#quarantine musings
fagtainsparklez · 8 months
how long has this man had a vasectomy....
like WHAT
uhhh around 5 years now?? maybe 4?? somewhere along that line
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kanonsarchivedblog · 2 years
The Top Gun brain rot really do be taking over huh.
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the hardest thing to decide rn is where to donate to bc I want to donate to all of them. I wish I wasn’t so poor I REALLY wish I could do a little bit to all of them.
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adanseydivorce · 8 months
it’s funny to me that tvdu gets around addressing covid by legacies being far enough in the future and tsc gets around it because the timeline just goes to like 2015 for twp…
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ramorazinn · 8 months
I mean, we all make judgments instinctively/subconsciously, but I really envy people who go around criticizing/discoursing about other people’s meat sacks and what genes the sacks are made of and what people do with or to their sacks and where they put their sacks and what they put their sacks in and what they put in their sacks.
This is partially because I assume they spend a lot on their own sack-accessorizing and lord knows I could buy a house for the amount of money some people put in their closets and such, but mostly because, god, they must have SO MUCH FREE TIME.
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dxrknessembr8ced · 9 months
Hours Later...
The journey with the sorcerologist almost there to her destination in meeting with the jiangshi whose responsible in the outbreak but unfortunately things have turned from bad to absolute worse for she got into a bit of a pickle as she's taken by the black bashe the chinese branch of the now reformed shadaloo into the quarantine that is near Metro city to see if they were infected but of course as expected things have gone wrong for the quarantine zone is overrun with the undead but something was off about these undead creatures. The undead have gone over a dramatic mutation over the months and new breed of bio organic weapons all the more wild and deadly as if the seraphim aren't bad enough these bio weapons now work together with the undead from the vurdalak, strigoi, nuckelavee, beta parasites, seraphim, devil monkey and so much more. This is VERY problematic for the woman for not only it's three against an onslaught of monstrosities but one of them Felicia is still severely injured from her jaw being ripped and crushed from her fight with a machine but despite this transgression Felicia still has a lot of fight left in her.
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Tessa gulped as she begins to slit her wrists using her blood to perform a ritual to take them far away from here and into another safe zone in metro city while Bishamon and the catwoman are doing everything with all their strength to fight off the horde of these monstrosity born out of Hsien-Ko's mistakes as Bishamon protecting both the woman as well as Felicia providing support with the same support received back from Felicia slashing and kicking a few of the undead out of the way.
" So many enemies, so much to feed my blade!! "
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" Hhhhrrrg!!! "
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Tessa hurries with the spell as fast as she can, for the pentagram on the floor began glowing. It's working so far.
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While shes working on creating a spell to get them out of her, while the two darkstalkers fight and maim the rest of the horde both the Vurdalak and the now much larger and far more aggressive uber licker spring into the action leaping into the air right straight towards the Sorcerologist where both of them least expected. Ready to kill and tear apart the woman at her mo-
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...nevermind, Tessa used a powerful spell disintegrating two of her attacks right from behind while she continues to work on the almost complete ritual to escape.
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The sorcerologist take a quick glance at the pentagram and widened her eyes smiling in relief, the ritual has worked and now she call for her unlikely allies to get on the seal on as time is running out.
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The two immediately rushed over towards the woman, standing besides her on the seal as she unleashed another powerful destructive spell to blast the monstrosities away before the three finally disappeared out of the area through a teleportation spell leaving behind everyone dying at the hands of of the infected. This is far from over as their journey to metro city and what she has seen so far is about to take a new dark turn for, again, the worst. Today was not Tessa's lucky day.
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ddejavvu · 8 months
remus x animagus!reader where he doesn’t know it’s her yet, and there’s just always this random cat (or other animal) following him around the castle, and cuddling up to him in the hospital wing after full moons
"You shouldn't be in here."
Remus's stern words hardly deter you, especially because by now he's got the strength to push you off of the bed, but he doesn't. Instead he watches warily, neck craned and rolled into miniscule lines of chub that you'd kiss if you were in your human form, as your paws trace a path up towards his head.
"You're some sort of creature," Remus decides, speaking aloud in the deserted hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey only has one other patient now, but they've been quarantined in a separate room due to the infectious nature of their illness. It means that Remus can speak at will, and you're happy to plant yourself over his chest to feel it vibrate at the sound. You're more accustomed to doing so with your human ears, but it's nicer to hear your boyfriend's voice with cat senses.
"You're too smart to be a regular cat," He lifts a shaky hand up to your head, offering you a chance to inspect him as though you haven't already splayed yourself over his chest, "But the castle doesn't allow many magical pets. Which means you're not supposed to be in here at all. Definitely not in the Hospital Wing."
You offer him a soft, plaintive meow, purring when he strokes his knuckles over the space between your ears.
"Maybe you're an omen," He muses suddenly, eyes narrowing, "No one else ever sees you. Are you warning me of some cruel fate?"
You blink at him, slowly, and he decides, "You're not very threatening for an omen."
Remus has professed the exact same observation about your attempts to be threatening in human form as well. Somehow, the tightening of your brows and the downturn of your lips aren't enough to petrify Remus, though it works rather nicely on errant second-years who find themselves confident enough in the castle to misbehave, but too terrified to face the consequences.
You draw back your shoulders and let your fangs glint in the low lights of the hospital wing, mouth open to hiss warningly at Remus.
Your cruel fate is a good night's sleep, you grouse at him, lamenting the fact that he'll never hear the words, you'd rest more if you weren't always dishing out inexhaustible wit.
"Oh, very scary," He chuckles, poking teasingly at your left pointed fang, "I'm not afraid of you, cat, you couldn't hurt me more than I've already hurt myself."
And it's true.
His limbs, long and lanky, bear the scratch marks of his own claws, gnarled nails that lie in wait under the surface to be beckoned by the moon's silvery siren song. There's a tear on his cheek, skin split and blood carefully wiped clean, where he'd fought with himself, with the will of the universe, and tried clinging to his human skin. He's nursing a rolled ankle from thrashing about during his transformation, and a patch of his hair is still reddened with copper no matter how many times Madame Pomfrey had washed it with a wet washcloth. He's barely a boy anymore, more like a string of injuries hanging together with sutures and dittany.
