#primitive weevil
actualcoolbugfacts · 1 year
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✨cool bug facts's✨
Trachelophorus giraffa, or the giraffe weevil!
Aughdhgh the neck
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The anatomy of these Achates-shaped insects!!!
The males necks are typically 2-3 times the length of a females, but can be much larger, as they are one of the most diverse species of weevils when it comes to height.
Their whole body and wings are black, but their elytra are are an ostentatious red.
The males are around 2.5 centimeters long, which is nearly the longest any attelabid species is.
The larger males snouts and legs' tissue aren't as metabolically active as the smaller males. The larger males also have more cuticle, meaning that despite their ridiculously large size, they use up less energy than the smaller males.
The larger males can be 30 times the size of the smaller males.
Smaller males typically die younger than larger males.
The females have very powerful legs compared to the males.
They are a species in the attelabid family, which is one of the few families of primitive weevils.
The larvae eat the nests they were born on.
The adults eat the leaves from the Dichaetanthera arborea, unscientifically known as the giraffe beetle tree, because that's really all this tree has going for it.
The males use their necks to joust with other males, similar to how other beetle species use their horns and mandibles. But instead of trying to pick up and throw their opponents, they try to shove them off their tree.
When startled, they will backflip off their tree.
In order to actually be able to mate, the smaller males will sneak under the larger males while they're mating.
If a female prefers a specific male who's fighting over them, they will walk in between the fighting males, breaking up the fight. They will then shoo away the male they don't like, and mate with the preferred male.
Even if they haven't mated yet, the females will make a nest for their eggs using their neck, by way of pressing their neck against the leaf to make indentures. After making these indentures, they use their legs to fold the leaf in half and curl up the edge of the leaf. When they do this, they only lay one egg in the curled end of the leaf and snip the leaf off their tree. They will then go do this to other leaves until they've laid all their eggs.
The males may try to help their mate make their nests, but they typically don't follow the normal procedure. This can lead to the female pushing their mate away after a while. The males may actually help by getting rid of smaller insects that could harm the eggs.
They live in Madagascar, but have a cousin species with the same name that live in New Zealand.
They spend their entire lives on a Dichaetanthera arborea. They are rarely seen not on their tree, except for when they're in the larval stage, as the larvae are born on the collapsed leaves from the Dichaetanthera arborea.
Cool fact that didn't fit here.
They were only discovered in 2008, which unfortunately means that not as much is known about them compared to other insects.
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weevilsdaily · 20 days
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cloudyswritings · 6 months
Hollow knight bugs & real world species
basically this is just a place for me to dump my thoughts about the species of Hollow knight characters. Let’s start with the easy ones.
Divine & Leg Eater: These two are very obviously a termite king and queen, Divine literally can’t be anything else.
Ogrim: The biggest shitter, dung beetle obvi.
Cornifer & Iselda: Weevils, aka the best bugs. Look at their proboscis’
Mantis lords: Mantids, probably based mostly on the Chinese Giant Mantis specifically.
Flukes: They’re just flukes, disgusting.
Unn: Objectively the best goddess, big slug
Quirrel: So it seems likely to me that Quirrel is a isopod of some sort, most likely an armidilidium species, I think it’s something about his hunched/slightly curled posture and body segmentation.
Radiance: A silkmoth, her wings look to be in proportion with the species and everything else screams silkmoth.
Grimm: it’s a common theory, but his resemblance to a vampire moth is striking.
Mask maker: Bro is very obviously a whip scorpion, the arms are what really seals the deal, but living among other predators with ease(ie deepnest) and twitchy motions are staples of whip scorpions irl.
Cloth: a Cicada nymph, hence her whole burrowing thing and the sounds she makes. Plus this is actually confirmed.
God Tamer: She’s an ant, but not a queen. She’s probably a worker who got separated from the colony. Her antenna are fairly distinctive in Hollownest and are very ant like. Plus she tames other species, something ant colonies effectively do by treating aphids like livestock
Ze’mer: So there’s two equally good guesses for what she is. The first is that she’s a silverfish, this would support her outsiderness given silverfish are a truly strange and primitive branch of bugs. The second possibility is that she’s a glow worm beetle, the adult stage of glow worm. This is also super plausible because of the antenna those beetles have lining up nicely with her fluff and drooping antenna. I think either one is a great interpretation.
now the harder ones.
Sly: So his size is notable, as is his eyes being very visibly compound, that combined with his mobility in the air and the sort of buzzing yoda type sound his voice has makes me think he’s a fly of some sort. Plus it rhymes.
Herrah: she’s most likely a horned baboon tarantula, the colors and size line up with what we see compared to the weavers and devout. Plus the horn on those tarantula line up shapewise fairly well with hers.
Pale King: This man to me has two different possibilities, either he’s a leg less lizard of some sort or more probably he’s some sort of really fucked up crustacean. We know Wyrms molt so that almost certainly rules out option one. My thought is that Wyrms have the same issues lobsters run into where they get bigger with every molt, so their exoskeleton gets heavier, thicker, and harder to break out of. Eventually they die, crushed under their own weight and unable to molt(this is when Wyrms generally abandon their larger form to make kingdoms). Verdict: something terribly cursed.
Bardoon: Bardoon, Bardoon, Bardoon, why must you be so difficult? So at first Bardoon really looks like a silkworm, the color is right, even the face of the two look super similar. But Bardoon is demonstrably longer than a silkworm has any right being, and his little nub/tail that you can hit distinctly resembles the “horn” all hornworms have. Despite that I’m nominally going to say he’s a silkworm until I find better evidence. Verdict: Concerning implications.
Gubs and Grubfather: Parasitic wasps maybe? The charm is called Grubberflys elegy, but their behavior mimics the way some wasps lay eggs inside of hosts so their young can eat their way out. Verdict: wasp things probably.
Tiso: So Tiso and Sharpe both look remarkably similar and from the very, very limited amount we’ve seen from both move similarly. In that vein they both look vaguely like assassin bugs, specifically assassin bug nymphs.
Vessels: Something even more fucked than the Pale King, they’re like mostly plant though I think? Like their masks look like his but are actually made of the White ladys bark/wood and grow constantly, their horns look a lot like her branches too. I imagine that their bodies have the same crustacean exoskeleton thing going on their dad has, so they’re probably incorporating heavy metals into their chitin. In all likelihood their mother being a plant and the light absorption the void displays means they’re photosynthetic in some way, it might explain how they grow too. The dangling bottom parts of the shades also look sorta like roots honestly, this also meshes well with how thorns of agony appears as void tendrils when activated. Verdict: Who tf knows, they’re definitely photosynthetic though.
The Shade Lord: So obviously this big chonker is literally just void, but their form distinctly resembles a dragonfly nymph, with four main arms/legs being used, and a distinctly predatory head shape. Plus we don’t see their bottom half, so I imagine it’s either a mass of roots like their mother, or something vaguely wormy. Verdict: Dragonfly thing
Isma: She is super fucking weird tbh, her head is shaped a lot like Vespas. Obviously however she’s some sort of pant being given the way we find her. My theory here is that she’s actually some other sort of bee, there’s a ton of bees that are solitary species. Based on that I’d say she was a bee— probably a white-banded digger bee— who became a devotee or worshipper of Unn. This may explain how the Pale king was allowed to build in green path. Unn let him build in her land and in return she got a loyal and powerful spy/pair of eyes in the Pale court.
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cypherdecypher · 1 year
Animal of the Day!
Long-nosed weevil (Rhinotia hemisticta)
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(Photo by Timothy Reichard)
Conservation Status- Unlisted
Habitat- All continents except Antarctica
Size (Weight/Length)- 2.5 cm
Diet- Leaves; Fruits; Roots
Cool Facts- I don’t know whether to laugh or be terrified and extremely thankful these guys are as small as they are. The long-nosed weevil has the longest nose of any weevil species and comes in a variety of colors. It might surprise you that their nose isn’t a nose at all. It’s actually a mouth. Made for piercing plants and sucking up the sap, long-nosed weevils are considered pests by farmers. The long-nosed weevil isn’t even a true weevil, incapable of folding its antennae like its cousins. However, their looks and behavior has gained the long-nosed weevil the term of primitive weevil for classification’s sake.
Rating- 11/10 (Intense sniffing noises.)
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jupiterswasphouse · 4 months
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I looked into this bit of the book! And yes, some aphids (such as Pemphigus spyrothecae) and thrips (some within the genus Kladothrips) are eusocial! As are 'snoutless' true weevil species Austroplatypus incompertus (quite the name to be honest), and even 8 (or possibly 9) species of snapping shrimp within the genus Synalpheus! However, with spiders, despite the existence of many social spiders, the consensus seems to be that none are truly eusocial (although, Anelosimus eximius gets really close to it! The one thing keeping it from the definition of eusociality is the lack of proper castes)
[Image ID: A photo of a page of a book that reads as follows, "however, not the only eusocial groups; there are some eusocial aphids and thrips, and there is even a primitive eusocial species of ambrosia beetle that lives in galleries (tunnels) in the heartwood of eucalyptus trees in southeastern Australia. Outside of the insects, eusociality is rare. It is found in some spiders and snapping shrimps, but in only two other animals; the naked mole rat of the Horn of Africa and southern Africa's Damara mole rat are the only eusocial vertebrates. Some argue that subsets of human society meet the criteria for eusocial behavior, so we might include ourselves in this distinguished company." /End ID.]
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polythremed · 3 years
wheres the essay op i want whitsun bugs
there might not have been an essay before, but there is now! bugs and inverts are hugely overlooked. however, the victorians loved insects! they were huge inspirations in art, shells were used in fashion, so what would be more vogue than a giant bug for a pet?
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(Punch, September 29, 1877)
the bulk of this talk will be under the cut but tl;dr is that arachnids still offer a lot of potential, beetles and moths live in the neath and were popular at the time, and there are a lot of lesser-known bugs that fit fallen london
also cw for bug images because there’s a lot of them beyond here, this is for people with good taste only
firstly: arachnids
FL has a lot of arachnids and this year’s whitsun saw the introduction of a squirrel with a scorpion tail! i think it’s a fun design personally, but arachnid companions are Not obsolete. the most relevant arachnids are crabs, and crabs are more varied than you might think!
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(image by abc.net.au)
the yeti crab was the first crab to come to mind, related to hermit crabs and living in hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean. it means we’ve got another underground beast, and could you imagine this as a spired crab? it could be the product of shapeling arts, and the yeti crab’s famously hairy arms have the potential to be used as arm warmers or 1890s uggs for the discerning londoner!
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there’s also the japanese giant spider crab, which might be more lanky than it’s neathy angler crab cousins, but look at those legs! how big do you think it is? how about taller than the average person?
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you have to understand how badly i want to be this man they also inhabit vents near the bottom of the ocean (the crabs, not this man), they’re omnivores and one specimen’s measured in at 3.8 metres (12ft) across its outstretched legs! it’d probably be a dreaded companion by the sheer size of it, but imagine the walking sticks you could get from those legs
arrowhead crabs and horseshoe crabs are also runners up for this!
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mites also came to mind, being small arachnids- the mite above is an adult female tea mite, and not much is known about mites! they’re primitive but have a terrible reputation, and FBG have shone the spotlight on other unloved creatures in the past. there’s also Caveat Emptor which tells us that the bazaar has parasites which are probably like mites? you could have your own romance vampire, surely nothing could go wrong
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and if you’ve come here for spiders, how about the pelican spider? with a pelican-like head, pelican spiders prey exclusively on other spiders! isn’t that a fun way to counter sorrow spider infestations? introducing new species is a good thing, right?
higher tiers of this companion could start to own the whole pelican thing. i’ve seen monster designs of spiders with human heads but never a spider with a pelican head!
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(image by me)
all he needs is some love and spiders
close arachnid contenders that i want to mention before this whole post is made up of eight-legged companions: camel spiders, harvestmen, and whip scorpions!
secondly: beetles
as john b. s. haldane once said, “god has an inordinate fondness for beetles”. and he’s right because there are more known species of beetle than types of mammal
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in fact, the victorians fucking loved beetles (and butterflies but we’ll get to that)
we have phosphorescent scarabs as luminosity items and a few mentions of beetles in airs texts and in sunless sea, the latter where a beetle has been eating through your ship’s supplies. being from england, i have a vague idea of what sort of beetles would end up in london!
there are still stag beetles, rove beetles, and even cardinal beetles, but these by themselves might feel pretty basic. they’d be good t1 companions, but why not have a companion that’s a whole insect keeping setup? there’s even some colourful beauties like the scarlet malachite beetle which are now incredibly endangered
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but if you want something Huge and Large and easily convertible into a fashion accessory, hercules beetles have a lot of potential! horns that can be used for knives in dockside brawls, or you could take most of the bug features and place them on a furry animal like a guinea pig since seas already gave us the guinea page
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these beetles could also add diversity for the phosphorescent scarabs- and speaking of phosphorescent beetles, why not look to fireflies? they aren’t fire and nor are they flies, but to carry on with FBG’s habit of “slapping animals together to see what happens”, you could easily make something with the features of a firefly larvae
or you could take the even more interesting approach of having a grub the size of a cat, for example. hercules beetles have some of the largest larvae and the feast of the rose gave us maggots, so why not have one of these babies but the size of a cat? and glowing? they’re a possible light source that might make you more bizarre or respectable
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a close runner up that i wanted to mention was diving beetles and how freaky they can get if they’ve adapted to the zee but the sabretooth longhorn beetle is going to close this segment as an embodiment of a dangerous and respectable companion- it already looks like it’s been carved out of wood! i think a carved polythreme beetle would be incredible
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(see also: bombardier beetles, weevils, oil beetles, tiger beetles, harlequin beetles, trilobite beetles, and giraffe weevils!)
