#post crisis date
mermaidchan05 · 2 months
Vesuvia Weekly: First Date Headcanons
To set the scene: Nearly a month has passed since that fateful Masquerade. Things are being rebuilt. The city is growing and improving. And there have been many, many celebrations, both large and small. But our heroes have hardly gotten any chance to rest. So the M6 finally decided to take things into their own hands...
Nadia, Portia, and Chimalus
There was never a shortage of fancy events for the three of them to share.
When you’re dating (and/or engaged to) the Countess, those tend to happen.
And the trio snuck off to quieter corners of the palace as often as they could (which was never often enough)
But with both Nadia and Chimalus in high demand for their various areas of expertise, and Portia's new Chamberlain title keeping her busy, there wasn’t time for a real, true date.
Not until Portia made it happen.
Portia spent weeks silently gathering information in her scant free time
All to plan the perfect getaway: a day out on the town in “disguises” (otherwise known as casual clothes)
Because the two loves of her life absolutely need a day out without any stuffed-up nobles breathing down their necks.
Portia knows the Vesuvian markets better than almost anyone, so once she knows what she’s looking for, she easily finds the best possible places to stop.
After visits to museums, watching a street performance, and going on an amazing shopping spree, the trio ended the day at a bookshop in the Heart District.
(Because out of all the things the three of them have in common, the greatest is their love of reading)
And right next to the book shop was an adorable little tea shop.
They spent far too long in there, chatting about the books they just purchased and draining an entire teapot between the three of them.
Of course, they could always just have tea in the palace. But the atmosphere was so cozy, and even at the shop’s busiest, the chatter is almost soothing.
Plus this shop had such cute teacups, and so many teas that Nadia has never heard of, and delicious little pastries and tea cakes… After that night, the shop become one of the trio’s favorite places to visit.
They always enjoy their time there.
(And all the people working at the tea shop very politely pretend that they don’t recognize the Countess herself under her scarf.)
Asra and Meleia
Asra was eager to plan the whole event.
He wanted the date to be both relaxing and full of all the things that Meleia adored. It was what she deserved after they defeated the Devil together and finally had room to breathe.
So he made her favorite meal, and did his best to recreate the moment of their first kiss: the beginning of the Masquerade, right after dealing with the Lazaret.
The two of them were out on the water, sharing a beautiful moment under the fireworks.
Of course, for this date, they were the only ones who took a boat out that night. And instead of fireworks, Asra used his magic to create a dazzling display of lights in the sky.
Some of the images were so tightly timed together that it looked like animation. Particularly animation of two very familiar-looking figures dancing among the stars.
Inspired, Meleia invited him to dance the moment they got to the shore.
The two of them never needed any music to dance together.
Julian and Damian
According to Damian, the two of them have gone on a lot of dates.
Grabbing coffee right before work? A date.
Unwinding in the Rowdy Raven after an especially long day? A date.
Accidentally wandering into one of the town’s many celebrations and playing music together? A date!
They’ve had so many of these moments that Damian declared dates that now Julian is determined to take him on an actual date.
He’s even more determined to do it right.
And to fill it with everything Damian enjoys.
So he makes a plan.
Step one: clean up the little garden that he and Damian used as a hiding spot when Julian was still on the run from the guards and use it as a picnic spot.
Step two, serenade him with an original song.
Step three, take him to the most romantic community theater show possible.
Step four, celebrate their successful date with fancy drinks.
Of course, none of it quite goes according to plan.
The garden is somehow messier than it was before, the original song is half-finished, and the show was a bit more melodramatic than advertised.
At least the drinks were good.
But honestly, as far as Damian was concerned, all the little mishaps just made the whole thing more endearing.
(And Julian's unfinished song granted the perfect opportunity for him to get out his guitar when they got home and help Julian finish writing it)
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vesuviaweekly · 2 months
Vesuvia Weekly: Prompt for March 27th - April 10th
You voted, so here it is!
The First Post-Crisis Date
Or, the first date MC and their LI have in their upright ending!
