#pat and his xylophone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jemmo · 2 years
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bad buddy + my co-star roasting me pt 11
for #badbuddyweek day 2: favourite episode - episode 7
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airenyah · 1 year
one thing that i love about never let me go is... FINALLY a character that plays an instrument other than the guitar
and i also adore that he likes listening to classical music too
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dietmountaindewbae · 1 year
v. am i that girl that you dream of?
alex turner x reader 
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word count: 5807 
summary: partnering up with (late eycte) Alex to produce your album has risen feelings, would you let that get in between you?
warnings: smut 
song recommendation: dream within a dream by elysian fields
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*⋆ 
After the tour was over, Alex had arranged a meeting with your manager you were the next girl with fresh potential in the music industry, but you were a bit shy to talk with Alex personally, even shyer to record the album with him, but when you met him at a party he was a chatty guy, polite and humble, you thought by his looks he might be someone who could dislike your introverted personality. After the meeting with your manager, he and your co-writer would soon meet at the studio where you worked day and night trying to make the best out of yourself and your album.
"I was on, you were gone by daylight" You sang thru the mic, while a soft guitar played behind you, "I could stay in bed trying to figure you out," Violins, guitars, and a piano, it all made you feel disconnected from everything after the recording stops you saw a figure of a man with big shoulders walking away. You quickly took your headphones off and walked out of the cabin.
"Excellent," James said, "I'll work on the xylophone, and..." He whispered in your ear, "Alex is here don't get nervous you're alright" You nodded your head, and he patted you on your back.
Smoke coming out of his mouth, leaning on the door frame, leg over the other, he watched the sunset behind the Hollywood sign, "Really pretty isn't it?" He asked, and you nodded, "You don't talk much, huh?" You said no with your head.
"Not a very big fan of talking," You said.
"You have a really pretty voice, I could fall asleep listening to it" For a minute you thought he was criticizing your work, probably because it was boring and he could fall asleep while listening to your album because maybe it wasn't good enough. You walked away and went inside the recording cabin, he saw you leaving and walked behind you throwing his cigarette away and stepping on it.
"Hey, James can we pause the xylophone for a bit and keep recording?" You wanted to proof Alex that the time he would spend here helping you, he wouldn't regret it. So you sang the whole song in one take with your eyes closed, giving your best, sometime dancing around, moving your hips, trying to imagine he wasn't here so you could feel less pressure but his eyes were on you the whole time and you could feel it. When you went outside the cabin James clapped and gave you a high five.
"Flawless, you did good there," Alex said, James grabbed his things and began to head out of the studio, he hugged Al goodbye and kissed you on the cheek.
"I expect to hear from both of you soon aye" You waved James goodbye, he had to leave to work on yet another album with another band, so you were only left with Alex now, and that beautiful sunset you admired for a while, lovely shades of yellow and red, with some pink colors here and there, it was magical, wind on your hair, some stars showing on the sky, you were amused by them, next moment when you turned around Al was recording you with his film camera, he smiled, one eye on the mirror the other one closed like a total expert.
"And cut!" He giggled, "This is good material for a small trailer, introducing Am I The Girl That You Dream Of, great song name by the way," He looped his arm around you.
"Oh... thanks I work hard on it" Next moment your phone began to ring, and you rushed to it, "Hello?" Your manager was on the other side of the phone, and she asked if that gig at the bar was still on, it was at 9 so you had to get ready before that to set up everything, but James was gone so you had no one else to help you, you could play your part but you froze, sometimes forgot the chords or the lyrics, "Yeah I'll be there in a few, bye see ya" You hung up, your hand hit your forehead.
"Everything alright?" He asked, putting his camera aside.
"Yeah, is just I got a gig and I need a guitarist" You scratched the back of your head.
"Why? You're good at it"
"I just freeze sometimes, and I guess I'm also used to playing with more people, all eyes on me I just feel loads of pressure" You confessed, eyes down, and he raised your chin.
"Is alright, that used to happen to me, I can do the guitar, is the tambourine good for you?"
"I'll do it" He gave you confidence when he smiled, and you began to tidy up the place, him by your side so you both finished very fast, Al was very organized, and at the same time you both chatted for a while, he told you some stories from when he was recording his first album with the monkeys, and you told him how you felt about this new experience, time went fast and it was almost about to be time.
"We drop by your place or mine?" He asked.
"Um... my place, I haven't showered today, I'm always in a hurry" He chuckled, and walked closer to you, "What? Do I smell?" Fuck.
"Not at all, you smell pretty good to me" You both chuckled, and he opened the door for you, you turned your car on and put on your belt, and he jumped in as well, "Your car smells good too" You laughed, pulling out of the parking load, he turned on the radio, Mazzy Star playing on your stereo.
"You're a ghost on the highway, and I'll love you forever" You sang above Mazzy's voice, "Ghost on the highway, and I'll love you forever" Alex lighted a cig.
"Been a while since I heard that song, mind if I turn it up a bit?"
"Sure, sure" You drove down the streets of LA, down to your apartment, Alex kept looking at your playlist complimenting your music, both of you had a common sense of style and music taste, there was a moment when The Smiths played How Soon Is Now? and you both dug on that tremolo sound on the beginning of the song, both singing your heart out until you got home.
"I won't take long, make yourself at home" You dropped your keys on the kitchen counter, and headed towards your room, it was unbelievable the amount of fun you had with him. When you first saw him he was like a shiny cowboy with that black jacket, and his boots, for a moment you forgot he was a human.
Alex was amazed by the amount of stuff you had in your apartment, you had a huge shelf filled with books and different types of vinyl, posters with zodiac signs, art you painted, and Polaroids framed with your friends, on the top of your kitchen counter there were fake roses tied into the lamps, there was a small corner where he saw your guitars, and a tambourine, your computer had stickers of hearts, and small kisses, and a cactus, he was thinking about your mind, how dreamy it was, it was like you had another meaning for everything. He stared at a picture of you and your mom, sitting on the beach building a sand castle, and you had some funny sunglasses, there was another of you sitting on your sister's lap playing your guitar, he admired all of those pictures in silence, giggling, and smiling, since little he could tell you were extraordinary.
When you hopped out of the shower, you could hear him chuckle, and a soft melody playing as well, what could he be laughing about? You opened your closet quickly taking out some clothes, and when you come out of your room Alex laughed even harder.
"What are you laughing about, Al?" He pointed your head, and you still had your towel on, "Ah, shit" You took it off and laughed.
"You were a really cute girl...still are" He showed you the picture of you and your mom building that sand castle, "Look at you," He gave you the frame, "I'm gonna call you sandy now, like Sponge Bob, or Alice, cause you live in wonderland"
"Ah! Wonderful" You said with sarcasm, "Well I'm almost ready I'll just do my makeup, and we're done" You glanced at your clock, you still had an hour and a half to get ready, in 15 minutes you could do it, so you grabbed your bag and your mirror put it on your kitchen counter and turned on the white light, "There's better light here anyways," You pulled out a chair and began to work, first you grabbed a pair of tweezers to fix your eyebrows a bit, sometimes pulled a piece of flesh on accident, but you tried to get those little hairs out, Alex hissed and sat on the counter table.
"That doesn't hurt for you?" You said no with your head, "You're pulling your skin off" It was a bit red, he was kind of right but a bit of makeup on that area will make it brand new.
"I mean... once you get used to it, is alright"
"Do mine," He said.
"Yeah, plug them... just a bit," He said, stopping you for a moment, you went closer to his face, grabbing his chin to get a better look at the places you had to take out the hairs, and he forced his eyes shut scrunching his face.
"If you keep forcing your eyes shut it will hurt more, relax," You said, he still had his eyes closed, and you could see a little scar on his eyebrow that you touched with your thumb, you focused and pulled just one.
"Ouch!" He exclaimed, "Bloody hell! you're a lair!" He groaned and scratched his brow, you exploded in laughter.
"I didn't even pull it out!" You said between laughs.
"Don't even try again, you're gonna pull me whole eyebrow off" He chuckled, and you kept plugging your eyebrows off, humming the song, "I don't even get it, how are you so at peace by doing that, woman?"
"Experience man, just experience" When you finished, you began to lather up your face, Alex watched you in awe as you did it, still humming to the music, it was Leonard Cohen, Chelsea Hotel #2, you were almost ready you didn't do much to your face, just some concealer, blush, a bit of natural color for your eye, a cat eye, mascara, blush, and bold lip so it could all piled up together, next moment when you turned around Al was filming you with his camera.
"Can't help myself, love, you have the face for a movie, you know like one of those little indie films" You laughed and said no with your head, applying lipstick.
"Can you stop for a bit? I'm trying to focus"
"I can't I'm in the middle of making you the next Hollywood star, you will thank me when you see your name on the walk of fame" In a blink of an eye Alex had a red lipstick stain on the corner of his lip, "Yeh didn't!" He gasped with loads of drama.
"Come here cowboy, I'm gonna make you look pretty!" You teased him, and he jumped out of your counter and began to run around your apartment, you had your lipstick on hand running around in circles behind him.
"I'm being chased by this evil woman, she has a dangerous arm she calls "lipstick" she keeps saying she's gonna make me look pretty but-" You were trying to catch him on the couch, but you ended up going on circles all over it, he was falsely going left to right like he was playing some basketball game, trying to fool his rival, "I have my suspicions" You ended up running faster, and hoped on his back, "No! She trapped me!" He yelled.
"Now smile" You sang, you painted clown makeup on his lips while he kept saying no over and over again, "Brava! Beautiful!"
"I've been defeated by the girl in sandals, send help," He said, you both chuckled panting for air, he dropped you on the couch making you giggle.
"Let's get this off you now" You grabbed a makeup wipe from your bag, he grasped your disposable camera from the side table and began to take pictures of himself making the funniest faces ever, sticking his tongue out, smiling wide.
"Come 'ere, let's get some pictures for the momentum" You stuck your tongue out and so did he, you made little horns behind his head, he grabbed your cheeks squished them together, and gave you a kiss on the cheek, you gasped and now it was your turn to fill his face with red kisses, he kept taking more and more pictures, until finally, he stopped, "I think that's a wrap!" He giggled, "Now get this off me" You smacked your lips together.
"Two more, okay?" He said no again, but you pushed him to the couch and straddle him with your legs, he laughed with a defeated smile, and you took a picture, "Amazing!" He stared at you, admiring your smile, he patted your hips and gently sat up, "Another one" He smiled, and this time he put the back of his hand on his forehead, and parted his lips, leaning back, he was so dramatic, "Fantastic", you were about to get up but he sat you back down hugging your waist.
"Two more, it's revenge time, come 'ere" He hugged you close to him, his arms just below your breasts just to take you closer to him, his cheek squished to yours, he took a picture, and another one with you sticking your tongue out and your eyes together, and him smiling like a little kid, and lastly your favorite one of you looking at each other smiling brightly, he put the camera down and stared at you, still chuckling, "I-" Your phone rang making you both jump up, it was your manager.
"Fuck! we gotta go, we have..." You glanced at your clock, " Less than ten minutes!" Alex grabbed your guitar case, the tambourine, and your pedal case, you grabbed your keys and put the makeup wipes in, taking Alex's camera with you, and your phone, and you quickly checked yourself out before you left fixing your lipstick.
"I look good?" He stared at you up and down, you had a yellow dress patterned with red and maroon roses, black boots with white socks, and half of your hair lazily tied with a red bow.
"Beautiful" He opened the door for you, and you grabbed the guitar case to help him out, both of you rushed to your car and drove to the bar, whipping your lipstick off his face, once you were in, the first thing you did was to look for your manager, she was talking to someone close to the stage, and your manager turned around to look at you, she was visibly furious but when she saw Alex she changed her mood.
"Alex" She sounded so pumped about it, but tried to stay cool giving him a friendly smile and a hug, "It's good to see you around here" Alex hugged her back giving her a light kiss on the cheek, "I see you're gonna play together that'll be excellent"
"Yeah, sorry for being late" She waved it off, smiling at both of you.
"Being a little late is nothing, the show is what matters but don't be late again" She warned you with a serious face, "Good luck now," She directed you to the small stage in the bar, and you stepped forward to the mic, introduced yourself to the people in the bar, they didn't pay much attention to you, your manager had lured you into playing this gig just to get some press, and the image of your fresh new sound for the youth, but the thing was you didn't like this feeling, all the pressure, the expectations, it made you feel repelled. Alex began to play the guitar and you tried to focus on something else while you sang, tried to focus on the melody and the words that came out of your mouth, with a white light focusing on you, you forgot where you were, who you were standing in front of, you were enveloped by the music, almost in a trance, on a dream.
