#price x male reader
miguel-owhora · 3 days
hmmm thinking about a COD ABO au where the 141 live in a society where alphas are typically seen at the top of the pack, with betas and omegas as their subordinates. They're used to omegas being submissive and traditionally housepartners.
Enter the reader: this towering, large, heavyset omega who comes from a different society where omegas are actually on top of the pack, where they're more aggressive and territorial compared to the other two sexes.
The others expect you to roll over, maybe be more submissive, and they're quickly proven wrong when you snap at Price when he gets a little close—and it startles them, because an omega just snapped at the head alpha.
The boys grow intrigued by you, but they quickly learn not to overstep your boundaries; you show them you have no qualms with baring your teeth at them. You're not mean, you're polite and respectful as long as they respect you. However, some other idiot doesn't realize this and gets the idea that you need to learn your place; an omega shouldn't be ordering them around, shouldn't even be a soldier, nevermind be anything but a househusband.
The boys get a glimpse of how different omegas are in your society when they see you force the other alpha into submission, sinking your sharp teeth into the back of their neck, threaten to bitch them if they don't learn their place. Blood glints over your slick spit teeth, pupils dilated and feral with aggression and anger. You hold them in a scruff, pinning them down with your body and strength, until the idiot submits. Only then do you let them go with their metaphorical tail tucked between their legs, and you raise your head, glaring at anyone who'll meet your gaze, and ask if anyone else wants to get bitched.
Gaz has to smack Soap's hand down when it starts to rise, ignoring the chubbing in their individual pants as you dip from sight, with Ghost watching you with dark eyes, and Price eventually calling everyone back to their activities. Though, it's a silent agreement that all four boys slink back to their rooms to rub one off to the idea of you bitching them out.
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princeguri66 · 5 months
Back on my affectionate reader bullshit because I just want to smother those assholes with love.
TF 141 x Male! Reader
Kissing the homies goodnight.
18+ Minors DNI!
Cw: whole lotta fluff, it only gets suggestive at the end and that's it
It started with a joke. Gaz drunkenly saying "Hey, if I win will you give me a goodnight kiss?" Before you start a game of cards, you all laughed it off then. Until it starts getting later in the evening and when you excuse yourself to go to bed Soap calls out to you with a chuckle, "Ey, don't forget about Gaz's kiss" you trudge your way back to them eyes drooping. They all expect you to kick Soap or something akin to that, but you surprise them by leaning down and placing a kiss on Gaz's eyebrow before tiredly muttering a "goodnight" and walking away.
And if that didn't give them any ideas..
For the next week it was usually Soap and Gaz pestering you about your kisses being rewards.
"If I shoot all the targets will you give me a kiss?"
"If I beat him in this fight will you give me a kiss?"
It gives them such a boost of energy.
You don't expect anyone else other than them to ask you for one until you're watching a game on the telly with Ghost. "If my team wins, I want a reward like them" He says to you, referencing Soap and Gaz and you nod albeit a bit shocked.
And by a stroke of luck his team wins, you reward him with a kiss to his temple.
And when it comes to Price.. 
It occurred after a tough but successful mission, and it was all thanks to you. What you had to handle was rough but you still came back with minimal injuries.
After a quick check up and shower you head to the common room on base to lounge with your team, but when you just stepped in the area Price got himself up from the couch claiming he needs to get back to work. 
As he passed you he said a quick "Good job out there lad." And held you by your shoulder to pull you close and kiss you right on your cheek before walking away leaving you stunned.
The team saw it all of course, sitting still a bit stunned as well, seemed like your habit of kissing your homies rubbed off on the captain.
You were too focused on the lingering feeling of Price's beard scratching your face that you didn't hear Soap saying how that it's so unfair, how he also had a successful mission but didn't get a kiss from their dear captain, only realizing you've been standing there like an idiot this whole time when Soap ran past you trying to catch up with the captain to claim his well deserved prize.
And it just evolves from there, everyone gives each other kisses. 
It started off as conglatutory kisses like before, then it'll go to "kiss it better" kisses
(Like if Ghost trained so hard he gets bloody knuckles Price will kiss them better, or if Soap suffered an injury Gaz would be there to kiss his bandages, or if Gaz just had a rough day and is incredibly stressed you'd kiss his temple)
Then eventually everytime any of you are about to leave for a mission you all give a kiss to whoever's going for good luck, and when they come back it's those pushing mouth aggressively to cheek kisses happy that they came back alive and well.
And it goes to the point where any chance you get you'll exchange small kisses. Passing each other in the hall way? A kiss to the cheek. Finding each other in the kitchen late at night to grab a drink? A kiss on the forehead. One of you had a brutal nightmare? Boom, get kissed on your damn head, hell why not cuddle while you're at it? (You did cuddle while you're at it)
It doesn't take long for the kisses to trail closer to the lips, for the kisses to trail to your neck and collarbones as well. It doesn't take long for it to evolve from small pecks to heated make out sessions, desperate to feel each other's mouths even deeper. It doesn't take long for the five of you to end up swapping spit late at night, sloppily making out with whoever's mouth is open and wanting, stripping each other's clothes even with your mouth occupied.
After that it's no question to kiss the homies goodnight, hell it usually ends with more than a kiss.
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poetslastdeath · 3 months
okay but i need a reader who is badshit insane, i need a reader with a history dretenched in so much blood that it’s stained them.
i need a reader that can be as stoic and scary as ghost so much so that they’ve become more of a legend then a person, a rotting grave that holds the bones of who they once were.
or a reader that was always drawn to the glint of a knife and the sight of blood running down their hands until no more skin showed, more monster than human since birth.
let them be feral I BEG‼️‼️‼️ especially for price, let them be feral and protective and obsessive and in love with price please 🙏🏽 🗣️
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burstinn · 8 days
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Can't find no good pic for this so..
This post includes:Ghost, Graves, Price, Soap, Nikto, Riptide, Krueger, Konig, Alejandro, Rudy, Gaz, Horangi, Makarov, Velikan, Keegan, Roach. In that order
Yes I wrote all those, yes because I haven't written in a while
- NSFW and SFW (Bottom male and top male reader mentioned)
-since y'all like the big buff n' tall male reader, made him bigger and taller basically mixed everything I wrote about male reader, tall, big buff, big cake, big boobs it's like a package in one this will probably be the last of this type of reader since running out ideas. It was hard making original headcanons 💔💔.
-Omg I haven't written in a while so like this might get idk boring?
- Yes again headcanons,you're favs
- strictly MALE READER not Gn rn
- readers age is ambiguous but if you can't think and want an age for reader my thinking is somewhere near late 30s or early 40s
- Some of the HCS have where y'all ain't in a relationship some HCS have y'all r in a relationship
- these headcanons definitely are mischaracterized but let me pretend for a bit 💔💔
- Tiktok got to me now I have brainrot language, so Trigger warning wooohh braiinroot
- can't believe this post was long enough to make my phone lag just a lil bit
- When he first saw you of course he was 😦😧😮
- Like okay overkill, like you're taller, buffer and probably have a huger cock??? (Something he can investigate.. For purposes..)
Like you also got smoobs?? A plumpy ass??
Like save some for the rest Jesus 😒😒
- Nonstop staring secretly ofc, You be like in a room then you feel someone staring just to see Ghost somewhere in the corner of the room. You can't tell if he's staring or not but being that you are in an empty room.. Yknow it's kind of obv--
- BUT if you are not in an empty room you will not shake off the staring I mean holy shit look at you like 😨😨🍑✋
- You can literally hear him breathing heavily under his mask like how can he control himself when HE a person who is supposed to be looked up to literally and figuratively now has to look up at YOU?? do you know what does to a person??
-That's right it makes them freaky..
-Probably jerks off to you too
- I mean who doesn't want to get railed by a 7 ft tall man? Especially ESPECIALLY when you've been the supposed dominant person your whole life??
- OMG immediately Cumming to the thought
- I mean he won't mind topping you it also drives his own ego seeing a dominant man get absolutely wrecked, imagine the begging and whining
- plus he won't mind being the person who feels protected not always doing the protecting like 💔💔 he wants to feel protected too 😞
- Immediate gay awakening
- thinks making his western accent more prominent would make you think he sounds more hot
- Will dress up as a cowboy and will will ask (beg) you to do it as well
- because you know.. Hat thing.. Riding.. Graves grabs your hat puts it on his head or Graves grabs his hat puts it on your head, either way one of you is riding something and it ain't a horse
- because of the amazing quote on who ever came up w/ that is "save a horse ride a cowboy"
- Graves is obviously the type of guy to look at your ass and whistle maybe slap it, nah definitely slap it
- He thinks of you like a bear
- like You're soo- big and cuddly? Definitely intimidating
- I mean you're near the same age bracket so it's not bad to have some.. Thoughts right?
