#poppy playtime luminous au
asamary · 1 month
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What the dogdays think about their player.
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sp00pypumpkins · 2 months
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The critters from the Luminous AU by @asamary I wanted to get used to their shapes there they are :D
and more doodles here with Zero also in the AU because i like to draw my lil guy qwq
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and also under the cut just old doodles I did XD
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he angy
idk if I forgot smth anyways I have been doodling this last week since this upcoming week i have to start studying for an exam (someone help me i no no wanna)
After the exam I will have to go on a trip ewe and will come back early may HAHA
So I will probably post lil doodles this week and then dip till may HAHA who knows
Also an altarnate to catnap doodle here because the quality drops when looking in the app
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unrelatedlily · 1 month
i finally have time to get to the art so yay!
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Poppy playtime Luminous au belongs to @asamary, they're super cool so you should check them out if you like poppy playtime :D
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noel3png · 4 months
Hello there! The names Xay, I go by any pronouns and I'm 19 years old. I've been roleplaying for 8 years and consider myself to be advanced literate. I tend to flesh out my roleplay responses which end up making descriptions detailed haha. I love long responses, but will be alright with literate roleplayers! I match what I'm given, as long as it's not a few sentences.
I roleplay in 3rd person and expect you to do the same. I don't use * either. If you need an roleplay sample, then let me know! I also don't rp with oc's since i find the rp itself to get boring! So only canon parings please :)
Here are a list of fandoms I’m currently willing to write for!
Poppy Playtime
Genshin Impact
South Park
Harry Potter
Muses and Ships are lengthy - but hopefully you see something that interests you! Feel free to ask if you don’t see a ship you want to do! Bold is who I can muse, (parenthesis) is who I’m looking for!
Poppy Playtime:
DogDay x (CatNap)
CatNap x (DogDay)
KickinChicken x (…I really don’t care, I just wanna try him 😭)
Genshin Impact:
Lyney x (Wriothesley/Aether)
Neuvillette x (Wriothesley/Furina)
Furina x (Neuvillette/Arlecchino)
Tighnari x (Cyno)
Al Haitham x (Kaveh/Cyno)
Scaramouche x (Kazuha/Childe)
Kaedehara Kazuha x (Scaramouche/Gorou)
Arataki Itto x (Gorou/Kuki/Sara)
Gorou x (Kokomi/Itto/Kazuha)
Kuki Shinobu x (Heizou/Itto)
Kujou Sara x (Kokomi/Itto)
Chongyun x (Xingqiu/Ga Ming)
Xingqiu x (Chongyun)
Ga Ming x (Chongyun/YunJin)
Xiao x (Lumine/Aether)
Childe x (Zhongli/Scaramouche/Lumine)
Yanfei x (Hu Tao)
Hu Tao x (Yanfei)
Razor x (Bennett/Fischl)
Bennett x (Razor/Fischl)
Fischl x (Bennett/Razor)
Diluc Ragnvindr x (Childe/Thoma)
Albedo Kreideprinz x (Kaeya)
South Park:
Kyle Broflovski x (Stan)
Craig Tucker x (Kenny/Tweek)
Butters Stotch x (Kenny)
Marjorine x (Kenny)
Tolkien Black x (Clyde)
Wendy Testaburger x (Stan/Heidi)
Harry Potter:
Sirius Black x (Remus)
Remus Lupin x (Sirius)
Draco Malfoy x (Harry)
Luna Lovegood x (Harry/Ginny)
Sai x (Ino)
Naruto x (Sasuke/Hinata)
Deidara x (Sasori)
Other fandoms I have lower interest in, but wouldn’t mind roleplaying would be Overwatch, Danganronpa, and Voltron! Just ask, and I can tell you my muses and ships!
Discord is preferred, since l'd like to make an organized server for the two of us! I don't have any triggers, but please tell me yours if you have any. NSFW is 100% fine with me, and plotlines with angst is preferred, but I can do a mix of fluff and angst! I have au's I can send to you if need be, just let me know!
Thank you for the read, either like or message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
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asamary · 2 months
Say, cheese!
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asamary · 3 months
Still haven't thought of a name for the au... but, i got catnaps design!
