#pathetic wet cat but not in a /pos way
mur-art · 4 months
Oooo, you have Jefferson hcs? I'd love to hear them if you're comfortable with that (not forced)
I definitely haven’t thought about this too much /s
TL;DR I feel like he’d be a great one-off character for the Table purely for comedic value. Dude is pathetic and his antics and attempts to convince others of his legitimate (totally legitimate, he swears) statehood would be hilarious.
Some art and HCs under the cut.
@freshwolfhell has lots of good Jeff HCs as well! A lot of these are the results of our discussions!
TW Discussion of weed (ofc) and other drugs
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I forgot if I posted this one or not; again, credit to @freshwolfhell for inspiring this silly comic.
-As the comic above implies, Jeff is sometimes the definition of political “horseshoe theory”; coming to agree with certain progressive/liberal values not because he understands them or agrees with them, but for his own completely unhinged reasons.
-Dude smokes so much weed. He’s just constantly surrounded by a haze. He also struggles with addictions to some harder drugs.
-He’s a hardcore conspiracy theorist. There aren’t many conspiracy theories he DOESN’T believe in, even ones that seemingly contradict each other.
-He lives in an RV deep in the forest. The RV is covered in moss and hasn’t been moved in at least 20 years. It’s at the end of a dirt road that’s impassable when it rains. He rarely leaves, but when he does, he drives an old beat up Subaru with a hundred somewhat contradictory political bumper stickers.
-He managed to rig up a setup for TV and shitty internet, but he’s very much stuck in the past technology-wise. He still rents DVDs and listens to the radio. His favorite pastime is listening to true crime or conspiracy podcasts, and/or watching news stories about how much California sucks.
-He may or may not frequently get mistaken for some type of cryptid.
-He used to work in the logging industry and he feels a lot of resentment at California and the “environmentalists,” who, in his opinion, ruined his life by lobbying against the industry, leading to the downfall of so many of “his” towns and plunging him into poverty. He’s extremely bitter about this, as well as every other wrong (imagined or real) committed by California and Oregon against him. (Just like California) He keeps receipts. He writes down everything in a journal, and takes it with him everywhere.
-He lets his resentment and anger control him. Instead of trying to better his own situation or trying to get along with others, he places the blame for his own failures on everyone else.
-A lot of his resentment and anger is (perhaps misplaced) jealousy. Of California. Of the other cities and regions of California who have (in his mind) everything he never had. Of the other states, who are recognized as such and the honor that brings. Of course he’d never admit this.
-He’s convinced in his own mind that he’s a real state, and has been for decades, and that everyone else is actively conspiring to hide that fact.
-In an attempt to to gain support, he’s gone to the other “misfits” in the nation like Puerto Rico, Hawai’i, and Maryland. Each attempt has backfired spectacularly, as he’s not exactly culturally or racially aware, and ended up saying some offensive shit to them.
-He tries to call both California and Oregon every Thursday to remind them that he’s a state, but they’ve long since blocked him on every form of communication. So he’s gone back to writing letters. They’re long-winded, filled with spelling errors, and list (in great detail) every grievance that Jeff has with both of them. He never gets a response, but he continues to send them.
-He also writes letters to various other California and Oregon cities— nasty, threatening letters if he hates them (San Francisco) or vague attempts to make friends if he likes/admires them (Bakersfield).
-He has a whole ass arsenal of guns. He is absolutely NOT a responsible gun owner. He should probably not be trusted with any type of weapon, not even a kitchen knife.
-He’s a self-proclaimed “survivalist.” He knows how to forage for food and he does eat a lot of wild blackberries and fish he caught himself. However, all the ramen and candy he eats on a regular basis might be hard to find during the apocalypse…
In conclusion, he (not California, as he claims) is his own worst enemy. He lets his legitimate feelings of betrayal and isolation burn out of control and rule his life. He’s lonely and bitter and he’s constantly seeking the kind of validation he never receives.
Also, here’s a playlist for this asshole. Mostly just vibes.
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skellseer · 5 months
Zombie Cleo as a vampire!