- You're definitely hairy underneath or not but pls be he wants pubes to tickle his nose
- if you don't have a beard for reader then he would KILL to see have a beard like aughh perfect bear look, if you have a beard immediately cumming(/j) or (not /j)
- Like imagine you and price who are basically like bears like parent bears and and you the other 141 boys are like your children 🥺🥺
- DEFINITELY became more gayer
- errrmmm.. Like his eyes are BASICALLY near like chest height
- bumping into you and his face touches your chest like omgg.. Such an accident 💔💔
- Obviously flirting about going to pound town
- like imagine You and Him? In a relationship? Having the most feral sex??? Like it's obv jokes (it's not)
- He would also do anything to see a big man whimper like a little bicth slut, who wouldn't want to see a demon of a man roll his eyes back and whine like a wheoeororoe❤, I mean if he tops I'd imagine him saying "cmon you're a big boy ain't cha'? You can handle a few more inches". While you are also getting the malevolent backshots.
- He would also want a big strong arm to man handle him as he takes the most vigorous backshots known to man
- Have you ever thought or seen a very tall wall like 10 or 11 ft high and you being you, Soap asks (demands) for you to carry him on your shoulder because he wants to see what's over the wall
- intimidating guy and intimidating guy typa relationship but your not in a relationship.. Yet.
- watch him watch you
- shows off his knife collection to you, yes I think he has a knife collection and he will show it to people that he wants to impress (he wants to get freaky with you)
- I like to think if he strips off the gear he gives the most desperate kind of touchy hug, to those he feels close with of course which is you
- lucky you
- Offers to teach you how to swim yknow just in case
- there is none, he wants to see you wet
- tells you to wear a white shirt and shorts because its Essential for training, it's a lie he wants to see the water wet your clothes making it stick to your body.. Yknow the white shirt showing whats underneath and the shorts outlining what package you've been hiding even though you weren't really hiding it
- He gets too distracted, the others are too, he forgets how to teach you
- indefinite eye contact while your doing it
- likes staring into them, if you get shy and look away he will grab your jaw and make you have eye contact with him
- angry fierce ahh eyes
- he's an emotional grumpy guy, rip off his mask and aggressively kiss his face
- He wants the after sex laying on the chest while the other is rubbing their head, goes both ways.
- trace his tattoos and compliment them the bedroom will be locked the whole day, trust 🙏
- The same as Ghosts
- Imagine being the one to get carried instead of the one carrying
- König would definitely come up to you and ask to be carried while you kiss his face multiple times❤❤
- Imagine how hard he gets because you have to look down at him to talk like HNGRHRRGGGRGRRR
- Definitely likes giving you homemade arts and crafts gear because you know.. The headcanon where König makes his own gear and what if he does it for other people too as gifts💔
- likes seeing you wear his mask it makes him imagine what people see when they see König definitely a change of perspective. He can see how intimidating you are and he gets hard.
- will definitely compliment you in Spanish when talking about you with other people even when you're in front or behind him.
- I mean you don't understand Spanish right?
- if you don't, you're oblivious and only just watch curiously on what he's talking about. Buuut but but if you do understand you don't tell him you undeestrand this thing literally feeds your ego like Alejandro thinks of you this way? 🥺🥺
- Thigh riding type of guy idc who thigh riding
- everytime I look at him he looks like a soft vanilla type
- I know he's a strong guy but look at him
- He wants soft sex 😞😞
- He also likes being complimented if you whisper a praise to him when he's doing ANYTHING. Imagine the babies you'd both have together.
- He likes toddlers and babies and if you do too a plus for him,makes him fall even more 💯💯
- One time he Got injured and was sitting on the floor and then He saw you running towards him he simultaneously screamed in fear and how hard he got
- Likes to style your clothes, If he was off the military right now he really really likes fashion and if he sees you.. You can't fashion and he sees you wearing.. That, He's appalled, horrified, mortified I'm over exaggerating. But he is now in charge of your fashion now, But if you do know how to style you both will share tips with eachother. You can share different tips too ❤❤
- drags you in his barracks and strips you of your clothes except shorts.. And he's telling you this because he wants to "style" you.
- We both know damn well that's an excuse to get the boombayah freaky on.. He's just to shy to tell you upfront or he thinks it's fun to tease you like that before you get freaky
- gets freaky..
- Like he understands the women who get all giggly and nervous when they see a big man who can destroy them (ignore König 💔)
- is definitely not above thigh crushing, boob crushing, face sitting he'd do all at as long as it's you
- Like one time he pretended he broke his leg and won't let anyone else carry him until you came, acting all princessy and shit as you carry him bridal style to the medics
- He felt like a prince omg
- will definitely get on you and treat your real life size anime men boobs as a squishy toy
- How long is it and will he be able to take it??? Who knows he will find out!! Basically searched how long can someone's cock be if they are built like a god and is 7ft tall in Google
- someone gotta tell me Horangi's height and basic Google searching ain't doing it for me I'm too lazy to search for one line of a spicy headcanon line mb
- You're basically ascary dog he owns
- You're tall and intimidating
- You can get information out of people quickly
- And he's not above telling you to torture anyone with a strength and body like yours
- most of the time you get the info done and folded
- Makarov uses you for intimidation and strength buuttt if you ever THINK of betraying him he already has a plan to get rid of someone like you
- Can and will turn you into one of those supersoldiers
- Will make you murder people right in front of him for entertainment and will rewward you!
- you know what reward it will be, Because when he asked what reward you wanted you got a bit to freaky you thought you be dead rn but nah he agreed actually he seems to enjoy it more than you do..
- He's the dog in this one have you heard his voice?? Rough as hell imagine hearing him grunt
- Sounds cocky as hieeeellll too
- Would definitely like showing off to you since he wants to look cool in front of you
- Like you seen velikans skins?? Definitely wears the best ones to show you he can not only be a trained assassin But can also dress cool as hell
- If you compliment him it like makes his day, will not stop thinking about it
- Like a cool person complimenting a cool person like him? Ego boost (It's him feeling gay)
- This guys definitely a smoker (headcanon!!) Because voice sounds like he smoked 100 packs in 1 day and doesn't drink an ounce of water /jk I love him he's so hot.
- So if you want a smoke he purposely hides the lighter saying.. 'Oh no I asked someone elses lighter.. I don't have mine right now' or like 'my lighter ran out of fuel ohh
- So you have to put the cigarette in your mouth as you touch it with his cigarette to light ur own that type of trope 💫💫
- If you're not a smoker he will try his best to not smoke in front of you will use fresh mints to hide his breath of smoke
- after sex he will want a smoke, outside he goes or you both share the one cigarette
- is it wrong to want to be choked by a big buff meaty arm?
- yknow the tiktok thing where girls put a ribbon on their boyfriends arm and the girls just put their face in the middle as their faces get squished??
- Yeah he wants that but gay
- will try to compare dick sizes even though yours is OBVIOUSLY the superior one!!
- Heads or tails on who's bottoming tonight
- Would like to be wrapped around your arms if you are hugging or sleeping keeps him warm
- Especially when it's snowing will force you to hug with him. ESPECIALLY when your in a mission and your in the tents he will definitely force you to hug it out with him
- remember the other tall HC where the reader wasn't taller than König
- yes roach does the same thing here.. He's crawling on you like a tree
- If he wants a kiss instead of asking he crawls up to you and kisses you
- definitely likes to sit on your shoulders as you walk around, he feels tall like that
- this is like a distance relationship 💔💔
- Likes it when you bend over to talk to him also when you bend over when youre doing sum since it's slappable opportunity
- because bent over = double D cake will be slapped
- How will it fit? By the power of friendship of course!!
- probably more of say gex desperation but you get it
- Obviously switch switch
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batfleshh · 6 months
Hear me out (please)
Price fucking dog hybrid reader against a wall in his office, ignoring the fact that reader is being loud, and some member of tf141 walking in concerned by the noises
Also do you think price would share the reader with others?
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Sharing is caring
Price X M!DH!Reader X Gaz
Warnings: MORE DH SHIT CUZ I LOVE FEEDING YALL THIS, DUBBLE PENETRATION 🫡, idk how this position works, getting walked in on, getting bent over a desk bc yer, f slur sandwich, Yall rockin with the Gaz collab??, blowjobs, hair pulling, a single spank, unprotected sex, they cum in u, spit as lube, puppy is said a few times, workplace sex??, no established relationship, idk man gay sex, RAAAHHH, not proofread homies
★ “Little quieter, boy. Gonna get us caught.”
