crownwriter · 2 years
Mr. Death
Dressed in a black cloak,
waving a silver sickle.
Moving across the land,
to destroy the growing crops
The farmers bolt their doors,
push their cattle in
and lock their crops
'we cannot suffer another loss'
Waving and weaving,
moving and uprooting.
Mr. Death cares not who he affects,
As long as he gets his debt
The crops sing a dirge,
Weeping as another is lost
The farmers scream in agony,
A source of sustenance is gone
The rain and trees mourn,
Weeping bitterly.
Their tears create a stream
That carries away the grief
Mr. Death leaves behind a trail
Of black destruction.
He grabs with him who he pleases
Regardless of the pleading
The village is left in disarray,
The farmers scream and shout,
The cattle groan and
The crops wither without hope.
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crownwriter · 2 years
The thoughts of time
Through the fire,
Through the storms.
You were always there,
Before i could say 'fear'
We were young, naive.
Thinking the world was ours,
And i was stupid to think
That i could do this as long as you were here.
You were a knight,
And i was the royal.
My dreams were always sound,
Knowing you were there by my side
I used to think you were a spell.
A single look would make my worries fade,
A smile would infiltrate my face,
As we raced through the maze
I wonder...
Why the wheels of the carriage run so slow?
I wonder...
Would time be faster of you were here?
The clang of noise keeps me awake.
Knowing you're not here beside me,
Knowing i can't see the armour
That promised to keep me safe
We thought we had forever.
Turns out forever is a short time.
We were foolish to think
That time would stop for us
We thought the world was ours.
What a naive, simple thought.
We thought we had all the time,
But time thought otherwise
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crownwriter · 2 years
Free yet trapped
Enclosed yet free to roam
Deceived and blind to the truth,
Controlled by the wicked
Carrying fatal wound
In a way that no one would know
I'm not in pain,
you have no reason to pity me
Longing to be seen,
yet I hide my ruins.
I want to escape their watchful eyes,
And the bitter judgment far off
But what is the cost?
Why should I run,
Are they not human like me?
No monsters hiding behind my shadow.
Retreating once again to my burrow
Like a scared brown rabbit.
Running from a predator,
a wolf in sheep's clothing
My heart burns,
and the fear runs through my veins,
as my blood heats and gathers
and i grow numb
The predator mocks and whispers,
but his words fall on closed ears.
What does it take to ignore?
And i emerge as a braver bunny
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crownwriter · 2 years
Listening to 'Doughnut' and 'Perfect world' right after each other makes me awe at how Twice can go from an utter feeling of pure love and warmth to telling someone to get out from their lives, and saying you're not needed anymore. 'Don't make me hate you more.'
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crownwriter · 2 years
Hi, could you write a poem on slowly losing your temper
Hi! Thanks for the ask. School's resuming tomorrow, so i won't have a lot of time on my hands, but i promise to work on it. I already have a few ideas in mind.
Thank you!!
A little red seed.
If watered, will turn into a tree
Those stems deeply rooted
in the darkest part of me
I pay no mind to the seed,
No water will let it grow.
I feel no effects
As the roots dig deeper
Slowly, the tree begins to sprout
As my thread starts to thin.
I had no clue
That the tree had no need for water
The only nutrient it needs
Is the annoyance all around.
Those little demons
Disguised as cute kids
Biting back the urge to scream
As the stems begin to squeeze my heart
The seed announces it's presence
Now that it's grown even further
I begin to lose my control.
Shouting as I struggle in pain
Taking out my suffering
On the semi-innocents
Why didn't i pay attention?
I could have stopped it,
Before it bloomed into
An anger tree.
Here it is!! I'm sorry it took so long, hope you like it!
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crownwriter · 2 years
Pain doll
Time after time
Over and over
Finally worn out
Nothing left over
Outlet for frustration
Speak, she has no emotion
Vent out your frustration
Speak, her tears will bring a solution
Remember your pain
And pass it on to her
Forget all comfort
For she requires none
Blame it on her
She will take it and not fight back
Pour it out on her
She will give you a smile
Fix yourself and ruin her
The workers will make you another
Break her once again
The makers will gladly make
Make all excuses
And tell them to her
She will offer a hug and smile
Though she is breaking inside
She has no emotions
Remember that
Her only feelings
Are the ones you give to her
She grows up bitter
And the workers turn on her
She feels her own emotions
And they call her a broken doll
She gets up and leaves
Wondering where she belongs
She meets her crew
Whose hearts are broken in two
She feels she belongs
But all joy passes her by
She is betrayed and back stabbed
By the people she thought she knew
Weak and embittered
She gets up once again
In search of solitude
She wants just rest
She walks through the lands
Battered and bruised
she smiles one last time
Before her heart slowly dies
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crownwriter · 2 years
Lovers suicide
As the time drew near
They looked in each other's eyes
As the took the fall
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crownwriter · 2 years
Always lifts my mood
With continuous cuddles
A cute remedy
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crownwriter · 2 years
Slightly above ground
Wasteland for pained emotions
As i sink deeper
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crownwriter · 2 years
Empty words for an empty shell
Nothing left but the lies you told
Breaking the broken vessel
Forbidden words spew out
Liar! Your words were all but true
Deceiver! Making me trust you
Killer! Burden me till i can't move
Destroyer! My worth is gone by your hand
I can't believe!
You can't be the one who made me smile
Who made me believe it was alright
The one who lifted all my pain
Why did I ever bother?
