#post not mine if that wasn't clear
curseofdelos · 3 months
I finished re-reading TLH recently, and I want to talk about the common fan interpretation of Piper as a pick me girl for a sec (let me preface this whole post by clarifying that while this is ultimately a defense of Piper as a character, it is also a critique of how Rick wrote her, Drew, and the rest of cabin 10)
The way cabin 10 is written in the books has never been great. Very early on in TLT, Rick makes a point to establish that Aphrodite had both sons and daughters:
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Take note of how Rick explicitly genders Aphrodite kids in this paragraph, but uses the gender neutral "kids" to refer to the children of every other god. This is a very deliberate writing choice, and I can't think of any reason why he would have done this other than to (initially anyway) avoid associating womanhood with vanity/interest in personal appearances.
...And then in every book after this, cabin 10 heavily skews female, and traditional femininity becomes the butt of almost every joke about them.
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Cabin 10 doesn't get any real focus until TLH with the introduction of Piper, Drew, and the rest of Cabin 10, in which Rick spends a lot of time establishing how different Piper is from the rest of her cabin because she rejects traditional femininity. Piper cuts her own hair, she doesn't wear makeup or care about fashion, she hates dresses etc. This is in direct contrast with Drew who's often described as wearing heavy makeup, having perfectly done hair, manicured nails etc.
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Note that Piper's description of Drew's appearance is fairly neutral. Her problem with Drew is not in how she chooses to dress, but in her behaviour.
This would be fine if it weren't for the fact that every time Drew's appearance is described, it is directly preceded and/or followed by her doing something heinous. She insults and degrades Piper's appearance within seconds of meeting her, and we see this again in the Cabin 10 scene where she bullies and manipulates their siblings - kicking them out of the bathroom mid-shower, dumping a bin filled with used tampons on the floor and making them clean it up, etc.
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Piper and Drew are in direct competition throughout the entirety of TLH. Piper strongly disapproves of the way Drew runs the cabin, they have differing opinions on Silena Beauregard (despite the fact Piper doesn't actually know her but I digress), and they're both interested in pursuing Jason romantically - Piper out of genuine attraction, and Drew out of the desire to break his heart for the Aphrodite Rite of Passage.
The narrative at every turn pits them against each other. Piper's intentions are always painted as pure and kindhearted while Drew is consistently characterised as a stereotypical mean girl who hurts others simply because she can. Drew is never given any motivation for acting the way she does, and her sole role in the story is to act as an obstacle for Piper to overcome so she could become counsellor (which is kind of pointless considering Piper never interacts with her cabin again after this). She's flat and two-dimensional, and never gets any real character development. Her sole personality trait is mean.
The result of all of this is that traditional femininity gets associated with shitty behaviour, while the rejection of traditional femininity gets associated with kindness and generosity. It should be stressed that Piper herself doesn't actually think that she's better than Drew because she doesn't wear makeup etc; Piper's issues entirely lie with Drew's behaviour. The worst Piper ever says is calling all of cabin 10 "shallow" which is no different to how the other characters talk about them (which is still a problem to be clear; it's just not a problem with Piper specifically, but how the narrative characterises cabin 10 as a whole). It's the narrative that paints femininity as lesser because of the way it positions tomboy Piper (the protagonist) as a better person than highly feminine Drew (the antagonist).
In fact, the most explicitly we ever see the book paint Piper's appearance as preferable to Drew's is in Jason's POV - not Piper's. After Piper gets claimed and Aphrodite changes her appearance, Jason spends several chapters going on and on about how much more beautiful and desirable Piper is when she's not dressed up or wearing makeup.
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Because of all of this, it's not difficult to see why so many people in this fandom have interpreted Piper as a pick me 'not like other girls' type girl. The narrative constantly presents her as a better person than the more feminine Drew, and Jason (the boy they're competing over) chooses her at least partly because of how naturally beautiful she is without trying.
However, even though I do understand where this interpretation of her character came from, I do want to push back on it for a number of reasons.
