#project hotel
limeinaltime · 2 months
The murder drone siblings height?
I know Hotel shortest despite being the oldest which is funny as hell
Hotel: 6'4
Seven and Omega: 6'8
Iota: 7'2
Eko: 7'4
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stealthboy43 · 8 months
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OC Hotel and Iota by @limeinaltime
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waayix · 1 year
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yall are not getting context.
Hotel / Iota - @limeinaltime
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heavensbucky · 11 years
My dream is to make a hotel for ladies who are on their periods. i'm not even kidding. i want to make this shit.
a hotel where you could stay- the people who work there knows this very well- for about 5 days, bc that's the longest your period lasts.
a place where you could go to the spa, and you don't have to put the damn tampon on, BC EVERYONE IS ON THEIR PERIOD. in fact, we could have the jacuzzi with red water so you wouldn't notice. i just came up with that
somewhere you could go around in your ugliest clothes and no one would care, bc eveyone is feeling like shit.
there would be no women as staff, bc maybe they aren't on their period and they would treat you like shit. so ALL the staff is formed by hot guys. with no shirt.
and you could call the room service and ask for a cuddler -of your preference of course- who is this obviously hot guy, that comes to your room to hug you, and kiss your head, and watch sad movies with you, and feed you ice cream, or gummy bears or whatever, and you could ask for the features, like tall or blond or whatever.
then you would have this guys to walk through the halls with their little carts, like the ones on the planes you know? and they'd be full of ice cream, and chocolate bars, hot chocolate, EVERYTHING. and you wouldn't have to pay for it bc you go gur! hold on there!
then you could have famous people to come over (but you would have to pay for the vip hotel stays bc life is that way) and you could call the room service and ask for a johnny depp or whoever the fuck you want, and they would come (if they can) bc the pay is really good bc the hotel is super famous, and if they can't come, you have like this chart of other hot famous guys that you can call.
and yeah, you can have masseurs -hot guys with good hands- to come over your room if you're not feeling like going to the hotel spa.
the canteen or whatever you call it, would be full of hot guys to serve you whatever the fuck you want, even the chefs would be hot. and if you cant decide what to choose, or if you choose something and they bring you that thing and then you order something different, they wouldn't get mad bc you are free to choose anything you want in life, and you are a beautiful beautiful woman, no matter what they say. and if you like that chocolate cake better than that apple pie, it's perfect. such a good choice! and if you like something else other than that, it's just fine. such a good choice!
and you would walk through the hall crying bc pain and you see someone else in the same situation, "you go girl, just hang in there, it'll be over soon" bc that's da rules.
and you culd come on every fucking period to feel like every lady should feel while on her period, and everytime you have like a spot on you pants, you get a cookie. bc that's da rules.
and yeah, all i need is a name.
i can't think of a good name, so... yeah..
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seanewilliams · 12 years
Shifting Priorities
I had to disassemble the Project Juliet corkboard this week to make room for Project Hotel.  I got some good feedback on it, so it's now become my priority. A big part of writing is being able to change focus quickly, and hold multiple focuses simultaneously.  The great thing with having different projects at different stages of development means they each take up a different section of my brain.  I can be breaking the story for Project Hotel while writing the next issue of FAIREST, researching another story that's just starting to come together in my head, and revising an old story at roughly the same time.  This is where having more hours in a day would come in handy...
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limeinaltime · 10 months
Who had the worse backstory
Definitely depends
X: Cruelly experimented on and turned into something different that has left her a husk of who she could've been
S: His entire relationship with 6. I will not go into detail.
Hotel, Iota, Seven and Omega: Brutally abused by their dad and his side ho as well as their shitty older brother, and bullied by some assholes in their class. Seven and Omega also had very abusive past relationships with equally abused and traumatized people and their kindness was taken for granted.
Eko: Got to watch her kind massacre each other, lost her mother and best friend in the span of a few minutes, was subjected to fear-induced ostracizing and bullying due to what she was to the point where she eventually ran away.
