#raiden metal gear x you
rosemary03 · 1 year
Hii :) I really loved your post about Dante <3 Could you write something about Masochist Raiden? When he said "Pain, this is why I fight" in MGR as he went into Ripper Mode it just made sense to me
I'm glad you liked it and I'm also glad you asked raiden! omg i love it with my soul so i got excited haha i hope this was good enough for you, thanks for ask!
NSFW! warnings: masturbation, overstimulation, slapping
The whole mission was going well, unbelievably well! But for raiden? For raiden absolutely not! I was so nervous and needy, really what were you thinking when you launched yourself at the enemy and with one movement he was able to rip your tight pants exposing your legs? Did you defeat that enemy? Yes, did you suffer an injury or wound? Nope, nothing that could harm you, so why is it so bad? Because of raiden he can't take his eyes off you, every time you walk past him or in front of him, his body gets very hot and his heart starts beating so hard in his chest, he thanks God and everything that exists that he is in his combat body and does not have his hard cock betraying his thoughts, when he sees you hitting and knocking down enemies so easily somehow makes him want you even more, he would like your strong but at the same time delicate hands If they were pulling his hair, slapping him or even choking him, maybe him feel bad for thinking that way about a friend, maybe a little.
Raiden doesn't know when he said such a stupid comment that you had to corner him in a dead end, pointing your bladed weapon at him, you were angry but he? He was incredibly horny, I knew you weren't strong enough to kill him but you weren't weak enough that you couldn't use your bare hands to batter him so... Oops, another annoying comment, this got to your ears obviously, irritating you even more as you get closer to raiden, you can feel his breathing on your face, what you think is that he's tired and scared, scared of you, but no... He's really fucking horny, the way you Hand came up to grab his metal jaw, smashing his head against the wall, the way you show authority! That's so hot for him, you slap him hard in the face for making him lose his temper "we're on a mission, don't come with your stupid comments raiden!" you say angrily giving him another slap even harder, you can see how the skin on raiden's cheek turns reddish, honestly his cheeks were already red enough before you hit him, his strong blush was evident but what did you think? That he was just hot from the physical and heavy movements of the mission. When you finally leave him and go back to work he feels a little sad and spends the whole day thinking about what happened, he can't wait to get home and touch himself when this is all over.
Raiden is lying on the bed with you next to him, he is being punished for how annoying he have been today, his dick is in the air (I don't know how he could have a dick but let's imagine he can lol) and his hands are clenching the sheets underneath from him, you're fucking close, he can smell the sweet perfume emanating from your neck, he needs to kiss you, he needs to touch you but you don't let him, a strong slap on his cock is what brings him back to reality “mmp! Please (name) don't do that..." he says between moans, your hand goes down his abdomen to his cock again but this time you start to masturbate him, lightly squeezing the head of his cock, you earn a loud moan from him, you turn to see raiden, his cheeks are red and small beads of sweat fall from his forehead, his shiny blonde hair sticks to his forehead, with your other hand you grab his hair forcing him to look at you "don't take your eyes off me, okay?" you say, to which he nods a little desperately, his hips begin to move on their own saying that he is going to cum soon, you begin to make faster and more abrupt movements looking for the release of raiden, he guides his hands to your waist squeezing slightly, ripping your shirt with his claws "oh god I'm going to cum, d-don't stop please!" shouts raiden, just a few more movements and strings of hot cum paint your hand and a bit of his metallic abdomen, his moans get a little louder when you keep fucking his cock with your hand, overstimulating him, his legs start to shake and his grip on your hips he tightens "b-stop" he tries to stop your hand but the overstimulation feels so painfully good for him that his body won't let him, all he does is look at you with puppy dog eyes the whole time, moaning and moaning until you finally stop torturing him.
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Yandere! Raiden headcanons
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Probabilities that your loved ones will be killed.
With Raiden not much… Although we talk about someone “a little” unstable, I don't see him as someone who is capable of immediately jumping to murder. We are talking about a probability of 20% or more.
If it's not a threat, it doesn't have to die.
Now, if we talk about Jack, things gonna change.
Jack is… someone almost completely different from Raiden, and if he sees that he spends more time with you or you like that person more than him, then he directly kills him. We are talking, in a few words, about a probability of 60% or more.
First impressions
Let's say you knew him before the cyborg parts were implemented, you knew so much about his history from other people, and while he acted reserved towards you, it wasn't hard to tell that you were willing to be nice to him, even if he didn't like ask you for help.
You were like that with people; friendly and likes to help, very loved in your circle of friends and family.
Fall in love
After helping him several times, (This may include helping him with the Sunny issue, overcoming certain past traumas, or helping him in his relationship with Rosemary and his son), he knew he could trust you, almost unconditionally, and in his mind, the idea slowly began to arise that you could be hurt, no matter if it was by machines, by one of the many battles in which he fought, and so it continues with more and more reasons.
Beginning of "Yanderism"
You discovered his past (something he had hidden even from his own wife), and although you tried to hide what you knew, sooner or later he found out, but still, you showed your support for him, even after everything you knew and what you had seen it happen, you tried to stay in contact with him just so you could show that you were always there for him.
