#pedro is so fucking fine i’m gonna eat my hand
gracieheartspedro · 6 months
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sent this to the gc and can’t stop thinking about it
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talaok · 1 year
So I have a disorder called Pots(goofy name ik) and it causes me to pass out sometimes and I was wondering if you could write something with pedro were the reader has pots and passes out? Hurt/comfort kinda thing.
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warnings: fainting, and way too much dialogue about a pie.
a/n: ok I had to do a bit of research so I hope this is accurate. Also thank you for requesting something so personal, idk why but I feel really honored every time this happens.
"do you want another slice?" you asked, nestling closer to him on the couch.
He chuckled lightly "Sweetheart you're too good to me, if I eat another slice I'm gonna explode"
You giggled, kissing his shoulder "You sure that's not a kind way of saying you don't like my apple pie?"
"What?" his eyes widened, and you looked up at him amusedly "Sugar that's the best apple pie I've ever had in my entire life, what are you talking about?"
"yeah, yeah, sure" you gave him a pretend eye roll "If that were the truth you'd eat another slice"
"then I'll eat another slice," he said, without missing a beat "I'll eat the whole thing"
You had to laugh softly at that "I'm kidding baby, I know you like it, you don't have to eat anymore if you're full"
"no, now I want it"
you smiled, placing a hand on his chest to lean up "You sure?"
"I'm sure" he kissed your lips softly
You smiled again, leaning away, and as you went to stand up, you immediately knew something was wrong.
The last thing you heard was a muffled "You ok baby?" before your vision went black
Someone was calling for you
“Sweetheart, are you awake?”
Your head was buzzing, but you still got the message to open your eyes.
“Pedro?” you murmured, squinting. Everything was too bright.
“It’s me baby it’s me” he spoke softly, afraid to do anything.
“Shit.” you sighed “I fainted didn’t I?”
He took your hand in his, sitting closer to you on the bed “Mh-mh” he nodded.
“Fuck, I’m sorry... it hadn’t happened in a while” you said.
“What for? I was just- I was worried”
You couldn’t help the small smile tugging at your lips “You don't need to be worried, It’s normal baby, it happens to me sometimes.” you said, but you could see he wasn’t fully convinced
”You know how I get dizzy?”
He nodded
“Yeah well sometimes that same thing happens, but worse, and I faint”
“Just like that?”
“Yeah just like that”
“Same reason I get dizzy baby, not enough blood to my heart"
"that's...that's awful" he murmured, and you gripped his hand "I'm sorry"
"it's not your fault" you smiled "And at least you were there to take care of me"
"I didn't really know what to do so I laid you on the bed, is that ok, or should I like, have done something else?"
"no, it's perfect," you said, sitting up "thank you"
A small smile appeared on his face too now "Here, I thought you might want some water" he remembered, taking the glass he had placed on the nightstand and offering it to you.
You weren't really thirsty but seeing how panicked he looked you forced yourself to take a big gulp.
"Can I do something? What do you need?"
You bit down a grin "I'm fine babe, I'm better now"
"you sure?"
"yes, I'm sure"
"there's really nothing I can do?"
You chuckled softly "well if you really wanna do something you could cuddle me"
He smiled, obviously relieved "gladly"
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eddiiiieeee · 10 months
Holding her back
Eddie Munson x reader warnings: strong language, real angsty, mentions of sexual things, no happy ending. yes, I am an evil fuck.
summary: Eddie feels like he's holding y/n back, and that's where the demise of their relationship starts
authors note: all the young adults are in high school, and so are the party members, Joyce and hopper are together, Billy isn't a pimple on anyone's ass. The upside down never happened. and yes ur dad is Pedro pascal. have fuuun
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Eddie had walked into the woods before dnd started since he decided to ditch last period, noticing y/n finishing a sketch, she was sat at their spot, he couldn’t help but admire her for a bit "hey" Eddie said holding his hands as she looked at him, taking in his features before clearing her throat and looking back down at the drawing of Eddie. "you're still here, don't have a deal to tend to?" she mumbled slamming her sketchbook shut as Eddie watched her nodding "I-i wanted to talk to you. I figured I'd find you here" she hummed as she put her sketchbook in her bag and zip it up "ive gotta go, my dad could be here." she said needing to get away from him even though her lie didn’t work with the time "y/n, wait please, ive been holding this off long enough and its hurting the both of us" y/n looked at him as Eddie gazed back into her eyes "quickly" she mumbled turning a bit to face him "i think we should break up..” Eddie said as y/n gulped, her eyes filling with tears as she nodded “done then” she whispered as he voice cracked a bit, taking off the necklace he got her and placing it down on the table as she grabbed her stuff and hurried off to the front of the school, making sure she was far from Eddie so she could release the sobs she’s been holding in. Eddie put his hands in his face as he let his tears fall ‘this is what’s best for her’ he reminded himself. those two years of being together were over. all those memories and moments between the two, gone.
the universe seemed to hate y/n as on her walk home while sobbing her eyes out, it had begun to rain, soaking her completely as she hid her sketchbook to save it from the water. it wasn’t long that she got to her house, glad that nothing happened to her books and sketchbook as she opened the door walking in before Nick looked at her confused “kid? what happened?” he said rushing for to his daughter as she gulped, she kept her gaze on the floor, not reacting to her dads touch “we broke up” she whispered as she licked her lips “what?” Nick asked confused, Eddie was over just.a few nights ago and everything seemed fine
“he broke up with me” y/n sobbed as she held onto her stuff tightly, Nick was quick to wrap his arms around her, holding her tightly as he kissed the top of her head “i’m so sorry, i’ve got you baby girl.” he muttered as he tried to calm her down “he just left you to walk in the rain?” “no, he thought you were picking me up so” y/n wiped her eyes smudging the bit of makeup that had remained on her face “i’m gonna go take a shower” she said taking her shoes off as she put her slippers on, rushing to her bathroom as she dropped all her stuff at her desk and walked into the bathroom, undressing and getting into the shower, turning the hot water on as she stood underneath it. did Eddie fall for someone else? did he realise y/n wasn’t good enough for him? did he get bored?
y/n spent an hour of her shower just standing underneath the water and crying, letting the hot water pierce her skin, before she actually began washing her hair and body, saving as well before getting out and doing her skincare, before getting changed into one of Eddie’s shirts and a pair of shorts, moving downstairs as she dried her short hair with a towel “hey kid, you feeling better?” Nick asked as he watched her sit next to him on the couch, looking at the table and all the snacks he put out for them
“i’m not hungry” she whispered, pulling her knees up to sit underneath her chin as she sniffled “kid, you gotta eat, see i got you, pizza and sushi and noodles, and your favorite shrimps, see it’s a full buffet for the two of us” he smiled looking at her and he put some of her hair behind her ear “i’ll eat later, let’s just start the movie” She muttered grabbing the remote as she turned it on. Nick looked at her as worry sat on his face.
wayne had returned home to find the trailer quiet, when he took his shoes off and began walking to the bathroom, he’d noticed the dump Eddie’s room had become and when we went in to clean it up, he’d noticed that Eddie was sat on his mattress holding onto a shirt “ed’s, son what is all this mess?” Wayne asked before noticing how bloodshot Eddie’s eyes were “i broke up with her. i’m just holding her back, i hurt her, wayne. you should’ve seen how pained she was, i hurt her” Eddie said his lip pouting as he kept his gaze ahead
wayne sighed as he sat down next to his nephew, rubbing his shoulder as he hugged him tightly “come ‘ere, son” wayne whispered as Eddie hugged him tightly “she hates me now. i messed it all up” Eddie whispered as he held onto wayne tightly, he let the love of his life go. just like that.
authors note: no happy ending for u little shits🤭
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pascalscoffin · 23 days
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Muñequita pt. IV
Full Pedro Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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Warning: Minors Go Away I Will Kick You In The Forehead. I just don’t want kiddos here. Steve torments Javi a little cause we love that dynamic. It’s a beach day or whateva. Girl dad!Javi. Javi and Valeria being absolutely adorable. No smut or anything just fluffy family time. No physical descriptions of reader. But she uses sunscreen on her and Valeria. CHUCHOOOOOO.
Javier was at his desk, finishing up a report when Steve sat his skinny ass down on the corner of his desk. He looked up and sighed. "What are you doin’?" "Came to ask how things are goin’ with the kid." "Her name is Valeria." Javier glared at him and he chuckled as he put his hands up. "Alright, alright. Don't bite my head off. Just wanted to see how things were goin’. Connie’s been talkin’ about it since you left the house.”
Javier chewed on his lip, trying not to smile too much as he thought about you and Valeria. “They’re goin’ fine.” He cleared his throat and closed his eyes as Steve started to coo and gush at him.
“Awwww somebody loves their kiiiiid.” Javier shook his head with a groan. “So the mom?” “I hate you so fucking much.” “Oh it’s definitely both. Con’s gonna lose her fuckin’ mind when she finds out. How did date night go?” He smirked and wiggled his brows. “I swear to god I’m going to commit a felony if you don’t shut up.” “Ooohhhhh it went super well.”
Javier rubbed his eyes. “Relax. We’re happy for you. Con’s been on my case all week have they gone out yet? Is he getting along with Valeria? When is he taking her out? I have to bring her something or she’s gonna ask you herself.” Javier sighed.
“The date went really good and I’m not saying anymore than that. Valeria.. she’s great. We get along good, she’s smart as hell, too. Full conversational Spanish.” He grinned and sighed softly as he looked at his desk, thinking back to Saturday morning.
He’d woken up before you, sat there for a few minutes admiring your sleeping figure as he let his hands trail over you, nothing sexual just reveling in getting to lay there with you and not have anything rushing you away from eachother. That’s when he heard knocking on the front door, rapid but soft, he figured he’d let you sleep a little more so he pulled himself out of bed, put his boxers and slacks back on, and then his undershirt before going to the door and peeking out the side window to find Valeria and Sandy waving frantically.
He’d chuckled and pulled the door open. “Goodmorning, Javier. Sorry for bringing her over so early but she was so excited to ask how your date went I held her off as long as I could. She’s been up since five.” He raised his brows as he chuckled and looked down at Valera. “It’s alright.” He knelt down and immediately Valera launched herself into his arms.
“Buenos Dias, papa.” Goodmorning, daddy She said excitedly. “Did you and mama have fun on your date?” Javier smiled and nodded. “We had a lot of fun. Did you have fun with Sandy?” He stood up, holding Valeria on his hip. It was so natural to him he couldn’t believe he was scared before. “Yeah! We watched Elmo and played outside and we made mud pies! But Sandy said we couldn’t eat them because they weren’t real pies.”
Javier chuckled softly. “That sounds like a lot of fun, and I’m glad you didn’t eat mud. Your hair is pretty.” He hummed softly and kissed her cheek as he straightened out her curls. Valera giggled and pushed her face into his neck. “Thank you. Is mama awake yet?” “Not yet, Muñequita. Let’s let her sleep a little. You can help me make her breakfast.” Valeria giggled softly. “Papa I can’t cook.”
Javier laughed. “Well then we can help eachother.” He kissed her cheek and told Sandy thank you for watching her before taking her to the kitchen. They were halfway through cooking the bacon in your freezer when Javier caught a glimpse of you, Valeria on his hip but turned away from the bacon so it wouldn’t pop on her.
He turned his head towards you and grinned widely. “Goodmorning, mamacita.” He said happily before going over and pressing a kiss to your cheek. You’d given him a sheepish little smile and tilted your head down. “How did you sleep?”
“I slept great. How did you sleep?” You’d taken Valeria when she leaned towards you, wide eyed and ready to tell you about her night with Sandy, but patient enough to wait for you and Javier to stop talking. “Better than I have in a really long time.” You and Javier had looked at eachother for a moment after that, silent but a whole conversation happening in your eyes before Valeria decided that was enough of her not getting any attention.
He’d spent the day with the two of you after that, leaving around 6 to go have dinner with his dad, admitting he’d be spending Sunday with him as part of a tradition his mother had demanded they start, every Sunday when everyone was off from work or home from school would be family day. You’d agreed and were happy to hang out later in the week.
Steve was sitting at his desk now, not far from Javier, finally relenting on his torture for the moment so Javier could breathe and actually try to get some work done without thinking about you or Valeria. Which proved more difficult than he thought it would.
At around lunch time the secretary peeked her head around a corner to tell him he had a phone call on line three. He’d crowned, halfway through his sandwich before sighing and picking it up. “Peña.” He answered around a mouthful.
“Do you always answer the phone with a mouthful of food?” Your sweet voice giggled from the other end and he set his sandwich down, swallowing the half chewed bite. “Querida. I didn’t know it was you.” You hummed. “Obviously.” You teased and he felt his cheeks get hot as he huffed. “You called during lunch I… sorry.”
“Javi- it’s fine.” You laughed softly. “I called during lunch on purpose. I didn’t want to distract you or anything.” He could hear the hustle and bustle of your workplace, a plant store he remembered you telling him Friday night. Different exotic and homeland plants as well as spices and herbs. “Well it sounds like I’m distracting you. Isn’t it lunch for you?” “Not when the stores full but I have a free second. Charlie is running the register I just wanted to call you before I forgot.”
“Forgot what?” “Well- Valeria’s been kinda obsessed with the beach lately, so we’ve had a beach day planned and.. it’s in a couple days and she asked me this morning if you could come with us, and I told her I’d ask so… so this is me asking.” He was quiet for a moment, a smile on his face as he looked down. “You don’t have to. Obviously. Um. She was just wondering. If you’re busy it’s fine.”
“No.” He said quickly causing Steve, who’d been watching since he answered the phone, smirk and raise a brow at him. “No it’s totally fine.” He gave Steve the finger as he spoke. “I’m sure I can work something out. What day?” “Thursday and Friday.” Javier hummed for a minute and started to think about the days he had off. “Yeah. I can work something out. What time are you leaving?” “Probably.. 12?” “Sounds good. I’ll be at your place at 11:30, then.” “Great.” “Great.” You were silent for a little while.
“… great.” You said again and he chuckled. “Great.” He repeated one more time and you laughed. “Okay. I’ll let you go now so you can- and a toddler just knocked over a potted tree okay I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.” Javier chuckled. “Alright. Talk to you later. Bye.” “Bye.” The line lingered a second before the both of you hung up.
“Awwww how cuuuute.” Javier glared at Steve quickly and threw a pen at him, to which he dodged. “Shut the hell up. Swap my Wednesday for your Friday.” “After you tried to assault me? That’s not very friendly, Jav.” He picked up a stapler this time and Steve held up his hands. “Alright! Alright, jeez.” Steve huffed as he watched him put it down. “You can have my Friday.”
When Thursday rolled around Javier made sure he had what he needed packed away before getting into his truck and driving to your house. He was a little nervous to spend two days with the two of you. Not that he didn’t want to, there was nothing he wanted more. He just hoped he could set his bullshit aside long enough for you and Valeria to consider him worth the effort.
He got to your house at exactly 11:30 like he promised, knocking on your door. He couldn't remember the last time he went to the beach, probably before his mom died. Matching the theme he hadn't worn a pair of shorts in that long, either. He felt naked with his knees out on display, they were oddly old and shamefully pale, but maybe these two days at the beach will fix that.
When you opened the door Valeria came flying into his legs and he was pretty sure of he hadn't grown accustomed to people tackling him, it very well could've knocked him on his ass. "Hi, papa! It's been so long!" You laughed behind her as he kneeled down to pick her up. "It's barely been a full week, Val." Valeria pouted and hugged Javier tightly. "So."
You shook your head and let him in. "I'm finishing up her bag and then we can go." "Mama always packs my stuff a hundred times." "No, I check your stuff a hundred times, which you learn to do after forgetting tihngs like blankies and binkies and bottles for six months straight." And there was that guilt again. Maybe you wouldn't have gone through that alone if he'd just tried to find you, it's not like it would've been too difficult, he worked for the government, he could've found you. He should've.
He kept Valeria occupied while you made sure you had everything, looking over towards you as he helped her buckle her sandals, swallowing thickly. This outfit was drastically different from the dress, a simple pair of faded shorts that stopped about mid-thigh, and a pink tanktop colored a shade he didn't know the name of but he knew it looked good on you, hugged in the right places and complimented your skintone perfectly.
He didn't even notice Valeria talking to him until she started patting his shoulder to grab his attention. He blinked and looked at her quickly, cheeks flushing. "Yeah?" Valeria giggled softly. "Mama is really pretty, isn't she?" Javier chuckled and looked at you as he bit down on his lip. "Yeah. She is." He sighed happily and stood up quickly when you turned around, pulling Valeria up on his hip. "All ready to go?" He asked, making his way over to you as you nodded. "Yeah. All ready."
"Great. I thought we'd take my truck, no offense to your car or anything but... I don't think it will make it to Malaquite Beach." You laughed and nodded. “Honestly you’re probably right… and it’s airing out because Valeria may have thrown up in it the other day.”
When Javier's eyes widened you laughed. "Don't worry, she just... had too much candy at school." He nodded, relieved. "Okay. Good. Sorry my seats are fabric and I love her but if she puked in my car I would probably throw up right next to her."
You laughed harder and nodded. "She usually sleeps in the car." Javier nodded and walked out to the car with the two of you. "Um, I got a carseat, too... I figured we could both have one.. uh... just in case." You looked at Javi as he opened the backdoor and helped Valeria into her seat. You expected to have to use your own carseat, or hold her until you got to the beach.
"What..?" Javier asked hesitantly before you shook your head, smiling widely before surging forward and slamming your lips into his, cupping his cheeks gently.
Javier hummed in surprise, his eyes widening as he kissed you back, wrapping his arms around your waist as Valeria giggled and scrunched her face in her car seat. “What was that for?” You felt your cheeks warm up as you shook your head.
“You just… you’re falling into being her dad so well… I just wish I would’ve found a way to tell you sooner.” You said softly. Javier shook his head and cupped your cheeks. “It’s okay. I wasn’t ready to be a dad, or a boyfriend or husband then. But I’m ready now and that’s what matters.” He said softly. You smiled and let him walk you to the passenger side. “Now I believe you promised our beautiful baby girl a day at the beach.” He opened the door and you laughed softly.
“I believe I did.” You laughed, buckling your seatbelt as Javier walked around and got inside. You looked back at Valeria and were happy to see her doublechecking her seatbelt already. “All good, Muñequita?” Valeria nodded happily. “All good, mama.” You smiled and turned forward.