In hopes that companionship works just as well as Pomfrey's healing remedies, you wriggle closer still to his face, draping yourself over his neck and laying your face against his own. It's an awkward position for him, probably more pressure than he's used to on his windpipe, but you keep your weight off of him as much as possible, and purr like the motor of Sirius's bike against his ear.
He's hesitant to accept it at first, which you knew he would be. He needs to be sought out, he needs someone to hold out their hand for five seconds before he decides to take it or not. You wait, one, two, three, four, five, and he exhales, the air hitting your fur.
"Don't be here when they check on me," He murmurs, hand back at his side as your tail curls around his opposite ear, "Thanks, cat."
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mooshroomgirlfriend · 2 years
i have covid and have to miss at least my entire second week of school 🧍
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forever-rogue · 1 year
thank u for feeding my joel brainrot
may i request something a bit angsty where reader gets injured but still lives through it although seeing reader injured and joel having to carry her brought him flashbacks to sarah
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AN | Pain! We have some pain - but also a whole lot of fluff! Enjoy ❤️
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“We need to get back,” his gruff voice cut through the fleeting moment of happiness. You knew he was right, and he knew that you knew he was right. You bent down and plucked one of the few blooms that had actually managed to blossom in the barren field. It was a pretty, small thing, purplish blue with soft petals. 
You turned around to face Joel again and held the flower out to him, a gentle expression on your face compared to the hard look on his face. After a few beats of silence passed before he took it from your hands, twirling it between his fingers, “Joel-”
“It’s going to be dark soon,” he cut you off, bringing a pout to your face but you nodded in understanding. He studied the expression on your face before sighing heavily, his shoulders sagging with what felt like the weight of the world, “it’s not safe out here. I’d let you stay out here as long as you wanted if -”
“Things were different,” you finished for him and he caught your eye before offering a curt nod. It was a risk being out of the Quarantine Zone in general, and you weren’t lost on the fact that Joel put a lot on the line in order to get out, even if it was just for a few hours. Before you could say anything else, he tenderly tucked the flower behind your ear, his hand going to your jaw as he studied you. Wordlessly he leaned in and pressed his lips to your cheek, a mere ghost of a kiss. 
“Come on,” it took a moment to shake off the stupor his sweet gesture had thrown you in. It wasn’t that Joel wasn’t kind or loving, he was just…rough around the edges. You couldn’t blame him; you couldn’t blame anyone these days. He’d lost so much more than you had, and had experienced a full life before the outbreak. You were a fair bit younger, hadn’t had the full chance at life yet, and it had been easier for you to adapt. Which felt weird at best to say. He showed his affections differently, but you welcomed them how they came.
He turned around and set off back towards the QZ, leaving behind only the crunching of gravel under his boot. You made quick work of grabbing a few more flowers and gently stuffing them into your backpack before turning to follow him, “Joel?”
He made a sound of acknowledgment but didn’t turn around, expecting you to catch up with him. When he noticed that you weren’t right there, he turned around, hands on his hips accompanied by a heavy sigh, “you better hurry up or I’ll leave you here on your own!”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you flung the backpack over your shoulder before running to catch up to him. You were laughing now and you could see the tiniest of smiles on his face. It was a rare occurrence and you tried to make it come out as possible; he had the loveliest smile, even if he didn’t agree. When you finally caught up to him, you stopped and almost skidded onto the ground, breathless but happy, “you love me too much for that.”
“Whatever you say kid,” you knew him well enough by now to know that tender affection laced his words, “c’mon. It’s probably going to rain on top of it.”
“I like the rain,” you mused as you fell into step with him. He didn’t say anything, but you knew that he was listening intently, “when I was a kid…we had this huge pond right near our house. Whenever it rained all the frogs would come out, and they’d be so loud, especially the bullfrogs. It was like they were singing, in their own froggy way. I used to go out there and sit and listen to them. My mom would always have to drag me inside and insisted I would get a cold from being out in the rain, even though she knew that wasn’t how it worked. I miss that…I miss being able to just do things and not have to worry about anything.”
Joel was silent, but you knew he’d listened to every word you said. Sometimes he wasn’t a man of many words. But you felt him reach for your hand, taking it in his and threading your fingers together. He let out a world-weary, tired sigh, “me too.”
It was silent for a lot of the walk back, but it was a comfortable silence, a lot of understanding flowing between the two of you. It wasn’t until you reached the hill you’d have to climb down to get back that you worried about anything. Climbing up had been one thing, easy, even if it left you breathless. Getting back down seemed like an entirely different challenge. 
“You alright?” he noticed your hesitation as you swallowed thickly, but only nodded, “follow after me.”
You watched as Joel tossed his backpack down, before slowly traversing through the uneven ground to get back down. In reality, it wasn’t that huge of a drop, but it still made you nervous. Once he was safely back on the level ground, he waved for you to go. You tossed the backpack down, letting it land next to him. You grabbed onto a thin tree trunk, trying to stabilize your footing before going down. 
But fate seemed to have another plan. A very painful plan. As soon as you’d let go of the tree, you went to shuffle down but the uneven soil  caused you to slip and start to tumble. It all happened so fast, that it seemed to be over before you knew it and you were on the ground, the air almost knocked from your lungs as you landed on your side. 
You knew something was wrong almost immediately as you felt pain shooting up your leg and saw the odd angle it was bent at. A shaky breath escaped your lips, tears already welling up, an involuntary reaction to the pain your body was experiencing. 
You whimpered as you tried to move your leg, but Joel was already at your side, hands on your biceps as he helped you to sit up. A look of sheer panic was written all over his face, “oh baby. What happened? What…fuck. Fuck.”
“It hurts,” you cried trying to move so you could inspect the damage. There was a nasty, gnarly looking gash running down your left leg from knee to ankle. Your ankle was already swelling and bruising, and you knew that something was wrong. Your breathing was ragged and you knew that all you needed to do was calm down and everything would be alright, “‘m scared.”
“I know, baby. But it’s okay. I’ve got you, okay? Don’t look at your leg,” he cradled your face in his hands as he turned your face up to his, “just look at me. Look at me, okay?”
“Okay,” big, fat crocodile tears ran down your cheeks and you saw him close his eyes for a moment, trying to collect himself. You could tell he was nervous, and trying to keep it together; one of you had to be calm and strong right and it had to be him. He brushed your tears away before pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Joel…”
“Eyes on me,” he repeated as you only managed to nod. He reached into his backpack and grabbed out some of the first aid supplies, which he thankfully always brought, before getting out some antiseptic liquid, clean gauze, and some bandages, “this is going to hurt a little bit, okay? Just hold onto my arm, squeeze as tight as you need to.”