moths, and less commonly found underground, butterflies
another love of the victorians: butterflies!
butterflies are basically moths by a different name (there are way more moths than butterflies) and we do have canon dreams where a frostmoth the size of your head appears in your window, and wouldn’t that be useful for hunting in parabola? much like the beetles, there’s a lot of diversity that can be explored especially if we add shapeling arts
white plume moths are also found in the UK and just look at those wings
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we can have a usual approach of adding the wings to something else, like a particularly unlucky bat, or just have something bizarre with the moth itself! more eyes? more eyes has been a common theme lately, or you can combine an insect with an arachnid and give it whip scorpion hands
these wings would be one hell of a decoration because white plume moths are considered to be micromoths
on the other end of the spectrum and taking the role of a respectable companion, the white witch moth is considered to be one of the largest insects on earth because of its wingspan! maybe they’re a more risky cousin of the frostmoth, maybe you could turn the markings on these wings into shifting sigils? don’t set your moths on fire
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(image by Acrocynus)
white witch moths themselves have a lot of diversity while cup moths are another contender for an animal you could combine with another animal
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(image by itchydogimages)
why not add the tail of a squirrel to this one? or a scorpion’s tail? a lion? with enough of these, you could end up with a very striking tawny coat. this thing is the embodiment of being neathproofed. even if they’re opposites of frostmoths and are associated with embers because of it, or if the tail is closer to being a candle!
moths are also good at mimicking in order to defend themselves, which is why you see so many moths and butterflies with eye patterns on their wings. birds hate eyes so much so there’s room for some real eyes on your brand new butterfly or moth companion
but some moths also mimic snakes, so for any fingerking fans out there: behold the atlas moth
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this is such a mithridacy companion. can you imagine the t3 version of this where the snake heads are alive? we have a two-headed terror bird, so why not snakes on a moth? there’s even jokes to be made about one head telling truths and another telling lies, maybe the only head that could tell you the difference is the moths!
for butterflies themselves, we have butterflies that drink the tears of alligators and tortoises- so melancholy butterflies that only appear to feed on lacre? (and they might not be butterflies down here, you might’ve already mistaken a day-flying moth for a butterfly, not that the difference matters for much in the neath)
another strong mention is vampire moths if we’re carrying on the theme of insects drinking odd things, but a vampire moth with bat wings could be wonderful at ruining the lives of taxonomists
luna moths are also massive and could be more fitting now that we know who the creditor is, and that whitsun is talking so much about the bazaar and the masters
other lesser-known but interesting insects
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we don’t entirely need to cover bees and wasps but it would be nice to have a piece of media showing wasps in a way that doesn’t present them as evil, but wasps could wait until hell is really significant again since wasps and bees are incredibly cool cousins. and thread waisted wasps!
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(image by Bev Wigney)
get a load of that! these don’t even have the ability to sting humans, what would a thread waisted wasp-themed spindlewolf look like? how much shadowy with something with these colours give you? imagine the corsets inspired by these things
assassin bugs are another dangerous option considering how good they are at hunting other insects, and the neath wouldn’t be complete without more creatures that burrow underground and can find themselves in this weird cavern
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(image by Fir0002)
their forearms are specifically developed to dig! perhaps they can dig through a rival’s belongings, or perhaps you can fashion their claws into brass knuckles or a belt buckle?
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(image by faraaz abdool)
another fashionable, lesser-known invert is the velvet worm! we have plenty of slugs in fallen london, but you know what they’re lacking? legs
about 200 species of velvet worms have been described and they’re already quite rare! they all fall under the onychophora name and there isn’t anything else like them. you could easily have some persuasive with this, or if you turn it into a stole that can hold however many hands you want!
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(image by docj96)
also, thrips! i found out about these today and apparently you’re likely to hear about them if you’re into gardening. sometimes they have crab claws for forelegs, so hey- more bazaar similarities! they have an interesting method of flight (clapping their wings together) but this might not bee too impactful unless you want a novel way to raise your investigating
flies are also criminally underrated, but i couldn’t tell you how many flies live in fallen london. stalk-eyed flies, however, are gorgeous things that would work so well as t2 companions! you could even go all out with a horsefly taking on attributes of an actual horse
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(image by minden pictures)
the stalk eyed fly sees you five minutes before you can see it
there are genuinely so many more that come to mind (even neathy types of mantis- orchid mantids that have adapted to blend in with mushrooms! imagine!) but a good way to finish this off is with a love story
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there are centipedes who will guard and hold their young close to them! giant centipedes are protective mothers and you can get hundreds of companions in one- or perhaps just one companion who really misses her hundreds of kids. and they hold their eggs just as carefully whilst waiting for them to hatch!
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isn’t that a good love story? there’s a lot you can combine this with, but i’ve spent most of today writing this one! do with these creatures what you will, i definitely enjoyed talking about neathy possibilities for insects!
(bogleech also has a fantastic article on insects that should be used as the basis for pokemon designs, if you want even more out there bugs be sure to look here)
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feral-ella-flynn · 3 years
NaNoWriMo part 1
note: I haven’t abandoned Paying the Toll! it’ll update eventually, I just backed myself into a corner with it and then decided to work on something else for NaNoWriMo.
also note: because this is part of a draft it will probably be deleted from tumblr before January, since if I’m happy with it after it’s done it’ll get cleaned up for actual publication. I love to share what I’m working on and it really motivates me to keep at it! but I don’t want old drafts flapping around for too long. 
This is the first chapter of the book I’m working on this November, which is a SF alien romance between a human woman and an alien male from a primitive culture (yes I did outline this after binging all of Ruby Dixon’s books, I’m not even going to pretend otherwise, although I’m doing my best to make this my own). The beginning mostly introduces Ash, a human woman working as a mercenary. 
Wordcount: 4500 
Prologue "It is time."
The voice, roughened with age, echoed around the cave. Red light from a dying fire cast shadows on the painted walls, flickering, towering shapes, obscured by the fragrant smoke of the herbs that shriveled and burned on the embers. The brief, bright flames from their leaves caught on gleaming black horns and harshly angled faces for a moment, and then the elder's staff pummeled them into ash. Gnarled fingers tipped with dark claws dipped into the fire pit, deftly pinching up the remains. 
Four shadowy figures knelt in turn, each one receiving streaks of black and gray over horned brows and scarred shoulders. When the last of the chosen ones had been marked, he joined the others outside of the cave. 
"At last," one of them murmured, shifting on anxious feet.
"It is time," the last one said, echoing the words of the elder. A flare of light drew his gaze to the night sky--a bright spark, cutting through the darkness. A fine omen. He nodded to his companions. "Time to claim our brides." 
The four picked up the weapons that had been set ready for them, prepared with special care, and ran on silent feet into the night. 
1. ASH
"Ready for entry--brace for atmosphere."
Ash gripped the rail beside her as the ship jostled, rattling and clanking. She should have been strapped into a seat, but she was too edgy to tolerate the confinement of a safety harness. "Make it gentle, Neta," she said. "The repair on that port hull panel looked dodgy to me, so don't give it an excuse to peel off."
"Then next time you should give me time for an actual repair, Captain." Neta was properly seated in the pilot's chair, latched firmly in place by orange straps, her red hair squashed under a headset. Her eyes never left the array of screens, toggles, and controls in front of her, but she reached out her spare hand to stroke the instrument board. "Come on, Bessie," she muttered, giving it a pat. "It's just a little planet, don't be a baby." 
 "Don't talk to her like that," Ash said. 
The inter-ship com sqwuacked. "Talk to who like what?" a tinny voice demanded. 
"Not you, Kit. Neta was crooning to my ship again."
"Your ship?" the intercom squeaked. "I distinctly remember saying 'let's take this one' and picking it myself--"
"But I'm the one who actually stole it," Ash said. 
"I helped!" another voice from the com interrupted. "And I painted the name on!"
"That's not its name," all three other voices said together. 
The ship jolted, nearly knocking Ash off of her feet. "Gentle, Neta!"
"That was, gentle, boss. This place is too shitty to have an atmospheric elevator, remember, so it's going to be bouncing all the way through the ring of fire, until the atmosphere evens out."
"I know, I know." Ash rocked, widening her stance for balance as the ship lurched under her. She flipped a switch. "Ladies, welcome to IHC Colony 1, please secure any belongings you don't want smashed, Hana. Everyone strapped in?"
"Yes, Captain Mother, sir," Hana said, "I'm strapped in, and everything smashable has already smashed."
"Yes, mumsie, snug as a rock weevil in a crevice. I'm not taking any chances after last time."
The ship gave a lurch and an outraged yelp came over the com. Ash caught her pilot's smirk and rolled her eyes. "Kit, what's rule number 7?"
"Don't annoy Neta during landings," Kit muttered. 
"Right. You two stay off the com until we're down, then it's the usual drill."
There was a duet of affirmatives, and the com light flicked off. 
"Going to get strapped in, Captain?" Neta asked. 
"Too antsy," Ash said shortly. Neta just nodded--there was no need for Ash to elaborate. It was part of what made them such an effective crew. They didn't ask stupid questions, and they knew how to read between the lines. 
She studied Neta's narrow, freckled face. "Doing all right?" Ash asked.
"Doing fine, thanks Captain. It's just another job, after all."
"Right. The usual drill."
Still, Ash stayed where she was, her feet planted in a wide stance and her hand gripping the rail, as she watched Neta bring them through the ring of fire, as pilots called the descent into a planet's atmosphere. Then they were through the cloud layer, and there was land far below--mostly just vague variations in texture, since they'd entered on the moon side to keep their arrival secret. It was rocky, a lot of it, but with dense clusters of dark and spiky trees. A herd of something that was just dark spots from so far above ran (or slid, or rolled, or whatever) across a rippling plain. Ash put her hand on the back of the pilot's chair, not actually touching her friend but where she knew Neta could feel the pressure. 
"Still all right?"
"Sure, Captain." Neta's eyes didn't leave her controls. "The landing site you picked is just ahead."
"Then I'll go suit up." 
Neta's voice followed Ash as she ducked out of the cockpit. "It's just another job."
What passed for captain's quarters on Bessie (not its real name) was just as cramped and narrow as the other bunks on the ship--the only perk was a narrow viewscreen 'window' that could be programmed to show any one of a hundred different skies. She always left it by default on the ship's actual external view, and now there were pale cloud banks gliding past, the tips of strangely purple mountains in the distance. 
Or maybe mountains were usually purple, Ash thought wryly, it wasn't like she would know. Most of her planetside experience had been of mud, fences, scorched concrete, charred limbs still encased in splintered armor, squishy guts no longer encased in anything--she'd never really seen the appeal of planets, as a result. They were just places to put people cheaply, so you didn't have to feed them as much or worry about oxygen recycling. Places to put people where you could forget about them. Places you visited only when you had work to do. 
She stayed in space as much as she could these days. 
But a job was a job, and this job was on a planet. A backwater, underdeveloped planet at that, and no wonder no one else had responded to the bounty advert, although most listings that specified 'female presenting bounty hunters' were bad news, unless it was from Zolar (most of their early jobs had been as bodyguards for the petite amphibian women on their way to new marriages, which was good money until you agreed to deliver a bride to her lover instead of her betrothed, and got yourself blacklisted from the entire sector). Everywhere else in the galaxy, any job posting that worried about gender was usually guaranteed to be just poorly disguised advertising for one of the sex stations in the more upright and well regulated systems, or equally poorly disguised ads for slave sales in the lawless ones. This job was neither, which had been interesting enough to catch her attention, and sometimes…
...well, sometimes a backwater planet was a useful place to be. She tugged up her shirt, poking at the healing pink skin along her ribs. Still sore. It probably wouldn't be safe to revisit their last port until it was a well faded scar. 
And they'd done the job, and they got paid, and her crew was intact. A win in any mercenary captain's reckoning. 
Ash touched one of the wall panels and it flipped open, revealing a shallow cabinet. The inside door had an ID tag stuck to it, and as she reached past it her arm triggered the embedded holo--it flicked between two images of a young woman, one showing her full body, muscular but thin, standing with stiff, military posture. The other was a close shot of her head, blonde hair cut short and tight to her scalp, jaw and cheekbones sharp. Brown eyes stared blankly at nothing while the designation scrolled along the bottom. Aisling Mulgrue, 796th Drop Unit. Status: Wanted for Desertion of Duty. 
She ignored it, and after a few seconds the holo flickered back off. It didn't even resemble her anymore--Ash had let her hair grow immediately, even gotten an accelerant, and it was long enough now that the braid ended below her shoulder blades. Her body had changed, too, once she was off of the cocktail of chemical enhancers and restricted diet regimen of the military designed to keep her within the standard height and weight parameters (the better to fit into standardized body armor that could be quickly and cheaply mass produced). Without the drugs she was still muscular, and her height hadn't shifted, but now there was a satisfyingly plush layer that had rounded her face, making her cheeks and jaw softer, and thickened her thighs and hips, even her upper arms, so that she could actually put a hand on herself almost anywhere and not feel her own bones. 
The first year after she'd escaped, after she'd made good on enough jobs to feed herself properly, Ash had spent most nights just touching her own skin, amazed at how unfamiliar her body felt--unfamiliar, but also so much better. She didn't need energy enhancers to keep her moving, or dopers to make her sleep. She stopped being cold all the damn time. 
Ash realized that she was staring at the ID tag, even though it had gone dark, and forced herself to look away. The girl in that holo had run for freedom, had been a skinny, angry fireball of possibilities, itching with the need to survive, to stay free so that she could keep her crew free. That had been seven standard years ago. She rubbed a hand over her face. Just do this job, and get paid. There wasn't time to stand around wondering why the fire in her veins had started feeling like lead. When had that happened? 
