#ramadan 1439
muksalmina · 1 year
Meugang, Tradisi Aceh Menyambut Momen Suci
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PERAYAAN Idulfitri 1439 Hijriah baru saja usai berlalu. Umat Muslim Indonesia kini banyak yang mulai berbondong-bondong balik ke tempat aktivitasnya masing-masing usai mudik melepas rindu di kampung halaman. Tak terkecuali di Aceh.
Pada akhir bulan Ramadan yang lalu, tepatnya dua hari jelang hari raya Idulfitri, ada tradisi yang saban tahun tak pernah dilewatkan oleh orang Aceh. Baik yang berada di Aceh maupun di pelbagai pelosok tanah air dan juga di luar negeri. Tradisi itu dinamakan meugang. Prosesi menyantap daging bagi setiap orang Aceh bersama keluarga. Jika pun ada yang tak sempat menikmatinya bersama keluarga, maka biasanya akan dilangsungkan bersama komunitas atau paguyuban di masing-masing tempat perantauan.
Lazimnya, daging meugang yang dihidangkan adalah daging sapi atau pun kerbau. Namun demikian, ada juga yang menggantinya dengan daging ayam atau pun itik. Biasanya ini dilakukan oleh mereka yang ekonominya terbatas.
Tradisi meugang secara rutin dilaksanakan masyarakat Aceh dua hari jelang memasuki hari suci umat Islam. Mulai dari pra-bulan suci Ramadan, Idulfitri, maupun Iduladha.
Harga yang per kilogramnya akhir-akhir ini tembus Rp. 150.000 tak jadi persoalan. (Di tempat penulis sendiri harganya bahkan mencapai Rp. 180. 000 per Kg.) Biarpun secara ekonomi ini agak memberatkan bagi sebagian orang Aceh. Tapi nyaris tak ada protes yang menyedot perhatian. Karena ada nilai budaya tertentu yang terselip di baliknya. Sebab ini menjadi ajang uji kemampuan bagi seorang lelaki yang telah dewasa untuk menafkahi keluarganya.
Meugang menjadi momen unjuk diri bagi lelaki dalam mencari rezeki. Tingkat ekonomi pun diukur. Ada yang mampu membeli daging sapi atau kerbau (sering kedua mamalia ini yang berada di urutan teratas daging meugang di Aceh). Atau cuma sebatas pada daging unggas: ayam atau bebek. Di sinilah letak indikatornya.
Tak heran, bagi laki-laki Aceh yang paham akan makna yang terkandung dalam memenuhi kebutuhan meugang, akan sangat malu jika tak mampu membeli minimal 1 Kg daging sapi atau kerbau bagi keluarganya.
Bahkan jika memungkinkan, orangtua dan mertua juga ikut menerima paling kurang 1 Kg. Jadi 3 Kilogram daging sapi atau kerbau angka yang sudah sangat minimalis bagi seorang lelaki untuk wajib disediakan. Demikianlah pentingnya meugang bagi orang Aceh. Khususnya kaum adam.
Sebagai tradisi yang telah turun-temurun, asal mula meugang memang belum ada dokumen tertulis yang kongkret menelisik tentang hal ini.
Ada riwayat yang menyebutkan sejak masa Sultan Iskandar Muda (w. 27 Desember 1636 M). Ada pula narasi versi lain. Namun yang pasti, tradisi meugang sudah berlangsung sejak masa Sultan-sultan pendahulu Kesultanan Aceh Darussalam (1496–1903 M). Yang hingga kini masih terpelihara tradisinya dalam masyarakat Aceh.
Oleh karena itu, beruntunglah bagi setiap orang Aceh yang berkesempatan menikmati hidangan meugang bersama keluarganya. Karena ini merupakan momentum mempererat hubungan keluarga dalam kebersamaan saat menyantap daging meugang. Jarang-jarang dilaksanakan.
Selain itu, tradisi ini merupakan wujud suka-cita orang Aceh dalam menyambut hari suci. Maka pantaslah orang Aceh bergembira dan bersyukur saat hari meugang tiba. Sebab tak lama kemudian, hari suci pun sudah siap untuk disambut.
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hilmm · 6 years
Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and hope for reward, his past sins will be forgiven.
Rasulullah ﷺ | Bukhari 1901
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sumhats · 6 years
Say Alhamdulillah for the ability to worship Allah.
