#prince lestat era
desertfangs · 13 hours
“ am i not good enough? ”  Armand/Daniel :)
The pressure builds in his chest as he watches Armand doting on Sybelle and Benji as he speaks to Rose and Viktor. He ruffles Benji’s hair affectionately, and pats Sybelle on the shoulder softly, planting a kiss on her cheek. They both beam at him, so much love in their eyes.
Daniel’s stomach churns. All he can think of is Armand’s book, of the way he dismissed Daniel as a demented, morbid romantic who could not stand him, who had never really known or loved him. 
He’s trying so hard not to think of those words and to instead understand Armand’s love for these two beings, but it’s so damn weird to stand here in Armand’s house, watching him with his new family whom he’s only just met. He and Armand used to be inseparable and now he’s just a guest watching him from across the room. 
He’s been here over a week and he still feels wholly out of place, unable to sit and relax anywhere, so he stands against a wall, trying not to take up space. Marius is in a conference room with Lestat and some of the others, making plans to go to France. Daniel was hoping to catch Armand alone, but no luck. 
Benji of all people glances up and looks at Daniel curiously, titling his head in a way that reminds Daniel of Armand. Maybe Daniel forgot to guard his thoughts. It’s hard, with all the immortals here, to keep the walls up. 
Benji says something to Armand, who looks over at Daniel. And suddenly Daniel wishes vampires could turn into smoke and he could just vaporize on the spot. 
His breath catches as Armand breaks away from the group and heads toward him. He’s stunning, as usual. He’s wearing an ivory sweater and dark denim jeans. His russet hair hangs long and loose around his pale face and rings adorn his fingers. He’s so beautiful Daniel could weep and as he comes closer, Daniel can’t breathe. No air wants to enter his dead lungs. 
Armand’s amber eyes rake over Daniel who suddenly feels lacking in his worn jeans and t-shirt. “Are you all right?” 
Daniel nods. Fine, yeah, just dandy. He struggles not to laugh and Armand can’t hear his thoughts. Before he can verbalize the sentiment, Armand speaks again: “Good. I want all my guests to feel at home.”
Daniel’s heart sinks. He’s just another guest. Of course. What else would he be?
“Thanks,” Daniel says, the word coming out short and terse. Armand stares at him, and Daniel shifts uncomfortably. He points to the ceiling. “Nice crown moulding.” 
Armand frowns slightly. He glances back at Sybelle and Benji, eager to return to that conversation and escape this awkwardness. Why the hell did he come over, anyhow? What did Benji tell him? 
“Every inch of Trinity Gate was meticulously designed,” Armand says. “No detail spared.” 
“So I see,” Daniel says. It really is an impressive house, more intricate and detailed than their Villa in on Night Island, though Daniel prefers the latter. 
Armand reaches out and tears a loose thread from the sleeve of Daniel’s t-shirt. He doesn’t say so but Daniel can practically hear him wondering why Marius allows him to dress like a vagrant. Instead, Armand pockets the thread and says nothing. He wishes he would. At least if they could argue—
Sybelle laughs across the room and the others all join in. Daniel’s stomach churns as Armand turns and smiles appreciatively at them. 
“Am I not good enough?” Daniel asks, the question tumbling out before he can think about what he’s saying. 
Armand turns back to him suddenly. “Whatever do you mean, Daniel?” 
Anger roars up at the way he plays dumb, the way he acts like it’s an absurd thing to ask. And maybe it is. Maybe there’s really nothing left to say between them. Except that when he looks at Armand, all he wants to do is pull him close and hold him there, and he can’t. There’s this weird glass wall between them now and he hates it. 
“As a fledgling,” Daniel says. 
Armand’s brow furrows briefly and then his expression smooths out, becoming impassive stone. “You have strong blood.” 
Daniel laughs scornfully. “Yeah, yours,” he says. “That’s not what I meant.” 
Armand looks back at his beloved children with Rose and Viktor, people he adores and whose company he can stand. Daniel turns to leave. Armand grabs his wrist. 
“Of course you are. What a thing to ask,” Armand says, as if he’s a fool. And he is. He’s here, blurting out questions he doesn’t want the answers to.
