#philip shafer
mariocki · 5 months
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'Doc' (1971)
"You know, there was a time when my trouble was your trouble. And yours was mine."
"Times have changed. It's different. It's different, Wyatt, I'll tell you why. Because I got to learn something. I got to learn that I'm not gonna live forever. And I got to learn that I... I'm sick and tired of killing. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of seeing young kids gun down old men for bullshit reasons. I don't want that anymore, Wyatt. It doesn't make any sense to me, I don't understand it. I wanna... I wanna leave something behind, Wyatt. I wanna live."
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johnjhalseth · 4 years
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Meet the Caro's. From left to right we have my landlady Modeste Caro. With her is her siblings Jane, John, Philip and her parents Katie Baker Shafer and Capt. John Gromley Caro. This photo was taken at 8:20am during breakfast in the dinning room of the house on 1314 Cypress St. The watermelon looks delicious. I can only guess when this photo was taken based on the assumption that Modeste looks about 16 to 18 years old and that places it in 1920 to 1922. I do have a clue as to who took this photo. Or at least a picture of the man who did but we will get to that later.
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nealspaper · 5 years
O19: A Genuine Festival and an Operatic Feast
O19: A Genuine Festival and an Operatic Feast
Producing one opera is a chore.
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Even when, in an unusual course of events, scenery and costumes are minimal, there’s a score, orchestrations, a libretto, the staging, and the delicate but all-consequential relationship between orchestra, singing, and theatrical direction to consider.
Producing four or more operas at once is a gargantuan undertaking.
Doing it with panache, and achieving a…
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giaitritonghop123 · 4 years
Nỗ lực vô vọng nhằm 'đổi màu' Georgia của Trump
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Dù quá trình kiểm phiếu lại ở Georgia giúp Trump có thêm phiếu bầu, Tổng thống Mỹ vẫn không ngừng chỉ trích công tác bầu cử tại bang này.
Theo bình luận viên Philip Bump của Washington Post, những người hiểu biết về bầu cử Mỹ đều nói rằng số liệu kiểm phiếu được công bố chính thức gần như chắc chắn không trùng khớp với số phiếu bầu trên thực tế, do luôn xuất hiện trục trặc trong quá trình kiểm đếm.
Phiếu bầu có thể được kiểm không chính xác, bị thất lạc hoặc không được tính. Nhân viên kiểm phiếu cũng có thể quên nạp dữ liệu từ một vài thẻ nhớ lên hệ thống. Tuy nhiên, trong trường hợp không có gian lận có hệ thống hay quy mô lớn, số lượng phiếu sai sót này thường chỉ chiếm một phần rất nhỏ trong tổng số phiếu bầu và không ảnh hưởng đến kết quả chung cuộc.
Những sơ suất do con người gây ra là lý do một số bang tại Mỹ như Georgia có cơ chế tự động kích hoạt quá trình kiểm phiếu lại nếu kết quả bầu cử có cách biệt quá sít sao, dưới 0,5%. Mục đích của việc kiểm phiếu lại là phát hiện các lỗi sai, nhằm rút ra kết quả cuối cùng chính xác nhất có thể.
Vì vậy, khi kết quả kiểm phiếu đầu tiên tại Georgia cho thấy Joe Biden chỉ dẫn trước đối thủ Donald Trump chưa đến 0,3 điểm phần trăm, Tổng thư ký bang Brad Raffensperger đã tuyên bố Georgia sẽ tiến hành kiểm phiếu lại bằng phương pháp thủ công.
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Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump tại Nhà Trắng hôm 4/11. Ảnh: AFP.
Dường như không ai trông chờ vào khả năng việc kiểm phiếu lại có thể xóa bỏ cách biệt hơn 14.000 phiếu bầu của Biden. Thông thường, quá trình này chỉ làm thay đổi vài trăm phiếu trong khoảng cách giữa các ứng viên. Vài hạt tại Georgia đã tìm ra những sai lệch nhỏ ở mức một con số.
Tuy nhiên, bất ngờ dường như đã xảy ra khi 4 hạt ở Georgia phát hiện nhiều phiếu bầu bị bỏ sót. Tại hạt Douglas, 293 phiếu lưu trong một thẻ nhớ chưa được tính vào thống kê ban đầu, trong đó 156 phiếu bầu cho Biden và 128 phiếu bầu cho Trump, giúp Tổng thống đắc cử nới rộng thêm cách biệt ở địa phương này.
Hạt Fayette, phía nam thành phố Atlanta, cũng phát hiện dữ liệu trong một thẻ nhớ chứa kết quả bầu cử chưa được đưa vào số liệu thống kê, bao gồm 2.755 lá phiếu bị bỏ sót. Kết quả kiểm lại giúp Tổng thống Trump gia tăng cách biệt thêm 449 phiếu tại địa phương mà ông vốn đã thắng với khoảng cách 6 điểm phần trăm.
Tại hạt Floyd, các nhân viên bầu cử ban đầu quên tải dữ liệu phiếu bầu từ thẻ nhớ của một máy scan phiếu, khiến 2.508 phiếu bị bỏ sót, trong đó 1.643 phiếu dành cho Trump và 865 phiếu ủng hộ Biden. Trump trước đó đã thắng ở hạt này với cách biệt hơn 40 điểm phần trăm.
284 phiếu cũng bị bỏ sót ở hạt Walton vì sai sót liên quan đến thẻ nhớ, bao gồm 176 phiếu cho Trump và 108 phiếu cho Biden. Tổng thống Mỹ ban đầu thắng ở địa phương này với cách biệt gần 50 điểm phần trăm.
Ngoài những trục trặc này, chủ tịch đảng Cộng hòa bang Georgia David Shafer còn cáo buộc gần 10.000 phiếu bầu bị thống kê sai ở hạt DeKalb, nơi vốn ủng hộ đảng Dân chủ mạnh mẽ, nói thêm rằng một giám sát viên của phe Cộng hòa đã phát hiện lỗi sai nghiêm trọng này.
"Một lô phiếu được thống kê là 10.707 phiếu cho Biden và 13 phiếu cho Trump, cách biệt phi lý ngay cả với tiêu chuẩn của hạt DeKalb", Shafer nói. "Kết quả thực tế của lô phiếu đó là 1.081 phiếu cho Biden và 13 phiếu cho Trump".
Tuy nhiên, Văn phòng Tổng thư ký bang Georgia bác bỏ cáo buộc của Shafer, giải thích rằng sai sót này được giới chức bầu cử hạt DeKalb nhận thấy ngay lập tức, không phải do giám sát viên của đảng Cộng hòa phát hiện, và số liệu trên đã được khắc phục nhanh chóng, chưa bao giờ được nhập vào hệ thống kiểm phiếu chính thức của bang.