The drive to the beach wasn’t too long and, luckily for you and Javier, Valeria fell asleep not long after you got in the car so there were no “are we there yet?” Or repeated requests to stop so she could potty without going in her pull up. Pull-ups weren’t something she wore very often, mostly for long car rides or before bed incase of accidents but she still hated wearing them.
You didn’t wake her up until Javier had parked his truck, sitting in the back with her as Javier pulled everything out. “You girls go play in the water I’ll get our spot set up.” Valeria was quick to unbuckle herself from her car seat before wiggling out and over your lap. “¡Vamos, mamá, el océano te está esperando!” Come on, mama, the ocean is waiting!
You laughed but helped her out of the truck. “Be careful, Muñequita! You don’t want to trip.” You got out and stopped her before she could run off. “We have to put sunscreen on, Val, we gotta keep our skin safe, remember?” Valeria groaned loudly but stood still and let you rub sunscreen all over her arms, legs, shoulders, face, and neck and any other exposed skin you could find.
Javier set up the blanket while you lathered you and Valeria in a protective layer of sunscreen before you made your way over to him. “Sunscreen.” Javier looked up from the little box he was adjusting on the corner and chuckled. “I’m not a kid, mamacita. I don’t need-” “you do need it, Javier.” You raised a brow at him pointedly. “I’m from Texas. I spent my whole life in the sun without it.” “I refuse to believe your mother didn’t put sunscreen on you as a child.”
Javier squinted at you and you squinted at him before he sighed and tugged his shirt over his head. “Fine.” You smiled triumphantly and started rubbing the sunscreen into his body while he rubbed it into his face, huffing. “It smells bad for you.” “You’re worse than your daughter about putting on this stuff.” “I don’t see why I need it.”
“Valeria tell papa why we need sunscreen.” Valeria looked up from where she was playing in the sand and giggled. “Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate, papa!” Javier bitchfaced you while you smirked. “You taught her the word discriminate?”
“Of course I did.” You shrugged, pulling your hands off him once all the sunscreen was rubbed in. “It’s important word to know.” Javier looked at you, and then Valeria, and then himself and nodded. “… yeah. It is.”
Once you were all covered in an appropriate amount of sunscreen, with an alarm set on Javier’s watch to remind you to put more on, the three of you went to play in the water. You stayed in the shallow end for a while, you and Valeria teaming up against Javier and splashing him with water- until Valeria betrayed you and started splashing you with Javier.
“How could you turn against your own country?!” You yelled, laughing as you tried to dodge their multi-directional attacks. Valeria just giggled and kept splashing you. “Papá promised ice cream!”
You gasped dramatically. “You bribed her?! Your own daughter?!” Javier laughed and shrugged. “Sorry, mamacita. But if you decide you as well would like to join my forces, you can have ice cream too.” He smirked and you squinted at him, the two of you in some kind of Mexican standoff before you hummed.
“… fine. I like ice cream.” Javier laughed and shook his head fondly. “Everyone likes ice cream.” Valeria nodded in agreement as you made your way over to the two of them, Javier pulling Valeria up on his hip.
“Wanna go deeper, Chiquita?” Valeria looked towards the deeper end and gripped onto Javier’s neck tighter before nodding quickly. “Yeah. Don’t drop me.” Javier shook his head. “I would never.” He held her with one arm before reaching down with the other one to grab your hand. You smiled at him, lacing your fingers together as you walked further out until Valeria decided it was far enough, looking around in awe.
Personally, you had always found the ocean and the idea of it absolutely horrifying, not that you wouldn’t go in because you knew there was hardly anything this close to the shore, but the idea that if you went just a little further or got swept up in a risky current- and now you’re freaking yourself out.
Your hand tightened around Javier’s and your eyes snapped towards him and Valeria, just to make sure they were in fact still there, feeling your heart ease up when you saw Javier smiling at Valeria, squeezing your hand back, while Valeria looked around her at the boats in the distance and the other families splashing around in the water.
You were lucky to have Javier back, you never really thought you’d see him again, that after Escobar he’d be thrown into some other cartel business or something like that. But thinking back on it, he hadn’t seemed happy in Colombia, sure you only had one night with him but there was a distant hollowness in his eyes beneath the charming grins and flirtatious winks. You didn’t see that anymore, not like you had that night.
It was still there, and you hated the idea of him dealing with something like that, especially on his own. “How’ve you been, Javi? Really?” You asked after the three of you had made it back to land, Valeria warming up in the sun while you and Javier sat under the umbrella. You hadn’t meant to ask, not yet anyway, but the words came spilling out.
Javier looked away from where he was watching Valeria and frowned a little. “What do you mean?” “I mean… since Colombia. Are you doing okay?” Javier shifted and sighed a little. “Um… I guess. I’m a lot better with you and Valeria in my life..” you smiled softly. “I’m glad… I’m just worried about you.”
He shook his head and reached over, grabbing your hand and lacing your fingers with his. “Don’t be. I have everything I could want right here in front of me.” He smiled and you felt your cheeks warm up as you shook your head.
“Papá, ¿puedo enterrarte en la arena?” Daddy can I bury you in the sand? Valeria asked excitedly, running over and practically bouncing on her heels. You laughed and let go of Javier’s hand, already knowing he’d say yes. Javier hummed, pretending to think about it as he tapped his chin. When Valeria threw out the puppy dog eyes though he caved immediately and stood up.
“Bien, bien, puedes enterrarme.” Fine, fine, you can bury me. He chuckled and let her tug him to whatever spot she wanted, showing him why she’d dug the hole she’d been digging. “Este fue tu plan todo el tiempo, ya veo.” This was your plan all along by I see. Valeria giggled and shrugged as she watched Javier lay down the best he could in the little hole before she started covering his bottom half.
You laughed at the sight of Javier sat up on his elbows, the rest of him hidden by golden sand. “Well, ladies. Looks like we can’t go anywhere. My legs are gone.” He looked behind him and pretended to pout. “It’s a shame, too. They were my favorite legs.” Valeria giggled louder and covered her mouth before speaking. “You’re a merman, daddy!”
Javier looked behind him and sure enough Valeria had curved the sand to look like a fish-tail, sloppy scales drawn in and everything. He smiled and felt his chest swell as he looked at Valeria. “Always wondered what it would be like.” He teased before reaching out to tickle her stomach. Valeria giggled and used her hands to try and protect her stomach. “No, papa! Don’t tickle me!” She ran over to you.
“How could you run from me? Im a fish out of water over here!” Valeria giggled and shook her head. “Mama, papa is silly.” You laughed softly and nodded. “I know that’s why I like him so much.” You teased, winking at her.
Javier tilted his head and grinned before suddenly standing up and running towards the two of you. Valeria screamed and ran as you scrambled up and ran after her. “Hurry, mommy!” Once you caught up to Valeria you picked her up and ran with her before looking back at Javier and smirking before suddenly stopping and spinning around, holding Valeria at his mercy.
“No!” Valeria squealed, giggling and trying to wiggle out of your arms as Javier reached out and started tickling her. You didn’t hold her too tight and you knew if she really wanted free she could slip out of your grip so you weren’t worried about upsetting her.
Valeria continued to scream and giggle and thrash around until she finally wiggled out of your grip. “Okay, papa! No more no more!” She held her stomach and you laughed and sat next to her as Javier knelt down. “Okay, Muñequita. We’ll call a truce.” He kissed her little cheek and looked at his watch when it beeped.
“Time for more sunscreen.” You stood up and brushed the sand off your legs as Javier stood up and grabbed Valeria when she reached for him, heading back to the spot with you. After the sunscreen was on you played around some more, making sandcastles until his watch beeped again, and then you packed up and headed back to Javier’s truck with Valeria on your hip and everything else in Javier’s arms.
“I could’ve carried something, Y’know.” You looked over at him, laughing softly as he shook his head, putting everything in the bed of the truck while you buckled Valeria into her car seat. “Couldn’t make you carry our little girl and the stuff.” Javier shook his head and made his way over to you after closing the tailgate.
You turned towards him and smiled when he curled his arms around your waist. “So, I say we go get some ice cream for the drive arm. That sound good to anyone else?” Valeria gasped loudly and started squirming in her car seat. “Me! Me! I want ice cream!” You giggled and looked at Valeria and then at Javier. “I believe you have your answer.”
Javier smiled and cupped your cheeks gently before leaning to press his lips to yours, holding you there for a second before he pulled away and motioned for you to get in, closing the door behind you before going to the drivers side and climbing in.
The drive to the motel after you ate your ice cream was a little rowdier than the ride to the beach, no doubt because of the ice cream but about halfway home Valeria had started to pass out in the backseat, her little head bobbing even as she insisted she wasn’t tired and didn’t need a nap.
Eventually though, after tiring herself out by shouting observations or asking questions, you looked in the back and saw her conked out. You smiled and looked at Javier, reaching over to grab his hand. “Thank you for coming today.”
Javier looked over at you and smiled as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. “Of course I came. Couldn’t turn down a beach day with mi niñas.” My girls. You felt your cheeks warm up as you laughed a little, shaking your head a little and looking out the window. “… I was kinda scared you’d say no. I didn’t want to smother you or anything.”
Javier frowned deeply at the road and gave your hand a light squeeze. “No bother, mamacita. I love spending time with the two of you.” He glanced at you. “… make up for lost time. Not just with her.” God your face and neck were on fire at this point. “I’m glad she ran into you that day.” Javier laughed and nodded. “Me too. Wish I hadn’t knocked her on her ass but yeah. I am too.”
When you got to the hotel Javier went to check in while you grabbed Valeria from her car seat and threw your overnight bags over your shoulder. Maybe, just maybe, Javi would let you carry these bags in since you already had them.
Of course, you should’ve known better because when he saw you cradling Valeria while adjusting your bag on your shoulder he rushed over. “I told you I would carry the stuff.” “Javi I can handle a bag.” “It’s not about what you can handle. I’m here now so you don’t have to do it all yourself.”
You tried to swallow the lump forming in your throat, taking a shaky breath. You were pretty sure he didn’t understand just how much that meant to you. Even something as small as carrying the bags so she can focus on holding Valeria. It made your heart swell and your lungs tighten. “… Okay.” You let him take the bag and then wrapped your arm around Valeria’s back.
“Alright. Our room number is 105. Figured ground floor would be easier for Val… and me because my knees are not what they used to be.” You laughed as you walked into the room with him, it was almost a direct shot from your car but you knew that was most likely his past in Colombia surfacing a little. “Oh it’s nice!” Javier nodded. “Asked him for his nicest ground floor room.” He chuckled. “I mean it’s not a dumpy place but you never know.” You smiled and kissed his cheek before laying Valeria in bed. “She’s gonna freak over that tv in the morning.”
Javier laughed and looked at the tv, nodding. “I can already hear her asking to watch Elmo.” You smiled even more and turned to look at him. “I’m so glad you’re around. God I’m such a dummy for not telling you. I know you weren’t ready but.. you deserved to know.” Javier chucked and shook his head. “Don’t worry about that anymore mamacita. Honestly. You’ve got photos and videos. I’ll watch them and it won’t be the same but at least I’ll see them.” You took a deep breath and wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug.
He smiled, rubbing your back with one hand while his arm wrapped around you tightly and pulled you closer for a tighter hug. “As much as I would love to stay like this forever we should all shower before Valeria falls asleep.” You looked over towards her and laughed when you saw her trying to stay awake. “Which better be soon.”
Javier laughed and nodded. “Alright. You niñas go on, I’ll shower next.” You smiled and pulled away, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before pulling away. “Keep her up while I get our pajamas and stuff out.” Javier nodded and plopped down on the bed with Valeria. She giggled as her itty bitty body bounced with the force, looking over at Javier.
“Papá! You have to be careful I’m little!” She giggled. Javier grinned and shook his head. “Lo siento, Muñequita.” I’m sorry, little doll. He reached out to straight her hair a bit and get it out of her face and then started tickling her neck with one hand and her armpit with the other.
Valeria squealed loudly, scrunching her neck and pinching her arm close to her body as she tried to wiggle away, giggling wildly. “No, papá! I’m ticklish!” Javier chuckled but continued to tickle her. “Really? Never woulda guessed!” “Mamá! Mamá save me!”
You’d stopped gathering clothes to watch them, smiling at the sight before running over like you were going to save her. But then Javier looked at you and smirked at eachother. “Valeria… I don’t think I can save you.” You looked at your hands and curled your fingers a little. “Whatever has taken over Papá… it’s got me now too!” You yelled before tickling her feet.
Valeria giggled louder, squealing and wiggling around for a moment before you and Javier decided to stop torturing her. “Okay, okay. It’s time to wash all this beach gunk off of us, Muñequita.” Valeria giggled and kissed Javier’s cheek quickly before reaching up for you.
Once the three of you were cleaned up you ordered a pizza and watched tv while you ate, the three of you were tucked into bed by ten, Valeria cuddled between you and Javier.
The rest of your trip was great, you spent a little time at the beach before you left the next morning, had lunch, and then Javier took you back home before he went back to the farm.
When he got there his dad, Chucho, was sitting on the front porch, rocking in his chair with a cold beer in his hand. A grin spread across his face when he saw Javier. “Steve called while you were gone. Said you were with a girl.”
Javier’s face turned red as he sat next to him. Jesus Christ he’s gonna kill Murphy, that’s it, his wife will be a widow, his children fatherless. He was a dead man. “I was gonna tell you when I got back. I didn’t want to overwhelm anyone.” He sighed.
Chucho raised a brow and hummed. “She must be good for you. Never heard of you being one to not overwhelm someone.” He smirked as Javier bitchfaced him and rubbed his face. “It’s not… just her.” He sighed heavily and shifted, glancing at Chucho. “I…”
Javier scratched his chin and looked down. “I… got her pregnant…” Chucho blinked rapidly. “Mijo… I think it’s a bit early-“ “No- Pop… I got her pregnant a few years ago in Colombia… I’m a dad…” Chucho put his beer down and squinted at him before reaching onto the windowsill and throwing the beer cap at him.
“¡¿QUÉ?! ¿Has tenido un hijo todo este tiempo y nunca me lo dijiste? ¡¿Qué es lo que te pasa?! ¡Tu madre se revuelve en su tumba! Por qué-” WHAT?! You have had a child this entire time and never told me?! What is the matter with you?! Your mother is turning in her grave! Why-! he grabbed the next closest thing to him and got ready to throw it at him but Javier threw his hands up to block it.
“¡No lo sabía, papá! ¡Lo juro! ¡Me enteré hace dos semanas!” I didn’t know, dad! I swear! I just found out two weeks ago! Javier looked at Chucho and noticed he still didn’t seem satisfied so he sighed and started to tell him about how you met in Colombia, and then how you ran into eachother at the department store.
“She had to come back to America after and she didn’t have a way of contacting me.” Javier rubbed his face with a heavy sigh. Chucho sighed and got up, moving to sit next to him on the steps. “I’m not mad, mijo… how old is the kid?”
Javier smiled softly as he thought about Valeria, taking a deep breath. “She’s five… she’s great pops. Adorable, she’s bilingual too and she’s so good.” He chuckled and rubbed his hands on his thighs. “… I wish I could’ve been her dad sooner.” He sighed and leaned back against the railing. “But…”
“You weren’t ready then. You had other things to do.” Chucho finished. Javier nodded and glanced at him. “But I’m ready now… I just.. I hope I can be good enough. For both of them… I don’t want my shit to come up and screw everything up, Y’know?”
Chucho nodded in understanding and reached out, laying his hand on Javier’s shoulder. “You’re better than when you first got back, son, and if this girl is as great as you made her seem just now… she’ll be there for you.” He said softly. “Just don’t hold it in anymore. When you need to talk. Talk for Christ’s sake.”
Javier sighed and nodded. “You’re right.” He rubbed his face and sighed heavily. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about her when I found out I just.. I was wrapping my head around it. It still feels… surreal.” He said softly. Chucho nodded. “No hard feelings, son. I just want you to be happy. I do wanna meet these two girls. Can’t let me go on without knowing my nieta.” Granddaughter He shook his head.
Javier chuckled and nodded. “I’ll talk to her and we’ll work something out. Promise.” Chucho nodded and slapped his shoulder before standing up. “Now get up there’s another hole in the fence, I did half the work, I just need you to finish it.” Javier groaned and nodded before he stood up. “Alright I’ll go finish it.”
“Good boy. I’ll start dinner we can eat when you’re done.” Javier nodded and headed around to the back, straight for the hole in the side of the fence, Chucho had done the horizontal boards and all that was left was a paint job and the vertical boards.
While he was fixing the fence he thought about you and Valeria, Valeria running around inside the fence while you brought them out some lemonade or something. Like his own mother did for so long for him and his dad on hot days. He wouldn’t mind living on the farm with you, teaching Valeria how to care for the animals.
He’d talk to you tomorrow about meeting his dad and if you were okay with it you’d arrange something for a few days ahead to give all of you the time to prepare. Chucho would want to plan something special for dinner and he didn’t want to rush things along too much and freak you out.
Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoyed I’ll try not to take so long with the next updates!
@wonwoosthetic @stonerlaur4 @amyispxnk @ilovejoel-andjavi
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moon-ursidae · 1 year
general thoughts and shit are going here in a list! see ya’ll on the other side!
got a late start bc i was w a friend i hadn’t seen in a long time.
oh shit okay jakarta this is where it pretty much started yea?
yuuuup there’s military men
this is so fucking horrifying bro
the slow buildup is so fucking good
i’m excited to see what neil does w this episode bc we know the dude can direct the shit out of a game haha
oh my god wait so the u.s. government probably got the idea to bomb after they did in jakarta?? CRAZY.
i feel so sorry for this woman. she’s absolutely horrified. these poor people in general dude. jesus christ.
the cold opens so far have REALLY set the tone well for the episodes and series as a whole
if anyone skips this intro, i simply do not trust them
this is fucking gorgeous
joel and tess sitting there like parents the next morning after you miss curfew💀💀
“there’s not gonna be anything bad in here?” “just you.” “oh, funny.” THEMMMMMMM AAAHHHHH
his hand :(
anna torv is so pretty
LMAO the difference in what they’re eating
“you must’ve heard that he wants to shoot you.” AND THE WAY HE DOESN’T EVEN FUCKING BLINK
bella is literally ellie you bitches that doubted them better EAT GRASS
“whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine”
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“fuck you man i didn’t ask for this” !!!!!!!!!!!!
bella is ellie bro
joel is so over this shit lmao
“jesus fine i’ll just have to throw a fuckin sandwich at them.” I LOVE HERRRR
omg joel moving the heavy ass furniture HAHAHAHA
pedro looks so goddamn fucking good my god
omg i remember seeing bts of this SOOOO long ago this is crazy
she lied about riley to tess :(
“mom, dad, boyfriend?” “i’m an orphan and uhh nooooo” so subtle and so good.
