#pro memoria
crying-for-absolution · 3 months
you know what, copia.
maybe i will forget about dying.
maybe i will forget about my friend death.
maybe i will forget that i will die.
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weirdwitcheryart · 2 years
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Ghostober Day 25: Ashes
Inspired by Medieval Woodcuts, J.C. Leyendecker and the Plague
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that-unfortunate-crow · 2 months
Me and my brother were literally discussing which song they're gonna kill Copia during.
I am violently unwell right now.
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cardis-tricycle · 10 months
When I die, I want my gravestone to say: 'To Do: Don’t you forget about dying. Don’t you forget about your friend death. Don’t forget that you will die.' and next to it a checkbox with ✔️
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When it's 3 am and you can't sleep so you're up listening to GHOST, drinking Sangria and cooking up theories about the fate of PAPA EMERITUS IV !!
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All alone
On this tempestuous sea
To ride with me
To ride with me
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sucharide · 2 years
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Don't you forget about dying
Don't you forget about your friend death
Don't you forget that you will die...
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swisscheeseghoul · 2 years
my dad says the lyrics, “Don't you forget about dying, Don't you forget about your friend death, Don't you forget that you will die,” are like the “live laugh love” of Ghost and told me he wants to hang them on his walls
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Pro Memoria
GVF X Reader
In collaboration with @asparrowofthedawn
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Do you always believe the strangers you meet in worlds you’ve never been to before?
coming soon
@starbuckschords @thejussy4 @samkiszkaswhxre @andjoshsaid @countryday @gretasamfeettt @jakeyscakey @gretavanfleas @poofyloofy @jakesfarmerhat @maddie-van-fleet @jordierama @josh-iamyour-mama @sarakay-gvf @novanity111 @callmebymym
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tiny-elf-of-doom · 2 years
Ghost Perfume 👻
Papa Emeritus Edition
Papa Emeritus I
-A man of the classics; he has to cover that old man smell somehow. He might have gone for a scent such as Dunhill or even Maurer & Witz 4711 as a young man, but to make sure his fragrances stay somewhat up to date, he would probably enjoy “Boss” by Hugo Boss. It’s slightly sweetened with apple and plum, but countered by hefty spice and floral notes such as vetiver and geranium. Of course, his youngest brother had to help him choose it, but once they matched him with this scent, it’s been one of his absolute favorites. 
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Papa Emeritus II
-When you party hard and lead a church, you want your fragrance to be as memorable as you, so Papa will likely have more than one option. If he’s in Las Vegas, I can see him wanting something bold that will last all night. Spicebomb Infrared by Viktor and Ralph combines red fruit, tobacco, and cinnamon- very sexy. Second, if he’s doing a sermon, he would still want to maintain some of that edge, but with a touch of elegance. Gentleman by Givenchy featuring lavender, clove, and vanilla will rest well upon his robes.
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Papa Emeritus III
-This boy knows his scents. You know those pretty mirror plates that Instagram girls have perfume sitting in? Right, he has a shelf like that for all his pretty bottles. Considering he is all for the drama and flirtation, something dark with a hint of glamour would suit his fancy. Black Phantom by Kilian is a rich, decadent fragrance that features coffee, rum, and cyanide. Deadly, yet incredibly elegant, the Third might also want something fruitier on casual days which is why the pineapple and pink pepper scents of Accento by Xerjoff might be a good match. 
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Papa Emeritus IV
-Not a perfume or fragrance man. Instead, he has a secret weapon up his papal robes: Molecule 01 by Eccentric Molecules. This has no scent, but its chemical properties work off the wearer’s pheromones', creating its own original smell. This has likely gone one of two ways for the Fourth in either people love his natural odor, or they think he really stinks. Either way, there are no aspects to his fragrance that hides him. Authenticity should be the name of his personal brand of perfume as he doesn’t mind flaunting what he has. 
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m0rbidmacabre · 5 months
Thoughts on Death and Pro-Memoria #morbidrambles
Trigger warning: talks of death, talks of non-theistic satanism
my views are my own and mine alone, you don't have to agree with me, we all believe differently and this is me pondering a difficult subject and my love for this song in particular. I will not be touching on any other religions here.
Talks in depth about death and Pro-Memoria by Ghost. in an attempt to not be triggering my post is below the cut.
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Latin, for the sake of memory.
I was asked recently about which tracks on prequelle the album by Ghost stood out to me the most. I think my favourite from the album is Pro Memoria and for a lot of reasons and i'm going to go over them here while talking about the song and my own thoughts on it. I'm not talking about Ghost lore here. Again, this are my own views and you are allowed your own views and opinions.. I am not here to change your opinions, i'm just talking about my own. Don't feel like you have to read this if your not in the correct headspace, its me rambling out thoughts.