Suddenly the music ended, and the show was over, the people in the bar clapped, and you glanced at Alex and smiled, he applauded you and hugged you from the side, "Thank you, have a lovely night everybody" You stepped down, your manager padded your shoulder.
"You did really good for your first time" You smiled and hugged her, "Well, I gotta go now, see ya" You waved her goodbye, she always had somewhere to go she didn't stay for much just like you expected, you turned and Al had the biggest grin on his lips.
"First time?" His arms crossed, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as well, "Drinks are on me" He wrapped his arm around you, and pulled out a chair for you from the countertop, he ordered some margaritas for you and him.
"Yeah, I had the chance before when I send the demos but I kinda bitched out, I wasn't ready, I was gonna open up for a band but it was a huge crowd, and I don't do well with 'em" You confessed.
"For your first time, you were excellent love, really," Your cheeks blushed a little bit at his comment.
"Now tell me something about you" You crossed your arms on the table leaning closer to him, and he sat back and chuckled.
"I used to work in a pub like this on Sheffield, when I was younger, the owner let us play a few gigs in that bar, but now that we're talking 'bout first times, I was shitting meself" You almost spat your drink, a choked laugh coming out of your mouth, "I mean it!, in this pub called The Grapes, there it was...me first time"
"What kind of first time?" You joked, and he came forward laughing, you sipped your margarita and kept listening to him.
"A different time of first time, see.... me and the guys we would spend so much time practicing and all, at first I didn't wanna be the lead singer but, in the end, I had to do it, I guess I was very insecure about me voice, and I didn't know what to do while on stage, do I just stand there like a robot playing the guitar or do I just dance or summat like that"
"You just let go, be free" You giggled about how obvious that answer is, "I know it sounds like a cliché though"
"But it's true, isn't it?" You nodded, "For some people, it's hard though, so this one goes to being free and having fun" He raised his glass in the air, and you did the same.
"And for making an amazing duo" You added, "Cheers"
"That's right, cheers" You smiled and had a sip of your drink, couple of hours later, more margaritas came by, and you found yourself laughing so loudly at everything that Alex said, you couldn't believe how afraid you felt when you first met him on the studio, he's a humble man, with a great sense of humor, you easily centered your whole attention on his voice, how everything he said was almost like a song, the way his tongue rolled the words that came out of his mouth, how he was passionate about everything he would talk to you about, and he liked the pink color of your cheeks, your scarlet red lips, and your eyes that dilate each time you looked at him, you had that look in your eyes that could easily break his heart into a million pieces, you were his dream girl, some kind of girl he thought his eyes would never come across to again, he didn't want to go home after this, he wanted to stay with you.
"I can't believe you and Matt did that!"
"Our folks almost caught us though, but it was a thrill to say so the least" You smiled at him for a bit, until you looked down at your table, your fingertips touching his, and that small rose of your fingers made your cheeks blush, shortly the bartender interrupted that moment.
"Can I get you anything else?" He asked, you glanced at his arm which was inked and filled with tattoos, a septum piercing on his nose, his hair was long and his eyes a deep blue, Al stared at the man jealous because your eyes were on him, he ordered two margaritas again, and the man left, you followed him with your eyes.
"See summat you like?" He snapped you out.
"Now I do" Maybe it was all the margaritas you had that made you say that but it was true, "I'm just intrigued by all of his tattoos, you know? I wanna know what they mean to him, cause for me a naked girl tattooed on his skin is very straightforward"
"Maybe he likes his women like that," He said, you gasped and giggled.
"And you?"
"I like to leave 'em in a little something" He whispered, your cheeks blushed darker you crossed your legs together trying not to smile, "If I'm honest, I don't want this night to be over, why don't we keep it going?"
"Your place or mine?" You said without a doubt.
"Yours obviously" He stood up and gave you his hand, you jumped out of your sit remembering how tall he was, or how small you were.
"You really like my place, don't you?" You packed up your guitar while he unplugged the amps, he smirked and handed you the tambourine.
"Your place is like wonderland, and I would like to visit it again" You giggled closing up your case, he grab it for you and dropped your stuff in the back of your car.
"Before we go, I think we might need to get some stuff from the supermarket to get loaded" Or properly shitfaced.
Speeding down the white halls of the store, you found yourself grasping the shopping cart tightly while Al ran to get tequila and triple sec for more margaritas, both of you were starving and everything you saw you wanted to get, when you finally got to the cash register the old lady with fluffy hair giggled at you, your hair was wild after all of those spins you had in the shopping cart, you smiled at Alex, finally you left the store with four huge bags full of chips, booze, sweets, limes, frozen chicken nuggets, and curly fries.
"What a ride!" Your head was still spinning, you tried to stand up to get out of the card but Al threw you over his shoulder like a potato sack, and spun you around, "Alex!" You begged him in laughter until he put you back on the ground but you fell over laughing so hard it made your stomach hurt.
"Are you alright?" He gave you his hand but you pulled him and he fell to the ground next to you, he looked into your eyes, "You're really beautiful" He said.
"With this hair and everything?"
"With the wild hair and everything" He ran his fingers thru it, "Let's go home, yeah?" You whispered a yes, and he pulled you up from the ground, and you drove home together, singing every song that was on the radio until you got home huddling to your apartment, you threw everything on your counter top, while you went to your room and changed into something more comfortable some denim shorts and a black shirt, when you came back you saw Al making the margaritas singing The Stooges, pouring the mixture in two cups, you grabbed your acoustic guitar and played some random chords, fooling around.
"That sounds really lovely" He put the cup down on your coffee table and he drank from his margarita as you played the same chords over and over again mumbling some words, he grabbed your tambourine and played along with you, and you changed the strumming and began to fingerpick the strings, your eyes set on that picture that Al saw before you played the gig, you remembered how warm the water was that day on the beach, so you used that for inspiration.
"I want to love a boy the way I love the ocean," You thought for a moment about the next words, "Wish I was not afraid of all I have that's broken" And then Alex hummed the melody you began.
"I know I must behave to contain all my emotions"
"But I want to love a boy"
"The way I love the ocean" Both of you chuckled after the song finished, you kept the same fingerpicking.
"We could do summat with that together" He, for the first time looked down at the floor and not your eyes, he looked a bit shy, you put everything back in place and sat down on the couch again.
"What was that?" You asked a bit impressed.
"You looking down on the floor?" He chuckled, his cheeks blushing.
"Sorry is just, that I wanted to..." He scratched the back of his head, you noticed he did that whenever he was nervous, he licked his lips and bit the bottom one, you understood what it was, and you also wanted to, very badly, and with the number of margaritas you had you said fuck it all, your hands cupped his cheeks and you pecked his lips very gently, lingering for a bit, his lips parted yours his tongue slipping inside your mouth taking over you, your fingers ran down his hair pulling it, you went further down letting them run down to his chest, you pulled away for a moment and smiled at him brightly.
"Is this what you wanted?" You grinned, he pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, "Or do you want something more, Al?" He pressed his lips on your neck, his hands going down to your hips, you wanted it too, so badly, since his mouth had kissed yours it made you feel those tingles in the pit of your stomach, you were hungry for more.
"Lay down for me" He crawled on top of you, and you kept kissing his lips until your head hit the pillow on your couch, he undid the button of your shorts and helped you shimmy out of them, "Do you remember what I like?"
"I dunno maybe remind me of it" You teased him, he took your shirt off and unclasped your bra with one swift move.
"I like to leave me girl in a little something...but for you, I can make an exception" He left a trail of kisses down to your belly, parting your legs his fingers began to tease you dragging your underwear down, he loved every curve of your body, the roundness of your chest, and your thighs, he couldn't believe he had laid his eyes in such a beautiful girl, dragging down your underwear he pushed your knees up and dug his face between your thighs, he didn't want to use his fingers this time though, he wanted to taste you, his lips sucked your sensitive spot and his tongue licked your walls going in circles on your clit, you were already writhing feeling the need to be touched more, your fingers formed into claws that pulled his hair.
"More, please," His tongue lapped in fast circles that made your legs quiver, "Fuck that's... oh my fucking-" He pushed his tongue inside, and your hand went down but he grabbed your wrist and put it down.
"If you want me to touch you just ask babe, okay? Anything you need" His tenderness made you smile and chuckle, he crawled back up to peck your lips softly, "Tell me what you need" Your hand went down, lightly brushing his hard cock, "That?" His hips bucked forward, and you felt him hard against your thigh.
"Y-Yes" You whispered, you were eager for it, you filled his neck with kisses gently flipping him so you could get on top, you helped him to unbuckle his belt, but it made you giggle how difficult it was for him to get out of those skin tight jeans, "Need a hand?"
"No, I'm... yes I do" Both of you giggled together, and you pushed them down as best as you could to his thighs, "I need to stop wearing those"
"Nah, they fit you very well" You stated.
"I've heard they make me bum look what was the word..." He stared into your eyes, for a good moment trying to find the answer, but you already knew it.
"So you've been looking at it!" He made your cheeks turn red, and you felt so guilty but at the same time how could you resist if he keeps dancing like that?
"Once!" His eyebrow raised, your eyes rolled and you chuckled, "Okay, two times... but that's it" He stared at you once more, his eyes were lost in yours for a moment, you bit your lower lip and slowly let it go, maybe it was bad that you did, "I'm sorry" He grabbed the back of your head, your forehead against his.
"Just shut up and kiss me" And that's what you did, your lips against his, you tasted that bitter and sweet flavor of the margaritas and cigarettes he smoked, but they tasted like heaven on earth, around, between, forward, and back, your lips never got tired, your tongue didn't get enough of his taste, "I'm sorry if I'm hurrying things up I-"
"Shut up Al" He liked it when you called him Al, he loved that spark of cockiness you had, it was so cute to him, he wanted to show you how much he wanted you, he wanted to make you feel so good it was his duty now, he pushed his cock out and rubbed it against your sensitive spot, a moan escaped your lips to his, and when he pushed himself inside you your body shivered, "Alex.." You breathed out, and your hips began to move slowly forward and back, a moan escaped his lips, and he pulled you closer to him, your chest against prest his, you went slow at first but when you felt more confident you began to increase the pase a little bit.
"You feel so good, so tight and warm" He groaned, you gasped when you felt him deeper, touching that spot that made your walls contract, he grinds your hips harder and harder each time, and his breathing got heavier as he felt closer, "You're driving me crazy, doll,"
"Al, I'm close" He moved your hips faster against yours, your tits bouncing and hardening when you felt goosebumps crawling up from your lower back, Al hit the spot once more your eyes rolled back when you felt it, it was so close now.
"Give me everything love" One more thrust, and that was it for you, and as well as him, he pulled out of you just in time, you watched him give his cock a few thugs until he came on your inner thigh, he seemed lost for a moment, his breathing so fast he was panting, he looked up at you and smiled, and when he looked down he immediately went back from his trance, "Wait here, let's get you cleaned up" He kissed your cheek and lightly turned on his back to rest you in the couch, kicking out of his jeans he quickly went to the kitchen and grabbed a few paper towels, he whipped off his release from your thigh and threw it away on the trash bin, when he finally got to you he sat next to you, "How do you feel?"
"Tired," A yawn escaped your lips.
"Bedtime, babe" He carried you bridal style to your room with no struggle, laying down in bed and covering you up with your sheets, he cuddled right next to you, "Sweet dreams, darling" Your head rested on his chest, feeling his calm heartbeat slowly as he got relaxed under your skin.
"Sweet dreams to you too, Al" You pecked his lips one last time before you went to sleep, he smiled and cuddled closer to you.
The next morning you woke up smiling, but it turned around when you didn't feel his arms around you, you flipped the blanket and he wasn't there, you felt he might've regretted last night, maybe it was wrong for you to kiss him in the first place, you walked out of your room more disappointed than ever the door slammed on accident, and that's when you saw him, on his same grey underwear cooking God knows what but it smelled amazing.
He turned on his back and smirked, "Good morning to you too" He looked at you up and down, and you noticed you didn't have anything on, you were completely naked, he went up to hug you and stared at your face for a moment, "What's wrong, babe?"
"I just thought you had... left"
"I would never do that" He caressed your cheek with his thumb, "And for the record, you won't get me to go that easily" A smile crawled to your lips, and he smiled back pecking your lips, you quickly changed the subject to distract both of you for a second.
"What are you making, Al? Smells good" God, he was just like a happy meal, the prettiest, British happy meal ever.
"I'm making eggs, sausage, pancakes, and some beans... and also you're a blessing" You stole one of the sausages that were already cooked and served on a plate.