THE MUSIC FROM THE GAME AHH it’s changed slightly but it’s the same basically
sorry haha
“i don’t know how to swim.” “seriously?” “you think we have pools in the QZ?” “no, smartass. i mean-“ *jumps in to show her that it’s shallow* “i don’t know how i was supposed to know that” LMAOOO I LOVE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH ALREADY
also it’s not the last of us without wading in some gross water
“you’re a weird kid” “you’re a weird kid”
proceeds to get fucking jumpscared by a skeleton and joel jumps to see what’s up
him reaching to help her up and them both letting go as soon as possible but joel lingers there and looks at his hand🥲
probably bc of the whole infection thing but also 🥺
guys if you have to take the elevator shaft DON’T.
omg now they’re left alone together HAHA
“where’d you learn to do that?” “the circus” AND HE JUST LOOKS SO EXASPERATED HAHA
i love that ellie is so inquisitive about who joel is in both the game and series now. i would be doing the same if i was traveling with this man i met less than 24 hours ago, but it just hits so much harder knowing what joel’s been through yknow?
him stopping her immediately from asking personal questions bc he doesn’t wanna get attached and doesn’t want her to get attached either bc that would be harder for him AHHHHHHHHHHHH
“how long do infected live?” “oh i thought you went to school” IN SUCH A SASSY WAY I LOVE HIM
he looks so fucking good.
“what about that guy last night?” THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER KSHAKSHSKV
saved by the bell joel haha
i like that this is how they’re introducing the tendrils more. tess is telling both ellie and the audience how they work
these practical sets are INSANE
i fucking love how they’re so smart with each other already
the way they’re trying to get her to shut up lmao
this is bad. they are making so much noise without making any noise and i’m STRESSED
that’s so many bodies holy fuck
“twisted ankle, but yea.” AND ELLIE GETTING BIT AGAIN AND SAYING “i mean if it was gonna happen to one of us.” AND TESS’S FACE OH MY GOD PLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEEE
this is another way i KNOW neil directed this
the way joel is immediately tending to tess :(
and how she’s snappy w him bc he’s being pessimistic, as per usual, and she’s dealing with A LOT rn
he looks kinda hurt dude AHHH
i’m crying.
“is it everything you hoped for?” “jury’s still out. but man you can’t deny that view.”
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and the frame stays on the ladder with the capitol in the background like the game 🥺
omg the way tess is so far ahead of joel and ellie AHHHHHHH
him checking on her arm to see what’s up AHHH
oh fuck. it’s the capitol building.
the way his paternal instincts have already kicked in i can’t. the way he moved ellie from the bodies UGH.
tess’s desperation is so palpable from the moment she stormed inside. anna torv is fucking fierce and i love her.
“that’s not my fucking home!” uh oh.
me during this whole fucking scene:
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oh my god.
the way he DRAGS her out of there.
oh my god. the way she’s left standing there but she takes those last few breaths to recenter herself. FUCK man.
this is almost worse oh my god.
the way she’s frozen in fear oh my god
the tendrils will never NOT be disgusting.
jesus christ.
i fucking LOVE that final shot of ellie. i will also discuss further.
i gotta wait a week for bill and frank??? DAMNIT.
the part where joel is talking to bill looks like a flashback! he’s got a lot less gray goin on. i’m excited to see more of their relationship!
barrie gower popped the FUCK off holy shit
FUUUCK man tess was literally about to start her redemption and she finally found hope :(
“neil understands how to create fear” YEA HE FUCKIN DOES GODDAMN
okay! holy fuck! i’m emotional! AHH!
i’m gonna go think about this shit and make seperate posts for my thoughts later bc it’s almost 3am haha
fucking amazing job to the cast and crew again. holy fucking shit.
i’m obsessed.
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juletheghoul · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where one of Pedro's characters goes to the club that domanatrix!reader works at, and begs to be her new client 😈💅
Okay so. I ran with this. If there's enough of a response then I'll make this into something bigger.
Hope you all enjoy todays horny thots.
Pairing: Dave York x f-(soft/dom)!reader
Warnings: light humiliation, teasing, pussy eating, dirty talk, established sub/dom relationship.
Smut under the cut
He was leaking onto himself. Fat pearly beads of precum as he knelt there at your feet.
“Please?” He was looking up at you on your plush chair in the low light of the room, eyes glassy and lust-blown; patient.
“Why should I let you? You don’t deserve it.” Your tone was scathing, your face a mask of disgust.
“Please, I want it so bad. I want to see, taste it.” He was looking at your thighs, his tongue running over his bottom lip at the thought that after so long, you might finally let him.
“Tell me what you want, use your words like a big boy.” You pulled his hair back slightly and he groaned deep in his belly, you saw his cock twitch and you let go, sitting back in the chair.
“Please, I want to see it. Please show me your pretty pussy.” He had a light sheen of sweat on his chest, his muscles straining as he held his arms behind his back. You gave him the barest hint of a smile as you sat there.
His name was David, that’s all you knew about him. He’d come in about a month ago and he was turning out to be your favourite client. He had been surprisingly clear about what he wanted from you, had been so eager for you to control him; tease and deny him.
“You think you deserve to see it? You’re disgusting.” You shoved his face away and he moaned, recovering quickly and getting back into position. His cock was bobbing in front of him, strings of his arousal leaking down - making your mouth water if you were honest with yourself. “You gonna cry big boy? Making my pussy dry just looking at you.” You grabbed his neck with your hand, ever mindful of the pressure. He moaned, staring at your mouth as you sneered at him.
“I’m sorry, I don’t deserve it, but I’m being good right? Aren’t I being good for you?” You licked at his lip slowly, giving him the chance to act out but he was on his best behaviour and didn’t take the bait.
“Hmm, yes you are baby boy, being so good. Maybe you do deserve to see it.” You smiled as you reached down to rub the thick head of his dick with the tip of your finger, the velvet skin of it slippery with his fluids. You cherished the way his brow furrowed, the way his mouth hung open in exquisite agony. You could see the way he was suspended in bliss, your touch simply wasn’t enough for him to cum. “Do you deserve to see it baby?” You asked him as you wrapped your palm loosely around just the head of him. He moaned, his breaths coming faster and faster. His eyes were shut tight, trying to stop himself and focus.
“Yes yes, I - fuck - I deserve it.” he gritted the words out and you stopped. He let out a breath of relief and you sat back, waiting until he looked back at you to lick him off your palm.
“Since you’ve been so good.” You pulled the short little sundress you wore up, so he could see your panties, they were wet and he bit his lip. “You’ve been so good, I think you deserve a good long look.” You stood up in front of him, your belly level with his face and pulled them down, shoving them into his mouth before sitting in front of him.
His eyes were closed and you could tell he was tasting you. You sat in the chair, and once his eyes were open you spread your legs draping one over the arm of the chair, and bracing the other against his chest. His gaze was focused on your pussy and you spread it open for him to see it all.
He groaned into the fabric in his mouth and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Isn’t it pretty? You can take my panties out of your mouth.” You lifted the end of the dress over your belly.
“Yes, it’s so fucking pretty, so wet - I wanna taste it - please let me. Please let me make you cum - I can make it so good for you.” He was leaning in as he spoke, trying to smell your arousal. You’d never let him touch you before but he was so handsome, and despite the claims of all the men who paid for your company - you believed it when he said he could make it good.
“Fine - come and lick it, but if you don’t make me cum you’ll never see it again.” You beckoned him closer and for a moment he thought it was a test, hesitating momentarily. “Don’t make me ask you again David.”
He wasted no time, he practically lunged at you - his big warm hands wrapping around your thighs as he kissed your belly. His nose skimming along your mound, nudging at your clit.
“Gonna make it so good - want you to cum all over my face.” He slid his hands under your ass to push you up into his face and he dove in like a starving man, drunk on your arousal. His tongue coaxing your slick out and he moaned as he brought it up to swirl against your clit.
He was good. He was really good and your hands came up to thread through his hair.
He sucked your clit into his mouth and he groaned with every drop of arousal that drooled out of you. You could feel the coil in your belly winding tighter and tighter, he was going to make you cum, and fast.
“Oh baby - yes, God David that’s really good, you’re doing so good, touch yourself.” You ground your hips into his face as he groaned, one of his hands dropping to fuck himself with it. Knowing he was so aroused, that he was going to cum while eating your cunt pushed you over the edge and you seized up. He sucked harder, pulling a scream out of you before you heard him, he groaned deep moaning into your pussy as he came all over himself.
You had to wear this dress more often.
tagging all of you because it's the suburban murder daddy
Tag list: @frannyzooey @foli-vora @danniburgh @greeneyedblondie44 @lola4pedro @ezrasbirdie @221bshrlocked @artsymaddie @supernaturalgirl20 @sleep-tight1 @softdindjxrin @wheresarizona @sherala007 @marydjarin @cannedsoupsucks @thirstworldproblemss @ilikechocolatemilkh @lori-tovar @freeshavocadoooo @hrk-fic-recs @greeneyedblondie44 @maxwell--lord @princessxkenobi @the-feckless-wonder @kirsteng42 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @thisshipwillsail316 @feministfanboi @dihra-vesa @gaiuswrites @stevie75 @sweet-creature98 @readsalot73 @pedrostories @tobealostwanderer @mandocrasis @elegantduckturtle @diogodxlot @alczysz17 @evyiione @absurdthirst @beskarboobs @andruxx @littlemissoblivious @1800-fight-me @goldielocks2004 @maievdenoir @gracie7209 @omlwhatamidoinghere @bellaorisa @hellovanessax @magikfanatic @frankiecatfish @mrs-ghuleh @pedritoispunk @librariantothejedi @studythoreauly @missswriter @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @pintsizemama @mswarriorbabe80 @a-trial-run-on-paper @giizhkens-cedar @la-le-lu @chickadee-djarin @dobbyjen @rosiefridayrogersunday @ajeff855 @anaaaispunk @johnsrevelation @the-witty-pen-name @zombiesnips-blog @quica-quica-quica @sarahjkl82-blog @fan-of-encouragement @queenofthecloudss @mandosmistress @deadhumourist @felicisimor @tuskens-mando @no-droids-on-sunday @sophiefatale2495 @toomanystoriessolittletime @what-iwish-you-knew @pedrostories @athalien @bi-thewayy @literallydontlook @pedrosbrat @gamingaquarius @gothicxbarbie @tkolemba @localddreamer @luxmundee @iamafadedmoon @nakhudanyx @littlemisspascal @grogusmum @ajeff855 @recklessworry @soltassbruxa @heyitmelexie @liviiii98 @killyspinacoladas @gothicxbarbie @evildxad @dragonslarimar @spideysimpossiblegirl
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loversandantiheroes · 4 years
Anything else you'd care to tell us about what gets Frankie off (aside from manhandling you and getting you off)? 👀👀
SO!  This was gonna be a nice little bullet point list, but then I got a little stuck on what would be on it and ended up distracted thinking about a couple specific points while I was hopped up on anxiety and too little sleep and too much caffeine so now it’s just a whole goddamn fic!  I have been staring at this for so long I have no idea if it’s good anymore so Happy Thanksgiving / I’m sorry, YMMV.
Risk and Reward
Excruciatingly shameless Frankie/F!Reader smut, 4.2k+ words (don’t ask me I don’t know what happened either), unbeta’d bc I’m impatient and the offered beta-er went to sleep, moderately edited bc I cannot linear a thought process.
Warnings: praise kink, risky sex, dirty talk, road hand (this is apparently what it’s called???), semi-public sex, semi-feral Frankie, car sex (truck sex?), unprotected sex (do as I say, not as I fictionalize), cream pie, implied come-eating (not actually shown).
Pedro Perma-taglist: @littleferal, @thirstworldproblemss, @corvueros
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It’s nothing you mean to start.  It’s just a congratulatory kiss on the cheek and a soft mutter of “Good job, baby,” when Frankie thrashes Benny at a game of pool at the bar.  It’s been a rough week, and it’s good to see him enjoying himself and not propped up miserably on your couch while you try to work the knots out of his shoulders and neck for the fourth night in a row.  He preens a little at the attention, eyes downcast but with a crooked smile that stops just on the verge of smug.  You loop your arm around his waist to keep him close, hooking your fingers under his belt, and as Frankie raises his head for a proper kiss you catch a wicked little glimmer in his eye.
His mouth hits yours and there’s nothing telling in that, it’s perfectly sweet and nearly chaste, but his hand slips up to the back of your neck, squeezing gently like a thank you.  The wheels in your head are turning a little slow courtesy of the drink you’ve been nursing while you watched Frankie play, and it takes a long, long moment for the thought to finally land: he likes it when you praise him.  It was possibly the easiest of his inclinations to find - the first time you’d taken him to bed and locked your ankles around him and told him how fucking good he felt had dragged such a gut-wrenching sound out of him you’d thought he’d pulled a muscle until he’d begun to move faster. 
You hadn’t considered that maybe that might push his buttons outside of the bedroom, but now you’re thinking maybe it’s worth a try.
Frankie tugs you along back to the table to sit, scooting close enough that your chairs knock into each other whenever one of you shifts, but it’s enough for you to lean into the crook of his arm comfortably.  You drift through the conversation, not feeling any pressing need to be included, just pleased to be close enough to feel the way laughter buzzes through Frankie’s chest.
“What about you, Fish?  How’s the mechanic gig working out?”
“Eh, it’s fine,” he says.  “It’s work.”
You nudge him with your elbow.  “Understatement of the century, baby.”
Frankie inclines his head in reluctant agreement.  “We’re shorthanded right now, I’ve been picking up extra shifts.  But the boss isn’t a complete prick, and it’s good money, so…”  He trails off, shrugging as if that’s the only explanation needed.
He’s modest to a fault, god bless him, and you sigh with exasperated affection as you knock your head against his shoulder.  “Well I’m proud of you, baby.  You’ve been working your ass off.”
Santi points a finger over his beer.  “Ooh, careful, man, you ain’t got much of that to spare.”
Frankie mutters a short stream of Spanish over the top of your head - the only word you manage to catch in your limited vocabulary being pendejo - and the other man grins.
“Language, Francisco,” Santi says, one hand to his chest as though scandalized.  “There are ladies present.”
You laugh, craning your neck to place a kiss by Frankie’s ear.  “Don’t listen to him, baby, you’ve got a cute ass.”
His cheek grows warm, and warmer still when Benny cuts in: “All right, ease up on hype routine before we gotta call emergency services to get Fish’s giant fuckin’ head out the door.”
“We got a hacksaw in the truck, it’s fine,” you insist, giving Frankie’s thigh a squeeze under the table.  “Not my fault you yahoos have never heard of positive reinforcement.”
Frankie’s chuckle is so low you almost miss it, his face hidden under the bill of his hat.  Santi eyes this display with one of his impressive eyebrows hiked.  He meets your gaze for a second, a knowing smirk on his face that suggests he at least is fully aware of what you’re pulling on his friend right now.  You only smile, sip your drink, and let your hand wander out of sight up and down Frankie’s thigh.
Abruptly Santi thumps Benny’s shoulder with the back of his hand.  “C’mon Benny-boy, I feel like knocking balls around.  I’ll let you win the first round, get you some of your pride back.”
Benny scrunches his face up, scooting away from the table with his hands spread.  “Like hell.  You ain’t letting me do shit, Pope, I’ll kick your ass fair and square.”
Santiago tips you a wink as he ushers Benny off to the pool table.  “Behave yourselves.”
“Hell no,” you shoot back, and he grins.
Immediately Frankie’s mouth brushes your ear.  “You’re a menace,” he says, a little heat crackling through his amusement like dry lightning.
It’s a small effort to school your expression into something reminiscent of innocence before you turn to face him.  “What, can’t a girl pay her boyfriend a compliment?”  You trail your hand up, brushing the back of your knuckles against his fly.  His jeans feel just a bit tighter than they really ought to, and it absolutely delights you.
His eyes seem to darken; no small feat in the already dim light of the bar.  “I know what you’re up to,” he says, that small, pleased smile still curling the corners of his mouth.
“And?” you press, a little laughter coloring your voice.  “Is it working?”
He doesn’t answer, but the way he looks at you suggests he finds it funny you even have to ask.
Emboldened now, you leave a kiss against the corner of his mouth and press your hand a little more firmly between his legs.  “Come on.  You work so hard, and you always take such good care of me.  Let me be sweet on you, Frankie.  You’ve been so good, you deserve a little praise.”
“Querida,” he mutters, low and light enough that his voice nearly cracks.  If it weren’t for the feel of him stiffening you might’ve mistaken the tone for embarrassment rather than barely concealed excitement.
You smile at him, all sugar, and cup him through his jeans, the outline of him clear against the fabric.  “Say it, Frankie.  C’mon baby.  Tell me you’ve been good.”
The bulge under your hand twitches hard and swells, the denim stretching even tighter.  “We’re leaving,” he announces quietly, pulling his coat into his lap as he stands.  “Now.”
Grinning, you stand, unhurriedly slipping on your own coat and waving as Frankie ushers you past the pool table and towards the front door.
“Good night, boys,” you call back over your shoulder.
Santi laughs, and the last thing you hear before the door closes is him announcing to Benny: “Told you.  Not even five minutes.  Pay up, bud.”
Ever the gentleman, even now, he follows you to the passenger side to get the door.  You stretch up, offering a kiss in thanks, but he damn near collapses into it, pushing against you so suddenly the backs of your legs strike the step behind you and you almost lose your balance.  Luckily Frankie’s reflexes are better than yours, even now, and as quickly as you start to feel your balance go he gets an arm around your back, dragging your body flush to his again.  The surprise leaves you giddy and giggling, and before you even know you’re planning on doing it you’re giving his cock a heavy squeeze through his jeans.
“Fuck,” he breathes, breaking away.  “Not here, baby.  Fuck don’t get me started here.  We’ll get caught.”
“Thought you liked it a little risky, Francisco,” you tease, but you still your hand anyway.
“Baby there’s two cruisers parked over there,” he says with a thin laugh, jerking his chin over your left shoulder.  “Shaking my dick at the cops is not the kind of risky I like.”
You glance over and sure enough, there’s two police cars in the parking lot, one of them still occupied and idling.  The men inside don’t appear to be paying you any mind, but Frankie’s right: it’s best if it stays that way.  Sputtering laughter, you pull your hand away and cup the sides of his face, thumbs stroking through his coarse stubble.  “Better take me home then.”