Tổng cộng, các sai sót tại 4 hạt ở Georgia giúp Trump thu hẹp khoảng cách với Biden thêm 1.375 phiếu. Dù kết quả cuối cùng chưa được công bố, thế dẫn trước của Biden trên toàn bang được cho là sẽ thu hẹp xuống còn dưới 13.000 phiếu. Chừng đó vẫn quá đủ để ông giành chiến thắng, nhưng kết quả kiểm phiếu lại khiến cuộc đua giữa hai ứng viên tổng thống tại bang Georgia trông có vẻ sít sao hơn so với một tuần trước, dù khác biệt là rất nhỏ, bình luận viên Bump nhận xét.
Theo lý thuyết, Tổng thống Trump đáng lẽ sẽ ăn mừng kết quả này. Tuy nhiên, Bump cho rằng mục đích của ông chủ Nhà Trắng không phải là một con số chính xác hơn, như chức năng của cơ chế kiểm phiếu lại, mà là một kết quả bằng cách nào đó cho thấy ông có khả năng là người chiến thắng.
Minh chứng cho nhận định này là những "đòn công kích" không ngừng vào công tác bầu cử và kiểm phiếu của Georgia, bất chấp tin tốt mà Trump nhận được. Trong loạt tweet hôm 18/11, ông chủ Nhà Trắng cho biết việc kiểm phiếu lại là "trò đùa" dù "hàng nghìn phiếu bầu gian lận đã được tìm thấy".
Theo bình luận viên Bump, Trump dường như ngụ ý rằng việc phát hiện sai sót cho thấy rõ ràng có hành vi gian lận, thay vì chỉ dừng lại ở sự sai lệch các con số.
Ngay sau cuộc bầu cử, trong lúc các bang đang kiểm đếm phiếu bầu vắng mặt, Tổng thống Mỹ khẳng định số phiếu này "bị phát hiện" mang lại lợi ích cho Biden một cách bất chính. Khi quá trình kiểm phiếu lại tìm ra những phiếu bầu chưa được đếm nghiêng về phía ông, Trump ám chỉ rằng chúng bị che giấu và đến tận lúc này mới được phát hiện.
Bang Georgia dự kiến hoàn thành quá trình kiểm phiếu lại trước thời hạn vào 23h59 ngày 18/11 (11h59 ngày 19/11 giờ Hà Nội). Bump cho rằng con số cuối cùng vẫn chưa hẳn chính xác, dù đã đúng hơn so với số liệu 8 ngày trước, nhưng không giúp thay đổi thực tế rằng Georgia đã "chuyển màu" từ đỏ sang xanh.
Ánh Ngọc (Theo Washington Post)
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Napa Valley Wineries
2750 Las Amigas Road, Napa
Andretti Winery
4192 Big Ranch Road, Napa
Artesa Winery
1345 Henry Rd., Napa
*Atlas Peak Vineyards (Trade Only)
3700 Soda Canyon Rd, Napa
*Ballentine Wines
P.O. Box 3987, Napa
*Bouchaine Vineyards
1075 Buchli Station Rd., Napa
Carneros Creek Winery
1285 Dealy Ln., Napa
Chateau Potelle
3875 Mount Veeder Rd., Napa
Chimney Rock Winery
5350 Silverado Trail, Napa
Clos du Val Wine Co., Ltd.
5330 Silverado Trail, Napa
*Costello Vineyards Winery
1200 Orchard Ave., Napa
*Crichton Hall
1150 Darms Lane, Napa
*Del Dotto Caves
1055 Atlas Peak Rd, Napa
Domaine Carneros by Taittinger
1240 Duhig Rd., Napa
*Etude Wines
4101 Big Ranch Rd., Napa
*Hagafen Cellars
P.O. Box 3035, Napa;
Hakusan Sake Gardens
1 Executive Way, Napa;
*Havens Wine Cellars
2055 Hoffman Lane, Napa;
Hess Collection
4411 Redwood Rd. Napa
*Jarvis Vineyards
2970 Monticello Rd., Napa
*Luna Vineyards
2921 Silverado Trail, Napa
*Mayacamus Vineyards
1155 Lokoya Rd., Napa
Monticello Vineyards
4242 Big Ranch Rd., Napa
Mont St. John Cellars
5400 Old Sonoma Rd., Napa
*Moss Creek Winery
6015 Steele Canyon Rd., Napa
*Mt. Veeder Winery & Vineyards
1999 Mt. Veeder Rd., Napa
Newlan Vineyards & Winery
5225 Solano Ave., Napa
*Pahlmeyer (Napa Wine Company)
P.O. Box 2410, Napa
Pine Ridge Winery
5901 Silverado Trail, Napa
*Regusci Winery
5584 Silverado Trail, Napa
RMS Brandy Distillery
1250 Cuttings Wharf Rd, Napa
*Rocking Horse Winery
1001 Franklin St., Napa
1500 Los Carneros Ave., Napa
*Shafer Vineyards
6154 Silverado Trail, Napa
*Signorello Vineyards
4500 Silverado Trail, Napa
*Silverado Hill Cellars
3103 Silverado Trail, Napa
Silverado Vineyards
6121 Silverado Trail, Napa
Stag's Leap Wine Cellars
5766 Silverado Trail, Napa
*Star Hill Winery
1075 Shadybrook Lane, Napa
Steltzner Vineyards
5998 Silverado Trl. Napa
*Stony Hill Vineyard
3331 N. St. Helena Hwy., Napa
Trefethen Vineyards
1160 Oak Knoll Ave., Napa
*Truchard Vineyards
3234 Old Sonoma Rd., Napa
*Tulocay Winery
1426 Coombsville Rd., Napa
Van der Heyden Winery
4057 Silverado Trail; Napa
*Whitford Cellars
4047 East 3rd Ave., Napa
William Hill Winery
1761 Atlas Peak Rd., Napa
ZD Wines
8383 Silverado Trail, Napa
707.963.5188Top of PageYOUNTVILLE
S. Anderson Vineyard
1473 Yountville Crossroad, Yountville
Cosentino Winery
7415 St. Helena Highway, Yountville
Domaine Chandon
California Dr., Yountville
Goosecross Cellars
1119 State Ln., Yountville
Napa Cellars
7481 St. Helena Hwy., Yountville
Robert Sinskey Vineyards
6320 Silverado Trail, Yountville
S. Anderson Vineyard
1473 Yountville Crossroad, Yountville
*Vine Cliff Cellars Winery
7400 Silverado Trail, Yountville
Top of Page
Cardinale Estate
7585 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville
*Far Niente Winery (Trade Only)
P.O. Box 327, Oakville
Girard / Rudd Winery
7717 Silverado Trail, Oakville
*Groth Vineyards & Winery
750 Oakville Cross Rd., Oakville
La Famiglia di Robert Mondavi
1595 Oakvale Grade, Oakville
Napa Wine Company
7830-40 St. Helena Highway, Oakville
Oakville Ranch Winery
7850 Silverado Trail, Oakville
*Opus One
7900 Saint Helena Highway, Oakville
*Paradigm Winery
83 Dwyer Rd., Oakville
620 Oakvile Crossroad, Oakville
Robert Mondavi Winery
7801 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville
Silver Oak Cellars
915 Oakville Crossroad, Oakville
Turnbull Wine Cellars
8210 St. Helena Hwy., Oakville
Top of Page
Beaulieu Vineyard
1960 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford
*Cakebread Cellars
8300 St Helena Hwy., Rutherford
*Elyse Wine Cellars