★ That’s usually what the captain would mumble into your ear when you’re both messing around in his office. You whine and whimper as his cock rushes in and out of you, hand covering your mouth as you try to muffle yourself. Usually you’re farther away from the door of his office, bent over his desk or in his lap while he’s inside of you. You felt almost safer this way, your nerves calm as you don’t have to worry about anyone barging in without warning, knowing the recruits have common sense to knock. But this time, he wanted to try something a little different.
★ The captain was feeling dangerous today. Earlier that day, he made some flirtatious comment to you during a small meeting you and some other recruits were having with him. It caught you off guard, so off guard that your ears perked up at it immediately. You cleared your throat and attempted to brush past it, mumbling some sort of reply to Price as he chuckled. You stared at him as he continued to talk, his eyes glancing back at you every once in a while. You fussed about it to him after, only earning more chuckles and much more teasing about it. He gave you a small pat on your head and carried on with his day, leaving you standing there as you glared at him.
★ Later that day, you felt your emotions take a small toll on you, that usual feeling making you miss your captain. You waited around for a while to see if any recruit needed you, before moving quickly to slip into Prices office. When you peaked your face in the door, you saw both Gaz and Price having a conversation at his desk, stopping midway to glance over at who had walked in. You nodded in acknowledgment at Kyle, who gave you a small wave back. You looked over at the captain who gave you a knowing look, already aware of what you had come in for. You waited patiently outside as they finished up their meeting, slipping past Gaz as he left the office.
★ You gently close the door behind you and turn towards John, a small smile on his face as he coaxes you towards him. You make your way over to his desk, immediately attaching yourself to him and hurriedly placing messy kisses to his neck. He mumbles something about you being impatient, but it goes in one ear and out the other. He smirks as he feels you start to tug on his uniform. You begin to whine, feeling him pull you closer and allowing you to take what you want. It didn’t take long before he had you up against a wall, hoisting your legs up around his waist. His hand traveled down to hurriedly free his cock, not taking long after to start sloppily prepping you for it. Soft moans leave your lips as he presses his own against yours, your noises beginning to heighten in volume as his actions continued.
★ Price takes notice of how you attempt to cover your mouth, trying your best to keep you both from getting caught, or anyone hearing you. But your captain was bold, dangerous even. A small smirk crosses his face, moving to grab at your hand gently before snatching up both of your wrists, holding this down in an attempt to keep you from silencing yourself. You try to say something to him about it, only for the sentence to be broken apart as it leaves your lips at the feeling of him picking up his speed. You’re aware you’re being louder than what you’re used to, knowing the walls of his office aren’t that thick. He coos at your reaction to this new territory, wanting to see where this would lead, only if something interesting would happen of course.
★ “You wouldn’t mind getting caught, huh, puppy?,” he teases, his tone making you want to hide away with your face in his neck. Usually he wasn’t this persistent on something like that, but who knows, that’s just what some men are like. It felt like your brain had melted, only nodding along to his words. Any unsuspecting person walking by would assume the only logical reason for those noises, but most are far more curious than others. Gaz decided he could probably drop back in later to ask the captain another question about what they were discussing, but something threw him off. Once he approached Prices office door, he heard something odd. He wasn’t unfamiliar with those kind of noises, but damn, at work?? He would’ve assumed himself crazy, assuming it was some dumb recruits getting it on in their poor captains office! He rolls his eyes as he pushes open the door, getting ready to throw out every order in the book before realizing what was happening in front of him.
★ Price and him make direct eye contact, the captain not stopping, or even slowing, the thrust of his hips. Kyle stands there stunned like a deer in headlights, stuttering out incoherent words. He nearly slams the door shut, but he’s unable to do so as he still looks on, almost mesmerized as you release onto yourself, noises of pleasure still escaping you. The captain smirks and looks back and forth between both you and Gaz, an almost inviting look in his eyes. Kyle quickly shuffles into the room awkwardly, his hands gesturing to words that won’t seem to leave his mouth just yet. He points at you, and back to the captain, and then thinks for a second. Price chuckles and rolls his eyes, fake annoyance present in both actions. “Well, you gonna stand there and look dumb, or are ya gonna come join us, sergeant?,” Price teases, his movements finally slowing down as you finally acknowledge Gazs presence, almost too blissed out to be embarrassed about it.
★ Well damn, what did he have to lose? So as expected, he quickly double checks outside the captains office once more, before moving swiftly near you both. Price slows his thrusts even more, watching intently as Gaz examines what he wants to do. He looks up at Price, searching for some kind of permission as you are moved off of the wall slightly, Kyle slipping in behind you. Your tail begins to sway excitedly as you begin to imagine what’s about to come next, desperate whimpers and whines leaving your lips as you look between both of the men. You feel like you’re in a dream, the fact this is an actual experience is making your head even more cloudy. As expected, Gaz pulls out his cock, giving it a few strokes after spitting into his hand. He moves to place his head onto your shoulder, pushing his cock in alongside the captains. The feeling makes you want to scream, feeling full and desperate at the same time.
★ They both begin to move in and out of you, creating a smooth rhythm that sends you over the edge again, huffing and moaning as another orgasm is pulled from you. Gaz has his hands planted on you, attempting to have a secure hold on you as the captain does the same. Both men set a brutal pace, tears welling in your eyes as you bite at your lip, it almost being too much for poor you. You’re bit on the neck and shoulder by both men as they both release into you, one after the other. They stop to rest after a bit, your legs trembling as they pull out of you. You whine at the loss, still wanting more. Price mumbles a few words to the sergeant before you’re moved over to the captains desk, being bent over across it as your stomach rests on it. You let out a noise of confusion as you look around a bit, only for Price to move in front of you. He gently caresses your head before you feel a pair of hands behind you.
★ You don’t have time to react as you feel Gaz plunge his cock into you, a noise of surprise and pleasure rushing from your lips as your hands grab at nothing on the desk. “Such a good puppy for us, love. Fuck.”, you hear the sergeant grunt out as he enters you. Tears form in your eyes again as Kyle immediately starts off with a rough pace, looking up at Price with a pouty lip and tucked down ears. He reaches his hand down to gently pet at your head, his other hand stroking at his cock as he moves closer to the desk. You already know what’s coming, opening your mouth obediently before you’re even told what to do. The older man chuckles as he grabs ahold of your hair roughly, shoving his cock into your mouth. Drool leaks from around his dick as you gag, feeling Gaz give you a light smack on your ass. Your tail swishes around, happier than ever to be getting treated like this. You’re aware of how gentle they’ll be when they’re done with you, but a small part of you wishes this could go on forever.
★ So yes, I do think Price is a kind man who likes to share <3
★ ~ tags: @rodolfoparras
GOD IM TIRED enjoy this gn
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rodolfoparras · 1 month
Thinking about Price sprawled out in bed while you straddle his waist, and spank his chest, hearing the groans and grunts that escape his lips every time the palm of your hand kisses his skin, feeling the way he’s trying to squeeze his thighs together in desperate search for some relief but unable to do much with your weight on him, and watching the skin jiggle with every slap, tits turning red as his face and nipples fully erect as if his body is silently begging and pleading for you to do something.
Or thinking about latching your lips onto Price’s tits, sucking vigorously as if milk is bound to spill from them, hearing the sweet gasps and hisses that escape him, and feeling the way his hand cradles your head in an attempt to pull you closer to him. Every once a while your teeth will scrape over his sensitive numbs and the hand on your head will turn rough, but you’re quick to sooth the bite with your tongue, lapping at his tits till they're practically glistening with your spit and the man beneath you is letting out contented hums.
Or thinking about Price letting you fuck his chest even though there isn’t much there but you’re more than happy to straddle his waist instructing him to push his small tits together as you slot your dick between them it’s both the best and the worst thing because his tits are too small for you to actually be feeling anything but you can’t help but love the sight of him struggling to push his tits together in an attempt to create some friction, the way his chest is rubbed raw and glistening from both your spit and pre and the way he loses his mind when your cockhead accidentally grazes his senestive nipples.
Or thinking about Price down on his knees, lips wrapped around your cock, while pushing his tits together, rubbing your precum and spit all over them, tugging and taunting the sensetive numbs, even going as far as slapping them for you because even though you can’t fuck them you might as well have a good view
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gildedkrone · 7 months
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Price, who is an excellent soft dom in the bedroom. Driven by pride and ego, he always sought to fulfil your pleasure before his own during your trysts. He’s always checking on you and making sure your emotional and physical needs are met through praises and mouthy lips on yours.
Price, who returns home from his job with a weary heart and tired body. The mission went south and kept him from his beloved sweetheart for an additional five days. He agrees in an instant and a few minutes later, his shirt is unbuttoned and his trousers are pulled down to his thighs.
“Luv, please … have mercy …” Price groans when his tip is pressed against your ass for the third time. It’s long, stiff, and stands proudly, and he would’ve gripped your hips if it weren’t for the cuffs on his wrists keeping his grubby hands off your body.
