#page 5263
homestuckconfession · 2 months
I genuinley belueve latula pyrope isnt a real homestuck character, I played all the flash game portions of homestuck and looked for her everywhere but she never showed up at ALL
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Kankri Vantas, Latula Pyrope
Act 6, page 5263
KANKRI: 9h, hey, Latula. I th9ught I heard y9ur device grinding 9n vari9us surfaces near6y.
KANKRI: H9w are y9ur athletic t9y stunts g9ing? Are y9u getting a l9t 9f... a l9t 9f "air"? Am I saying that right?
#Did y9u hang... #Hang 10? #N9 that can't 6e right...
LATULA: you knowz 1t bro!!!
LATULA: you c4nt 3v3n TOUCH th1s. 1m 3sc4p1ng to th3 s1d3, from 4bov3, from 3v3ry wh1ch w4y b4s1c4lly!!!!
KANKRI: Well, I wasn't g9ing t9 attempt t9 make any s9rt 9f physical c9ntact with y9u, and even if I did, I have n9 d9u6t that y9u w9uld 6e a6le t9 maneuver away fr9m my grasp 9n y9ur speedy little platf9rm. Either way, I'm m9re than c9ntent t9 let y9u escape in any directi9n 9f y9ur ch99sing, if that's y9ur wish.
LATULA: dud3. just wh3n 1 th1nk youv3 4lr34dy s41d th3 squ4r3st th1ng poss1bl3, you go 4nd s4y som3th1ng l1k3 th4t.
KANKRI: Haha. I guess. Y9u kn9w, it's really nice we can talk like this.
LATULA: 1t 1s...
KANKRI: Yes. I was just thinking lately, a69ut 9ur new p9st-scratch friends. Particularly the y9ung Vantas and Pyr9pe iterati9ns 9n their team, and h9w they're pretty similar t9 us, 6ut als9 really different.
LATULA: y34h. l1l m3 1s bl1nd! d1d u 3v3n KNOW th4t??
#h4v3 u s33n h3r l1l dr4gon su1t?? 3333! #SO cut3 >8]
KANKRI: Yes, 6ut that's n9t really what I'm talking a69ut.
KANKRI: She and Karkat have a different relati9nship fr9m the 9ne we have. Theirs is much m9re tur6ulent, which is fueled presuma6ly 6y r9mantic tensi9n. I'm picking up 9n s9me maj9r vascillati9n vi6es fr9m their situati9n. It's kind 9f unf9rtunate, 6ut it makes me grateful that we never g9t t9 that p9int.
LATULA: h3llz y34h. who n33ds th4t?
KANKRI: I'm sure it's m9stly due t9 the fact that we've stayed entirely away fr9m the sting6ug's nest 9f r9mantic entanglement. Which 9f c9urse is related t9 my 9ath 9f celi6acy, which as y9u kn9w is just a pers9nal ch9ice, 9ne which f9r s9me reas9n my p9st-scratch adult self eventually strayed fr9m... with... Meulin, 9f all pe9ple? 6ut that's neither here n9r there.
#Seri9usly. #I mean, she's nice, 6ut... #Really?
LATULA: h4h4h4h4... you 4nd m3uz. st1ll cr4cks m3 up... H4H4H4H4H4H4!!!!
#:3 #h3h3h3h
KANKRI: Yes. 6ut regardless. What I'm saying is, it's great we stayed away fr9m that. It's helped me appreciate y9u as a friend, and admire all y9ur g99d qualities. Plat9nically, 9f c9urse.
LATULA: your3 r1ght! 1ts b33n pr3tty r4d wh3n you put 1t th4t w4y.
