#probably full of typos blabla you know the drill just want this done
TTD - First Meeting 4/4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 and end
Sequel of this and end. Yeah, it has a title and everything now.
Everything was white. And Hero’s memory was fuzzy.
They remembered a warehouse. A very dark warehouse, full of false traps and occupied by a weird Villain. They saw themself visiting the whole building, encountering tools and a sort of workshop, but never finding anyone. Only a disembodied voice yelled in their ears, threatening in a more and more pleading tone to leave them alone. In the end, they complied. It’d felt more of an intrusion than an arrest attempt. The world could bear the robbery of a few food items. They’d left empty-handed.
No, hold on, that had happened a while ago. What was going on now?
They remembered two silver eyes. Supervillain. Oh right, that guy ! He was involved somehow. And then – then -
“Do you really think this was going to be that easy to keep me in ?”
Oh, hell had broken loose then. The cage that had Supervillain trapped was being ripped into shreds. The bars flied like they were made in cardboard. And Hero called Villain from the other side of the room.
“You need to free me now !”
“But -”
“Look, push this button and run ! I’m dealing with this.”
Another bar creaked. Villain smashed the button. Hero rushed to the broken cage. This didn’t look good. Someone had won the superpower lottery here, and it wasn’t them. If Supervillain hit them even once, their bones would shatter like glass. Normally, they would have no chance, but for now Supervillain was still blind. The shadow around their eyes moved with their face, staying where it was despite the man’s desperate efforts. He grabbed the last bar in his hand, handling it like a club, and swung around, yelling at Hero to get to it.
They accepted.
As a low-rank hero, they rarely fought during the job. However, the agency insisted on a mandatory and strict physical training. So Supervillain had super-strength, sure, big deal. He didn’t have the energy beams of Superhero. And when he hurled insults at them, they didn’t have to consider them. So they struck. Chin, solar plexus, ribs. All hits landed, but they didn’t make much of an impact. It was okay. Hero had all the time of the world. It was easy to see that Supervillain never had to fight on the defensive before. Hero was nearly sorry for them, but then they remembered the little old lady from the building who would never finish her tea, and they punched harder. He tried to fight back, of course. Once or twice his fist missed by just an inch, and the shockwaves that came after were not pleasant. You’re not going to scream, said Superhero in their head. I won’t let you. They know where you are if you scream. Hero gritted their teeth, caught the arm that was in their reach, and twisted. Supervillain didn’t made a noise, either. Only his bones cracked when his wrist was broken. He took a step back without skipping a beat, and screamed:
“See, Villain ? This is what they’re going to do to you !”
Hero instinctively looked beyond him. Judging by the round shadow in the corner, Villain hadn’t moved. It was impossible to know their body language or the expression on their face. The dark mist that blindfolded Supervillain slipped, just a little. Hero could see a glimmer of silver eyes.
And then, everything was white.
Hero’s hand gently moved, clenching and clenching their fingers that were satisfyingly still all there. Nothing hurt, their memories were somewhat back, maybe it was time to jump on their feet and panic. So that’s what they did, their widened eyes frantically examining the surroundings. They didn’t recognize anything. They were sitting on the dirt, the sky above their head. Supervillain was nowhere in sight. And Villain…
Hero rushed towards the only person in sight, a thin silhouette in a black gown. They put a hand on a still shoulder, but as they were trying to turn them on the side, Villain turned their head away:
“Halt !”
Surprised, Hero suspended their gesture:
“Why ? You’re hurt ?”
“No. I am...displeased at the idea of someone seeing my face.”
“Why ?”
“It’s been a long time.”
Deciding not to probe any further for the moment, Hero helped putting Villain’s hood back, then sat next to them, avoiding their gaze. Standing up was possible, but for now still ambitious.
“So here we stand, nemesis”, said Villain. “Well... sort of. The moment of final judgment will be upon us soon, but before, tell me one thing.”
“Yes ?”
“Last week, an unknown hand left a bag full of Twinkies in front of my lair. Are you the culprit ?”
Hero chuckled.
“Yeah,” they admitted. “There was a sale.”
“Yet you didn’t try to enter.”
Villain stayed silent, so Hero took upon themself to keep the conversation going:
“So. Hm. Do you have...any idea about what happened ?”
“I’m afraid so. Such is the curse of having a superior intellect; although the truth is as dark as my soul, I cannot unseen it.”
“Buddy, you’re doing this bit while you can’t stand up.”
“Hmm. I guess he used his power while my shadow came back on his eyes.”
“So you think it turned against him and he disappeared ?”
“Indeed. He won’t be missed.”
Hero looked around them:
“But he had enough time to erase...”
“Don’t say it. It might look like it was a common torture room of doom to you, but it was my torture room of doom.”
“It was where you lived. I’m sorry.”
The phone inside their pocket hadn’t been erased, but that didn’t make a difference. No call had been made. Hero sighed, gently massaged their forehead, then risked to look at Villain. The shadow was back on their face, but they were struggling to stand up.
“Need a hand ?”
A groan answered them. Hero shrugged and helped them standing them on their feet.
“Your abilities are beyond my understanding, nemesis,” said Villain in a sulking voice. “Why didn’t you disappear ? What is your power ?”
“It’s not really a power, actually.”
“You’re being unclear.”
They stumbled. Hero caught their arm:
“Okay. Before my birth, my parents saved a light spirit, so it gave them a blessing. I can’t be hurt by anything that is a direct source of light. Fire, electricity, plasma, whatever. The sun can heal me a little too, but it’s very slow. I suppose Supervillain’s power triggers flashes before working, so it doesn’t work on me.”
“So where comes your strength from ?”
“It’s called working out.”
“Cheating, then. I see.”
“I don’t think I can contact the agency before tomorrow. We’ll have to make do. You will fight if I give you to the police, uh ?”
“Yeah, we’re not doing that. I just want to crash on my bed and sleep twelve hours. I have a guest room. Do you want to come to my place?”
“You mean infiltrating your lair ?”
“Just for this night.”
(It wasn’t just for this night)
Check the These Two Dorks Masterlist or Tag for more snippets with these characters.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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