#poor boimler
kimwexlers-brownhair · 10 months
I love how Christine and Erica bond by hazing people. They're the ship's mean girls (affectionate).
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glimblshanks · 8 months
It's actually kind of odd to me that even in lower decks, where the main characters being low-level workers is literally the point, we never see enlisted starfleet members.
The warp core four are all ensigns. They're still officers, even if they're junior officers (and tbh, a lot of the work they do is actually work that should be done by noncommissioned petty officers, not ensigns).
This makes some sense for who the characters are. The daughter of a captain and an admiral is obviously going to attend the academy and start out as an officer. Similarly, the heiress of the 5th largest orion syndicate family simply isn't going to be enlisted, I don't care how egalitarian and post-scarcity your utopia is. And someone like boimler who's main goal is to become captain would need to be an officer to achieve that. These choices make sense for the characters in question.
But it does feel weird to me that we never see enlisted members in a show that is literally called lower decks. I mean it's confirmed in multiple episodes of TNG and DS9 that starfleet has enlisted members (which of course they do, starfleet is literally just U.S. Navy In Space) so that seems like an obvious thing to include in the show.
I think the actual reason for this is probably just that mike mcmahan didn't grow up in a military family, learned everything he knows about military rank from star trek, and then when he was first storyboarding and googled navy ranks it was officer ranks that came up first.
Like I'm fairly certain, based on every interview I've seen with mcmahan, and also some of the plots in lower decks, that he just isn't a guy who knows a lot about the military. But honestly, I think that's kind of a bummer because you could milk a lot of comedy out of there being an even lower lower decks that the main four interact with.
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c-vs-the-world · 9 months
I'm watching Star Trek Lower Decks and it's so good very funny 10/10 but cmon guys just LET BOIMLER BE HAPPY OH MY GOD
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ffcrazy15 · 9 months
Season 4 Episode 2 spoilers below
Ugh her little "Why– why would I do that...?" just got to me. Because I know why. Plenty of people know why. I just assumed Mariner knew why, too.
But no. It makes perfect sense that she doesn't know. That she doesn't even realize she's doing it. Because that would mean thinking about the war and acknowledging it and she has buried it so far deep down that she doesn't even recognize when she's acting out because of it.
Oh honey. I just want to give her a hug.
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cozyforjate · 10 months
I loved the crossover! It was fun as expected and also had some really emotional moments that I did not expect.
Warning: Spoilers ahead... Mostly about Spock&Chapel!
Boimler, baby I love you but how dare you?
Boimler and Chapel scene was hard to watch for me. Jess Bush once again killed it! Christine says she never assumed that she would get to influence Spock forever and she didn't want it anyway. But the truth is, she wanted everything with Spock. She was just too afraid to admit it. Aww my poor baby!😭
Btw- the theme that played in this scene is the same from 2x05 where Christine injected the serum into Spock and later Spock confessed his feelings to Chapel. So it seems that we have not 1 but 2 Spapel themes!🧡
Spock later tells Boimler that "Nurse Chapel" told him about their exchange... I'm happy that Christine told Spock. She didn't get into detail but she didn't keep it a secret. I'm glad she's honest and communicating with Spock!
"But you did say something to Christine that upset her."
What Spock really wanted to say: Why did you upset my girlfriend?
Gotta love boyfriend Spock!
Spock saying he's not gonna change his path bcoz any change based on what Boimler said would impact the future is logical. It makes sense. BUT it’s also what Spock wants to do. Logic works in his favor coz Spock doesn’t want to give up on Christine anyway! He is not gonna end things with her and suppress his feelings for her just bcoz he was supposed to be more Vulcan in the future and the books don’t mention Chapel.
And just bcoz the books don't write about Spock&Chapel, doesn't mean it didn't happen. It's happening right now. Maybe Boimler will write about them one day!
Look, Spapel might be doomed, but it's still a beautiful and tragic love story. Every episode of SNW is creating history and adding extra layers to TOS and beyond. For example, I recommend all Spapel fans to rewatch Charades and The Naked Time back to back. I did it and i was mind blown.
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thelowerdecker · 4 months
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Seeing Boimler like that: 😭 I just wanna give him a hug and protect him!
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laneofpennies · 8 months
Y’all think William Boimler has. like. any friends?
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thewomancallednova · 9 months
I have so many feelIngs about this weeks episode, I love it so much. Boimler and Rutherford's dynamic is great and I really love the inversion of the usual "new roommates hate each-other" trope that LD went with. Poor Lil' Boney though :(
I'm also sooo glad we get to learn more about Tendi, the romp through Orion was probably one of the funniest plots Lower Decks had so far. The "Mariner gets stabed joke", managed to have a little twist each-time making it still funny at like the fourth time it was used. T'Lyn also keeps proving that she's a great addition to the core cast, please can we keep her, the vulcan science directorate clearly doesnt deserve her
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Confession #187
"Lower Decks game is fun, but why are they always bringing up Mariner farting? Does some writer or developer of the game have some weird fetish? Also, since Boimler also has bad gas in the show, does that mean him and Mariner are Tums buddies? Also, RIP to all those poor Vulcans' nostrils, no wonder they wear nasal-suppressants around humans. Maybe T'Lyn was onto something when she said Boimler's odor was gonna be repulsive and not just because he was assigned to clean up crusty old space jizz."
