zuzajs14 · 1 month
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Some mornings...
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androgynousblackbox · 3 months
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On the Hellsing AU.
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Let’s forget about Vox and move on to more important things . like wedding!
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Alastor: We haven’t even announced our engagement! I will be sure to do that once it is appropriate! Besides Lucifer is still recovering and he just wants some rest.
*secretly has a giant book of “wedding ideas” because he and Rosie have been planning this shit since the Angel attack 3 years ago*
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adventurer515 · 18 days
i forgor i had this in my docs bc i was too focused on my guardian angel au… um this is based on that one angelic blood = drug fic w the straw (WOW HOW SPECIFIC) :’)) the premise was supposed to be jealous lucifer baiting alastor w his blood the entire time,, i’m posting the start here bc i still find it rlly cute but im not sure abt finishing it… it’s unedited also so just a head’s up 😔🫶
Warnings: blood drinking, drug use, mild cannibalism, domestic fluff
Lucifer and Alastor’s little understanding does not prevent their bickering. If anything, their understanding just makes the bickering even more frequent! Alastor just exists to irritate him no matter what, apparently beyond amused by his annoyance and proud at his ability to tick him off.
(“Did you really have to put my blood in a toy teacup?”
“It’s classy! Besides, Nifty gave it to me. Who would I be if I were to not use such an auspicious gift? Look. It even matches your eyes! Ah, ah, ah. Kindly please don’t melt the teacup, Lucifer.”)
Charlie thinks that their interactions are sweet and that she’s glad that they’re getting along, but Lucifer would like to disagree. They can barely stand to be in the same room apart from feedings at night where he can cling to Alastor as much as he wants, relishing in the free physical intimacy and comfort that the radio demon provides while he eats.
(“You’re squeezing my ribs too hard.”
“You’re literally eating my shoulder. If anyone has a right to complain, it’s me!”)
It makes Lucifer feel less lonely about Lilith leaving him as he finds comfort in Alastor. He knows very clearly that Alastor mostly sees him as a food source, the king of hell that lives right across the hall, and Charlie’s dead beat dad, but it’s fine. Alastor can be strangely sweet at times, even if he shows them in unconventional ways.
(“Here! I have made you some dinner. It’s very delicious, so you can stop eating those pancakes now.”
“Oh, thanks? But why?”
“Your blood sugar is too high during feedings. It leaves a taste.”)
Besides, even if whatever they have can be strange to him, Lucifer is okay with it. He knows that, in some way, he’s special to him. Alastor very rarely allows people to touch him, especially so closely (only his friends he’s had for years, even Charlie at times, but never men, for some reason). He knows that he holds Alastor’s respect and it bothers him whenever Lucifer says something condescending or doesn’t pay attention to him (Alastor likes the attention and the ability to hear the sound of his own voice, but Lucifer honestly just thinks he’s a narcissist).
However, it’s Lucifer’s blood that he’s really after. As the only Seraphim in the Pride Ring—and Hell itself—Alastor understands that being able to drink so freely from him and so often is something he won’t easily trade away. It leads to Alastor being especially territorial over him, especially when eating, and Lucifer—while fully capable of protecting himself—finds himself with a more than capable bodyguard. It also provides some assurance that Alastor keeps Charlie and the Hazbin Hotel in his best interests.
Their understanding is unconventional and manipulative on both sides, but it’s nice to have and the security is comforting.
Until that security is threatened.
((By the way, the angelic blood = drug fic series mentioned is the one with Snake in the Grass, Apple of My Eye, and the Silly Straw, which are all by anon.))
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alastorthisisthetea · 3 months
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satangotchi · 2 months
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he has never done anything wrong in his life.
another drawing of my child / fanchild radioapple, abel.
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androgynousblackbox · 2 months
How I Met Your Father. 1 [Appleradio, Raddioapple]
A03 link
The knocking on the door was unexpected. After the total fiasco that they just went through in live television, more unexpected events was the least than any of them wanted. Angel was happy enough continued to suck on his popsicle at the couch, while Vaggie was nursing a incoming migraine.