KANKRI: Like h9w y9u never 69ught int9 the usual r9les 9f y9ur caste, as an aqua, n9t even the m9re "well intended" s9cial c9nventi9ns 9f y9ur privileged arist9cratic 6l99dline. Y9u never l99ked d9wn 9n any69dy, 9r saw it as y9ur civil duty t9 care f9r 9r "impr9ve" the warmer classes, falling prey t9 unf9rtunate tendencies inv9lving cerulean savi9r c9mplex, 9r the "6lue 6l99d's 6urden" (trigger warning 9n that, 96vi9usly) which sadly 6ecame s9 insepera6le fr9m the fa6ric 9f the spectral 9rder, with each class c9nditi9ned t9 view th9se 6el9w it the same way, the 96stacles t9 raising awareness were alm9st insurm9unta6le. 6ut unlike the c99ler hues 9n 9ur team m9re priviliged than y9u, like y9ur Serkets, y9ur Zahhaks, y9ur Amp9ras... I never g9t the sense that y9u put the slightest 6it 9f st9ck in any 9f that, and I think that's pretty amazing.
#Cerulean savi9rs #Teal templars #Vi9let valiants #Purple paladins
LATULA: uh... y34h! th4t sh1tz 4 dr4g, why would 1 both3r w1th 4ny of th4t? 1 m34n, 1ll h3lp low bloods l34rn stunts 4nd ch34t cod3z 1f th3y w4nt, but th4ts 1t!!!
KANKRI: Right. And I'm just saying if my head was ever cl9uded 6y r9mantic feelings f9r y9u, I pr96a6ly w9uldn't 6e a6le t9 appreciate that a69ut y9u.
KANKRI: Just like I w9uldn't 6e a6le t9 appreciate the fairly c99l "zees" y9u put at the end 9f many w9rds, 9r say things l9udly and with enthusiasm, even if it's n9t particularly warranted.
#It rarely is
LATULA: h3h3h. y34h!!!!
KANKRI: 9r the way y9ur hair fl9ws in the wind when y9u sc99t 9ver s9me s9rt 9f 96stactle 9n y9ur device really fast.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u make this funny little n9ise just as y9u c9nnect with 9ne 9f y9ur c9pi9us high fives, which can 9nly 6e heard 9ver the l9ud slap if y9u listen really cl9sely.
LATULA: um, y34h... 1 not1c3d... som3 stuff l1k3 th4t...
LATULA: 4bout you too 1 gu3ss?
LATULA: h3h.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u have always sh9wn kindness t9 pe9ple wh9 needed help, with9ut making them feel tragic 9r helpless f9r accepting it.
KANKRI: 9r the way y9u still manage t9 l99k stylish even with9ut y9ur c99l shades, 9r s9metimes when they're pr9pped up 9n y9ur head just in fr9nt 9f y9ur h9rns.
LATULA: wh...
#1... #hm
KANKRI: 9r, I d9n't kn9w if y9u remem6er, that time Meenah 6aked every69dy a cake. It was the first sweep anniversary 9f entering the game, 9ne 9f the rare m9ments 9f s9lidarity and g99d cheer am9ng 9ur entire team at 9nce. Every9ne was raving a69ut h9w g99d the fresh 6aked cake smelled, s9 y9u t99k a 6ig sniff, I guess f9rgetting f9r a m9ment y9u c9uldn't smell. Then y9u quickly caught y9urself, and played it c99l making sure n9 9ne n9ticed, which n9 9ne did. 6ut I n9ticed. And I just th9ught that was kind 9f endearing.
KANKRI: Anyway, I think all that w9uld have 6een c9mpletely l9st 9n me if we didn't have this str9ng plat9nic 69nd. I just th9ught I'd say that. Guess I'll get g9ing n9w.
KANKRI: See y9u ar9und, Latula.
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scalematez · 2 years
What about latula? I've actually always found her ultra interesting but i never really got it.
Sorry this took so long! This is a bit of a wall.
Latula Pyrope, Knight of Mind, introduced to us Homestuck Act 6 Intermission 3, page 5263. 
I’ve seen her character get flattened down to just “gamer girl, but like a 90’s gamer girl” on more than one occasion. Taking “Radglare” as the whole. One of the first things you need to know about knights is that if you buy into their most surface-level persona and don’t read beyond it, then you fell for it. 
They are often, in some way or another, hiding behind a wet papier-mâché wall, maybe even a caricature of their own making (intentionally or not). This applies to Dave, this applies to Karkat. It isn’t hard for the people around them to see behind, but they fall prey to their own personal sense of failure. 