“Patience, captain.” You smirk when he lets loose another curse before his temper cascades into a deep growl when he’s finally had enough of your teasing. It’s been weeks and he had looked forward to burying himself balls deep in his lover for days to satiate his urges and needs. Only to be tied down to the bed with your clumsy rear taunting him.
It’s the furthest his dick has gone into you and you purr, “C’mon, you can beg for more.”
The yelp from your lips accompanies a ripping sound and hands clasp around your neck to flip your over with the captain settling on your pelvis. He’s fuming, oh he is, and by all means he is unimpressed as you backpedal with an uneasy laugh, “Hey, cap, no need to be so angry yeah? I’m just teasing you.”
The broken pieces of velcro tape laid by your forearms and your hips are jerking and twitching when his dick fills your greedy hole so quickly and you are instantly regretting your decisions. Price would absolutely breed you until you are a shivering mess, all loose and strengthless with his seed spilling out around your white rim and onto the bed. Your torso, painted white from your own release and sticky and if Price is feeling really bold, licks a line between from your navel to your chest through the mess.
Make no mistake; Price may not be the youngest man you’ve been with but he’s got that stamina to just keep going and by the third round, he is only partially satiated while you are out of the count. He doesn’t stop of course, and you are bred over and over again until your ass hurts and your dick shoots blanks.
He makes good on his threat, and when he’s done, he rests his wet cock on your chest and runs the bath to get you cleaned up before he is snuggling you under the covers.
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König is also a soft dom but, occasionally, he does have a mean streak which manifests itself in dirty talk and aggressiveness. The man works very hard in his career, how else would he be a colonel at 34, and needs an outlet for his stress occasionally and what better candidate than his boyfriend—you?
König knows he is much larger than your previous partners and is always cautious of being rough in bed with you. He doesn’t want to hurt you, even if you are built Ford tough. But you know to bring out the colonel in him, all you need is to tease him relentlessly and act like a spoilt brat before he is putting a stop to it.
“Schatz, bitte! B-bitte!” He pulls on the restrains as you slide off his dick again. König’s so damn hard from just the initial few touches and his muffled groans are much louder when his dick lodges itself between your cheeks. He’s desperate for you to just move.
“Kö, c’mon, where’s that self-restraint? Aren’t you a soldier or something?” Long auburn hair is messily splayed on the pillow and he wiggles his hips to get some friction on his neglected length even when you tut gently to keep his hips in place.
He pants, “N-no more … Let me feel you, bärchen. I’ll make you feel good, I promise ah!”
“Kö, what kind of colonel begs so easily? Should I tell your coworkers?” His eyes flash with indignation and the straps on the bedframe is pulled taut and then, snaps as König grabs your hair and pulls you off his hips. You barely register the pillow against your face before he pulls your hips up and his fat dick pushes past a tight rim into heat with a sigh from the colonel and it stings when he slaps your ass and gives you a good stroke.
“You are really asking for it, schatz. Do you need to be punished?” And by god, you are absolutely going to be screaming into the pillows as he uses your body like his cock sleeve. He will joke about his handprints on your hips later and you whine as the punishing pace begins and his cruel laughter fuels the drool falling from your lips.
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Do not edit, reupload or translate my works without prior consent || masterlist || kinktober masterlist || requested by @hcnteur 💞
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thegnomelord · 15 days
me very patiently waiting for that mothussy :3
oh and here’s another wittle thing i thought…i tend to hc price as a bear hybrid or other so i think he would go into hibernations,, since hes still on duty he wouldnt go into a long-term one like other bears, but simply sleep a LOT of the day…i would wanna cuddle big bear price so bad awaawaewfgwh 🥺 hes really hairy but instead of it being coarse hair, its more fluffy cause its the winter!! so his facial hair puffs up a bit…and his chest hair…and the happy trail…you get the idea :3 idk i just like bear price i want him to pound me into the mattress and suck my cock until it falls off hug me!!
Give me like a couple more days lol, I got ghost and soap more or less done in a rough draft format, just need to write out price and gaz then a quick rewrite to clean up the draft. Cause rn all mini drafts are about 1k and very rough so when I clean it up they're probs gonna be bumped up to like 2k? Just knowing me and how my drafts end up doubling in size lol.
Also duuude you are a treasure trove of ideas lol. I want bear price now and now I'm horny so here's a bunch of bear price
Help a Bear Out
CW:NSFW, MDNI, daddy kink, dom/sub, oral, somno, edging, foodplay, cockwarming. Bear Price x Top Male reader Ao3
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Imagine Bear Price who is by no means a small man any time of the year, bear genetics + having to be physically fit to take down terrorists leads to him having a very strong and imposing build befitting a Kodiak bear. The fur only adds to the striking image, making him look larger and his arms appear thicker, letting him scare many young boars from trying to tussle with him lest he crack their skulls.
But he turns massive in winter.
He can't help it; There's no escaping the iron clad control nature has over his body as his dark fur thickens and gains a fluffy golden color. No evading the instinct telling him to eat and rest and grow fat for winter until his hard earned muscles disappear beneath the cloak of fat. No ignoring sweet lull of sleep's song when he's yawning every five minutes and the words on the report swim in his blurry eyes.
Imagine Bear Price who, in his younger days, used to be self conscious about the changes his body went through. Growing up surrounded by humans was tough, dread would start building in his heart the moment the first leaf from the trees would fall. He's lost count how many times the kids would laugh at him when he'd show up to school after winter break with a chubby face and barely able to run a lap with how tired he was.
As he grew and started being curious about sex, it only got worse. He'd snatch the porn mags his sisters would buy behind their parents back, spending hours looking in the mirror and comparing his pudgy belly and fat thighs to the chiseled abs and lean muscles of the models. He'd spend hours exercising and trying to loose the weight he'd gain, but it would be all for naught.
And it didn't stop when he graduated and went into the military. His superiors may have tolerated the extra sleep and rations Price needed because he was a monster on the field, but they by no means were happy about it. He'd end up with thrice the amount of work and run ragged in training until he returned to his pre-winter weight.
Imagine Bear Price who doesn't give a shit about how he looks like now. Why would he, when he sees how you look at him? How you touch him? How you worship him?
Your hands wind around his waist and the groan you let out when you realize the space between your fingertips has gotten bigger is hungry. Your face burrows into his chest, his soft fluffy fur tickling your face as you nuzzle his pecks. The way his pudgy belly and love handles jiggle under your wandering hands makes you wish you had more arms so you could feel every part of him.
A content growl rumbles from the bottom of his chest, eyelids open just enough to watch you. "My boy's forgotten his manners." He chuckles, but there's no way to hide the wagging of his little bear tail. The reverent way you touch him makes him feel like a king.
"Sorry sir." There's absolutely no shame in your voice or your actions, not when your mind is held captive by the soft fluffy fur and the warmth of his skin. Without thinking you slide your hands up to grope his chest and you groan — the squishy fat covering his muscles and makes his pecs so large they don't fit in your hands anymore, fat plumping up between your fingers and his flesh jiggling as you press his pecs against your head and motorboat him.
The surprised laugh you earn is like ambrosia to sweeten the heaven you're drowning in.
Imagine Bear Price who gets so sleepy as the nights get longer and colder. While he still gets the work done, and for the most part doesn't mind the 'old man' jokes his boys make, it's obvious how irritated he gets when he's forced to stay awake longer than he needs to; each extra second spent explaining to a muppet how to do his job makes his eyes darker and voice rougher until he's passively growling like a construction engine.
Luckily you're there to calm down the beast.
Groping his ass or scratching the base of his tail to distract him so you can kiss along his jaw and rub your cheek against his beard. "You're doing it again sir." You mutter, voice smooth and low enough to soothe his prickled mind. Kissing him sweet and slow so you can tug his lazy body back into his room, into his den, where you can give him what his mind and body craves the most — sweet sweet sleep. . . and you.
Imagine Bear Price who's chest rumbles with a purr without stopping the second you settle into his den, his clawed fingers sliding over and groping your naked skin with just as much love and adoration as you show him.
Wrapped in so many layers of blankets and furs, engulfed by his bulk and his own fur, you are so so warm that neither one of you need clothes. Price's favorite position is to hug you like a Teddy bear. Despite the irony, it lets him wrap his body around you so you're safe and protected, practically suffocating in his fur. Not that you mind, especially when Price can nuzzle his nose into your hair or skin, to breathe in your scent to his heart's content and purr low praises into your ear: "Good boy,"
And, if you're especially good, he lets you use his ass as a pillow. He'll growl and grumble about not being able to scent you or hold you, but he'll soon be sleeping peacefully with you slumbering on his large ass.