P.O. Box 83, Rutherford
Franciscan Oakville Estate
1178 Galleron Rd., Rutherford
*Frog's Leap Winery
8815 Conn Creek Rd., Rutherford
Grgich Hills Cellars
1829 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford
*Honig Cellars
850 Rutherford Rd., Rutherford
Mumm Napa Valley
8445 Silverado Trail, Rutherford
Niebaum-Coppola Estate Winery
P.O. Box 208, Rutherford
Peju Province Winery
8466 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford
Quail Ridge Cellars & Vineyards
1960 St. Helena Highway, Rutherford
Rutherford Grove Winery
1673 St. Helena Highway, Rutherford
Rutherford Hill Winery
200 Rutherford Hill Rd., Rutherford
St. Supéry Winery
8440 St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford
Sequoia Grove Vineyards
8338 S. St. Helena Hwy., Rutherford
*Staglin Family Vineyard
P.O. Box 680, Rutherford
*Sullivan Vineyards
1090 Galleron Road, Rutherford
*Swanson Winery
1271 Manley Ln., Rutherford
Top of Page
*Anderson's Conn Valley Vineyards 
680 Rossi Rd., Saint Helena
*Barnett Vineyards
4070 Spring Mountain. Rd., St. Helena
1695 S. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
*Benessere Vineyards
1010 Big Tree Road, St. Helena
Beringer Vineyards
2000 Main Street, St. Helena
*Buehler Vineyards
820 Greenfield Rd., St. Helena
*Burgess Cellars
1108 Deer Park Rd., St. Helena
*Cafaro Cellars
1591 Dean York Lane, St. Helena
*Cain Vineyard & Winery
3800 Langtry Road, St. Helena
*Calafia Cellars
629 Fulton Ln., St. Helena
*Casa Nuestra Winery
3451 Silverado Trail N., St. Helena
*Caymus Vineyards
8700 Conn Creek Rd., St Helena
*Chappellet Vineyard
1581 Sage Canyon Rd., St. Helena
Charles Krug Winery
2800 St. Helena Hwy. N, St Helena
*Chateau Boswell
3468 Silverado Trail, St. Helena
*Chateau Woltner
3500 Silverado Trail, St. Helena
Conn Creek Winery
8711 Silverado Trail, St. Helena
*Corison Wines
P.O. Box 427, St. Helena
*David Arthur Vineyards
1521 Sage Canyon Road, St. Helena
*Domaine Charbay Winery
4001 Spring Mountain Road, St. Helena
*Duckhorn Vineyards
3027 Silverado Trail N, St. Helena
Edgewood Estate Winery
401 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
Ehlers Grove Winery
3222 Ehlers Ln., St. Helena
Flora Springs Tasting Room
677 South St. Helena Hwy, St. Helena
Folie a Deux
3070 N. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
Freemark Abbey Winery
3022 N. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
*Green & Red Vineyard
3208 Chiles Pope Valley Rd., St. Helena
Heitz Wine Cellars
500 Taplin Rd., St Helena
*Joseph Phelps Vineyards
200 Taplin Rd., St. Helena
Kornell Cellars
P.O. Box 1012, St. Helena
*Livingston Wines
1895 Cabernet Ln., St. Helena
Louis M. Martini Winery
St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
Mario Perelli-Minetti Winery
1443 Silverado Trail, St. Helena
Markham Vineyards
2812 N. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
Merryvale Napa Valley
1000 Main, St. Helena
Milat Vineyards
1091 S. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
*Newton Vineyard
2555 Madrona Av, St. Helena
Nichelini Winery
2950 Sage Canyon Rd., St. Helena
*Philip Togni Vineyard
3780 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena
Prager Winery & Port Works
1281 Lewelling Lane, St. Helena
*Pride Mountain Vineyards
Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena
Raymond Vineyard & Cellar
849 Zinfandel Ln., St. Helena
*Ritchie Creek Vineyard
4024 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena
*Robert Keenan Winery
3660 Spring Mountain. Rd., St. Helena
Rombauer Vineyards
3522 Silverado Trail, St. Helena
Round Hill Vineyards
1680 Silverado Trail, St. Helena
Rustridge Winery
2910 Lower Chiles Valley Rd., St. Helena
Salvestrin Vineyards
397 Main St, St Helena
St. Clement Vineyards
2867 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
*Smith-Madrone Vineyards
4022 Spring Mountain Rd., St. Helena
*Spottswoode Winery
1902 Madrona Ave., St. Helena
Sutter Home Winery
277 St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
*Tudal Winery
1015 Big Tree Rd., St. Helena
V. Sattui Winery
1111 White Lane, St. Helena
*Villa Helena Winery
1455 Inglewood Av, St. Helena
Villa Mt. Eden
P.O. Box 350, St. Helena
Whitehall Lane Winery
1563 S. St. Helena Hwy., St. Helena
*Yverdon Vineyards
3787 Spring Mtn. Rd., St. Helena
Top of Page
Arroyo Winery
2361 Greenwood Ave., Calistoga
Chateau Montelena Winery
1429 Tubbs Ln., Calistoga
Clos Pegase Winery
1060 Dunaweal Ln., Calistoga
Cuvaison Winery
4550 Silverado Trail, Calistoga
Dutch Henry Winery
4300 Silverado Trail, Calistoga
*Graeser Winery
255 Petrified Forest Rd., Calistoga
*Hans Fahden Vineyard
5300 Mountain Home Ranch Rd, Calistoga
*Helena View Johnston Vineyards
3500 Hwy 128, Calistoga
*Larkmead Vineyards
1145 Larkmead Ln, Calistoga
Sterling Vineyards
1111 Dunaweal Ln., Calistoga
Stonegate Winery
1183 Dunaweal Ln., Calistoga
*Storybook Mountain Winery
3835 Hwy. 128, Calistoga
Traulsen Vineyards
2250 Lake County Hwy., Calistoga
Vigil Vineyard
3340 Hwy. 128, Calistoga
Villa Andriana Winery
1171 Tubbs Lane, Calistoga
*Von Strasser Winery
1510 Diamond Mountain Rd., Calistoga
Wermuth Winery
3942 Silverado Trail, Calistoga
Top of Page
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mdvisualize · 6 years
Cerner president Zane Burke to leave after 22 years with the business
Cerner president Zane Burke to depart after 22 years with the company
Burke, who was called president of the Kansas City, Missouri-based company in 2013, will step down November 2.
