#pigeon  repellent
birdcontrolblog · 1 year
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Easy Bird Control: Install Window Sill Spikes for Peaceful Living
Installing window sill spikes is indeed an effective and humane way to control birds and keep them away from your property. Here's why using window sill spikes from Fast Safety Nets in Hyderabad can contribute to peaceful living:
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Benefits of Window Sill Spikes:
Effective Deterrent: Window sill spikes create a physical barrier that prevents birds from landing or roosting on ledges, sills, or other flat surfaces, effectively deterring them from your property.
Humane Solution: Unlike harmful methods such as poisons or traps, window sill spikes are entirely humane and simply discourage birds from landing without causing them any harm.
Low Maintenance: Once installed, window sill spikes require minimal maintenance. They are durable and long-lasting, providing ongoing bird control without the need for frequent adjustments or replacements.
Versatile: Window sill spikes can be installed on various surfaces, including ledges, window sills, rooftops, and balcony edges, making them suitable for a wide range of residential and commercial properties.
Aesthetic Appeal: Modern window sill spikes are designed to be discreet and unobtrusive, blending seamlessly with the architecture of your building without compromising its aesthetic appeal.
Why Choose Fast Safety Nets Hyderabad:
Quality Products: Fast Safety Nets offers high-quality window sill spikes made from durable materials to ensure effective bird control and long-term durability.
Professional Installation: Their experienced team can provide professional installation services, ensuring that the window sill spikes are correctly installed for optimal effectiveness.
Custom Solutions: Fast Safety Nets can tailor their solutions to meet your specific requirements, whether you need bird control for residential buildings, commercial properties, or industrial facilities.
Local Expertise: As a provider based in Hyderabad, Fast Safety Nets understands the unique bird control challenges faced by properties in the area and can offer solutions tailored to local conditions.
Additional Tips for Bird Control:
Regular Cleaning: Keep your property clean and free of food debris, garbage, or standing water, as these can attract birds.
Alternative Roosting Areas: Provide alternative roosting sites for birds, such as birdhouses or nesting boxes, to encourage them to nest away from your property.
Combine Methods: Consider combining window sill spikes with other bird control methods, such as netting or scare devices, for comprehensive bird management.
By installing window sill spikes from Fast Safety Nets in Hyderabad, you can effectively deter birds from your property and enjoy a more peaceful living environment without harming the birds.
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Simple and Effective: Pigeon Control Made Easy with Spikes
Controlling pigeons effectively with spikes is indeed simple and efficient. Here's a guide to pigeon control using spikes with Fast Safety Nets in Chennai:
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1. Assessment:
Identify the areas where pigeons are roosting or nesting, such as ledges, window sills, or rooftop edges.
Determine the length and quantity of spikes needed to cover these areas effectively.
2. Contact Fast Safety Nets:
Reach out to Fast Safety Nets in Chennai to discuss your pigeon control needs and inquire about their spike solutions.
Schedule a consultation to assess your property and receive expert advice on the best spike installation.
3. Spike Selection:
Choose the type and size of spikes that best suit your requirements. Fast Safety Nets offers a range of spike options to fit different surfaces and preferences.
Ensure that the spikes are made from durable materials such as stainless steel or UV-resistant plastic for long-lasting effectiveness.
4. Professional Installation:
Once you've selected the spikes, Fast Safety Nets will schedule a convenient time for installation.
Their experienced team will install the spikes securely on the targeted areas, ensuring proper coverage and maximum deterrence against pigeons.
5. Aesthetic Consideration:
Fast Safety Nets ensures that the spike installation is done in a discreet and visually appealing manner.
The spikes are installed in a way that blends seamlessly with the architecture of your property while effectively deterring pigeons.
6. Maintenance:
Periodically inspect the spikes for any signs of damage or wear and tear.
Clean the spikes as needed to remove dirt, debris, or bird droppings to maintain their effectiveness.
7. Enjoy Pigeon-Free Environment:
Once the spikes are installed, you can enjoy a pigeon-free environment on your property.
Say goodbye to the nuisance of pigeons roosting or nesting on your ledges, window sills, or rooftop edges.