Latula, as is the case with all the other Beforan trolls sans Meenah and Aranea, only really has substantial interactions with 3 characters total. In her case, this is Meenah (inevitably), Porrim, and Kankri. Within this short amount of time though, the finest cuts of her character come from her interactions with Porrim in particular. 
Beginning in her interactions with Meenah, we see Latula put on a display so cartoonish that it becomes overbearing. The constant high-fives and the spewing of nonsense lingo that would’ve gotten her weird looks in an actual 90’s-style arcade don’t take very long to get on Meenah’s nerves. 
With Porrim however her behavior plainly gets called out for what it is; a routine. 
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Porrim actually gives us some interesting and comprehensive insight into why and how misogyny still exists in Beforan troll society (a take that those who compare Porrim to a men’s rights activist must have either sorely missed or straight up ignored, but my serious salt about that can wait for another day), and this comes to us because she’s making an observation about Latula that is essential to understanding her character; the way she acts is, in some part, a response to internalized misogyny. 
It’s no secret that misogyny was (and still is, to some extent) a problem in many gaming circles, and in the sentiments expressed among or around them. Some girls, in order to adapt to this, took on an “I’m not like other girls”-esque persona, often to a degree that was a bit obnoxious (I’m saying this with experience). This is what Latula is a satire of, largely. 
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Latula actually is competent, at least as a mind player. She has a lot more going on under the surface than is immediately obvious. Her conversations with Meenah (for example, where she mentions having pieced together why Meenah killed them all immediately before the scratch) imply that she spends some fair amount of time mulling things over and piecing them together. 
In her conversation with Porrim about the cosmic state of relationships between the Serket and Pyrope families she also alludes to having an intrinsic understanding of karma, implying that it’s something she as a mind player is specifically suited to understand, and then redirects the conversation the moment she’s asked to elaborate. 
She has a bit of an incapability to be genuine even in the one setting she’s most comfortable doing so. While her conversations with Porrim are the most genuine we've seen her, she still defaults at moments to brushing things aside, or perhaps playing dumb in some cases. 
It’s worth noting Latula has some kind of anxiety disorder, and she’s supposed to be medicated for it. She calls her own behavior “neurotic” at one point, though it’s not clarified whether that’s a genuine diagnosis or she meant it in a misused figurative sense (personally I like to believe she is, though it’s still not canonly specified). 
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All in all, Latula is kind of a deeply troubled person. Her exaggerated, somewhat obnoxious demeanor isn’t just the punch of a joke, but a special hell of her own creation. What was an unhealthy defense mechanism has now eaten her sense of self (or lack thereof) as she’s mostly stuck with the same other 11 people for, as far as she’s aware, the rest of eternity. The fact that she’s kept the act up for this long speaks to… something. I don’t know what, but it speaks to something for sure. 
Aranea doesn’t give us much backstory on her, beyond there being a non-specified “tragic accident” that left her nasally impaired (which raises a lot of alarming questions of its own), and of the information granted to us it’s hard to draw the precise line where she’s just fucking with Meenah and where she’s not. Because of this, we don’t know too much about her role in the session when alive. We can only really theorize about what happened to her in-session. 
For example, for her to have entirely and permanently lost her sense of smell in a single “incident” of some kind (as opposed to long-term damage, acquired illnesses or things like epilepsy or stroke), she would have had to experience something on the level of chemical burns inside her nose, or a flat out brain injury of her own, which is actually the theory I find the most interesting for narrative reasons. Knights are proposed by some to have a self-perceived inherent flaw with their own aspect, which is supported by canon texts. A self-perceived inherent flaw with mind? While that could certainly apply even without brain injury, it’s interesting in the context of it. It would also add a new layer of framing to her relationship with Mituna, and her protectiveness over him, beyond the general fact that knights just tend to be protective in some way or other. But that's just my brainstorming there!
