#posted 18.05.20
You know what, I'm just going to add my 2 cents on that Iskall and Beef bit (Because I feel like that need to be expanded on and I need Mah man Beef to have HOPE in this darkest hours!).
I feel like etho still have Some of his humanity left. While he knows he'll never be like his old self again (His Fine Motor Skills are not as great as it use to be), he still can think for himself instead of just blindly following his Animal like Instinct.
So, When iskall is seperated from his grop while searching for supply, he got ambush by a lot of zombies. On his last leg, thinking this is it. This is his demise. but out of the blue, Who comes in to his rescue? Why, it's Zombie!Etho!
After all of the zombies was taking care of. At first, Iskall was going for the kill on Etho (Because he's still just a nother zombie after all, one less zombie in the world mean less problem in the future), but something in Iskall stops him from doing so. It's the eyes and the way the zombie carries him self. Iskall can see it in those eyes, there eyes is not like any other mindless, savage, and hungger seeking Zombies he'd come across. And the way he Stand, its not limping or hunch over or like it was going to fall over like the rest of the zombies. Theres intelligent in those eyes and Dignity in those stand, like he know.
For a second, Iskall almost mistaken The Zombie as another Survivor.
not knowing what to do (and honestly a little freaked out), Iskall runs off to find the other. but not without one last glance back to his unexpected savior. And disappears up the hills.
Skip time to TFC base, Iskall explain to Beef that No. He did not kill Zombie!Etho. And Beef is just. Overwhelm with emotions. because Somewhere, His friend is still Out there, wandering to God knows where. But alive. And some how in some way. Still Etho.
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pacozeacom · 4 years
Advierte gobernador de Aguascalientes que alumnos "vaquetones no pasarán de año"
Advierte gobernador de Aguascalientes que alumnos “vaquetones no pasarán de año”
Martín Orozco, gobernador de Aguascalientes, apuntó que no se dejará el ciclo escolar trunco y tampoco se pasará de grado al alumno que ha estado de “vaquetón“.
“No voy a dejar el ciclo trunco, así como que algunos (estados) lo ‘aventaron’, ‘ahí nos vemos el 15 de agosto’, aquí no”, sostuvo el mandatario estatal.
De acuerdo con medios nacionales Orozco Sandoval expresó que se trabaja en…
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4komasusume · 6 years
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江戸の蔦屋さん(1) (まんがタイムコミックス)
posted with amazlet at 18.05.20
桐丸ゆい, 芳文社 (2017-08-07)
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江戸の蔦屋さん 2 (まんがタイムコミックス)
posted with amazlet at 18.05.20
桐丸ゆい, 芳文社 (2018-05-07)
» 1巻試し読み/2巻試し読み(まんがタイムWeb)
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『江戸の蔦屋さん』の���人公は、江戸時代の版元・蔦屋重三郎(つたや じゅうざぶろう)。18世紀後半の田沼期から寛政の改革の時代を生き、浮世絵師の喜多川歌麿や東洲斎写楽、戯作者の山東京伝などをプロデュースした、商才あふれる出版人です。
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「しかし悔いはねぇぜ 俺がいなくなっても 世に出した作品はいつまでも残っていくんだからな――」
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cinema-note · 6 years
さてどれにしようかな〜と上映作品のラインナップをみていると、ちょうど『ランペイジ 巨獣大乱闘』が公開されるではありませんか! いいタイミングだったので早速チケットを予約して観てきましたよ〜!
監督 ブラッド・ペイトン 脚本 ライアン・イングル カールトン・キューズ ライアン・J・コンダル アダム・スティキエル 出演者 ドウェイン・ジョンソン ナオミ・ハリス マリン・アッカーマン ジェイク・レイシー ジェフリー・ディーン・モーガン 公開 2018年 製作国 アメリカ合衆国
こいつら、いったいどこまでデカくなるのか!? 地上最強の巨獣たちが、すべてを破壊しながら北米大陸を横断!!
