#plus like even if i’m wrong theories are still fun
buddiebitch · 18 days
WHY are BT shippers so vehemently against actually analyzing the symbolism and choices made for this show?
i mean i saw multiple people saying we were overthinking the vertigo poster. they were saying that it was weird to assume that Buck would fill the pining best friend role that Midge did in the original movie??? (haven’t seen the movie, i just read a few synopses)
i’m sorry, so you agree that he put Ryan Guzman in the main character and Devin Kelley as the love interest because they’ll fill those roles in the storyline, but we’re overthinking when we point out what role he put Oliver Stark in?
or when i bring up the possible symbolism of Tommy always calling him Evan, the only response i get from BT stans is “well he would tell him if he didn’t like it” or “i think it’s because he was introduced that way and that’s why” or even “i think he probably likes that Tommy calls him Evan” (all real responses i saw) and it’s like, yeah that’s cool, those are great headcanons for you, but that actually isn’t what i was talking about. nothing wrong with having a headcanon, but it doesn’t explain anything about the show or answer any of my questions.
i mean in s4 he corrected his PARENTS and told them his name was Buck, and in s6 it was used to emphasize the strangeness of his coma dream, how everyone was calling him Evan, the whole show him being called Evan has almost always been used to emphasize that someone doesn’t know him very well, how are y’all convinced that it’ll mean something different this time? i get that some people think it’s supposed to be growth, that he’s cool with being called his first name, but if that’s the goal it definitely isn’t reading that way to me.
like i wish i could see things through the same lens as these people so it could make sense to me, i just don’t get how you can willfully ignore SO many hints just so you can ship what you want.
no hate to the ship or the shippers obviously, i’m just baffled by the lengths they’ll go to in order to convince themselves that plot device man is endgame for Buck.
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seravphs · 1 year
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Kaiser’s always there for you after a failed date. Maybe this time he has something better than advice. 
wc — 800
tags — friends to lovers, confession
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“It can’t be that bad.” 
“The man I’m dating is a flat earther.” 
Kaiser wordlessly pushes his drink towards you in a show of support. You down the glass, relishing the burn as it goes down. It’s wet and cold with condensation, and not an altogether terrible cure to alleviate your headache. 
“Any other conspiracy theories he believes in? Maybe tinfoil hats?”
“Kaiser - this is not helping.”
This is a weekly ritual that’s the only constant in your life. You switch jobs often. Shitty boyfriends come and go. But Kaiser and Lunar Love, your favorite local bar, are always the way you end your Friday nights. 
You don’t know when the tradition started, but it probably happened sometime between meeting Kaiser when you were working a low-level job for the JPN Football Association and crying into his rock hard shoulder after your sixth failed first date in a row. 
Bad things happen during the week. You dump them on Kaiser on Fridays. That’s just how it goes. 
You would feel bad, but Kaiser’s really, really terrible at comforting people anyway. Not only is he too muscular to be a good pillow - you still wince recalling how sore your neck had been the morning after you slept on his shoulder - but even his attempts at making you feel better with words sucks. 
Guy talked about his ex the whole time? 
“Ditch him and leave with the breadsticks.” 
It doesn’t matter if you tell him that’s bad advice. Kaiser doesn’t care about normal benchmarks for propriety and manners and social standards. He just does whatever he wants whenever he wants, and he expects you to follow suit. 
When your boyfriend of two months had ditched you to watch Kaiser’s football match with his friends, Kaiser had laughed himself silly while you complained to him on the phone later. 
“Quit football,” you tell him. 
“What, so your lame boyfriend will pay more attention to you? No way!” 
“I just don’t get what I’m doing wrong,” you groan.
“It’s not your fault the men you date are assholes - well no, it kind of is. Stop dating assholes, I guess.” 
“Don’t blame the victim!” 
But then there was the time the man you were meeting for a first date had tried to get you to join his cult. 
You had texted Kaiser an SOS under the table as the man and the two other cult recruiters he brought with him (who brings plus ones, much less plus twos to a date?) tried to convince you to give up the life of ‘sin’ you were leading. 
You should’ve known he was too hot to be true. That’s how they get you, you think ruefully. Now you’re stuck at this table trying to make excuses for living a life of debauchery when- 
“Excuse me,” Kaiser says. “What are you doing with my girlfriend?” 
Your head snaps up. 
“What are you doing?” You mouth at him. 
You look at the cultists. He’s making it worse. Oh, he’s definitely making it worse. One girl has her hand raised to her mouth in shock and horror. Another is actively praying for god to deliver you from evil. 
“Come on, honey,” he says, tugging you up from your seat. “It’s time to go home.” 
“Miss,” says the original cultist who asked you on the date. He really is cute, with a sweet and earnest face that makes you want to coo over him if he wasn’t actively trying to indoctrinate you. “If you leave now, your soul will never be saved.” 
Kaiser makes a face like he’s thinking about doing something very inappropriate for fun, and that’s when you rush out of there. Once you’re on the sidewalk, you slow down, walking hand in hand as you head towards his car. He swings your arm a little. 
“One day,” he sighs, “I’m not going to be around to rescue you.” 
“No you won’t,” you tell him with a grin. “You love me too much for that.” 
“Yeah,” he says with a rueful smile as he opens the passenger door for you. “I do.” 
That’s how you know Kaiser really does care about you. He cared enough to show up and rescue you. Maybe not the best way he could’ve done it, but still. 
That and the fact that he wouldn’t be paying for twenty dollar cocktails just to hear you whine about your love life if he didn’t care about you, but he’s just not great at showing that love. 
Case in point: “Just give up on your shitty dating life,” Kaiser says, rolling his eyes. 
“Excuse me?” You say, outraged. “It’s not like people are lining up to date me, mister!” 
“Why do you need a line?” He looks annoyed. “I’m right here. I’ve been here all along.” 
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Bonus: Kaiser’s name in his contacts for you is “miss unlucky-in-love”. When you start dating, he changes it to “lucky” and forces you to change his to “good luck charm.”
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aarcanechaoss · 1 month
Theory time with Higuchi!
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For anyone who wants a good read and some info on Ichiyo (Natsu) Higuchi this Reddit Post was really interesting
I first want to say I have zero evidence or reasoning behind most of this shit specifically the two abilities I’m pulling out of my ass (I do still love my Flowers at Dusk theory don’t get me wrong and a lot of the Growing Pains / Child’s Play theories are beautiful). Again these are for entertainment only I have no bets on these being real LOL
1. Draining / Absorbing
2. Her word is law
Now before I get into these (1,2) I want to bring up an interesting point seen in the Reddit Post I shared.
Specifically the Mori does not punish Higuchi part- and remembering the episodes in particular he really doesn’t. At most he is disappointed in her failure and asks if “she is suited for this job.”
Now this also made me realise (again the Reddit Post mentioned this too I found after reading further) the Command Unit is in direct line to Mori just after Executives.
Meaning she is high ranked overall in the Mafia not just amongst the Black Lizard.
She is Akutagawa’s equal - role wise in the mafia.
We know she is an ability user (not what the ability is) so is she simply well connected to Mori or is she a Secret Weapon? Or both.
Somehow she had to make it to Commander level even with the lack of respect she receives (until rescuing Akutagawa but even then they still don’t treat her like a leader).
I propose an option that also has no standing or reasoning.
She’s related to the previous boss.
Someone who didn’t have a choice to have anything but a mafioso lifestyle.
A granddaughter or a great niece etc. but let’s go with grandchild for this post- a favoured one at that- which I will get to.
Yes, this would technically mean she’s been in the mafia the longest compared to many characters (Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagawa etc).
I hear your “Wouldn’t Hirotsu know then?” It’s entirely possible if she is a favoured grandchild the Boss would have only wanted certain people to know about her when she was so young plus it’s not like every grandparent shares a last name with their grandchild (he could be her mother’s father).
It’s also possible if he knew the boss had a grandkid she would have been known as Natsu not Ichiyo at the time (since that is the authors real name).
And we all know I head-cannon that our girl is naturally brunette / raven haired so of course I'm adding in more plot with the name thing. Could be just for fun, maybe it was ordered, maybe it's so the people who did know about Natsu wouldn't point her out (Mori just hiding the nepotism).
In any case if this was how Mori knew her- after digging and of course killing him it’s entirely plausible that he’d 1. Look at it as an opportunity to fuck over the guy even when he’s dead 2. She’s a valuable asset because of it.
By that I mean her family name would hold power eg. she goes by Natsu (boss last name) when Mori needs something that only her family could get him.
Or she’s incredibly powerful and he’d be an idiot to not keep her. Perhaps she hates her power and he keeps that in check- she does what he says and then she doesn’t need to use it / she doesn’t have control - because less control over that means more control over her.
It’s not like she’d be his heir or anything (though that would be a funny fic idea- people trying to fight for the next in line and Mori is just like no I have a replacement it's Higuchi).
Anyway onto my not at all reasonable Ability theories.
1. Draining / Absorbing
This one was originally a "takes abilities" theory- which has absolutely no merit being a theory at all unless for whatever reason Asagiri decides that she and Dazai have been secretly related the whole time.
In the Reddit Post OP theorises that she could paralyse her opponents using her novella Takekurabe (Comparing Heights) with the English titles Growing Up and Child’s Play as the forefront. Though I’ve seen the use of the title Growing Pains instead of Up as well.
Using OP's word's, I don't think Higuchi will have a name-based ability (eg. Beast Beneath the Moonlight or Thou Shalt Not Die) and so for this crack theory I'm also using Growing Pains / Childs Play.
I suggest that she can drain or absorb abilities instead- leaving her opponents with a dull aching because a part of them is practically gone should she drain an ability to its dredges. She could probably kill someone if she wasn’t careful and took too much.
Think Rogue from X-Men.
That would make her a formidable enemy to have and an even better secret weapon.
It would also make her just another tool like Dazai was- instead of halting an ability she practically takes it away (which is plausible if we really dug into it, but this is more she takes the power or energy involved in using the ability).
Where did this idea even come from you ask?
Honestly no clue but I was trying really hard to figure out what possible ability she could have, and I have landed on it must be powerful and this would absolutely be an ability that she would hide until necessary. It would also be a play on the novella titles instead of simply going Child's play= dolls= voodoo doll ability for example (mostly because that's kind of Q's ability) but more a play on how for some people transitioning into adulthood is draining and not as fun as when the world was too big for us.