"Why?" You said with your mouth full.
"Cause you have Heinz beans, and the best pancake mix ever" You broke into laughter, almost choking on your food.
"I can't believe you woke up and did all of this" You turned and also saw fresh coffee in the pot, you poured him and yourself a cup.
"I'm capable of eating this all by myself, when I wake up hungry I just cook everything that I see on the fridge" You truly believed him, like actually, you could expect that from him, but you didn't expect he was also a very tidy man, you could use that on a daily basis.
"Did you have a good night sleep?"
"I dreamed about you," He said with a smile, "Very sweet dreams I'd say" You couldn't believe how this man could make you blush so hard, and just with a few words.
"Wanna tell me about it?"
"How about I show you" He quickly turned everything off and carried you back to bed, both of you giggling.
Hope you enjoyed! and be prepared for the next chapter ladies and gentlemen…
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mazeofyeni · 9 months
💬nia’s notes: for the all eyes on me portion , i just added her part…
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intro !
she bowed , walking in , waving. “ah pretty , she must popular.” she laughed , sitting down. “hello.”
“what’s your name?” sohee asked. “maddie.” she answered. “ah maddie , what department are you from?”
she chuckled , trying to stay on script. “from the sports department , for figure skating.” they all hummed. “do you have any medals?” she nodded. “first place.” they all clapped , she shook her head , the next person coming in.
“are there 8 of us in this class?” shotaro asked. “i think so.”
“as the class president, i’ll checked the attendance.” shotaro read from the clipboard. “anton” “here , i’m anton” “eunseok” “here i’m eunseok.” “seunghan “here i’m seunghan.” “shotaro” “here , i’m shotaro” “sohee” “here i’m sohee.” “sungchan” “here i am sungchan” “wonbin” “here i’m wonbin”
“maddie.” she put her hand up. “here , i’m maddie.”
“hello everyone , then let’s go straight to the first period.” “okay, let’s go!”
“we don’t know much about each other, right?” shotaro said. “do we not know each other?” sungchan threw him off. “weren’t we in the same class?” wonbin patted his shoulder.
“we are , but it’s a new semester.” they all hummed in agreement. “right, we get to know each other.”
(1st period) all eyes in me when i stand up !
“okay!” she said reading the rules. “the rules are one member stands up and the others will take turns and say something about said member.” she said. “we will indicate whether that information is right or wrong with a xylophone.”
she waited for everyone to go , and then finally it was her turn.
“maddie…” sungchan said. “can speak differently languages.” she hit the xylophone. “correct!” she said. “i can speak english, korean, japanese and french.” she said. “say something in french.” wonbin said. “hello, i’m maddie, please listen to riize and give us lots of support, thank you.”
“maddie is…” seunghan started. “she can act, she’s and actress.” she once again hit the instrument. “also correct.” she said. “i’ve been acting since i was a kid.”
“okay, sohee, go.” “maddie is a artist, she can draw and paint and stuff.” he turned to her for confirmation. “correct.” the instrument chimed. “i recently started doing people and landscapes, i can’t wait to show fans my works.”
“maddie is…” wonbin said “a figure skater.” “that was too easy.” shotaro said. “it’s correct though, i’ve been skating since i was young.” she explained.
“maddie…” shotaro thought, smiling before answering. “can’t cook.” the group erupted into laughter, while she angrily hit the xylophone. “this is not true, this is not true.” she repeated. “i can cook, i swear it was only a few times things went wrong.” she pleaded her case. “she burnt eggs.” she glared at shotaro. “next!”
“maddie…” eunseok said. “likes to prank people.” she smiled. “she’s a prankster.” she laughed. “i do, i really love to play pranks, but it’s always out of love.” she chuckled.
“okay anton, go.” “maddie…” he said. “she can play many instruments.” she hit the instrument. “correct.” she said. “i can play guitar, piano, flute and the drums.” “what made you learn all those.” she shrugged. “boredom.”
“okay, time to give out the plush.” she bent down picking a cute toy. “okay let’s see.” she said, looking around. “anton.” she handed him the toy. “why?”
“besides singing, i really love playing instruments , and he acknowledged that i can play them , so he gets it.” she said patting his shoulders.
(2nd period) !
“so you heard the information, about each other, in second period, we’ll get to know each other even better.” sohee said once they finished xylophone game. “read the questions in front and write your answers on the black boards.”
on the first day of a new semester, as soon as you enter the classroom you see a friend far whom you want to become friends with, would you go say hi and give them a mychew? or wait until that person comes over and talk to you first?
“i chose the second one.” “why?” she laughed. “because what if they don’t want to be my friend?” she said. “i couldn’t stand the rejection, i’d go into hiding.”
next, choose where you will sit in the diagram?
“i don’t understand , which is the best?” she asked , writing down a number. “is this a good number.” she asked.
“i wouldn’t know , i was homeschooled.” she said. “you’ve never been in a real school.” she shook her head no. “i sat at my desk in my room, so i don’t know.”
which would you choose? five year old sohee vs five sohees?
please draw a portrait of the person to your right …
“i got sungchan.” she turned to the boy. “do well.” she nodded. “hers is gonna be good of course.” she smiled. “it’s a quick drawing so it’s not that good.”
“you ready?” she asked. “yeah i want to see.” she flipped the board. “wah, you did so good.” he praised. “stop it.” she said.
please draw rizze’s life graph …
they all took turns saying what they wanted to say about what they wanted to accomplish as a group in the next few years as sungchan wrote on the board.
“we only go up.” “we’re riize.”
“i hope this graph comes true.” they all hummed in agreement.
“do you know what’s for lunch today?” they moved on. “it’s seolleongtang.” “but they don’t have radish kimchi.” seunghan said.,”i don’t want it then.” sohee sat back in his chair.
“you knew about the audition for the dance club later, right?” sungchan asked. “come if you’re interested.”
“let’s eat and see you at the club.”,they all stood up, she stood up, stretching her legs. “let’s go!” sungchan swung his arms around her shoulders. “jesus, knocked the wind out of me.”
(dance club) !
they returned later with new outfits , separating into teams of 4 , she was on the team with sungchan, seunghan, and sohee.
“you heard the dance club is recruiting new members, right?” sungchan said. “how do you like our team, memories, our dancing is on a whole new level.” the boy teased the other team.
“do you think you have what it takes to best get a guitar?” she shook her head. “of course.”
they went over the challenges they would be doing and which one they’d be doing; she got plank. “you have a good upper body you can do it.” seunghan said. “i still hate doing those.” she stressed.
they each went , winning the first arm wrestling challenge, losing the leg wrestling; then it was her turn to do the plank along with eunseok.
“come out.” she stepped on the mat. “i feel like we were overly confident.” she said. “i’ll go easy on you.” eunseok teased the girl.
she got down on the ground. “you ready.” she shook her head yes. “maddie, be confident.” she nodded. “okay!”
“and start!” they both lifted up off the ground. “ack!” she yelled, followed by her teammates yelling she could do it. “you guys sound like my mother , this is so-.” she groaned.
“maddie?” eunseok smirked. “no, shit up!” she yelled. “you can give up it’s fine, just give up.” he got into her head , her arms shaking. “he’s cheating!” she yelled, right as her arms gave out and she fell out of form with a yell. “yah!” she stood from the ground. “you cheater!”
he smiled. “i didn’t cheat , i didn’t make you fall did i?” he patted her head. “don’t touch me.” she swatted his hand making her way back to the group. “maddie? love you.” he teased her further , she glared , smiling.
and lastly it was the thumb wrestling match , which they sadly ended up losing, costing the whole game.
“it’s okay , its okay.” they consoled themselves.
“hold up.” sohee said. “that was just the warm up , we’re ready for the real deal , a dance team needs a dance battle. “
“drop the beat.”
they each took turns battling each other to different kpop songs. “red velvet sunbaenim.” she shouted, going back to front to dance. “red velvet sunbaes i love you.” she went back before the next song came on.
they kept dancing all running back and forth to the songs until the staff decided it was over and then it was time for the freestyle part.
in the end they all just started complimenting each other , never even really deciding who was the winner.
“it’s over all ready.” wonbin said. “it’s only the first day and it was so much fun , how was it everyone?” “it was fun doing all these challenges and getting to know the members.” she said.
then, let us keep having a good timethank you in advance guys!” they all yelled
“we riize!”
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quodekash · 1 year
SOUNDWIN PATPRAN PARALLELS bc soundwin = patpran shut up 
(specifically sound = pran and win = pat but there will be some outliers with that, but itll still be soundwin = patpran) 
the timing of their kisses is like. exactly the same. yes, soundwin is 1.5x faster, BUT the timing increments between the two kisses are EXACTLY the same which cant be a coincidence (woah look at that a sneaky little self plug here, i put the music from the patpran rooftop kiss over the top of the soundwin kiss, swhshwshwshwshwshw youre welcome) 
sound wrote a song about win and performed it at the beach. pran wrote a song about pat and performed it at the beach. 
their first kiss is WAY more than just a peck 
sound liked win for longer, pran liked pat for longer, and yet their first kiss was initiated by win/pat: the one who had feelings for less time 
pat is an engineer, win is a sound engineer (korn is also an engineer) 
the soundwin red/yellow agenda (you can find the original posts of those brought to you by the wonderful @ashedddaisy right here. this is the reason i can no longer see a red skittle and a yellow skittle next to each other without thinking of soundwin), and the bins outside their houses are red and yellow. adding on to that, yellow is sound’s colour and red is win’s colour, and the bin outside pat’s house is red while the bin outside pran’s is yellow. 
sound and pran are both singers, guitarists, and songwriters 
sound and pat are both ASTONISHINGLY good actors 
sound and pran were both in a band with their high school crush 
in episode 9 (his sixth episode in the show), sound confesses to liking win after pretending to hate him the entire time. in episode 6, pran makes the “whoever falls in love first loses” deal with pat, after pretending to hate him the entire time. and i wont get into it right now, but that deal/bet thing was essentially a confession (if youre wondering precisely how, ask me and ill tell you) 
bathroom interactions (patpran with the “did you wash your hands” and soundwin in their first interaction and in episode 7) 
win and pat both like and attempt to hit on a girl who is clearly a lesbian, right in front of the guy who is in love with them, and whom they dont yet realise they are also in love with, while the guy who is in love with them stares on in gay jealousy (with a hint of sadness) 
this one is strictly os2 but both sound and pran run off after their first kiss 
win and pat are both very impulsivley angry and get into fights fairly often 
sound and pran both bounce off win and pats anger, meaning soundwin and patpran get into fights a lot 
pat and win both take pran and sound places in their vehicles (win on his motorbike, pat in his car) 
win wanting to sit next to sound on a long bus ride to the beach, but sound is ✨moody✨ for some reason || pat wanting to sit next to pran on a long bus ride to the beach, but pran is ✨moody✨ for some reason 
aggressive declarations of love in front of large crowds (sound with his song, pat with his declaration in front of the entire architecture faculty) 
sound/pran realising their feelings after win/pat does a silly little tiny thing for them thats revealed in a flashback (win hugging sound under the umbrella to keep him dry, pat with “the worlds one and only handsome pick”) 
win spooning sound under the umbrella | pat spooning pran at the xylophone 
again, this is an our skyy 2 thing, but pat wants to race pran up the stairs cos the elevator isnt working, and pran seems to disagree at first, but he’s actually tricking him and then he gives himself a head start. likewise, at the start of episode 2 msp os2, sound wants to race win, and win seems to disagree at first, but he’s actually tricking him and then he gives himself a head start 
forced proximity (soundwin tied up for the play, patpran squished in the elevator) 
in the mv in os2, sound played pran and win played pat 
there is something to be said about episode 6 when patpran were doing the standing on the paper thing, and the end of episode 9 when soundwin are standing super close together at “then ill hit on you til your heart beats fast” 
while we’re on that part, sound’s purple long-sleeved jacket thing when he’s at the beach on the last day and pran’s purple shirt when he’s at the beach on the first day? very similar vibes 
this one might be a bit of a stretch but palm in nlmg always makes me think of win, and palm apparently owns nothing but hawaiian shirts, and pat also seems to own a large collection of hawaiian shirts 
win is constantly late and also falling asleep in class, so he presumably takes forever to get out of bed and is constantly snoozing his alarms. you know who else snoozes his million and 1 alarms in the mornings, and then ends up running late? pat. 