Frankie keeps a close eye on the occupied car as you pull out onto the road, eyes returning again and again to the rearview mirror for at least three blocks before he finally seems to relax a little.  He rolls his shoulders, nodding, muttering a quiet affirmative to himself, and then tenses all over again when you slide your hand back up his thigh.
“Baby,” he warns.  There’s a heady mix of panic and excitement in his eyes as his right hand darts out, grabbing your wrist inches away from your prize.
“Both hands on the wheel, baby,” you tell him evenly.  “Let me do this for you.”  And then you wait, thumb rubbing a slow circle across his denim-covered thigh.  It’s an offer, not an order.  You’re honestly not sure if he’s actually good with this idea, and you’re not about to bulldoze him into something he doesn’t want to do on a blind, horny whim.
He squeezes your wrist a little tighter, then nods.  “Okay,” he whispers, and returns his hand to the wheel. 
“Good boy.  You’ve got this, Frankie.  Just keep your eyes on the road,” you mutter, shifting a little closer and giving him a slow squeeze.  Your heart’s beating faster now, thrilled at the prospect of what you’re about to do - what he’s about to let you do.  “I know how good you are behind the wheel.  What’s it Santi always says?  ‘Anything with wheels or wings,’ that’s your specialty.  You just focus on the road and let me take care of you.”
“Jesus,” he croaks when you undo his belt, lifting his hips automatically as you draw his zipper down and work his jeans down just enough to let his cock spring free.
You can’t help but crow a little at the sight of him: hard and wavering and already welling a glassy bead of pre-come.  “Fuck, I love how hard you get for me, Francisco,” you murmur as you take him in hand, delighted at the rigid heat under your fingers.  He whimpers at the praise, shoulders pushing back hard against the seat.
He’s silent as you begin to stroke him, his jaw set too tight to allow him to speak.  A small whimper escapes him when you swirl your thumb around the head of his cock, spreading that bead of slickness over it. 
To his credit, the truck doesn’t waver in the slightest.  He damn near drives a razor-line down the highway, speed so steady you would’ve thought it was cruise control.  The only real show that this is costing him any kind of effort is the way the steering wheel creaks under his white-knuckle grip.  It’s still early enough that the roads aren’t fully deserted, and it’s taking all of his concentration to keep his focus on what his hands are doing instead of what your hands are doing. 
The light at the intersection ahead turns from yellow to red and he slows to a stop, one hand trembling on the gear shift. In the brief reprieve his eyes slip closed, allowing himself just a minute to fully focus on the sweet, overwhelming friction of your hand.  He shudders, sinking back into the seat as all the pleasure he’d tried to tamp down overspills.  His hips jerk up into your hand, sharp at first and then rocking, chasing the sensation.  A deep, sweet groan tumbles out of his open mouth and Frankie’s eyes flutter closed, his head dropping against the back window hard enough to make it rattle.
“Good, baby?”
“Fuck yes,” he breathes.  
It’s wonderful to see him like this, so willingly overwhelmed and aching for what you want to give him.  It lights you up, a bright, sweet ache that starts low in your belly and blooms out everywhere, flaring up hotter with every little sound he makes.  The heater’s blowing now, warmth swirling around your legs and you hike your dress up, pressing your fingers insistently against your clit through your tights.  
A moan escapes you before you can stop it, teeth clamping down on your lower lip just a bit too late.  Frankie’s head whips around at the sound, mouth agape at the sight of you with one hand around his cock and the other working half-hidden between your legs.  And then you’re reminded of just how fast this man can be, because one moment his right hand is resting on the gear shift and the next it’s pushing your own fingers aside to rub eagerly at your clothed slit.  The fabric is absolutely soaked through, and Frankie swears under his breath.
“You get this wet for me, baby?” he all but whispers, rubbing a slow, firm circle over your clit.
Sighing, you cover his hand with your own, trying to match your strokes with the rhythm of his fingers.  “Mm-hm.  Just for you, Frankie.  You look so sweet like this, I can’t help it.”
“I promise you, baby, you look sweeter.  Fuck, I could eat you up.  Wanna tear these fucking tights off you and bury my face in your sweet little pussy until you can’t think of anything else.”  He’s quiet - he’s always so quiet - but somehow the gentle rasp of his voice only serves to make that stream of filth even hotter.
A sudden honk makes you both jump, Frankie spitting out a stream of obscenity in Spanish while you can only give an undignified squeak.  The light, you realize as you look up, has gone green again.
Frankie fumbles the truck back into gear, waving an apology to the person behind you. As soon as he’s got the truck into gear his hand returns to you, trying to take its place between your legs again.  Despite literally everything in you that desperately wants to feel those thick fingers against your desperately aching cunt, you shake your head.
“Both hands on the wheel, Frankie,” you remind him, considerably more breathless this time than the first.  “The sooner you get me home the sooner you can take these off me just like you want.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re killing me, baby,” he pants shakily as he settles both hands on the wheel again and eases down the road.  
Control is a little harder to come by now that he’s let it slip, his body turned into a perpetual motion machine, rocking back and forth without the need for his input.  He’s dripping like mad, enough that your hand slides easy back up his length.  Your fingers glide over the slick head and he shudders, swearing, and thumps his heel against the floor.
“Don’t-” he chokes, and his hips press up hard against your hand as a thick runner of pre-come trickles down the underside of his cock.
You slow, squeezing him rhythmically.  “‘Don’t’ what, baby?  You want me to stop?”
He groans, gritting his teeth.  “No.  N-no, no.  Just...fuck, if you keep going you’re gonna make me come.  Don’t make me come like this, baby, please.”
“You got something else in mind?  Tell me, Frankie.  You deserve a reward.  Tell me what you want.”
“Christ,” he pants, searching for words and coming up empty, his ability to think stretched far too thin trying to drive a straight line while you nudge him closer and closer to the edge.   “Madre de fucking Dios, baby, goddamn it.” 
Home is still a good five minutes away, but there’s no way Frankie’s going to make it that far.  Grasping his cock tight at the base, you scoot in closer until your chin’s on his shoulder and you can press your mouth right up against his ear.  “Easy, Frankie.  Take a breath, and tell me what you want.”
There’s a thin whistle as he hitches in a deep breath, the loose front of his t-shirt drawing tight under his jacket as his chest expands.  He holds it for a dizzying moment, pulse thudding so heavily his cock bobs in your grip with it.
“I want to fuck you, querida,”  he whines.  “Lemme fuck you, baby, please.  I don’t want to wait until we get home, I want to feel you on my cock now.”
The heat that’s been pooling in your belly bursts into a goddamn fireball, and any desire you had to keep your hand on the reins in this little scenario, to make him wait for it just a little longer, wholly evaporates.  The skin high up on his neck is cool when you press your lips against him, smooth at first and then raising up into goosebumps when you whisper: “Pull over, Frankie.”
“Fuck, I- fuck.”   His throat works, eyes darting between the road and the mirrors, and then his arm shoots out, holding you back against the seat.  There’s a side road ahead, choked with weeds and largely unused, and Frankie takes the turn onto it one-handed, killing the engine as soon as he gets the truck far enough into the weeds to be mostly unnoticed.  
And then he’s on you, his mouth crashing into yours with a staggering intensity, dragging you up to straddle his lap and sliding his hands underneath your dress.  His fingers hit the apex of your thighs, catching at the sodden seam of your tights and wrenching them apart.  The sound of fabric ripping is startlingly loud in the small space, and you gasp against his mouth, stealing his breath.  
Your head spins, wondering if maybe you teased him just a bit too far, but then there’s another rip and your panties are gone, too, fluttering down to catch on the brake pedal.  The hot, wet head of his cock nudges your entrance and suddenly your only thought becomes - oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.  You brace yourself for the jolt, because even as wet as you are Frankie is big, and you’re certain you’ve worked him up so much he hasn’t got the control left to give you time to adjust.
But Frankie always has a way of surprising you.  You’re tensed up, expecting force and speed and instead he pulls you down slow; taking you at a crawl when you expected a sprint, and all you can do is scratch your fingers across his scalp and whine as he fills you up, sweet and hot like honeyed brandy.  He shudders so hard the springs in the seat creak as you slip down another inch, and another, clenching and fluttering around him as he buries himself inside you with a groan so deep it’s nearly a sob.
“Yes, baby,” he mutters, words returning to him in a slow trickle.  He drops his forehead against your chest, his breath lovely and hot on the thin skin between your breasts as he tugs the neckline of your dress down to leave a kiss there.  “Fuck yes. You take me so good.  Keep going.”  His fingers bite into your thigh as you sink down a little more.  “Don’t-don’t stop, baby.  I need to fuck you.  I need to.  Don’t stop.”
His body thrums underneath you as you sink down, every muscle trembling like high-strung wire, ready to snap.  He’s trying so very very hard to hold on long enough to let you open for him, to be ready for him to give you what he wants.  The realization leaves you dizzy, your grip tightening around his shoulders and he lets out a choked moan as you settle fully in his lap and all but gush around his cock.
You’ve got bare seconds before his patience gives out, but you settle your hands on his chest, feeling the race of his heartbeat under the well-worn cotton of his t-shirt, and push yourself just far enough away that you can look down at him properly.  God, you want to move.  You need to move.  Every time with Frankie holds the same sense of shuttered awe, like you forget what it’s like to be this full until he’s inside you again, pressing up against nerves you barely knew you had.
It’s dark now, the streetlights barely reaching into the shaded alley, and Frankie’s face is painted only in shades of blues and blacks.  But even in the darkness you can see that awe-struck look on his face: lips parted, eyes wide and impossibly dark.  The first thing you think rolls straight off your tongue without a second to parse it: “You’re so beautiful, baby.”
And Frankie breaks.
He grits out a sound that’s half a snarl and half a whimper and lunges up into you so hard you have to brace yourself against the roof of the cab to keep from hitting your head.  Without even meaning to you cry out, the air forced out of you in a broken staccato as Frankie plants his feet on the baseboard and fucks up into you so hard you swear you feel the jolt of it lance up brightly through your ribcage.  It’s unrelenting, frantic and primal and fucking overwhelming.  All you can do is wrap your arms tight around his shoulders and hang on, let him take what he needs, letting him give you everything he can.
Frankie’s beyond words.  Teeth bared against your throat, arms locked tight around you.  One of his hands is hooked around your shoulder, the other gripping mercilessly at your ass.  Even as wet as you are you still grip him tight, especially at this angle, and it’s nearly a struggle for him to move, to drag himself out of you and bury himself all over again.  
You want to encourage him.  Want to praise him.  God knows he’s earned it, but every nerve in your body is on fire and you can’t even find the air to breathe, let alone speak.  You manage a sharp, keening whine as he shifts under you, just barely grazing your g-spot.  Every nerve sparks like raw metal on flint and without even meaning to you clamp down on him tight, your body taking the initiative and trying to hold him against that spot, to chase that burn.
Snarling, Frankie shoves you back, your shoulders thudding against the steering wheel.  The change in angle is sudden and shocking and oh god it puts him right where you wanted him, driving up relentlessly against your sweet spot.  It’s brutal and blissful and fucking perfect, and when he shoves his hand under your dress and drags his thumb in shaking circles over your swollen clit it’s even better.  It’s fucking heaven, and you’ve got no idea how much more of it you can take.  Your whole body shakes, unmindful of any direction you might give it.  Your hand strikes out blindly, knocking hard against the solid plane of his chest and grabbing a fistful of his t-shirt.
“Please, baby,” he groans through gritted teeth, and you have just enough senses left to hear just how close he is to coming, and how desperate he is to get you there, too.  “C’mon.  Come for me.  Please.”
“F-f-frankie.”  So close.  Each thrust, each stroke of his fingers pushes you a little closer to your peak, all other sensations fading out and making room for the overload.  You’re not sure if you could see anything even if it was broad daylight right now, but goddamn it you wish you could see his face...
The last thing you hear is Frankie’s shaking voice pleading with you: “Please baby.”  And then there’s just a ringing, high and tuneless.  You have the barest second to wonder if you’ve truly gone deaf and then, like the sheer enormity of it was too much for your brain to process at once, then you come.  Every muscle contracts and you seize up, shuddering, all control over your body lost.  Your throat burns, and it isn’t until Frankie’s hand clamps down over your mouth to quiet you that you understand why.
His heel pounds the floor and he thrusts up into you once more, lifting you up as he goes rigid, under you and inside you, his arms locking tight around your body.  He comes with a broken sob, his face buried against your neck as he quakes his way through the spasms.
The ringing fades, and you listen to the sound your mingled breathing, harsh and labored.  You tighten your grip on him, curl one arm around his head so you can brush his hair back - god, when had he lost his hat in all this? - and press a long kiss to his damp forehead.
Your throat’s a wreck, your voice rough and uneven when you finally find it again.
“Good boy,” you murmur.
“Love you, baby,” he says hoarsely, the words stifled against your skin.  “Jesus Christ I fucking love you.”
“Love you too, Francisco.”
He laughs, breathless and utterly come-drunk.  “Fuck, we need to get out of here.  Somebody definitely heard that.”
You stroke your fingers through his hair, too pleasantly fuzzed to care overmuch about that.  “Hm.  I’m gonna make a mess of the seat,” you complain drowsily, already feeling him begin to trickle out of you as his cock softens.
“‘S okay, baby,” he says, the scratch of his stubble oddly soothing as he kisses his way up your neck. “As soon as we get home I promise I’ll clean you up.”
His tongue traces a shockingly warm line up to the corner of your jaw, and your legs tremble at the suggestion.  
“Very good boy,” you amend.
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ohpedromypedro · 4 years
Vanity Affair
A continuation of this lovely ask I got 😘💕
word count: 5.2k (oops?)
characters/pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!actress Reader
warnings: smut, oral (m & f receiving), fingering, squirting (multiple times), multiple orgasms, swearing, Papi kink, dom Pedro, unprotected sex (honestly at this point we can just assume that the reader in all my fics is on birth control unless stated otherwise 😆), there’s probably more but it’s almost 1am and I can’t think of em all.
summary: big nope, y’all know I hate them
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You were definitely not expecting your cheesy little line to work on Pedro Pascal so easily, thought you were at least gonna need to try a little more flirting with him to actually get him to agree on bringing you home with him, but even now as you’re both sat in the backseat of a private limo headed to where he’s temporarily staying for the time being, his strong hands holding you firm around the waist while your lips are attached for a heated and explorative kiss, you’re still stunned. This is actually happening.
“Pedro,” you softly breathe into the kiss, your hands resting on his chest now moving to loop around his neck so you can card your fingers through his hair, your hips pressing even closer against him now.
“Mmhmm?” He hums in response, slowly pulling back from the kiss to gaze up at you. Your already plump lips are now swollen and lipstick smeared from the kiss and his cock twitches beneath the fabric of his suit pants as he thinks about how good they’d look wrapped around his length, even better with your red lipstick smeared all over it.
You feel the twitch of his cock against your core through the dress you’re wearing and immediately it makes you gasp at the feel of him hardening more against you. “Fuck, I--” You gently tug his hair, subconsciously grinding your hips against his hardening length with a quiet moan. “How did my silly little line work so easily?” You finally ask what’s been wracking your brain for fifteen minutes now, Pedro chuckling in response to your eager question.
“Because I had already caught you "enjoying the view" and thirsting over this suit of mine before you even thought of what line to use on me…” He smirks and gives your sides a small squeeze, smoothly trailing his hands down your thighs and past the fabric of your dress, his gaze set right where he wants it to be. “Does this suit do things to you, Y/N...does it make you wet through your panties?”
“I’m--not wearing any panties,” you admit with a soft breath, your cheeks red from finding out that he already caught and heard you ogling over him before your initial approach back at the Oscar party.
Pedro’s hands immediately push the fabric of your expensive dress up at your confession, pleased groan leaving his throat at the sight of your naked and clearly glistening folds. “Fuck, hermosa, I do this to you?” His hand shifts to trail his thumb along your wet slit to gather some of your wetness before moving it to rub slow circles on your exposed nub, eliciting a soft gasp and moan from you.
“Yes...” Your hips buck against his touch, leaning back so you can rest your hands on his shoulders and watch him as he plays with you. “You always--” you moan when he rubs faster, squeezing the fabric of his suit in response. “--look so fucking good, but this suit...oh god, it tops the cake...”
“Go on…” He smirks, momentarily flicking his gaze from your dripping cunt to your face which is absolutely blissed out from the way he’s rubbing your clit, loving the view of your parted lips and lidded eyes as you stare back at him.
“You look like a goddamn ten course meal,” you groan, earning an amused lighthearted laugh from Pedro.
“Yeah? Good enough to eat?” He muses, rotating his hand so while he still rubs your clit with his thumb he can now slip his middle finger into your needy core, his eyes dropped back down to watch as your cunt swallows it up.
“Oh god yes, all of it…” You moan quietly, squeezing your walls around his finger once it’s knuckle deep inside of you. “It’s a s-simple black tux, but Papi, you wear it so f-fucking well.”
“Fuck, I love when you call me that.” He groans, pulling his middle finger back to let his ring finger join it, quickly pushing them back in and giving them a curl against your g-spot. “Do it again.”
“Oh Papi,” you wail softly, tilting your head back with your mouth still agape while rocking your hips desperately against his fingers. “Fuck, Pedro, I...oh fuck, I won’t last long.” You inhale a shaky gasp, already feeling the building pleasure burning in the pit of your stomach from just the way his fingers fuck into you, his rubs on your clit helping tenfold.
“Yeah? Let go for me...make a mess for Papi because when we get back to my place, I’m going to do it all over again except this time I’ll be using my cock.” His freehand moves to grab you by the chin, forcing you to look him in the eyes as his fingers coax you toward your release. “I want you to look me in the eyes when I make you cum, princesa.”
“Oh please,” you cry out, biting your lip hard as you keep your gaze set on his, his fingers and thumb not letting up on their movements. You’re crying out again and squeezing hard around his fingers when that coil in your belly finally snaps, white hot pleasure washing over you as you feel yourself start to squirt for him. “Holy f-fucking shit!”
“Jesus, princesa that’s even better than Papi hoped for,” he groans when he feels your juices coating his fingers and the fabric of his pants, pulling you forward for a searing kiss with his hold on your chin as he finger fucks you through your orgasm. He was not expecting that, but he’s more than elated that it happened. It just makes him want to make you do it all over again.