Maybe there had been one too many sordid, grubby little jobs--too much time spent tracking petty criminals or runaway brood husbands for bounties, acting as bodyguard escorts for too many priestess brides from Zolar or gem-studded courtiers from Jax, providing security on massive cargo ships and breaking up fights between the underpaid and overworked crew members. Too many seedy bars in too many dirty space ports with stale air and stale booz. 
Maybe it was time to ditch the ID tag. Smash it, put it out an airlock into space, bury it on this backwards dump of a planet, even. She'd kept it as a reminder, but Ash was fucked if she could say what for anymore. 
She left the tag where it was and tucked a discreet plasma pistol into her belt, along with a more basic but always useful knife, and closed the panel just as the creak of the landing gear warned her to hold on for the whump of Neta's landing. 
"Just another job," Ash muttered. "Just the usual drill."
"This is not the usual drill." Kit squirmed against the rope that bound her to one of the trees. "I don't like this," she announced loudly.
"Really?" Neta said. "It's been at least seven minutes, I thought you'd have changed your mind by now."
Ash frowned at the dark woods around them, full of purple-tinted shadows from the sunlight filtering through the red-purple canopy of needle-like leaves. Small rustlings and clicking, chirping sounds probably indicated local wildlife, although the colonist who had led them to the clearing had promised that there was nothing big or dangerous in the valley--except the Gad'yans, of course--and even the small creatures would stay away from the fire. He'd built it hastily, and Ash didn't know much about outdoor fires but it seemed to be smoking a lot, and dying out awfully fast. She frowned at it, too, and then at her crew, looking them over. 
Kit's normal cocky, dimpled grin was missing, and she was glaring at the bonfire. She'd kept the short military crop on her hair, but it was overdue for a trim and tight black curls had started to emerge beneath the wilting wreath of flowers that circled her head. They'd all be given some of the colonists' clothing--'festival dress', apparently, made of brightly colored plant-fiber fabrics --and the red top and yellow skirt that Kit had ended up with made her dark brown skin glow. The full skirt nearly reached the ground on Kit's stocky figure, but it and the loose blouse hid her muscular thighs and arms. It couldn't hide her tense, coiled energy, though. Ash could only hope that the aliens wouldn't notice. They would definitely notice if Kit wasn't tied to a tree like the rest of them. 
"Kit," Ash said. "You're supposed to stay put."
"I can't help it, someone ties me up, I try out and get free. It's instinct."
"Sounds no fun in the bedroom," Hana said. 
"As if you're doing any better, Hana," Kit snorted. "You haven't stopped wiggling since we got here."
"My nose itches! I think I'm allergic to these flower crowns."
"Tough tits. Try and look more cowed and frightened, would you? Like a nine foot demon is coming to ravish you."
Hana leaned her head back against the bark behind her, mussing her thick, loose hair. It was a copper-tinted brown that had never been buzzed off, and between the waves around her shoulders and her soft, curvy figure, Hana looked like the most convincing sacrificial bride. She had wide, innocent eyes like melting pools of chocolate to complete the picture. "Ugh, I wish one would. As long as he lets me scratch my nose he can do whatever he wants."
"Be quiet," Ash ordered. "We need to hear if someone's coming so we can turn the waterworks on. And no one is going to get ravished."
"Not even if we want to be?" Hana asked, raising a saucy eyebrow. 
"No, because this is just a job and we don't mix work and pleasure."
"That's a different career altogether," Neta added, but she didn't flash her usual sly grin when she said it. She was the one Ash was worried about the most, despite the fact that she seemed calm and alert. Ash kept waiting for Neta to say that something was wrong. 
"Ship's still okay?" she asked. 
Neta nodded, but her forehead wrinkled. "I haven't gotten any pings in my ear com. There were some weird readings from when we came through the atmosphere, though, I think some software got a little overloaded. I left it running self checks, so whatever it is should fix itself soon."
"What software was it?"
"Not sure, Captain. Nothing crucial to the ship functions, at least."
Ash settled back against her own tree, feeling under her skirt for the little plasma pistol strapped to her leg, and the knives under her sleeve. They'd been on the planet for less than a planetary day, and she could already tell it was going to be one of the shitty jobs. 
It had started that morning, after Neta had set the ship down in a clearing, out of sight from the settlement but only a short hike away.The colony didn't have much of a landing port, and Ash liked to have her ship at a distance, to discourage locals from helping themselves to bits of hull or maybe scratching a lesson on the local vocabulary into it. 
Neta and Hana stayed on ship, Neta running the usual diagnostics to make sure nothing important had fallen off (and to shove it back in place if it had) and Hana monitoring the pre-job meeting on the com, in case something went wrong, because something usually did, while Ash and Kit slogged through vegetation and mud to meet with their employer. 
He was the settlement's leader, a tall man, who might have been handsome if he hadn't looked so smug, like he thought he was the only one with the lock codes for the booz dispenser. Ash hated him on sight, but that wasn't unusual when she met the kind of men who advertised for mercenaries. He introduced himself as Leader Conrad, grandson of the Leray Conrad that had founded the colony. 
It wasn't an old colony, just a few generations in, but it didn't look like there'd been much population growth, and the whole settlement had the run-down, decaying look of a place where temporary structures had become permanent. Ash had seen plenty of places with the same look, although they were usually refugee camps or the poor neighborhoods on the outskirts of cities, the common factor being that people stayed because there was nowhere else to go. The settlers here were still living in the prefab domes that seemed to come standard in every human resettlement starter kit. The shells were rusty, so the colony itself looked a bit like a rash, just a cluster of uneven red bumps on the tawny yellow undergrowth that served as turf. There were a few half-hearted gardens, two fields that looked empty, a cluster of about sixty or seventy people, and that seemed to be it for IHC Colony 1. 
Ash and Kit had been led into the biggest pimple dome, the Fellowship Circle, by Leader Conrad.
They sat on rusted chairs around a badly-made table and politely pretended to sip some kind of hot beverage that smelled like socks. Ash set her cup down. 
"Leader Conrad," she said, "let me be direct with you. This doesn't sound like the usual job for a mercenary crew. We specialize in providing protection, extracting assets, finding individuals or information, that sort of thing. This sort of...interspecies conflict, that should be dealt with by your founding body, whatever authority planted the colony to start with. Don't you have a protocol? A representative you can appeal to?"
"Ah, but you see, here on New Earth," Leader Conrad said, "we are unique." 
Ash suppressed the urge to roll her eyes at the name (Kit did not). Both of them had been to well over a dozen 'New Earths'. "Of course," she said politely. "Perhaps you could elaborate? Tell us where exactly the colony plant originated, for instance."
"We came here as religious outcasts--" 
She already knew the story, of course. Not only had it been simple to find records on such a recent resettlement project, but the story itself wasn't even a very original one, frankly. Half the colonies in the galaxy had started from similar roots, with a religious group splitting, and splitting again, until there was one splinter that became a thorn in everyone's side and finally made themselves so unbearable that they were finally pushed out. Take one overpriced resettlement kit, add one privately owned planet, and after a few months being dragged behind a cargo hauler in stasis pods, boom, another New Earth, one where you were the oppressed and mistreated outcasts, braving the vast interstellar black for the sake of your beliefs. It was so touching, so noble--Leader Conrad dabbed discreetly at the corner of one of his eyes as he described his great-great-grandfather, still sticky from the stasis pod, kneeling in the dirt to sing a hymn. 
It was nauseating. 
Ash also already knew all of this, and it didn't explain the nature of the job they'd been hired to do. 
"The settlers did well to survive, that first year," Conrad went on, "adapting their seeds, planting the crops, building shelters. Half of the kit buildings were faulty and didn't do a thing to keep out the terrible winter--which was twice as harsh as they'd been led to believe! And our energy generators are still unstable, despite several attempts to rebuild them. Quite a few poor souls were lost, may their memory nourish the earth. But that is when the…" he paused, pressing his fingertips together. "Well, I don't know what else to call them, although the concept may not be familiar, if you grew up away from the traditional earth religion--but I think of them as the demons."
Ash raised an eyebrow, unable to stop herself. "Demons?"
"Evil, horned creatures--"
"No, I'm familiar with the word," she said, "but I'm sure that this is just another undocumented sentient race--the galaxy is full of them, and when a planetary survey is rushed and careless, or there are bribes involved--"
"I assure you--" Conrad began, but she cut him off. 
"I'm speaking generally, of course. But no doubt the survey was just lazy work, they failed to register the aliens…"
"These are not the little green men from fairy tales, Miss--"
"Captain," Ash said firmly. 
He ducked his head, spreading conciliatory hands. "Of course, I beg your pardon, I'm so used to our own little customs. Captain. I don't speak of demons lightly. The oldest stories describe horns, tails, claws, all things that these...well, aliens, as you say, all things they have. And they have been keeping our little community in terror for a hundred planetary years."
"I imagine they were  a little annoyed when strangers moved in on their doorstep," Kit said. "I know that kind of thing always gets me in a snit."
Leader Conrad frowned at her. Ash privately thought he was annoyed that Kit was undermining the atmosphere of drama he was trying to hard to create. 
"Well, it wasn't the fault of our ancestors that they were sold an inhabited planet," he said coldly. "And there was really very little they could do about it--as a small community, fleeing persecution, they had poured all of their resources into simply reaching this planet with the minimum of resettlement gear. They trusted in the greater power to provide, but when the company that sold the planet failed to respond to messages, well. There was simply nothing more they could do. They certainly couldn't afford to leave."
"Of course." Ash could believe that easily enough--when she'd looked up the history of the planet she'd found the records of the sale, and that the selling company had fallen about shortly afterwards (brankrupted by legal fees, after being sued by no less than three prior clients). Savvy people should have been able to find that information and join in the legal proceedings, but the founding settlers sounded anything but savvy. They'd probably sent messages that had vanished into the darkness of space, never to be received, and then given up. 
"My great-grandfather wanted to reason with the aliens," Leader Conrad continued. "He reasoned that perhaps we had been led here for that reason, to bring them into the fellowship--he had a deeply kind and gracious heart, my great-grandfather, always thinking of others and looking for the true light in everyone, even savage aliens. Communication was difficult, however, and then one of the women from the settlement went missing."
Kit's attitude of barely-supressed disdain evaporated, and she leaned forward. "They kidnapped a woman?"
He nodded. "In fact she was my great-grandfather's betrothed, a very brave woman named Sarah. She convinced her captor that the settlers weren't going to hurt his people, that we had come looking for peace, and in the end my great-grandfather and the leader of the alien tribe made an agreement. The Gad'yans would leave us in peace in the valley, in exchange for some of our medicines and technology, and...well, and for Sarah."
"He traded her?" Kit demanded, and Ash didn't frown at her. She was busy scowling at Conrad.
"He refused, of course! She was the one who chose to remain with the alien that had kidnapped her--he had claimed her as his bride, according to some primitive tradition, and refused to part with her. It broke her heart, and my great-grandfather's too, but she was willing to sacrifice herself for the colony and he was forced to give her up. Sarah," he added, "has been a very popular name here ever since, in her honor."
"How nice," Ash said flatly. Conrad didn't seem to notice. 
"The agreement my great-grandfather reached with the Gad'yans was for three hundred planetary years of peace, with us keeping to the valley and leaving them alone in their caves along the ridge. There were sacrifices, of course--that's why we can't cut down enough trees for new buildings, or more fields, because my great-grandfather agreed to only a set number per year. We thought all was well, but…" He shook his head, spreading his hands helplessly. "I think the new leader they have is jealous of our colony, our technology, maybe. They've been getting bolder, and more vindictive. A few years ago some of our people mistakenly cut down too many trees, and the aliens came in the night and took the wood! We saw them burning it in a huge pile, it must have burned for days. And things have gone missing, small bits of technology, even just scrap metal will vanish during the night. And…" Conrad leaned forward, "a few times our power generator has failed--it's been getting increasingly unstable, and I worry about sabotage. I have no proof, of course. They're very sneaky, and they move like shadows during the night. They cover their tracks, too. But if the generator explodes one of these days  I don't think it will be by accident."
Ash raised an eyebrow. "These aliens don't have their own technology?"
"Oh no, they're a very primitive race. That's why they were so afraid of us--because we descended from the sky."
"But you believe they understand it enough to sabotage a generator?" she asked. 
Conrad shrugged. "Any savage can throw a rock at a device, or cut through wires. I've had to teach the community to ration our energy, so that we have battery stores in case of emergency. It led to some tension, as I'm sure you can imagine.
"No doubt," Kit muttered. 
"I still don't understand what you want to hire us to do, exactly," Ash said. 
"The agreement was for three hundred years of peace," Leader Conrad said. "We hadn't really realized--so much of our community's focus has been on survival, you see. We told the story of the agreement with the Gad'yans, but primarily we told the story of my great-grandfather, and of Sarah's sacrifice, and, well, I suppose some details were forgotten. A month ago one of the aliens came to deliver a message--that it has been three hundred years, as agreed, and if we want peace to continue then it is time for them to receive new...ah. New brides."
“New what?”
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mothfly-cluster · 3 years
I’d like to share some thoughts about the bugs of the Forsaken Lands.
(Sorry for bad formatting, I copy + pasted this from where I posted it on another social medium.)
All throughout the game, lesser bugs are reckless, primitive creatures that will attack anything that moves. However, in the Forsaken Lands, things are very different. There are many examples of these “lesser bugs” displaying a higher level of intelligence than those elsewhere in Bugaria.
The first example is the Spider friend. Through a thick, foggy expanse you can find a small hole in which a spider resides. Spiders, as you may know, have not Awakened (the sorcerer is a Tarantula.) There’s a sign near it that says “pease leave items in front of hole. tanks” (Cute!) When you give the Spider items, she cautiously takes them and then pays you whatever amount of berries she thinks it’s worth. She can write in Bugnish and has somewhat of a concept of economy (though not a very good one, as she pays WAY too much.)
