards, we’ve been working on this for around nearly five years."
Wait, so is the M2's version and the one seen above not the same thing, as in from totally different parties? Anyone who has played the one that just came out for the Switch can tell you that it's somewhat different than what you see in the video, or should I say hear... the audio in the retail release is more polished... but otherwise they're VERY similar.
But then along comes @blizzardjesus, who shared this second video, which appears to be the same version as seen above... except it's eleven years old?
I then decided to go back to the previous YouTube video's comments section and take a closer look. These two, from the same person, really stood out...
"Nobody has the rom/patch because the creator, Coke774, never released it, just the footage. He did some minor patches found over at romhacking but not a lot. I suspect it wasn't released for legal reasons."
"... it is what it is. This was never released so unfortunately, for now, all we have is footage like this. Maybe one day it will get released but Coke774, for some reason, isn't releasing it yet. https://togetter.com/li/743867 - you can see there they made a homebrew cartridge of it for themselves."
That link compiles various social media content into a blog post-like container. Included is various Niconico videos, including one for Coke774's "Nintendo version Pac-Man CE (Port without permission)". Alas, it's no longer viewable, but check this out; a cartridge version, of sorts, was produced via the usage of Kirby's Adventure...
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The photo above was shared by someone else on Twitter, @mucom88, back in 2014, which again proves that this other Pac-Man CE demake existed before M2 began working on theirs. Maybe?
Now, not to get off track here, but something else by Coke774 that caught my eye was "Famicom version Gradius (AC conversion)". Sorry, but I’m simply a massive Gradius fanboy; again, it's associated Niconico footage is long gone, but, footage does exist... via Coke774's YouTube channel!
It too saw a "physical release", and the following was again taken by @mucom88 in 2014...
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Fellow Import Club member @joe_keiser, who unearthed Coke774′s YouTube account, observed: "Notably pac man CE is not on his channel". Interesting! 
So the original question stands: was M2's Pac-Man CE demake made completely separately, and it just so happens to coincidentally to be VERY similar to a homebrew project? There's enough evidence of Coke774's handiwork that makes me believe that his version wasn't faked... so I'm assuming that he was simply hired by M2?
Yet, as evidenced by the fact that there’s a “2019″ in the title of that last video, it would appear that he still does stuff on the side? Hey, did he by chance work on the hidden arcade version of Gradius for the PC Engine Mini? Even more questions!
UPDATE #1: I just realized that the link with all the compiled tweets and Niconico footage no longer works! Yet it was up, only just a few hours ago… again, interesting!
UPDATE #2: I initially thought that now dead link was non-functional due to a mistake on my end. Which is not the case (though it’s still VERY odd how it all of sudden all the contents JUST disappeared), yet I decided to check everything else, just cuz.
Well, I just came across another Twitter thread from @gosokkyu once again, which in addition to side-by-side comparisons, also has the following discovery… 
"I did a quick search and dude pulled his old webpage and privated all his Pacman CE videos towards the end of last year"(!!!)
You'll also find links to all of the now private vids, BTW/FYI.
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sodapaladin · 4 years
Vol. 3 of Namcot Classic had some interesting, surprising games in there, so I went ahead and got the Japanese app thing to try them out. I gotta say, it’s quite the mixed bag. Is it worth 2640 yen? Eeeh?
Xevious - A classic that’s always fun in any form. I’ve never been super into it, but it’s good.
Dig Dug - One of my favorite arcade games. The NES port was fine back in the day, but now that I can play the superior arcade version on my Switch already, is there really a reason to play this? Granted, I do like the Galaxian port better than the original, so maybe it has its fans. It’s certainly worth your ¥300 if you don’t have Namco Museum.
Tower of Babel - I love puzzle games, so I was excited to play this, but holy cow is it frustrating.
Sky Kid - Pretty solid. Again, not a game I’m super into, but it’s not bad.
Metro-Cross - Surprisingly fun, but it got stale quickly for me. I wouldn’t go out of my way to get this separately, but it’s fine.
Megami Tensei - The most surprising addition in the bunch. Surprisingly not too difficult to navigate with my Japanese, but it’s unforgiving and I died in my first battle. Will try again earnestly some other time.
The Quest of Ki - A charming platformer with the gimmick of floating around everywhere. Kind of neat.
