yazthebookish · 2 years
Can I just say that Vassa and Jurian give me Anastasia and Dimitri vibes? My god, they're the same!
I never considered that but... YES!
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feyravenchatter · 2 years
Keith Kogane, Snake Whisperer
"How far back does this cave system go-ohhh shit, what is that?!" Lance had started halfway between an actual question mixed with complaining about how long they'd been in the caves. He'd ended with an inhuman screech.
Hunk, Pidge, and Shiro froze in place at the sight of the very large snake tucked into the recess next to the next turn in the underground cavern. Keith, however, relaxed, a slight smile on his face as he looked it over, head cocked to one side.
"Looks like a western ribbon snake, just, y'know, not," he said calmly.
"Howthefuckareyousocalm?" Lance asked, his volume far lower, but still pitched at a level that would gain the attention of every dog in a five block radius.
Hunk, Pidge, and even Shiro turned to silently stare when Keith chuckled.
"If this one's anything like the ribbon snakes I grew up around, we're fine. This guy's bigger than the ones in Texas, but it hasn't done anything, so I don't think they're that different."
The snake in question was about 6-7 feet long, and instead of the green body and orange and yellow stripes of an actual western ribbon snake, this one was a slightly iridescent deep aqua, a purple stripe running along the center of its back, two cerulean stripes on either side of it. It watched the paladins with interest, but wasn't aggressive or shying away from them. It was either Keith's impulsive nature or confidence in the snake's resemblance to an earth reptile that made him slowly approach it, ignoring the shocked gasps from his friends.
"We can't hurt anything down here!" Pidge whisper-yelled.
"Not gonna. 'S not movin' either, so think 'm safe," Keith answered, a bit of his Texas accent coming through in his concentration.
When he was a full arm's length away, he reached out slowly, the snake's tarnished gold tongue darting out, tasting the air. It stayed where it was, waiting to see what this strange creature would do. When Keith stopped, hand outstretched but not touching, the snake bridged the gap, bumping Keith with the end of its snout. When he didn't react, the snake risked getting closer, inching its body from where it had coiled on the geothermically warmed stone. While Keith didn't resemble its prey at all, he was also warm, and seemed like something it could suitably climb for a nap. The snake scaled the creature, wrapping itself around ribs and shoulders, its head resting on a coil of its own body draped over Keith's shoulder. The only reaction it got was a puff of a laugh and...head pats? This was not something the snake had ever encountered before, but decided it was not unwelcome, butting its head into Keith's hand when he stopped.
"What the fuck," Shiro whispered.
Keith turned around, his new friend settled comfortably. "Think he likes me," he said, his tone amused.
"Let's just hope it's not for dinner," Hunk said nervously.
"Nah," Keith answered, " 'M too big. Little guy like this won't hurt me."
Pidge had gone back to furiously researching on their tablet. "You're shitting me," they said, typing halted.
"Well, for one, the artifact is in the cavern after the next one, but also, that snake is a Vurian Crystal Snake. They're rare in the wild, but 'if found and befriended, the Crystal Snake will imprint on the Vurian, the two becoming companions for life' - that's what the info I dug up says anyway."
"Huh," Keith said in an amused laugh at the same time as Lance whisper-screeched again, "Nofuckingway!"
"Y'not like snakes?" Keith asked, but then he looked up from his new scaled friend, and saw the kid-on-Christmas-morning look on Lance's face.
"They're after sharks, naturally, but I actually do," he said, calmer now that he knew the snake was friendly.
"Well, let's go get that artifact then."
The artifact - an ancient stone idol worshiped by the Vurians' ancestors - was easy enough to find and recover with the paladins' jet-packs, and they brought it safely back to their hosts and potential allies. The Crystal Snake, who had been identified as female and named Nyx in the hour and a half between retrieving the artifact and making it back to the capital, was still comfortably draped across Keith's shoulders when they entered the main hall to present the idol to the Archsage.
Allura was more than a little surprised to see the snake, but her reaction paled in comparison to the Vurians around them. Astonished whispers echoed through the open stone hall, soft reptilian hissing mixing with the soft rustle of their plant-like scales as they all seemed to be saying more or less the same thing.
The Archsage descended from the dais at the far end of the hall, approaching the paladins carefully. "Paladin, do you know what that creature is?" he asked, a reverence in his voice as he watched Nyx butt Keith's neck with the top of her head for pats.
He indulged her as he answered. "We believe that this is a Crystal Snake. We found her in the caves. I did approach her first, but didn't touch her until she climbed me." He glanced over at the snake with a fond smile. "She hasn't moved since."