The second example is the false Ancient City. In the outskirts of the Forsaken Lands lies a small village. All of the citizens of this village are actually clusters of Mothflies in trench coats and masks. These Mothflies try to form some sort of kingdom like the Bugarians, but they speak gibberish. Nonetheless, they recognize a monarch and have houses (that they did not build).
The Mimic Spiders in the Forsaken lands are capable of standing up on two legs and walking around like an ant. The Primal Weevil can WHISTLE.
I believe this is because of their proximity to the Mother Crystal. The Mother Crystal landed in the Forsaken Lands and grants bugs their sentience. Perhaps, despite being lesser bugs, because they live so near to the Mother Crystal they’re beginning to understand society and trying to worm their way in.
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uconneebgreenhouse · 5 years
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The Copper Laurel, Eupomatia laurina showing a few flowers on a steamy Friday afternoon. Found in New Guinea and eastern Australia, this is a primitive magnoliid angiosperm and is pollinated by a weevil. #eupomatialaurina #greenhouse #Biodiversity #uconneeb #UConn — view on Instagram https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/0370cba63cef8466192818cfbd89b745/5DC76222/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/66320036_2312200645567395_679877519575861008_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent.cdninstagram.com
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Topic Research
What are some things we value in society today?
From a perspective of a young student, I know not many would choose to spend their time in a museum because although the exhibits are displaying artefacts of significance to past history, many young people don’t find this ‘engaging’, as we place our values on different objects today such as:
Cellphones: So many people in society today have their phones attatched to their hand at all time s. This is because it holds access to so many aspects of peoples lives - staying online, contacting friends, work and many other things.
Social Media: Social Media is at the tip of our fingers nowadays and is the cause of how we view ourselves in society today - comparing ourselves to others. We place alot of importance on our social media profiles and how the rest of the world can see us and is something we access in everyday life.
Social Issues: Social issues and opinions are also very popular in society today. A few of the issues in society today are aspects like plastic, deforestation and harm to the environment.
Enviromental Harm
One of the global issues we see as significant to today and caring for our world for future generations is environmental harm. We see more and more how aspects such as pollution and deforestation are harming our environment.
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A possible path for my design to take is to create an exhibition portraying new growth and how significant this is to the world. It would be interesting to compare the effects of deforestation to how we can fix this for future generations.
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Ways to Display Plants
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If I was to continue a design in displaying new growth/way to show effects of deforestation, the type of display would have to be light, accessible to sun and water and be nourished by soil. I think the most successful way to present my concept would be through a micro or pop up museum. This way it could be transported around to different locations.
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A Possible Initial Concept
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This was an initial idea for a micro museum - An Interactive Tree. The tree ‘knots’ would become small peep holes for kids to look at artefacts.
Pinpointed Idea
I was considering what is important to us in New Zealand to display for my micro museum. My initial topic was a significant issue worldwide, but is particularly broad so need to specify it down.
I have slightly shifted my concept to focus specifically on endangered New Zealand plants and species. This will give me objects I can display, as well as imitate these objects. 
What are some of New Zealand’s current endangered species?
According to The Endangered Species Foundation, working with Radio New Zealand for broadcasting, These are New Zealand's top 10 most endangered species. They currently have a goal of raising $30 million to protect these species. For my exhibit, I will choose between 5 and 10 of these to develop and research further to present with my final exhibition.
1. The Māui Dolphin
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One of the world's smallest and rarest dolphins. An endemic sub-species closely related to the Hector's dolphin, it is now found only in the shallow coastal waters off the west coast of the North Island. In 2012, it was estimated that between 48 and 69 mature animals remained.
2. The Mokohinau Stag Beetle
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This beetle is one of New Zealand's few remaining large beetles (25-32mm long). Known only from the Mokohinau Islands east of Auckland, it owes its name to the large antler-like mandibles on the head of male, which are thought to be used when fighting for mates. It has disappeared from all islands in the area inhabited by rats. The last known population inhabits a living room-sized patch of iceplant on a small, rat-free rock stack in the island group which is highly vulnerable to storm damage.
3. The Canterbury Knobbled Weevil
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Thought extinct since 1924, the Canterbury Knobbled Weevil was rediscovered in 2004 inhabiting golden speargrass in Burkes Pass, South Canterbury. The total population is estimated as less than 100 adults. However, recent attempts to raise the weevil in captivity have been successful.
4. Isoetes
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This quillwort (a primitive aquatic fern) was historically found in several Northland lakes, but it is now considered extinct in the wild after it all but disappeared from its last known home at Lake Omapere following a dramatic decline in water quality. Searches have uncovered a few plants, and now 12 of these quillworts are carefully tended in a Landcare Research aquarium.
5. New Zealand Fairy Tern
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The New Zealand Fairy Tern is the most endangered of New Zealand's endemic birds, with only about a dozen pairs surviving on beaches between Whangarei and Auckland. The increase of human activity on their nesting grounds (often, popular beaches) is a major threat to these birds. An intensive conservation programme is underway to protect the NZ Fairy Tern and has successfully increased the population from 1983 when there was just three or four breeding pairs.
6. Limestone Cress
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This plant is found on just one limestone outcrop, where about 50 plants are known. The reasons why it is so endangered are unknown, but are likely to include browsing by introduced animals such as white butterfly, snails, slugs, rodents and rabbits; shading-out by weeds, and a susceptibility to diseases and fungi introduced to New Zealand with cultivated brassicas. Efforts are underway to protect several of the Waitaki Valley limestone outcrops by controlling weeds and erecting protective fences.
7. The Chesterfield Skink
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The Chesterfield Skink was discovered in the late 1990s at only one location near Chesterfield, between Hokitika and Greymouth, in Westland. Their numbers have decreased so much that few animals have been seen in the last five years, and a number of surveys have failed to find it elsewhere.
8. Coastal Peppercress
Coastal Peppercress was only ever found around the Nelson coastline, from the Marlborough Sounds to Karamea. Despite conservation efforts, this species has proved nearly impossible to conserve in the wild, and is now classified as "extinct".
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9. Eyelash Seaweed
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This tiny seaweed is the size and shape of a human eyelash, and is very similar to some of the oldest known fossils of multicellular organisms. It is known from only two boulders, each at separate sites on the Kaikoura coast, where the number of plants fluctuates for unknown reasons.
10. Dune Swale Daphne
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This is a small shrub that is used to inhabit moist sand flats on the Manawatu, Whanganui and Christchurch coasts. Recently it has disappeared from all but one site where a few plants are thought to survive. The only plants in cultivation are descended from a few plants collected in 1991. Its moist sand flat habitat has been swamped by grasses and weeds, is frequently grazed by stock, and infested with rabbits and snails; all of which are probably reasons for its disappearance.
How was this list created?
The list was compiled in conjunction with the Department of Conservation (DOC). They began by collating a list of all species currently recognised by DOC as critically endangered (the highest ranking given), together with species considered by experts to be of very high risk of extinction. They then selected the species that either have a high on-going or predicted decline, or very few individuals remaining. They then removed those species which DOC considered to be secure because they are either found overseas, or are currently stable or increasing in numbers. They also removed those which are lacking in data. Finally, using information provided by species experts, the remaining species were ranked on:
number of individuals remaining
success of conservation programme to date
access to sufficient resources and tools
degree of conflict between resource users in the area
Often in museums, there are exhibits about the more prominent creatures we are aware of that and endangered, such as the kiwi, kakapo, Hectors Dolphins etc, and these have already been shown in many different ways. Once I had read this list, I found most of the species on the list, I have never heard of before. This would also mean most likely, kids in the generations coming through will also not have heard of them either. I will choose a few to further develop for my display. I want my display to teach kids about these particular species in an engaging way - so that they will continue to remember and consider helping protect these species. 
Artefacts To Include
It would not be possible for me to display an actual species off my list because they are endangered and most are only found in one specific area, taking them out of this habitat could lead to further damage to them and their surrounding ecosystem. In order to show these species, I will do this through imagery, facts, models/figurines of the creatures and their textures, surfaces, maybe some aspects of their habitats - such as soil, water, plants, food sources.  
What is my ‘Narrative’?
The narrative I will follow is the idea that these are New Zealand’s top 10 endangered species - some of these are virtually extinct, and I want to show how precious and unique these species are as well as how endangered they are - the audience will most likely never see some of these species as they are native to specific areas around New Zealand - some quite remote areas. I will continue to develop this narrative through my design process. 
What Participatory or Interactive Experiences can be provided?
I want there to be some interactive aspects to my design, this will make the exhibit more memorable for both kids and adults. This will include holes to put hands through - to feel textures/artefacts without seeing what they really are. I also want the exhibit to be visually engaging too. This will draw the attention of kids and adults to see it. 
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myotishia · 5 years
Music box part two
Fandom: Torchwood. Trigger warnings: None as far as I know but feel free to suggest. Characters: Owen Harper, Toshiko Sato, Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Gwen Cooper, Elise Carter (oc) Rating: Teen and up
Blurb: An alien puzzle box is never just a puzzle box.
“What? It was that simple?” Tosh huffed.
“Yea. The corners came out to start it. The centre button on the side with the sun image reset the whole thing. After that it was just trial and error, I wasn’t really paying attention to what I was doing just keeping an ear out for the musical notes. Now I just need to find out what the symbols mean. Usually a multi levelled puzzle box would change the mechanics as you work through the layers, otherwise it would be too easy.” Elise shrugged, turning the box over in her hands. It was satisfying just to hold but it did make the back of her hand itch.
Ianto opened the hefty book to the correct page.
“You know the top one. The bottom one is another composite that’s a little like midday. Top right is sunrise. Top left is sunset. Bottom left is midnight. Left is morning. Bottom right is evening and the right one is afternoon. It might be an easy one, just putting the times of day in order.” Said Ianto and he studied the tiny writing.
“Sweet. Whatever’s inside must be tiny otherwise this thing would never be able to move.”
“If it’s only three dimensional.”
“I’d only work on it while you’re here just in case.”
“Will do. Odd for the first layer to be so much more difficult than the second though.”
“That depends on your point of view. Our days are linear, theirs might not be so it would be harder to work out the cycle.”
“Are you telling me to think outside the box?”
“I would never make such a bad pun.”
“You’re an awful lier, you know that?”
Ianto smiled and closed the book ready to take it back to the archives.
Later that night Elise felt bad not being able to continue the puzzle, having managed to get the symbols in the right order but to no effect, so she was trying to keep her mind on other things. Looking at her laptop she couldn’t avoid the proverbial elephant in the room. Her Owens letter to her. It sat on her desktop, unread. She’d lost count of how many times she’d hovered the mouse pointer over it and wimped out at the last minute. She couldn’t avoid it forever, how ever much she kept telling herself she could. She double clicked and flinched away as if it was going to scream at her. Nothing happened, obviously. She made sure that Owen and Tosh were busy watching TV after dinner and snuck off to the bedroom alone. She took a deep breath and began.
‘If you’re reading this I’m already gone and if I didn’t get to say goodbye I’m sorry. I didn’t want to leave you but I guessed you’d be fine with the team. If you can still jump like I think you’ll be able to you might need Jacks help. The watch I had used to belong to him. It was used by the time agency but it was deactivated. Thankfully this time he won’t have to give it up. Things will likely change a lot from this point onward so I won’t bore you with the details of my timeline. I made Jack do that. I’m sorry I put so much on your shoulders, but if it helps you handled it better than I ever expected. I’m sure by now you’re wondering what that symbol is/was on the back of your hand. It was fairy made as far as I know. I found many instances of it over time and had forever to look into it. Its most basic meaning is time, specifically the rout the fay use to travel. It’s a link to that place. If you’re ever in dire need of it you can push others out of time and into the fays hands by cutting it into their skin, but it’s a last resort. When you were marked with it you were marked with death meaning no one being can claim you. It’s like diplomatic immunity for inter-dimensional beings.
It’s funny, even though we’ve known each other for a relatively short time this is the hardest letter for me to write. You’re the first person in so long that looks at me as if they’re happy to see me. As if I’m wanted. When I first died I felt completely useless. I was in the same position as you were when you met me. I jumped but of course the dead can’t die. I felt broken and hopeless. Then I found things only I could do. It gave me hope. If you ever feel like that again I want you to hold onto the amazing things you’ve already done and the potential things you could do. Hold onto that hope. I’m proud of you.
Make sure my past self doesn’t push everyone away. He’s a dick like that.
Take care of all of them, they never see what’s right under their noses.
Tears dripped down onto the keyboard and Elise let out the breath she’d been holding. She closed the lid and set it aside, curling up with a pillow wrapped in her arms.
Entering the Hub the next morning something felt off somehow. Jack was nowhere to be seen but hadn’t left any kind of note. It didn’t sit right. Ianto had left early that morning and had no idea where his captain had gone. He travelled back immediately knowing that something wasn’t right. The moment he stepped into the Hub it went into lock down.
Six figures emerged from the shadows, weapons pointed at the team. Looking at the people surrounding them it became clear who they were. Each one wore the same watch that Jack had. The time agency.
A stern looking woman stepped forward. “Alright, we don’t want to fight you but you’ve been working for a known criminal and we can’t allow you to continue.”
“Where’s Jack?” Owen growled, keeping his hands up.
“That’s what we want to know. That’s why we have this place sealed tight. Apparently he’s picked up some new techniques since we last met but it won’t be long until we have him under arrest. The neurotoxin should be kicking in by now. I wanted to kill him myself but a kill is a kill.” The woman shrugged, dusting off the sleeve of her jacket.
Ianto looked at the floor and asked what everyone wished they weren’t thinking. “And us?”
“We have two options. We could kill you or wipe your memories clean. Either way I like your little setup here. I think an agency outpost could be useful here.”
“So either way we’re fucked.” Owen stated flatly.