Anyhow sorry this is so lengthy! To end off on a high note, have this really nice little piece of interaction:
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Week 18: Reading to 5309, which is 106 pages overall 
12 December (Monday)- 5204-5223 
13 December (Tuesday)- 5224-5243 
14 December (Wednesday)-5243-5262 
15 December (Thursday)-5263 (really big flash game) 
16 December (Friday)- 5264-5285 
17 December (Saturday)- 5286-5307 
18 December (Sunday)- 5308-5309 (also really big flash game)
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tentative homestuck tier list as of page 5263, inspired by that one post
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in homestuck page 5263?
i have never read homestuck and there are several results if i look that up so,,, but if you send the image that you want him in then i can do it
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shawnthatoneguy · 1 year
Currently working on the character designs, so in the meanwhile here's some lore since all you really have is a joke image of a rabbit and an announcement that it's starting.
So basically, there's seven regions, each of these is a continent but remember, animals wouldn't think of it like that. Each of these regions has minimal contact with each other besides birds, who are commonly considered lower class citizens dispite being very useful when it comes to contacting other regions. A few characters are: a lion guy, deer woman, a bunny girl, 3 crows, a blue jay, and a robin. Keep in mind there will be many more characters, that's just the ones specified at the moment! The comic will be split into different parts for each page that I release, each taking place in a different region.
Some lore about the animals:
There is a mafia. A murder of crows in the Northern leftmost region. They're some of the only respected birds and have connections in every region.
There are many stereotypes among animals. For example, people think birds are idiots and second class citizens, people think wolves are bad people, and people think lions are fearless beasts. Due to this, this leads to animal racism and classisim but I'll get more into that later.
For more info, feel free to message me on discord with any questions you may have! shawn.#5263, shoot me a friend request and message me if you need anything.
Best regards,
The meth addicted homeless guy making this comic
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zebruh · 2 years
HOUGH I played page 5263 and it took about an hour that was so much reading my eyes hurt
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 6 years
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“GET THREE-YEAR TERMS,” North Bay Nugget. October 26, 1938. Page 8. ---- Sault Ste. Marie, Oct 25 — Charged with theft of almost a truck load of flour and rolled oats from the Christ-law warehouse at Blind River, George Martin [LEFT] and Albert Dupuis [RIGHT] of Blind River were sentenced to serve three years in Kingston Penitentiary by Magistrate E. Arthurs in district police court here. The men, Crown Attorney J. L. O'Flynn said, bored 138 holes through the floor of the warehouse and gained entry by breaking a section of the flooring free.
[AL: Martin was 22 years old, single, from Blind River, French Canadian in family origin, and an unemployed cook in a lumber camp - he had also served a 6 month sentence at Burwash Industrial Farm. He was convict #5263 at Kingston Penitentiary, and worked in the Kitchen, but was transferred to Collin’s Bay Penitentiary in January 1939, and worked in the kitchen there as #1458. He was released February 1941. Dupuis was 23, also from Blind River, and like Martin had worked in a bush camp but was unemployed for over a year. He had served 3 months in the district jail but had no other record. He was convict #5264, worked in the Tin & Paint shop at Kingston Penitentiary, and was transferred the same day as Martin to Collin’s Bay Penitentiary. There he was convict #1459, and was released February 1941. Dupuis never came back to prison, but Martin would serve several terms in the 1940s and 50s in Ontario penitentiaries.]
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The fact that I’m disappointed by this being unreadable... sure says something about me, huh.
[id: screenshots of one of Kankri’s walls of text in the game on Homestuck page 5263]
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paingwen · 3 years
Hello!! My name is Gwen and I’m a non-binary artist that likes lots of different series :]
Some info about me: I’m pretty anxious and shy person, I’m bad with talking but I’m willing to talk to people!! I own snakes, tarantulas, and a bearded dragon! I plan to get some more animals as well. 
Some places to find me: DeviantArt - https://www.deviantart.com/paingwen Toyhouse - https://toyhou.se/PainGwen Twitter - https://twitter.com/_melon_time Discor - jwan#5263
I really like the wings of fire series!! So I may talk about that a lot lol I also like transformers, legend of zelda, and lots different anime and video games!! Plus other things that you might find on my page! I also really like taxidermy/death, art, animals (especially reptiles and bugs), collecting things and much more!