Despite his warning, you were not prepared for the pain that the liquid was going to bring out. It was a deep cut, you could tell from the blood and agony, but fuck. It was extremely painful and you gasped wildly as you clutched onto his upper arm tightly, “it hurts. It hurts, Joel. Please.”
“I know,” he whispered softly, his own voice thick with tears. This was one of his worst nightmares - that something would happen to you, and he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it. He’d been through this same situation before and his heart couldn’t handle having to go through it again, especially if something were to happen to you. He quickly wiped away the tears that blurred his vision with the back of his hand. He knew that he’d be all bruised up from where you were holding him, but he didn’t care, “almost done. You’re okay, baby.”
You weren’t able to form any coherent words, only making small sounds of pain as he worked to clean the wound, slapping on some antibiotic spray, and wrapping it up as tightly and securely as possible. The sting and pain slowly started to subside and your breathing slowly started to even out and the next time you looked down, all you could see was white bandaging. You loosened your grip on his arm, still shaky and worried, “i-is it going to be okay?”
“It’ll be okay for now,” he promised, tenderly brushing your rogue locks of hair out of your face, “and it will be okay. I think you’re going to need stitches, but that can be easily done when we get back.”
“Thank you,” before you could think about it, you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, trembling in his grasp. He held onto you just as tightly, closing his eyes and trying to focus on his breathing, “thank you.”
He held you for a few minutes longer before reluctantly pulling back and standing up. Joel held out his hands towards you, and slowly helped you to your feet - foot - catching you as you stumbled slightly. His frown deepened when he saw you struggling to put any weight on it, “can you walk?”
“No,” you sniffled and the memory of his daughter in the same situation flashed in his mind. This time though, he swore it to himself and to the universe, there would be a different outcome, “‘s bad. It hurts. You have to leave me. Go back and I-I can wait a bit until it gets better.”
“No,” he insisted firmly, leaving absolutely no room for discussion, “I am not leaving you out here on your own. Are you crazy?”
“Joel, I can’t walk!” you tried to keep yourself from panicking, trying not to imagine every horrible thing that could happen, “you have to leave me.”
“I am not leaving you, and that’s final,” he grabbed both of your backpacks and threw them on. He turned to you with a hard look on your face and you knew in that moment that it wasn’t anger or annoyance - it was fear. He was scared, “I’m going to carry you.”
“It is not up for discussion,” there was no amusement anywhere on his face as he gently scooped you into his arms, cradling you tightly to his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, closing your eyes as you listened to his breathing, the sound of his heart as he started to head back. After a while of silence, both of you on edge for different reasons, he whispered to you, “I’m going to keep you safe. I won’t ever let anything happen to you.”
You weren’t sure if he expected a response or even wanted one, but you couldn’t let his words die in silence, “I love you, too.”
He didn’t need to say the words in order for you to know exactly what he meant. You already knew; everything he’d ever done or said told you so.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You’d fallen asleep at some point, whether from sheer exhaustion or the overwhelming, or a combination of the two, you didn’t know. The last thing you really remembered was coming Joel sneaking back in, extremely careful since he was carrying you. As soon as you’d gotten back to his place, you passed out. But you were home and safe - just like he’d promised.
Your eyes were dry and heavy by the time you opened them up, slowly sitting up as you looked around. It was light outside, but rain was slowly falling outside, gently tapping against the window. You made a small sound as you rubbed at your bleary eyes. You could smell fresh coffee and you knew that Joel was there. 
Before you could even call for him, you felt the bed dip at your side. You smiled softly when you found Joel on his knees at your side, eyes nervous and expectant. You laid back down, burrowing into his pillow and inhaling his familiar scent that clung onto the fabric. You reached over and put your hand on his face, stroking your thumb over his cheek, “my hero.”
He scoffed at that but you grabbed his chin and forced him to look back at you, to look into your eyes. He wrapped his fingers around your wrist before, squeezing delicately, “baby.”
“I mean it Joel,” this time you made sure he knew that you were leaving no room for discussion. He exhaled slowly, closing his eyes before you could feel him nod lightly into your touch, “thank you for saving me.”
“As if that was ever a question,” he pulled your hand away, holding it in his before squeezing gently and pressing a kiss to your knuckles, “you had me scared, kid.”
“I had me scared,” you laughed softly, the sound causing his heart to melt slightly, “I’m sorry, Joel.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” he insisted, wishing he could find all the words to properly convey how he was feeling. It was so many things all at once, and almost overwhelmed him, “your leg is stitched up but the ankle...it’s not broken, but it's a bad sprain. You’re going to have to take it easy for a while.”
“Ugh. That’s not-”
“For me?” he pulled out the one thing he knew you wouldn’t say no to, “please? Baby.”
“Fine,” you sighed dramatically, causing the smallest of smiles to tug up the corner of his mouth, “will you get me my backpack, please?”
“I don’t think you-”
“Joel,” you pulled out your best puppy dog eyes, the very ones you knew he couldn’t say no to. He grumbled under his breath, the sound laced with affection as he went over to the door to fetch your pack. He set it next to you on the bed before nudging you over so he could sit at your side.”
You unzipped it and quickly reached inside for the flowers you’d collected. Luckily, for some reason, they weren’t terribly squished and you were able to pull them out intact. You bundled them together in your hand before holding them out to Joel. 
“What are you doing, huh?”
“They’re for you,” you smiled sweetly, “I picked them for you. Flowers always brighten my day and so do you. Who better to give them to?”
He immediately felt choked up at your kind gesture, slowly taking them from your hand, his fingers brushing over yours. He looked at them before looking back at your eager eyes, a smile, big and genuine, crossing his features. You would do anything to keep that smile on his face. He exhaled softly, taking one of your hands in his and meeting your eyes, “I love you.”
All you could do was match his smile as you tugged on his hand so he would join you on the bed. He gently set the flowers onto the nightstand and climbed in next to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pulled you into him, your back against his chest. You closed your eyes as you snuggled against him, putting a hand over his. In that moment, there was nowhere else you’d rather have been.
“I love you too, Joel.”