(Hermit Fanon Swap)
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Instead of being a regular ol’ zombie, VampireCleo stays fabulously immortal and undead through drinking the blood of unsuspecting mobs. She wasn’t always this way, and it’s rumored she ate the vampire who bit her. But rumors are just rumors, right?Ever wonder why Mumbo’s so pale? Little did you know he was once human until Cleo mistook him as some pathetic(/pos) non-hermit her first day on the server. Despite his vampiric nature, Mumbo is still deathly terrified of her and is still a wet cat of a man.
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infranthrax · 4 months
helo. im one they call 🍂 and id like to. make a request. i hope ur doing okay (*>∇<)ノ ur free to write this or not
i would like to request an angst w/ a good ending type of thing if its okay. a platonic f!reader&heartslabyul (seperately. if its limited to one character, you can go with riddle) headcanon that has the following plot;
mc is a pessimistic person, a very tired, overworked one. all they want is a bit of peace and quiet, but they care about the heartslabyul gang very much. they have kind of become a mom/older sister to the group (kinda like trey). anyway, one day the gang realizes that mc seems more irritable than usual which results in them making a snide remark/get in an arguement about the guy's flaws (like how riddle hurt many pre-overblot, how ace runs his mouth at the worst times, how deuce is not the brightest around, cater being addicted to his little social media sites, and trey ignoring the problems regarding riddle because he didnt want conflict, etc etc) that would hurt them.
they kind of ghosting everyone for a couple of days to calm down, and then they awkwardly come back with a box of sweets (that they managed to purchase by scraping by lmao, girlie's poor as hell...) to apologize, and eat them over tea! mc apologizes directly and wants to make up for their words, but they are not the best at speaking their mind.
ive seen countless fics where the main cast gets to be the agressive and sad, sopping wet cats, and reader comforting them. ngl, i wanted to write a piece where MC is the "sad little pathetic shrimp" but i just didnt have the time. anyway, i hope you like this prompt
oh my god I love this prompt! the mc is definitely the therapist of the group and I can imagine this happening… I restricted it down to just riddle given how detailed this prompt was, the rest of the dorm is self explanatory.☺️/pos (and thank you for your kind words! I hope you’re having a good day/night!)
generating new memory… please, one moment… ✨
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Heartslabyul x f!reader — headcanons!
sypnopsis: mc has had enough of the anal shenanigans after a near traumatic event, and she lashes back out at riddle, who is left bewildered and heated at the event.
light tw // domestic conflict, implied traumatic event
riddle rosehearts
riddle is just anal and sometimes he comes off as bossy and or ungrateful. that’s not really his intention however. that’s just an act of conditioning he’s been through.
so when he sees that you’re overwhelmed, at first he blind sighted to it. riddle isn’t great per se at emotions— let alone the ones of other people.
he gets on you for being late to class one day and it all piles up. You’re in a dorm full of boys— what girl wouldn’t have enough? at the time it was little around the time in which riddle overblotted, and he just went on with daily life like none of that ever happened.
he fucking hurt your ass. quite frankly that was the first (of many) overblots you’ll have to go through, and that’s how you’re gonna handle it? hell no, especially after the fact that you had to play superwoman to get the goons out of a near death situation.
before this, you had gotten into tiffs with the redhead on numerous occasions, trying to ground him down. never really did it work though as he was always stuck in his perfectionist ways. and you hated that about him because his mannerisms reflected into you.
he expected you to be able to carry yourself in a manner that would suit him. he expected you to dress a certain way. he expected you to follow his orders, his rules, his ultimatum. that you couldn’t stand any longer.
when he got on you for being tardy, the melting pot overflowed… and it wasn’t pretty either. let’s say you were in pain, in addition to your mental health plummeting due to not really having anyone to talk to, and then when mother nature calls upon you for your monthly drain you must attend.
you shouldn’t mess with the wrath of a woman on her period. this, riddle learned the hard way… with you.