2. Her word is Law
Okay this is also a stretch just so we are clear BUT I think it's more plausible than draining / absorbing. I don't really know which title I'd give this one because I'm leaning again to a more a non-name-based ability (eg. No Longer Human or Plum Blossom in the Snow) so for the fun of it lets call this Flowers at Dusk (Yamizakura- yes, the one I usually use in Fics).
When I say her word is law I don't mean legally speaking- think Jessica / Paul Atreides or the Reverend Mother from Dune and how they use 'the voice'.
This ability came to mind since Ichiyo Higuchi is an important figure in Japan, though it wasn't like she would be able to sway politics or anything of the like. Her works are important, the words in the stories are significant. Key word, words.
This would be a valuable power worth keeping hidden and close to the chest, she would make her way up the ranks fast with such an ability and more than likely she'd be a great asset in regard to interrogations.
Mori would absolutely keep this ability a secret and keep her close because of it. Let's play into the idea that she hates or is afraid of her ability, a power that takes away others free will or control would be hard to deal with depending on your mental fortitude or upbringing.
If she said jump you would jump, if she said kill you would kill.
She'd be the perfect secret weapon with an ability like this especially if no one else knew and she got kidnapped- whoops they didn't put on ability suppressors ...oh hey where did she go?
I feel like this is a plausible option- only because we know nothing but that she is an ability user. It would make sense for her to be closer to Mori- he'd ensure she would never use the ability on him and considering people underestimate her already it would be an uppercut of a power to have and no one (but Dazai or those who are deaf I suppose) would be able to get away from it.
We'd really have to get into the meat of this ability and flesh out weaknesses par her voice box and No Longer Human. Is it the vibrations in her voice? Does she need a key word? Can she only use it on a certain number of people at a time? Could she pinpoint who isn't going to be affected if it were with a large group.
For example- The Black Lizard get cornered, and she needs to use her ability would her yelling STOP, MOVE BACK or FREEZE (any key words really) affect Gin, Hirotsu, Tachihara or Akutagawa?
Can you tell I like this idea for an ability lol.
Well, I think this post has been long enough. Let me know your thoughts as well, which one do you like better? Do you have any theories for what Higuchi's ability could be? Which book title do you think Asagiri will choose when we get to finally see what her ability is?
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samglyph · 3 months
Good morning. Season 4 finale.
Holy smokes gang. What an episode. I absolutely loved it. I think it took a little bit for me to become really invested despite the in medias res thing we had going on, but once that action started I was in it. The visuals this episode were great, I especially liked the description of the mollusk mask on the viziers face. I also was quite pleased about the little reference to hastur being the peacock king that’s fun.
I know a lot of people are sad about the butcher. I am not because as soon as he showed up again I figured he would be one of the casualties of the episode, and narratively I like that it was Kayne who did it as opposed to Larson or an unnamed cultist or alien, especially considering I had a theory that Kayne was connected to the music in his head and the powers he had. I did love the twist of him being on our side though I actually audibly reacted to that. It surprised me but made sense in the perfect way. It also makes perfect sense to not include that scene, but I am excited to see some of the fan work that comes out of that missing piece. I’m AMAZED that Charlie managed to make it out alive, but then again he might be bleeding out on a street in Spain right now. Oh well. No body no death so I’m counting him as still kicking.
Speaking of Charlie, I loved the scene where John was forced to come clean. I liked how it twisted the previous scene of Arthur speaking for John and John finally being heard by someone else and feeling so so happy, to now be forced into a position where that newfound relationship is potentially going to be destroyed because he no longer has the option of privacy. Wild.
Of all the scenes with yellow, predictably Arthur’s confrontation and apology was my favorite. He’d already admitted fault in a previous episode but this I think is where it really hit home. And in other lines, while Yellow remained adamant that he didn’t care, you could tell that he genuinely did want to understand the connection between Arthur and John, and wanted to understand why he couldn’t experience the same thing. Most tragic fragment of a nightmare king. I hope you have fun flaying Larson alive for the next couple thousand years. Also why was Larson so flirty this episode dude he killed your son stop whispering in his ear like that.
And then of course, we get to Kayne. Kayne Kayne Kayne Kayne. Glad we got confirmation that Kayne isn’t/it doesn’t matter if he’s nyarlthotep because while have a fondness for the crawling chaos and Call of Cthulhu mythos, I actually like when things are separate from that. Plus I think it makes him scarier if he can’t quantify his existence. Holding out his bloody hand for Arthur to take and Arthur choosing to go with him willingly obviously paralleling his denial of Larson earlier in the episode. I also liked his takedown of Larson a lot. Fuck that guy.
Anyway @everyone who questioned why I draw Kayne covered in blood in every scene even when he’s not fresh off a carcosan murder spree how does it feel to be wrong.
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samuelthesilly · 5 months
*Puts on autism goggles*
So fun fact, V1 never participated in the murder of humankind. This isn’t just a headcanon either, this can be backed up with actual facts. When you first start the game, you’re presented with this:
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A hallway with planks over it. In order to enter hell, you need to break these planks with your fist, a simple way of implementing a tutorial. Right?
If V1 had to break those planks, that means that it was the first being to enter Hell after it had been closed off by humanity.
If all the machines in ULTRAKILL run on blood, (and they do, every single one gives blood when hit, plus the terminal entries confirm it) surely after depleting all blood on the surface, they would venture into Hell where there’s more in order to survive.
V1 being the first to enter Hell implies that at some point, for one reason or another, they were turned on and set free/escaped into the world.
“But Sam, V1 could have entered Hell first and also killed the humans”
Look at your health when you first start the game. 10/100. V1 runs on blood, so surely after massacring even just one human, they would be much higher health. No, to me this implies that V1 was purposely kept on low health at whatever lab/storage facility it was at (considering V1 never made it out of the prototype phase).
Another thing is the main objective; ‘find a weapon’. If V1 had engaged in the killing, it would have absolutely scavenged a weapon to help kill better (we know it definitely isn’t above stealing things from other machines). If you want to, you could write off the breaking of the planks as nothing but a tutorial. However, this still doesn’t make sense. If it entered Hell after humanity was already dead, what was stopping it from scavenging/stealing a weapons before venturing downwards?
Anyway, my theory, which probably doesn’t even matter, is this;
V1, for whatever reason, was powered on/released before the massacre of humanity. Maybe a few hours, or even minutes beforehand, it can’t have been long considering the whole game takes place over the course of like 24 hours. Also, we literally see the mass influx of souls in the river Styx. (This also implies that the Ferryman was saved by Gabriel pretty much right before we meet them, which is kinda sad. Imagine getting saved, then either dying to a robot or a f*cking leviathan. I’m not sure how they had time to carve the statue of Gabe, so I’m gonna cautiously assume they made it before meeting him IRL.)
That’s pretty much all I have. I don’t know why V1 entered Hell in the first place, all I know is it wasn’t responsible for humanity’s extinction. Feel free to theorise/tell me i’m an idiot in the tags/replies.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
I think I’m coming down with a cold again and possibly have a fever but I’m here to scream about the update some more anyway! (and analyze a bit but mostly scream). Dawn part 7 here we go!
(All images belong to @linkeduniverse <3)
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First off I have to say this was my favorite panel I think, it’s so pretty. The faint glow! The colors! The cape over his shoulder! Amazing. This truly was Sky’s update, I loved every bit of focus he got. Jojo fed us well :D
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So it looks like I was wrong about Sky reading everyone’s mail. He just immediately took off after the mailman instead (and spent all morning chasing him ha!),
Side note but I love the npc guy. He’s simple but still Zelda-y. the character design in this comic is just👌
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Looks like the mailman has a list of who he’s supposed to deliver to, or at least that’s my guess. It could be a map maybe, but that probably wouldn’t do much good since he’s time traveling?? How does he do it. Don’t question the magic of the postman I guess.
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*green hill zone music intensifies*
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Shoutout to Sky’s face here, I make the same expression when I’m trying to chase after my nephew and stop him from eating crayons
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This looks like a postcard no joke, I'd frame this and put it on my wall. Plus the way the trees were done in the background is really neat, there’s something just really pleasing about this panel. Also the return of Sky: Just Standing There
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They’re all bein silly <3
...except for Four. Because I think him and Warriors both realize that Sky isn’t just telling them what he was doing all morning— he’s got something important to say, something they all actually need to know.
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(Downfall duo laughing together I love them)
Also I agree with everyone saying Warriors is close to snapping— they’ve all had a pretty stressful 24 hours, but Warriors has been breaking up arguments and repeatedly checking on everyone while they’re struggling, and... I don’t think he’s had a break. Take a nap bud, please?
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SKY TALKING TO FI MY BELOVED he's hoping there’s enough of her aware to help him dowse hhhhh. And then he’s so sad she didn’t seem to hear him waahhh 😭
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It doesn’t look to me like she truly helped much, but maybe Fi gave just enough of a nudge for Sky to find the postman’s footprints? Even in her sleep? She is glowing just a bit there... Interesting to think about.
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It’s confirmed that the postman uses the portals! And that the Shadow is alive and kicking! Uh-oh! (Also does anyone else think this one seems more... firey? Then the last one? Maybe it's just me).
And the chopped-off darknut head is still there too.... and I’ll bet you twenty rupees somebody is going to kick it when the Links go through the portal later. (My guess is Wild but I’d put my money on Legend or Wind too).
I’m also really curious where that portal leads... My guess is either Twilight’s Hyrule or Sky’s, based on what hints we’ve been getting, but I really don’t know. It’ll be fun to see!
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*Wind rapidly thinking of at least three conspiracy theories*: SUS
Also an amazing expression from him I’m laughing so hard, he really said 3:<
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Tag yourself I’m Four
Also Sky just chugging away at the stamina potion, poor guy XD he must be beat from all that running around, I hope he has some more time to sit before the Links get moving.
(And I mentioned this in another post, but Legend looks so alarmed at this information, as does Wild... it’s not going to be pretty when they cross paths with the Shadow again, that’s for sure)
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I love when Time breaks out the dramatic language... makes me remember that this guy is going to be the Hero’s Shade someday (who’s speech is 99% dramatic things).