Firstly, it is explicitly stated several times in TLH that the reasons Piper doesn't wear makeup and cuts her own hair is because (1) she doesn't like being the centre of attention (see the first screenshot of this post), and (2) she's rebelling against her father.
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Piper's entire character arc in TLH centres around her initially being insecure at the start of the book to becoming more confident over the course of their quest. It is stated on several occasions early on that Piper doesn't like being the centre of attention, but by the end, she feels more comfortable in her own skin. She goes from being embarrassed/hurt by Drew's comments about her to laughing them off and standing up to her by the end.
The term "pick me girl" refers to girls who do things for external, mostly male validation. This is the exact opposite of why Piper doesn't wear makeup or conform to traditional femininity. She does this precisely because she does NOT want to draw attention to herself. The only male who's attention she is trying to get is her father's, and she's doing this by acting out in ways he doesn't approve of. Piper does want validation from her father, but she's not cutting her own hair to get his validation; she's so starved for affection that she wants any attention from him, even if that attention is negative.
Similarly, a major point of conflict for Piper is whether or not Jason is attracted to her, but she is not rejecting feminine things because she wants to impress him Jason does find those qualities in her attractive, but Piper held these opinions long before they even met. It was Jason/the narrative that paints those qualities in Piper attractive, not Piper herself. (Side note: there's a lot more to be said about how their relationship was written in TLH, but that isn't relevant to get into that here.)
The other reason why I want to push back on the interpretation of Piper as a pick me girl is that she's a queer woman. In a straight patriarchal society, women (women of colour especially) are often expected and pressured to perform gender in particular ways - wearing makeup, dressing femininely, being attracted to boys and exclusively boys. In much the same way that Piper's coming out now makes it possible to read her relationship with Jason as compulsory heterosexuality, it's also possible to read her discomfort with traditional femininity as discomfort with being a straight girl. It's possible to retroactively read Piper's dislike for feminine things as her feeling uncomfortable with heterosexuality but is too closeted at this point to realise it. She does, after all, cut her hair very short at the end of TBM while she is the process of exploring her sexuality.
(To be clear: I'm not arguing that this is what Rick had always intended for her - I assume he expected Jason/Piper would be endgame at the time he was writing TLH - but I do think there's a 'death of the author' interpretation available here that her hatred of dresses etc is an early sign of her being a closeted queer woman who is beginning to explore her gender presentation and sexuality.)
I feel that sometimes, in their efforts to (rightly) criticise the way femininity gets treated in this series, some people act as if makeup is in intrinsic part of womanhood and that Piper is a misogynist for not wanting to wear it. This is not true. It is not inherently misogynistic for a woman to dislike it - especially when that woman is queer, and especially in today's society where many women are pressured into wearing makeup to be taken seriously. Piper disliking makeup is not the problem.
The problem with Piper's story in TLH is that the narrative consistently presents her as a better person than the more feminine Drew, and a more desirable option for Jason because of how beautiful she is without trying really hard like Drew and the other Aphrodite girls do. Because every highly feminine character is either a villain (Drew) or a joke (Valentina in TOA), the result of Piper and Drew's rivalry is that femininity gets demonised by the narrative. Again, it's not that Piper herself thinks she's better than Drew for hating fashion; it's the way the story puts these characters in opposition to each other that results in femininity being framed as lesser.
I think a writer with a better grasp of women's issues (and queer women's issues especially) could have written a great story here on gender as a performance, and an exploration on conforming (Drew) VS rebelling (Piper) against gender norms! How there really is no winning and women get harassed for being too feminine AND for not being feminine enough (See: the jokes about Clarisse in PJO not being a girl/being manly because she's violent and rough around the edges)! What we got instead was a story that carries the deeply unfortunate implication that girls who don't care about their appearance are kinder and more desirable than girls who do.