BOTH SHIPS HAVE A HITTING-ON PHASE TO PROVE THE FEELINGS and also most of the flirting is off screen and im really mad about it. but anyway ignoring the lack of on-screen embarrassing attempts at hitting on each other, there’s sound with the “ill hit on you til your heart beats fast” and patpran with the “whoever falls in love first loses”, so. yeah. 
in the earlier stages of their relationship being known to their friends and stuff, win and pat are slightly more confident whereas sound and pran are very blushy (and i think embarrassed is the right word? but embarrassed in a good way) and stuff. think of win with the chin touches, and calling him pumpkin, and the way sound is smiling and laughing but trying to change the topic. and then think of pat with all the sniffing, and wanting to be sweet with him even tho paa is in the room, and the declaration of love, and of pran’s reactions. but also pran and sound have their moments of confidence, like pran's grin and “what was that? i didnt hear that” during the declaration of love, or sound initiating the cheek kiss on stage, or sound pinching win’s cheek in front of gun, or (other examples that i just cant think of rn) 
i cant explain this one, but theres something so similar about the scene in episode 5 where win is playing video games and sound is doing his guitar things, compared to the scene in the first episode where patpran are aggressively drumming/strumming at each other in the music room 
sound and pran were both on the bl babygirl polls, and there was a round of them against each other 
sound and pran both have their own little symbols if that makes sense?? like, sounds is the chain necklace, pran’s is the ):) 
also just “in the beginning, we just didnt stop fighting. in the end, i blushed for him without realising it.” i know it’s gun who says that, but it very clearly applies to soundwin as well (and sound’s reaction to that line is more evidence that it applies to soundwin), and it’s also PERFECT for patpran 
pat fully just says pran’s password out loud to the entire architecture faculty, and that just seems like a silly impulsive thing that win would also do 
“the doctor says i need someone to support me while i walk” when pat is leaving the hospital feels really similar to win in os2 pretending his leg is in pain so that sound would come back and win takes advantage of that as a head start 
thats all for now, but ill probably update this regularly when i think of more and/or when we get more ✨new✨ parallels bc of bbs os2 
(also some of these i thought of a while ago, so heres my collection of msp/bbs parallels, all in the form of the one meme) 
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yawnzzznnn · 11 months
Hi Can I also request Fluffy A-Z for Jihoon (Trainee A). Thank you so so much 💕💌♥️❤️💋
♡︎Fluffy A - Z with Jihoon♡︎
Reblogs are appreciated
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Tag list: @leoonoa
A - affection (how affectionate are they)
When you two are alone he can be a little affectionate he likes to cuddle and all but not as often
B - boyfriend points (cute things they do)
He will randomly reach over to you and pat your back
C - comfort (how comforting are they)
He tries he best sometimes hes not the best but he tries and that's all that matters
D - dreams (there future with you)
He wants to live in a nice cozy house with you and your kids not to big not too small just right a nice family home
E - everlasting (how long will y'all last)
A good while because you both have puppy love for one another so it will last a good while
F - friendship (how long were you two friends)
You were friends for a year and a half before you two stayed dating
G - games (couple games they play with you)
He may not be on TikTok as much as others may be but he has seen a few couple challenges he likes to do with you
H - hugs (how often do they crave hugs)
Not very often he is satisfied when he's holding your hands
I - I love yous (who was the first person to say I love you)
He said it first after you gave him matching bracelets it just slipped out
J - jealousy (how jealous are they)
Not jealous at all he literally couldn't care less if someone is flirting with you because he knows you like him and he likes you
K - kisses (kinds of kisses they give)
Small shy pecks he's too nervous to stay for too long
L - lazy days (lazy days with them)
He likes to play quizzes with you from like buzzfeed
M - mornings (mornings with them)
Soft very very soft he is extremely cuddly in the morning
N - nicknames (nicknames for one another)
His for you: Baby, Love, Honey
Yours for him Babe, Lover, Honey
O - opening up (how fast did they open up to you)
He opened up a year after dating
P - PDA (public display of affection)
He isn't big on it but he will loop an arm around you and play with your clothes
Q - quality time (how they spend time with you)
Playing random quizzes with you and making fun of them
R - romance (how romantic are they)
Barley romantic but he has his moments
S - support (how supportive are they)
Very supportive of everything you do even if it sounds a bit weird of course he will question it but he won't think much of it unless it could get you hurt then hes shutting it down
T - thrill (how thrilled are they about you)
Very but he won't bother the members about you he will bring you up every now and then
U - understanding (how understanding are they)
Very understanding he doesn't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything
V - value (how much they value you)
Ever since you helped him when training got hard he valued you alot more than he used too
W - wild card (random head cannon)
He loves painting your nails he loves trying to put little designs on them
X - xylophone (your couple song)
Y - you (what they think of you)
He admires you so much like even if your younger than him he looks up to you much
Z - zzz (naps with them)
He sleeps lightly when taking a nap with you in case you need help
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lullabytaeyong · 1 year
Txt Agere Series Part 4 🚋
🍪 Home Sick
☕️ No tw
Summary: Beomgyu goes home to visit his family and finds himself longing for the familiarity of home, even though he is technically at home. But how can it be home without his cg’s and brothers?
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Beomgyu loved going home to see his family over breaks and between comebacks. The warmth of his mother giving him hugs and his father patting him on the shoulder refreshed him. It gave him time to feel normal. Not like an idol. They’d talk and talk and talk! His mom loved to hear all the fun things he had to say and always knew how to cheer him up. He would join her in cooking or his father with his side hobbies. It was perfect.
The only struggle for Beomgyu was existing in his childhood home without regressing. His room still had bins of toys his mom organized into storage cubes on a shelf because he was too attached to them to give them away. His bed had sheets designed with little cars on them and several stuffed animals. Now and then he would take a peek in his closet where they stored toys from when he was preschool. There were only a few. A plastic tool kit, a pretend vet set with a kennel, and a rainbow xylophone he used to ding all the time. He had to fight off the urge to take it out and make up little songs because his family would hear it. 
With distractions of neighbors stopping by to say hello and his dad showing him a new show, Beomgyu didn’t even think about feeling small. Yes it had been a couple weeks since he last regressed, but he felt okay. He could let himself feel fuzzy as he he drifted off to sleep, imagining his Papa telling him a story. That was his plan until he was all alone on his third day there. His parents had jobs they were expected to be at and as much as they would love to spend every second with their son, they couldn’t. Beomgyu sat silently on the couch, feeling a little nervous.
He missed Yeonjun and Soobin giving him forehead kisses and checking on him. He missed raging over games with Kai while Taehyun rolled his eyes. Beomgyu was homesick. This wasn’t really his ‘home’ anymore. If the others where there then it would feel more normal. They were his home.
Beomgyu sighed and looked absentmindedly at a bookshelf next to the tv. On the very bottom shelf were some picture books he and his brother used to throw at each other. Out of borden and curiosity, he got up and sat down in front of the tall shelf. The thin spines didn’t display and titles, so he tugged one out to find one of his old favorites. It was simple book about unicorns with a purply-blue cover. His brother used to tease him for liking it, but he would just stick his tongue out at him. Beomgyu flipped through the pages, dragging his finger over the pictures. One page about underwater unicorns, not narwhals, hit him with a little too much nostalgia. He quickly put the book back and walked away to the bathroom.
“Shower…” He mumbled to himself.
Originally, Beomgyu thought a shower would distract him from the pit in his stomach, but it didn’t. He tried washing his hair, but after getting the shampoo out he felt grumpy and tired. In his head, he pretended Soobin was there to talk him through the rest of the steps. What did he do after shampoo again? Beomgyu felt a tightness in his throat and whimpered. His parents had all kinds of different soaps that he had used before. They weren’t the colors or smells he was used to, making it harder to stay focused on his task. Beomgyu sat down with his back to the water and looked up around him. Everything seemed so tall compared to him.
Beomgyu’s mind fluttered off to his bath toys he shared with Kai and Taehyun. He wondered if they had played with them without him. If his rubber froggy and hippo were with him he wouldn’t feel so lonely. Beomgyu rubbed his face and forced himself to stand. He shut off the water and dried off. Staying in there would only make it worse apparently. After some time on his computer, Beomgyu was back to being fully in his regular headspace. He had quite a close call in the shower. If he hadn’t gotten out when he did, his dad would’ve found him in there staring off into space, unresponsive. The possibility of it all made Beomgyu cringe.
That night, after a long movie his mom wanted to share with him, Beomgyu huddled under his blankets his lamb stuffie hugged to his chest. His thumb snuck it’s way into his mouth and before he knew it he was texting Yeonjun straight up nonsense.
beom:sleeeepppytimmmdm ⭐️🧸so spleep
yeon:goodnight baby!
beom:nooooooo no thank u
yeon:you’re silly
yeon:get some sleep gyu <3
beom:tmmrow getsdee eberyone finlly!:D
yeon:we can’t wait! but be good and go to sleep now, okay? ily (ᵔᴥᵔ)
beom:(๑・̑◡・̑๑) (-.-;)y-~~~ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Yeonjun giggled at his phone screen and turned it to show Soobin, who was laying next to him on his bed.
“Look at what he’s doing.” Yeonjun smiled.
“How’d he figure that out??” Soobin chuckled. “I didn’t think little Beomgyu knew about the japanese keyboard.”
“Me either. I’m a little worried about him.”
“Why’s that?” Soobin asked.
“He hasn’t been little in a long time. What if something happened…” Yeonjun shrugged slightly and closed his eyes.
“We’ll see him tomorrow. He’s probably just sleepy, he even said it himself! They all get like that sometimes.” Soobin said, referring to the regressor trio.
“Hmm, I guess you’re right.” Yeonjun yawned. He sent one more message to Beomgyu and let his eyes fall shut.
The next morning, after a long goodbye to his parents, Beomgyu anxiously sat on the train. It wasn’t a very long trip, but after accidentally regressing before falling asleep, he felt a little on edge. His mother was doting on him non stop when he got up because she knew he had to leave. It left him struggling to act normal, like he wasn’t about to drift off from reality. She had noticed something was up, too. Beomgyu had a distant look in his eyes and didn’t pack his lamb in his bag, insisting he wanted to carry it instead. She checked him for a temperature but didn’t find one, so she gave him a tight hug goodbye and let him go.
Lamby, Beomgyu’s lamb stuffie, sat on his lap while he listened to music. He held onto her ear, rubbing the material between his fingers. Everything felt so tall and big compared to how Beomgyu felt. Visually it wasn’t, of course, but the adults around him seemed much more grown up than he did. He couldn’t wait to get home.
Beomgyu was so eager to get off the train that he accidentally hopped off at the wrong stop. Before he realized his mistake, the train was zooming away. His heart dropped. The flat was a good 15 minutes away by train, which meant forever by foot. He had to sit down and collect himself before getting on a different train headed in the same direction. His little self was screaming to break down and cry, but his big self pushed it away. Crying and freaking out would only make things worse.
It took another extra hour for Beomgyu to get home. As he paid his taxi driver, the cold winter wind whipped through his hair and burned his ears. He was holding himself together by a single thread and needed to get inside immediately.
“Thank you.” Beomgyu bowed politely, expecting an equally respectful exchange. The driver, however, scrunched up his face at Beomgyu and tsked.
“Yeah whatever.” He glanced at lamby in Beomgyu’s hands and chuckled. “Weirdo.” He muttered before driving away.
Beomgyu’s façade crumbled and he burst into tears. He ran inside and up the stairs to the third floor. The door clanked heavily against his body, as he slammed it open to get to their door. Distraught sobs exploded from his chest while he stumbled forward and tried to punch in the code. It didn’t work the first or second time. He was about to try again when the door flew open. Like a deer in the headlights, Beomgyu froze and stared wide eyed at Soobin.
“There you are! Oh my god, wait what’s wrong? Was that you crying?” Soobin rushed, taking Beomgyu by the shoulder and dragging him in.
“Appa!” He cried, clinging to Soobin’s shirt.
“Oh- Hi baby. I didn’t know you were little. Are you okay?”
“Driver was mean!” Gyu sobbed. Soobin awed sadly and rubbed his back.
“I’m so sorry, sweetie. They just didn’t know they were with the best boy on the planet! I bet they were mean just to be mean.” The tallest comforted. He listened Beomgyu babble through his tears about how he had hard rough trip back. Soobin nodded and comforted him until his tears dried up.
“Where’s eberyone?” Beomgyu sniffled.
“Taehyun and Kai are in their room and Yeonjun’s in the kitchen. Are you hungry?”
“Mhm.” He nodded.
“Okay, I’ll bring your stuff to your room. You can go get a snack.” Soobin smiled, ruffling his hair.