You’re moaning into his mouth as your orgasm works its way through you, your nails digging into the suit of his jacket while you give his shoulders a hard grip. “Oh yes yes yes!” You moan out as your hips move harder against his fingers, his continuous rubs to your clit triggering another earth shattering orgasm from you. “Pedro!”
“Oh princesa, I can’t wait to get you home.” He growls, pulling his fingers from inside you after helping you through your second high and pressing them to your lips. “Suck.”
Immediately you comply, taking his release soaked fingers and sucking them into your mouth, swirling your tongue around in circles as you cleanse his digits of your juices and cum. “Mmmm…”
“Fuck, you are so obedient…” He whispers, watching with a darkened gaze as you slowly pull his fingers from your mouth with a quiet pop. “I take you home, I may not let you leave...”
“That’s one hundred percent fine with me, Mr Pascal.” You answer breathlessly, pressing yourself as close to him that you can get so you can lean in for a kiss with all tongue, letting himself have a taste of you on his own.
He groans and kisses you harder, his hands reaching around to grab your ass and keep you held flush against him. “You taste so good, princesa. I’m gonna need to have a better taste as soon as this driver gets us home.” He mumbles his words into the kiss, grunting as you grind your still drenched cunt against his straining cock in his pants.
“And what about me? Do I get a taste of you?” You murmur against his mouth, tracing your tongue along his bottom lip as you continue to kiss between words, adrenaline pumping through the two of you. “What if I want that cock in my mouth before this limo stops moving?”
“Then hurry up and get on your knees so you can,” he growls, giving your ass a smack before lifting you off his lap so he can place you on your knees between his parted thighs, his dark gaze settled on your plump lips. “Reapply your lipstick.”
“Wha?” You tilt your head curiously, sort of taken aback by his request, your hands reaching for his clothed thighs and pulling yourself more forward on your knees.
“I said...reapply your lipstick, princesa. Gonna make Papi tell you again?” He asks with raised brows, smiling with satisfaction when you quickly shake your head and move to grab your clutch purse, pulling the tube of red lipstick out and applying it evenly on your lips with your compact mirror as your guide. “Buena niña…”
You look up at him with doe eyes and a blush after repositioning yourself between his legs once you put your lipstick and mirror away, gasping when his hand grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls your face right where his cock is straining beneath his pants. “Papi…”
“What are you waiting for, princesa? Don’t you see Papi’s cock waiting for you?” He rasps, groaning as you let one of your hands palm him through the fabric of his suit before undoing the button and zipper and making quick work at pulling his length free, your eyes wide and lips parted as you start giving him a few hard strokes. “Fuck.”
“You’re so big…” You whisper, giving your lip a quick bite before moving to take him in your mouth, humming around his swollen head while you give it a small suck. He barely has time to react before you take him further into your mouth and toward the back of your throat, hollowing out your cheeks so you can give a few good hard sucks while you bob your head up and down on him.
“Bebita,” he groans deeply, hand in your hair tightening and helping to guide you along his length as you suck him off, his groans only getting deeper the more of his cock you take into your mouth. “Fuck, just like that, hermosa. So fucking good.”
“Mmhmmm…” You moan, eyes fluttered shut while you work at getting the entirety of his cock down your throat, wishing you could see the blissed out look on his Pedro’s face from the way you take him in your mouth, wanting to show him just how perfect it and your throat feels.
“You know what the fuck you’re doing… Christ.” He growls, rocking his hips upward in time with his pushes on your head and groaning at the way you choke and gag around him. “Papi loves it when you choke on his cock like that… Trying your best to make me feel good, huh?”
“Mmhmmmm…” You hum in response, groaning when he repeats his prior movement and has you choking on him again, the sound lewd as it escapes your throat. “Mmmmmm…”
“Fuck, princesa.” He grunts, tightening his fingers in your hair and momentarily yanking you off his cock so you can catch your breath, your mouth and chin drenched in drool while a long string of spit connects from your lips to his throbbing cockhead. Your lips are still swollen and once again lipstick smeared and Pedro can’t help but to gaze down at you as though you are the most beautiful piece of artwork he’s ever seen.
“Pedro…” You whisper, blush burning at your cheeks from the intensity of his gaze. You go to say something else when the limo comes to a complete stop, making Pedro quickly check his watch to see how long you’ve been driving.
“Shit, we’re here.” He groans at the unfortunate timing of your arrival to his current place of living, quickly tucking himself back in his pants for the time being. “Hurry and fix yourself up, hermosa. Papi doesn’t want anyone but him to see you in this position.”
You immediately move from between his legs and climb right back onto the seat beside him, about to use your dress to wipe your face before he stops you and uses his handkerchief instead. “Thank you…” You murmur with appreciation.
“Don’t want you to ruin that stunning dress of yours…” He smiles, tucking the handkerchief back into his pocket.
“And unfortunately I’ve ruined your pants…” You bite your lip, moving your gaze to his lap where it’s still damp with your squirt.
“Totally worth it.” He groans, leaning forward to capture your lips for a deep kiss, the limo door opening after a few moments.
“Your destination, Mr Pascal.” The older man smiles as he holds the door open, Pedro smiling in return after pulling back from the kiss and moving to climb out of the limo, reaching in his back pocket to grab a nice fifty dollar tip to give the driver. “Oh thank you, sir.”
“Thank you,” Pedro grins, turning back to hold his hand out for you to take and carefully helping you out of the limo. “Ready?”
“Absolutely,” you nod, giving the limo driver a quick smile. “Thank you for the ride, mister. Have a wonderful night.”
“As do you both,” he smiles and nods in appreciation, going back around the limo to get in the driver’s seat.
Pedro is hurriedly pulling you by the hand away from the sidewalk and toward the townhouse he’s renting for a few months, leading you right up the front steps and inside to the dining area where he immediately lifts you up and sits you at the edge of the table.
“Now I can finally get a better taste of that delicious little pussy of yours.” His voice is husky and seductive as he lifts your dress up and over your head, humming while he lays it over the back of one of the dining chairs before quickly unclasping the strapless bra you’re wearing, letting it join your dress. “I’ve seen you pose naked in one of your b-list movies before…” He muses, making your cheeks go bright pink knowing Pedro Pascal himself has seen you naked on screen in one of your not so high budget Hollywood films. “...but the view is much more pleasant in person, that’s for damn sure…”
“You’ve...watched some of my previous films?” You ask breathlessly as you give your lip a bite, gazing up at Pedro as he starts to lightly trail his hands along your thighs, a small smirk forming on his face that makes you swallow hard.
“I’ve watched every single one of them, hermosa…” He rasps, gently pushing you to rest on your elbows while pulling you down to the edge of the table again, dropping to his knees so he can place a few open mouthed kisses along your inner thighs. “Surprisingly, that movie you bravely stripped down for is how I found you...but it wasn’t your nudity that caught my interest in you, bebita. It was your pure talent on screen... You’re gonna go far, Y/N Y/L/N. The world will know your name soon enough, especially after the success of your recent film.” He gives each of your thighs a gentle nip before moving his face just inches from your dripping core, eyeing your deliciously inviting folds. “Look at her...how she glistens for me...beckons me in for a taste of her delicacy…”
You’re speechless as he murmurs his words to you, the combination of them and his light caresses/nips to your thighs has you whining and wanting more from him, your hand dropping to fist in his hair. “Papi please... “ You whimper, looking down at him to meet his gaze, his eyes lust blown and almost animalistic. You can tell he’s ready to start devouring your cunt. “Please do what you’ve been dying to do since you sampled my taste in the car.” You bite your bottom lip hard, watching as his face twists into a devious smirk.
“I’ve wanted this long before that, princesa.” He dives right in, his flattened tongue immediately lapping along your spread folds before his lips wrap around your deprived little clit and give a hard suck, earning himself a nice loud moan from you. “Mmmm you’ve got the sweetest tasting pussy, hermosa… Like the finest of thirst quenching waters. I could drink for days.” He brings his tongue right back over to hastily flick it against your clit, to which you buck your hips and moan again. 
“Oh, Pedro!” You clench your fingers tighter in his hair, your hips bucking against his tongue even more as he laps hungrily at your clit. “Please don’t stop,” you gasp, wanting to throw your head back but also really wanting to watch the way this man feasts on your cunt. It’s better than anything you’ve ever seen or felt before.
“Mmmm…” He hums against your folds, smirk still stark on his face as he eats you toward your second orgasm. “You taste so good, bebita…” He groans, suddenly forcing his tongue inside of your drenched cunt and working it around with fervor.
“Oh yes!” You cry out, head now thrown back from the warmth of his tongue buried inside of you and eating you as if you’re the first thing he’s ever tasted, your fingers tugging on his hair as you rock yourself against his mouth. “Just like th--”
He cuts your words off by pulling away from your core, immediately earning a soft whine and your wide, needy gaze again. His eyes are narrowed and dark as he gazes back at you, his fingers on your thighs giving a firm squeeze. “Look at Papi while he enjoys his delicious meal, princesa, watch as Papi makes you cum.”
“Please!” You whine, bucking your hips repeatedly so he’d take the hint and bury his tongue inside of you again. You really need him to make you cum.
“Are you gonna be a buena niña and keep your eyes on Papi?” He nips your thigh, not putting his mouth quite where you want it just yet. He wants to hear you say you’ll be good first.
“Yes! I promise I’ll keep my eyes on you, Papi, just please--” You moan as he swiftly returns his tongue back inside your warm spongy walls, your lips parted as you watch his tongue fuck in and out of you. “Oh yes oh yes oh yes!” Your cries get louder the closer your orgasm starts to creep up on you, your fingers clenched tighter in his hair while you repeatedly rock yourself against his tongue.
Pedro groans at the way you grip and pull his hair, his eyes locked on your face to watch as it contorts in the most beautiful of pleasure, the two of you not quite making eye contact, but still looking the other in the face. It only spurs him on even more seeing you so blissed out and he quickly moves his mouth to start sucking hard on your clit again, replacing his tongue with two of his fingers and pushing them into your fluttering walls with ease. “Cum for me, princesa. Let Papi drink up your sweet release.”
“Ohhh fuck,” you moan louder, biting your lip hard as he starts thrusting his fingers right against your g-spot and coaxing you toward that edge you’ve been desperately waiting for. “Right there! Oh right there!” Your walls clench hard around his fingers as you feel yourself start to cum, the sound of his groan when he tastes your release on his tongue sending waves of arousal straight to your core.
He licks every drop of your release that leaks from your cunt, his fingers curling against your spot to intensify your high before finally pulling them out of you and sucking each one into his mouth to cleanse them of your juices. “Mmmm best pussy I’ve had the pleasure of feasting upon.” He smirks, standing to his feet again and leaning down to kiss you hard, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue.
You moan into the kiss, returning it just as hard and with every bit of your tongue, your legs wrapping tight around his waist while your fingers go right to carding through the hair at the nape of his neck. “Take me upstairs… Please,” you murmur against his lips, sighing in relief when he lifts you up from the table by your ass and carries you upstairs to his bedroom, immediately dropping you onto the bed before reaching to undo his bowtie. “Wait,” you stop him, giving your lip a small bite as you sit up on your knees and look up into his concerned gaze. “Let me…” You reach for his bowtie and get it undone and removed first, setting it aside before your fingers start working at unbuttoning the single button of his jacket. You get that removed next, laying it to the side before you start undoing the buttons of the black vest he wears just over his white button up shirt, quickly pulling it off once it’s unbuttoned and setting it with his jacket and bowtie.
“Hermosa…” He murmurs, watching you as you undress him in the gentlest of ways, his heart pounding so hard against his chest he knows you can hear it.
“Hmmm?” You give him a smile, carefully undoing the delicate black buttons of his button up and slowly revealing the tanned skin of his chest with each one you undo. Your fingers are nimble as they work at getting the shirt open, Pedro helping by unbuttoning the sleeves of his shirt.
“You really care about this suit,” he chuckles, shrugging the shirt off his shoulders and arms after the buttons are all undone and gently laying it on top of the vest and jacket.
“It’s sexy on you. I would hate to get it ruined during the removal of your clothes,” you pout up at him, your hands already working at unbuckling the belt he wears.
“You already drenched these pants in the limo anyway, I’d say it’s fine to ruin it.” He smirks, watching as you yank his pants down and let them pool at his ankles.
“A washer can fix that, but it can’t fix an accidental rip or tear if I’m too eager to get you out of this suit, now can it?” You tease, leaning up to give his bottom lip a gentle nibble. “Plus, I wanna savor the view as I undress you.”
“Dios eres perfecto,” he sighs, immediately kissing you deeply while moving you to lay on your back, his pants kicked to the floor as he settles himself above you and holds your face in his hands. “Are you ready for me?”
“Yes,” you breathe, wrapping your legs firm around his waist and resting your ankles against his lower back. “Pedro you know I’ve been ready.” You whisper, rubbing your hands over his toned pecs and collarbones.
“Just wanted to hear it from your pretty mouth first,” he teases, kissing you once more while lining his fully erect cock at your entrance and slowly pushing himself forward until he’s fully seated inside you. “F-fuck, bebita, you’re--” He groans, pressing his forehead to yours. “--so tight.”
“O-oh Pedro…” you moan, taking in a shaky gasp at the feeling of him stretching and filling you, never having been this filled in your life. “I’m so full.”
“Yeah? Papi fills you real good, doesn’t he?”
“Yes!” You sob, tightening your legs around him and giving your hips several small and desperate rocks against him. “Please.”
“Please what, hermosa?” He murmurs, moving his lips to start trailing kisses along the length of your collarbone, giving his hips a small teasing thrust into you. He already knows what you want, again just wants to hear you say it.
“Please move, please fuck me.” You softly whine your words, moaning out as soon as he starts thrusting back and forth inside of you at a moderately set pace, letting your head fall against the pillows behind you as you dig your nails into his upper arms. “Yes! Oh Pedro!” You cry, quickly dropping your head back down to watch the way his cock disappears in and out of you, both of your gazes set on the same thing.
Pedro only grunts and groans with every rock of his hips, his hungry eyes watching the way your walls deliciously swallow him up as he repeatedly fucks into you. “Fuck… Earlier, when I said--” he groans, burying his face in the crook of your neck now and leaving a gentle kiss and nip before proceeding. “--when I said if I take you home, that I may not let you leave…” He kisses at the shell of your ear next, continuing to thrust into your warm cunt. “...I really fucking mean that now.”
You take in a shaky breath at his words, everything you’ve only ever dreamed about as a young upcoming actress becoming a reality. “Pedro,” you moan softly, fisting your fingers through his hair the deeper he sends his cock inside of you, your body arching into his. “If--” A deeper moan leaves your throat, your head tilting as he starts tenderly kissing at your throat. “If you w-want me, I’m yours.”
“All mine?” He rasps, picking up the force of his thrusts little by little as he kisses along the other side of your neck now. “You and this pussy...all Papi’s?”
“Mmhmm all yours!” You groan loud at the slow increase in his thrusts, your eyes rolling back the harder and faster his movements get. “Oh g-god, I’m gonna cum again, I--” You gasp and whimper as your orgasm starts to burn and build inside of you, your walls giving a tight clench around Pedro’s cock. “I can feel it already.”
“Yeah?” Pedro growls, dropping his hand to start circling your clit with his thumb. “How about you make a mess for Papi again, princesa? Remember what you did to my fingers in the limo? Papi wants you to do it on his cock.” He rasps, kissing at the shell of your other ear as he starts thrusting a little more relentlessly. This man really wants to wreck and claim you all at once.
“Oh Jesus fucking--” your groan is a little more lewd this time, eyes rolling back as you feel that wave of pleasure creeping up on you. “I’m so fucking close, I-- oh god, Papi please don’t stop.”
“Let go for me, princesa.” He murmurs as he rubs harsher circles on your clit, his hips angled so he can hit right up at your cervix with his every thrust, the actions coaxing a silent scream and steady stream of squirt from you. “That’s it, bebita. Fuck, such a buena niña. Mi hermosa niña buena.”
Your body shakes beneath him while your orgasm washes over you, your throat finally opening enough to let out several elongated moans of his name, his grunt, growls and rapid thrusts signifying the near of his own release. “Cum for me, Papi...cum in me.”
“Fuck,” he groans, pressing his lips to yours for a mindnumbing kiss as he repeatedly rails the head of his cock against your cervix, swallowing your screams of pleasuring and burying himself right up inside you while his cock twitches and spills his warm seed into your womb. “Y/N…” He pants, keeping still inside of you as the two of you catch your breath.
“Pedro,” you whisper, gazing up at him when he leans back to look down at you and gently caress your sides.
“I don’t...I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” He mumbles. “I’ve...honestly? I’ve been planning on seeing if you’d allow me to take you out for dinner some time, but...I guess fate had other plans.” He chuckles at that and only gives his head a small amused shake, your eyes wide and obviously surprised.
“Really?” You chew your lip, looking up at him with piqued curiosity. “Why would you wanna ask me out?”
“Really?” He repeats you. “Why would I wanna ask such a beautiful, talented and dedicated woman such as yourself out for a nice dinner? Perhaps I wanted to get to know you better, learn more about you and what you enjoy, what you don’t enjoy.”
“Well you already know at least one of those things,” you laugh softly, giving your head a shake with a small smile. “Thank you.”
“For?” He smiles.
“Taking me home.”
“My pleasure.” He leans in for another kiss while he slowly starts to pull his length from inside of you, the two of you groaning in unison at the loss of warmth and fullness.
Once he’s slipped completely beside you and moved to the side, you give your bottom lip a small bite. “May I bother you for a glass of water? My throat’s a little hoarse…” You blush.
“I wonder why.” He teases you with a small smirk before nodding and gently kissing your forehead. “But of course you can. You wait right here, hermosa.”
“Thank you,” you grin, watching as he climbs off the bed and grabs a clean pair of sweats to throw on before leaving the room to grab you some water.
You lay there staring up at the ceiling with wide, very awake eyes, the most content of smiles on your face as you think about the events that just occurred. Are you dreaming? Did Pedro Pascal really just take you home and give you the most mind blowing night of your life so far? Nah definitely not dreaming, this feels far too real to be a dream.
You can hear Pedro’s voice faintly talking aloud downstairs, thinking maybe he’s talking to himself, but after a few moments you start to hear the soft patter of paws on the stairs leading up to the second floor. Edgar. You hear him enter the room and grin wide when he jumps up onto the bed.