Cerner President Zane Burke
Zane Burke is stepping down from his function as president of Cerner on November 2, inning accordance with a news release. The company did not note a reason for his
departure.John Peterzalek, Cerner's executive vice president of around the world customer relationships, will handle Burke's responsibilities as well as the title of chief client officer.Burke been with
the Kansas City, Missouri EHR vendor given that 1996. In his 22 years with the organization, he held roles in the realms of sales, implementation and finance. He was named president in 2013." Cerner has actually been a disruptive force of
positive change across health care throughout its history, and I'm happy with the achievements we've accomplished together with our customers and the more comprehensive market community," Burke stated in a statement.Earlier this year, the Kansas City business appointed a brand-new CEO: Brent Shafer, who took on the function February 1. He previously worked as CEO of Philips North America.Shafer took over for former CEO and business co-founder Neal Patterson, who died in 2017 due to unexpected issues that occurred after a recurrence of cancer. He was 67 years old.In other Cerner news, the company and the Department of Veterans Affairs tattooed a$10 billion EHR agreement in May. Through it, the VA will transfer from utilizing its homegrown VistA EHR system to off-the-shelf Cerner solutions.
MedCity ENGAGE is an executive-level event that gathers leading health centers, health systems, payers, investors and the most ingenious startups to focus on the future of client engagement. MedCity ENGAGE takes place held November 6-- 7, 2018 in San Diego. Reserve your place. Sign Up With Us at MedCity ENGAGE
2018 MedCity ENGAGE, held November 6-7, 2018 in San Diego, is an executive-level occasion that collects leading medical facilities, health systems, payers, investors and the most ingenious startups to concentrate on the future of patient engagement. Reserve your location. > >> >
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Solved Case Analysis: Breeden Security Inc. A Luann J. Lynch Brandt Allen
Solved Case Analysis: Breeden Security Inc. B Brandt Allen Richard Ivey School of Business
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Solved Case Analysis: Bringing Quick Loans to the Unbankable in Kenya A by Philip M. Parker Carolyn Wendell
Solved Case Analysis: Bringing Quick Loans to the Unbankable in Kenya B by Philip M. Parker Carolyn Wendell
Solved Case Analysis: British Petroleum Transformational Leadership in a Transnational Organization by Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries Elizabeth Florent Treacy
Solved Case Analysis: British Sky Broadcasting BSkyB BskyB and the Cable Industry by Karel Cool Ingemar Dierickx
Solved Case Analysis: British Satellite Broadcasting versus Sky Television Pankaj Ghemawat
Solved Case Analysis: Brotherhood Media Management LLP by William W. Sihler Patrick E. Clifton
Solved Case Analysis: Browser Wars 1994 1998 David B.Yoffie Mary Kwak
Solved Case Analysis: Buffetts Bid for Media Generals Newspapers By Benjamin C. Esty Aldo Sesia
Solved Case Analysis: Bunge Poised for Growth David E. Bell
Solved Case Analysis: Bunge Poised for Growth David E.Bell
Solved Case Analysis: BURBERRY By Youngme Moon Kerry Herman Erika Kussmann Emma Penick Susan Wojewoda
Solved Case Analysis: Burlington Northern Railroad Company Equipment Leasing Kenneth Eades
Solved Case Analysis: Business as Unusual Managing Commercial Property in Distress By Craig Furfine
Solved Case Analysis: Business Intelligence Software at SYSCO Andrew McAfee Alison Berkley Wagonfeld
Solved Case Analysis: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE STRATEGY AT CANADIAN TIRE By Nicole RD Haggerty Darren Meister
Solved Case Analysis: Business Valuation in Mergers and Acquisitions by Michael J. Schill Elena Loutskina
Solved Case Analysis: Business Valuation Standard Approaches and Applications by Michael J. Schill
Solved Case Analysis: Butler Lumber Co. Thomas R. Piper
Solved Case Analysis: Buurtzorg A Driving Innovation in Health Care with a New Organizational Paradigm by Maria Guadalupe Gerard Sullivan
Solved Case Analysis: Buurtzorg B Driving Innovation in Health Care with a New Organizational Paradigm by Maria Guadalupe Gerard Sullivan
Solved Case Analysis: Buy Sell or Hold Analyzing the Analysts Recommendations by Jacob Cohen Melati Tengku
Solved Case Analysis: BW Manufacturing Company Brandt Allen
Solved Case Analysis: C. R. PLASTICS David Wood Mary Gillett
Solved Case Analysis: Cadbury Schweppes A The Strategic Dilemma of Trebor Bassett by Tomo Noda Fares Boulos Philippe Haspeslagh
Solved Case Analysis: Cadbury Schweppes B Managing for Value by Tomo Noda Fares Boulos Philippe Haspeslagh
Solved Case Analysis: Cadbury Schweppes C The Performance Management Process by Marjolein Bloemhof Philippe Haspeslagh Regine   Slagmulder
Solved Case Analysis: Caesars Entertainment Corporation By Margaret Cannella Sumit Sharma
Solved Case Analysis: Caffeine with a Conscience Andrew Wicks Jenny Mead
Solved Case Analysis: California Pizza Kitchen
Solved Case Analysis: CalPERS Absolute Return Strategies Hedge Fund Risk and Return by Richard B. Evans Joseph Geissenhainer
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Solved Case Analysis: Calyx & Corolla Walter J. Salmon David Wylie
Solved Case Analysis: Cambridge Hospital Community Health Network The Primary Care Unit V.G. Narayanan Ryan Moore Lisa Brem
Solved Case Analysis: CAMERON AUTO PARTS A Harold Crookell Paul W. Beamish REVISED
Solved Case Analysis: Campbell and Bailyns Boston Office Managing the Reorganization Anne Donnellon Dun Gifford Jr.
