#painter bakugo x model midoriya
pinkykats-place · 2 years
BakuDeku artist au
AO3 Fanfic Recommendations
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None of the stories linked are mine.
Some contain mature content.
Art not mine! Credit to @azreto
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please let the author know with a kudos and/or comment!
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See me in blue ink by IHasDieded
Summary: Every week, Deku shows up at Coffee UA, and makes all who happen to be there victims to his constant scribbling.
All except Katsuki.
And no, he is definitely not salty about it.
One Shot | SFW
Paint Me by Thickbootydeku
Summary: “Do you like this piece?” A soft voice breathed from his right. Without turning, he answered before he could even stop himself “It’s incredible, best I've ever seen.”
The laugh that followed startled him, “I never thought the day would come where you actually complemented me Kacchan!”
At the use of his childish nickname he spun around and was met with vibrant green eyes and a smile brighter than the sun.
Complete | 11 CH | Contains Smut
Realism Gives Itself Away by WhenJoshIsJoseph
Summary: Katsuki's mentor, All Might, is retiring, and he wants a piece of art commissioned - a crucial gift. He finally finds the right artist ... but the person is anonymous. Izuku gets commissioned by some lawyer he doesn't know, and he doesn't usually take commissions, but the offer is just too tempting...Neither knows it's the other.
One Shot | SFW
cigarettes on the roof by scribespirare
Summary: When the owner of the gallery had told Katsuki that someone else would be having their opening night at the same time as Katsuki himself, he’d been a little irritated. Not pissed necessarily, just annoyed that someone might be able to swoop into his spotlight. He’s worked too hard to have to share his recognition with some asshole he doesn’t know. Not to mention he almost universally hates other artists. Pretentious fucks.
In walks Deku.
One Shot | Contains Smut
Nude Modeling by PepperDots
Summary: Bakugou is a art student who has started the sessions on nude models. Izuku is the model.
One Shot | Contains Mild Smut
green is the warmest color by gloriousporpoise
Summary: “Woah, someone call the fire department,” Eijirou says, elbowing Katsuki squarely in the ribs. “That guy is smokin.’”
“I literally hate you.”
Here’s the thing, though. Eijirou’s a certified dumbass, but his current observation isn’t even a little bit wrong, much to Katsuki’s displeasure.
“Think you can get his number?”
— — —
Or, Bakugou is a painter without a muse.
Complete | 2 CH | Contains Smut
Salted Caramel by OnyxDragons
Summary: Student Katsuki runs into a nerdy Deku at a local coffee shop. First impressions aren’t always the best...
Complete | 3 CH | Contains Smut
A Painting is Worth a Thousand Words by Superior_CEO_of_Bunzuku
Summary: Bakugou Katsuki, full-time artist and borderline recluse, spends his free time painting his favorite Hero, Pro Hero Deku, as he takes his breaks on the rooftops across from his apartment building. Imagine his surprise when Deku catches him in the act on his balcony and decides to pay him a little visit.
Complete | 5 CH | Contains Smut
Pro Hero Deku x Quirkless Baku
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pansexualpanic1 · 10 months
F! Omega izuku x Alpha katsuki
Hi i'm izumi midoriya and I'm a omega. This is the story of how i meet my one and only alpha.  
      I was walking down the street one day like any normal person except i'm not i have to be in a disguise because I'm and a famous model and painter in japan. As I'm walking i get pulled into and alley way its the middle of the night so no ones around " heLlOo ThEre PreTtY StrANgEr". " Get off of me you perv". Usally I'm sweet but i know if I'm sweet now it won't get me anywhere. " But YoUr iN HeAt lEt mE hElP yOu." " i said get OFF." I kick him in his area and start running as fast as i can. I walk into my dads mansion. My dad comes running out of his office as soon as he heard the door slam " what happened?" He say concerned "this weird drunk perv dragged me into a alley way." " go take you supplements sweety mkay then come back down here." " okay dad." As i walk up the stairs i here chatting and i wonder who it is my dad is talking to. I take my supplements and go back down the stairs. " okay dad what is it you wanted to talk about". " well zumi i want you to meet katsuki bakugo." " hi.." he just nods his head looking really serious. " he will be your bodyguard." " but dad-" " no buts its for your own good." I know when to not argue with my dad so i just nod. " he will be staying with wherever you go and if it when you need some privacy he will stand outside the door got it. " he says looking at both of us as we both nod. " alright ill be in my office if you need anything." I start walking up the stairs to my room and he follows. I'm sitting on my bed and he stands right by the door. " well are u going to stand there or are you going to sit down with me." " well i don't really wanna be here so I'm going to sticl with standing." "Oh come on im not that bad am i." " fine." He growls " mkay what movie do u wanna watch i for one don't care." " how about a horror movie." " no nope absolutely not." " i thought you said you didn't care." Hes says in a teasingly manner. " whatever but if i get scared don't be shocked if i cling to you." " whatever" he says as he rolls his eyes half playfully. As were watching the movie a jumpscare shows up and i am quick to grab his arm. " that wasn't even scary." He chuckles. "Yes its was." I say in with a pout. " alright sense you obviously don't like the movie maybe we should turn it off anf get to know eachother." " yeah thats a good idea." I say still shocked about the jump scare and so we talk for the rest of the night until i feel really drowsy. The last thing i hear is suki saying " Good night zumi "
Mkay guys thats the end of part 1 i hope u enjoyed if you did tell me if you want a part two.        
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