“riddle… i swear… on god’s green earth, if you don’t shut the hell up… i’m fucking TRYING. I’M TRYING! FUCK YOU, YOU UPTIGHT PIECE OF SHIT, GO ON SOMEWHERE!”
and then the fire brewed. and then it exploded. (quite literally.) it would be hellish screaming match between you two, despite riddle claiming he is above such things. he really isn’t, he’s got a temper that’s about as fagile as glass. (no, it’s not microwave safe.)
after your blow up with riddle, you both proceed to give each other the silent treatment for the better part of a month. during this time you find comfort in your other classmates, spending time with other students outside of heartsllabyul, namely vil and rook, just for a boost of female empowerment.
and while riddle was contemplating all the bullshit that went down between the two of you, he began to feel a little bit of guilt. mattered if fact, both of you did. you shouldn’t have been so aggressive and he shouldn’t have been so… well, himself.
before class one day you enter your lab room to see a small box at your seat with a little note attached to it.
it was from riddle— a little chocolate potion bottle with those biscuits— the exact ones from the disney movie. little did he know, you happened to pop by sam’s shop to get him some mini fruit tarts and snuck into his class early to put them on his desk. you ate his little gift up, in a little bit of worry. would he accept that?
at the end of the day though, you had to return to heartslabyul to see him. and what a surprise, he wanted to talk to you.
call it him playing kiss ass— no, he’s not. he’s sorry. to be true, he should be more careful and more intuitive as a dorm lead to ensure the comfort of his students, and he does understand that sometimes he can come off as overbearing or, dare i say dictatorial. it’s really not meant to cause harm. it has a lot to do with his upbringing.
and you were sorry too. and you both hugged it out. every couple has their tiffs, right? just something he’s gonna have to work on.
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oreo102 · 2 months
Please I'm so so curious to hear your thoughts on 10/14
Ok so my thoughts on 10 are less than 14 so let’s start with him lol. I have not watched 10, so my hatred of him is more hatred by proxy of how the fandom treats him and proxy of 14, but I still do have a few specific thoughts and this will be long and definitely rambly
A) when talking about him I usually refer to him as Fandom’s Favorite White Boy or Pathetic Wet Cat/Twink mostly because it’s funny but for now I’ll use 10. The most I know about 10 is that he is angsty and in love with rose and besties with Donna… also that he’s pathetic but that’s more vibes
So- my hate of 10 is less tangible than 14 but i still have a few points, the main one being the way i see ppl talk about how he treated Martha and how obsessed with rose he was. I don’t think it’s ever compelling to have someone’s main personality trait be loving someone a whole lot which also honestly is my problem with rose (don’t hate her but don’t care about her)
From what I have seen and heard of 10 it’s rather… boring, honestly? Like it’s mostly clips out of context but for 13 and 15 I saw clips out of context and was like “ok wth is happening? /pos” with 10 it’s more like “wtf?” Also pretty sure his episodes were some of the ones I saw when my parents had the show on that played a part in me swearing the show off so
Ok onto the more tangible hatred of 14. A lot of this, admittedly, is more about the writing and showrunner decisions than 14 but those things by proxy makes me hate him
So- I have a lot of feelings on him quite literally starting from his first appearance in power of the doctor. I am SO PETTY that he doesn’t wear 13’s silly little outfit. Like I have gone on full rants about that fact to my friends and family
I’ve seen something claim that rtd didn’t want 14 to wear her outfit because people might be transphobic and derogatory towards him (even tho Dhawan!master wore it, and it’s pretty gender neutral) but then did nothing about the shit ppl said about ruby’s actor or about ppl who would be a bitch about rose the second being nonbinary(also i remember seeing a post about their deadname being mentioned in an episode? Not totally sure that’s true tho)
The 60th anniversary specials themselves don’t really celebrate Dr who as a whole as much as 10’s run with a few old villains but that’s not really my main issue with that. My main issue with the specials is that the Doctor gets their happy ending. With Donna. And her family. When fucking 3-4 episodes prior, their happy ending would’ve been yaz. It would’ve been staying with yaz. But nope! Donna! Because that’s what 10 would’ve wanted.