King of Kings - I had never heard of this game, and it looks so coool. I definitely need to read more about it, because jumping in blind overwhelmed me. If you don’t know Japanese, this will probably be a challenge.
Family Pinball - While more visually appealing than Nintendo’s Pinball, I found this surprisingly difficult and a little frustrating. It’s fun and cute, but prepare to swear a lot.
Namco Classic II - The main reason I bought this. Honestly, if you want to play an NES golf game, NES Open Tournament Golf is easily the best one, followed by Golf. This might be my next favorite, though. I like the music a lot, and the caddies are a cute touch. It’s a bit difficult, but that makes it all the more satisfying to master.
I don’t regret getting the whole pack, especially since it unlocked the demake of Pac-Man Championship Edition, which is an absolute blast. Still, it’s a bit much to pay for a few games I probably won’t play too much. I wonder if there will be a volume 4.
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yoyo12x13 · 4 years
Namco ports Pac-Man CE for the Xbox 360 to the NES for the Switch
Namco ports Pac-Man CE for the Xbox 360 to the NES for the Switch
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Namco has a new range of Famicom (NES) games coming out for the Nintendo Switch this month, and it includes an unexpected bonus: a NES demake of Pac-Man Championship Edition, the incredibly good reimagining of Pac-Man released for the Xbox 360 in 2007.
Pac-Man CE transformed Pac-Manfrom a plodding stage-based game into a fast-paced time attack where every round lasts five minutes and…
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entergamingxp · 4 years
NES arcade bundles Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2 out today • Eurogamer.net
On Xbox One, PS4, Switch, and PC.
Bandai Namco is back with yet more bundles of its golden oldies today, this time in the form of its 8-bit-themed Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2, both of which are available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC.
As you might have already twigged, Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2 are the localised versions of Bandai Namco’s previously announced Namcot Collection, which releases in Japan today. Both offer a collection of NES arcade adaptations, but there are notable differences in the way the titles are being delivered across territories.
Over in Japan, the digital Namcot Collection takes the form of a free-to-download base game, which includes Wagyan Land and can be expanded by purchasing new titles individually. Currently ten titles are available, and a total of 20 more will arrive in August and October.
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Over in the west, however, Bandai Namco has divided 22 games (including an intriguing 8-bit demake of the much-loved Pac-Man Championship Edition) across two separate releases, which look a little something like this:
Dragon Buster
Dragon Spirit: The New Legend
Sky Kid
Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti 
The Tower of Druaga
PAC-MAN Championship Edition
Battle City
Dig Dug II
Dragon Buster II
Legacy of the Wizard
Mendel Palace
Rolling Thunder
Super Xevious
Digital versions of Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1 & 2 are available now, should you be gripped by a sudden yearning for the comforting blanket of nostalgia. Each volume costs £15.99 apiece on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch, and £16.99 on Steam.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/nes-arcade-bundles-namco-museum-archives-vol-1-2-out-today-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=nes-arcade-bundles-namco-museum-archives-vol-1-2-out-today-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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wickytwack · 4 years
via The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW)
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smbhax · 3 months
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Namco/M2 didn't create the NES version of Pac-Man Championship Edition released as the "new" centerpiece of Namco Museum Archives Volume 1 in 2020; they polished an unacknowledged, unreleased 2008 homebrew port by Japanese 8-bit console port hobbyist coke0774 ( https://www.youtube.com/@coke0774 ):
Session: https://youtu.be/cXMMva8CCv8
2007 CE releases on Xbox 360 2008 coke774 posts video of their "FC VER."/"NES" CE to YouTube and Niconico, and screenshots to their personal website 2009 A presumed copy of coke774's 2008 NES CE video appears on Vimeo
2013 coke774 tweets (Google Translate) "It's been a while since I received an email from a foreigner asking for a Pac-Man ROM" 2014 A Twitter user shares a photo of a Famicom cart w/ a sticker on it saying "PACMAM Championship Edition DX"
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2015 According to Namco's NES CE director in a 2020 interview, Namco "negotiates" & starts work on a never-released stand-alone 3DS port of NES CE 2018 coke774's YouTube NES CE video nears 150K views 2019 coke774 sets their NES CE videos private & takes down their personal web site 2020