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morns-fevered-dream · 8 months
Time for more star trek Lower Decks live blogging I have no information on this episode before hand so that's exciting anyhow Spoilers 💫
Season 4 Episode 8
Mariner is just like me I too hate caves
Oooh forehead light thing
So wait this is just a cave focused episode?
Now that I think about it their has been a lot of dangerous caves in trek
Ah still conspiracy theorists
Damn Boimler brutal
Ah damn conspiracy guy was right?!
I quite liked the Vendorians and Levy scene was very humorous
"Quick Boimler take off your pants" oh boy
"No questions asked huh" oh my lord
Boimler Is slaying that shirt skirt
You had a WHAT? With T'ana??
Mpreg?!?! Already?
Classic T'ana
Now we know what ye olden Mariner looks like
Ah poor night crew delta shift
Delta shift redemption arc?
Oh shit Asif got messed up
Finally getting the story of what happened after the pilot (I've never thought about it before)
Awww heartwarming story
Lol Shaxs moment
The Vendorians
Well it fun episode felt like a telling stories around a campfire but with well caves instead
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ssaalexblake · 10 months
Even aside from how funny the snw/lwd crossover was, it spoke to me as somebody who has been irritated with the fandom (that i can avoid less and less these days because of algorithms). 
Lower Decks has often been described as what would happen if star trek nerds got to actually be in starfleet. The quad of main characters are Massive starfleet nerds, and they also represent the fans who are more technical about it with their appreciation for ship models and engineering, but also the ones who’re fannish over the characters as well. 
So Boimler and Mariner going back in time to see these characters and being freaked out and disappointed that most of them are not the people they learnt about in the history books was Soothing. 
Pike and Una, the oldest of the bunch were more or less how Boimler and Mariner were expecting. They’ve already Done a lot of the things they’re famous for even if they’ve not done all of them.
But the younger ones whose stories we as the audience already know from other trek shows were not how they thought they would be. They are young, this is a prequel, the aim of a prequel is to explain how the story/characters ended up how they are when you meet them in the original media. Therefore, they’re not done cooking yet and are different right now. 
The differences in Spock and Uhura whom were most focused on were noted in different ways, Boimler was freaked out about Spock’s newfound decision to try and explore his emotions simply because this part of his story never hit a history book. Mariner told uhura how she’s remembered by history and some of it fit and some of it didn’t simply because Uhura’s still really young and she’s not grown to be the person she will yet. 
And Boimler was cut up about this at first, it took some time for him to come to terms with the fact that the stories he’d read about these people did not show him everything about them. Mariner had a different reaction, she saw Uhura is young and has so much to come that maybe she just needs a little help. But in the end they both saw the same thing. 
And i’ve been perpetually irritated by both the ‘they’re trying so hard to be tos and failing’ and the ‘why are they so different to tos this is bad characterisation’ crowds bc both fail to miss the point that A) this show is not trying to be TOS, it’s trying to write a story that will eventually Lead to TOS which is an entirely different thing, and B) no it’s not TOS on Purpose and the stories are as they are because it would be bad writing of a TV show, and in general a poor understanding of human growth and evolution, to do carbon copies of the OG characters and put them in all these situations and not have them evolve at all during the whole show. 
They’re not supposed to be like their future selves. They’re supposed to evolve Into them, which is an entirely different assignment and one they’re not failing at imo. If you judge the show for doing something it’s not trying to do, of course it’ll get a fail grade. 
I like lower decks bc for how silly it is, it is also smart. I think this episode was a very concise addressing some of the unfair complaints aimed at SNW while Also connecting to the SNW characters’ plots and being a wild funny ride at the same time. SNW is a prequel, the thing about prequels is they have to balance being able to develop characters to write a good show with engaging stories in its own right, but Have to end at a fixed point. If audiences won’t acknowledge that they won’t see the people they’re familiar with acting the way they’re used to until the end of the prequel, then everybody is gonna go around in circles. 
It’s a prequel and it’s acting like one, nobody has to Like prequels but it’s doing its job as one just fine. 
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Real talk, I'm kinda sick of Vulcan men being cast as the jerk or unwanted suitor in favor of a human male, examples being Koss and Vorik. Especially since many alien species in Star Trek are allegories for foreign powers. Don't get me wrong, Tom/B'Elanna and Trip/T'Pol aren't bad ships. But once in a while, I'd like to see writers flip the script where the alien woman chooses the Vulcan or other alien man over the white human male. I've seen some T'Lyn/Boimler shippers on Reddit come up with fantasies where T'Lyn's fiance is some Vulcan version of Lyle Van de Groot but being with Boimler, the white American human male, will save her from oppression. To me, it sounds too much like some racist Lotus Blossom fantasy of the white man saving the Asian woman from oppression by Asian men by marrying her. I know the original Star Trek was progressive for it's time (Uhura not being a maid, Soviet Chekhov and Japanese Sulu being good guys) but there was still some racist moments like Kirk being the Mighty Whitey trope to Salish' Native Rival in "The Paradise Syndrome." So I hope Lower Decks subverts expectations by not having T'lyn be some poor oppressed Vulcan woman who needs the love of a white human man in order to rebel against her culture/species' expectations.