Leaving Charlie to be the only one to go open the door.
The resulting scream of the princess of hell was enough for Vaggie grab her spear and go to the entrance, where she stood in shock at seeing the infamous Radio Demon trapping Charlie on his arms, so tight that her feet didn't even reach the floor anymore.
"Charlie!" yelled, going straight to press her spear against the neck of the demon. It was angelic steel so it could do some serious harm if she wanted it. It was the only good thing she had kept from her past life. "Let her go RIGHT NOW, cabrón come mierda!"
The Radio Demon just tilted his head, furrowed brows. To her surprise, Charlie just giggled and turned to her. Her sitched out smile was just as wide as ever and her big eyes, one yellow and the other red, sparkled happily.
"Vaggie, it's okay!"
"No, it's not!" Vaggie took Charlie's hand and put her behind her, still pointing at the demon. Maybe he had casted an spell already and that is why Charlie was confused! A pang of guilt twisted in her gut. She would have attended the door instead! "That is the Radio Demon, Charlie. He is not here to register, he doesn't care about redemption. I won't let you harm anyone in this place, hijo de perra, did you hear?"
A moment of silence passed between them. Alastor raised an eyebrow.
"He... he is also my dad" pointed out Charlie, making now Vaggie and even Angel from the couch to look at her. "Um, surprise!"
"What" Vaggie was so taken aback she almost let her spear hit the floor. Then she looked over at Alastor, whose smile had only gotten bigger if that was possible, and then back at her girlfriend. "When you say dad you mean..."
"I mean..." Charlie slidded over the floor to stand in front of Alastor again. This time Vaggie could not miss the way the expression of Alastor soften up when seeing at the blonde demon. He was positively beaming with pride, which made everything all the more confusing. Not in a million years she would have bet that she would see something like that. "This is the man who contributed to my creation and raised me. Dad, this is my girlfriend Vaggie. Vaggie, this is... I guess you already know, huh? Alastor, my dad."
"Oh, so this is the girlfriend you have been talking to us about?" Alastor perked up, going to grab the hand of Vaggie and shaking it so vigoriously that her spear made a audible clank noise when falling out of her other hand. "Pleasure to be meeting you, sweetheart, quite the pleasure. I am glad to see that my daughter is with someone looking out for her wellbeing, indeed!" The man brought her closer, pretending to hug her as a low whisper reached her ear. "Don't ever point your nasty little weapon in my direction again or we are going to have a problem, understood?"
Vaggie found herself paralyzed. That was still the demon she heard so much about, Charlie related or not, no doubt about it. When she realized that she couldn't utter a word, she managed to just nod her head. If he was really Charlie's dad, then surely he couldn't be trying to harm her or their project, right?
"Good!" said Alastor, recuperating his jolly tone and petting her head like a dog that finally was starting to behave. "Nice to meet you at last, my dear. We hear so many good things about you."
Despite everything, Vaggie couldn't help to blush at the comment. This was absolutely not how she imagined she was going to meet Charlie's family.
"Uh... nice to meet you too, sir" said, brushing her hair back and looking to Charlie for some reassurance. Her girlfriend seemed ectatic to see them apparently getting along, giving her a thumb up from behind the back of Alastor. "Sorry for... threatening you."
"Oh, please, water under the bridge! What is a little bit of violence between friends?" Alastor looked at his red fingers as it was just a casual comment for him to say and turned to Charlie, forgetting all about her. "Charlie, my little fawn, aren't you going to give me a tour through your hotel? I saw your little presentation on the picture show and had to see it for myself. Your father send his best regards, of course."
The eyes of Charlie turned into stars.
"Sure! Oh, dad, I know you are going to love this place!" said, dragging the radio demon with her to show off every portion she could.
Vaggie moved to the couch and sighed, rubbing her temples. This day couldn't get any worse now.
"That was some good first impression you did there, toots" commented Angel, throwing the now clean popsicle stick without caring where it landed. It wasn't his job to clean it anyway. "I am sure it will do for a cool story to tell the kids."
