#pooka hilda
great-raven-parade · 6 months
At the end of the day the Pooka returns one perfectly intact pineapple and a wooden mallet that’s been reduced to splinters
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slogokonnor99 · 3 months
Time for the month drawing recap!
In this month:
- David tries to show off to Frida,only to be jumpscared by a Tiktaalik
- Astrid comes back from some groceries to find a Gigantspinosaurus somehow got inside her house
- Louise and Trevor try to get some footage of a Moschops family from the ground and the air
- a mother Gorgonops comes back to see Twig raiding her nest, but did he really break that egg?
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candydos · 5 months
<watching hilda s3e1 with my sister>
pooka: i wasn’t going to eat it! I wasn’t going to eat it!
my sis:
my sis: he was going to EAT IT??
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Do you think you’ll use the Pooka in any of your fics?
He seems like he’d be pretty fun to write.
In the shadow of the railway bridge were three distinct shapes, all about his size; a trio of nisse. They were sitting in a rough circle, atop an old wooden pallet, the floor between them strewn with worn playing cards and borrowed baubles and trinkets. They seemed to be playing something, muttering to each other as cards were tossed down and the piles of things were pushed back and forth.
Just what he needed, the Pooka thought; with a deep breath he swelled his head up, and puffed his beak into an imitation-nose, then squished all the rest of his body down to the proportions of a house spirit. They would never know the difference.
Satisfied with his disguise, he sidled up to the group as casually as he could. “Hello, fellow nisse!”
Three furred heads swivelled up to look at him. One, her hair grey and long, cocked over to the side. “You’re a nisse?”
“Of course I am!” the Pooka spluttered, unable to help the indignation in his voice. “I wanted to see what you’re doing.” The grey-haired nisse shared a glance with her compatriots; next to her, another house-fae, with a little tuft of dirty blonde hair tied up with a bow, gave a soft sigh.
“We’re playing elf poker,” he began, gesturing to the mess in front of him. “I can deal you in if you want, but you’ll have to wait until the next round.”
The Pooka would take that; he plopped himself down between bow-nisse and the third nisse, cross-legged, feeling a little smug that he at least had been fooled. Around him, the game quietly started up again, the trio going back to their cards without so much as a word. At least until the third nisse broke the silence.
“So,” they began, not looking up from their hand. “What are you out for?”
“What am I…” the Pooka blinked slowly, “out… for?”
“You know,” the nisse went on, this time looking up. “Why are you out here. What did you do to get yourself banished from home?”
Something inside the Pooka sparked at the accusation. “I wasn’t banished!” Immediately, all eyes turned to him, and he suddenly felt very awkward indeed. “I- I’m on a very important errand for the person I live with. I can go home whenever I want.”
The grey-haired nisse snorted at that. “You keep telling yourself that.”
“Be nice, Tontu,” the bow-wearing nisse hissed under his breath, before he too looked up at the Pooka. “What sort of errand, Tontu?”
“My name’s not Tontu,” very nearly slipped out, before he strangled it; he wasn’t quite sure why bow-nisse thought he had the same name as grey-hair, but it must have meant his disguise was working! So, he swung back around to bow-nisse, and spoke up.
“I’m looking for someone important to her,” he explained. “A human girl in a green cloak. You wouldn’t happen to have seen anyone like that, would you?”
For a moment, the trio were quiet, before the third nisse looked up. “You mean like that?”
The Pooka blinked; trying to follow the nisse’s gaze wasn’t easy when their eyes were hidden, but sure enough, out on the street, three people were walking along. At the head of the group was a woman, with wavy brown hair and a soft maroon jumper on, while a kid with blue hair carrying a picnic basket brought up the rear. But between them, one hand held by each, was a girl the Pooka had definitely seen before.
From the pale honey-brown of her sweater to the way her hair fell, she was every bit the kid from the photo he’d been inadvertently shown. And most of all, about her shoulders, hung a cloak of pale green. That was her, no doubt about it.
“Exactly like that!” burst out before he could stop it. And all at once he hurried off, so fast that his disguise dropped in the process.
Snippet from an upcoming project of mine >:3
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notquitesurewhoiam · 4 months
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me to the core
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r7inyz · 6 months
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just watched the first of S3 and i can officially say i love the pooka with all my heart its so ugly
please stop liking this 🤕🤕🤕🤕
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somelonelywordmonger · 6 months
Pooka Screenshots Part 3
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Part 1
Part 2
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swizzledrizzl · 6 months
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MY SWEET CHEESE MY GOOD TIME BOY i hope he makes a return in a future episode RAAAAAA
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canarywithapen · 5 months
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To anyone who hasn’t watched the show Hilda, this is the Pooka. I would die for this character. I will protect him at all costs!!
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blaithnne · 7 months
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Uh oh
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great-raven-parade · 6 months
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airborneice · 4 months
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@hilda-appreciation-week Day 3 - Favourite Creature
all of them
I love all the creature designs in Hilda so much. I couldn’t do them all so I tried to limit myself to just the main characters and the ones I’ve personally signed the adoption paperwork for. this series really knocks it out of the park when it comes to funky little guys and I’ll always love it for that
(also, I drew this a few weeks ago and was going to explain here about timtum’s presence and how he was a scrapped comics character and he’s canon in my heart etc but it turns out as of season 3 he’s canon for REAL and even more deserving of being in this lineup. I love winning)
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What’s your opinion of the Pooka?
He's just a little guy! I wish we'd had more of him instead of some other stuff in S3 tbh - I want to know why he needs to wash his feet in casserole dishes and why he keeps bothering Astrid specifically. Where did he even come from?
If I'm really honest, he feels like a fragment of what Hilda used to be; he fits the tone of the early graphic novels very well. He's very... Luke, for lack of a better word :))
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fox-from-malta · 2 months
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Went through my folder of fanart on procreate, and decided to post the lil sketches/wips I abandoned xD
Hilda doodles! Ofc I doodled the Pooka, like, I love him - I enjoyed every scene he was on screen u-u he did not deserve the hate he got before the reveal.
Also Johanna as a child and adult :D! Was gonna make an animated meme, maybe I will finish it? but here's the art I did for it ^^
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furashuban · 4 months
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The Thing when it sees Astrid (she was born with blue hair and pronouns)
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