horangslay · 4 months
so proud of my Hongjoong, he's so sexy for taking charge in that fuckass situation & trying to do something but at the same time pls stop looking at him he's mine thanxx 💖🙏
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shrekgogurt · 1 year
Discography Tag!!!
Rules: pick an artist or a band and share your favorite song from each of their albums, then tag some mutuals!
Thank you @yellobb for allowing me to be incredibly self indulgent!
I’m sitting here considering who is an artist I know very well with a large discography? The answer, unfortunately for y’all: Dave Matthews Band. Does this make me a 45 y/o man who wears crusty canvas flip flops? Perhaps. But is that so bad? DMB sounds like coming home from the pool to my parents cooking dinner in the summertime—the warm kind of nostalgia! So, here is some…
Under The Table And Dreaming (1994) - “Typical Situation”
Crash (1996) - “Lie In Our Graves”
Before These Crowded Streets (1998) - “Stay (Wasting Time)”
Everyday (2001) - “So Right”
Busted Stuff (2002) - “Raven” but tbh this is a no skips album for me!!!
Stand Up (2005) - “Louisiana Bayou”
Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King (2009) - “Spaceman”
Away From The World (2012) - “Gaucho”
Come Tomorrow (2018) - “Come Tomorrow” but honestly idgaf about this album lmao
No but for real I tried to choose genuine deep tracks unless my family didn’t have the album (Before These Crowded Streets) or there were honestly too many “hits” and the deep tracks I honestly didn’t like that much (Everyday). Otherwise………….it would just be a playlist of only “Ants Marching” like COME ON IT’S SO GOOD! Still, RIP all my favorites I couldn’t include. I’m looking at you “Grey Street”!
Tagging for the fun of it @raenestee @larkral @palimpsessed but really anyone interested!!!!
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I can only assume Koreaboo's entire news staff is set to finally put to use some journalistic skills for this poopgate story happening at the Hanteo awards.
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nostalgicamerica · 9 months
This fact-checked from Snopes. There are other sources also on the subject;
U.S. President Joe Biden pooped his pants during a meeting with Pope Francis in Rome.
This rating indicates that the primary elements of a claim are demonstrably false. At the end of October 2021, as U.S. President Joe Biden met with Pope Francis during the G20 summit, hashtags such as #poopypantsbiden and #poopgate started circulating on social media, along memes based on the unsubstantiated claim that the commander in chief had a "bathroom accident" during his trip:
There's no evidence that this claim and the social media trend that sprang from it were based on anything other than idle gossip. 
This claim wasn't derived from photos or videos of Biden, or any credible news reports. This rumor appears to have been started (or at least popularized) by former Nevada Republican Party Chairwoman and frequent Newsmax guest Amy Tarkanian,
"The word around Rome is that Biden's meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of an 'bathroom accident' at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving. I know we joke often about this, but this is the actual rumor going around Rome now."
An "actual rumor" is not a fact. 
Biden, of course, is not the only president to have unflattering and untrue rumors spread about his bodily functions on social media. Social media users previously claimed that former President Donald Trump had pooped his pants on the golf course (this rumor was based on a fake photo), that he had peed his pants before or during a public appearance in Tennessee (real photo, misinterpreted), and that he had once worn his pants backwards (this claim was based on some seemingly ill-fitted pants).
As to Joe eating his boogers; I'm sure just like the other claims, they are made up. That's depending on your hatred of him at the moment and the boredom you've experienced because you can't fact check several sources.
NOTE: This is the last anonymous 'ask' of this sort I'm going to answer. Either come out of the shadows like a man (or woman) or shut your cake hole.
I trust Snopes almost as much as I trust a politician moonlighting as a used car salesman.
If you can look back at Biden's track record as a public 'servant' and honestly say he is a good man, there is no point in debating with you because you're delusional. In every aspect of his professional and personal life the man has demonstrated he has the morals of a sewer rat.
Let's consult Ashley's diary, shall we.
He is vermin through and through.
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cannabiscomrade · 3 months
I hope you’re following PoopGate 2024 on my TikTok btw
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crowtrobotx · 5 months
Anyway Poopgate 2024 may have killed the vibes today but at least I got to hang up my new print in my office (sorry this was the only angle where the glare wasn’t total ass)
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(Artist is Angie Pickman of www.ruralpearl.com)
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mndvx · 9 months
poopgate 2 but this time it's birds shitting on eric to make him realize he's messing things up with his family and otis, sure why the hell not at least it's not just pointless humiliation like it was with rahim
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glittter-vamp · 2 months
Nooooooo not Joe pulling a Paul Pierce! 😂 (sorry I know you’re a Celtics fan)
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wetheoriginals · 4 months
What?! But that takes premeditation because you don't just get explosive 💩 for no reason generally like...