"I didn't know that was her father!" Vaggie prefered to ignore completely the kids comment part. Charlie and her haven't talked about that yet. "I just saw a dangerous infamous demon grabbing Charlie so I reacted."
"Haven't you two been dating since like... forever? And this is the first time you knew about her dad? Wow" Angel chuckled to himself. "I am surprised you aren't more pissed about that."
"Charlie did say that one of her dads was a overlord, but wasn't really allowed to talk much about it because it was dangerous for people to know so I didn't pressured it" Vaggie sighed, contemplating Alastor nodding to every word Charlie was seeing. Once the shock wear off, when they were the both in a room he could see the resemblance. The little black horns on top of Charlie's head were an exact replica of the Radio Demon, along with the red tips of her fingers. Her own little blonde tail was wagging everywhere while speaking and moving the demon with her as it costed her no effort at all. She wondered briefly if that was also a Alastor thing, but she couldn't tell with the coat he was wearing. Probably was. If it was half as adorable as Charlie's, then at least she could understand why he would hide it. "I just never imagined it would be... him. Everything I ever heard about him doesn't really scream Charlie's father to me."
"What is so especial about smiley face, anyway?"
"Nothing at all!" said Alastor, manifestating from his shadows in front of them suddenly. He was looking at Angel particularly, saving Vaggie from the embarassment that he could have heard her too. "And who is this pink fluffy fellow? Charlie?"
"Oh, that is Angel Dust, our first resident!" explained Charlie.
"Ah, nice to meet you, my good friend!" This time Alastor didn't bothered offering his hand to him, more likely because Angel didn't had any weapon for him to disarm. "I trust you have read your residency contract to it's full extent?"
"Of course, I am not an idiot" Angel relaxed on the couch. After the first time signing his soul away, one had to be prepared to not do the same thing again in hell. "I even had my own magnifying glass to search for the fine print."
"Marvelous!" Alastor's smile grew bigger and lifted his hand, taking up the rolled up paper that his shadow passed to him. The shadow was smiling too. "I trust then that you are aware about the clause hidden on the corners?" said, opening up the paper and holding up with magic as green highlighted the words hidden on what Angel had assumed was fancy decoration on the side of the paper. Alastor read from memory. "The person who signs this paper is forbidden to ever talk about the origyns or familial relation of Charlie Morningstar without express permission of said Charlie Morningstar, Lucifer Morningstar or his spouse Alastor Abbadon. If this condition is broken, then the person who signs this contract resigns his ability to talk ever again. This includes non verbal communication like sign language, writing, texting, morse code, etc, etc.."
He finished with a satisfied look as Angel kept staring at the contract, ruffling his own hair.
"Hey, what the fuck?! I didn't know about this shit!"
"What!?" Charlie got closer too, reading the letters that were so intrinsically hidden on the decorations that it was almost impossible to notice unless someone was looking for it. "Dad! I asked you for a normal contract, not this!"
"Oh, relax, my dear" explained Alastor, calmly adjusting his posture. "I just added a little something to ensure that neither of us would have to worry about whoever decided to stay on your hotel. The clause will have no effect at all as long they know to keep this bit of information for themselves, so there is really nothing to worry about. You both can read it again if you like, there's nothing else forcing your residents to do anything they don't want" added, seeing as Angel was doing just that, after taking out a magnifying glass from who knows where. "I had prepared a similar contract for your staff, but seeing who that is, I assume you don't find it necessary?"
"Of course not" said Charlie without hesitation, making Vaggie to blush again. "Vaggie would never tell anyone."
"Very well. I trust your judgement, little fawn. I just wanted to make sure that we were all in the same page. For you see, my effeminate fellow" said Alastor, inclining his head to look directly at Angel as the dark energy gathered around him. Magic symbols floated around him as his horn crew and his eyes turned into radio dials. "I will spare no effort to protect my family and ensure that they are safe. If I ever detect anything that would happen to threaten any of them, I will personally make sure that person knows the meaning of eternal punishment. Are we clear?"
Angel just stared at him.
"You know, that is kinda hot" replied, not minding the way that Alastor pulled back or the scratching record noise that accompanied the movement. "You said you are married too? Figures. The good ones are always taken."