During the revengeance events, Jack is the one who forces him to think that he must keep you safe. Someone he cared so much about could be hurt by soldiers or a member of the World Marshal, and it was the last thing he wanted.
His desperation slowly consumes him, and you notice it in small things when you talked to him (whether it was how he insisted that you could be safer if you stayed in contact with him, or how he would look at the people in your life). around).
First murder or Yandere act.
From his constant concern for you, you try to tell him that you will be fine, that there is nothing that can harm you or that he wants it at that moment.
So, because of that, he ends up… looking for other ways to keep an eye on you.
It seemed strange to both Sunny and the others the moment they noticed that he needed to watch you, but they never dared to ask.
And when Bladewolf finally asks him, he just answers; "It's for they own safety."
It was just the beginning, just a quarter of what he would be able to do.
Relationship or kidnapping
In case there is a relationship, he would be calmer; His stability would be “more regular” and you will very rarely see Jack, since he tries to stay on the sidelines with you (Although only if you ask him or are comfortable with it, he will be able to show more of the more obsessive side of him) .
However, if we talk about there being no relationship… Things get from bad to worse.
The obsession slowly consumes him, not just talking about his side.
You notice how your environment changes; You feel watched, like something is following you, especially in your home.
You tried to get away from him, not directly, but from his surroundings, from everything he is, from all the death he brings. And he realized it.
He also tried to tell himself that it was okay, that you would be safe, happy, safe from everything bad in the world… but without him. The thought that you couldn't be by his side makes him realize that he couldn't let you go. So, if you were going to the safest place in the world, I couldn't let you walk away from it.
You were already part of his life, you were buried deep in his psyche, so he couldn't let you abandon everything, he knew that that hole you would leave was going to end up driving him crazy, so there had to be some way… any way.
And he had to do it, he had to resort you to confinement, and before you could barely notice it, you were in a place that was not yours, clinging now to a life you never wanted in the first place.
If the case is of a couple, the coexistence is pretty… good, so to speak.
If it doesn't bother you that he needs to touch you whenever he can or that he needs to have you within reach of him every day of your life, then you're fine.
Now, if we talk about the kidnapping, then it is tense, very, very tense.
He usually forces you to eat if you don't want to (He most likely forces your jaw, which is not very difficult for him), he lets you go out sometimes, of course as long as he can track your location and that you are always within reach him (Or being accompanied by him.)
An advice; don't try to escape with this type of Yandere, it doesn't suit you even consider it in your mind.
Marriage and family
He doesn't see it necessary to get married, I mean, for him you are already his, why bother with anything else?
That and considering the bad experience with a past marriage.
Now, regarding your family…
Let's say that he cares from little to nothing.
Unless that is strictly related to one of the people he's up against, he is not interested in act.
Now, if they do tend to “hang out” with you or be very close to you, let's just say that Jack wouldn't take it very well.
Be careful if you see that they tend to be too close to you.
↘If possible, children?
Let's see, yes but no.
Let's say that he ALREADY HAS a son, and the relationship he has with him is not usually talked about much, but it can be summed up by saying that it is going well.
I assume he's not exactly looking to have a child with you, but if you ask him… he'll agree.
Reasons to be a Yandere:
Meu deus.
This is going to be long.
-Shitty life, in short.
Since he was a child, Raiden was forced to not only not live his childhood, but it also led him to not be able to have a normal life; A person who has lived through so many things will not be able to have a good normal relationship.
-He lost a lot of people; not exactly talking about Rose and their son, but about the people around him. It is normal for someone like this to HAVE inclinations to be overly protective.
-At the end of Revengeance, we note that he accepted that he could never come close to a normal life; He had already come a long way just to accept that fact, so it would be easier for him to cross that moral barrier that divides the beginning of Yanderism from the end.
-His other personality literally has blood lust; It's not just about killing because it's the only thing he knows how to do, but that part of him loves having the blood of others on his hands.
-You're… weak around him. Regardless of whether you are a man with superhuman strength or a woman capable of creating weapons with incredible capabilities, you cannot defeat him, you cannot defend yourself from him, which makes him think that you need his protection.
-Let's add the fact that, following this story, if you were accompanying him in his most vulnerable moments, he would have some dependence on you; having someone who supports him unconditionally is… strange, it's so strange that he feels the need to keep him safe, he has to keep that person safe.
Extra data:
-He likes to be by your side in e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g (like most Yanderes btw), if you cook, he is hugging you or giving you some help, if you do paperwork he stays by your side while you read, etc…, although, unlike other Yanderes, his presence is silent, it's almost as if he just wants to casually walk around you.
-In the case of kidnapping, he usually cooks for you, but he longs one day for you to be the one who voluntarily cooks for him.
-(This information is half NSFW)
Raiden will, under no circumstances, ever force you to do anything wrong, however, Jack… Yes it is; and it is one of the reasons why Raiden always tries to stay out of the way so that nothing bad happens to you.