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
can you draw an axolotl ina bucket :v
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based on an axolotl from me and my roommates’ server!! he currently lives on the wall of our chest room and his name is kirby :]
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holllandtrash · 1 year
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[all writings below the cut] talk to me here prompt list here -----
(+ means smut)
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red flags | charles leclerc +
last call | max verstappen
chasing fate | lance stroll blindsided | lance stroll
death of me | carlos sainz +
blurbs & drabbles
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the better series (7 parts) | pierre gasly, lando norris (triangle) +
6 to 1 series (12 parts) | lando norris x leclerc!reader + lover x 6 to 1 (sequel based off the lover tracklist)
disapproval | mick schumacher x leclerc!reader part 2 hard truths  part 3 the good guy
fragile line | daniel ricciardo x driver!reader + part 2 haunted part 3 gone part 4 long live
say don't go | charles leclerc x reader part 2 | now that we don't talk
sky's on fire (work in progress) | pierre gasly, charles leclerc (triangle)
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pierre gasly
worlds collide | famous!reader x pierre simp | reader x pierre
charles leclerc
soft (dog) launch | korean influencer!reader x charles  quarantine | reader x charles not good enough | filipina!reader x charles muse | singer/songwriter!reader x charles the people's princess | princess!reader x charles
mick schumacher
in you i trust | reader x mick
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- all social media au's charles leclerc x secret admin  daniel ricciardo x secret admin lando norris x secret admin lewis hamilton x secret admin  lance stroll x secret admin max verstappen x secret admin
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phoneuserhana333 · 9 months
.°˖✧ part 2/3: neighbor!doctor!abby / neighbor!producer!reader headcanons .°˖✧
tags: NSFW!!!, sick!reader, mention of nausea and illness, hand on throat, cliffhanger, ellie appears.
i acc hate how this part turned out :( i hope it’s somewhat enjoyable, barely proofread</3 sorry :((((
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• you successfully forced abby into a temporary truce. sort of. falling sick and losing your voice, motivation and strength left you low on groceries and medication. so you opted to sleep through the nauseating headaches and eat oatmeal for breakfast, lunch and dinner. it was bad bad.
• so bad, in fact, that you sought out abby’s help. sure, she was a seemingly pretentious, stuck up ER nurse with a mean streak and a hatred for anything fun, but she had the medical knowledge you desperately needed to get back on your feet. plus, she definitely had pain relief medication lying around her house.
• this lead to a strange deal to form between abby and you; nurse anderson agreed to get food and medicine and deliver it to you until you got better, in exchange for three weeks of peace and quiet. hesitant, but desperate, you agreed. this was a huge win for abby. all she wanted was you to be quiet, after all.
• on the first day of your deal, you didn’t let abby come inside, claiming that you were quarantining and demanding she leaves the tote bags full of groceries outside. you barely managed to pull them into your home and the heaviness made you break a sweat, causing your fever to worsen. you texted abby that you were feeling worse and she managed to convice you to come over tomorrow after work for a check up.
• the day after, a defeated patient greeted abby at the door, avoiding her questioning gaze. she sighed and entered your home with a smaller bag filled with medicine and her briefcase with equipment that her dad gifted her. abby was a keeping her side of the deal to a t, she was determined to get on your good side, hoping you’d tune your partying and constant noisiness down for good.
• upon entering your home, the blonde was stunned. bookshelves, a grand piano, papers everywhere, even a chess board. you were smarter than she gave you credit for. the woman let you lead her to your bedroom where the air was thicker and the blinds were pulled down, hiding a bed full of tissues and forgotten mugs in the dark. fuck, her condition might be worse than i thought, abby thought to herself as she stared at your messy floral sheets, or she’s lazy, which might be even worse.
• abby checked you with the care of someone who has been in the medical field for decades, taking her time with you. your temperature was high and you were shivering, claiming to be cold while burning up. abby telling you to pull your shirt up wasn’t helping your trembling state either.
“take me on a date first, w-why dontcha?”
“sorry, y/n. i don’t date neighborhood brats.”
• you pout, too tired to argue, jumping when you feel the freezing stethoscope abby placed against your bare back.
“ow, ow, ow- abby what the hell?! s’cold!”
“god, you’re such a crybaby! here-“
• abby pulled away and warmed the metal with her hot breath, rolling her eyes as she did. your pitiful appearance was only surface level, a cruel reminder to abby that you weren’t a doe-eyed, helpless girl next door she got to take care of and feed soup, much to her disappointment. her cute little face is hiding a literal devil, abby muses, listening to your irregular heartbeat.
• what abby wasn’t aware of however, was how often she thought of you as cute. it was always- “that cute brat”, “…kind of endearing if she wasn’t so annoying” or even “a handful”, complaining to manny on the phone with her darkened eyes glued to your ass, watching as you rushed past her home to catch a train. abby was getting lost in thought, her brain full of aforementioned handfulls and soft plump skin and maybe even her landing a rough spank on- fuck. no. that was wrong.
• … right?
• you, on the other hand, were wide eyed and choking on words. abby placed her warm hand on the small of your back, forcing you to straighten up. she was moving the chest piece around, occasionally telling you to breathe deeper, in a voice that your hazy mind registered as surprisingly hot.
• what really made your heartbeat skip, was her thumb rubbing your back, tracing the elastic waistband of your pajama pants and then slipping underneath to explore the hidden skin. was abby aware she was doing this?! why weren’t you saying anything?!
• … why did it feel so good?
• abby pulled your shirt down, packing away her equipment as she started to speak, offering you a final diagnosis (“you’re so dramatic, it’s just a cold”). the blonde was peeking at your shaking form from the corner of her eye, watching you pick up your tissues and mugs, trembling with barely open eyes. it may be just a cold, but you were obviously drained.
“… ugh. lay down, okay? i’ll take these downstairs.”
• abby rolled her eyes and took over cleaning up your cups. she ignored your protests as she walked downstairs to your kitchen to rinse your dirty dishes in the sink and get your dishwasher started. when she looked up, she saw a few photos on the cupboard above the sink, memories of you and your friends.
• on the one in the middle, you were hugging two girls, playfully kissing one on the cheek, caught mid laugh. her gaze softens. you were a good friend. but a horrible neighbor. for a second, abby lets herself get lost in her head, her eyes staring at the polaroids, unblinking.