“A primitive way of putting it but yes. Don’t be too scared, we’ll make it quick. We just wanted to confirm your captains elimination first.” She took a seat at Elises desk, poking the puzzle box. “What is this?” She lifted it up to the light and Elise could see the underside. It almost looked like a musical score. The notes.
“If this works we have to get down quick.” She breathed, just loud enough for the team to hear. She had to take their silence as agreement.
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C#, F#, E, D, B, F#, C#, B, G#, F#, she hummed, the box making a very loud grinding sound in the time agents hands. They seemed to be in a trance, watching the centre of the box open. At first there was nothing but then she began to choke, water welling up from her lungs. She fell from the chair and onto her knees, a green skinned winged figure hunched over her. The area exploded in gunfire as the other time agents tried to shoot the previously imprisoned fairy.
The team took the opportunity to put the agents down, three shot and the last two at the dimension travellers mercy. Mercy it did not have. Owen looked over to Gwen, Tosh and Ianto.
“Go find Jack. We’ll deal with this.”
There was no time to argue, not knowing if the time agency had sent others.
The fairy let them go without paying them any attention but looked over at Elise with fascination. Its voice seemed to echo from all around and sounded like a small child.
“Free. I’m free.” Its wings twitched. “You set me free. My song you called. Human, not one of us.”
“I’m not, but we’re closer than you think. We’re neighbours.”
“What do you want for freeing me?”
“These six people.”
“Yes.” It blinked and tilted its head.
“Erase them from existence. If the time agency knows they died here they’ll send more.”
Multiple voices giggled around them.
“That is all you wish?”
The fairy grinned, showing sharp, yellowed, teeth. It disappeared in a spiral of dead leaves taking the bodies with it.
“The fuck was that?!” Owen exclaimed, eyes wide.
“I read my Owens letter last night. The time symbol is linked to the fairies. What better to trap a fairy than a puzzle? It was a risk but I had to take it.”
“Don’t mess with those things. They are so beyond us.” He shook his head, still in shock about what he’d just seen.
“I won’t, but those guys had no trigger discipline so I didn’t think we had more than a few minutes.”
“Let’s just go.” He pulled himself together, calling out to the others over comms. “What’s happening out there?”
Ianto had never been a fan of actually having to fight. It wasn’t that he didn’t have the brute strength or that he didn’t know how, it was just not in his nature. Sadly life didn’t always allow for peaceful resolution and this was one of those situations. His knuckles were stinging after knocking one of the time agents out, removing their watch so they couldn’t escape when they came round. What he was a fan of was the weevil bands that made sure the agent would be going nowhere. Down the hallway he heard a struggle and saw Gwen tackling another agent to the floor. It was sometimes easy to forget that she had once been a police officer.
“How many more of you are there?” She shouted, 100% done with the whole situation.
The man pinned to the floor refused to reply. It wasn’t a surprise but it was annoying.
It was then that they heard Owens voice asking what was going on.
Ianto replied. “We found two more. The fairy…”
“It’s gone. Catch who you can, we can retcon them after… Any sign of Jack?”
“Tosh is with him. He was in bad shape. I don’t know what they did to him.”
“I’m on my way.”
Jack was hunched over on the floor. He’d come back from death already but for some reason his body hadn’t completely reset like it should have. He was still weak and his vision kept fading. Tosh held his hand, keeping an eye on the door and trying to keep him safe.
“I was worried about you.” He said, leaning back against the wall. “Guess I didn’t need to be.”
“We were lucky… The puzzle box had a fairy inside.”
He cringed as he tensed up, a sour ache shooting through his body. “Damn.”
“It didn’t attack us, just them. I don’t know why but it did… You’re burning up.”
“I always got a fever whenever I was sick as a kid. It’s been a long time.”
“You never talk about your childhood. After all the stories you’ve told us you’ve never said a thing about your family.”
“We weren’t any different than any other family. Mom, dad… My little brother. He was lost when he was small. I lost my grip on his hand and… I never saw him again. It hurts too much to think about… I’m not good with kids.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“It is. My daughter hates me. I can’t blame her, it’s not as if I was ever around. She has a kid of her own now. A little boy. He thinks I’m his uncle.”
“It’s not your fault. You can’t really hold a family together in this line of work. You should visit them.”
“She wouldn’t want that. They’re better off without me. I don’t know why they didn’t move away a long time ago.”
Tosh shook her head and squeezed his hand softly. “Jack… Why haven’t you ever said anything?”
“If I don’t talk about it I don’t have to think about it. I’ve had to leave so much behind. If I think too much about it…” He looked away and closed his eyes.
Tosh gently pulled him into a hug, his skin dangerously warm. He passed away for the second time as Owen stepped in through the door.
The doctor carefully helped get Jack to the autopsy bay, collecting some blood to find out what was going on. The neurotoxin was replicating itself inside Jacks bloodstream. Every time his body reset even a few molecules left over would rapidly spread and rebuild. It needed to be wiped out completely at the molecular level. He couldn’t just let Jack keep dying over and over. As the captain took a deep gasp and opened his eyes Owen turned.
“Jack. Listen, I can fix this but I need time… I won’t force you but instead of letting you die again I could put you on ice.”
He looked pained. “Do it.”
Owen sprang into action and gave Jack a large dose of sedatives to help make him as comfortable as possible. It would be tough without their leader but it had to be done.
As soon as he was safely hidden away Tosh realised something.
“Wasn’t Elise with you?”
Elise had been but in a moment of commotion she found herself pulled back, a hand held tightly over her mouth. There was nowhere for her to move to as her arms were pulled behind her back. Whoever it was was gripping so hard she swore she could actively feel her skin bruising.
“I’m going to move my hand and if you scream I’ll break your arm.” A gravelly voice said, only an inch or so away from her ear. It sounded odd, like when you have dental work and half of your face is still numb. He did as he said and took his hand from over her mouth. A sharp point was pressed against her back.
She complied, not wanting to get stabbed but trying to think of how she was going to escape.
“Who are you?” She said softly, not wanting to anger this guy.
“Me? Your good captain never mentioned his brother. Of course he didn't. After all he did this to me.” He turned her around violently, slamming her back against a wall. She looked up to see a man that did have a resemblance to Jack, but it was hard to tell beneath the damage. Half of his face had been horribly burned and mangled, one eye completely gone, the flesh around his mouth exposed and infected.
“What do you want?” She squeaked out, her voice stolen by the sight.
“I want my brother to suffer. Those time agents should have arrested him but no, they had to kill him right away. Or that’s what they said. I don’t think that’s true and you’re my ticket to seeing him.”
“Ok. And where are you taking me?”
“We’re going to look for him. You’re going to walk ahead of me and if you try and run I’m going to cut you into pieces.”
She nodded and let him lead her towards the main area of the hub.
Tosh and Ianto were quickly scanning every camera in the hub now the captured agents were safely stored down in the cells. Gwen was keeping watch and Owen was keeping busy trying to cure Jack. If he wasn’t doing something he’d be pulling out his hair.
Tosh had rewound the footage to follow Owen’s path and pinpoint when Elise was separated from him. It happened in seconds but the heavy shadows covered what exactly had happened. Moving through the footage she did see Elise getting thrown around and the glint of a blade in her attackers hand, but she could tell that Elise was a hostage which meant she could be rescued.
“They’re heading this way. Ely is being held at knifepoint so we need to keep things calm.”
Gwen agreed. “You both should stay out of sight. I’ll try and talk him down.”
They agreed, Gwen had more experience talking people out of tense situations.
She made herself visible as not to surprise the man and have him lash out and made sure that he couldn’t see she was armed. She wanted to look as inoffensive and calm as she could.
Elise entered first, keeping her nerve and looking right ahead. The moment Grey saw Gwen he pulled Elise close and held the blade against her throat. She could smell a mix of infection and dust on him that turned her stomach.
“Woah, woah. I just want to talk. I’m Gwen. Can I ask your name?”
“Grey. Where’s my brother? Where is Jack?”
“I can find out I just need you to lower the knife. Elise is innocent.”
“I’ll lower it when he’s in front of me, otherwise I’m going to start bleeding her out.”
Elise could feel the blade cutting into her skin slightly.
“We don’t need to do that Grey. We can do this without anyone getting hurt.”
He smiled, or what his face could manage that could have been a smile. “You’re talking as if I’m doing this just to see my dear brother. The thing is, from what I pulled from John he really seems to care about you. I want him here so he can see you all di-”
His words were caught short by a bullet travelling clean through his head. The knife fell and clattered to the floor. Turning to where the bullet had come from Tosh stood, hands shaking. Ianto placed his hand over hers.
“It’s ok. It’s over.” He soothed, taking her gun from her hands.
Gwen automatically went to check on Elise and move her from the scene, she did it without thinking.
“I’m fine. Where’s Jack?” Elise asked, rubbing at the small cut on her neck.
Everyone's grim expressions said more than their words could. She looked round at Owen who had jumped up when he heard the gunshot. He was relieved in a way but he knew how much work he had ahead of him.
“Owen’s working on helping him.” Gwen said, a hand on Elises clean shoulder.
“And the time agency?”
“The last two are in the cells.”
“Think I can go and shower?”
She laughed softly. “Yea, I think so.”
“I’ll be right back.” She turned to smile over at Tosh who was calming down.
When Elise returned, wearing the shorts and tee-shirt that she had stored in her locker, the body was gone along with any evidence it had ever been there. Ianto was walking past with a folded camp bed on his shoulder.
“Are we still locked in?” she asked.
“Hmm? No, this is for Owen. When he’s got a project he’s having trouble with he doesn’t sleep unless there’s somewhere to collapse next to him. It’s happened before. He likely won’t eat either.”
“Anything I can do to help?”
“Just remind him once in a while and don’t get too upset if he gets snappy.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Want me to take that? You look like you should put some ice on that hand.”
He thought for a moment then handed the camp bed over, his hand pulsing. “I will.”
She smiled softly and carried off the bed to see Owen. He was sat putting together test samples and hadn’t even acknowledged her.
“Brought you somewhere to sleep.”
“I’ll come and check on you later, ok?”
“I’ll leave you to concentrate then.”
She doubted he’d even absorbed anything she’d said or remember she’d even been there. It was worrying but there was nothing she could do about it. Just standing there wouldn’t help. She turned and left to join the others.
“What now?” She asked, sitting next to Tosh.
No one really knew if they were honest. With Jack unavailable and Owen having to put every bit of his concentration into his research it left them without definite leadership.
Gwen took a deep, calming, breath. “Right. We can’t just sit here. What happened to the agents that were up here?”
“The fairy took them. I’m guessing by now you can’t remember what they look like.” Elise said, wrapping her arm around her girlfriend's shoulders.
It was true, she couldn’t. None of them could. The memory itself was hazy at best, like a half remembered dream.
“Well the ones in the cells are going to be a problem. What happened to their watches?”
“They’re sealed in a lead lined container for now. Nothing should be able to track them.” The usual protocol for anything that could give off any kind of signal. Ianto liked working by the book.
“We should probably carry on as normal while Jack is… out of action. At least for now.”
For the next three days Gwen was the only one who went home. The Hub felt as if something was missing. It just felt wrong in there somehow. Owen was quickly burning out, having had a total of four hours sleep since he began and the others were considering sedating him. There was no way he could progress if he could barely see. Tosh had said it was only fair to give him a chance to take a break by choice. Elise volunteered to tell him.
“Come on, time to take a shower and a nap.”
“In a minute.”
“You said that six hours ago. You can’t work if you can’t even keep your hands steady and you’re seeing things from sleep deprivation.”
“Just… A minute.”
“You’ll be better after a break. Jack’s in stasis, he’s comfortable, he can wait for you to rest.”
“I can’t… I need to-”
“You need to take a shower. If you won’t take a break we’re going to just sedate you.”
He wanted to shout but he just didn’t have the energy. She was right, he just wished she wasn’t. He turned his chair and tried to stand on legs that had gone to sleep, stumbling. She caught him and helped him to the showers. The water felt nice, helping to clear his thoughts. He’d spent so many hours staring at the same thing that it had stopped making any sense. He needed a way to isolate the neurotoxin with something that it couldn’t break down. It destroyed everything he’d tried, leaving it to multiply out of control. He couldn’t even switch off its ability to multiply. Whoever had created this toxin/virus hybrid knew what they were doing. He just needed to neutralise the toxin. It sounded so easy but it was so new to him.
“You’re mumbling to yourself. I was wondering if getting a pure version of the toxin would help so Ianto’s gone searching to see what he can find. We didn’t think they’d only have one dose on them but we couldn’t find anything in the stuff we confiscated.”
“Nothing at all?”
“No, why?”
“I should have known... Of course.”
“Of course what?”
“I couldn’t find a way that it could be introduced to the body and survive the resurrection process. But if it was dormant in his body before he gained the ability to resurrect then it would just start attacking all over again. The best soldiers always have some kind of killswitch. The toxin is like a biological computer. I just need to switch it off somehow.”
“Told you a break would do you good.”
“How long until you’re going to sedate me?”
“You have two hours then you have to get some sleep.” She sighed and handed him a towel.
One hour and thirty two  minutes in and he had it with the help of a few fibers from the bio computer that was integrated into the Torchwood system he had it. He could make the toxin essentially self destruct. The next time Jack had to resurrect it would immediately destroy itself. The rest of the team heard a sudden increase in movement and came to investigate. Owen had an almost manic smile on his face as he pulled out the draw that held Jack, his body fighting off the cold very quickly. Before he regained consciousness Owen injected the modified viral controller into his arm. They all waited, silently, until Jack opened his eyes. He looked fatigued but not in pain.
“Jack? How do you feel?” Asked Owen.
“Cold… I don’t feel like death anymore… You did it.”
