#poly rauru/sonia
*grips your shoulders* I cannot stress enough how much I need Rauru/Reader/Sonia polyamory headcanons. Pleeeeeaaaassseeee.
(SFW and NSFW if you would be so kind!)
To me, when it comes to Rauru/Reader/Sonia polyam content, the most interesting scenario/AU to explore would be where the reader is the one sent to the past instead of Zelda, and they inadvertently alter the timeline in such a drastic way that it pulls an Age of Calamity and the series of events leading to BotW/TotK never happen in the first place.
Perhaps Ganon’s war against the fledgling Hyrule is less severe, or perhaps Rauru and Sonia are warned and prepared by the reader’s existing knowledge to let him get too powerful in the first place. Maybe the reader has divine powers themselves in some form?
I’ll make the Ganon redemption I want to see in the world.
Regardless, the reader is sent back to the age of the first king and queen of Hyrule, and is then faced with the challenge of changing the flow of time and fate itself. Lots of interesting concepts to explore within that! But of course you asked for headcanons, so let me offer some with that rambling preface out of the way:
The relationship develops a bit jarringly at first between yourself and the Hyrule royals, jumping from awkward strangers to sweet confidants, and then to abrupt lovers without much warning. Part of this is due to the frantic response you have from being plucked straight out of your own timeline and they being the only ones who know about the truth, but it’s also in part to the fact that there is a strange sort of connection the three of you share.
For the people in Hyrule after all, it is often said that all good things come in threes—wealth, prosperity, even love. It doesn’t help at all that both Sonia and Rauru are both genuinely interesting people to be around. Sonia’s wit can be as sharp as her tongue, while Rauru is a man of many stories and a lovely voice with which to tell them. They are both natural leaders, and it isn’t difficult for one seeking comfort to find it in the king and queen’s presence. Sonia’s careful touch, Rauru’s soothing voice… how far can the intimate comfort of a stranger in a strange time go before one thinks to talk about it openly?
In fact, nobody *does* talk about it for a long while, leaving things unlabeled and unmentioned until someone else entirely asks about it, perhaps even thinking it a funny joke—things are so entwined between the three of you that it’s difficult to tell whether the king or queen is the one who has a consort. Emotions unwind like a ball of yarn tumbling down a hill from there, leading to multiple awkward conversations and only the occasional lingering glance and raised eyebrow from Mineru who, perhaps more than anyone, understands some of her younger brother’s protective body language.
Sonia at least is the most forthright. She is the one to verbalize her emotions first and without very much hesitation at all, while Rauru takes a little more time to do so himself—perhaps it is a culture difference, a particular form of courtship for Zonai that he’s unable to follow. Perhaps he’s unsure how people will treat you or if they might see you as any lesser than they are as the forming couple of the new kingdom. All the same, he admits to his feelings shortly after Sonia does, though it takes a while for them to figure out how to present the relationship to their court without it being misinterpreted.
[Spicy headcanons below the cut:]
The first time you, Sonia and Rauru have sex, it is before anything is established or even *talked* about—a purely spur-of-the-moment series of actions and reactions, though there is never a moment where either the king or the queen treat it as something they regret. It’s a bit scary in a way, being a third party not only in an established relationship, but a royal one at that; but Rauru is attentive and Sonia is calming, and you are left scarcely able to concentrate between the pleasure of their lips, hands and bodies.
Be it due to the queen’s powers of time or the king’s inhuman heritage, but they have a combined sexual stamina that is either terrifying or mind-blowing depending on one’s perspective—this fact is learned repeatedly through the night of your first encounter with them, though you never quite get used to the fact that they’re completely capable of going through an entire evening without a blink of sleep.
Godspeed to you if you have a mommy and/or daddy kink, since the royal couple is more than capable, willing, and enthusiastic about partaking in such carnal desires.
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
Could I have a Rauru x Reader fluff/smut one shot?
Like best friend of Zelda gets thrown into the past with her and he is fascinated with her?