• the next few days went by quickly with daily visits from abby. you started to get better, taking it easy and trying to cough quietly as to not bother your neighbor. abby was tired; december was coming up and she was unsure of her plans for the holidays. work was becoming more stressful and the ER was full of people- well, more than usual.
• abby stopped visiting as frequently when she noticed you were getting better, instead sending you wave and tell you off for not cleaning snow off your doorway or wearing a jacket she deemed to be too thin.
• until she stopped acknowledging you altogether. abby was purposefully ignoring you and you just couldn’t find out why. you were used to her eyes following you around, guarding you in some way, like some weird nurse-angel. why was she slowly becoming a ghost you could barely catch a glimpse of? had you done something wrong?
• instead of simply confronting abby, you chose to ignore her back, sending cold looks towards her whenever you crossed paths on the sidewalk. abby, on the other hand, would blush, thinking about how she saw you in only your tiny maroon panties a week ago, naked and on display in your window. since then, she couldn’t look at you, scared that you’d somehow find out that you were the reason she’s been moaning at night the past few days. seeing you on the street would make abby shut eyes shut tightly, fighting her mind as it conjured the image of your pussy and your hard nipples hidden by lacy curtains on a cold december night.
• one thing lead to another, and both of you ended up alone on christmas eve. abby swore she was just going to check on you, see if you were alright. the sight of you with puffy eyes and pouty lips, wrapped in a festive blanket made abby feel fuzzy. before she knew it, she invited you over.
• emotions running high and a somewhat romantic candlelit dinner resulted in you falling into abigail anderson’s bed. she fucked you until morning came, overstimulating you into oblivion and not letting you go until she was satisfied. and after that, she made you hot cocoa.
• despite pretending to be nonchalant, you were a goner. abby had wrapped her hand around your neck and reached down your throat to squeeze your heart. you wanted abby to be yours so bad.
• abby, however, was still hesitant to commit to you. you were the best sex she’s ever had in her life, your hot mouth and tight cunt left her aching for days after, running home to you every night after work, but did she like-like you? what if you didn’t like her back? abby was used to being non-committal, so why was she so enamored with the idea of sharing her life with you?
• this inner turmoil didn’t stop abby from eating you out on your counter top, fingerfucking you while taking a bath together, letting you grind against her thigh in her bedroom.
• god, why was everything so intimate all of a sudden? abby ground you harshly on her chiseled leg, moving your hips with force and pulling a nipple, anything just to hear you whine. with your forehead pressed against hers, you whispered “please, abby. need you-“ and she was gone. her pace quickened as she moaned “good girl, goooood girl…” over and over again. you truly were the best girl ever, abby thought, as you rode out your high on her, now wet, leg.
• sex this heavenly landed abby in your house on new years eve, attending one of your infamous (and unexpectedly fun) parties. she met your friends, dina and jesse. and… ellie. she recognized the two women- they were on one of the polaroids in your kitchen, ellie was the girl who’s cheek you were kissing.
• ellie was too close to you for abby’s liking, touching your back and brushing a finger against your lips after you took a shot of tequila. why was she telling you to “take it easy, babe”, why was she calling you babe? abby felt her blood boil as she rolled her eyes at the overly flirty tone ellie used, taking a sip of her favorite wine you made sure to get just for her.
• just when abby thought that it couldn’t get worse, ellie tried to make a move on you.
“so, y/n. any-uh, plans on who you’ll kiss tonight?”
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sweetvoidstuff · 5 months
Beyond your soul I see IICha Hyun Su x Reader
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Cha Hyun Su x Reader
Summary: In the quarantine room, Hyun Su questions your choice to stay, but your disarmingly honest response about fearing monsters and his potential danger leaves him shocked. As you break the silence by extending a comforting hand, you assure him of the goodness you see in him beyond his troubled past.
the first part, kinda ~~~~~ the next part, kinda
Hyun Su gazed at you, his curiosity evident in the furrow of his brow. "Why do you do this?"
Engrossed in your book within the quarantine room, you looked up, your eyes meeting his. "Do what?" you inquired, your voice laced with curiosity.
"Coming here, staying in the quarantine room? You don't have to," Hyun Su mused, his gaze filled with genuine interest. There was a subtle something in his expression that caught your attention. Placing your book down, you met his gaze and asked, "Am I bothering you here?"
His reply came with a slight hesitation, "No, I... I just think there need to be nicer places to spend the time. You dont need to be here." Hyun Su's attempt to avoid your gaze didn't go unnoticed.
With a touch of sarcasm, you quipped, "Sure, getting wrapped up in doing stupid stuff for Eun Hyeok is my favorite thing to do." Holding your book up, you added, "No, honestly, I just like reading in peace."
Before adding the avoidance of this place by the other tenants or that you simply liked Hyun Su's company, Mr. Kim seized the opportunity to express his annoyance. "Will you two just shut up!" he exclaimed, retreating to a secluded part of the room to lay down. You and Hyun Su exchanged a glance, a smile playing on your lips. However, Hyun Su remained unconvinced.
In a hushed tone, Hyun Su questioned, "Aren't you afraid we could turn and hurt you?" The weight of his words hung in the air, and whether it was a response to Mr. Kim's demand or a genuine inquiry, you couldn't discern. Taking a deep breath, you decided to answer truthfully.
"Am I afraid a monster could kill me? Yes, yes I am. Do I think you would? Well, I don't really know. But I want to believe you wouldn't." Closing your eyes briefly, you shook your head. "You wouldn't." The disarmingly honest statement left Hyun Su visibly shocked, a plea for understanding escaping him. Never had anyone told him that if he were to turn into a monster, he could still be good. Inside his head, he heard laughter. He, his monster apparently highly amused by your statement. It only made Hyun Su more aware of the danger he could be, to you, as he tuned his monster out.
Before he could articulate his thoughts or distance himself, you set your book aside and approached him. Crouching down, you extended your right hand, hoping he would lay his hand in yours. After a moment of silence, he did. Examining his hand and taking your time you spoke, "You have honest hands and kind eyes. Whatever happened there," pointing to his scar, "shows me you'd rather hurt yourself than someone else." Gently rubbing your thumb over his hand, you sensed a shiver running down his back.“If this a good quirk of yours.“ you shrugged, not finishing your thought.