Contact Fast Safety Nets:
To get started with pigeon control using spikes in Chennai, contact Fast Safety Nets today.
Their team will assist you throughout the process and ensure that your property remains pigeon-free with their spike solutions.
With Fast Safety Nets' spike solutions, pigeon control becomes simple and effective, allowing you to enjoy a cleaner and more peaceful environment on your property in Chennai.
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happy2bmyownboss · 2 months
Our favorite seed and plant sites
We all know that I’ve been a bit hyper-focused on the garden situation here… I may have gone a wee bit overboard but that has not been confirmed yet. I just recently made a couple of more orders for seeds and plants… there are so many things that I want to try and I’ve really been trying to limit myself to a few new things every month but sometimes there are deals that are just too good to pass…
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karlsten1 · 5 months
Pest Control Products Online - Karlsten
Discover top-quality pest control products, dog repellent spray, bed bug killer, pigeon spray and anti fox spray at Karlsten. Keep your home and garden pest-free with our reliable solutions. Shop now!
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kuskovucu · 8 months
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isopodaknees · 10 months
I’m baffled, baffled, that not every single country in the world is incorporating window screens into their house designs. Like it’s mostly the US, Canada, and Australia with them. And I’m not talking about the old hundreds of years old homes, I’m talking about every house or apartment building that’s been built since the year 1900
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theramseyloft · 13 days
Hello, i stumbled upon your account in a quest to find some information and tips on caring for mating pet pigeons. I can't find any resources on that and it's unfortunate. I was caring for a female pet pigeon then i got her a male pigeon so they can have fun together while I'm not home. It took around a week until they got familiar with eachother and she accepted him. Now I'm in desperate need for information on what to do and how to care for them while mating. What type of nests, material etc
Gonna go ahead and add the continuation of this question here, so I can answer them all at once.
[Cont.] : what type of nest i should get? I couldnt find one big enough for my pigeon so i got her a rabbit nest, but i feel like they need a bigger one so they can nest together in it, they now take turns to sleep in it and the other sleeps on the floor(tray). Also i heard something about 3 days after they lay eggs i should clean the nest? I am total beginner at this so i appreciate any help and tips i can get for the whole process. Thank you so much for your time have a good day :) 🙏🏼✨️
I am sorry this took so long to answer!
I have just not had time through the ongoing move.
First and formost!
Breeding hens and developing babies need a TON of calcium!
Mom is about to lay two eggs bigger than her head, that don't just have shells basically made of bone material, there is even more bone material inside the shell to begin building the baby's skeleton!
Her body does not care where it comes from!
If there is not enough calcium reserved from her diet, her body will leach it from her bones to make and fill the egg shell!
Bird bones are hollow!
Shrink hers enough, and the eggs can't pass through the pelvic girdle anymore!
This is what causes egg binding, and egg binding is often fatal!
SO many chemical processes in the body rely on calcium!
Your nerves firing relies on calcium!
A hen with calcium deficiency can be paralyzed after egg laying!
Your job as the care taker of a sexually mature hen is to prevent this!
MAKE SURE she has as much as she can get hold of to support her through the construction of eggs and pre-skeleton goo!
TSC sells crushed oyster shell by the 10-50lb bag.
Most pet stores with a herp section have drops that you can add to the water or directly give the bird if you do notice signs of egg related deficiency.
Offer crushed calcium in a separate dish in the feeding aria, or sprinkle a pinch on top of daily meals for a breeding pair.
The rabbit nest is actually perfect!
Pigeons don't nest together when there are actually eggs or peeps in the nest, or even when there are about to be.
While one sits, the other typically is out foraging so that they are well enough fed and hydrated to sit through their own four to six hour shift on the eggs, once their partner is done.
So, at the moment, things are going pretty ideally for your pair.
As for materials, that depends on whether or not you want the eggs to hatch.
It sounds like you do, so the ideal nesting material is some kind of densely packed straw.
Wheat straw is cheap and commonly available, the basic, serviceable, no frills nest material.