Beomgyu pulled away from Soobin and shuffled to the kitchen while Soobin took care of his stuff. His stomach rumbled, as he peered around the corner to see if Yeonjun was there. He was! He was standing by the oven with hand on his hip, humming to himself. Beomgyu brought lamby to his face and ran straight for him. He crashed into his body and wrapped his arms tightly around him to say hello.
“Oof! Well hello.” Yeonjun grinned. He was caught off guard, but broke into a huge smile and hugged Beomgyu back. He picked him and spun in a circle, making the younger giggle and squirm.
“I want a snack.” Beomgyu mumbled to him.
“Well, luckily for you, I’m making cookies right now! Here you go.” Yeonjun reached to the counter where a bunch of the cookies were cooling.
Beomgyu took it and bounced up and down for a moment before dropping to the floor. He scooted forward, sitting on Yeonjun’s foot, and wrapped his own arms and legs around his leg. Yeonjun was laughing, confused but entertained.
“What’re you doing?” He giggled.
“I’m a lemur and you’re a tree.” Beomgyu stated, munching away on the cookie. Yeonjun shrugged his shoulders with a smirk and continued on like normal.
Beomgyu stayed there for about ten minutes. If it wasn’t for his weight on Yeonjun’s foot, the oldest might’ve forgotten he was even there. He had another cookie and eventually got up to find the others. He wandered to the maknaes room and barged in like he owned the place.
“Hi!” He chirped, jumping on top of Kai, who was laying lazily on his bed.
“Hi! You’re finally home!” Kai smiled, giving him a squeeze. The presence of Lamby in Beomgyu’s hand was a dead five away that he was little.
“What’s on your face?” Kai chuckled. He used his thumb to wipe away at the chocolate smudges around Beomgyu’s lips.
“I had a cookie and hyung was my tree. But I’m not a lemur anymore.” Beomgyu babbled cutely. Kai nodded along and scratched his back for him. He has such a fascinating imagination.
“You got a cookie? Yeonjun hyung practically smacked me when I tried to take one.” Taehyun spoke up from the floor where he was doing push ups.
“It’s cause I’m the cutest! I get firsts.” Beomgyu stated proudly.
“Well, I guess I can’t disagree.”
It was so nice to be home. The quiet chatter, the laughs, the smells…it was perfect. Beomgyu relaxed into Kai’s snuggle and sighed contently. He listened to him and Taehyun talk about movie theories, slowly but surely growing sleepy. The maknaes didn’t notice, too engrossed in their conversation to do so. When Soobin stopped by to see what they were up to he thought he’d find them building block towers or pretending with play food. Instead, he saw Beomgyu resting in Kai’s embrace. He panicked for a split second, thinking he might still be upset, but he noticed the lack of tears. Beomgyu yawned cutely with his nose scrunching up and whined. Soobin sat down at the foot of Kai’s bed and watched Kai absentmindedly pet Gyu’s hair to soothe him. Always so gentle, Soobin thought.
“Is it nap time, Beoms?” Soobin asked.
“Mhmm.” Beomgyu pushed himself upright and crawled down the bed to his waiting arms. “Sleepy.”
“I bet. You were up late and had a long trip. Say ni’ night to Tyun and Kai.” Soobin smiled, standing with the boy in his arms.
“Ni’ Night.” Beomgyu waved with his eyes closed and let his head fall onto Soobin’s shoulder.
“Sweet dreams ~” The maknaes singsonged.
Soobin carefully left the room and made his way to Beomgyu’s. While he was with the others, Soobin picked up his room a bit and pulled out all of Beomgyu’s favorite little gear. Some of it was what they had for his younger headspace, like lavender baby lotion and the only paci he owned. It was a solid shade of light blue with a small koala graphic on the white button. He heard Beomgyu make a small noise when he set him down on the bed and handed it to him. Then he tucked him in with his favorite blanket and made his stuffies say good night with different silly voices that made him giggle. Soobin loved the chances he got to baby Beomgyu. He never wanted to miss a single micro second of the warm feeling it gave him. There was something so parental and loving about it that he couldn’t get enough of.
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No. No. NO. This can not be happening. The one thing I was most afraid of. The dreaded cliffhanger (quite literal in this case). I'm going through the 5 stages of BL grief help. And I've already reached de Nile T~T
When i first realized that Bad Buddy and ATOTS would air back-to-back, I had an inkling that something like this might happen. Because it's P'Aof. But now my brain is this close to 'killstabrip rinse and repeat' mode.
I was thinking of not watching today's episode because of the exam tomorrow, and for once, i regret not listening to the logical part of my brain.
Anyways what's done is done.
Let's move on.
I loved today's episode, and *maybe* Our Skyy has made me like ATOTS more than i originally did so bonus.
I have a lot of favourite scenes from today.
The waterfall scene where they play in the water. It's a throwback to the beach scenes from BBS. I like the similarities; in the beach, they'd escaped from their friends and family and really enjoyed themselves with each other for the first time, when their love was just starting to bloom. Here, they are already very much in love and in a secure relationship, but it's also away from their friends, a small haven just for themselves. They still enjoy each other's company and playing with each other. The ost song plays in the background, but the lines that are highlighted are "I hope you are not bored; Looking at this same old face." which just emphasizes the point that their love is still going strong.
The sleeping together scene – after the mosquito net kiss (still smiling from that) – loved the short tickling moment because it reminded me so much of the BTS of when Pat hugs Pran from behind as he plays the Thai xylophone and in real life, Nanon is trying so hard to not laugh. Loved even more the "You're an Architecture student, right? Haven't you wondered how much shaking this house can withstand?". We all know what that meant, right? (If you don't, it's nothing sweetie, just boring old people stuff. Be a child as long as you can.) Pran's reaction cracked me up but also made me want to wrap them both up in a blanket and hug them. Yeah, I'm weird like that. Also, Pran's "No, i don't want to know. I'm not curious." – of course you don't want to know, Pran, of course.
I love that they managed to fit in a song by Nanon. It was a pretty good song, too. I also really liked how fast Pran's expressions changed when Pat arrived. Saying this for probably the millionth time, but Nanon is an amazing (Off Jumpol's voice) actor.
The Pat and Hona (Chief) waking up shirtless together scene. It. Was. Hilarious. I am never ever forgetting it. Them being like: my boyfriend is going to kill me. And yeah, they probably would if they came to know. I liked the reference to PatPran ep 11 when Pran asked how many points he got out of 10. And Pat realizing it's not his faen just by the hand made me a little soft. Also liked the reference to the rangers' t-shirt that Hona had first offered to Tian. Though the first thing that came to mind after seeing it was "Tian and Pran are going to be so jealous when they (mis)understand what the t-shirt means". Ya'll have ruined my innocence so you need to suffer too.
The watch made a comeback! So happy. I really wanna know how Pran will react when Pat gives back the watch. I have a hunch to what Pat will say when he does.
As for the preview, I'm happy (and a teeny tiny bit skeptical) about Hona & Pat's and Tian & Pran's growing friendship.
[Unmute :D Do NOT repost; I'll do more than find you]
I have neither time nor energy to make more than this one clip today, but if i find the energy and motivation on Saturday (i will have literally no time tomorrow), be sure I'll make a lot of clips (at least 4 or 5). If you have any requests in the meantime, feel free to send them through my asks!
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dsumpsbluey · 1 year
Unofficial Bluey Timeline: Part I
This post will be covering the beginning of season 1 of Bluey, starting from Magic Xylophone to Shadowlands. As a reminder, as we are at the beginning of the show, we start at Period 1, where Bluey and Bingo are 6 and 4 respectively. Period 1 won't take until season 2 to end, so there's not much to worry about.
The Magic Xylophone - Episode 1
Bluey and Bingo make use of a supernatural xylophone to control their dad. It's here where they learn to take turns.
Debuts & Details:
Aside from debuting the main Heeler family, Chloe's mum and her newborn baby appear for a scene (before Chloe which is odd).
Chilli describes Bandit picking his nose when they first met.
We get a first look at the Selfie portrait in the kids' bedroom. It stays the same throughout the series, but this episode uses the first iteration of the image, which lasts until about season 2.
In terms of the timeline, this automatically gets the first position, being that this is the first episode. There's nothing else to it, pretty much.
Favorite Part: When Bingo freezes Bluey to discuss her feelings is a great moment
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Hospital - Episode 2
Bluey and Bingo operate on their dad using their doctor knowledge.
Debuts & Details:
No character debuts, but we do see that cat plush in later episodes; We also see 'Polly Puppy' appear, and has prickles that need to be removed
We get a first look at the kitchen fridge, which is one of the frequent locations we'll look for throughout the timeline. However, the view in this episode is blocked by Bandit
We learn that cats can sneak inside a dog's belly button while asleep.
Bandit uses the alias 'Telemachus', making it the first play name used in the series; meanwhile Bluey and Bingo are referred to as 'Doctor' and 'Nurse' respectively.
Nothing much to say about this episode, as there's little detail about its placement in the timeline. Therefore, it gets placed after Magic Xylophone.
Favorite Part: That part where Bluey says "STING!" That's gotta be my favorite part. You'll never guess which instance I'm referring to. ever.
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Keepy Uppy - Episode 3
Bluey and Bingo engage in a game of "Keepy Uppy", where they prevent the premature death of a poor, red balloon.
Debuts and Details:
We see the debut of Lucky and Pat (aka Lucky's Dad, he's done his hammy)
We get a clear look at the fridge, which contains three papers held by a blue, red, and yellow magnet, as well as letter magnets of 'B' and 'C'
Again, another episode that's pretty timeless and fun with it's idea. A certified Bluey classic, if you will.
Favorite Part: "She saying Good Morniiiing!"
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Daddy Robot - Episode 4
Bluey and Bingo employ a so-called "Daddy Robot" to tidy their room. It goes exactly as expected.
Debuts & Details:
Debut of 'Daddy Robot' as well as 'Mummy Robot', who suspiciously look just like Bandit and Chilli 🤔
This marks the first instance of a 'fluffy' by Bandit
Bandit is seen eating a bowl of leftover fried rice, possibly from the 'Takeaway' place.
Just noticed the fridge handles are flipped in this episode compared to the previous episode. I believe this is the only instance of this, making it an error, though I think it's so the audience could see Bandit eating. Don't quote me on that tho.
Pretty goofy episode, I enjoy the character of 'Daddy Robot'. Such a shame we never see him ever again. Depending on the interpretation, this could take place either before or after 'Takeaway'.
Favorite Part: The first smoochy kiss
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Shadowlands - Episode 5
Bluey, Coco, and Snickers learn to play by the rules of Shadowlands, or risk being eaten by crocodiles.
Debuts & Details:
Coco, Snickers, and their respective mums make their debut
First episode to take place outside of the house
Chilli will eat your cupcakes
Very highly important episode, as it establishes the importance the rules have within an imaginary game. Quite literally the backbone of the show.
Favorite Part: The problem solving during Shadowlands is neat to witness.
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With that, thus completes part 1 of the Unofficial Bluey Timeline. This is generally how every post will be structured. Leave any comments about any episode discussed, or about the structure of these posts. Being as I'm new to blogging, any feedback would be helpful.
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moon-junnie · 2 years
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stars go blue
pairing: (non-idol) jun x (female) reader
warning: reader has a jerk of a boyfriend at the beginning
word count: 3.5k
Jun doesn’t want to be here. His mom decided to leave the city behind, and that meant moving to this tiny town where nothing ever happens. That meant transferring to this small school where everybody else has known each other since diaper days and everything new loses its luster within a day or an hour or a second. 
His mom says that she can’t remember the last time he smiled, so Jun is trying all of the things he used to enjoy in this new place. Yesterday, he joined that sports team. Today, he’s talking to the band director about performing during the concert season now and then — God forbid that he should be here this long— the marching season in the fall. 
“I play the piano,” Jun says, “and—” 
“Then you can learn how to play the xylophone quickly,” the band director decides, ushering Jun into the band hall. He must be desperate for new band members. 
Here, in the band hall, is where Jun sees you for the first time. You’re staring down at the xylophone, biting your lips. Your mallets move quickly. You play the scales fast, too fast, blurring the notes together. When you hit a foul note, your forehead wrinkles. Groaning, you drop your mallets onto the xylophone. 
The band director calls your name, and you snap to attention. You focus on him until he says, “This is Jun.” Jun grimaces as the band director pats his shoulder. “He plays the piano too. Do me a favor, please, and show him how to play a few scales.” 
As soon as you look at him, Jun drops his gaze to the floor. You’re cute. And your voice is angel soft when you say, “Hi, Jun.” 
He doesn’t know how, but he can feel you smiling at him. Your smile feels like the first springtime sunray after a cold, dead winter. 
He nods and obeys when you say, “Come here! I won’t bite.” 
