#patreon demo
bloodlegacies · 2 days
Spoilers for the patreon demo....
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llamagirl28 · 1 month
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The Patreon/Ko-fi demo has been updated! (Officially on March 28, actually. It's actually been updated in February, too, but I hadn't made a tumblr post then, so I'll tell you everything that's been added since I last posted here!)
What's new:
More of chapter 5! (it's a big one)
Catch up with Nimue! (February update)
Have a quick conversation with a certain character 👀 (February update)
Make small talk with Galahad, insult him (before the food has even arrived!) or simply ignore him (newest update)
Get on the dancefloor! (newest update)
Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/llamaswriting
Kofi link: https://ko-fi.com/llamaswriting
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theabyssal · 6 months
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Yes, Death is still alive and kicking, and I am as well! 💀
I know this is rather unexpected, especially after the lack of any updates this last year, but I'm back and I owe you all an apology.
Life kicked me in the butt while mocking me that I should still be grateful to live another day. Shit happened and I'm not proud of how I acted. I took a step back from the Abyssal to heal, but I neglected my lovely readers while doing so. I'm not one to openly mope, but I received a lot of concerned asks and I thank every single one of you for still caring about my sorry behind 😊
Now, let's focus on the good part of this whole mess. I've got some news!!
Firstly, The Abyssal went through a considerable rewrite, nothing major but a few passages were added and other pieces were slightly changed. You guys will notice the difference, I hope.
Subscribe to my Patreon if you are interested in the early access, down below are all the release dates and their respective tiers:
Patreon Tier 5 early access: november 1
Patreon Tier 4 early access: november 4
Patreon Tier 3 early access: november 8
Patreon Tier 2 early access: november 12
Patreon Tier 1 early access: november 16
Public release: november 18
Down below you will find some of the changes I made:
Sol is now gender selectable! Now only Wulfric is gender-locked, while the rest of the ROs are all gender-selectable;
Friend!crush Sol (friends to lovers) and Enemy!crush Sol (enemies to lovers). Romancing choices are marked with a 🖤;
Rescue—adopt?—a little kid;
Two interludes were added.
Choose to wear a mask or a veil, and pick between many designs of masks for your Death to wear;
Second part of Chapter 2 is focused on world-building, lore, and Éoin's life as a mortician.
Secondly, a list of small things that I added:
Around 15k words were added to chapter one and 12k to chapter two. The demo now has a total of 100k words;
Now the choices that will unlock the madness and fury domain are labeled.
Added time and location to each memory jump to better situate the reader.
Make sure to check the show stats option! I'll be adding details about the characters and the world of Hylaria there with every update.
Much more.
All in all this is it for this month. Any further changes I'll be sure to tell you guys!!
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sanguinesky-if · 3 months
Sanguine Sky: Chapter 2 Pt. 1 is OUT! [Public Update]
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Hello! I'm happy to announce that Chapter 2, Pt. 1 is out! The update contains 27k words (excl. code).
Here's the link: [DEMO].
Important note: it's best to delete all old saves and start over, as I've added new variables and changed old ones.
What awaits you in the update:
Another haunting dream that raises more questions than answers.
A conversation with your sister that sheds light on your past. Define why you attended the police academy, learn how your and your sister's paths parted, and why she returned to Fallenmor again.
Another conversation with your sister about your love life. Or, for those who aren't pursuing a romance with anyone, an opportunity to learn more about upcoming life events.
A meeting with Mr. Mosley, the father of the second victim.
A face-to-face meeting with the rest cast of the ROs: the CID team that was sent by higher forces to investigate a murder, and the investigator hired by the Regional Police Headquarters.
An opportunity to try to assert the right to an investigation or the option to choose to continue to follow protocol.
Learn more about what's going on and find out what Morgan has to do with it.
The CID team's POV about their true reason for staying in Fallenmor and how it may be related to you, the detective.
Total word count: 47k words (excl. code) | 56k words (incl. code).
I hope you'll enjoy the update! Chapter 2 Pt. 2 is well underway, and I hope to be able to finish and release it by the end of March or early April on Patreon.
Thank you for all your interest and support! ♥
Links: DEMO | CoG forum | RO's info | Q&A info | Patreon | Ko-Fi
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defiledheartsblog · 5 months
Heyy author i hope you're doing well :) I just wanted to know if the public and patreon demo are on the same update by now? I just finished reading the last demo available here but i'm not sure about the last time it was updated (and if there is indeed a newer version on patreon i might just end up paying to play because THAT ENDING GOT ME LIKe. JSUIWEHUSZNAIKSXAHNUIWHRNJWSMAD> I Have no words.)