And I don’t want 14 to be with yaz, btw, I mean I want them to meet and for yaz to hit him, but I don’t want them to be a thing or like be together because I believe yaz is a lesbian but that’s not the point of this so moving on
I also have very much big issues with the scene where 15 and 14 are (presumably, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the full scene) talking about women they love and mention who I assume to be River and rose but not yaz, who again, they wanted to spend forever with 3-4 episodes prior. It makes the doctor seem like a douchebag even if it’s a writing issue and not a character issue
Also 14 being David tenant overshadows 13’s departure and 15’s arrival and since he is most likely going to show up at least a little bit in s14 he’ll overshadow 15 in his own series. It’s icky at the very least.
There’s something inherently bad about having the fandoms Favorite White Boy be with a contentious casting decision (because I have no faith in the Dr who fandom not to be bigoted) and even if no one has an issue with 15 being black and maybe gay (is he gay? He gives gay vibes) it’s still setting him up for failure by pairing him with 14
Also bigeneration is so fucking dumb and I hate it
Also also stop giving the Dr 19 year old companions it’s getting kinda weird now
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princeloww · 5 months
(All just my own dumb thoughts. Have your own contradictory dumb thoughts, if you want. TELL me your contradictory dumb thoughts, if you want want - basically I'm not trying to force these on anybody, and I'd like to hear others headcanons too)
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- Although he still loves and misses her, I think he was the one who asked Tess for a divorce. I think he, despite still wanting to make things work (seen in S3, where he tried to get the family back together during the timeskip), didn't want to put Daisy through what his parents put HIM through: parents who really ought to be divorced, but aren't.
- Autism. That's the whole headcanon - I headcanon that he is on the autism spectrum. This is a pretty shared one
- Likes jigsaws. I dunno, I just think he would. I'm imagining him just sitting in his living room making a jigsaw. It's fun
- Has mixed feelings on Christmas. Liked it when Daisy was young, but never liked it when he was young or when Daisy was a teenager. Although, his favourite Christmas song is definitely Fairytale of New York (the Pogues) (RIP). Tess' is Last Christmas. If Alec had a better sense of humour, he would find this ironic.
- 1000% an ally. If his daughter came out to him, for example, he would be the most supportive bastard ever, in his own way. He would wage WAR with homophobes. He would take her to pride parades and stand awkwardly in the corner, but be happy that she's happy.
- Stopped drinking alcohol because of his heart, but never really enjoyed it again, even after his pacemaker.
- Pathetic wet cat (/pos)
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blookstr · 1 year
im an ethogirl all the way, and it pains me to say this but he is a PATHETIC SOPPING WET CAT (/pos)
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jrwis-most-pathetic · 10 months
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"Have you seen that guy? He is the definition of the most pathetic man. His hair gets all stringy and damp when he gets out of the rain like a stray cat. His eyes get really big and wet when he cries. He literally spent probably weeks without a shirt on because he wanted to show off his cool tattoos. Mans never understands what’s happening around him and it shows." "just fucking look at the man. he is haunted. he has so much rizz yet he has no bitches and only fishes. he would be bisexual if bizly wasn't a fucking coward and accepted he's gay for that fish. he's so pathetic and sad people leap to help him and also find him offputting. he literally got a curse for petting a kitty" "look at him. just look at him. gaze apon ye wet cat and despair he's the pinnacle of pathetic and if he doesn't sweep the entire competition without contest im going to pull an episode 15 with all of jrwiblr i swear to god" "Gets no bitches" "he is literally chip."
"he is autism personified. look at him. his special intrest is rocks and he has a pet lizard named lizard and he was told him whole life that he was weird for being different and unique and that he would never amount to anything and yet he STILL fucks canonically. he gets married and runs away with rumi after become god killers together if he isn't the most pathetic pc to ever grace this podcast i don't know who is" "Legit this man’s whole character is being a wet cat man. A sopping rag if you will. A cringe fail guy who would so much as cry if you said anything remotely positive towards him and would agree with you if you said anything negative about him. He has the nerd boy loser swag with his lizard named Lizard and his rock knowledge and his multiple attempts at painting one blue mug. Peter Sqloint is THE pathetic boy of all time /pos" "Dude idk how to word things but im an expert on noticing how pathetic a character is and i dont actually have the patreon so idk how much he looses his patheticness as time goes on but did this guy not literally apologize for talking to some kid. Hes got a lizard and tried to get a singualr bit of food for that lizard and fuckin dropped it and idfk th whole first scene the way he acts the way he carries himself the way he speaks hes just too pathetic idfk how else to say it man" "He is THE pathetic jrwi character" "I mean. Duh."