Namco teases their "new," NES version of CE
Namco's NES CE director says "While there are some people who knew about this project beforehand, I bet even they will still be surprised at the finished game!"--no mention of coke774
Official NES CE release as flagship game in the "Namco Museum Archives Volume 1" collection, credited entirely to M2
Confronted by Ars Technica, Namco half-assedly admits "In the case of Coke774, his work was highly appreciated by our team and we worked with him officially to implement his design into our game"
TCRF/Shacknews analysis: M2 polished the FX, replaced the sound, added more fruit, and the menu stuff: Extra mode, in-game achievements, replays, sound test
https://medium.com/attract-mode/so-about-that-pac-man-championship-edition-demake-a39c92ab6e6e by @attract-mode-collective (their tumblr version of article)
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itmanco · 4 years
'Pac-Man: Championship Edition’ demake is coming to the US The NES-style demake of Pac-Man: Championship Edition will be part of Namco Museum Archives Vol. 1. https://ift.tt/2UBmFpv By Samy Morsy
from I.T MAN https://ift.tt/1cjthd7 via IFTTTBy Samy Morsy
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blog-retrogradewear · 4 years
Pac-Man Championship Edition Demake Heading West With Namco Museum Archives https://t.co/8OwK0I3nQd
Pac-Man Championship Edition Demake Heading West With Namco Museum Archives https://t.co/8OwK0I3nQd
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) June 11, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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smbhax · 3 months
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Pac-Man Championship Edition - Famicom/NES bootlegs
-- https://medium.com/attract-mode/so-about-that-pac-man-championship-edition-demake-a39c92ab6e6e
-- https://www.etsy.com/listing/1000805459/pac-man-championship-edition-nintendo?show_sold_out_detail=1&ref=nla_listing_details
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blog-retrogradewear · 4 years
Pac-Man Championship Edition Demake Started Out as a 3DS Game https://t.co/AXM5Ftq2Of
Pac-Man Championship Edition Demake Started Out as a 3DS Game https://t.co/AXM5Ftq2Of
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) June 8, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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blog-retrogradewear · 4 years
Pac-Man Championship Edition Demake Included With Namcot Collection Full Purchase https://t.co/Wmd0cHPRZP
Pac-Man Championship Edition Demake Included With Namcot Collection Full Purchase https://t.co/Wmd0cHPRZP
— Retrograde Wear Gaming (@RetroGradeWear) June 5, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/RetroGradeWear
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Pac-Man Championship Edition is getting a NES-inspired demake on Switch • Eurogamer.net
Pac-Man Championship Edition – Bandai Namco’s wonderful reimagining of the arcade classic – is getting a retro redo, courtesy of an official NES-style demake that’s heading to Switch soon.
Pac-Man Championship Edition arrived to much acclaim when it launched on Xbox 360 in 2007. Designed by Toru Iwatani, the man responsible for Pac-Man’s original outing, Championship Edition reimagined the arcade classic’s iconic maze-based action into a wonderfully compelling time attack frenzy, tasking players with scoring as many points as possible within 5-minutes, with the speed ramping higher and higher as the clock ticked down.
It’s a reimagining that, despite its pounding, pulsating presentation, remains remarkably faithful to the arcade original, tweaking, rather than re-inventing the familiar formula. And so in that regard, a retro demake doesn’t sound all that absurd – which (as reported be Game Watch and spotted by The Verge) is exactly what Switch owners will be getting when Bandai Namco’s new Namcot Collection arrives soon.
The Namcot Collection is a ten-strong bundle of 10 nostalgia-tickling NES titles – currently only announced for Japan – that’ll feature Battle City, Dragon Spirit: The New Legend Pac-Man, Family Jockey, Galaga, Mendel Palace, Splatterhouse: Wanpaku Graffiti, Star Luster, The Tower of Druaga, Wagan Land, and Yokai Dochuki.
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The Pac-Man Championship Edition demake will be included as a bonus, re-imagining the re-imagining as if it were released alongside the other NES games in the bundle.
There’s no word of a western release for the Namcot Collection just yet, but it’s due to launch physically and digitally for Switch on 18th June in Japan.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/06/pac-man-championship-edition-is-getting-a-nes-inspired-demake-on-switch-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=pac-man-championship-edition-is-getting-a-nes-inspired-demake-on-switch-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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