I hope you have a good time on my page and feel free to ask anything or talk to me! (Note: I’m pretty active on Discord!)
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minecraftmodus · 3 years
A small list of homestuck + dream smp similarities in honor of 4/13
Part 1
This ones gonna be a doozy so strap in! 
- Both made initially as small projects made mostly for fun and experimentation, with minor story beats that would come back later after the scope of the story would expand greatly outside the expectation of their creator(s)
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Spirit’s Grave(May 8, 2020)  vs Spirit’s Leather in Tommy’s Enderchest during negations (December 1st, 2020) 
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Jade’s Birthday Package (Page 85) vs Jade’s gift to John (Page 1961)
- A lighthearted adventure with a group of internet friends that slowly, over a long period of time goes on to address darker subjects like teenage trauma, state violence, and dismemberment. 
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teenage trauma :Tubbo Exiles Tommy from L'manberg VOD (December 5th 2020) vs Dave recovering his dead brother’s sword (page 3707) 
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state violence :Technoblade’s Execution (December 16, 2020) vs Mindfang’s Trial (Page 3747)
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dismemberment : Ponk’ being dismembered by Sam (March 24, 2021 ) vs Jack Noir’s dismemberment by Sn0wman’s whip (Page 1346)
-The eventual integration of time travel, different dimensions, xenobiology, alternate versions of preexisting characters, and dream realms.
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time travel : Karl’s Library of stories from different times (Built Feburary 16, 2021) vs Aradia’s time traveling timetables (page 2578)
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different dimensions : The inbetween (Feburary 3rd, 2021) vs Alternia’s universe A2 (Page 1989)
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xenobiology :Ranboo’s ender eyes (Dec 19th, 2020) vs Blue troll blood (Page 3439)
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alternate characters: Dream and Mexican dream interacting for the first time (December 14, 2020) vs Rose displeased with her sprite version, Jasprosesprite (page 7714)
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dream realms: Fundy’s dream desert (March 31st, 2021) and Meenahs quest in the dream bubbles in vast space (page 5263)
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Porrim Maryam, Kankri Vantas, Karkat Vantas
Act 6, page 5263
PORRIM: Kanny, leave this po+o+r kid alo+ne.
KANKRI: I'd appreciate it if y9u w9uldn't call me that. We've talked a69ut this. That's what y9u call a wiggler. D9 I l99k like a wiggler t9 y9u, P9rrim? N9, I d9n't. It's 6een three sweeps, plus eternity, f9r, excuse me, "fuck's" sake. I think we can safely retire that particular term 9f "endearment". Call me anything 6ut that, even my 9ther nickname. I'm actually 9k with that 9ne.
#micr9aggressi9ns #n9 wait #MACR9agressi9ns m9re like
PORRIM: I'm no+t calling yo+u Insufferable, Kanny. Well, no+t unless I'm using it as an actual adjective.
#And even then, pro+bably no+t to+ yo+ur face.
PORRIM: Well...
#No+t o+ften I mean.
KANKRI: It w9uld 6e nice if y9u'd at least use my pr9per name in fr9nt 9f my studi9us y9ung Alternian descendant. It really kind 9f er9des my credi6ility, and I d9n't need that in the pr9ximity 9f a fresh faced y9ungster wh9 clearly thirsts f9r kn9wledge. Why w9uld y9u want t9 sa69tage a fine y9ung man's educati9n like that?
#Fresh #Faced #Y9ungster #Kn9wledge thirst
PORRIM: Ro+lling my eyes here.
PORRIM: Can yo+u see? Do+ yo+u want me to+ light them up fo+r yo+u?
KANKRI: N9, 6ut thanks f9r 9ffering. C9uld y9u g9 r9ll them 9ver there? Thank y9u. N9w where was I.
#H9w d9 y9u even r9ll eyes with9ut pupils?
PORRIM: I do+n't think he cares.