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z-alien-boi · 7 months
...I was gonna say that I had returned rejuvenated and whatever to be all dramatic but considering it's currently *checks time* 9:56 pm I don't think I can claim that anymore
REGARDLESS! My rambles are not what I am here for, for I am here to hear YOUR rambles! Making our way through the list, tell me about Alastair, the magnificent wet cat man you have mentioned! (if you wish)
hekp why am i so awake lol
Alastair is a pathetic lil guy /pos /aff.
His creation was originally with the intention of causing problems and being a bit cold and distant.
And then i accidentally speed-ran an enemies to lovers plot in one night.
Now he's an anxious wet cat of a man.
He has every right to be either cold, distant, or pathetic though, because he was made to tey and take the angst weight off of Z.
This did not work and this man got a somewhat domestic life so far and Z had everything ever go wrong.
Alastair lived in a kingdom seperated from the outside world. That kingdom was convinced that the outside world was completely infected by a mix of magic and science gone wrong.
They were also convinced they had been rescued by a goddess who speaks to the monarchy.
The goddess is real. She is not a goddess. She is a powerful being, sure, but she's a rogue member of an already rather evil society that likes to meddle in more- mortal affairs on occasion. But Mal wanted more power and left.
This led to peooke being sent to scavange in the "old world", but some were sent just as sacrifices. Many were specifically chosed because they had kids who would be under the guardianship of the monarchy upon their parents 'sudden' deaths.
So Alastair's parents get sent scavanging. Are killed. And so he ends up in the royal guard. He ends up being assigned as the prince's personal guard and the 2 of them practically grow up together as best friends.
One day Al finds out something he wasnt meant to. He discovers the truth about the kingdom's history, the sacrifices, the outer world isnt actually infected and is safe to go out into, etc.
Because of this, Mal decides to do what she knows from the society she ran from, and makes Alastair what she is. Now Alastair has a bunch of abilities he doesnt know how to use and is running to get Ryan. [Prince ryan] to run away and escape with him. Ryan agrees after a bit but Mal kills him and frames Al.
Al is wanted for the murder of the heir to the throne, and is on the run.
Eventually, Mal catches him and decides the best way to handle this is to randomly send him somewhere FAR away.
And where does he end up? Crash landing near a bunch of people, a lot of which know what Mal is/used to be, and recognize what Al has become. This includes the person who ends up Al's partner.
They end up speedrunning enemies to lovers because Al's partner ends up getting injured and they have an actual proper conversation while Alastair deals with the injury.
Alastair onky knows how to use a majic sight, which acts like a little magic window to see what is/isnt affected by anything magic.
He recently learned how to see things outside of his own physical eyes.
He will eventually learn to take on an eldrich form of sorts.
He is currently just a little terrified to leave his house. He doenst wanna go talk to people cause people scary.
My boi:
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The last image is a comic i drew of the enemies to lovers speedrun we accidentally did at 5AM
Oh. Also-
The silver ring he wears belonged to prince ryan.
A keepsake.
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vampire6bux · 4 months
satanick forgive me i forgot the name of the oc but its the wet pathetic /lh one thats the rich family background and has a suit and a bodyguard maybe???? :(((((( anyways 1, 3, 5, 8 and 9 for them :3
they haunt me when i dont have any thoughts running in the backround /pos
LIDNEYYYY KIDNEYYY KODNEYYY ILYY YES THATS POET I THINK U R SPEAKING OF <3 and his bodyguard(more like his caretaker) that’s sylie :D it makes me so hapy to hear my characters haunt u I SMILEEE.
