#please forgive me for this
LMAO! Insomnia SUCKS! 😂 💯
YOLO!! 😎
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theinfiknight · 1 year
List of top ten Bleach characters/pairs of characters who fuck the most, ranked in descending order by how much they fuck (as of where I am now in the show anyway)
10) These two fuckers from that filler arc:
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They're basically a married couple with a kid there is no way they do not fuck on the regular
9) Those two clowns from the 13th Squad
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I don't even know their names but between being Ukitake's foster kids and Rukia's foster parents the tension between them is unbearable. It absolutely certainly definitely reaches a breaking point every so often.
8) Kyoraku and Ukitake
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They're annoying just to be in the same room with. Kyoraku will say some shit like "You see Ukitake-san, two parallel lines can travel together for eternity but will never meet" and Ukitake'll go "Ah, what a poetic observation, Kyoraku-san! Such a truly tragic fate!" and everyone else in the room has either left by now or are wishing they could either kill these two or themselves. This has been going on for centuries now and shows no signs of ever changing.
7) Madarame and Yumichika
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Gayass dumbass duo. Literally there is no reason for them to behave the way they do. Yumichika will go "In the 11th Squad we will watch each other die without interfering for death is preferable to loss. This is the way of the Zaraki squadron" and then trip over his feet running off to save Ikkaku's ass in the same breath. They fuck but never acknowledge it ever.
6) Rangiku
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She's way too competent and confident and appreciative of a good time to not be getting laid whenever she likes, barring the possibility that she's ace. Not much more needs to be said
5) This King:
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He would be much higher on this list if he wasn't the subordinate of that crusty ass espada. You KNOW they keep him way too busy to fuck nearly as much as he'd like to.
4) Whatever the hell these four had going on:
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I don't yet know their backstories but their interactions with each other, their vibes. Probably an extremely toxic polycule but you KNOW they fuck.
3) Yoruichi
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Girl got the most game out of any character in the show, gives no fucks and takes no shit. The only reason she's not #1 is because the #1 and 2 positions are taken by people who fuck an unreasonable amount for human beings.
2) Aizen
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Given the way the Espada talk about him you know he's drowning in that Arrancar meat. No further notes, absolutely rancid vibes, reeks of toxicity and would be drowning in bitches irl too.
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(disclaimer: I don't actually know their relationship, this is based on vibes alone)
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lyramundana · 11 months
Based on an idea the lovely @2chopsticks2eyes​ gave me regarding my last post:
(Remember, unless I specify otherwise, all my poly minsung scenarios will be pre-poly relationship, because I find it more delicious to have them suffer and tease them while they figure out their feelings)
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The boys are having another photoshoot, this time for a brand of clothes that has accepted to sponsor them. The pictures have to give off serious, seductive vibes, but these two can’t get into it. They’re either eating each other with their eyes or posing like they would in a normal group picture. Seeing this is making the process difficult for all and they need to get it done, Chan decides to call Violeta and ask her to “do her magic again”. Obviously, she’s reluctant in this scenario because the concept isn’t the same. How would making those two laugh help in looking sexy? Then Felix tells her that if she brings them something from their favourite coffee shop, which is pretty far, he’ll give her a signed album from her favourite group. Oh, and she should definitely wear light clothing, since the weather is kinda hot where they are and there’s no need for her to be uncomfortable.
When she arrives to the location with the drinks in hand, she’s breathing hard and sweating a bit because of the long walk, clothes clinging to her a bit, both Han and Minho are trying to get a picture done again. Felix throws a secret glance at them, knowing his master plan has worked.
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thetardigrape · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Our Flag Means Death (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Officer Hornberry/Officer Shaw Characters: Officer Hornberry (Our Flag Means Death), Officer Shaw (Our Flag Means Death), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Crack, Blow Jobs, First Time Blow Jobs, Porn with a bare minimum of plot, Period-typical colonizer nonsense Summary:
Officer Shaw invites Officer Hornberry, newly returned to London, over for dinner. He's hoping to hear all the thrilling details of Hornberry's time held captive by pirates. Hornberry's hoping to try out some things he learned about aboard the Revenge.
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jacky-rubou · 1 year
just had the evilest idea for this first forduary prompt and i can't resist making it happen. it's just so 'thematically appropriate' for what i've written so far that i would feel remiss if i didn't.