It's not Piper that's the problem; it's the narrative. I think a lot of people have been conflating the two, and have been unfairly pinning the blame onto Piper's characterisation when the fault lies with the plot, and with Drew's characterisation as a flat two-dimensional mean girl stereotype. I think if Drew had been given a redemption arc like Clarisse, or some amount of depth that explains why she hates Silena and acts the way she does, or even if she and Piper had learned to respect each other despite their differences, then we would be having a very different conversation.
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svtskneecaps · 7 months
oh also also, baghera getting increasingly french at the end of the timer was so fucking funny and i love her so much, like when her and phil fought and phil killed her and her accent thickened until she abandoned words and made french noises CHEF'S KISS reminds me of when she played outlast w cellbit slime and jaiden and got progressively more french as the night wore on, genuinely had a blast hearing her progressively dropping more and more swears in french
also reminds me of something i THINK i remember, think it was her who said during brazil she kept accidentally speaking french to people because of how close she felt to them
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r0semultiverse · 8 months
what the fuck happens to some people to make them do the shit like jerma fans
is it not enough that this boy makes you horny, must you also imagine him as insects or cows? must you milk him? must jerma have cordyceps and must he spread it to his kin & chat? what is the matter with you? 
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I'm rereading much ado about nothing for the first time in years and. Number one all the dick jokes went over my head last time but oh boy are there a lot lmao. Number two I didn't notice before but Hero never speaks for like the entire first four scenes???? She's there but silent?? There are even times where someone asks her a direct question and Beatrice will speak over her before she can answer?? Like Shakespeare is going so hard for "this woman did everything right by the rules of your society. Her dad is perfectly happy for Beatrice, his niece, to make dick jokes and answer men back and refuse to get married, but she choses to be obedient and quiet. And it still wasn't enough to save her from you."
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charmikarma · 5 months
homestuck characters that never got to be in a flash walkaround
jane, arguably [you could argue that myststuck is not technically a walkaround]
jade harley.
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snoppy · 1 year
I'm sorry but I think its good that tom is saying stuff that makes you all uncomfortable. I think everyone is a little too willing to make him the hurt innocent underdog
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 2 months
I think Mad Men beats Succession on basically by basically every measure except destructive psychosexual gay relationships. Mad Men is funnier, warmer, sexier (but not hornier!), has better class and gender commentary, richer characters, a more nuanced worldview, better fashion, but nothing that remotely compares to Tomgreg.
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tittysmith · 2 years
I learned so much about Juno (the Roman goddess) from wiki after I sent that ask 😂 I'm honoured that you drew from it
Although nobody knows of her exact origin, Juno is one of the three original Roman gods — Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva.
Early representations of Juno vary, but Roman literature does pretty much regard her as the Queen of Heaven. She was worshipped in the East as the goddess of both love and war, and often closely identified with Astarte, the patron goddess of Carthage. In the West, we'd find two distinct characterizations of her in different places: the lawless war goddess Juno Moneta (Juno Sospita if you’re Lanuvian), deity of soldiers and spears, of warning, advising, instructing — and the Juno of the Capitol, patroness of women, of marriage, of love, and female life (some known surnames are Pronuba, Matrona, Juga, Lucina, Opigena).
Above reference: Hands, A. W. (1910). JUNO MONETA. The Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Royal Numismatic Society, 10, 1–12. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42663622
Further explanation and name breakdown:
Juno was known by a number of epithets, each of which showcased a distinct persona of the goddess. For her role in succoring the needy and protecting the city of Rome during war, she was called Juno Sospita, or “Juno the Savior". Juno Curritis/Curitis/Quiritis, or "Juno of the Spearmen," was said to be the only deity worshipped by all thirty curiae (military and political divisions) established by the founder and first Roman king, Romulus. She was also called Juno Moneta, or “Juno the Warner,” for bringing news of danger and preparing the threatened. She was named Juno Regina or “Queen Juno [of gods and men],” for her role as a head of state and member of the Capitoline Triad (with Jupiter and Minerva), but was also called Juno Opigena, or “Juno the Midwife,” for overseeing childbirth. Finally, she was known as Juno Lucina, or “Juno Who Brings Light,” for bringing light, life, and enlightenment to those who worshipped her.