Alfalfa hay smells very pleasant, is SUPER oder absorbent, dries up accidental nest poops by the adults and inevitable baby mess quickly, and pigeons love the texture, but humans can get contact dermatitis (and allergic rash) from it.
Pine straw doesn't pack or absorb very well, but it repels bugs and pigeons love the texture.
You need something the peeps can grip.
They are very bulky and start out with rubber bones, so if their little feet slide out to the side on a flat surface, the bones can harden into that shape as they grow and solidify, which is hideously painful and will leave the babies unable to walk.
The bowl shape that the parents shuffle adorably into the straw their nest box is packed with structurally supports the positions of the babies' legs.
Once the eggs are laid, leave the nest alone.
It does not need to be cleaned until the babies are about two weeks old.
Prior to that point, they cannot maintain their own body heat, and parents spooked off the nest by a bedding change can result in peeps dying in less than an hour of hypothermia.
You can reach gently under the parent to briefly touch or hold the peep, but try not to move the nest itself or disturb the materials if you can avoid it.
Pigeon parents will fight God over their chicks, and if the chick is all you touch, they will just try to sit down harder.
Pet the peep, give it a quick health check, and out it back.
you can start extending these handling sessions as it grows.
At two weeks, the babies can keep themselves warm, and both parents will be away from the nest eating most of the time, only returning to feed every few hours or so until the peeps wean.
This is your cuddle window.
Baby pigeons like to cuddle, and socializing them this way gives them a much more mentally sound and emotionally stable developmental foundation.
Be warned!
Pigeons are insanely prolific!
From sex to fertile egg takes 5 days.
Peeps hatch in 18 days.
They typically wean between 4 and 5 weeks, depending on breed, and are fully flighted at 5 weeks.
Around week 2 or 3, mom starts inviting dad to mate with her again so she's ready to lay the next clutch the second the peeps leave the nest. (Sometimes even a little before!)
Fake eggs are going to be your best friend, if you don't want to be completely over run! (Trust me, you do not!!!)
For reference, my phone number is 706-993-7452.
I will answer non emergency questions here as time permits me, but if you are worried for the wellbeing of your birds, my phone is always on, and it lives next to my pillow at night.
so don't hesitate to ask if you have more questions.
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vvelegrin · 4 months
what do you know about pigeons
Been thinking a lot about intentional erecting of dovecotes as a means of pigeon population control, recently. It’s very funny to me, though I suppose that’s not really the right word, that the best way to control pigeons as pests is to care for them. I guess that’s what you get with domestic animals. Their droppings are problematic because they do not have a sufficient diet (and those droppings are therefore liquid, as opposed to a healthy dropping that is a neat and easy-enough-to-sweep-up ball) and generally localized to under their perches (and as originally cliff-dwelling birds, buildings are the next best). So if they are provided access to grains, localized to singular locations that also provide shelter that-is-not-buildings that also gives people access to them to swap out fertilized eggs that would be making more pigeons with fakes that will not. I guess the most comprehensive attempt at this was in Germany, but I have seen things around that various Czech cities are pushing for it. I’d be interested to see a cost breakdown of dovecote construction and ongoing maintenance and feed costs, and any levels of damage-by-pigeon, ongoing cleaning and such of areas infested by pigeons that they still deal with and such compared to more traditional methods of culling and repellent, and any cleaning and such as well.
Also also also! This also provides good access to those pigeon droppings, that make excellent fertilizer. I haven’t read about that as much as I’d like to, I mostly just throw my pigeons’ waste in my compost and let it do its thing, but one interesting point of interest I’ve seen lately is that, while they are highly nitrogen rich like chicken and other poultry droppings, they apparently release that nitrogen at a much slower rate than these others. I haven’t read any proper sources on some of this, like its exact nutrient makeup and how it compares exactly to other forms of manure practically speaking, so that’s probably on my list of things to do at some point. It’s certainly one of the significant historical benefits of dovecotes, but I imagine part of that is as much the practicality of gathering a localized source of manure (and meat, while they were at it) that you didn’t necessarily have to provide feed for.