“Hi Edgar! I was wondering where you were,” you giggle as you move to sit up on the bed, taking one of the fleece blankets folded on one side of the bed and wrapping it around yourself so you can pet Pedro’s cute little dog, having seen him in many of Pedro’s Instagram posts. “You are a cute little guy aren’t ya? Aww yes you are.” You give him light scratches at the spot between his ears and earn yourself a smile as he hangs his tongue out, clearly enjoying the love and attention. “You’re definitely the cutest thing in this house. Daddy’s second, but he doesn’t need to know that.” You grin.
Pedro silently stands in the doorway of his room holding the glass of water for you with a large smile, taking in the sight of you loving on his little guy, the dog who means the absolute world to him. He watches you for a few moments, just listening to you talk to Edgar and giggle when he gives you several kisses. It makes his heart swell with a love he’s never felt before. “You’re wrong, you know,” he finally states, earning your gaze and a curious smile. “I love my little Edgar here, but he’s definitely not the cutest thing in the house. Not anymore, at least.”
“Oh?” You bite your lip, watching Pedro as he approaches the bed and holds the water out for you, which you take and immediately take a few long sips.
“Mmhm. That would be you now.”
You blush at his words, giving your head a few shakes as you finish swallowing the water. “No offense, handsome, but Edgar is much cuter than me and nothing you say will ever change that.”
“Agree to disagree?”
“Alright fine,” you smile, giving Edgar lots more pats while Pedro moves to climb back onto the bed, just watching you love on his dog. “But he’s still cuter than you.”
“And that’s fine with me, hermosa, that’s fine with me.” He chuckles.
Everything taglist: @halefirewarrior​ @takemepedropascal​ @wildcard566​ @readsalot73​ @talesfromtheguild​ @msmona​ @oberynispunk​ @whiskeyxinxaxteacup​ @pedrosdoll​ @ah-callie​
Pedro taglist: @manuphantom​ @unadulterated-neckherolover @luna-longbott0m @hanelijoy​ @bxbyriku​ @lireandcampfire
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kayluh1915 · 3 years
Ice Cream Cake
Pairing(s): Pedro Pascal/Female Reader
Words: 3,233
Warnings: None
Pedro (in collaboration with your mother) throws you a party for your birthday, but not for the reason you originally thought.
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So, the beautiful Maggie ( @221bshrlocked ) was talking here on Tumblr about an age gap between reader and Pedro and I am HERE👏🏻FOR👏🏻 IT👏🏻 so expect more of this because she's got me hooked. Blame her... when she gets back from her break! I originally planned for this to be FILTHY, but no matter how many times I tried to work it in, it just didn't fit. So, have some fluff instead! Maybe next time, you filthy whores.
This works as a stand-alone, but I do consider it to be in the same universe as Beautiful People. It isn't necessary in the slightest to read that before this, but it is available if you would like to give it a read.
As always, comments are welcomed and encouraged.
You can also follow me on Twitter if you'd like. My life is boring, but I try.
Read on AO3
My Masterlist
It’s a warm summer evening. The frogs are croaking, the fireflies are starting to come out, and the crickets are singing as the sun began to dip over the horizon of the mountain. The perfect kind of evening for bonfires, camping, or even some late swimming. All great ways to spend a gorgeous evening. Far better than being pressed up against the glass of the local community center… in your opinion at least. However, for the sweaty fangirls, the chance of even getting a glimpse of your boyfriend was by far the better option.
“Such heathens.” Your mamaw said, rolling her eyes at the crowd outside. “They should show some dignity.”
“You were young too, Mom. Cut’em a break.” You Mom replied, carrying a plate of homemade peanut butter rolls.
“Well, I’d like to think I’d have more respect than to stare and lust over a local's boyfriend on her birthday, famous or not. He ain’t even here yet for cryin’ out loud!” You reached for one of the treats while your Mom was occupied, quickly stuffing it in your mouth. It was just as delicious as always.
“You should call for more security. If they’re like this when the man ain’t even here, I’d hate to see em’ when he does. Someone’s gonna get hurt.” Your Mom thought for a moment, looking back to the crowd outside that had somehow doubled in just that short amount of time alone.
“Yeah, you’re probably right. I’ll get on the phone and let the- Honey, don’t eat all of your aunt Judy’s PB rolls!” Your Mom scolded you once she noticed your stuffed cheeks.
“I dunno what you’re talking about.” You replied, mouth still full.
“It’s the bee’s birthday, Annie. Leave er’lone.”
“Then you can explain to the guests why there’s no rolls left.” The door suddenly opened, the overwhelming chatter from outside piercing the otherwise calm atmosphere of the community center and startling the three of you. You worried for a split second that maybe one of the fangirls had gone rouge and got past the guards or that one of the guests arrived way too early, but it was just your best friend, Emily… thank God.
“Damn, you’d think there was a celebrity nearby or something.” She joked, pointing her thumb back towards the door.
“There isn’t.” Emily’s smirk morphed into pure confusion.
“Whaddya mean? I thought he was supposed to be here around four?”
“Last second table read. Set him back a few hours.” She nodded in understanding, stealing one of the peanut butter rolls from the plate your mom was still carrying. She was about to protest but decided to take the damn treats into the ballroom so they would quit getting swiped in the first place. Even then she had your brother to worry about.
“Well, come on. We gotta go get you all dolled up for your man.” You looked towards the crowd, the mere idea of walking past all of those people green with envy making you nervous. Security guards or not.
“W-we can’t escape out of the back, can we?”
“Nope, they’re lined up back there too. I tired.” You threw your head back with a groan.
“There’s security out there, honey. They’ll protect you.” You mamaw said.
“Yeah, c’mon. You don’t wanna start your party in a ratty t-shirt and some jeans, do you?”
Honestly, you didn’t care.
When Pedro asked you what you wanted to do for your 25th birthday, you answered with the what you normally did. Stay home, do nothing, treat yourself to an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen, and maybe have Emily come over.
“When’s the last time you’ve done something special for your birthday?” He’d asked.
‘It’s been years. I’m not the party type and I never have the money to do what I actually want. Even a DQ cake is a decent amount of cash for me.” He paused for a moment, obviously thinking.
“... What have you actually wanted to do?” You immediately knew what he was up to.
“Nope! Don’t even think about it! It’s way too much money. Seriously, a DQ cake at home with you is more than enough.” It wasn’t his idea of spoiling you on your birthday, but he agreed. If that’s really what you wanted, then he’d give it to you. Whether you knew it or not, he’d give you the world if he could.
When you and Pedro visited your mother one weekend, she had asked you the same question. Before you could get out the answer you had given Pedro, she'd already replied with her own.
“You know, you haven’t had a proper party in years. We should throw you one.” You tried again to intervene, but Pedro stepped in.
“I’ll help in any way I can. Mi Abeja deserves something special for her birthday.”
So much for your private DQ cake celebration.
You weren’t ungrateful or anything. In fact, you really didn’t mind it. A day of dancing and good food sounded great and you were thankful to have someone like Pedro that was able to give you that. However, seeing all these people stepping on each other just to get one glimpse of the man you love made you long for that DQ cake.
“Pedro’s tee and jeans are fine.” You answered, Emily clicking her tongue at you and grabbing ahold of your arm. She dragged you towards the door and waved to your Mamaw.
“Be back in about two hours.”
Thankfully, you made it to Emily’s car without a scratch, taking in a huge deep breath once you shut the passenger door.
You wanted to choke her.
Your hairstylist released the last lock of your hair from the curling wand with a whistle.
“Lookin’ good, cutie! Pedro’s gonna faint when he sees you.” She exclaimed, spinning you around so you could take a look at your freshly styled hair. You cupped the curls framing your face and shook it out a little. Not even you could deny how much you loved being dolled up even if it hadn’t been your idea.
“Thanks, Jo. I love it.”
“You’re welcome, baby.” You got up from the chair and walked over to your couch, picking up the gift box Pedro had given you last week. He’d told you to wear it to your party, but not to open it until then.
“Well, open it! Let’s see what he picked out for you.” Emily exclaimed, obviously more excited about it than you were. Even Jo was peeking over as she got her stuff together.
You pulled the ribbon until it fell slack, placing the box back down on your couch to take the lid off. After fishing through a sea of tissue paper, you finally saw it. A black knee-length dress decorated with beautiful roses and daisies and a pair of black heels that had their own blossom.
“Ooooo! How pretty!” Jo cooed, adorning the dress.
“Man, he has a good eye,” Emily added. “That’s beautiful.” You looked over at her with a crooked eyebrow.
“Did you think he couldn’t match colors or something?”
“No, I’m just saying that men usually suck at stuff like this, but he did great.”
After everything was done, you stepped in front of your full-body mirror to take a look at yourself. You hated to admit it, but you actually looked pretty good. Your hair was curled and framed your face nicely as the dress Pedro had got you hugged your body perfectly. You even liked the heels which was a shock. You hated heels, but he had managed to find a pair that weren’t that tall so your feet wouldn’t hurt. It was a very sweet gesture, but you'd still be taking them off before the night was over.
“Shit!” Emily cursed. “Yeah you’re beautiful bitch, we gotta go. You’re going to be late for your own party!” You got back in her car as fast as possible, the heels slowing you down slightly. Despite that, you managed to make it in time, the security guards redirecting you to the upstairs entrance.
“Pedro’s here and they’ve gone wild. You’ll have to go in where the guests come through. There's more of us up there.” Emily complained mildly about having to park farther than she’d like, but you weren’t really paying much attention to her. Since the guard had told you that your boyfriend was finally here, the only thing you could really focus on was getting to him.
You made your way down the stairs slowly but as fast as possible, trying to avoid using the handrails since the decorators had worked so hard on making them look nice. Suddenly, you heard the crowd gathered outside scream, distracting you from your slow descent. You’re glad they did because at the bottom of the staircase stood the man you couldn’t wait to get to, everything but him going out of focus.
He was wearing a maroon button-down tucked into a pair of black dress pants. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, exposing his toned forearms as the black tie sat crooked around his neck. His hair was also slicked back, a few curls defying the gel and coming down to rest on his forehead. His brown eyes were crinkled, his blinding smile causing butterflies to erupt in your stomach almost as much as the trimmed facial hair that framed his jawline.
You continued to make your way down, now using the previously avoided handrails so you could go faster. When you got to the last two steps, he held his hand out for you to take. You gladly did, his calloused hand so large and warm compared to yours. You giggled when the dork pressed a light kiss to your knuckle.
“Are you my Jack for the night?” You teased, earning a snorted laugh from him.
“Nah. Just always wanted to do that. Didn’t think I’d get my chance tonight.” He made sure you came down the last two steps safely, you immediately wrapping your arms around him as soon as your heels touched the tiled floor. You laid your head on his shoulder with a content sigh, Pedro returning the hug as soon as you initiated it, his strong arms holding you tight as he pressed tender kisses to your temple.
“Missed you...” You said quietly, loud enough only for him to hear.
He parted with you ever so slightly to kiss you properly, his lips melding with yours so perfectly that you never wanted to come up for air.
“Alright, alright, break it up you two!” Your dad said, the only thing that saved you from being lost in his lips for the rest of the evening. “C’mon, everyone’s been waitin’ to see ya.” You looked back up at Pedro, smiling wide as soon as you saw that he was staring.
“Stop it.” You laugh. He laughs too, pressing another kiss to the side of your forehead.
“I can’t help it. Mi Abeja looks so pretty tonight.” You reached up to his tie to fix it for him, your eyes focusing on the poorly tied knot that he’d obviously done himself.
“Save it. We have to go greet the family before they blow a gasket.” You said, patting his chest once his tie was finished. He stood next to you and put his hand on the small of your back, gesturing towards the ballroom with his free one.
“Lead the way, honey.”
The party was well underway by now, the bass of the music thumping hard in your chest as you ate your second piece of birthday cake. It was no DQ ice cream cake, but you couldn’t deny that your aunt Judy could bake.
After the cake was cut, the DJ started playing music, inviting everyone out to the dancefloor. Pedro asked if you wanted to go dance but you turned him down.
“Not yet. I’ll join you once I get my fix on cake.” He nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he left to join your brother and a few of your cousins who were already “cutting the rug” you guessed.
You watched as Pedro loosened up, him and your brother dancing so rediculously that you couldn't help but laugh.
Whether Pedro wanted to believe it or not, he was quickly becoming a Hollywood golden boy. He more than deserved it, but the pressure of it all got to him sometimes and you were ecstatic to see him relaxed for a change.
He’d long discarded his tie, the hair gel barely holding back his curls that started to drape over his eyes that were crinkled up from smiling.
The song they were dancing to ended with one last thud from the bass, the DJ grabbing the mic as soon as it stopped.
“Alright folks, now we’re going to sllooww things down to allow the birthday girl to share a special dance with her love.” You looked up mid-bite of cake, not expecting to be singled out like that.
Pedro walked over to you, offering his hand as the slow song began to play. You quickly swallowed the bite of cake and wiped your mouth off with a napkin, placing your hand in his and allowing him to lead you to the dance floor.
He placed his large hands on your hips, pulling you close and laying his forehead atop of yours as your snaked your arms around his neck. You swayed with him for a bit, the flash of your mom’s camera vaguely registering in your mind, but you didn’t care. It all fades to nothing when you’re with him.
“You’re so beautiful.” He said, his mocha gaze full of adoration when he lifted his head away to look at you.
“You’re not so bad yourself.”
“Even for an old man?” You snickered.
“So nice that any other old man could never compare.” He breathed a laugh through his nose, his crooked smile doing things to you.
You continued to sway to the song, Pedro spinning you around a few times before you settled back into your rhythm. You laid your head on his shoulder after a bit, allowing him to fully take the lead. One of his hands left your hip to come up and hold the back of your head as he pressed gentle pecks atop your head.
“I love you so much.” You smiled on his shoulder, one of your own hands tangling into his dark curls.
“I love you too.”
Later that night, you and Pedro laid quietly on your bed, his arms tightly wrapped around you as you watched TV together. It was super late and you both were exhausted, but neither of you wanted to sleep. You were quickly losing the battle, however. Your eyes starting to droop as Pedro played with your hair.
“Don’t tell me you’re tapping out already.” He teased, his voice pulling you from the edge.
“M’sorry. S’been a long day.” You felt his chest vibrate with a chuckle, his mustache tickling your cheek as he pressed a kiss to it.
“I had one more gift for you, but I guess it can wait until morning.” Despite how tired you were, you were curious as to what he could have up his sleeve and couldn't resist looking at him over your shoulder.
“What is it?” He laughed.
“Awake now, are we?” He teased, rising up from the sheets with you and getting up. “Wait here. I’ll be right back.”
It took him longer than you expected and he made quite a bit of noise, but it was well worth it.
He watched your eyes light up with happiness as soon as your gaze landed on the piece of DQ ice cream cake he was holding in his right hand, a single lit candle atop of it. He was also holding a blue gift box with a white bow, but you were more focused on the frozen treat at the moment.
“Aww, Pedro…” You cooed as he set the cake down in front of you with a kiss.
“Happy birthday, my sweet Abeja.” You blew the candle out and licked the ice cream off the bottom, setting it aside and digging into the slice. You groaned at the taste, the mattress shifting as Pedro sat back down next to you.
“Good?” You nodded.
“It’s DQ ice cream cake. How could it be bad?” He let you enjoy your treat, your attention suddenly shifting to the gift box he’d sat down. You pointed your fork at it.
“What’s that?” You asked with your mouthful. Pedro looked to the box and picked it up, gesturing for you to take it.
“Why don’t you open it and find out?” You gave him shifty eyes, setting your fork down to take the box out of his hands. You took the bow off and set it aside, lifting the lid off the box quickly. You froze when you saw what was inside.
Laying atop white tissue paper sat your passport and a Mickey Mouse ear hat. You slowly took the hat into your hands, only just now noticing the sticky note that was stuck on the other side. It read:
“To DisneyWorld we will go for your special day, to create memories that will forever stay.”
You didn’t even realize you were crying until Pedro reached up to wipe a tear off of your cheek.
“How… how did yo-”
“I asked your mom. She said that you’ve always wanted to spend your birthday at Disney but never had the money. I knew you wouldn’t go if I told you about it ahead of time, so your Mom and I worked together to throw you a party so you wouldn’t be suspicious.”
There was no way you could accept something this huge from him. It had to cost him a fortune… weeks of his schedule.
“What ab-”
“Shhh.” He shushed. “None of that. You deserve this, Abeja. You work so hard and barely get anything. Please, let me spoil you just this once.” You wanted to turn it down, the guilt of not helping him pay for it eating you up. Though you knew he was under contract with Disney in the first place and more than had enough money to pay for it, you still didn't want him to think that you were trying to mooch.
However, the look of pure nervousness and adoration on his face melted all of that guilt away.
You sat the hat down and reached for him, hugging him tightly as more tears fell down your cheeks.
“...Thank you.” Pedro let out a breath of air you didn’t know he was holding, his arms hugging you back tenfold.
“No amount of money is worth more than this. I promise you that, honey. You’re worth so much more.”
You ended up falling asleep wrapped in his embrace, the day finally catching up with you. Pedro gently laid down, making sure not to wake you as he situated you to lay atop his chest while he laid on his back. You stirred as he pulled the blanket over the both of you, but didn’t rouse any more after that.
He reached over and turned the TV off with the remote and switched off your lamp, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before drifting off right behind you.