Your words seemed to expose him, as if you could see the core of his being. The intensity of your eyes and the gentle touch left him feeling vulnerable. Though he wanted to pull away, you broke the stare, looking down at his hand and eventually holding it in both of yours.
"Our past doesn't define us. Our actions do. And you, Hyun Su, have done nothing short of helping and protecting others since I met you. I don't fear you. I don't fear him." Looking back up at Hyun Su, you seemed to address someone entirely different. "But if I make you uncomfortable, I will keep my distance." Slowly letting go of his hand, a small blush appearing on your face, you feared you might have overstepped. However, Hyun Su blurted out, "No! No... you don't," giving your hand a short squeeze. The blush now adorned both your faces as you nodded, getting back up. Hyun Su watched you walk back to your book, the brief moment of trust and intimacy broken. His mind was racing, still rethinking your words, trying to make sense of his monster's reaction to your words when he noticed you. As you continued reading, you sat much closer to him than before, and a genuine smile graced his lips, finding solace in your proximity.
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amywritesthings · 1 year
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: After handling a life-or-death favor for Tess, you're in deep shit. Until she can make things right, she suggests you lay low at her place for the week. The issue? It's also Joel Miller's place, and you're pretty sure he hates you.
Warnings: 18+! No Minors! Pre-TLOU, One Bed Trope, Masturbation, Sexual Tension, Manhandling, Light sadism, Touch Starved!Joel, Mentions of death and violence, Age gap/difference, Slow burn, Semi-Enemies to Fuckers, Alcoholism
( Read on AO3 )
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter | Masterlist
Joel has been gone for hours.
You’ve laid in his bed this entire time, thinking.
You shouldn’t; this new world can’t afford daydreaming, that much you’ve learned the hard way. Breathing, eating, surviving — those are the only important pieces of the puzzle they call enduring, but you can’t find a reason to want to eat right now and the image marinating in your head is making it a little tough to breathe.
Because you can’t stop thinking about him. Joel, Joel fucking Miller, and the way he stared down at your lips in plain sight. The way you witnessed a momentary lapse of judgment in real time, making him just as human as you. The way his fist curled white-knuckle tight when you toed the line of a conversation better suited past midnight.
You came here forty-something hours ago thinking Joel Miller hated you.
He may be disinterested or, God forbid, indifferent, but he doesn’t hate you.
You’re now not sure what is worse.
Because you certainly don’t hate him.
The opposite — you smell him on these sheets, these pillow cases, and if you shut your eyes hard enough, then you can see him: Joel staring from the other end of the table — staring at you — like he’s seen you this whole time.
Before you’ve realized, your fingers have unbuttoned your worn denim jeans and found their way slipping under the waistband, seeking relief.
You shouldn’t, but you can’t help it.
You shouldn’t, but it’ll be quick.
(You’re already halfway there.)
The second your fingers touch your clit, an audible gasp leaves your mouth. Electric; you waste no time getting to it, circles tight and deliberate. Brutal.
Exactly how you think he’d do it if he were here, staring down at you, wanting to take everything from you and then some. He’d be merciless, accepting nothing less than driving you past the point of pleasure and pain.
Maybe he’d hold you down.
Maybe he’d put his hand over your neck.
(Maybe I can make you feel alive, darlin’.)
The imaginary baritone voice in your head causes the orgasm to crash like the wave of a cresting hurricane, and your back involuntarily arches off the mattress. The world — the quarantine zone, the apocalypse, the end of times — disappears in a blissful blank space.
A space filled with the scent of him where you can drown.
It feels like minutes pass where you linger in the aftermath, muscles melting the stress of the week away.
And just like that, the bliss is gone as the front door of the apartment swings open.
Ripping your hand from your jeans, you scramble to sit at the head of the bed and out of view. Joel’s heavy boots glide through the threshold of the house, locking the door behind him.
“You still in bed?” he muses, calling from the living room.
You frantically re-button your pants, struggling to find your voice.
“Hey!” you call, uncharacteristically chipper and out of breath. “Hi, sorry, I took a nap.”
By the time you’re fussing with your mangled hair, Joel’s already in view. He leans forward against the divider, watching you, forearm raised over his head and pressed into the trim. His other hand finds its way to his hip.
“A nap?” he repeats with a hint of surprise.
“Can’t really afford them most days,” you reply, belated glancing up at him. “I thought rather than snooping, it might be productive to get some shut eye.”
He considers it for a beat, nodding to himself before raising a brow: sure, whatever. Joel’s hand gently opens and taps at the wall.
“Gonna make some dinner in a bit if you’re interested.”
“It’s already dinnertime?”
That raised brow drops to knit with the other. “How long were you out? Sounds like one hell of a nap.”
The guilt pools in the pit of your stomach.
“I’d love dinner,” you swerve, nodding eagerly. “Thank you.”
Joel lingers, thinking about something he isn’t saying out loud, and taps his fingers one final time. That hand pushes him from the wall and towards the kitchen where he begins prepping for dinner, leaving you still in his bed.
Eventually you leave the mattress to join him in the conjoined kitchen and living room.
For most of the night, you say nothing.
For food, for nightfall, for another day where Tess isn’t coming home and you’re stuck with these parasitic thoughts of the older man generous enough to share his food.
Now it isn’t just the dim light that he’s attractive in: it’s every fucking angle, every goddamn sound, every single movement.
(So this is what it’s like to feel.)
Dinner is relatively silent. The scrape of forks to ceramic fill the apartment once again, and he’s already positioned his glass container of whiskey in the center of the table.
Something of a nightly ritual for the smuggler.
He’s already working on his second glass, as are you. The combination of surviving on little food and the haze of the alcohol brings an idea to mind. 
“Does the radio work?” you ask out of nowhere, surprising yourself with the intrusive thought out loud.
Joel, nearly finished with his rationed portion, looks up with suspicion.
“The radio?” he repeats.
“Yeah,” you answer dumbly. “For music. Jeanine in the south quadrant has a radio station.”
“Does she?”
“You didn’t know that?” 
“You think I talk to Jeanine in the south quadrant?”
“Fair point,” you reply. “But yeah. She’s figured out the whole radio thing and I thought… since you had music the first night I got here—”
Your voice dies on your tongue with Joel’s flippant agreement.
(You expected a flat-out no.)
Sliding out of your dining table chair, you cross the room and pointedly avoid the Top 100 book still sitting where you last left it. Crouching over the fragile relic of a box, you meddle with the dials for a few minutes until a familiar voice croons from the station.