それは人類の誰も気づかぬうちに始まった。 最新を誇る遺伝子実験の失敗によって、なんと普通の動物たちが突如進化し始める! ゴリラ、オオカミ、ワニなどが猛烈に巨大化し、凶暴化してしまう。 ヤツらの成長はとどまることを知らず、もはやクソデカい巨獣と化し、陸・海・空おかまいなしに街で破壊の限りを尽くす大乱闘をおっぱじめる! シカゴを舞台に、巨獣たちの暴れる理由は一体なんなのか? 生物ピラミッドが一夜にしてひっくり返った人間たちに、巨獣たちの大乱闘を止めることができるのか?(公式サイトより)
2018年にアメリカで製作された巨大怪獣・パニックアクション映画。 監督は『センター・オブ・ジ・アース2 神秘の島(2012)』、『カリフォルニアダウン(2015)』のブラッド・ペイン。 主演はロック様でおなじみのドウェイン・ジョンソン。 ちなみにドウェイン・ジョンソンは製作総指揮も務めています。
ストーリーもシンプルで、ストーリー展開も一本道。 遺伝子操作されてしまったゴリラとオオカミ、ワニが三つ巴で戦い合う姿が楽しめます。 映像の迫力もさすがですね。
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何も考えないで楽しめるし、これなら子どもにもいいかなーと思っていたのですが、ちょいちょいグロい描写があるんですよね(笑) 内臓が抉り出されていたり、血しぶき舞う戦場はリアルな描写で私は好感が持てました。 ちびっこにはまだ早いかも?
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主人公が巨大化した動物たちとただ戦うんじゃなくて、動物との間にある友情や愛情といった部分も描かれていたのがよかったですね。 ゴリラのジョージはなかなかいいキャラしてました。
ある組織が秘密裏に開発していた遺伝子実験が失敗したことで、その被害を受けてしまったゴリラとオオカミ、ワニが突然変異を起こしてしまいます。 信じられないほど巨大化、変形した3匹はあちこちで大暴れ! 暴走を続ける3匹を主人公たちがなんとかおさえようとするパニック映画です。
ストーリーはわかりやすく単純。 まあこの手のパニック映画にストーリーは求めたら負けですね。
そんなわけで、ツッコミどころがあちこちに散らばってます(笑) なんで学者がこんなムッキムキなんじゃい!過去に特殊部隊にいたとか無理やり設定すぎるだろ!とか、ゴリラが手話・・・?とか、そんな回避の仕方して死なないのはおかしい!とか。
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しかし、む?と違和感を覚えた次の瞬間には「こまけえことは気にすんな!気にしたら負けだ!」ってな感じでアクションシーンがゴリ押してくるので、あまりストーリーについて考える暇がないんですよね。 そこそこ早いスピードのストーリー展開はうまくできていると思います。
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私「ん?なんだそりゃ?」<br>本編「考えるな!それ!(すんごいド迫力シーン)」 私「ぐわあ〜〜おもしれえ〜〜!」
ツッコミどころのひとつ、主人公のデイビス・オコイエ。 彼は、霊長類学者として施設で動物の研究をしている人物です。
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またぶっ飛んだキャラクター設定だな〜と思っていましたが、本編の後半でかつて密猟対策の特殊部隊にいたということが判明します。 デイビスのかつての職場で身につけたムキムキパワーと動物たちへの愛によって今回の騒動は収まるわけですが、うーんややこじつけ感のあるキャラクターであるのは否めません。
前半と後半で中心となるキャラクターが異なるのも印象的でした。 巨獣たちが登場するまでの前半はデイビスと、同じラボで働く人々が中心になって登場。 しかしラボの仲間は後半はまったく出ません。
彼らは一切登場せず、代わりに遺伝子実験に関わっていたコールドウェル博士と、秘密組織の捜査官であるラッセルが新たに登場します。 そういえばラボのみんなが出てこないな〜と思っていたら、そのまま最後まで出てこないんですよ!(笑) ラストでちょろっと顔くらい出るかな?と予想してみましたが、結局出ず!