“Yeah, sure,” Daniel says. He pulls away and heads for the foyer. He’ll go for a walk, go kill some evil bastard and slake his thirst and maybe then he’ll feel better. 
Armand follows him to the door. 
“I just need to hunt,” Daniel tells him. He opens the coat closet and digs out his jacket. It’s too light for the climate and it’s raining out, but it will do. Armand is still watching him wordlessly, infuriatingly still and silent. Daniel wants to shake him and demand to know what he wants. What he feels. If he still loves him at all. But he doesn’t dare ask. “Do you want to come?” he asks instead.
Armand tilts his head, a gesture that always makes Daniel feel like he’s trying to get inside his mind. Then Armand pulls a wool coat out of the closet and shrugs it on.
“Lead the way,” Armand says. 
Relief washes over him. It’s not enough. Not by a mile. But it’s a start. 
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rijinks · 8 days
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getting ready for a big night out.
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sanctaignorantia · 2 months
Just some things about Daniel in Prince Lestat era that make me emotional... 😣
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nightcolorz · 5 months
Sad, tragic even that Benji Mahmoud is more often then not fandom declawed as a fairly average 12 yr old boy with fairly average 12 yr old boy traits when in canon he was chain smoking pre puberty, so chronically adultified in life that he is practically unfazed by his eternal child body bcus he was able to pass as a young looking adult as a mortal anyway just by how he acts alone, Bedouin boy from Palestine who made a living for his family by getting white American tourists to pay for pictures with him for the “exotic” vibes, self taught himself fluent English, was then practically enslaved through insane human trafficking means, known as a freakishly young actual genius who is so smart that Armand is about to enroll him in collage as a preteen, extremely passionate and outspoken activist as a kid to the point that he would erupt into emotional crying and ranting fits while watching the news regularly, then went on to grow into the man in the immortal body of a 12 yr old responsible for the vampire government the final trilogy is centered around by virtue of his activist vampire podcast alone. Put some respect on his name god damn it Benji is such a guy he’s such a character he is not just any 12 yr old boy he’s the smartest bitch in tvc and Lestat would be stewing in misery and self isolation as every vampire around him explodes for all of time if it wasn’t for his fuck ass radio show telling him and the other older vampires to get on there asses and do smth 🙌 my man is a whole adult he owns five galleries a restaurant and a straight up haberdashery shop, he has a legal drivers license guys. I bet Lestat doesn’t even have a legal drivers license. As an actual literal 12 yr old he was more competent and mature then the vast majority of adult characters bro was assisting armand in murder and single-handedly caring for Sybelle while devouring five packs worth of nicotine a day with the grace of a dancer. Bro is NOT on Xbox 🙌
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rijinksiwtv · 5 months
Dr. Fareed has framed pictures of microscopic photographs of human bone marrow in his office. When vampires come by to pick up their hormone injections, he sometimes tells them about these pictures: "This is where the magic happens. Bone marrow is where new blood is made. Life for all of us." Fareed didn't mean to inspire one of them to gruesomely suck on the bones of their victims as a result.
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leslutdepointedulac · 6 months
Prince Lestat Era
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Lestat Birthday Bingo ~ Square 9: Prince Lestat Era
Look, I know the Prince Lestat era isn't perfect but I love it, okay. I love how they all got their happy ending, and how they're one big dysfunctional family. I fucking cried when I finished Blood Communion, firstly because despite what shitshow VC can be at times, I love this series, and I was sad to finish reading about my special little guys and gals. Secondly, because they had a nice ending. They were alive and well and happy and I love that for them. Sure, I can read it all over again, but finishing something you love for the first time hits different ig.
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poet-to-none · 6 months
"All I'd been before this night was gone, absolutely gone. . .had ever ennui and despair been banished by such revelations, such precious gifts of truth?"
"He reached for my hands and took them in his. . .soft dusty fingers. They gave off warmth like human fingers."
"He kissed me and I opened my lips to receive the kiss and give it back. I bit into my lip and offered the blood on my tongue. He took it, though how and what he felt, I couldn't know. He stroked my hair, my face." 
I woke up remembering that Lestat's whole world became like nothing when Magnus manifests as a ghost. . . precious, dramatic boy.
