#period cramp relief
poppyjordan26 · 2 months
Get Relief for Heavy Painful Periods: Expert Treatment in London | Well Women Clinic
Discover effective solutions for heavy painful periods at Well Women Clinic in London. Their expert gynaecologists offer specialized treatment and relief from period pain, cramps, and discomfort. Trust them for compassionate care and tailored solutions. 
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michelledavis8324 · 2 months
Get Relief for Heavy Painful Periods: Expert Treatment in London | Well Women Clinic 
Discover effective solutions for heavy painful periods at Well Women Clinic in London. Their expert gynaecologists offer specialized treatment and relief from period pain, cramps, and discomfort. Trust them for compassionate care and tailored solutions. 
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albylee533 · 7 months
13 Ways to Relieve Menstrual Cramps
When your uterus contracts to release its lining, commonly referred to as the uterine lining, menstrual cramps occur. Your lower back, upper thighs, groin, or stomach may hurt. It is normal to ask why you get painful periods regularly if you have heavy painful periods, which can have various causes. Maybe until you were in your 20s, you had never experienced pain. Continue reading about the ways to relieve menstrual cramps:
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ameliawright456 · 7 months
Effective Heavy Periods Treatment in London | Well Women Clinic
Seeking relief from heavy, painful periods? Well Women Clinic in London offers specialized treatment for period pain and discomfort. Our expert gynaecologists provide personalized care, focusing on effective solutions for heavy periods and menstrual cramp relief. As a leading hospital for period pain in London, we understand the impact of these symptoms and offer tailored period pain treatments to improve your quality of life. Find compassionate care and expert guidance at Well Women Clinic, dedicated to addressing your concerns about heavy and painful periods. Take steps towards comfort and relief with our specialized period cramp help and treatment options.
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diamondsandpebbles · 1 year
in my latest youtube vid, i’m sharing the three natural remedies i use to help combat period cramps.
when it comes to period pain relief, for me, painkillers are pretty much the only way to go. however, in recent months, i’ve turned to some natural remedies to help extend my ibuprofen and paracetamol. this now means i can now go longer before needing to top on medication.
so, what are the three remedies in question? the ohne holy cramp pro-period balm (which helps to melt away cramps while soothing and relaxing me), heath & heather organic rosehip tea (a recent discovery that literally made all my cramps disappear by the time i’d finished my cup), and finally deep breathing (using a box breathing technique i picked up from gong bath, this helps to take my mind away from the pain).
curious to see how these simple things have made the world of difference to my period cramps? be sure to watch until the very end.
i hope you like this video. please don’t forget to like, comment, SUBSCRIBE (turn on your notifications) and share with a friend in need of some period pain relief. and in the meantime, i’ll catch you in the next one!
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periodcareblogs · 1 year
6 Most Effective Yoga Poses That Can Reduce Period Pain
In the last few years, yoga has gained immense popularity. Yoga is a great way to exercise and connect your mind, body, and soul with the proper utilization of body energy. With the constant stress of working in a fast-paced world, it is extremely important to keep our mental health and body healthy.
We all know how yoga keeps our bodies active and flexible and how it helps enhance our concentration and mental wellness. With that, yoga also brings calmness, peace, and positivity to your lifestyle. But did you know that yoga is the most effective natural remedy to relieve period pain? Yes, doing yoga can relax your period cramps and not just period cramps; yoga also helps provide relief from other period symptoms like backache, headache, bloating, anxiety, and tiredness.
Incorporating yoga into your daily routine can have immediate positive effects on your body, like a reduction of stress, relaxation of muscles, an improvement in heart rate, a boost to the immune system, and help with digestion as well.
After the pandemic, it is clear that we need to take care of our health. Along with proper and healthy eating habits, we also need to work on our mental and emotional health. You can bring about positive change in your busy life, which is packed with stress. And what could be better if it also provides period cramp relief? As many of us experience brutal period cramps every month, we desperately look for natural and easy period pain relief, as taking painkillers every month is not a sensible solution.
Yoga is actually the most effective way of relieving period cramps; if you think about it, menstrual cramps are mostly experienced in the belly, back, abdomen region, thighs, and hips.
To know more about natural ways of getting period pain relief without taking painkillers or any side effects, keep up with us.
For now, let us tell you the six topmost yoga positions that can help you relieve period cramps.
1. Bound Angle Pose or Butterfly pose.
As grateful as we are to Mother Nature for providing menstruation, we cannot be grateful for period cramps. The release of prostaglandin hormones causes uterus wall contraction, which is the reason for menstrual cramps, and it is as fun as it sounds.