Hi there! Not doing so hot, I have a nasty flu. The Patreon demo has a little over 20k more words than the public demo (it's mainly Marcus for now, be warned). I was just in the process of finishing up the newest update before this illness got the better of me. I will let you know when the Patreon demo gets more content 😊 🤍Thank you🤍
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theoperativeif · 2 years
Patreon Demo Update 10/29/2022
Patreon Demo Changes (10/29/2022)
Finished Admiral Anderson's smaller route scene that will tie into the upcoming Imperial council meeting.
Opened up a lot of the palace route.
Most of Roads non nsfw stuff is done up to an upcoming duel with an enforcer Operative.
I have finally begun to clean up the grammar a bit, it will progress over several updates, so it may take a little bit to get noticeable!
Added the unarmed Operative duel with the enforcer.
Added the full start of the romance scene to Jacob's route.
Added the brief intro to the Jacob and Roads routes crossing over.
Added Six's small Ro route.
Whats next?
Jacob and Mc fake engagement OH MY!?
Imperial meeting of all three factions including drama and their goals and supporters!
An Imperial Ball letting you choose any of your RO's to come with you including some dress/suit shopping ;)
Something special...
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vendetta-if · 3 months
Chapter 7 + Ash Hangout Early Access is now Live! 🎉
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Hey, guys! First of all, I'm so sorry for not being active here for the past month. I've been really sick and spent the latter half of January recovering and on bedrest. And as soon as I felt better, I decided to solely focus all my free time and energy on catching up on lost progress and finishing the update before the end of the month. And I did it! 😁
The update is now up for early access on both Patreon and Ko-Fi. Finally, we are starting to get into the ROs' first hangout sessions. Of course, to start us off, we'll have Ash's hangout session 😁This update adds around 31K of new words, bringing the total word count so far to around 356,701K words!
I've also implemented the autosave/reload function to each chapter, so you should be able to have some freedom to go back to the beginning of the chapter and try out different options 😉 Also added another skip-chapter point: Chapter 3.
What you can expect in this update:
The set up to the ROs'  first hangout sessions
Ash's first hangout session
Go down the memory lane and see snippets of MC's most cherished memories.
Some more Viktor 😔
A mix of angst, wholesome, and even potential fluff 🤭
For those waiting for the Public Update, it'll be available on 7th March, 12 AM (GMT +8) 🎉 So mark your calendar!
[Patreon] | [Ko-Fi]
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👀 It's Coming!
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folksaga-if · 9 months
the covid is fading, and...THE FINISHED CHAPTER ONE DEMO IS LIVE!***
***on Patreon. sorry. love you all!
click the link in the title and/or below to become a patron, meet modi, and have a breakdown? or two? OR if you can't, play it when the demo goes public in ten days. no sweat. it's your call, baby!
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louroth · 11 months
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Well, well, well. Would you look at what the cat dragged in. (it's me, Lou!)
The time is here, and oh man, do I have a lot to say! Ever since this post was posted on my personal tumblr, on the fifth of may, I have been working like a machine on all things OUROBOROS. I had originally planned for this to just be a progress report/ announcement on what I will be working on now that I am free of the shackles of work, but, somehow, I managed to finish all bullet points, and more. So, let's get into it!
First off, the title.  Ouroboros becomes all capitalized OUROBOROS. Idk. It's neat. Next!
Art. Whew. I didn't think I could draw like this anymore- drawing has been more of a struggle than writing has been, forever, always- it was something I really strived to become good at, for a time. And I gave up. Only to pick it up again when I started ouro, and ever since I released that pressure, something just clicked and I have been churning out art like never before. I don't know if this is a fluke, a stroke of luck or if all that hard work I once did slaving away with menial art practice… but I'm grateful nonetheless. (A note on official RO art: I lost my ipad pencil somewhere on the lawn, lmao. I haven't been able to get a new one yet, so there is a slight delay here.) I am hoping that I get to make some commissions too, in the near future. Visit the forum to see some works in progress (amongst them, Yor's RO portrait!)
Onto the hellscape that is coding! I have been growing more proficient with CSS and html with the help of the ones that run so that we can walk; I have studied and researched and tested and tinkered until my eyes crossed, finding my way into this medium with the incredible guidance of the giants of whose shoulders I stand on. I will talk about this in detail on a later date. So I think it's finally time to reveal that yes, I am working on a twine version of ouro. I will develop it in tandem with choicescript; the porting over from one to the other isn't the herculean task I thought it would be.