It’s Led Zeppelin’s I Can’t Quit You, Baby clear over the radio waves.
Right at the beginning, too, bringing a large smile to your face.
“Fuck, I missed this song.”
It’s under his breath, but there’s a chuckle from Joel somewhere in the middle of the room.
“Have you ever heard of Led Zeppelin?” you ask over your shoulder.
“Have I ever heard—” The audacity of the baited question switches up his typical monotone approach. “Kid, I grew up listening to this. Don’t talk to me about Zeppelin like I don’t know ‘em.”
“So did I,” you supply in a sing-song, standing up straight. “See? Not so different.”
Joel sours, crossing his arms over his chest. You turn to face him, slowly moving your shoulders to the beat of the bass. “I’m sure you never saw them play live, though.”
“Did you?”
“Yeah. Final tour of ‘77. I was eleven.”
“Shut up.”
“I did. They came to Houston.”
“Shit, you really are old,” you tease, scrunching your nose as you sway. You're met with a large roll of his eyes in return. “You're lucky. I never got to go to a concert before all this.”
“Damn shame.”
“I know,” you agree, "but I’ve seen photographs in books. Richie Thompson, you know him?”
“He was somehow able to keep old photographs he took twenty years ago at a… festival? He showed me them a few years back. They were sick.”
“I can only imagine.” Joel’s scowl returns slowly as the sway of your shoulders begin to influence the rest of your body. Your torso twists with them, slowed in your impromptu dance as your head moves in time to the guitar solo. The older man clears his throat. “What’re you doing?”
“What am I doing?” you repeat, raising your hands with your pointer fingers up. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Don’t know,” he bluntly responds. “S’why I asked.”
“Pretty sure it’s called dancing, Miller.”
“Yeah.” You curl your fingers, one then the other, to the rhythm and make small steps towards the sitting man. “Danc-ing. Oughta try it sometime.”
“I don’t— Wait.”
You should wait.
Because your hand has found its way playfully to the shoulder of his denim shirt, suggesting he stand with you. You begin to crouch towards him, grinning ear to ear. Your hips wiggle behind you as you bend closer to him with tipsy abandon, and Joel’s eyes dart from your face to behind your ear.
The chair scrapes in a screech against the floor.
Joel stands tall, assertive, and drags you into him by your right elbow.
You freeze in your sway at the growl in his voice.
The flat of his palm curls around your waist, forcibly keeping you close. He steps a boot into the space between your feet.
Suddenly Joel Miller is crowding you, hovering there, and you lose your breath.
“Did I do something?” you ask despite yourself, but you don’t recognize your voice. It’s small, needy, and it flickers an emotion across the tired lines of his face. In this proximity, the warmth of him radiates through his denim shirt. “I’m sor—”
When you lift your chin to meet his eyes, your head juts back to avoid going nose to nose with him. From here you see every single tired line, every single scar, every twitch in his face. Joel is on top of you, zero to sixty, and hasn’t moved yet.
You eyes round at the implication, but Joel doesn’t notice.
Not when he’s too busy staring at your lips.
And it stays that way for a minute.
“I can’t do this.”
He finally speaks, but he doesn’t move away. From beneath him, you can taste the whiskey on his breath.
“Okay,” you agree with an unconvincing nod.
(Do what? is a question you won’t ask.)
Joel’s hand squeezes your waist with purpose, jolting your body as he lulls in closer. 
“Had too much to drink.”
You nod again, but say nothing to his statement. Wouldn't dare; not when he's so close that you'll brush his lips if you try.
(He’s barely touched his second drink.)
The hand at your waist and the combination of his forward foot push you sidelong, a half-hearted sway, then directly backwards — a second step, a third — until you're both walking past the threshold of the living room of this open-space apartment—
Right into the makeshift bedroom.
Joel takes the lead with hesitant precision and you allow him, heart pounding in your ears.
Then the possessive hand on your waist twists and pushes, abruptly spinning you around. Your hands collide with something cold, flat, to steady your legs.
The wall.
The only divider skewing the view of the bedroom from the front door.
Joel is warm and solid behind you, broad chest pressing you into the flower-scattered wallpaper with purpose. You glide your cheek against the wall where the paper chips and ebbs on your lips, nose, until it presses to your forehead.
His large hands raise to encase yours, pinning your palms to the surface.
“M’not a good man,” he admits against the shell of your earlobe, and you want to outright moan. From this proximity, the baritone southern drawl vibrates through your head and shoots straight down. “I’ve done things—”
“Everyone’s done things,” you tell him weakly, cutting off his confession.
“Not like me,” he assures, hawkish nose nuzzling the hair at the nape of your neck.
You lean back, using both pressed palms as leverage to arch your hips into the crotch of his jeans. The strained sound that falls from his lips is deliciously sinful.
Only a thread away from snapping.
Your head drops back to his shoulder just enough to breathe to the ceiling. His salt and pepper beard tickles your skin. “You don't scare me, Miller.”
“I should.” His lips hover along your neck, tickling with ever labored breath. “Ain't got nothing to lose at my age, but you—”
Of course.
Of course this is what it boils down to.
Anger bubbles in your belly, twisting the arousal. Joel’s grip on your hands loosen, offering an opportunity to counterstrike: you rip them from the wall, left then right, and spin before he can stop you — and he does try, yet it's too late by the time he slams you back into the wall, now face to face. Your hands find their way to the pockets of his denim button-down, angling a forearm barrier between you.
The way Joel Miller’s eyes have blackened since you last saw them is downright wicked.
You blow some hair from your flushed face, chest rising and falling with anger. 
“Is that the only thing stopping you? Huh? Because you're a lost cause at your big age?" When he doesn’t answer, you crane your neck to hiss closer to his face in a mockery of his drawl. “I've done heinous shit. You still got your whole life ahead of you. You could settle down while the world's ending and be as fucking ignorant as the rest—”
His hands, now finding purchase on your shoulders, push you harder into the wall as he growls in return.
“Watch. It.”
You’ve kicked the hornet’s nest.
And in the moment, you can’t find a single fuck to give.
“I may not be a year away from earning an A-A-R-fucking-P card like your mopey ass, but I’m not untouchable, Joel.” The lines of his face smooth at the sound of his first name. “I'm not some fragile thing wearing white. And I sure as fuck don’t need someone to tell me what I have to lose, so quit acting like you're saving me.”