“I always do.” He grinned before the strength left his body. Ianto dashed forward to catch the exhausted medic before he hit his head on the floor.
Jack looked confused, sitting up and rubbing his neck. “How long was I out?”   
“Three days.” Ianto said as he lay Owen on the camp bed.
“I’ll have to ask him what they did to me once he’s rested up. Speaking of which , what happened to them?”
“It’s complicated.”
The captain side eyed his staff as they clearly had something they didn’t want to say. “How about we have a meeting while Owen’s resting.”
“Ok. I understand how that all went, but no one’s mentioned how Elise got that cut across her throat or the bruises on her arms.” Jack stated after hearing what had happened to all the time agents. Elise pulled her sleeves down and kind of hoped that her foundation fully covered the fading bruises on her cheek. A long silence followed before Gwen decided to just rip the proverbial bandaid off.
“She was taken hostage by a man who said he was your brother.”
Jacks eyes widened.
“We don’t know if that’s true. It could have been a con, but… He wanted to see you…”
“Where is he?”
“Jack… He wanted to see you to kill us all in front of you. He wasn’t in his right mind.”
“You had to …”
“Is he in the morgue?”
“He is… But you need to know even at first glance he was a mess.”
“No, listen… Half of his face was missing. If you think you can’t cope with that then just let it go.” She wasn’t trying to be cruel but seeing a family member in that state could poison every single memory you had of them.
Jack nodded slowly. He understood, but part of him needed to know. Just maybe not right away.                         
0 notes
actualcoolbugfacts · 2 years
Do you have any cool bug facts on Weevils?? They are my favorite at the moment!!
Thanks for the question! And I certainly do! I was in the middle of writing a post about bearded weevils (Rhinostomus barbirostris), and I opened a new tumblr tab to check the tags of my other posts, and I saw this!
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I suppose I'll just copy and paste what I was writing over here.
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✨ cool bug facts's ✨
Rhinostomus barbirostris, or the Bearded weevil!
😳Why he looks like 🦧 👨‍🦰
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😍The anatomy of these TOTALLY TUBULAR Ronald weevilys!!😍
They are classified as true weevils. Weevils can either be Curculionidae - True weevils, or Belidae - Primitive weevils. The difference between them being that true weevils have an elbow-like bend in their antennae, while primitive weevils have straight antennae, because straight people are primitive.
The males have orange bristles on their snout, making the appearance of a red beard.
They are the third largest species of weevil in the world.
They have sexual polymorphism, rather than dimorphism, meaning the males can have the characteristics of a female, with the only way to properly tell them apart being the facial hair. The females, on the other hand, can't take the appearance of males.
The larvae eat the wood and roots of coconut trees and oil palms.
The adults eat coconuts and whatever grows on oil palms.
They are very attracted to light, and are often found under peoples porchlights.
The feminine looking males, while looking for a mate, will sneak past the other fighting males, who think they are a random female, and therefore do not see them as competition, allowing for them to breed with the female they were fighting over. (Although, what happens if a different male thinks they're more attractive than the actual female?)
While their main homes are on coconut trees and oil palms, they can be found on most species of Arecaceae, or palm trees.
They are found in most places in Central and South America.
Like most weevils, humans tend to exterminate them due to their feasting on things that humans also like to eat. Unlike a lot of other weevils, though, they feed on things that aren't considered to be crops.
Humans might also exterminate them due to their carrying of diseases to palm trees, such as resinosis, or stem bleeding, and red ring disease, which is a very harmful disease to oil palms that tends to cause little leaf syndrome (As the name implies, it is a syndrome where the leaves shrink down to an abnormally small size.), this effects more than 15% of oil palms in commercial plantations.
Sorry for taking so long to answer! (I think, I'm not sure what the average answering time is.)
I might have to do one of weevils in general, similar to my one about stag beetles, as they are very cool bug's, but it was difficult to find information about just this species, so I'd imagine I could give many more fact's if I did weevils as a whole.
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fathersonholygore · 7 years
AMC’s The Walking Dead Season 7, Episode 13: “Bury Me Here” Directed by Alrick Riley Written by Scott M. Gimple
* For a recap & review of the previous episode, “Say Yes” – click here * For a recap & review of the next episode, “The Other Side” – click here An ominous beginning. Ezekiel (Khary Payton), Jerry (Cooper Andrews), and Richard (Karl Makinen) load a truck, but only with a small crate inside. Is this a ploy to mess with The Saviors? I hope so. If not, we’ll find out eventually, either way. Note: episodes written by Scott Gimple are usually exciting to me, so I expect a good one! After the credits we’re back with one of my favourites, Carol (Melissa McBride). She’s having some bad dreams. Even if she hadn’t ever killed anybody, just existing in the post-zombie apocalypse world is enough to make you have nightmares on a regular basis. But she struggles with the choices she’s made. She’s a REAL, GENUINE character, instead of having her be another uncaring clone we’ve seen time and time again. This is why she is one of my favourite characters on The Walking Dead. Meanwhile, Morgan (Lennie James) – another of my favourites – is teaching more of his martial arts style to kids, making sure they’ve got an alternative to just hacking and slashing. And then there’s Carol, who shows up at the Kingdom, hacking and fucking slashing like a true bad ass. She wants to have a chat with Morgan. She wants to know the truth about what’s happened, to her friends in Alexandria, involving The Saviors, so on. But he won’t answer her questions because they’re not his to answer. THIS is a reason I love Morgan, under all his flaws he has a strict moral code, one from which he doesn’t want to stray. Sometimes he does. Overall, he abides by that code more than anyone else in the series, even to his own detriment at times, and foolishly that of others. Still he is an important character, and one who’s been with us since the very start. He’ll have bigger things to do as time goes on.
At the Kingdom, Ezekiel receives word from a woman named Nabila (Nadine Marissa) that their crops have weevils, some of them. They have to get rid of a certain amount to save the rest. A slight setback, though they all seem to have a positive outlook on life in their little corner of the zombie ridden world. Nevertheless, Ezekiel’s mind weighs heavy, definitely in part due to needing to pony up so much produce for Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan). Perhaps the weevils are also symbolic, of the world outside never failing to work itself inside their Kingdom. Or in general, The Saviors are like weevils, and should Ezekiel choose not to help stamp out that pest, it may ruin everything. Richard’s still trying to convince others they need to act, or forever deal with the repercussions. He leans on Morgan. Although Morgan’s trying to abide by that code as always it seems like he could sway. Eventually. Right now they’re headed out on a run. On the way they’re stopped by a blockage on the road, shopping carts lining the street. The crew head in to inspect. Out back of a store, they find a sign reading BURY ME HERE next to a grave waiting to be filled with a corpse. Ezekiel: “It is mere luck we are not all insane” Benjamin: “It isn‘t luck, Your Majesty.” Ezekiel: “How‘s that?” Benjamin: “The world does drive people crazy now. But… you‘ve made us another world.” Nothing gets any better when they meet with The Saviors. Funny though, how those guys think they don’t bow to any king, president, prime minister. Yet they all say I AM NEGAN like a cult mantra. A standoff ensues once Ezekiel hasn’t brought enough for Negan’s men. Things get very tense. A lesson needs to be taught apparently. So now, one of The Saviors puts a bullet in Benjamin’s leg and sends them back to the Kingdom.
Carol receives them at her place. They put Ben on a table, but the blood is leaking out of him faster than anyone can move. Watching on, everyone, Morgan especially, fears the worst. Then, he’s dead and gone. This is really going to put Morgan’s worldview to the test. He’s on the brink of madness. He sits in the BURY ME HERE grave and nearly cuts his own wrist open wide. But chooses to live. Turns out that Richard caused the whole thing, having tried to make a deal with Jared (Joshua Mikel) from The Saviors, backfiring when the guy chose to shoot Ben instead. Richard wasn’t able to put anything together, now he got one of his own killed. He tells Morgan the sad story of his days after the zombies took over. Everyone’s got one, it doesn’t make what he did any more sensible. Can Morgan sit by idle? Can he let Richard use Ben’s death as a way to mobilise Ezekiel, the Kingdom? It isn’t right. This is something he can’t reconcile with his moral code. There’s just no telling what he’ll do with that in the long run. When the crew bring their goods to The Saviors again, Morgan attacks Richard in front of everybody, choking him and beating him to death. A brutal, primitive moment from Morgan, the first in such a long, long time. Nobody even tries to intervene, for fear of what could happen. Afterwards, he reveals to them what Richard did, why he killed the man. But things can’t go on as they did before. Not for Morgan. This will irreparably change who he is, and in turn what he’ll do going forward. I can see it changing Ezekiel, too.
Morgan takes Richard’s body to the BURY ME HERE grave and buries him. After that he goes on a spree killing zombies with his staff relentlessly. He takes a detour, as well; down to see Carol. He tells her about killing Richard, about what Richard did to get Benjamin killed. Moreover, he offers to tell Carol the truth about what happened to the people in Alexandria – the vicious deaths of Glenn and Abraham, Spencer, Olivia; how Rick and the Alexandrians only live to satisfy Negan these days. He also reveals that Rick & Co are gearing up to fight Negan and his Saviors. Morgan: “You wanted to know. Now you do.” With Morgan on the road again, Carol goes to visit Ezekiel. She wants to live in the Kingdom. To get ready for the coming fight. But even just for a moment they’ll live peacefully. Until the time for more blood comes. And that’s very soon.
Great episode! Probably one of my favourites in the back half of this season. I always love Morgan-centred episodes, or anything involving Carol. And I do love to see Ezekiel change, he’s an excellent character worthy of the series. Excited for “The Other Side” next week!
The Walking Dead – Season 7, Episode 13: “Bury Me Here” AMC's The Walking Dead Season 7, Episode 13: "Bury Me Here" Directed by Alrick Riley…
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ramonabentley · 4 years
Pest Control Exterminator Service Downtown Corona 92882
Pest Control Exterminator Service Downtown Corona 92882
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Spiders
Spiders are shuddered by many people when spotted around the house or patio or garden. Regardless of what size the spider, they usually deliver unpleasant and often lethal bites. Pest companies providing pest control for spiders discourage consumers from trying to use eradication procedures using hazardous chemicals in their houses as it not really safe to perform it yourself. It is best to immediately call a qualified pest control service for spiders to apply appropriate and safe spider control techniques. It is highly recommended to get in touch with pest control experts to help you remove spiders in your home, because the most effective way to eradicate these creatures is to first identify them and utilize methods that will specifically counter their behavior inside your house. Pest control experts will utilize sprays and pest control techniques that will either directly or indirectly kill the spiders.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Pantry Pest
Pantry pests are remarkably common and ordinary in many households. They are rather irritating and annoying, but you can successfully manage your pests problems through pest control treatment methods with the right pest control service company. There certainly are lots of pests that you can carry into your residence from the wet market. There are moths, weevils and beetles in addition to cockroaches. Flower arrangements or decorative corns that are already dried, cake mix, chocolates, spices, muse and rat baits, cookies, granola, crackers, birdseed, pet food, dried beans, cereal and pasta are just some good examples that can cause pests. If you have this type of problem then you need a proficient pest control service.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rats
There are various reasons why a lot of people can’t stand rats. First off, they have the ability to carry numerous diseases and spread to humans. They are also notorious for ruining food by contaminating them with their urine or dropping. Their chewing can cause serious damage to our home or belongings. In America, out breaks of mice have been resulting in serious and huge financial losses. If your house has been infested by rodents best is to tend to it urgently. Areas infested by rats might be in high risks especially if you have little ones or pets. Any delay in controlling them can cause serious damage to your property and put a large hole in your budget. Rats are nocturnal and they normally stay hidden from people so removing them can be tricky. Our pest control service has every solution for your pest problems. We have been helping clients to eradicate rats or mice from their property for years. Our pest control service technicians are properly trained to ensure that each rat or mice control problem is managed smooth manner and prevent re-infestation of these pests. We only make every effort to provide a remedy tailored just to give maximum effect and with products used to getting rid of them there is no way our procedure will harm the environment or cause any unnecessary suffering. Our Pest Control treatment methods make it easier to get rid of rats successfully and promptly.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Gophers
It’s very easy to get a skilled pest control gopher specialist visit your home and rid it of the gophers that are destroying your property. Gophers invade yards, gardens throughout the year eating crops, plants, shrubs, trees, and lawns. They also damage water pipes and sprinkler systems which can lead to soil erosion. Gopher mounds on lawns interfere with mowing equipment and destroy the aesthetics of well kept turf-grass. We are the experts in Gopher control and have been so for many years. Be prepared to take immediate action as it is easier and less costly to control one or two than wait until the population builds where they cause too much damage. Our gopher service professionals will examine your property with you and provide an estimate. We will recommend the best treatment options to eradicate the gopher problem completely. Technicians are prepared to complete service at the time of estimate. We offer the best gopher solutions to get the job done. Our gopher treatments are very powerful for maximum effectiveness.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Ants
Carpenter ants are not even larger than a quarter of an inch in overall length, they are tiny and black, and might just have wings. Carpenter ants can definitely damage wood supports on structures, including two by fours and four by fours. Carpenter ants are busy all year, but are typically viewed in warmer months, from spring until early fall. Carpenter ants can quickly do tens of thousands of dollars of damage to your property. Carpenter ants should be expertly treated. Over the counter products do not work. Winged carpenter ants usually means you have a well developed colony, usually 3 to 4 years old. Get the services you need for any type of ant problem or ant infestation. Ants talk by touch and smell. They lay down chemical trails and continuously touch each other to pass on their nest odor. Carpenter ant control can be very complex. It is essential to locate the source of the ants and their nest. The complete control is accomplished when the nest itself is treated with a residual spray or dust. The ant exterminator will take time to understand the situation and also talk with the client about their personal concerns. If there are pets or kids in the home particular care will be taken. If the ant species is harmful to wood the ant pest exterminator may look at crawl spaces and other locations of the residence to see if there are any sort of infestations of this particular species. This is not only done to see just how much infestation there is and how much destruction has been done already.