Imagine Bear Price who, between the long stretches of sleep, get's horny. It's a natural reaction from sleeping next to his naked mate, wanting to feel you and hear your moans, but he doesn't have the energy to actually fuck. His lethargy turns the feeling of languid arousal into Hell.
Both of you try to initiate a couple of times; fumbling beneath the sheets, wandering hands roaming and groping as far as they can reach, his teeth nibbling on your neck and your hungry lips laying hickeys on his thick neck. Not wanting to undo the tangle of limbs you two end up grinding against each other, breathing the same air between kisses as sweet pleasure burns in your belies.
Then you stop just long enough to grab the lube, and Price's mind, still half way in lala land, only needs a couple of seconds of inaction to pull him back into deep sleep. By the time you return to him he's already snoring, limbs reaching out to grip you tightly and pull you close, but all thoughts of sex are forgotten.
And Price is so, so, angry with himself when he wakes up and realizes he left you high and dry again, shame eating away at his stomach because what kind of bear leaves his mate unsatisfied? The unworthy kind.
Imagine Bear Price who's mind is blown when you suggest cockwarming. Hibernation is about sleeping and relaxing, not strenuous sex, so the thought of being able to feel you while still fulfilling his body's need to rest? Oh it gets him hard.
It takes a while to figure out the perfect position, Price is too big and heavy to lay on top of you without crushing you, and his fingers earn to grip and hold you close so spooning him viable either.
Finally you end up with him laying on his back, legs spread with you laying on top of him and oh, it's perfect. You can feel him purr as you slide inside his blistering hot hole, his strong arms wrapping around you and claws scrapping along your spine. "That's my boy, perfect f' daddy." He mumbles through the fog of sleep, throwing one heavy leg over yours to keep you close.
You can't help the shudder that races down your spine, his musky earthy scent curling in your nose and making your cock throb inside him. You only stretching him long enough to be able to take you without tearing something, and Price relishes the slight sting of pain nibbling on his nerves when your cock hardens.
You don't try to fuck him, by the time you're fully settled inside him he's already snoozing. A slow roll of your hips and the resulting tightening of his hole is enough to sate your lust when it arises, enough to keep you half hard and stretching him out. His pecs make such a good pillow, thick fluffy fur and chest hair tickling your skin, the slow and calm beating of his heart lulling you to sleep before you know it.
Imagine Bear Price who gets an insatiable sweet tooth. There’s not a single secret stash in his room that doesn’t have his favorite bottle of honey in it. Hell, there’s more honey hidden in his room than cigars.
And his lazy mind decides to combine his hunger with honey with his hunger for you.
"Hold still for daddy, baby boy." Price mumbles against your abdomen, big hand gripping your hip to keep you still so not a drop of the honey he drizzles on your cock goes to waste. "Good." He purrs, wide tongue lolling out of his mouth to lap at your tip, claws massaging the skin beneath them.
He can spend hours laying between your legs, lazily lavishing your cock with attention while satisfying his craving for sweets. Whine and moan as much as you want, uselessly buck your hips as best you can against his unfair strength, nothing will make him rush — with his energy drained he'll spend meticulous minutes following every vein on your cock with his tongue before he even thinks of gently suckling on your tip. "Relax my boy, just enjoy this." He mutters, lips pressed against the sticky flesh of your shaft.
And when he does take you into his mouth, it's just as slow. His mouth hangs open so you can see your tip resting on his tongue before he laps at your slit, drool and honey running down his chin and sticking the strands of his beard together. When all the honey is in his stomach he just drizzles more, nibbling on your thighs or stomach to keep his mouth and mind occupied with you before starting the torturous process all over again.
The slow torturous pleasure is easy to endure just so you can see his eyes light up when you start leaking precum.
Imagine Bear Price absolutely loves loves loves the salty tang your cum adds to the sweet honey, the delicate combination of flavor dancing on tongue and only fueling his gluttonous mind to demand more.
The distinct taste is the only way to cut through the fog of lazy pleasure in his mind, turning him greedy. Price mumbles and growls incoherent words around your cock as he swallows you down to the root, swallowing around you and holding you down when you try to buck up. "My boy tastes so good." He mumbles as he rises up, nuzzling his cheek against your weeping tip, looking up at you with hungry blue eyes. "Just for daddy, yeah?"
"Ye-yes sir." You whimper through your clenched teeth, your head lolling back against the pillows when he swallows you whole again, your tip bumping against the back of his throat. "Just fo- fuck, fuck,- just for you." You don't know how he doesn't choke on you but you don't have the mental faculties to even think about that when your brains are leaking through your cock.
Price smiles around your cock, the purr rattling his chest and making his throat vibrate around you. "Smart boy," He praises after he pulls off, precum and honey swirling on his tongue as he takes the moment to savor the taste. He knows how close you are, he can feel the cum churning your balls when he rolls them in his rough palm. "You can give daddy a bit more, can't you?"
You honestly don't know how long you will last.
Imagine Bear Price who can get so insatiable he growls like a tractor when you try to weakly push him off your cock, so aroused that you think even the slightest gust of wind will make you pop.
Price bites your thigh enough to hurt and only his hand squeezing down on the base of your cock keeps you from cumming. "And where do you think you're going boy?" He demands, claws digging into your skin to pull your hips closer, little kitten licks of his tongue driving you to the brink of madness.
"S-Sir!" You moan before you can stop yourself, your hips twitching uselessly against his hands, thighs shaking. "'m sorry, I'm fuck, I'm so close." You whimper, fat tears rolling down your cheeks. Every nerve in your system is on fire, pleasure so strong it's turned to pain along your body.
Price huffs, but his tight hold lessens. "It's alright sweet boy," He hums, placing a sweet kiss on your cock head. "I know how you can make it up to daddy."
Imagine Bear Price who's only placated when you slide your cock back inside him. Your muscles ache from the strength it takes you to hoist his heavy legs over your shoulders and keep them there, but your rewarded with the tightening of his sweet hole, a pleased rumble leaving his throat.
“G-good boy-.” He growls, long claws scratching down your back as you pound into him. Your thrusts are slow but deep, making his toes curl every time you bottom out, tip scraping his prostate and making his cock spurt a dollop of precum with every thrust. “Fucking daddy so deep. I taught you well, yeah?”
"Yes, yes, yes!" You agree to everything he says without hearing any of his words, your body moving automatically to bully your dick into him. Every thrust is heaven and every second spent pulling out from his tight heat is hell, the sensitive veins of your cock scraping against his walls.
He moans when you manage to clip his prostate with your thrusts, one clawed hand sliding down to grip your hip hard enough to bruise. "Harder boy," He demands, rolling his hips to meet you half way, other hand raising up to scruff you. "You can go har-hm!- harder. . . don't you wan- fuck, want to make daddy feel good?"
Clenching your eyes shut you slam into him as hard as you can, feeling the fat widening his frame jiggle with every hard thrust. Without thinking Price pulls your head down to smother you in his pecs, soft fluffy fur tickling your face as the ample flesh suffocates you. The sweet scent of honey mixed with his musk erases any vestiges of sentient thought in your head, leaving your animal brain to pick up the pieces — Pin him down harder and mate him, rut into him until he's roaring with his full chest, his hard cock slapping against your stomach.
Price reacts to the change in your behavior by pressing your face even harder against his chest, his walls clenching around your cock like a vice so you have to try harder to push into him. Price’s lips brush against your ear, voice low and rumbly. “My boy, come in daddy.” He urges you on, both legs now tightly wound around your waist so you can only hump your aching cock into him. “Co-mh!- cum, cum in me son, you want to be good for daddy right?”
That's all it takes to drive you over the edge, mind going black like a piece of paper as your orgasm rocks through you with the intensity of lighting. The sensation of your hot cum spilling into his hole triggers his own orgasm and he cums with a thunderous roar, sticky seed shooting across your abdomen.
You collapse on top of him, his legs keeping your softening cock inside him, not that you have even a single functioning muscle to try to pull out. His big hand cradles your skull, honey flavored lips placing soothing kisses on your temple. "That's my boy." Price murmurs, his chest rumbling with a soft purr. "Did so well for me." He yawns, eyelids fluttering as that fog of lethargy settles over both of you. "Now rest," The order is spoken in the softest voice he's ever used, and it works like a horse tranquilizer on you.
As you drift off to sleep, you feel his hole clench around your soft cock, the cum inside him squelching as his body unconsciously tries to persuade yours into filling him up just a bit more.
It's gonna be a long winter.
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!!Minors & Ageless Blogs, DNI!! NSFW, Breeding Kink!!
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No one can tell me that John Price has a breeding kink regardless of whether or not you can actually get pregnant.
It doesn't matter if you're infertile or just straight up don't have the anatomy to bear his child, he'll still put you in a mating press and groan into your ear about how good you'd look round with his child. He's relentless with his thrusts, his bare cock hitting you in just the right places.