Above reference:
Apel, T. (2020, August 16). Juno. Mythopedia; Mythopedia. https://mythopedia.com/topics/juno
Juno: Protective Roman Goddess. (2022). Vroma.org. http://vroma.org/vromans/bmcmanus/juno_info.html
Why history is difficult to know for sure:
After the arrival of Greek culture, the mythology of Roman religion and the identities of its deities became muddled. Stories about the gods, whether Roman or Greek, become intermixed. Juno, despite being closely associated with the Greek deity Hera, was, in her own right, an important god. She was the queen of heaven, the protector of women, the wife (and sister) of the all-powerful Jupiter. She was the mother of the war god Mars. Gradually, however, the entire mythology surrounding the gods — Jupiter, Juno, Neptune and all the rest — disappeared with the emergence of Christianity.
Above reference:
Wasson, D. L. (2015, April 8). Juno. World History Encyclopedia. https://www.worldhistory.org/Juno/
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swordcoasts · 2 years
And a kiss on top of the head for arkem and dorn?
kissing the top of their head (from this ask game). 400 words. just two assholes being soft(ish).
The bed frame creaks as Dorn settles on top of the lumpy straw mattress. An earlier encounter on the road has left him sapped of his strength, and each small movement feels like lifting a pile of rocks. The cleric of Hoar that attacked them had died easily enough, but not before using his dying breath to cast some sort of spell on Dorn. “You fuss over me like a mother hen,” he chides, though there’s no bite to his words.
“It is clear you are not familiar with hens,” Arkem says, gently pulling on Dorn’s shoulder until the half-orc's weight is pressing him against the headboard. “They can be quite vicious.”
Both men have discarded their blood- and sweat-soaked travel shirts and Dorn shivers at the feeling of Arkem's cool skin against his back. “The comparison was accurate, then,” he says. The sounds of soft music and muffled laughter coming from the tavern downstairs feel worlds away.
“Indeed,” Arkem says, carefully combing his fingers through Dorn’s hair. He untangles some of the knots in it before tying it up with a black ribbon. “You would make a fine farmer someday.”
“Your wit knows no bounds,” Dorn replies, rolling his eyes when he feels Arkem’s chest contract in a soundless chuckle. “It’s tiring,” he adds, resting his hand on the cleric’s thigh and feeling the muscle under the fabric.
“If you prefer, I can go,” Arkem says, reaching for a small pouch sitting on the worn nightstand beside the bed. “I am sure a kind soul in one of the neighboring rooms would take in a weary traveler,” he ponders as he pours a handful of diamond dust onto his palm.
The words cause Dorn to dig his fingers into Arkem’s thigh, drawing a surprised gasp from the man. “You know my patience has limits,” he warns in a low voice.
Arkem leans in, careful not to spill the crushed diamonds, and brushes his lips against the sharpened tip of Dorn’s ear. “And what is it you are threatening to do to me?”
The blackguard exhales sharply. “Cast your damn spell already and I’ll show you,” he grits out impatiently.
Arkem smiles before pressing a gentle kiss to Dorn’s temple. “As you wish, my love,” he says, letting the diamond dust spill from his palm, swirls of purple magic enveloping the glittering grains before disappearing completely.
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r0semultiverse · 4 months
"Who is Sora's father?"
I feel like the answer to that is fairly obvious. 👀
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
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do not repost.
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INCREDIBLY FUNNY that I refused to settle for just saying "bread" but yes it was those! So in that sense, the lavish bread physics are integral to conveying how important the little things were in getting him through prison. Still, for the sake of the drip…...... perhaps sacrifices are needed...
But yeah, I'm thrilled you noticed those things about the evolution of Jo's design, too! It's super interesting to think about in terms of storytelling, I don't think you're inarticulate in saying that at all. Speaking of, I also just look up "holder" to find prev asks at this point lol
Jo and Ichi's dynamic is also a major topic of interest for me (as we've seen). I think a lot of what's going on with them is definitely some variation of "old habits die hard." That's natural when you form that kind of uneasy coexistence. But like you mentioned, it's also telling that Jo picked up the nickname in the first place, because I went back through the entire script, and it really is the case that only Arakawa, Masato, Jo, and the people who raised Ichi call him that. It's reserved for his family.