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Also the player in this au is very reckless. So.. yeah:)
(And has very bad sense of clothing, crafty or bobby's gotta dress them up very often)
Down here ⤵︎ is a sketch i did!
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asamary · 3 months
Luminous! Catnap HAS BEAAAAANS Starlight (I like to call player that in this au) cna touch the beans!!!! LUCKY THEM! XD
Catnap isn't the only one. :))
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Catnap's lower hand has beans too! But he hides them evertime
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asamary · 3 months
Luminous Au or Fallen Angel au
(idk it just sounds nice☺️)
(and also I just found your art while scrolling and immediately fell in love especially the sweet home au) sorry if I'm rambling love your art btw💕
Anon......... THANK YOU!!
Luminous does sound nice. We are thankful for your idea anon.
And also im glad you like my art! Its mostly just doddle, since im still practicing rendering them sooo yeah..
Have this not yet Finnish piece i drew! :))
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asamary · 3 months
This is another au me and ant wanted to make. Me and ant are still not sure about this au's concept and all, buttttt its about gods, angels, and monsters pretty much.
Soo the story is...
The player was once an angel that was always beside the prototype, the two only watched from the sidelines never interacting, or changing one's fate. The prototype sees the player as a child that needs guidance, and teaches the player their ways. Which is to only observe, never lift a single finger. The player, at first did what they were told, and as they observe for a long time, they begun to have a desire, The desire to live.
When they told the prototype of their desire, the prototype was furious of this. To live with the humans and the beast is unholy to their eyes. To be tainted with their sins,the beasts and humans's unholy desire tainting their precious angel. They lectured the player, but the player persuaded.
So one faithful day, the player did something no angels ever had the guts to do. They broke their halo. After that, they fell. Their halo turning black as the void and their feathers falling until a small wings only remained.
When they landed in a nearby forest, their fall soften by the tree branches. They, for the first time, felt pain. They felt every single bone of their body hurt. But they didn't scream in pain, it was the opposite. They laughed, for the first time in millennia, they found joy in the smallest things. The forest where they landed, had an abandoned cabin. They made it their home, and everyday they would explore the forest. Eating the mushrooms and the berries(even the poisonous ones) they felt alive. They felt free. And once in a while, wild creatures would come to them. Bears, snakes, rabbits, even the deers. They had an aura that said they were harmless. But that also meant they would attract dangerous beasts that stalked the forest. One group in particular. The humans call them the smiling critters, but dont underestimate the critter part, these beast are big, and could eat a human in one gulp. They were curious about the new human living in their cabin. At first they wanted to eat them, but as time passes, they begun to yearn the player's presence. Their softness, how the player always arrange the stuffed toys perfectly until they begun their routine. How they would always make too much food, and merely put them in the refrigerator. How the odd human would read a story until they slept with one of the toys in their arms.
The player lived happily.
Never knowing that their god was always watched them, and one of their loyal followers living with them.
It seems even when they try to leave, their god will always hold them close.
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(This isn't finished, and we might change it. But ant liked this idea. Also dogday and catnap's design is still not sure. We both brainstorming here, and how we both gonna make the critters. )
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asamary · 29 days
For the players what would you do if someone wants to pick up a fight with yall? XD?
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Took a full week of break, sorry about that XD
Edited: i just noticed i got some spellings wrongXDDD sorry for that, was sleepy(i wont change it anymore, since i flattened all the layers ('□' ))
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asamary · 1 month
For home sweet home AU, what was angel's first week with their new roommates like? How'd introductions go?
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asamary · 23 days
So Angel (Luminous), when are you planning to tell the others that you're an actual angel?
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asamary · 28 days
Luminous au doodles i did and never post, just gonna drop them here XD
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This was a gift for @sp00pypumpkins :3
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The Up ones was my first drawing of them. You might have seen them in spoopy >:) i just never posted them XD
And the 5 angels are just a little idea i suddenly thought of. I forgot what it was.
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This one was, i think a few weeks ago. My memory sucks as hell XD
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asamary · 26 days
For luminous au, what does catnap think of player, considering he used to be very close to prototype, is he a bit jealous?