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Solved Case Analysis: Canon Competing on Capabilities by Sumantra Ghoshal Mary Ackenhusen
Solved Case Analysis: CANON COMPETING ON CAPABILITIES By Sumantra Ghoshal Mary Ackenhusen
Solved Case Analysis: Cantuga Farmworkers Clinic C James E Austin Catherine Overholt
Solved Case Analysis: Capital Budgeting Discounted Cash Flow Analysis Thomas R. Piper
Solved Case Analysis: Capital by Reinhard Angelmar Wolfgang Munk Thierry Azalbert
Solved Case Analysis: Capital Markets or Alms An Emerging Paradigm Shift in Disaster Funding by Ramina Samii Luk Van Wassenhove
Solved Case Analysis: Capital Structure and Value by Marc L. Lipson
Solved Case Analysis: Carbon Credit Markets by George Allayannis Susheel Tenguria Matt Taylor
Solved Case Analysis: Carded Graphics LLC Sheeter Replacement Decision by Marc L. Lipson Irene Mastelli
Solved Case Analysis: CardSmith William Bygrave Carl Hedberg
Solved Case Analysis: CARIBBEAN INTERNET CAFE Murray J. Bryant Michelle Theobalds
Solved Case Analysis: Carlo De Benedetti The Builder by Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries
Solved Case Analysis: CarMax Disrupting the Used Car Market John R. Wells Hong Luo Galen Danskin
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Solved Case Analysis: CARREFOUR CHINA BUILDING A GREENER STORE Andreas Schotter Paul W. Beamish Robert Klasse
Solved Case Analysis: CARREFOUR IN ASIA A TAIWAN A BRIDGEHEAD INTO ASIA By Philippe Lasserre Pierre Courbon
Solved Case Analysis: Carrefour in Asia A Taiwan A Bridgehead into Asia by Philippe Lasserre
Solved Case Analysis: Carrefour S.A.
Solved Case Analysis: Carvajal From Soldiers to Diplomats from Family run to Professionally Managed by Morten Bennedsen Alexander Guzman Brian Henry Maria Andrea
Solved Case Analysis: Carvajal From Soldiers to Diplomats from Family run to Professionally Managed by Morten Bennedsen Brian Henry Yupana   Wiwattanakantang Alexander
Solved Case Analysis: CARVEL ICE CREAM DEVELOPING THE BEIJING MARKET Mark B. Vandenbosch Tom Gleave
Solved Case Analysis: Case of the Unidentified Industries 2006 By William E. Fruhan
Solved Case Analysis: Cash Flow at Staples by Brandt R. Allen
Solved Case Analysis: Cash Flow Statement for Gemini Electronics
Solved Case Analysis: Cash Management Practices in Small Companies H Kent Bowen Andrew R Jassy Laurence E Katz Kevin Kelly Baltej Kochar
Solved Case Analysis: Catalyst Health Solutions A Script for Success by Robert S. Harris Rick Green
Solved Case Analysis: Cavalier Hospital by Michael J. Schill Kenan Yount
Solved Case Analysis: Cavendish Cove Cottages Sean M Hennessey
Solved Case Analysis: Cengage Learning Can Apax Partners Salvage This Buyout by Susan Chaplinsky Felicia C. Marston David C. Smith
Solved Case Analysis: Centaline Property Agency Tactics for the Virtual Marketplace Ali F Farhoom and Frederik Pretorius Connie Sim Andrew Lee
Solved Case Analysis: Centex Telemanagement Inc.A William A.Sahlman Andrew Janower
Solved Case Analysis: Central Express Trucking by Marc L. Lipson
Solved Case Analysis: Ceres Gardening Company Funding Growth in Organic John H. McArthur Sunru Yong
Solved Case Analysis: Chabros International Group A World of Wood Paul W. Beamish Bassam Farah
Solved Case Analysis: Chad Cameroon Petroleum Development and Pipeline Project A By Benjamin C. Esty Carrie Ferman
Solved Case Analysis: Chadwick Inc. The Balanced Scorecard Robert S. Kaplan
Solved Case Analysis: Chalhoub Group A Luxury Success Story in the Middle East by Frederic Godart Andrew Shipilov Brian Henry Nancy Leung
Solved Case Analysis: Charting a Path Toward Integrated Solutions Andrew Davies Tim Brady Michael Hobday
Solved Case Analysis: Chases Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan A By Benjamin C. Esty Michael Kane
Solved Case Analysis: Chemalite Inc. B Cash Flow Analysis Robert L. Simons Antonio Davila
Solved Case Analysis: Chemalite, Inc. B Cash Flow Analysis Robert L. Simons Antonio Davila
Solved Case Analysis: Chestnut Foods by Michael J. Schill Donald Stevenson
Solved Case Analysis: China Resources Corporation A 6S Mananagment Dennis Campbell David Lane
Solved Case Analysis: China World Workshop or World Largest Market by Jonathan Story Rahul Agarwal Ritsa Panagiotou
Solved Case Analysis: China and the Sino US WTO Agreement Michael J Enright Andrew Lee
Solved Case Analysis: ChinaCarb Samuel E Bodily Yangdong Gong Gerry Yemen
Solved Case Analysis: CHINESE FIREWORKS INDUSTRY Paul W. Beamish
Solved Case Analysis: CHIQUITA BRANDS INTERNATIONAL Terence Mulligan and Debora L Spar
Solved Case Analysis: Chiquita in Colombia Andrew Wicks Jenny Mead
Solved Case Analysis: ChotuKool A Consumer centric Disruption at the Bottom of the Pyramid by Philip M. Parker Byron Ascott Evans
Solved Case Analysis: ChotuKool B Consumer centric Disruption at the Bottom of the Pyramid by Philip M. Parker Byron Ascott Evans
Solved Case Analysis: Circus Oz James Phills and Hilary Stockton
Solved Case Analysis: Cirque du Soleil The High Wire Act of Building Sustainable Partnerships Ramon Casadesus Masanell Maxime Aucoin
0 notes
charlesaungerhealth · 6 years
Cerner names Philips leader Brent Shafer as CEO
http://dlvr.it/Q9jNfq #healthcareIT
0 notes
suerusselldj · 7 years
Iggy Pop Joins New Order For “She’s Lost Control,” “Stray Dog,” More at Tibet House Benefit: Watch
Spoil me - I'm a DJ and I'm cute!
Iggy Pop and New Order took the stage at Carnegie Hall together earlier tonight. Iggy joined Bernard Sumner and co. to do “Stray Dog” (off New Order’s Music Complete), his own song “Shades,” and the Joy Division track “She’s Lost Control.” According to Sumner, Iggy specifically requested they perform “She’s Lost Control.” Check out videos from the concert below. Elsewhere in the night, Philip Glass performed with Alabama Shakes, and Patti Smith covered Bob Dylan. 
#iggypop and #neworder @tibet_house_us
A post shared by Arden Wohl (@ardenwohl) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:18pm PDT
Iggy pop and Bernard sumner of new order!!!