Now the Links just have to decide what to do next... will they stay another day at the inn for Twilight’s sake, or get moving right away? Is Four going to confront Twilight about the dark magic he uses to turn into Wolfie?
So many questions... but in the meantime I will gladly continue to reread this amazing update, I really loved this one :D
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nonbinarypirat · 2 months
A fellow enjoyer of mairuma who likes reading others headcanons/interpretations here! just thought I'd share my own headcanons
1.) I think the misfits lack parental validation from one or more parental figures so they seek that validation from someone else, like Kalego. He, as their homeroom teacher, knows full well what they're capable of and actively gives them harder challenges to further bring out their potential. So I think the misfits would seek near impossible tasks not just for the fun of it, but to receive validation from someone they look up to.
2.) I believe that Kalego shows his love in pride. And when I say love, I mean all love; familial, romantic, platonic, and the kind that you know is there but don't have a name for. I guess a good example would be Balam, his closest friend and well-respected researcher. Balam would have achieved great things in his field of research and Kalego would be very proud of him for it, though I doubt he would explicitly show it. The same would go for his students. A mix-match group of kids who have, more than once, taken the impossible and made it reality while proving him wrong every chance they get.
(also a small group of demon plus one human children have better cooperation skills than most adult demons. yes demons are self-centered but i do think its really funny.)
well, these are my headcanons sorry if its really wordy. what are your thoughts on them and what are your mairuma headcanons?
thx for reading and have a good day/night :D
I have been fully focused into my classes and college recently since I’m in my third year (we’re so close to the finishing line yall) but YES I love this!! One, I appreciate you sending me this since I haven’t done a post for a while! I promise im still here and I’m keeping up with the recent chapters 🫡. But yeah, I just love Kalego as a character. Like, he really is my favorite because I love a rude and snide character who you can tell cares a lot. Even if he won’t tell you that.
Kalego cares deeply for his students. Like sure, they annoy him and are goofballs. But at the end of the day, he is also protective of them. He knows they can accomplish great things and that’s why he’s hard on them, it’s not due to a lack of love. His pride is his way of showing affection. He will do his damnest to make sure you succeed and through his little actions, the characters can tell that he’s proud of them too. It’s the little moments with Kalego that make them know he does deeply care for them.
And yes, I also have a head cannon that for many of the misfits, they are lacking in some sort of parental or familiar love. Obviously we can’t say this for certain for all the characters, but it just feels like that’s why, no matter how much they complain about him, he also means a lot to them too.
As for my other head cannons… One head cannon I have (with the little info we have so far) is that Elizabetta grew up similarly to that little girl from Ouran Host Club, ya know the sister of the black magic club president? That is to say, I think she’s loaded but was primarily raised by her maids who gave her a lot of the romance books to keep her entertained. I think her parents were never really around. Or if they were, they don’t have her a ton of attention. I guess this is more of a head cannon slash theory? But when we see the house visits, we don’t even see her parents. A lot of them you saw the parents, a back shot or their torso. Something. We even saw Kalego call some of the parents. But her parents just wasn’t in the frame and she just kept showing him the things in her room which gives me the feeling she had a lot of material goods they bought her, but maybe not their affection. We also don’t see any adult when we learn about her ambition. Which is why I think she’s so attached to love, she is reaching for a connection she may not feel she has with her parents. And maybe in a way, she’s wants to build a family that will actually appreciate her the way she wants. Which to me makes the relationship to the misfits even more special because she finally has the love and pride of her found family. Idk, just a silly head cannon I have based on current knowledge!
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yeetlegay · 2 years
AU where Presumed Straight Boy™️ Porsche is roomies with Presumed Bossy Trust Fund Baby™️ Kinn
This was supposed to be like three sentences and then I got carried away so now it’s like an extremely sloppy not-quite-fic that I should probably just dump in a Google doc and write up properly, but instead I’m presenting it like tumblr is a potluck and I brought a casserole made out of whatever’s in my fridge. 🤲 (Also this is all @iffervescent ’s fault for coming up with the idea for a fic about comphet Porsche doing one of those “straight guy bottoms for the first time” pornos, at which point I lost my mcfucking mind.)
Porsche is having lots of fun, casual hook-ups but lately girls can’t seem to get enough of his ass for some reason. And it’s not that he’s not game to try, he just doesn’t get what the big deal is bc he always assumed anal was overhyped. And anyway some part of him feels weird about having that much focus on him and his body. He likes making girls get off and being useful and his own pleasure is almost secondary to the rush and satisfaction of making someone else feel good.
But this is the third time in a month that a girl’s asked—actually more like begged—to peg him, and he’s a people pleaser, okay? If ass play is such a turn-on for so many girls, he should at least give it a fair shot.
So he does, and…well. It’s sort of a bust. The girl isn’t doing anything wrong, it’s all him. He clenches up tight as a clam as soon as the spotlight is on him, can’t relax or bear down or take deep breaths or anything. He doesn’t even really like getting blowjobs, always too distracted wondering what the girl is getting out of it, feeling bad that he’s letting her do all the work for what seems to him like very little reward.
Ass stuff is all those feelings plus more complicated ones, discomfort and confusion and a faint, twisting sense of shame that he knows is bullshit but can’t quite shake. And nice as the girl is, she’s still a stranger, and it’s still just a hook-up, and patience has a limit. So after it becomes painfully clear Porsche isn’t up for what she’s after, she gives up and lets him fuck her quick and matter-of-fact, and after that night she doesn’t text him again.
Porsche tries not to take it personally or be too bummed by what a tight-ass he apparently is. But one night a few weeks later, he’s snuck maybe one or two more drinks than he should’ve at his bartending shift, and Yok has to call his #RichKidsofInstagram roomie Kinn to come pick him up. Kinn does, huffing bitchily the whole time as he practically carries Porsche from the bar to the car, then from the car to their apartment.
Porsche is a sloppy drunk. He knows this, and really he should’ve learned better by now, but he’s in a funk about his ass now and his filter was never good to begin with. So it’s probably inevitable that he ends up opening his mouth and letting some truly embarrassing shit come out of it. He tells Kinn all about the girls who want to plow him, how he’s happy to let them in theory but in practice he’s been a total disappointment so far. “I wish that thing in porn was real,” he slurs against Kinn’s shoulder as Kinn fumbles for his keys.
“What thing?” Kinn says, with the tone of someone already wishing he hadn’t asked.
“You know,” Porsche says nonsensically. “The thing. Where they have, like, a teacher. The whole oh no he’s an ass virgin, we’ll have to give him lessons.” He pitches his voice a little higher for dramatic effect, but Kinn is unimpressed.
“You watch porn about guys who are ass virgins?” Kinn twists the key in the lock and tugs Porsche inside.
“For educational purposes,” Porsche says, waving the question away with one hand as he stumbles behind Kinn into the living room. “You’re missing the point.”
“Which is?” Kinn shoves lightly at his shoulders, but Porsche’s balance is so pitiful, he keels back onto the couch with a loud oof, landing on one of Kinn’s plush, overpriced throw pillows.
“I want, like, a teacher. To teach me about ass stuff. Oh!” Porsche tries to figure out how to raise his head from the very comfortable pillow, but it’s too hard to do that and talk at the same time, so he picks talking. “Not a teacher. A coach. You know, like they have on that show The Voice. Just somebody helping me with my—I don’t know, routine or whatever. And then I go out and try it with somebody every week.”
“Does that mean you can get voted off?” Kinn’s voice is swimming somewhere overhead. Somebody’s unbuttoning Porsche’s shirt, which is fine because he’s sweating.
“Don’t try being funny,” Porsche warns him. “That’s my job. You buy the throw pillows, I tell the jokes. If you say anything funny, I’ll throw up all over you.”
“I’ll need to buy more throw pillows after this,” Kinn says grimly. “You smell like the inside of a vodka bottle.”
Porsche barely hears him. He’s thinking about that pretty girl from a few weeks ago, how disappointed she must’ve been that he couldn’t give her what she wanted. He feels ridiculous, a little pathetic even. It’s just his ass, for fuck’s sake. It can’t be that hard. Gay guys do it all the time—
“Wait!” Porsche’s eyes snap open. Two blurry, criminally good-looking Kinns sway in front of him. “I need a gay guy,” Porsche announces to him.
“For what exactly?” Kinn scoops his hands under Porsche’s shoulders, lifting him off the couch until he’s sitting up enough to slide the shirt off his arms.
Porsche lets him do all the work, too concentrated on keeping his head up. “Gay guys know lots about anal. I could find one and make him my coach.”
“You know, it’s not just gay guys who do anal,” Kinn says, struggling with one of Porsche’s arms.
“Well, duh.” Porsche tries rolling his eyes, but it immediately makes his stomach roll too, so he stops. “I’m trying to do anal, and I’m not gay. But they’re supposed to be, like, experts, you know? Like the OG connoisseurs of butt stuff through the centuries. If I’m gonna do it, I wanna learn from the masters.”
Kinn finally gets Porsche’s arm free of the uncooperative sleeve. “So you’re just planning on propositioning some random gay guy to be your ass play coach?”
Porsche frowns. “Well, no, I guess not. It’d have to be someone I know. Maybe I won’t freeze up if it’s a friend with me instead of a hook-up.” He groans and drops his head. “But I don’t know any gay guys!”
Kinn’s hands go still, even though Porsche’s remaining sleeve is still caught around his elbow. There’s a long pause. “Porsche,” Kinn says finally, sounding like he’s already regretting what he’s about to say. “You know I’m gay, right?”
The words take a few seconds to register, and when they do they don’t make any sense. Porsche lifts his head, bleary-eyed. “Huh?”
“I’m gay,” Kinn repeats slowly.
Gay. Kinn. Gay Kinn. Kinn gay. Kinn? Gay?
Porsche blinks at him. “I told you not to say anything funny,” he says.
And then he does, in fact, throw up all over him.
In Kinn’s defense, he hadn’t actually intended to offer lessons in anal to the idiotic roommate he’s been pining after for six months.
He’s sure Porsche won’t remember much the next morning—not the unpleasant ordeal of cleaning the vomit off both of them, or giving Porsche a strictly clinical sponge bath, or Porsche’s drunken over-sharing about his tight asshole and what a burden it is for him.