A Story To Tell
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Tags: 3.4k words, casual nudity among friends, poly relationship (Sonia x Rauru & Rauru x You), outdoor sex, fingering, penetrative sex, Rauru’s Large Cock, gentle sex, playful teasing, cultural differences
The King was one of the Zonai, he said. He looked like he was covered in a think layer of fur. His ears were long and fluffy. His hair was white like the Sheikah, the only semblance of normalcy you could get from his appearance. Along his hairline he had four horns and it seemed on his forehead was a third eye.
The Queen was a hylian, though unlike any you’d ever seen. Her skin was a beautiful shade of brown, her hair almost cream in color with how pale the blonde was. Her ears were what threw you off the most, long and pointed in a way you’d never seen before. She was wearing clothing unlike any you’d worn before as well.
Though now you found yourself wearing clothes similar to it. It was a sleeveless white dress with the same green detailing. Sleeveless, bellowing styles weren’t common in your time but you were beginning to understand their popularity now. You actually felt very pretty.
It also helped that Rauru seemed to think so as well. It’d taken some discussion but eventually you started dating in the middle of all this chaos. Zelda had been so happy.
Today she even helped you pick out a different set of clothing. Another difference about here from your time was the difference it what was considered appropriate to wear. Sonia had been helping you both understand that.
“Would there be a way to wear something more similar to Zonai clothing?” Zelda asked her. “He is taking you on a picnic to introduce you to Zonai foods, right? It makes sense that you’d wear something more similar to his people’s wear.”
Sonia smiled. “That’s not a bad idea.” A soft smile graced her lips. “I actually remember the first time I wore Zonai clothing around him. It was a very,” she laughed, “a very memorable day.”
“Good or bad memorable?” you asked.
“Good, very, very good,” she said. “One moment. I’ll be right back.”
She left the room. The door clicked quietly when it shut.
Zelda turned to you with a mischievous grin. “What do you think she meant by memorable?” she asked.
“I don’t know,” you said, a blush coming to your face at her insinuation.
She moved to stand right in front of you and grabbed your hands. “Promise me if you have sex you’ll tell me everything. I want every last detail.”
“What? It’s not like I’m ever going to have sex with a god-like creature. I want to know what it’s like,” she said. “He looks like he’d be huge. Don’t let him break you.”
“He’s not going to break me,” you said, now avoiding her eyes, “and I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”
“Sure, fine, spoil all my fun,” she said. “You’re telling me every last detail though. Whether you like it or not.”
“Uh-huh. Sure.”
The door opened once again and Sonia stepped inside, holding an outfit in her hands.
“Here we are,” she said. “If you’ll take that off, I can help you put this on.”
You spared Zelda one last look and she simply smiled. Then you pulled off the dress.
Sonia walked over to you with the top in hand. She tutted to herself. “You can’t wear a bra,” she told you as she reached around your middle (almost like she was hugging you) and took off your bra. “It’s a very open look. Don’t worry, no one will think anything of it.”
She then placed the top so it rested just in the tips of your shoulders and clasped it in the front. It reminded you more of a shawl than a shirt. She grabbed a necklace as well and put it around your neck. It hooked to the shawl, further keeping it in place.
Her fingers hooked her fingers in the band of your underwear and then slid it down. “You won’t be needing that either,” she said.
Zelda snorted from her place leaning against your bed. She then made a very lewd gesture, very unbecoming of a princess.
You flushed as Sonia fasted the bottoms around your hips.
“We’re not having sex, Zelda,” you hissed.
Sonia’s movements haltered. “Unless you truly want otherwise, yes, you will be wearing this.” You flushed and Zelda laughed freely. “That’s the entire reason I suggested no under garments. It just gets in the way.”
She stood up and placed a hand on your shoulder. She brushed your hair out of your face. “You’ll be fine. He is a very gentle lover. Big he may be, in many ways, he won’t hurt you.” She placed a kiss to your temple. “Now go, you don’t want to be late.”