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 7 months
I think this has been asked before but when you pet your pet pigeon are the oils on your hand messing up their feathers ability to repel water?
So, pigeons are a bit of freaks.
They actually don’t use oils to maintain their waterproofing, they produce feather dust which works as a means to make them water resistant.
Most species that lack the preen gland and the oils it produces are flightless birds such as ratites, but it is also absent in bustards, woodpeckers, frogmouths, some parrot species, and, of course, all species of dove, domestic pigeons included.
i don’t specialize in any of the above types of birds, so I’m not entirely sure if the oils from your hands damage their feather integrity the same way it does for raptors and most other birds.
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Katrin, how's the situation there? Have you ever considered leaving your country for a while? I really want you to be in a safe place where you don't have to witness all this horror that Russia is causing. I want to see the end of this war with Ukraine coming out victorious, but I want you to see it even more. But for that you need to be alive. Russia has already shown that it has no qualms about killing civilians, I don't want you to be another death toll in this war.
Hi! Thank you for caring, it means so much. I considered leaving during the first most terrifying month of this war, when Ruzzians were trying to take Kyiv. They were very close, nearly at the city, with the artillery and short-range missiles reaching us in addition to long-range ones. It was loud all the time; their missiles and artillery suck, so they often hit buildings and random targets, and there was no telling what they would do if they started invading street after street.
After Ruzzians were repelled and forced to retreat from Kyiv, the biggest danger passed. Now, we only face the threat of bombings, which is a huge step up from what we faced before. It's still dangerous, it's still terrifying, but I no longer think about leaving. There are three major reasons for it.
The majority of my family are males. My younger brother, my Dad and my step-father aren't allowed to leave, they are locked in Ukraine. My Mom refuses to leave them; she also has a job she needs. She won't find anything like it because of her age and Ukraine-specific qualifications; she's scared of losing her retirement money, too, and this will happen if she leaves prematurely. My family is my soul, my everything, I see no point in leaving without them. For a month or two, sure, but who knows how long this nightmare will last? Then there are my pets. I cannot bring three cats and three pigeons with me. At least here, we are together, all of us.
The second reason is that I have some commitments here. I feed homeless kitties and wild pigeons. I know them all by name, I love them, I watch out for them and their health. No one from my family can provide them with the care I ensure.
Finally, my long-term love for my home and my city is bigger than my short-term fear. I'm helping our military in the way I can; I'm proud of remaining a part of my country, and I refuse to be kicked out from the place where I grew up, that has so many memories, including those made with people and pets I lost. I cherish my home, everything about it, and I want to stay here.
Realistically, the chances of me dying because of the war are very low. My city has a great air-defense system now; the missiles that we fail to intercept usually hit pretty far away. For one of them to hit my house, my window - it's highly, highly unlikely. Unfortunately, it's still possible, and it doesn't diminish my sheer, raw terror when the attacks happen. I'm afraid it won't change until the end of the war…
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akkivee · 9 months
skimmed thru the guidebook myself!!!! here’s what i thought was neat about it!!!
the book cover was warning text all over it lol and it reads:
‘hypnosis mic has the power to interfere with people’s minds. when handling it, please be mindful of the extent to which its users’ influence can reach. furthermore, possession of a hypnosis mic that is not authorised by the chuuoku is subject to strict legal penalties’
within the pages, there’s another warning that’s partially blocked off by the graphics, but is advising to thoroughly read thru the guidelines for optimal functionality for failure to do can cause errors, malfunctions and other issues lol
pretty sure said pages are of the box the hypnosis mics are delivered in lol
the current era relationship chart is insane lmao like there are so many arrows. if it’s important, there’s probably an arrow for it lol
a handful of timeline events were removed in favour of including info about everything all the way up to the music festival. most of these removed events were when individuals met each other, eg dohifu meeting, rei and otome meeting
i think it’s just funny lmao but the section in bb’s story talking about jiro and saburo’s jobs to get ichiro to consider making a team with them, they included a silhouette of some woman to represent hifumi’s stalker LOL
did they update the official site with rei’s blood type??? if they didn’t, he’s type a 🤔
according to dh’s most important persons page, rei and otome stopped seeing eye to eye about the true hypnosis mic and the ramuda clones
the explanations for nagosaka’s abilities are neat!!!