1. would he fight me No absolutely nottttt he is a pussy & scared of being breathed on the wrong way. At least at the beginning of his story, he wouldnt even want any thing to do with me and wouldn’t believe that he even had the Chance to confront the person who made him . At the end of his story still wouldn’t fight me, but throughout it He becomes a little more self confident and less scared of the world and gets life experience , he would maybe ask to sit and talk with me, he would still be deathly anxious about it thou
3. if poet could change anything about his life he would change his upbringing , after the events of his story he begins to resent his parents just a little bit for making him scared of being alive basically and coddling him and preventing him from ever being able to live his own life despite the fact he is an adult , using his chronic illness against him . I would not change it for him because i like seeing his development from a terrified little boy stuck in the body of an adult to a ummmm slightly less terrified person .
5. HE WAS CREATED BECAUSE UMMM Idk I think I was thinking about an old cabbit (cat/rabbit) oc I had years ago and I was like wahhh I want another one but .. what if the cat was a. BIG CAT .. or a LESSER CAT.. and now MAKE HIM SCARED!!
8. yes. the parts of having him That are difficult is probably , for the most part, my own disposition to portraying him as Only pathetic and scared . Just because it’s fun to draw and write him as so, but there is a lot more to him. I really really want to begin working on the comic hes in again and show everyone how he really is as a character … i can’t even describe him properly right now, he’s so vivid in my head, i have a scene where he sort of snaps . And it is delicious .
9. my favorite part of having poet And any of my other ocs tbh, is thinking about their relationships with one another and how they interact . Diamachi + poet are so much fun, the “YOU RUINED MY LIFE” vs “I DONT KNOW YOU” that gets the story rolling, sylie and poet as the rock he has been able to rely on his whole life and sylie watching him grow up and feeling awful about how he turned out and how little he could do to help, Virgo and poet being Complete character foils. Virgo who has experienced some of the worst pain life has had to offer repeatedly, never being in a stable environment , never knew peace before being literally sold to poet’s parents for use to test medicines and getting to stay there when they died But doesn’t outwardly seem to be affected by anything vs. Terrified lynx bunny with rich parents never left his house, why are you scared ?
I love him. I love himmmm
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fernlessbastard · 1 year
hi (t)hottie are you single?
Oh yes yes deeefinitely, don't mind me making out with @octobre-ackedia in my reblogs ha ha that's just a psycho-competitive rivalry there's definitely never been any explicitly romantic relationship there am I right ha ha--
Jokes aside, I'm happily very not single, and planning to spend the rest of my life with my beloathed and dearly detested arch rival of over 3 years
So yeah, sorry to disappoint, this particular Quackity kinnie "unfortunately" has very much found his own pathetic wet cat to argue with in between makeout sessions, and there's no way he's letting said pathetic wet cat go ever (we're spending the rest of our lives together, @octobre-ackedia. This isn't a proposition nor a suggestion, it's a promise and a threat, you tall slut :gun: I'm leaving you no choice) /lh/pos
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buggedstar · 6 months
to me dsaf dave is pathetic wet cat version of fnaf william,and i say this in a very afectionate n pos way (also as a dave fictkin)
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uncertaininnit · 1 year
IM SO SORRY i totally forgot you were already a chad branzy enjoyer. anyways. BRANZY AMIRIGHT. THE WETTEST OF WET CATS THE MOST CRINGEFAIL OF MEOW MEOWS THE BABYGIRL OF ALL TIME. sorry i will never be normal about him <33
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^^wet fucking cat.
anyways. everybody everywhere is Wrong about him except me (/nsrs /lh). i may have moved on from lifesteal but i will Always talk about branzy. for anyone who may be reading this. starting off with the basics: Who Is Branzy??
Branzy is a Youtuber who uploads videos of challenges and SMPS. He plays on Lifesteal, which you may have heard of, as well as a server called Echocraft. Both are a ton of fun on their own and I can totally tell you all about either of them if you're curious.
Now. WHY should you watch Branzy? WELL, my friend-
do you enjoy fast-paced, narrative focused videos on SMPS with colorful casts of players and lots of friendly pranks and interactions? Then Branzy is your guy!! His videos are SUPER engaging-
(sidenote: adhders please go watch ashswag he is LITERALLY like adhd catnip. my partner and i both have adhd and both love ashswag. like his videos are LITERALLY condensed adhd /pos. i promise you won't regret it)
-and back to Branzy, his videos usually focus around a central narrative, which I find really engaging and fun!