You walked to the spot Rauru had told you about. Your mind went a thousand miles a minute. You hadn’t— it wasn’t your intention to make him want to have sex with you but you weren’t opposed to it. You’d fantasized about it more than you’d admit.
It was more so the knowledge that Sonia and Zelda knew you’d be having sex before you did and where you’d be having sex when you did that made you nervous. You weren’t exactly sure as to why.
He was Sonia’s husband. She had a bit of a right to know if you two would be having sex. As for Zelda, well you’d been stationed outside of her room to guard when Link was indisposed. You’d heard what she sounded like when she orgasmed because she may be quiet sometimes but she wasn’t all that quiet.
Eventually there was no more time for stalling as you saw Rauru in the small clearing. His back was to you but a large blanket was laid out beneath him with many pillows scattered around. A table had a basket atop it on the outskirts of the blanket, likely due to the candles he was lighting to ward off bugs that were placed on it.
He finished lighting the last candle and placed it on the corner of the table. He sat onto the ground. His shoulders slumped as he exhaled. You felt your pounding heart calm.
You walked over to him and sat beside him. “Rauru,” you said.
He began to say your name as he turned to face you but he fell quiet when he saw you. He blinked several times, his hands clenched in his lap, his mouth stayed partially open. He seemed to (what was the phrase Purah used?) short circuit.
“You look beautiful,” he said.
“Thank you.”
“I only speak the truth,” he said.
He cupped your cheek and you leaned into the touch. You looked up at him and met his eyes, a look you’d seen only pass over his face stayed to settle. His thumb moved absentmindedly over your cheek.
Then his hand moved down. His fingers left a trail of awakened nerves as they brushed against your throat. He moved his hand down your collarbone and shoulders. You could feel the press of his hands through the thin fabric of the top before they halted.
“I would really like to have sex with you right now,” he said.
Your voice caught in your throat for a minute. “Yeah?” you finally managed to ask.
“Yes, I would,” he said.
“I’d rather like to have sex with you too,” you told him.
His eyes, once lingering where his hand was, looked up at you right before he kissed you, slow and soft. It was when he pulled back and could look at you that he began to act on his words.
His fingers touched your under boob. He cupped you, fingers pressing into the soft, moldable skin, before he brushed against your nipple. He glanced up when you sighed at the touch.
He lowered his head down until he was level with your breasts and took your other nipple into his mouth. He moaned as did you. His tongue flickered against the bulb as he sucked the skin.
Your hand tangled in his hair, wanting him close. He nuzzled against your skin in response. His hand boy fondling with your other nipple came around your body to support you as he guided you down.
With your back against the blanket, he pulled off you. He reached for a pillow and placed it underneath your head. He grabbed a different one and placed it beneath your hips.
“Just tell me if you wish to stop,” he said.
“I promise.”
He pulled up the fabric of your pants and you could feel the soft winds against your privates. That paired with the feeling of that same breeze cooling the saliva on your nipple, made you shiver and squirm.
“I didn’t take you for the type to go nude,” he said.
“It was Sonia’s idea,” you told him.
He hummed. “She is full of good ones.” His hand rested on your pelvic bone. “I’m glad you’re getting along.”
“She’s a wonderful woman.”
“Indeed but so are you,” he said, moving his hand so it pressed right against your privates, giving you warmth instead of a breeze.
“Seems like you have a type then,” you said.
“I suppose I do.”
He pressed a finger between your folds and you moaned loudly, without restraint into the air of the wilds.
There was a bit of a thrill here, not being completely away from civilization but far enough away that you could be as loud as you wanted, not behind four walls and instead exposed completely, having the warmth of the sun and Rauru but the chill that came with a breeze.
“You’re so wet,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. “Were you expecting this?”
You tried to wiggle your hips to get some friction but he merely had to put a hand on you to cause you to stop.
“No, yes, maybe. It wasn’t my intention but Sonia and Zelda insisted this world be the outcome,” you told him. “I’ve also never walked anywhere in public with my breasts and privates out so that was kind of thrilling.”