"You are correct, that is a Crystal Snake. To find one in the wild... You have done us a great favor in retrieving our ancestral artifact, for which you have earned our gratitude and trust. But it appears that our home itself has chosen you as friends." He turned to face Allura and the rest of the hall. "Princess Allura, we asked that the paladins save one of our oldest artifacts from decay as a show of cooperation and trust. Befriending one of our most beautiful and precious creatures rises above that. We agree to join your Coalition and ask that you remain as our guests until terms can be fully decided."
"Thank you, Archsage. We would be happy to stay for as long as is needed."
The Archsage returned to the dais, discussing details of their stay with Allura. A silent signal was given to staff to show the paladins to the dignitaries' guest house, and Lance leaned in as he walked beside Keith.
"Looks like we're going to have to share our room with a snake now."
"That a problem?"
"Nah, she's too pretty." He redirected his attention to her. "And, Nyx, I'm sorry I freaked out at you at first."
Nyx raised her head, looking exactly like she was contemplating what Lance had said, before stretching in his direction. He and Keith shared a startled laugh, and he reached out, giving her the pats she'd so quickly discovered she liked, nudging her head into his hand as if to say "you're forgiven".
Allura and the paladins ended up staying an entire week. By the end, a full agreement had been reached with the Archsage of Vuria, and when they left, it was with a new ally and member of the Coalition as well as a data stick full with every possible shred of information the Vurians had on Crystal Snakes.
Nyx became something of a mascot for Team Voltron, and Pidge reprogrammed the door sensors to allow her almost total free reign of the castle. She was found mostly in the common areas, coiled on a warm surface, or burrowed under the blankets on Lance and Keith's bed. She did have to have it explained to her that the mice were not a viable food source, and she understood after investigating them thoroughly. Later, after Keith returned from the Quantum Abyss with Kosmo - she was not happy about being separated from her bonded companion - she made friends with the cosmic wolf as well, the two of them curling up together wherever they wanted.
Nyx hated the dry heat of Texas from the moment they landed at the Garrison, but when she was brought to warm, humid Cuba? Well, it was a good thing Lance and Keith had decided to settle there anyway.
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tellmelater · 3 years
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jurian and vassa request for @darlingnaiads 💕
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helion-ism · 3 years
boe be like
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gwyns · 3 years
i am tired of these ship wars so i have instead decided to spread the jurian and vassa agenda full time. starting with asking you all to picture this exchange:
jurian and vassa are pushed up against a wall and at each other's throats as they like to be when vassa asks, a playful tone to her voice, "you were bound to jewelry for 500 years, yes? are you sure you're still up for the task?"
jurian pulls back, the cockiest grin on his face, "believe me, majesty," he accentuates this by pressing a feather light kiss to her jaw, causing her to shiver, "that particular part of my body is still very much in working order."
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ladyelain · 3 years
When Jurian was like ...
« It only goes to her head, when you call her that [majesty]. »
... we all knew he was speaking from experience, right? :)) I think we also can imagine situations he likes to call her ✨majesty✨ ...
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yazthebookish · 3 years
Jurian is interesting for being more than a friend there.
The good thing about Vassa and Jurian is that I don't see either of them having to give up or suddenly become interested in saving humans out of love for each other.
Vassa has a realm to which she will return and rule, and I doubt she has any ties beyond a political alliance with the Ferricos.
I'm talking about a connection that makes it very close to the ferric world.
Lucien will provide the friendship of the Ferrico world between Vassa and Jurian and with the Humans.
maybe in the future Humans and Ferricos will unite, but there's a lot to do to happen.
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Vassa and Jurian's dynamic is perfect. A Queen and a General that comes off as a King. Both care about the future of the human territories. Both are the two sides of the same coin.
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kuno-chan · 3 years
The Entire ACOTAR Fandom Trying To Figure Out The Endgame of the Gwyn x Azriel x Elain x Lucien x Vassa x Jurian hexagram:
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helion-ism · 3 years
what are jurian and vassa so sexy for in acosf
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gojosatorurailmepls · 3 years
Vucien endgame
i don’t know what you’re smoking to have that blinded faith in that crackship... but sure if that makes you happy.
I don’t agree with this ship. I honestly think Vassa has more banter with Jurian.
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gwyns · 3 years
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“Your Majesty.”
Jurian said, "It only goes to her head when you call her that.”
Vassa said to Jurian, “I am a queen, you know.”
Jurian crossed an ankle over a knee, his muddy boots dull in the firelight. “Last I heard, your kingdom was no longer yours. Are you still a queen?”