And he wishes that he could stop blushing. And he’s grateful that he can at least pretend that he’s focused on replicating your mallet technique. And when the bell rings and other students pour into the band hall, he realizes that he hasn’t said a single word to you. He panics. 
A boy calls your name. Jun knows instantly from the way you look at him. Although you wince at his voice, you are in love with that boy. 
“Just a minute,” you say quietly as you pack your mallets away. 
Jun reaches to grab your wrist before you turn, but he stops himself. He mumbles your name instead. Your eyes widen. Maybe you didn’t know he could speak. 
“Yes?” Your voice — how is this possible? — softens. 
Jun hasn’t looked anyone in the eyes since moving here— not even his mom. But he falls into yours while he says, “Thank you for teaching me today. I appreciate it.” 
You smile at him. “You’re welcome.” And Jun thinks, squinting at you through the sunrays, that maybe being here, away from the city, isn’t so bad on a sunny day. 
And Jun will never admit it, but he watches your smile die when that boy you love grabs you by the wrist and pulls you away. Jun glares back at that boy you love, and he realizes all at once that you’re the only person worth knowing around here. And something in Jun’s chest tightens as he wonders if you know that.
. . .
Jun doesn’t know what he did to deserve to hold your attention every day in seventh-period band class. You were both put here by mistake, but you both swear to let it go unreported as you sneak into the empty girls’ dressing room to talk about anything and everything under the sun. Well, everything except that boy you love and that younger boy who’s taken to following you like your shadow. 
“I’m glad I met you,” you tell Jun one day between side-splitting laughs. “Seriously, sometimes I feel like I’m speaking some alien language until I talk to you.” 
“I’m glad I met you too,” Jun wants to say. “I swear you’re the only redeemable person here.” 
“Normally I wouldn’t say something like this,” Jun almost says, “but do you want to get out of here? Just me and you? Yeah, I know, you’re good, but everyone thinks I’m trouble anyway, so you can blame it all on me if we get caught skipping. I’ll take the fall if it’s for you. I’ll take the fall if it’s with you.” 
“Don’t get me wrong,” Jun is about to say, “I hate it here, but I’d stick around every day for the rest of my life just to be near you. And it doesn’t even matter if you ever look at me because, oh my God, I love looking at you.” 
But all Jun can do is kind of smile and stutter, “That’s sweet.” “He broke up with me again,” you blurt, and your eyes glaze over with something beyond sadness. 
“Who?” Jun almost asks, stupidly, but he bites his tongue. 
“And my friends and I spent all this time planning our own prom. I can’t be the only one without a date. It’s going to be at my best friend’s house this weekend. If you—” 
“There you are!” The assistant band director yells as he throws open the door. “Jun, your mom is here to pick you up early.” 
Jun grabs his book bag and leaves you alone with a soft, “Goodbye.”
Once the door is closed behind them, the assistant band director tells Jun, “You shouldn’t sneak around with good girls. Stay out here in the lobby.” 
“Nothing is happening between us,” Jun says, blushing. He finds himself grinning at the misunderstanding all the way to his mom’s car. 
Imagine that! A girl like you sneaking around with a boy like Jun! A girl like you giving Jun his first kiss while everybody else fumbles through their scales. Imagining that is Jun’s favorite thing to do these days. 
He holds his phone in his lap the whole way home because he hopes you will text him to finish your conversation. He isn’t foolish enough to believe that you were going to invite him to your friends’ prom, but he is certainly lovesick enough to hope. 
But you didn’t text him. 
Not even when he texted you first.
. . .
Jun is sitting beside you when you ask that boy you love to go to the bookstore. Jun is sitting beside you when that boy you love says, “I don’t think I want to,” before walking away. 
“I want to go with you,” Jun wants to say. “Name the place, and I want to go there with you. Anywhere, let’s go.” 
But Jun sees the tears gathering in your eyes as you look down at your lunch. And he knows that even though he wants to go with you, you don’t want to go with him. Something about that realization takes his breath away. 
Jun is sitting beside you, wheezing, gasping, when that boy who follows you like your shadow runs up to you. Innocently, oblivious to your broken heart—what does that kind of cluelessness feel like? Jun wonders— your shadow asks, “Do you want to go to the bookstore with me?” 
Jun is sitting beside you when you lift your head and smile at your shadow. Jun watches you nod. Jun hears you say, “I’d love to!” 
Jun is sitting alone as you walk away with your shadow leading the way. He wonders how anyone can look at anyone with a galaxy of stars in their eyes. He swears that he would look at you that way, too, if he knew how. Then, would you follow him anywhere? 
Jun is sitting alone when that boy you love grabs you at the game later that night. Jun watches your eyes glaze over with something beyond sadness. Jun watches your hands form trembling fists at your sides. Jun hears your sobbing whispered answers to that repeated question. 
“Do you like him?” That boy you love asks. 
“I don’t know,” you say.
“Do you like him?” That boy you love asks again. 
“I don’t know,” you say again. 
And Jun wishes that stupid boy would stop asking because you don’t deserve to cry in front of all of these people. And that boy you love has been too lucky for too long, and it’s about time you gave your heart to someone else— someone who can appreciate it. And Jun doesn’t want to hear the truth that everyone with eyes can see: yes, you do like your shadow. 
How could you not like somebody who gives you all of the stars with a glance? How could you keep loving somebody who gives you nothing but pain? How could you like somebody who shouldn’t even be here? How could you like somebody who can’t say anything that matters? How could you like somebody who is too content to be near you to say anything to risk your friendship or— or— or whatever this is, this thing that started that day in the band hall when the sun shone for the first time? 
You couldn’t like me, Jun realizes for the millionth time. 
And yet, he sighs just like he did when he realized it for the first time. 
. . .
Jun tries not to watch as you fall in love with your shadow, but it isn't’ easy to look away. In your shared corner of the band hall, it seems like Jun has a front-row seat to his second least favorite film. 
“He’s radiant!” That’s how you describe your shadow to your best friend. “I don’t think anybody like him has ever looked at me before.” 
And even though he frowns, Jun understands your pout. No radiant person has ever looked at him, either, and although he craves the attention of somebody like that, somebody like you, he thinks it would be frightening to be seen. Or maybe it would be frightening to be looked away from. 
Which would be worse, Jun wonders, being forgotten or never being seen? 
Jun decides that it doesn’t matter which is worse. He isn’t the kind of person who will make himself seen anyway. He’ll just sit in your corner of the band hall again tomorrow and quietly, passively, secretly hope that you notice that your shadow isn’t the first person who looked at you. Your shadow isn’t the first person who saw you. 
“He’s not radiant,” Jun wants to tell you. “You are. He’s just standing close enough to reflect your light.” 
“I know I’m not radiant,” Jun almost says, “but your shadow isn’t radiant either. The only difference between me and him is that he’s not afraid of hearing you say ‘no,’ he’s not afraid of watching you walk away, and I—”    
Jun decides that there isn’t any point in finishing his thought, so he rolls his eyes at whatever your best friend says, and he skips practice.
. . .
Jun left this tiny town behind after graduation, but he thinks of you whenever he returns to visit his mom. Are you still holding hands with your shadow? Are you trying to teach somebody how to play the xylophone at your university? 
Do you. . .  maybe think about him from time to time? Jun doubts it— no, Jun doesn’t believe that you think about him at all. Still, it’s fun to imagine that you do. Still, he sometimes smiles at the daydream that you do. 
Ever since you told him, “I’ll see you around,” after graduation, you and Jun have fallen in and out of touch. Jun hasn’t seen your face since that night in May, but he likes to think that he would recognize you if you ever made your way to the city. He likes to imagine your lips forming the words you text him whenever the stars go blue. 
Sometimes your texted conversations don’t even scratch the surface of “hello” before you disappear again, just as suddenly and unexpectedly as you appeared. Sometimes your conversations sink into the depths of the ocean, and you leave no stone unturned, and Jun sighs as he rolls over in his bed because— oh no— you’re going to swim away with another piece of his heart. 
And maybe Jun would fight to keep you around if you didn’t have a boyfriend. Maybe Jun would fight to keep you around if he didn’t like you too much to complicate your grasp on happiness. Maybe Jun would fight to keep you around if he didn’t like you too much to worry about what happens if— when— you don’t come back the next time the stars go blue. 
And maybe Jun would ask you to return the pieces of his heart, please, but he has a feeling that they’re better off in your unconscious care anyway. 
Maybe it’s hard to believe, but Jun is okay with the way things are. He misses your voice, yeah, but the distance prevents him from daydreaming about your kiss too often. The days are a bit dull without your texts, yeah, but Jun thinks he’s better suited for these short bursts of contact than anything else. Or maybe these are a few of those lies he’s learned to believe. 
“Hi,” you text one day after a year of silence. A year— that’s the longest you ever went without talking. 
“Hello,” Jun replies instantly. 
You ask, “Is this Jun?” 
“I hope so?” Jun responds. He doesn’t know why he’s smiling. “Yes, yes it is.” 
You tell him who you are, and Jun laughs out loud even though he’s in a room full of strangers. Yes, of course, you’re you. 
When he asks how you are, you demand, “Prove you’re Jun. Prove it’s you and that I’m not talking to a stranger.” 
Jun says, “I don’t know how to do that.” Then, he tries. “We went to the only high school in that tiny town where nothing ever happens. You tried to teach me how to play the xylophone.” 
“Okay, okay,” you say.
But Jun continues, “You like K-Pop for reasons unknown.” 
And you give the fiery sort of response that makes Jun want to laugh. 
“Be nice,” you say. 
Jun says, “I am the nicest guy,” even though he isn’t because he wants to be. At least to you. At least for you. 
You ask Jun how he is, and he tells you that nothing has changed. He’s still him, and that means that he’s bored or lonely or both. 
“I’ve been really sad lately,” you say, “and I procrastinated talking to you because I didn’t want it to seem like I only talk to you when I’m sad. And I didn’t know if maybe your number changed.” 
“You kind of do only talk to me when you’re sad,” Jun has realized before. “But that’s alright. And no, my number hasn’t changed.” 
Suddenly— like you had been straining to bite it back— you reveal, “My boyfriend broke up with me. We still date, and he says he loves me, but I don’t know.” 
You add, “I just feel like an idiot,” while Jun is still reading your previous message. 
Then, you add, “I’m just sitting around waiting for someone to talk to me like a moron.” 
“Say that again?” Jun scowls at his phone. “Your boyfriend—” your shadow— “broke up with you? But you still date?” 
You rattle off excuses for your shadow. He’s confused about life. He isn’t ready for a relationship. Jun rolls his eyes. 
“I don’t know a damn thing about life,” Jun types, “but I know a few things about you.” 
“I’m not ready for a relationship either,” Jun types, “but say the word, and I’m back in that tiny town for an hour or a week or a year or five years or however long you want to see me.” 
But Jun deletes every word. 
“So, you are still together?” Jun finally asks. 
You give the most frustrating answer: “I don’t know.” 
Jun can’t text you anymore because he’s driving now, but he can’t let the conversation end this quickly. He calls you, and you answer after the third ring. Your voice is as calm and even as ever, even as you describe the breakup. Then, your voice wobbles. And all Jun can think about is how that boy you loved made you cry at that game. He tightens his grip around the steering wheel. 
Jun tries to remind you that you’re worth more than whatever your shadow thinks about you. Jun tries to say that letting you go is your shadow’s loss. Most of all, though, Jun tries to listen. 
No, most of all, Jun tries not to feel any sort of joy as he marks this date on his calendar. September 21. A Tuesday. Clear skies and sunshine. The day you said “Hi” again.
. . .
Although you have texted about it, Jun doesn’t actually visit you until late January—four months after you said “Hi” again. The first time he comes over, he finds you watching a documentary in the living room. You look a little different from what he remembers. You’ve changed your hair, and your smile is a little crooked now, and he notices how you hesitate to look at him as he sits a few feet away from you on the opposite end of the couch. 
You say, “I didn’t expect to see you,” even though he has been promising to visit since September. 
He makes a self-deprecating joke about his appearance. He says it with so little thought that he can’t remember the joke after it passes his lips. 
You cut your eyes at him. “You’re a very handsome person, Jun.” 
He blinks at you, unsure of what to say. ‘Thank you’ seems oddly formal, but the silence is deafening. 
He watches you plant your face into a couch cushion before saying, “Please stop looking at me like that.” He thinks he can hear traces of a smile in your voice—he thinks he can feel a sunray in the middle of a cold, dead winter. He can’t be sure, though, so he snaps his attention to the documentary. 