By the time he’s gotten Porsche clean and in bed, Kinn is hanging onto sanity by a thread. The only thing that could be worse than remembering the whole night would be Porsche remembering it too.
So of course he does.
And of course he’s nowhere near as embarrassed as Kinn is about the whole thing, aside from apologizing for throwing up on him. He slumps down at the little table in their kitchen the next morning, inhaling a cup of coffee and watching Kinn make an omelette. And within five minutes, he’s steamrolled right over any lingering awkwardness and is asking Kinn to be his “ass coach.”
Kinn says no obviously. That it’s a stupid idea, they’re roommates, Porsche can deal with this on his own—
“But I’ve tried that!” Porsche interjects.
“Tried what?”
“Dealing with it on my own.”
At this, Kinn swallows loudly and keeps his voice carefully neutral. “As in—”
“You know, fingering myself, that sort of stuff.” Porsche downs the last of his coffee. “After the fiasco with that girl, I figured I should practice solo until I was better at it. I thought about getting a few toys to see if that would help but they’re kind of pricey and—”
Kinn is, at this point, having an out-of-body experience. Just the idea, the knowledge, that sometime—anytime—in the past couple of weeks Porsche was in his room trying to work a finger up his own ass, makes Kinn’s brain stutter to a screeching halt. He’s staring unseeing at the kitchen cupboard, picturing it, trying not to picture it, having crisis upon crisis upon crisis in the span of about four seconds. All while Porsche is still talking, telling him about the articles he read and the porn he watched and how really, he thinks maybe he should just walk into a gay bar and throw himself at anyone who looks capable and not murder-y.
Kinn is only human, and very, deeply, stupendously gay, and the hot roommate he’s in love with is offering himself—specifically his ass—on a silver platter to any man who’s willing.
Really, it’s only a matter of time before Kinn gives in and says, numbly, disbelievingly, “Fine. I’ll do it.”
“Do what?” Porsche asks.
“I’ll be your—” Kinn swallows. Looks down at his hopelessly burnt omelette. Looks up at the ceiling, resigned and desperately turned on. “I’ll be your…ass coach.”
And the many, many, many weeks of education begin…
….but I’m not writing full-fledged smut on a tumblr post lol, I have to draw the very shaky line somewhere. I really should just make this a proper fic but I’m already drowning in WIPs so if I do end up fleshing this out into a proper Thing, it’ll be a while.
Anyway, the point is: I am Thinking™️ about Porsche discovering the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of prostate orgasms.
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hypergamiss · 3 months
what’re your thoughts on causal dating? Like dating around for the experience and fun? I’m not interested in anything serious rn bc I’m still young, and I don’t want to sleep around w multiple ppl, but if I like someone and they like me I’m willing to be casual. But my sister says it’s a waste and that I should only date seriously. I’m still going to work on personal development stuff, but I don’t want to be lonely in the process.
Ok, let's unpack this sisterly advice situation. Your sis is Team No Casual Dating, while you're wondering if it might be a worthwhile detour on your self-improvement journey. Let's face it, she does have a point. And as your fellow sister, I'm betting she's looking out for you, not trying to condemn you to a lonely future. She's probably trying to save you from some heartache she's already experienced.
The thing is, a lot of us feel pressured to date just because everyone else seems to be on that carousel. But trust me, there are definitely folks who should steer clear of the dating scene entirely until someone truly worthy comes along. Finding a person you click with is way more fulfilling than dating just for the sake of having a plus one.
And let's talk about that emotional rollercoaster. Energy is a powerful force, and expending it on the wrong person can absolutely derail your self-development goals. Casual dating sounds liberating in theory – fun, flirty, no strings attached. But emotions are sneaky little ninjas! One minute you're enjoying a carefree date, the next you're picking out china patterns in your head and desperately wanting that "define the relationship" conversation.
Men can emotionally compartmentalize better in casual situations. Now, not all guys, but enough to make it a risky game for women who tend to invest emotionally. Cue the vulnerability and the whole "what does this even mean?" spiral.
So, can you avoid ending up with a wounded heart? Sure, if you're an emotional detachment black belt. But let's be real, most of us aren't. There's nothing wrong with giving casual dating a shot (dating, not sleeping with men), but I agree, that the cons tend to highly outweigh the pros.
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halfratsalready · 8 days
Help me figure out what fic to write next! ✨
I feel like I’m in a weird limbo after finishing the first arc of the Lose Yourself series and I have a few ideas floating around in my head for what to write next (after the Wanderrose fic exchange, at least), but I have no clue which one to focus on.
So if you happen to like my silly little stories and want a say in what my next fic is, I’ve got some ideas and a poll below the cut! 💕
Idea I: Dark & Angsty Murder Mystery 🔪
I've discussed this one on here before so it might sound slightly familiar, but this would basically be Angst: The Fanfic. If you thought any of the Lose Yourself series was angsty, this fic is probably 10x worse. Part of me worries it's a little bit too dark to be a Just Dance fic. Multiple murders (though not described in detail), an intense attempted murder (that is described in relative detail), and some of that patented Night Swan mind control, plus some supernatural elements later on. But also a sizeable portion of it is Brezziana and Disocball playing detective and trying to solve a rash of murders, which should be very fun, in a weird and kinda dark sorta way.
Wanderrose ft. best friends Jack & Brezziana. Also featuring Discoball, Sara, Mihaly, Mothigan, Cygnus, Felicia, Boss Witch, Si'Ha Nova, and Agent D
I have the first chapter and a half written of this one already. It would be 9 chapters total.
Idea II: Angsty Jack-Centric Post-JD24 Fic 🥀
This is an idea I've had for a while but haven't really gotten around to properly outlining. This is based on my theory of sorts that Night Swan exploited the wrong weakness when targeting Jack in Dance With the Swan, where she realizes after the events of JD24 that she hadn't done it right and approaches it from a different angle. Basically just a lot of Jack-centric angst, a lot of Night Swan & Jack interactions, and a world where Treasure Jack may or may not actually become more than just an illusion...
A lot of Night Swan & Jack but definitely featuring at least some Wanderrose. Also featuring the Just Dancers, Si'Ha Nova, and the Traveler, and maybe some others.
I haven't even outlined this one yet, so I have no idea how long it would be.
Idea III: Significantly Less Angsty & More Random Self-Indulgent AU (Actually a "Silly Little" Fic This Time, For the Most Part, at Least) ✨
I've been toying with the idea lately of an AU where Leda and Sara were sisters on earth and Sara has been searching for her sister. I think it would be fun to do some intentional canon divergence (and not just have my fics' canon be derailed by a new event). There's a few directions I've considered taking this in, including Jack ending up on earth (there's like two or three ways for that one to happen and like two or three directions I could take it in) or Sara's adventures in the Danceverses just going really differently.
Still a lot I'm not sure about with this one but it's been bouncing around my head since Night Swan: The Prequel dropped, so here we are. Definitely would have Wanderrose cuz they own my heart.
The Poll
I have no idea which idea I really wanna commit to following through on first. Every time I think I'm leaning towards one, I end up leaning towards another. So I'm throwing these out there in the hopes that a few of you will be able to help me out with your opinion!
If you wanna share your thoughts in the comments or reblogs also, I’d love to hear what you have to say, so I don’t have to wait the whole week for the poll to finish to be able to see which idea(s) is/are getting the most interest!
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ghostoffuturespast · 5 months
hey ghostie i was gna get specific for the ask game but I wanna know *all* of it now, the acronyms, the full names, all of em! are they for cyberpunk or other fandoms? no matter how much there is to know, i wanna know! talking about an idea helps a lot, i speak from experience! thanks for the mention, ill get on the wip game soon, too! ❤️
WIP Game Here
Thank you for the ask! I appreciate it :) They are all Cyberpunk 2077 things lol. I’ve largely been a lurker in other fandoms until this one, and this is the first one that finally compelled me to make stuff and that I’ve had the bravery to share. Don’t have many snippets at the moment, all of what I have so far is already out there. Since you asked for all of them though, I shall dish and give you a bit of a peak behind the curtain on how all this got started…
(I’m sorry, this got very rambly.)
And def tag me when you do yours! I will come find you and your wips! 🧡
SIG - So It Goes
(The title is based off the radio song from the game that you can listen to on Morro Rock. Never officially released and credited to the fictional band Fingers and the Outlaws in the game. Officially sung by Ryan Kattner, the front singer of the band Man Man.)
SIG is my current V/River conspiracy theory long fic that I’m working on, and the project is coming up on its two year anniversary. It’s also my first fic. I’m hoping to wrap it up this spring so I can move on to other creative endeavors. There are a lot of art projects, fandom and non-fandom related, that I’ve held off on because of this and I miss those hobbies. I also feel like I’ve been missing out a lot in the writing corner of the fandom too because a lot of new writers have popped up on the scene since I started (back when there was still a monopoly on the tag, but that’s a different story) and everyone else seems to be having fun reading everyone else’s fics, except me… Reading’s complicated for me right now. Writing this had a lot of ups and downs, but overall I’ve loved telling this story, learned a lot, and I’m really proud of it!
I think most people get into fic writing for the ships, the romance, the smut, the processing of internalized trauma, a more satisfactory ending, weird niche interests… And don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of appeal with all that, and definitely those aspects in my own work. But this whole thing got started because of conspiracy theories. I fucking love mysteries and puzzles, so after playing the sun ending and then I spotting Mr. Blue Eyes on the balcony during the conclusion of Dream On, I just about lost my damn mind. I went down the rabbit hole, spent hours reading shards and messages in the game, combed reddit theory posts, and started picking up on all the hints and foreshadowing of something larger looming throughout the game.
I initially didn’t have any answers when I made the decision to start this fic (fuck, high probability I still don’t), it was largely me brainstorming and trying to figure out what kind of story I wanted to write. Seeing if I could even piece things together. But in the process of thinking all that through, I came up with this little theory. I thought it was pretty mind blowing at the time (still think it is) but it’s been my little secret since I got here and I’m very anxious to finally share it.
Most people probably would have just written a theory post and been done with it, but I decided to turn mine into a fan fic lol. Which may or not have been a mistake, we’ll see. This is either gonna be game changing or everyone is going to think it’s dumb and I’m gonna be wearing a dunce cap for the next fifty years.