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nike-ravus · 10 months
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A brief deleted scene from the crossover episode. XDDD, for Trekkerverse at least. (Poor Christine, she needed an . . . even more confusing interaction. Boimler has sadly not read Journeys)
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ffcrazy15 · 10 months
I need a whole fic where the Cerritos is mistaken for the Enterprise by some type of alien with very high intelligence but very poor visual recognition, for whatever reason.
And Freeman either can't or is too scared to convince them that they're not the Enterprise, so she starts desperately assigning everyone to various roles. Boimler gets assigned as Data, and since he and Mariner are the only people on the ship who play string instruments, the captain orders them to put together some sort of "symphony" because the aliens have heard that that's a thing on the Enterprise.
And it's just Mariner and Boimler frustratedly trying to figure out how to combine her electric guitar skills and his traditional violin skills into something suitably "symphonic" (i.e. thematically trying to combine her more lax/modern way of doing things with his more strict/traditional way).
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marymoss1971 · 9 months
Star Trek: Lower Decks eps 4.1 & 4.2
* * * * * * * *
This was surprising. Of course, I knew it’d be a callback to Tuvix, but this episode went all-in on the premise. LOL, They even acknowledged that Janeway’s solution was, uh, controversial. I did feel sorry for the curator—he worked so diligently at making Voyager a museum, then it all goes to hell when the Cerritos arrives. Speaking of which, it was odd when all the holograms spilled into the ship. It was even odder that they had the mind-clown since he wasn’t actually a hologram, nor was he created on Voyager. My guess is the curator took some liberties and created the hologram based on the logs.
Speaking of which, apparently the curator decided to create the salamaders also. For years, I tried to pretend that the whole Threshold debacle just wasn’t commented on. Yes, it happened but no one likes to talk or think about it. Apparently, I’m wrong there.
Oh, and I’m imagining Admiral Janeway shaking her head and rolling her eyes when she reads this mission report. LOL
My favorite quotes were Mariner geeking out over Voyager and Boimler’s “but things always go sideways” (because, they do)
The gang (minus Rutherford) earned promotions! Yay!! A part of me really hopes that Ensign Casey did not get promoted—because I want to see his face when our Lt. (jg)’s start giving him orders.
I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee
I HATED the Mariner story here. Her being insubordinate as a way to get demoted on her own terms was just painful to watch. Huge kudos to Ramson for seeing through it and being patient because she would’ve really deserved being demoted.
Moopsy—Amazing something so cute can stay cute even when it’s deadly. Speaking of which, I don’t understand the logic in releasing him—they’re just putting themselves at risk.
Poor Boimler! As soon as he walked into his quarters, I thought “There has to be a way to dim the viewscreen.” and I was right! Also, I know it was done for laughs, it’s really hard to believe that holodecks aren’t soundproof.
It’s strange that while there was a ceremony where the first officer placed the pips on officers, Billups can do it in engineering himself.
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thelongestway · 8 months
dead tired, so food and liveblog time
science buddies!
also wow Mariner, did you have to go to the Pah Wraith caves or something?
conspiracy dude, how are you even a lieutenant. people who do conspiracies have normally never had to organize a thing in their lives
but then again you are science
maybe you're one of those dudes who people just... leave alone to do their job. like a mathematician, those do this shit a lot (and far, far more don't, but y'all know better than me what the true weirdos of your profession are, right)
the flashlight is great tho OH NO/YES THAT DUDE IS A MATHEMATICIAN
ahh ok. so someone promoted him to lieutenant and THEN they stopped this is a surprisingly compelling take. let me get the popcorn, Boimler ok lol the fact that you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching you! i gotta admit the tentacle monsters are pretty cute
and then they were roommates
who wants to bet that pant material and jacket material are different?
ahhh weird officer story time now that they get scheduled alone more often
jokes aside - I really like this format
ok mpreg c-section, lower decks, you are pulling zero punches with your weird science
I can just imagine hundreds of trekkie men scream in horror
good on you, lower decks!
aw, T'Ana ) i know why you hate engineers )) and d'aww, first engineer that's not terrible!
also this is in general such a star trek episode! so much first contact ))) thank you writers!
also poor Tendi needs a cave story, who's betting this'll be hers?
whoa suddenly Delta Shift
old lady friendship!!!
also zero punches on creepy weird science, again aww the moss just wants to hear Tendi's story!
the tentacle aliens teaching the Feds about the power of friendship is something bloody else!
tl;dr: CUTE! no, seriously, this is such a nice little breather.
also the next two episodes are going to be bloody terrifying aren't they
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