Why am I doing this? Because I need to have a save system. I am continuing to write the whole alpha draft in choicescript in hopes that CoG will announce the ability to have a native save/checkpoint system, but if that doesn’t happen, I can’t publish this story without one. Unfortunately, I am not willing to code in a savesystem in choicescript myself, because this will be a large game, with far too many variables for that to be sustainable. Trust me, no one is more disappointed by that fact than me. If it comes to the point that twine publishing will be what I do, I will set my sights on writing a smaller game for hosted games. 
Now the meatier announcements!
New Socials!
Tumblr: You are looking at it!  This is the new, exclusively OUROBOROS blog where I will share all announcements and sneak-peeks, and future updates. I worked together with the dev of the theme and made it oh, so pretty and functional. Please check out their portfolio here, if you are ever in the market for sprucing up your (desktop version) of tumblr. They were a pleasure to work with. Amongst other things, it has a gorgeous header (again, only if you visit on web and not mobile) where I am showcasing fanart and official art. Go check it out! This month, I am showcasing a truly breathtaking art from KAIRELART, and you can find the full art here, or follow the links in the “FEATURED ARTIST” tab in the top bar.
I hope you enjoy this new haven for OUROBOROS! I will be answering questions once a week (saturday) and ramping up as I adapt to this new schedule, more on that further below.
My old tumblr, honeypeabrain, will revert back to being my personal blog. Feel free to keep following me there, but know that it will be inundated with shitposts, crass humor and the occasional poetry dump and personal post. You’ve been warned!
By the good graces, this was ROUGH to set up. Working with discord bots is akin to wrangling code, and it was well and truly, a war. But with the help of many, it is finally all done and ready for anyone to join and talk to me and others about OUROBOROS and anything else between heaven and earth. 
I will also greatly appreciate if any future bugs and feedback are submitted through here, so I can keep easier track of it. Come join us! (18+ ONLY.)
Patreon & Ko-Fi
Yep! Ko-fi is just a place to toss me a coin if you wish to help me towards the goal of new PC parts to make testing easier, or to just show appreciation for those that have it to spare. Patreon however, already has a multitude of posts and will be a hub for exclusive NSFW sidestories that you get to vote on, loredives and extensive sneak peeks, Q&A’s, polls and weekly dev logs. 
Right now, there are only two tiers, but I expect it to grow as my story does. I have many plans, but I am going at a steady pace. 
Amongst tiered content, there is a (free) NSFW story with female MC and Idren to read there right now, if you want to check it out! I am mgoing to post it on tumblr and the adult thread here over the weekend.
NOTE: I stupidly didn't realize that patreon had a review process after I pressed launch, which I did just a few minutes ago. Sigh. I am going to post the short on tumblr and the adult forum thread as soon as I get to it.
It is not mandatory by any means, so if you do choose to support me, you have my eternal gratitude as these places will be the sole source of income for me.
Onto writing:
The best news out of this whole bunch is that I have worked so hard on editing and writing, that in the past month I have all but finished a two chapter update! I have a chunk of about 5-6 thousand words left to write, and I am going to buckle down over the weekend to see it through. I wanted to have it done so badly for today, but I lost three days of writing time last week due to still being weighed down with work. I hope it isn’t too disappointing to have to wait until monday for the demo update! I am going to post a link to an as-I-write updated demo on Patreon and Discord, if you want to see the ugly face of raw wip drafts. Otherwise I will post the demo update here on Monday with a comprehensive post!
And now!  the biggest news is… from now on, I am writing full time!
This is what I have been tossing and turning about every night ever since Easter. It started as a silly idea while talking to some friends and family about how I was looking for a change in career. And then, little by little, that idea whittled down to a plan, carefully carved by my partner and his whispers of a happy future, a finished dream project, and something to be proud of until the day I wither and die. 
Somewhere between then and now, I grasped a tiny sliver of bravery and held on for dear life. 
I quit my job as a teacher, and instead of accepting a cushy office job, I started behaving as if OUROBOROS and writing was my work (for all the moments I could afford). I have researched and tried different methods from week to week, and although I was still tired from work, I felt like I was onto something that could build into a sustainable future. 
I have no doubts that this journey will be bumpy and long, but sometimes all it takes is to take that first step, and do it with determination. It might all crash and burn and fail in a spectacular way, or with a whimper, but then I will know that I have tried. I will know that I gave myself the chance to be who I want to be, work on what means so much to me. 