An awkward silence extended for a second before Angel pulled up his phone, throwing the contract to a side.
"Whatever, I don't care anymore. I wasn't aching to tell anyone either."
"Good" said Alastor, clearing his throat before addressing Charlie again. "So, Charlie! Your father and I had a little chat after your presentation, and we both agreed that it would be best if I helped you out."
"Really?!" Any anger that Charlie had about the contract dissapeared as quickly as that as she took the arm of the demon, practically squealing. "Oh, dad, that is so great! It will be so much fun with you around. Does that mean that you changed your mind? Do you believe sinners can be redeemed?"
"Oh, my dear, of course not" Alastor still patted gently the hand that was holding onto him. "Souls that ended up here do it because they deserved it. Some of us more than others. We made the choices we made in life and now it's time for the consequences. Me, for example, came to know your father by being the worst sinner that I could be. There is no redemption for that."
Charlie sighed deeply, moving to take the hand of the radio demon on her.
"You say that, and I know you did some bad things in the past..."
"I have slaughtered countless souls for entertainment, my dear. I literally killed someone on the way here because they annoyed me."
"But" emphasized Charlie, ignoring him, "you are also the best dad I could ever ask for. You make papa so happy too. How can I believe that a soul can't improve if I have the best proof in all of hell right in front of me?"
That seemed to completely disarm the radio demon for a second. Vaggie didn't want to intrude, but she also had to wonder how many people have ever seen the infamous overlord so entranced by something else. If that was the effect that his daughter could have on him, then it made all the more sense why he didn't want people to exploit it.
"You always had a way with words, little fawn. You took that after your father" recognized the man, lifting a hand to craddle her cheek gently, something that made Charlie to giggle happily. Alastor sighed. "I am afraid that things aren't that simple, my dear. But if this is truly what you believe in..."
"Is it, dad."
"Then I have no other option but to ensure you succeed whatever way I can" Alastor snapped his fingers, opening up a void full of shadows that started working on the hotel, repairing holes, opening the chimney and whatever else it was needed.
When it came to new staff, Niffty was a new addition that Charlie tried to greet before she was off to chase some cockroaches. But when it came to their new bartender, Charlie perked up as if he knew him already.
"Uncle Husk!" she said, hugging the confused humanoid cat that appear right there.
"Uh, what? Who... Charlie?" Husk looked around, patting the shoulder of Charlie confusedly until his eyes landed on Alastor. "Oh, fuck off."
"Hello, Husker. Nice trip?"
"I hate you so much."
"I am so glad to see you again!" said Charlie, squeezing the winged demon, maybe also in an attempt to distract from her dad. It was obvious she knew about the animosity between them and was used to it. "When was the last time we saw each other? On my birthday when I was 16? Aww, you are still as soft as ever!"
"Kid, we talked about this" said Husk, just tired now, and Charlie finally stand up, attempting to apologize profusely until he raised a hand up. "No, no, it's fine. I know you don't mean anything bad by it. Just saying. You, on the other hand..." added, pointing to Alastor, "where the fuck have you dragged me now?"
While Alastor was informing Husk about their new locations and new unvoluntary job, Angel and Vaggie got close to Charlie, who seemed conflicted because she couldn't get them to get along more.
"So you know whiskers?" asked Angel suddenly, making Charlie jump.
"Oh, Husk? Yeah, he is like... Uhm...." Very clearly she didn't want to say he was one of the many souls that Alastor owned. The whole owning soul thing never sat well with her", an associate who works with dad. For dad. He is really nice when you get to know him."
"Do you think he purrs when you scratch him behind his ears?" Angel was scratching his own chin, as if the question was of a high scientific consideration.
"I... I don't know? I never tried it."
"Mmm. I will have to do my own investigation into that then. Is he married?"
"No that I know of. I don't think so."
"I will take that then."
Once Husk resigned himself to his fate behind the bar, Angel went to talk to him as Alastor returned to the side of his daughter.
"So, my dear, what do you think?"