"Lucifer, whispering Silently into your mind Who walks behind Who walks behind Standing tall, invincible But do not forget your knives To save your lives To save your lives"
I think it's best to start is with that as a non-theistic satanist i don't believe in heaven, or hell... god or the devil. My views on death are quite liner, I see death as a way out from the shit storm that is life. I see death as blackness, as darkness, as peace. To me there is nothing after this and i personally don't see that as a bad thing, i see it as a good thing. Why? because life is hard, life can be shit. It brings me great comfort to think that when this is over, i won't ascend somewhere, i won't be reborn to do it all again. I'm happy with the darkness because to me that is the true meaning of peace. Nobody to bother me, just dwindling in the darkness..
"Don't you forget about dying Don't you forget about your friend death Don't you forget that you will die Don't you forget about dying Don't you forget about your friend death Don't you forget that you will die"
I think as humans we think about death alot, it's everywhere right? on the TV, in the news, in our online content, in just about everything. I personally think this song is there to be a reminder that death is always around the corner, death is always an absolute. I think its a call to be a good human with our time because, you never know what is coming next. Be kind, Live your life with passion, but always remember that death is coming.
"Don't you vomit savage slurs Spewed up wickedly To hide from me To hide from me Navigate all alone On this tempestuous sea To ride with me To ride with me"
This song brings me peace as a reminder that death is going to be happen, It may sound morbid (haha) to think of it like that... death brings me comfort. It's not something i am afraid of, but more welcome. It's taken a long time for me to be able to place myself in that head space. After all when we lose a family member, we always want to believe that they are in a better place right? After i saw someone who lived in pain, or if you yourself have seen death in the most horrible of ways, it changes you as a person. For me personally it shifted my views on death, and i started to accept that maybe it's not something to be afraid of but more welcomed an eternal darkness without pain or fear.
"Don't you forget about dying Don't you forget about your friend death Don't you forget that you will die Don't you forget about dying Don't you forget about your friend death Don't you forget that you will die"
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rightintheghoulies · 5 months
Ghost - Pro Memoria (Live Multicam)
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batcadillac · 2 years
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weirdwitcheryart · 2 years
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Ghostober Day 18: Reaper
I saw people on insta paint with chalk brushes, and I was very intrigued, so I had to try them too.
Anyway, when is Ghost doing a cover of (Don't fear) The Reaper? I bet we are all anxiously waiting...
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land-shark-is-here · 2 years
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spillways - pro memoria - mary on a cross
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guttersnarls · 1 year
Don’t you forget about dying / Don’t you forget about your friend death / Don’t you forget that you will die
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leezlelatch · 2 years
Because it truly interests me: 1, 6 and 10 from the ghost asks ♥️ / @writingjourney
1. How did you find out about Ghost?
I sort of came in on the MOAC train - back in like the beginning of this year, I did hear the song on tik tok and enjoyed it enough to add it to my playlist, but I rarely listened to it. And then in like August, I started to stumble across videos of Terzo and Copia and because spooky old men are kind of my thing LOL I was like AYO 👀👀 and fell down the proverbial hole from there! I'm kicking myself now for not realizing how gorgeous, vibrant, and beautifully lyrical Ghost's music is.
6. What's your all time favorite Ghost song?
I dislike saying favorite because I adore adore adore every single song, but if I have to pick, it's Pro Memoria. And I'll tell you why. Back in March of 2020, I went to Europe to study. I visited France, Portugal, and Spain, and while I was in Portugal, we went to Belém Tower. I was incredibly ill at the time, and I do not say that lightly. I very likely had Covid - the timing is perfect - but for a moment, it was difficult to convince the leads of my group to let me stay inside. I felt awful, and not just physically, I worried about infecting people (I was masked), and because I couldn't breathe for the life of me, I only made it up to this large open area, sort of like the battlements, that overlooked the Tagus River. And I stood there, just thinking about all the souls that passed through here on ship, and the men stationed at the tower. Lives lived and lost. I thought about when I was in France visiting the Catacombs or standing on the steps of the Sacre Coeur listening to the bells ring. Illness and death. So when I listen to Pro Memoria, I think back to those moments. Don't you forget about dying, don't you forget about your friend death.
10. What's your favorite Ghost album?
Prequelle is the love of my life, next to Copia of course. 😉
On a surface level, I've always been deeply interested in the plague, but Prequelle makes me think about a lot of different things, and I feel drawn to the music as if it's yelling, "Hey! Leezle! Pay attention, this is something you need to hear."
I suppose also it's the album that I feel most spiritually healed by - I have the classic story of growing up Catholic and attending a Catholic school, and everything traumatizing that comes with that lol.
But yes! Forgive my long winded explanations. Thank you for asking! 🐀
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