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longitud-de-onda · 4 years
which pedro character would you want to be stuck in quarantine with?
so you ask this just as i wake up this morning sick and my sister is already sick and now our family is going into a much more intense isolation/quarantine so good time to think about this :)
in my time so far, i’ve discovered that i do not do well with all my family in my house might not help that i’m stuck with an emotionally abusive parent and so i need people who can leave me alone but also make sure i don’t sit on my computer all day and give me some love and don’t let me get touch-starved and are good listeners. also people who don’t make me feel guilty about taking time for myself/eating shitty food on occasion/spending two hours binging netflix (guess who got yelled at for that yesterday?). so that’s my criteria when thinking about this… 
right so i would not enjoy quarantine with max. like vampires? not it. as @lannister-slings-and-arrows said in her ask about this, i don’t think i could manage being a vampire’s only source of food (though that could be a really good angsty fic if someone wanted to write that…)
i’d also not want to be with ezra. like i love him and his character but we’re both talkative to a fault and i know how much that annoys people and it hypocritically annoys the hell out of me too. i think i’d get on his nerves though for not being able to have cohesive and articulate debates and conversations, cause as soon as someone tries to do that with me, i become a blabbering mess and i get pissed sometimes, so quarantine with ezra would be Bad. 
maxwell lord?? do not want. he’s much too agressive and i feel like he’d be freaking the FUCK out about the stock market and that’d not be good for my mental health
din would also not be great. i think he’d be good at the alone thing, but i’d get soooo frustrated with him and the helmet and unless he pulled that thing off, i’d be so mad at him all the time. also i feel like he’s a little emotionally distant at times, and i’d need him to be a bit talkative when necessary. (though now i’m having flashbacks to my fic come back home, which deals a lot with din and isolation…)
i think frankie is kind of on the edge for me. like he’d be chill. nothing special or anything, and we’d get along fine. he’s probably not going to be responding to isolation too well, he’s a pilot so i bet he likes the feeling of space, and so he’d be pent up a bit, and maybe there’d be some resentment after a while and i wouldn’t want to deal with that.
so for me that leaves jack, javi, and oberyn, all of whom would probably be good isolation partners for me?
i think jack would be the most agreeable? like there would be few if any arguments, and that’d be good. we’d go all out in the kitchen all the time, and we’d definitely fall in love and it’d be great.
oberyn would be fantastic, like i’ve said it before, and i’ll say it again. i’d kill to have sex with oberyn and you know he’d be dtf. so like that’d be amazing.
but i think i have to rule out both of them because i don’t think they’d handle being in isolation well. no one does, yeah, but like they’d get extra frustrated.
so i’m gonna go with javi (should’ve seen this coming) because 1) he’d be fine hanging out in isolation. he needs the break, and he needs to relax a bit. 2) javi’s going to be down for long hours of quiet alone time. like reading in separate rooms, or even on the couch next to each other? and like, i don’t like people watching me write, so like, i don’t think he’d be staring over my shoulder and would respect my privacy on that point. 3) he is going to set up a really cozy blanket and pillow nest on the couch as i make dinner (we know javi doesn’t cook much and he’s in luck because i love being in the kitchen) and he’ll drag us over to curl up and watch a movie while we eat and that’s the the quarantine mood of the day. 4) he’s going to always be touching. like heads in laps. hands on tighs and in my hair. rubbing ankles together on the couch. soft touches on your waist as you walk around each other. i LIVE for that, and that’d be all i’d need to get me through this
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Falcon of Detroit (DBH Connor Fanfiction) Chapter Nine
I wanted to tell you this chapter has A LOT of dialogue and an explanation about rogues. Besides that, I hope you all enjoy! Love you all!!! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Phoebe's POV~
At noon, I heard Hank's stomach growl from my desk. Connor and I glanced up in unison at the Lieutenant. "Ya hungry?" I ask with a snort of laughter.
"Starvin'. Didn't have breakfast," Hank admitted.
"When do you ever have breakfast?" I retort.
"Never. Let's go to the Chicken Feed. I could definitely go for one of Gary's burgers." Hank grabbed his wallet and keys while I grabbed my crossbody purse. Connor followed us in silence to the Lieutenant's car. I decided to sit in the back while the RK800 sat in the passenger's seat. Hank drove through the light drizzle over the speed limit just to reach his favorite food truck in all of Detroit.
"Hanky Panky, the food truck isn't going anywhere," I tease.
"I know, but I'm fuckin' starving," Hank states nonchalantly. "And don't call me by that shitty nickname."
"Aw, I thought it was pretty creative. Guess I'll have to make up another one," I grin from ear-to-ear.
"Can't wait to heat it," Hank grumbles.
Fifteen minutes later, we arrive at Chicken Feed. As his normal routine, Hank ordered Connor to stay in the car. I wanted to smash my head against the window at his strictness with the android, who has done nothing but his job since he met both me and Hank. I cleared my throat as Hank exited the car, grabbing Connor's attention. "My sweet little android, will you accompany me?"
He smiled gently. "Of course, Phoebe."
The two of us leave Hank's car, crossing the street as the rain gradually soaked our clothes. We heard the Lieutenant talking to Pedro, a man who Hank constantly gambled with. "Last shit-hot tip you gave me set me back a week's wages, Pedro..."
"Come on, this is different. It's one hundred percent guaranteed. You can't go wrong," Pedro defends.
I pinched the bridge of my nose. "It sounds like a drug deal..."
What I heard next made me roll my eyes. "Alright, I'm in."
Pedro smiled as he accepted the money from Hank as if it were candy. "Damn straight!" Before the gambler left, he turned back around and gave the older man a reassuring smirk. "Hey! You won't regret this!"
"Keep walking, Pedro," I warn, glaring at the man.
"Nice to see you, too, Phoebe. Looking beautiful as always."
"Keep walking before I change my mind and make you crawl!"
Pedro stuck his hands up in defense before turning, walking down the street, and disappearing from our sight. Connor sidled up beside Hank, who gave the android a glare. "Don't you ever do as you're told?"
"Actually, he did." I interjected myself into the conversation. "Remember, he's 'our' partner."
"I don't care 'bout that. He's a damn poodle!"
"Poodles are adorable and you know it!"
Hank groaned in disbelief, turning his eyes back to the grill Gary was slaving over. Connor placed his hands behind his back, eyes locked on Hank's slightly taller form. "I think our relationship got off on the wrong foot." I felt my heart melting as he was trying his best to mend the tears in his and Hank's relationship. "We should forget what happened and start over. What do you say?"
"Look..." Hank sighs. "They sent me a piece of plastic for a partner, which I already have a human one, and I'm dealing with it. But if you think we're gonna be buddies, you're as stupid as you look."
I pushed both of my hands into my crimson locks and pulled. "You are horrible, Hank!"
The older man then glanced at me. "What did I do now?"
"Connor's been trying to mend the relationship between you two, but all you give him in return is more shit! You're so fucking unbelievable, Hank!" I pulled one of my hands out of my hair and punched him on the arm, hard.
"Jesus, Phee! I've never seen you so defensive of a fucking android!"
"That's because Connor's been nothing but sweet and kind to me since day one! Unlike you, I welcomed his weird licking thing and intelligence with open arms. Y'know, that stick up your ass must actually be a whole damn tree because you've become more of an ass and won't give anyone a chance-human or android!"
Hank fell silent, eyes now casted downwards. I shook my head in disbelief as Connor just stared at me with slightly wide eyes. Even Gary froze at my loud outburst. Seeing as his food was done, Hank took his burger and drink from the man. "Thanks, Gary. I'm starving."
The Lieutenant walked away to enjoy his meal and I overheard Gary's remark when he finally shook his shock away. "Don't leave that thing here!"
Now, it was his turn to receive my death glare. "Don't you dare start, Gary!" The man flinched at my tone, quickly turning his back to me. Connor and I followed Hank over to a table. Luckily, the table had an umbrella that protected us from the light downpour. I rested my elbows on the table, covering my face in annoyance as the Lieutenant took a bite of his burger. "I've got a headache now..."
"Would you like me to retrieve your purse so you may take a pain pill, Phoebe?" Connor asked sweetly.
I shook my head, smiling at him as my hands fell from my face. "Thank you, but no. I'll be fine as long as I don't flip this table over and claw out Hank's eyes..."
"I am used to the harsh treatment. You are the first human I've met that has defended me from such treatment, Phoebe. Is it because I'm your partner?"
"That's one reason. The other is because I believe androids aren't that different from humans and deserve fair treatment, especially when they haven't done anything wrong."
"Oh, c'mon, Phee! This walking Ken doll was built to replace your job!" Hank retorts after taking a sip of his soda.
"Yeah, but he hasn't replaced my job. Last time I checked, I'm still employed and Captain Fowler has no plans of letting me go anytime soon. Right now, Connor is the best thing that has happened to the DPD! If he wasn't here, I'd still be stuck on the ten murdered men. Also, he's saved my life twice. If he wasn't here, I'd be dead or Amadeus would've already had his hands on me."
"First of all, the best thing that has happened to our department is you. And..." Hank glanced at Connor before his gaze returned to me. "I'm grateful that this thing has saved your life, but that still doesn't change my mind about androids."
"Trust me, Hank. You'll change your mind and I'll make sure of that," I declare.
Our conversation went silent until Connor spoke up and changed the subject for all our sakes. "This Pedro... He was proposing illegal gambling, am I right? And you made a bet?"
"Yeah," Hank answers in his usual nonchalant way, meeting Connor's gaze.
I laughed at Connor's slightly confused expression. "Don't hurt yourself by thinking about it too much, Connor. Hank's been gambling with Pedro for years."
After that, Connor told the Lieutenant of the calories in his burger and how high they exceeded the daily take-in and how high the cholesterol level was. Hank didn't care and just continued to eat. The android proceeded and chatted about yesterday's fiasco with Kara and Alice. The man placed his burger down, glaring at the machine. "You directly disobeyed my orders yesterday. You climbed that fucking fence and went after Phee!"
"Her survival rate of crossing the highway without perishing was only twenty-seven percent, Lieutenant. I disobeyed orders to make sure she was unharmed."
"And you!" Hank pointed his finger at me. "You're fucking crazy for crossing the damn highway!"
"Not even speeding traffic will stop this crazy lady," I snickered.
"You wouldn't be laughing right now if one of those cars had hit you," he barked. "There's a boundary between crazy and fucking stupidity!"
"Whatever. I found out the truth about a man who deserves to be behind bars. I've got nothing more to say on this topic," I sigh.
Connor, once again, changed subjects in hopes of alleviating the stuffy atmosphere suffocating us. "Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" Hank just waited in silence, giving no reply. "Why do you hate androids so much?"
I met Hank's sorrowful gaze as I knew he had been reminded of Cole. "I have my reasons."
Not wanting to pry, Connor asked another question. "Is there anything you'd like to know about me?"
"Hell, no..." Then, Hank reconsidered. "Well, yeah. Um... Why do they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?"
I snorted in laughter as Connor answered. "CyberLife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration."
Hank was silent for a split second before commenting. "Well, they fucked up."
"I think they nailed it," I huffed with a small burst of laughter.
Connor smiled at my response before deciding to ask Hank and myself about the abnormal androids. "Maybe I should tell you what we know about deviants and rogues?"
Not wishing to argue, Hank held his tongue. "You read my mind. Proceed."
"We believe a mutation occurs in the software of some androids, which can lead to them emulating a human emotion. On the other hand, rogues are the complete opposite. Their entire processing system becomes numb to their normal protocol by a virus CyberLife cannot identify. They view humans as pest and will kill without hesitation."
Hank quickly stopped Connor. "In English, please."
"Deviants don't really feel emotions. They just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions, which can lead to unpredictable behavior."
"And rogues have a virus in their software, which disrupts their normal programming. That is why they see humans as enemies instead of allies," I finished, remembering what I had read in the newspaper when the first rogue appeared a few months ago. "I wonder if Amadeus knows that..." I mumble under my breath and neither one of them heard my last comment.
Connor nods in my direction. "Exactly, Phoebe."
"Deviants... emotions always screw everything up. Maybe androids aren't as different as we thought," Hank said, reiterating my words from earlier.
I smiled but it drooped into a frown. "And rogues are just androids suffering from a virus in their software. It's like when humans suffer from a plague or sickness. Too bad CyberLife can't purge it. We've had enough bloodshed between humans and androids."
Hank's slightly narrowed eyes bore into Connor. "You ever dealt with deviants or rogues before?"
"A few months back, a deviant was threatening to jump off a building with a little girl. I managed to save her. My first encounter with a rogue was with Phoebe."
"Next question. I guess you've done all your homework, right? Know everything there is to know about me?" Hank raised his chin slightly in curiosity.
"Oh, can't wait to hear this," I murmur under my breath with a grin.
"I know you graduated top of your class. You made a name for yourself in several cases, and became the youngest lieutenant in Detroit. I also know you've received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars," the android responds.
"Whoop, there it is!" I chant while laughing.
Hank scoffed at my reaction before asking another question. "So, what's your conclusion?"
"I think working with an officer with personal issues is an added challenge, but adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features as I have already done with Phoebe," Connor glanced at me before winking.
I was shocked at the action, but recovered as Hank's final question had me on edge and caused my fingers to twitch. "What about Phee?"
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Finale: “I just have to” - Olivia
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Pedro A
wow im shook that najwah...flipped...SHOOK to the core.....i just hope she didnt make a deal with aimee...to vote with them in the next vote LOL
Olivia A
Pedro is always SUPER paranoid about everything so Aimme and I are nervous about him trusting the idea of Najwah flipping. What we decided to do is have Aimee tell the group chat that she wants to flip. If we can’t convince him to trust that she’s not lying I will present the idea of telling her the wrong name (we tell her to vote Cody but we all vote Sarah) to test if she actually flips while still guaranteeing that we don’t go to rocks. It’s perfect!
Pedro A
I feel like Sarah winning is the worst case scenario.......IM FUCKEDDD..if they have an idol ...they will use it on najwah...and they will...and I repeat THEY WILL 100% VOTE ME OUT....AND ALL OF THIS WILL BE FOR NOTHING....KILL ME NOW...My pain is unmeasurable ..and my day is ruined 😟😟😟😟😟  !
Pedro A
Back in the interview...one of the questions was: WHICH PLACE YOU THINK YOUR GONNA GET?_ AND I SAID 5TH? AND NOW LOOK AT ME NOW....scared of being 5th.....i swear i manifestied it ...IM DONEEEEEE I WAS SO CLOSE....but lets have hope.............okay im paranoid everyone knows about it ..BUT STILLL
https://64.media.tumblr.com/8897a9cbdbf7250d652376acf07b187d/eaeee04a03e6c254-6a/s540x810/cfef21c0fab58ea0e45c41fb53203fec9ccab7d5.gifv Way to go Sarah!!!! Casnova! 👑 👑 👑 On that immunity win!!!! I’m happy that neither of us gave up and didn’t talk deals. I really wanted to see how long I could go in this challenge and really test my will power and strengths. I’m am very proud of lasting and hour and a half with my hands over my head and a cup lmao 😆 
Olivia A
I’m so upset that Sarah won immunity. I never could’ve won that challenge so I don’t blame myself/anyone in particular. It’s just unfortunate. She and Najwah aren’t talking to us at all so it seems like they might have an idol. Which is incredibly disappointing. But they might not! And Aimee and I still can idol hunt one more time. I haven’t found anything though. Every path seems like it’s nothing. I’m just gonna hope that I make it past this vote and then go as hard as I can on the next immunity. I’m also thinking about flipping?? To ensure I’m not the one they use the idol to vote out? But now that I think about it, offering to flip wouldn’t even be enticing to them if they have an idol. It would just cause the risk of me telling Aimee and Pedro about who they’re voting for. Damn. 
I've been putting off writing confessions for the longest time. After everything that happened with Cody, this game just kinda feels empty. Sarah and I spoke and we cried and I don't think she trusts me anymore either. It's okay I guess. I'm happy she won immunity. I also have an idol so we are both not scrambling but we are taking our chances and voting Pedro. I honestly don't know why I ever believed Aimee. I was so paranoid and confused. After everything, she was just cold and acted like nothing happened and she just hasn't spoken to me since. Perhaps she's working with Sarah again. Who knows. You can't really trust anyone at this point in the game. You really just have to play your own game. That's just what I'm going to do to try and make it to the final 3. I have to win immunity at 4. I never thought I'd. Make it this Farr in the game, but now that I'm here I just need to make it to the end. 
Aimee spoke to me now and says she wants to work with me in this vote? Yeah I'm very confused too. My paranoia tells me perhaps Sarah wants revenge so she went to Pedro and struck a deal to vote Aimee out idk. I just have a feeling. But my feelings have been wrong lately lmao. So who knows. 
Olivia A
I’m really nervous about tonight. I have big suspicions of Aimee flipping. It makes sense that Najwah would’ve reached out to her over anyone else since she’s the one who told her about the Cody vote and got her to flip last vote. Pedro Aim so dead...i feel like olivia and sarah are chatting...cause they online at the same time....im so scared...i might go home.....i just came so far to be 5th...UGHHHHH..so annoying............but if i go home...im happy i did better than i expected...and even got casted as the VILLAN of the season lol...so im kinda proud
Aimee doesn't see that she's Pedro's goat. She really believes that people would vote for Olivia over Pedro and her and therefore she wants to take Pedro to the F3. She basically wants to strike a deal with me. Vote Olivia out with them so that I can help them get Sarah out in the final 4 so that me, Pedro and Aimee can be in the Final 3. Is she serious? She's like "no one has forgiven Pedro. No one's going to vote for him". Hell, Pedro has played a brilliant game. He's been on the bottom since merge. He has been alone and slipped in and out of cracks all the time. Pedro took her and Olivia under his wing, to fuck with the threats and try to get out big players. Aimee really believes Sarah is the biggest threat? Even as Sarah's friend, I would not vote Sarah above Pedro. He's playing Aimee like a damn fiddle and she is really eating it all up. I don't understand how she thinks she stands a chance with him. It's baffling to me. She stands a bigger chance with me, Sarah or Olivia. Hell, even with Cody. I hope she realises this before it's too late. Anyway, I'm voting Pedro tonight. Whether he has an idol or not I don't even care. I can't believe this game is so close to the end. What am I going to do with my life after this? Lol. 
I never told Aimee I have an idol. She doesn't want to vote me though, she wants to vote Olivia because she sees Olivia as the biggest threat right now. So she thinks she's in a position of power and that if I do as she says (vote Sarah at the final 4) she will protect me at this tribal. She thinks she can control me at this point and I'm letting her have it. I'm begging her not to vote me and thanking her for keeping me safe. Sarah and I are going to vote Pedro. I hope I still don't know how good I am with Sarah after the Cody blindside. Whether she wants revenge or not. Idk. I loved that we could just laugh earlier though and that things SEEM to be okay. She was a beast in that challenge last night. I can understand how it was more of a mental challenge than a physical one. She would have been voted out had she not won immunity. I'm so glad she did. 
Olivia A
Okay after speaking with Aimee one-on-one I don’t think she’s flipping. It seems like Najwah has sort of given up so tonight will hopefully be easy. I have to win final immunity I just have to. Everyone left is a threat in their own way but if Sarah continues to stay alive after being seen as a threat for so long and being in the minority she’ll beat any of us. Both Aimee’s and Pedro’s games have sorta been like being on the bottom/outs for most of merge but still making it to the end. I think my game has been a bit more traditionally impressive, although still nothing close to perfect. I didn’t necessarily dominate but I usually knew what was going on. I think I have a good chance with the two of them at the end.