“It can be so easy to forget you’re from a different time,” he said, curling his finger so it was soaked in liquids. “Tell me, why would that be thrilling?”
“In my time, it’s taboo,” you told him. “If you have more than your thighs and stomach exposed it’s considered—“ he slipped a finger inside you and you moaned— considered indecent. You’re only supposed to have other things exposed if you’re having sex with someone.”
He hummed. “So walking here, dressed as you are was like you were telling the world you were coming to have sex with me?”
He moved his finger out and then back in as you managed to choke out a, “Yes.”
“Did anyone see you?” he asked.
“Did you want them to know?”
He slid another finger inside you. “You wanted them to know we were having sex or you wanted them to know just the action of walking around so indecent made you so wet?”
“Maybe I should ask Sonia and Zelda to start spreading rumors,” he said. “So that every time you’re dressed like this people will know.”
You moaned at the thought. He curled his fingers inside you. You moaned louder. He slipped in a third finger and started scissoring them. Slow, careful, but with purpose. He kissed you when he added a fourth. His thumb pressed against your clit to help ease any discomfort and though he didn’t move his finger, it worked.
Your hand ran up his shoulders and pulled him close. He nuzzled against your neck, placed a kiss to it.
“I really want to mark you,” he said, “but I fear you’ll say yes to anything I’d ask of you right now regardless of later consequences.”
“You’re probably right,” you told him as you pet his ears.
“Ah, well, I’ll wait then,” he said, settling on lightly mouthing your neck without leaving any marks or bruises.
He spread his fingers again. Your fingers twitched before you relaxed again. He moved his thumb off your aching clit in favor of changing the angle of his fingers inside you. Then he curled them, hitting your sweet spot. He caught your gasp with a kiss.
“I think I’ve prepared you as well as I can,” he said. “May I?”
You whined when his fingers left you wide, loose, and wet.
He sat up. He carefully removed your hands from his ears and hair. He held them for a moment before he surged forward now straddling you and pressed them into the ground above your head. He gave you another kiss. Then he let go of your hands. He settled back.
With him straddling you, you could both see the imprint of him through the loose fabric he wore and feel him pressed against your stomach. He was large. Sonia was not lying, he was big. Zelda was right, actually. He was huge. You hadn’t even seen him yet.
“Breathe,” he told you. He ran his hands up and down your torso. “Relax.” He groped your breasts and helped you relax with him against you (not even in you, not even visible) by turning your anxieties into lust once more. “I’ll go slow,” he said.
He encouraged you to raise your leg so he could get an easier angle, something you allowed him to do. It was almost like he was puppeting you. Raise leg, bend it, keep it in place. Move other leg a bit to the side, bend it as well. Relax against the ground. Breathe.
He kept the fabric of his bottoms around himself, moved it so it covered your privates as well.
You could feel him brush against your folds. It was different than any dick you’d felt before, a bit blunt instead of round. It was also big but you’d already had that established for you.
He moved it up and down your folds several times. His eyes fluttered closed and his mouth hung open. Small noises almost drowned out by the sounds of nature exited his mouth.
You felt him press against your hole. He slipped in just the barest bit, not even his full tip, before he went back to stroking your folds with his dick.
The feeling of him against your clit made you clench. Your eyes fell shut. Your hands, still above your head, wrapped around each other, squeezed tight enough that you were sure they changed a different color.
“Oh, you feel so good,” you told him. “I can’t wait to have you inside me. Please, Rauru, please.”
He halted for a moment before he continued his demonstrations. “Please what?” he asked.
“Don’t make me wait,” you told him. You opened your eyes to see his own hooded ones staring at you. “Put your dick inside me and fuck me.”
He sucked in a breath. “How crude,” he said, “but if you wish.”
He placed the tip of his dick inside you. Even with his preparations and how wet you were, you still felt yourself stretch. It was a good stretch though that brought on an ache you knew you’d feel for days. You couldn’t wait.