River Ward. The other half of my reason for writing this fic. I actually wasn’t sure if I liked him at first, it took me a while to warm up to him. But the more I got to know him, the more I started to like him. The more he grew on me. He got hotter over time. Plus, I’ve got a fondness for detective characters and unusual coats, so I should’ve seen it coming.
River’s gotten a lot of flak from this fandom. People claim he’s boring. He’s a cop, so acab. Being unemployed and living in a trailer park with your sister, niece, and nephews isn’t a particularly redeeming quality. I don’t agree with most of those statements, but I do agree with the folks who do appreciate his character, that in terms of development, he absolutely got shafted in the game. This fic is also an attempt to rectify that.
For as underdeveloped as his story arc was, there’s a lot of nuance to his character that I think gets glossed over by the game and most people. We didn’t get much, but out of what we did get, it’s been interesting trying to piece a story together that’s in line with what we got. And I did mention earlier that I like puzzles.
I’ve noticed that a lot of folks tend to lean very hard into the cop aspect of his character, but as far as I’m concerned, River Ward doesn’t give a shit about the law. Conducting an off the record investigation, intimidating a confidential informant, illegally obtaining evidence, breaking into a restricted lab, committing arson for your ex so she can pass a medical exam, conducting another investigation after being suspended; those are not the actions of a man who holds the letter of the law above all else. Those are the actions of man who is determined to get to the bottom of things, and protect people, all while navigating a system that is anything but equitable or fair. They are the actions of a man who is willing to go above and beyond for the people he cares about, even to his own detriment. His own safety. For River Ward, it was never about the law, it’s about justice. And pursuing that sometimes involves breaking the rules.
River is also Pomo. Which is something that was only added in subsequent patches, heavily glossed over in the game, and is only disclosed if you choose to actually romance him. But he’s Indigenous. Native American. And yet he still made a conscious decision to join the NCPD. Given the historical participation by law enforcement and government institutions in North America, and around the world, in the cultural erasure and mass genocide of entire nations, tribes, and communities of people. And given the current state of issues regarding law and judicial enforcement on tribal lands, I think River's character is a rather poignant reflection. Of wanting to good, of wanting the world to be better, but being confined in systems that simply won't allow that. There's a billion other little details I could ramble on about, but his character had the capacity to walk a very fine line of complexities which the game never really did justice to.
Diversity and representation in media are important to me, and I want this fic to reflect that. Being bi-racial, I didn’t get very much of it growing up, so if I can provide representation, even in some small capacity, I think it’s better than nothing. And while I don’t know if I’m achieving that, well, shit if I’m not trying.
I wouldn’t say this story was really meant to be original, but rather to fill in the gaps on the story we got and for me to practice writing. Practice telling a story. CP2077 is a violent game set in a violent world. And I somehow managed to start writing a story that accidentally ended up being a love letter to aikido. (Much to my chagrin. It’s everywhere. In everything. I cannot escape it.) Aikido is a martial art that translates “to the way of peace” or “the path of harmony.” Yet again, another study in dichotomies. How can a martial art, an art form designed to inflict violence, be peaceful? Aikido is as much of a martial art as it is a philosophy. We train to practice and learn that philosophy.
One of the major themes I’m exploring in this fic series is the nature of violence. What it is, the forms it takes, how cyclical it is, that it is a relationship - violence requires your participation. So the question ends up being: how do you break cycles of violence when you live in a world where you are beholden to it? V and River are very much two characters that are caught up in cycles of violence. Will they find peace? I don’t know, but maybe they can find out together.
From The Top
(This one isn’t named after a song. I just decided to start from the beginning.)
From The Top is the VP project I started up last spring where I’ve been taking storyboard style photos of all the main missions. Plus whatever else I feel like. I take all of my photos on PS5 in vanilla photomode and randomly started snapping pictures just because. I did landscape photos, shared a few. Got a bit of nice feedback from people who cared to look and then started branching out. I eventually got to the point where I started a new playthrough for the sole purpose of snapping photos.
Taking VP is very different from writing for me. I don’t have to think about. I don’t agonize about making sure every tiny detail is just right, because for the most part I don’t have very much control It’s candid, intuitive, experimental, it’s straight up play. I simply wait for opportunities to present themselves and capture whatever I think looks or feels interesting to me. It’s easy for me to walk away from it if it doesn’t do well when I post. Unlike my writing, there’s no ego attached to it.
I’m getting to the tail end of this project, I still have a couple of the base game missions to get through, but I’d also like to do Phantom Liberty as well. Not sure what my VP career is going to look like after this, might go into soft retirement. But that’s okay.
NR - Night Running
(Named after Night Running by Cage the Elephant)
Is a sleeper wip that’s currently in the notes, brainstorming, and kitchen drawer phase. It’s part 2 of my Nothing Comes Before Night City series. So It Goes is part 1.
It takes a long time for me to mull over and ruminate on ideas, so this document is largely just a repository for notes and thoughts. Jamming the utensils in the drawer until I’m ready to organize them. I have a very broad idea of what I’d like to happen in this fic, key moments I’d like to hit, but there’s still a lot of refinement that needs to happen, and stories this involved require me outlining. I do already have a running set list of songs to draw from though.
Les Preludes
(Named after Les Preludes by Franz Liszt)
Another sleeper wip, also in the brainstorming phase. These are meant to be one-shots or short stories from the Nothing Comes Before Night City series. Moments I mentioned in the series, but can’t fit into the larger story. Character studies and background lore from V, River, Johnny, Jackie, a couple of OCs and whatever else I can think of.
I will probably start casually working on these after I finish SIG and while I’m outlining NR. I’d like the series to go in chronological order. Should be fun. And I think it’ll be good practice for being more concise. Unlike, this response...
If you stuck around for this TedTalk and made it all the way to the end, thank you! 👻
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14muffinz · 8 months
@blackfire-fanfiction it's 2am, but here's the fic as promised
first week
words: 2169
Notes: i didn’t remember the rise timeline, so i’m just going in the order on wikipedia. There’s a lot of food mentions because i forgot to eat dinner and i got hungry. Sue me.
it’s a bit weird right? that over there we’re almost fifteen, and then over here we’re almost fourteen? wonder how that worked out
shit, right. this is supposed to be important info only, sorry
Leon’s pretty sure that it’s pure luck that’s holding the page of the notebook together. He’s written down so many things in preparation of swapping, only to wake up the next day still in ‘his’ body, and have to erase it all.
The body’s not actually his. There’s a bit of a silent agreement that he belongs in this world and the other guy belongs in the other, just because that’s usually where they are. The longest Leon’s ever been on the other end was a couple of weeks, he doesn’t know those brothers like he knows the ones here.
Plus, no hate to the other guy and whatever he’s got going for himself, but it’s weird and wrong to be the same age as Raph and Mikey. To somehow be the soft spoken one, even though that’s almost the complete opposite of who Leon is.
The switching’s been more frequent than normal as of late. It’s got them both on edge, from what Leon can tell. Unfortunately, you can only write so fast in a notebook, and apparently the other guy’s barely touched a keyboard so even if they could find a way to stop Donnie from hacking everything tech-y that they own, it wouldn’t be any faster. But they have talked about it, sort of. Mostly about who has taken notice, with maybe one or two theories thrown in.
Good news, countdowns ticking. They’re about to be fifteen in the other world, and Leon just has a feeling that something’s going to happen over there. He doesn’t want the other guy to miss out on that, so he’s doing anything he can to stay up, even though he’s not entirely sure if that’ll prevent a switch or not.
He was planning on staying up late either way, if he’s honest. After all, fifteen over there means that he and Donnie are about to be fourteen over here, and that’s pretty important. Leon, for several reasons, does not know if he’s actually fourteen, but it’s the thought that counts.
At about five minutes to midnight, Donnie lifts up the curtain leading into Leo’s room, settling himself next to Leo on the bed, and silently handing over a party horn. Leo very, very carefully sliders the notebook underneath his sheets.
Right as the clock strikes twelve, in a mutual silent agreement, they blow into the horn, the paper uncurling and making no noise at the end. Damn, that’s overwhelming.
“I blew first,” they both say in perfect sync, before turning two glares on one another. There’s no way to prove it, as always, but Leon will fight for his status as the older twin, please and thank you. With nothing to decide it for them, they usually resort to things like rock paper scissors or who can do something first games. They never warn each other, either, it only adds to the fun.
One of the many reasons that Leon prefers his Donnie to the other one. He might pretend to be all distant and cool, but he’s still Leon’s twin and it doesn’t seem like he plans on dropping that title any time soon. But other Donnie spends most of his time cooped up in his lab with the small amount of materials he has, or with other Mikey. Having the ‘twin’ interactions with other Raph just isn’t the same.
“Considering I am wearing my glasses and have been caffeinated, it’s reasonable to assume that I would have a quicker reaction time than you.”
“We both I have the better reaction time, Dontron,” Leon argues. “And that I’m much faster than you.”
“Are they?”
The surface is weird over here. Like, it’s cool finally seeing what’s above this lair, but it was hard trying not to act underwhelmed. The other world’s a lot more colourful. I have a feeling you won’t like it up there.
They finally tried pizza, and thank goodness they are hooked. I don’t think I could last too much longer on algae and worms, haha. Definitely need to track down Mike Tony Lou’s, though, I need to get them hooked before it’s too late.
Onto the good stuff! We are very, very close to figuring out what mutated us. We found another canister tonight! And a lot of other stuff, make sure that nobody else bothers you before you read this because it is a lot.
“You doing your writing again?”
Leo can’t help but jump, looking out his open bedroom door, where Donnie is peering in. He winces, frantically shutting the worn and slightly water-stained notebook shut, sliding it underneath his covers before Donnie realises that it’s one he stole from Raph. “Uh. Yeah.”
“Cool.” Donnie pauses for a moment, before continuing as though nothing happened. “Do you want breakfast?”
No. Absolutely not. Ever since the first time he’d had real food in the other world he has not liked eating over here. It’s disgusting. Why are his brothers still okay with eating algae and worms?
“What time’s it?”
Donnie barely hesitates before responding, “Nine-ish.”
“I’m going to sneak out,” Leo decides. It’s prime pizza hour! He can’t ignore that!
“Are you crazy?” Donnie hisses.