I think this line about Aoki (that I completely forgot about before looking at the script again lol) may also shed some light: "A long time ago, I knew him as the young master. He knew me as Ichi." Because they all do that, don't they? Ichi still says Captain, Boss, and Young Master, Jo still says Boss, Ichi, and Young Master, Aoki still says Dad and Ichi.
Even though on paper these relationships should've dissolved with Ichi being expelled, Masato becoming Aoki, and Jo taking over as second patriarch, to one another, they're all still who they used to be. And as an aspect of how they communicate, the "learned language" that forms in families, it stands out when they're all on the same page with the terms they choose to use.
This line from Ichi also stood out to me: "But my aniki taught me different. He said whoever makes the first move is the victor. The guy with steel balls wins." Like, that's clearly Jo, right? For one thing, the "flavor" of aniki is different from Captain, of course--one is directly an appointed post, and one is more open to interpretation--but it also clearly shows that Jo's imparted his "philosophy" to Ichi in some ways.
I think, to a degree, it's one of those holdovers from RGGO that wasn't fully implemented. Because they're more or less the same in RGGO in this regard, but RGGJo does outright say it makes him weirdly happy that Ichi still calls him Captain, so that's a clearer indicator and makes the idea feel more "complete."
With what I said before about their "learned language," too, the Arakawa Family has this way of saying goodbye that's specific to them, and I really miss it in Y7. It is referenced briefly, but it's not a "thing" like it was in RGGO. It's kinda like how The Gang in It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia greet each other with "Hey-ohhh!" LMAO idk but. I Enjoy. But that's also why it stood out to me that LaD8Jo greets Ichi the same way as Y7Jo and RGGJo.
ALSO that is so sick the author of Soliloquy saw your art…… incredible……….. + as an aside since I was reminded, it's very true that sometimes people seem to "fill in the blanks" with tropes, and my favorite is honestly when it's both funny and offensive. There was this whole "phase" (and to everyone's credit it was short-lived) of playing Mine up like this Huge Misogynist because he's not attracted to women, and it's WILD to recognize that he's gay but still pull up homophobic tropes for funsies.
Like I was mad at the time mostly on account of the mischaracterization (because come on, even if you've only seen Y3, he is still uncharacteristically soft with Katase… not that he wasn't INSANE for The Slap, but it also wasn't at all rooted in the same things as say, Nishiki slapping Reina might've been.) But it was funny. Perhaps not in the way it was intended to be, but it was funny. And, you know, that's why I'm happy to stay in my own little corner as well.
You coulda just said bread it's ok 😭 I WAS right though it WAS a carb......
On the subject of language though, it's def something I picked up on (if my last ask wasn't any indication lmao)! It's a real neat detail and something I think helps push that 'family' theme Y7 has going on (or at the very least demonstrates how despite the times changing, they still have those bonds with each other whether they acknowledge it or not), it definitely being a case of picking up a habit/term from family.
About tropes in fan works though, I can't act like I'm guiltless of it LMAO so I don't have too strong of a leg to stand on when it comes to criticizing it (and I can't lie, sometimes I do find playing into the trope funny if it's at least based on something from the text and it's just exaggerated For The Bit yeah). However I do think the strangest thing was linking misogyny and Mine (I made a post rambling about it but deleted it like. .3 seconds later) because nothing he does in either Y3 nor RGGO is explicitly misogynistic? In the slightest? And as we talked about before he's considerably pretty respectful towards women? Again, he surely did slap a little girl, but it wasn't because she was a girl you know (still cringe to do but if we're gonna talk about it let's do it right please and thank you). As you say though, pushing that trope onto Mine just feels like perpetuating the harmful stereotype that gay men hate women, and in cases like that then I can't really take the piss out of it without having a weird taste in my mouth.