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I think he has suspicion on my other half.
He was always the observing type after all. I could only pray for my half's safety, for if he knew what they are.
Well, he is the most devoted for a reason. And a crime at their god, will not be left unpunished. Even,if it was something he held close.
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asamary · 3 months
is catnap basically the first caretaker of the player in the luminous au?
Yes, yes he is anon. When crafty brought the player to their cabin he was the first to analyze them.
He was the first to be seen by the player, but with the player's damaged head, they kinda only saw his colors and shape.
He was also the one to stop crafty from draining the player dry.(crafty still got one jar full of red)
How did he knew the player was a follower of his god? Player has a star charm that is the same as his, just more brighter.
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When he notified his god, his god saw their little angel, all covered in blood and bruises. They were going to bring back the little angel, but because of the decision the little angel took, they couldn't. The Angel was now a fallen one, unable to go back to their heavenly land. And forever to roam the earth for eternity.
They were furious when they noticed, but is patient for their angel, if it took an eternity to bring them back, then so be it.
the little crow will stay with their devoted cat and his companions for now. And if a mortal ever lay a single scratch on the little angel.
It will be a fate worst than death.
in this au, the player is not called angel, their called sunshine or other various nicknames. (The prototype is probably the only one to call them angel tho )The player doesn't like being called angel, since it reminds them of who they once were.
(Do note that most of this is something i made up, so don’t take any of this angel stuff too seriously.)
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asamary · 3 months
I was rambling about what dogday would look in luminous au, while feathers slept.
And i thought, what if, the critters have like a human disguise, so they could hide in plainsight. And would sometimes lure people to their cabin to have their human feast :)
Most of the critters have different methods to hunt their prey like,
Hoopy likes to chase her prey in the woods. jumping from tree to tree or on the ground right behind her food. And in her human disguise, she is seen as a very hyper person, and very competitive when playing with some people(or the critters)how she hunts in her human form is pretty straight forward, she hunts the rumbustious people that come near the woods by acting as a lonely rabbit, practically luring her victim to their maze like forest. Where the fun begins.
Bubba is the one mostly using his human form, loves drinking coffee in some cafes and reading books. When he is on the hunt, he drugs his victims, and brings them to the basement in their cabin, at those times the critters leave to wander the woods, annoyed or scared by the loud screams and laughter coming from the basement.
Kicken being the cool dude, loves to get attentions, is mostly out impressing them girls(if ya know what i mean:)) in his human form. And when he hunts he mostly tags along with hoppy, being a watcher from the tress, if a prey ever escape, he's there to snatch them back.
Crafty barely uses her human form, as she is always at their cabin mostly painting or drawing. Bubba is the one buying her tools and paints when she runs out. But, there is a specific red that she always wants, human red. Sometimes bubba's victim's blood is used, or when she is outside the cabin, she search for poor souls, unfortunate enough to be in their woods.
Picky is always seen in food stands with multiple food in her hands, bubba is always there to stop her from going to get more even when she still has her hands full of foods. She is the butcher of the critters, and humans that is given to her is sliced and dice to look like normal meat, and is store in their cooler. For future use.
Bobby loves to make connection with people, she loves to get touchy with most people, and on midnight, where there is no people left, she hugs her victim one last time. To the point where their ribs break having an agonizing death. She remembers every victim she kills, and she always say she loved every, single, one of them.
Catnap doesn't like using his human form, but when his god orders him to kill some certain people, he will obey. He only comes out at night, mostly stalking his prey. He loves using his red gas to play with his victims, making them more terrified of him. He also love playing hide and seek with his victims.
Dogday is the only one who tries to help the victims escape(good or bad, he doesn't really know)because of this, his hands and legs are bound. Giving him less movements to guide the victims. But even he isn't safe, there are mini critters sleeping inside him. If the victim makes a bad move like, shouting at dogday, or shoving him, they will wake up. And they too are very hungry. So, sucks to be you then. Your gonna be eaten while your still alive.
The critters have a difficult relationships with each other, they love dogday, but him interfering in their hunts is irritating to them,(but they kinda got used to it. )
I got their design, but i wanna make the human design too. Here have dogday :))
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