-If anyone else finds out that you are being held against your will, the best thing they can do is try to talk to Raiden to convince him that there are other options. And let's just say that if he decides to take drastic measures… alive won't end.
-I want to mention that, for me, Rosemary feels empathy for you; At first she found Raiden's obsession with you strange, and then she tried to help him so he wouldn't end up developing that sick feeling, but believe me, her insistence didn't last long…
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sparda-ly · 1 year
Hello, could you write what it would be like to kiss with Raiden? with fem pronouns, thank you!
note: hello! no problem honey ;) i know you requested female reader but i did kind of write in this second person?? type of way so hope you don't mind i don't really use any pronouns while writing ♡♡♡♡
warnings: none
raiden definitely has problems with showing affection, which includes kisses, hugs, hand holding and overall intimacy
however despite that fact, raiden loves kissing you
probably won't be the first to engage into it, so let's sure you're a bold one ;)
he prefers delicate kisses over rough ones, he leaves the latter for well, let's just say, bed time
while kissing him, you can often taste metal, no, literally, metal due to his lower part of the mouth
his lips aren't very soft let me tell you that, on worse days, they are straight up chapped, screaming "i need moisture or i will die"
so next time you go shopping, bear that in mind and maybe like a good girlfriend buy him some chapstick?
he will probably not know what to do with it and eat it so...
after kissing him in public, he will for sure have a red flushed face and be embarrassed about it
if someone dares tease him about it, though, his high frequency blade is definitely gonna end up dirty in blood
he also gets kind of cute? while kissing you
so kiss him for too short of a time period and he will whine like a baby
"mhm some more please"
bring it up though and he will totally deny it
overall kissing raiden is definitely a pleasurable experience, minus the akward moments where his metal teeth bump into yours and you have to act like you're not crying in pain
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yandere-toons · 10 months
Sooo I wanted to drop by with some platonic yandere metal gear solid headcanons! 
-i'm just imagining solid snake becoming a yandad! for this little kid he encounters on a mission. It's unknown why they were there, but that doesn't stop snake from being protective. Maybe he encounters them back at Shadow Moses? No matter how he encounters them he's definitely going to be like the overprotective father you see in sitcoms lmao. 
-I can see Otacon being like the nerdy uncle or nerdy second father for this kid, but since he's a platonic yandere too he'd definitely use his special inventions to keep an eye on the kid. He'd also just make random ones for them to play with
-As for Meryl, she'd be a yanmom! for sure. She wouldn't hesitate to get all fierce and take down anybody posing a threat to this kids safety. She'd probably be unsurprisingly pretty good at keeping the kid calm.
-Ooohhh boy, here's Liquid Snake. I can see him trying to be a better father figure for the kid than snake out of sheer spite for snake initially, but he accidentally grows attached to the kid over time and is like "shit". He'd brag at every chance about how he's the better father than snake.
-I can see Revolver ocelot doing his gun spinning trick to impress the kid, too. I love the idea of ocelot just growing attached to this little kid.
-Psycho Mantis would be surprised if the kid wasn't scared of him and thought his abilities were cool. He'd def become a platonic yandere for them immediately because of it. 
-depending on how old the kid is, sniper wolf might teach them how to use weapons for their safety. 
-Oh God imagine the reaction of Meryl, Snake and Otacon once they realize Sniper Wolf, ocelot, and Liquid are also obsessed with this child 💀
Now, for the later games! I'd have to brainstorm some more headcanons for this part, I'll keep you updated if I come up with anything.
-I can see Raiden being like an older brother to the Reader. He'd definitely be the type to get on their case about their crappy sleep schedule and eating habits, he'd be like a mother sometimes lmao. 
-When Sunny eventually comes along, I can see her being like an adorable younger sister to Reader, constantly clinging to them and making sure they're okay. 
I'd love to hear any of your thoughts as well! I'd love to hear what ideas you have for the characters as a dysfunctional yan family.
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icycoldninja · 11 days
I would love Raiden from Metal Gear with a male reader, like Tony Stark from Iron Man, genius, playboy, millionaire, everything else in his charismatic way, the king of improvisation
Raiden x Tony Stark-like!Reader headcannons
-Raiden loves you because of your smarts, charm, and inventive mind.
-Your looks are definitely something, but they're only part of your enthralling package.
-You're able to whip up something out of what looks like nothing, cobbling together bits and bobs to produce something worthwhile, or throwing together bits of food to make a delicious meal never thought possible.
-Your money is the least important thing to him, yet you still insist on taking him everywhere and spoiling him rotten.
-Taking him on expensive vacations is also a common occurrence, so is taking millions of pictures of him during these retreats.
-He loves to hang out in your lab/workroom as you put your brilliant mind to work, admiring your gadgets and all the other sophisticated technology you have.
-If you have an AI assistant, that'd be super cool. Bonus points if this assistant's avatar bears a striking resemblance to Raiden himself.
-One thing Raiden worries about is the fact that your playboy nature might cause you to cheat on him, which is something he never wants to happen. He loves you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and would gladly be your househusband if you said so.