A post shared by according2g (@according2g) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:21pm PDT
Iggy Pop and New Order
A post shared by Alex Shafer (@uuhhh_alex) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:45pm PDT
Iggy Pop and New Order
A post shared by Alex Shafer (@uuhhh_alex) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:45pm PDT
[Read More ...]
IN MY Dreams
0 notes
ricardosousalemos · 7 years
Iggy Pop Joins New Order For “She’s Lost Control,” “Stray Dog,” More at Tibet House Benefit: Watch
Iggy Pop and New Order took the stage at Carnegie Hall together earlier tonight. Iggy joined Bernard Sumner and co. to do “Stray Dog” (off New Order’s Music Complete), his own song “Shades,” and the Joy Division track “She’s Lost Control.” According to Sumner, Iggy specifically requested they perform “She’s Lost Control.” Check out videos from the concert below. Elsewhere in the night, Philip Glass performed with Alabama Shakes, and Patti Smith covered Bob Dylan. 
#iggypop and #neworder @tibet_house_us
A post shared by Arden Wohl (@ardenwohl) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:18pm PDT
Iggy pop and Bernard sumner of new order!!!
A post shared by according2g (@according2g) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:21pm PDT
Iggy Pop and New Order
A post shared by Alex Shafer (@uuhhh_alex) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:45pm PDT
Iggy Pop and New Order
A post shared by Alex Shafer (@uuhhh_alex) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:45pm PDT
0 notes
lasnoticiasenred · 7 years
Philips y Banner Health firman un acuerdo de 15 años para extender los programas exitosos de salud conectada, transformando la atención médica y reduciendo los costos mientras se mejora la calidad.
· Al acelerar el desarrollo conjunto de la tecnología y la provisión de cuidados para un mercado del cuidado de la salud que evoluciona rápidamente, la asociación busca ofrecer soluciones para contribuir a mejorar significativamente la salud de los pacientes.
· La transformación clínica incluye un enfoque continuo totalmente integrado en la imagenología, el monitoreo del paciente y la teleasistencia para mejorar la atención a través del contínuum de la salud
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) una de las principales empresas de tecnología del cuidado de la salud, y Banner Health, ubicada en Arizona, anunció una alianza de varios años destinada a innovar y ampliar aún más sus exitosos programas conjuntos de atención conectada, tales como el programa piloto de tratamiento ambulatorio intensivo (IAC por sus siglas en inglés) y la teleasistencia. Las dos organizaciones colaborarán, aprovechando el conocimiento y la investigación de Philips sobre la atención conectada y la gestión de la salud poblacional (PHM por sus siglas en inglés) y los conocimientos clínicos y operativos profundos de Banner para identificar y ofrecer soluciones integradas destinadas a mejorar la salud de los pacientes de Banner. Al mismo tiempo, la asociación buscará crear mejores prácticas que le permitan a Banner mejorar la experiencia del paciente y, en última instancia, transformar la asistencia de la salud para los pacientes.
Con sede en Phoenix, Arizona, Banner Health es uno de los sistemas de salud sin fines de lucro más grande de los Estados Unidos. Administra 28 hospitales de cuidado intensivo, Banner Health Network y Banner Medical Group, centros de atención a largo plazo, centros de cirugía ambulatoria y una variedad de otros servicios, que incluyen clínicas familiares, atención a domicilio y servicios de hospicio y un registro de enfermería. Banner Health funciona en seis estados, que incluyen Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada y Wyoming.
Como parte del acuerdo, Banner y Philips crearán una estructura de gobernanza que les permitirá a ambas organizaciones identificar proyectos que ofrezcan soluciones y tecnologías innovadoras que ayuden a mejorar la experiencia del paciente y los resultados. Banner y Philips se han comprometido a impulsar la innovación en la gestión de la salud y tienen la intención de investigar cómo la red del cuidado de la salud puede adoptar un enfoque más conectado en relación con los espacios de la salud, tales como la cardiología, al incorporar imagenología avanzada y tecnologías de intervención, genómica, patología digital y análisis de datos. Además, se prevé que la asociación evalúe servicios innovadores y modelos de negocio que permitan que Banner adopte lo último en tecnologías del cuidado de la salud, independientemente del proveedor, con el fin de cumplir con su misión de hacer una diferencia en la vida de las personas a través de atención de calidad.
El acuerdo también le dará acceso a Banner a las soluciones de Philips, tales como PerformanceBridge Practice, una solución de gestión de prácticas de radiología para impulsar la eficiencia de las funciones de imagenología  en la red de salud para pacientes internados y ambulatorios. Este nuevo conjunto de herramientas de radiología, basado en el valor y desarrollado por Radiology Solutions de Philips, puede ayudar a mejorar el rendimiento operativo en toda la empresa Banner. El programa incluye un enfoque en etapas que está diseñado para: 1) Comprender y comparar el desempeño actual de la imagenología; 2) optimizar el rendimiento para mejorar la eficiencia, la calidad clínica y la experiencia del paciente; y 3) facilitar la entrega de imagenología apropiada y sostenible para mejorar la gestión de los pacientes en riesgo, optimizar el acceso y retener a los pacientes dentro de los mercados de enfoque.
“Siempre hemos adoptado una visión a largo plazo de nuestro negocio y notamos desde un principio que el sistema de salud actual no era sostenible”, dijo Peter Fine, presidente y CEO de Banner Health. “Con la reforma en la legislación, sabíamos que necesitábamos mantener la salud poblacional y, esencialmente, mantener a la gente sana y fuera del sistema para reducir los costos y, al mismo tiempo, garantizar mejores resultados del paciente”. Fine agregó: “Si queremos hacer una diferencia en la vida del paciente, necesitamos trabajar en colaboración con socios que cuentan con tecnología innovadora como Philips”.
Basándose en un estudio piloto exitoso que se llevó a cabo para demostrar cómo las soluciones de teleasistencia pueden apoyar las iniciativas de salud conectada y gestionar mejor la atención para los pacientes con múltiples enfermedades crónicas, Philips y Banner Health anunciaron los resultados[1] que mostraron una disminución significativa en los costos de cuidado de la salud de los pacientes y las tasas de hospitalización. Como parte del programa general de teleasistencia de Banner, el programa piloto IAC trata a pacientes con situaciones médicas complejas debido a múltiples condiciones crónicas. En todo Estados Unidos, estos tipos de pacientes generan el 50 por ciento del gasto total de salud[2]. Los resultados de este último análisis de costos revelan que se expandieron los beneficios iniciales para Banner del programa IAC de Philips, incrementando la tasa de mejora en la reducción de hospitalizaciones, readmisiones y los costos de la salud y finalmente, mejorando los resultados del paciente en general.