And you can't even dispel his comments about you bearing his children, because you're too incoherent, lost in the pleasure. John knows just how to fuck you well enough that you start to believe you could in fact, somehow, bear his children. You end up babbling in agreement with him about how good you'd look carrying his child, how well you'd both be at being parents.
John edges you until you beg him to let you come, until you beg him to fill you up. Only then does he resume his steady and pleasurable rhythm that sends you over the edge, using your hole clenching around him to send him over the edge and filling you up with his cum.
And after it all, John peppers gentle kisses and praises you for taking him so well. He pulls out only to plug you in with a dildo, so his sperm can take and impregnate you, just another way to further his fantasy.
Despite it, you cuddle into his chest, blissed-out from the pleasure he gave you. You two fall asleep like that, limbs entangled.
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Separator made by @une-femme-de-lettres
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thee-great-enigma · 2 months
Price would only give you the slightest hint of what you really want to see in his nudes, or around the house.
Oh you're rock hard and want to rub against his ass for some relief? He sits down on the couch for three hours, completely ignoring you.
Oh you wanna eat him out, feel the weight of his cock on your throat? He'll walk around in sweatpants that are hanging so low on his hips that you can see the salt and pepper fringe of his happy trail and the very base of his thick cock, not that the sweatpants are hiding the outline of the pretty thing. But he swats your hand away anytime you try to touch him, walls away anytime you sit on your knees and plead for him to let you touch him because you "Need to so bad, sir, please? What have I done wrong that you won't let me touch you? Just- please? I'll be good, just please- please I need it, need you so bad sir," you whine only to be shut down again and again.
You want to fiddle with his chest whether it be playing with the soft hair or lightly pinching or sucking his nipples? He'll swat your hand away, wear a thick coat, send you pictures of anything else, make sure you can't get what you want.
And of course it makes it all the sweeter when he does finally let you have your way. But he's also busy doing his own thing, watching TV or reading a book. Bonus points if he's wearing his little reading glasses on the lower bridge of his nose to see the pages of his book or even paperwork. Since you've begged so nicely, been so good for him all day, he might as well give you a little bit of relief. When he first told you to kneel in front of him, you grinned stupidly, thinking he'd finally let you use your mouth for something other than pleading for him all day.
But instead, he shoved his foot between your thighs, shin practically crushing your cock. You let out an embarrassingly high pitched noise as pleasure and a small bit of pain rushes up your spine, making you slightly dizzy for a second. Your jaw gapes as you try to register this, grappling at his thighs for purchase. He doesn't even pay you a glance, just hooked his leg under your crotch and made sure there was enough pressure to keep you short of breath.
You give an experimental buck of your hips and when he doesn't do anything about it, you keep going, keep snapping your hips forward. You find purchase in his thighs, blunt nails digging into the plush skin as shaky gasps and moans escapes your lips. You don't mind this so much, it feels good and at least he's giving you a bit of pleasure. You just wish he'd look at you.
You whine up at him, pursing your lips and tilting your eyebrows up, murmuring into the couch cushion, "Baby please– please look at me– I'm begging you lovie, just look at me. C'mon, that book/show can't be that important"
And yet the only sort of attention his gives you is a low grumbled. "Dirty horndogs like you don't need to be looked at. Go ahead and cum, I don't care, just don't make me watch you do it."
You groan as you rub your poor abandoned cock against his leg, complaining about him being "too mean". You reached up for either the remote or the book, but he swats your hand away, again no even giving you a small flicker of attention.
Woah Enigma knows how to write!!! Yeah sorry for not being active, life has been kicking my ass and motivation is a rare visitor that only likes to come when I'm busy but this time I actually finished something!
Honorable mention, @rodolfoparras a lil gift since I may or may not have participated in the train me gnome and a few others ran through your husband
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killmeprettypleasee · 3 months
Warning: age gap reader is 24 and Price is 35, Brat reader, kinda mean Price(?).
You and Price had been married for just a year now, you and him had been even more close than you two started dating.
He had been sweet to you, and he's very well mannered,, so you were quite thankful to have him as your husband.
But currently you decided to be a brat and start a tantrum every minute of the day,, and fuck did it annoy John..
Suddenly you were shoved to the bed, your body dipping into the soft foam, Price has a devious look in his eyes causing you to shiver slightly at the eye contact.
"You little bitch,, you just don't know how to keep that mouth of yours shut?"
John harshly spoke out causing you to whimper.
Suddenly your pants along your boxers were ripped off and legs had been spread forcefully and folded, now your head was inbetween your knees, Price grabbed the back of your ankle and pushed it down to have a good look at your hole, He licked his lips and pulled his cock out.
By the table side drawer he grabbed a bottle of lube and poured a generous amount on his cock, He couldn't wait to shove his cock deep into your depts,, your warmth,, he just wanted to claim that ass of yours.
But gladly John has some self control to help him resist not to go hard on you yet, your eyes began to go glossy abd tears slowly poured into thin lines, It was a sight to see that his bratty husband was getting nervous to get fucked by him, He loved that look and couldn't help but smirk.
"looks like the little brat actually knows how to shut the fuck up huh?"
Suddenly Price began to shove his cock deep into your ass hole, You let out little whines and cries as he sinked in to your depths.
"J-john.. n-ngh s-slow down.."
You cried softly,
"shut up."
Price replied with a harsh scowl and thrust into you, hitting your prostate head on causing you to jerk up when his hips slammed against your ass.
This caused you to see stars when his hips began to piston in and out of you, small cries and begs left your lips as your hole was being ravished by him.
Now you were a crying and whimpering mess beneath his muscular form, His hands gripped on both on your back knees, pressing them down and folding you like paper.
After round after rounds, Price grew exhausted and when he came he fell untop you and fell unconscious from the tiring in and out of his cock into you.
You let out a soft sigh, feeling weak amd your hips sore, you looked down at him,, gazing at his face then held him close.
You thanked the gods that he was done, and you finally learned a lesson today..
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princeguri66 · 3 months
Leave a mark
Monster!John "Soap" Mactavish (with Poly Monster!141 at the end) x Male Reader
Cw: it starts off with Soap but the rest r mentioned and written but not as much as soap, marking with markers, nothing else I believe lmk
Silly thought but like imagine a monster reader who has crazy fast regeneration. Like deep cuts heal in seconds. Maybe you're a ghoul who just has crazy regen, or something like that.
Wouldn't a relationship between Soap, who loves leaving bites and see the aftermath due to his instincts as a werewolf and you who literally heals in seconds be interesting?
He loves getting fucked by you, but everytime he leaves a bit unsatisfied. It's not because you can't make him cum or anything, hell you can pull multiple orgasms from the guy and you have.
It's just that he can't leave satisfied knowing that he left a mark on you. He has bit you so much but the marks just won't stay. With the other members he can clearly see the marks he left on their neck and shoulders, even with Price who due to his dragon blood heals faster but the marks still stay for a day or two.
So everytime you two fuck, even if his ass if filled to the brim and his balls are empty he still whines because he can't leave his mark on you. You're a member of the 141, his pack, so it pains him that he can't put a claim on you like he has with the others.
So one day you get a bit creative.
One night in your room where he's riding on your cock, bouncing up and down while you lay your back on the bed, your hands gripping his hips and slamming him down on you as you cum. He leans down and bites as hard as he can on you as the feeling of you filling him up makes him cum. Pulling away and only being able to whine because he can't even admire his mark before it fades away.
"Aw, is puppy unsatisfied?" You tease and chuckle. And before he could insist that he was, you reached to the bedside table and picked up a red permanent marker, "why don't you mark me with this instead?" You say handing him the marker.
He huffs out a laugh at your little solution, but it's the best you got since you can't really make yourself regenerate slower. So he indulges, testing the marker on the back of your hand, the ink incredibly opaque so it stands out against your skin. Then he draws a bite mark at your neck then adds "Soap's Claim" in big letters, covering the whole left side of your neck.
He leans back, the bright red against your skin and the obvious letters, he finally sighs a sigh of relief.
It doesn't go unnoticed as well (just how he likes it)
The other members of the task force noticing Soap's eyes seem a bit brighter and his tail has been swaying peacefully the whole day. And that's where you enter, neck bare for everyone to see (it's the least you can do) Soap grins, happy to finally be able to show off his claim on you.
And now they want to have their names on your body too.
It's all color coordinated too now, Price who loves to write across your shoulder blades, with words like "Price's hoard" or just a simple "Price" with a heart next to it, it's simple but huge.
Gaz with a bright blue marker who likes to do it on your lower back (because he can also rest his head on your ass) writing something like "Gaz was here" and likes to draw wings on you. (Wing themed tramp stamp with 141 between the wings anyone?)