-He learns to cook just for you, so he can prepare tasty treats for you to enjoy whenever you're stressed out or tired.
-He'll also wear whatever you want him to wear, be it a thin top and skimpy skirt, skintight clothing, or a maid dress. He is yours, body and soul, and he'll be yours forever.
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"Parasite" ☕🔥⛩️
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**Raiden fanfics are underway. Please be patient.
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cookies-in-chees · 4 months
Disk-horse predictions for if metal gear solid delta becomes popular with those kind of super online people
Because ocelot and otacon are sorta step brothers you can’t ship both Bosselot and Otasune at the same time or else you support incest
Huey did nothing wrong
If you call Huey a cuck you are problematic because that’s kink shaming
Is sexualizing the metal gears wrong?
bbkaz and/or vkaz is a pro-ship but big boss x venom isn’t
Is raiden mpreg feasible
Is ocelot appropriating furry culture
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stardust-sanctuary · 1 year
if able, may i request a raiden x reader where the reader is just like a personification of a dog: loyal, bold, stubborn, probably ran into a wall at one point without even looking...just a ray of sunshine.
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I AM SO SORRY ANON FOR TAKING SO GODDAMN LONG! For some bizarre reason, I've had the worst fucking writer's block for this particular prompt even though it's so cute and wholesome, and AAAH! BUT TODAY IS THE DAY I break through it and finally answer this! Thank ya'll so much for your patience with my dumbassery.
Raiden with a Golden Retriever S/O
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(gif origin: https://www.deviantart.com/pituudmc01/art/Raiden-Metal-Gear-Solid-4-Guns-Of-The-Patriots-519844545)
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but there are mentions of war, violence, and vague mentions of Raidan's past which can get quite alarming and gruesome if you research into it.
So, Raiden's been through a lot. Like a lot, a lot, even before he became a cyborg. Between the SEARS program, the memory modification, and the absolute mind-fuck that was the Big Shell incident; it's no wonder our boy here got a tad edgy in MGS4. And yet, here you are, his personal ray of sunshine.
No matter what time you dropkicked your way into his life, Raiden will definitely consider you one of his dearest bonds, even if you weren't romantically involved. He admires your ability to smile despite everything going wrong around you. On his bad days, he may just cling to you, not saying anything, and listen to your heartbeat. You're living proof that the world isn't full of shit. On his worst days; he'll disappear, leaving only a note behind. Don't worry, he'll be back once he gets better control of his emotions. He's not going to risk any harm to his sunshine, even from himself. Especially from himself.
That being said; he will find it immensely fun to pick on you. This man will tease you a lot. Don't believe me? Check out some of the Codec calls in Rising. I swear, he enjoys flustering people (source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srR4aZMTYwE&t=2039s). And being his S/O means you're just a bigger target. Trying to get back at him will just egg him on. Don't be too surprised if you find yourself in a game of "who can get flustered first" on multiple occasions.
Your stubbornness is something that he's both proud and worried about. He's seen a lot of people buckle down when things get really stressful, even off the battlefield. And yet you keep on trucking. To the point, it's worrying. Start pushing yourself too hard, and he's going to start being a bit of a mother hen. Raiden, in canon, is capable of taking people's vitals with a single glance, and he's not afraid to hold that above you. He will match your stubbornness with his own and isn't afraid to get petty. Or physical. Be it setting his own timer for breaks or physically picking you up and pinning you down to rest, he will do it.
Overall; I think you'd be a pretty good fit! A fair balance and keeping yourselves on your toes!
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Featuring the first not sprite art as Burning Ashes is very much an important plot point of Pup-Themlin's warrior cat shenanigans and it'd be kinda weird to put him with just an actual picture of a cat because warrior cat official stuff gets pretty realistic looking so I got permission to use pup's art for it
Kiyokiiden (Metal Gear Solid)
"Korekiyo and Kiibo. And Raiden is there and he’s cooler than both of them combined. And me and my friend group are all insane about it He is the ‘they asked for no pickles’ of the group. Korekiyo is tall and intimidating and mysterious, Kiibo is silly and socially awkward and protective, and neither of them are capable of interacting with human beings. Korekiyo is a wife guy (this applies to both of his partners) and they will both explode and/or slice and dice anything that goes anywhere near their partners. Put Kiibo in metal gear solid and watch him go autism over the mechs with his new father in law Otacon. Korekiyo can talk genetics and memes with Monsoon. It’ll be great I swear"
Burning Ashes (Warrior Cats)
"Ashfur and Komaeda is a very funny pairing and I cannot believe someone on tumblr has me shipping it, also Komaeda's voice actor was in a warrior cats product as Ashfur im pretty sure so it ALL FITS"
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rosemary03 · 1 year
Before you continue, read this!!
I am a writer for fun so I won't always post work, and I do take a long time to write. especially because English is not my first language so I always make sure to review the works before publishing them.