“Como socio dedicado con una profunda experiencia en la industria y soluciones tecnológicas que se desarrollan junto con las principales redes del cuidado de la salud, como Banner, estamos acelerando la transformación de la salud a través de programas comprobados de gestión de la salud”, dijo Brent Shafer, CEO de Philips Norteamérica. “Nuestra larga colaboración con Banner ha demostrado que mantener a la gente sana y capacitar a las personas para que adopten un papel más activo en su cuidado de la salud permite que los sistemas de salud amplíen el acceso, controlen los costos y mejoren los resultados”.
Banner es la más reciente red de cuidado de la salud que firmó un modelo de asociación estratégica de largo plazo con Philips.  Hasta la fecha, Philips ha firmado seis asociaciones estratégicas a largo plazo en Estados Unidos, que incluyen Augusta University Health (periodo de 15 años), Westchester Medical Center Health Network (periodo de 15 años), Mackenzie Health (periodo de 18 años), Marin General Hospital (periodo de 15 años) y Medical University of South Carolina Health (periodo de 8 años).  A nivel global, Philips tiene establecidas un número considerable de asociaciones estratégicas a largo plazo, demostrando mejoras significativas en la productividad de los socios pioneros de Philips, que incluyen Royal Belfast y Ashford St. Peters y el hospital New Karolinska Solna (NKS) en Suecia.
Acerca de Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) es una empresa líder en tecnología de la salud, enfocada en mejorar la salud de las personas y en permitir mejores resultados a través del contínuum de la salud desde una vida saludable y prevención, hasta el diagnóstico, tratamiento y cuidado en el hogar. Philips aprovecha la tecnología avanzada y los profundos conocimientos clínicos y las perspectivas de los consumidores para ofrecer soluciones integrales. La empresa con sede en Holanda es líder en diagnóstico por imágenes, terapia guiada por imágenes, monitoreo de pacientes e informática de la salud, así como en salud del consumidor y cuidados en el hogar.  La cartera de tecnología de salud de Philips reportó ventas en 2016 por EUR 17.4 mil millones y emplea a aproximadamente 71,000 colaboradores con ventas y servicios en más de 100 países. Para más noticias de Philips visite http://ift.tt/KJqW3J.
0 notes
suerusselldj · 7 years
Watch Philip Glass Play With Alabama Shakes, Patti Smith at Tibet House Benefit Concert
Spoil me - I'm a DJ and I'm cute!
Tonight, the Tibet House hosted its 30th annual benefit concert. This year’s extravaganza celebrated Philip Glass’ 80th birthday, and featured Glass on the bill of performers alongside Patti Smith, Laurie Anderson, Iggy Pop, Sufjan Stevens, New Order, and more. Below, watch Iggy and New Order perform New Order’s “Stray Dog” from Music Complete and Joy Division’s “She’s Lost Control” together, as well as Glass accompanying Alabama Shakes on “Sound and Color.” Patti Smith covered Bob Dylan and invited everyone back onto the stage for “People Have the Power”; watch that below as well.
Iggy pop and Bernard sumner of new order!!!
A post shared by according2g (@according2g) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:21pm PDT
Iggy Pop and New Order
A post shared by Alex Shafer (@uuhhh_alex) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:45pm PDT
I can officially die now. Phillip Glass playing with Alabama Shakes. Epic night.
A post shared by Melanie Scherenzel-Cherry (@melanieblack) on Mar 16, 2017 at 7:25pm PDT
People have the power. "Don't forget that joy is fucking powerful." - Patti Smith #phillipglass #pattismith #iggypop #alabamashakes #benharper #sufjanstevens #neworder #laurieanderson
A post shared by Stance (@restless_radness) on Mar 16, 2017 at 7:31pm PDT
Ok so Iggy Pop, Patti Smith & Philip Glass on the same stage! My heart stopped #iggypop #philipglass #pattismith
A post shared by anyakurkina (@anyakurkina) on Mar 16, 2017 at 7:32pm PDT
Patti Smith covering Bob Dylan! #pattismith
A post shared by according2g (@according2g) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:52pm PDT
[Read More ...]
IN MY Dreams
0 notes
ricardosousalemos · 7 years
Watch Philip Glass Play With Alabama Shakes, Patti Smith at Tibet House Benefit Concert
Tonight, the Tibet House hosted its 30th annual benefit concert. This year’s extravaganza celebrated Philip Glass’ 80th birthday, and featured Glass on the bill of performers alongside Patti Smith, Laurie Anderson, Iggy Pop, Sufjan Stevens, New Order, and more. Below, watch Iggy and New Order perform New Order’s “Stray Dog” from Music Complete and Joy Division’s “She’s Lost Control” together, as well as Glass accompanying Alabama Shakes on “Sound and Color.” Patti Smith invited everyone back onto the stage for “People Have the Power”; watch that below as well.
Iggy pop and Bernard sumner of new order!!!
A post shared by according2g (@according2g) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:21pm PDT
Iggy Pop and New Order
A post shared by Alex Shafer (@uuhhh_alex) on Mar 16, 2017 at 6:45pm PDT
I can officially die now. Phillip Glass playing with Alabama Shakes. Epic night.
A post shared by Melanie Scherenzel-Cherry (@melanieblack) on Mar 16, 2017 at 7:25pm PDT
People have the power. "Don't forget that joy is fucking powerful." - Patti Smith #phillipglass #pattismith #iggypop #alabamashakes #benharper #sufjanstevens #neworder #laurieanderson
A post shared by Stance (@restless_radness) on Mar 16, 2017 at 7:31pm PDT
Ok so Iggy Pop, Patti Smith & Philip Glass on the same stage! My heart stopped #iggypop #philipglass #pattismith
A post shared by anyakurkina (@anyakurkina) on Mar 16, 2017 at 7:32pm PDT
0 notes
lasnoticiasenred · 7 years
Alianza estratégica amplía salud conectada en el mundo
Philips y Banner Health firman un acuerdo de 15 años para extender los programas exitosos de salud conectada, transformando la atención médica y reduciendo los costos mientras se mejora la calidad.
· Al acelerar el desarrollo conjunto de la tecnología y la provisión de cuidados para un mercado del cuidado de la salud que evoluciona rápidamente, la asociación busca ofrecer soluciones para contribuir a mejorar significativamente la salud de los pacientes.