Slowly he started rocking his hips. Moving inside you more bit by bit with each movement. It was gradual, good. It felt amazing as he filled you, stretched you, until he couldn’t anymore.
Then he halted. He stilled. Let you breathe.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Good, so good. Goddess, I’ve never felt this good in my life. You fill me up so well. I feel like I’m about to burst but in a good way,” you tell him, a haze coming over you.
He did an experimental thrust. Your hands scrambled for something other than yourself to grab onto and you found the pillow.
“Is that still good?”
“Perfect. It’s perfect. Feels so good.”
He slowly started to make himself a pace. It wasn’t fast nor was it slow. He wasn’t completely soft and gentle. You could feel yourself being pushed up with every couple thrusts. It was perfect though.
You squeezed the pillow and occasionally his arm. Your mouth seemed to permanently be open with moans. You felt so loud. He made grunts and sounds of his own but he was quieter. His ears twitched with every noise you made and by comparison to him you were so noisy. There weren’t even walls to catch your noises. Instead they faded into the wilderness.
Your foreheads pressed together as he gave you a kiss, if one could call it that. It was more so his lips pressed against your open mouth and you moaned directly into his. Then he moved so he wasn’t so easy to grab.
In doing so he moved so he was pressing against your sweet spot far more often. You grew louder.
A hand moved to your chest. He grabbed one breast and then the other. His hands brushing against your nipples. He touched the necklace on your neck. He carefully thumbed them before he cradled your face. You moved your head to the side to kiss it before your moans grew so frequent you couldn’t force yourself to close your mouth.
One hand grabbed the pillow in a vice like grip while the other one slid down your body. You were close. You were so close. He felt so good inside you.
You moved to play with your clit, hoping to speed up this torture of being so close to the edge but not being able to cum. However, as soon as you did it was almost like it hurt. It was overwhelming. You moved your hand away and instead moved it under the fabric of his bottoms. You could feel the slide of him in and out of you. For a moment, that’s all you did, was bask in that feeling.
He sped up at the feeling of your finger tips against him every time he exited you. It only heightened the pleasure, the stretch and relaxation of your walks every time he entered and exited you.
You tried again. This time it was a bit easier. His hands moving across your body and settling on your hips to thrust into you faster helped ease the overstimulation you felt before.
You felt yourself spasm but not orgasm. You felt like sobbing. You just wanted to cum.
He went faster and faster. You were moving up and down with every thrust. Your noises grew louder and louder. You moved your hand faster and faster as he thrusted in and out.
You clenched around him. Your eyes closed so hard all you could see was white. You swore you screamed but you couldn’t eat it. Your legs tingled and kicked, too overwhelmed.
Rauru continued to thrust in and then out of you. Fast and faster. Harder and harder. Then he stopped. You felt him twitch and pulse inside you followed by a new sensation of warmth. Your eyes rolled back.
You both took a moment to breathe.
When he pulled out you whined. He moved behind you and helped you sit up. He brought a container of water to your lips. It was cool as it slid down your throat. He held you.
“Now seems like a good time to try the food I brought and perhaps talk about what is and is not allowed in our sex life,” he suggested.
Later that night, once the moon had taken its place in the sky, you stumbled your way to Sonia’s bedroom. There was dried saliva on your chest and cum inside and down your leg.
You opened the door to a very dimly lit room where Sonia and Zelda were looking over notes at a desk.
“So you wanted to know what sex with Rauru is like?” you asked Zelda as they both turned to you.
“Oh, I should have warned you. He likes to bite.”
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newtabfics · 10 months
Zelda Series Master List
Key Guide for the stories!