🎋: makes the other person laugh, weakening their abilIties (tho interesting to note it’s not written with the english word ability to imply the hypnosis abilities)
🍮: informs allies, strengthening their power
0️⃣: manipulates any number of people to his own advantage
📿:enters a meditative state that increases concentration to block the opponent’s ability (ability here is written in english to imply it’s the hypnosis abilities)
🌙:gathers courage that restores own power (parallels jakurai’s ability to restore to normality when tled literally)
⚖️:with a shout, repel all attacks back at the opponent and away from allies
otome’s likes are gardening, tea, and antiques. she doesn’t like bugs or coffee. her favourite foods are pasta and risotto and she doesn’t like meat
ichijiku’s likes are ribbons, general goods, and fashion magazines. she doesn’t like pigeons or roller coasters. her favourite foods are sweets and she doesn’t like curry
nemu’s likes are making sweets and aquatic sports. she doesn’t like tobacco or lizards. her favourite food is hamburgers and she doesn’t like shellfish
the guidebook says the effects a person experiences after the true hypnosis mic is used on them varies from person to person. there are plenty of unknowns about it, including why hypnosis abilities disappear once under its influence.
the guidebook actually doesn’t have those pics of shakku and co we got in arb lmao. tho to that point it’s kinda interesting the people’s photos they do include are yotsutsuji and hanabi
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Simple and Effective: Pigeon Control Made Easy with Spikes
Controlling pigeons effectively with spikes is indeed simple and efficient. Here's a guide to pigeon control using spikes with Fast Safety Nets in Chennai:
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1. Assessment:
Identify the areas where pigeons are roosting or nesting, such as ledges, window sills, or rooftop edges.
Determine the length and quantity of spikes needed to cover these areas effectively.
2. Contact Fast Safety Nets:
Reach out to Fast Safety Nets in Chennai to discuss your pigeon control needs and inquire about their spike solutions.
Schedule a consultation to assess your property and receive expert advice on the best spike installation.
3. Spike Selection:
Choose the type and size of spikes that best suit your requirements. Fast Safety Nets offers a range of spike options to fit different surfaces and preferences.
Ensure that the spikes are made from durable materials such as stainless steel or UV-resistant plastic for long-lasting effectiveness.
4. Professional Installation:
Once you've selected the spikes, Fast Safety Nets will schedule a convenient time for installation.
Their experienced team will install the spikes securely on the targeted areas, ensuring proper coverage and maximum deterrence against pigeons.
5. Aesthetic Consideration:
Fast Safety Nets ensures that the spike installation is done in a discreet and visually appealing manner.
The spikes are installed in a way that blends seamlessly with the architecture of your property while effectively deterring pigeons.
6. Maintenance:
Periodically inspect the spikes for any signs of damage or wear and tear.
Clean the spikes as needed to remove dirt, debris, or bird droppings to maintain their effectiveness.
7. Enjoy Pigeon-Free Environment:
Once the spikes are installed, you can enjoy a pigeon-free environment on your property.
Say goodbye to the nuisance of pigeons roosting or nesting on your ledges, window sills, or rooftop edges.
Contact Fast Safety Nets:
To get started with pigeon control using spikes in Chennai, contact Fast Safety Nets today.
Their team will assist you throughout the process and ensure that your property remains pigeon-free with their spike solutions.
With Fast Safety Nets' spike solutions, pigeon control becomes simple and effective, allowing you to enjoy a cleaner and more peaceful environment on your property in Chennai.