And Ghost with either white or black who loves to mark your chest, either a simple "ghost" or "Simon Riley" on each pec. Also likes to draw a ghost doodle on top of your heart.
And if you five fuck together, you aren't the only one who ends up having ink on you, but you'd have the most. And when you wake up to find a big arrow pointing to your dick and ass that says "Property of 141" written in multiple colors, you'd wish you could show it off.
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 months
Warnings: Yandere, Hybrid AU, male reader, anal sex, creampie.
This is not edited, I also got this idea from @konigsblog! Love her, sm /a <3
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I can’t stop thinking about Dragon! Price using his strong tail during sex. Doesn’t matter where or how. His tail has to be involved in some way.
Of course, he uses it during cuddling. Different ways to bring you closer. Or how he grabs objects near you two, especially if it's portays your very cock.
He mostly uses it on your cock and balls, or his very own, or your tight hole.
It’s messy. But it’s how he likes it, no?
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As of now, John is jumping on your cock, hands on your shoulders as he bounces up and down, his sharp teeth nipping and biting deep into your neck.
John lickes the wounds, sucking the swollen skin even more as you groan out; pain and pleasure were an odd thing to mix. Yet, he feels so good, so well fitted for your large cock.
Lost in the vast of pleasure, you never seem to notice his sly tail until it’s too late; curving around your muscled cheeks.
You gasp. Moaning at the continuous abuse of your beloved dragon and the fact of not expecting the cold scales against your naked globe or the warmth coming from John’s breath.
"What—" you begin, "Why– fuck...— the tail?"
John chuckles, slowing down his pace as his slitted, reptilian eyes look at yours. "It has its own mind, yeah?"
You made a small sound, a mix of a groan and eep before feeling the thick appendage begin to circle around your puckered hole.
It really did have a mind of its own, didn’t it?
John couldn’t help but smile, beginning to pick up his own speed while he’s perched up on top of you — hands still hooked upon and around your shoulders for balance as he leaned forward.
Dragging his erect cock against your tummy, he spreads his cum. His smell,
You’re such a good mate taking him so well, yet he decides to add something to the mix. Letting him add his other body – his tail – inside you. Curling your toes all handsomely as you adjust to its length.
You grit your teeth, heaving as a light layer of sweat litters both of your bodies.
"Lemme enter, hm?" John hums nicely, and you can’t refuse him. So you do, so oh gently.
He suppresses a sound – feeling even more heated. You, on the other hand, have your eyes tightly closed and moan so loud you’re sure the next door neighbors could hear the lewd activities.
You’re nearly crying, feeling the tail enter you to its full extremity where it wouldn’t kill you.
Price chuckles, nudging his face into your neck, feeding your sensitive neck with his scratchy beard as he resumes fucking you.
"Fuck– so pretty with my tail in yah," John hums, grabbing your cheeks before kissing you deeply; his tongue fighting dominance over yours.
Your eyes look at his — misty eyes. You seem to loose touch. Maybe with reality.
Everything clenches with friction. Your tight hole accepting the full him, sliding into you with the thinnest to the thickest part of his tail. Or how his own hole is so wet, taking your large cock with grace as he fumbles over his words.
"Fu–ucckk—" John breathes out, his right wing expanding, gripping your shoulder so unbelievably hard that you’re sure it'd leave bruises.
His hands drop down from your shoulders, beginning to glide over and down across your back, nails scratching at your redden skin.
"Oh– fuck, I love you."
With a single thrust upwards and John going downwards, you cry out loud as his rich cum releases all over your chest, staining your body as you also let yourself go.
Pumping pulse after pulse of thick cum deep inside him, you rest your head on his shoulder, feeling his own seed going at it.
"Fuck– ya' so amazin'".
And you don’t know if its the cock drunk, dragon behavior, or you pumping him full up his guts — but your cock pulses, eagrily telling you both that between his tight hole, and your own of his thick tail, you’re begging for a new round with this new added fun.
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burstinn · 7 months
as a male!Reader, I feel very represented in your works,
could you write a male!Reader that’s really tall? Like, humongous? In hight, and body? (In the military as well)
I always see male!Readers that are so small and tiny and baby.
like, no. You get me? Just saying. Thanks!
Male! Reader with the height and body of a goddamn Monster.
Note: some mentions on top reader but I like to keep it ambiguous. So you can read it as a switch! Reader. This is a quick drabble of some Hcs
People shown: Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Price, Keegan, Graves, Nikto, König, Horangi, Logan Walker,Roach, Makarov, Krueger
-Reader is 6'5.
-Basically built like the Russian terminator guy
- Got shocked when he first saw you, wanted to seem more intimidating than you.
-So he puffed out his chest and glared at you.. Bro wants to challenge you nahh 😭😭🙏🙏
-You would fold him tho ngl (in the ring and in bed fr fr)
-when he got comfortable with you kinda jealous his title of the big, tall intimidating man got taken away.
-When you sparred with Ghost it was a tough fight but you managed to get Ghost in a chokehold wrapping one of your tough bulging sexy ass arms around Ghost's neck.
-Never knew he wanted to be man handled so bad it was Hot he had to excuse himself and run off because he got hard.
-Starts imaging if your cock is just as big.. Spoiler alert.. It is..
-Looks at you then Ghost mind blown that there was someone more humongous than Ghost
-Teased Ghost for awhile
-Drools over your pecs..
-He totally dreams of being crushed by you..
Or being crushed between Ghost and you.. Or both..
-Asks if he could feel your guns (Your arms..)
-Keeps glancing at your cock. Even though it's clothed.. I mean look at you.. Your manhood is basically too tight for your pants he can literally see your outline.
-Soap asked if he could measure your Length.. So he could see how far it could go inside of him YK?! YOU UNDERSTAND.
-More interested than having dirty thoughts.
-Keeps asking how you got that big
-Wants to be just as strong as you
-Cutie patootie (T_T)
-Basically hangs around you to see how you work
-Even follows you so he could watch you train and spar
-Asks about your diet and if how your body looks is genetic
-inspired by you. Like a child (😭😭WHALUAAHHAH GAZZ)
-Beneficial for him I mean he gets to have another soldier that's just as intimidating as Ghost.. Maybe even more.
-Is like a proud father
-Talks to everyone about you and how bla bla bla
-Trains with you
-He'd show you tricks and tips on how he trains and you show him tips and tricks on how you train
-Probably has a picture of you at his desk.. Beside the other pictures of his other not biological family. Aka. The whole 141..basically has a pic of everyone they all family up in 'ere
-Heh.. Yknow.. Pictures..
-In the showers in lockers makes sure he's there near so he can see you in all your glory
-Probably had wet dreams about you
-Also makes sure he's there when your training. It's not like he's obvious everyone there is fuckin watching you
-What's that? You wearing a compression shirt? 🤨🤨 nuh uh in the sex chamber you go 👉
-Touching, touching, touching EVERYTHING
-What the fuck
-Silent panicking
-Jealous very jealous
-Compares himself to you, would train harder just so he can look like you (bb nooo 😭😭)
-Would watch also how you train your body so he could copy it
-You caught him once training in the middle of the night.. And he's using your technique on how you use the punching bags.. He's just getting some stuff wrong..
-When he notices you he got.. Slightly embarrassed and angry.. Panicked inside when you came closer asking him if he was using your technique in training
-You trained him properly on how you do it.
-so like now.. You train him in the middle of the night..
-same as price shows you off but more in an annoying way
-Hes boasting
-Would face you off against his strongest shadows no diff you still win.. Yuuuhhh
-Subtle touching like hand on shoulder, arm, head whatever.
-Relieved that he has someone that looks like him.. Albeit slightly shorter.. Still!
-Got nervous meeting you first.. Forced himself to act tough to impress you I mean he is a colonel
-Makes sure to be in missions with you. Wants to see you in your most serious and intimidating
-Got intimidated himself once he saw how you act on field
-Tries to be on your good side the whole time
-One day he was watching you and just started thinking about YOU KNOWWW!!
-Blasphemous! He got red and cried to Horangi about it
-You know about this guy
-He's silly
-He'd read fanfics thinking it's him and you
-he'd make fanfics too, about you and him maybe adds König
-Shows it to König all proud and shit as if König isn't looking at him with absolute horror in his face when he reads what Horangi wants to do with you or you with him.
-He's delusional
-Slapped your ass and blamed it on someone else that's near him. It was König.
-Is it as veiny as your arms? A man can only dream.
-gives you a soda can and tells you to crush it in your arms.. Better yet in between your legs.
-Would then tell you like "good now do my head"
-PlEASE let him be between your thighs
-Rolled his eyes when he saw you
-Avoids you like the plague
-Why doesn't he like you? No idea. He a big pussy bitch is what. He sad you get more dick n pussy than him.