The bound angle pose, or Baddha Konasana, helps to relieve cramps and pain associated with them. Not only that, but it also soothes digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation, which are common problems that occur during and before the start of the period.
To do this pose, you need to bring your foot soles together and bring your knees together, then start spreading them slowly downwards on the mat. Don't force or rush while spreading the knees.
If you have a knee or groin injury, avoid this one.
2. Adapted Child Pose
This is the easiest, most comfortable, and most useful yoga pose. It is so easy that even beginners can do it without any guidance or practice. This pose is directly impactful on the back, thus it provides relief from back pain during periods.
For the adapted child pose, you need to sit on the floor and lie forward on your knees, extending your arms over your head. You are free to bend your body as much as you need to feel comfortable. As you lean forward, make sure that your head touches the mat. Take long and deep breaths to relax your body. This will help stretch the hips and back.
3. Cat-Cow Pose
This pose is done in two parts. In the first part, you get down on flour and make your body stand like a cow. At the same position on the mat, your hands and hips should be aligned with the shoulder and knees, respectively, at an equal distance; then take a deep breath and hold it. For the next part, slightly stretch your body upwards, like a cat looking up, and while doing that, slowly release your breath.
Try this pose 5 to 20 times, and this will relieve your period cramps. Initially, you might need some practice, but once done correctly, it is a very effective way to relax your abdominal muscles.
4. Wide angle seated forward bend.
This yoga pose is a stress-relieving pose that carries away menstrual pain and stress from your body. This stretches your muscles and makes you more relaxed. This pose usually impacts the legs, thighs, back, and abdominal organs, thus providing relief in the most affected areas of period pain.
For this pose, you need to bend your body downward, stretch your legs outward, and take deep breaths. Place your body between your legs, work your hands forward, and exhale slowly.
5. Reclining Twist.
To deal with period pain, the reclining twist is the most important. It also has other health and bodily benefits, but it's majorly impactful on period pain. During periods, it is necessary to stretch your back and hip muscles, and the reclining twist pose does that. This is also not a very difficult pose to attempt, and chances are that you will do it correctly on your first attempt. Just lay your body down on the mat and bring your knees up to your chest. Bring your arms to the same height as your ears, and slowly twist your body. You can lift your arms to support this pose and twist as far as your body allows you; don't pressure it as it can cause injury.
6. Inverted Leg Pose
Another one of the easiest yet effective yoga poses is the inverted leg pose. To do this again, lay down on your back, simply lift your legs at a right angle, and stretch your body. This pose will help to reduce your menstrual cramps, improve your digestion, and boost blood circulation in your body.
Another natural, simple, and easy solution for period cramps is Sipgel!
Sipgel is a completely natural, 100% vegan, and herbal product that provides instant period pain relief. It has many effective ingredients like ashwagandha, Ashoka bark, fenugreek, curcumin, ginger, and many more that work instantly and provide relief from period pain.
During periods, our body not only loses blood but also very essential vitamins and minerals. Loss of these essential minerals can weaken the body's immune system and lead to serious illness. Sipgel is infused with such vitamins and minerals as iron, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin B, etc.; thus, it helps replenish these vitamins and minerals in the body.
With instant period pain relief and replenishment of vitamins and minerals in the body, Sipgel also provides internal warmth, which eliminates the need for a hot water bottle or heat patches.
A breakthrough for period pain because your everyday matters.
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healthmonastery · 2 years
Painful Periods : Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps
Having a menstrual cycle is a boon for all women as it keeps many health problems away and is the only way to nurture a new life within oneself. But painful periods can trash all the good thoughts about being a woman. And I’m sure all the girls and women who experience severe period pain will 100 per cent agree with me. But thanks to ancient medicine and home remedies that can help to relieve…
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sheetalpillay-blog · 2 years
Ways to Get Rid of Period Cramps
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Period cramps are painful and irritating. It can feel like someone is stabbing you in the abdomen and thighs. Whatever the case, you don't have to suffer through your cycle and should be able to eliminate period cramps right away. There are many ways to get period cramp relief and freedom from all the discomforts that occur due to it. You can change your diet, morning routine, and sleeping habits. We are sharing some more tips to help you cope with period cramps in the easiest possible way.
Calm Down Your Muscles
You can feel a lot of strain on your muscles in the abdomen, back, and thighs. In that case, applying heat can relax them instantly and provide you with relief from the period cramps. It’s as effective as taking ibuprofen as a pain reliever. You can use a heating pad, heating patches, or soak your body in a warm bath.
Get Active
If you are in pain, you may be thinking of getting bed rest. But, it’s not the right way to deal with the period cramps. You have to do some physical activities too, as they can have a rapid effect on relieving period pain.