I did hear that the person tweeted admitting to it and also offered to compensate anyone who go their shit on them but idk how true that is
everything i have learned about poopgate has been against my own will
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girl-eat-girl · 4 months
If I was directly involved and responsible for a political controversy so significant that countless future controversies regardless of scale would borrow the name, resulting in the existence of “poopgate”, “sockgate”, etc., well I’d kill myself. Kudos to Nixon for finding a way to keep on after that one.
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shrekgogurt · 10 months
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Well friends. I had to move back in with my parents and I'm job searching and it actively makes me feel so bad about myself but I seem to be getting interviews???? It's a lot of emotional ups and downs. I really wanted to get ch. 2 of GSB done in time for the anniversary of poopgate but it wasn't a reality for me so please take a little sample from it now!
“Thank god.” Simon Snow—now fully clothed again—jams a backwards baseball cap over his curls. “We never would have managed without your refined taste.” Baz recalls his non-conversation with Mordelia. (She’s taken to the Grimm family’s indirect communication style like a fish to water.) Interesting…is this negging? Only one way to find out. “Taste?” He raises an expert brow at Simon’s oversized black tee; it bears the emblem of a notable girl group. “Big fan of the Spice Girls, Snow?” (Calling him Simon seems too intimate, like he would see right through him. Not safe. Not safe.) “Well they did tell every boy and every girl to spice up their lives.” “Mmmm,” Baz mmms (thinking, options, experiments to run). “And I’m assuming to get with you one must also get with your friends?” (Risky.) “Bingo,” he cheekily shoots a finger gun, “Ain’t that right, Aggie?” Agatha flips him the bird. It only serves to confuse Baz more.
Alright I'm just gonna tag some folks. @alexalexinii @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @brilla-brilla-estrellita​  @confused-bi-queer @cutestkilla @ebbpettier @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @forabeatofadrum @hertragedyconnoisseur @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @ic3-que3n @ileadacharmedlife @ivelovedhimthroughworse @jasonfunderberkerthefrogexists @larkral @letraspal @martsonmars @mostlymaudlin @onepintobean @palimpsessed @raenestee @supercutedinosaurs​ @theearlgreymage @theimpossibledemon @thewholelemon @umdiasujo @valeffelees @whogaveyoupermission @youarenevertooold​ @you-remind-me-of-the-babe​ @yellobb-old
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thelasttime · 1 year
I’ll help @ anon it’s garlic diarrhoea poopgate
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itsasif007-blog · 2 years
Tell Me The Pettiest Thing You've Done To Your S.O. That You Now Regret
Tell Me The Pettiest Thing You've Done To Your S.O. That You Now Regret
If you’re on TikTok, you might’ve seen a lot of videos popping up over the past month or so of people talking about the petty things they’ve done after a breakup. Robert E. Blackmon / Via giphy.com This is thanks to user @_sadielane, who asked people to share the “pettiest thing [they’ve] done after the end of a relationship,” before sharing what became known as “Poopgate.” NBC / Via…
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Oh, I ah hello, Dis #Froggy
I... I did it.
I'm sorry everyone... Sniffle... Sob...
I'm sorry Hades...
I was so embarrassed...
**throat clears in the crowd**
Excuse me good people of the Court...Dis #Button and I have something to say!
Ok hold on!
I've popped down from the Bridge to back Froggy up on this,
Froggy, can I take the stand for a moment?
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... ... ...
Dis #BossRatButton here and I present the following evidence & x-rays of the young Miss #Froggy 🐭
As you can see, Froggy's spine terminates immediately after the first sacral vertebrae, the S1. Both the S1 and missing S2 vertebrae connect to the ileum, the long bone of the pelvis, and are fused with the S3 and S4 to create four sturdy fused bones that allow the pelvis and legs to connect with the spine, and extend down into the tail which assists not only in balance but in maintaining a healthy spinal shape.
Miss #Froggy and Miss #Nubbin both lack tails, raising the question of why, if Nubbin is so mobile, would Froggy be so significantly impacted in her confidence and ability to traverse between hammock and litter tray?
As shown in the x-rays, Froggy's pelvis and back legs are attached only by one vertebrae, the absolute bare minimum of spine that she could have survived to birth with. The curvature of the spine at the attachment is a result of the significant strain and torque on the attachment to the ileum, imagine holding a large stick out horizontally in front of you, but just holding the very end of the stick in one hand with no counterbalance. This is what gives Miss #Froggy her unusual gait and her need to move around gently.
Miss #Froggy pleads guilty to pooping in the hammocks, but we urge the jury to understand that this is a matter of disability.
Therefore Miss #Froggy would not have committed these acts if she were sufficiently supported with mobility aids such as ladders and ramps.
It is my suggestion to the Court that Miss #Froggy receive no punishment. Further she should receive more access to mobility aids into the future.
#Hades is also not guilty!
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lunastar92 · 4 years
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Poor Johnny! 💔
Fuck Amber Heard and her cult of freeloader friends! 💩🖕🤬
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foster-clockworker · 4 years
*Me after hearing about the bed incident*: So...we could say she is...bedshit crazy?
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