The pressure remains, but the smuggler stays perfectly still. His nostrils flare with every inhale. You rest the back of your head against the wall, allowing the light from the open window to illuminate the bottom half of your face.
“Whatever it is you think I deserve? It isn't what I want. I see you, Joel, and you see me.”
Joel studies your face in what little light remains, Adam’s apple bobbing with apprehension.
Then his left hand leaves your shoulder, seizing your jaw mercilessly in his hand with his fingers. You make a noise, small yet audible, and have no choice but to obey when he drags your gaze higher to his face.
“Don’t ask for things you don’t understand,” he warns, low and venomous. “I say you’re young ‘cus you are. I had my time to date. Hell, I had my time to divorce. Been way past that puppy dog shit. Nothing about this would be soft—”
“I don’t care.”
“—or kind—”
“I don’t care.”
“—or real,” he emphasizes by squeezing your face to the point where he could bruise. You wince, standing on the toe of your boots to accommodate the pain. “I ain’t like that anymore. So when I say you don't want this, m'telling you because you deserve better. More. Not something... hollow or broken. Because when I touch something, it always—”
He catches himself there, realizing the emotion bubbling in the back of his throat before it can rise. He lets go like your skin has burned him, backing away by a full foot. 
You stay pressed to the wall, watching with a wide gaze of regret and longing.
(You didn’t mean to push him, just like he didn’t mean to make your jaw sore.)
Joel runs a hand down his face, fighting to get a grip on reality between several blinks. He turns to make his way around the wall, but you see it: the way the same hand drops to adjust himself in his jeans.
You want to follow him and drop to your knees and—
“Go to bed.”
Joel breaks the fantasy before it can start with a growl of a demand, back turned to you.
“Go to bed. Don’t come out here. Just forget about this.”
“I ain’t askin’ you, girl.”
He barks over his shoulder, scowl flaring his nostrils. The yell makes you jump, but you listen: step by step you venture backwards, away from the wall you once found yourself pinned against until your boots hit the edge of the mattress.
After a moment, the crooning radio flickers to silence.
You hear the couch creak with the weight of him when he flops down onto it.
He doesn’t say goodnight.
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Author's Note: How are we feeling, Joel Nation? I hope his manhandling wasn't too jarring. Since this is pre-TLOU, I imagine Joel is very touch starved/averse, so it made sense to me to write him as such.
As always, reblogs/comments are everything. Thank you so much for all of the support on this little story! ILU all.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 8 months
Yandere! Artist and his muse
Yandere! Artist fic: here!
Why the hell is there no yellow color in mobile what the fuck.
You don't need to read the fic to understand this drabble, but it would deepen Arlen's lore.
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🖌️Arlen is a pretty mild guy. He only knew of paintings, paintbrushes, canvases all throughout his boring days.
🖌️ He's a prodigy back in his art school before he moved back to the town. Everyone liked his work but was intimidated by his quietness. They think he's arrogant but no, he's just shy.
🖌️When people got to know him, he's actually quite charismatic, everyone followed his wills and words, much to his surprise.
🖌️When his grandmother passed away, he didn't know what to do. His parents were close to her, and he, also. So, with a heavy heart, once he graduated, he moved to the countryside.
🖌️Then he met you.
🖌️Your meeting together, it always replayed in his mind. How perfect it was, picturesque, even. He painted it all the time.
🖌️When Arlen forgot how you look like despite promising he won't, he went mad. Trying to paint you over and over again but to no avail.
🖌️He had to close shop for a while, just to calm down his bleeding heart.
🖌️And when he saw you again in his grandma's small antique shop, he knew you were destined together.
🖌️He was sweet, with a soft face and gentle smile. Very charismatic. Everyone in the town trusted and loved him. He looked normal, not the obsessive artist he is.
🖌️He confessed his love to you after two days of just meeting. Okay? It's weird but, he says it's love at first sight.
🖌️It was, but he's technically been in love with you for quite a while.
🖌️He confessed that you were his muse, his inspiration to draw art. At first, it was creepy, but he coaxed you, urged you to understand him. It's not creepy at all. It's actually a privilege! Being an artist's muse is a wonderful thing! So, you backed down; his delight soaring through the skies.
🖌️You were back in that town to have a little vacation from your work. How wonderful! Wait. Really?
🖌️ You're not staying here?
🖌️"Muse, you don't need to go back, do you?"
🖌️Then you'll find yourself in a loop where the trains back to the city is either broken, decommissioned, or the rails are cut off. There's also days where Arlen reports that there's a pandemic going on in the town so that they need to be quarantined.
🖌️"Proof? Ask the townspeople!"
🖌️And the townspeople nodded and said yes, there is something going on.
🖌️So you're stuck in the countryside, the townspeople not in your side, and you, with nowhere to hide.
🖌️"Don't worry, my muse. Just sit still while I paint you."
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harrie-fic-center · 9 months
harry styles [i-q]
ice cold by watchmegetobsessed
in another life by heyyyharry
in the ring by hrina
indigo by jarofstyles
interview by svnflowervol666
introducing harry by kind-heart
invisible string by secretly-a-cold-blooded-killer
is this real life? by tpwkxxangel
italian singer by sweatergirlposts
it's your birthday? by gucciwins
just harry by meetevieinthehallway
killer queen by outofstyles
kings of leon by unabashedgirl
late nights by harryforvogue
listen by mosh-4
logan and the diamonds by chemiste
loss by bfharry
love is a moment by iahazzze
love island universe by finelinevogue
love me please? by havethetimeofyourstyles
masterlist by harry-writings
masterlist by harrysfinelinevol1
masterlist by lovecanyon
masterlist by bfharry
masterlist by astravna
meant to be by crowdedimagines
mlb!harry by erodasfishtacos
mother's day by svnflower666
my love, my life by parkersroses
my muse by chaoticloving *
never coming back down by for-fucks-sake-h
new year by svnflowervol666
not so dirty little secret by thatsrealoriginalkaren
of the jealous kind by kiss-inthekitchen
oh, what a world by honeypotstyles
only angel by herondaleholly31
pamper night by harryforvogue
pretty boy by bebebwheezy
proposal by sunflowervolvimp3
quarantine beings at home by all-things-fic
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