PORRIM: Hey, there. Karkat? If yo+u do+n't mind my asking... are yo+u even remo+tely interested in the lo+af supplement this guy's serving?
PORRIM: Go+tcha. Yo+u just said all yo+u needed to+ say.
PORRIM: Yo+u kno+w, yo+u are actually very cute.
PORRIM: That girl who+'s been wandering aro+und in the drago+n suit is a very lucky lady.
KANKRI: 9k, w9nderful. That c9nversati9n just came t9 an end.
KANKRI: P9rrim, please d9n't hit 9n my re699ted kid ancest9r-descendant. It's really weird. N9t t9 menti9n, he l99ks exactly like me? I mean, kind 9f 96vi9usly? S9 when y9u're hitting 9n him, it's like y9u're hitting 9n me at the exact same time, which like I said. It's weird.
#It's weird
KANKRI: N9t t9 get int9 all this again, 6ut the th9ught 9f dating y9u... it's just a strange and vaguely 9ffputting idea. N9 9ffense. It alm9st makes me understand at a visceral level the 6izarre human anathema 9f incest, which is s9mething I can't really explain. I'm just saying.
#Trigger warning #Incest #Anathemas #Viscerality #Vaguely #9ffputting
PORRIM: (Very deep sigh.)
#Oh my Go+d.
KANKRI: I'm S9RRY, 9k? I'm s9rry that I am, perhaps literally, the 9nly 9ne n9t t9 ever fall prey t9 y9ur tireless 9mnidirecti9nal s9licitati9ns, 9r t9 get swept up in 9ne 9f y9ur innumera6le flushed 9r caligin9us flings. I happened t9 always prefer y9u as a friend, and in any case, I always preferred t9 lead a relatively chaste existence, as it keeps me f9cused 9n fighting 9n 6ehalf 9f truly imp9rtant pr96lems. Alth9ugh staying "relatively" chaste t9 y9u I supp9se is n9t saying much.
KANKRI: 9nce again, I ap9l9gize. I've 6lundered int9 the pr96lematic territ9ry 9f vacillati9n shaming, thus 9pening the fl99dgates t9 the myriad ways 9ne may 6e disadvantaged up9n 6y its staggering shame radius. I f9rg9t t9 check my piety privilege, and here we are. I was g9ing t9 c9ver this t9pic in a much later chapter 9f my lecture, 6ut we've g9tten 6adly derailed here.
#TW #Derailment #Train wrecks #Ch99 ch99 catastr9phes
KANKRI: Karkat, I'm s9rry f9r this interrupti9n. I pr9mise I'll get 6ack t9 my critical lecture as s99n as this pr9miscu9us 6usy69dy leaves us in peace.
#Village tw9 wheel device
PORRIM: Yes, critical lecture. I'm sure.
PORRIM: And am I right in being just as sure yo+u are assiduo+usly deco+nstructing every co+nceivable, hypo+thetical fo+rm o+f injustice no+ matter ho+w o+bscure, except tho+se that I happen to+ think are kind o+f impo+rtant?
KANKRI: N9. Just, n9, P9rrim. We're n9t d9ing this.
KANKRI: I am n9t g9ing t9 p9llute Karkat's utterly imperative crash c9urse, in which he is intr9duced t9 the A6S9LUTE 6ASICS, 6y indulging in y9ur pet issues.
PORRIM: Yes, ho+w dreadful it wo+uld be fo+r yo+ur sixty nine millio+n wo+rd essay to+ get bo+gged do+wn by even the faintest reference to+ the ro+les o+f gender in Befo+ran and Alternian civilizatio+n.
KANKRI: L99k, it's n9t that I'm insensitive t9 y9ur c9ncerns 9n that t9pic. I'm interested t9 discuss them with y9u 9n an academic, primarily the9retical level.
PORRIM: Theo+retical?