Also, Branzy is SUPER clever!! He's very good with traps (not that they always work, of course) and comes up with very very fun and interesting ways to trick his friends! He's a notorious trickster and especially on Echocraft, he's known for always having a trick up his sleeve! Just go watch this video, in which he reverse-psychology's Rekrap, the player most well-known for escaping EVERY trap ever, into falling for his rigged house!
Some other fun things about him:
purple. this is just an automatic plus.
in gay love with an evil clown. this is CANON im not kidding.
pathetic. cringefail. meow meow. known for being the worst pvper on a server that is LITERALLY all about pvp.
just look at him ok.
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[catboy edits by @/wisp-exe]
thank you for listening to my branzy propaganda now go watch him on youtube thank youuuu
Thank you moth, branzy FOREVER
I think I need to check out ashswag too huh
but first I need to catch up on my branzy videos. I meant to watch his hour long lifesteal video but I never did sadge
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atherix · 2 years
Man…I can’t even complain about the choice to make it a POS Dad for Scar in the Movie AU because it just adds another juicy layer to things. I do think it can be compelling without having that tension for Scar (I mean, it’s heartwarming to imagine that they had a great relationship and Scar is trying to make his old man proud but there’s also struggles with trying to reimagine the past in a way that is still distinct from the original), but I love my blorbos being sopping wet kittens in a box
Oh yeah it absolutely could have been done without that added tension, but there are reasons I can't say now that I have this idea planted in my head that I want him to be a POS dad. (It's not projection, I swear <3)
God yes pathetic little wet kitty cats left out in the rain <3 always beautiful <3
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jrwis-most-pathetic · 10 months
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"he is autism personified. look at him. his special intrest is rocks and he has a pet lizard named lizard and he was told him whole life that he was weird for being different and unique and that he would never amount to anything and yet he STILL fucks canonically. he gets married and runs away with rumi after become god killers together if he isn't the most pathetic pc to ever grace this podcast i don't know who is" "Legit this man’s whole character is being a wet cat man. A sopping rag if you will. A cringe fail guy who would so much as cry if you said anything remotely positive towards him and would agree with you if you said anything negative about him. He has the nerd boy loser swag with his lizard named Lizard and his rock knowledge and his multiple attempts at painting one blue mug. Peter Sqloint is THE pathetic boy of all time /pos" "Dude idk how to word things but im an expert on noticing how pathetic a character is and i dont actually have the patreon so idk how much he looses his patheticness as time goes on but did this guy not literally apologize for talking to some kid. Hes got a lizard and tried to get a singualr bit of food for that lizard and fuckin dropped it and idfk th whole first scene the way he acts the way he carries himself the way he speaks hes just too pathetic idfk how else to say it man" "He is THE pathetic jrwi character" "I mean. Duh."
"He’s so pathetic. He’s a bug. He’s in the dirt, he crawls. Just a little guy." "He is the most pathetic man alive. Hes a scardey cat who goes insane halfway through the first episode. He doesn't smoke (dweeb behavior for the 80s). Hes tall and lanky and a bug and everything you could ever want" "Oh my god is that guy pathetic. absolute drowned rat of a character, even without any spoilers for the campaign. he’s just a little scrunkle"
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asksintheapartment · 19 days
Because I see the way you act like a pathetic wet cat /pos and I would like to know why
..wet cat?????
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morro-ambassador · 1 year
hi. I have nothing to say other than I LOVE how you draw Morro and idk who the purple OC is but I'd love if u could explain, or direct me to where I should look for info about them
hii!! thank you so much !! it means alot to me ! i really like drawing him and figuring out what features i like on him ,, so it makes me rly happy that you feel that way !! and omg asdfjasdfhkjasdf sobbing /pos the purple one is Deteria ! i keep his lore on here on toyhouse (linked it, hopefully it works) the stuff might be a little off as of today but its the only lore i have that is coherently written down !! if you have any questions about him feel free to dm me ! ^_^ hes a pathetic wet cat
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