I write for these fandoms (if they're crossed out it's because I'm not currently writing for them):
bleach | MGS and MGR | DMC | Hellsing Ultimate | RE4 RE2 RE5 RE6 RE8 | JJK |
you can ask: nsfw, sfw, angst, dark content
I don't write character x character and a male reader.
you can call me Rose or rosemary, or simply as Elen (my previous name lol) you can interact with me and leave me ideas, they would help me a lot, I would also love if you recommend other writers about the fandoms that I write ^^
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Bleach masterlist |
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Hello.Can I apply if they are still open?Can I have a Raiden x reader please? I would like to see comfort or anxiety (?)She is an excellent informant, constantly living under the guise of other people. Her motives and behavior are constantly changing. Everyone finds her somewhat threatening because they can't figure out what's on her mind. Raiden knows her a little better and at one moment finds her completely broken, because living someone else's life, knowing everything about everyone, is difficult and destructive for the psyche.Sorry, I do not speak english well. I hope my request will be clear...Thanks in advance <3
Of course! I really needed an excuse to do a oneshot with this man HAHAHA (Sorry if it took too long :c)
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Yandere! Raiden x Female reader
Yandere character: Raiden/Jack.
From the videogame/serie/book/movie/manga or anime: Metal Gear saga.
Case: Stalking, a little mention of illegal investigation, comfort and anxiety for the reader <3.
Warnings: Nao nao.
Part: 1 of 1
Finished: Yes.
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(You never knew Raiden much, in fact, you only exchanged words with him a handful of times. It was the same with the rest of the team; you just do the most important thing, and then the rest doesn't matter.)
You had a somewhat complex job, the change in personality and appearance was almost as constant as drinking water. And lately, those “jobs” had appeared with more regularity. They were more than your mind could handle; especially with how seriously you took the job you had been assigned.
Especially with how difficult it was to deal with the people you encountered. As an informant, you had a hard time coping with your mental health due to overwork.
Although, you hated being so untalkative; There were very few people you genuinely talked to with confidence, and especially at work. And while you always sought to maintain a constant line of respect with everyone you met, you never felt a level of connection of genuine friendship with anyone.
Without many options, you tried not to overthink. Between all your mistakes in doing various jobs during the most recent week, along with recent arguments with your family led you to be tired, but not physically.
It had been a particularly complex day for you. In fact, this whole week was being especially difficult for you.
—How many times do I have to tell you that I'm fine?
—You know it's not that, I just think…
—This is the fourth time this week you've called me! —You gritted your teeth, trying to suppress how irritated you were—. You almost ruined my job today, the same thing happened yesterday and the day before yesterday, don't you understand how important this is to me?!
The woman on the other end of the phone sighed somewhat heavily.
—I feel like this job is slowly consuming you, I'm afraid you might be having a hard time because of this.
—But..! —Before you could deliberately let out any insults, you threw your back slightly back, hitting the fluffy pillow of the backrest, before remaining silent.
The chair moved smoothly due to your abrupt tilt. The smell of dust invades your senses as you tried to stay calm. The other person you were talking to was a close aunt of yours, she was like your second mother, and she called you often, so often that even your mother more than once threatened to take her cell phone away from her if she didn't let you in peace.
—Listen, dear —She began, a noise from the television playing on her side of the call —.I'm sorry to be so annoying, but I think it's been many months since we saw each other in person, and I'm worried that there's something wrong with you or someone trying to revent you from talking to me and your mother.
Even if you wanted to respond, you just listened to her.
—If you don't want to talk, that's fine, just call us from time to time, okay? —She continued, but she was called by a couple of knocks on her door—well, sweetheart, I have to go, I love you.
She cuts off your call before you could answer, leaving you silent, alone.
You removed your cell phone from your ear, placing the object on the table now. Your gaze remained fixed on the screen, thoughtful.
Doubt arose in your head; How long had it been?
Because you were so busy, the days flew by, as if what had happened 5 months ago had happened yesterday. Checking your calendar, you realized that it had indeed been a long time since you last saw your mother and aunt.
You looked at the images and information that you had hanging on the furniture in front of you, noticing that the amount of words and images that were located there was… excessive.
In fact, it had been a long time since you last hung out with someone you really trusted. Part of you thinks it's because you're so used to no one waiting for you. But, now you feel a gradual change about your past decisions.
Mom was waiting for you at home, longing for you to be safe, maybe thinking that someone is hurting you, or taking you away from her, or killing you.
You panted heavily, leaning down to touch the pad of your phone with the tip of your finger.
Mom is worried, and your aunt too.
Tell me, why the hell do you care more about a fucking job? Unlike the other people there, at least you had a family. Why were you working so many extra hours to investigate, to reinforce your performance? Was all this really about the money? Or was it because you like to rack your brains over topics that don't even concern you?
Your heart rate increases slightly, along with a slight feeling of weight on your chest. That same feeling that had haunted you so much that day.
They are worried about you, why do you ignore them? And your friends? Do they no longer exist for you?
Why the fuck are you still in that job after so many years and all the shit you had to see?
Physical torture, manipulation of all people with important information, death…, and many more things that you preferred not to remember.
So many people with whom you interacted and pretended that they were reliable friends, who for endless hours you dedicated yourself to listening to their problems or their deepest thoughts, so that in the end they end up dead.