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あと、かなり焦らしたカメラワークで登場した巨獣対策部隊のリーダーが、あっけなく死んでしまったのには拍子抜けしちゃいました。 きっとこいつがストーリーを引っ掻き回してくれるんだろうな〜ふんふん、と思っていた5分後くらいには巨大ワニに食べられちゃいますからね(笑)
ドウェイン・ジョンソンの腕ってなんなんですか!?!? という感想を、彼の作品を毎回観るたびに思うんですよね〜
今作も相変わらず丸太のような腕を披露してくれました。 スーツとかフルオ��ダーメイドなんだろうなあ。
ロック様は、今作ではそこまでアクションをみせるシーンはありませんでしたね。 強いていえば、軍から逃げ出すときに2人の兵をぶちのめしたワンシーンくらいですかね。
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『ジュマンジ/ウェルカム・トゥ・ジャングル』に続いて、見た目と性格にギャップのある役を演じていましたね〜 本人がお茶目なキャラだからか、そういうキャラクターが多いような気がしますね。 そしてそれが似合っているんだよなあ。
ナオミ・ハリスはずっとどこかでみたこと��る顔だなと思っていたのですが、ダニエル・クレイグ版の『007シリーズ』に登場するマネーペニー役の方ですね。 あのドレッドヘアが印象的だったので、サラサラロングストレートだとまた違った印象を抱きますね。
今思えば、こいつら巨獣たちのインパクトが強すぎて、主人公の存在感がやや気圧され気味なところがあったな・・・ ロック様が存在感薄いってどんだけだよ!って思われるかもしれませんが、まじで抜群の存在感をはなっているんですよ、こいつら。
アルビノ種のゴリラであるジョージと、オオカミのラルフ、ワニのリジー。 この3匹がアメリカのあちこちで大暴れしまくります。 なんでこんなことになるかというと、上でちょっと説明したように遺伝子実験の事故が起き、サンプルのガスを浴びてしまうからなんですね。
突然変異によっておかしくなった3匹は、あらゆる動物の遺伝子がDNAに組み込まれてしまいます。 どんな風になってしまったのか、公式のメモをお借りしました。
ジョージ アルビノ種の白いゴリラ
体長:約12.1m 体重:9.06トン
<能力> ・高い知能(手話で人間とコミュニケーションを取れるほど) ・サメの成長が止まらない遺伝子 ・シロナガスクジラの成長率 ・カブトムシの強靭さ ・チーターのスピード ・トゲマウスの細胞修復能力
ラルフ ハイブリッドな進化を遂げたオオカミ
体長:約26m 体重:13.8トン
<能力> ・ムササビのように飛べる飛膜 ・ビルを飛び越えられる跳躍力 ・尻尾からトゲを矢のように飛ばす ・サメの成長が止まらない遺伝子 ・シロナガスクジラの成長率 ・カブトムシの強靭さ ・チーターのスピード ・トゲマウスの細胞修復能力
リジー まるで恐竜のような姿のワニ
体長:約68.5m 体重:150トン
<能力> ・チタンより硬いウロコ ・車より大きな足の指 ・尻尾の先の巨大なスパイクボール ・1,118本もある強力な歯 ・サメの成長が止まらない遺伝子 ・シロナガスクジラの成長率 ・カブトムシの強靭さ ・チーターのスピード ・トゲマウスの細胞修復能力
ざっとみただけでもこれだけの能力を手に入れてしまった3匹。 見た目ももはやジョージ以外原型をとどめていない!(笑)
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クライマックスでは、この3匹が三つ巴になって戦い合います。 このシーンはなかなか興奮しましたね!あっちが殴ればこっちが噛みつき・・・ 怪獣映画などで三つ巴戦を幾度もみてきた日本人的には、かなりツボに入るシーンだったと思います。
シカゴの街が容赦なく崩壊していく様も圧倒されました。 あそこまで遠慮なく街が荒れていくと、心拍数も遠慮なく上がっていきますね。
劇中では言及されていませんでしたが、ジョージはもともとデイビスが拾った子なので、おそらくデイビスが教えたものと思われます。 手話を使ってゴリラと会話するって、そのうちできるようになりそう。
ジョージとデイビスの種族を超えた友情もよかったですね〜! ジョージがね、結構かわいいんですよ。表情も豊かだし、私も友達になりたい。 ラストはちょっと潤んだ涙をかえし��ほしい(笑)
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巨獣たちのCGもリアルでよくできてたな〜。 CGがすごいのってすっかり当たり前になっちゃいましたが、毛並みや皮膚の質感、瞳の色やツヤなど、動物の描写もますますリアルに作り込めるようになってきましたね。
なーんも考えずに、気楽にみれる怪獣パニック映画。 ストーリーはわかりやすいですが、ツッコミどころも多々あり。 細かいことを気にしたら負け!タイプの作品でもあります。
どデカイ巨獣たちの暴れっぷりは見事。 アドレナリンが全開になるドキドキを堪能しましょう!