🔞 = nsft 🧿= nc/dubcon 🌶️= spicy (may not get fully into it basically) 🌸= sfw content (this is a catch all for just in general things that are pretty safe) ✍🏻 = full fic 🗡️ = dark fic (could be yandere, could involve death. varies. read tags) 🏮 = monster stories 🍃 = intoxication 📖 = series in works 📕 = completed series
Prince Sidon x First Sight 🌸
Prince Sidon x First Kiss🌸
Sidon x In Public ;) 🔞🌶️🏮
Prince Sidon x Alone Time ;)🔞🌶️
Prince Sidon x Proposal🌸
Rauru x In Bed ;)🔞🌶️
Rauru x First Kiss🌸
Calling Rauru Handsome (Ask)🌸
Sidon x (She Doesn't Know She) Gorgeous Reader🌸
Korok Hunting. Just a fun fic🌸✍🏻 
Rauru Gets Ear Scritches (CONTAINS SOME SPOILERS)🌸
Rauru x Sickness🌸
Sidon x Size Difference NSFW 🔞🌶️
Sidon x Face Sitting 🔞🌶️
Sidon Body Image Affirmations 🌸
Sidon x Size Difference NSFW 🔞🌶️
Link x F!Reader with Oral NSFW 🔞🌶️
The Greatest Cost. Rauru x F!Reader Angst Fic✍🏻
Thunderous. Sidon x Fem!Reader SPICY Fic ✍🏻
The First Meeting: Rauru x Reader (Ask)🌸
Rauru/Sonia x F!Reader NSFW 🔞🌶️
Ganondorf x Spanks NSFW 🔞🌶️
Rauru Gets Rough but he's so sweet still 🔞🌶️
Always First: Revali x Zelda Fic (Read Warnings)🔞🌶️
Link x Yiga (SUPER NSFW)🔞🌶️
Poly Sidon/Rauru x Fem!Reader🔞🌶️
Sidon x Both In One Hole 🔞🌶️
For Fear of Losing: Tauro x Fem!Reader (Read Warnings)🌸
X More Yiga Reader x Tauro Content: Tauro Giving Head 🔞🌶️
Link Needs Comfort🌸
Possessive Sidon x Fem Reader while Link watches 🔞🌶️
“Worship your king.” Ganondorf x Fem!Reader ✍🏻🔞🌶️
Painting on Rauru🌸
Tauru x Exploring Zonai Fem Readers Body 🔞🌶️
Yiga Blademaster x F!Reader 🔞🌶️
Poly Sidon x FemReader x Rauru 🔞🌶️
Rauru x The Dance FLUFF🌸
ABO: Alphas Link and Sidon x Omega FemReader 🔞🌶️
Rauru's Hair Fluff🌸
Link x Doubting Y/N Fluff🌸
Ganondorf x Prepping Y/N 🔞🌶️
Rauru/Ganondorf x Y/N 🔞🌶️
Link x Y/N In The Depths 🔞🌶️
Sidon x Body Worship🔞🌶️
Link x ExYiga!Y/N 🔞🌶️
Rauru x Control over his hand 🔞🌶️
Link x Stable Trotters Y/N 🔞🌶️
Returned Series Masterlist 🔞🌶️📕✍🏻
Yiga Blademaster x Y/N 🔞🌶️
Link x Busty Y/N 🔞🌶️
Tauro x Y/N in the Ring Ruins 🔞🌶️
Ganondorf x Zonai Princess 🔞🌶️
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incaseofart · 1 year
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Design for TOTK!Aura, an ancestor of the Sheikah who was Rauru's romantic partner (in addition to Sonia, poly Zonai canon in my heart).
Including both the sketch and the slightly more polished version for funs~
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flowering-thought · 10 months
That ganondorf/reader fic was exquisite. BUT now I have to ask: do you have any plans to write a rauru/Sonia/reader fic? Maybe as like an alternate ending to the previously mentioned fic?
Ah so I have had many ideas about this series! I want to do maybe two more parts for Ganondorf possibly? Not sure how many parts but I have many ideas about it.
As for a Rauru/Sonia route I do have several ideas as to how it would happen. And I'd want it to be the couple together as a poly relationship as I have no doubt they would never cheat on each other and they have a close relationship that id like to put at play in their story. They play a role in Ganondorfs story as darling did come from the future with Zelda but I don't see Ganondorf being in their route too much as other than the villain in the original TOTK timeline.