#long post#snap cahts#on the note about language though..... you just reminded me that i wanted to make fun of jo for his particular usage of 'balls' ☠️☠️#like first time i was like fine. yk it's a common saying but then second time i was just Alright I Got It Champ Balls Are Crazy#and if jo really WAS the one to say that to ichi then like.. my guy.. three times is no longer a coincidence.. whole lotta talk bout balls.#in all seriousness though that much repetition from jo really does help confirm that the quote ichi says /is/ from him#and helps validate that bond they had. because sure jo's an asshole but it's clear ichi still took his words to heart#in that respect. i like that jo has a favorite term- its pretty human i guess you can say#cause yk we all have certain phrases or words we like to particularly use so its sweet to see that. in the funniest way possible but still#SORRY im five i still laugh at dick jokes anyways#NO NOT TO GET CONTROVERSIAL BUT ABOUT NISHIKI SLAPPING REINA i see so few people talk about it#and if they do they try to make reina seem like the villain and that nishiki was faultless for hitting her... like what...#i mean reina wasn't being nice in that scene but she was also upset about losing people she loved too..#like yeah nishiki hitting reina is diff from mine hitting haruka- both dick actions but def diff#hitting a kid after you talk bout bulldozing their home and then they Rightfully hit you for it yk. cringe. get it together she's 13 ☠️#threw hands with a 13 y/o moment... actual mustache-twirling-evil shit LMAO#with nishiki it's like. my man that's your friend... you guys are going through shit together why are you getting mad at her..#we get it youre insecure but dont take that out on your friend bro she's distraught too#im gona ruffle SOMEONS feathers with them tags i just know it.... oh well#point is. dont hit kids dont hit your friends and dont hit women. unless it's consensual then by all means go WWE on each other
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guiltyidealist · 1 year
been visiting therian spaces lately (kinda vibe) and man when I tell you they have a crediting problem
#moodboards. stimboards. just photo posts.-- so very many. such little citation#best they do a lot of the time is ''pic not mine!'' or ''credit to uploader!'' or whatever. if that.#plenty of the time there's just not a word of whether or not it's theirs. for all you know THEY made it.#except y'know tHEY DIDN'T. IT'S NOT THEIRS.#now it's not always the case. i see a fair share of proper crediting and it always delights me. especially when it's my own content#but on the other hand#seeing nothing or just the ''not mine'' disclaimer is so fucking infuriating. please stop representing the work of others as your own#it's disrespectful. your edit/post/whatever was made possible by another autonomous person's efforts and talents#AND by them being so gracious as to SHARE it. to grant consent to use by others. to put it out there fully knowing risk of theft#including theft by omission of credit#just for you to not even give them so much as a shoutout.#sure. let's back up. maybe i'm being unrealistic. i'm a scientist by trade. in academia this is plagiarism. full stop#even if you say ''this work wasn't mine'' but you fail to say WHOSE you have committed a crime. misrepresentation of due credit#it's still plagiarism even if misrepresentation was mild or accidental. precision matters as much as accuracy#which is why I grant consent for my content's use on the condition that you CREDIT ME VIA SPECIFIC POST LINK#and i get that not everyone even cares if you repost their stuff without credit.#however for your consideration: /I/ want to see where x thing came from. /I/ want to know who made that.#and by ''i'' i mean PEOPLE. not everyone but MANY PEOPLE#like. it's just a basic fucking courtesy to all involved parties -- your audience the creator and you -- for you to AT LEAST NAMEDROP#i'm. gonna stick this in their tags. to be clear i'm not vagueposting anyone in particular#it's just something i see often and it really really bothers me as a long-time content creator and user#therian#therianthropy#theriotype#kin#kin things#kin tag#alterhuman#kinnie#(also. i'm not positive about what all these tags mean but i AM sure i see them together a lot so)
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peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
what is happening
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captain-acab · 2 years
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@OP Let me study you
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renergy · 2 years
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<3 mine.
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