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ランペイジ 巨獣大乱闘
posted with amazlet at 18.05.20
アンドリュー・ロッキングトン Rambling RECORDS (2018-05-16) 売り上げランキング: 1,396
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this has nothing to do w the current au, but once the hermits had a boy. v girl pvp match (as in, all the boys collaborated in fighting all the girls). it lasted 2 and a half weeks. the girls won.
Let me guess, False and Cleo carried Stress? Bless her. Imagine them parading her around on their shoulders because she's so happy!
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The first thing you notice is the bite. It stings, throbs, bleeds. It's not a clean wound, not like a minor bite from a dog or cat. Not a few neat little punctures, or some gashes that would at least stitch up neatly. No. It's an ugly rip, the torn flesh from blunt teeth that are not and never were designed for biting. It's still startling how the human's muscles are powerful enough to bite through skin like that anyway. Strong enough to rip out a chunk, if you got snagged in a soft, tender place.
The next thing you notice is the infection. If you're lucky, you can use some precious water to wash off the bite and some gauze to wrap it, but most people aren't so lucky. Most have to rely on strips of acceptably dirty, sweaty fabric from old clothes, if they can even spare that much. Most don't want to "waste" a resource as precious as clean, drinkable water. So infection sets in fast and hard. Within a few days, your wound is a stinking, oozing mess. It's painful. Painful to look at, painful to touch, painful to move. It's swollen as your body desperately tries to fight the concoction of bacteria introduced from being bitten by a decomposing mouth. Then it itches. It itches madly. It itches so much you won't be able to sleep. It itches so bad that if you stop focusing on it, you'll find a surge of new pain as you've absently scratched it and started to bleed again, so you have to keep thinking about how badly you should never scratch the itch. Maybe you'll have a raw spot, where you've been tricking your mind into relief by scratching just above the wound. You might even have dug new cuts into your flesh, more wounds to host infection, more places to sting with pain. 
The itching is the virus taking hold, but you don't know that.
All you know is that you have a swollen, itchy, stinking bite. 
Next comes from the infection. You'll start to get a fever. Your bite will swell more, and feel hot. But mostly, you get a fever. Nobody feels good then. You'll switch between being far too hot to freezing cold, you'll sweat in a tank top in the middle of the night or you'll shiver under as many layers as you could possibly procure. You'll get nauseous, so you won't want to eat or drink, leading to more nausea as you dehydrate. As it progresses, you'll feel weaker. It might be harder to breathe normally, you might even feel your heart racing as you sit still. Even just a ten minute walk will exhaust you, but your group has to keep moving. As it goes on, you'll find it harder to keep your grasp on reality. The pain, the nausea, the smell, the weakness, it all blends into one as the virus takes its hold in your mind.
Oh, yeah. It's now when the virus kicks into action, having made it to your brain. Maybe you were taking care of yourself, and the infection actually hadn't gotten that bad through sheer luck and winning the biological lottery. But now the virus has made it to its destination. The first thing it does is impair your immune system. After all, it can't have you fighting it off. It doesn't want you healthy. If you're healthy, things get complicated. That natural system has to go, so away it goes. If you were sick, you'll suddenly find yourself getting sicker.
Next, it overrides your appetite. Maybe you were just craving crackers and water, maybe you didn't want anything, maybe you ate through the nausea just fine. It changes that. Subtly, day by day, it makes you feel hungrier and hungrier. The kind of hunger that sits in your belly and gnaws at your bones from the inside. It's also an unnatural craving for meat. Fresh meat, red, straight from the bone. Still warm, still flowing with life. You'll be able to smell your friends now, or the recent tracks of others if you're alone. Of course, you've always been able to smell them, but it got filed away into your subconscious. But now you're aware of it, because that virus tells you it's important. And they will smell decadent. 