I plan on kind of messing with the plot of how the timeline works and preventing both Sonia and Raurus deaths to make a perfect way to split the routes and show how different things could happen in each route and changing the events can still work for the timeline.
I'd probably start Rauru and Sonias story from the beginning before Ganondorf became a character introduced to the story and when Zelda first traveled back with darling.
With Ganondorf I'm altering the TOTK timeline quite a bit to make room for the story in between the Canon events in TOTK. But for Rauru/Sonia I would play along with the TOTK timeline a lot more as with their route I have a better idea of how to play it out.
I'm not sure if I should start on their story or finish Ganondorfs first though. I always have a lot of ideas jumbled in my brain that I can't wait to get out so organization is a mess lmao-
But if you want me to start on Rauru/Sonias story as a bit of a peek of what I have in mind I definitely wouldn't mind cause I'm having a lot of fun writing these story lines!
Rauru, Sonia, and Ganondorf have me by a chokehold-
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ampersand-antics · 1 year
I've finally gotten my hands on totk and. Oh gods. This game sure is something
Cue Atari Rant Mode ig?
What the fuck is that gloom thing with the eyes and the hand and the puddle it grabbed me I am terrified help please someone kill it for me
I am constantly hypervigilant for those things whenever I'm out in the overworld.
Also every single time a tree ends up being not-a-tree? I get so surprised. Like dude I am fully aware that was a thing that could happen why does it scare me so much I swear I jump like a mile each time.
Um let's see. I've played through the Rito quest line, I'm halfway through the Zora one (climbing up the skyslands now), I've gotten the first four tear visions and I've visited Kakariko, Hateno, and a bit into Faron and Eldin outside of quests.
Tulin is so baby I love him so much <333 my child now.
They gave Sidon a wife. How fucking dare they pop the bubble of every sidlink shipper. That man is fruity as fuck. Yknow what from now on I hc he's in a poly relationship with Link.
Also zelda gets so much characterization in this game omg. The school the garden her journal and her diary I'm going to cry I'm so in love with her. Also the zelink here is so heavily implied! I love it! I'm a hard-core botw zelink shipper
Also all the Zonai lore we're getting. Amazing. I love them. I wanna fuck Rauru. Like I know I don't normally like men but *him*. And also Sonia but she was a given, I knew that from the start. Also Rauru? Hella gender envy
Look forward to pt 2 of this next time I have More Thoughts :P
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If you go the poly Sonia/Rauru route, then Rauru has two lovers to help him repopulate
Unless the third member doesn’t happen to have a uterus, but Hylia as his witness he’s still gonna put the effort into trying
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
Master List:
Caitlyn | Ekko | Jinx | Silco | Viktor
Hazbin Hotel: Current Priority
Alastor | Husk | Lucifer | Lute | Rosie | Vaggie | Velvette | Vox
Legend of Zelda:
Fi | Purah | Rauru | Revali | Riju | Robbie | Sidon | Sonia | Urbosa
Nebula | Rocket
Requests Rules:
I will write for the above characters. If prompted I will write poly fics including the characters listed above, simply specify which ones. However, unless specifically told if you list characters I will write headcanons/fics for them separately instead of as a unit. I will write nearly anything SFW or NSFW except for things including the following:
Anything with Heavy Blindfolds | Crossovers with Other Universes | Male Pregnancy | Modern Day AUs
I do NOT write for Vi.
(Too many people have asked me to write for her and I am just tired. It’s not that I don’t like Vi, it’s just that I have very complex feelings about her that can often lean towards negativity due to reasons and I cannot write her from the lenses people want me to write her from. I do not write for her and I will not write for her for the foreseeable future. Please, stop asking.)
My requests are open unless specified otherwise. I will write full fledged stories or simple headcanons. Simply specify which or I’ll choose one myself.
List of WIPs
NSFW Twitter
Commission Me
Help Me Pay For School
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