The first time Jun comes over, you sit on opposite ends of your reclining couch. He doesn’t say anything, but he wishes that you would keep to your word and cross the distance like you promised in texts because he is trembling and incapable of making the first move. The whole visit feels like a dream to him on his drive home.
. . .
Jun visits you again in February, a few days after Valentine’s Day. Even though he told you not to, he hopes that you went back to the store to buy that plush bear for him. He isn’t sure what to call that sinking feeling that washes over him when you say that you gave the bear to another friend instead. 
While you’re in the bathroom, he rises from the living room couch and tiptoes into your bedroom. Although you had given him permission to do this through texts—although you expressed similar disappointment with the last visit’s distance—he can’t help but feel like he is crossing a line. 
He has to make a choice. Does he sit in the chair by your desk? Or does he sit on your bed? He doesn’t think about it for too long. 
When you fill the doorway, his heart races. Or maybe his heart stops. He tries to swallow the lump in his throat as you close the door behind you. When you don’t immediately bark at him to get off of your bed, he figures that he made the right choice. 
“What do you think of them?” You nod at the posters on your walls. You mentioned that nearly every inch of your wallpaper was covered in K-Pop posters, but he thought that he must have been dramatizing. It turns out that you weren’t dramatizing by much. 
Jun says, “They’re nice.” He points to one depicting a boy in a sweater vest. “I don’t think I could pull off something like this.” He nods down at his t-shirt and joggers. 
“Sure you can.” Standing at the edge of the bed, you nudge him over. Then, you say, “Actually, I like lying on that side.” 
Jun is half-joking when he motions for you to climb over him, but he stands up when you narrow your eyes at him. He waits for your head to hit the pillow before lying beside you. 
You ask, “Do you think it’s weird for us to be this close together?” 
“Nah,” he answers. He is too nervous to look at you when he returns the question. “Do you?” 
You say, “No,” and your hand is kind of cold when it brushes against his. 
Jun can’t remember much about the rest of the conversation. He remembers that you noticed the allergic rash on his knuckles; instead of yanking your hand away, you softened your touch. He remembers that the silence didn’t feel so deafening this time. He remembers that lying by your side was somehow the most comfortable and most exhilarating experience of his life.
He remembers thinking that he isn’t foolish enough to believe that the moment is anything more than fleeting. He remembers being lovesick enough to hope, however silently, to experience the comfort of you again and again and again.
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mahuhumaling · 10 months
thoughts while watching this talk about bbs with p'aof
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a sort of liveblog? | link to video | x.
ink's origins are so interesting
it's so fun to talk about character wardrobe because it's so true how even how they dress is part of characterization. they have to be stylistically unique so you feel the extension of their personality
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aww this is so cute. i can imagine them trying to help pat's kid actor safely enter pran's room because as far as i know, he has to jump two ledges (?)
also he was sweating like crazy and panting. i don't know if it's added makeup or what but it looked real haha
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aww and now they're talking about techniques in post-prod in order to tell an effective story!
it made me think of how cool episode 7's ending sequence was, because they were essentially three scenes intercut with each other even though they happened at three different times:
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before Pat chose to lose the bet (past - audition), during (present - agreeing to be Riam), and after (future - Pran cooks curry).
or the pilot's kid flashbacks, or episode 2-5 JHS flashbacks, or the late reveal in episode 10 that Pat ran after Pran w/ his guitar.
they're all so good.
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yep. there it is.
it's really so good that we only saw Pat's xylophone part of the audition first, and cut to another scene, before we unraveled Pat's monologue part of the audition. we don't get to see it until the end.
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it's like episode 3's ending. we thought pat's attempt in persuading his gang to help pran wasn't successful because they purposely cut part of the conversation off after. but then they appeared, and we flash back again — that's when we reveal that korn, chang, and mo actually agreed.
this show thrives off of fooling its audience and/or making us wait. it's a cool recurring thing.
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ooh. look at how interesting pran's pov is in the rooftop scene.
from this talk it's canon that pran was trying to move on from pat starting the morning of the sleepover and that's why he seems "fine." (also because he's proving to be a better actor than he thinks.)
p'amp said that Our Song could work as a sad song too when she watched episode 11's ending. naurrr.
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they watched the Just Friends music video but it was muted so we can't hear the reaction of the audience. :(
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omg i knew it! there's a rerecording of Just Friend.
because in the final trailer, nanon's voice quality is different compared to the official recording that is out in the streaming platforms and in the music video.
you can hear the first recording here.
the differences! especially nanon singing "tam gan" + it's heavier on the backup vocals.
and that was part 1!
wow. it's been a year yet until now there are no english subtitles for part 2. :(
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seastarlily · 2 years
Interesting Minor Facts About the Main Cast of “SpongeBob SquarePants”
SpongeBob SquarePants
- Birthday is July 14th, 1986 (“Sleepy Time”).
- Favorite color is beige (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Favorite food is Krabby Patties (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Favorite ice cream flavor is plain vanilla (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Can knit (“Goo Goo Gas”, “Gramma’s Secret Recipe”, “New Digs”, and “Bulletin Board”).
- Is ambidextrous (demonstrated across many episodes but is outright stated in “You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Main instrument of choice is ukulele (“F.U.N.”, “SpongeGuard on Duty”, “The Camping Episode”, “Single Cell Anniversary”, “Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom”, “Hello Bikini Bottom!”, and “Say Awww!”) but can also play electric guitar (“The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie”, “Krabby Road”, and “Lights, Camera, Pants!”), drums (“New Digs”), and organ/keyboard/piano (“Something Smells”, “Tentacle-Vision”, and “A Place for Pets”).
- The glasses he wears while jellyfishing are modeled after his voice actor Tom Kenny’s.
Patrick Star
- Birthday is August 17th (“SpongeBob SquarePants Annual 2014”).
- Favorite color is aquamarine (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Favorite ice cream flavor is dill pickle swirl with mustard and extra bacon bits (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Is right-handed (“You Don’t Know Sponge”).
- Can knit (“Bulletin Board” and “Old Man Patrick”).
- Went to community college (“The Bully”).
- Has a thing for mermaids (“The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie” and “Welcome to the Bikini Bottom Triangle”).
- Is 1/16 Amoeba and a distant cousin to Gary the Snail (“Rule of Dumb”).
- Main instrument of choice is drums (“The Camping Episode”, “Band Geeks”, “Krabby Road”, “The Inmates of Summer”, “Tentacle-Vision”, and “Lights, Camera, Pants!”) but can also play electric guitar and synthesizer (“The Inmates of Summer”).
Squidward Tentacles
- Birthday is October 9th (“SpongeBob SquarePants Annual 2014″).
- His middle initial, “Q.”, stands for “Quincy”.
- Is right-handed (“Artist Unknown”).
- Has appeared in more episodes than Patrick, despite being the tritagonist of the series.
- Besides canned bread (“Squidville”), his favorite food is ice cream (“The Fish Bowl”).
- Knows basic karate (“Squid Defense”, “SpongeBob You’re Fired!”, and “Pineapple RV”).
- Main instrument of choice is clarinet but can also play piano (“Dying for Pie”, “Pest of the West”, and “Atlantis SquarePantis”) and electric guitar (“Krabby Road”).
- Never went to college (“Drive Thru”).
- Is claustrophobic (“Wishing You Well”) and acrophobic (“Are You Happy Now?”), although the latter phobia apparently can vary (“No Hat for Pat”).
- Is allergic to nuts (“Feral Friends”), seaberries (“Restraining SpongeBob”), snail slime (“Once Bitten”), and too many snails/pets in one place (“Sanctuary!” and “A Place for Pets”).
- Has cooked Krabby Patties in SpongeBob’s absence successfully ("Employee of the Month," "Bubble Buddy," "Breath of Fresh Squidward," "The Good Krabby Name," and "Super Evil Aquatic Villain Team Up is Go!”) more times than unsuccessfully ("Pickles," "Hooky," and "The Algae's Always Greener").
- The recumbent cycle he rides is based on his voice actor Rodger Bumpass’s.
Sandy Cheeks
- Birthday is November 17th (“SpongeBob SquarePants Annual 2014″).
- Has a twin brother Randy (“Rodeo Daze”) and an older sister Rosie (“Sandy’s Nutty Nieces”).
- Her middle name is either “Olivia” (“SpongeBob SquarePants Ocean 3D: Facts & 3D Pics”) or “Jennifer” (“SpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical”).
- Can play electric guitar as well as acoustic (“Band Geeks” and “Lights, Camera, Pants!”).
Eugene Krabs
- Birthday is November 30th, 1942 (“Sleepy Time”).
- His middle initial, “H.”, stands for “Harold”.
- Can play piano (“The Fry Cook Games” and “Goodbye, Krabby Patty?”), keytar (“Band Geeks”), and xylophone (“Lights, Camera, Pants!”)
- Can paint (“Selling Out”).
- Can knit (“Goo Goo Gas”, “Bulletin Board”, and “Plankton’s Intern”).
- Used to skateboard as a kid and can still do it pretty well (“The Grill is Gone”).
- While he prefers sea shanties, he’s also developed a taste for electronic/techno music (“Jellyfish Hunter”, “Krab Borg!”, “The New Leaf”, “Burst Your Bubble”, “Stuck on the Roof”, and “My Two Krabses”).
Sheldon Plankton
- Was born on the same day as Mr. Krabs (November 30th, 1942) making them exactly the same age (“Friend or Foe”).
- Is the only character with a middle initial whose middle name is not known, although some fans believe it could be “James”.
- Can paint (“Bucket Sweet Bucket”, “Sweet and Sour Squid”, and “Plankton’s Old Chum”).
- Knows basic karate (“C.H.U.M.S.” and “Chum Defense”).
- His instruments of choice are piano and keyboard (“Band Geeks”, “Krabby Road”, “Lights, Camera, Pants!”, and “There Will Be Grease”).
- Hates the taste of pineapple (“Pineapple Invasion”).
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Ep 8
The mint green shorts! The two faculty jackets side-by-side! The domesticity!
The way they haven't changed who they are for the other person. Pran still scolds Pat. Pat still teases Pran. But they're doing it knowing they're accepted for who they are.
Oh, I never saw Pran's name and the smiley face written on the bottle before!
Whether it's fighting or flirting, nothing gets done between these two faculties 😄 Pat and Pran being told off every two minutes by Toto.
Yes! Fierce Ink. No wonder Pat, Ink, and Pran are all friends, they all have the same fierce protective streak...
How did we ever think we weren't going to be getting InkPa endgame?! It's so obvious now.
We got another 'ja' end particle and this time I think it's only mildly teasing! On the rooftop after Pat says 'Copy Paste' he says thank you - "khawp jai ja" (the 'ja' being “used with very close friends/family and by the queer community”).
Oh there's so much in that rooftop dinner scene. The need to be public and to be secret in equal parts and the hurt they want to avoid but end up not being able to...
The way Pat can only lie to his friends because they think he's dating an architecture girl.
Proud to be a Noles Hater te-shirt my beloved.
Narcissist Wai. smh. The fact that Pa being Pat's sister is Pat messing with Wai's life 😂
Again...Wai listened to Pran talk about all the hardships he would face because of the rivalries if he tried to date Pat's sister...and yet had no element of empathy for Pat and Pran when he discovered they were dating.
Pran's line, "It's a kind of relationship that I always avoid" basically sums up the first 5 eps of the series, how Pran did his best to avoid getting close to Pat even though he was in love...but because we know that they did eventually get together, it just shows the strength of their feelings for each other because really, logically, they shouldn't even try because of how difficult it is...but they do anyway 💙💖
"When did I teach you to lie?" Ming's double standards are showing.
I don't think i could dislike Ming any more than I do. How very dare him to make Pat feel this way.
And then Pat's in all white, stripped of colour, of happiness... The 'temporary' alluding to how it will pass, the 'select' alluding to the sides they're on and the need to choose [spoiler: they choose each other], and the brand being Korean adding to the theme of sides and rivalry set up by the Noles t-shirt earlier on (even the Tampa Bay shirt in the beginning)... And finally, Pat lays the 'Friend' shirt across his chest, back to colour, back to happiness. 😍
I just love how dorky these two are. Pran imitates an elevator and escalator to make Pat laugh. Pat gets Pran a case for his headphones with a double 'P' design but won't say what it means. They virtual-hug across the divide and get each other to give each other big smiles. All through this scene I kept thinking Pat would tell Pran he loves him...but it shines through in their actions, in the care and support they give, and in the way they look at each other.
Ooof that xylophone scene is majestic. The way Aof took a risk with it but it's so powerful.