Ehn, maybe. Not that he can tell his brother that. Leo just wants to have some bread, so that he has a reason to ask for a toaster, so that he can have toast. Master planning, very important leader stuff that he’s thinking about.
“If Dad doesn’t know, he can’t yell at me,” Leo decides. That’s not the card he’ll usually play in this dimension, but sometimes a little misbehaviour for the sake of the greater good (his family’s taste buds) is worth it.
Donnie considers this. Leo can’t tell how serious he is, his brother mostly just looks tired. “Good luck.”
He proceeds to walk away.
Leo goes back to updating his other self on the Kraang situation.
… I’m not entirely sure what happened to S.B, actually, just that he made it out of that fight. One of us should probably bring that up to our brothers. He could cause problems.
By the way, we have cereal finally. You’re welcome. Make sure Raph gets his first, you know how he is.
Leon stares down at the notebook, shocked by all the stuff detailed in his other self’s ramble about the last two weeks-or-so. It was a lot, and Leon doesn’t think that the weird shapeshifting dudes and creepy lab guy really hold up in comparison.
He crams the notebook between his mattress and the wall, before beginning to stretch his fingers and toes, adjusting himself to the unnaturally large hands that this body is stuck with. He swears, if it weren’t for the switching, one of them would never have heard of wrists or ankles, because they barely exist in this body.
For the first time in a while, he’s not ready to face the day. So many unknowns have just been thrown at him, and he’s not sure how casual to be about them. Silence is always an option, but Leon’s not a quiet guy. He’s the jokester, the face man! Even without the eye bananas from the other body that he loves oh-so-very much, he wants to keep that role here.
Not the leader.
Goddammit, other Leo. If you were that jealous of Ra– big Raph, why didn’t you just say so?
The differences are apparent pretty much the moment he steps into the main area of the lair. Mikey is sitting in the pit with a plate that only has two slices of bread on it, and he’s biting into the third. In this Mikey’s usual chaotic neutral fashion, he’s biting right into the side, crust and all. Beside him, Donnie is leaning over his own notebook, scribbling something down frantically.
It’s not, like, weird or anything, but last time Leon was here, algae and worms were pretty much the only thing these guys ate and Donnie would usually be in his own space rather than in the pit while he works.
He’s good at rolling with things, though, and he’s too hungry to care.
Slipping into the kitchen without offering a good morning, Leon comes across Raph leaning against the counter with a bowl of cereal in his hand. He’s practically asking to spill it, wow.
“Morning,” Raph greets shortly.
“Morning,” Leon returns, already looking around the room trying to identify which cabinets have probably been filled with actual food. One of the worst parts about swapping is not knowing where anything is, like that one time his other self washed his mask and forgot to tell Leon and so he spent the entire morning tracking it down.
Whatever, the biggest one probably has something in it. Raph doesn’t seem to care that much anyways.
“Hey dudes!” Mikey shouts from the other room. “Wanna try and set up a ramp for a bit? I’m bored!”
Heck. Yes. Leon misses the giant ramps from back home, like, all the time. He’s going stir crazy in here! All the time. All the time. Trust him on this.
“Be there in a minute!” He responds eagerly.
Hopefully other April plans on coming over together, he really wants to meet her. He’s been wondering if there’s an April here or not, and he finally has an answer.
so those green bugs kinda sorta came back out the portal thing with us. and went everywhere. so that is a bit of a problem, and we don’t really know how to handle it yet. another mutant popped up btw, a pig dude. really weird, 0/10 would not recommend fighting
you also missed the rat flu by like two days. don’t ask raph what happened, because he is a lying liar who lies, but fingers crossed that you’re around for it next year
we’re going out to see a wrestling match wednesday night, no april
The nice part about this world is that Leo can spend two minutes reflecting on what he just read with his head in his hands, just trying to make sure he read that all right. He’s not sure what he was expecting when he showed up, considering how his own week’s been, but it definitely wasn’t this.
He’d thought that the whole brain aliens thing had upped his weirdness tolerance, but an entire magic city underneath New York is pushing it a lot. As is the teleporting dog/cat, sentient vines(?), and all the other madness that his other self has apparently dealt with.
But you know what? This is the dimension where he’s able to speak his mind without getting weird looks. If he told these brothers that this is insane, he’s pretty sure at least one of them would agree with him.
Leo rushes up the stairs and skids into the kitchen, being greeted by the wonderful smell of this Mikey’s cooking. Absolutely the best part of showing up here is the pleasant wakeups. As much as he loves training (he loves it, he loves it so much, even when Raph is constantly showing him up) sometimes it’s nice to just have a peaceful morning.
“Morning Leo!” Mikey greets happily, moving around the kitchen expertly.
For how much the other Leo wrote down this week, very little seems to have changed.
“We have anything planned today?” He asks, hoping that he sounds more tired than quiet. Leo’s not the loudest person unless he’s quoting something, but the other guy is and he spends more time in this body, so Leo just has to deal.
Mikey shrugs. “Raph wants us to head topside tonight and do more hero stuff, probably. I think that he should be saving his energy for when we watch the match tomorrow.”
Raph wants to do hero stuff? Really? Raph from the other world spends most patrols complaining about how Leo leads the team, or just having to waste time patrolling in general. Which is weird, because Leo knows that those brothers are excited by being topside, including Raph. (Maybe this is something he should prompt his other self about?)
For the next few minutes, he’s left awkwardly standing around as Mikey finishes up a batch of pancakes, trying to think of any more questions that he needs to ask before he starts the day. He has several questions about what’s happened on this side of things in relation to those bugs, that secret city, and more, but he doesn’t know how to ask without sounding suspicious quite yet. He’ll just have to go off of context clues.
“You look tired,” Mikey notes as they both finally settle around the table.
He does? Whoops. It’s not the first time this Mikey’s said that to him, so maybe it’s just a swapping thing.
“I’m fine,” he responds.
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fckedupnerd · 8 months
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Since everyone is sharing their theories on this part of the trailer, I will share mine for anyone interested… (Warning, this is dark)
I don’t think they’ll do the whole “everyone gets sucked off at once” thing. I think they’ll think it’s too obvious, that’s why all of us are expecting/talking about it and also why that’s probably not what it’ll be.
That leaves the options of it being a flashback to some ghost we are unfamiliar with being sucked off in a flashback, or it being Mike or Alison after they die being sucked off. They already did the ‘one of us gets sucked off and we mourn them’ thing last year with Mary so I don’t think they will do that again. Plus, it had the most possible emotional impact with Mary because it was one of the ‘core Ghosts’ that we knew… so I’m almost they won’t introduce a new ghost to do a subpar version of the same exact storyline again.
Kiell said the ending was ‘very final’… the remaining options for who is being ‘sucked off’ and/or what they are all looking sad/apprehensive about are that either Mike or Alison dies. I don’t think they’d have Mike die, that might’ve been a fun ‘what if’ plotline in an earlier season so he could’ve interacted with the Ghosts some, but it doesn’t have any real weight if that’s the big ‘final koment’. After all, presumably if he stayed Alison could still see/interact with him plenty, and the Ghosts might find it interesting to ‘meet’ him but they’re not going to have much of a stake in whether he stays or goes because their relationship isn’t with him. So, at this point I don’t think there would be any real reason for them to end it that way or for this to be their reaction if that’s what happens…
So that just leaves my theory, that Alison dies in the house in the last episode. That would be a perfect mirror for the first ever episode, where they’re gathered around Heather Button as she does, and they’re all wondering if she’ll stay or pass on. In the last episode I think they’re doing the same with Alison, except they’ve got much more of an emotional stake in her staying because they actually have a relationship with her at this point. I think after she dies she is ducked off immediately, because that would have the most emotional impact and finality to it.
As an added bit of devastation to this theory, it could also mean that poor Mike lives the rest of his days believing that she is still ‘with him’ as a Ghost, and it breaks the Ghosts hearts knowing that he’s wrong, and they can’t even tell him. I don’t think they’ll show this but but if the programme ends with Alison dying and being ‘sucked off’ like I predicted, then this is something we can assume might happen afterwards in our minds and how tragic is that. 😭💔👻
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starrysnowdrop · 1 year
Thoughts on Patch 6.3 MSQ, Myths of the Realm, and Tataru’s Grand Endeavor
Everything is under the cut! Avoid if you don’t want any spoilers!
So far, this was a solid patch overall, though I do think it feels a bit shorter than I would’ve expected. I guess I’m still not used to 6.3 not being the end of a particular expansion’s story arc, unlike 3.3, 4.3, and 5.3 was, and all of those were massive patches in terms of story. We are still in the middle of this arc about the Void and saving Azdaja so it feels shorter. This arc also feels much smaller in scale than some other previous arcs, but that’s not exactly a bad thing. After saving the whole star from literal oblivion and despair incarnate, it’s nice that the story right now feels different in that way.
I will admit, after 6.2, I wasn’t invested in the msq much at all, but 6.3 has made me a bit more invested, though not nearly as much as I feel that I should. Perhaps it’s because there hasn’t been that much build up and the plight of the people of the Thirteenth doesn’t hit me nearly as hard as the First did. I do think that most of the emotional beats that did really well are because of Zero’s character development and not the storyline itself.
Speaking of Zero, they’ve done a fantastic job on her character development and I’m looking forward to seeing more of her in the next patches. I’m very curious as to what they plan to do with her character. And I don’t know how most others feel about this, but boy did I get shippy feels from Zero and Jullus. I’m just here to say that I ship it.
Last point on the msq is that I’m wondering if any of this arc is going to carry over into 7.0 at all, or is this just a smaller story arc that is more self contained? I can’t help but feel like a lot of this seems like… dare I say, filler? I seriously hope I’m mistaken about that, but I worry that this won’t have much impact once we get to 7.0, whatever that might entail.
The highlight of the patch for me was Myths of the Realm. I’m enjoying the alliance raid series SO much right now, and learning more about the Twelve and battling them has been so much fun for me, and so has been my theories about their origins and their motive for fighting us. Euphrosyne is just as amazing as Aglaia was, and I’m obsessed with the fights, the gear sets, and the music. Literally obsessed with “Dedicated to Moonlight” right now, as I have the song on repeat on YouTube.