"This is amazing, dad!" And it was, really. For the first time since they had started building the place, for the first time it was starting to look more well put together. Vaggie could sense that there was still something that was bothering her, so she took her hand and squeeze it firmly. Charlie smiled to her before looking again at the radio demon. "Don't get me wrong, I am really happy that you are here. But... I kinda wanted to do on my own too. I shouldn't be relying on my parents to do everything for me alll the time."
"My dear, I am just merely giving you the tools that you need. This whole business is still fully yours to do as you please" Alastor came to wrap an arm aroud her shoulders and rub her arm. "I promise, I will do nothing but to make sure that this building keep standing for as long as I can. I won't interfere with anything else unless you asked me to."
Charlie visible relaxed at that, right before she frowned again.
"No more secret words for people to sign without knowing."
"Except that."
"Charlie" Alastor pulled his daughter by the shoulders to look at her. His smile was still less sharp than usual, but his tone was serious now. "I will not argue about something that concern your safety. There is a lot of people out there who would love to have anything to use against me. I won't let them use you. That is not a risk I am willing to take."
It was clearly a losing battle, one that Charlie had already lost many times before.
"Fine. You could have still told me about it."
"You should have read the fine print too, dear. Remember what you father told you, don't take any shit from demons. That includes your very own old man" Alastor squeezed the red cheek of his daughter and chuckled when she pouted in response. "But you are right. If I ever decide that any changes is neccesary, I will talk you about it."
"Thank you" The expression of Charlie still didn't change for a moment as they saw the shadows work, but gradually dissolved as she looked at the floor. "Is... is papa ever going to...?"
"Not right now, dear" said Alastor. "You know how hard is for him to come out to new places."
"Oh. Okay" Charlie tried to not make known how much that answered dissapointed her.
"But he promised that he will, eventually." Alastor lifted her chin up and kissed her cheek. "That was from his part."
Charlie laughed, softly, and got on her tip toes to kiss his other cheek.
"That one is from me then."
"I will be sure to pass the message along."
Alastor took her outside to see the rest of the changes they were making. First of, the name "Happy Hotel" had to go. It made it sound like it was a kindergarten more than a center of rehabilitation. After a bit of back and forth, they agreed that Hazbin Hotel had a nice ring to it. Since Alastor would be spending a lot of time there, then he needed his radio tower to keep with his broadcast as well as to communicate with Lucifer back at the palace safely until the man was comfortable enough to move as well. Even with all the renovation finished, the place still looked chaotic and all over the place but they liked it all the same. Nobody could say that it lacked personality.
"It's almost dinner time" Alastor looked on his pocket watch, as the shadow workers came back to dissolve on the crack of the floor under him. "Your father is going to open a portal any moment now. Are you sure you don't want to come in, dear?"
"I am beat now" said Charlie, looking like it. Having a screaming match and fist fight with a reporter in live television could really suck someone's energy. "I think I am going to eat something and head to bed earlier today. But I will definitely go tomorrow. Maybe Vaggie can come in too?"
Vaggie smiled when Charlie searched for her hand, confirming with her if she wanted to come with her.
"I would love to" said, because she would, and maybe she could actually cause a better impression on the other father of Charlie than she had with this one.
Charlie always spoke the world of her parents, even if she could never really tell her who was one of them. If they were so important for her, then they were important for Vaggie too.
At least Lucifer wasn't a deranged sadistic murderer, so that should make things easier. Although, now that she thought about it, she didn't really know much of anything about the king either. Nobody had see him in many, many years, so up until now there were only rumours about how he looked like or his personality. She still trusted that if anything Charlie had said was true, then he couldn't be that bad either.
Alastor looked at her and then Vaggie standing at her side, squinting his eyes for a second before he shrugged.
"Of course, dear. I will tell your father about it. Speaking of the devil..." said with a short laugh as a portal opened up right behind him, "That is my cue for leaving. If you need me, dear, use the radio or call your father. Will be seeing you tomorrow."
"See ya! Thanks for everything!" Charlie waved her hand as Alastor crossed the portal. She was still waving when it closed right after him.
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