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juwie-ki-baatein · 6 years
Dedicated to everyone stressing out with school, exams, finals, etc. Intentions are so incredibly important in Islam. Narrated 'Umar bin Al-Khattab: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "The reward of deeds depends upon the intention and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended" (Sahih al-Bukhari 54). Renew your intentions when you're spending so much of your time dedicated to your studies. Remember Allah SWT as you pursue your goals. When you're studying, and trying to learn more, make your intentions to seek knowledge to earn the pleasure of Allah SWT. Seek His guidance, and pray that the efforts you are putting towards succeeding in your academics will, Insha'Allah, help you remove the ignorance that exists in yourself and in others. Make your goals for doing well in your studies in this world act as a path to guide you towards Jannat-ul-Firdaus (Highest level of Heaven) in the Hereafter. With countless hours spent in classes, studying, reviewing, doing projects, writing essays, taking exams, and all of the other things that our educational endeavors encompass, it is truly a beautiful thing to remember that all of these acts we do can, Insha'Allah, double as acts of ibadah (worship) for us. Let us remember to renew our intentions and keep Allah SWT as the focal point of our hearts and minds, Insha'Allah. May Allah SWT grant us guidance and goodness, and may He accept all of our efforts, Insha'Allah.
Ramadan Reflections, Day 2 | Night 3
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stereotypedebunker · 6 years
tfw it's the first suhoor and the Nutella is 1.5 years past its expiration date
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salabarian · 6 years
First taraweeh of 1439...
Last night I joined the first taraweeh prayer for this Ramadan. At first I was a bit anxious about whether my ablution would last until the last tasleem and whether I could stand the full 20 raka’at...
We gathered as a full row in the little masjid of Bullay. Even a good friend of mine, who usually had to work until 10 pm, had found a way to join the night prayer and taraweeh. Another one had come with a traditional Arab thowb just as I had. It was close to Athan when even more of the refugees and some long-time-members of our Masjid association joined. The chairman called the Athan when the proper time for Isha had come and took his place as muadhdhin. We prayed Sunnah with two more rushing in for prayer. When Sunnah had been offered and Isha prayer had started, some other seemed to hop in. Our Imam recited two verses from Surah al-Maida and Surah an-Nas for Isha... When the fardh part was complete I looked around... About 16 men for taraweeh... Not bad for our small community... Two raka’at of Sunnah after Isha...
Then taraweeh was called out by our association chairman... One of my friends was still praying the last raka’ah of sunnah after fardh... The rank closed as the Imam began to call the first takbeer...
The first four raka’at went on quickly, salutation started on a bit rusty after such a long time “Allahuma, salli alaa, sayyidina -ah, Muhammadeenin nabeeun meeun, wa alaa, alee-ee wa sahbeehee wa sallim...” we chanted it one time after each part of four raka’at and three times after the 20th raka’ah. Recitation went through... Several ayah from Surah al-Baqarah or Surah al-Maeedah and the short last ten Surat of the Quran were recited during the whole taraweeh prayers. The quick recitation went on... Some seemed to leave after 8 raka’at... we prayed on for more... 
After 12 raka’at of taraweeh I felt a bit hot and sweaty. We continued so everything had been a mere flow for the last 8 raka’at... When the last salutation had been sent a three times, some sort of relief and fulfilment came through taking at least a few of the full row that had joined it... Alhamdulillah... I made duaa... Salat al-Witr was called... We prayed witr...
Afterwards we all shook hands, going round in a circle starting with the imam... Taqabal Allah... Minna wa minkum... Surprisingly most of us had continued taraweeh for the full 20 raka’at. Allah be praised... 
Everyone felt relieved, internally refilled with joy, we finally had reached Ramadan 1439... Make us reach the end of that blessed month, ya rabb... and let us come back soon for another taraweeh like that...
Such a pity that I will not be able to pray taraweeh at the masjid this night. A nightshift in the pharmacy awaits... Subhan’allah...
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ummmaymoonah · 6 years
These ten nights we stand seeking forgiveness, praying for salvation and weeping asking, ”He(Allah) the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.” – [Quran 59:22]. 
رَبَّنَا فَاغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا وَكَفِّرْ عَنَّا سَيِّئَاتِنَا وَتَوَفَّنَا مَعَ الْأَبْرَارِ
Our Lord, so forgive us our sins and remove from us our misdeeds and cause us to die with the righteous.