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theteasetwrites · 8 months
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon | S1E4 Thoughts
⚠️ SPOILERS AHEAD ⚠️ do not read below the cut unless you’re okay with spoilers
Positive Thoughts
Daryl screaming for Laurent was hot. I mean not the reason why he was screaming but the sound of his voice and his face was hot 😮‍💨
Daryl using the morning star once again YESSSSSS
OH MY GOD THE TORTURE SCENE??? WE WERE FED. That so hot I’m sorry… idk what positive things to say about this episode other than Daryl is hot because nothing much happened this episode other than him making me moan
Daryl releasing the pigeons for the dying man was so sweet 🥹
Negative Thoughts
I might have more negative thoughts than positive about this episode tbh. It wasn’t horrible but it wasn’t the best one so far I don’t think
Laurent annoyed me SO BAD when he was being surrounded by the herd and he looked back and kinda gave a little shithead smirk to Daryl before walking away. Wtf was that you little shit? Daryl is better than me because I would’ve said fuck it and let the kid get away and die
Also idk how I feel about Laurent being able to not get bitten? What was the deal with that? He just magically repels walkers? Idk I’m confused. I wish they’d eat him atp
Sylvie asking Isabelle if she has romantic feelings and implying that she thinks Isabelle has feelings for Daryl… I don’t like that lol. I mean I know it didn’t confirm anything since she said no and also there is just no indication of that between them, but still annoying that the show even acknowledged it as a possibility 🙄
I don’t really understand why Isabelle needs to turn herself over to Quinn? Why does she think Quinn wants her? Maybe he doesn’t want her lol idk just weird but maybe Isabelle has a plan up her sleeve
Although I liked the torture scene, I did think Daryl’s story was a LITTLE corny and seemed unnecessary, but I still liked the brutality of the scene. Daryl doesn’t play around when he’s interrogating and I don’t think that goes against his character like some people are saying. I think he’s brutal in situations like that.
Overall, I found this episode to be pretty lackluster but I’m excited for episode 5
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creative-anchorage · 14 days
When a wild orangutan in Sumatra recently suffered a facial wound, apparently after fighting with another male, he did something that caught the attention of the scientists observing him. The animal chewed the leaves of a liana vine – a plant not normally eaten by apes. Over several days, the orangutan carefully applied the juice to its wound, then covered it with a paste of chewed-up liana. The wound healed with only a faint scar. The tropical plant he selected has antibacterial and antioxidant properties and is known to alleviate pain, fever, bleeding and inflammation. [T]he scientists stated that this is “the first systematically documented case of active wound treatment by a wild animal” with a biologically active plant. To me, the behavior of the orangutan sounded familiar. As a historian [...] I was reminded of similar cases reported by Aristotle, Pliny the Elder, Aelian and other naturalists from antiquity. A remarkable body of accounts from ancient to medieval times describes self-medication by many different animals. The animals used plants to treat illness, repel parasites, neutralize poisons and heal wounds. ... Some of the earliest written examples of animal self-medication appear in Aristotle’s “History of Animals” from the fourth century BCE, such as the well-known habit of dogs to eat grass when ill, probably for purging and deworming. Aristotle also noted that after hibernation, bears seek wild garlic as their first food. It is rich in vitamin C, iron and magnesium, healthful nutrients after a long winter’s nap. The Latin name reflects this folk belief: Allium ursinum translates to “bear lily,” and the common name in many other languages refers to bears. ... When elephants accidentally swallowed chameleons hidden on green foliage, they ate olive leaves, a natural antibiotic to combat salmonella harbored by lizards. Pliny said ravens eat chameleons, but then ingest bay leaves to counter the lizards’ toxicity. Antibacterial bay leaves relieve diarrhea and gastrointestinal distress. Pliny noted that blackbirds, partridges, jays and pigeons also eat bay leaves for digestive problems. ... Of course, these premodern observations were folk knowledge, not formal science. But the stories reveal long-term observation and imitation of diverse animal species self-doctoring with bioactive plants. Just as traditional Indigenous ethnobotany is leading to lifesaving drugs today, scientific testing of the ancient and medieval claims could lead to discoveries of new therapeutic plants. Animal self-medication has become a rapidly growing scientific discipline. [...] One surprising observation is that finches and sparrows collect cigarette butts. The nicotine kills mites in bird nests. Some veterinarians even allow ailing dogs, horses and other domestic animals to choose their own prescriptions by sniffing various botanical compounds.
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kuskovucu · 8 months
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