#ps its totally being shown that jurian cares very much for the humans and would make a good leader ;))
gwyns · 3 years
I would like to say that I am blaming you for shipping Jassa strongly at this point.
I had to re-read some parts of the book to add them to the Vassa Wiki page (which by the way is very biased and out of context about V+L) and now I am so down for them.
Like, Vassa was suspicious of him at first, then she was sold and in the war she saw that he was helping the human lands and after that she called him to live with her and I keep wondering what went on in her head.
hehehe i am glad i could be of service ;)
can i also just say i appreciate you trying to make the wiki less biased?? it's so annoying going on there and seeing things that are just so obviously untrue. idc who you ship, just keep it away from the wiki.
but YES????? vassa saw through him and we all know a big thing for sjm ships is that they see one another. also can we discuss just how much trauma jurian must have?? like this dude was in the war 500 years prior, was slowly tortured and killed by amarantha (while i can understand her reason for this i don't really feel bad for her sister and don't blame jurian for his actions either lmao), his soul trapped in her jewelry for hundreds of years and he was aware the whole time and THEN he's resurrected by the cauldron just to be thrown into another war..... my boy needs a break. and some therapy.
as for vassa she was betrayed by people i'm assuming she at least some what trusted??? and has had her body violated all bc of their greed and she's heated about it (pun intended ha). she's ready to fuck some queens up and tbh? jurian would be right there on the sidelines cheering her on.
i really hope we get some more jassa crumbs in the future bc the "they're at each other's throats, as they like to be" quote implies SO MUCH with such little effort and i just know that their relationship started as vassa not really trusting him bc hello but her knowing she needs someone like him to help her retake her lands and him (probably) feeling some guilt over her situation bc he contributed to it in a way but wanting to do whatever he can to try and make amends and all of this manifests in them bickering and picking at each other and then finally...... FINALLY. they just fuck, and poor lucien probably heard it all night smh. and i've said this before but jurian is absolutely touch starved after being jewelry so he touches vassa every chance he gets, even if it's just slightly brushing up against her.
and it gets to a point that them touching is so normal that nobody even bats an eye? like yeah jurian just randomly starts running his fingers through vassa's hair and braiding it back so it doesn't get in her eyes. or vassa would just reach up and brush away something that's on jurian's face, that's just what she does. basically, they're a couple without officially being a couple. i need more. i crave more.
*slides a crisp $20 bill towards sjm* you know what to do.
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