A Court of Silver Flames (2021), Sarah J. Maas
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elucien22904 · 3 years
band of exiles hc’s (bc i love them):
•elain n jurian bond over having a thing for redheads
•vassa was extremely excited for elain to start meeting with them on their journey to koshwhatever, because she was so sick n tired of the boys she needed another female around
•elain n vassa quickly become lucien n jurians worst nightmare. the girls tease the boys RELENTLESSLY and are ofc alway right when it comes to decision making
•during the daytime, vassa likes to perch on elains shoulder and elain speaks to her as if she’s still human
•vassa (in bird form) also loves to squawk in jurians ear and pecks at him when he points at other male birds and goes: “oh he’s very handsome vassa, just your type ask him to dinner”, “vassa look at that hawks wingspan! go introduce yourself!”, “ooooo that blue jay is staring at you, maybe he’s just shy”
•lucien is the mom of the group. yes he is.
•boe v the court of dreamers:
lucien: they call themselves the what?
elain *cant contain her laughter*: the court of dreamers
vassa: dreamers??? on purpose??
jurian: and feyre really made fun of our name.....
lucien: i tried to tell her but she just doesn’t comprehend that our party planning committee is superior to hers
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daybrights · 3 years
I want to make fun of vucien, but I too ship Lucien with everyone but Elain.
Sorry, but I want my boy to have taste 🥴💁‍♀️
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Vucien as a crackship really isn’t bad. Even as an actual ship I understand the appeal because the aesthetic is good, I just don’t see it happening nor do I see them being romantically involved in any sort of way (plus I’m a Vurian (is that the VassaxJurian ship name?) shipper).
EXACTLY. like I think some of their shippers are batshit crazy but for lucien ships, well I really don’t like elain and rn eluciens not doing so great so when there was that one comment that could be interpreted as romantic foreshadowing I was like ok could be cute i’m down. but the people who go to the fucking moon and back to find “evidence” that they’re endgame. like my god no.
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yazthebookish · 3 years
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Vassa and Jurian have a similar dynamic to Nesta and Cassian in a way? Lol
You know when she says that it means there is more than banter to this. One thing I noted is Jurian hiding his reaction to the mention of Vassa returning to Koschei. "Unreadable face" is him hiding his emotions, why would he need to hide his emotions though?
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taleweavernlm1026 · 5 years
Vraex and Alestra Prompt Fill 01
(Prompts will be at the end of the short story to prevent spoilers, enjoy!)
 Alestra entered the community mess hall and surveyed it with blurry eyes. She was not the only one, from what she could tell a group of half awake, half asleep persons were cloistered near the middle of the large dining area and it seemed she was expected to join them if her sudden escort was anything to go by.
“So, we’re herding people now?” She cracked as she was led to the group of people. It was a rather poor attempt even to her, but it was the best she could do.
Alestra found herself shuffled to the front of the group, until she was in clear view of the source of everyone’s groggy faces. There before here stood five drink dispensers, very specific drink dispensers, every one of them had their fronts removed and their innards pulled out and pooling around a very familiar blue alien.
As she stepped forward a pair of mismatched eyes lifted to meet her own, one a lovely brown, the other black with bright green optical sensors, “how’s it coming?”
Vraex scowled from her nest of wires and circuit boards, “I don’t know who decided to fuck with it but when I find ‘em they’re going to be a new ornament on Vinvion.”
Alestra and the groups surrounding her winced collectively.
“all right,” Alestra sighed, turning to the group behind her, “this thing ain’t going to be fixed anytime soon and I know at least half of you have jobs to do. We’ll let everyone know when the coffee dispensers are back online, now shoo.”
Slowly the mass of people dispersed at their captain’s orders as Alestra moved closer to the nest, “so, how did someone manage to knock out not only the dispensers here but even the personal ones, and how did they manage to remove only the coffee options?”
Vraex snorted, digging out a cigarette from her pocket, “I wish I knew, it’s a mix of screwin’ with the programs and the equipment. The fact these are broken didn’t affect the personal despisers, a virus did.” She took a moment to enjoy a nice long drag, “sorry ‘bout the shitty mornin’, darlin’. I’ll get her working soon as I can.”
Alestra nodded, stooping down to plant a kiss on Vraex’s nose, “just don’t exhaust yourself, we can go a few days without coffee.”
“hah! That’s what you think, half my pilots run on this shit and the other half are horrid monsters we call mourning people.” She waved Alestra away with a fond smile, “get going, they’ll be missing you on the bridge if you don’t rush through some breakfast and get your fine ass in a lift.”
Alestra laughed and walked away with a wave and Vraex resumed her cursing whoever had done this.