Oh, and Deryk is Oschon. It’s not even just a theory anymore to me. I’ll be way more surprised if he wasn’t. Same with what I think their origins are. The Twelve, plus the Watcher on the Moon, were the ones who summoned Hydaelyn, and they are making sure that humanity will be alright without them, now that Hydaelyn is gone and their duties are done. That’s my theory, and once again, I’ll be shocked if that’s not the case.
Lastly, this was my favorite part of Tataru’s Grand Endeavor so far, as I love the Four Lords and seeing Tataru with Hancock again was such a treat. Another npc x npc ship that I love. Oh, and Yume with the Flaming katana!!! Holy shit, can she keep it??? Like for real, seeing her with a flaming katana was so much of a serotonin shot for me, just perfection.
Anyways, that’s all I’ve got for now. Feel free to chat with me on your thoughts on patch 6.3! Do you agree with me, or am I just wrong about everything?
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lucascecil · 8 months
Sixth Doctor - Project: Blue Box
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TV Stories
◆ The Twin Dilemma
◆ Attack of the Cybermen
◆ Vengeance on Varos
◆ The Mark of the Rani
◆ The Two Doctors
◆ Timelash
◆ Revelation of the Daleks
◆ The Mysterious Planet
◆ Mindwarp
◆ Terror of the Vervoids
◆ The Ultimate Foe
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Audio Stories
- 6th Doctor Adventures
◆ The Ratings War
◆ The Maltese Penguin
◆ Real Time
◆ Her Final Flight
◆ Cryptobiosis
◆ Return of the Krotons
◆ Voyage to Venus
◆ Voyage to the New World
◆ Trial of the Valeyard
◆ The End of the Line
◆ The Red House
◆ Stage Fright
◆ The Brink of Death
◆ The Headless Ones
◆ Like
◆ The Vanity Trap
◆ Conflict Theory
◆ One for All
◆ The Murder of Oliver Akkron
◆ Elevation
◆ The Rotting Deep
◆ The Tides of  the Moon
◆ Maelstrom
◆ The Mindless Ones
◆ Reverse Engineering
◆ Chronomancer
◆ Broadway Belongs to Mel
◆ Purification
◆ Time-Burst
◆ Girl in a Bubble
◆ The Corruptions
◆ The Wrong Side of History
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- Main Range
◆ Davros
◆ Year of the Pig
◆ Whispers of Terror
◆ … ish
◆ The Reaping
◆ Memories of a Tyrant
◆ Emissary of the Daleks
◆ Harry Houdini’s War
◆ Plight of the Pimpernel
◆ Recorded Time and Other Stories
◆ 1963: The Space Race
◆ Breaking Bubbles and Other Stories
◆ Blood on Santa’s Claw and Other Stories
◆ The Wormery
◆ I.D./Urgent Calls
◆ Vampire of the Mind
◆ The Acheron Pulse
◆ The Lure of the Nomad
◆ Iron Bright
◆ Hour of the Cybermen
◆ The Hunting Ground
◆ The Marian Conspiracy - ★★★★★
If anyone is unsuse about how good pure historicals can be, check this out. This is a fun adventure but also charged with this sorrow and melancholy of knowing there is no changing the past; a concept a bit weird for a time travel series but still it’s in these situations that Doctor Who leaves me the most breathless. Add that to the impecable chemistry of the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn Smithe and you have one of the best companion introductions ever.
Complete review: here.
◆ The Spectre of Lanyon Moor - ★★☆☆☆
The first time I listened to this release, I left with a bitter taste in my mouth. It was not the worst thing ever, but extremely average. I had a lot more fun in Lanyon Moor this time around, but I am sad to say my opinion didn’t change all that much. There are good things here - the main characters have stellar chemistry, I love the setting and the premise. But it’s a story that don’t leave much of an impression and, even if not bad, is quite forgetful.
Complete review: here.
◆ The Apocalypse Element - ★★★☆☆
I can acknowledge the good things about The Apocalypse Element as a war epic in a huge scale (Daleks vs Time Lords) but it’s not the kind of story I like, specially because I started Doctor Who in 2020. I feel it would be dishonest to call this a tradicional Dalek story, but if we ignore this is the first time this specific conflict was done - it’s still a tale of a bunch of Daleks trying to invade a planet and destroy the whole universe. What gets to me the most is that I’m not necessarily a hater of traditional stories - I love how Lucie Miller/To the Death builds beautifully upon that with a huge character focus on part one and Masters of Earth is an action epic that is delightful to hear -, but this one I just don’t get. The best thing in my opinion is by far the regulars (the Doctor, Evelyn and Romana), which are great and very well characterized. I think average is too harsh, so consider this one of the good stories I like the least.
Complete review: here.
◆ Bloodtide - ★★★★★
An energetic adventure and full of powerful images. Bloodtide is one of the best Silurians stories and a triumph as a historical. Bringing Darwin and them together is a really clever choice that opens a lot of opportunities to work around biology concepts and ideas within the interspecies relationships. This is also a narrative full of wonder - for Galapagos, for its characters, for all this background it wants to tell. And I go head on in wonder with it, it’s a tale that fascinates me. All of that plus one of the best performances for Six and Evelyn and you have one of my favorite releases of the Sixth Doctor.
Complete review: here.
◆ Project: Twilight
◆ The Sandman
◆ Jubilee
◆ Doctor Who and the Pirates
◆ Medicinal Purposes
◆ Pier Pressure
◆ 100
◆ Assassin in the Limelight
◆ Project: Lazarus
◆ Arrangements for War
◆ The Nowhere Place
◆ The Crimes of Thomas Brewster
◆ The Feast of Axos
◆ Industrial Evolution
◆ Thicker Than Water
◆ The Wrong Doctors
◆ The Holy Terror
◆ Last of the Cybermen
◆ The Condemned
◆ The Doomwood Curse
◆ Brotherhood of the Daleks
◆ The Raincloud Man
◆ Patient Zero
◆ Paper Cuts
◆ Blue Forgotten Planet
◆ City of Spires
◆ The Wreck of the Titan
◆ Legend of the Cybermen
◆ The Curse of Davros
◆ The Fourth Wall
◆ Wirnn Isle
◆ Vortex Ice/Cortex Fire
◆ Antidote to Oblivion
◆ The Brood of Erys
◆ Scavenger
◆ The Widow’s Assassin
◆ Masters of Earth
◆ The Rani Elite
◆ Criss-Cross
◆ Planet of the Rani
◆ Shield of the Jotunn
◆ Order of the Daleks
◆ Colony of Fear
◆ Absolute Power
◆ Quicksilver
◆ The Behemoth
◆ The Middle
◆ Static
◆ Cry of the Vultriss
◆ Scorched Earth
◆ The Lovecraft Invasion
◆ The End of the Beginning
◆ The One Doctor
◆ The Juggernauts
◆ Catch-1782
◆ The Wishing Beast/The Vanity Box
◆ Spaceport Fear
◆ The Seeds of War
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- Classic Doctors, New Monsters
◆ Judoon in Chains
◆ The Carrionite Curse
◆ Together in Electric Dreams
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- The Companion Chronicles & Peladon & Stageplays
◆ Peri and the Piscon Paradox
◆ A Town Called Fortune - ★★★☆☆
◆ Night’s Black Agents
◆ The Ultimate Adventure
◆ Beyond the Ultimate Adventure
◆ The Death of Peladon
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- The Lost Stories
◆ The Nightmare Fair
◆ Mission to Magnus
◆ Leviathan
◆ The Hollows of Time
◆ Paradise 5
◆ Point of Entry
◆ The Song of Megaptera
◆ The Macra
◆ The Guardians of Prophecy
◆ Power Play
◆ The First Sontarans
◆ The Ultimate Evil
◆ Mind of the Hodiac
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- Short Trips
◆ Not Forgotten
◆ The Shadow of Serenity
◆ Primer Winner
◆ Murmurs of Earth
◆ The Authentic Experience
◆ Under ODIN’s Eye
◆ To Cut a Blade of Glass
◆ The Doctor’s Coat
◆ Mission Improbable
◆ These Stolen Hours
◆ The Darkened Earth
◆ The Wings of a Butterfly
◆ Intuition
◆ Mel-evolent
◆ Loud and Proud
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◆ State of Change
◆ Time of Your Life
◆ Millenial Rites
◆ Killing Groung
◆ Burning Heart
◆ Business Unusual
◆ Mission: Improbable
◆ Players
◆ Grave Matter
◆ The Quantum Archangel
◆ The Shadow in the Glass
◆ Instruments of Darkness
◆ Place of the Red Sun
◆ Blue Box
◆ Synthespians TM
◆ Spiral Scratch
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Cookie Run: Ovenbreak 2022 Cookies Ranked From Worst to Best:
Now before I actually get to the ranking, I just want to say that this year of Ovenbreak has been a rough one. Sure a lot of the cookies we got have great designs but just about every update was either a lame rehash of a past event done worse, or something new but executed really poorly.
For the most part, these cookies will be ranked based mostly on design/personality but they’re game play style and the update they came out in will also be taken into account.
Last thing I wanna say is that this is all just my opinion and not some definitive list to be taken seriously.
Without further ado let’s begin:
22. Candlelight Cookie:
Well someone has to be bottom of the barrel and sad to say that’s this cookie. If the 6th anniversary update wasn’t so bad Candlelight’s update would probably be considered the worst for me. Not only was that update lackluster, Candlelight as a character just doesn’t stick out. Boring personality plus boring gameplay/story equals a pretty underwhelming cookie…
21. Lilybell Cookie:
In all honesty I feel bad for Lilybell. Not only was she overshadowed by Poison Mushroom in her update, but also by BlueLily in terms of narrative and character growth (also coming out in the years most controversial update doesn’t help either). She was definitely a cookie that went just as quick as she came. The only reason I think she’s above Candlelight is because I actually like her design and personality. (I also like the theory’s of her and Blue Lily having some connection to White Lily from Kingdom)
20. Choco Ball Cookie:
Honestly a cookie I wanted to like but yet, here we are. Don’t get me wrong, he’s okay as a character but man I just didn’t like his part in the story. Being a natural born soccer star doesn’t give you the right to act like a showboating jerk. I also don’t like his skill either. Was never really fond of skills that take timing and delays to fully utilize (Yeah yeah that’s a skill issue on my end but point still stands). But hey at least he dabs.