It's always the same
Everyone lies and leaves
Taking the part of me with them
I contemplate this
Am i right to stay
When i'm nothing but prey
At the hands of a beast
The world turns dark
Afraid to leave the four corners
The enclosed wall becomes a friend
My only sanctuary
Slowly slipping away
Barely making out words
Of course i was your favourite
Your favourite to hate
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crownwriter · 2 years
Hellblaze flame
Frostbite winter
As hot as the soul
As cold as the heart
Never thinking, never feeling
A bitter pit for life
Tripping and falling
In an endless haze
Burnt and frozen
Like your heart and soul
Actions for you and only you
Step on the pawns like the king you think you are
Listen more
The cries are evident
Tear stained floors
Aren't a mere rainfall
Speak less
The world isn't yours
7 billion others own it as well
Realise it
Break out of your shell
And see the life around
Wake up from the slumber
That shields your eyes
Everything changes
That's not the case with you
Thinking it's all about you
A bitter Narcissist
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crownwriter · 2 years
My life, my dreams
They said i was wrong
That i should not even try
I will prove them wrong
Shut them up with my talent
I know i was made for this
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crownwriter · 3 years
(disclaimer! This talks about something that might make you uncomfortable so you don't have to read it)
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It all started with scary looks
Couldn't cross the halls
Without them slamming down my books
Didn't have the gall
To report because what's the use
But what they do now is soo much worse than slamming my books
It escalated soo quickly
Maybe if I told my parents it wouldn't be
Like this
I wouldn't be
This deep in shit
But it's much too late now
I can't go a day without being threatened to be drowned
Just a few more days till my body is found
Swept on the shore of a lake with no one around
We're all in an institution
The rules are meant to protect me
But I swear the rules are useless
Or maybe they just exempt me
See me as a nuisance
Cause I reported finally
Couldn't take it anymore
Wanted to go home to my family
Watch movies with my mom and make smores
You see I'm still a kid
A few years over a decade
So I'm quite easy to get rid - of
My body won't be found in the wreckage
At least that's what they tell me
When I threaten reporting
They say they'll show me what hell is
But isn't honesty rewarding?
So I do it
Thinking It'll release my burdens
But again it's useless
All it does is bring soo much hurting
Because when they find out
I'm punished to death
My roommates hear my screams and shouts
But there's not a word said
In my defence
Days, months pass
I go home, I came back
Broken, utterly broken
Hopeless, utterly hopeless
An empty vessel
A punching bag
Then I'd at least try to wrestle
But what's the point of fighting back
Boarding or prison
Which is it
Their hoarding different reasons
To believe it
That's I'm safe, but I've never been more in danger
What can I say, it's the depressing life of a teenager
How long does it last
That I remain a punching bag
Failing in class
But does it matter if I'm being beaten like a rag
At some point I let them hurt me
They still laughed when I bled
To them it was funny
At least, until I was dead
NOTE! PLS THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: This poem is written in memory of a child named Silvester. He is a victim of bullying and attended a school named Dowen. He was said to be subdued to join a cult by cult members in his school and when he disagreed, was forced to drink a chemical that killed him. These monsters that did this to him are yet to pay for their actions for the school is a private school in lekki and they mostlikely come from very wealthy families. This case was brought to my attention to me by my parents who asked if I have had any similar case of bullying or cultism in my school and fortunately for me I haven't. Sylvester was only a child and would be 12 years old today, he deserved soo much more better than the pain he endured till his death and I wish to spread awareness on it.
I'm yet to have any petition links but will try to find some and I really hope he will get justice and that no other person would have you go through this again.
Have you ever had a case of bullying? Whatever type, tell me about it
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crownwriter · 3 years
Spread the word
tw: bullying, death, elitism, torture.
do not proceed if such topics disturb you, it is merely for awareness. if you do read this, I hope you reblog it to create more awareness on it.
so this morning, my dad asked my siblings and I if we had been asked to join cults in our school. obviously, I said no because that has never happened before.
I asked him why he asked and he tells me that a kid died a few days ago. I'm like what? why? and he says that he was asked to join a cult but refused and was beaten, kicked and was forced to drink an unknown liquid (probably acid or a chemical) and died a few days after.
his school, Dowen College is based in Lekki which is a school where the rich can afford. the boy, whose name was Sylvester was a boarder there and had complained about being bullied a lot but his parents didn't pull him out of there. he was 11, he would have turned 12 today. his parents didn't pull him out because his older siblings had passed through the school as well.
it was reported that he was in his dorm or hostel or whatever you know it as and these animals (that's what I'll regard them as because they are not human beings) came and asked him. when he refused, he was beaten.
his school, tried to cover it up by saying he fell while playing football however the internal injuries he had proved otherwise. as of now, the school has been shut down by the Lagos State government but I hope this isn't another case that just goes under the rug.
I'm greatful to be in a school that doesn't beat its students as much as it used to but what about the others. what about the young boy in kaduna who got beaten by his teacher for not doing his homework till he eventually died? these are children, we are children.
I hope that this boy gets the justice he deserves because up until his death he has experienced nothing but pain.
I'll let everyone know if there are petitions that can be signed but for now; happy birthday Sylvester, you were a gem to your family
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crownwriter · 3 years
Incoherent words
Volume slowly decreasing
I strain to hear you
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crownwriter · 3 years
Is this what life is?
A mix of happy and pain
Why is life like this?
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crownwriter · 3 years
you served me trauma for breakfast lies for dinner I was eating your crap and still getting thinner
- MB
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