With that, the "That's not how that's supposed to work" prompt is officially closed!
The tags are the usual #vesuvia weekly and for this specific prompt, #post crisis date. The masterlist for all works submitted for this prompt will be under the poll for next week :D
Love Run by @thehegemoncaller
First Date Headcannons by @mermaidchan05
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surelysilly · 2 months
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The black flakes from Danny’s arm, reveals his bleeding fist wrapped up in razor thin strings of bright light — the metaphysical representation of the unraveling fabric of reality. Fingers dripping red and green, Danny squeezes and the fuzzy edges to his fritzing outline solidify.  Somewhere, somewhen, something is happening. Has been happening, and is now trying to draw itself to a close. 
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compacflt · 9 months
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wip wednesday: picking at it slowly but surely
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rebirthdinosaurs · 4 months
me trying to figure out if im aromantic like:
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supermanshield · 2 years
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Comfy sweater
Adventures of Superman #429
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spyder31 · 1 year
Natasha wiping/leaving lipstick stains on Maria. (Posted today or tomorrow.)
Waking up together with bed hair. (It will take up to 1-3 days after the first post.)
Watching the stars together. (It might be angst or comic like for what I want so there will be no specific date it will be posted on.)
Natasha carrying Maria. (This will be posted someday after the second post of BlackHill.)
Maria and Natasha sharing an umbrella together. (This will be after the third post with a few days in between.)
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possiblyfunny · 2 months
What’s up with me posting Art all of a sudden???
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This is Aster. He’s the Red from my own Blue Tears AU. I’ve never actually drawn him before, he’s just kinda lingered in my mind for two or so years—so this is the first pass of his design! Aster is a free-roaming spirit that, while missing his own tangible body, uses his new ghostly form to try and spread a little joy. Leaving nice messages and gifts of flowers for those he thinks need a reason to smile.
(Hey! Psst! @creatively-cosmic! You said you wanted to see him��so here he is!)
Other Versions of the art below the cut.
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And yes: he has eyes. They’re just covered by the shadow of his cap.
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billybabyy · 9 months
I feel like after having one date with a guy and giving two others my Snapchat is a bad time to realize I don’t think I wanna be dating right now 😅
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strawberri-draws · 2 years
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*dumps random oc art with no context* vampire gorl :}
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creaturebloom · 8 months
you know what ??? i don't like a*y p*nd
i just don't. getting married in the morning, throws herself at the doctor ! time jumps FIVE YEARS and is married and HEAVILY PREGNANT and the one thing she says before ending the dream is that she's never told rory she loves him ????????
like. im not bashing the actress she's doing what she can but the writing of her character is just. absurd to me. i get it like falling in love with the doctor is something girls do on this show but like. to be actively engaged and decide after a couple of adventures that you're gonna bang the doctor and completely forget about your fiance ???
AND THEN SUDDENLY it's all fine actually ! she chooses rory in just a couple episodes !
and even just these like 7 episodes in she's like "the doctor trusts me more than anyone and would tell me anything" but like ...... mostly he just yells at you to not do something that you then go do anyway ???
it's just such a weird ass relationship that they have like. literally what.