Ali ‘Imran [3:193]
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justarietis · 6 years
‫٢ ⁧‫رمضان‬⁩ ١٤٣٩هـ ‬
‫اللهم إني أسالك حسن الصيام وحسن الختام ، اللهم إجعلنا ممن تدركهم الرحمه ثم المغفره ثم العتق من النار ♥️♥️‬
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findingmestill · 6 years
A third of the month has passed already.
Do not fret if you feel you haven't made the best use of the time so far.
Renew your efforts and strive to gain the pleasure of Allah as well as the abundant blessings of Ramadan.
May Allah accept our efforts, du'aas and ibaadah, ameen!
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unecomorienne · 6 years
During this Ramadan I'm gonna try to spend less time on Tumblr. I'm here way too often and I need to slow down lol. Plus, the less time I'm here, the more time I have for my other goals and projects.
I've been fasting during Ramadan for few years now and I'm used to controlling myself not to eat. It's kind of the easy part actually. Once I told myself I'm not gonna eat, I'm not gonna eat.
So this year I gave myself more goals about self control. I'm just sharing the tumblr one because well, this is tumblr.
I sending you good vibes and hope that you can achieve all the goals you have. Ramadan related or not.
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ayumi-angel · 6 years
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وبدأت أجمل ثلاثين يوم ❤❤💞... يارب يحقق لكم كل امانيكم خلال هذا الشهر الفضيل 💖❤💐 ... وكل عام وانتم بخير 💖💖💐 ... And now ,, best 30 days is started ❤❤💞... I wish every your dreams come true in this month 💖❤💐... And I hope every year you will be fain 💖💖💐 ... I hope you like it ❤ ... #drawing #draw #mydraw #ramadan #2018 #1439 #رسامين_العرب #رسمي #رسمتي #رسم_رقمي #ديجتال #رمضان #رمضان_كريم #كل_عام_وانتم_بخير #ayumi_uchihaoc #ramadan2018 #رمضان_2018
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lumachroma · 5 years
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Ramadan 27, 1439; would always be a special date for us. It was the day we heard the news. The happiest day in our lives. The day Allah granted us with the greatest gift. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ YOU. Yes, you. Aisyah Muhammad Nazrul Hisham. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Now, here we are, at the end of another Ramadan, with your cheeky face and smile. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alhamdulillah. I’m forever grateful that Allah placed you & your mother in my life; for me to love & care for, InsyaAllah for the rest of my life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #parenthood #babygirl #instagood #aisyahmnh #vsco #vscocam #vscofilter ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Aisyah at 130 days. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPkFSnFEic/?igshid=1fh686tbr65qj
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hilmm · 6 years
Every deed of the Son of Adam is for himself except fasting – it is for Me and I will personally reward it.
Allah سبحانه وتعالى | Muslim 1151
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juwie-ki-baatein · 6 years
As I originally felt a bit disheartened and frustrated about not having the energy or ability to dedicate more time to spend in Ibadah (worship) to start my Ramadan strong, I remembered a Hadith that made me alter my thought process: Narrated by Aisha (RA): The Prophet SAW was asked, “What deeds are loved most by Allah?” He said, “The most regular constant deeds even though they may be few.” He added, “Don’t take upon yourselves, except the deeds which are within your ability” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 6465). Allah SWT is so merciful, Alhumdulillah, and He is not asking for us to go beyond our limits to please Him during this blessed month of Ramadan. We can still earn so much ajr (reward) simply by trying to maintain consistency in what we may consider our smaller good deeds. They will all add up in our benefit, Insha’Allah. Don’t let yourself fall into the trap that if you can’t do the maximum, that you fail to do the minimum; don't lose sight of starting from the basics to work your way up, Insha’Allah. May Allah S.W.T accept all of our efforts, Insha’Allah 🙏🏾
Ramadan Reflections, Day 1
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stereotypedebunker · 6 years
why are Muslim women so bad at praying in jamma'ah
stop it. close the very obvious gap, stand on the lines, and stop shifting your feet away from mine gdi i'm not trying to play footsie with you
and for God's sake if you're not even praying sit somewhere else sonsomapamajabaubabaja
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salabarian · 6 years
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Watching Egyptian tv shows in Ramadan... About food... How suitable... "Baba, don't get angry, it's Ramadan..."
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