It's nice to linger in the idea he and Magnus spent time behind Lestat's bedchamber doors, with the same tenderness they did when they encountered each other in open spaces. . .
. . .both he and Lestat softly and silently touching, for that's all that's possible now, and the hesitation to fully confess themselves. . .a heart-breaking feeling to both of them.
I imagine Lestat finally connected with emotions he'd not been able to before, while protecting himself from the trauma of the separation event (by fire). I imagine he finally began to know the assumptions and influences that tied to replacing Magnus.
And Magnus spoke every adoration Lestat deserved from him.
"You burn bright, Prince Lestat"
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hiidkwhatimdoing7525 · 20 hours
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desertfangs · 3 months
Items in the Suggestion Box at Court that Marius will definitely pretend he did not see: • Night Club Blood Rave like in Blade • Talent Show • Vampire Baseball
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rijinks · 10 months
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yeah, we companions. keep scrolling
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sanctaignorantia · 5 months
Analysis, theories, spoilers and a bit of hate (maybe).
Sorry for the long text, I really can't control myself and if you start to hate me after it, well… I'm not sorry, but it's my opinion so I want to make it clear that, because it's my opinion, it's only up to me and if you agree, ok. But if you don't, just ignore it.
Let's go!
I was thinking recently about the way the series used Rashid who was an extremely small character in the book 'Blood and Gold' and then put him there as a name that Armand hides behind and then now, in the second season, we'll really get to know him. But for those who don't know, Rashid is one of Eudoxia's servants who appears in the book 'Blood and Gold' and just like Eudoxia he is extremely young ( circa 14-15 years old). Eudoxia was turned at the same age and then decided to create vampires just like her, she had them turn others because she always wanted to know what was going on in their minds. Marius ends up destroying her. Knowing this, I'm trying to conclude that perhaps the series won't use Eudoxia in the same way as the book did and therefore this part of Marius' story might not exist, or perhaps she'll arrive at a different age, in different circumstances (but I wish it didn't exist because that would automatically eliminate Zenobia and leave Avicus and Mael to live happily :D).
In short, Rashid was adapted differently, but the same. He doesn't have the same age and isn't connected to the same characters (as far as we know), but he continues to serve (this time for Armand).
Which makes me think of other possibilities.
When we think of adaptation, we automatically want the new media to be an exact copy of the original, but that doesn't always work. The story of the books "works" (or should work hahahaha) in the books and bringing it 100% faithfully to the series could be exhausting, especially when we're talking about a universe full of characters (with the vast majority of them being basically useless).
I keep coming back to this thought because I basically prefer the way the story is being told in the series to the way it is told in the books. I've read them all (except the crossover, no thanks) and now I keep creating these scenarios in my head, but let's get directly to the point.
For those of you who have read the 'Prince Lestat' trilogy, you know that the author simply decided to reboot the universe (as if this wasn't already done naturally with the inconsistencies and divergences in the books). And one of the things that made me very angry was what happened to Memnoch…
He first arrives as a demon or demonic creature who seduces Lestat and takes him on an intense and crazy journey through space and time, revealing a LOT of truth about a lot of things and for those who liked the spiritual vibe of the books, I think the book is a real treat, because it adds very much to the mythology of the universe in that respect. And we even find out a bit more about Amel. But then, when the book ends, we simply discover that Memnoch, just like any other malicious creature, has perfectly fooled Lestat (because our rockstar is very dumb). In conclusion, the book becomes a pit of useless information because you can't determine whether everything that has been revealed and contacted is really true…
Time passes and it becomes more and more something that is forgotten, until the author brings it back in the final trilogy, putting it into the mouths of the Replimoids (creatures and characters that nobody asked for) who end up saying, but without being very sure, because nobody in this universe is sure of anything, that perhaps Memnoch was Maxym, a Replimoid from the "Amel Era" in Atalantaya!
And don't worry, because the narrative about it gets so exhausting and big that you can't fix it in your mind, here's the quote:
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As the author likes to do, you finish the trilogy and Memnoch has been forgotten again. This Replimoid shit to turn Amel into an innocent, lost and misunderstood child becomes so great that fuck the devil spirit.