And that’s it. I think the hardest part of formulating this post (I’ve written about 50 versions of it!) is getting to the point; the kernel of what makes it so special to me. So, in my heart of hearts, what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm gonna give it my all- and while I know the road to having a sustainable career in writing is rough and ever winding, I do know for sure that I am ready for a challenge, to pour my heart and soul into it until the day I rush out of the office screaming IT IS DONE. IT IS DOOOOONE!!! 
If you decide to join me, I will treasure your company like a lantern in the dark. Hand in lovable hand, let’s fucking go.
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llamagirl28 · 7 months
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The Patreon/Kofi demo has been updated!
What's new?
More of chapter 5! (it's a big one)
Elaine's POV. Note that it doesn't come up where the demo last left off; it takes place right after the magic lesson scene and before bumping into Elaine in the inner courtyard.
Play wingman!
Greet the guests! So far, the only guest you're actually greeting is Elewen. But Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin and the others are on their way! How does Mordred feel in anticipation of finally meeting the Royal Sorcerer? 👀
And also, edits, edits edits!
One of them is very relevant in order to get the right text/choices during a little convo you can have with Elaine while waiting for the guests to arrive.
Added a new variable in Mordred's chamber scene with Elaine; it keeps track of your romantic status with her, so it's very important to replay through it again, otherwise you'll receive her platonic scenes
I think it mentioned in a previous update that Mordred also keeps in touch with Guinevere if they're close to Arthur. In chapter 4, we find that Guin regrets missing Mordred's birthday party due to a spell of illness. Additionally, Guinevere knows about Arthur being their father, the prophecy and everything else. This info has been added in chapter 3, where Guin is mentioned alongside Kay in Arthur's POV. And if you choose to spend time with Arthur by the river, either to bond or find out more about your Pendragon powers, Mordred gets a chance to ask him if Guinevere knows.
Some changes to dragon lore I teased a while ago. It's kind of a long rant, so I'll be going into it in a different post. (you can also find details on the update post on Patreon/Kofi)
Hope you enjoy the update!
Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/llamaswriting
Kofi link: https://ko-fi.com/llamaswriting
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
Don't know if this has been asked, but when the detective successfully punches sin, all the RO (of course beyond the shock) are thinking that's hot right? Probably the funniest moment in the demo,imho. If I was the detective, I'd probably look at my hand and say "Did I just do that?"
It was mostly just more relief, hehe! :D
I'm actually writing the LI's point of view to this exact moment as Unseen Scenes on Patreon, and it's really exciting to be able to show just what they're thinking in that moment!
But yeah, mostly relief that the MC is okay...and being impressed!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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sanguinesky-if · 3 months
Sanguine Sky: Chapter 2 Pt. 1 is OUT! [Patreon DEMO Update]
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Hello! I'm happy to announce that Chapter 2, Pt. 1 is out! The update contains 20k words (excl. code).
Here's the link: [Early-release DEMO].
What awaits you in the update:
Another haunting dream that raises more questions than answers.
A conversation with your sister that sheds light on your past. Define why you attended the police academy, learn how your and your sister's paths parted, and why she returned to Fallenmor again.
Another conversation with your sister about your love life. Or, for those who aren't pursuing a romance with anyone, an opportunity to learn more about upcoming life events.
A meeting with Mr. Mosley, the father of the second victim.
A face-to-face meeting with three new ROs, the CID team that was sent by higher forces to investigate a murder. Or so you've been told.
An opportunity to try to assert the right to an investigation or the option to choose to continue to follow protocol.
Learn more about what's going on and find out what Morgan has to do with it.
The CID team's POV about their true reason for staying in Fallenmor and how it may be related to you, the detective.
Total word count for early-release demo: 48k words.
There are also 2 sneak peeks at Chapter 2 and 1 short story available for free on the Patreon page.
I haven't decided when the chapter will go public yet, but I'll let you know when I set an exact date.
Thank you for your support! ♥
Links: DEMO | CoG forum | RO's info | Q&A info | Patreon | Ko-Fi
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sailingshellsgames · 2 months
The Revamped Demo of chapters 1-7 is up! (+ chapter 8 alpha now available on patreon/ko-fi)
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You can play it here! Reminder: this is a revamp so there's no new chapter, but there is new content (see below for a list of what's been changed/added/removed)
If you're interested in chapter 8's alpha, you can find it on Patreon and Ko-fi! (along with a bunch of other content)
And as always, thank you so much for playing! If you're someone who likes hugs, then I'm sending you a big one! 💞
What's new in chapters 1-7:
Introduction of auto-success more.
More weird dreams + strengthening of the subplot around what MC sees in them.
Introduction of the dream journal mechanic.
More dialogue choices throughout the entire demo.