And partly, his death was your fault. Tell me, how far are you willing to go? How far are you going to justify your complicity in the death of so many people?
Are a few dollars equivalent to the death of these people?
Your heartbeat increases, while small drops begin to fall from your cheeks. But you didn't sob at any point.
You could feel your hands shaking. You ran your palms over your face, gently covering your entire face. And you just sobbed softly, trying to vent all your thoughts clinging to your chest and stuck deep in your mind.
In short, there was no one but you in that small place you called “your research office.”
Then, a hand on your shoulder catches your attention.
His voice sounded soft, unlike how it normally sounded. Quickly, your hands left your face, while your head along with your shoulders moved slightly to where you heard the voice.
—S-shit… —You gasped, before grabbing a used napkin to quickly wipe your cheeks and eyes, —…, I didn't know you were around.
Because of how quickly you went through the paper cloth, and because of the time that had passed since the last time you used it, your skin ended up scratched and somewhat bruised.
After that, you threw the paper into the trash can—although the trash can was overflowing with papers—and you pretended to arrange some papers of your desk.
—Why are you here..? —You hesitated, but before you expected it, he took the papers.
—Are you ok?
The question didn't take you so much by surprise, but it did take your sensitive heart, which longed for that human contact, even if it was only through words.
—Yes, why would I be…?
He grabs the back of the swivel chair, before moving it so you're facing him.
—You do not look well.
It was too obvious that you couldn't pretend to be bad right now, but you also didn't want to look this vulnerable to him.
—I just had a… family problem —You answered simply.
He didn't look entirely convinced, but he let go of the back of the chair, at least giving you some space.
—You've been very busy this week, are you sure you're okay? —He insisted, his gaze traveling a little over your face.
Small parts of your face, like your nose or the dark circles on your eyes, were slightly scratched. And your eyes were still with a tearful sheen along with a poorly hidden trace of the tears that had escaped from you.
Among all your classmates, you thought anyone could find you in a vulnerable situation like this, except him.
But in the end, you needed someone by your side so you could let go of all the thoughts you had inside of you.
—Actually… I feel like… it's been a long time.
He was confused, but didn't mention anything.
—My aunt called me, and she told me that she was worried about me… —You started your explanation —…, but she had already called me like twice or more during the week, so I… was a little angry.
Your voice cracked softly as you progressed in what you were telling him, while your heart rate increased again.
—I yelled at her and told her to stop interfering in my work, I thought that if I told her it was okay, then she wouldn't be worried —You continued, your hands shaking again —, but she just told me that… it had been a long time since the last time we saw each other in person.
Your hand went to cover half of your face, while the other stayed on the table, trying not to move it too much.
—Her voice sounded so soft that I remembered that… —The hand on your face clung to your skin, as if you were holding back your tears —…, it's been like 6 months since the last time I saw them.
He knew that you were bad, that you had a bad week, even how your aunt was bothering you with her calls, but still, he listened to you.
—And well; One thing led to another and I thought that… I was selfish, and that I can't treat a family member of mine like that, you know? —You looked at Raiden, but you just sighed, a little broken due to crying —, although it sounds silly… because both you and the other people here can't even go back to their homes or have a normal life and they're here… But me? I am crying because of this nonsense of mine.
The tears continued to come, as you slowly lost control of your words.
—Sometimes I just want to quit, all these thoughts about my job are too much some days, you know? —You gasp again with some difficulty—. Sometimes I think about everything I saw; You and other people have reached a point of almost no return, and I've seen so many things while pretending to be other people that I thought… Why am I still here? Why can't I stop all this and go back to my mother? Why can't I… go home?
you got up roughly from your seat, the chair going violently backwards, colliding with a giant blackboard.
—I think I'm just… talking stupid things now, I'm sorry, Raiden, —You apologized, exchanging glances with him again —. Sorry if I wasted your time…
One of his hands subtly went to your cheek, passing over one of your tears.
—It's not stupid —He whispers, the pad of his thumb making gentle movements over your skin, —, after all, I've been seeing you a little down for two days. And I don't think thinking about renounce is exactly something light.
Even if his understandable words took you by surprise, you felt the center of your chest warm up, slowly easing the weight.
—I'm sorry… I didn't think I worried you —You whisper, a slight smile on your face.
—Don't worry about it, —He whispered, almost as if he wanted to make sure you were calm.
You kept looking at him, almost as if you were lost in his eyes.
—You could ask for a day off after all this —He mentions, almost casually—, you don't have to make hasty decisions because of those things.
You came to your senses, before continuing to talk to him.
You never thought that someone like him could be so understanding of topics that are so… ordinary. But you were really grateful to find someone who can listen to you without judging you in such a way. He actually spoke to you like one friend to another, as if he knew exactly what to say so you could trust him and vent your thoughts to him.
After a while, you finally felt like that mental fatigue had abandoned you like a South American father abandoned his newborn child.
—Thank you, Raiden —You tell him, at the same time that you felt the edge of your lips curve into a smile—. I really needed to talk to someone.