KANKRI: I just think there is inherent danger in muddying the waters 9f disc9urse 6y intr9ducing s9cial issues which are suspect at 6est, thus c9nsuming crucial res9urces fr9m the limited cache 9f rhet9ric which pr9pels these narratives. And furtherm9re, 9ne c9uld argue it's m9re than a little pr96lematic, 9ffensive even, f9r y9u t9 6e appr9priating the lexic9n 9f sensitivity used t9 advance awareness 9f maj9r issues, thus reducing it t9 the level 6uzzspeak and pseud9science. It makes it m9re difficult f9r th9se 9f us wh9 are genuinely f9cused 9n p9sitive change t9 6e taken seri9usly, that's all.
PORRIM: Appro+priating??
#That's no+t #what that even #means?
#Yo+u did no+t just...
KANKRI: I'm s9rry, I just d9n't think there's much there. We aren't like humans, wh9se species 6izarrely en9ugh includes highly specialized r9les f9r 69th sexes in the pr9cess 9f repr9ducti9n, and s9 this naturally had s9cial ramificati9ns f9r the way their civilizati9n ev9lved. 6ut that's n9t h9w it w9rks f9r us, s9 I fail t9 see h9w gender fact9rs int9 the discussi9n in a way that can 6e effectively and rati9nally pr96lematized. Where is the r99m f9r unexamined privilege in the dich9t9my? I d9n't see it. And appr9priating the talking p9ints and awareness-raising tactics f9r du6i9us issues like this is, frankly, fr9wned up9n, t9 put it p9litely. Such appr9priative gestures 9nly serve t9 marginalize and invalidate th9se su6ject t9 seri9us, real life struggles and 9ppressi9n, and I guess I'm a little disapp9inted t9 see y9u 6eing s9 6lithely and inappr9priately appr9priat9ry.
#Fr9wned up9n #Fr9wns all ar9und #Welc9me t9 fr9wn t9wn
PORRIM: Kanny, I'm starting to+ feel just a little bit triggered by all this "appro+priatio+n" bullshit.
#Trigger warning: #Abo+ut to+ kick yo+ur tall pantsed ass
KANKRI: 9h! My sincere ap9l9gies. I sh9uld have d9ne a 6etter j96 tagging my statements, 6ut f9r future reference, it's helpful t9 alert y9ur c9nversati9nal partners t9 y9ur triggers well in advance. Sh9uld I g9 fetch y9ur m9irail t9 help settle y9u d9wn? And if s9, wh9 exactly w9uld 6e filling that quadrant t9day?
#It's the may9r, right? #G9tta 6e the may9r
PORRIM: Alright. Obvio+usly yo+u're in o+ne o+f yo+ur bratty mo+o+ds. I'm go+ne.
KANKRI: D9n't 6e like that. Really, we can talk a69ut whatever y9u like later, and I'll 6e really sympathetic, I pr9mise. Just n9t ar9und my pupil while he is still learning.
KANKRI: 9r... my descendant. What did I say? Haha. Karkat, I mean. Anyway, Karkat, again I ap9l9gize f9r that.
#N9w where was I?
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catgirldirk · 5 years
Wait you haven't finished homestuck? (Or do u just mean u haven't read the epilogue)
nah i havent finished homestuck. im on page 5263 right now. the game w meenah talkin to everybody
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coralnatura · 5 years
I started re-reading Homestuck over the summer
I'd made it somewhere past page 7000 back when it was updating, but the hiatus made me take a break and never rly ended up getting back in so I never finished reading.
It's so complicated I knew I'd have to reread to be able to pick up where I left off and finish the story (and now, the epilogue too), and I've really been enjoying going back to it! My perspective as a 13yo is way different to how I feel now, and I'm catching so many things I missed at first. I'm also realizing some of the characters I used to like I don't care for, and vice versa.
I got stuck on a particularly long piece of dialogue between Roxy and Calliope, but I powered through and I'm at a good pace. I'm on page 5263, around where the comic had been currently, back when I first started reading. I remembered seeing fanart of the Dirk and Jake kiss and wondering what in the world that was from, and I got something much wilder than just bodiless volcano smooches
I had a rly fun time being in the fandom and reading Homestuck, I'm glad I'm finally working on finishing it.
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