Zulu: Has Adam as an older brother, was basically digitally lobotomized by said brother and barred from his wife and son.
Delta: Exploited and abused by horrible men and violently rendered unable to fly before being snatched up by Adam and forbidden from being with the man she truly loves.
Phantom: Was manipulated by a cruel scientist who did horrible experiments on her for a while before she broke out, leaving her with physical complications and nasty mental and emotional scars.
Project Crow, a new guy I have yet to post: Lost his mother at a young age because of Adam and was literally killed by Hotel's older brother (he comes back to life but still)
There's probably a lot more, but these are the main contenders off the bat.
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limeinaltime · 11 months
I ask for sibling headcanons of Iota, Hotel, Omega, 7 (I think that's her name) and Eko
7's new name is Project Seven, I still have to fix her tag and update her ref post.
Eko is India's oldest kid (she's in her early 30s now), Hotel and Iota are the oldest of her Project children, having been made a month before Omega, who is Adam and Eve's kid instead. Seven's incubation finished a couple weeks after Hotel and Iota's, making her the middle child. Eko is the oldest daughter, Hotel is the oldest son.
Hotel's technically the most powerful of the siblings, and he hates it. It's why he gets the most attention from Adam, while Iota and Omega are still mistreated but mostly ignored since their energy types are less favorable. Seven gets the same amount of heat since she's surprisingly pretty powerful as well, but is more peaceful.
Iota's the tallest of her siblings, Hotel is the shortest. She never lets him live it down.
Hotel and Omega are kind of awkward around each other, but they do get along as well as half-brothers with the same shitty dad can. While Omega tries to be brave like his older brother, Hotel's usually the one to stand up for them when one of their bullies decides to have some fun, which never ends well for either of the brothers.
Seven is adopted, and joined the flock a few months after everyone was made. Whether or not she does in fact share AI with India is dubious at best, although they look similar enough to make it seem that way.
The four are very close-knit and usually stick together, and secrets rarely travel outside their group to avoid Adam finding out anything that would lead to them getting punished.
Omega has other siblings (Eve's a bit of a ho), but they didn't get along with him, so he hung out with Hotel, Iota and Seven instead.
All four of them adore India, and she would always be the recipient of mother's day gifts (since Eve wanted nothing from Omega). Adam never got any, not that he cared.
Since she's the toughest sibling, Iota's usually the one to stand up to bullies, since a bunch of their classmates seem out to torture them (especially Hotel since they can get away with beating up "Adam's tiny clone"). No one fucks with Iota.
Seven's ice is good for relieving pain and burns, so the siblings usually stay together after Adam takes out his anger on them since her ice can heal the wounds they sustain from his claws and energy.
Iota was very open about being a lesbian, but it took a lot of encouragement to get Hotel to come out to them. They tried to keep it a secret from the flock, as well as his relationship with Sierra, but some will do anything to claim a higher rank... including out Hotel to everyone, including his dad, in order to please Eve. Things work out in the end, but during that time, Hotel is very closed off from everyone, including his siblings, who also got punished for keeping secrets.
Since Spark is no longer canon, I'm still work-shopping how she would first meet her siblings, but she's pretty chill with them since the Projects don't really hunt Workers and are generally harmless unless provoked (although some like Jet or Eve like terrorizing them when giving the opportunity).
Hotel was the first of the four to meet Eko, and she earned his respect quickly. She was also able to repair the damage in his legs, allowing him to use them without as much pain. She also helped him with physical therapy once the flock disbanded and Adam was killed.
It takes Eko some time to get used to the presence of four new siblings but she gets used to it pretty quickly. There's definitely sibling bickering, but she's fond of them and is happy to have them in her life. She enables them goofing around and doing stupid shit since they weren't allowed to as kids.
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limeinaltime · 1 year
Man, could you imagine if the reason Adam monochromed Sierra was because Hotel had a crush on him?
That would definetly NOT be traumatic in any way for Hotel.