Exercising leads to the release of endorphins in your body, which is a natural pain killer. So, keep your body active by doing exercises that focus on your core. You can start by taking deep breaths while lying on your back and keeping your knees in a bent position.
Additionally, the best you can do is try some yoga poses that are good for your body, such as Baddha Konasana, Balasana, Supta Matsyendrasana, and Janu Sirasana. Take help from a yoga instructor if you don’t know how to perform these poses.
Use pain relievers.
Many women avoid taking pain-relieving medicines, but if you are experiencing it a lot, try NSAIDs because they reduce the secretion of prostaglandins. However, if you have another illness, such as a migraine or a digestive problem, consult your doctor.
Consume Period-Friendly Foods
We know you are feeling hungry and also looking for a way to get period cramp relief. Some foods that can have an alleviating effect include ginger, salmon, steak, dark chocolate, bananas, and much more. These foods contain pain-relieving agents to help you get quick relief from period cramps.
Moreover, you need to eat a healthy diet to fulfil the need for vitamins and minerals in your body. Two of the essential ones among them to reduce cramps are thiamin and magnesium. You can get these through nuts and seeds, whole grains, avocado, cauliflower, oranges, spinach, and much more. Apart from that, you need to cut the consumption of caffeine, fatty, and dairy foods too.
Avoid Stress
Stress can have many adverse effects on your body. It can reduce your ability to manage the pain. So, strictly avoid it, especially during your period. Watch your favourite shows, meditate, or indulge in your favourite pastime.
It's amazing just how many methods there are to help women manage or alleviate period cramps. By trying the above methods, you can deal with all the discomforts that happen due to the period.
For our last tip, we recommend you purchase period panties from Kotex. They're a safer, more environmentally friendly option for feminine hygiene products.
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deesi-academia · 1 year
its not talked about enough but i realized that i can talk about it. so here i am.
breast soreness when your period is upcoming? happens.
cervical headaches when your period is late? happens.
jumping from a large appetite one day to no appetite at all the next? happens.
but again, if any of the symptoms are troubling you or are new to you, PLEASE visit a doctor. consider it a normal checkup, but please go. take care of yourself because in most cases, you simply dont tell anyone. how much is too much pain? every pain, is simply pain. less pain or more pain doesnt change the fact that its PAIN. PERIOD.
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soft-pwincess · 2 months
someone should come over and give my cervix something to cry about
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c4n1d43cup1d · 7 months
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woe. period cramps be upon ye
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michelledavis8324 · 9 months
Does Period Pain Worsen as You Age?
For many women, the monthly arrival of their period can bring about varying degrees of discomfort and pain. This phenomenon, known as period pain or dysmenorrhea, is a common aspect of the menstrual cycle. However, as women age, they often wonder whether period pain worsens over time. In this blog post, we will explore the relationship between age and period pain, dispel common myths, and discuss effective period pain treatment options. Well Women Clinic, a renowned provider of period cramp relief and period pain help, is here to guide you through understanding and managing heavy painful periods.
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crimeronan · 1 year
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oblivious-flesh · 1 year
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10/10 would recommend warmies if you have extra to spend on something cute. They're basically plushies but you can put them in the microwave to warm them up and use them as a heating pad. I bought mine to help with period cramps, but now I'm using them to help with my chronic pain :) (I have the manatee and dinosaur, and named them Wilson and Yoshi)
I know not everyone can afford these, as they're pretty expensive, and capitalism bad, but you have to find joy in the things you can, and for me, that means buying random cute shit.
[image ID: a picture of a gray manatee plushie on a white background. It's just kinda sitting there, but it looks like there's something heavy in it because it spreads out at the bottom.] (please help I've never done an image ID before and idk how to do it)
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umuwashere · 8 months
My friend just gave me the greatest discovery of my life. My period cramps have left me bedridden whenever I’ve had them and the only thing that could lift some of the pain was my heating pad but that would also leave small blisters on my tummy when I used it, had a hard time staying consistently hot, and on top of everything else, I had to stay close to an outlet like a robot needing to charge. I had just started last night and I had planned to go fishing with some friends the next morning but wasn’t sure if I would be able to with the cramps. My friend then hands me one of these…
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A hand warmer
With one of these bad boys I was able to actually exist, stand, and walk around and I got to go FISHING!! Buy them if your cramps are like mine, trust me you won’t regret it :)
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Fish said hi
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littlelovingmouse · 1 year
love going on google to find out what the pain in my arm could be, and the answers range from
"you slept on it wrong" and "you sported really hard"
"you could die and in the next few weeks days hours" and "you are actively dying"
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