-Complained about you to Hesh
-He may not like you. He can't lie tho. You are good at your job so like he can't do anything about that
-Sex Chamber. Now.
-Quiet around you..
-Looks up at you like a damn bug. It's cute. He likes it when he looks up at you
-He'd jump on you and crawls around like a cockroach
-haha funi jok
-Would use your shoulder as a seat.
-If you do pushups he'd be on top of your back
-Audible gulp sound (haha he's drinking your seme-)
-Curses in German
-Dreaming about HAHAHAHAAHAH
-If he's fingering his gun to clean it he just.. Thinks..
-If he sees YOU finger your gun to clean it.. That's it he's done.
-He's dragging you somewhere
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batfleshh · 7 months
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Captain Price x M!DogHybrid!Reader
Warnings: MORE HYBRID SHIT, I’m in a Price mood Ngl, bjs and shit, uhh workplace sex?? Idk, cigar smoking, uhh idk you’re under a desk and someone comes in, gay, bleh, no established relationship?, not proof read
★ Being hired as a hybrid to work with the Task force meant many responsibilities. A lot of those responsibilities meant being around the captain a lot. You didn’t complain, following orders was just something you were meant to do. If he called for you, you would come. Like a dog to its owner, you didn’t complain or get annoyed when you saw him. You were fine with the captain, even enjoying his company from time to time. Sometimes he would just call you in to sit in his office, strike up a conversation involving a topic or two before sending you on your way. It didn’t bother you, even if it was just to collect a few pieces of information from you.
★ Some would even make jokes about you two getting it on in his office, Price quickly shutting down the idea being spread by any dumb rookie. You would just chuckle at the comments, the way he would immediately stop the words from spreading would surprise you. It wasn’t like it was a lie, anyway. When someone would bring up that joke, your mind would immediately skip to what you did in his office last night. Your ears would twitch on your head, tail wagging out of sight while Price chewed out the recruit. He was hot when he was serious, you weren’t going to lie. You were always more than excited when he would use that tone on you, too. The way he could easily command you always made your stomach feel warm, the instinct to be obedient to him made it easier for you to comply.
★ The jokes floating among the rookies weren’t just pulled out of thin air, most of the time. A few could swear on their lives that the few times they’ve walked by his office, muffled groans could be heard on the other side. Others, they heard quiet whimpers, or the quiet rocking of his desk. Maybe the captain just liked to do certain activities in his office, and no one had the balls to ask what they were. But deep down, they all came to the conclusion that Price was in there having his way with you. The way you submit to him wasn’t unnoticed, even though it could just pass as you being a loyal hybrid.
★ And maybe that was what it was that was making you like this, the need to please an authority figure making you more vulnerable to him. And for the many times noises were heard, that’s exactly what was happening inside. The shuffling of a desk rocking and the whimpers were no mistakenly the heard sound, the captain fucking into you at a brutal pace as you were bent over his desk. Tears collected in your eyes as you moan and whine, his rough hands holding you in place. One of his hands was kept on your neck, holding you still. The other was holding onto that tail of yours, keeping it from getting in the way. In a way, he found its frantic movements adorable, your body giving non verbal signs of enjoyment.
★ Then there was the groaning, that one giving itself away sometimes. You would be in his office, snug sitting under his desk on your knees. You had come in maybe thirty minutes before, a hazy look in your eyes as he looks up at you from his papers. He calls you over, asking every appropriate question before inviting you under his desk. He makes sure you want it, grabbing your chin gently and making you look up at him. He asks one more time for good measure, finally letting you free his cock from his pants as he continues to smoke on his lit cigar. After a few minutes, your slowly easing his cock into your mouth, quiet whimpers leaving your throat.
★ Price doesn’t force it in, or pull it out of your mouth. He knows to let you take your time, this being some sort of stress reliever to you. Every once in a while he’ll reach down and stroke his hand through your hair, chuckling at the sound of your tail thumping against the wood of his desk. The smell of the cigar fills your nose as you continue to suck on his cock, your eyes still holding that hazy hue as you look up at him most of the time. At one point, he blows the smoke of the cigar playfully down at you, chuckling as you groan and try to swat the smoke away. You both sit in a comfortable silence for a while, enjoying each others company.
★ Well it was quiet, until you heard the unmistakable sound of a knock on the door. You panic, sitting up quickly only to hit your head on his desk. You whine, rubbing at your now throbbing head as you look up at Price, panicked. He gently shushes you, grabbing your chin and slowly guiding you back to his cock. You open your mouth obediently, even though your eyes hold so much confusion. He presses a finger to his lips, a small “shh” sound leaving from behind it as he moves his chair closer to his desk. You choke slightly on his cock, small noises leaving you as you wait for his instructions. What surprises you is when you hear a very audible “come in!” from the captain, your eyes holding a slight sense of fear. He just sneaks his hand down slowly to gently rub at your ears, putting his cigar out as the person walks in.
★ Its a casual conversation on details for a mission you’re all going on, Prices hand leaving from below the desk to shuffle around some files on top of it. The recruit stays longer than you would like for them to, taking Prices cock out of your mouth and licking at his tip. You smirk slightly as he glances down at you, fully aware of what you’re doing. Your tail thumps quietly against the floor, almost wanting for you both to get caught. Price clears his throat and leans back slightly and continues talking to the recruit, his foot slowly moving to press down on your tail, a quiet noise of shock leaving you as his boot holds it in place.
★ When the recruit finally leaves, Prices chair is moved back out, his foot moving off of your tail as he glares down at you. You give him a playful smile, yelping somewhat in surprise as his hand moves to the back of your head. Your head is forced down on his cock, pathetic whimpers and small gags leaving you as he guides your head on his length, drool seeping from around his cock as you let him do it. Tears prickle in your eyes as he stills his movements, hand pressing your head down and releasing down your throat. He slowly eases his dick out of your mouth, watching you cough quietly and swallow. He hands you a small water bottle he has sitting on his desk, tucking his cock back into his pants as you drink from it. He moves his chair out to let you leave, only for you to shake your head. He hums, moving back in and letting you follow through with your own idea as he moves to his papers again. You hum contently, resting your head on his lap.
★ Who wouldn’t want that kind of attention from their Captain?
~ ★
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
Thinking about how Price wouldn’t want to be in a fwb relationship but he is in one without realizing it.
Cw: suggestive, pining, friends with benefits, friends to ?, splash of angst
Price has got this friend back home from his recruiting days or at least that’s what he says when 141 asks who you are.
“A friend,” “Good guy,” “nothing to worry about,” Price says to 141 as they step foot inside your vacation house and it turns out he wasn’t lying. You cook them dinner, you let them borrow your pool or private gym or whatever you got on your estate and you’re even able to provide each one of them a room of their own for the night and while they’re ecstatic about their sleeping arrangements they can’t help but wonder where the captain will be sleeping.
But they quickly get their answer when they see the captain stumbling out of your room, in only sweats, hair wet as if he just took a shower and a cigar snug between his lips. Whoever catches him in the act, is quick to disappear from the crime scene
When they return back to base Soap or even Gaz is the first to mention your relationship with the captain, joking about how they didn’t think there was a sane person in the world who was willing to date Price but Price just looks confused as ever while swiftly explaining that he isn’t dating anyone.
Ghost who doesn’t even want to participate in this conversation is the one to mention how someone had seen Price walking out of your room that night and although Price freezes in place a red hue tinting his face, he swiftly explains that the two of you aren’t dating but that sometimes you do hook up - well he says it under his breath stumbles over his words before he manages to get out a sentence.
“Like friends with benefits? Didn’t know you were the type to do those kinds of things captain” Gaz says with a brow raised trying to keep the smile off his face
Price is quick to correct Gaz telling him you aren’t friends with benefits. You just hook up when the mood feels right like when the two of you had dinner together that you had cooked for him and watched some shitty movie he’d been eager to see, but the way your thighs brush against each and the way bloods pooling to his lower half seems more interesting than the movie you’re watching or maybe when the two of you are drinking beer on your porch while watching the sunset or sunrise together and it just feels right to make out. That isn’t what being friends with benefits is right?
The rest of the group doesn’t argue any further. They let it go but Price doesn’t, cant stop thinking about it especially when he’s over at your house, you’ve had some nice dinner, watched some game and drank some beer and this is the part where you take him to your bedroom but you’re doing none of that instead you’re rushing around the house getting yourself ready because you have a date tonight
And Price is kind of frozen in place, doesn’t know what to say because what the hell is there even to say? The two of you are friends that sometimes hook up. It wasn’t an arrangement of some sort. It was just something that happened whenever it felt right and you weren’t obligated to do it every time and you could sure as hell go on and date whoever you want so why does it hurt? Especially when he crawls into your bed- your shared bed while you’re away for your date , the bed has never felt this big and Price has never felt this empty
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