· La transformación clínica incluye un enfoque continuo totalmente integrado en la imagenología, el monitoreo del paciente y la teleasistencia para mejorar la atención a través del contínuum de la salud
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) una de las principales empresas de tecnología del cuidado de la salud, y Banner Health, ubicada en Arizona, anunció una alianza de varios años destinada a innovar y ampliar aún más sus exitosos programas conjuntos de atención conectada, tales como el programa piloto de tratamiento ambulatorio intensivo (IAC por sus siglas en inglés) y la teleasistencia. Las dos organizaciones colaborarán, aprovechando el conocimiento y la investigación de Philips sobre la atención conectada y la gestión de la salud poblacional (PHM por sus siglas en inglés) y los conocimientos clínicos y operativos profundos de Banner para identificar y ofrecer soluciones integradas destinadas a mejorar la salud de los pacientes de Banner. Al mismo tiempo, la asociación buscará crear mejores prácticas que le permitan a Banner mejorar la experiencia del paciente y, en última instancia, transformar la asistencia de la salud para los pacientes.
Con sede en Phoenix, Arizona, Banner Health es uno de los sistemas de salud sin fines de lucro más grande de los Estados Unidos. Administra 28 hospitales de cuidado intensivo, Banner Health Network y Banner Medical Group, centros de atención a largo plazo, centros de cirugía ambulatoria y una variedad de otros servicios, que incluyen clínicas familiares, atención a domicilio y servicios de hospicio y un registro de enfermería. Banner Health funciona en seis estados, que incluyen Arizona, California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada y Wyoming.
Como parte del acuerdo, Banner y Philips crearán una estructura de gobernanza que les permitirá a ambas organizaciones identificar proyectos que ofrezcan soluciones y tecnologías innovadoras que ayuden a mejorar la experiencia del paciente y los resultados. Banner y Philips se han comprometido a impulsar la innovación en la gestión de la salud y tienen la intención de investigar cómo la red del cuidado de la salud puede adoptar un enfoque más conectado en relación con los espacios de la salud, tales como la cardiología, al incorporar imagenología avanzada y tecnologías de intervención, genómica, patología digital y análisis de datos. Además, se prevé que la asociación evalúe servicios innovadores y modelos de negocio que permitan que Banner adopte lo último en tecnologías del cuidado de la salud, independientemente del proveedor, con el fin de cumplir con su misión de hacer una diferencia en la vida de las personas a través de atención de calidad.
El acuerdo también le dará acceso a Banner a las soluciones de Philips, tales como PerformanceBridge Practice, una solución de gestión de prácticas de radiología para impulsar la eficiencia de las funciones de imagenología  en la red de salud para pacientes internados y ambulatorios. Este nuevo conjunto de herramientas de radiología, basado en el valor y desarrollado por Radiology Solutions de Philips, puede ayudar a mejorar el rendimiento operativo en toda la empresa Banner. El programa incluye un enfoque en etapas que está diseñado para: 1) Comprender y comparar el desempeño actual de la imagenología; 2) optimizar el rendimiento para mejorar la eficiencia, la calidad clínica y la experiencia del paciente; y 3) facilitar la entrega de imagenología apropiada y sostenible para mejorar la gestión de los pacientes en riesgo, optimizar el acceso y retener a los pacientes dentro de los mercados de enfoque.
“Siempre hemos adoptado una visión a largo plazo de nuestro negocio y notamos desde un principio que el sistema de salud actual no era sostenible”, dijo Peter Fine, presidente y CEO de Banner Health. “Con la reforma en la legislación, sabíamos que necesitábamos mantener la salud poblacional y, esencialmente, mantener a la gente sana y fuera del sistema para reducir los costos y, al mismo tiempo, garantizar mejores resultados del paciente”. Fine agregó: “Si queremos hacer una diferencia en la vida del paciente, necesitamos trabajar en colaboración con socios que cuentan con tecnología innovadora como Philips”.
Basándose en un estudio piloto exitoso que se llevó a cabo para demostrar cómo las soluciones de teleasistencia pueden apoyar las iniciativas de salud conectada y gestionar mejor la atención para los pacientes con múltiples enfermedades crónicas, Philips y Banner Health anunciaron los resultados[1] que mostraron una disminución significativa en los costos de cuidado de la salud de los pacientes y las tasas de hospitalización. Como parte del programa general de teleasistencia de Banner, el programa piloto IAC trata a pacientes con situaciones médicas complejas debido a múltiples condiciones crónicas. En todo Estados Unidos, estos tipos de pacientes generan el 50 por ciento del gasto total de salud[2]. Los resultados de este último análisis de costos revelan que se expandieron los beneficios iniciales para Banner del programa IAC de Philips, incrementando la tasa de mejora en la reducción de hospitalizaciones, readmisiones y los costos de la salud y finalmente, mejorando los resultados del paciente en general.
“Como socio dedicado con una profunda experiencia en la industria y soluciones tecnológicas que se desarrollan junto con las principales redes del cuidado de la salud, como Banner, estamos acelerando la transformación de la salud a través de programas comprobados de gestión de la salud”, dijo Brent Shafer, CEO de Philips Norteamérica. “Nuestra larga colaboración con Banner ha demostrado que mantener a la gente sana y capacitar a las personas para que adopten un papel más activo en su cuidado de la salud permite que los sistemas de salud amplíen el acceso, controlen los costos y mejoren los resultados”.
Banner es la más reciente red de cuidado de la salud que firmó un modelo de asociación estratégica de largo plazo con Philips.  Hasta la fecha, Philips ha firmado seis asociaciones estratégicas a largo plazo en Estados Unidos, que incluyen Augusta University Health (periodo de 15 años), Westchester Medical Center Health Network (periodo de 15 años), Mackenzie Health (periodo de 18 años), Marin General Hospital (periodo de 15 años) y Medical University of South Carolina Health (periodo de 8 años).  A nivel global, Philips tiene establecidas un número considerable de asociaciones estratégicas a largo plazo, demostrando mejoras significativas en la productividad de los socios pioneros de Philips, que incluyen Royal Belfast y Ashford St. Peters y el hospital New Karolinska Solna (NKS) en Suecia.
Acerca de Royal Philips
Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA) es una empresa líder en tecnología de la salud, enfocada en mejorar la salud de las personas y en permitir mejores resultados a través del contínuum de la salud desde una vida saludable y prevención, hasta el diagnóstico, tratamiento y cuidado en el hogar. Philips aprovecha la tecnología avanzada y los profundos conocimientos clínicos y las perspectivas de los consumidores para ofrecer soluciones integrales. La empresa con sede en Holanda es líder en diagnóstico por imágenes, terapia guiada por imágenes, monitoreo de pacientes e informática de la salud, así como en salud del consumidor y cuidados en el hogar.  La cartera de tecnología de salud de Philips reportó ventas en 2016 por EUR 17.4 mil millones y emplea a aproximadamente 71,000 colaboradores con ventas y servicios en más de 100 países. Para más noticias de Philips visite http://ift.tt/KJqW3J.
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