To fully do away with an ant condition, a pest inspector will probably provide an extensive inspection of the house. This is likely to include investigating each area of the home to establish the parts that may well be at risk or have already been infested by ants. They might also inspect the area to determine if other pests might be within close proximity to the home. On completion of the property inspection, the professional ant pest professional will offer a choice of services dependent on the type of ant condition you have and the level of ant infestation. Services offered might feature ant pre-treatments, ant termination or removal, cleansing the infected areas, as well as repeat visits if needed if you have a heavy ant infestation.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Mice
Having mice in your residence is nerve-racking and could be unsafe. The main type of mouse found in homes are the common house mouse. They cause destruction to your home, spread diseases, chew on cables, furniture, books and . If you have a mouse situation it is best attended to it quickly as they can increase in numbers fast and you could soon end up with a huge infestation. Mice can live and go for long periods of time in sealed containers such as boxes, barrels or crates. fires may have been caused by mice eating through electrical wiring. In six months one set of mice can ingest about four pounds of food and produce some eighteen thousand pounds of fecal droppings. Mice are not blind but have poor vision and can not see accurately more than about six inches. They are great climbers and can run up just about any roughened wall without breaking stride. They can swim but prefer not to. More than once, a live mouse has been flushed down a toilet and has resurfaced a minute later. They can jump a vertical distance of 12 inches from the floor onto an elevated flat surface. They can leap a height of eight feet to the floor without injury. They can run horizontally along pipes wires and ropes. When you see mice in your home, call a mouse pest control specialist right away. Mice transport diseases and can pollute and destroy the food in your home and should be dealt with as soon as possible.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Silverfish
Silverfish can be located mainly in humid climates and choose to live in dark damp locations such as basements and attics, bathroom and kitchens. They are especially attracted to paper and wet clothing. Frequently found in stored cases in garages and sheds. Silverfish are known for their destructive habits and like to eat clothing, books and wallpaper. Silverfish feed on carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches. Glue in books, linen, silk and dead insects may be food sources. They have been found in unopened food packages. Silverfish is a wingless insect that is half of an inch in length. It has a silver shade of its scales and the fish-like movement it makes and now they are among the most hated house pests. Silverfish can cause extensive damage, ruin photos and books, eat wallpaper and cotton. Silverfish are nocturnal and move swiftly and can jump. They are found where there is excessive humidity and will do great damage to books, wallpaper, other paper items. This species is regularly a pest in homes and libraries. It feeds on starchy materials like glue and lives in high humidity areas of your home. It can live in glass jars where it will feed on potatoes or things like cornmeal and other starchy foods. Thought to belong to one of the most primitive existing insect orders, more than 400 million years old.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Fleas
Flea bites may leave you with irritated itchy bite marks. Fleas can result in allergic reactions for a number of people and can transfer diseases. Fleas are not the easiest pest in the world to deal with. If you do have a flea situation or are stressed about fleas, you can give your pet medication as a preventative flea pest control measure. Fleas are parasites. The adult female flea must ingest a blood meal before she can lay her eggs. The eggs fall from the host animal and collect on the surfaces below. Flea pest control is crucial as they will bite your ankles and legs. No one should have to put up with fleas and as long as you pay attention to your pet and make allowances for the flea season of summer you and your pet should be delighted. Fleas are carriers of disease so you need to be extra cautious if you even suspect you have fleas. Having your house inspected and treated by a flea pest specialist, at the same time treating your pets can help get rid of most future flea problems. Applying the do-it-yourself products found in stores is often inadequate against big infestations and can expose unnecessary chemicals into your environment. Skilled flea exterminators have easy access to the necessary equipment and high concentration insecticides.
They also have the expertise and training to apply them successfully. Flea specialists know the exact concentrations use these types of chemicals safely and suitably for the situation. You could easily pay more money attempting to treat the problem yourself with sprays from the store and still have no results, than it would be immediately seeking help from someone proficient in pest control who offers a warranty with the work.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Beetles
If you find destroyed clothing, carpet, upholstery and other items, it most likely is carpet beetles. These small pests are far more common than most house owners realize. They might be very damaging, and to make it worse, they are quite difficult to deal with. You may discover one or two beetles or the evidence they leave behind, but the beetle problem can grow if not handled correctly and quickly.
In addition to eating on your belongings, these beetle larvae shed small hairs which can create allergies. Infestations of these beetle pests have been connected to the spread of infectious diseases, like Anthrax. Part of the trouble with controlling carpet beetles is that they reside in many areas of a home and eat more than carpet. They eat anything containing organic fibers and organic products. There are 3 species of carpet beetle that are the most common problem for property owners. These are the varied carpet beetle, the black carpet beetle and the furniture carpet beetle. Larvae are by far the most harmful stage in their life cycle. Females lay anywhere from 50 to 100 eggs near food sources. An adult beetle can live four years, laying eggs once a year. Eggs are exceptionally resilient. Once the eggs develop into cocoons and larvae, they stay in this stage close to a year. The larvae is the most destructive stage. Both eggs and larvae are very tough to spot since they tend to blend in with the fabric they live in. Once they mature, carpet beetles are scavengers and may be found in areas well away from food sources. You may locate one or two larvae creeping on surfaces. But the first indication of a carpet beetle infestation is generally irregular holes chewed in fabrics. They feed on the nap of fabrics and carpeting without eating the base threads. If you are finding holes in fabrics around your home, and think the damage is due to carpet beetles, look for fecal pellets and skins shed by the larva. They usually feed in dark secluded places, so do a thorough inspection for them.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Ticks
Ticks are arthropods that are sometimes mistakenly referred to as insects. Insects have 3 body regions, six legs, and generally possess wings. Ticks lack wings, have 2 body regions, and depending upon their developmental stage, may have either six (larva) or eight (adults and nymphs) legs. Ticks have tremendous potential for transmitting organisms that may result in disease in human beings and other animals. These disease-causing organisms include protozoa, viruses, and bacteria. Bites from particular ticks can result in a rare limp paralysis starting in the lower limbs and moving upwards with death resulting if the tick is not promptly removed. Additionally, tick bites can cause skin irritations or even allergic reactions in vulnerable individuals who are continuously bitten. Ticks affix themselves for a period of time, and then drop off their host to lay eggs. They require a blood meal at each stage of life in order to grow. The female tick must engorge herself with blood to obtain the nourishment necessary to produce the thousands of eggs she generates. Despite the large number of eggs produced, only a small percentage will make it to maturity.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Squirrels
Squirrel pest control can be really hard, but as with most pests it starts with prevention. Cover all gaps to your residence, repair damaged windows, and inspect your house for openings or structures that provide squirrels easy access to the building. Once you are sure all access points have been secured, you may think about an electric fence around your garden or home. Funnel-shaped plastic collars can be installed at the top of posts that support bird feeders to prevent squirrels from accessing seeds or nesting babies. Branches that are positioned over your roofing should be trimmed to prevent squirrels from accessing your chimney. Finally, eliminate outdoor food sources squirrels may find such as garbage or pet food. Unfortunately, removing squirrels from your own property can be quite dangerous. As such, professional pest control is likely your best option. Often, squirrels are enticed by woods and trees, so if your property features trees you are more likely to have squirrel pest control problems. Once they enter your house, usually using a chimney or fireplace, they chew electric wires, mattresses and blankets, and other parts of your home. One of the major concerns associated with a squirrel infestation is electric fire, as these pests can weaken your home’s electrical system by chewing through wires. However, squirrels can decimate your garden by eating plant bulbs, seeds and buds as well as ripe vegetables. They may even damage your lawn as they bury food reserves.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Voles
Voles, also called field mice, are commonly gray or brown in color and are pretty compact rodents. They have short tails, compressed legs, and stocky bodies. They flaunt eyes that are extremely little and have ears that are partly hidden. They have a layer of underfur that is normally dense and covered with longer, thicker guard hairs. Voles do not have established times that they are active so they can be seen scampering about all year round in the day or evening hours. Voles dig many shallow burrows and make underground nesting areas that are made of leaves, grass, and stems. They have no trouble burrowing through snow in the winter. Despite the fact vole numbers fluctuate from year to year, their populations often increase unexpectedly and rapidly. This is typically when wildlife control services are needed. Not many homeowners know how to eliminate voles and require trained experts. Voles are extremely poor climbers and do not usually enter homes. However, vole control is often required for the exterior of the home. This is primarily due to the amount of damage a vole can cause.
Voles feed on a variety of garden plants. Some of these include carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, and turnips. They also ruin landscape plantings such as lilies. These undesirable pests will gnaw the bark of fruit trees and damage tree trunks. This damage will disrupt the flow of nutrients and water to the trees and can kill them entirely. For these kinds of reasons, wildlife control services are needed to protect and maintain the vegetation and plants that reside on your property. Trained specialists understand vole behavior and know how to get rid of voles.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Slugs
As I’m sure you know, slugs are among the most common and most uncooperative landscape pests on the globe. They have a ravenous appetite, especially for delicate vegetations like the ones you have in your garden. Their most popular targets include cabbage, lettuce, sprouts, asparagus and strawberries, but they will consume and damage just about everything you try to grow. There are a wide range of backyard pests that you have to cope with when trying to produce things in your yard. One type of pest that can turn into a problem over time are slugs. These can thrash a garden very swiftly if you do not take care of the issue. There are many ways to deal with slugs in your garden. The very first thing that you should do is to make certain that your garden isn’t actually drawing in slugs to it. Many make the mistake about providing things in the back garden that makes slugs want to be there. Do not provide the slugs the needed sanctuary from the sun. Many will exclude garden flowerpots or other things that will make a nice home for slugs to be in during the day. Get rid of these things.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Snails
The basic garden snail will eat through the tender leaves of greeneries, which at best, appears unsightly, and at worst, will kill the plant. If these mini buggers have had you asking yourself, “How to manage garden snails?” then you are at the right place. We are professionals at powerful snail pest control. Snails are an appealing species to many people. However, the interest ceases once these pests find their way into a well groomed garden. This generally happens to some extent as these slow pushing creatures are always on the hunt for a good meal. The snail as a pest is a terrible thing. They can eliminate young plants by chewing over their stem or eating the seeds right before they finish germinating. They will consume irregular notches in leaves and this can lead to rapid browning. A single snail can do massive damage to a single plant in even the space of one night.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Earwigs
Earwigs hide during the day under debris or in dark places, arising at night to ingest plants, organic wastes, and much smaller bugs. The common name originates from a totally unproven superstition that these insects crawl into a lot of people’s ear canals during the night to bite them. Earwigs are safe, only occasionally destroying flower blossoms. While Earwigs are scavengers, eating dead insects, decomposing plant materials they can also eat live plants and harm your vegetables and feed on the flowers of plants, including marigolds, petunias, hibiscus, and many other plants. Earwigs leave many little holes in plant leaves and flowers.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Rodents
Rodents such as rats and mice pollute our food and living areas with their urine and feces and they carry diseases. Rats eating through wires are known to cause over 50,000 building fires per year with another 100,000 plus fires that are quite possibly caused by rodents eating through home wiring. Rodents will occupy your house or building in search of shelter, food, water and warmth. Roof Rats can access your home by tree limbs that touch your roofing, and Norway Rats and Mice usually find entry through tiny openings as small as a dime. Rats and mice might be some of the most significant pests we have to deal with. Rats and mice will regularly attempt to co-exist with us in just about every building we live, eat, and work in. Rodents have been known to transport and transmit diseases, damage and destroy our structures, electric wires, and water pipes through their chewing. Most people have a more substantial fear of rats and mice than they do of spiders. This fear can make you, your employees, or clients very uneasy. Selecting an pest control specialist is the first step in eliminating the problem. At Go-Pher The Kill, we perform rodent control like nobody else. As well as trapping, baiting, and exclusion, we include video into our service. You will have a live video stream to the areas of activity so you can monitor our progress, and spy on your intruders, even at night! This service also gives our customers confirmation that their current concern has been resolved.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Wasps
A trusted company offering pest control for wasps is equipped with the appropriate equipment but is also knowledgeable in safely and efficiently getting rid of wasps. If you really want to totally get rid of wasps in your house call us today. Service providers specializing in pest control have a team of experts who are trained to remove wasps and wasp nests, and additionally prevent them from returning. The first thing that a specialist would do is to make a survey of your area, identify sources of wasps, make an analysis, then afterwards select the correct, and the safest and most effective approach to removing the wasps and their nests.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Cockroaches
All cockroach species are scavengers, feeding on garbage, dead insects, or human food, which they contaminate with their excrement. Because of the threat of transmitted diseases much effort and expense have been invested in the chemical control regarding this pest. Insecticides have been reliable historically but a lot of cockroaches have developed higher levels of resistance to the most widely used poisons. With society’s growing concerns over the health and wellness and environmental consequences of insecticides, one fact remains, cockroaches will need to be controlled to maintain optimal health conditions. Thus, the professional pest control industry has been seeking new methods that utilize pest techniques and also address the home owners need for safe effective control.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Moles
A mole will eat up to 200 worms a day. A mole will eat up to 200 worms a day. Probably the most effective method to prevent practically every pest is to take away their food supply. This is possible with earthworms, but difficult mainly due to the job worms provide to the soil. It is a fact of good lawns, that if you have good lawns– there is a very high possibility that moles will also be a threat. Proofing is achievable, but again not very easy. The aim would certainly be to install a physical shield between the sub-floor surface area where the moles channel and the surface. A wire or grid system is possible that is then recuperated with soil and grass. Possible, but costly– but then it depends upon the value of the lawn surface. There is a hypothesis that vibrations keep them away. Commercially available sonic devices, which are placed into the soil, aim to create vibrations which are expected to dissuade moles. Nevertheless, there is little scientific research into how effective this is in preventing activity. Protecting against moles is either difficult to replicate the work of worms, or costly due to the scale of area to defend. So control of the actual mole is usually the only method to eliminate their damage, and this is why it is essential to call in pest control experts whenever you have a problem with moles. We know all of the best and least uncomfortable ways to deal with mole removal issues, making sure minimal pain for the moles, with the highest possible level of success. The additional reason why it is a really good idea to call in pest control technicians to deal with your mole removal problem is that they are very difficult to trap. There are a number of ways of undertaking mole control treatments, all of them requiring some level of skill. The most significant problem is quite obvious of course, in that as they live underground, equipment must be considered and position based on evidence and mole behavior and in their darken world, they will escape at the first sign of threat when their tunnels system has been interfered with.