That's... actually canon tbh.
Basically, Hotel and Sierra start seeing each other, but then one of Hotel's classmates outs him and Sierra gets monochromed after some emotional manipulation from Adam. There's a lot of angst, but they're able to get Sierra back in the end before Hotel and X go to take out some of the "inefficient" flock member aka the assholes who make the workplace environment worse. Hotel kills Icarus and Adam, and then can make out with his boyfriend as much as he wants. Happy ending.
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limeinaltime · 1 year
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New ref for Hotel. Poor guy's been through it.
“Life seems determined to make Hotel wholly believe that he’s destined to become his father in every way, and the fact that he looks like the guy doesn’t do his already-miserable self any favors. Being Adam’s eldest son is nothing but a curse in his eyes, as it allows the crueler members of the flock to hurt him, further allowing Adam to ostracize him from the other members of his generation. Despite his cold, stoic expression and stern way of speaking, Hotel is the polar opposite of his dad, and while Adam’s never satisfied with anything he does, his colleagues think that he’s one of the best Executives they have.”
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limeinaltime · 1 year
Family portrait
(Pretend the people in the back don’t exist)
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Get his ass
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limeinaltime · 1 year
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Storm mumther and her four kids
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limeinaltime · 1 year
TW: Blood, implied child abuse, Adam
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Hotel and his nasty nasty dad
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limeinaltime · 1 year
Hotel, Iota, Omega and 7 finally experience what fatherly love is by Nathan.
What was they're reaction to it?
All five siblings would be very apprehensive about Nathan's presence in their lives (doesn't help that Nathan kinda looks like Adam), and be borderline distrustful towards him and very protective of India, but seeing how he treats Eko and India in comparison to the hideous display of a "marriage" that Adam and India had would allow them to learn to trust him more and accept him as a stepdad. Nathan would also have had some character development in Eko's absence, and try his best to be more emotionally available and less of a hardass, something he feels he should've done while raising Eko but better late than never.
Hotel would be the most on-edge due to him taking the brunt of Adam's abuse, Iota would be distant and snappy, and 7 and Omega would probably be the first to come to trust Nathan (they like seeing the good in people, they can't help it). They love their mom and have come to accept Eko as their half-sibling since she's proven herself to be someone they can trust and trust India with, but learning that the lady they've trusted and loved their entire lives and saw as a pillar of sanity has been chasing a past life she was forced to abandon to bring Hotel and Iota into existence would still have its effects.
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limeinaltime · 1 year
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limeinaltime · 1 year
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Funny story: I was talking about him on Discord with some friends and accidentally gave him an actual character oops Adam and India’s oldest son
“Life seems determined to make Hotel wholly believe that he’s destined to become his father in every way, and the fact that he looks like the guy doesn’t do his already-miserable self any favors. Being Adam’s eldest son is nothing but a curse in his eyes, as it allows the crueler members of the flock to hurt him, further allowing Adam to ostracize him from the other members of his generation. Despite his cold, stoic expression and stern way of speaking, Hotel is the polar opposite of his dad, and while Adam’s never satisfied with anything he does, his colleagues think that he’s one of the best Executives they have.”
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seanewilliams · 13 years
Headline: New Project Arrives Almost Fully Formed
Had the idea for Project Hotel today in the shower.  I was able to flush out the idea quickly, much like when I had the idea for Project Echo.  I managed to even start putting together the proposal today (which is already more complete than the proposal for the more research-heavy Project Foxtrot). In looking at it, I can tell what the influences are from throughout my life, and how they came together in my head without my consciously realizing it, to form something new.  I can even point to the final piece of the puzzle, the trigger element that glued all the different pieces together, which I was reading right before I got into the shower (even though said element doesn't actually fit in with the Project Hotel concept).  That's very much how ideation works for me: a piece of this here, an influence of that there, the tone of this other thing, and suddenly I have something new that I've never seen before. Looking forward to exploring this project further over the next few days.
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