It was the first time you saw him smile, which made you feel calmer.
—Can I give you a hug? —You ask him kindly, it was common that you didn't know how to interact normally with someone like him.
He only responded by walking closer to you, before gently wrapping his arms around you. He didn't use any force, in fact you just felt his arms collide with your body. He was so gentle that you just rested your head against his chest, both of your hands going to the top of his back.
Even with certain parts of him being cyborg, you felt warm in his embrace. There were no longer traces of sadness in your heart, only a feeling of security running through your soul.
When you both separated, you couldn't help but continue smiling at him. Although unfortunately, due to the hours they were in, he had to leave your office again.
And when you both said goodbye, you gave him another hug, a quicker one since you wanted to go to sleep early. And the moment he closed the door, you began to rearrange your desk a little.
And, while you were doing that, he, outside your office, just lit a cigarette, bringing it to his lips as he walked through the place towards the exit.
His mind was filled with new thoughts; Now that he had gained more of your trust, he could give himself the freedom to greet you or talk to you more normally, unlike before.
The only thing that calmed him down was that no one was coming near you. It wasn't because of him, in fact he was one of the few people who could approach you, without wanting to get away from you as quickly and subtly as possible, that made his job easier.
And, in fact, he is visibly…inclined to like (Name).
He smiled at the new idea he had, before taking another drag of the cigarette, knowing that he was getting closer to the person he loved so much.
Although he wished he could make sure your aunt doesn't bother you so much, it bothers him to hear her voice so many times during the week.
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bidonica · 1 month
a good old get to know me meme
Tagged by @bigre-fichtre! thank you oomfie!
3 ships you like:
thee big one... Jaime x Brienne in asoiaf, I've been ride or die for them since like 2006 when I read Storm and AFfC back to back, they are two character I love individually but their chemistry, the way their storylines thematically intertwine, the dialogue they get to have? Unsurpassed. GRRM your mind
if you think I have Otasune brainrot lately just keep in mind that I'm editing myself down A LOT. Like I started playing the metal gears a little over a month ago and I've been obsessing ever since, which is remarkable because I have historically leaned towards het ships at least when it comes to getting really intense about them, I thought I lacked the fujo gene... they are THAT powerful... can love bloom even on a battlefield? Hell yeah it can and it WILL (this phrase applies so well to JB too btw)
grouping larycent and higgsfragile together because they are lowkey the same flavor of problematic: they are carried by the sour yet enticing flavor of devastating betrayal, of a good thing that got ruined, the scorpion and the frog etc.
First ship ever: nice question! I don't remember! I eased into shipping pretty gradually and fully embraced it pretty late (like late teens?) buut mayyybe Rogue and Gambit from the X-Men via the og cartoon
Last song you heard: Spotify tells me it's Entre Dos Tierras by Heroes del Silencio... I pulled it up because of Till Lindemann's cover which is on rotation on the rock radio I listen to and was rocking to it only for my brother to absolutely obliterate me saying "it sounds like a mashup of various songs by I Nomadi" iykyk
Currently reading: I am having the nastiest reader's block in 2024 I am even having trouble listening to audiobooks so yeah there are books I am "reading" but am I, really. But I just loaded the mgs4 novelization into my kindle........... in this vein I've probably been reading more words of fanfic in the past month than I did in the past couple of years cumulatively. Yes it's because of the metalgears leave me alone
Currently watching: Mary & George, also Fallout and Shogun but I'm following these two with other people so I'm taking it slower than most of you guys
Currently consuming: as in eating? nothing, it's too early for dinner and to be honest yesterday's night out was kinda wild I better leave my stomach alone (I won't)
Currently craving: that thing most mammals crave in spring
tagging (if you want) @cthaehbutwithafrog, @raiden-brannigan, @sanctaignorantia, @godtier1, anyone who has fun doing this kind of thing
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v-valor · 5 months
I don't cry often, not with music, not with movies. Video games are a HUGE exception though and even then it's not often.
The most memorable moments for me:
* I cried during Megaman X5. X's bad ending murdered my soul on the Christmas day I played it. My attachment to both X and Zero made the situation even worse when I read through the dialogue. The music that plays is also just sad. It still hurts and I distinctly remember staring at the TV during the credits in utter disbelief.
* I cried when Luis died in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. The game did a great job in giving him the glow up of the century. They made him the most lovable character in the game, gave you time with him and fun dialogue. And then he dies and I'm left speechless as I watch the cutscene.
* I cried throughout most of Metal Gear Solid 4. I have no idea how I got so attached to Snake so quickly and seeing him practically slowly dying during the entire game, was painful. The microwave scene, the scenes with Raiden and the ending were gut wrenching is all I'm gonna say.
* I cried when Zack Fair died in the ending of Crisis Core Reunion. I knew it was coming, I was spoiled but it still hurt. Being able to control him and seeing him slowly getting weaker was pain.
There are definitely more that I might not remember but these were the moments that stuck with me.
Writing this I realize, I'm a huge emotional baby when I play games. I get attached GAHHH!