19. Peperoncino Cookie:
This is about to sound strange but I feel like Peperoncino came out in the wrong update. With as interesting as his character is I don’t think his story should have just been one giant advertisement for the first legendary treasure. At least his interactions with Cauliflower towards the end of the story were fun. He’s also another cookie who suffers from having to perfectly position his skill so he’s not really that fun to use. Despite all of this I still hope we can see more of his story someday.
18. Crowberry Cookie:
I hate to phrase it this way, but I feel like Crowberry is just diet Roguefort. It’s a thief but just not as charming or charismatic. The character didn’t quite stick out to me either but unlike Candlelight, the design is at the very least appealing. It’s just weird how they popped in and out of meta for certain events and even got a costume within the same year they were released.
17. Cherry Ball Cookie:
One of the few things Cherry Ball has going for her is her design and personality. There isn’t much else to say about her really. The only thing that pins her so low is again, the kinda high skill ceiling her skill has. Although I do like how her, Cherry and Cherry Blossom are related (Someone has to be the tame one compared to the other 2). Also is it just me or does her trial theme music remind me of Mario Party music.
16. Blue Lily Cookie:
Another cookie I don’t really have that many thoughts on despite how new they still are. Her skill is fine (RIP Mole Maniac) and her design is pretty solid, though definitely could have used a little more blue. Im not the hugest fan of her personality though. But hey, at least she’s guaranteed a costume soon.
15. Rambutan Cookie:
If I’m being honest, Rambutan is in a pretty weird spot for me. On one hand, I do like her. She’s got a pretty solid design and great personality. Her skill also isn’t that bad (though I wish my brain would quit mixing up the buttons). Overall she is a solid addition to the cast.
On the other hand, she really did peak in her own update. After her, the guild squad, and Gingerbrave’s group all merged together, she kinda fell to the background, only having relevance when Lychee was involved. I can only hope that her story gets a good ending.
14. Rebel Cookie:
Unfortunately I never got the chance to play LINE Cookie Run so I never really got the chance to know Rebel. That being said he is also a nice addition to the cast. I like the subtle design tweaks he got from his LINE design, and his super epic costume is one of my favorites from this year. The only reason he’s down this low however is once again, his play style is not too fun for me and the massive grind fest the Yakgwa Village update was. (Also playing him in raid run wasn’t fun either)
13. Snakefruit Cookie:
Snakefruit is also another weird one for me. Part of me doesn’t really care for them in the grand scheme of things but even I can’t deny how much of a big role they played in the Lustrous Longan Palace update. Their design is nice and their ability is fun to use. One of the few cookies I actually wouldn’t mind seeing a super epic costume for. I wonder if they’re gonna show up when Gingerbrave and co try to confront Longan again in the future or are they just..ya know…gone.
12. Lollipop Cookie:
How on earth Lollipop ended up this high is honestly quite surprising to me. Cause in essence, she should be lower since her design and ability isn’t nothing to write home about. But what puts her much higher is her story (and to an extent Butterbear). The idea of the once being an abandoned doll only to be fixed and brought to life by Butterbear is honestly so heartwarming. He is just as much a holiday miracle to her as she is to him and it’s just super wholesome.
11. Cauliflower Cookie:
Cauliflower is such a guilty pleasure for me. Her positive attitude and overall optimism is just so adorable. And her oblivious nature is just so funny to me (honestly me for real.) She definitely is a cookie I wouldn’t mind seeing more of if it means we get more of her research escapes.
The only thing i do have to dock points for is her skill. While not bad by any means, sometimes it can just pop up at the wrong moments, causing you to either miss important rainbow bears, or miss her skill jellies entirely trying to get high scoring jellies.
10. White Ghost Cookie:
Ha ha funny slide animation go brrrrr. Ok jokes aside I walked away liking White Ghost more then I thought I would. While the event itself was a bit of a chore, I actually kinda liked the “Spooky live footage” vibe the story gave off. That, and White Ghost and Black Garlic’s interactions were sweet.
White Ghost as a whole just seems to be packed with so much easter eggs, from her design inspirations, her multiple sliding animations, and of course, not showing up on the E-Z Camera. Her only downside is that her ability is a little awkward to use. Other then that, another solid addition to the cast.
9. Butterbear Cookie:
Huh, 2 NPC’s in one update. Not that that’s bad thing. Now right out the gate the only that bugs me about ButterBear is his ability seems to take too long to charge. Maybe Im just crazy but who knows. Other then that no major complaints. His design is simple but for what he does it definitely works out better for him. I also like how it’s heavily implied that ButterBear used to be a holiday cookie at one point. I mean, in a way he still is but now he just helps with making toys. His interactions with Lollipop and Eggnog are wholesome and pretty much solidifies his spot this high up.
8. Vagabond Cookie:
Honestly Vagabond is such a fun cookie me. He’s so laid back and relaxed. Definitely a cookie I’d vibe with. I also like his ability, since I’m a HUGE fan of rhythm games. All that plus the little hint in the story where he mentions his family being wrongly arrested elevated him from just a fun guy, to a fun guy with mystery. Really the only thing that drags him down is the grind fest update leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
7. Dr. Bones Cookie:
Great tingly bones do i adore this scrunkly! Dr. bones is quite a funny cookie when you get down to the fact that this confirms that cookies do in fact: HAVE BONES (ok this has probably been confirmed in the past at one point but let me have this). Dr. Bones is just such a funny and charming cookie with their over the top diagnosis. Their ability is even funny in the sense that they actually resuscitate other cookies back to life. And with their pet having a revive skill, it’s no wonder that this doctor still sees tons of play.
6. Pizza Cookie:
Dr. Bones may be silly and funny, but Pizza is just down right relatable. As an overworked underpaid retail worker I totally get the struggle. While I don’t go to school, i can imagine that juggling both a job and schoolwork can’t be easy, or fun. While she definitely isn’t as high scoring or still in the meta as Dr. Bones, her dry personality and just how relatable she is really left a strong impression on me. Here’s hoping Pizza gets rest soon. (Also this doesn’t count towards anything but if you run her in the Lustrous Longan Palace breakout, you’re technically forcing her to deliver pizza during the end of the world 😋)
5. Lychee Dragon Cookie:
The absolute scrunkly if I’ve ever seen one. Realistically speaking, Lychee Dragon kinda shares the same problem I had with Rambutan but considering their role in the story i think it’s more fitting for Lychee to slither into the background, acting as a sorta penultimate boss before the final boss (which is Longan in this case). Lychee just overall left a strong impression on me, both in terms of story and just how long they sat in the meta. Though I do wonder why the sudden design change. The final version of Lychee Dragon we got isn’t bad by any means, I’m just curious to see what the full beta version looks like.
4. Poison Mushroom Cookie:
All right I’ll admit it, Poison Mushroom is probably this high due to kingdom bias. Kingdom bias aside Poison Mushroom is just too adorable to sink any lower. Their costume is cute as well (as well as the one Licorice got to match). While yes, the anniversary update was a complete disaster, at least Poison Mushroom was entertaining.
My only major gripe and really the only thing keeping them out of the top 3 is: WHY ON EARTH DID DEVSISTERS THINK IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO GIVE THEM VOICE ACTING?! It’s uncanny at best and infuriating at worse (Like Shroomy Boi I love you but if you don’t stop talking I’m gonna scream). And worst of all when you turn off the voice acting, you get no sounds at all. See the thing that makes Kingdom unique compared to Ovenbreak is the voice acting and injecting it into Ovenbreak is just a weird move to make. I can only hope Poison Mushroom is the only Kingdom Cookie to get this treatment otherwise I don’t think I want anymore Kingdom cookies in Ovenbreak.
3. Longan Dragon Cookie:
And here we are in the top 3. All the hype surrounding the ivory dragon’s awakening was worth the wait in my opinion. First off, Lustrous Longan Palace has such a banger soundtrack. From the remixes we get of the other dragon’s themes, to even the theme of the Longan palace itself (the palace gates OST being my favorite). Just about every song in this breakout slaps.
But onto Longan themself. Their design and personality is so intimidating, and I love it! Even their ability, which we are able to catch a glimpse of their dragon form is awesome and being the first dragon with a costume, i must say it’s cool looking and the angst potential is so there. Truly a threat the rivals even the Cookies of Darkness themselves.
2. Black Garlic Cookie:
Black Garlic is so funny. Ok first off, her interactions are golden, from the funny ones with her livestream, to the sweet ones with White Ghost. Her skill is also unique in the sense that any, and i mean ANY jelly caught in the box when her camera goes off gets collected (which I just figured out yesterday). Also can we talk about the fact that her chat during her skill consists of cookies who should definitely not have access to a computer let alone know what one is (Dark Enchantress, Millennial Tree, Longan Dragon, ect). Then theres her champions league skin. I like how she clearly just breaks into places she’s not supposed to be in all for the name of ghosts. She is definitely a Cookie I wouldn’t mind seeing again.
1. String Gummy Cookie:
You all saw this one coming.
Even though Operation: Save the Future was a bit of a downgrade from the first Operation: Timeguard event, the event still managed to hold my attention and intrigue. Both Croissant and Timekeeper were on point in this update but the real star of the show was Definitely String Gummy. While stern and serious, he definitely does leave a strong impression from his entrance alone (he really did say cookiegun didn’t he). All jokes aside, he’s and all around great cookie. His ability is also great to use as well.
What really sells him though is the story. String Gummy goes through so much to try and put a stop to the time manipulators, and as you learn more about him and his connections to the director, you kinda begin to feel for him. Even with the choice of keeping him in the past or letting him go back to the future, both endings are not really great options. You keep him in the current timeline, he don’t get closure. You send him back to the director, he gets to watch them die in front of him and go back to the past. No matter what option you pick String Gummy gets screwed no matter what. He’s such a tragic character and I honestly want to see where his story goes if Millennial Tree’s relationship chart is anything to go by: “I hope this child’s future isn’t too cruel.”
Anyway there you have it. The 2022 Ovenbreak cookies ranked from worst to beat. I know it’s a little late and we’re already knee deep into the first update of 2023 but hey I’ve never done so much character analysis before and my brain is pooped. If this does well, I MIGHT do one for the 2022 Kingdom Cookies but don’t hold your breath on that.
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