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kkoct-ik · 4 months
finding drawings from this year that i have absolutely no memory of shouldnt be the most disturbing thing to me this week but here we are
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notjanine · 2 years
i am in suuuuuch a weird headspace rn, my brain is like. i want half a boyfriend i want a husband i want an easy carefree hookup i want to have sex with only one more person in my entire life i want to have a slut era i want someone to fall in love with me i want to ruin a man's life. who am i
#like okay i said that guy was messy and maybe i am messy too#but only internally! i can at least be consistent and honest in my communication and behavior#but idek what is going on with me#is this a belated quarter life crisis is this being thirty is this what happens when grad school and an internship scramble your brain#scramble your brain so hard that your emotions and physical desires also go haywire#this month is gonna be so weird for me and like i'm depressed enough to not care if i live or die which is when i do my best flirting#and i (theoretically) will have enough time off to take care of myself and get good sleep and do skincare and hair care and work out#and do all the little things to make myself feel more confident#anyway all i know is. i have baby steps initiated progress on some things.#but also the mutually agreed upon six-month post-breakup communication moratorium with my ex is almost up and i am half tempted to call him#i am also half tempted to mess with the OTHER guy in our internship cohort even though that would be THEE messy bitch move#(do not let me do it physically stop me from doing it if it seems like i'm going to)#(but y'know he's. nice. nearby. single. quietly hilarious and has full lips and a similar schedule to my own. pls stop me)#(we might hang out next week. i will not WILL NOT invite him over. i repeat do NOT let me invite him over)#earlier this week i talked to a close very cool and fun and social friend about wanting to start dating again and she was like#Oh i know like ten guys for you lemme have another party and invite all of them and you#and i'm thisclose to being like. actually just fucken see if any of them will go on a blind date with me next weekend.#what the FUCK is wrong with me rn#ANYWAY lemme go work out and finally start the vampire show#bc exercise will distract my body and that toxic relationship bullshit will put a damper on these desires right. right??#starting to understand why so many religions are like watch out for sins of the flesh or whatever. like how they're like temptation is bad.#lizzo_boys.mp3
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endless-season · 1 year
lucien vs. victor and lucien+ victor? :D
Give me two characters in my inbox
Who would win in a fight
Not Hades.
What a dangerous question...
They get caught in a stalemate and end up with a civilized win/win result... but that's a boring answer so....
Straightforward / physical fight Lucien. His evol is too OP and he probably has more relevant experience with combining and making use of them in combat.
Strategic plotting / no actual fighting Victor. I mean, they're both experts but Victor has stronger plot + character armour in this regard. Lucien would slither his way out with some form of win in some sense but Victor gets to be overall winner.
Verbal They take both take turns undermining the other and it's beautiful *wipes tears*
... Emotional: Lucien, Financial: Victor, Domesti-/bricked
How I ship them
Smart, competent, ambitious, hardworking
Notably appreciates smart, competent, ambitious, hardworking people
Angst generator,lacking an appreciation of sleep
Has high standards
Meets each other's standards
Gets things done
Truly the lasting 聪明人 alliance
Victor Side:
He watched Lucien's speech on Miracle Finder and instantly fell in investmentship
Just barges into Lucien's sekret hideout in the literal middle of the night like it's no big deal?!?!
Cryptic one liners
Understands Lucien's cryptic speeches
Knows how to look out for people
Can bring out Lucien's childish trolling side by having such amusing reactions.
Lucien Side:
Snarks tf back
Called Victor tf out when he was being ridiculous
Told Victor about his sekret hideout that even MC doesn't know about?!?!
Cryptics speeches
Understands Victor's cryptic oneliners
Requires feeding /bricked
Needs someone to look out for him /bricked
Can bring out Victors soft side via a completely opposite direction that MC did
Look I just want them to continue interacting and schemeing and snarking and crypticing bc they have such great and beautiful synergy.
Meanwhile Hades
"But he doesn't even go here" Look, I had to give him a dot point bc whenever I think of his failed proposals I get Lucitor feels
Attempts to form a partnership with both of them
Fails to meet the standard of both of them But Lucitor meet each others standards
Gets disposed by both of them. But Lucitor continually scheme and work together even across worlds
*cries at this pathetic failure of a wannabe-but-not-even-good-enough-to-be ex*
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daydreamerdrew · 7 months
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Shazam! (2023) #4
surprisingly the first bit of this main plot that I’ve liked. not really interested in Billy’s empowering gods being upset with him as a concept in the first place, nor how they’ve been messing with him specifically throughout this book, but I think this being Zeus’s contribution is a good idea (though it creates a situation that’s soo backwards from standard Pre-Crisis characterization), and I really like that it’s used to the end here to have Billy and the Captain be separate enough entities that they could be in conflict with one another.
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lilybarthes · 1 year
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