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Fluffcember #31 (Raiden x Reader)
Sick Day
When you woke up in the morning, you felt dizzy and weak. Your entire body was hot, your throat was sore, and you had an overwhelming urge to cough. You groaned, not wanting to get out of bed simply because of the waves of nausea coursing through your stomach. You exhaled heavily before coughing up a wad of mucus; sticky, yellow, and annoying. Quite peeved, you hoisted yourself off the bed and trudged to the bathroom to dispose of the mucus, which was where Raiden found you. "You look terrible," He announced, as if it weren't already too clear. "What happened?" You threw your arms up in the air in exasperation. "I'm sick, Raiden." Raiden raised an eyebrow at you, as it had been a long, long time since he'd even heard that word used in such context. "Sick. Hmm." You sighed, taking the thermometer from your bathroom medicine cabinet and sliding it into your ear. Once it beeped, you pulled it put to find it read 100.1 degrees. Raiden's visible eye widened; he hadn't even seen a fever that high since he was a child--a very young child, at that. "You are very sick, Y/N. Very sick." You nodded miserably before sneezing several times and then coughing up another wad of mucus. "Go lie down," Raiden instructed, snatching up medicine from the closet and examining it to make sure it wasn't expired. "I'll get you what you need." All too glad to go back to bed, you slid under the covers and rested your head on the pillow, feeling your nose start to run as you did so. Raiden soon returned with several bottles of different medicine, a bag of cough drops, a small garbage can, and a box of tissues. He set the supplies on your nightstand, arranging them so you could access them easily. "Now, take your medicine," He prompted, holding up a small measuring cap to your lips. Reluctantly, you downed the medicine and gagged at it's bitter taste. Raiden passed you some water, then handed you a tissue, which you gratefully accepted. "Thanks Raiden..." You said, blowing your nose noisily after that. "You're welcome Y/N. Now, sleep." Raiden clicked off the lights and crossed over to the other side of the bed, upon which he climbed. "Wait, what are you doing?" You inquired, groggily tossing the tissue into the garbage can and pulling the sheets up over your shoulders. "I am staying with you, of course. You shouldn't have to suffer alone." You chuckled, sweeping some hair out of your face. "Well, thank you, Raiden, but you should go. You don't want to catch what I have." Raiden shook his head with a ghost of a smile on his face. "I am a cyborg. We don't get sick." He then twisted and turned, trying to reach something in his back. After a moment, you heard a click, and his chest piece start humming. "Built in heater, the one you love so much, remember?" You nodded gleefully, sniffling and sliding towards him, wrapping your arms around his metal body, pressing your head against his warm, thrumming chest. "This good?" Raiden whispered, once you were settled down. "Mmhmm," You nodded, already feeling drowsiness wash over you. "Nighty night Raiden..." Raiden let out a tiny, barely audible chuckle. "Goodnight, Y/N."
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can-they-beat-goku · 4 months
I've been thinking about who could beat Goku for a while actually. Jotaro Kujo, DIO (or Dio), Kars, Miriam (Bloodstained), Sun Wukong, Bloodborne hunter, Raiden (Mortal Kombat), Raiden (Metal Gear Solid) Nick Fury (by which I imply all of the avengers), Gon Freeces and Killua (hunter x hunter), SpongeBob, Bugs Bunny
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i cant do more than one poll per post, if you want the other characters too you'll have to make a few more asks. Please dont submit multiple characters at once
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 1 year
i am deeply curious now about what's the most insane/desperate/totally absurd excuse people have come up with for why [x metal gear character] is definitely 100% straight that you've heard. i know for me it's like. yeah 'it's a russian taunt' is fucking poetry at this point but the craziest one i've come across has definitely been that one raikov post i know you know the one
Off the top of my head:
Ocelot: Meant the 'legend' not the 'man'. Russian Taunt Kissing Snake was to intimidate him. It's insulting to be kissed by a guy you're fighting-so he was insulting and degrading him. Threatened Meryl-his intent to harm her was a reference to him being into her. OR rather-a gay man wouldn't have threatened to hurt her. He's not into Snake romantically-he instead thinks of Snake as an older brother or father figure (Dead serious I have legit seen THIS) "There's no reason to turn all close friends and bro's into gay shit." "Groped Eva's boobs. So he's straight." Vamp: There was no textual evidence to support Vamp being bi. Snake was only joking with Raiden/being sarcastic. He was hot for Naomi and Fortune-not Bi. "He has a sense of style, he's stylish-not bi" (Forget how that one was worded exactly) Volgin: "Raikov's balls were blown off that's better an explanation than being bi" Post here Funny enough though Volgin is the one I see the LEAST debate about. And Vamp is a close second. Ocelot is the one where all the denial is strongest-and loudest. People really REALLY do not like Ocelot being considered gay. BBKaz has been debated but gets tossed around-a lot of people argue about the sauna tape though. Otasune is kinda in the same boat-nobody can really come to an 'agreement' on that-and their family status in MGS4 'confuses' people. Some of this gets shot down because of the (briefly canon) Naomi and Otacon though. I'm going off memory here though so if I forgot anything I apologize.
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