More descriptions of environments: MC's living quarters, the Den Compound, desert terrain around Leas, and city architecture.
Rearranged the stats screen and added clarity for MC's reputation among the Fey via an opposed pair bar.
General editing (word choice, etc.)
Chapter 1
MC's favored weapon can now be a bow! 🏹
Choice added to set MC's skin color.
A few more dialogue choices around MC reacting to the vision Keo has in Chapter 1.
Clearer explanation of MC agent backgrounds. Each now comes with explicit statement of what stats will be increased upon selection.
Chapter 2
Option to specify MC's tattoos. There are 4 pre-designed options, or you can design your own! (or choose no tattoos, if that's not your cup of tea). This includes the ability to add/remove/modify tattoos via the stats screen.
Chapter 3
Define how MC and Keo became friends.
Relatedly, more content setting up the fact that MC can't remember the agent found dead in the warehouse in Chapter 2.
Virano and Adaan mini-catfight (is it me, the author? am I the drama?)
Bug fix where a character already in the room would enter that room.
Chapter 4
A new dream.
Conversation around Virano's family's role in the nobility.
A little bit of Fey-weirdness around the Ashaad.
Conversation around the campfire with the team, mentions some of why Wren came to Leas.
Chapter 5
An explanation of Chapter 4's Fey weirdness that kind of just raises more questions, but does answer at least one of them.
Chapter 6:
A new dream.
Determining which of the three paths to take in the wilds is now a skill check.
General editing.
Chapter 7:
Yet another revision of the waterfall dream/flashback scene. This one's taken so long to get right, but I'm finally happy with it. Victory screech.
Moved Wren's reason for coming to Leas into the main story, so the choice option that explored that on their date now allows MC to dig in to learn a little more.
More dialogue choices in the scene where Keo's heritage is discovered during Lasan (if it didn't happen in the wilds).
Another choice in Wren's date going into the legend behind Lasan more, and a little about Wren's family.
Keo no longer goes into seeing the magic in a vision. Removing this was part of a consolidation effort on my part. Tldr; I had too many side plots and needed to scrap some of them. Keo still has a reason for wishing to pursue the magic, if MC tries to refuse Rin. I actually like it a lot better now, which is a happy coincidence.
In Chapter 7, going to the wilds to see Keo's mother is no longer an option. Don't worry: everything I wrote for it will be used in book 2 :) But for book 1 it created a weird imbalance where the three options were so different they didn't converge well back into the main route.
Removed the ability to give Virano a sample of the magic or not. With all the other potential endgame outcomes, this got scrapped to consolidate things. I was finding it didn't really have a meaningful impact on the larger story despite reading like a major plot point, so in the bin it goes.
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gonzague-if · 1 year
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The first demo of Gonzague is now available for early access on Patreon (16+ and 18+ versions) and Ko-Fi (16+ version only) for tiers Little Heir and up!
The demo will be public on March 21st.
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vendetta-if · 7 months
Early Access Demo Update is now Live 🥳
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Hey guys 👋 Sorry for not being too active here this month. I've been working really hard on this update, but now that it's done, I'll get back to answering some more asks in the coming days 😁
This update brings in 24K of new words, bringing Chapter 6 wordcount in total to 89.4K words and the total demo wordcount to 325.3K words! This update brings Chapter 6 to a neat close, which is important because to me, Chapter 6 is like the end of the first arc of the book. 
Not only that, but I have also added a few major coding functions with this update, namely, a skip chapter function, and an autosave and reload function. I'm aware that my demo is getting longer, so I assume a skip chapter function might  be a welcome addition. 
It took me a long time to plan and figure out how to implement these systems, but in the end, after a lot of personal testing, I have finally managed to make them work.
The update is now live on both Patreon and Ko-Fi! I'll also be posting side stories in the coming days and opening ideas/suggestions for next month's side stories, so if you're also interested in supporting me while also getting these exclusive contents, please do consider becoming a member! 💖🥰
What's to expect from the new update:
Dropping Rin off to their apartment (and maybe, if you've been a good boy/girl, you can get a little smooch 😘)
Have an angsty talk with Uncle Luka 😥
But don't worry, there are potential wholesome moments too (if you choose them, of course 😉)
Another POV of the killer 😈 To see more on how they think and what they know so far.
Brand new skip chapter function! (Currently only for Chapter 6)
An autosave and reload function! (Currently only for Chapter 6)
Plus some new little stuff added in previous chapters.
For those waiting for the Public Update, it'll be available on 7th November, 12 AM (GMT +8) 🎉 So mark your calendar!
[Patreon] | [Ko-Fi]
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