It's all the virus, scrambling your neurons to connect hunger and appetite to humans instead of a plate of cookies, cake, fruit, veggies and juicy steak, mashed potatoes and meaty stew, anything you used to enjoy. It will change how you taste. Sweets will stick to your throat, bitters are more bitter, and if you're lucky to have a nice plate of steak, that fresh-grilled meat will taste rotten. What you crave is no longer any real sustenance, your mind has been altered. Now, you won't see a warm hand to hold, because the sight of bare, moving skin activates your salivary glands. The urge to sink your teeth into the soft flesh on a wrist or neck will be overwhelming in the blur of sickness from the infection. And if you do actually bite, especially if you taste blood, the virus will reward you. It'll flood your system with dopamine, and afterwards, for just a few moments, the edge of that hunger will release. It hopes you'll get addicted. It wants you to crave more biting, more flesh, because it feels right, because maybe, just maybe, if you eat enough the hunger will finally go away. 
Finally, it'll change your sense of fear as well. Dangerous situations that instinctively make humans nervous won't affect you. If anything, you'll crave the rush that deadly moments give you, the rush of feeling real and grounded in the midst of the foggy world from the mess in your system. Just fourteen days, and the virus is fully mature and ready to spread. Now, it needs you to die. So it makes you reckless. It does its best to turn a regular, self-preserving person into an actual train wreck. It will actually give you dopamine and serotonin when you get an injury, in a ratio equal to the wound. So, you'll die the happiest you could possibly be from something like a knife through the heart, or a shot through the gut. Some people are driven to jump from heights and impale themselves on something below, or even just hit the pavement and let themselves die wrapped in the gentle hands of joy. Some will just injure themselves, without the help of gravity. Some will aggressively antagonize other humans, hoping they'll eg them into a violent, deadly fight. But generally those people were already jerks in the first place.
Once you've died, however you died, the virus can take over. Because, this whole time, it wasn't really a virus. It was a worm, which starts so tiny you would never stand a chance of noticing it. Tinier even than those little red bugs you might see crawling over paper when you're out in the woods, so small that if you brush your hand over them they become nothing more than a smear of coppery brown. So small and fragile, they couldn't possibly survive outside of a host. But inside a host, they grow. They grow and grow, so thoroughly burying themselves in your brain they may as well have always been in it. When you die, they can finally take control of your muscles, no longer held back by the complexities of the human mind. This is why zombies shuffle and jerk around so awkwardly. They're merely puppets, meaty sacks of flesh controlled from inside by a worm that's found the strings. It knows just which ones to pull which way to make motion happen. It doesn't breathe, not really, all it might use is that sense of smell it learned while you were alive. It will use hearing, because those little organs in your ear won't stop feeling sound just because your body is dead. All those other systems aren't essential for a worm that's single purpose in life is now to find hosts for its own horrible offspring. Because that worm isn't alone. 
It's not one worm. It's dozens of them, all now breeding and gathering their safely hatched larvae on the cold teeth and tongue of the corpse within which they reside. And yes, they might have been able to spread before now, if your environment was just right to keep your mouth the right temperature for this breeding. Yes, you might have infected others while you still lived and breathed in your own skin.
You see, those adults can't reproduce at the natural body temperature of a human, let alone the temperatures they can reach during the height of a fever. So they need that host to die and cool off. It just takes a day. Just one day for enough eggs, enough larvae to let that monstrous parasite begin searching for a new host. Those larvae can't grow in the cold, decomposing bodies of the dead. Although, the adults are surprisingly resilient, uncharacteristically long-lived, for a parasite. And so, the zombie rises, shuffling after any hint of breathing humans to continue their cycle of life and death.
If you crack open a zombie's skull without blasting the contents within into oblivion, you might be able to find dozens of these foot-long worms wiggling in distaste at their unexpected situation.