Which, returning to the question of adaptation, makes me wonder what they could bring to the series. They bought all the books, right? That included the fucking Replimoid thing, I'm so sorry…
But then… The Replimoids have been on Earth for 12 thousand years… Much longer than any vampire soul, they are immortal, do not age and reproduce in an extremely uncontrolled way… If you have read the final books you know that a Replimoid is a great opponent for a vampire and they are so poorly used in the books, hmm… If we have Maxym who were one of them and became so spiteful and vengeful to the point of doing what he does to Lestat under the name Memnoch, because doesn't it say in the adaptation that they will come (finally and gloriously) as a true opponent against the vampires?
"Oh my god… But Amel was a Replimoid too!" - Wrong!
He's a mutated human, fuck that Replimoid thing with Amel. He has a human body, a human soul and he suffered on earth and in space (at the hands of other creatures) to have the end he did and become what he became (Oh poor thing, let's feed him - fuck him!) The author (IN MY OPINION, WHICH IS WORTH NOTHING, YOU KNOW) doesn't know how to develop villains or creatures that should serve as opponents for vampires, I don't think this is very well constructed in the universe and it makes me think that maybe I don't have patience to watch Akasha be adapted because she is a mediocre villain. Good luck to Rolin and the writers…
But back to Maxym and the Replimoid business… If they've been on Earth for more than 12 years and are immortal, nothing stops them from walking freely under any identity, after all, vampires do that too… Hmmm~ When I read Memnoch I thought: he's very smart, although he doesn't need much to fool Lestat, but it made me seem like a lot of Les's journey had been paved by Memnoch, that a lot of decisions Lestat made were under Memenoch's influence, so look how much power Memenoch has it!
We later discover that Amel also has a certain power of influence because he is what he is, that spirit at the center of the great web, the great brain that drives the vampires' existence.
And here I make a parenthesis because the introduction of this new race serves no purpose, you spend a long chapter reading Kapetria say about them and in the end no useful answer is answered:
How did Amel become such a spiteful spirit?
Because, when, how does he start to feed on blood if previously as a human he didn't need it?
Was it some spiritual influence that transformed him into this terrible being?
WHY IS SUDDENLY EVERYONE BEING GOOD WITH HIM??????? The guy killed several vampires indiscriminately, he was a huge threat and he convinces Rhosh to do what he does and he gets away with it???? Geez…
And if we have Maxym as a Replimoid walking on earth for 12,000 years being as bad as I want him to be, who's to say that he hasn't already crossed the path of another vampire, or that he's going to do so soon? And why do I say that? Because we have Filip playing this Maxim in the second season.
It's written differently, I know, but I don't think a change like that would bring disgrace to such a character, let's be honest…
-> Filip Finkelstejn as Maxim
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And this has an almost 100% chance of being totally different when it comes out, I understand that, but if they put Fareed early in season 1, what's stopping them from inserting the Replimoids as well? What's to stop them from summarizing characters and saving space and time like they did with Rashid and still maintaining their purpose? And WHAT IF Maxym will be there to try and pave the way for Louis because the easiest way to get to Lestat is and always will be through Louis?
I'll let you guys think about it…
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Vampire Chronicles/Prince Lestat: Marius & Lestat
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rijinksiwtv · 4 months
Daniel creates a miniature model of the Châteux, "it's like I'm really there!"
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zisurru · 1 year
i think louis owns a snuggie and i think lestat hates it because it’s so unstylish so he puts it on when he’s not around and then lestat walks in to where louis has fallen asleep in front of the tv and is like what is that. and louis is like it’s my snuggie. and lestat is like it’s awful. it’s hideous. it’s frumpy. i can barely see you under there is that my husband or a 90-year-old surfacing between naps to scream at the orderlies in his nursing home.
and then louis is like i don’t need to take this from a man who wears jeans with a frock coat but if you apologize i will let you sit on my lap. and put your arms into the snuggie holes. we can share it
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riley-beautrelle · 6 months
This starts slowly, but there'll be more action soon. My next work for the Vampire Fest Collection ❤️
The prompt is "Prince Lestat Era"
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@vampirefest ❤️
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Feeling very normal on this day thinking about this random section in Blood Communion where Lestat starts foaming at the mouth trying to go five seconds without bringing up his husband to a complete stranger
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