That swearing continued hours later as the two of them readied for bed in their shared quarters. She cursed everything from the saboteur to the Imperium engineers in more languages than Alestra could count. As they final settled together in their bed, Alestra on her back and Vraex comfortably draped over her chest with her head nestled between Alestra’s breasts, prosthetic left arm carefully wrapped to prevent injury or damage in the night and Alestra’s arms holding her close as she ran her hands through Vraex’s black hair.
“You’ll find the answer love, I know you will, you always do.” She kissed the top of her head. “Now sleep, you’ve been awake longer than me.”
A few hours later, what one would call the middle of the night if they had been on a planet, Alestra woke just as Vraex cleared the bed. She heard her footsteps rush over to something that reviled itself to be her tablet as the faint blue light lit up Vraex’s face casting harsh shadows. Alestra watched her fingers fly over the screen a moment with a small fond smile before she shifted their blankets so Vraex’s place was left open for when she returned and she allowed herself to drift off back to sleep, eyes never leaving he wife’s face as they drooped closed.
Two days later, despite the late-night idea attacks Vraex suffered, the problem hadn’t been fixed and while no one had fallen asleep on their consuls or fallen over in the halls everyone was more tense than usual. It wasn’t that her crew was addicted to the caffeine, they may be rebels, but they weren’t that lacking in order, it was more the loss of the routine. Some had managed to switch over to hot teas or other hot beverages while others staunchly awaited the announcement that the coffee was back, but the ship worked on routines and the sudden removal of one large part of their personal routines took time to adjust too.
The result, cranky crew and Alestra the baby sitter.
Vraex wasn’t having a much better time, she hadn’t been joking when she said half her pilots lived on coffee though it wasn’t all just for the caffeine boost. For some, like the near shaking Vurian before her, used it like she used physical training, stress relief. It didn’t matter that they were only running drills, it was common knowledge that the reason one enjoyed games and visual entertainment was because the brain could not differentiate between watching and doing, the result was stress without the threat of true death.
“You’re dismissed for the day Ganori, don’t argue with me.” The felinoid’s teeth clicked together as they snapped their mouth shut. “We can continue this tomorrow, get outta here.”
Vraex didn’t watch them leave, she turned to the rest of her gathered pilots instead, “Alright you lot, let’s-“ suddenly something clicked, a piece finally sliding into place in the problem she had kept in the back of her mind and she threw her earpiece at one of her lead pilots, “-run drills nine three six six through eight four two nine.”
They required no other information as she sprinted from the room, she needed a main terminal and she needed it right now.
Vraex’s report that the coffee had been returned to the ship came in the form of her carrying a tray full of mugs to the bridge. The moment she stepped out of the lift she was pinned by the stares of the bridge crew. She smirked her smirk that was really a smile and approached the captain first, no one tried to stop her.
Alestra eyed the tray of cups then Vraex’s face, “I take it you had a breakthrough.”
“Sort of, personal dispensers still ain’t working but the public ones are up and running.” Vraex reported, raising the tray a little “I think you should take a mug, before they mutiny.”
Alestra snorted but did as bid, taking one of the mugs and take a long swig though she grimaced, “ugh, this tastes like sludge.”
Vraex, who’d started around the bridge, laughed, “yeah, but it’s caffeinated sludge.”
With peace restored to the ship, at least for now, Vraex returned to her and Alestra’s quarters and approached their personal food and drink dispenser. Guiltless she punched in the code for her own personal coffee mix and watched it appear before taking it and her tablet to their couch to continue debugging everyone else’s dispensers.
It wasn’t her fault that her Captain had forgotten their rooms were on a different system and thus, unaffected by the virus.
If she was good tonight, she might just tell her.
Prompt – “Ugh, this tastes like sludge.” “Yes, but its caffeinated sludge.”
The source of this is dialogue from one of my most favorite fan fictions and fan fiction authors who is now happily a published author. If you are interested in any amazing Final Fantasy Vallenwind fan fiction, Lord of the Rings Glorfindel and Erestor fan fiction or Metalocalypse (I am not a fan of this show but she has made me like her portrayals of the characters in her crossovers between it and the Final Fantasy FF) Fan Fiction then please go to her website here – http://www.winter-wood.net/ex-libris/
Or her Deviant art under the name The Magic Rat, you can’t miss her, she’s the rat with the wizard hat, cigar, and mug of mulled cider with all the chicken pics.
All her work expands these universes in amazing ways, from the Wild Elves in her Lord of the Rings fics to a new look at what the being Chaos is and why it was placed inside Vincent, that I have re-read so many times. If it turns out your as much of a fan as I am, feel free to message me for the name of the book she wrote, she needs the support and it is SO worth it.
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