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Crickets
When a female cricket makes it inside your home, it might possibly lay its eggs – hundreds or perhaps thousands of them. Cricket eggs takes about a year to hatch, so discovery is quite difficult, if not impossible. Crickets can cause destruction and a lot of hassle, especially if you have just bought brand-new clothing or if you have just had your household furniture restored or replaced. Crickets are small insects that make chirping noises to entice females for mating. There are roughly 900 known species of crickets around the world. Popular species of crickets include ground crickets, field crickets, and house crickets. Usually, crickets are found in temperate climates and are located within homes, meadows, and gardens. They are considered to be pests inside homes and buildings as a result of their high-pitched chirping sounds. Typically, they feed off organic materials, but will eat almost anything including wood, wallpaper, clothes, food, and wrappers. Get in touch with the pest control experts that have the competent experience and expertise needed to eradicate crickets infestations successfully in your house or workplace. Pest Control For Fleas
Go-Pher The Kill Pest Control Riverside 9880 Indiana Ave STE 23, Riverside CA 92503 https://www.gopherthekill.com (951) 977-8183
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33.87529 -117.56644
Pest Control For Rats Corona CA
Pest Control Exterminator Service Brentridge 92882
Pest Control Exterminator Service Downtown Corona 92882
From https://www.pestcontrol-coronaca.com/pest-control-exterminator-service-downtown-corona-92882/
from https://pestcontrolcoronaca.wordpress.com/2019/12/26/pest-control-exterminator-service-downtown-corona-92882/
From https://pestcontrolcorona.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service_18.html
from https://pestcontrolcorona.wordpress.com/2019/12/26/pest-control-exterminator-service-downtown-corona-92882/ from https://ramonabentley.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service_67.html
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joannoble0 · 4 years
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Gophers Canyon Crest CA
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Gophers Canyon Crest CA
 Gopher Control
It’s very easy to have a skilled pest control gopher specialist stop by your home and rid it of the gophers that are ruining your property. Gophers overrun lawns, gardens all throughout the year feeding on crops, plants, shrubs, trees, and lawns. They also damage water pipes and sprinkler systems which can lead to soil erosion. Gopher mounds on lawns interfere with mowing equipment and mess up the aesthetics of well kept turf-grass. We are the pros in Gopher control and have been so for many years. Be prepared to take immediate action as it is a lot easier and less costly to control one or two than wait until the population builds where they cause too much damage.
Silverfish Control
Silverfish can be located typically in damp climates and would prefer to live in dark damp locations such as basements and attics, kitchens and bathrooms. They are especially attracted to paper and moist clothing. Typically found in stored cases in garages and sheds. Silverfish are known for their harmful habits and like to eat clothing, books and wallpaper. Silverfish eat carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches. Glue in books, linen, silk and dead insects may be food sources. They have been found in unopened food packages.
Silverfish is a wingless insect that is half an inch in length. It has a silver color of its scales and the fish-like motion it makes and now they are among the most hated household pests. Silverfish can cause extensive destruction, ruin photos and books, eat wallpaper and cotton. Silverfish are nocturnal and move fast and can jump. They are found where there is excessive humidity and will do great damage to books, wallpaper, other paper products.
This species is regularly a pest in houses and local libraries. It feeds on starchy products like glue and lives in high humidity areas of your home. It can live in glass jars where it will feed on potatoes or things like cornmeal and other starchy foods. Thought to belong to one of the most primitive existing insect orders, more than 400 million years old.
Cricket Control
As soon as a female cricket makes it into your house, it may lay its eggs – hundreds or maybe thousands of them. Cricket eggs takes about a year to hatch, so detection is quite difficult, if not impossible.
Crickets can cause destruction and a lot of inconvenience, especially if you have just bought new clothes or if you have just had your furniture repaired or replaced.
Crickets are little insects that make chirping noises to attract females for mating. There are approximately 900 known species of crickets around the world. Popular species of crickets consist of ground crickets, field crickets, and house crickets. Normally, crickets are found in temperate climates and are located within properties, meadows, and gardens. They are considered to be pests inside houses and buildings due to their high-pitched chirping noises. Typically, they feed off organic materials, but will eat almost anything including wood, wallpaper, clothes, food, and wrappers.
Contact the pest control experts that have the professional experience and expertise needed to exterminate crickets infestations successfully in your home or office. Pest Control For Silverfish
Wasp Removal
A trusted business offering pest control for wasps is outfitted with the necessary equipment but is also knowledgable in safely and efficiently getting rid of wasps. If you really want to totally get rid of wasps in your house call us today.
Companies specializing in pest control have a team of pros who are trained to get rid of wasps and wasp nests, and additionally prevent them from coming again. The first thing that a professional would do is to make a survey of your area, identify sources of wasps, make an evaluation, then afterwards decide on the proper, and the safest and most effective approach to removing the wasps and their nests.
Cockroach Control
All cockroach species are scavengers, devouring garbage, dead insects, or human food items, which they contaminate with their excrement. Because of the threat of transmitted diseases much work and expense have been invested in the chemical control regarding this pest. Insecticides have been useful in the past but numerous cockroaches have developed high levels of resistance to the most widely used poisons.
With society’s increasing concerns over the health and wellness and environmental effects of insecticides, one fact remains, cockroaches should be controlled to maintain the best possible health conditions. Thus, the expert pest control industry has been searching for new methods that utilize pest techniques and also address the home owners need for safe effective control.
Spider Control
Spiders are shuddered by most people when spotted around the house or yard. No matter what size the spider, they generally cause agonizing and often lethal bites. Pest companies providing pest control for spiders discourage people from trying to use eradication procedures using hazardous chemicals in their homes as it not really safe to do it yourself. It is best to immediately call a reliable pest control service for spiders to utilize appropriate and safe spider control methods.
It is highly recommended to get in touch with pest control specialists to help you do away with spiders in your house, because the best way to eradicate these creatures is to first identify them and utilize methods that will specifically counter their behavior within your house. Pest control specialists will utilize sprays and pest control techniques that will either directly or indirectly kill the spiders.
Pantry Pest Control
Pantry pests are really common and ordinary in a lot of homes. They are quite irritating and annoying, but you can adequately manage your pests problems through pest contol treatment methods with the right pest control service company.
There certainly are tons of pests that you can bring into your house from the wet market. There are moths, weevils and beetles in addition to cockroaches. Flower arrangements or decorative corns that are already dried, cake mix, chocolates, spices, muse and rat baits, cookies, granola, crackers, birdseed, pet food, dried beans, cereal and pasta are just a few good examples that can cause pests. If you have this type of problem then you need a competent pest control service.
Our gopher service experts will inspect your property with you and provide an estimate. We will recommend the best treatment options to eradicate the gopher problem completely. Technicians are prepared to complete service at the time of estimate. We offer the best gopher solutions to get the job done. Our gopher treatments are very powerful for maximum effectiveness.
 Pest Control Exterminator Service for Gophers Canyon Crest CA
from https://www.pestcontrolcanyoncrestca.com/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-gophers-canyon-crest-ca/
from https://pestcontrolcanyoncrestca0.wordpress.com/2019/12/24/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-gophers-canyon-crest-ca/
From https://pestcontrolcanyoncrest.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service-for_6.html
from https://pestcontrolcanyoncrest.wordpress.com/2019/12/24/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-gophers-canyon-crest-ca/ from https://joannoble0.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service-for_19.html
0 notes
brianrines0 · 4 years
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Gophers Canyon Crest CA
Pest Control Exterminator Service for Gophers Canyon Crest CA
 Gopher Control
It’s very easy to have a skilled pest control gopher specialist stop by your home and rid it of the gophers that are ruining your property. Gophers overrun lawns, gardens all throughout the year feeding on crops, plants, shrubs, trees, and lawns. They also damage water pipes and sprinkler systems which can lead to soil erosion. Gopher mounds on lawns interfere with mowing equipment and mess up the aesthetics of well kept turf-grass. We are the pros in Gopher control and have been so for many years. Be prepared to take immediate action as it is a lot easier and less costly to control one or two than wait until the population builds where they cause too much damage.
Silverfish Control
Silverfish can be located typically in damp climates and would prefer to live in dark damp locations such as basements and attics, kitchens and bathrooms. They are especially attracted to paper and moist clothing. Typically found in stored cases in garages and sheds. Silverfish are known for their harmful habits and like to eat clothing, books and wallpaper. Silverfish eat carbohydrates, particularly sugars and starches. Glue in books, linen, silk and dead insects may be food sources. They have been found in unopened food packages.
Silverfish is a wingless insect that is half an inch in length. It has a silver color of its scales and the fish-like motion it makes and now they are among the most hated household pests. Silverfish can cause extensive destruction, ruin photos and books, eat wallpaper and cotton. Silverfish are nocturnal and move fast and can jump. They are found where there is excessive humidity and will do great damage to books, wallpaper, other paper products.
This species is regularly a pest in houses and local libraries. It feeds on starchy products like glue and lives in high humidity areas of your home. It can live in glass jars where it will feed on potatoes or things like cornmeal and other starchy foods. Thought to belong to one of the most primitive existing insect orders, more than 400 million years old.
Cricket Control
As soon as a female cricket makes it into your house, it may lay its eggs – hundreds or maybe thousands of them. Cricket eggs takes about a year to hatch, so detection is quite difficult, if not impossible.
Crickets can cause destruction and a lot of inconvenience, especially if you have just bought new clothes or if you have just had your furniture repaired or replaced.
Crickets are little insects that make chirping noises to attract females for mating. There are approximately 900 known species of crickets around the world. Popular species of crickets consist of ground crickets, field crickets, and house crickets. Normally, crickets are found in temperate climates and are located within properties, meadows, and gardens. They are considered to be pests inside houses and buildings due to their high-pitched chirping noises. Typically, they feed off organic materials, but will eat almost anything including wood, wallpaper, clothes, food, and wrappers.
Contact the pest control experts that have the professional experience and expertise needed to exterminate crickets infestations successfully in your home or office. Pest Control For Silverfish
Wasp Removal
A trusted business offering pest control for wasps is outfitted with the necessary equipment but is also knowledgable in safely and efficiently getting rid of wasps. If you really want to totally get rid of wasps in your house call us today.
Companies specializing in pest control have a team of pros who are trained to get rid of wasps and wasp nests, and additionally prevent them from coming again. The first thing that a professional would do is to make a survey of your area, identify sources of wasps, make an evaluation, then afterwards decide on the proper, and the safest and most effective approach to removing the wasps and their nests.
Cockroach Control
All cockroach species are scavengers, devouring garbage, dead insects, or human food items, which they contaminate with their excrement. Because of the threat of transmitted diseases much work and expense have been invested in the chemical control regarding this pest. Insecticides have been useful in the past but numerous cockroaches have developed high levels of resistance to the most widely used poisons.
With society’s increasing concerns over the health and wellness and environmental effects of insecticides, one fact remains, cockroaches should be controlled to maintain the best possible health conditions. Thus, the expert pest control industry has been searching for new methods that utilize pest techniques and also address the home owners need for safe effective control.
Spider Control
Spiders are shuddered by most people when spotted around the house or yard. No matter what size the spider, they generally cause agonizing and often lethal bites. Pest companies providing pest control for spiders discourage people from trying to use eradication procedures using hazardous chemicals in their homes as it not really safe to do it yourself. It is best to immediately call a reliable pest control service for spiders to utilize appropriate and safe spider control methods.
It is highly recommended to get in touch with pest control specialists to help you do away with spiders in your house, because the best way to eradicate these creatures is to first identify them and utilize methods that will specifically counter their behavior within your house. Pest control specialists will utilize sprays and pest control techniques that will either directly or indirectly kill the spiders.
Pantry Pest Control
Pantry pests are really common and ordinary in a lot of homes. They are quite irritating and annoying, but you can adequately manage your pests problems through pest contol treatment methods with the right pest control service company.
There certainly are tons of pests that you can bring into your house from the wet market. There are moths, weevils and beetles in addition to cockroaches. Flower arrangements or decorative corns that are already dried, cake mix, chocolates, spices, muse and rat baits, cookies, granola, crackers, birdseed, pet food, dried beans, cereal and pasta are just a few good examples that can cause pests. If you have this type of problem then you need a competent pest control service.
Our gopher service experts will inspect your property with you and provide an estimate. We will recommend the best treatment options to eradicate the gopher problem completely. Technicians are prepared to complete service at the time of estimate. We offer the best gopher solutions to get the job done. Our gopher treatments are very powerful for maximum effectiveness.
 Pest Control Exterminator Service for Gophers Canyon Crest CA
from https://www.pestcontrolcanyoncrestca.com/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-gophers-canyon-crest-ca/
from https://pestcontrolcanyoncrestca0.wordpress.com/2019/12/24/pest-control-exterminator-service-for-gophers-canyon-crest-ca/ from https://brianrines.blogspot.com/2019/12/pest-control-exterminator-service-for_85.html
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