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butteredcrackers · 7 months
A little vent ig?
life is very, very stressful right now for me, and my extreme executive dysfunction is not helping. I currently cannot get a therapist or medication for my severe depression related to trauma, and its making me spiral. I just found out all my friends think I'm fucking annoying and have thought that for months, and this month has been stressful because they finally showed what awful people they are and I pointed it out and said what they did was fucked up so I'm the bad guy now. I dyed my hair recently and it looks like trash and I feel really bad cause my mom did it and I appreciate her so much cause she did it while sick, but I feel so ugly. I have to learn 2 extremely complicated pieces if music that I've been putting off for so region, and this doesn't count Christmas concert music, and I'm getting lost in pulling assignments and teachers who think I have the time to spend every waking second of my day on their class alone. I'm not practicing my all region music cause when I get home I just fall to the floor and sit there until its 10pm and I'm like "oh shit I need to sleep" then u fucking stay up still, not getting good sleep, and I keep forgetting to take my meds to make me sleep. I don't know who's my friend and who's not, and now I'm so worried that I'm annoying people that I'm scared to talk to my best friend even though I know she doesn't hate me at all but what if she does what if she hates me. What if I'm really as annoying as they say I am? Did they really hate me for this long? Am I that unbearable to be around? Why did they fake it and be so nice to me? Why did she still say she loved me when she found me so fucking annoying and wasn't attracted to me at all? I want everything to stop. Its too much. I can't anymore. Everyone is just out to get me I guess. Everything is too much. I want to curl up and die. I wish I could just become dormant and rot away, nobody would notice right? Since they all fucking hate me, right? They called me autistic, said that I wasn't autistic and was doing it for attention, when I never called myself autistic. They were the ones who called me autistic and crazy when we were friends. Sure I hate noted at it and said I needed to probably get evaluated but if someone said I was autistic I denied it heavily. Because I don't want to be seen as faking it for attention. I'm so over everything. I kinda just wanna die but I don't because mom thinks people who kill themselves are selfish narcissists and I don't want her to see me that way. This is really long I'm so sorry if you get this on your dash. but it's so much I just need to let it out it might help. God im just so done. Im.burnt out. And I can't take a day off or I'm not exempt from exams anymore. Will someone take me out. God please will someone tell me its ok and they love me. I just need a hug. A really really long one. I need someone to tell me they love me. And that they care for me.
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sandwichedbread · 2 years
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I just had an awful idea:
Detroit become human and deltarune crossover AU where the loaded disc with spamton somehow ends up in Connor instead of the Neo suit.
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aldoesthings · 2 years
truth is, will would fuck that old man ONCE and his back would break
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jochasada · 2 years
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We’ve all seen this by now.
It could be them from the past. Or it could be now.
It could be that with the scent of Seo Joon’s expensive perfume lingering in his nose and the ghost of Seo Joon’s fingertips on his wrist, Ji Woo can’t resist. Being so close to what and who he has missed and wanted and needed for so long and being expected to continued his act? Impossible.
Seo Joon is too close, with his searching eyes brimming with silent tears, with his lips exhaling the air that Ji Woo is inhaling, as they face each other almost nose to nose in confrontation. There is nothing but the sound of their shared heartbeats and the tingling sensation of anticipation hanging in the air.
There is nothing for Ji Woo to do but break.
He leans closer still until Han Seo Joon sucks in a breath, freezing this moment between them as Han Ji Woo closes his eyes and basks in the light of Kang Seo Joon. Finally.
Finally he can kiss those lips taunting his dreams and chasing his days with every magazine cover Seo Joon is on. Finally he can feel the warmth of Seo Joon in his entire being again.
But he can’t. He knows he can’t. Yet Seo Joon closes the millimetre of distance together, pressing their lips together in a promise of “I will always come to you even if you can’t come to me.”
That promise will always remain unbroken.
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weeweeboy · 2 years
sanemis scars are there own entity they went on a little vacation actually
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aakiwa · 2 months
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Hello Zukki Nation, please let me in
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the-phantom-peach · 10 months
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🗣️ huh?? what do you mean I haven’t posted any Link signing propaganda yet??
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yeehawfml · 4 months
my mental health is deteriorating.
I can't stop thinking about the poor people in palestine, what sin Israel will preform now. How the fuck are there still people who support israel? I'm fucking tired of needing to hear about what's happening, but I know I need to hear it. I don't even know why I feel like this, I'm just making it more about myself at this point. How narcissistic of me, I really shouldn't try to make this about me. Me talking about myself and my 'problems' is just really stupid, but it's just a heads up that I'm in a wrong state of mentality to post as normally as I should. I'll still try somewhat. But I'm getting to a point where I can't even do what i like right now, people are dying and I'm not doing enough to help. I'm failing my classes, I might as well just be useless at this point. I'm sorry.
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not-my-final-account · 7 months
Nute Gunray: are you human
Vader: no
Gunray: what are you
Vader: God
Nute Gunray: *laughter*
Vader: *transforms* SAY THAT AGAIN I DIDN’T QUITE HEAR YA! You’ve messed with the wrong b!tch in the wrong era!
Or Vader: *transform* say that agin b!tch
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lahmajun · 10 months
did you guys know that there is something deeply wrong with me btw
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anna-scribbles · 7 months
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vive la résistance and happy halloween!
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