I feel like I kinda want to fuck things up a little LOL Olivia apologised for HAVING to vote for me tonight. Like the flip was good but Sarah won immunity so sorry about that. Did these people really think I'd "flip" without thinking about every possible scenario or outcome, without a plan? That I'd just be their little doll to dangle around? Both Olivia and Aimee are so satisfied with being Pedro's minions. I don't get it. How are you not seeing the obvious threat lmao. Pedro has convinced them all THAT Sarah is the main threat based on the popularity contest. Honestly? I'm done. 
This vote has got me confused as all hell. It seems like Najwah is signing her jury certificate. I tried to give her a lifeline to not vote her out and have it potentially tie between Najwah and Olivia, but Najwah wants Pedro out real bad. She’s not even willing to vote Sarah out at Final four even if Sarah doesn’t win immunity, which many of us agreed all season she could win if she made it there. Najwah, I love my gurl but we just have different ideas on our top 3 in the end. Pedro is Team Tumblr! Team Michele is a Queen! Even if this means he wins the game I’m not voting out my buddy. End of story.
The plan for tribal tonight is for Naj and I to vote Pedro. I may message Olivia last minute and tell her to vote Pedro if she wants to be saved tonight because Aimee and Pedro may write Olivia or Naj. Olivia told Naj she is writing her name down. Either way, Naj has her idol and we are safe! If it goes to a revote with 2 on Pedro and 2 on Olivia then Naj and I will be able to revote together and vote our Pedro. He may even play a fake idol that we think Amy gave him. I really hope he doesn’t have a real idol, I am ready for this villain to be voted out. Olivia AI’m really nervous about tonight. I have big suspicions of Aimee flipping. It makes sense that Najwah would’ve reached out to her over anyone else since she’s the one who told her about the Cody vote and got her to flip last vote.
Pedro!!!! Can’t wait to see you after this game! And you can tell me even more about Portugal 🇵🇹 ❤️
Olivia A
I’m really nervous about tonight. I have big suspicions of Aimee flipping. It makes sense that Najwah would’ve reached out to her over anyone else since she’s the one who told her about the Cody vote and got her to flip last vote.
Olivia A
FOUR MINUTES before tribal Sarah sent me a message saying “vote for Pedro to make sure you’re safe” which felt very much like a threat to try to get me to vote with them even tho they don’t have an idol. Najwah said the same thing to Aimee. We decided to stick with voting for Najwah. At the end it wouldn’t have mattered since they had an idol. As long as I can win final immunity I should be fine. It’s sad to see Pedro go after he + Aimee were my closest people after my whole oringial alliance crumbled. Still super annoyed at Sarah for sending me that FOUR MINUTES before tribal what the hell is up with that. 
I just had to confess that as a I walked into Chile’s tonight after tribal, the song “Survivor” was playing. I mean, I’m not saying survivor gods are real but I’m not saying they are fake either. 
Olivia A
I feel really good about all parts of this challenge! You never know what could happen but I see myself winning this one. All that really matters is that it’s not Sarah, though. It seems like Aimee is doing really well, too, so I’m confident we’ll be able to beat Sarah and vote her out. 
Olivia A
It’s disappointing to have not won but at least I was tied for second + within one point of the person who won. And it’s great to see Aimee win because I’ve been working with her through to the end. And Sarah didn’t win! Even though I didn’t win immunity I still feel essentially safe and on my way to FTC.
https://quandyerse.tumblr.com/post/626201512865136640 No song for this immunity win! Lol I was hanging out in the suspense of silence. Wow Najwah! 💞❤️ Way to GO POPULARITY QUEEN! 👑 👑👑 AND SLIDE PUZZLE QUEEN 🧩 I CANNOT BELIEVE WE WERE ONLY LIKE 6 SECONDS AWAY FROM EACH OTHER FOR THE WIN. IM SO PROUD OF YOU AND SO HAPPY YOU DIDNT GIVE UP. I thought you sounded like you were so defeated after the last two tribals so to see you get so close to me is awesome! Olivia sounds like you have an AMAZING and super supportive mom. I am so proud of you in this game no matter what anyone tells you. After Maddison left, and I was working closely with you, I really saw what a true player and honestly threat you could be, but you are a much better ally! 💚💚💚You really turned up the gameplay and adapted to your situation and were forced to work with people you haven’t or even someone you didn’t get along with and we made this work!!!! The thing I appreciate the most about you is that you have such a genuine heart and I have never seen you lie to me yet in this game. You’re able to strategize with me, make big moves, and trust without trying to be selfish or manipulative. Sarah! CASANOVA! 👑 Last but certainly not least. We were both close allies (at least I thought of you as my number 1 for awhile). I love that no matter if we are working together or are on opposite sides of this game together, we still have a mutual respect for each other! We are both strong women and I seriously cannot wait to check out all the North Carolina breweries with you and grab one of those Bold Rock rosé drinks you’re talking about, if you’re up for it of course. I love seeing the fight you have in you just like I do. And I love that you never give up! 💗💞👑
Olivia A
Aimee and I are working on convincing Najwah to vote Sarah. I’m worried they are going to force a tie between Sarah and me. Najwah seems like she’s down to vote Sarah but you never know.
So apparently the jury found my twitter yesterday and I just feel so.. Ugh. Like my privacy was invaded or something. I feel like it took the fun out of everything. I didn't mind them seeing all that after but it's like reading my confessions before the game is over. I have no idea what's going to happen tonight but I have a feeling that I may be getting played and I don't mind going out of the game like this. Ugh. I'm annoyed that I started that thread now. It was just something fun for my friends. Anyways, I'm too tired to care right now. Let's just see what happens.  Olivia messaged me for the FIRST time today coz she wants me to vote for Sarah basically. I don't want to. 
Honestly I don't care who wins but I hope it's not Aimee. She tried to threaten me before tribal again lmao. 
Olivia A
Super hyped about making it!! And even more hyped that I got to earn my place. Both Najwah and Sarah’s messages w their votes were like reading me and centered around me not talking much so I’m nervous my less social gameplay will be an issue. I’ll just have to explain myself 🤷 FTC!! WOOHOO!
I'm happy being in the final 3 but honestly, I'm just super annoyed at Aimee for sending me that last message just before tribal. All passive aggressive. I hate that the minute she got immunity she thought it was her right to act like someone who's in control of MY game. Sarah deserved to be in the final. More than all 3 of us.
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tellerford-mayhem · 7 years
Americano: No hablo su Jesus Cristo Chapter 3
Ship: Chibs x OC
Word Count: 2,500 Words
Synopsis: Isa learns that the Sons may not have been involved in the death of her father.
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Mentions of Death and Suicide
A/N: As promised, here is part 3!! Next part, which I have already started features a very different dynamic in the relationship between Isa and Chibs as he comes to terms with what she means to him.
Isa hadn't seen SAMCRO in 2 weeks, which she had found rather odd, but at the same time she felt relieved. She had hoped something fell through and the tribe was no longer selling to them. However, when she heard a group of bikes approaching that day, her heart sank. She walked outside and saw them park in front of her house. Chibs smiled at her as he took off his helmet. She rolled her eyes and stormed through them. “If looks could kill…” she heard Tig day under his breath.
She huffed and continued walking until she got to Wolf Tamer’s house. She knocked loudly on the door. “Wolf, let's go!”
He stepped outside in his boxers and shielded his eyes from the sun. He saw the bikes outside her house, so he knew why she was there. “Can you wait until I am dressed?”
She nodded and stepped inside. “We are going to Oakland.”
“Why?” She heard him ask from down the hallway.
“I'm not supposed to be here while SAMCRO is here, and I don't want to be followed while I'm alone, again.”
“You were followed?” He asked as he walked towards her while pulling a shirt over his head.
“Jax had his Scottish Bulldog follow me into Charming. They don't trust me because my uncle is Alvarez.”
He grabbed a hat off the kitchen table. “I'll tag along. Why are we going to Oakland today?”
She smiled as they walked to her car. Chibs and Tig watched her as she climbed into the driver’s seat. “To make them nervous,” she said as they backed down the driveway.
“Please don’t get me killed,” he said, looking back at the biker who was close behind them.
Chibs POV
He watched her walk into Wolf Tamer’s house and instantly grew uncomfortable. He kept a close eye on the door, waiting for her to storm back out. He heard movement coming from there before the two of them walked out and past their bikes. He heard her mention Oakland before getting into her car, smiling at them. “Shite,” he said under his breath.
“Where’s she going?” Tig asked.
“Tell Jax I’ve gotta run.”
“Chibs!” he called after him as Chibs sped away.
He followed at a distance. As soon as he entered Mayan territory, he pulled over and removed his patch; anything to lessen his chances of being spotted. He watched as they pulled into the same driveway as a few weeks ago. She got out of her car and hugged her uncle who met her in the driveway. He watched Wolf Tamer get out of the car and shake Alvarez’s hand. He sat against his bike, watching carefully until he felt the cool of a gun touch the back of his neck. “You’re a long way from home,” said a voice from behind him.
“Aye, and yer treadin’ in dangerous waters.” He put his hands up and slowly turned around. He was face to face with one of the Mayans. “Don’t worry. I’m not here for Alvarez.”
“I’m well aware. I saw you following his sobrina.”
“I’m not followin’ her,” he lied, “I’m followin’ her friend.”
“Either way, you’re awfully brave heading down into Mayan territory alone.”
“Pedro, lo dejó ir.” Her voice was a blessing. It gave Chibs a chance to find a way to escape.
“Ha estado siguiéndote todo este tiempo,” he said.
Chibs dropped his hands and turned around. Isa was standing behind them with her arms crossed. She looked sufficiently annoyed. “Lo sé. Le pedí que lo hiciera.”
Pedro shook his head and dropped his gun. “He stays here until you leave.”
She walked confidently towards him. “He can go wherever I damn well tell him to, Pedro. Now go inside before I have another conversation with Uncle Marcus.”
“Ten cuidado, princesa.”
She waited until he was out of earshot before she said something to Chibs. “I’m not going to tell my uncle anything. Go home.”
“Not gonna happen, mo leannan.”
She pushed him backwards. “Go home, Chibs!”
“Isa!” Marcus called to her from across the street. He drew his gun. “What is he doing here?”
“Ay dios mio. I had him follow me!”
“Why? Porque estás trabajando con el diablo.”
“So you hired SAMCRO?”
“Yes. I don’t trust your new partner, so I can’t ask one of our guys.”
He rubbed his hand across his face before looking at Chibs. “You realize if anything happens to her…”
“I know.” Chibs said.
Alvarez looked between his niece and the Scot. Anger and hatred welled in his eyes. “Diana has dinner ready, Isa, let’s go.”
“I’ll be right in, Tio.”
She turned back to Chibs. “Looks like you’re stuck here, now,” she smiled. “But when we get back to the rez, we are going to talk.”
“I’m countin’ down the hours, lass.” He said with a wink.
“Bleh.” she turned and headed back in.
Chibs watched her walk away. Despite the fact he was doing something they normally give to the Prospect, he was glad his tail was something sweet to look at. He grabbed his cellphone and sent Jax a text telling him that he followed her to Oakland to her uncle’s home and that he was stuck there until she left.
She peered through the curtain to see him leaning against his bike, smoking. Wolf and her uncle were still sitting at the table, full from dinner. She had made him wait all afternoon while she spent time with her family. Her aunt came up from behind her and said softly, “Nunca he visto a Marcus tan molesto por SAMCRO.”
She turned to Diana. “Si lo supieras, tía.”
Wolf was leaning back smiling as he continued talking with Alvarez. It was like when she was younger and her parents would bring her over to Uncle Marcus and Aunt Diana’s home for holidays. They would allow her to bring Wolf so she had someone to talk to. None of her cousins were her age, so she had no one to play with or keep her occupied. Marcus was as much his uncle as he was hers. “He’s grown up quite nicely.” She turned back to the window. “But this one out here…” She looked back at her. “He’s not half bad either.”
Isa shook her head. “The Scot outside can go fuck himself.”
“Don’t worry. I’d tell him that to his face, and as for Wolf…”
She rested her hand on her niece’s arm. “I’m only giving you a hard time. Come with me and help me fix dessert.”
Isa followed her aunt into the kitchen. “Your uncle tells me that you want to move back to Oakland.”
“I do,” she said as she poured another glass of wine. “I can’t live on the rez anymore. I love my family there, but I miss it here.”
Diana sighed. “I remember before your mother’s accident, she made me promise to her to watch over you. She wanted you out of this life and as far away from the Mayans and SAMCRO as you could get. If you moved back here, you’d only be in deeper.”
“It doesn’t matter where I live, this life will follow me. Literally. Have you noticed the biker sitting outside?”
She grabbed plates out of the cabinet. “Look at what has happened to your family. Your sister is gone; your brother is dead; and then there’s your parents. This life killed your parents. You are all that is left of Mateo and Aiyana.”
“I am not leaving this life until SAMCRO feels my pain,” she said.
“Isa, what are you planning?”
“I don’t know, yet, but I can’t rest until I’ve avenged my father.”
Diana shook her head. “Is that why he’s following you? They know you're up to something?”
“Why they're following me doesn't matter. They don't trust me because of who I'm related to.”
“They aren't following anyone else, so why you?”
Isa contemplated on telling her aunt their relationship with the Wahewa, but she knew if SAMCRO found out, they'd kill her. “I guess because I live too close to Charming for comfort.” She hated lying to her aunt, but it was something she had grown accustomed living this style of life.
“Please be careful. MCs are dangerous. If our crew finds out, this is going to put you right in the crossfire.”
“I can handle myself, Tia Diana.”
Diana handed her a plate of Tres Leches Cake. “Serve this to your uncle.”
Isa picked up another plate for Wolf. Her aunt handed her two extra plates when she came back into the kitchen. “I’m sure your tail is hungry.”
“I’m not taking him anything.”
“Es hora de hacer la paz con el pasado, Isa.”
“I will when the person responsible for my father’s death feels my pain.”
Diana sighed. “If you don’t take this to him, I will.”
Isa rolled her eyes and took the two plates outside. Chibs was sitting on the curb next to his bike, smoking a cigarette. “Oy, Cabrón, aquí esta su postre.”
He smiled and put out his light. “Thank ye, lass. I was getting a wee bit famished sittin’ out here.”
“Don’t start thinking I actually care about you. My aunt made me bring this to you.”
He grabbed the plate from her and began to dig in. She stood across from him and ate her dessert. “Finish the dessert and go back to the rez.”
“Look, Lass, I ken that ye aren’t gonna say anything, but you and I need to have a talk about yer da’.”
She stopped eating and glared at him. “No, we don’t.” She took the plate away from him and stormed back across the street. She found her aunt, uncle, and friend sitting around the table enjoying her uncle’s favorite dessert. “I think it’s time we head home, Wolf.”
He finished his last bite and took his plate into the kitchen. “Marcus, Diana, it’s always great seeing you two. Thanks again, for dinner!”
Diana hugged him and Isa. “I’m so happy you were able to come for dinner!”
“Te amo, Sobrina,” Marcus said from his chair.
“Te amo, Tio.”
They got back to the reservation after SAMCRO had left. Chibs parked his bike behind her car and leaned against the trunk. “Run along, Wolfie. Yer girl and I need to have a talk,” he said, shooing Wolf Tamer away.
“I’ll wait here with her.”
“Wolf, can you wait inside? I’ll holler if I need you.”
He shook his head. “I’ll sit on the porch, but I’m not going inside.”
“Fine.” She crossed her arms and turned to him. “Look, today is the only day I will cover for you in Oakland. I only did it because I wanted a peaceful day with my family.”
He smiled. “Still. Thank ye, Lass.” He adjusted against the truck and sighed. “We still need to talk about yer da’.”
She grew rigid. “The last thing I want to talk about with you is my father.”
He shook his head. He still had no information to give her, as Otto was still looking into it on his end, but he wanted to at least put the doubt in her mind. “SAMCRO didn’ kill yer da’.”
She looked up at him, anger welling in her eyes. The look cut through him, stinging every fiber in his body. “I have no reason to lie to ye,” he said “I just know we didn’ kill yer da’. We were in talks with him about a peace. We had lost too many, just like the Mayans did, but when Mateo died it sent us right back into the war with them. Someone framed us, Isa.”
She crossed her arms. “How do you know this?”
“I was there.”
“Then who killed him? Who carved the Anarchy ‘A’ into the middle of his chest and left him to bleed out on his bathroom floor?”
“I dinna ken, Lass. Tha’ I’m still trying to figure out for ye.”
“Or you’re trying to cover it up for your club.”
He shook his head and took a drag of his cigarette. “Just think about it, will ye? Why would our club kill yer da’ if we were tryin’ to make peace with ‘im?”
She looked over to Wolf who was watching them intently. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”
“Think about it. I’m sure I’ll see ye in a couple of weeks.”
“Great.” She quickly turned and stormed past Wolf with tears in her eyes.
Wolf looked between the two of them and glared at Chibs. “She might need some of yer comfort,” Chibs said motioning to the house.
“I get why my tribe trades with you, but you don’t need to be here.” He stood tall as he approached the Scot. “You aren’t going to follow her anymore; you aren’t going to come around her anymore; and you certainly aren’t going to talk to her about Mateo anymore.”
“Is tha’ right?” Chibs took a step towards him. “Well, maybe I intend to find out who really killed her da’ so she can ‘ave peace o’ mind. After which, I’ll kick yer red, Indian arse for even thinkin’ about tellin’ me what ta do.”
Wolf stared at him. “You think that because you’re some big, bad biker that you can walk over anyone. I’m not going to let you do that to Isa. She’s been through enough, and I swear if you don’t leave her alone, my red, Indian arse will be kicking your pale, Scottish one back to where it came from.”
Chibs smiled. “Oh, I’m sure ye will,” he said, “tell yer girl I’ll be in touch.”
He stared at the biker as he drove away, angry at the pain he was causing Isa. He knew she was in her room, staring at old pictures of Mateo and Aiyana with their three beautiful children. Wolf had been there through everything: her sister’s suicide, her brother’s overdose, and her parents’ deaths. Isadora had no one left, except aunts and uncles. She was completely and utterly alone, she felt, in her suffering, and there was nothing he could do to help her. All he felt he could do was keep her away from the Scottish prick that was tormenting her by digging up her past. Whether or not the Sons killed Mateo didn’t matter. Chibs was bringing up something that she didn’t want to think about.
As Chibs drove away, all he could think about was the look on her face. Doubt. It was there. She knew the Sons didn’t kill her father, but they were the closest Mayan enemy she could think of to blame them. He didn’t know why it bothered him, but he didn’t want her to think of him as a cold-blooded murderer. He wanted her to see his club and him in a better light, and he was going to make damn sure she did.
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