Of course, all of this depends on the physical and mental toll that getting a severe infection does. Ideally, the parasite doesn't even get to the stage where it has to drive you to seek death, because septic shock has already come and destroyed you from the inside out. So, in theory, it is survivable. If you aren't wracked with sickness, if you have a strong will, you might be able to fight the parasites long enough for them to die. You might just be able to recover.
But that's never happened. Besides, would you even want to survive? How permanent, how treatable are the alterations these parasitic worms cause? No one knows.
Here it is, the zombie "virus" and how it works written in a weirdly disassociated perspective, specifically for the few bitten!hermit headcanons. Feel free to ask questions and write stories! Please tag me in them @basaltdragon, I wanna hear it all •v•
I'm sorry if this triggers anybody (including mod) in any way, it is... a Lot.
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About the anti-zombie Ren bite thing: Doc has the idea suddenly in the middle of an argument so the conversation goes a little like this: Ren: "So what I'm trying to say, my dude, is that would never work because -" Doc: "Ren. Bite me." Ren: "Oh yeah, real mature way to end a disagreement there -" Doc: *facepalming* "No, Ren, I mean actually.... Just do it, I'll explain later."
Ren: (glomps u) uwu doccy woccy imma bite you.
Doc: Okay, now I wish you actually had the virus. That's nasty.
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ZA AU alternate timeline idea when grian was still traveling with Sam and tortoise. Sam end up doing something that results in grian and tortoise getting bitten, because of that Sam leaves them. Now grian is not a normal zombie he doesn’t crave human flesh but rabbit flesh because he’s so hell-bent on getting revenge for what Sam did to him and tortoise, tortoise ends up tagging along. Cleo ends up finding them and discover their not normal zombies and inviting them to stay with her group.
Oh! This is surprisingly wholesome with Cleo letting him stay! Heck yeah Grian, go kick Sam's butt!
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For the zombie apocalypse AU, RE: Cleo and Joe's DND game - imagine them going into a fight and just screaming "ROLL INITIATIVE"
Joe: Roll Initiative!
Joe: (Gets bitten.)
Joe: We rolled a one!
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(post-cure). It takes several weeks, but Doc finally manages to find Etho. When he receives the cure his first words are "Thank you" and "I'm so sorry" (like a true Canadian). While his mind is returned to him, some parts of his body are too decayed to be salvaged, but that's no obstacle for Doc. He builds custom cybernetics and eagerly welcomes his old friend back to the land of the living.
Adorable!! Which limbs were lost?
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Etho's eye is red because it's damaged/bloodshot.
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After finding out that Etho's still out there, Beef becomes more determined than ever to help find a cure. In the bunker he often ends up buzzing around Scar and Cub, desperate for something to do to help. It can get a bit awkward but they understand he's just desperate to see his friend again and are usually able to provide small tasks to help him keep his mind busy (with something other than worrying for Etho) while they continue working toward a cure
Whole some Convex!! Can I HC that Scar told Beef to go feed his cat and Jellie ended up limping and purring around Beef's legs and he gets distracted and ends up spending hours petting her?
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Happy ending time 'cause I can't stand seeing them all turn! Once Doc realizes Ren is immune, they venture out trying to find another group to create a cure. After gathering some/most of the other Hermits, they come across Scar, and they work on and create a cure/vaccine. The rest of the Hermits take it, and maybe they're even able to cure Etho and the other zombified Hermits! (Sorry if this is too cheesy/happy; I just want everything to be okay, y'know?)
Happy endings are super valid! Both happy and sad endings are brilliant and I love em both!
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Ok but imagine if like that one anon said, grian was already a zombie but like, one that only wants animals. I imagine they could probably get him to behave normally and imagine the mumbo turning angst but grian is already a zombie and just helps him not loose himself.
Ooo! Does this mean Grian just has this internal conflict between eating his friends and not eating his friends?
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Oh my word... at first I read recorder and misinterpreted it as 'that one woodwind instrument elementary schools use to torture people with' and thought 'oh, Etho just felt so hopeless he lost all motivation to do the things he loved.' And then I kept reading and oh my word, that's sad. That's so sad.
Imagine if the recorder got destroyed or damaged at some point...
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Ooooo! Very fine!
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