Pran thinking back to the ways that Pat has helped him or been there for him...and Pat thinking back to the gift of the t-shirt from Pran and how he threw that back in his face. Both realising that their anger is mis-placed -> it's the circumstances of their life that they're mad at, not each other, not really.
And Pran doing what he does best - hiding a compliment as he scolds Pat. "Put your shirt on, you're making everyone drool" = "You're so hot".
Their soft 'sorry's 😭
"But I care about you more" 😭😭
Pat is so happy. He just radiates so much love for Pran 😭😭😭
THE MUSIC! building and leading up to Wai. ajdalkgja;ldfgja!!!
When I first watched this end, I felt cheated. I wanted more happy PatPran times after their reconciliation and before their relationship got revealed and brought more angst. They had just turned a corner in their relationship - Pran making himself more comfortable with the levels of 'publicity' Pat wanted to make, and Pat understanding that love can also be private and still be just as important (the seeds of ep 12). But I guess knowing what I know now about how they still have happy PatPran times in ep 9, I accept this pacing. It almost seems fitting because Pran had just decided he didn't care as much if people found out...and so people did...and Pat and Pran's love and understanding of each other helped them through the fallout.
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movementsofmylife · 2 years
bad buddy ep 8 (rewatch)
how many times does pran pull out his entire (extremely intense) set of markers and not use them:
total so far: //// /
this is the episode of call backs, and references, and improved scenes. also one of the episodes which fully destroyed me with the ending on first watch.
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starting with improv scene one, i love that this was nanon's idea. it's so cute and the fact that ohm clearly hated it in real life, as well as in character, perfect.
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this ep is also the saga of orange. it's all neutrals, orange, and green, unless they're in private or, in one case w pat and rugby.
the entire episode has them in colors that aren't their own, but put blue/red/yellow in the background, or as accents.
i really like that they've done this because it shows them trying to acclimate to this change in their relationship. and also the fact that they have to hide everything even more intensely now. it can only exist in the background.
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reference no. 2 to the outside world, the happy birthday song that ohm plays on the xylophone for nanon (iirc it's for him, but might be for someone else on set). this whole scene was cute af.
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the giiirls, in their green and yellow. honestly i am so so grateful we got them.
and got to see ink shut wai the fuck down.
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reference no. 3, the nanon and sizzy song, which ngl not even this scene could get me to actually like.
also! this is when wai sees them. this is so early. which makes his outing them soooo much worse, because the entire bar convo happens after this, ://
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once more iirc i think part of the clumsiness was just love. which is again, perfect casting, extremely cute.
also omg i love this scene.
and now that i've seen that mastermind edit of ink, i am wondering if she had the whole "call to cancel on us" thing planned with the other club member lol
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i just, i mean, look at how cute. also the call back to the call backs. this pat just makes me,,,,, ,, ,
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so the exception to the exceptionally orange ep. which is intriguing, because this is what he's wearing when pat thinks he might have been found out by his friends. and also as he's feeling sad over the rooftop phone incident. and it shows like a commitment to this relationship and his desires for it to be more out and loud which he tries to keep hidden from pran because he knows that pran's not ready for that yet. it's such a bold choice and so good at conveying pat's feelings. once more, this fucking show.
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this head pat is truly one of my faves. also just the blue/red more peripheral with the orange in the center, with yellow inside of that, and also doom green. it's saying so much!!!
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ok so the fact that wai heard this, and knew or suspected something with pat and didn't bring it up and instead outed them. just, i'm not like a wai hater (and also not an apologist lol, just a find wai amusing in his terribleness), but someone said he had main character syndrome and truly. (also just finished ep 9 and that episode makes wai so goddamn annoying).
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also, i know the 'when did i teach you to lie' or w.e line is deeply terrible, considering everything. but truly this line was the worst for me. because it's also a blatant lie. but one that i don't even think ming realized he's lying about.
like he has intervened in pat's life so much. pat wouldn't even be playing rugby if he hadn't been all, rugby best, be mvp. and it is implied it's like that for a bunch of other stuff, likely with his major too. and then he has the audacity to say this. fuck this man.
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look this incredible well done diegetic music plus flashback ugh. i don't even like flashbacks, but this ep used them so effectively.
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the flashbacks during this xylophone scene, with again, diegetic music. this show! the call back to the same technique from the previous scene but now sad af. it's simply so good at destroying me.
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and finally to my favorite theme of this whole episode. it's patpran learning about each other's boundaries and learning to respect them. and looking at the difference between love as a feeling and love as an action.
i love that this show doesn't have them magically be perfect together because they've had feelings since high school. instead it shows that having feelings is different to embodying, enacting, being a person in a relationship.
i fucking love this episode. it's so good. i say that about every ep though.
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jemmo · 2 years
my sister watches bad buddy - ep 7
- omg their faces are already close. he’s gonna bite his nose. i wanna bite pat’s nose
- pran be like “for someone who says they don’t like me, you seem to like me”
- don’t worry mom I just got sent actual porn
- what a euphemism. you’ve gotta blow it first
- i don’t think i look that different when I take my glasses off
- did his mom just say go be gay
- you have cute dimples - i agree
- “she’s about to get squided” “by what” “ink”
- i think it’s a running joke at family dinners that pat turned ink gay
- write down the position you want (for the play). pran resists writing down the word bottom
- how do you have your sister sharing your room and not have her find out about your secret boyfriend
- pa asks if it’s a boy or a girl. don’t even ask i’ve had that issue too
- wouldn’t it be cute if their wedding rings had just friends inscribed on them
- is he gonna change the printer again? He did that so well last time
- this isn’t the first time ink caused some tension between them
- he’s so smitten. look at him
- *pat takes his shirt off* this is a great montage
- pran’s like “that’s a nice story where can i find it, kindle store?” and wai’s like “more like ao3”
- he isn’t behind the shelves of my library (she works in a library)
- pran may as well as put dtf on his door
- love that pat is trying to make him swoon but pran’s like ok what if we fucked
- “tasty and beneficial” pat: that’s what i call my dick
- well this is feral. this is like soft porn
- *youtube ad comes up* good they know I needed a break
- 🚨🚨he’s down he’s down🚨🚨
- i mean this is not a joke anymore
- don’t tickle me i’m rock hard
- it’s the juice i rlly like the juice
- no we already know this
- pa’s like i’m related to you but i’m not stupid
- pran’s like i can’t (do the auditions) bc pat’s gonna turn up and he’s gonna be gay with someone else and my jealousy is gonna show
- this ep is rlly for the xylophone fans isn’t it
- pat: i’m such a good actor
pran: you’re playing you, gay enemies to lovers, this is your life
- oh he’s got a lil crush good for wai except no it’s not gonna work out for him
- pran’s like aww you guys (pat and ink) are cute friends now i’m not horrendously jealous
- pat looks so soft rn *ad comes on* awwww they took him from me
- it’s like they’re 69ing with nivea
- pat: i’m leaving and i’m taking my nivea with me *comes back in an hour* i’m not forgiving you i just forgot my cotton pads
- pran’s like i need you to beat a guy up for me
- “i tried everything” “did you suck his dick?” “no” “well try that”
- shit it happened i fell in love with him
- there was no game… bc he’d already lost
- wow they rlly caved quickly
- “you’re ending the foreplay already” “we’ve been in the foreplay phase for 6 years”
- imagine falling in love with a man while he’s playing the xylophone
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mewmewchann · 2 years
DFTH but it’s Critical Role (mostly campaign 3)
...Okay ever since I fell into the CR3 hole we all knew this was inevitable
This is pretty long even not counting the spoiler quotes because holy fuck this series is so quotable-
(...What. No. I’m not indoctrinating you into falling into Critical Role with me. What’re you talking about.)
Haruto: Perhaps we should introduce oursel- Jasper: SHRHSAHSHHHH. Haruto: WHY ARE YOU- Haruto: Wh y  i s yo u s o m ea n t o m eeee...?
Sachiko, in a posh accent: Would that be considered piercing, bludgeoning or slashing damage? Jasper, also in a posh accent: It doesn’t matter, you have not taken your turn to rage yet. Sachiko: Sachiko, still in a posh accent: oh fucking shit
Saiko: I'm going to...Slowly make my way... Kokoro and Haruto: Mmmaaaaakiiiiing mmmyyyyyyyyy wwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy Saiko: You’re welcome.
Jasper, to Rantaro: You’re not a burden, by the way. You shouldn’t have said that. You’re quite the asset. Jasper, immediately jumping at Haruto: YOU, YOU LITTLE FUCK-
Rantaro, putting his hands on Haruto’s shoulders: Words of affirmation. I believe in you and think that you’re great. Pat pat. Haruto: Are you...Giving me some sort of inspiration? Rantaro: …Do you feel inspired? Haruto: No...? Rantaro: Rantaro: Well I did my best.
Kaoru: Ah fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffluff. Kaoru: Kaoru: I work with kids.
Sachiko, kicking down a door: SURPRISE, BITCHES! Jasper: You aren’t raging. Sachiko: ...Oh. Sachiko: Surprise, gents.
Rantaro: How hurt are you? Haruto: …How what? Rantaro: How h- Jasper, barely containing himself: How hard are you??? Rantaro: How HURT! No, how HURT! How HURT!!! HUUUUUUUUURT!!!!!! Jasper, wrapping an arm around Haruto: How hard are you right now~? From a scale of like spruce to oak~? Rantaro, holding his head in his hands: I hate you so much...!
spoiler quotes under the cut
Jasper: You’re all rushing up on me like you know me! I could be a criminal! The rest of the cast: Are you????? Jasper: Jasper: probably
Tsumugi: Wait, I thought you said there were no points. Now there’s points? Slade: No, not points. XP. Tsumugi: ...What does that stand for? Slade: Slade: Xylophone playaaaaaaaazz
Saiko: Did you say anything? Nice words? Rantaro: I did say some things...That I probably should not share with you, Saiko. Saiko: …Like bad words or something? Rantaro: …Something like that. Saiko: You cursed at my funeral!? Rantaro: I didn’t have a funeral for you. Saiko: I DIDN’T EVEN GET A FUNERAL!? EVERYBODY ELSE DID!!! Rantaro: I didn’t know if you were actually gone! Saiko: EVERYONE GOT A FUNERAL BUT ME!? Rantaro: NO!!! NONE OF YOU DID! Saiko: OH MY GOD!!! YOU DIDN’T GIVE ANY OF US FUNERALS!?!?!
Tsumugi: Jasper was doing drugs!? Slade! You sold Jasper DRUGS!? Slade: No! I...Procured them for him at his request. Tsumugi: ...Is this why you weren’t in the main cast after the Hope’s Peak arc? Slade: Slade: Nooo...?
Jasper: This is what I do. The lock’s pretty old, hold on... Spec: There is no lock, actually- Jasper: Oh, I rolled a natural 20. Does that help? Spec: Slade: Slade: SUDDENLY A LOCK APPEARS
Sachiko: NANCY!!!! WE’RE LEAVING!!!!!!! Flora: ...? Sachiko: I’ve lost my toddler, Nancy. Have you seen her? Flora: Oh my g- oh my god...! Sachiko: I know. Her name is Nancy. She’s...…Four. Flora: EXCUSE ME, THIS WOMAN IS LOOKING FOR HER CHILD NANCY!!! [everyone starts looking towards Sachiko] Sachiko: Shit, uh...! *notices Yuuma* Oh, there she is! Yuuma: Wait, what the f- Sachiko: NANCY! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? Yuuma: Yuuma: mother. Tsumugi: Tsumugi: NO...! NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT...!!!
Tsumugi: WHO’S JASPER!? Oh, sorry. Who’s Jasper? Jasper: Jasper: Me. I was first. Tsumugi: ...You look like a Jasper. Jasper: Jasper: Joke’s on you. Tsumugi: *confused* Slade, in the execs room: *laughing hysterically*
Miko: We could do...Boulder parchment shears? Rantaro: Who am I doing it with? Miko: Not me! Tsumugi: The dumbass and Sachiko. Sachiko: Yeah yeah yeah, okay. You ready? Haruto: Wait, all of us!? Rantaro: We could do- Sachiko: No, threeway! Haruto: This feels like a dumb idea- just us two-? Sachiko: NONONO. THREEWAY. Rantaro: Okay, ready? One, two, three! [they all proceed to throw different things] Rantaro: Haruto: Sachiko: ...UH. Slade, in the execs room: PFFAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! Haruto: Wait!...That’s why it doesn’t work with three people! Jasper: I know threeways. That is not how you accomplish them. Slade, dying of laughter: HOW HAVE THEY ALL SURVIVED TO CHAPTER 4!?!?
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